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Chapter 13

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#1 Guest_Jover_*

Posted 17 December 2002 - 02:54 AM

Chapter 13

As the companions climbed the steps towards the Den of the Seven Vales Inn, Jover felt a light touch on his arm. "Jover would it be all right if I spent the night at the circus?" Aerie asked, "I want to tell Uncle Quayle about how we stopped those slavers today."

"Sure Aerie." Jover said after looking around "We’ll walk you over there."

"Oh Jover, I think I can find my way to the circus." Aerie said starting to walk away. "After all you can see the tents from here."

"He is not worried about you getting lost child." Jaheira said, "Our actions that you so loudly boast about have made new enemies of which we must now be wary."

"I.. I didn’t think of that." Aerie said, stopping. "Maybe I shouldn’t go then, I don’t want to bring any trouble to my uncle Quayle."

"No Aerie." Jover said "You should go to circus and enjoy the time with your uncle, just be sure to tell him to be alert as well."

"I will w.. would you.. any of you like to join me?" Aerie asked "I know Quayle would be glad to see you all again."

"Minsc and Boo would be happy to go." Minsc said, "Boo loves to talk with the animals from distant lands."

"Thanks for the offer, but I’m staying here tonight." Jover said, pointing at the inn "I want to see if there is any more work to be found."

"I shall stay here as well." Jaheira said, "To make sure our leader does not find trouble all by himself."

"Since Minsc is going along, you can go ahead Aerie." Jover said, "Jaheira and I will watch from here till you reach the circus."

As Aerie led Minsc towards the tents Jaheira moved to stand beside Jover. "Someone needs to talk with our new mage about her careless attitude." Jaheira said

"I will Jaheira, but I don’t think she's really being careless." Jover said "It's just a lack of experience at this way of life, mixed with her new found confidence."

"Having confidence in oneself is well and good." Jaheira said "Becoming over confident will only get the child hurt or dead, and possibly us as well."

"I know, but I want to let her enjoy the feeling for a little while longer, our success today was important to her and so was what happened afterward." Jover said with a smile. "Did you see her face when all those children kept bringing their parents to our table so they could thank ‘Miss Aerie’. That kind of gratitude can be a big boost to a new adventurer. I know it was to me when we returned to Nashkel after solving that problem with their mines, people cheering, wanting to shake our hands and that party they held in our honor. Remember how Imoen dragged that sour elf we rescued out onto the dance floor."

"I recall that she looked almost as foolish as you did dancing with that overgrown blonde." Jaheira said.

"I don't mind looking foolish.. as long as I'm having fun." Jover said, grinning. "I do wish Branwen had let me lead though."

"We should not be doing these deeds for personal pride or simple enjoyment, we should." Jaheira began.

"Do it to maintain the balance." Jover finished, "I know that speech by heart Jaheira."

"Well then.. if I am boring you, I shall go inside." Jaheira turned and walked angrily into the inn. Leaving Jover to follow slowly after her, wondering why he enjoyed antagonizing the druid so much.


Nearby, hidden in the shadows between two vendor's booths was a man who had watched their conversation with interest. The man had spent much of his life in the shadows, learning how to find those who wished to remain hidden. This in turn had showed him the value of moving unseen, so it is easy to understand the man's surprise when a voice close enough to be his own whispered his name.

"Hello Yoshimo."

Yoshimo spun, his katana appearing in his hand, as he looked for the voice.

"Now is that any way to greet me." said a female who appeared behind Yoshimo, the woman's body taking shape from a cloud of mist. Dressed in gray leathers, the woman lowered the hood she wore revealing a beautiful face that was unnaturally pale.

"Valen, what are doing here?" Yoshimo asked putting away his sword.

"I was about to deliver a message to the Bhaalspawn, when I noticed you lurking here." Valen said, "You should learn to hide better."

"I was hidden, to all but your vampiric eyes." Yoshimo said, "Now what is this about a message?"

"The Mistress wishes to meet with Jover directly." Valen said, "To see if he can be of use in her campaign against the shadow thieves, before Irenicus has need of him."

"This Bhaalspawn will never work for your mistress."

"You underestimate Bodhi's powers of persuasion." Valen said, with a knowing smile.

"And you my skill, as a hunter of men." Yoshimo said, "Jover has been a target of many powerful groups, yet he still travels his own path. It will take a person of subtle talents to catch one such as him off guard."

"Yes, and your previous failure speaks greatly of your talents." Valen said, "I heard Jover sent you away as soon as he was free of the dungeon."

"Which was what I would have done in his place, trust must be earned, not freely given to someone you meet in a dungeon and tonight I will take the first step towards winning that trust." Yoshimo said calmly. "And if we are speaking of failures let us not forget that of your mistress. It was her arrogance which led to the mistake, that allowed the Shadows thieves to find Irenicus's lair and set these events in motion."

Valen hissed baring her pointed teeth. "Do not insult my Mistress."

"You do not frighten me Valen, nor does your mistress."

"No, but her sibling does." Valen said, smiling again "Irenicus owns you... body and soul."

Yoshimo started, his brown eyes widening as he looked into the cold gray eyes of Valen.

"Poor Yoshimo." Valen said, "Did you think that little secret would stay between you and your master."

"What I have done.. is done." Yoshimo said with resignation. "Tonight I have a mission to accomplish, as do you, and perhaps this one time, we should work together."

Valen moved very close to Yoshimo, running her hand across his chest. "Why Yoshi.. What ever do you have in mind?"


"Why is this place so crowded?" Jover asked after entering the Den of the Seven Vales, every table was full and there were many patrons milling about. Jover looked across the crowd trying to see where Jaheira had gone.

"It's his fault." one the serving women standing nearby said, pointing out an older human man sitting a corner table The man had several stacks of paper scattered in front of him and was busily sorting through them. "That's Khallor the architect, the man in charge of rebuilding the Promenade."

"That's.. very interesting." Jover said, looking at the man. "But it doesn't explain the crowd."

"The man is insane if you ask me." the woman said "He's richer than most nobles, yet he insists on working like common folk. He moved in here three days ago, personally selected a crew of workers and makes them eat and sleep here as well. They've taken over almost the whole inn, if you want a room you better talk to Miss Patricia fast."

"I have already done that." Jaheira said appearing out of the crowd, then waiting for the woman to move on before speaking to Jover. "However, there was only one room available."

"You take it then." Jover said, "I'll try the inn next-door or go stay at the circus with Minsc and Aerie."

"That is not necessary." Jaheira said, with a shake of her head. "The room has two beds so we can share it."

"Are you sure?" Jover asked.

"Of course." Jaheira said, surprised at the question, "After all it is not as if we haven’t been forced into sharing accommodations before."

"I know, but that was with our group." Jover said, "You know how people talk when man and woman share a room alone."

"Hmfp! If other peoples lives are so empty that they must talk about ours then I pity them." Jaheira said, "You and I are friends and that is all, as long as we know this truth what others say means nothing. Now, since there is nowhere to sit down here, let us go upstairs and get out of this noisy crowd. I wish to have a bath and must pray before I can rest tonight."

"You go ahead, I'm going to have a drink at the bar and ask around about any work. That will let you have the room to yourself for a while." Jover said, "Go on, I know you prefer to be alone when you pray." Jover added, seeing Jaheira about to protest.

"Very well, but don't do anything foolish.. no matter how much fun it is." Jaheira said, before heading upstairs.

"I won't." Jover promised, with a grin.

As soon as Jaheira was out of sight, Jover turned and went directly to the table where the architect sat, only to arrive at the exact same moment as…

"Yoshimo." Jover said with surprise in his voice.

"Ah, greetings.. Jover isn't it?" Yoshimo said, with a warm smile. "How goes the hunt for your missing friend?"

"Slow." Jover said, "What have you been up to since we parted company?"

"Oh very little." Yoshimo said, "Although that may be about to change."

"If you gentleman don't mind, I am trying to work here." Khallor said, looking up from his papers. "Take your conversation elsewhere."

"Please forgive the interruption Mister Khallor." Jover said politely "But it's you I wish to talk with."

"Yoshimo would like a word with you as well, honored sir." Yoshimo said with a deep bow.

"I don't like being called mister and I am certainly not an honored sir." the architect said "Name's Khallor, and I'm not hiring anyone else, so if that's what this is about you can just leave."

"I'm not looking for work." Jover said, "Just some information about your project."

"Ah one of those." Khallor said glancing up at Jover, "You want to know when the restoration of the Promenade will be completed. Well it will get done much faster with out all these constant interruptions, now please go away."

"Not until you listen to me.'' Jover said as he leaned over the man, "I don't care when or even if the Promenade gets rebuilt, I only want to know when the rubble near the Adventure mart is going to be moved."

"What is this some kind of joke?" Khallor said, "Here I am overseeing the biggest architectural project in Amn and you’re asking me about a pile of rocks. My foreman put you up to this didn't he? Another one of his pranks."

"Actually honored.. Khallor, that was to be my question as well." Yoshimo said, drawing a sharp look from Jover.

"Fine.. Fine I'll go along with the gag, damned if I see what's funny about this though." Khallor said, shuffling through some papers and checking his figures, "It will be at least a ten day before that rubble gets moved, maybe longer if I don’t get some peace to work on my plans."

"Thank you." Yoshimo with another bow, before turning and leaving.

Jover quickly added his thanks and followed, staying a step behind Yoshimo waiting until he was near the door before grabbing him by the arm and spinning him around.

"What was that about Yoshimo?" Jover asked. "What are you up to?"

"I could ask the same of you." Yoshimo said, pulling his arm free of Jover's grip.

"No you can't." Jover said, staring at the bounty hunter. "You know what.. who I left in the dungeon below that rubble, now I want to hear your reason."

"As you wish." Yoshimo said, "But this is not the best place for such a discussion, perhaps we could step outside where it is a little less crowded."

Jover’s hand went to the hilt of his sword as he thought over his options. 'Let him go or follow someone I barely know into the dark of night.' Jover nodded at Yoshimo, then headed for the door. 'So much for my promise to Jaheira.'

Once outside, Yoshimo led Jover down the steps and over to the pile of rubble that tonight, held both their interests, sitting on one of the large boulders Yoshimo began to speak.

"Before my capture by the madman that held us both, I had run afoul of the local thieves guild, they have a strong dislike for independent operators such as myself." Yoshimo said, "I managed to avoid them for several days after our escape, as they believed I had fled the city or been killed, but they soon became aware of my continued existence."

"The point Yoshimo." Jover said looking over his shoulder. "Get to it."

"The thieves guild sent it's enforcer's to bring me before Renal Bloodscalp, one of the guilds ranking leaders, who strongly suggested that I offer a tribute if I wished to continue living." Yoshimo said, "Being destitute as I was following our escape, I gave him the only thing I had of any worth.. knowledge. I told Bloodscalp of the unusual items our captor had at his disposal and now they hold a great interest for him. I have been given the assignment of finding out how many of those items remain intact and then report back to him, hence my interest in the progress of the rebuilding."

"You're going to walk back into that torture chamber for simple profit." Jover said disgusted.

"The only profit is that my life continues, one does not turn down an assignment from Renal Bloodscalp, to do so would result in my being hunted by the entire thieves guild." Yoshimo said, "I assure you Jover, I find the thought of venturing back into that place as distasteful as you."

"I doubt that." Jover said, "You didn't have to leave the body of one of your best friends there."

"No, but I do know the pain of losing a loved one.. and the depths a man will go to, in order to honor that loss."

Jover’s and Yoshimo stared at one another for a moment, both men surprised by the pain and grief they saw in the other’s eyes. Looking away, Yoshimo spoke first. "As we are both committed to returning to that place of horrors, Yoshimo would ask a favor, allow me the honor of assisting you in reclaiming your friend's remains. Helping you to perform this noble deed would make my own selfish reasons for returning much easier to stomach."

Jover was about to answer when Yoshimo suddenly stood drawing his katana. "Beware Jover! Someone approaches."

Jover had drawn his sword before the bounty hunter had even finished speaking and quickly turned to face the new threat. A woman, who was dressed in gray with a hood hiding her entire face.

"Hello friends." the woman said, "My name is Valen and I have come here tonight to impart a fine bit of business your way."

"And what might that be?" Jover asked looking at the woman.

"Well truthfully, it is not for me to say in full measure." Valen said, speaking directly to Jover. "My mistress has watched you for a time and she would offer another solution to your current problem, as well as counsel on difficulties you have yet to discover."

"And who is this mistress with all the answers?" Yoshimo asked, also keeping his weapon towards the woman.

"That too is not for me to say." Valen said, "Come to graveyard district in the near future and she will speak with you herself. Make sure you visit after the sky has darkened, she will not be there before then."

"Go to the graveyard at night, to meet someone who's name you can't tell me." Jover said, "I've got to say, I've had better offers."

"My mistress is worthy of your trust Jover." Valen said, as she started to leave. "If you feel worthy of hers come to where I have said and you will have your answers. Farewell."

Jover sighed and put away his sword before sitting down on a large rock.

Yoshimo slid his katana back into its scabbard then sat next to Jover before speaking. "I do not know how much you have heard about the state of affairs here in the Athkatla, but if I might offer some advice.. about this most recent offer."

"Go ahead." Jover agreed

"During my time at the thieves guild I learned that they are at war with a new and powerful rival guild. I believe this Valen might be a representative of this new organization."

"Why is that?" Jover asked.

"There have been whispers of once loyal thieves guild members leaving to join the ranks of this new guild." Yoshimo said. "Which is believed to operate out of the graveyard district.. under the direction of a woman."

"Which could be this mistress that Valen spoke about." Jover said, "If you are right, it sounds like this woman might have the power to help me find Imoen."

"Indeed she would, if it is the same person." Yoshimo said.

"It’s something worth considering, but I’ll save that for another day when I'm rested." Jover said as he stood and stretched, "You're determined to go back down there?" Jover asked pointing at a spot beneath the rubble.

"I have little choice, other than possibly seeking to join this new guild and as you say that would require a great deal of consideration." Yoshimo said.

"Well if we are both going to do this, we might as well go together." Jover said, "The architect said at least a ten day, I’ll meet you back here then, I assume you will be around."

"Indeed I shall." Yoshimo said bowing. "Yoshimo thanks you for allowing him this honor, I look forward to working with you and your friends." The bounty hunter then turned and left, a smile to coming to his face as he reflected on how well his plan had worked.

As Yoshimo headed towards the promenade exit, Jover walked back to the Inn, his own thoughts producing a smile as well. 'You can look forward to that all you want Yoshimo, but the only person you’ll be working with that day is me.'


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