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A Cappella Part 33 - Father Figures

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#1 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 01:02 AM

The stranger led them through the stony terrain. They could see part of a cabin in the distance. As Jarran walked by his side, the stranger said, "I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Garren Windspear, and you are welcome to stay in my home as long as you like. Best that you learn all you can of your situation before you go off getting killed. You have been cruelly tricked."

"Your kindness is welcome. How did you come to happen by when you did?"

"I roam these lands a great deal. It is fortunate for you that my steps led me in your direction. But you are not the first to suffer because of falsehoods and trickery. I have undergone the same, though my trial was less bloody. I was once lord of this land, and had many holds across the heart of Amn. Taken from me, it was. It was almost overnight, and I still bear the scars in my dreams. I am content now, having found solace in the quiet of the wood, but I will forevermore curse the name of Lord Jierdan Firkraag."

Jarran's head snapped around. "I know that name. It was he that asked me to rid his land of its ogre menace."

Garren nodded, "It is true to his style, organizing an elaborate plot to discredit a rival. I do not understand why he would target you, however. My case was obvious. He sought my lands, so he discredited me. There were missing people only he could find, banditry only he could stop. Solutions to problems I am sure he caused. In the end my properties were razed in a single night. The people lost faith in me, and my influence crumbled. Now, it would seem, he has targeted you."

"A desire for power and land I can understand, but why would he come after me?" Jarran said with a frown.

"I do not know. Perhaps you slighted him in some way, without even knowing. He seems quite singleminded in his purposes." Windspear lowered his voice and murmured to Jarran, "What I do know is that he is not the worst of your worries. The Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart will seek your death if something is not done quickly. I have friends among the Order. I will speak with them as quickly as possible. Perhaps I can persuade them to look on you with mercy. I can but try."

As they reached the door of the cabin, Jarran said, "You have my gratitude. If there is any way that I can return this favor, I will."

Windspear waved his hand dismissively. "It is not a problem. I have found peace where I am, but any enemy of Lord Jierdan's is a friend of mine. Make my home yours until I return with good news." They entered the home. "Iltha! We have visitors."

A young woman was stirring a pot over a fire. She straightened up and stared at them in surprise. "Visitors, Father?"

"This is Jarran and his companions. Make them comfortable while I'm away." He quickly told her of the knight's deaths and then left to find his friends from the Order.

The girl looked at the bard speculatively. "You have brought happiness to my father again. It has been some time since he has been able to help anyone in need. Please, do not disappoint him."

"I'm thankful for his help, and I have no intention of doing anything to disappoint or hurt him."

She smiled, "I am glad. He is a trusting sort. That is why Lord Jierdan Firkraag was able to usurp his lands. My father languishes while Jierdan lives the high-life. You could do much to bolster my father's spirit. Bringing that Firkraag to task would help a lot. Please, if not for my father, then for yourself."

"Oh, Firkraag and I will have words, you can be sure of that," he said grimly.

"Well, I wasn't expecting so many when I fixed the stew, but I think it should be enough to go around."

After a quick supper, the group decided that sleep was the most logical option after their long travels. They spread their bedrolls and tried to settle in, but sleep did not come easily.

Jarran was too restless to relax, so he went and sat by the fire, staring at the flames. After a time, Keldorn joined him, and the men sat silently, lost in their thoughts.

Keldorn finally spoke in low tones, so that he would not disturb their sleeping comrades, "What was Ajantis like when he was in your party?"

"What was he like? Well… like a paladin, I suppose. He was happy to fight evil, and hoped that he was pleasing his god. He was a reliable companion and a good fighter. The only time I wasn't glad to have him by my side was, well…"

"It's all right, lad, you can tell me."

"When I found out what I was… I had read Gorion's letter, and I was so shocked I let it fall from my hands. Khalid tried to snatch it up but Ajantis got it first. He looked at it and… I don't think he meant to pry, he just wanted to know what was wrong so he could help me. The look on his face when he realized what the letter meant, that he had been traveling with the son of a monster, was terrible. I think he was afraid he would fail his Test for associating with me."

"Did he leave you?"

"Not right away. He got over the shock better than I expected, but I think he was glad when we parted company."

"He was still young enough to be very idealistic. He was so young." The older knight's face sagged, his sorrow deepening the lines that wrinkled the skin around his eyes. "I remember the day I accepted him as my squire. He entered himself into a tournament, as many young men do, hoping to show off their fighting prowess and catch the eye of a paladin. And he certainly caught my eye. But it wasn't his swordsmanship or his jousting skill that drew my attention. It was the light that shined from him like a beacon. His faith and devotion was too strong to ignore. And I… I have extinguished that light."

Jarran looked over at the paladin and saw a single tear roll down his face. "It wasn't your fault," he said softly. "This trap was designed to defeat all our abilities, including yours. If anyone is to blame, it's me for leading us here."

"The lad is still gone and my heart is still full of grief, no matter the cause. The relationship between a squire and a knight can almost be as close as parent and child, and I feel as though I have slaughtered my own son."

"We'll find who's responsible for this and make sure they never do something like this again."

"Aye, we can save future victims, but Ajantis will still be dead. I have lost comrades in the field before, I have even lost squires, but this time... At least the Order will consider him a fallen hero. I only hope the bodies are recovered quickly. It pained me deeply to leave them like that."

"It always seems that I cannot bury the bodies of those I care about. How I envy those that die in bed and can be given a proper grave."

"Your Gorion? Is he who you speak of?"

"Gorion… and others. I could only pile stones on Gorion's body and hope that it kept the predators away. Khalid and Dynaheir are buried in what is left of Irenicus' dungeon under the Promenade. A father, a man nearly a father, and a friend, all left behind."

Keldorn seemed to come a bit out of his grief. Jarran hoped that by changing the subject he had taken the other man's mind off of his sorrow. "I have heard you speak of Gorion before, but little of this man you call nearly a father. He was Jaheira's husband?"

"Yes, and the best friend that a man could want. After Gorion was killed, I felt lost. Assassins were pursuing me for some unknown reason, I had no home, everything in my life had changed. Khalid… talked to me. With him I wasn't the leader that the others expected me to be, I was just a young man who needed help. He advised me, let me talk about my fears, and gave me a shoulder to cry on when I discovered the truth about my past. He was the closest thing I had to a father with Gorion gone. I miss him."

"It is good that you had such a excellent friend to console you after your foster father died. And I must give you my thanks, Jarran, for trying to lift my spirits. Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep if I can. Good night."

As Jarran turned his head to watch the paladin go, he saw that Anomen's eyes were open. The squire closed them, an embarrassed look on his face.

After a while, he heard a rustling behind him, and sure enough Anomen joined him as he had expected. The young man murmured, "I hope you do not think I was intentionally listening to your conversation, but I could not sleep either."

"What keeps you up tonight? Worries about the Order's reaction?"

"At first. But Keldorn's words put my mind on another track entirely. It must be wonderful to have a knight that cares so much for his squires. I wish… no, there is no sense in wishing for what is not possible."

"You and your knight are not close?"

"Nay, Sir Blethyn delights in traveling the length and breadth of Faerun, and I wish to stay close to Moira, my sister. She is all I have in the world since Mother died."

"And your father? Is he dead also?"

Anomen's face became hard and expressionless. "I assume he lives. I haven't seen him in months."

"I see."

"From what you said to Keldorn, you must have had a much better relationship with your Gorion than I ever did with Lord Cor. I envy you that."

"Gorion was a kind and patient man, and a great mentor. Your father was… different?"

"If Lord Cor was not deep into his cups, he was demanding that I uphold the family honor...or telling me what a worthless son I had become. He was derisive of my choice to join the Order. He wanted me to take over his mercantile business...something I truly had no stomach for. I would have given much for my father to be my mentor...but, instead, I endured his abuse until I was able to squire for the Order. I fled as quickly as I was able to."

"You never stood up to him?"

"I could not...I just never could stand up to him. He raises his voice and suddenly I am a little boy hiding in the pantry once again. He has always been critical of my every action, I suppose because I am the last of the line. The Delryns have dwindled away until now there is only me to carry on the name. That is part of my father's hostility to the Order, he is angry that I am risking myself when I should be married to some wealthy debutante and presenting him with grandsons to continue the family business."

"It must be hard for you."

"I have learned not to expect any fatherly warmth from Cor, much as I wish… Bah! If he were not such a drunkard he could find a new wife to give him sons, and then he would let me alone. No, the person it is hardest on is Moira, for she remains in my father's house. I regret abandoning her to her fate, alone with Lord Cor... but there was...little I could do. She...I am sure she... No. Never mind. I do not wish to speak further about this, Jarran. My family… is a poor topic of conversation."

They sat in silence for a little while, then Jarran quietly said, "Perhaps if you have no other mentor, you could look to Keldorn. He has many years of experience as a knight, and I think he would be glad to help you."

"Sir Keldorn?" Anomen looked astonished. "Of course not. He dislikes me intensely."

"He doesn't feel that way about you, Anomen, I'm sure of it. Otherwise, why would he have wanted you to come with us?"

"Perhaps he wants to present a bad report on my behavior personally. No, I am quite certain that Sir Keldorn would prefer to have as little to do with me as possible. I… I have my reasons for believing so. I should try to get some sleep now. Tomorrow will be a long day." He returned to his bedroll.

Jarran stared into the fire for a while, wondering why such an elaborate plot has been concocted just to smear his name. He was startled to feel hands come to rest on his shoulders.

"You should rest," he heard Jaheira murmur.

"Can't sleep."

He felt her hands start to massage his shoulders and neck. "You are very tense. You must forget the day and relax."

"Mmmm." He had to admit, at least to himself, that her attentions were indeed relaxing.

"I... I heard what you said about Khalid. He would be pleased to know you felt so well of him."

"Is anyone getting any sleep?" he grumbled. "All my conversations seem to be public knowledge."

She chuckled quietly. "I assure you Minsc and Jan are sleeping quite soundly. And I believe your knights have finally settled in. It is just you and I."

He sat silently, enjoying her massaging touch, then said, "I meant every word. About Khalid, I mean."

"I don't believe I ever knew how much he helped you. I suppose... that I was one of the ones that expected you to be our leader, no matter what you were feeling. I suppose I do that even now."

"Things have changed since then."

"No, you have changed. You truly are a leader now, Jarran. I am sorry if I sometimes seem to forget that."

"And I'm sorry if I'm too hard on you. I shouldn't have brought that Harper business back up again. I trust you, Jaheira."

"You do trust me? I have wondered in recent days."

"I do, Jaheira, with my life."

Her hands stopped. "I... I thank you for saying that. I was afraid that you were angry with me."

"I could never stay angry with you, my friend." Without thinking, he reached up and placed his hand over one of hers. Neither of them moved for a long moment, then she slowly took her hands off his shoulders.

"We should go to bed now. I mean, go to sleep, like the others."

"Of course." He grinned. It was always nice to see Jaheira flustered.

#2 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 01:36 AM

> "Perhaps he wants to present a bad report on my behavior personally.

> No, I am quite certain that Sir Keldorn would prefer to have as little to

> do with me as possible. I… I have my reasons for believing so.

Eep! Speculation runs rampant!


> "Is anyone getting any sleep?" he grumbled. "All my

> conversations seem to be public knowledge."

> She chuckled quietly. "I assure you Minsc and Jan are sleeping quite soundly.

And Jarran wasn't aware of that fact? He's been quite distracted, if he could miss that racket.

> "Of course." He grinned. It was always nice to see Jaheira flustered.

Oh, yeah. *grin*

City of Sorrows

#3 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 02:23 AM

> Eep! Speculation runs rampant!

> Tease.

*evil chuckle*

> And Jarran wasn't aware of that fact? He's been quite distracted, if he

> could miss that racket.

He's got his mind on other things.

> Oh, yeah. *grin*

*grins back* Time for things to start warming up a bit.

#4 Guest_darkrose_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 02:36 AM

> "He was still young enough to be very idealistic. He was so

> young." The older knight's face sagged, his sorrow deepening the

> lines that wrinkled the skin around his eyes. "I remember the day I

> accepted him as my squire. He entered himself into a tournament, as many

> young men do, hoping to show off their fighting prowess and catch the eye

> of a paladin. And he certainly caught my eye. But it wasn't his

> swordsmanship or his jousting skill that drew my attention. It was the

> light that shined from him like a beacon. His faith and devotion was too

> strong to ignore. And I… I have extinguished that light."

Oh, my. This is really beautiful, both the description of Keldorn and how he saw Ajantis.

> "You and your knight are not close?"

> "Nay, Sir Blethyn delights in traveling the length and breadth of

> Faerun, and I wish to stay close to Moira, my sister. She is all I have in

> the world since Mother died."

A good explaination for why we never encounter the mysterious Sir Blethyn.

> "Sir Keldorn?" Anomen looked astonished. "Of course not. He

> dislikes me intensely."

*blink* Whatever gave the boy that idea?

> "He doesn't feel that way about you, Anomen, I'm sure of it.

> Otherwise, why would he have wanted you to come with us?"

> "Perhaps he wants to present a bad report on my behavior personally.

> No, I am quite certain that Sir Keldorn would prefer to have as little to

> do with me as possible. I… I have my reasons for believing so. I should

> try to get some sleep now. Tomorrow will be a long day." He returned

> to his bedroll.

Okay, now I'm really curious!

> "Of course." He grinned. It was always nice to see Jaheira

> flustered.

*snicker* Isn't it, though?

Tales from the Copper Coronet

#5 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 02:45 AM

> Oh, my. This is really beautiful, both the description of Keldorn and how

> he saw Ajantis.

Thank you. That was a point that was woefully neglected in the game.

> A good explaination for why we never encounter the mysterious Sir Blethyn.

In the game, he seems to be a figment of Anomen's imagination, because nobody talks about him at all.

> *blink* Whatever gave the boy that idea?

> Okay, now I'm really curious!

All in good time, all in good time.

> *snicker* Isn't it, though?

It's fun to ruffle Jaheira's fur.

#6 Requiem

Posted 11 July 2001 - 03:28 AM

> "He was still young enough to be very idealistic. He was so

> young." The older knight's face sagged, his sorrow deepening the

> lines that wrinkled the skin around his eyes. "I remember the day I

> accepted him as my squire. He entered himself into a tournament, as many

> young men do, hoping to show off their fighting prowess and catch the eye

> of a paladin. And he certainly caught my eye. But it wasn't his

> swordsmanship or his jousting skill that drew my attention. It was the

> light that shined from him like a beacon. His faith and devotion was too

> strong to ignore. And I… I have extinguished that light."


> Jarran looked over at the paladin and saw a single tear roll down his

> face. "It wasn't your fault," he said softly. "This trap

> was designed to defeat all our abilities, including yours. If anyone is to

> blame, it's me for leading us here."

Very nicely put.

> "The lad is still gone and my heart is still full of grief, no matter

> the cause. The relationship between a squire and a knight can almost be as

> close as parent and child, and I feel as though I have slaughtered my own

> son."

*sniff* Poor Keldorn

I liked the way you tied the guys together through the "father" theme (or lack thereof). Poor Anomen - wonder why he thinks Keldorn doesn't like him? Argh! Left with a teaser!

#7 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 03:52 AM

> Beautiful.


> Very nicely put.

> *sniff* Poor Keldorn

Yup. He's not a happy camper right now.

> I liked the way you tied the guys together through the "father"

> theme (or lack thereof).

Thanks. That's what I was shooting for.

>Poor Anomen - wonder why he thinks Keldorn

> doesn't like him? Argh! Left with a teaser!

*grin* I have to have some suspense, don't I?

#8 Laufey

Posted 11 July 2001 - 05:48 AM

But it wasn't his

> swordsmanship or his jousting skill that drew my attention. It was the

> light that shined from him like a beacon. His faith and devotion was too

> strong to ignore. And I… I have extinguished that light."

*sobs* Poor Keldorn. Imagine how it would feel.

> "The lad is still gone and my heart is still full of grief, no matter

> the cause. The relationship between a squire and a knight can almost be as

> close as parent and child, and I feel as though I have slaughtered my own

> son."

I wonder if perhaps Keldorn is extra likely to think of his squires as almost his own children? After all, he is very fond of his own, and he is hardly ever home to see them, so he might be compensating in a way. Just a thought.

> "We'll find who's responsible for this and make sure they never do

> something like this again."

> "It always seems that I cannot bury the bodies of those I care about.

> How I envy those that die in bed and can be given a proper grave."

All too true.

> > "Yes, and the best friend that a man could want. After Gorion was

> killed, I felt lost. Assassins were pursuing me for some unknown reason, I

> had no home, everything in my life had changed. Khalid… talked to me. With

> him I wasn't the leader that the others expected me to be, I was just a

> young man who needed help. He advised me, let me talk about my fears, and

> gave me a shoulder to cry on when I discovered the truth about my past. He

> was the closest thing I had to a father with Gorion gone. I miss

> him."

OK, I really loved this bit. Khalid isn't always thought of as a pillar of strength, but he was quite a bit older than the PC so it seems very likely that he would become a father figure.

> > "At first. But Keldorn's words put my mind on another track entirely.

> It must be wonderful to have a knight that cares so much for his squires.

> I wish… no, there is no sense in wishing for what is not possible."

Poor Ano. I repeat again, it will be very interesting to see you straighten him out.

> Anomen's face became hard and expressionless. "I assume he lives. I

> haven't seen him in months."

Good for him. :)

> > "I could not...I just never could stand up to him. He raises his

> voice and suddenly I am a little boy hiding in the pantry once again. He

> has always been critical of my every action, I suppose because I am the

> last of the line. The Delryns have dwindled away until now there is only

> me to carry on the name. That is part of my father's hostility to the

> Order, he is angry that I am risking myself when I should be married to

> some wealthy debutante and presenting him with grandsons to continue the

> family business."

Like Nalia, maybe. Children of Anomen and Nalia. *shivers*

> > "Sir Keldorn?" Anomen looked astonished. "Of course not. He

> dislikes me intensely."

Mr 'low self esteem' himself, isn't he? Or did I miss some reason for Keldorn to be upset with him?

> "I don't believe I ever knew how much he helped you. I suppose...

> that I was one of the ones that expected you to be our leader, no matter

> what you were feeling. I suppose I do that even now."

Like this exchange, very profound I thought.

> "We should go to bed now. I mean, go to sleep, like the others."

Slip of the tongue, eh? :D

> "Of course." He grinned. It was always nice to see Jaheira

> flustered.

Sure is! :)

Rogues do it from behind.

#9 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 10:20 AM

> *sobs* Poor Keldorn. Imagine how it would feel.

This is one of several places I thought the NPCs were curiously silent.

> I wonder if perhaps Keldorn is extra likely to think of his squires as

> almost his own children? After all, he is very fond of his own, and he is

> hardly ever home to see them, so he might be compensating in a way. Just a

> thought.

Especially since Keldorn has no sons. Even if the "heir to the family name" isn't all that important to a man, the father-son relationship is different from the father-daughter.

> OK, I really loved this bit. Khalid isn't always thought of as a pillar of

> strength, but he was quite a bit older than the PC so it seems very likely

> that he would become a father figure.

I've wondered how Khalid and Jaheira could have been only first level when you first meet them. The Baron Ployer incident makes it plain they had adventured before heading to the Friendly Arm Inn; I wonder just how old they are really supposed to be.

> Like Nalia, maybe. Children of Anomen and Nalia. *shivers*

Better than Children of Anomen and Aerie. *shudders*

> Mr 'low self esteem' himself, isn't he? Or did I miss some reason for

> Keldorn to be upset with him?

I don't recall anything, but I have my suspicions....

City of Sorrows

#10 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 10:56 AM

> *sobs* Poor Keldorn. Imagine how it would feel.

And once again I have to wonder why Bioware forgot such an obvious plot point. I have to think they named Keldorn in Ajantis' bio for a reason, but it seems they forgot why.

> I wonder if perhaps Keldorn is extra likely to think of his squires as

> almost his own children? After all, he is very fond of his own, and he is

> hardly ever home to see them, so he might be compensating in a way. Just a

> thought.

That's a possibility, but I think mostly it's just that Keldorn is a big-hearted kinda guy. Unless there was some reason to dislike them, he would become attached to someone under his care and guidance.

> All too true.

In my Arquel game, I found the funeral for Nalia's father a bit surreal, and realized it was because our character is always rushing from one crisis to the next and never takes time for those things.

> OK, I really loved this bit. Khalid isn't always thought of as a pillar of

> strength, but he was quite a bit older than the PC so it seems very likely

> that he would become a father figure.

Like you said, he wasn't exactly frontline material, but from his dialogues and response lines, he seemed to be kind. I always had a soft spot for that 'Gorion would be proud' line. So it seemed likely to me that he would make a good confidante for a young man.

> Poor Ano. I repeat again, it will be very interesting to see you

> straighten him out.

It's a long road, but he'll get there.

> Good for him. :)

Hey, would you go home a lot if you had Cor for a father?

> Like Nalia, maybe. Children of Anomen and Nalia. *shivers*

Or the children of... no, that's for later.

> Mr 'low self esteem' himself, isn't he? Or did I miss some reason for

> Keldorn to be upset with him?

That's for later, too. *evil grin*

> Like this exchange, very profound I thought.

Thanks. Jaheira's starting to lower the defenses a little.

> Slip of the tongue, eh? ;)

> Sure is! :o

*snicker* Freudian slip, what's a Freudian slip?

#11 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 11:06 AM

Oh boy... Doesn't anyone in Faerun have a stable family life?

Another great read, here. Just one thing...

> "Your kindness is welcome. How did you come to happen by when you

> did?"

This seems somewhat awkward to me. I don't remember... Is this a dialogue from the game? I'm reading it aloud and it just seems... I don't know... unnatural..

Well, it's probably more a matter of style.

Anomen certainly seems sure of his own dislikeability... (I think I just made that word up...;D) And I had forgotten that Moira hasn't been killed yet. (Getting things mixed up between AC and AT.)

Liked the (all too) short ineraction between Jaheira and Jarran. Nice to see them warming to each other. And...

> "Of course." He grinned. It was always nice to see Jaheira

> flustered.

... Always...

The Non-Plussed Mutant

#12 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 11:29 AM

> Oh boy... Doesn't anyone in Faerun have a stable family life?

Evidently not :) But when you think about it, that's typical for adventures. After all, if they had grown up happy and normal, the only reason the life would appeal to them is if they came from an adventuring family.

> Another great read, here. Just one thing...

> This seems somewhat awkward to me. I don't remember... Is this a dialogue

> from the game? I'm reading it aloud and it just seems... I don't know...

> unnatural..

> Well, it's probably more a matter of style.

Actually, it is a game dialogue line, but I meant to rephrase it since I had the same reaction. It must have slipped by me.

> Anomen certainly seems sure of his own dislikeability... (I think I just

> made that word up...;D) And I had forgotten that Moira hasn't been killed

> yet. (Getting things mixed up between AC and AT.)

Yes, my Anomen is way behind Luned's. He's only been in the party a day or tow. He hasn't had the time for much development.

> Liked the (all too) short ineraction between Jaheira and Jarran. Nice to

> see them warming to each other. And...

> ... Always...

Well, I was reading over some of my recent parts, and realized Jaheira was missing from my Jaheira romance. That might be because she's in one of those 'quiet' phases in the game. Things should start happening soon.

Well, soon is a relative term. AC will be going on a brief hiatus until I finally get a chance to play ToB. I'm wrapping up my replay of Chapter 6, and it will be on to Suldanessellar soon. I'm really looking forward to that. Fighting Bodhi with all the new powers and higher levels was... satisfying. But boy did I cry to lose a 27th level cleric, even temporarily!

Small point of hilarity, at least to me. This isn't a ToB spoiler, it's a bug/bit of weirdness. It says in the manual that clerics get a special holy symbol from their god when they hit 25th level. Anomen got a Symbol of Lathander instead of a Symbol of Helm, I assume because of his alignment. I did a double take when I say that.

#13 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 11:46 AM

> Evidently not :) But when you think about it, that's typical for

> adventures. After all, if they had grown up happy and normal, the only

> reason the life would appeal to them is if they came from an adventuring

> family.

True... I guess that means that if you're an adventurer, you probably have something wrong with your family! :o

> Actually, it is a game dialogue line, but I meant to rephrase it since I

> had the same reaction. It must have slipped by me.

Don't you sometimes wish that Dave had run some of these dialogues by you before the game went gold?

> Yes, my Anomen is way behind Luned's. He's only been in the party a day or

> tow. He hasn't had the time for much development.

Yes, I'm remembering that now. It is also a little difficult handling Ano without the softening aspect of a romance.

> Well, I was reading over some of my recent parts, and realized Jaheira was

> missing from my Jaheira romance. That might be because she's in one of

> those 'quiet' phases in the game. Things should start happening soon.

I hope the bug hasn't materialized. That would really suck...

> Well, soon is a relative term. AC will be going on a brief hiatus until I

> finally get a chance to play ToB. I'm wrapping up my replay of Chapter 6,

> and it will be on to Suldanessellar soon. I'm really looking forward to

> that. Fighting Bodhi with all the new powers and higher levels was...

> satisfying. But boy did I cry to lose a 27th level cleric, even

> temporarily!




OOOOOOOOO.... O. I'm done...

I have Stilgar stuck in the maze in Watcher's Keep, and Kalen is trying to kill the Shade Dragon in Umar... Well, I guess I'll have a chance to get my game going again, then...

#14 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 11:48 AM

> I've wondered how Khalid and Jaheira could have been only first level when

> you first meet them. The Baron Ployer incident makes it plain they had

> adventured before heading to the Friendly Arm Inn; I wonder just how old

> they are really supposed to be.

The conflict between the NPC's skill level and their backstory is one of those things that I deal with by chanting "remember it's a game, remember it's a game..."

> Better than Children of Anomen and Aerie. *shudders*

I don't know, that wouldn't be so bad, so long as there weren't any *shiver* poems read at the wedding.

> I don't recall anything, but I have my suspicions....

Part of it has been hinted at, part is still lurking in my brain, but that little bit of backstory will come out in a while.

#15 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 12:06 PM

> True... I guess that means that if you're an adventurer, you probably have

> something wrong with your family! :)

Well, maybe not necessarily wrong with the family, but with their childhood. If Cor hadn't been a drunk and an SOB, Anomen might have wanted to follow in his father's footsteps instead of run away from them. Jaheira might have had a normal childhood, instead of her family getting caught in an overthrow. Hmm, think of Valygar with normal parents... not so grim, that's for sure.

> Don't you sometimes wish that Dave had run some of these dialogues by you

> before the game went gold?

Hehehe, maybe we could be volunteer editors.

> Yes, I'm remembering that now. It is also a little difficult handling Ano

> without the softening aspect of a romance.

That's part of the reason that I've been using some of the romance dialogue. For the people who never play the Anomen romance, most of his backstory isn't revealed, and you never see what a crappy life he's had. He's a lot easier to take once you hear some of his stories.

> I hope the bug hasn't materialized. That would really suck...

I don't think so, it's just that the Jaheira romance sometimes goes quiet until you get her out into the woods. Some of her dialogues will only kick in under certain conditions.




> OOOOOOOOO.... O. I'm done...

Feel better now?

Don't worry, it shouldn't be for too long. On Monday the 23rd, I'm flying out to Sacramento for a training class, so I'll have four nights in a hotel and two cross-country flights to do nothing but game and write undisturbed. So if I haven't finished ToB by then, I can wrap it up and get back to my Jarran game and get some writing in. I miss my family on my trips, but the peace and quiet is soooo nice.

> I have Stilgar stuck in the maze in Watcher's Keep, and Kalen is trying to

> kill the Shade Dragon in Umar... Well, I guess I'll have a chance to get

> my game going again, then...

So many fun things to do, so little time. Speaking of WK, does anyone besides me find that in a lot of cases, the second-to-last fight is way harder than the last 'big' fight? The final fight in WK was a cake walk compared to the upstairs one. Uh, if anyone comments on this, no spoilers, please. I'm speaking in general, and I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.

#16 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 12:06 PM

> Fighting Bodhi with all the new powers and higher levels was...

> satisfying. But boy did I cry to lose a 27th level cleric, even

> temporarily!


I'll be glad to be done with this subdivision for school; I've been getting my ToB fixes through John and Nancy instead of playing myself. Of course, writing will always take priority over game, and the characters are getting restless again....

> Small point of hilarity, at least to me. This isn't a ToB spoiler, it's a

> bug/bit of weirdness. It says in the manual that clerics get a special

> holy symbol from their god when they hit 25th level. Anomen got a Symbol

> of Lathander instead of a Symbol of Helm, I assume because of his

> alignment. I did a double take when I say that.

I'd wondered about that. I may try hacking the holy symbols; I wonder if Aerie ever gets high enough to get one and what she thinks of getting a Lathanderian symbol, too.

City of Sorrows

#17 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 12:16 PM

> I hope the bug hasn't materialized. That would really suck...

That's a ways off, yet. John got hit with it again in his latest run through, and has decided he doesn't want to replay so much of the game.

The bug hits when it's time for Dermin to appear, after you meet Galvarey.

City of Sorrows

#18 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 12:22 PM

> That's a ways off, yet. John got hit with it again in his latest run

> through, and has decided he doesn't want to replay so much of the game.

> The bug hits when it's time for Dermin to appear, after you meet Galvarey.

Doesn't the patch fix that, though? I've got all the patches in, even the newest ToB one.

#19 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 12:40 PM

> Doesn't the patch fix that, though? I've got all the patches in, even the

> newest ToB one.

It's supposed to, but John started this game a while ago. I think he got stalled before we added the Jaheira Fix Patch.

City of Sorrows

#20 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 11 July 2001 - 12:51 PM

> Hehehe, maybe we could be volunteer editors.

Sign me up!

> I don't think so, it's just that the Jaheira romance sometimes goes quiet

> until you get her out into the woods. Some of her dialogues will only kick

> in under certain conditions.

"get her out into the woods"... *eyebrows raised*

> Feel better now?

I think so... The 'O' key is a little thrashed...

> Don't worry, it shouldn't be for too long. On Monday the 23rd, I'm flying

> out to Sacramento for a training class, so I'll have four nights in a

> hotel and two cross-country flights to do nothing but game and write

> undisturbed. So if I haven't finished ToB by then, I can wrap it up and

> get back to my Jarran game and get some writing in. I miss my family on my

> trips, but the peace and quiet is soooo nice.

Ah... Coming out ot my neck of the woods... Weather has been pretty temperate this week. It'll probably get back up in the hundreds while you're here, though. :) At least it'll be a dry heat!

> So many fun things to do, so little time. Speaking of WK, does anyone

> besides me find that in a lot of cases, the second-to-last fight is way

> harder than the last 'big' fight? The final fight in WK was a cake walk

> compared to the upstairs one. Uh, if anyone comments on this, no spoilers,

> please. I'm speaking in general, and I don't want to ruin anything for

> anyone.

Haven't gotten there yet. Tonight I'll be busy, so I won't even be here at the Attic til I get to work... err... ummm... During my breaks... yeah...

The Coffee-Break Mutant

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