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Acquired Tastes, Ch. 75

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#1 Luned

Posted 24 August 2001 - 03:17 AM

Okay, will you sharks stop circling for a while? :)

Be grateful that Nalia came through for me in the pinch.


LXXV. Neither Fish nor Fowl

Nalia sighed as she stared into her tankard of wine. What a long day it had been! She was starting to get used to it, she supposed, but that might not be an altogether good thing. She glanced over at the counter, where Tisha was talking to the innkeeper and another guest, a bookseller. Anomen was drinking ale with Minsc over in another corner, and who knew where Jan had gotten to. The mage tried hard not to feel like the odd one out in the group, but sometimes it wasn't easy. Like now.

Aw, face it. It was those guys this afternoon that had really put her into this funk. She'd gone back to the stable to check on Brownie because she'd been worried that part of his harness might be starting to chafe him. The slightly red spot she'd noticed on his neck had vanished, though, so it had probably just been an insect bite after all. She'd been stroking his mane and treating him to a carrot when the boys had come in. The mage hadn't paid much attention at first; they looked just like the farm boys she'd seen around all her life at home.

The biggest one of them had cleared his throat and spoken in a voice that still squeaked a little every now and then. "Er, ma'am? My name's Dirbert. These here are my friends Valsben 'n Neler." He had jerked his head right and left as he named his companions. "We want to be adventurers like you and yer friends… real strong an' powerful, like."

"Yeah! I want t' be a ranger and protect the village!" the shortest one (who was still easily five inches taller than Nalia) had chimed in.

"I want t' be a great warrior like me dad!" the third one had added. He affected a scraggly little goatee. After all the real beards Nalia had seen on her own companions, she'd been severely underimpressed. Maybe she ought to have recommended Jan's Turnipex….

"I knows we can, guys!" Dirbert had said impatiently, retaking the conversational lead. "But everyone says we're all too young an' all, ma'am."

"Bull! That's wot I says t' that!" the short boy had muttered.

"Shaddup, Valsben. I'm doin' the talkin'," Dirbert had ordered. "Since... since you're already an adventurer an' all, ma'am, I was hopin'... I was hopin' you might maybe... maybe buy some swords for us? Some bastard swords?"

"And some ale, Dirbert! Don't forget the ale!" Neler had piped up.

"Yeah, we wants t' be real men!" That had been the irrepressible Velsben.

"Er... swords and some ale, then. If... if we give you th' money, ma'am, would you buy us some?" All three had looked at her expectantly after Dirbert had finished his stumbling request.

Nalia had been too stunned at first to say anything. These guys couldn't be more than a year or two younger than she was. How come they were "ma'am"-ing her? "Miss", maybe, but "ma'am"? She didn't look that old yet, did she? Something had snapped inside her then, and the de'Arnise heiress had laid into the three louts standing in front of her with a vicious glee.

"Adventurers? You?" she'd spat. "Better go crawling back to your mommies' coattails, boys! You don't have a clue what being an adventurer is all about! You think it's all beer, skittles, and a little fancy swordplay, don't you? Don't you?!" she'd shouted, voice spiraling upwards.

"Let me tell you what it's really like out there in the big wide world," she hissed. "You wanna know how I ended up here, doing this? I watched people I'd known all my life have their throats ripped out in front of me, I saw trolls bigger than all three of you put together laughing while my father's servants bled to death on the floor! You think you're ready for that? It's worse'n watching hogs get stuck, and the smell is unbelievable! But I lived to tell the tale because once I stopped puking I got up and went back to fighting; it was simple math, me or them. You think you wimps have got those kinds of guts somewhere in those sorry frames?"

She had glared at them, and they'd recoiled, and somewhere she'd been fiercely glad of it. "Are you telling me you want to be hungrier, filthier, and more tired than you've ever been, even during spring plowing? That you want to have to watch every rock and tree for possible ambushes? Do you have any idea what it's like to be sprayed with acid that burns away your flesh before your eyes, to hear the squishy rip as somebody pulls the damned arrow out of your side? Ever thought what it would be like to be at the other end of the hunter's bow? Do you realize that if you get drunk, you're probably going to get your throat slit while you sleep? That you'll count yourself lucky to get even a flea-infested mattress to sleep on?"

Nalia had shaken her head slowly. "Nah. Quite clearly you haven't thought anything through, any of you. Go home until you're ready to grow up, and then maybe we'll talk." She'd turned on her heel then and stalked out of the stable. The mage had spent a while down on the riverbank below the inn, sitting on a log and tossing pebbles into the clear water until sundown. Now she was still trying to figure out why exactly she'd done it.

Jan appeared out of nowhere then. "Hey, Nally, why so glum?" He plopped down next to her with his own tankard.

She sighed. "Feeling my age, I guess, Janno."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Don't think I got that one, girl. Run it by me again."

Nalia gave an exasperated sigh. "That's just it, Jan. The problem all neatly wrapped up in that one word, girl. I'm not anymore."

Jan suddenly turned red. "Um, er, I think that may be more information than I needed to know, even as your tutor, Nally. Uh… maybe you should talk to Tisha…."

"No! Not like that, you gutter-minded gnome!" she hissed. In a normal tone she said, "I just mean that… well, here, you listen to my story for a change, okay?"

"All right," Jan said.

She stared at him, waiting for the inevitable additional comments, but they never came. Finally she told him all about her encounter with the local yokels, gathering steam as she went. "And I'm not sure just what it was about them that drove me crazy," she said afterwards. "Apart from their obvious idiocy, that is."

The gnome chuckled. "I'd've bought the stuff for 'em. A clear case for thinning out the herd if ever I heard one. Let 'em go get killed before they breed."

"Jaaa-aaan!" Nalia protested, then laughed. "Okay, I'll confess, the thought did cross my mind afterwards, too. But they might hurt somebody else, not just themselves."

She sighed. "Look, it's just… I feel out of place a lot, like I'm the tag-along baby sister of the group. Even Tisha's so much older than I am. Yet those boys were almost my age, but I felt like a granny compared to them, I've been through so much lately. I never even fit in with most of the girls at school; they all seemed so shallow, like they couldn't think about anything but jewelry, clothes, and ballrooms. At least my father taught me that I could be more than some trophy wife. I know you think I'm stupid for wanting to help people, Jan, but at least I'm not blind to the problems that exist in this country. And now… take that party at Keldorn's. I mean, if it hadn't been for you, and Winthrop and Delaine, and Sir Waleis, who seems like a nice enough guy, I would have been bored stiff. Yak, yak, yak, yak, like a bunch of hens, most of the women, and even some of the men."

"Well, Nally…" Jan said hesitantly, "if you'll promise not to tell Tisha or Ano, I think I can show you how to have a much better time at these parties and do a little redistributin' of wealth to more worthy causes."

Nalia was taking a sip of her wine at the time, and hastily sat down the tankard, snorting with laughter. "You mean?"

"Yep," the gnome nodded with a grin, holding up a pair of tiny scissors. "I've got one of the nicest button collections in Athkatla. Gold, silver, even some with jewels in 'em, all off of fancy dress duds. I'm right at waistcoat level, see? And long as you only take one, nobody ever thinks they had it lifted, just that it worked loose and fell off somewhere."

"See, I'm keeping score. I only take buttons off of certain people, I've got a list. Remember I was telling you about how my Uncle Gerhard's crazy? Well, he had a whole bunch of patients' families who oh-so-conveniently decided not to pay their bills. No court was gonna believe us over a pack of nobles; they all claimed his dementia had been coming on for a long time and he'd just forgotten to document their payments. So I've kept his ledgers, and every time I see the chance, I take a little installment. There's a couple of really careless and ostentatious old bats that've worked off their whole debt, a snip at a time. I've still got a long ways to go, though. So, if you wanna do a good deed by Unk and keep yourself interested at these snobby affairs at the same time, I could use the help." He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair expectantly.

Nalia felt herself smiling, then grinning as she contemplated the possibilities. It was really only giving a bunch of grasping old tightwads their just deserts, so why not? "Sure, I'd be happy to collect contributions to the Gerhard Jansen Foundation at our next formal affair!" she said with a snicker. "Thanks, Jan, I needed that."

The gnome shrugged. "Yeah, well, if makes you feel any better, I'll be sixty-seven next month, and I still haven't found where I fit in yet either." He looked down at the table. "Fact is, I think we've all been surprised at how well you've adjusted. And, um, I won't take any shortcuts anymore, okay?"

"Aw, Jan, did you have to go all nice on me?" Nalia asked. "Now I've got to go unglue that burr from the bottom of your pony's saddle!" She instinctively fell back on the barbed repartee the gnome seemed to favor, and it seemed to work; he raised his head again and grinned.

"Say, did I ever tell you the one---" he began.

"Spare me," she said, raising her hands and laughing with him. "I don't mind growing up, but I refused to be aged before my time by your withering tales!" She grew serious for just a moment more. "Thanks, Jan. Guess I just needed to realize that I'll figure out this adulthood thing as I go along. Everybody else seems to, why not me?"

Cheesecake is a state of mind.

<i>---John Myers Myers, <u>Silverlock</u></i>

#2 Requiem

Posted 24 August 2001 - 04:38 AM

> Okay, will you sharks stop circling for a while? :)

Now,that's not nice....here you went and got us hooked an' all!

> Be grateful that Nalia came through for me in the pinch.

Yes, she's pretty handy, isn't she?

> The biggest one of them had cleared his throat and spoken in a voice that

> Nalia gave an exasperated sigh. "That's just it, Jan. The problem all

> neatly wrapped up in that one word, girl . I'm not anymore."

> Jan suddenly turned red. "Um, er, I think that may be more

> information than I needed to know, even as your tutor, Nally. Uh… maybe

> you should talk to Tisha…."

> " No! Not like that, you gutter-minded gnome!" she hissed. In a

> normal tone she said, "I just mean that… well, here, you listen to

> my story for a change, okay?"


> > The gnome chuckled. "I'd've bought the stuff for 'em. A clear case

> for thinning out the herd if ever I heard one. Let 'em go get killed

> before they breed."

Two words: Darwin awards.

> "> "Well, Nally…" Jan said hesitantly, "if you'll promise not

> to tell Tisha or Ano, I think I can show you how to have a much better

> time at these parties and do a little redistributin' of wealth to more

> worthy causes."

*howl* Jan as Robin Hood? (or Robbin'Hood)

> > "Yep," the gnome nodded with a grin, holding up a pair of tiny

> scissors. "I've got one of the nicest button collections in Athkatla.

> Gold, silver, even some with jewels in 'em, all off of fancy dress duds.

> I'm right at waistcoat level, see? And long as you only take one, nobody

> ever thinks they had it lifted, just that it worked loose and fell off

> somewhere."


LOL! This was great! Somehow I think there's another series here! I'd like to see more of your Nalia and Jan.

#3 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 08:46 AM

> Okay, will you sharks stop circling for a while? :)

Where's that music coming from?

> Be grateful that Nalia came through for me in the pinch.

She's kind of the forgotten NPC... It seems that most everybody would have encountered her doing the Keep quest, I'm glad to see you've kept her around.

> LXXV. Neither Fish nor Fowl Nalia sighed as she stared into her

> tankard of wine. What a long day it had been! She was starting to get used

> to it, she supposed, but that might not be an altogether good thing. She

> glanced over at the counter, where Tisha was talking to the innkeeper and

> another guest, a bookseller. Anomen was drinking ale with Minsc over in

> another corner, and who knew where Jan had gotten to. The mage tried hard

> not to feel like the odd one out in the group, but sometimes it wasn't

> easy. Like now.

> Aw, face it. It was those guys this afternoon that had really put her into

> this funk. She'd gone back to the stable to check on Brownie because she'd

> been worried that part of his harness might be starting to chafe him. The

> slightly red spot she'd noticed on his neck had vanished, though, so it

> had probably just been an insect bite after all. She'd been stroking his

> mane and treating him to a carrot when the boys had come in. The mage

> hadn't paid much attention at first; they looked just like the farm boys

> she'd seen around all her life at home.

> The biggest one of them had cleared his throat and spoken in a voice that

> still squeaked a little every now and then. "Er, ma'am? My name's

> Dirbert. These here are my friends Valsben 'n Neler." He had jerked

> his head right and left as he named his companions. "We want to be

> adventurers like you and yer friends… real strong an' powerful,

> like."

Oh, those idiots...

> "Yeah! I want t' be a ranger and protect the village!" the

> shortest one (who was still easily five inches taller than Nalia) had

> chimed in.

> "I want t' be a great warrior like me dad!" the third one had

> added. He affected a scraggly little goatee. After all the real beards

> Nalia had seen on her own companions, she'd been severely underimpressed.

> Maybe she ought to have recommended Jan's Turnipex….

> "I knows we can, guys!" Dirbert had said impatiently, retaking

> the conversational lead. "But everyone says we're all too young an'

> all, ma'am."

> "Bull! That's wot I says t' that!" the short boy had muttered.

> "Shaddup, Valsben. I'm doin' the talkin'," Dirbert had ordered.

> "Since... since you're already an adventurer an' all, ma'am, I was

> hopin'... I was hopin' you might maybe... maybe buy some swords for us?

> Some bastard swords?"

> "And some ale, Dirbert! Don't forget the ale!" Neler had piped

> up.

> "Yeah, we wants t' be real men!" That had been the irrepressible

> Velsben.

> "Er... swords and some ale, then. If... if we give you th' money,

> ma'am, would you buy us some?" All three had looked at her

> expectantly after Dirbert had finished his stumbling request.

> Nalia had been too stunned at first to say anything. These guys couldn't

> be more than a year or two younger than she was. How come they were

> "ma'am"-ing her? "Miss", maybe, but "ma'am"?

> She didn't look that old yet, did she? Something had snapped inside her

> then, and the de'Arnise heiress had laid into the three louts standing in

> front of her with a vicious glee.

> "Adventurers? You ?" she'd spat. "Better go crawling back

> to your mommies' coattails, boys ! You don't have a clue what being an

> adventurer is all about! You think it's all beer, skittles, and a little

> fancy swordplay, don't you? Don't you?! " she'd shouted, voice

> spiraling upwards.

Get 'em, Nally! Sic 'em!

Her whole tirade was great. It really captures a lot of her character and how much she has really grown since joining the group.

> "Let me tell you what it's really like out there in the big wide

> world," she hissed. "You wanna know how I ended up here, doing

> this? I watched people I'd known all my life have their throats ripped out

> in front of me, I saw trolls bigger than all three of you put together

> laughing while my father's servants bled to death on the floor! You think

> you're ready for that? It's worse'n watching hogs get stuck, and the smell

> is unbelievable! But I lived to tell the tale because once I stopped

> puking I got up and went back to fighting; it was simple math, me or them.

> You think you wimps have got those kinds of guts somewhere in those sorry

> frames?"

> She had glared at them, and they'd recoiled, and somewhere she'd been

> fiercely glad of it. "Are you telling me you want to be hungrier,

> filthier, and more tired than you've ever been, even during spring

> plowing? That you want to have to watch every rock and tree for possible

> ambushes? Do you have any idea what it's like to be sprayed with acid that

> burns away your flesh before your eyes, to hear the squishy rip as

> somebody pulls the damned arrow out of your side? Ever thought what it

> would be like to be at the other end of the hunter's bow? Do you realize

> that if you get drunk, you're probably going to get your throat slit while

> you sleep? That you'll count yourself lucky to get even a flea-infested

> mattress to sleep on?"

> Nalia had shaken her head slowly. "Nah. Quite clearly you haven't

> thought anything through, any of you. Go home until you're ready to grow

> up, and then maybe we'll talk." She'd turned on her heel then and

> stalked out of the stable. The mage had spent a while down on the

> riverbank below the inn, sitting on a log and tossing pebbles into the

> clear water until sundown. Now she was still trying to figure out why

> exactly she'd done it.

> Jan appeared out of nowhere then. "Hey, Nally, why so glum?" He

> plopped down next to her with his own tankard.

> She sighed. "Feeling my age, I guess, Janno."

> He cocked an eyebrow. "Don't think I got that one, girl. Run it by me

> again."

> Nalia gave an exasperated sigh. "That's just it, Jan. The problem all

> neatly wrapped up in that one word, girl . I'm not anymore."

> Jan suddenly turned red. "Um, er, I think that may be more

> information than I needed to know, even as your tutor, Nally. Uh… maybe

> you should talk to Tisha…."

*howl* That was a great response from him... typical, too.

> " No! Not like that, you gutter-minded gnome!" she hissed. In a

> normal tone she said, "I just mean that… well, here, you listen to

> my story for a change, okay?"

> "All right," Jan said.

> She stared at him, waiting for the inevitable additional comments, but

> they never came. Finally she told him all about her encounter with the

> local yokels, gathering steam as she went. "And I'm not sure just

> what it was about them that drove me crazy," she said afterwards.

> "Apart from their obvious idiocy, that is."

> The gnome chuckled. "I'd've bought the stuff for 'em. A clear case

> for thinning out the herd if ever I heard one. Let 'em go get killed

> before they breed."

Gene police! All right you, out of the pool!

> "Jaaa-aaan!" Nalia protested, then laughed. "Okay, I'll

> confess, the thought did cross my mind afterwards, too. But they might

> hurt somebody else, not just themselves."

> She sighed. "Look, it's just… I feel out of place a lot, like I'm the

> tag-along baby sister of the group. Even Tisha's so much older than I am.

> Yet those boys were almost my age, but I felt like a granny compared to

> them, I've been through so much lately. I never even fit in with most of

> the girls at school; they all seemed so shallow, like they couldn't think

> about anything but jewelry, clothes, and ballrooms. At least my father

> taught me that I could be more than some trophy wife. I know you think I'm

> stupid for wanting to help people, Jan, but at least I'm not blind to the

> problems that exist in this country. And now… take that party at

> Keldorn's. I mean, if it hadn't been for you, and Winthrop and Delaine,

> and Sir Waleis, who seems like a nice enough guy, I would have been bored

> stiff. Yak, yak, yak, yak, like a bunch of hens, most of the women, and

> even some of the men."

> "Well, Nally…" Jan said hesitantly, "if you'll promise not

> to tell Tisha or Ano, I think I can show you how to have a much better

> time at these parties and do a little redistributin' of wealth to more

> worthy causes."

> Nalia was taking a sip of her wine at the time, and hastily sat down the

> tankard, snorting with laughter. "You mean?"

Half way expected her to accidently spray the gnome... :)

> "Yep," the gnome nodded with a grin, holding up a pair of tiny

> scissors. "I've got one of the nicest button collections in Athkatla.

> Gold, silver, even some with jewels in 'em, all off of fancy dress duds.

> I'm right at waistcoat level, see? And long as you only take one, nobody

> ever thinks they had it lifted, just that it worked loose and fell off

> somewhere."

He didn't sabotage any britches along the way, did he? That could be a little embarrassing.

> "See, I'm keeping score. I only take buttons off of certain people,

> I've got a list. Remember I was telling you about how my Uncle Gerhard's

> crazy? Well, he had a whole bunch of patients' families who

> oh-so-conveniently decided not to pay their bills. No court was gonna

> believe us over a pack of nobles; they all claimed his dementia had been

> coming on for a long time and he'd just forgotten to document their

> payments. So I've kept his ledgers, and every time I see the chance, I

> take a little installment. There's a couple of really careless and

> ostentatious old bats that've worked off their whole debt, a snip at a

> time. I've still got a long ways to go, though. So, if you wanna do a good

> deed by Unk and keep yourself interested at these snobby affairs at the

> same time, I could use the help." He crossed his arms and leaned back

> in his chair expectantly.

> Nalia felt herself smiling, then grinning as she contemplated the

> possibilities. It was really only giving a bunch of grasping old tightwads

> their just deserts, so why not? "Sure, I'd be happy to collect

> contributions to the Gerhard Jansen Foundation at our next formal

> affair!" she said with a snicker. "Thanks, Jan, I needed

> that."

> The gnome shrugged. "Yeah, well, if makes you feel any better, I'll

> be sixty-seven next month, and I still haven't found where I fit in yet

> either." He looked down at the table. "Fact is, I think we've

> all been surprised at how well you've adjusted. And, um, I won't take any

> shortcuts anymore, okay?"

> "Aw, Jan, did you have to go all nice on me?" Nalia asked.

> "Now I've got to go unglue that burr from the bottom of your pony's

> saddle!" She instinctively fell back on the barbed repartee the gnome

> seemed to favor, and it seemed to work; he raised his head again and

> grinned.

> "Say, did I ever tell you the one---" he began.

> "Spare me," she said, raising her hands and laughing with him.

> "I don't mind growing up, but I refused to be aged before my time by

> your withering tales!" She grew serious for just a moment more.

> "Thanks, Jan. Guess I just needed to realize that I'll figure out

> this adulthood thing as I go along. Everybody else seems to, why not

> me?"

I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up! Great Nalia story. So they've already made it to Umar, then... Time for things to get... a little spicy. ;D

The Mutant Quint

#4 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 08:49 AM

Sorry! I forgot to edit out the other post... This one will be easier to read.


> Okay, will you sharks stop circling for a while? :)

Where's that music coming from?

> Be grateful that Nalia came through for me in the pinch.

She's kind of the forgotten NPC... It seems that most everybody would have encountered her doing the Keep quest, I'm glad to see you've kept her around.

> The biggest one of them had cleared his throat and spoken in a voice that

> still squeaked a little every now and then. "Er, ma'am? My name's

> Dirbert. These here are my friends Valsben 'n Neler." He had jerked

> his head right and left as he named his companions. "We want to be

> adventurers like you and yer friends… real strong an' powerful,

> like."

Oh, those idiots...

> "Adventurers? You ?" she'd spat. "Better go crawling back

> to your mommies' coattails, boys ! You don't have a clue what being an

> adventurer is all about! You think it's all beer, skittles, and a little

> fancy swordplay, don't you? Don't you?! " she'd shouted, voice

> spiraling upwards.

Get 'em, Nally! Sic 'em!

Her whole tirade was great. It really captures a lot of her character and how much she has really grown since joining the group.

> Nalia gave an exasperated sigh. "That's just it, Jan. The problem all

> neatly wrapped up in that one word, girl . I'm not anymore."

> Jan suddenly turned red. "Um, er, I think that may be more

> information than I needed to know, even as your tutor, Nally. Uh… maybe

> you should talk to Tisha…."

*howl* That was a great response from him... typical, too.

> The gnome chuckled. "I'd've bought the stuff for 'em. A clear case

> for thinning out the herd if ever I heard one. Let 'em go get killed

> before they breed."

Gene police! All right you, out of the pool!

> "Well, Nally…" Jan said hesitantly, "if you'll promise not

> to tell Tisha or Ano, I think I can show you how to have a much better

> time at these parties and do a little redistributin' of wealth to more

> worthy causes."

> Nalia was taking a sip of her wine at the time, and hastily sat down the

> tankard, snorting with laughter. "You mean?"

Half way expected her to accidently spray the gnome... :)

> "Yep," the gnome nodded with a grin, holding up a pair of tiny

> scissors. "I've got one of the nicest button collections in Athkatla.

> Gold, silver, even some with jewels in 'em, all off of fancy dress duds.

> I'm right at waistcoat level, see? And long as you only take one, nobody

> ever thinks they had it lifted, just that it worked loose and fell off

> somewhere."

He didn't sabotage any britches along the way, did he? That could be a little embarrassing.

> "Say, did I ever tell you the one---" he began.

> "Spare me," she said, raising her hands and laughing with him.

> "I don't mind growing up, but I refused to be aged before my time by

> your withering tales!" She grew serious for just a moment more.

> "Thanks, Jan. Guess I just needed to realize that I'll figure out

> this adulthood thing as I go along. Everybody else seems to, why not

> me?"

I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up! Great Nalia story. So they've already made it to Umar, then... Time for things to get... a little spicy. ;D

The Mutant Quint

#5 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 01:19 PM

> Be grateful that Nalia came through for me in the pinch.

I'm going to have to take Nalia along on one of my games. Haven't tried her yet. You make her seem more palatable than the game ever did.

> "Shaddup, Valsben. I'm doin' the talkin'," Dirbert had ordered.

> "Since... since you're already an adventurer an' all, ma'am, I was

> hopin'... I was hopin' you might maybe... maybe buy some swords for us?

> Some bastard swords?"

> "And some ale, Dirbert! Don't forget the ale!" Neler had piped

> up.

This was one of my more favorite quests. It reminds me of a pack of teenagers standing outside the local Convenience store and asking as you walk in if you could buy them cigarettes or beer. Good thing they don't sell swords in those stores!

> "Yeah, we wants t' be real men!" That had been the irrepressible

> Velsben.

They need to eat some spinach then. ;)

> Nalia had been too stunned at first to say anything. These guys couldn't

> be more than a year or two younger than she was. How come they were

> "ma'am"-ing her? "Miss", maybe, but "ma'am"?

I really hate when I'm called "Sir." I mean, I'm not as old as I really am, am I?

> She had glared at them, and they'd recoiled, and somewhere she'd been

> fiercely glad of it. "Are you telling me you want to be hungrier,

> filthier, and more tired than you've ever been, even during spring

> plowing? That you want to have to watch every rock and tree for possible

> ambushes? Do you have any idea what it's like to be sprayed with acid that

> burns away your flesh before your eyes, to hear the squishy rip as

> somebody pulls the damned arrow out of your side?

"Squishy Rip" - very descriptive, easily pictured. Yechh

> Nalia gave an exasperated sigh. "That's just it, Jan. The problem all

> neatly wrapped up in that one word, girl . I'm not anymore."

> Jan suddenly turned red. "Um, er, I think that may be more

> information than I needed to know, even as your tutor, Nally. Uh… maybe

> you should talk to Tisha…."


> The gnome chuckled. "I'd've bought the stuff for 'em. A clear case

> for thinning out the herd if ever I heard one. Let 'em go get killed

> before they breed."

*nodding in agreement*

The portrayal of Jan as a button thief was exceptional. It had me in stitches (ouch!) I could just picture this short little gnome with a sharp pair of scissors moving throughout a crowded square. Hmmm...Waist high eh? Perhaps he'd make a good pickpocket too?

#6 Luned

Posted 24 August 2001 - 01:19 PM

> She's kind of the forgotten NPC... It seems that most everybody would have

> encountered her doing the Keep quest, I'm glad to see you've kept her

> around.

> Oh, those idiots...

Yep. I'd planned to ignore them altogether until Nalia piped up.

> Her whole tirade was great. It really captures a lot of her character and

> how much she has really grown since joining the group.

> *howl* That was a great response from him... typical, too.

Yep. And Jan isn't very old for a gnome, if you'll notice, based on the PH rules base gnome PC starting age.

> Half way expected her to accidently spray the gnome... ;)

It was close.

> He didn't sabotage any britches along the way, did he? That could be a

> little embarrassing.

*blink* Ooooh, that gives me a great idea! (Chuckles evilly, planning an embarrassing moment for someone down the line. Yes, a jealous Jan wouldn't hesitate a second....)

> I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up! Great Nalia story. So

> they've already made it to Umar, then... Time for things to get... a

> little spicy. ;D

What kind of spicy we talking 'bout, El Mutante? 'Cause if you're thinkin' who I think you're thinkin', don't hold yer breath fer anythin' hotter than you've already seen.

--- The Dialectical Luned

Cheesecake is a state of mind.

<i>---John Myers Myers, <u>Silverlock</u></i>

#7 Luned

Posted 24 August 2001 - 01:34 PM

> I'm going to have to take Nalia along on one of my games. Haven't tried

> her yet. You make her seem more palatable than the game ever did.

I find her quite useful as a mage, and always take her if my PC isn't some kind of wizard. I think they've changed some of her more irritating comments.

> They need to eat some spinach then. ;)

> I really hate when I'm called "Sir." I mean, I'm not as old as I

> really am, am I?

> "Squishy Rip" - very descriptive, easily pictured. Yechh

For some reason I seem to be using that adjective a lot lately.

> The portrayal of Jan as a button thief was exceptional. It had me in

> stitches (ouch!) I could just picture this short little gnome with a sharp

> pair of scissors moving throughout a crowded square. Hmmm...Waist high eh?

> Perhaps he'd make a good pickpocket too?

Probably. I never use anybody's pickpocketing ability in the game--- just not my playing style--- but I think he comes with a fair number of points into the skill already.

Cheesecake is a state of mind.

<i>---John Myers Myers, <u>Silverlock</u></i>

#8 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 01:43 PM

> Probably. I never use anybody's pickpocketing ability in the game--- just

> not my playing style--- but I think he comes with a fair number of points

> into the skill already.

I never really pickpocket either, unless a quest calls for it. I am not above however, having Yoshimo do a sweep of whatever premises he happens to wander into. I have managed to abstain from sweeping temples thus far however.

#9 Requiem

Posted 24 August 2001 - 01:45 PM

> I never really pickpocket either, unless a quest calls for it. I am not

> above however, having Yoshimo do a sweep of whatever premises he happens

> to wander into. I have managed to abstain from sweeping temples thus far

> however.

I'm usually pickpocketing the Sahaugin prince in the under-water-town, to et the part of the wave helbard (halberd?). It's quite a useful weapon sometimes.

#10 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 01:54 PM

> I find her quite useful as a mage, and always take her if my PC isn't some

> kind of wizard. I think they've changed some of her more irritating

> comments.

I used her.... let me rephrase... I had her in my first party (with the character known as Stilgar) for a while, but her thief skills just didn't make it worthwhile, so I dumped her for Yoshi, then replaced him with Imoen. Between Stilgar, Imoen and Aerie (who I had in that party also) I had three high-level mages that could all cast both flavors of Sequencers, as well as all of the spells to tear down defenses...

Of course, Nalia has the potential to be as high level as Imoen. the drawback on Aerie, of course, is her multiclass Cleric...

> For some reason I seem to be using that adjective a lot lately.

> Probably. I never use anybody's pickpocketing ability in the game--- just

> not my playing style--- but I think he comes with a fair number of points

> into the skill already.

I never use that ability either. My thieves always get points in their Find Traps and Pick Locks...

#11 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 02:04 PM

> Yep. I'd planned to ignore them altogether until Nalia piped up.

Maybe Jan will talk about what he did with the chickens that swallowed the gem... ;D

> Yep. And Jan isn't very old for a gnome, if you'll notice, based on the PH

> rules base gnome PC starting age.

> It was close.

> *blink* Ooooh, that gives me a great idea! (Chuckles evilly, planning an

> embarrassing moment for someone down the line. Yes, a jealous Jan wouldn't

> hesitate a second....)

Uh-oh... 'Jealous'? I sense a triangle....

> What kind of spicy we talking 'bout, El Mutante? 'Cause if you're thinkin'

> who I think you're thinkin', don't hold yer breath fer anythin' hotter

> than you've already seen.

Hehehehe... Nope. I wasn't thinking about that. ;) I was actually thinking about the Shade Lord and the dragon... But now I know what's on your mind. ;)

> --- The Dialectical Luned

OW! I think I hurt myself trying to say that.....

El Mutante! ! !

#12 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 02:10 PM

> I used her.... let me rephrase... I had her in my first party (with the

> character known as Stilgar) for a while, but her thief skills just didn't

> make it worthwhile, so I dumped her for Yoshi, then replaced him with

> Imoen. Between Stilgar, Imoen and Aerie (who I had in that party also) I

> had three high-level mages that could all cast both flavors of Sequencers,

> as well as all of the spells to tear down defenses...

I'm going thru the game with Yoshi now and and debating whether I want to take Imoen back or not. I realize the whole plot is to rescue her, so it would seem inappropriate to do so then dump her. But Yoshi has been a good loyal companion, and is a damn fine shot with a bow, so I hate to get rid of him. Also I have Aerie who is a fine mage and I'm not sure that the combined skills of Imoen is enough for me to dump either of them.

Arrrghh..ethical dilemma's. Hate them

#13 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 02:26 PM

> I'm going thru the game with Yoshi now and and debating whether I want to

> take Imoen back or not. I realize the whole plot is to rescue her, so it

> would seem inappropriate to do so then dump her. But Yoshi has been a good

> loyal companion, and is a damn fine shot with a bow, so I hate to get rid

> of him. Also I have Aerie who is a fine mage and I'm not sure that the

> combined skills of Imoen is enough for me to dump either of them.

> Arrrghh..ethical dilemma's. Hate them

Well... Being a member of the Aerie Fan Club, I don't mean to discount her abilities. But since she is a Cleric/Mage, she can't achieve as high a level as Imoen.

Have you played through the game yet? Or have you at least reached Spellhold? Some of your decisions may be made for you...

#14 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 03:03 PM

> The portrayal of Jan as a button thief was exceptional. It had me in

> stitches (ouch!) I could just picture this short little gnome with a sharp

> pair of scissors moving throughout a crowded square. Hmmm...Waist high eh?

> Perhaps he'd make a good pickpocket too?

Oh, yeah. My husband always dumps Yoshi for Jan as soon as possible because Jan's a master pickpocket. It's amazing what you can pick up from the people wandering around the city.

I'd rather have those special snares, myself. A couple of potions of master thievery makes up for the gap between Jan and Yoshi, and I don't have to put up with the gnome's obnoxious comments.

Blue Screen

#15 Weyoun

Posted 24 August 2001 - 06:02 PM

> Okay, will you sharks stop circling for a while? :)

Never! Feed us! FEED US! :D

> The biggest one of them had cleared his throat and spoken in a voice that

> still squeaked a little every now and then. "Er, ma'am? My name's

> Dirbert. These here are my friends Valsben 'n Neler." He had jerked

> his head right and left as he named his companions. "We want to be

> adventurers like you and yer friends… real strong an' powerful,

> like."

LOL! Oh, those three youngsters! Well... Live and learn, as they say. ;)

> "Yeah! I want t' be a ranger and protect the village!" the

> shortest one (who was still easily five inches taller than Nalia) had

> chimed in.

> "I want t' be a great warrior like me dad!" the third one had

> added. He affected a scraggly little goatee. After all the real beards

> Nalia had seen on her own companions, she'd been severely underimpressed.

> Maybe she ought to have recommended Jan's Turnipex….

*cringe* I just had an image of Minsc with a full santa-like beard in my mind! out image! OUT!;)

> Nalia had been too stunned at first to say anything. These guys couldn't

> be more than a year or two younger than she was. How come they were

> "ma'am"-ing her? "Miss", maybe, but "ma'am"?

> She didn't look that old yet, did she? Something had snapped inside her

> then, and the de'Arnise heiress had laid into the three louts standing in

> front of her with a vicious glee.

Oh, a terrible feeling. When I left my middle school to go to the university four years ago, I used to go back to my old middleschool once a month. And there... kids I saw everyday in the hallways, some kids I even knew started to call me sir! That makes you feel very, very old! *sigh* Very astute point you made here...

> "Adventurers? You ?" she'd spat. "Better go crawling back

> to your mommies' coattails, boys ! You don't have a clue what being an

> adventurer is all about! You think it's all beer, skittles, and a little

> fancy swordplay, don't you? Don't you?! " she'd shouted, voice

> spiraling upwards.

Skittles? Surely not! An real adventurer eats Snickers-bars and drinks Pepsi! *accepts handful of cash from the prespective cooperations...* :D

> "Let me tell you what it's really like out there in the big wide

> world," she hissed. "You wanna know how I ended up here, doing

> this? I watched people I'd known all my life have their throats ripped out

> in front of me, I saw trolls bigger than all three of you put together

> laughing while my father's servants bled to death on the floor! You think

> you're ready for that? It's worse'n watching hogs get stuck, and the smell

> is unbelievable! But I lived to tell the tale because once I stopped

> puking I got up and went back to fighting; it was simple math, me or them.

> You think you wimps have got those kinds of guts somewhere in those sorry

> frames?"

You want the truth?! YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! ;D

> " No! Not like that, you gutter-minded gnome!" she hissed. In a

> normal tone she said, "I just mean that… well, here, you listen to

> my story for a change, okay?"

LOL! Jan crossed the line! ;)

> The gnome shrugged. "Yeah, well, if makes you feel any better, I'll

> be sixty-seven next month, and I still haven't found where I fit in yet

> either." He looked down at the table. "Fact is, I think we've

> all been surprised at how well you've adjusted. And, um, I won't take any

> shortcuts anymore, okay?"

Hmmmm. Jan and Nalia complement eachother well, I think!

> "Spare me," she said, raising her hands and laughing with him.

> "I don't mind growing up, but I refused to be aged before my time by

> your withering tales!" She grew serious for just a moment more.

> "Thanks, Jan. Guess I just needed to realize that I'll figure out

> this adulthood thing as I go along. Everybody else seems to, why not

> me?"

Very nice story. And it touched upon a subject I had been struggling with myself for quite some time ago now... Well done.

How do you do it, by the way. I'm always amazed by the incredible amounts of writing you post every quiz! No offence, but either you must be a very quick writer or you have even less of a life than I have! :D


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"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#16 Luned

Posted 24 August 2001 - 06:11 PM

> How do you do it, by the way. I'm always amazed by the incredible

> amounts of writing you post every quiz! No offence, but either you must be

> a very quick writer or you have even less of a life than I have! :)

No life. Trust me. *sigh* I love my child, but it gets real old, real quick.


Cheesecake is a state of mind.

<i>---John Myers Myers, <u>Silverlock</u></i>

#17 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 06:27 PM

> Okay, will you sharks stop circling for a while? :)

No! I want more...more!

> Be grateful that Nalia came through for me in the pinch.

Oh, I am. :) I thought we were going to have to wait until next week to feed our AT addiction.

#18 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 24 August 2001 - 11:05 PM

*grin* Quite a fun little tale. It's funny, the boys in Imnesvale seem so inconsequential, but if you're playing a ranger they can make you lose your stronghold. Very nice to see Nalia get some play.

#19 Guest_Dorotea_*

Posted 25 August 2001 - 12:04 AM

> The gnome chuckled. "I'd've bought the stuff for 'em. A clear case

> for thinning out the herd if ever I heard one. Let 'em go get killed

> before they breed."

> "Jaaa-aaan!" Nalia protested, then laughed. "Okay, I'll

> confess, the thought did cross my mind afterwards, too. But they might

> hurt somebody else, not just themselves."

Cheers for this one. I laughed my head out. Why is it always Jan who buys the beer though?

>I mean, if it hadn't been for you, and Winthrop and Delaine,

> and Sir Waleis, who seems like a nice enough guy, I would have been bored

> stiff. Yak, yak, yak, yak, like a bunch of hens, most of the women, and

> even some of the men."

She still finds men more intersting. Clever girl. I still have this pair of shoes she gave me. :)

> "Yep," the gnome nodded with a grin, holding up a pair of tiny

> scissors. "I've got one of the nicest button collections in Athkatla.

> Gold, silver, even some with jewels in 'em, all off of fancy dress duds.

> I'm right at waistcoat level, see? And long as you only take one, nobody

> ever thinks they had it lifted, just that it worked loose and fell off

> somewhere."

That's a perl too, though I hardly ever try to go through all elaborate justifications for using his pickpocket abilities. I did not feel a bit ashamed for pilfering from genies in Trademeet.:) But I appreciate your detailed explanations on him being a bit of Robin Hood.


#20 Luned

Posted 25 August 2001 - 01:18 AM

> Cheers for this one. I laughed my head out. Why is it always Jan who buys

> the beer though?

> She still finds men more intersting. Clever girl. I still have this pair

> of shoes she gave me. :)

> That's a perl too, though I hardly ever try to go through all elaborate

> justifications for using his pickpocket abilities. I did not feel a bit

> ashamed for pilfering from genies in Trademeet.:) But I appreciate your

> detailed explanations on him being a bit of Robin Hood.

Oh, the button thing's far more than just an explanation for him pickpocketing. Nalia needs to see something sympathetic in Jan, and the fact that he does seem to care for his uncle and mother is about the nicest thing you get to see in him within the game itself. There's a certain tension developing between those two. Frankly, I'm surprised nobody else has used that one already. Seemed a pretty obvious pairing to me, once you get past the height thing. CG and CN can coexist fairly well.

Cheesecake is a state of mind.

<i>---John Myers Myers, <u>Silverlock</u></i>

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