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Terpsichore, Part I

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#1 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 02:52 AM

Here's a little series I put together on a theme that runs through time. I suppose an alternative title would be “Growing Up”.


We emerged from the mines tired and dusty, and not at all in good spirits, even though we had solved a minor mystery. It had been kobolds attacking the workers, and, worse yet, a man called Tazok had been ferrying in both the kobolds and a "mineral poison" to a half-orc mage named Mulahey at the very bottom of the mine. Mulahey dispatched accordingly, our next job was to find his contact, a man by the name of Tranzig, who was apparently staying at Feldpost's Inn in Beregost.

But first things first. Blinking at the bright sunlight after our four days underground we soon found ourselves where we figured to be east of the mines, in an arid region filled with sharp towering mountains and flowering cacti.

"We must get word to Berrun," announced Jaheira suddenly as she tenaciously picked her way upward through the rubble. "West then north."

"I-I agree," Khalid responded as his left foot struck a loose rock and slipped out from under him. I winced as Minsc's arms shot out from behind and caught the half-elf warrior squarely under the arms. Khalid sharply exhaled as the giant's trunklike limbs cruelly pressed his plate into his armpits, and began coughing violently even as he was set down on steady ground above.

As we all stood around Khalid, waiting for him to catch his breath and wipe the tears from his eyes, I regarded my companions as if seeing them for the first time. For it had almost been a separate life, down there in the dark, miserable and dank, and I was pleased at how well we had all managed to build each other up instead of resorting to petty squabbles.

To my left, Imoen's smile beamed through the dirt and grime smudged liberally over her face, so much that indeed her smile was the only thing I recognized. She had pulled the hood of her amethyst-colored shirt up over her head to protect from the rusty water dripping from the tunnels' ceilings, and she now set it back down her back. Dust flew from her auburn hair as she shook it out, and that set her to sneezing, a sound that had always reminded me of a petulant kitten, and I managed to giggle a "Bless you."

Dynaheir, in direct contrast to the scruffy Imoen, had gracefully climbed the uneven hill without any help at all. Other than the fine coating of dust on her smooth nut-brown skin, there was no sign that she had undergone any kind of hardship. Every hair was in place as she crossed her slim arms elegantly over her chest, and then uncrossed them upon seeing a thread hanging from the sleeve of her violet gown. She tugged at it with mild annoyance.

I was a bit surprised to see that, directly to Dynaheir's left, Minsc fairly drooped. The threat of his arch nemesis evil now temporarily held at bay, he looked almost unnaturally somber as he stroked his hamster's head with a huge gentle finger. The entire front of his green ankheg armor was splattered with bits of blood and gore, the mess extending up across his face as well. He reached up to scratch the side of his shaven head, and a dried bit of some other creature's flesh dropped softly to the ground.

Jaheira was rubbing her husbands armpits with her nimble fingers as well as she could around his armor, apparently oblivious to the rest of us. Her face was focused and set, as always, though her lake-blue eyes betrayed her seeming callousness. Still clothed in mail made of vertical metal strips, as I was, she showed no sign of the deep ache that I was beginning to feel at the base of my spine. I sighed. Jaheira seemed at home in any situation, no matter how strange or hopeless.

Finally catching his breath after having the wind so forcefully knocked out of him, Khalid lowered tender eyes to his wife, and raised a bare hand to stroke her burnished hair. He is a very odd man, I thought. He is never afraid to show vulnerability; in fact, he wears it as a badge of some sort, and seems utterly content in his dependency of Jaheira. His strength is his sensitivity. For where would I be now if Khalid had not shown me the way of hated, yet necessary combat? He is stronger than we know, for he has done what he must without abandoning the beliefs in his heart. The warrior's hazel eyes now met mine as if he had felt my gaze upon him, and he smiled reassuringly. I returned the smile and inwardly cursed the quickening of my pulse.

"Are we all ready then?" I queried as brightly as possible, and then hurried to catch up to Minsc's long strides.


"You have returned! It would seem I was right to trust you." The mayor of Nashkel clapped Jaheira on the back and gave us a winning smile all around. "The town thanks you wholeheartedly, and is pleased to give you the proper reward," he continued, pressing a pouch of gold coins into the druid's hand. "Tomorrow night I am opening my home for a celebration in your honor."

"A celebration!" I squealed. "Music and dancing?!" I grabbed Immy's arm, and she turned to me in apathy, though I did notice a little sparkle in her eyes.

"That's right," Berrun chuckled, regarding my tangled hair and dull armor. "I'm sure our tailor will have something for everyone, if you are not so prepared. I must be off, though, or my wife will never forgive me for leaving her with the details. Pleasant stay, and I shall see you at the manor tomorrow afternoon."

Berrun bowed curtly and then departed, and I was slightly disappointed to see mere yawns forming on the other's faces. That is, except for Minsc.

"Did you hear that, Boo?" he bellowed, "Tomorrow there will be much rejoicing at the display of our talents!" Suddenly thoughtful, he mumbled quietly before heading off in the direction of the inn. "We will need plenty of rest."

I barely noticed Dynaheir's pained look as we all headed to a peaceful night's sleep at last.



"Well, stop movin' around and it won't hurt so much!" Imoen was braiding sky blue satin ribbons into the front section of my hair so that it would stay out of my eyes, leaving the back to fall free as always.

"But why does it have to hurt at all!" I whined. "You don't have to pull it so tight, you know."

She bent over me, her freckled nose barely a few inches from mine. "You want to do it, smarty?"

"No." I pouted, knowing I could never get the braids as perfect as she could, and she straightened and continued. I didn't complain anymore, but I couldn't help squirming a bit.

I stared before me into the large round mirror at our reflection. Berrun had offered us the upstairs rooms for the afternoon and evening so that we wouldn't have to walk across town in our finery. I sat on the bed in the room that Immy and I were to share, and she smiled at me when she caught my reflected gaze.

She looked quite lovely in her gown of midnight blue slubbed silk. Its square neckline was decorated with gold braid, which matched the gown's gold fitted sleeves and underskirt that appeared when she walked, as the blue overdress was split up both sides to the hip. The gold set off fiery highlights in Immy's copper hair, and the midnight shade brought out the blueness of her eyes. She had chosen from our collected treasures a necklace of lapis lazuli that complemented the gown perfectly. Her short hair swung loose about her face, shiny and clean.

I tried not to compare our images, but soon found that it was impossible not to. My gown was of a similar style, though the neckline was rounded instead of square. It was white silk, and, like Imoen's, clung snugly to my body to just about the hips, but as her skirt was rather straight, mine fell to the floor in voluminous folds. If not for the pale blue cording around the neckline and matching buttons down the front, I realized that my gown would be rather stark, made more stark by the fact that my skin was only slightly pinker than the snow white fabric.

There was a knock at the door just as Immy finished my hair and tied another blue satin ribbon, this with a dangling opal, around my throat.

"M-m-may I escort you ladies downstairs?" Khalid waited for Imoen to open the door and then poked his head in. "Jaheira and Dynaheir say they still have much to at-t-tend to, and I hear the music starting."

Imoen and I responded in unison. "Where's Minsc?"

Khalid held out an elbow for each of us and we looped our arms through his. He was wearing a very sedate but rich looking tunic, trousers, and boots of chestnut brown, with some scrolling embroidery in antique gold down the chest and arms. It was quite elven looking, and made the brightness of his carrot red hair all the more apparent. I sighed as he explained. "Downstairs, apparently. As soon as I w-was presentable Dynaheir came into our room and Jaheira kicked me out. I've not seen him."

The music had indeed started without us, and there were a few couples on the dance floor, boy-girl all in several lines as was the custom for this particular dance. They did an intricate kind of skipping movement, left, right, left, until they reached the end of the floor, then spun with their partners and repeated the movement back in the direction they had come. It was a lively jig, and it suited the atmosphere of the room perfectly.

I could tell that what was usually a stately manor home had been converted into a dance hall filled with music, chatter, and gay laughter. Streamers of yellow silk were hung from the walls and ceiling, and I was reminded of such events that had been held rarely at Candlekeep, though those that had been sponsored at my former home had been much more sedate.

Imoen was glancing at me with a huge grin as we reached the bottom of the stairs, and I grinned back, then worried a bit when she disentangled her elbow from Khalid and disappeared into the crowd. Telling myself that she'd be careful, and convincing myself that she'd be all right, I then began to search the room for our gentle giant. I craned my neck and stood on tiptoe, carefully leaning against Khalid's arm, but found traces of neither man nor hamster.

The music came to an end, and I was excited to see that those on the floor were now preparing for a step that I knew. It was a reel, one of the dances that Imoen and I used to take part in when we'd sneak out of the Keep on festival days. Khalid balked when I tugged on his arm though, and I put on my best pout. "Come on, it's easy! You just kind of swing everybody around."

His shoulders drooped as he sighed. "I-if you wish, but I-I'm not a very good dancer."

I grinned and clapped my hands together, then led him over to the circle. The music began, and then one, two, three, we were off. Or should I say I was off. Khalid nearly fell into me the first round, and then into the lady to his left at the second round. He was so sweet and apologetic, though, so nobody really got upset. I suppose that I was a bit cruel because I teased him and poked him in the ribs a couple of times.

Khalid was visibly relieved when we all made our final bows and he briskly led me to the other side of the room, where he procured himself a cup of punch and one for me as well.

"But who's going to dance with me!" I gazed longingly at the couples across the room twirling about effortlessly. Not that I really knew what I was doing, but at least I didn't trip over my own feet.

Khalid didn't answer, and I followed his open-mouthed gaze to the stair. Jaheira was descending, with Dynaheir following behind her.

I stared, too. Never had I seen the druid so lovely. She was clothed in a gown of deep forest green that was cut in a straight line across her broad shoulders, and her tanned skin seemed to glow above the richness of the fabric. The sleeves, fitted at the upper arm, flowed out to bell around her wrists, and the skirt, thought straight past the hips, flared out about the floor like the floor of a moss covered clearing. The gown was plain, and had no ornamentation whatsoever on it, but indeed it needed none. Jaheira's cool yet fiery beauty mastered the dress, and the pale jade of the pendant at her throat made her eyes in comparison appear deep and endless. Jaheira smiled and took Khalid's hand, and everyone else in the room forgotten, he led her off to a quiet corner.

"And where is my protector?" Dynaheir arched an elegant eyebrow when I told her none of us had seen Minsc. "Ah, most likely preparing himself," she sighed in her silky voice with its exotic syllables, then smiled down warmly at me. "You look very pretty tonight."

"Thank you. Um, so do you." Actually, "pretty" wasn't the word I'd ever use to describe Dynaheir. Striking, poised, feral…those were just some of the words I'd use. She was wearing what looked like a sarong in the richest, deepest shade of orange I'd ever seen. It was made of some kind of diaphanous fabric, many layers of it, and seemed to shift with her every movement. Bold golden hoops hung from her ears and heavy golden bangles encircled her wrists. I wondered if she was cold, and was about to ask her, but was interrupted by a commotion at the door.

"Minsc and Boo have arrived!" The subject of the booming announcement was none other than the speaker himself. He stood in the doorway for a few moments, unsure of what to do now that everyone in the room was staring at him, and he floundered, his huge grin fading rapidly. I raised my hand and waved, jumping up and down. With a relieved smile he made his way over to us.

"I am very glad to see you. Boo feels the same." He looked from Dynaheir to me and then back again.

I had to admit that Minsc cut quite the dashing figure in his royal blue outfit, though it made the purplish tattoo on his face and head stand out rather oddly. He wore two tunics, or rather a vest over a shirt and trousers. The vest was padded and embroidered with silver thread, and had wings that covered his shoulders, giving him the appearance of being even bigger than he actually was.

Suddenly Minsc gasped and stared at the couples whirling in the center of the room. "Dancing!" he breathed and turned to Dynaheir with wide expectant eyes.

"I am sorry, Minsc, but tonight I cannot," she answered smoothly. "Perhaps…" Her dark eyes flitted to my face.

Minsc had my hands wrapped in his huge paws before I could even open my mouth. "Little Girl, you'll dance with me, yes? Oh, and Boo says he will not get sick this time."

I really didn't want to ask, and sure enough I didn't have time to. For as soon as I gave even the slightest nod, I was dragged to the dance floor by the giant, who giddily grinned at me and then became oddly serious as the musicians struck up the first notes. He bowed dramatically, and then took his place behind me and to my right, one arm about my waist, the other holding my right arm out to the side. "Wh…what do I do?" I whispered, panic stricken. I had never taken part in any kind of formal dance before. Many times I had begged Immy to recreate the steps we had watched the fine ladies at Candlekeep do, but she had always just smirked and changed the subject.

"Bunny hop," he whispered back into my ear, and I burst out giggling. But I sobered quickly, still not understanding what I was to do. Oh dear, there was the intro, and the couple in front of us was moving.

They did three little skips forward and then kind of curtsied, and so I did the same. This was followed by the same steps to the right, which I followed without a problem.

And then all of a sudden I found myself whipped around, facing the middle of Minsc's chest, and I dizzily tried to catch my balance. He looked as if he was going to move again, and I really hoped that this time he would be more gentle with the spin. Indeed he was, and I was relieved to find that the promenade continued in this same "bunny hop" fashion.

The dance ended, but Minsc didn't lead me off the floor. In fact, he looked as if he had decided to plant himself there for the rest of the night. I was thrilled. Not only was he a very good dancer, but he was a patient teacher as well, if a bit obtuse. I grinned up at him before the music started again, and he grinned back. But as soon as the music started, the grin was gone, replaced by a look of extreme concentration.

After the third dance in a row I could barely catch my breath. Minsc pouted as I led him off the floor towards a table piled high with food, but he brightened and said that Boo needed a drink. I reminded him to get me one as well. Boo and I contentedly nibbled on some fruit and cheese, and then suddenly Minsc set his cup of punch down on the table with a crash. The red liquid splashed onto the tablecloth, and I was just quick enough to jump away without getting any on my white dress. I glanced around me nervously, wondering if we were being beset by bandits, and then I found myself being dragged off to the dance floor once again.

Minsc was standing a bit away from me this time, and I realized the other couples were setting up similarly. "La Volta, the dance of Rasheman!" he thundered, and struck a pose not unlike that of a heroic statue.

The music began with a heavy downbeat and lots of drums. I tried to do the same, fervently hoping that I'd be able to pull this off. I waved to Minsc and tried to get his attention, even though he was only standing a few feet away. But he simply stared at me as if everyone in the world should know how to perform this dance.

As the cymbals crashed and the pipes bleated, the dancers around me began to move. That is, their feet began to move. One's upper body had to remain almost completely still, I soon found out. Kick left, step left, a large leap to the left, yes, that's correct, and pause, with some kind of twisting arm movement. Then the same to the right. I realized with not a little fear that Minsc and I were moving toward each other, as I could feel the floor shake lightly under my feet each time he landed.

I wasn't prepared for what happened when we finally did meet. There was the usual pause and pose as we faced each other, and then I suddenly felt myself being flung straight up in the air. My heart was still in my throat as Minsc caught me, one arm under my thighs and one around my waist. I relaxed a bit when I felt the floor under my feet, but I just stared at him as he straightened and prepared for the next move.

"You are lighter than Boo! I will be much more careful next time."

And with that, he set his hands upon my waist and lifted me up again. This time I did not go flying through the air, but was merely lifted up a few feet as Minsc did a turn, and then set me down, turning and preparing to lift me again. This isn't so bad, I thought after the fourth leap-turn, it's actually kind of like flying. That is, if I knew what flying was like.

We went back to the kick stepping. And when the leap-spins came around again, I found that I was laughing with abandon and spreading my arms out wide.

The rest of the night passed by in a blur, for it seemed we never left the dance floor…and then I was asleep. I thought I heard some speaking, though I'm pretty sure it was a dream…

Imoen shrieked, then breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, it's only you."

I felt a soft, warm pressure on my forehead. "Good night, Little Girl. Boo says, with practice you will dance as well as he does." This was followed by a bulky cover being thrown over me.

"She's still in her gown."

I felt a clumsy pressure at my breastbone. "I will remove it."


"Ah… Yes, you will remove it. Good night."

And then the sound of a door closing.

The Journal of Liila Whitewillow

#2 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 02:59 AM

Now that Cernd had won the grove back from the Shadow Druids, we decided that it would be best to scout the area, just in case there were any stragglers about. The entire situation had startled me, for it bore great, nay, too much resemblance to my first encounter with Shadow Druids, back in Cloakwood Forest. Indeed, I had met Faldorn for the first time back then, though she had not seemed so deranged. I prayed for her soul even as Jaheira's bear claws took her down. To see druids, servants of the great mother, truly the mother of us all, corrupted so sickened me.

We had all slept peacefully safely inside the cave, and gathered outside in the sun, yawning and stretching, our stomachs happily working away at the dried fruit and nut porridge that Jaheira had so lovingly produced after rummaging through the grove's food storage.

Except the paladin, I noted with dismay. Keldorn's eyes had taken on a rather appalled sheen when we decided to stay in the forest another day and night, and he remained uncharacteristically quiet, but he did try his best to smile when anyone spoke to him. I would have thought the older man more rounded, what with all the experiences he must have had through his years in the Order, but I admired his ability to put on a happy face.

And then there was Anomen. With a frown I noticed him pacing a few feet away from the rest of the group. His armor was polished and he seemed ready to depart with the rest of us, but his brow was furrowed, his eyes cast downward, focused on nothing in particular as he slowly trampled a track in the grass.

I approached him and quietly cleared my throat. "Did you…ah, have you tried the sharlis berries? I know they taste really good, but, um…they do have disastrous effects on one's digestion." I'm fairly sure that I grimaced, remembering the time Jaheira had to nurse me through those particular few days after I had eaten the evil little things.

He tilted his head and glanced at me without turning around, then stopped for a moment as he slowly comprehended my words. "You are asking me if I am…" he began in amazement, then closed his lips tightly in embarrassment.

"Being the party's healer," I responded gently, "I am, well, supposed to care about such things." I sighed, gazing down at his metal-clad feet. I supposed that it really was none of my business, but all I wanted to do was help.

"I am in perfect health, thank you." His eyes were cold, and I nodded slowly, then turned to make my way back to the others. The intensity of Anomen's next sentences made me shiver and freeze in my tracks. "Do not think to act my mother. Try as you might through your life, you will never come close to her divinity!" It started as a hiss, but ended almost like a curse, and a very loud one indeed.

I sucked in my breath, and found tears threatening to fall to my cheeks. "Divinity," I thought. What a lovely choice of words. Blinking, I blindly ran back in the direction I had come. I felt Jaheira's arm come around my shoulders, and she hugged me to her side. She turned back to look at Anomen for a moment, her eyes narrowing. "The bastard! How dare he-"

"No, stop the discord. Please," I begged, and Jaheira gritted her teeth. "He is…he is so miserable, so full of pain, that he feels he must strike out at others."

Keldorn nodded sagely, his eyes fixed upon a stone on the ground in front of him. "The squire has a long road to travel indeed."

We set off in awkward silence, Minsc taking the lead as always. Every few moments he'd turn back to look at the irritable young priest, who had, not surprisingly, decided to take up the rear.


The sword in Minc's hand vibrated excitedly. "Where! Where! Gimme the blood! Gimme the blood!"

Around me I heard the swish of five weapons being drawn as all but Minsc jumped into combat stances. Anomen had rushed forward to take his usual place at the giant's side, the Flail of Ages' multiple heads bouncing dangerously in his grasp.

"Ahh. Boo missed you, friend." Minsc grinned at the Helmite beside him, who was frantically searching the underbrush for the enemy.

"Minsc, you know better," Jaheira chided, and each of us uttered our own personal exasperated phrases when we realized that the huge ranger had been bluffing.

"One more move like that, Jumbo, and I'm goin' for the hamster," the sword glittered angrily.

Minsc immediately dropped the blade and jumped back a few feet, clutching Boo to his chest. "EVIL sword!" he thundered, "Minsc will leave you in the forest to rust!"

"Aww, jeez." The sword's blade dulled a bit. "People, you gotta give me to the village idiot?"

Minsc was busy petting the frightened hamster. The rest of us exchanged glances but said nothing.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. …hmmm. How 'bout this? HEY, Jumbo! Over here!" How the sword figured out that Minsc wasn't listening we'll never know. But it whistled and the ranger glared at it balefully. "Y'know…you…cripes. Okay, ya really know how to swing me good. Real good. Friends? And I didn't mean what I said about the rodent, 'kay?"

To our continued surprise, Minsc stepped over, retrieved the blade, and held it out in front of him. "Boo will be watching you, Sword," he scolded and shook it a bit. "The squeaky wheel gets the kick! And Boo does not bluff."

"Ya." The sword sighed. "By the way, the name's Lilarcor, got it?"

Anomen, who had been curiously watching this entire exchange like the rest of us, suddenly stepped forward. "Ah, I would suggest you behave yourself. You-" He stopped mid sentence, and blinked, a look of confusion sweeping across his features. "I can't believe I'm talking to a sword."

"Hey bucko, who asked ya? I'm sure I can speak for the rest of us when I say I'm tired a yer whinin' and bitchin', and ya couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with that-"

"SWORD! Be nice to Little Girl's friends."

It was high time for me to intervene. The arguing had started a dull pounding at my temples, and I knew there was danger ahead. "Can we get moving, please?"

Anomen remained silent, but, unbelievably, stayed at Minsc's side for the rest of the day.


"The call of the untamed has wakened you, Sister?" Cernd turned to me as I stepped out of the tent the Jaheira and I shared.

I shrugged. "I don't often have insomnia, but it's terrible when it comes. Usually I'm quite hard to wake, actually." He was on watch, and I had taken mine earlier in the evening. I moved to sit on a log before the fire, and he did the same. Beyond the flickering flames I could barely make out the reflected glow of his eyes and the illuminated curve of his cheek, framed by the sheen of his unbound ebony hair.

He remained motionless for a few seconds, and I felt as if I had interrupted something. "The rustle of leaves sends mine own heart to fluttering," he breathed, and then the seemingly depthless black pools that were his eyes turned to me. "Can there be anything more beautiful than wild nature?"

"Oh, I would agree, though not quite as comely as the eyes of a loved one." Did I just say that? My fingers fidgeted within the folds of the wool cloak that covered my shoulders.

Cernd's face suddenly became distant, and his gaze dropped to the fire. "Perhaps, though they are best reflecting sky or trees. Both would be ideal, but choices must be made on occasion." He sighed, then smiled up at me warmly. "Ah, no regrets in the great mother's home."

A breeze shook the leafy canopy above us once more, and all around I hear the echo of acorns as they bounced over branches to the ground. I giggled as one of them bopped me right on the head, and then behind me I heard a distinctly metallic ping. It was Anomen, and I had no idea how long he had been standing there.

"Ah, there is my relief." Cernd rose and moved to place a hand on my shoulder. "Peace this night, Sister." And he disappeared as he moved outside the campfire's circle of light.

I turned to find the squire stiffly sitting on the log directly to my right. He was leaning over slightly, his hands were clasped together, his forehead resting upon them, his eyes closed. I assumed he was praying and so I remained silent.

I don't know which startled me more, Anomen's voice or the vulnerability it held. "When we sleep in the field there is always the chance that we will be beset by foes, yes?" His eyes were upon the flames in front of him, his hands lowered now but still clasped. "I cannot help but be reminded of my father at these times."

His father? Well, I knew his mother was a "divinity", but what of his father? I tried not to smirk. "How so?"

"You would have to meet my father to truly understand." Still I said nothing, hoping he would continue, and after a long silence, he did. "Suffice to say he is a cruel and overbearing man. He is also a heavy drinker, and as a child I'd lie awake, listening to him destroy his chambers in a drunken rage."

So there it was. I noticed Anomen's hands shaking a bit and he took a few deep breaths. I wanted to go to him but I dared not, and admitted to myself that I was afraid he'd verbally brush me off in a fit of temper like this morning…or physically like his father.

He crossed his plated arms over his chest and leaned back a bit. "But it matters not. I am no longer under his thumb. I've no reason to return to my father's house." False bravado. It was all too obvious.

I quickly got up and went behind him, and, bending, tried to wrap my arms around him, shoulders and all. But, as Anomen was armored, my hands had no chance of meeting in front of him, and so I settled for leaning against him, my cheek resting atop his head, his silky sepia hair getting in my eyes.

After a few long moments I released him, and shuffled back over to my log. I was afraid that perhaps I'd embarrassed him, and so I kept my gaze lowered. "Sooo…" I began awkwardly, tomorrow we set out for Keep de'Arnise to check on Nalia and her aunt."

"Yes," he choked, his voice a bit watery. "Ah, perhaps you had best get some sleep, my lady."

"I was thinking the same myself," I mumbled, and skittered off in the direction of my tent.


"Nalia, slow down. What are you talking about? What's this stuff about statues?" She was grinning from ear to ear, and reminded me a lot of Imoen as she jumped up and down. Imoen. I prayed that she was being treated kindly. The Cowled Wizards wouldn't torture their prisoners, would they? Would they? I decided they wouldn't and stared at the strawberry haired girl in front of me.

"In Trademeet! Don't tell me you haven't heard." It was almost a look of disapproval.

"Of course they haven't heard, child. They are more content to be irresponsibly traipsing through the forest instead of paying their respects to their betters." It was Delcia, who had, I noticed with admitted distaste, just swept into the room, followed by a groveling, nervous young man carrying a large tray of glasses and several decanters. We must be getting higher on her list, I thought to myself with satisfaction. She's actually brought us some refreshments.

I looked down at my grimy armor. "Thank you, Lady Delcia," I responded jovially, "but I do think we should clean ourselves up before we-"

Anomen shot me a look. "Your hospitality is welcoming, as always, my lady," he murmured to Delcia and waited for the servant to pour him a glass of wine.

"Indeed, Lady, you honor us," Keldorn quickly chimed in, sending a reassuring nod my way.

Delcia relaxed a bit and I must say that I thought her cheeks would crack when I saw her face twist into what I believed to be a smile. "Well then," she replied to Keldorn and then to the rest of us crowding into her front hall, "do come in."


"As I said, the girl is simply impossible and refuses even to meet any of the nice young men who have visited," Delcia exclaimed, "most likely as a result of traveling with the lot of you."

She had allowed us time to bathe and rest before treating us to a late supper, and now sat amongst us at one of the tables in the great hall. Nalia was conspicuously missing, and Delcia had explained that her niece had been sent off to town on some errands for some sort of event and would return the following morning.

"And so I think this is a splendid idea, yes?" Delcia didn't really expect an answer. "It would also serve to head off those Roenall dogs. Always a good thing." She took another sip of her brandy.

Jaheira set down her fork. "I assume you have an alternate plan if this doesn't work? The girl hardly seems the marrying type, and a courtship could take years." She passed a fleeting glance over myself and then Anomen, which I thought rather odd. That said, Jaheira once again turned her attention to her meal. To multiply my confusion, I found that Anomen sported a rather perplexed expression as well.

"What exactly is the 'marrying type'?" I questioned bluntly, and Jaheira glanced up at me, but didn't answer because her mouth was full. Jaheira and Khalid had been rather a model of nuptial bliss in my opinion.

Finally finished with his meal and quite at ease, Keldorn leaned back in his chair, groaning softly as he did so. "I believe the lady means, if you wouldn't mind, my lady," he turned to Jaheira and she motioned for him to continue. "I believe she means that, ah, some members of the fairer sex are not destined to become matrons and heads of households like my darling Maria. Women differ, as do men, and some are happier seeking adventure." He shrugged and turned back to Jaheira. "I do hope I have spoken your thoughts correctly."

The druid nodded and brandished her fork a bit. "Well said, paladin."

Keldorn grinned. "I aim to please."

"Did you say DANCING?" Minsc boomed suddenly, causing the lot of us jump. Cernd, who had been dejectedly staring at his plate during the rest of the conversation, had just lifted his goblet to drink, and now found half of his wine splattered all over his hand.

Anomen tossed an extra napkin to Cernd, who accepted it gratefully. "She did. Most celebrations do include musicians and dancing, I believe."

I recognized that haughty tone of Anomen's again, and I felt a sudden urge to wipe that smug look right off his face. How could a man be so spiritual and obnoxious by turns? I desperately hoped that Minsc hadn't caught the sarcasm, for it was nice to be at peace for a change. I needn't have worried.

"Boo and I will rest then." He reached out his huge hand to push himself back from the table, but apparently the legs of his chair had lodged themselves against one of the cracks in the stone floor. So instead of pushing himself from the table, he ended up pushing the table from himself. It slid towards Keldorn and I with amazing speed.

Unfortunately, I had been rocking myself on the back two legs of my chair, a habit that I had picked up from Imoen, and also a habit that I sometimes thought had been the bane of Gorion's existence. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor on my back, a quartet of worried faces leaning over me. I assumed Minsc had left after excusing himself, oblivious to the calamity he had caused. Delcia? Ah, I didn't really care. The back of my head was wet, and I reached up, only to find my hair bathed in a spreading pool of blood.

"How many times have I told you not to do that! Damn you, it could have been the end!" It was Jaheira, and I noticed tears in her eyes.

"Not the end. We would have taken her to the temple in Trademeet." It was Anomen, so very sure of himself as always.

"No!" Jaheira exclaimed, and she rose slowly, wiping away her tears with the backs of her hands. I watched Anomen doggedly follow her across the room. He was clearly upset and I knew he would demand from her an explanation. Would she give it to him? I wondered.

"That was rather a clumsy spill you took. Most unladylike for one such as yourself." It was Keldorn, and though his words sounded rather serious, I could see the playful lights dancing within his steel gray eyes. What was that all over his beard? It was white and sticky and… I couldn't hold back a giggle. Mashed potatoes! He must have fallen into his plate when the table hit him.

I motioned my hand up to my chin between giggles, and Keldorn did the same, frowning as his palm came away with food on it. He grinned and winked at me before setting off in search of a napkin.

Slowly I felt myself being lifted to a seated position, and I realized it was Cernd who was helping me up. I felt very dizzy when I became upright, and the druid placed his arms about me as I swayed. He convinced himself after a few moments that I was stable, and he released me, but didn't get up. Instead he remained seated on the floor in front of me.

"Thanks," I mumbled and absently rubbed the back of my head. Blech, even though it was mine, all this blood was disgusting.

"It was nothing." He was studying me as one would a nest of wasps, as if suddenly irritated, I would decide to swarm and sting. "You're not a duck."

What kind of comment was that? I stared at him in amazement. "Of course I'm not a duck. Did you fall too?"

He sighed, and even managed to smile a bit. "Forgive. I have for a time sensed a discordance within you…and now this." His hand motioned to where Jaheira and Anomen stood, still in discussion. Anomen was nodding at what the woman had to say, but other than that I couldn't make out their faces. Drat.

I turned back to the man sitting in front of me. "What does this have to do with ducks?"

"You look like a duck and quack like a duck, but Sister, you ain't a duck." Cernd tried to sound light hearted, but he failed miserably.

"And if I am...different, what would your reaction be?" I held my breath. Druids were bound by the laws of nature to keep secrets, right? I glanced over to Jaheira again. Not that I had ever heard as such, but it couldn't hurt to hope.

His black eyes caught mine, and for a moment I felt as if he was seeing clear through to my soul. Before me the shadows of his irises for a moment glowed golden like those of a wolf -- a bloodthirsty wolf prowling in the night. I shuddered, for suddenly I knew that he was not entirely what he seemed, either. I knew Jaheira could shapeshift into a wolf if she so chose, but…this was different. "My duty tells me to be curious; other than that, I am at a loss," Cernd replied solemnly, but he reached forward and took my hand. "You have shown you are not a danger, but perhaps I do not know what you are capable of."

I felt as though the slimy hand of fear were creeping up my back. Or maybe it was just my cold and bloody tunic falling away from my skin. Regardless, something told me that I should remind myself that this man was real. Reaching out, my hand caught the ragged ends of his coal-black hair, the same color as mine, but straight and silky like Anomen's. I watched as my fingers walked up its glossy length, and across his high cheekbones and angular nose. Satisfied that he was indeed another person sitting before me, I blushed a bit and drew my hands into my lap.

Cernd rose and then wordlessly lifted me to my feet. Looking around, I noticed that only Jaheira and Anomen were left in the room. The former was regarding me with arched brow and tilted head, and the latter was…fuming? I supposed that Jaheira hadn't told him what he wanted to know. I shrugged. He'd get over it.

"The others have gone to bed," Jaheira announced, "and we should do the same. We have a busy day ahead of us." She rolled her eyes. "Just once I wish I could be prepared for these ridiculous shows of…" She struggled for a word and finally gave up with an irritated sigh. "Bah! Music and dancing!"


"Again, too large!" Jaheira shouted as another gown flew over our heads, hit the stucco wall close to the high ceiling, and came down to rest upon Nalia's back as she dug through the trunk before her.

The girl tossed aside her would-be cloak, and threw a gown from the trunk at me. "I keep telling you, Jaheira, we can always take it in!"

"You don't understand, girl." I watched Nalia flinch at the word. "The proportion is all wrong. My armpits do not come to my waist."

"Um, Jaheira," I offered softly. "Nalia is being really generous in giving us these beautiful things. You, ah, could be a bit nicer."

The druid merely flung a robe over her undergarments and stalked into the adjoining bedroom. "Bah! Music and dancing!"

Nalia's eyes met mine, the unspoken question hanging between us, but we dare not speak it with Jaheira within hearing distance. Why was the half-elf being so difficult? She seemed to enjoy the other celebration we had attended. I bit my lip. That was it. "I'll be right back," I whispered to the young girl, and patted her arm in reassurance.

Jaheira was sitting on the bed, her arms crossed and her face frozen. I moved to stand in front of her, then felt odd looking down at her. Sighing, I sat down beside her. "I…" It was inevitable. Jaheira would send me away as she always did when her grief for Khalid overcame her. Oh well, I thought, that didn't mean I should stop trying. "I know why you're upset, and I…"


It hit me then, too. Khalid's desperate attempt at dancing. The way he looked at his wife when she came down the stairs in her finery. I sobbed. I couldn't help it. Tears ran down my cheeks , hot and tortured, as surely as they would if he had been my own husband. I found myself in Jaheira's arms then, and we held each other tight.

She was sobbing into my hair, just as I was sobbing into hers. "I know, I know…" she muttered, attempting to soothe me, and I let her. Maybe her own pain would lessen that way.

We separated a few moments later, sniffling and smiling sadly at each other through our tears. I dug a handkerchief out of my pocket and handed it to her, and she made to dig through her pocket to find one for me, but soon found that the robe she wore had no pockets in it. I located another handkerchief, and I blew my nose.

"Come." Jaheira stood and offered me her hand. "Perhaps that copper colored dress will work after all."


Green was never really one of my favorite colors. Especially not this spring green. It made me…well, stand out too much. The cut of the gown was nice though, and it fit well, though it was a little lower in the front than what I was used to. What I was used to the last time I wore a dress, I corrected myself. Perhaps I had grown too attached to my armor.

Beside me Nalia was smearing some kind of colored powder over her eyelids. It was the same shade of violet as her dress, and luckily it wasn't as intense once it was on her skin. She blinked, smiled at the reflection of herself, and then grabbed another tiny pot from the drawer beneath the mirror. This powder was a salmon color, and she dipped a big brush in that one and proceeded to dust her cheeks with it. She then applied the same color to her lips, albeit using a smaller brush. I was fascinated. It really did look good. Like Nalia, but…better.

She caught me staring. "You've never seen makeup before?"

"Well, yes, but only on…" I thought for a moment. "Uh…actors and prostitutes."

Her reflected face beside mine pouted. "If you tell me I look like a hooker I'm going to have to do it all over again, and then we'll be late."

I grinned. "I didn't mean it that way! It looks really nice! Really!"

"Want me to do you?" Nalia's fingers were already searching through the paint pots. "I have lots of different colors."

Part of me was a little scared. What if I turned out looking like a "hooker"? Jaheira would never let me hear the end of it. "Th-that's okay. You've already done my hair, and that was plenty of work." Indeed it had taken hours to get the unruly mass separated into neat ringlets, with a hot piece of metal, no less!

"Aww, I want to." She had already begun to uncover the first pot and was reaching for a brush. "Look at it this way. You can always wash it off if you don't like it."

That sounded sensible, and so I closed my eyes and let her do what she would.

"There!" Nalia crowed, then nudged me. "You can open your eyes now." She turned my face to the mirror.

I took a deep breath, but then suddenly thought maybe I was better off if I didn't look. After all, anything would look strange to me. "Uh…I decided I don't want to…uh, I trust you."

"Fine," she replied in a rather bored tone. "Come on, let's go."

As we entered the corridor that encircled the sunken great hall, I thought that there must be a million candles lit in there to create such brilliance. Light flooded through the open doorways and even up through the balcony openings. I realized then that Nalia was leading me to a balcony. "Why aren't we going down?" I asked naively.

"I want to see where everybody is. The place usually gets packed."

"Oh." I followed her out onto the tiny platform and was immediately thankful. This way my eyes could adjust to the light before I managed to trip down the stairs in this voluminous skirt. It didn't stick out or anything, but how many lengths of fabric did they use to make it? A hundred?

Nalia scanned the crowd and dance floor and pointed out our mutual friends. "Where's Minsc?"

I giggled. "Oh, don't worry, he'll be along. Oh, there's Jaheira. She looks beautiful."

"Mmm…" Nalia was still looking over the guests. "There's Felix. I've got to go, bye!"

"Felix?" I turned to question her, but she was gone. Wondering what on earth Nalia could see in a man called Felix, I leaned over a bit and waved to Jaheira.

Jaheira looked up and smiled, then turned to poke Anomen before stepping forward closer to my balcony. He was speaking to a blonde young man and had his back to her, and so he excused himself and strode after the half-elf, his eyes following hers up to where I was standing.

I admitted to myself that Anomen did look heartstoppingly handsome in his trousers and doublet of a rich chocolate brown. It set coppery highlights to his hair and beard, and even seemed to lighten his skin a bit, making the perfection of his bone structure all that more apparent.

It's a wonder he hasn't killed himself with that flail yet, I said to myself as I watched him trip over his own feet. He righted himself quickly enough though, and the young man next to him laughed and said something. It must have been good, for Anomen's cheeks went bright as a ripe strawberry. Deciding that I didn't want to miss out on all the fun, I quickly hurried down the stairs and headed towards Jaheira.

Just as I thought I had reached her, I heard a familiar voice to my right. Nalia certainly knew what she was talking about. Once down here on the floor, it was almost impossible to navigate through the seemingly endless sea of elegantly dressed bodies. I don't think I've ever seen so many people in one place. "My lady, may I have this dance?" It was Anomen, and he was holding out his hand to me with a rather odd look on his face, like he had just eaten something that didn't agree with him.

I opened my mouth to speak, but just then another huge hand and arm was thrust towards me in invitation. "Little Girl! There you are!"

Putting my hand in Minsc's, I turned to the young Helmite with a smile. "Sorry, Anomen. Minsc is always my dance partner."

Earlier that day I had promised myself that I would only allow Minsc a few dances with me that evening. After all, there were plenty of other girls in the room, and I wanted to spend some time with my other friends. I told him this as he led me out onto the floor, and he dejectedly agreed.

We were waiting for the music to start for the third dance when I saw Anomen, a grim set to his jaw, boldly step out from the sidelines and tap Minsc on the upper arm. The giant met my eyes and I nodded with a sigh. Minsc's shoulders drooped a bit and he made to exit the dance floor, but he was pleasantly surprised by a young girl with chestnut hair and freckles sprinkled across her nose. With a giggle she grabbed the amazed ranger's arm and led him across the room.

Then the music started up again. Anomen groaned. "Ah, it is a volta. Perhaps, my lady, we should…"

But I was waiting with one arm poised above my head, the other outstretched before me, and my chin raised. I tilted my head and sent him a challenging little smile.

He grinned and I suddenly felt like my legs were going to betray me right when I needed them most. Kick left, step left, leap. There it was, as if I had been doing this dance all day. We advanced on each other in the dance rather quickly and ended up at center a bit ahead of time, but Anomen improvised and we kicked and stepped back to back.

"Where did you learn to dance?" he asked me as we turned and faced each other again.

"Minsc taught me," I replied, and then it was time for the first leap-spin. Anomen's hands were suddenly upon my waist, and he easily lifted me and spun, then gently set me down again.

I looked up at him as we set up for the next one, and my breath caught in my throat as our eyes locked. "I'm…I'm a bit dizzy," I gasped lamely.

Anomen merely lifted and spun me again in time. "No you're not," he whispered in return and perfectly completed the next two leap-spins. "You're very graceful."

And you are exceedingly graceful and exceedingly beautiful, I thought, but then you open your mouth and ruin it all.

"What was that, my lady?" He was looking at me questioningly, but I didn't think I had said it out loud. "Something about Minsc sweeping the ladies off their feet on the dance floor? I imagine they are supremely disappointed when they find out he has the mind of a toddler." Anomen looked incredibly proud of himself after this last remark.

I punched him. I have to admit it, yes, I lost my temper and punched him, right in the stomach, right there on the dance floor. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him grunt and double over, staggering, but by the time I realized it I was already halfway up the stairs to my room. I wasn't up there long before I heard Jaheira's soft footsteps behind me. I removed my necklace with some difficulty, and then after that reached for the lacings of my gown.

"Are you well? You are shaking." I could feel her fingers dutifully working the laces.

"I'm just tired," I snapped, "overly tired." If Jaheira knew anything about my lovely performance on the dance floor, she wasn't letting on.

"Do you wish to speak about it?"

I shook my head emphatically without looking at her.

"I have requested that some tea be brought up to you. It will help you sleep amidst all this excitement." Did I hear a bit of sarcasm?

"I told you, I'm just tired, that's all!"

"You cracked a rib." Her voice came from the direction of the door, and I turned to find her leaning against the frame, an amused half-smile on her lips.

My eyes widened. "Is he all right?!" I gasped.

"I tended him. He should be right as rain now." Jaheira chuckled and closed the door behind her, leaving me alone to atone for my sins. I heard her chuckling some more as she made her way down the hall. "Right as rain..."

The Journal of Liila Whitewillow

#3 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 03:07 AM

One thing I had trouble figuring out how to get across was Liila's charisma rating. I started her out in the very beginning with an 18, just because she was so sweet and cute, the kind of person you just want to hug and comfort. But, after finding the Tome of Influence, and then passing the test of Wrath, she now has a 20. Insane.


I blinked and sat up slowly. The blue-green light coming in through the semi-opaque crystal windows had set the entire room awash with variegating sea-like hues. It was beautiful, but it only served to make me a bit queasy. Everything about elven architecture was curvilinear, I had discovered after spending just a few nights here at the palace. It made me slightly dizzy. I sighed. Perhaps preferring human settlements was just a part of being human.

Across the room a whirlpool bubbled, glowing like some otherworldly gem. Ahh…that hot water would feel good this morning. That even moderate houses in Suldanesslar had built-in bathtubs was something that spoke volumes on the advanced state of elven civilization, in my opinion.

Groaning, I swung my legs over the edge of the large bed, and turned to glance at its empty expanse as I began to drag myself towards the tub. I hadn't always risen from an empty bed, I knew, but I had for some time now. A certain vampire had seen to that. I felt the knot in my stomach tighten.

My disgusted thoughts were interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. "Lady Liila? A message."

I sighed. "One moment," I called, and retrieved my silk robe from the chair opposite, hurriedly wrapping it around me.

A young elven page wearing a tabard of the royal colors stood waiting on the other side of the door. His eyes swiftly took in the state of my crumpled robe and unkempt hair, and then met my rather impatient gaze. He remained motionless and silent, his jaw a bit slack.

"The message?" I tapped my foot. Had he never seen a human before?

He straightened. "Her Majesty wishes to speak with you. At your convenience, that is."

"Very well." The messenger turned to depart and I tapped him on the shoulder. "Would you do something for me, please?"

"Anything, goddess." He stared at the wall, seemingly surprised that the words had come from his own mouth.

"Hm." This 'thank you for saving my city from the madman' bit had gone a little too far. "Have breakfast sent up to me? Thank you." I didn't wait for his answer and closed the door quickly. Peace and quiet again. I loved having my own room.


"Ah, my dear." I raised my head, as I was still kneeling on the floor, and Ellisime lifted her wrist and gracefully beckoned. "Come closer."

I willingly complied and stepped to face the lovely queen, who was seated at a huge and very ornate table. A table that was piled high with books and rolled up parchments. She pointed to the seat of a cushioned chair in front of her, and I sat down as quietly as I could. "Your Majesty," I began in a hoarse whisper, and then cleared my throat. "Your Majesty. I thank you for granting me the opportunity to bid you farewell in person. I see that Suldanesslar shall soon be brought back to its former glory, and-"

The radiant elf tilted her head and regarded me a moment, a smile gently forming in her slanted eyes. "Indeed, we owe you and your companions quite a debt. But alas, I cannot let you leave our fine city just yet."

I think my mouth fell open. Cannot allow us to leave? Were all people in power so demanding? This is how she thanks us? By holding us prisoner? And she, the daughter of a divine force of goodness?

Ellisime saw me struggling for appropriate words and held up a slim hand before I could speak. "I know you wish to return once again to Athkatla. However, do you think Lathander could spare you yet another week?" She saw then that I was pouting, and she chuckled, a sound not unlike the tinkling of silvery bells. "Suldanesslar's citizens have been working very, very hard to put the recent past aside and move on with their day to day lives. I feel that a public celebration is in order. Since you and your friends have made all of this possible, it would be in your honor of course."

My shoulders were drooping at that point. It wasn't that I didn't like being here, it was that…well, I was bored to death. In the past week I hadn't seen much of the other members of my party, and that galled me too. Was I the only one glumly wandering the city streets with no destination…no…ah, there it was…no home? Even Imoen had somehow disappeared.

The Queen cupped her fingers under my chin and raised my face to hers. She had apparently come to stand by my side whilst I had been lost in my thoughts. "Come now, do we not all deserve a little hope?"

Could she feel the desolation that had somehow seated itself in my heart? Perhaps. Maybe her parentage had given her similar sensations. "Does…does He speak to you? Y-your father, I mean."

"Rillifane? Sometimes." Her gaze was steady, and then grew interested. "And for you?"

"He's dead!" I replied fitfully, a bit too loudly for my own tastes. "And thank the Morninglord for that!" Tears were spilling down my cheeks. Why…why did I feel so empty? "I think...it is my blood that speaks to me sometimes," I choked. "It is angry, it growls and snarls at me, telling me that I cannot escape, that it will take over someday."

Ellisime nodded sagely and dropped her hand from my face. I silently thanked her for respecting me by not leaning over to coddle me like a child. "Perhaps it knows that it is held in check. It is raging, because it feels defeat." She looked up and out the window for a moment, though not at anything in particular, and then turned to me again. "We do not worship your Lathander here, though I know His cause to be just. Perhaps serving the needs of others at our temple this next week will set your heart at ease and keep your mind off your troubles?"

I nodded and brought out a handkerchief to wipe my eyes. "Do the others know about this party you plan?"

"I leave it for you to tell them, my dear. Now, here are the details…"


Where in 'Toril could they be?! Obviously still within the treetop city, but why is it that we barely even passed each other in the palace halls?! Perhaps the Queen had given them duties. No, that didn't really seem like something she'd do. Ah! There was one person who would know.

I found her standing at a counter between a large pile of vegetables and a huge platter. In her hand was a small instrument of some sort, very fine and sharp, and she was working with it diligently. As I stepped into the kitchen, I noticed that the platter was filled halfway with the most beautiful flowers and ferns, and upon further inspection I realized that they weren't real flowers and ferns at all, but edible vegetables, transformed by the elder woman's intricate carving. I grabbed an uncarved radish and popped it into my mouth as I watched her with fascination.

"I saw that," Cook replied without looking up. "Help yourself, just don't touch the finished ones." The elf's name wasn't really "Cook", of course, nor was that what the others called her. She had introduced herself the first day I wandered into the chamber where she held command, but after laughing at me trying vainly to pronounce the lengthy syllables, she granted me permission to call her by the simplest of culinary titles.

I grinned and vaulted myself up to sit on the counter behind her after grabbing a large carrot to chew on. "I wouldn't dream of it. Soo…you hear about the party next week in the courtyard?"

She raised her hands in mock agitation. "Party! What party? Noooo, whatever shall I do?!"

"All right, all right," I muttered. "Seems like my friends and I are the last to know."

"Most probably so you couldn't back out." Cook suddenly sniffed the air and ordered one of her servants to remove the bread from the stone oven. She caught me fairly drooling as I watched the dozen crusty loaves being set out to cool, and permitted me to have some, with a warning not to burn myself.

I licked the dripping butter from my fingers and a servant brought me a glass of milk. "Won't it take the tailor longer than a week to make our garments?" I pondered aloud.

"Nay, not Master Ylthed," Cook volunteered. "He's a wonder, to be sure."


"Center of town, blue building. Can't miss it."

"Do you know where my friends are?" I really didn't want to leave this sanctuary of warmth and good smells, but I figured I had to sooner or later.

Cook stopped her work and thought a moment, then nodded. "The ranger went for a walk in the park, the paladin to the armory, the pink-haired girl ran off with that fair-haired boy again, and the druid is still at Velith's, I assume, since I've not heard she'd returned."

Still at Velith's? My, my, I thought, Jaheira really must like this noble. I shrugged. I liked Velith too. "Imoen ran off with…a boy?"

"Not exactly ran off." The woman shook her head. "They were turning this place upside down, so I sent them out to buy flour. Oh." Finished with the platter, Cook set to work with a mortar and pestle, combining specific herbs and sniffing the mixture every few turns. "That young knight of yours is still up in his room, not that that's a surprise."

I hopped off the counter and stamped my foot angrily. "He's not my knight, do you hear?! Why does everyone insist on calling him my knight!" I sniffed. "It's…over…" I muttered as I ran out of the room before anyone could see my tears.


It was a beautiful day to go to the park, I admitted to myself as I made my way in that direction. Sun shining, birds chirping…wait, what was that noise? It sounded like a loud sobbing…oh dear, I knew that voice. I started to sprint down the street, stopping only to apologize to the people that I couldn't avoid running into.

"Elves will not let me chop this tree? NOBODY will help Boo? BOH-hoh-hoh-hoh…"

I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. There, in the middle of a standing circle of very perplexed elves, was Minsc, down on his knees in front of a tree, crying his heart out. I knelt down in front of him as soon as I could and tugged on his shirt to get his attention.

Minsc looked up at me, and my heart twisted in anguish at the unbridled pain spreading across his face. "Little Girl! They will not let Minsc save him! BOH-hoh-hoh-hoh…"

"All right, all right…" I had to get him to explain. Obviously nobody else knew what was going on either. Well, I had gathered that Minsc had attempted to fell a tree in the park and had been apprehended. Thinking of no other way to comfort him, I reached out and started to rub his shaven head. "Tell me what happened."

"BOH-hoh-hoh-hoh…" His sobbing abruptly stopped for but a moment. "That feels nice. BOH-"

"Ssshhh-shhht!" I wagged a finger in front of his face, and oddly enough his big brown eyes followed it and he quieted. "Now, tell me what happened," I repeated softly.

He took a big breath and let it out with a few hiccups. "Boo and friend chipmunk went to play. But Boo is bigger than friend chipmunk and can't go to the same places." He pointed to the tree in front of him and I heard a muffled squeaking coming forth from inside. Minsc continued with a frown. "Boo cannot use his secret powers because his ears are cramped."

I then noticed an opening in the tree near the ground, and I guessed that it was just big enough for me to get my arm in. "I'll get him. Don't worry, my friend." I patted the giant's head and he sat up to watch what I was going to do.

Lying down flat on my belly, I weasled my hand up into the tree, and then my arm. It was damp and mushy inside, and I spread the rotted wood apart with my fingers to make more room. Soon I was up to my shoulder in it, and still no sign of Minsc's pet. "Come on, Boo, come on," I called softly and whistled. Does one whistle to a hamster?

Then I felt a twitchy little nose near my fingers, and the tickling of whiskers. And suddenly he was in my hand, and I grabbed him and pulled him out. He hopped over to Minsc's shoulder and rubbed his furry little face against the ranger's cheek.

Needless to say, Minsc was overjoyed at the return of his best friend and completely forgot about the other people there. I made my apologies to the elven park police and they nodded and smiled as I explained what had happened. They didn't even question me once, just bobbed their heads in agreement and filed out immediately. What was with the elves in this town?

Regardless, now I could tell my friend about the upcoming event. "Minsc." He continued to scold Boo. "MINSC!"

"No need to yell," he replied calmly. "Minsc can hear you."

I rolled my eyes. "I came to tell you that there's going to be a party next week at the palace." He was unfazed. I sighed. "We're invited."

He straightened. "DANCING!!!" To this day I don't know how, but I managed to hold him back just long enough to turn him in the direction of the tailor.

I counted on my fingers. One down, four to go. Where was Keldorn again? Ah, the armory. But Velith's estate was on the way, so I'd go there first.


"The garden, my lady." The butler left me at what looked like the mouth to a large overgrown forest. This is his idea of a garden? I thought, no wonder she likes him. I stepped forward through the trees, though I had no clue where I was going. My only reassurance was that eventually I'd come to a marble wall on the other side should I not find Jaheira and her friend.

I heard voices through the trees, and as I got closer I recognized one as Jaheira's. "You put a frog down my back. How can you say you didn't know how to get my attention?"

"I must admit, it wasn't the best of plans. My jaw still aches in damp weather." Velith chuckled, then was suddenly serious. "Even then, you had eyes only for Khalid."

The branches parted ahead of me to reveal Velith sitting on the ground with his back up against a tree. Jaheira lounged in a slightly swaying hammock just above him, one arm lifting a flower to her nose, her other arm trailing down, fingers affectionately twirling a lock of his long golden hair.

I coughed, my eyes downcast.

Jaheira's eyes flew to mine and she jerked her hand back from the elf's hair and into her lap. Velith, in the mean time, had risen and began to step forward to me, a friendly smile on his handsome face. "Ah, the little heroine. Welcome to my home." He grinned and turned back to his companion briefly. "You know Jaheira?"

I giggled, playing along. "We've met."

The druid lifted her chin, her expression stern. "What brings you here?"

Frowning at her abrasiveness, I noticed that Velith merely looked on with interest, his hands clasped behind his back. I responded with a shrug. "This morning Her Majesty told me about a party next week for us, and I wanted to deliver the message."

Jaheira's tone was flat. "I know about that already. So does Keldorn."

Scowling, I gazed at her in disbelief. I was about to tell her off when Velith touched my elbow and led me around and started slowly walking me away from the druid. "Forgive me, my lady, but Jaheira thought it best not to send you a message."

I was about to angrily accuse him of deceitful practices, but I noticed that his cobalt eyes held a bit of an apology. "Because she thought that I'd not want to stay," I mumbled.

He nodded. "There is the matter on which you disagree, of a certain-"

"He is not my knight!" I growled, and found my own way back to the street.

I had not taken two steps from Velith's front stair when I was suddenly whipped around and dragged down the street a short way. To my surprise I found that the whirlwind was Imoen. I planted my heels and she came up short, her arm nearly jerking from her shoulder.

"OW! Come on, Lii, I forgot the flour!" I could tell that she was about to take off running at any moment.

"You don't have to get the flour," I replied calmly, crossing my arms over my chest. "Cook just sent you two out to keep you out of her hair."

"Oh good. Hey!" Imoen settled down a bit and began to kick at the sidewalk with her toe. "That's not really fair. We were just trying to help her with her mouse problem. Miraldran knows a great "summon wild cat" spell!"

I watched her face light up at the mention of the elven boy's name and wondered why she would get all excited about such a simple work of magic. After all, I had seen her go up against Irenicus with a fire elemental. Hmm…maybe she was teaching this Miraldran. Probably she could teach him a lot. I grinned, and then shuddered a bit, hoping for Cook's sake that it was indeed a "summon wild cat" spell and not a "summon wildcat" spell.

"Watcha doin', checkin' up on Jaheira?" Immy's eyes were once again filled with mischief.

"No, for your information, I was delivering a message from the Queen. So there." How come I always reverted back to a twelve year old around my sister?

She smirked. "So what's the message?"

I told her about the party and she began to groan and stomp down the street, her head thrown back in exaggerated misery.

"You're going the wrong way. The tailor is over there." I pointed.

"Sorry, Charlie. I'm not gonna get all dressed up for that. These old pants and shirt will do, yessir."

I watched her head out again, and then another thought hit me. "Um…Im?

"Ya?" She turned and looked at me innocently.

"Don't you want to look pretty for Miraldran?"

I grinned as she stuck her tongue out at me and headed in the direction I had pointed out to her a few moments before.


"Come." The voice that answered my soft knock on the door was weary and dejected, and I admitted to myself that I was beginning to worry…a lot.

I entered the room to find Anomen slouching in a chair before the window, his eyes closed and his head thrown back as the warm sunlight streamed down upon him. His face was drawn and thin, and his hands looked as claws where they rested curled upon his thighs. "Y-you're not turning into a vampire again, are you?" I closed my eyes and grimaced. How is it that I always managed to say the worst possible thing to him?

He responded without moving, his eyes still closed. "I would hardly think that I would be enjoying this sunlight if I were."

"Um, yes. You're right." I placed the tray of food on the table next to him and backed away again. He opened his eyes and turned slightly to see what I had done, then grunted and turned back to the sunlight. I realized then that his beard, always so neatly manicured, had become straggly and was growing in around his cheeks and neck. He hadn't bothered to get dressed, and as he moved his robe parted above the waist, allowing me a view of his chest and belly, and I noticed that I could make out the shadows of his ribs on his sides. An image of the past appeared in my mind, and I suddenly remembered how I had loved to trace a path with my fingers down along that narrow strip of dark hair that ran from his chest to his navel, and below.

And then just as suddenly, the image was replaced by that of the vampiress Bodhi, the cold blueness of her icy touch tracing that very same spot. I began to breathe heavily as the hatred coiled like an oily black thing around my spine and stomach, and then I pushed the image aside, along with all the memories. Shoved aside, as easily as one would clean a table of crumbs. I looked at Anomen and felt…nothing.

"There is to be a ball in our honor a week from tomorrow in the palace courtyard." My tone was brisk.

Anomen's tone was equally devoid of emotion, though I could almost hear him fighting it. "I shall be there."

"Very well. I'm sure Jaheira can fill you in on all the details." I turned on my heel and exited, carefully making sure that I didn't slam the door behind me.


My first custom-made gown. I twirled in front of the full-length mirror and was amazed at how it ballooned around me and then settled in exactly the same folds. A dense color it was, in the plushest velvet, a deep dark burgundy, almost, but not so purple. The color of the first drop of blood. Fresh blood, fresh and almost pink, straight from the pumping heart. Why had I chosen such a color? I don't know, it had caught my eye as I had entered the shop.

The neckline arced in a graceful sweep from just below the curve of one shoulder to the other, the sleeves tightly fitted to button at each wrist. My bosom swelled above the stark line, a bit, but not so much. It certainly wasn't as low as some of the other gowns I had seen. A ruby teardrop nestled in my décolletage, hung from a silken silver chain around my neck. The closely fitting bodice was sprinkled with more of the red stones, tiny ones, but they caught the light in an intricate pattern, and the skirt flowed out about me like an extension of my own legs.

I hadn't had anyone help me dress this eve, save for the servant girl Lysia to do up the gown's laces. It wasn't that I didn't care, I had just preferred instead to spend as much time as I could lying in the steaming pool of scented water in my room. It was the only thing that kept my thoughts at bay. Thoughts, memories, fears. One in the same, Jaheira would say. So at the last minute I had climbed from the tub, bent over from the waist and brushed my lengthy hair until it glowed, then shrugged into my gown and clasped the necklace around my throat. That was all I would do, I vowed. Ah, slippers. I stepped into the matching velvet slippers and descended the numerous sets of stairs and finally along the promenade that led out to the courtyard.

"Ah, here she is now." Keldorn reached out an arm and drew me into his little circle of friends, undoubtedly ones that he had made at the garrison these past few weeks. The steel gray of Keldorn's velvet doublet set the gray of his eyes out from his face, and made his hair appear almost silver. Other than that, I could have sworn he was standing there in his armor.

The half-elf beside him laughed. "Sir Keldorn, you jest. A delicate rose such as this could never wield the mighty Crom Faeyre."

I arched an eyebrow, but Keldorn just gave me an innocent look. Smiling sweetly, I turned to the paladin's outspoken friend. "Perhaps a duel could be arranged."

The man froze and I watched the pupils dilate in his amber eyes as he met my gaze. "My lady," he squeaked simply, and I rolled my eyes at Keldorn and continued onward alone through the crowd.

Every time I stopped to look around for my friends, I was approached by one of countless men, young, old, in between, some kissing my hand, some making a bow, and all jabbering something equally inane. To the first few I made an excuse and offered a gracious smile, but my nerves were already starting to be rubbed raw by the sheer volume level of the surrounding conversation. And what was this? There was no music.

After awhile I didn't care how rude I appeared. I felt like a hunted beast, and I just wanted to be alone and perhaps find someone to have an interesting conversation with. As I neared the refreshment table on the far end, I stopped short, turned to the three men who were trying to follow me without appearing obvious, and stuck my tongue out at them. I found cookies on the table and prepared myself a plate of them, and quietly pouted and munched. A servant I recognized as being of Cook's regime brought me a glass of milk, and I almost hugged her.

From my vantage point on the far end of the courtyard I could admire the clearness of the sky, the endless sea of stars winking overhead, and the musky smell of upcoming autumn with the slight chill to the otherwise mild breeze. My eyes followed the curve of the overhead branches down to the flowing straightness of their majestic trunks, and my eyes picked out a rather stark figure milling about across the empty dance floor.

It was Anomen. Why was he wearing doublet and breeches of black velvet? Was he mourning something? As if sensing my eyes upon him, he turned suddenly and met my stare, and I noticed the dark circles under his eyes. But it was the weight of his stare that made me reach forward and flail blindly for the edge of the table. And just as quickly, he vanished into the crowd and my heartbeat slowed to normal pace. Perhaps… I thought sadly, perhaps it is time for both of us to move on.

"I see you've found yourself a little hiding place." It was Jaheira, and I looked over to find her clothed in a modest gown of medium blue, Velith right behind her, his doublet and trousers a slightly darker shade.

"I…didn't like the company," I petulantly replied.

She didn't move. "Then why did you come? And so extravagantly dressed?"

I blushed, and noticed Velith slightly tighten his hold on her arm. I shot him an embarrassed smile and began to examine my cookies.

"The dancing should be starting soon," Jaheira announced suddenly, and I followed her eyes to where the musicians were indeed preparing to play. "Minsc should be here soon to accompany you," she continued, rather loudly.

"My lo--, …lady, may I have the honor of your company for this first dance?" My stomach flipflopped as I realized that the voice belonged to Anomen, who was now standing directly to my right and regarding me with a strange sort of frightened look upon his face.

I gritted my teeth and turned to Jaheira. "You planned this," I spat, and jammed the plate into her waiting hand, then turned to Anomen and let him lead me out to the center of the empty dance floor.

We stared at each other in silence, sharing the odd sensation of having a hundred sets of eyes upon us. The short distance between us seemed a physical thing, a warped square of time and space, cluttered with memories and emotions.

He broke the challenge of the gaze first, turning to the musicians who were now awaiting some kind of direction. "A volta, if you please." Anomen's voice was strong but strained, as if the weight of the world were upon him. So, he wants a volta, does he?

I picked my way across the floor to my starting place, and he did the same. Dropping into a low curtsey, I felt oddly awkward and not at all sure of my own footing. Anomen executed a perfect bow as I curtseyed, and we heard the crickets chirping in accompaniment to the opening strains of the melody.

My body moved, seemingly of its own accord, and I found that my eyes were locked to Anomen's dark orbs, and his to mine. The dance of Rashemen was a proud one, and though my spine remained erect and my chin remained lifted, something inside me screamed of injustice as my partner and I kicked, stepped, and leaped toward each other to eventually meet in the center. Pride. I had passed that test in Hell. Or…had I?

I had not killed the dragon. Nor would I have killed it out of pride. I knew that some dragons were forces of good, not evil, and so of course I wouldn't just blindly kill it without talking to it first. So was it Pride that I had duped into giving me the first Tear of Bhaal?

We had now reached the center of the dance floor, and stepped to face each other, as with the next movement Anomen would lift me into the air and turn in a full circle. And so he did, and as his hands came around my waist, a dozen images flashed before my mind's eye. A dozen scenes of true love, spiritual and physical…all of them Anomen.

I caught him looking at me with concern as he set me on my feet again, and paused cautiously before beginning the next leap-spin. And as I met his eyes I knew then that I had been fooling myself these past few weeks, even in Hell. For did the evil Bodhi ever bend to kneel with him and pray, her forehead touching his? Did she ever kiss those strong shoulders, knowing them to be the fortress of faith and protection that they are? Did she ever drop into the dark twilight of his eyes, his open soul, the moment before passion overtook them both? Bodhi may have charmed his body with her vampiric powers, but his heart had always been mine. And mine had always been his.

"Can we…" I whispered as Anomen lifted and released me about for the last spin, and he leaned forward to catch my words as we completed the steps with him at my back. I swallowed and began again. "M-may I come to you tonight?"

He swung me about to face him in time to the music, catching both my hands and gazing at me curiously. Satisfied that I was sincere, he opened his mouth to respond, but choked. "…be honored," was all that came out.

It was almost time to do the leap-spin move again, and so I breathed out the words as quickly as possible. "I realize now that I have been beset by Pride, a-and Selfishness, and I shall not let them overtake me again."

And I was lifted into the air, and held there for a few seconds. I looked down to see Anomen leaning his forehead against my stomach, his eyes closed. When he put me down I saw that his eyes were wet, and then it was time for him to lift me again. I ran my hands through his hair the next time, and we smiled at each other when he set me down finally, the music fading softly.

We were both surprised to find that no other couples had joined us on the dance floor. Someone started clapping, and pretty soon I was blushing furiously as the entire room applauded. Even Minsc was standing on the sidelines looking misty-eyed.

Anomen took my hand and quickly led me to a somewhat empty corner of the lawn, and then turned to face me. "My lady, I must tell you that, in truth, I do not feel worthy of your attentions." This was said in all seriousness, and again I noticed the dark smudges of unrest under his eyes.

I grinned. "Do you want me to slap you?"

Seriousness turned to confusion. "Slap me?"

"Yes, I shall do so every time I hear anything from you having to do with 'worthy' from now on." I raised my hand a little just to prove my point.

Anomen grinned, and I felt my heart pound. "I hardly think that a fitting ending to our display on the dance floor. Perhaps this…"

And he swept me into his embrace and pressed his mouth to mine. I could do nothing but claw at his doublet as his warm tongue barely parted my lips, and then he released me to stand there trembling, staring up at him like a half-wit.

I noticed that his face was flushed and he bent to whisper in my ear. "Ah…would you mind standing in front of me for the next several moments?"

A knowing smile, and admittedly one of delight crossed my lips as I gazed up at him.

"That look isn't helping."

I giggled. "Sorry."

A small fist collided with my upper arm and I turned to find Imoen grinning at me from ear to ear. "'Bout time, you guys," she cracked and lifted up the skirts of her pale yellow gown and made to run away.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her up short again. "Where are you going in such a hurry, miss?" I queried in my best motherly tone.

"I gotta… Oooh, wait a second." She ran a few feet ahead and peered around a few of the other guests, then ran back to us and raised a finger right in front of my face. "Stay right here, 'kay?" Then she dashed off.

Nodding, I giggled some more, and Anomen poked me in the ribs.

Imoen returned with a pale-haired elven youth in tow. He didn't look very happy at being pulled along by my sister, but he smiled shyly when they approached us. "This is Miraldran," Immy announced proudly as if introducing a new pet.

We all made the usual "happy to meet you" type remarks, and Imoen shrugged and grabbed his hand again. "Oh well, time to go fix that mouse problem. See ya!"

I sighed and Anomen held his hand out to me. "Shall we dance, my love?"

"I would be honored, good sir." I put my hand in his with a beaming smile.


Judging by the way the sunlight streamed through the curtained window, I guessed it to be about mid afternoon. Turning my head, I found Anomen's eyes staring at the window as well. "You're awake," I announced sleepily.

"I am, but I have no intention of leaving this bed."

I grinned. "Agreed."

He turned to me and his brow crumpled in concern. "You are troubled."

My eyes, still glazed over from the few short hours sleep I had had, remained on the window. "I…it's just this feeling of dread. Like…something terrible is going to happen…or a test of some sort." I turned to face him suddenly and gripped his knuckles. "It's…it's not over yet. This blood…it's not going to just go away."

He smiled and kissed my fingers. "A wise woman once told me that I worried about tests too much."

"But…but this isn't anything that I can control! It's all out of my control, actually."

Anomen bent his elbow, propped his head on his hand, and laid the other one gently on my waist, then stroked the skin of my upper arm. "That same wise woman told me that you can never control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it."

"Hrmph. Are you going to lie here all day and repeat my words back to me?"

His thumb gently stroked my lower lip. "No. I should like to make love to you."

"You're despicable." I pouted and gently grabbed his thumb with my teeth.

"And you are exquisite." He gathered me to him and kissed me, then leaned back a bit and gazed into my eyes. "You are stronger than that which you face. Always remember that."

I gasped. "Gorion used to always tell me that."

"Smart man, was that Gorion." Anomen leaned over to kiss me again and I struck his shoulder with my fist.

I don't think he cared.

The Journal of Liila Whitewillow

#4 Guest_Mutant Mike_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 11:27 AM

Don't see that much in the way of stories pre-BG2. It's nice. The descriptions are very vivid, I like them a lot.

The dress descriptions in particular are very good. Makes it easier to visualize.

Off to check out part 2!

The Hi-Ho Mutant! (not the crackers ;))

#5 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 12:33 PM

*applaud* That was fantastic. *sniff* Such a sweet little (little?!) story, and you even managed to get a good rib-cracking in there :D Ok, ready everyone? "Awwwww!!" Marvelous! What else is there to say? The descriptions were very vivid and beautiful, and the characters perfect, IMO (especially Minsc and Immy) *sigh* ...I want a dress like the one Jaheira had in the first one. And it's good to see a cleric, too. There have been a few, but most I've noticed are rangers or bards or something like that. At first I thought she may have been a druid (which we certainly don't have enough of) Oh, and speaking of which, nice to see Cernd in a story, finally. ;) The scene with him was very touching, and I always loved his duck comment. And your Anomen was perfect... I felt so sorry for him! Oh well, it had a happy ending, so that's always nice. Agh, now I have to go work on my romance... I really don't think it'll be as good as this, but we'll see. More, please? :D

#6 Guest_Rose of Jericho_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 07:05 PM

Wow, that was really well done, one of the better trilogies I've come across in quite some time. What nice dresses she gets :-) I'm going to have to think up some nice stuff for my poor underdressed characters!

Nice job, I'd like to see some more!

#7 Weyoun

Posted 02 June 2001 - 07:28 PM

Well, that was a wonderful set of stories! I remember the many disappointments in Bg1. (Hey, I adventuring my butt off here, and there's never a hero's ceremony! The trademeet and Suldenessalar ceremonies made up for a lot, though!)

At first I thought this was going to be a Minsc-romance, I must admit... I always wanted to see a story about that!:-)

I liked the dance scenes... La Volta, eh? Minsc and Ano in white leisure suits... LOL, somehow I can see that! :-)



TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#8 Guest_Dwagon_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 08:34 PM

aw...that story was so sweet:)...really liked minsc's dancing and all the details of the clothing and your anomen is very sweet too:)...i'm babbling here, but great story and hope you will fill in all the details soon:)


#9 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 08:38 PM

Wow... this was good stuff! (who woulda thought Minsc could bust a move?) Very vivid descriptions, and a good sense of "being inside the protagonist's head", so to speak :-).



Sorry, no big, long, and deep commentaries from me.

Peace, love, and stories

- Doromond

"It is easier to fight for your principles than to live up to them." - Unknown

#10 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 02 June 2001 - 10:27 PM

> I liked the dance scenes... La Volta, eh? Minsc and Ano in white leisure

> suits... LOL, somehow I can see that! :-)

Must...get...image...out...of...head. :Þ

Actually La Volta was an actual 15th Century dance. See it in action in the movie "Elizabeth", as it was Queen Elizabeth I's favorite dance.

The Journal of Liila Whitewillow

#11 Weyoun

Posted 03 June 2001 - 01:38 PM

> Must...get...image...out...of...head. :Þ

> Actually La Volta was an actual 15th Century dance. See it in action in

> the movie "Elizabeth", as it was Queen Elizabeth I's favorite

> dance.

Ahem, sorry! I thought it was a reference to "Tra-Volta" *sheepish grin*

"You tell, by the way, I walk my walk,

I'm a Hamster's man, no time to talk" :P

I hope I haven't caused any premanent damage!;)



TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#12 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 03 June 2001 - 08:00 PM

These were very good. I found the dance scene in Part 3 to be especially good, and you wrote it extremely well. My only advice would be don't be in such a hurry! Post the segments with some spacing so that your readers aren't so overwhelmed. This was very good work, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with.

#13 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 03 June 2001 - 08:16 PM

That certainly was a large number of parties.

I have stumbled into a number of them myself, despite my motives being, perhaps, not as philanthropic as yours.

Your tale of terpsichorean festivity was quite lovely indeed. Although, as I often do, I felt moved to smack Cernd. Well, perhaps it is a personal issue, hm?


Parallel Journeys

#14 Guest_Devon_*

Posted 04 June 2001 - 12:53 AM

*wailing with grief*

How could *you*!

How could you make Anomen so miserable? It's heartbreaking! Grrrr. The poor boy, so upset that he is fading away....


Only kidding, :)

I really enjoyed this and I got so caught up in it that I've now neglected my exam study for the last half hour! Poor Anomen! I am *so* glad that Liila made up with him after all, and the passage where you compare Bodhi's ravishing of Anomen and Liila's memories is so poignant that I actually started crying! Bad girl! The line that especially rang true was the part where she thinks about kissing Anomen's shoulders that are her fortress of strength. Ack, beautiful!

Well, you've outdone yourself here. And I am so glad that you finished it with Anomen about to make love to her.


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