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A Cappella Part 148 - Mamma Mazzy

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#21 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 02:15 AM

To raise a child whose father died before it is even born will not be easy.

Jeala: No, not easy at all. Even with help.

And you should know, Jeala. :)

*pst* Hey O-girl, why don't you repost City so all the new blood know what you are talking about? Hint, hint.

#22 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 05:37 AM

Thanks! Actually, a couple of times I wondered if I'd gone too far with the foreshadowing - Mazzy not wanting to eat in the morning but being very hungry later in the day, being overly irritable and snappish (even for her) one time and lethargic another, being very seasick when she'd never had problems before, etc. Glad to see I didn't let too much slip!

I think that you give the atticers too much credit. While people with children of their own or much yonger siblings would perhaps have seen it, i think that most of your readers didn't have a clue.

#23 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 05:39 AM

*pst* Hey O-girl, why don't you repost City so all the new blood know what you are talking about? Hint, hint.

What are you talking about?

#24 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 12:29 PM

*pst* Hey O-girl, why don't you repost City so all the new blood know what you are talking about? Hint, hint.

What are you talking about?

Oyster Girl was once a regular here at the Attic, and she had a wonderful Anomen romance called City of Sorrows. She and another former regular, Darkrose, also had a great story called Blue Screen, about Anomen and Yoshimo accidently getting transported into our world. It included such wonderful moments as Yoshimo nearly getting carsick on the highway, and Anomen spotting a cardboard standup of Irenicus in a mall game store.

Unfortunately, both of these marvelous works are unfinished. I have been trying to talk (i.e. whine, cry, beg, grovel) Oyster Girl and Darkrose into returning to the Attic, at least as writers, to continue them.

#25 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 03:11 PM

*pst* Hey O-girl, why don't you repost City so all the new blood know what you are talking about? Hint, hint.

What are you talking about?

Oyster Girl was once a regular here at the Attic, and she had a wonderful Anomen romance called City of Sorrows. She and another former regular, Darkrose, also had a great story called Blue Screen, about Anomen and Yoshimo accidently getting transported into our world. It included such wonderful moments as Yoshimo nearly getting carsick on the highway, and Anomen spotting a cardboard standup of Irenicus in a mall game store.

*blushing furiously*

Unfortunately, both of these marvelous works are unfinished. I have been trying to talk (i.e. whine, cry, beg, grovel) Oyster Girl and Darkrose into returning to the Attic, at least as writers, to continue them.

Ahem. I believe we had a deal? D's wedding first, so we could also get a Rune fix.

It's partly your fault that I'm starting to make more writing time again, y'know. Skilling and gnoming/painting/canning in TSO seems to be bringing it out. Not to mention the TSO obsession with pizza. :wink:

#26 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 03:23 PM

Darkrose, also had a great story called Blue Screen, about Anomen and Yoshimo accidently getting transported into our world. It included such wonderful moments as Yoshimo nearly getting carsick on the highway, and Anomen spotting a cardboard standup of Irenicus in a mall game store.

That sounds absolutely hilarious, is it posted in the novel section?

#27 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 05:20 PM

also had a great story called Blue Screen, about Anomen and Yoshimo accidently getting transported into our world. It included such wonderful moments as Yoshimo nearly getting carsick on the highway, and Anomen spotting a cardboard standup of Irenicus in a mall game store.

That sounds absolutely hilarious, is it posted in the novel section?

*points accusing finger at Silrana* You knew this would happen.


#28 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 05:33 PM

*points accusing finger at Silrana* You knew this would happen.

She's devious, yes. But is it posted in the novel sections? If its not, post them on this board again so i can read them. that's an order!

#29 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 05:51 PM

*points accusing finger at Silrana* You knew this would happen.

She's devious, yes. But is it posted in the novel sections? If its not, post them on this board again so i can read them. that's an order!

*snaps to and salutes*

#30 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 09:51 PM

Oyster Girl was once a regular here at the Attic, and she had a wonderful Anomen romance called City of Sorrows. She and another former regular, Darkrose, also had a great story called Blue Screen, about Anomen and Yoshimo accidently getting transported into our world. It included such wonderful moments as Yoshimo nearly getting carsick on the highway, and Anomen spotting a cardboard standup of Irenicus in a mall game store.

*blushing furiously*

Nothing but the truth, m'dear.

Ahem. I believe we had a deal? D's wedding first, so we could also get a Rune fix.

*blinks and opens eyes wide* Of course I remember, I was just answering the post.


It's partly your fault that I'm starting to make more writing time again, y'know. Skilling and gnoming/painting/canning in TSO seems to be bringing it out. Not to mention the TSO obsession with pizza. :wink:

Hehehe, it helps me, too. When I'm not being social, I work on my laptop while TSO runs ont the desktop next to me.

Yoshi getting more obsessed with pizza, is he? *snicker*

#31 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 09:53 PM

*points accusing finger at Silrana* You knew this would happen.



Nothing like interested readers to spur the old writing bug.

And besides, you know how evil I can be when I want to. :wink:

#32 Guest_jcompton_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 11:29 PM

Nothing like interested readers to spur the old writing bug.

What spurs the old modding bug?

#33 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 11:36 PM

What spurs the old modding bug?

Major lashings of guilt. However, it will have to wait its turn behind the med tests. I have some things to sort out physically.

#34 Guest_jcompton_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 11:37 PM

Okay. Good luck. Your forum's still there, it's just hiding.

#35 Guest_Sarah_*

Posted 22 April 2003 - 11:40 PM

Hee hee!

I knew it! :wink:

Great job, as always Silrana. I always look forward to more AC.

#36 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 23 April 2003 - 02:59 AM

Hee hee!

I knew it! :twisted:

You must have been the only one, I seemed to have stunned pretty much everybody else. ;)

Great job, as always Silrana. I always look forward to more AC.


#37 Guest_Sarah_*

Posted 25 April 2003 - 11:06 PM

You must have been the only one, I seemed to have stunned pretty much everybody else. :o

Well, at one point you said that something will happen to Mazzy, and it's up to the reader to figure out if it's a good thing or not. (bad pharaphrase, I know). It kinda clicked then. :)

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