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My story about Negrath, part 17...and 18

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#1 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 01 June 2001 - 10:15 PM

Hi again!

Not to sure about the clarity of the opening at the top here...

Rest assured, neither is suggesting to cheat on Viconia ;)

The Story...


The suns first rays waking them, Negrath opened his eyes to find a fully clothed Jaheira kneeling on the bed beside him, looking at him morosely;

-“I'm sorry about last night…I really need someone to hold onto 'til I can get some distance to the memory…You think Keldorn…”

-“Don't, Jaheira. You know I'd be the first to claim you the driving force of this group. Minsc and Keldorn fights, Aerie casts, Viconia…Viconia comments, basically, and I…I just want Imoen back. Without you, this group would have lost all reason to exist the second Irenicus vanished with Imoen and those cowled fools.

Minsc would have gone about with me, simply since that is what he has done since the Gnoll Fortress, And I would have no interest in anything but getting to know where I could find Imoen…and I would have gone about it in all the wrong ways, too. Please allow me to be your anchor, Jaheira. I'm sure Viconia would do nothing but make a comment or two, once she had the situation explained…and she wouldn't mean either of them.”

-“…If I'm the driving force, then I'm the one to make sure you are there to receive the shadow Thief smugglers.” The druid commented, her usual manner utterly restored.

Chuckling, Negrath crawled out of the bed, and got into his clothes, slightly uncomfortable as the woman on the bed seemed to study every move he made, as though wondering how he made her do what she did.

Moving with all due haste, they came upon the mornings only delivery-boat, only to be saluted with a hail of arrows from Guild members having expected their arrival.

Momentarily wishing Aerie had had the timestop-spell he had read about in Candlekeep, Negrath promptly drew his blades, whirling into the gathering of workers just having gotten up the stairs from the docks, that had drawn swords at the adventurer's approach.

Aerie tossing Missiles and Orbs at whatever archers she could get a glimpse of, fuelling them with righteous fury at the ambush, and Jaheira having taken up guard beside her, Minsc were only too happy to deal steel to the smugglers close by the Kensai…although not too close…

Where Keldorn was, became evident to Negrath when he heard the first of the battles many instances of wood meeting steel, as the Knight's family blade flew above his head.

-“Ought to get yourself a helmet, son.” The armored one grunted, boxing a nearby smuggler in the gut as he got too close.

-“Can't afford the distraction.” Were the terse reply.

-“Nor can I.” Commented Keldorn, deflecting yet another arrow aimed at the Bhaalspawn's head, before loudly instructing Jaheira to do what she could with her sling, to stop the annoying rain...

By way of response, the druid dropped her staff and, incapacitating a fool who saw a chance with a couple of swift kicks, grabbed her sling from her belt, and started pelting the various shadowy corners and rooftops with glowing red bullets.

Soon, the few that had attempted a run dropped by a sleep spell and terminated, the goods they had been sent to “intercept” were found, and placed in Negrath's pack.

-“We go get Viconia now?” Minsc wondered.

-“No, I doubt we'll be allowed to pick her with us before the Thieves are completely shattered.

-“…Then Minsc wish we could have worked for the thieves instead.”

-“So do I, my friend…so do I.”

As the group returned to the inn, Minsc and Keldorn went in search of somewhere to sell their excess equipment, while the two remaining women settled in for some lengthy meditation time.

Negrath, on the other hand, found himself wandering the more shady parts of the city, wishing for a quick nightfall, before spending an hour or so of controlled rage in the fighting pit of the Copper Coronet.

After having beaten whomever cared to take his challenge, he gathered his winnings, a few hundred coins, and went for a drink at the bar.

Being joined by a tired Nalia, he ordered her a Golden Sands, instructing the barkeep to pay her objections no heed, and suggesting that she just might like it.

Making sure a glass of her usual stood ready, she proceeded to drain the proffered mug, smiling contentedly as she slid her back-up over to him.

Sniffing at it, he downed it in a careless gesture of just wanting to get it done, whatever effect it might have had unable to register with his senses.

Looking at him, slightly dazed, she queried about the state of the Keep.

-“Why don't you go home and look?” Negrath wondered.

-“I like it better here.”

-“Yeah, sure, you won't get killed back home.” He commented.

-“I'm still here, ain't I?”

-“That you are.” He smirked; “but only because you are here in the good hours…are you aware that this establishment is probably is the source for all the slaves that supposedly are overflowing the city?”

-“The Coronet? Not possible. I have a room here, for Torm's sake!”

-“So does a Knight of two, occasionally. You think they'd let it be that easy to know?”

-“So if you believe them to play in the slavery business, why don't you do something about it?” she hotly pointed out.

-“Because I got a few infinitely more important things to worry about. Viconia is taken as hostage by a bunch of over-the-top arrogant vampires.”

-“You let people remain slaves because a Drow has gone missing for a day or two?”

-“I said -vampires-! I met them, I have dealt with them, and got her back, several times over, all by myself…in my head.

I guess you could say that they got me by the Drow.”

At that, Nalia, as well as a few other nearby patrons, broke out laughing.

Negrath could naught but smile, chuckling along with them, having a memory of the Dark Elf's voice commenting sourly on the patrons;

*The stink of the collected rivvin. How I despise them -all-!*

He smiled, thinking that he would have to be the exception necessary to prove the rule…

Part 17


Part 18

Having left the others back at the Inn, Negrath shivered at the number of undead that probably watched him as he stood, waiting for their precious “mistress” to make her appearance.

-“The city streets are so beautifully cold at night, don't you think?” a voice commented from behind him.

Spinning on his heel, his eyes immediately zeroing in on the shiningly white fangs of her amused grin, he got the parcel from his pack and, well aware that she would not be the one to relieve him of it, simply reached the hand holding it out behind him, toward the arch whose shadow had swallowed Viconia the previous night.

Disturbingly soon, the small, yet heavy package got lifted out of his hand.

His eyes studying the surroundings the blink of an eye later…saw nothing.

Turning back to Bodhi, he scowled;

-“What now, bloodsucking vermin?” he queried, gripping the hilt of his sword with his left, to avoid it being drawn, his right hand opening and closing continously.

-“Aran Linvail. I want to see him dead.”

-“…agreed. Anyone else whose candle I should snuff while I'm at it?”

-“You will likely have to “take care” of a few of his friends to reach him…that will do. Now go. I will expect you back here in three days.”

-“You expect me to be able to slaughter half the Shadow Thieves…and get back to you in three days?!?”

-“If you are as good as you can be, you will be here tomorrow…night, mind you.” She pointed out, chuckling to herself.

-“What a shock.” He grumbled, pushing past her, a reflex originating in the “wrong” part of his mind causing his gauntleted hand to deliver a solid smack to her rear end as he headed for the district exit…next thing he knew, he was studying the stars, intense pain pulsing from at least three distinctly different places on his body…

Crouching at his side, the Vampire Queen picked up the offending hand, and casually broke a finger a word;

-“Do. not. Do. That. Again.”

Shifting to caress his cheek, she smiled enticingly;

-“Are we clear on this, Bhaalspawn?”

He could only nod…

As she continued to look down at him, he found no escape but to look back…

A drowsy moment later, he found himself seeing her retreat from her position at his side, to get off his bed, and perform the transformation that would remove any doubt as to what she was.

Hanging in the air for a moment, the large bat seemed to laugh at his confusion, before joining up with two others which already hung by the window, and departed thus.

Concluding that he would have had to have been in their power for quite a bit longer than he felt comfortable with, he sat up to meditate, diving into his own mind in the sole intent of dealing a severe trashing to, if not the essence itself, then at least a self-made image of it…

Feeling unusually refreshed, he changed into his fighting clothes, and proceeded to train with his katanas…not remembering that he should have had 4 broken fingers, before he felt a slight twinge in them as he swung the second katana. A twinge he had learned to associate with magically healed wounds…

-“Thank you for that, at least, Bodhi.” He mumbled, glad that he could still wield both his blades.

Wandering downstairs, he were welcomed with loud outbursts of joy from the rest of the group, Jaheira instructing Keldorn to go get a round of ale and Minsc to go see if their breakfast weren't done soon..

Sitting down at what he knew they all considered his place, at the head of the groups table, Negrath were surprised to find Boo running over to sit at the table in front of him, chittering.

Having Jaheira hand him a small amount of something green and plantlike he could not quite identify, he fed it to the animal, chuckling as it attacked the offered food with a ferocity that were comparable to Minsc, when he had something particularly good on his plate.

As they sat there with half-empty mugs and empty plates, they turned curious eyes to their leader, wondering what they were to do now…

Negrath told them;

-“We are to kill Aran Linvail. No worries though,” he smiled wryly; “Bodhi has assured me that it can be done by tomorrow “if I am as good as I can be”.”

-“You do not say.” Keldorn commented dryly.

-“I do say.” The Kensai shot back, before looking around, and coming to the conclusion that there were no one in his group that would be able to supply the necessary information.

Sighing, he said;

-“It seems we have to “take care” of the fellow who first approached us about this…On the assumption that he is half as important as he gave the impression of being…”

-“He is.” Jaheira stated, expression signaling that she would say no more about it.

Thankful for small favors, Negrath smiled;

-“Well, then it would be a public service to remove him, now, wouldn't it?

And after that, I assume there will be only those who are idiots enough to protect this pile of horse-droppings.”

Chuckling at the slightly surprised faces around the table, he continued;

-“Jaheira, you try to pull some strings so that we can get an inkling of what we're up against, and Keldorn do the same…with your separate groups, obviously. Then we should at least get something useful to work with, no? Objections?”

The knight that appeared to have taken on the role as Jaheira's answer to Aerie's Minsc, looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded;

-“I believe I should be able to find someone who could tell me a few things.”

Only after such a while so as to make Negrath believe she hadn't heard him mention her name, Jaheira turned to him, discomfort evident in her expression, if not in her voice;

-“Given a choice, I would not do this, Negrath. I do not think I would be very welcome there right now…”

Hoping his eyes conveyed how sorry he was to suggest it, he nodded in understanding;

-“Then it will all rely on you and Helm's diviners, Keldorn…think they'll be up to it?”

-“Not as long as you do not require all information. What do you have in mind?”

-“How far above/below ground, possibly the number of floors below ground, and a general assumption of how many we'll be up against. That we'll need spells of a most damaging nature goes unsaid.”

-“Then why did you say it?” Minsc wondered, looking perplexed at the rodent sitting on his shoulder as it seemed to do a fair impression of laughter…

-“I think that should be possible to figure out…we got coin?” Keldorn responded.

-“We'll pay them once we're out on the other side.” The Kensai answered casually.

-“Of course. I'm sure they will understand that.” The Paladin nodded, probably calculating how much of his family reserves he would need to pay for it all…


I'm feeling weird doing a proofread on these as I post them...Currently I'm writing them through a place of darkness and deceit...(though I never noticed much of it...any suggestions to what the narrator could be talking about in the scenechange between Underdark and the elven temple grounds? I saw plenty of evil, but in my opinion he takes "deceit" completely out of proportion,...especially if it's the deal with the eggs he's referring to...?)

Anyway, I'll be back in about 20...you report back now, ya hear(a)?

#2 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 03 June 2001 - 02:20 AM

> Not to sure about the clarity of the opening at the top here...

> Rest assured, neither is suggesting to cheat on Viconia ;)

Fear not, scribe, for that is not the image which you portrayed.

It is always difficult to construct proper comments for stories which I am following; it seems I run dangerously low on new and original ways in which to say a story is enjoyable, and thus we shall leave it at that.

I am particularly partial to your portrayal of Bodhi. The different path taken is quite fascinating, both in that to side with Bodhi is fairly rare, and in that your method of doing so is quite unique.


Parallel Journeys

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