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Hunter or the Hunted: Part 2 Chapter 8

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#1 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 18 September 2003 - 11:44 PM

I suppose it's somewhat redundant to say that there will be pirates and cursing in this chapter, but I feel I ought to warn you anyway. Also, watch out for one of the worst puns imaginable, the horror of which can only be mitigated by the fact that this chapter contains pirates. Mmmm pirates.

Chapter 8

Two ropes were tossed over the side of the ship and Elliard knotted one to a metal ring on the bow of the rowboat and the other to a similar ring on the stern. Yoshimo held tightly to the sides of the boat as it was lifted out of the water by two thick thewed men and swung over the rail.

“Aye, welc’me abaird, Captain,” said one of the men. “How be yer lasses?”

“They are well, Orrim,” replied Elliard, stepping lightly out of the boat and onto the deck of the Moon’s Revenge. “And how are you?”

“I be good, Captain. Better’n good now that we’re a’sail again. Who be that li’l feller?” He pointed on thick, meaty finger at Yoshimo.

“That is my new assistant, Yoshimo,” Elliard answered.

“Why donnae he get his arse outta th’longboat then? Cannae very well assist ye if he’s in there th’whole while.” And then, as if Yoshimo hadn’t been sitting five feet away for the entirety of the conversation, Orrim shouted, “Get out of th’longboat, lad! Yer nae good in there!”

Gingerly, Yoshimo got out of the rowboat, nursing wounded pride and wounded ears from the sailor’s shouting.

Orrim clapped him heavily on the back and said loudly, “Welc’me abaird, lad, it be good to have new hands t’help with th’work.”

“It is good to be… on baird,” Yoshimo replied. He saw Elliard smile and Orrim and the other sailor laughed aloud.

“If I dinnae know better I’d say he be mockin’ me, but he donnae know Common do he?” Orrim asked.

“Not as well as you or I, but he is learning,” Elliard said. “Yoshimo, this is Orrim, of course, and this,” he pointed to the other sailor, “Is Galen.”

“Pleased t’meet ye,” said Galen, shaking Yoshimo’s hand roughly. “Where’re ye from. I’ve ne’er seen a lad wot looked like ye afore t’day.”

“I am from Wa, to the east.”

“Be that in Shoe’re whate’er that land be called?” Orrim asked.

“No, Wa is more east than Shou.”

“More east’n Shoe?” Orrim demanded, looking shocked. “I thought the world dropped off after that.”

“Yes, well there’s a bit more before that happens,” Elliard cut in dryly. “Why don’t the two of you show Yoshimo here to the crew quarters while I have a look about? Where is Blackbeard, by the way?”

“Wot? Th’dwarf? About somewhere’s my guess,” Orrim replied.

“Ah, how helpful. Off with you two now, let poor Yoshimo put his things down somewhere and then come back up here so that we can set sail.”

“Aye, Captain, right away!” Orrim clasped Yoshimo’s shoulder in one bear-like paw and steered him toward the stern of the ship and the cabins. Galen followed, and both men talked over Yoshimo’s head as they walked.

“Th’Captain looks right sprightly, aye? Better’n th’last time we saw him, eh?” Galen asked cheerfully.

“Th’last time we saw him, he was cursin’ the wreck of the Moon’s Pride in Elven. I’m nae surprised he be in a better mood now,” Orrim said. “If I went home t’those lasses o’ his I’d be right pleased too, but nae, nae, I got a bear of a wife back in Luskan who’d rather beat me head in than tup.”

“Merrie ain’t no bear, an’ ye know it,” Galen scolded. “And from what ye told afore, she likes to tup jest fine.”

“Aye, but that be afore the babe was bairn,” Orrim
sighed. “Now all she does is change his wee pants and yell at me fer gettin’ him on her. It’s not a thing she wants to risk happenin’ again.”

“That’s what nararoot be for. Cailah uses it all th’time.” Galen finished his sentence with a suggestive chuckle.

“Merrie says that narroot be only fer poxy whores and loose women.”

“Tell her about Cailah.”

“I donnae think that’ll help much.”

“Eh… true, true. Well, jus’ tell her then that ye need some luvin’ an’ if she donnae give it ta ye, ye’ll get it from someone elsewise.”

“I tried that already. Merrie says that if e’er I come home lookin’ satisfied she’ll fix me so I’ll ne’er be satisfied again.”

“Eh… she is a right bear, ain’t she?”

Orrim sighed, “That’s what I said afore, but nae, ye had ta argue with me.” He sighed mournfully. “I s’pect I’ll have ta get a potion of charmin’ or sommat offa th’Captain and enchant her if I e’er want th’pleasures o’ me own bed again.”

Yoshimo found himself blinking in surprise several times as the two men discussed the vagaries of their love lives, and he was thankful when they entered the crew cabin and Orrim broke off of a particularly long-winded diatribe to say, “Right, there’s but one bunk left, me lad, and it’s in th’far back, all up against the hull, but since ye’re a twiggy l’il feller ye shouldn’t have too much trouble with it. Stow yer things and get right back up on deck.”

“Aye, what he said,” Galen added.

With that both men trooped out of the cabin and left Yoshimo alone to put his meager belongings away. The last remaining bunk was wedged high up against the hull, though calling it a ‘bunk’ was perhaps a bit generous. It was in fact, little more than a board, a blanket and a pillow, but there was some comfort in the fact that, since it was so high up, if there was ever a storm strong enough to blow water into the cabin he wouldn’t get wet. It was a very small comfort though, he decided, after stowing his things in the last empty footlocker and testing the bunk out. He was struggling to unfold and slid out when a very stout little man with a long, black beard neatly combed over his wide belly stomped down into the hold.

“Eh… are ye there, boy. Get yer arse up on deck! We’re heading out and there’s no time fer lollygagging down below, else it’s the bottom of the sea fer ye.” He let out a long, incredibly loud laugh, and befuddled, Yoshimo followed the little man out onto the deck.

“Excuse me…” Yoshimo ventured, as he walked beside the little man, “Who are you?”

The little man said, “I’m Reaver Stonehammer, ‘Blackbeard’ to my friends, ‘that damnable dwarf’ to my enemies, and ‘sir’ to landlubbers like you.” He laughed again, causing Yoshimo to let out a nervous chuckle of his own.

“I se…” Yoshimo’s response broke of into a cry of alarm as a large, brightly color bird landed right in front of Blackbeard. “What is that?”

“That’s just Smitty, my parrot,” replied the dwarf.

‘Smitty’ stood half as tall as Blackbeard, and looked twice as fierce, though that might have had less to do with the fact that the parrot had a vicious demeanor and more to do with the fact that its hooked beak as large as Yoshimo’s clenched fist. “He is… very big.”

“Aye, he’s a beauty isn’t he?” said Blackbeard. He petted the parrot on the head. Smitty crooned under his master’s attention, his huge black eyes close in contentment. “He speaks seven languages fluently, and curses in fifteen.”

At that Smitty said, “Bugger ye and the goat ye road in on ye barmy bastard! And yer mother too!”

Blackbeard laughed and dug a treat out of a pocket and fed it to the parrot. “He’s gotten me in more bar brawls with that line…”

The parrot waddled menacingly over to Yoshimo and said, “Aye, so who’s this stubby little scallywag?” he cocked his head and eyed Yoshimo from an angle. “He looks like the arse end of constipated pig, and smells worse. Where’d ye pick him up, Reaver, a Calishite sewer? Or did ye go visit one of those ‘alternative’ brothels?”

Blackbeard howled with laughter, drawing the attention of all the sailors gathered on deck, and Yoshimo reddened in embarrassment. “Ye’ve got a foul mouth on ye, fowl! Fly down to my room and fetch me my bottle of rum and ye can have a swig if ye want!”

“Oh, so that’s it!” Replied the parrot grumpily. It did a remarkably good imitation of Blackbeard’s voice and said, “’Fetch me my rum, there’s a good slave.’ Now I know why ye Awakened me. It was for menial labor! May yer wife get the pox, ye scurvy dandiprat! I hope yer balls blacken and rot off and yer manhood shrivels to the size of a raisin… not that it’s not nearly there already!” Despite his voluminous protests, the parrot went down below deck.

“Spunky little fellow, isn’t he?” Blackbeard said.

“Ahoy! Blackbeard you scoundrel!” Elliard shouted, hurrying over to them. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Aye, so I heard,” Blackbeard replied. “I tapped a keg of that swill ye got in the hold to test it out and got sidetracked.”

Elliard looked around in apprehension. “Where’s Smitty?” he asked.

“Down getting my rum out of my cabin.”

“You’re going to drink yourself into an early grave,” Elliard warned him.

“Aye, I might, but at least if I do I’ll go happy.”

“Well try to at least pretend to be sober until we’re farther out to sea.” Elliard sighed and shook his head. “I see you’ve met Yoshimo. I hope you haven’t been harassing him too badly.”

“No, just chatting with the lad. Smitty’s taken a shine to him.”

Elliard paled. “Oh heavens,” he said.

Blackbeard let out a little “heehee” of laughter and grinned.

Shaking his head in resignation, Elliard said, “Well, it can’t be helped now, and anyway, that’s not what I wanted to talk with you about. It’s high time to cast off, I think.”

“Aye, should I give the crew a holler and have them haul of the anchor?”

“Yes, please do, and before Smitty get back on deck, if you will.”

“I’ll set about it then,” Blackbeard assured him. He turned away from Elliard and bellowed at the top of his lungs, “All right you scurvy bastards!” Sailors scurried over from all sides of the ship and fell silent before their second-in-command. Blackbeard opened his mouth to continue his shouting, and wincing, Yoshimo covered his ears. “Listen up, you sea-dogs, and pay attention, or else I’ll cut ye into bits so tiny that there’ll barely be enough of ye to send home in a tiny box. Right! We’re off to kill some bloody slavers. It’s not going to be easy, so if you’re a little chicken-hearted bastard, ye’d better get yer ass of this ship. I suggest ye jump now, since it’s a bloody long swim to shore! If yer man enough to face the challenges of the sea and sword then get yer ass about to yer duties. I want this ship out of sight of land afore I’m too drunk to see straight, and since I’ve gotten a head start on ye, ye’d better get moving fast.”

The sailor scattered like so many grains of sand before the wind, and a great clamor arose of the ship as they shouted back and forth to each other while they went about their duties. The anchor was raised, the thick, heavy iron chain that held it rolled up into some unknown crevice of the ship. The great sails that had until now been furled up along the heavy wooden boom were loosed and billowed wildly until they were tightened. The wind caught them and filled them with its breath, and the ship glided gracefully toward the open ocean.

#2 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 18 September 2003 - 11:54 PM

I suppose it's somewhat redundant to say that there will be pirates and cursing in this chapter, but I feel I ought to warn you anyway. Also, watch out for one of the worst puns imaginable, the horror of which can only be mitigated by the fact that this chapter contains pirates. Mmmm pirates.

Puns and pirates! I can't resist!

“Not as well as you or I, but he is learning,” Elliard said. “Yoshimo, this is Orrim, of course, and this,” he pointed to the other sailor, “Is Galen.”

Our Galen?

“More east’n Shoe?” Orrim demanded, looking shocked. “I thought the world dropped off after that.”


“I tried that already. Merrie says that if e’er I come home lookin’ satisfied she’ll fix me so I’ll ne’er be satisfied again.”


“Eh… she is a right bear, ain’t she?”

Orrim sighed, “That’s what I said afore, but nae, ye had ta argue with me.” He sighed mournfully. “I s’pect I’ll have ta get a potion of charmin’ or sommat offa th’Captain and enchant her if I e’er want th’pleasures o’ me own bed again.”


The little man said, “I’m Reaver Stonehammer, ‘Blackbeard’ to my friends, ‘that damnable dwarf’ to my enemies, and ‘sir’ to landlubbers like you.” He laughed again, causing Yoshimo to let out a nervous chuckle of his own.

LOL....dwarf on the water...rare indeed....but the '____Beard' naming convention certainly suits a pirate dwarf!

‘Smitty’ stood half as tall as Blackbeard, and looked twice as fierce, though that might have had less to do with the fact that the parrot had a vicious demeanor and more to do with the fact that its hooked beak as large as Yoshimo’s clenched fist. “He is… very big.”

Dire Parrot?

“Aye, he’s a beauty isn’t he?” said Blackbeard. He petted the parrot on the head. Smitty crooned under his master’s attention, his huge black eyes close in contentment. “He speaks seven languages fluently, and curses in fifteen.”

ROFL!!! *squawk* !@$$%$@$@@$ *squawk*

At that Smitty said, “Bugger ye and the goat ye road in on ye barmy bastard! And yer mother too!”


Blackbeard laughed and dug a treat out of a pocket and fed it to the parrot. “He’s gotten me in more bar brawls with that line…”

ROFLROFL!! *clinging to edge of desk*

The parrot waddled menacingly over to Yoshimo and said, “Aye, so who’s this stubby little scallywag?” he cocked his head and eyed Yoshimo from an angle. “He looks like the arse end of constipated pig, and smells worse. Where’d ye pick him up, Reaver, a Calishite sewer? Or did ye go visit one of those ‘alternative’ brothels?”

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

What a foul beak!!!

Blackbeard howled with laughter, drawing the attention of all the sailors gathered on deck, and Yoshimo reddened in embarrassment. “Ye’ve got a foul mouth on ye, fowl! Fly down to my room and fetch me my bottle of rum and ye can have a swig if ye want!”

YES! THE PUN! Ahhhh.....

“Oh, so that’s it!” Replied the parrot grumpily. It did a remarkably good imitation of Blackbeard’s voice and said, “’Fetch me my rum, there’s a good slave.’ Now I know why ye Awakened me. It was for menial labor! May yer wife get the pox, ye scurvy dandiprat! I hope yer balls blacken and rot off and yer manhood shrivels to the size of a raisin… not that it’s not nearly there already!” Despite his voluminous protests, the parrot went down below deck.


The sailor scattered like so many grains of sand before the wind, and a great clamor arose of the ship as they shouted back and forth to each other while they went about their duties. The anchor was raised, the thick, heavy iron chain that held it rolled up into some unknown crevice of the ship. The great sails that had until now been furled up along the heavy wooden boom were loosed and billowed wildly until they were tightened. The wind caught them and filled them with its breath, and the ship glided gracefully toward the open ocean.

Arrrr! Adventure on the high seas!

Hilarious chapter :D

#3 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 19 September 2003 - 02:37 AM

I suppose it's somewhat redundant to say that there will be pirates and cursing in this chapter, but I feel I ought to warn you anyway. Also, watch out for one of the worst puns imaginable, the horror of which can only be mitigated by the fact that this chapter contains pirates. Mmmm pirates.

Puns and pirates! I can't resist!

I thought that would be the case.

“Not as well as you or I, but he is learning,” Elliard said. “Yoshimo, this is Orrim, of course, and this,” he pointed to the other sailor, “Is Galen.”

Our Galen?

I forget where that name is from, but no, this is a big hairy pirate man. Originally it was with two "l's" but I didn't like the way it looked, so I just used one.

“More east’n Shoe?” Orrim demanded, looking shocked. “I thought the world dropped off after that.”


Ahh... the ignorance of the... er... ignorant.

Orrim sighed, “That’s what I said afore, but nae, ye had ta argue with me.” He sighed mournfully. “I s’pect I’ll have ta get a potion of charmin’ or sommat offa th’Captain and enchant her if I e’er want th’pleasures o’ me own bed again.”


Elliard wouldn't provide the potion of course, he's a very nice man.

The little man said, “I’m Reaver Stonehammer, ‘Blackbeard’ to my friends, ‘that damnable dwarf’ to my enemies, and ‘sir’ to landlubbers like you.” He laughed again, causing Yoshimo to let out a nervous chuckle of his own.

LOL....dwarf on the water...rare indeed....but the '____Beard' naming convention certainly suits a pirate dwarf!

Blackbeard, Red Beard Blue beard... come to think of it he should've been Green Beard, since he's a druid too.

‘Smitty’ stood half as tall as Blackbeard, and looked twice as fierce, though that might have had less to do with the fact that the parrot had a vicious demeanor and more to do with the fact that its hooked beak as large as Yoshimo’s clenched fist. “He is… very big.”

Dire Parrot?

Now, just a regular one. A full grown hyacinth macaw is four feet long fron head to the end of the tail. Smitty's just a but larger than an average hyacinth.

“Aye, he’s a beauty isn’t he?” said Blackbeard. He petted the parrot on the head. Smitty crooned under his master’s attention, his huge black eyes close in contentment. “He speaks seven languages fluently, and curses in fifteen.”

ROFL!!! *squawk* !@$$%$@$@@$ *squawk*

He's a bit worse than that. The funny thing is that since Reaver Awakened him, Smitty is actually the smarter of the pair, much to the dwarf's dismay.

The parrot waddled menacingly over to Yoshimo and said, “Aye, so who’s this stubby little scallywag?” he cocked his head and eyed Yoshimo from an angle. “He looks like the arse end of constipated pig, and smells worse. Where’d ye pick him up, Reaver, a Calishite sewer? Or did ye go visit one of those ‘alternative’ brothels?”

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

What a foul beak!!!

Smitty swears like a sailor, since that's where he learned to talk ^^

Blackbeard howled with laughter, drawing the attention of all the sailors gathered on deck, and Yoshimo reddened in embarrassment. “Ye’ve got a foul mouth on ye, fowl! Fly down to my room and fetch me my bottle of rum and ye can have a swig if ye want!”

YES! THE PUN! Ahhhh.....

I'm glad you're so happy ^^ I think typing that thing dirtied my SOUL.

The sailor scattered like so many grains of sand before the wind, and a great clamor arose of the ship as they shouted back and forth to each other while they went about their duties. The anchor was raised, the thick, heavy iron chain that held it rolled up into some unknown crevice of the ship. The great sails that had until now been furled up along the heavy wooden boom were loosed and billowed wildly until they were tightened. The wind caught them and filled them with its breath, and the ship glided gracefully toward the open ocean.

Arrrr! Adventure on the high seas!

Arrr, matey! Swab the poop deck and walk the plank! Arrr!

Hilarious chapter :D

Thank you I appreciate the feedback,

#4 Guest_Chantrys_*

Posted 19 September 2003 - 02:39 AM

Also, watch out for one of the worst puns imaginable, the horror of which can only be mitigated by the fact that this chapter contains pirates.

(*looks terrified*) One of the worst puns imaginable?!? I don't know if I can take it...wait, did you say pirates? Mmmmmm...piratey goodness...

“Why donnae he get his arse outta th’longboat then? Cannae very well assist ye if he’s in there th’whole while.” And then, as if Yoshimo hadn’t been sitting five feet away for the entirety of the conversation, Orrim shouted, “Get out of th’longboat, lad! Yer nae good in there!”

Yoshimo's going to be learning a whole new brand of Common now...

“Aye, but that be afore the babe was bairn,” Orrim
sighed. “Now all she does is change his wee pants and yell at me fer gettin’ him on her. It’s not a thing she wants to risk happenin’ again.”


“Merrie says that narroot be only fer poxy whores and loose women.”

“Tell her about Cailah.”

“I donnae think that’ll help much.”


It was in fact, little more than a board, a blanket and a pillow, but there was some comfort in the fact that, since it was so high up, if there was ever a storm strong enough to blow water into the cabin he wouldn’t get wet.

There you go, look on the positive side. I'm sure you'll need it once you see the ship's provisions.

“That’s just Smitty, my parrot,” replied the dwarf.

Smitty! LOL!

‘Smitty’ stood half as tall as Blackbeard, and looked twice as fierce, though that might have had less to do with the fact that the parrot had a vicious demeanor and more to do with the fact that its hooked beak as large as Yoshimo’s clenched fist.

Daaaammmnnnn...that's one huge parrot. Or one small dwarf. I can't decide which. :D

“Aye, he’s a beauty isn’t he?” said Blackbeard. He petted the parrot on the head. Smitty crooned under his master’s attention, his huge black eyes close in contentment. “He speaks seven languages fluently, and curses in fifteen.”

ROFL! He sounds absolutely perfect.

“Ye’ve got a foul mouth on ye, fowl! Fly down to my room and fetch me my bottle of rum and ye can have a swig if ye want!”

(*groan*) :D

“No, just chatting with the lad. Smitty’s taken a shine to him.”

Yay! Parrot torture in upcoming chapters!

“Listen up, you sea-dogs, and pay attention, or else I’ll cut ye into bits so tiny that there’ll barely be enough of ye to send home in a tiny box. Right! We’re off to kill some bloody slavers. It’s not going to be easy, so if you’re a little chicken-hearted bastard, ye’d better get yer ass of this ship. I suggest ye jump now, since it’s a bloody long swim to shore! If yer man enough to face the challenges of the sea and sword then get yer ass about to yer duties. I want this ship out of sight of land afore I’m too drunk to see straight, and since I’ve gotten a head start on ye, ye’d better get moving fast.”

I already love this ship.

The wind caught them and filled them with its breath, and the ship glided gracefully toward the open ocean.

And I loved this sentence. Great chapter! :D

#5 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 19 September 2003 - 02:59 AM

Also, watch out for one of the worst puns imaginable, the horror of which can only be mitigated by the fact that this chapter contains pirates.

(*looks terrified*) One of the worst puns imaginable?!? I don't know if I can take it...wait, did you say pirates? Mmmmmm...piratey goodness...

Yes, focus on the pirates.

“Why donnae he get his arse outta th’longboat then? Cannae very well assist ye if he’s in there th’whole while.” And then, as if Yoshimo hadn’t been sitting five feet away for the entirety of the conversation, Orrim shouted, “Get out of th’longboat, lad! Yer nae good in there!”

Yoshimo's going to be learning a whole new brand of Common now...

Poor kid can't understand half of what's being said to him already, and now there's regional accents getting tossed into the mix. On the plus side, he's set if he ever need to head up to Luskan or somewhere like that.

It was in fact, little more than a board, a blanket and a pillow, but there was some comfort in the fact that, since it was so high up, if there was ever a storm strong enough to blow water into the cabin he wouldn’t get wet.

There you go, look on the positive side. I'm sure you'll need it once you see the ship's provisions.

Mmm... break and hard tack. Yummy. Then again, Blackbeard's a druid, so fresh seafood isn't entirely out of the question.

“That’s just Smitty, my parrot,” replied the dwarf.

Smitty! LOL!

I just couldn't bring myself to name him "Polly."

‘Smitty’ stood half as tall as Blackbeard, and looked twice as fierce, though that might have had less to do with the fact that the parrot had a vicious demeanor and more to do with the fact that its hooked beak as large as Yoshimo’s clenched fist.

Daaaammmnnnn...that's one huge parrot. Or one small dwarf. I can't decide which. :D

He's almost, but not quite, a Dire Parrot. The dwarf is regular sized. Let's just say that Smitty doesn't perch on Blackbeard's shoulder

“Aye, he’s a beauty isn’t he?” said Blackbeard. He petted the parrot on the head. Smitty crooned under his master’s attention, his huge black eyes close in contentment. “He speaks seven languages fluently, and curses in fifteen.”

ROFL! He sounds absolutely perfect.

I wish I had a parrot like him *sigh* I had a parrot once, a cockatoo, but all he did was screech and squawk. *sniffles* I misses him I do.

“Ye’ve got a foul mouth on ye, fowl! Fly down to my room and fetch me my bottle of rum and ye can have a swig if ye want!”

(*groan*) :D

And there it is. Sorry I had to do that to you, but it's something Blackbeard would say.

“No, just chatting with the lad. Smitty’s taken a shine to him.”

Yay! Parrot torture in upcoming chapters!

You have no idea how detrimental to one's ego it can be to realize that a parrot speaks Common more fluently than you do. Smitty also speaks Dwarven, Elven, Alzhedo, Chondathan, Illuskan and Auran.

The important question is, if Smitty's "taken a shine" to Yoshimo, how does he treat people he *doesn't* like?

“Listen up, you sea-dogs, and pay attention, or else I’ll cut ye into bits so tiny that there’ll barely be enough of ye to send home in a tiny box. Right! We’re off to kill some bloody slavers. It’s not going to be easy, so if you’re a little chicken-hearted bastard, ye’d better get yer ass of this ship. I suggest ye jump now, since it’s a bloody long swim to shore! If yer man enough to face the challenges of the sea and sword then get yer ass about to yer duties. I want this ship out of sight of land afore I’m too drunk to see straight, and since I’ve gotten a head start on ye, ye’d better get moving fast.”

I already love this ship.

^^ Yay!

The wind caught them and filled them with its breath, and the ship glided gracefully toward the open ocean.

And I loved this sentence. Great chapter! :D

Thank you, and thanks for reading and commenting,

#6 Weyoun

Posted 19 September 2003 - 06:59 PM

“Why donnae he get his arse outta th’longboat then? Cannae very well assist ye if he’s in there th’whole while.” And then, as if Yoshimo hadn’t been sitting five feet away for the entirety of the conversation, Orrim shouted, “Get out of th’longboat, lad! Yer nae good in there!”

Gotta love pirate-speak. :cry:

“More east’n Shoe?” Orrim demanded, looking shocked. “I thought the world dropped off after that.”

Nah, that's what happens at the WESTERN side of the world. :lol:

“Merrie says that narroot be only fer poxy whores and loose women.”

“Tell her about Cailah.”

“I donnae think that’ll help much.”

Errrm, this is a dodgy conversation, right? :roll:

“That’s just Smitty, my parrot,” replied the dwarf.

‘Smitty’ stood half as tall as Blackbeard, and looked twice as fierce, though that might have had less to do with the fact that the parrot had a vicious demeanor and more to do with the fact that its hooked beak as large as Yoshimo’s clenched fist. “He is… very big.”

LOL! He's cute! Like a vulture-parrot or an emoe-parrot. :)

“Aye, he’s a beauty isn’t he?” said Blackbeard. He petted the parrot on the head. Smitty crooned under his master’s attention, his huge black eyes close in contentment. “He speaks seven languages fluently, and curses in fifteen.”

So he's kinda like the cheaper X-rated model of C3PO? :(

“Oh, so that’s it!” Replied the parrot grumpily. It did a remarkably good imitation of Blackbeard’s voice and said, “’Fetch me my rum, there’s a good slave.’ Now I know why ye Awakened me. It was for menial labor! May yer wife get the pox, ye scurvy dandiprat! I hope yer balls blacken and rot off and yer manhood shrivels to the size of a raisin… not that it’s not nearly there already!” Despite his voluminous protests, the parrot went down below deck.

“Spunky little fellow, isn’t he?” Blackbeard said.


“I’ll set about it then,” Blackbeard assured him. He turned away from Elliard and bellowed at the top of his lungs, “All right you scurvy bastards!” Sailors scurried over from all sides of the ship and fell silent before their second-in-command. Blackbeard opened his mouth to continue his shouting, and wincing, Yoshimo covered his ears. “Listen up, you sea-dogs, and pay attention, or else I’ll cut ye into bits so tiny that there’ll barely be enough of ye to send home in a tiny box. Right! We’re off to kill some bloody slavers. It’s not going to be easy, so if you’re a little chicken-hearted bastard, ye’d better get yer ass of this ship. I suggest ye jump now, since it’s a bloody long swim to shore! If yer man enough to face the challenges of the sea and sword then get yer ass about to yer duties. I want this ship out of sight of land afore I’m too drunk to see straight, and since I’ve gotten a head start on ye, ye’d better get moving fast.”

The sailor scattered like so many grains of sand before the wind, and a great clamor arose of the ship as they shouted back and forth to each other while they went about their duties. The anchor was raised, the thick, heavy iron chain that held it rolled up into some unknown crevice of the ship. The great sails that had until now been furled up along the heavy wooden boom were loosed and billowed wildly until they were tightened. The wind caught them and filled them with its breath, and the ship glided gracefully toward the open ocean.

Great story! Love smitty. :D

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#7 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 19 September 2003 - 07:32 PM

“Why donnae he get his arse outta th’longboat then? Cannae very well assist ye if he’s in there th’whole while.” And then, as if Yoshimo hadn’t been sitting five feet away for the entirety of the conversation, Orrim shouted, “Get out of th’longboat, lad! Yer nae good in there!”

Gotta love pirate-speak. :cry:

It's hard to write, though. I took me a bit to figure out how I was going to do it."

“More east’n Shoe?” Orrim demanded, looking shocked. “I thought the world dropped off after that.”

Nah, that's what happens at the WESTERN side of the world. :lol:

Yep, on the other side of Maztica the WORLD ENDS!!!

“Merrie says that narroot be only fer poxy whores and loose women.”

“Tell her about Cailah.”

“I donnae think that’ll help much.”

Errrm, this is a dodgy conversation, right? :roll:

Depends on what dodgy means, but yes, I suppose it is.

‘Smitty’ stood half as tall as Blackbeard, and looked twice as fierce, though that might have had less to do with the fact that the parrot had a vicious demeanor and more to do with the fact that its hooked beak as large as Yoshimo’s clenched fist. “He is… very big.”

LOL! He's cute! Like a vulture-parrot or an emoe-parrot. :)

He's almost a Dire Parrot.

“Aye, he’s a beauty isn’t he?” said Blackbeard. He petted the parrot on the head. Smitty crooned under his master’s attention, his huge black eyes close in contentment. “He speaks seven languages fluently, and curses in fifteen.”

So he's kinda like the cheaper X-rated model of C3PO? :(

YES! Exactly. What a wonderful summary!

“Spunky little fellow, isn’t he?” Blackbeard said.


Blackbeards so proud of what he's done ^^

The sailor scattered like so many grains of sand before the wind, and a great clamor arose of the ship as they shouted back and forth to each other while they went about their duties. The anchor was raised, the thick, heavy iron chain that held it rolled up into some unknown crevice of the ship. The great sails that had until now been furled up along the heavy wooden boom were loosed and billowed wildly until they were tightened. The wind caught them and filled them with its breath, and the ship glided gracefully toward the open ocean.

Great story! Love smitty. :D

Awww thanks! Smitty loves you too... which isn't nearly as good a thing as it sounds.

Thanks again,

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