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In The Cards 96

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#1 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 04:01 AM

In The Cards 96 - At The Gate

Being a bit of a jack-of-all-trades I've learnt the importance of listening to experts. If the resident thief thinks there's something funny about the wall on the other side of the next doorway it's not a good idea to boldly march through. Similarly, I don't try to replace healer, wizard or warrior. I prefer to think of myself as a coordinator. Or an Omnipresent Authority Figure. Whichever makes you do what I tell you to when I do decide to put my foot down.

Excerpt from 'Ruminations Of A Master Bard'

"Wh-what was th-that?!" Khalid exclaimed. The creature that had flown over the adventurers was large, with a long barbed tail, and a head that seemed mostly made up of sharp teeth. It was carrying a cow in its claws, as easily as if the poor animal had been a kitten.

"That", Edwin said, craning his neck backwards, "was a wyvern, unless I'm very much mistaken. Smaller than a dragon, no hind legs, very poisonous. Could probably swallow you whole. Do I need to go on?"

"Coran wanted us to hunt those things?" Imoen said. "He must have been crazy. Rini, you aren't thinking of going after it, are you?"

The bard shook her head. "That was Coran's idea, not mine. We have more important things to do."

"Quite so", Jaheira said approvingly. "The Cloakwood mines await."

"Pity though", Edwin sighed. "There was supposed to be a reward for wyvern heads."

"Do you want to drag around a huge, smelly old wyvern head with you for several days?" Rini asked him. "You would get to be the one to carry it, you know."

"On second thought, maybe not", the Red Wizard agreed. "On a different subject, how did your Reading go yesterday? You never said."

Zaerini frowned. "I'm not sure", she admitted. "The tricky part is always interpreting what I see." She pulled the wizard slightly aside from the others. "I would like to go over it with you, if you don't mind. You might be able to help me make some sense of it all. Two heads are better than one sometimes."

"Certainly. It is only natural that you should ask. Though I'm not trained in divination, I shall be pleased to place my superior intellect at your disposal."

"That's nice. All right, here's the first." The bard described the first pair of cards, the Priest of Clubs and the Prisoner. "So what do you think?"

Edwin shrugged. "It's all very vague, isn't it?" he said. "Somebody is imprisoned, and we are likely to encounter a priest at some point. From your description it sounds like it would be beneficial to aid whoever it is, but since we don't know when it will happen we can only keep our eyes open." He gave the half-elf a serious look. "The other half is much more unsettling, the part about the Devil. Sarevok was bad enough, but obviously he is not the only one who means you harm. And you have no idea who this other one might be?"

"None whatsoever. I don't exactly like it either, but I don't think that there anything I can do other than try to be careful." She went on to describe the Water card.

"It sounds like some sort of catastrophe", Edwin pondered. "A flood perhaps? Or a shipwreck? Does that make any sense?"

"Not really. Candlekeep lies by the sea, there have been shipwrecks there, but nothing that I can see concerns me. Besides, it sounded more like I was the one meant to bring the water, if you see what I mean. I think you're right though. It did give me the impression of a flood. I'll have to remember that." The half-elf went on to describe the second part of the Reading, the one with the Wizard of Swords and the Rogue. To her surprise Edwin turned quite white in the face and looked like he had seen a ghost. He recovered quickly, but he couldn't keep her from noticing. When he spoke again he asked her to describe exactly what the two beings had said, word for word, and when she couldn't quite remember everything he grew very frustrated and agitated.

"But I must know!" he protested. "It is extremely important if I am to understand this. It…it all sounds terribly dangerous. (What's going on? Why wasn't I told? Suppose…no. Mustn't think like that. Must have faith.)"

"Well, I'm sorry, but I can't do better than that! So, what's your opinion?"

Edwin bit his lip and when he answered he did so very slowly. "I…I would advise you to be very careful and do your best to avoid those two, whoever they are. Not that I expect you to listen to me and try to avoid heading into danger. (No more than certain other people, I might add. Why does this all have to happen to me?)"

What's eating him? Rini thought. The wizard looked extremely worried, but he would say nothing more on the subject, so she went on to describe the third and last part of the Reading. "I think I know what it means", she said in a low voice. "Ever hear of Durlag's Tower?"

Edwin nodded, looking a little calmer. "Yes", he said. "And I agree, it sounds like a reasonable interpretation. You expect us to go there, then?"

"So it seems. I don't know when, but the Reading was pretty clear. If I don't go to Durlag's Tower I will die." She gave the wizard a wry grin. "Of course, going to Durlag's Tower is equally likely to kill me, isn't it?"

"It will not", Edwin said, his face set with grim resolution. "I will not let it. I will let no harm come to you. (Not to…either of you. No matter what I have to do to achieve it.)"

"What was that?" Rini said, since she hadn't caught the last part, uttered in an inaudible whisper as it was.

"Nothing. I…simply stated that under my…contract to serve you I am obliged to do what I can to protect your interests. That was all. Yes. That's all it was."

"Oh. Thank you. I have a feeling I'm going to need all the help I can get. After all, there's still Sarevok to deal with…" The bard suddenly shaded her golden eyes with her hand. "Look! See that? Doesn't it look like a palisade? Over there, on the other side of that river." She smiled widely. "Durlag's Tower will just have to wait a little while longer. It looks like we've come across the Cloakwood Mines."

The entrance to the mines as well as the camp surrounding it was surrounded not only by the river but by a large palisade with very pointy wooden poles. Climbing over it didn't really seem to be an option.

"I'm sure I could do it!" Imoen said. "It's a very daring and roguish thing to do, isn't it? Swim the river, climb the palisade, then sneak silently past all the guards and let the rest of you guys in."

"Forget it", Jaheira said. "It is much too dangerous."

"And breaking down the front gate isn't? Come on, I can do it, really I can. I've become really good at this sort of thing. Tell her Rini!"

"I don't know", the bard said, eyeing the palisade suspiciously. "Won't they see you when you're climbing?"

Imoen grinned. "Not if I'm using a potion of invisibility, they won't. Trust me. I can do this."

"Well…all right. If you're really sure you can do it. And if it turns out to be too difficult a climb, come right back. I don't want you to get skewered."

"Sure!" Imoen said. "Won't be long…" She handed her leather armor and boots to Jaheira in order to be able to swim easier and skipped down towards the water, winking out of sight just before stepping into it.

Rini watched the water carefully, keeping track of the little waves that marked her friend's passage until she was certain Imoen was safely across. "Come on then", she said. "We'd better hurry around to the front gate, just in case something goes wrong."

There were two bandits on the narrow wooden bridge leading across the river, both of them easily handled. The adventurers looked at the massive wooden gate in front of them. It was thick, solid and very, very locked.

"J-just a question", Khalid said. "I-in case Imoen doesn't get the d-door open from inside…how a-are we supposed to get i-inside to help her?"

Zaerini couldn't help but admit that it was a reasonable question. None of them could pick a lock like Imoen could, and none of them were strong enough to bash this monster of a door open. "Well…I'm sure we'll think of something", she said.

"Yes", Edwin said sarcastically. "Maybe we can just call out 'Friends!' and the guards will open the door for us."

"Maybe we can just use your head to knock the door open. Wood on wood, that ought to work."

Creeeaaaak… The door slowly swung open and Imoen's pink head peaked around it. "Oh, hi there, guys!" she said. "Are you coming in or what?" As they stepped through the door Zaerini spotted a dead bandit lying facedown on the ground. "Yours?" she asked her friend.

Imoen looked a little sad for a moment. "Yeah", she said. "See, I'd filched the keys already, but the door was barred and he was guarding it and wouldn't go away. Wish I hadn't had to do that." Her face brightened again. "But on the other hand I got to use this really nifty new move I learnt from Adahn!" She made a quick stab at the air. "See? Works like magic! I don't think he even had time to feel pain."

"Child", Jaheira said, "you are starting to frighten me."

"Oh, come on", Rini said. "It's no worse than killing somebody in a swordfight, or frying them with a fireball, or…"

"Or ripping their bellies open and strangling them with their own guts", said a harsh voice. "Which, incidentally, is exactly what we're about to do with you lot." A group of four mercenaries, two warriors and two wizards, stepped out from behind one of the log cabins that lay just inside the palisade. It was one of the warriors who had spoken, a heavyset man with a hard face. "You've crossed our employers and this is as far as you're going to go my friend. Should've known that lazy bounty hunting rabble wouldn't get the job done. Never settle for second best, I always say!"

Oh, just great! Even more assassins! Will it never end? "You want to know what I always say?", Rini remarked in her most bored voice. "'Always kill the mouthy one', that's what I always say."

The man grinned at her, a gold tooth winking brightly in the sunshine. "HAW! A good saying! I will use your head for a puppet and make it say it over and over while we drink large amounts of mead! Life is pretty good, you know?"

We'll see who uses whose head for a puppet, jerk. Zaerini didn't wait for the mercenary to give the order to attack. A brilliantly glowing fireball sped from her outstretched fingers and landed in the middle of the enemy group, followed by one from Edwin. The two enemy mages died screaming, their bodies twisted and charred. Whatever spell scrolls they had been carrying burned as well, sending up puffs of colored smoke and glittering sparks. The two warriors kept coming though, and the leader was fast, much faster than an ordinary man. Before Rini had the time to cast another spell or even draw her sword he was already upon her, and only her quick reflexes saved her from a beheading. As it was she received a nasty cut across her shoulder and was forced to dive to the ground in order to avoid the follow up strike, bleeding profusely.

Then Khalid and Jaheira were there, standing over her while the preternaturally quick warrior rained blows down upon them that they only barely managed to block with their shields. Vaguely Rini glimpsed the other one fall out of the corner of her eye, one of Imoen's arrows firmly lodged in his throat. She could hear Edwin chant another spell, his voice rising and falling rhythmically. Hey, I know that one! That's…

The world slowed down around her. A bird in the sky seemed to be creeping along like a snail. The trees moved in the wind, slowly, like seaweed in an oceanic forest. And Khalid and Jaheira met the mercenary's attacks, driving him back with a speed that now easily matched and even topped his own. Finally he fell, still with a very surprised look on his face.

"That w-was a spell of H-Haste, wasn't i-it?" Zaerini heard Khalid say over Jaheira's annoyed mutterings as the druid examined her wound. "V-very clever."

"Naturally", Edwin impatiently said. He was hovering nervously over Jaheira's shoulder, trying to watch what she was doing. "I am the brain of this group after all. (Well, one of two at least.) Druid, I trust you're not going to botch this. I would be most upset if our leader came out of this in less than perfect condition."

"Go away, Edwin", Jaheira snapped. "You are bothering me. Just let me do my work in peace. Stop fussing."

"I'm not! I…I just don't want to see our resident Queen needlessly sacrificed because some pawn of a healer blundered. A perfectly natural, objective concern. Yes. Perfectly natural. And objective."

"Edwin, I am warning you…"

"No. I'm staying right here."

"That does it", Jaheira said. Her smile turned wicked. "I suggest you step aside right this moment. If I am to heal this wound properly and without scarring I will need to access it fully so I can see what I am doing. Which means that I shall be forced to ask our Fearless Leader to partially undress. I think you can guess which parts."

Edwin's eyes seemed about to pop out of his face and his cheeks turned bright red. "Uuuh…", he said. "I…that is…I m-mean…I…"

"Exactly. Very well put. Khalid, would you please get him out of here?" The half-elven warrior gently led Edwin away by the arm. The wizard still seemed to have problems speaking properly. And breathing, for that matter.

"Did you really have to get me to strip?" Rini asked once she felt the first healing spell wash over her like warm rain. "The air is rather cold you know."

Jaheira's wink was almost imperceptible. "Perhaps", she said. "Perhaps not. Either way it worked. It got me the necessary peace and quiet at least. She chuckled to herself. "Objective concern indeed."

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#2 Darkwolf Shadowwalker

Posted 13 May 2002 - 04:30 AM

> In The Cards 96 - At The Gate Being a bit of a jack-of-all-trades I've

> learnt the importance of listening to experts. If the resident thief

> thinks there's something funny about the wall on the other side of the

> next doorway it's not a good idea to boldly march through. Similarly, I

> don't try to replace healer, wizard or warrior. I prefer to think of

> myself as a coordinator. Or an Omnipresent Authority Figure. Whichever

> makes you do what I tell you to when I do decide to put my foot down.

Vantrel: *whistles* Couldn't have put it better myself.

> Excerpt from 'Ruminations Of A Master Bard' "Wh-what was th-that

> ?!" Khalid exclaimed. The creature that had flown over the

> adventurers was large, with a long barbed tail, and a head that seemed

> mostly made up of sharp teeth. It was carrying a cow in its claws, as

> easily as if the poor animal had been a kitten.


Always have loved those things. Used to be my callsign back when I played games like Mechwarrior and Tachyon.

> "That", Edwin said, craning his neck backwards, "was a

> wyvern, unless I'm very much mistaken. Smaller than a dragon, no hind

> legs, very poisonous. Could probably swallow you whole. Do I need to go

> on?"

Good description, but its no forelegs, not hindlegs :) If it didn't have hind legs it couldn't stand.

> "Do you want to drag around a huge, smelly old wyvern head with you

> for several days?" Rini asked him. "You would get to be the

> one to carry it, you know."

That was always my objection to bounty hunting in general in games. Why in the name of the gods do you want to carry around a decaying piece of *something* just to get a few gold?

> "It will not", Edwin said, his face set with grim resolution.

> "I will not let it. I will let no harm come to you. (Not to…either of

> you. No matter what I have to do to achieve it.)"

=/ Poor Eddie.

> "I'm sure I could do it!" Imoen said. "It's a very daring

> and roguish thing to do, isn't it? Swim the river, climb the palisade,

> then sneak silently past all the guards and let the rest of you guys

> in."

oy vay, thats a good way to get caught and used as a hostage.

> "J-just a question", Khalid said. "I-in case Imoen doesn't

> get the d-door open from inside…how a-are we supposed to get i-inside to

> help her?"

Smart man.

> Imoen looked a little sad for a moment. "Yeah", she said.

> "See, I'd filched the keys already, but the door was barred and he

> was guarding it and wouldn't go away. Wish I hadn't had to do that."

> Her face brightened again. "But on the other hand I got to use this

> really nifty new move I learnt from Adahn!" She made a quick stab at

> the air. "See? Works like magic! I don't think he even had time to

> feel pain."

I like how you contrast Imoen's cheerful attitude with how she has to kill in the course of being an adventurer.

> "Child", Jaheira said, "you are starting to frighten

> me."

squirrel with a sugar high and a death wish!

> Oh, just great ! Even more assassins! Will it never end? "You

> want to know what I always say?", Rini remarked in her most bored

> voice. "'Always kill the mouthy one', that's what I always

> say."

Vantrel: Smart saying. The mouthy ones tend to be the leaders, anyways.

> "I'm not! I…I just don't want to see our resident Queen needlessly

> sacrificed because some pawn of a healer blundered. A perfectly natural,

> objective concern. Yes. Perfectly natural. And objective."

*snort* Denial boy, denial.

Vantrel: Trust me on this one, Edwin. Just give it up, its useless. The gods know I tried but in the end you'll always fail.

> "That does it", Jaheira said. Her smile turned wicked. "I

> suggest you step aside right this moment. If I am to heal this wound

> properly and without scarring I will need to access it fully so I can see

> what I am doing. Which means that I shall be forced to ask our Fearless

> Leader to partially undress. I think you can guess which parts."

> Edwin's eyes seemed about to pop out of his face and his cheeks turned

> bright red. "Uuuh…", he said. "I…that is…I m-mean…I…"


> "Did you really have to get me to strip?" Rini asked once she

> felt the first healing spell wash over her like warm rain. "The air

> is rather cold you know."

> Jaheira's wink was almost imperceptible. "Perhaps", she said.

> "Perhaps not. Either way it worked. It got me the necessary peace and

> quiet at least. She chuckled to herself. "Objective concern

> indeed."

Oooh evil ;) Great story, sorry I haven't commented on the others, but I still enjoyed them!


#3 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 04:36 AM

> Vantrel: *whistles* Couldn't have put it better myself.

Rini: Thank you, brother. ;)

> > Good description, but its no forelegs, not hindlegs :) If it didn't have

> hind legs it couldn't stand.

Darn. My mistake. I'll change it before reposting, thanks for pointing it out.

> That was always my objection to bounty hunting in general in games. Why in

> the name of the gods do you want to carry around a decaying piece of

> *something* just to get a few gold?

The PC does get to carry around quite a few disgusting items over the course of these games. Neb's head, Yoshimo's and Bodhi's hearts spring to mind. But in the case of the hearts they at least had proper motivation.

> =/ Poor Eddie.

Yes...he's in for some rough times I'm afraid. :)

> > I like how you contrast Imoen's cheerful attitude with how she has to kill

> in the course of being an adventurer.

Thanks! :) I figure she'd be realistic enough to do her part for the party, not just simper about feeling sorry for the poor, innocent enemies.

> *snort* Denial boy, denial.

> Vantrel: Trust me on this one, Edwin. Just give it up, its useless. The

> gods know I tried but in the end you'll always fail.

Oh he will. He will. :)

> LOL!

> Oooh evil :D Great story, sorry I haven't commented on the others, but I

> still enjoyed them!

> Moooore!

Thanks very much, I'm glad you liked it! :D

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#4 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 13 May 2002 - 05:03 AM

> Excerpt from 'Ruminations Of A Master Bard' "Wh-what was th-that

> ?!" Khalid exclaimed. The creature that had flown over the

> adventurers was large, with a long barbed tail, and a head that seemed

> mostly made up of sharp teeth. It was carrying a cow in its claws, as

> easily as if the poor animal had been a kitten.

Better not get the thing angry then. Boy, did the wyverns ever kick my butt! :)

> Edwin shrugged. "It's all very vague, isn't it?" he said.

> "Somebody is imprisoned, and we are likely to encounter a priest at

> some point. From your description it sounds like it would be beneficial to

> aid whoever it is, but since we don't know when it will happen we can

> only keep our eyes open." He gave the half-elf a serious look.

> "The other half is much more unsettling, the part about the Devil.

> Sarevok was bad enough, but obviously he is not the only one who means you

> harm. And you have no idea who this other one might be?"

Um, could it be the Demon knight at the bottom of the tower?

> "But I must know!" he protested. "It is extremely

> important if I am to understand this. It…it all sounds terribly dangerous.

> (What's going on ? Why wasn't I told ? Suppose…no. Mustn't think like

> that. Must have faith.)"

Aww, Eddie's conflicted. :D

> "Well, I'm sorry, but I can't do better than that! So, what's your

> opinion?"

> Edwin bit his lip and when he answered he did so very slowly. "I…I

> would advise you to be very careful and do your best to avoid those two,

> whoever they are. Not that I expect you to listen to me and try to avoid

> heading into danger. (No more than certain other people, I might add.

> Why does this all have to happen to me?)"


> "It will not", Edwin said, his face set with grim resolution.

> "I will not let it. I will let no harm come to you. (Not to…either of

> you. No matter what I have to do to achieve it.)"

It's going to be so awful when Eddie leaves. :)

> "I'm sure I could do it!" Imoen said. "It's a very daring

> and roguish thing to do, isn't it? Swim the river, climb the palisade,

> then sneak silently past all the guards and let the rest of you guys

> in."

> "Forget it", Jaheira said. "It is much too dangerous."

> "And breaking down the front gate isn't? Come on, I can do it, really

> I can. I've become really good at this sort of thing. Tell her Rini!"

Aw, let Immy have her way. ;)

> Zaerini couldn't help but admit that it was a reasonable question. None of

> them could pick a lock like Imoen could, and none of them were strong

> enough to bash this monster of a door open. "Well…I'm sure we'll

> think of something ", she said.

> "Yes", Edwin said sarcastically. "Maybe we can just call

> out 'Friends!' and the guards will open the door for us."

> "Maybe we can just use your head to knock the door open. Wood on

> wood, that ought to work."

*snerk* Good comeback rini. :)

> Creeeaaaak… The door slowly swung open and Imoen's pink head peaked

> around it. "Oh, hi there, guys!" she said. "Are you coming

> in or what?" As they stepped through the door Zaerini spotted a dead

> bandit lying facedown on the ground. "Yours?" she asked her

> friend.

> Imoen looked a little sad for a moment. "Yeah", she said.

> "See, I'd filched the keys already, but the door was barred and he

> was guarding it and wouldn't go away. Wish I hadn't had to do that."

> Her face brightened again. "But on the other hand I got to use this

> really nifty new move I learnt from Adahn!" She made a quick stab at

> the air. "See? Works like magic! I don't think he even had time to

> feel pain."

Immy's becomming a proper rogue. :)

> Oh, just great ! Even more assassins! Will it never end? "You

> want to know what I always say?", Rini remarked in her most bored

> voice. "'Always kill the mouthy one', that's what I always

> say."

heh, I always chose that dialog option too. :)

> "I'm not! I…I just don't want to see our resident Queen needlessly

> sacrificed because some pawn of a healer blundered. A perfectly natural,

> objective concern. Yes. Perfectly natural. And objective."

Hmm, still thinking about chess I see...

> "Edwin, I am warning you…"

> "No. I'm staying right here."

> "That does it", Jaheira said. Her smile turned wicked. "I

> suggest you step aside right this moment. If I am to heal this wound

> properly and without scarring I will need to access it fully so I can see

> what I am doing. Which means that I shall be forced to ask our Fearless

> Leader to partially undress. I think you can guess which parts."

> Edwin's eyes seemed about to pop out of his face and his cheeks turned

> bright red. "Uuuh…", he said. "I…that is…I m-mean…I…"

Aww, come on Eddie. We all know you want to look. :D

#5 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 05:07 AM

> Um, could it be the Demon knight at the bottom of the tower?

Not telling. :)

> Aww, Eddie's conflicted. :D

Yes, not to mention deeply worried about Dekkie.

> *sniff*

> It's going to be so awful when Eddie leaves. :)

It certainly will be. :( Fortunately it won't be for some time yet.

> Immy's becomming a proper rogue. ;)

Yes, very effective. :D

> heh, I always chose that dialog option too. :)

Likewise. :)

> Hmm, still thinking about chess I see...

One of his basic personality quirks.

> Aww, come on Eddie. We all know you want to look. :)

Oh, does he *ever*! But despite all his big talk I think he's actually quite shy in this case, since he's emotionally involved.

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#6 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 13 May 2002 - 09:00 AM

> In The Cards 96 - At The Gate Being a bit of a jack-of-all-trades I've

> learnt the importance of listening to experts. If the resident thief

> thinks there's something funny about the wall on the other side of the

> next doorway it's not a good idea to boldly march through. Similarly, I

> don't try to replace healer, wizard or warrior. I prefer to think of

> myself as a coordinator. Or an Omnipresent Authority Figure. Whichever

> makes you do what I tell you to when I do decide to put my foot down.

Omnipresent Authority Figure. That line of Jaheira's is cool - especially in that accent of hers.

> Excerpt from 'Ruminations Of A Master Bard' "Wh-what was th-that

> ?!" Khalid exclaimed. The creature that had flown over the

> adventurers was large, with a long barbed tail, and a head that seemed

> mostly made up of sharp teeth. It was carrying a cow in its claws, as

> easily as if the poor animal had been a kitten.

Ahh, is this a reworking of the Cloakwood wyvern movie?

> "That", Edwin said, craning his neck backwards, "was a

> wyvern, unless I'm very much mistaken. Smaller than a dragon, no hind

> legs, very poisonous. Could probably swallow you whole. Do I need to go

> on?"

> "Coran wanted us to hunt those things?" Imoen said. "He

> must have been crazy. Rini, you aren't thinking of going after it, are

> you?"

> The bard shook her head. "That was Coran's idea, not mine. We have

> more important things to do."

> "Quite so", Jaheira said approvingly. "The Cloakwood mines

> await."

> "Pity though", Edwin sighed. "There was supposed to be a

> reward for wyvern heads."

> "Do you want to drag around a huge, smelly old wyvern head with you

> for several days?" Rini asked him. "You would get to be the

> one to carry it, you know."

> "On second thought, maybe not", the Red Wizard agreed.


> "On

> a different subject, how did your Reading go yesterday? You never

> said."

> Zaerini frowned. "I'm not sure", she admitted. "The tricky

> part is always interpreting what I see." She pulled the wizard

> slightly aside from the others. "I would like to go over it with you,

> if you don't mind. You might be able to help me make some sense of it all.

> Two heads are better than one sometimes."

> "Certainly. It is only natural that you should ask. Though I'm not

> trained in divination, I shall be pleased to place my superior intellect

> at your disposal."

*rolls eyes* Eddie being Eddie!

> "That's nice. All right, here's the first." The bard described

> the first pair of cards, the Priest of Clubs and the Prisoner. "So

> what do you think?"

> Edwin shrugged. "It's all very vague, isn't it?" he said.

> "Somebody is imprisoned, and we are likely to encounter a priest at

> some point. From your description it sounds like it would be beneficial to

> aid whoever it is, but since we don't know when it will happen we can

> only keep our eyes open." He gave the half-elf a serious look.

> "The other half is much more unsettling, the part about the Devil.

> Sarevok was bad enough, but obviously he is not the only one who means you

> harm. And you have no idea who this other one might be?"

I've been wondering about that one myself.

> "None whatsoever. I don't exactly like it either, but I don't think

> that there anything I can do other than try to be careful." She went

> on to describe the Water card.

> "It sounds like some sort of catastrophe", Edwin pondered.

> "A flood perhaps? Or a shipwreck? Does that make any sense?"

> "Not really. Candlekeep lies by the sea, there have been shipwrecks

> there, but nothing that I can see concerns me. Besides, it sounded more

> like I was the one meant to bring the water, if you see what I mean. I

> think you're right though. It did give me the impression of a flood.

> I'll have to remember that."

Yes do. It's coming up real soon!

> The half-elf went on to describe the

> second part of the Reading, the one with the Wizard of Swords and the

> Rogue. To her surprise Edwin turned quite white in the face and looked

> like he had seen a ghost.

You could say that!

> He recovered quickly, but he couldn't keep her

> from noticing. When he spoke again he asked her to describe exactly what

> the two beings had said, word for word, and when she couldn't quite

> remember everything he grew very frustrated and agitated.

> "But I must know!" he protested. "It is extremely

> important if I am to understand this. It…it all sounds terribly dangerous.

> (What's going on ? Why wasn't I told ? Suppose…no. Mustn't think like

> that. Must have faith.)"

You weren't told because you'd just worry & probably try to interfere.

> "Well, I'm sorry, but I can't do better than that! So, what's your

> opinion?"

> Edwin bit his lip and when he answered he did so very slowly. "I…I

> would advise you to be very careful and do your best to avoid those two,

> whoever they are. Not that I expect you to listen to me and try to avoid

> heading into danger. (No more than certain other people, I might add.

> Why does this all have to happen to me?)"

Admittedly that's good advice, neither Dekkie or Winski are people to fool with.

> What's eating him ? Rini thought. The wizard looked extremely worried,

> but he would say nothing more on the subject, so she went on to describe

> the third and last part of the Reading. "I think I know what it

> means", she said in a low voice. "Ever hear of Durlag's

> Tower?"

> Edwin nodded, looking a little calmer. "Yes", he said. "And

> I agree, it sounds like a reasonable interpretation. You expect us to go

> there, then?"

> "So it seems. I don't know when, but the Reading was pretty clear. If

> I don't go to Durlag's Tower I will die." She gave the wizard a wry

> grin. "Of course, going to Durlag's Tower is equally likely to kill

> me, isn't it?"

Hmm! She will die if she doesn't go to Durlag's Tower? From the detail of the vision I get the impression Sarevok will be out to kill her & she'll avoid it by hiding in Durlag's Tower. Of course the Tower has it's own dangers too.

> "It will not", Edwin said, his face set with grim resolution.

> "I will not let it. I will let no harm come to you. (Not to…either of

> you. No matter what I have to do to achieve it.)"

Methinks Eddie would be reminded of that panther & wolf dream at this point.

> "What was that?" Rini said, since she hadn't caught the last

> part, uttered in an inaudible whisper as it was.

Ahhh, so that's how those (bracketed) comments come over!

> "Nothing. I…simply stated that under my…contract to serve you I am

> obliged to do what I can to protect your interests. That was all. Yes.

> That's all it was."

Why do I get the feeling that these [hurried] explainations of his would still leave questions in Rini's mind?

> "Oh. Thank you. I have a feeling I'm going to need all the help I can

> get. After all, there's still Sarevok to deal with…" The bard

> suddenly shaded her golden eyes with her hand. "Look! See that?

> Doesn't it look like a palisade? Over there, on the other side of that

> river." She smiled widely. "Durlag's Tower will just have to

> wait a little while longer. It looks like we've come across the Cloakwood

> Mines."

> The entrance to the mines as well as the camp surrounding it was

> surrounded not only by the river but by a large palisade with very pointy

> wooden poles. Climbing over it didn't really seem to be an option.

> "I'm sure I could do it!" Imoen said. "It's a very daring

> and roguish thing to do, isn't it? Swim the river, climb the palisade,

> then sneak silently past all the guards and let the rest of you guys

> in."

Heh! She loves all this daring stuff doesn't she?

> "Forget it", Jaheira said. "It is much too dangerous."

> "And breaking down the front gate isn't? Come on, I can do it, really

> I can. I've become really good at this sort of thing. Tell her Rini!"

> "I don't know", the bard said, eyeing the palisade suspiciously.

> "Won't they see you when you're climbing?"

> Imoen grinned. "Not if I'm using a potion of invisibility, they

> won't. Trust me. I can do this."

> "Well…all right. If you're really sure you can do it. And if it

> turns out to be too difficult a climb, come right back. I don't want you

> to get skewered."

> "Sure!" Imoen said. "Won't be long…" She handed her

> leather armor and boots to Jaheira in order to be able to swim easier and

> skipped down towards the water, winking out of sight just before stepping

> into it.

> Rini watched the water carefully, keeping track of the little waves that

> marked her friend's passage until she was certain Imoen was safely across.

> "Come on then", she said. "We'd better hurry around to the

> front gate, just in case something goes wrong."

> There were two bandits on the narrow wooden bridge leading across the

> river, both of them easily handled. The adventurers looked at the massive

> wooden gate in front of them. It was thick, solid and very, very locked.

> "J-just a question", Khalid said. "I-in case Imoen doesn't

> get the d-door open from inside…how a-are we supposed to get i-inside to

> help her?"

> Zaerini couldn't help but admit that it was a reasonable question. None of

> them could pick a lock like Imoen could, and none of them were strong

> enough to bash this monster of a door open. "Well…I'm sure we'll

> think of something ", she said.

> "Yes", Edwin said sarcastically. "Maybe we can just call

> out 'Friends!' and the guards will open the door for us."

> "Maybe we can just use your head to knock the door open. Wood on

> wood, that ought to work."

> Creeeaaaak… The door slowly swung open and Imoen's pink head peaked

> around it. "Oh, hi there, guys!" she said. "Are you coming

> in or what?" As they stepped through the door Zaerini spotted a dead

> bandit lying facedown on the ground. "Yours?" she asked her

> friend.

> Imoen looked a little sad for a moment. "Yeah", she said.

> "See, I'd filched the keys already, but the door was barred and he

> was guarding it and wouldn't go away. Wish I hadn't had to do that."

> Her face brightened again. "But on the other hand I got to use this

> really nifty new move I learnt from Adahn!" She made a quick stab at

> the air. "See? Works like magic! I don't think he even had time to

> feel pain."

Eep. At least she's learning from an expert.

> "Child", Jaheira said, "you are starting to frighten

> me."

> "Oh, come on", Rini said. "It's no worse than killing

> somebody in a swordfight, or frying them with a fireball, or…"

> "Or ripping their bellies open and strangling them with their own

> guts", said a harsh voice. "Which, incidentally, is exactly what

> we're about to do with you lot." A group of four mercenaries, two

> warriors and two wizards, stepped out from behind one of the log cabins

> that lay just inside the palisade. It was one of the warriors who had

> spoken, a heavyset man with a hard face. "You've crossed our

> employers and this is as far as you're going to go my friend. Should've

> known that lazy bounty hunting rabble wouldn't get the job done. Never

> settle for second best, I always say!"

> Oh, just great ! Even more assassins! Will it never end? "You

> want to know what I always say?", Rini remarked in her most bored

> voice. "'Always kill the mouthy one', that's what I always

> say."

Good saying!

> The man grinned at her, a gold tooth winking brightly in the sunshine.

> "HAW! A good saying! I will use your head for a puppet and make it

> say it over and over while we drink large amounts of mead! Life is pretty

> good, you know?"

Another dweeb!

> We'll see who uses whose head for a puppet, jerk. Zaerini didn't wait

> for the mercenary to give the order to attack. A brilliantly glowing

> fireball sped from her outstretched fingers and landed in the middle of

> the enemy group, followed by one from Edwin. The two enemy mages died

> screaming, their bodies twisted and charred. Whatever spell scrolls they

> had been carrying burned as well, sending up puffs of colored smoke and

> glittering sparks. The two warriors kept coming though, and the leader was

> fast , much faster than an ordinary man. Before Rini had the time to cast

> another spell or even draw her sword he was already upon her, and only her

> quick reflexes saved her from a beheading. As it was she received a nasty

> cut across her shoulder and was forced to dive to the ground in order to

> avoid the follow up strike, bleeding profusely.


> Then Khalid and Jaheira were there, standing over her while the

> preternaturally quick warrior rained blows down upon them that they only

> barely managed to block with their shields. Vaguely Rini glimpsed the

> other one fall out of the corner of her eye, one of Imoen's arrows firmly

> lodged in his throat. She could hear Edwin chant another spell, his voice

> rising and falling rhythmically. Hey, I know that one! That's… The world

> slowed down around her. A bird in the sky seemed to be creeping along like

> a snail. The trees moved in the wind, slowly, like seaweed in an oceanic

> forest. And Khalid and Jaheira met the mercenary's attacks, driving him

> back with a speed that now easily matched and even topped his own. Finally

> he fell, still with a very surprised look on his face.

> "That w-was a spell of H-Haste, wasn't i-it?" Zaerini heard

> Khalid say over Jaheira's annoyed mutterings as the druid examined her

> wound. "V-very clever."

> "Naturally", Edwin impatiently said. He was hovering nervously

> over Jaheira's shoulder, trying to watch what she was doing. "I am

> the brain of this group after all. (Well, one of two at least.) Druid, I

> trust you're not going to botch this. I would be most upset if our leader

> came out of this in less than perfect condition."

Aww! He worries!

> "Go away , Edwin", Jaheira snapped. "You are bothering me.

> Just let me do my work in peace. Stop fussing."

> "I'm not! I…I just don't want to see our resident Queen needlessly

> sacrificed because some pawn of a healer blundered. A perfectly natural,

> objective concern. Yes. Perfectly natural. And objective."

Queen? How flattering of him!

> "Edwin, I am warning you…"

> "No. I'm staying right here."


> "That does it", Jaheira said. Her smile turned wicked. "I

> suggest you step aside right this moment. If I am to heal this wound

> properly and without scarring I will need to access it fully so I can see

> what I am doing. Which means that I shall be forced to ask our Fearless

> Leader to partially undress. I think you can guess which parts."

> Edwin's eyes seemed about to pop out of his face and his cheeks turned

> bright red. "Uuuh…", he said. "I…that is…I m-mean…I…"


> "Exactly. Very well put. Khalid, would you please get him out of

> here?" The half-elven warrior gently led Edwin away by the arm. The

> wizard still seemed to have problems speaking properly. And breathing, for

> that matter.

*Double snerk*

> "Did you really have to get me to strip?" Rini asked once she

> felt the first healing spell wash over her like warm rain. "The air

> is rather cold you know."

> Jaheira's wink was almost imperceptible. "Perhaps", she said.

> "Perhaps not. Either way it worked. It got me the necessary peace and

> quiet at least. She chuckled to herself. "Objective concern

> indeed."

Heheheheheh! Jah ain't blind!

Great story Laufey! Love to see the next one!

-Hyper. Planning what to do about Eddie herself.

#7 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 11:36 AM

> Ahh, is this a reworking of the Cloakwood wyvern movie?

Exactly. :)

> You weren't told because you'd just worry & probably try to interfere.

Yes, he probably would, poor boy. :)

> Hmm! She will die if she doesn't go to Durlag's Tower? From the detail of

> the vision I get the impression Sarevok will be out to kill her &

> she'll avoid it by hiding in Durlag's Tower. Of course the Tower has it's

> own dangers too.

Very well spotted. :D

> Methinks Eddie would be reminded of that panther & wolf dream at this

> point.

Oh, he is, though of course he doesn't mention it. We will see more of those dreams later...

> Heh! She loves all this daring stuff doesn't she?

Yes. :D

> Aww! He worries!

Yes, he really does. ;)

> Queen? How flattering of him!

He's promoted her from pawn to Queen by now. (Though of course he's *entirely* objective.) :)


> Heheheheheh! Jah ain't blind!

> Great story Laufey! Love to see the next one!

Coming soon! :)

> -Hyper. Planning what to do about Eddie herself.

Something nice, I hope. :)

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#8 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 13 May 2002 - 12:41 PM

> Something nice, I hope. :)

Yes, I wouldn't want to incure the wrath of the die hard fans of various NPCs.

Since Narri doesn't run into Eddie during the SoA events I decided she meets 'Edwina' after ToB during the preorations for her wedding. At least this time Eddie won't be treated yo Narri's fist (That day in Nashkel he picked the wrong time to try & get her to help kill Dynaheir - mayhap he would have had a better chance if he had met her before she met Minsc & he probably wouldn't have ended up in the river with a broken nose if he had spoken to her before she met Noober) & don't be concerned, I'm not leaving Eddie female.

#9 Guest_Lord E_*

Posted 13 May 2002 - 01:13 PM

> "Do you want to drag around a huge, smelly old wyvern head with you

> for several days?" Rini asked him. "You would get to be the

> one to carry it, you know."

LOL! A good point. The PC gets to carry all sorts of disgusting things, including an infant carrying Aerie's genes, in the course of the games...

> "Certainly. It is only natural that you should ask. Though I'm not

> trained in divination, I shall be pleased to place my superior intellect

> at your disposal."

Yes Edwin, it is very kind of you.

> "Somebody is imprisoned, and we are likely to encounter a priest at

> some point. From your description it sounds like it would be beneficial to

> aid whoever it is, but since we don't know when it will happen we can

> only keep our eyes open." He gave the half-elf a serious look.

Peri: "Yes, aid Yessie. I liked him, the goody-two-shoes as he is. There is just something about dwarven attitude that is very appealing to me. And I felt really sorry for him because of what Reiltar had done to him."

> "The other half is much more unsettling, the part about the Devil.

> Sarevok was bad enough, but obviously he is not the only one who means you

> harm. And you have no idea who this other one might be?"

I think I figured it! The first reference of chains of greed and friendship betrayed was to Reiltar and Yeslick's imprisonment.

Then: "Beware those who would forge such chains..." would be Irenicus aka the devil?

> "It will not", Edwin said, his face set with grim resolution.

> "I will not let it. I will let no harm come to you. (Not to…either of

> you. No matter what I have to do to achieve it.)"


> Imoen looked a little sad for a moment. "Yeah", she said.

> "See, I'd filched the keys already, but the door was barred and he

> was guarding it and wouldn't go away. Wish I hadn't had to do that."

> Her face brightened again. "But on the other hand I got to use this

> really nifty new move I learnt from Adahn!" She made a quick stab at

> the air. "See? Works like magic! I don't think he even had time to

> feel pain."

Wow, I'm impressed.

> Oh, just great ! Even more assassins! Will it never end? "You

> want to know what I always say?", Rini remarked in her most bored

> voice. "'Always kill the mouthy one', that's what I always

> say."

That is a good one.

> The man grinned at her, a gold tooth winking brightly in the sunshine.

> "HAW! A good saying! I will use your head for a puppet and make it

> say it over and over while we drink large amounts of mead! Life is pretty

> good, you know?"

At least he is funnier than most of them.

> "Go away , Edwin", Jaheira snapped. "You are bothering me.

> Just let me do my work in peace. Stop fussing."

> "I'm not! I…I just don't want to see our resident Queen needlessly

> sacrificed because some pawn of a healer blundered. A perfectly natural,

> objective concern. Yes. Perfectly natural. And objective."

Edwin is cute. :)

Makings of a monster

#10 Guest_Ophidia_*

Posted 13 May 2002 - 02:14 PM

> In The Cards 96 - At The Gate Being a bit of a jack-of-all-trades I've

> learnt the importance of listening to experts. If the resident thief

> thinks there's something funny about the wall on the other side of the

> next doorway it's not a good idea to boldly march through. Similarly, I

> don't try to replace healer, wizard or warrior. I prefer to think of

> myself as a coordinator. Or an Omnipresent Authority Figure. Whichever

> makes you do what I tell you to when I do decide to put my foot down.

LOL! A woman after my own heart...

> "Pity though", Edwin sighed. "There was supposed to be a

> reward for wyvern heads."

> "Do you want to drag around a huge, smelly old wyvern head with you

> for several days?" Rini asked him. "You would get to be the

> one to carry it, you know."

Hmm, good point here, and they'd only get smellier. Something has always bothered me about the idea of collecting bandit scalps in this game. What would stop a pack of adventurers finding an isolated settlement, killing everyone and nicking their scalps to present to officer Vai?

> "Certainly. It is only natural that you should ask. Though I'm not

> trained in divination, I shall be pleased to place my superior intellect

> at your disposal."

> "That's nice.

Love this answer :)

> All right, here's the first." The bard described

> the first pair of cards, the Priest of Clubs and the Prisoner. "So

> what do you think?"

> Edwin shrugged. "It's all very vague, isn't it?" he said.

> "Somebody is imprisoned, and we are likely to encounter a priest at

> some point. From your description it sounds like it would be beneficial to

> aid whoever it is, but since we don't know when it will happen we can

> only keep our eyes open." He gave the half-elf a serious look.

> "The other half is much more unsettling, the part about the Devil.

> Sarevok was bad enough, but obviously he is not the only one who means you

> harm. And you have no idea who this other one might be?"

Oooh, Miss! I know! (puts up hand)

> "It sounds like some sort of catastrophe", Edwin pondered.

> "A flood perhaps? Or a shipwreck? Does that make any sense?"

> The half-elf went on to describe the

> second part of the Reading, the one with the Wizard of Swords and the

> Rogue. To her surprise Edwin turned quite white in the face and looked

> like he had seen a ghost. He recovered quickly, but he couldn't keep her

> from noticing. When he spoke again he asked her to describe exactly what

> the two beings had said, word for word, and when she couldn't quite

> remember everything he grew very frustrated and agitated.

Hmm, Edwin obviously isn't as bad at Divination as he thinks...

> What's eating him ? Rini thought. The wizard looked extremely worried,

> but he would say nothing more on the subject, so she went on to describe

> the third and last part of the Reading. "I think I know what it

> means", she said in a low voice. "Ever hear of Durlag's

> Tower?"

> Edwin nodded, looking a little calmer. "Yes", he said. "And

> I agree, it sounds like a reasonable interpretation. You expect us to go

> there, then?"

Oh yes, Durlag's tower is a much safer subject to discuss, charming place.

> "It will not", Edwin said, his face set with grim resolution.

> "I will not let it. I will let no harm come to you. (Not to…either of

> you. No matter what I have to do to achieve it.)"

> "What was that?" Rini said, since she hadn't caught the last

> part, uttered in an inaudible whisper as it was.

Heh, good thing she didn't hear it!

> "Nothing. I…simply stated that under my…contract to serve you I am

> obliged to do what I can to protect your interests. That was all. Yes.

> That's all it was."


> "I'm sure I could do it!" Imoen said. "It's a very daring

> and roguish thing to do, isn't it? Swim the river, climb the palisade,

> then sneak silently past all the guards and let the rest of you guys

> in."

Is Imoen saying that she is sure she can do it because it's daring and roguish? I fail to see the logic here.

> "J-just a question", Khalid said. "I-in case Imoen doesn't

> get the d-door open from inside…how a-are we supposed to get i-inside to

> help her?"

Shut up, Khalid!

> Zaerini couldn't help but admit that it was a reasonable question. None of

> them could pick a lock like Imoen could, and none of them were strong

> enough to bash this monster of a door open. "Well…I'm sure we'll

> think of something ", she said.

> "Yes", Edwin said sarcastically. "Maybe we can just call

> out 'Friends!' and the guards will open the door for us."

They're not very bright, it might work!

> Imoen looked a little sad for a moment. "Yeah", she said.

> "See, I'd filched the keys already, but the door was barred and he

> was guarding it and wouldn't go away. Wish I hadn't had to do that."

> Her face brightened again. "But on the other hand I got to use this

> really nifty new move I learnt from Adahn!" She made a quick stab at

> the air. "See? Works like magic! I don't think he even had time to

> feel pain."

> "Child", Jaheira said, "you are starting to frighten

> me."

I think someone's Bhaal taint is showing through...

> The man grinned at her, a gold tooth winking brightly in the sunshine.

> "HAW! A good saying! I will use your head for a puppet and make it

> say it over and over while we drink large amounts of mead! Life is pretty

> good, you know?"

What an idiot...

> Then Khalid and Jaheira were there, standing over her while the

> preternaturally quick warrior rained blows down upon them that they only

> barely managed to block with their shields. Vaguely Rini glimpsed the

> other one fall out of the corner of her eye, one of Imoen's arrows firmly

> lodged in his throat. She could hear Edwin chant another spell, his voice

> rising and falling rhythmically. Hey, I know that one! That's… The world

> slowed down around her. A bird in the sky seemed to be creeping along like

> a snail. The trees moved in the wind, slowly, like seaweed in an oceanic

> forest. And Khalid and Jaheira met the mercenary's attacks, driving him

> back with a speed that now easily matched and even topped his own. Finally

> he fell, still with a very surprised look on his face.

Love this description of the haste spell!

> "Naturally", Edwin impatiently said. He was hovering nervously

> over Jaheira's shoulder, trying to watch what she was doing. "I am

> the brain of this group after all. (Well, one of two at least.) Druid, I

> trust you're not going to botch this. I would be most upset if our leader

> came out of this in less than perfect condition."

You're not fooling anyone but yourself, you know. And possibly Rini.

> "Go away , Edwin", Jaheira snapped. "You are bothering me.

> Just let me do my work in peace. Stop fussing."

> "I'm not! I…I just don't want to see our resident Queen needlessly

> sacrificed because some pawn of a healer blundered. A perfectly natural,

> objective concern. Yes. Perfectly natural. And objective."

(sighs) These kind of exchanges make me embarassed to remember how crap I am at chess...

> "That does it", Jaheira said. Her smile turned wicked. "I

> suggest you step aside right this moment. If I am to heal this wound

> properly and without scarring I will need to access it fully so I can see

> what I am doing. Which means that I shall be forced to ask our Fearless

> Leader to partially undress. I think you can guess which parts."

> Edwin's eyes seemed about to pop out of his face and his cheeks turned

> bright red. "Uuuh…", he said. "I…that is…I m-mean…I…"

In that case, he'll definitely stay there! (grin)

> "Did you really have to get me to strip?" Rini asked once she

> felt the first healing spell wash over her like warm rain. "The air

> is rather cold you know."

> Jaheira's wink was almost imperceptible. "Perhaps", she said.

> "Perhaps not. Either way it worked. It got me the necessary peace and

> quiet at least. She chuckled to herself. "Objective concern

> indeed."

Does Jaheira approve of their relationship? She seems to...

#11 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 03:38 PM

> LOL! A good point. The PC gets to carry all sorts of disgusting things,

> including an infant carrying Aerie's genes, in the course of the games...

*grin* The Horror! ;)

> Peri: "Yes, aid Yessie. I liked him, the goody-two-shoes as he is.

> There is just something about dwarven attitude that is very appealing to

> me. And I felt really sorry for him because of what Reiltar had done to

> him."

Rini: I like him too. Don't worry, I'll help him out.

> I think I figured it! The first reference of chains of greed and

> friendship betrayed was to Reiltar and Yeslick's imprisonment.

> Then: "Beware those who would forge such chains..." would be

> Irenicus aka the devil?

We'll see...

> Edwin is cute. :)

He sure is. :) (Not to mention intimidating.)

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#12 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 03:43 PM

> > Hmm, good point here, and they'd only get smellier. Something has always

> bothered me about the idea of collecting bandit scalps in this game. What

> would stop a pack of adventurers finding an isolated settlement, killing

> everyone and nicking their scalps to present to officer Vai?

Nothing whatsoever. In RL a scalp is a scalp, and there's nothing about it that says the previous owner was an Evil Bandit.

> Love this answer :)

Thanks! :)

> Oooh, Miss! I know! (puts up hand)

Think so? :)

> Hmm, Edwin obviously isn't as bad at Divination as he thinks...

He may not be able to cast the spells, but he *does* have Int 18...

> Is Imoen saying that she is sure she can do it because it's daring and

> roguish? I fail to see the logic here.

Maybe I need to polish that sentence a little. The two sentences are unrelated.

> I think someone's Bhaal taint is showing through...

Maybe so. And I've always thought that while Immy is kind and friendly she's also practical, and not too squeamish.

> Love this description of the haste spell!

Thank you! :)

> In that case, he'll definitely stay there! (grin)


> Does Jaheira approve of their relationship? She seems to...

She may be tremendously annoyed by Eddie at times, but she's also able to tell that his feelings are the Real Thing, unlike Coran's.

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#13 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 03:44 PM

> & don't be concerned,

> I'm not leaving Eddie female.

Glad to hear it. :)

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#14 Guest_Lord E_*

Posted 13 May 2002 - 04:29 PM

> Nothing whatsoever. In RL a scalp is a scalp, and there's nothing about it

> that says the previous owner was an Evil Bandit.

Come on! Surely Villainous Evil is somehow seeped into them, making them less attractive than scalps of righteous people!

Makings of a monster

#15 Guest_Ophidia_*

Posted 13 May 2002 - 06:43 PM

> Come on! Surely Villainous Evil is somehow seeped into them, making them

> less attractive than scalps of righteous people!

Ah yes of course. Everyone knows only evil people get dandruff!

#16 Weyoun

Posted 13 May 2002 - 07:02 PM

> Excerpt from 'Ruminations Of A Master Bard' "Wh-what was th-that

> ?!" Khalid exclaimed. The creature that had flown over the

> adventurers was large, with a long barbed tail, and a head that seemed

> mostly made up of sharp teeth. It was carrying a cow in its claws, as

> easily as if the poor animal had been a kitten.

It's not every day a wyvern carrying a cow flies over your head. ;)

> "Do you want to drag around a huge, smelly old wyvern head with you

> for several days?" Rini asked him. "You would get to be the

> one to carry it, you know."

Too bad BG1 doesn't have a Bag of Holding yet. I don't think the head will decay in that thing.

> Edwin shrugged. "It's all very vague, isn't it?" he said.

> "Somebody is imprisoned, and we are likely to encounter a priest at

> some point. From your description it sounds like it would be beneficial to

> aid whoever it is, but since we don't know when it will happen we can

> only keep our eyes open."

Oh, oh, oh! I think I know who that is! A certain dwarf we know?

> He gave the half-elf a serious look.

> "The other half is much more unsettling, the part about the Devil.

> Sarevok was bad enough, but obviously he is not the only one who means you

> harm. And you have no idea who this other one might be?"

> "None whatsoever. I don't exactly like it either, but I don't think

> that there anything I can do other than try to be careful." She went

> on to describe the Water card.

> "It sounds like some sort of catastrophe", Edwin pondered.

> "A flood perhaps? Or a shipwreck? Does that make any sense?"

> "Not really. Candlekeep lies by the sea, there have been shipwrecks

> there, but nothing that I can see concerns me. Besides, it sounded more

> like I was the one meant to bring the water, if you see what I mean. I

> think you're right though. It did give me the impression of a flood.

> I'll have to remember that

Scary bit of foreshadowing...

> "So it seems. I don't know when, but the Reading was pretty clear. If

> I don't go to Durlag's Tower I will die." She gave the wizard a wry

> grin. "Of course, going to Durlag's Tower is equally likely to kill

> me, isn't it?"

LOL! It's certainly a bit of a turnabout.;) I'd love to see your interpretation of Durlag's Tower, though.

> "I don't know", the bard said, eyeing the palisade suspiciously.

> "Won't they see you when you're climbing?"

> Imoen grinned. "Not if I'm using a potion of invisibility, they

> won't. Trust me. I can do this."

For her sake, I hope they don't have True Sight cast.

> Imoen looked a little sad for a moment. "Yeah", she said.

> "See, I'd filched the keys already, but the door was barred and he

> was guarding it and wouldn't go away. Wish I hadn't had to do that."

> Her face brightened again. "But on the other hand I got to use this

> really nifty new move I learnt from Adahn!" She made a quick stab at

> the air. "See? Works like magic! I don't think he even had time to

> feel pain."

> "Child", Jaheira said, "you are starting to frighten

> me."

Right. I don't think Dekkie is a particulary good influence on sweet Immy. ;)

> Oh, just great ! Even more assassins! Will it never end? "You

> want to know what I always say?", Rini remarked in her most bored

> voice. "'Always kill the mouthy one', that's what I always

> say."

> The man grinned at her, a gold tooth winking brightly in the sunshine.

> "HAW! A good saying! I will use your head for a puppet and make it

> say it over and over while we drink large amounts of mead! Life is pretty

> good, you know?"

Typical bad-guy response. ;)

> "That w-was a spell of H-Haste, wasn't i-it?" Zaerini heard

> Khalid say over Jaheira's annoyed mutterings as the druid examined her

> wound. "V-very clever."

> "Naturally", Edwin impatiently said. He was hovering nervously

> over Jaheira's shoulder, trying to watch what she was doing. "I am

> the brain of this group after all. (Well, one of two at least.) Druid, I

> trust you're not going to botch this. I would be most upset if our leader

> came out of this in less than perfect condition."

Great fight. Good use of the Haste spell.

> "Exactly. Very well put. Khalid, would you please get him out of

> here?" The half-elven warrior gently led Edwin away by the arm. The

> wizard still seemed to have problems speaking properly. And breathing, for

> that matter.

> "Did you really have to get me to strip?" Rini asked once she

> felt the first healing spell wash over her like warm rain. "The air

> is rather cold you know."

> Jaheira's wink was almost imperceptible. "Perhaps", she said.

> "Perhaps not. Either way it worked. It got me the necessary peace and

> quiet at least. She chuckled to herself. "Objective concern

> indeed."

LOL! That was a mean one!

Great story,


TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#17 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 07:16 PM

> Too bad BG1 doesn't have a Bag of Holding yet. I don't think the head will

> decay in that thing.

Probably not. You could stuff Neb's head in there too...

> Oh, oh, oh! I think I know who that is! A certain dwarf we know?

Yes. ;)

> LOL! It's certainly a bit of a turnabout.;) I'd love to see your

> interpretation of Durlag's Tower, though.

And you will...

> For her sake, I hope they don't have True Sight cast.

Nope, doesn't exist in BG1. Isn't it annoying with all those mages who start casting it automatically, even though they have *no* way of knowing your stealthy rogue is sneaking up on them?

> Right. I don't think Dekkie is a particulary good influence on sweet Immy.

Oh, I'd say he is. His help is going to help keep her alive, after all. Sweet is one thing, but being too naive and squeamish when people are out to kill you will make you very dead, very soon.

> Great fight. Good use of the Haste spell.

Thank you, and thanks for your comments!

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#18 Guest_Ursula_*

Posted 13 May 2002 - 08:54 PM

> "Coran wanted us to hunt those things?" Imoen said. "He

> must have been crazy. Rini, you aren't thinking of going after it, are

> you?"

Ah! Wonder how you'll handle the "You have been waylaid...and must defend yourself" encounters with the cooperative monsters -- wyverns & spiders, working in tandem. ;)

> "Do you want to drag around a huge, smelly old wyvern head with you

> for several days?" Rini asked him. "You would get to be the

> one to carry it, you know."

Very good point! Another thing in game that you don't really think about when you're playing...like who scalps the bandits ;)

> Two heads are better than one sometimes."

Except if one of 'em is a wyvern's

> "So it seems. I don't know when, but the Reading was pretty clear. If

> I don't go to Durlag's Tower I will die." She gave the wizard a wry

> grin. "Of course, going to Durlag's Tower is equally likely to kill

> me, isn't it?"

Glad you've developed a plot device for describing just *why* they all are gonna head for DT -- it always seemed strange that they just stop hunting for Sarevok and then get involved DT & Werewolf Island instead. Of course, she must've remembered that earlier caution, right?

> "It will not", Edwin said, his face set with grim resolution.

> "I will not let it. I will let no harm come to you. (Not to…either of

> you. No matter what I have to do to achieve it.)"

Uh...is he finally recalling his dream?

> "I'm sure I could do it!" Imoen said. "It's a very daring

> and roguish thing to do, isn't it? Swim the river, climb the palisade,

> then sneak silently past all the guards and let the rest of you guys

> in."

You really capture her innate ebullience.

> "Yes", Edwin said sarcastically. "Maybe we can just call

> out 'Friends!' and the guards will open the door for us."

> Etc.

Nice to see their insults haven't ceased completely.

> "Maybe we can just use your head to knock the door open. Wood on

> wood, that ought to work."

> Creeeaaaak… The door slowly swung open and Imoen's pink head peaked

> around it. "Oh, hi there, guys!" she said. "Are you coming

> in or what?" As they stepped through the door Zaerini spotted a dead

> bandit lying facedown on the ground. "Yours?" she asked her

> friend.

> "Child", Jaheira said, "you are starting to frighten

> me."

> "Oh, come on", Rini said. "It's no worse than killing

> somebody in a swordfight, or frying them with a fireball, or…"

> "Or ripping their bellies open and strangling them with their own

> guts", said a harsh voice.

What a seamless transition.

> "I'm not! I…I just don't want to see our resident Queen needlessly

> sacrificed because some pawn of a healer blundered. A perfectly natural,

> objective concern. Yes. Perfectly natural. And objective."

...and you're continuing the chess leitmotif? Psych!!!!!! Think that Jaheira qualifies as a backwards pawn? ;)

This was an immensely clever, and therefore enjoyable, chapter. Wahoo!

#19 Laufey

Posted 13 May 2002 - 09:09 PM

> Ah! Wonder how you'll handle the "You have been waylaid...and must

> defend yourself" encounters with the cooperative monsters -- wyverns

> & spiders, working in tandem. ;)

I think I'll probably skip those. I don't think I could come up with a plausible explanation for that. ;)

> Very good point! Another thing in game that you don't really think about

> when you're playing...like who scalps the bandits ;)

Rini: I scalped the bandits - but once was quite enough.

> Glad you've developed a plot device for describing just *why* they all are

> gonna head for DT -- it always seemed strange that they just stop hunting

> for Sarevok and then get involved DT & Werewolf Island instead. Of

> course, she must've remembered that earlier caution, right?

Yes, she did. And I really felt I needed to provide a reason for them going to DT, since I want to do it now and not to the TotSC quests after Sarevok's death.

> Uh...is he finally recalling his dream?

Oh yes. :) And that dream will reoccur in the very next chapter - in a new, updated, informative and angsty way. It's about time we peeked into Eddie's head again.

> You really capture her innate ebullience.

Thank you! :D

> Nice to see their insults haven't ceased completely.

They'd be dead before they *completely* stopped insulting each other. :)

> What a seamless transition.

> ...and you're continuing the chess leitmotif? Psych!!!!!! Think that

> Jaheira qualifies as a backwards pawn? ;)

Perhaps...or maybe a bishop or something. :) Thanks for your comments!

In The Cards
Rogues do it from behind.

#20 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 14 May 2002 - 12:54 AM

> In The Cards 96 - At The Gate Being a bit of a jack-of-all-trades I've

> learnt the importance of listening to experts. If the resident thief

> thinks there's something funny about the wall on the other side of the

> next doorway it's not a good idea to boldly march through. Similarly, I

> don't try to replace healer, wizard or warrior. I prefer to think of

> myself as a coordinator. Or an Omnipresent Authority Figure. Whichever

> makes you do what I tell you to when I do decide to put my foot down.

Damn right :)

> "Yes", Edwin said sarcastically. "Maybe we can just call

> out 'Friends!' and the guards will open the door for us."

> "Maybe we can just use your head to knock the door open. Wood on

> wood, that ought to work."

Now there's an idea :-)

> Imoen looked a little sad for a moment. "Yeah", she said.

> "See, I'd filched the keys already, but the door was barred and he

> was guarding it and wouldn't go away. Wish I hadn't had to do that."

> Her face brightened again. "But on the other hand I got to use this

> really nifty new move I learnt from Adahn!" She made a quick stab at

> the air. "See? Works like magic! I don't think he even had time to

> feel pain."

> "Child", Jaheira said, "you are starting to frighten

> me."


> The man grinned at her, a gold tooth winking brightly in the sunshine.

> "HAW! A good saying! I will use your head for a puppet and make it

> say it over and over while we drink large amounts of mead! Life is pretty

> good, you know?"

The Wolf: *smirks* Not for long.

> Edwin's eyes seemed about to pop out of his face and his cheeks turned

> bright red. "Uuuh…", he said. "I…that is…I m-mean…I…"

> "Exactly. Very well put. Khalid, would you please get him out of

> here?" The half-elven warrior gently led Edwin away by the arm. The

> wizard still seemed to have problems speaking properly. And breathing, for

> that matter.


> Jaheira's wink was almost imperceptible. "Perhaps", she said.

> "Perhaps not. Either way it worked. It got me the necessary peace and

> quiet at least. She chuckled to herself. "Objective concern

> indeed."

That's Jae for ya!

Great story,

Loved it,

H'kira n' the Wolf

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