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Blades and Magic: Part 76

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#1 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 05 July 2003 - 11:52 PM

Yes, I've gone and wrote another episode after following a freind's advice to continue with it even if I'm weary over it. I like writing so I'm not going to stop and I've even begun work on an original novel of mine. :evil: Any comments, critiques would be welcome, especially since I'm the world's worst editor. :lol:


He seemed to burn with a restless energy that came from within as he paced the confines of the room. Then he paused, frowned and tilted his head slightly, as if he was listening to something only he could hear and he didn't like the message.

"Patience my good man, you look ready to tear those doors apart yourself," Keldorn told him as he looked at the center of the room with interest.

Valygar sighed with frustration and glanced at the bounty hunter attempting to open the doors that lead out of the room. "I'm not your good man and I'd rather we found Lavok and end this once and for all."

"Valygar is cranky because he needs to pound the evil body thief into so much goo," Minsc observed. "Minsc and Boo will help since we can't let another ranger face evil all by himself. I still think he is lonely and needs a hamster of his own to tell him nice stories as he falls asleep."

The morose noble could only stare helplessly at the man. "Minsc, have you hit your head again?"

"Boo says no."

Viconia sneered in contempt at the group, but otherwise she said nothing. The dark elf held herself aloof from everyone, as if their presence was beneath her notice. She leaned over and casually looked upon the dominating feature of the room, which was a large crystalline sphere with glowing lights swirling in the depths. The pale blue light coming from the object in the center of the room lit up her face and gave her an unearthly appearance.

A soft rattling and a clink broke the near silence in the room, which was followed by a stream of curses questioning the sanity and probably ugliness of whomever designed the ship.

"Any luck opening those doors?" Andaire wondered.

Yoshimo shook his head as he briefly sucked his finger. Evidentially the bounty hunter had nicked the appendage, hence his stream of swearwords. Blackie had been watching the rogue work on the locks and was repeating some of the more colorful curses that the man came up with. This didn't please Andaire as the crow was developing a remarkably foul mouth, and she would be the one to hear all of his new words later.

"No, curse the maker of this place!" Yoshimo exclaimed. "These doors are sealed by something strong, probably magic."

"I should have known magic would be the cause," Valygar said darkly.

"In a ship of dreams and magic, one would expect to find more magic," Haer'Dalis observed. He was relaxing by leaning against a wall and looking far too amused by the current situation.

Valygar glared at the bard and then ignored him. He had learned by now from watching him and Anomen argue pretty much all the time that responding to statements like that only encouraged the Tiefling.

Andaire sighed with frustration. They had been in this room for a good half hour, maybe longer and they still couldn't get past the doors. She felt like there was something that she was missing and it was right in front of her. Damn, what was it?

"What is what, child?" Jaheira asked. "Speak your mind."

The half elf flushed for she didn't realize that she had spoken her frustrations out loud. "Er, it's nothing Jaheira, just me venting some frustration is all."


"Uh, yes. I'm thinking the key to getting past those doors lies in this room but I just can't find it," Andaire admitted. "There has to be something here as Lavok wouldn't make it too difficult for Valygar to reach him."

Anomen looked around the room and said, "Mayhap the key is hidden and we have but to look to find the hiding place."

The actor lifted his head and seemed like he was about to say something in response, but he held his tongue. Viconia had no such qualms about giving her opinion. "A case of poor judgment, but what can you expect from a mere surfacer, and a male at that?"

"I need not hear what you say, for your notice is far beneath me," Anomen snapped.

"Hmm, you say you do not see me, yet I see your eyes fall upon me when you think I don't see. Like the soft curves of female flesh more than you care to admit? Or have you even tasted the delights a willing female can provide?"

"Foul creature, keep your impure thoughts to yourself," the knight snarled, suddenly aware that the woman had him trapped and nothing he could say would get him out of the verbal mess.

"Anomen, it is best if you pay no mind to that viper's tongue," Keldorn interjected.

The Drow smiled thinly and replied lazily, "Seems I see true, no? Unless, unless your female has found your performance in the bedchamber less than satisfactory and is seeking…"

"Viconia, enough!" Andaire warned angrily, her temper quickly rising to the surface. "Unless you have something useful to say, say nothing at all."

The dark elf grinned mercilessly and for a second the half elf thought she wouldn't listen. Thankfully, Viconia kept what she was about to say to herself. "You want useful, I shall give you useful, abbil. Look on the floor and tell me what you see."

"What has that got to do…?" Nalia began though everyone ignored her.

Andaire did as Viconia suggested and stared at the floor. The room was tiled of course, though the maker of the sphere had chosen a dark triangular tile instead of the more popular square ones. It shone with a dull luster and the half elf thought it was rather pretty. Then she saw how the tiles had been carefully arranged so that they pointed more or less towards the center of the room. The pattern was only broken in about four places where four distinct runes had been inset in the floor in a translucent white stone.

The half elf ran a hand through her hair and said, "I don't see what's…" Then she paused and finally noticed what the Drow had seen. Those four runes were a pattern and more specifically, they were numbers. Maybe if they were activated in their natural sequence then that would do something. Without bothering to explain herself, Andaire jogged to the number one rune, stepped on it and pronounced the number in an arcane tongue. The rune glowed softly and the lithe mage grinned in satisfaction before going to the next rune in the sequence.

"What are you doing?" Valygar demanded, a frown creasing his brow. "You shouldn't play with magic that way."

"I agree, you're not looking at things with the proper caution," Jaheira muttered as she stole a dark glance at the smirking Viconia.

Two, must get to three now. Andaire went to the third rune and answered, "I'm opening the doors. The key is hidden in the room alright, but it's in plain sight on the floor itself." Three. There, that's done and now for the final one.

Nalia fidgeted and unable to stay still any longer, she stepped on the final symbol. After she had done that the sphere in the middle of the room flashed briefly, and then there was a clanking sound and a whoosh as both previously locked doors opened on their own. The group tensed, then relaxed, as no enemies or nasty surprises appeared. That didn't mean that the let down their guard, however.

"Nice," Yoshimo commented. "So fearless leader, which path shall we take?"

There were indeed two paths just as there had been two doors, and only one of them lead to Lavok, Andaire reasoned. The doorway near Haer'Dalis sloped downwards into a dimly lit hallway. The stairs were made of metal and were soon lost to the darkness, so the half elf thought the party would need to use their torches to see past that gloom. Meanwhile, the other door opened up into a roughly circular room and Andaire could see a short flight of stairs that led to another door. She sighed and hoped that one was unlocked.

"We are going through both doors Yoshimo, but not all at once. We need to cover a lot of ground quickly so I'm spitting us into two groups," the priestess said. "I'll lead the group that's going upstairs and Jaheira; can you see what's downstairs?"

The druid gave her former ward a long stare and nodded. "Very well, but who is going with you and who is going with me?"

Andaire paused and bit her lip, thinking of the best way to divide everyone up. "Yoshimo, Nalia, Anomen and Minsc, you four go with Jaheira and see what's downstairs and Blackie, get over here. Wait, on second thought you had better go with them Viconia. Everyone else comes with me."

The crow had been peeking into the room that led upstairs when his mistress had summoned him and for once he obeyed immediately without question. He tilted his head and for some reason known only to himself, he decided to stare at Valygar.

Reminded of her odd dream with the paintings by her familiar's behavior, Andaire said to the ranger, "If we are the group that finds Lavok, don't go rushing to face him. If you fight him alone you will die, Valygar. Trust me on this, I've seen it. Lavok is a strong necromancer and will defeat you without a second thought. Let us help, that's what we're here for anyway."

Valygar's gaze bore into her own and for a second Andaire feared he might not listen. His eyes were like two lumps of coal and the expression on his face was unreadable. "Fine," he said at last, "if that's the way you want it. Once we find that evil ancestor of mine, we must defeat him and return home, if we can."


Jaheira lead her group down the darkened flight of stairs. It wasn't so dark that her or Viconia couldn't see the individual stairs and the door at the bottom of them, but the humans in the party didn't have the advantage of elfin sight and were forced to move slower least they stumble in the gloom.

The druid stopped at the bottom of the stairs and waited for the others to catch up. She knew that if they should find Lavok then it would be a tough battle. Nature though had provided her with numerous advantages and she would use them. Why not use the aid of the natural world if it was right at her fingertips?

This wait is maddening, but it's better to be careful in one's approach instead of sorry, Jaheira thought. Speaking of being careful, I'm not so sure I should have let Andaire take that actor with her. My instincts tell me not to trust him with her. Anomen appears to feel the same way, though I think that boy's concern is not the concern of one friend to another. There's something more there, something happened between him and Andaire the other night, I'm sure of it. I swear if I find out he's harmed a single hair on her head, then let nature's wrath take him!

Finally everyone reached their destination and Yoshimo inspected the door briefly before he announced that it was safe and unlocked. He grinned at Jaheira and announced, "Ladies first, 'o beauteous creature of the forest."

The druid glared at him, a tactic she found usually worked wonders. She didn't understand why people were intimidated by a mere look, but intimidated they were. However it had only a moderate effect on the Kara-Turan before her. She remarked, "You speak with a slippery tongue. Take care that tongue does not lead you into trouble."

"But of course," Yoshimo replied after a second. "I shall follow your motherly advice, no?"

Jaheira glared harder at him and he fell silent. She walked through the door and led the group into a fairly large and rather empty round room. This place was brightly lit by the same kind of unnatural lighting they had found throughout the sphere and was surprisingly clean. Three doors were found spaced more or less evenly apart in the curved wall on the far side of the room. Which door should she chose?

"Oh no, more doors!" Nalia lamented. "I'm so sick of finding more doors everywhere we go."

"Oh, cease your prattle, you pathetic creature," Viconia growled. "You have an advantage being female and I suggest you live up to that lofty ideal instead of playing a helpless damsel in distress."

"At least I'm not a cold hearted, evil person like yourself!" the noble hotly declared even as her cat poked her head of her backpack to see what the fuss was all about. "No wonder people can't stand being around you."

Instead of being offended, the Drow actually looked pleased at the verbal assault. "A bit better than your usual mewling, but you have a long way to go before you can curse properly. Keep that up and you might win an argument one of these days."

"Cease the pointless bickering and let's get on with it," Jaheira warned everyone. "We have a task to accomplish and little time to do it. Anomen, Minsc and Yoshimo, see what's behind each one of those doors and by Silvanus's grace be careful about it. I don't want to have to spend too much energy patching you up. Oh, don't worry; we'll be coming with you in case you find something unfriendly."

Anomen looked at her, flushed a little and went to the door on the left with Viconia close behind him. Yoshimo and Nalia went to look at the door on the right, which meant that she would be accompanied by Minsc as they went to see what was behind the middle door.

"Minsc and Boo are glad that the nice druid lady is here, though she looks lonely," the ranger began without preamble. "We are also pleased that you are looking after little Andaire though between you and I, we think the knight wants to look after Andaire too."

Jaheira had been reaching for the door, but at the Rashemie's comment she stopped. She peered over her shoulder and told him, "Sometimes I wonder about you. At times I think you see more than you let on. Keep quiet though least everyone hears what you say."

Minsc nodded solemnly and replied, "If you want Minsc to be quiet, then I shall say not too much though I think Jaheira is lonely even though she is watching Andaire closely. But Boo thinks Jaheira is still sad she's lonely but she won't be sad forever."

For some reason the ranger's words caused an old memory of Khalid to surface in Jaheira's mind. It was a discussion the two of them had when they were camping out in the Cloakwood forest in their search for a mine being run by the Iron Throne so many months ago. Earlier in that day her husband had punched an elf in the face and sent him splashing into the river after he had gotten too fresh with Andaire. Jaheira hadn't liked Coran at all, and Khalid even less so, and the bridge incident was the culmination of that distrust.

Later that night they sat by the fire and talked about what happened. Khalid, sweet gentle Khalid, had been very put out by that incident. He acted like a protective older brother towards the tiny half elf Gorion had raised and he decided right then and there to extract a promise form his wife should they ever become separated.

"Dear J-Jaheira, I think we should c-come to an agreement," Khalid said.

The druid raised an eyebrow at her spouse and asked, "What do you speak of? You dealt well enough with that thief and though I think you went too far, Andaire practically worships the ground you walk on for that. I doubt she would have been pleased if I had handled the situation. I do believe she thinks I scold her too much."

He stared in the depths of the flames and stirred the fire with a stick he had handy. He stretched his legs out and said at length, "Andaire loves you my dear. She looks up to you and would do anything for you."


"Definitely my d-dear. We both know wh-what she is and how people will try to take advantage of her," Khalid said, his expression turning dark. "B-because we made a promise to Gorion and we c-can't break it, p-please p-promise you'll look after and guide Andaire should I die before you."

"Khalid, how can you say that?" Jaheira cried, aghast, not knowing that Dynaheir was stirring in her sleep because of the discussion. "Enough gloomy talk, let's try to find out where the Iron Throne is hiding in these woods."

"Promise me!" Khalid insisted. "Also, don't morn me forever, I don't want you to spend the rest of your life alone should it come to p-pass. I love you t-too much to see you su-suffer."

Jaheira looked longingly at her husband and thought it fortunate that she had found him. "My Khalid, we will not be separated though should that happen; I will keep your promise."

"G-Good, I-I'm glad Jaheira," Khalid said, his face reddening from either the fire or something else. "N-now it's time for someone else to take watch, s-so if you don't mind we can wake them up and go to our t-tent and s-spend the night t-together."

"My Khalid… "

All this flashed through her mind in an instant and Jaheira shook her head to clear herself of the memories. If she had known at the time that she would lose her husband, maybe she wouldn't have scolded him so much and appreciated him more. She missed him, more than she cared to admit, although she vowed she would at least keep the promise of looking after the half elf who was leading the group. How much Minsc knew she wasn't certain, but now was not really the time to find that out.

"Minsc, enough of this. We'll open this door and…"

Jaheira's voice trailed off as she took a look to see how everyone else was doing. Everyone it seemed was having a discussion about how to open their respective doors and now the sounds of the arguments filled the room.

"This door feels warm, I wonder why," Nalia' said. "Think it's trapped?"

"No, just open it up and see young pretty," Yoshimo replied as he slid hid katana out of its sheath.

"There is probably nothing behind this door, it's merely cold" Anomen announced. "And if there is I can certainly deal with it easily enough."

"Stupid male, there is something there, I'm telling you," Viconia responded. "Though if you wish to die then I won't stop you. It should be interesting to see you get squished."

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion at that point. Jaheira had no opportunity to make sure everyone was careful opening those doors before they were flung wide open. Frothy clouds of cold vapor came pouring out of the room that Anomen and Viconia were standing in front of. The newly opened room was dominated by a strange piece of frost covered machinery and ice lined the floors and walls in spikes and clumps. A snow covered lump lay on the ground near the door, though the trouble might have ended there if that was the only thing in the room. However, the room was occupied by an assortment of cold loving creatures such as ice mephitis, ice trolls, an air elemental and several small lizard-like creatures that hopped along the ground on two legs. The monsters stared at the intruders and then they were racing out of the room.

At the same moment Nalia and Yoshimo opened the door to their room and stepped back from the heat that came blasting out of there. In this room there was also a piece of strange machinery that gave off waves of warmth. Huddled around that contraption was an efreet, a fire elemental and quite a few fire mephitis. The creatures didn't appreciate their sanctuary being violated so suddenly and they came roaring and running after the people responsible.

"Run you fools, run to the stairs!" Jaheira barked as she followed her own advice. No one else needed further prompting and they too ran for the dubious safety of the stairs with an assortment of creatures behind them

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 07:59 AM

Yes, I've gone and wrote anothe episode after following a freind's advice to continue with it even if I'm weary over it. I like writing so I'm not going to stop and I've even begun work on an original novel of mine. :D Any comments, critiques would be welcome, especially since I'm the world's worst editor. :D

Ah, so you finally have that Field school behind you? Glad to have you back and good luck on the original novel. But please, please don't forget Andaire too :D

"Valygar is cranky because he needs to pound the evil body thief into so much goo," Minsc observed. "Minsc and Boo will help since we can't let another ranger face evil all by himself. I still think he is lonely and needs a hamster of his own to tell him nice stories as he falls asleep."

The morose noble could only stare helplessly at the man. "Minsc, have you hit your head again?"

"Boo says no."

LOL! I think Valygar needs a hamster badly - sometimes with all this magic-hate he seems to be less sane than Minsc...

Yoshimo shook his head as he briefly sucked his finger. Evidentially the bounty hunter had nicked the appendage, hence his stream of swearwords. Blackie had been watching the rogue work on the locks and was repeating some of the more colorful curses that the man came up with. This didn't please Andaire as the crow was developing a remarkably foul mouth, and she would be the one to hear all of his new words later.

Hehe... but be thankful that you don't have Korgan along with you... Yoshimo's cursing can't be all that bad...

"Uh, yes. I'm thinking the key to getting past those doors lies in this room but I just can't find it," Andaire admitted. "There has to be something here as Lavok wouldn't make it too difficult for Valygar to reach him."

Hehe, that's a good piece of logic - doesn't mean that he has to make it easy, either...

"Hmm, you say you do not see me, yet I see your eyes fall upon me when you think I don't see. Like the soft curves of female flesh more than you care to admit? Or have you even tasted the delights a willing female can provide?"

"Foul creature, keep your impure thoughts to yourself," the knight snarled, suddenly aware that the woman had him trapped and nothing he could say would get him out of the verbal mess.

Poor Ano, getting teased like that... though, probably Vic is right about him leering at her... :)

The Drow smiled thinly and replied lazily, "Seems I see true, no? Unless, unless your female has found your performance in the bedchamber less than satisfactory and is seeking…"

"Viconia, enough!" Andaire warned angrily, her temper quickly rising to the surface. "Unless you have something useful to say, say nothing at all."

Yep, better not allow that snake to play her mind games or blood will flow in no time.

Nalia fidgeted and unable to stay still any longer, she stepped on the final symbol. After she had done that the sphere in the middle of the room flashed briefly, and then there was a clanking sound and a whoosh as both previously locked doors opened on their own. The group tensed, then relaxed, as no enemies or nasty surprises appeared. That didn't mean that the let down their guard, however.

Nice, I liked how you expanded on this door-opening stuff. Though, I would like to slap Viconia in the face for witholding the advice - I just hate when somebody around knows the solution, but instead of telling the others is simply walking around and acting like a smart-ass... :P

"Nice," Yoshimo commented. "So fearless leader, which path shall we take?"

Eh? Yoshi saying a line from Jaheira's in-game romance? What's that all about... not that the line wouldn't fit him, mind you... :roll:

"We are going through both doors Yoshimo, but not all at once. We need to cover a lot of ground quickly so I'm spitting us into two groups," the priestess said. "I'll lead the group that's going upstairs and Jaheira; can you see what's downstairs?"

Ummm, I am just a little confused about one thing - here you refer to Andaire as a 'priestess', but when she was jumping on the runes it was said 'lithe mage'... :D She is a cleric/mage? :D

This wait is maddening, but it's better to be careful in one's approach instead of sorry, Jaheira thought. Speaking of being careful, I'm not so sure I should have let Andaire take that actor with her. My instincts tell me not to trust him with her. Anomen appears to feel the same way, though I think that boy's concern is not the concern of one friend to another. There's something more there, something happened between him and Andaire the other night, I'm sure of it. I swear if I find out he's harmed a single hair on her head, then let nature's wrath take him!

Umm... Jaheira... a man and a woman... what could they be up to? For a druid it should be not that hard to guess... Though I agree with her on Haer, hehe :P

Finally everyone reached their destination and Yoshimo inspected the door briefly before he announced that it was safe and unlocked. He grinned at Jaheira and announced, "Ladies first, 'o beauteous creature of the forest."

Uh-oh... don't go there Yoshi... just don't...

The druid glared at him, a tactic she found usually worked wonders. She didn't understand why people were intimidated by a mere look, but intimidated they were. However it had only a moderate effect on the Kara-Turan before her. She remarked, "You speak with a slippery tongue. Take care that tongue does not lead you into trouble."

So the glare is a tactic, not just a reflex... hehe :lol:

"At least I'm not a cold hearted, evil person like yourself!" the noble hotly declared even as her cat poked her head of her backpack to see what the fuss was all about. "No wonder people can't stand being around you."

Instead of being offended, the Drow actually looked pleased at the verbal assault. "A bit better than your usual mewling, but you have a long way to go before you can curse properly. Keep that up and you might win an argument one of these days."

Heh, Vic isn't going to have many friends in this group if she keeps this up. For some strange reason Andaire seemed to like her, though...

Ah, another nitpick that I only just spotted - when seperating the groups, Andaire said that Nalia, Yoshi, Minsc and Ano are going with Jaheira. But Viconia also ended up here...

Minsc nodded solemnly and replied, "If you want Minsc to be quiet, then I shall say not too much though I think Jaheira is lonely even though she is watching Andaire closely. But Boo thinks Jaheira is still sad she's lonely but she won't be sad forever."

Theo: *sniff*... I sure hope that the big log is right about this...

For some reason the ranger's words caused an old memory of Khalid to surface in Jaheira's mind. It was a discussion the two of them had when they were camping out in the Cloakwood forest in their search for a mine being run by the Iron Throne so many months ago. Earlier in that day her husband had punched an elf in the face and sent him splashing into the river after he had gotten too fresh with Andaire. Jaheira hadn't liked Coran at all, and Khalid even less so, and the bridge incident was the culmination of that distrust.

Wow! Go, Khalid! I'd love to punch that dork in the face myself... and your K&J seem to be extremely protective of Andaire, more than I've seen in any other story - perhaps it's because of the fact that Andaire is a 1/2-elf too?

Btw, on a related note - I always thought it very weird that Coran who was supposed to be a womanizing little elf had such a ridiculously repulsive and ugly pic... sheeesh! :)

The druid raised an eyebrow at her spouse and asked, "What do you speak of? You dealt well enough with that thief and though I think you went too far, Andaire practically worships the ground you walk on for that. I doubt she would have been pleased if I had handled the situation. I do believe she thinks I scold her too much."

Really? Could that possibly be true? :)

"Definitely my d-dear. We both know wh-what she is and how people will try to take advantage of her," Khalid said, his expression turning dark. "B-because we made a promise to Gorion and we c-can't break it, p-please p-promise you'll look after and guide Andaire should I die before you."


"Promise me!" Khalid insisted. "Also, don't morn me forever, I don't want you to spend the rest of your life alone should it come to p-pass. I love you t-too much to see you su-suffer."

Awww... I guess you're foreshadowing of Jaheira meeting someone... yes? *crosses fingers* :D

"G-Good, I-I'm glad Jaheira," Khalid said, his face reddening from either the fire or something else. "N-now it's time for someone else to take watch, s-so if you don't mind we can wake them up and go to our t-tent and s-spend the night t-together."

"My Khalid… "[/i]

Awww... heart-clenching scenes... beautiful! :)

At the same moment Nalia and Yoshimo opened the door to their room and stepped back from the heat that came blasting out of there. In this room there was also a piece of strange machinery that gave off waves of warmth. Huddled around that contraption was an efreet, a fire elemental and quite a few fire mephitis. The creatures didn't appreciate their sanctuary being violated so suddenly and they came roaring and running after the people responsible.

Uh, and those creatures in the firer room are pretty nasty... that efreet always gives me some beating...

"Run you fools, run to the stairs!" Jaheira barked as she followed her own advice. No one else needed further prompting and they too ran for the dubious safety of the stairs with an assortment of creatures behind them.

Ooops. Hopefully those creatures can now toss it out between them... :wink:

Loved it... and as I said - I suck at giving critiques... or maybe there was nothing wrong with this piece? :roll:

#3 Laufey

Posted 06 July 2003 - 08:23 AM

Yes, I've gone and wrote anothe episode after following a freind's advice to continue with it even if I'm weary over it. I like writing so I'm not going to stop and I've even begun work on an original novel of mine. :roll: Any comments, critiques would be welcome, especially since I'm the world's worst editor. :lol:

I'll try my best, and it's good to see you posting again. :)

"Valygar is cranky because he needs to pound the evil body thief into so much goo," Minsc observed. "Minsc and Boo will help since we can't let another ranger face evil all by himself. I still think he is lonely and needs a hamster of his own to tell him nice stories as he falls asleep."

The morose noble could only stare helplessly at the man. "Minsc, have you hit your head again?"

"Boo says no."

Ah, a very nice Minsc exchange. :P

"I should have known magic would be the cause," Valygar said darkly.

Oh Val... :)

"I need not hear what you say, for your notice is far beneath me," Anomen snapped.

"Hmm, you say you do not see me, yet I see your eyes fall upon me when you think I don't see. Like the soft curves of female flesh more than you care to admit? Or have you even tasted the delights a willing female can provide?"

*snicker* Go Vicky! :roll:

Andaire did as Viconia suggested and stared at the floor. The room was tiled of course, though the maker of the sphere had chosen a dark triangular tile instead of the more popular square ones. It shone with a dull luster and the half elf thought it was rather pretty. Then she saw how the tiles had been carefully arranged so that they pointed more or less towards the center of the room. The pattern was only broken in about four places where four distinct runes had been inset in the floor in a translucent white stone.

Oh, I see! Just a question though, since I don't remember exactly what you last wrote. In the game, Lavok is found by getting the golem to open the doors. Did you skip that bit, or change things around on purpose?

This wait is maddening, but it's better to be careful in one's approach instead of sorry, Jaheira thought. Speaking of being careful, I'm not so sure I should have let Andaire take that actor with her. My instincts tell me not to trust him with her. Anomen appears to feel the same way, though I think that boy's concern is not the concern of one friend to another. There's something more there, something happened between him and Andaire the other night, I'm sure of it. I swear if I find out he's harmed a single hair on her head, then let nature's wrath take him!

Ah, nice Jaheira POV. :wink:

"Minsc and Boo are glad that the nice druid lady is here, though she looks lonely," the ranger began without preamble. "We are also pleased that you are looking after little Andaire though between you and I, we think the knight wants to look after Andaire too."

Jaheira had been reaching for the door, but at the Rashemie's comment she stopped. She peered over her shoulder and told him, "Sometimes I wonder about you. At times I think you see more than you let on. Keep quiet though least everyone hears what you say."

I agree with Jaheira...Minsc sees quite a bit.

"Promise me!" Khalid insisted. "Also, don't morn me forever, I don't want you to spend the rest of your life alone should it come to p-pass. I love you t-too much to see you su-suffer."

Jaheira looked longingly at her husband and thought it fortunate that she had found him. "My Khalid, we will not be separated though should that happen; I will keep your promise."


At the same moment Nalia and Yoshimo opened the door to their room and stepped back from the heat that came blasting out of there. In this room there was also a piece of strange machinery that gave off waves of warmth. Huddled around that contraption was an efreet, a fire elemental and quite a few fire mephitis. The creatures didn't appreciate their sanctuary being violated so suddenly and they came roaring and running after the people responsible.

"Run you fools, run to the stairs!" Jaheira barked as she followed her own advice. No one else needed further prompting and they too ran for the dubious safety of the stairs with an assortment of creatures behind them.

*grin* Nice cliffhanger!
Rogues do it from behind.

#4 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 09:23 AM

[quote]Yes, I've gone and wrote anothe episode after following a freind's advice to continue with it even if I'm weary over it. I like writing so I'm not going to stop and I've even begun work on an original novel of mine. :roll: Any comments, critiques would be welcome, especially since I'm the world's worst editor. :D

Finally a new chapter. :roll: :lol: :)

"Patience my good man, you look ready to tear those doors apart yourself," Keldorn told him as he looked at the center of the room with interest.

I very much belive that he is.

"Boo says no."

And the fact that it was boo who answered that question, tells you more than you want to know about minsc.

Viconia sneered in contempt at the group, but otherwise she said nothing. The dark elf held herself aloof from everyone, as if their presence was beneath her notice.

But it isn't, she needs them and she knows it.

Yoshimo shook his head as he briefly sucked his finger. Evidentially the bounty hunter had nicked the appendage, hence his stream of swearwords. Blackie had been watching the rogue work on the locks and was repeating some of the more colorful curses that the man came up with. This didn't please Andaire as the crow was developing a remarkably foul mouth, and she would be the one to hear all of his new words later.

those ravens :)

"In a ship of dreams and magic, one would expect to find more magic," Haer'Dalis observed. He was relaxing by leaning against a wall and looking far too amused by the current situation.

Yet another meaningless quote from haer. That fits him well.

The actor lifted his head and seemed like he was about to say something in response, but he held his tongue. Viconia had no such qualms about giving her opinion. "A case of poor judgment, but what can you expect from a mere surfacer, and a male at that?"

Someday that mouth of hers is going to gt ger into trouble.

"I need not hear what you say, for your notice is far beneath me," Anomen snapped.

Then why did he answer. :)

"Hmm, you say you do not see me, yet I see your eyes fall upon me when you think I don't see. Like the soft curves of female flesh more than you care to admit? Or have you even tasted the delights a willing female can provide?"

She is quite beuatiful.

"Foul creature, keep your impure thoughts to yourself," the knight snarled, suddenly aware that the woman had him trapped and nothing he could say would get him out of the verbal mess.

Viconia is the master of verbal abuse.

Andaire did as Viconia suggested and stared at the floor. The room was tiled of course, though the maker of the sphere had chosen a dark triangular tile instead of the more popular square ones. It shone with a dull luster and the half elf thought it was rather pretty. Then she saw how the tiles had been carefully arranged so that they pointed more or less towards the center of the room. The pattern was only broken in about four places where four distinct runes had been inset in the floor in a translucent white stone.

And, of course, viconia didn't bother to mention this before now. :P

Andaire paused and bit her lip, thinking of the best way to divide everyone up. "Yoshimo, Nalia, Anomen and Minsc, you four go with Jaheira and see what's downstairs and Blackie, get over here. Everyone else comes with me."

What was the raven doing now?

The crow had been peeking into the room that led upstairs when his mistress had summoned him and for once he obeyed immediately without question. He tilted his head and for some reason known only to himself, he decided to stare at Valygar.


This wait is maddening, but it's better to be careful in one's approach instead of sorry, Jaheira thought. Speaking of being careful, I'm not so sure I should have let Andaire take that actor with her. My instincts tell me not to trust him with her. Anomen appears to feel the same way, though I think that boy's concern is not the concern of one friend to another. There's something more there, something happened between him and Andaire the other night, I'm sure of it. I swear if I find out he's harmed a single hair on her head, then let nature's wrath take him!

Always protective, but that's just her nature

"But of course," Yoshimo replied after a second. "I shall follow your motherly advice, no?"

:wink: Take that, jaheira.

"Oh, cease your prattle, you pathetic creature," Viconia growled. "You have an advantage being female and I suggest you live up to that lofty ideal instead of playing a helpless damsel in distress."

But she is a damsel in distress. that's how i see her anyway. :D

"At least I'm not a cold hearted, evil person like yourself!" the noble hotly declared even as her cat poked her head of her backpack to see what the fuss was all about. "No wonder people can't stand being around you."

The irony. :D

"Minsc and Boo are glad that the nice druid lady is here, though she looks lonely," the ranger began without preamble. "We are also pleased that you are looking after little Andaire though between you and I, we think the knight wants to look after Andaire too."

He's not so blind as he seems. :D

For some reason the ranger's words caused an old memory of Khalid to surface in Jaheira's mind. It was a discussion the two of them had when they were camping out in the Cloakwood forest in their search for a mine being run by the Iron Throne so many months ago. Earlier in that day her husband had punched an elf in the face and sent him splashing into the river after he had gotten too fresh with Andaire. Jaheira hadn't liked Coran at all, and Khalid even less so, and the bridge incident was the culmination of that distrust.

Not many people liked coran. Not even safana.

"My Khalid… "[/i]

A very nice description of fond memories.

At the same moment Nalia and Yoshimo opened the door to their room and stepped back from the heat that came blasting out of there. In this room there was also a piece of strange machinery that gave off waves of warmth. Huddled around that contraption was an efreet, a fire elemental and quite a few fire mephitis. The creatures didn't appreciate their sanctuary being violated so suddenly and they came roaring and running after the people responsible.

they should have been wise enough to open only one door at a time

"Run you fools, run to the stairs!" Jaheira barked as she followed her own advice. No one else needed further prompting and they too ran for the dubious safety of the stairs with an assortment of creatures behind them

When they are safe again jaheira is gonna' give them a lecture.

Good story


#5 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 06:30 PM

Ah, so you finally have that Field school behind you? Glad to have you back and good luck on the original novel. But please, please don't forget Andaire too :)

Yes, I'm back. :P I found writing an original novel is tougher, but I want to complete it.

LOL! I think Valygar needs a hamster badly - sometimes with all this magic-hate he seems to be less sane than Minsc...

Heh, heh, I considered giving him an animal companion, but if I did the party would end up looking like a zoo. :P I have my plans for the ranger, heh, heh...

Hehe... but be thankful that you don't have Korgan along with you... Yoshimo's cursing can't be all that bad...

Blackie: *looks interested*

Hehe, that's a good piece of logic - doesn't mean that he has to make it easy, either...

Oh no, but it's much more fun this way, no? :P

Poor Ano, getting teased like that... though, probably Vic is right about him leering at her... :roll:

Oh yes. :)

Yep, better not allow that snake to play her mind games or blood will flow in no time.

Heh, she's not all she seems at this point. A few chapters back I brought back Viconia and Andaire thinks she's converted her to the worship of Eilistraee, hence the reason why Vicky uses a sword. I'm not telling anyone if the conversion is genuine or not (Vicky did worship Shar after all), but nevertheless I don't think Viconia could drop a lifetime of acting like a Drow just like that. Besides, nasty Viconia is much more fun. :)

Nice, I liked how you expanded on this door-opening stuff. Though, I would like to slap Viconia in the face for witholding the advice - I just hate when somebody around knows the solution, but instead of telling the others is simply walking around and acting like a smart-ass... :lol:

Thanks. :) Since I did away with the damn golemn, I focused on the door. And the runes did look like numbers to me, so that's what I used.

Eh? Yoshi saying a line from Jaheira's in-game romance? What's that all about... not that the line wouldn't fit him, mind you... :D

I couldn't help myself. If you haven't downloaded the NPC flirt packs, I suggest you do so. You can 'flirt' with all the romancable characters, up to and including Jaheira. Those flirst are very entertaining and best of all, you can initiate them too. :D

Ummm, I am just a little confused about one thing - here you refer to Andaire as a 'priestess', but when she was jumping on the runes it was said 'lithe mage'... :D She is a cleric/mage? :P

Ah, yes. Andaire is a cleric/mage, though she started out as a fighter/mage. Her mother was a priestess of Eilistraee and later a Sword Dancer. She passed her holy symbol onto her daugher, which Andaire got as a gift for her birthday. Andaire wanted to become a cleric like her mother and so she trained as if she was one (clerics of the Dark Maiden use bladed weapons and especially swords). Problem was she never bothered to ask for priestess spells until she arrived in Athkatla. I forget the chapters I explained this in and as soon as I can add to my novel myself I'll update it. :P

Umm... Jaheira... a man and a woman... what could they be up to? For a druid it should be not that hard to guess... Though I agree with her on Haer, hehe :P

Oh, Jaheira suspects alright and she's acting like an overprotective parent, though her imagination is running away with her. :P

Uh-oh... don't go there Yoshi... just don't...

Wise if he keeps his mouth shut now. :P

So the glare is a tactic, not just a reflex... hehe :D


Heh, Vic isn't going to have many friends in this group if she keeps this up. For some strange reason Andaire seemed to like her, though...

See above. According to her faith she's got to help Drow who reach the surface. Plus Andaire was raised by a half-elf Drow who was her aunt (not blood related, but took a vow of sisterhood with Andi's mother), so that explains not only why she's willing to tolerate Vicky, but can speak Undercommon as well. Not very wise to learn that imo. :P

Ah, another nitpick that I only just spotted - when seperating the groups, Andaire said that Nalia, Yoshi, Minsc and Ano are going with Jaheira. But Viconia also ended up here...

Thanks, missed that. Fixed that already, love that edit button.

Theo: *sniff*... I sure hope that the big log is right about this...

*whistles innocently*

Wow! Go, Khalid! I'd love to punch that dork in the face myself... and your K&J seem to be extremely protective of Andaire, more than I've seen in any other story - perhaps it's because of the fact that Andaire is a
1/2-elf too?

Yes, kind of. It turned out that way for some reason and Jae did need someone to focus on after Chateu Irenicus.

Btw, on a related note - I always thought it very weird that Coran who was supposed to be a womanizing little elf had such a ridiculously repulsive and ugly pic... sheeesh! :D

I always thought Coran lookked like he'd kept constant company with a whisky bottle.

Really? Could that possibly be true? :roll:



Khalid was a fav char of mine and it stunk that he died in BG2.

Awww... I guess you're foreshadowing of Jaheira meeting someone... yes? *crosses fingers* :)

Not telling. :wink:

Awww... heart-clenching scenes... beautiful! :P

Poor Jaheira though. She misses Khalid though she won't admit as such to anybody.

Uh, and those creatures in the firer room are pretty nasty... that efreet always gives me some beating...

Yeah, me too. My party always had to rest bigtime after facing that foe.

Ooops. Hopefully those creatures can now toss it out between them... :D

Loved it... and as I said - I suck at giving critiques... or maybe there was nothing wrong with this piece? :D

Nah, there was a lot of work needed. Thanks for the critiques. :)

#6 Guest_Likpok_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 06:40 PM

i was wondering, what was the first quiz that Blades appeared on? i dont want to start without more background than the part poated in the novels section.

#7 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 07:06 PM

I couldn't help myself. If you haven't downloaded the NPC flirt packs, I suggest you do so. You can 'flirt' with all the romancable characters, up to and including Jaheira. Those flirst are very entertaining and best of all, you can initiate them too. :)

Oh, I have those and they are fun... most of all I like that they give Jaheira a very sweet and deserved epilogue, instead of the Bio 'official' stinky one.

Ah, yes. Andaire is a cleric/mage, though she started out as a fighter/mage. Her mother was a priestess of Eilistraee and later a Sword Dancer. She passed her holy symbol onto her daugher, which Andaire got as a gift for her birthday. Andaire wanted to become a cleric like her mother and so she trained as if she was one (clerics of the Dark Maiden use bladed weapons and especially swords). Problem was she never bothered to ask for priestess spells until she arrived in Athkatla. I forget the chapters I explained this in and as soon as I can add to my novel myself I'll update it. :P

Ah, yes... now I remember it all - hey, but it has been a while, so can't blame a guy for forgetting some details, hehe :)

#8 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 08:12 PM

[size=12]Yes, I've gone and wrote another episode after following a freind's advice to continue with it even if I'm weary over it. I like writing so I'm not going to stop and I've even begun work on an original novel of mine. :) Any comments, critiques would be welcome, especially since I'm the world's worst editor. :P

I don't have time to do a long comment just now...but I just wanted to say that this was a great chapter and I am really pleased that you have decided to continue writing this. I love this story and I would have been sad if you had stopped writing it. :)


#9 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 09:00 PM

I'll try my best, and it's good to see you posting again. :roll:


Ah, a very nice Minsc exchange. :roll:

I adore Minsc. He's easy to write at times.

Oh Val... :wink:

I have a special fate in store for him. :D

*snicker* Go Vicky! :D

For some strange reason it's really easy for me to do nasty Viconia. Myhap I'm more Drow like than I first appear. :)

Oh, I see! Just a question though, since I don't remember exactly what you last wrote. In the game, Lavok is found by getting the golem to open the doors. Did you skip that bit, or change things around on purpose?

I changed it on purpose as I couldn't stand the golem and it didn't fit in the story anyway. Someone at Bioware was way too fond of using golems as door openers anyway. :P

Ah, nice Jaheira POV. :lol:

Thanks. :)

I agree with Jaheira...Minsc sees quite a bit.

He's got a high wisdom score for someone who appears to be a moron. I think of his insight as one that gets overlooked since he doesn't sound too bright.


Too bad Khalid didn't make it to BG2.

*grin* Nice cliffhanger!

Heh, that will be dealt with soon. I know how it goes. :)

#10 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 09:19 PM

Finally a new chapter. :D :D :D


I very much belive that he is.

Valygar is very impatient now.

And the fact that it was boo who answered that question, tells you more than you want to know about minsc.


But it isn't, she needs them and she knows it.

She's not about to let anybody else know that.

those ravens :roll:

At least Blackie didn't steal anythig this time though there's really nothing to steal.

Yet another meaningless quote from haer. That fits him well.

He'd be quoting Shakespear if only I could remember a suitable quote long enough.

Someday that mouth of hers is going to gt ger into trouble.

Quite. :)

Then why did he answer. :wink:

Heh, heh...

She is quite beuatiful.

Beautiful and dangerous.

Viconia is the master of verbal abuse.

I think she enjoys it too.

And, of course, viconia didn't bother to mention this before
now. :roll:

It was more fun for her to watch everyone scramble.

What was the raven doing now?


Blackie is staring at Valygar because of what's about to occur and the darn bird has made up his mind about the ranger. Not saying what though. :P

Always protective, but that's just her nature

She wouldn't be Jae if she wasn't.

:lol: Take that, jaheira.

She's more like a mother bear.

But she is a damsel in distress. that's how i see her anyway. :D


The irony. :D


He's not so blind as he seems. :D

I think he's very astute.

Not many people liked coran. Not even safana.

Yeah, and his reaction to the child he sired in Baldur's Gate really makes him dislikable.

A very nice description of fond memories.

Thanks. I think no matter what Jaheira would misss Khalid.

they should have been wise enough to open only one door at a time

Unfortunately the two wisest people in the room had paired up...

When they are safe again jaheira is gonna' give them a lecture.

Bet the elementals are easier to deal with than Jaheira. :P

Good story


#11 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 09:24 PM

I couldn't help myself. If you haven't downloaded the NPC flirt packs, I suggest you do so. You can 'flirt' with all the romancable characters, up to and including Jaheira. Those flirst are very entertaining and best of all, you can initiate them too. :)

Oh, I have those and they are fun... most of all I like that they give Jaheira a very sweet and deserved epilogue, instead of the Bio 'official' stinky one.

I have the latest Fllirt pack and I'm having fun running through the Anomen romance again. :) Of course I also picked up Kelsey so there's a great fight going over my PC. :P

#12 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 09:25 PM

I don't have time to do a long comment just now...but I just wanted to say that this was a great chapter and I am really pleased that you have decided to continue writing this. I love this story and I would have been sad if you had stopped writing it. :)


Thanks. :) I took someone's advice to continue writing even if I felt like caca over it. :P

#13 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 06 July 2003 - 09:27 PM

i was wondering, what was the first quiz that Blades appeared on? i dont want to start without more background than the part poated in the novels section.

Oh darn, I clean forgot. :) I haven't updated the novel section as it's only on chapter 12 and I've just posted chapter 76. Oops...

If the feature comes through where the authors can update their novels themselves, I'd jump at the chance to do it.

#14 Guest_Likpok_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 12:34 AM

Oh darn, I clean forgot. I haven't updated the novel section as it's only on chapter 12 and I've just posted chapter 76. Oops...

If the feature comes through where the authors can update their novels themselves, I'd jump at the chance to do it.

Darn, ill see if i missed a page display (again) on the search function and/or just go trough Blades withdrawel. BTW, gtreat job on the first twelve

#15 Weyoun

Posted 07 July 2003 - 11:01 PM

Yes, I've gone and wrote another episode after following a freind's advice to continue with it even if I'm weary over it. I like writing so I'm not going to stop and I've even begun work on an original novel of mine. :D Any comments, critiques would be welcome, especially since I'm the world's worst editor. :P

Yay! Great to have you back here!

"Patience my good man, you look ready to tear those doors apart yourself," Keldorn told him as he looked at the center of the room with interest.

Hey, it would give his friends something to watch. :shock:

"No, curse the maker of this place!" Yoshimo exclaimed. "These doors are sealed by something strong, probably magic."

"I should have known magic would be the cause," Valygar said darkly.

There he goes being very depressing again. :x

The actor lifted his head and seemed like he was about to say something in response, but he held his tongue. Viconia had no such qualms about giving her opinion. "A case of poor judgment, but what can you expect from a mere surfacer, and a male at that?"

"I need not hear what you say, for your notice is far beneath me," Anomen snapped.

"Hmm, you say you do not see me, yet I see your eyes fall upon me when you think I don't see. Like the soft curves of female flesh more than you care to admit? Or have you even tasted the delights a willing female can provide?"

Anomen will lose this battle. :(

"Foul creature, keep your impure thoughts to yourself," the knight snarled, suddenly aware that the woman had him trapped and nothing he could say would get him out of the verbal mess.

LOL! Poor Ano. He's so predictable. :)

The dark elf grinned mercilessly and for a second the half elf thought she wouldn't listen. Thankfully, Viconia kept what she was about to say to herself. "You want useful, I shall give you useful, abbil. Look on the floor and tell me what you see."

"What has that got to do…?" Nalia began though everyone ignored her.

Andaire did as Viconia suggested and stared at the floor. The room was tiled of course, though the maker of the sphere had chosen a dark triangular tile instead of the more popular square ones. It shone with a dull luster and the half elf thought it was rather pretty. Then she saw how the tiles had been carefully arranged so that they pointed more or less towards the center of the room. The pattern was only broken in about four places where four distinct runes had been inset in the floor in a translucent white stone.

Good eye. :D

Finally everyone reached their destination and Yoshimo inspected the door briefly before he announced that it was safe and unlocked. He grinned at Jaheira and announced, "Ladies first, 'o beauteous creature of the forest."

The druid glared at him, a tactic she found usually worked wonders. She didn't understand why people were intimidated by a mere look, but intimidated they were. However it had only a moderate effect on the Kara-Turan before her. She remarked, "You speak with a slippery tongue. Take care that tongue does not lead you into trouble."

Laska : The usual effect Jaheira's glare has on me is my fist connecting with her nose and producing blood and cracky noises. *grins* :D

"Khalid, how can you say that?" Jaheira cried, aghast, not knowing that Dynaheir was stirring in her sleep because of the discussion. "Enough gloomy talk, let's try to find out where the Iron Throne is hiding in these woods."

"Promise me!" Khalid insisted. "Also, don't morn me forever, I don't want you to spend the rest of your life alone should it come to p-pass. I love you t-too much to see you su-suffer."

Remarkble forsight. :D

At the same moment Nalia and Yoshimo opened the door to their room and stepped back from the heat that came blasting out of there. In this room there was also a piece of strange machinery that gave off waves of warmth. Huddled around that contraption was an efreet, a fire elemental and quite a few fire mephitis. The creatures didn't appreciate their sanctuary being violated so suddenly and they came roaring and running after the people responsible.

"Run you fools, run to the stairs!" Jaheira barked as she followed her own advice. No one else needed further prompting and they too ran for the dubious safety of the stairs with an assortment of creatures behind them.

Great stuff,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#16 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 08 July 2003 - 02:32 AM

[size=12]Yes, I've gone and wrote another episode after following a freind's advice to continue with it even if I'm weary over it. I like writing so I'm not going to stop and I've even begun work on an original novel of mine. :twisted: Any comments, critiques would be welcome, especially since I'm the world's worst editor. :twisted:

Yippee! Glad to see Andaire back! I've had a rotten time carving out commenting time, but I wanted to let you know I'm still reading and enjoying!

#17 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 13 July 2003 - 01:03 AM

Yay! Great to have you back here!


Hey, it would give his friends something to watch. ;)

Heh, they can place bets on the outcome too. :P

There he goes being very depressing again. :P

Yes, he's not going to be happy for a while yet.

Anomen will lose this battle. :)

Always. :P

LOL! Poor Ano. He's so predictable. :)

Heh, heh, yep. :P

Good eye. :)

She's sharp, if she remembers to look.

Laska : The usual effect Jaheira's glare has on me is my fist connecting with her nose and producing blood and cracky noises. *grins* :D

Heh, imagine Laska let loose in the Senate? :lol:

Remarkble forsight. :(

Very. He cared for Jaheira very deeply.

Great stuff,

Thanks. :P

#18 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 13 July 2003 - 01:04 AM

Yippee! Glad to see Andaire back! I've had a rotten time carving out commenting time, but I wanted to let you know I'm still reading and enjoying!

Thanks for commenting. :lol: I'm trying to squeeze out more commenting time myself.

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