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Throne Of Cards 63

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#1 Laufey

Posted 21 May 2017 - 11:23 AM

Throne Of Cards 63 – Reunion


I’ve always considered punctuality as a virtue to aspire to. Even so, there are times when circumstances have kept me from keeping an appointment. Should this happen, I find that a sincere apology, with a personal touch, usually works.


Excerpt from ‘Interview With An Assassin’


Working advanced magic while under elevated levels of mental stress was a dangerous and indeed foolhardy endeavor, one which could easily cause fatal accidents. Elvira Odesseiron had informed her son of this more than once, even if she had little actual hope that he would follow her advice rather than ignore it in the heat of the moment. After all, he takes after me in that regard. Then again, Vadrak’s influence probably doesn’t help either. He wouldn’t forget himself, but he’d just go ahead regardless because he decided it was necessary.


That thought was accompanied by a sharp pang in her heart, and a quick intake of breath. She raised her hand, aimed at the target on the far side of the room, and a blazing hot ball of fire and lightning screamed through the air, leaving flickering afterimages floating across her field of vision as it incinerated the top half of the target dummy, not just the head she’d been aiming for. Damn it. If he doesn’t get back to me soon, in one piece, and get back to normal, I’ll have to go for the walls, and then we’ll end up renovating this entire basement level. Yes, a lab with a target range was all well and good, and it kept down the turnover of furniture in the mansion to reasonable levels, but this state of affairs had lasted for entirely too long.


The wizardess sighed and stretched her arms. There was a persistent, dull ache in her right shoulder – she should probably use the left for aim for a while if Edwin intended to be much longer. Also, her black hair was tangled and sweaty, and the old robe she’d put on for her workout was torn in places and covered with dust. Wait, that’s not dust, it’s plaster. Oh for…I’ve got it in my hair as well. She craned her neck back and cursed out loud when she saw the smoking hole in the ceiling above her. She hadn’t thought her aim had been that off, even when she was in the worst of her worry-induced fit of temper, and more importantly, she’d thought the ceiling was sturdier. Well, that was a matter for tomorrow, she’d just have to put up a barrier so nobody fell through. For now, a bath.


She sighed and wandered upstairs, trying to ignore the still churning unease in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her beloved son to be able to perform the ritual properly. Edwin was a very bright boy, and had been well trained, and he certainly knew the importance of the task. Even so, she wished she could have been there. But that wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. It wasn’t just because her beloved wouldn’t know her in his transformed stage, no, even if that had helped influence her decision. Most importantly, Edwin needed to do this, to put things right. She knew he could, and she also knew he needed to do it on his own, without her supervision. My own baby. All grown up and performing arcane Netherese rituals. Where did the time go?


Elvira absently snapped her fingers, lighting her bedside candle and then the dim globe she kept for illuminating her bathroom. The servants had timed things perfectly, the bathwater was still hot, but not scalding. What scent to use? Lemon? Lilac? No, dusk lily. That will be perfect. She sprinkled the ground petals into the water, slowly inhaled the scent. Subtle, yet it insinuated itself everywhere. With a sigh of relief she shrugged the sweaty robe off and lowered herself into the wide tub, luxuriating in the deliciously hot, scented water that made all her muscles relax. For a few moments she just floated, and then she started washing her hair, carefully combing through it with her fingers to get every single speck of plaster out. She muttered a quick spell and a globule of water rose into the air, then started gradually pouring itself over her head, rinsing the lather out. The sound of rushing water was all she could hear and the water streaming down her back was all she could feel.


And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”


It was to her credit that Elvira didn’t startle. Even so, she couldn’t quite suppress her gasp of surprise, somewhat choked when she lost control of her cantrip and a bucketful of water landed on her head, momentarily blinding her.


“Oh…” She sputtered once she got her breath back and was able to speak again. Her chest felt warm and light, ready to burst with joy, and before she knew it, she had grasped her beloved by the collar, pulled him closer and was covering his face with kisses, her fingers entangling themselves in his hair. “Oh, you utter bastard, are you trying to kill me?”


“I would prefer not stabbing a lady during her ablutions if I can avoid it, it seems both messy and somewhat theatrical. And I learnt long ago that you chew up fear and eat it for breakfast.” He smiled, that warm, adoring smile that was hers and hers alone and she had to muster all her self-control not to squeal like a silly little girl. “Also, you didn’t answer my question.”


“Of course I missed you, you reckless fool!” She tightened her embrace, vaguely aware that he was nearly as wet as she was by now. “You’re inexcusably late, you know. ‘Just a reconnaissance mission’, I recall you saying. ‘Something relatively simple for Edwin to satisfy his interest in fieldwork. I’ll be with him every step of the way and we’ll be home in time for Solstice celebrations.’ That’s what you said, wasn’t it?”




“Over a year ago! A year! Closer to two!  I…I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again! I ought to sear the skin off your back for making me worry so! I ought to…”


He simply grinned at her and his fingers cupped her chin as he gently tilted her head up for another kiss. “I missed you too, beloved. More than I have words for.” Warm, eager lips met hers and  sparkling red fireworks went off behind her closed eyelids, entirely making her forget what she’d been about to say as her muscles tensed and tightened, a core of needy, burning desire. When they eventually came apart she gulped in air quickly, pleased to notice the hungrily appraising look he gave her breasts. “Bath or bed?” She said. Scolding him could wait for later. Much later, if she had her way with him, and she rather thought she would.




“Both.” She nodded imperiously. “Now!”


“As my lady commands, of course.”




It was quite some time later, and things had progressed in a very satisfying manner. They’d long since progressed from ‘bath’ to ‘bed’ with a few little detours in-between – her vanity table would never be quite the same again. Not having to be quick about things, not having to be constantly cautious, oh now that was a complete delight, and one she intended to take advantage of again and again. Right now they were lying in bed, catching their breaths. The sheets were a rumpled mess, but not really necessary anyway. Her skin was fairly radiating heat.  Elvira sighed softly with utter contentment, feeling her lover’s arms tighten around her. Her fingers trailed slowly across his chest, catching a strand of his hair and proceeded to idly toy with it, enjoying the silky smoothness.


“Do you…remember?” She suddenly asked. “What happened during the time of that botched spell?”


“I’m afraid so,” He said a little wryly. “I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to get Edwin and his friends to take me seriously again after all of that.”


Elvira chuckled. “Edwin would jump off a cliff if you asked him to, possibly even without argument. As for his friends, you’re very good at getting people to take you seriously. But that’s not what I meant. Did Edwin fill you in fully yet, about Galen?”


He went still, and she felt his muscles tense momentarily. “Yes. A strange coincidence, is it not? After all these years, to have things change, just like that. At his whim. It almost makes me wonder if he knew all along about us.”


“I hardly think so. He wouldn’t be able to feign ignorance that well. But it doesn’t really matter now, does it?” She planted soft, teasing kisses along the side of his neck, then proceeded to light bites, not enough to draw blood, and grinned to herself when she felt him responding to what her hand was doing at the same time. “What matters is that we’re free. We have each other, openly this time. And I can’t help noticing that Edwin’s latest small mistake was a very happy one.”


“Ha, so you did notice? I was going to wait and see how long it took you.”


“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”


“Fighting monsters and chasing around the world after Bhaalspawn can be extremely invigorating. You should join me, sometime. Just the two of us.”


“That sounds disgustingly rugged. But I can think of a few other things that we could get up to. I’ve had nearly two years to make plans, after all.”


“Are you ever going to let go of that ‘nearly two years’ thing?”


“Probably not! At any rate, I won’t scold Edwin too much this time, clearly he was afraid to overdo things and make you decrepit, so he held back a little.”


“Mmm. Clearly. He offered to make another adjustment, but I declined.”


Elvira felt herself smiling like a cat that got into the cream. “Good. I very much approve of this. Now, there are a few more things we’ll need to discuss…but I think that’s for later, don’t you?” She twisted around, straddling him, and leant forward to nibble at his throat again. “Much, much later.”


He didn’t reply in so many words, but the way his fingers cleverly snuck around to find one of her most delightfully sensitive places was all the reply she really needed.




And now there was a faint hint of the early grey light of dawn trickling in through the bedroom windows. Elvira yawned quietly, tired but content. She hadn’t got much sleep at all this night, but oh what a night it had been. What a night, and what a reunion. I think I’ll have some trouble walking straight today. Still, what aches and pains there were she welcomed entirely as a delightful reminder of what they’d been up to. And I think I managed to leave him with a few reminders of his own. To think, I’d nearly forgotten just how flexible he can be. We mustn’t ever be apart for that long again.


She turned her head to give her beloved a fond look. He was still fast asleep, his face unusually relaxed and peaceful. Temptation inevitably got the better of her, and so she reached out to caress his face, her fingers slowly traveling along his cheek and down the sharp lines of his jaw.


“Were you watching me sleep again?” He murmured, not opening his eyes.


“Mmhmm. But it’s not creepy if I do it. After all, you’re mine.”


“Always.” He opened his eyes, those beautiful black eyes, to give her a serious look. “Elvira. I will have to…”


She silenced him with a finger across his lips. “Hush, my love. I know. The children still have unfinished business. Unfinished dangerous business. Of course you must go with them. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be you.”


He deflated slightly. “You guessed?”


“Of course. I know you, Vadrak. I could practically see the wheels turning in your head, trying to work out how to tell me. Do stop tying yourself in knots about it.”


“But what of you?”


Elvira sighed. “I will be keeping myself busy while you’re gone. Only this time, do try not to stay away for two years.”


“Only nearly two years.”


“Even so. I have to take out my frustrations on something, and I don’t think you’d want the mansion to be reduced to smoking rubble by the time you get back. And you will get back to me, alive and whole, or I swear to you I’ll hound you into the afterlife to personally bind your soul into my favourite necklace.”


He gave her a quick smile. “I could think of worse fates than spending time hanging about in your cleavage. But I promise to do my best to stay alive.”


“Good.” She gave him a considering look. “Now, would you look at that, it’s nearly dawn. And do you know what that means?”




Elvira felt a wide smile creep across her smile. “You’re absolutely right. It means nothing at all, not anymore. This time, you won’t have to leave me too soon. This time, we have nothing to fear, nothing to hide. I could keep you here for hours yet and nobody would interfere.”


He pulled her closer, his hand sliding up her thigh. “Then I say we should take full advantage. I’m only about a third of the way through the list of things I’d planned to do to you.”


“You made a list?”


“Of course. I wouldn’t want to miss any important details, after all. But not in writing, nothing indiscreet. Now, if I remember correctly, if I do this…”


Elvira drew in breath sharply, quite unable to speak.


“Ah, yes, I thought so. Let’s see if I can leave you with a few happy memories, shall we?”


She felt her legs folding around his back, pulling him closer and entrapping him. Her nails raked down his back, and he gave a small hiss, a mix of pleasure and pain. “I’ll leave a few marks as well,” She purred. “Just so you don’t forget about me, and that you’re all mine.”


“Inconceivable.” He shuddered briefly as she sucked hard at the skin at the nape of his neck. “You may just manage to succeed in mentally scarring our son, mind.”


“Ha, he’d better get used to it, now we’ve nothing to hide anymore. You don’t care either, do you?”


He shrugged, giving her a slanted smile. “Care about what?”


And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.





Rogues do it from behind.

#2 Nimloth

Posted 21 May 2017 - 04:24 PM

Quote: My own baby. All grown up and performing arcane Netherese rituals. Where did the time go?

Heh, yes, our beloved Edwin is so good at performing ancient Netherese rituals... *cough* Nether Scroll *cough*  *grin*


Quote: I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again!

Careful, mistress Elvira...He might actually take you up on that offer! :-)


Quote: “I’m afraid so,” He said a little wryly. “I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to get Edwin and his friends to take me seriously again after all of that.”

Now, now, Dekkie, no need to worry: you're a very good assassin, after all. It's kind of hard to not take you seriously! Especially for someone who's been hunted by embarassingly dumb assassins for a good part of her life...By Kossuth, some of them were so lacking, I felt sorry for them!


Quote: And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.

Awwwwwww! What a beautiful reunion! Pity that he has to leave again soon, but I'm sure they will *ahem* catch up pretty well when he comes back. Really nice chapter!

#3 Laufey

Posted 21 May 2017 - 04:46 PM

Quote: My own baby. All grown up and performing arcane Netherese rituals. Where did the time go?

Heh, yes, our beloved Edwin is so good at performing ancient Netherese rituals... *cough* Nether Scroll *cough*  *grin*

​Well, it took him some trial and error, but I think by now he's learnt the ways of it. :)

Quote: I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again!

Careful, mistress Elvira...He might actually take you up on that offer! :smile:

​Oh, absolutely, he wouldn't mind that!


Quote: “I’m afraid so,” He said a little wryly. “I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to get Edwin and his friends to take me seriously again after all of that.”

Now, now, Dekkie, no need to worry: you're a very good assassin, after all. It's kind of hard to not take you seriously! Especially for someone who's been hunted by embarassingly dumb assassins for a good part of her life...By Kossuth, some of them were so lacking, I felt sorry for them!

​Yes, he'll be forced to suffer a few jokes at the most. :)



Quote: And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.

Awwwwwww! What a beautiful reunion! Pity that he has to leave again soon, but I'm sure they will *ahem* catch up pretty well when he comes back. Really nice chapter!


Glad you liked it! :)

Rogues do it from behind.

#4 Theodur

Posted 22 May 2017 - 11:19 AM


I’ve always considered punctuality as a virtue to aspire to. Even so, there are times when circumstances have kept me from keeping an appointment. Should this happen, I find that a sincere apology, with a personal touch, usually works.


Exactly how personal are we talking here?


The wizardess sighed and stretched her arms. There was a persistent, dull ache in her right shoulder – she should probably use the left for aim for a while if Edwin intended to be much longer. Also, her black hair was tangled and sweaty, and the old robe she’d put on for her workout was torn in places and covered with dust. Wait, that’s not dust, it’s plaster. Oh for…I’ve got it in my hair as well. She craned her neck back and cursed out loud when she saw the smoking hole in the ceiling above her. She hadn’t thought her aim had been that off, even when she was in the worst of her worry-induced fit of temper, and more importantly, she’d thought the ceiling was sturdier. Well, that was a matter for tomorrow, she’d just have to put up a barrier so nobody fell through. 


I would be more concerned about the mansion itself collapsing in on itself. It's not like anyone has the guts to tell her she's being reckless.


She sighed and wandered upstairs, trying to ignore the still churning unease in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her beloved son to be able to perform the ritual properly. Edwin was a very bright boy, and had been well trained, and he certainly knew the importance of the task. Even so, she wished she could have been there. But that wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. It wasn’t just because her beloved wouldn’t know her in his transformed stage, no, even if that had helped influence her decision. Most importantly, Edwin needed to do this, to put things right. She knew he could, and she also knew he needed to do it on his own, without her supervision. My own baby. All grown up and performing arcane Netherese rituals. Where did the time go?


I notice she didn't think he was performing them 'well'. :P Though that was probably taken for granted anyway. Ah well, it's better that a parent expresses slightly unfounded confidence in their children, rather than constant denigration which is certainly more common.


And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”




“I would prefer not stabbing a lady during her ablutions if I can avoid it, it seems both messy and somewhat theatrical. And I learnt long ago that you chew up fear and eat it for breakfast.” He smiled, that warm, adoring smile that was hers and hers alone and she had to muster all her self-control not to squeal like a silly little girl. “Also, you didn’t answer my question.”



Oh come on Dekkie, the shower murders are classic. You can't be serious!


He simply grinned at her and his fingers cupped her chin as he gently tilted her head up for another kiss. “I missed you too, beloved. More than I have words for.” Warm, eager lips met hers and  sparkling red fireworks went off behind her closed eyelids, entirely making her forget what she’d been about to say as her muscles tensed and tightened, a core of needy, burning desire. When they eventually came apart she gulped in air quickly, pleased to notice the hungrily appraising look he gave her breasts. “Bath or bed?” She said. Scolding him could wait for later. Much later, if she had her way with him, and she rather thought she would.


Best question ever.




And the correct answer.


It was quite some time later, and things had progressed in a very satisfying manner. They’d long since progressed from ‘bath’ to ‘bed’ with a few little detours in-between – her vanity table would never be quite the same again. Not having to be quick about things, not having to be constantly cautious, oh now that was a complete delight, and one she intended to take advantage of again and again. Right now they were lying in bed, catching their breaths. The sheets were a rumpled mess, but not really necessary anyway. Her skin was fairly radiating heat.  Elvira sighed softly with utter contentment, feeling her lover’s arms tighten around her. Her fingers trailed slowly across his chest, catching a strand of his hair and proceeded to idly toy with it, enjoying the silky smoothness.


Yeah, it's also the first time since Galen has officially removed himself from his patriarchal role. Though I always saw him more like the estranged cousin of Ronald McDonald.


He went still, and she felt his muscles tense momentarily. “Yes. A strange coincidence, is it not? After all these years, to have things change, just like that. At his whim. It almost makes me wonder if he knew all along about us.”



Nope. And I know why that would make sense, because there are some seemingly absent minded people who occasionally come up with unexpected insights and such, but Galen... no, he's just Galen.


“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”



Interesting... I wonder where that puts their relative age gap now...


He didn’t reply in so many words, but the way his fingers cleverly snuck around to find one of her most delightfully sensitive places was all the reply she really needed.



See, this is terrible how at this tender and sexy scene, the infamous quote of 'I grab them by the pu***, I don't even wait' immediately came to me. Oh Trump, you lovable rascal, what are you doing to the world?


“Were you watching me sleep again?” He murmured, not opening his eyes.


“Mmhmm. But it’s not creepy if I do it. After all, you’re mine.”


And nobody would dare to tell that to her face. :)


Elvira sighed. “I will be keeping myself busy while you’re gone. Only this time, do try not to stay away for two years.”



and hopefully the mansion will still be there when you return.


“Even so. I have to take out my frustrations on something, and I don’t think you’d want the mansion to be reduced to smoking rubble by the time you get back. And you will get back to me, alive and whole, or I swear to you I’ll hound you into the afterlife to personally bind your soul into my favourite necklace.”


somehow I don't even doubt that for a second.


He gave her a quick smile. “I could think of worse fates than spending time hanging about in your cleavage.”


Oh god, that's the sort of face palming thing I would totally say!


She felt her legs folding around his back, pulling him closer and entrapping him. Her nails raked down his back, and he gave a small hiss, a mix of pleasure and pain. “I’ll leave a few marks as well,” She purred. “Just so you don’t forget about me, and that you’re all mine.”


I think you should consider matching tattoos. but perhaps not on shaved heads like the Thay custom seemed to demand.


He shrugged, giving her a slanted smile. “Care about what?”


And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.


Mentally scarring Edwin? That is probably the happiest side benefit of this entire enjoyable outcome!

Loved the reunion!




The future teaches you to be alone
The present to be afraid and cold

#5 Laufey

Posted 22 May 2017 - 02:12 PM



I’ve always considered punctuality as a virtue to aspire to. Even so, there are times when circumstances have kept me from keeping an appointment. Should this happen, I find that a sincere apology, with a personal touch, usually works.


Exactly how personal are we talking here?


I think that depends on the recipient!


The wizardess sighed and stretched her arms. There was a persistent, dull ache in her right shoulder – she should probably use the left for aim for a while if Edwin intended to be much longer. Also, her black hair was tangled and sweaty, and the old robe she’d put on for her workout was torn in places and covered with dust. Wait, that’s not dust, it’s plaster. Oh for…I’ve got it in my hair as well. She craned her neck back and cursed out loud when she saw the smoking hole in the ceiling above her. She hadn’t thought her aim had been that off, even when she was in the worst of her worry-induced fit of temper, and more importantly, she’d thought the ceiling was sturdier. Well, that was a matter for tomorrow, she’d just have to put up a barrier so nobody fell through. 



I would be more concerned about the mansion itself collapsing in on itself. It's not like anyone has the guts to tell her she's being reckless.

​Oh, Dekkie would. But as he's not here, nobody else, no.


She sighed and wandered upstairs, trying to ignore the still churning unease in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her beloved son to be able to perform the ritual properly. Edwin was a very bright boy, and had been well trained, and he certainly knew the importance of the task. Even so, she wished she could have been there. But that wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. It wasn’t just because her beloved wouldn’t know her in his transformed stage, no, even if that had helped influence her decision. Most importantly, Edwin needed to do this, to put things right. She knew he could, and she also knew he needed to do it on his own, without her supervision. My own baby. All grown up and performing arcane Netherese rituals. Where did the time go?


I notice she didn't think he was performing them 'well'. :P Though that was probably taken for granted anyway. Ah well, it's better that a parent expresses slightly unfounded confidence in their children, rather than constant denigration which is certainly more common.


Well, Elvira knows he's brilliant, and she adores him of course, but she's also aware that he's made mistakes before so she can't help worrying some.


And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”




I think he's pleased with how it turned out. :)


“I would prefer not stabbing a lady during her ablutions if I can avoid it, it seems both messy and somewhat theatrical. And I learnt long ago that you chew up fear and eat it for breakfast.” He smiled, that warm, adoring smile that was hers and hers alone and she had to muster all her self-control not to squeal like a silly little girl. “Also, you didn’t answer my question.”



Oh come on Dekkie, the shower murders are classic. You can't be serious!


Oh, he knows it's classic. He just thinks it's 'tacky'.


He simply grinned at her and his fingers cupped her chin as he gently tilted her head up for another kiss. “I missed you too, beloved. More than I have words for.” Warm, eager lips met hers and  sparkling red fireworks went off behind her closed eyelids, entirely making her forget what she’d been about to say as her muscles tensed and tightened, a core of needy, burning desire. When they eventually came apart she gulped in air quickly, pleased to notice the hungrily appraising look he gave her breasts. “Bath or bed?” She said. Scolding him could wait for later. Much later, if she had her way with him, and she rather thought she would.


Best question ever.


One with only good options!




And the correct answer.


And this is of course the best one.


It was quite some time later, and things had progressed in a very satisfying manner. They’d long since progressed from ‘bath’ to ‘bed’ with a few little detours in-between – her vanity table would never be quite the same again. Not having to be quick about things, not having to be constantly cautious, oh now that was a complete delight, and one she intended to take advantage of again and again. Right now they were lying in bed, catching their breaths. The sheets were a rumpled mess, but not really necessary anyway. Her skin was fairly radiating heat.  Elvira sighed softly with utter contentment, feeling her lover’s arms tighten around her. Her fingers trailed slowly across his chest, catching a strand of his hair and proceeded to idly toy with it, enjoying the silky smoothness.


Yeah, it's also the first time since Galen has officially removed himself from his patriarchal role. Though I always saw him more like the estranged cousin of Ronald McDonald.


Lol! Yes, he's a bit of a clown, I guess.


He went still, and she felt his muscles tense momentarily. “Yes. A strange coincidence, is it not? After all these years, to have things change, just like that. At his whim. It almost makes me wonder if he knew all along about us.”



Nope. And I know why that would make sense, because there are some seemingly absent minded people who occasionally come up with unexpected insights and such, but Galen... no, he's just Galen.


Agreed. It *could* have been the case, but no. Dekkie is just being a bit paranoid, as is his wont.


“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”



Interesting... I wonder where that puts their relative age gap now...


I honestly have no idea. Given his childhood trauma with following partial amnesia, he didn't even know exactly  how old he was to start with.


He didn’t reply in so many words, but the way his fingers cleverly snuck around to find one of her most delightfully sensitive places was all the reply she really needed.



See, this is terrible how at this tender and sexy scene, the infamous quote of 'I grab them by the pu***, I don't even wait' immediately came to me. Oh Trump, you lovable rascal, what are you doing to the world?


I...think I'd better not mention this to Dekkie.


“Were you watching me sleep again?” He murmured, not opening his eyes.


“Mmhmm. But it’s not creepy if I do it. After all, you’re mine.”


And nobody would dare to tell that to her face. :)


Dekkie would, but he tends to think anything she does is a charming and innocent little quirk, at the most. :)


Elvira sighed. “I will be keeping myself busy while you’re gone. Only this time, do try not to stay away for two years.”



and hopefully the mansion will still be there when you return.


He'd better not take too long this time!


“Even so. I have to take out my frustrations on something, and I don’t think you’d want the mansion to be reduced to smoking rubble by the time you get back. And you will get back to me, alive and whole, or I swear to you I’ll hound you into the afterlife to personally bind your soul into my favourite necklace.”


somehow I don't even doubt that for a second.


Oh I think she was only half joking.


He gave her a quick smile. “I could think of worse fates than spending time hanging about in your cleavage.”


Oh god, that's the sort of face palming thing I would totally say!


Heh, yes it's slightly dorky I guess - but I think he's allowed under the circumstances!


She felt her legs folding around his back, pulling him closer and entrapping him. Her nails raked down his back, and he gave a small hiss, a mix of pleasure and pain. “I’ll leave a few marks as well,” She purred. “Just so you don’t forget about me, and that you’re all mine.”


I think you should consider matching tattoos. but perhaps not on shaved heads like the Thay custom seemed to demand.


Sorry, Dekkie does not approve of tattoos.


He shrugged, giving her a slanted smile. “Care about what?”


And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.


Mentally scarring Edwin? That is probably the happiest side benefit of this entire enjoyable outcome!

Loved the reunion!


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! :) And you do realize, after having been forced to hide for so long, they're probably going to be scarring Edwin a *lot* in the future. He'd better learn to knock before entering rooms.




Rogues do it from behind.

#6 Borodin

Posted 23 May 2017 - 02:10 AM

Very enjoyable. Thought I dedicated a near-quote from Cabell in there, either The High Place or Jurgen, but I could be mistaken--this line:

It was quite some time later, and things had progressed in a very satisfying manner.


You're being very decent to poor Dekkie and Elvira. They deserve some time off after everything you threw at them. :)

Edited by Borodin, 23 May 2017 - 02:11 AM.

#7 wrhunter

Posted 23 May 2017 - 03:32 AM

Ah, after nearly two years' reunion! XD Maybe Galen did know something, at least everyone was happy now, sometimes the most mad solution was the best. And with Eddie's work (though accidently), they would make good use of the ritual, maybe do more, hehe.

#8 Laufey

Posted 23 May 2017 - 03:00 PM

Very enjoyable. Thought I dedicated a near-quote from Cabell in there, either The High Place or Jurgen, but I could be mistaken--this line:

It was quite some time later, and things had progressed in a very satisfying manner.


You're being very decent to poor Dekkie and Elvira. They deserve some time off after everything you threw at them. :)

Glad you liked it, and yes, Dekkie and Elvira definitely earned some quality time together by now. :) The quote is all my own actually, I had no idea it resembled anything else! I'll have to look this up now, I haven't read either of those books.

Rogues do it from behind.

#9 Laufey

Posted 23 May 2017 - 03:00 PM

Ah, after nearly two years' reunion! XD Maybe Galen did know something, at least everyone was happy now, sometimes the most mad solution was the best. And with Eddie's work (though accidently), they would make good use of the ritual, maybe do more, hehe.


Yes, they just might find a use or two for the Nether Scroll in the future! It would be a shame to waste such a powerful thing after all. :)

Rogues do it from behind.

#10 username

Posted 23 May 2017 - 09:25 PM


Throne Of Cards 63 – Reunion


I’ve always considered punctuality as a virtue to aspire to. Even so, there are times when circumstances have kept me from keeping an appointment. Should this happen, I find that a sincere apology, with a personal touch, usually works.


Excerpt from ‘Interview With An Assassin’


In sincerely hope Vadrak varies this 'personal touch' based on each situation! XD


That thought was accompanied by a sharp pang in her heart, and a quick intake of breath. She raised her hand, aimed at the target on the far side of the room, and a blazing hot ball of fire and lightning screamed through the air, leaving flickering afterimages floating across her field of vision as it incinerated the top half of the target dummy, not just the head she’d been aiming for. Damn it. If he doesn’t get back to me soon, in one piece, and get back to normal, I’ll have to go for the walls, and then we’ll end up renovating this entire basement level. Yes, a lab with a target range was all well and good, and it kept down the turnover of furniture in the mansion to reasonable levels, but this state of affairs had lasted for entirely too long.



Funnily enough I always expected their mansion to have a targeting range, even before you mentioned it! 

And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”


His insistence to always sneak up on everyone really is an occupational habit... XD


It was to her credit that Elvira didn’t startle. Even so, she couldn’t quite suppress her gasp of surprise, somewhat choked when she lost control of her cantrip and a bucketful of water landed on her head, momentarily blinding her.

“Oh…” She sputtered once she got her breath back and was able to speak again. Her chest felt warm and light, ready to burst with joy, and before she knew it, she had grasped her beloved by the collar, pulled him closer and was covering his face with kisses, her fingers entangling themselves in his hair. “Oh, you utter bastard, are you trying to kill me?”


Yes, that's it, Elvira, you secretly were his mark all along! :P


“Over a year ago! A year! Closer to two!  I…I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again! I ought to sear the skin off your back for making me worry so! I ought to…”

Yeah, I always did feel really bad for Elvira, not knowing where the two people she loved most are for such a long time... but fortunately her patience paid off! :) 




“Both.” She nodded imperiously. “Now!”


“As my lady commands, of course.”



Why do I get the impression that this is the only time Dekaras would ever used the expression 'my lady'? 


He went still, and she felt his muscles tense momentarily. “Yes. A strange coincidence, is it not? After all these years, to have things change, just like that. At his whim. It almost makes me wonder if he knew all along about us.”



It almost seems too good to be true... but I'm probably just being paranoid now.


And I can’t help noticing that Edwin’s latest small mistake was a very happy one.”


“Ha, so you did notice? I was going to wait and see how long it took you.”


“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”


Oh, that's a lucky coincidence indeed! Although that might weird Edwin out slightly once he notices...



“Are you ever going to let go of that ‘nearly two years’ thing?”


..."Probably not for about... let's see.... nearly two years!

Great chapter as usual! :) 

#11 Laufey

Posted 24 May 2017 - 03:38 PM



Throne Of Cards 63 – Reunion


I’ve always considered punctuality as a virtue to aspire to. Even so, there are times when circumstances have kept me from keeping an appointment. Should this happen, I find that a sincere apology, with a personal touch, usually works.


Excerpt from ‘Interview With An Assassin’


In sincerely hope Vadrak varies this 'personal touch' based on each situation! XD

​Oh, absolutely. :)



That thought was accompanied by a sharp pang in her heart, and a quick intake of breath. She raised her hand, aimed at the target on the far side of the room, and a blazing hot ball of fire and lightning screamed through the air, leaving flickering afterimages floating across her field of vision as it incinerated the top half of the target dummy, not just the head she’d been aiming for. Damn it. If he doesn’t get back to me soon, in one piece, and get back to normal, I’ll have to go for the walls, and then we’ll end up renovating this entire basement level. Yes, a lab with a target range was all well and good, and it kept down the turnover of furniture in the mansion to reasonable levels, but this state of affairs had lasted for entirely too long.



Funnily enough I always expected their mansion to have a targeting range, even before you mentioned it! 



His and Hers targeting range actually - Dekkie needs his own setup because he wants the targets to be of material closer to a human being. Also he doesn't burn his.

And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”


His insistence to always sneak up on everyone really is an occupational habit... XD

​I'm afraid so! I'm not even sure if he's doing it on purpose half the time.


It was to her credit that Elvira didn’t startle. Even so, she couldn’t quite suppress her gasp of surprise, somewhat choked when she lost control of her cantrip and a bucketful of water landed on her head, momentarily blinding her.

“Oh…” She sputtered once she got her breath back and was able to speak again. Her chest felt warm and light, ready to burst with joy, and before she knew it, she had grasped her beloved by the collar, pulled him closer and was covering his face with kisses, her fingers entangling themselves in his hair. “Oh, you utter bastard, are you trying to kill me?”


Yes, that's it, Elvira, you secretly were his mark all along! :P

​Maybe, but not for killing. :)


“Over a year ago! A year! Closer to two!  I…I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again! I ought to sear the skin off your back for making me worry so! I ought to…”

Yeah, I always did feel really bad for Elvira, not knowing where the two people she loved most are for such a long time... but fortunately her patience paid off! :)

​Yes, it's definitely been hard on her. She deserves a good time right now.




“Both.” She nodded imperiously. “Now!”


“As my lady commands, of course.”



Why do I get the impression that this is the only time Dekaras would ever used the expression 'my lady'? 

​That is pretty much correct, I think!

He went still, and she felt his muscles tense momentarily. “Yes. A strange coincidence, is it not? After all these years, to have things change, just like that. At his whim. It almost makes me wonder if he knew all along about us.”



It almost seems too good to be true... but I'm probably just being paranoid now.

​If you are, I've succeeded. :)

And I can’t help noticing that Edwin’s latest small mistake was a very happy one.”


“Ha, so you did notice? I was going to wait and see how long it took you.”


“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”


Oh, that's a lucky coincidence indeed! Although that might weird Edwin out slightly once he notices...

​Edwin will be fine with it - Dekkie is after all alive and healthy and with his memory fully restored. It'll just feel a little odd at first until they both adjust.


“Are you ever going to let go of that ‘nearly two years’ thing?”


..."Probably not for about... let's see.... nearly two years!


Great chapter as usual! :)

​Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!



Rogues do it from behind.

#12 Ophidia

Posted 03 June 2017 - 06:53 PM

I’ve always considered punctuality as a virtue to aspire to. Even so, there are times when circumstances have kept me from keeping an appointment. Should this happen, I find that a sincere apology, with a personal touch, usually works.


Excerpt from ‘Interview With An Assassin’



A personal touch...yes those were very personal touches.


Working advanced magic while under elevated levels of mental stress was a dangerous and indeed foolhardy endeavor, one which could easily cause fatal accidents. Elvira Odesseiron had informed her son of this more than once, even if she had little actual hope that he would follow her advice rather than ignore it in the heat of the moment. After all, he takes after me in that regard. Then again, Vadrak’s influence probably doesn’t help either. He wouldn’t forget himself, but he’d just go ahead regardless because he decided it was necessary.



And that his safety wasn't important anyway.


That thought was accompanied by a sharp pang in her heart, and a quick intake of breath. She raised her hand, aimed at the target on the far side of the room, and a blazing hot ball of fire and lightning screamed through the air, leaving flickering afterimages floating across her field of vision as it incinerated the top half of the target dummy, not just the head she’d been aiming for. Damn it. If he doesn’t get back to me soon, in one piece, and get back to normal, I’ll have to go for the walls, and then we’ll end up renovating this entire basement level. Yes, a lab with a target range was all well and good, and it kept down the turnover of furniture in the mansion to reasonable levels, but this state of affairs had lasted for entirely too long.


The wizardess sighed and stretched her arms. There was a persistent, dull ache in her right shoulder – she should probably use the left for aim for a while if Edwin intended to be much longer. Also, her black hair was tangled and sweaty, and the old robe she’d put on for her workout was torn in places and covered with dust. Wait, that’s not dust, it’s plaster. Oh for…I’ve got it in my hair as well. She craned her neck back and cursed out loud when she saw the smoking hole in the ceiling above her. She hadn’t thought her aim had been that off, even when she was in the worst of her worry-induced fit of temper, and more importantly, she’d thought the ceiling was sturdier. Well, that was a matter for tomorrow, she’d just have to put up a barrier so nobody fell through. For now, a bath.



Well..at least she's aware of her own shortcomings.


She sighed and wandered upstairs, trying to ignore the still churning unease in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her beloved son to be able to perform the ritual properly. Edwin was a very bright boy, and had been well trained, and he certainly knew the importance of the task. Even so, she wished she could have been there. But that wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. It wasn’t just because her beloved wouldn’t know her in his transformed stage, no, even if that had helped influence her decision. Most importantly, Edwin needed to do this, to put things right. She knew he could, and she also knew he needed to do it on his own, without her supervision. My own baby. All grown up and performing arcane Netherese rituals. Where did the time go?


Elvira absently snapped her fingers, lighting her bedside candle and then the dim globe she kept for illuminating her bathroom. The servants had timed things perfectly, the bathwater was still hot, but not scalding. What scent to use? Lemon? Lilac? No, dusk lily. That will be perfect. She sprinkled the ground petals into the water, slowly inhaled the scent. Subtle, yet it insinuated itself everywhere. With a sigh of relief she shrugged the sweaty robe off and lowered herself into the wide tub, luxuriating in the deliciously hot, scented water that made all her muscles relax. For a few moments she just floated, and then she started washing her hair, carefully combing through it with her fingers to get every single speck of plaster out. She muttered a quick spell and a globule of water rose into the air, then started gradually pouring itself over her head, rinsing the lather out. The sound of rushing water was all she could hear and the water streaming down her back was all she could feel.



I love the portrayal of her bathing here, using magical assistance. She certainly lives a comfortable life!


And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”


It was to her credit that Elvira didn’t startle. Even so, she couldn’t quite suppress her gasp of surprise, somewhat choked when she lost control of her cantrip and a bucketful of water landed on her head, momentarily blinding her.



I'm surprised at the lack of fireballs. Never startle a wizardess!


“Oh…” She sputtered once she got her breath back and was able to speak again. Her chest felt warm and light, ready to burst with joy, and before she knew it, she had grasped her beloved by the collar, pulled him closer and was covering his face with kisses, her fingers entangling themselves in his hair. “Oh, you utter bastard, are you trying to kill me?”


“I would prefer not stabbing a lady during her ablutions if I can avoid it, it seems both messy and somewhat theatrical. And I learnt long ago that you chew up fear and eat it for breakfast.” He smiled, that warm, adoring smile that was hers and hers alone and she had to muster all her self-control not to squeal like a silly little girl. “Also, you didn’t answer my question.”



Hmm, is her lack of fear part of her attraction for him? I know that his lack of fear of her is one of the things she likes about him. Does it go both ways, I wonder?


“Of course I missed you, you reckless fool!” She tightened her embrace, vaguely aware that he was nearly as wet as she was by now. “You’re inexcusably late, you know. ‘Just a reconnaissance mission’, I recall you saying. ‘Something relatively simple for Edwin to satisfy his interest in fieldwork. I’ll be with him every step of the way and we’ll be home in time for Solstice celebrations.’ That’s what you said, wasn’t it?”



I think he might have underestimated things a little there...




“Over a year ago! A year! Closer to two!  I…I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again! I ought to sear the skin off your back for making me worry so! I ought to…”



He'd escape. You know he would.


He simply grinned at her and his fingers cupped her chin as he gently tilted her head up for another kiss. “I missed you too, beloved. More than I have words for.” Warm, eager lips met hers and  sparkling red fireworks went off behind her closed eyelids, entirely making her forget what she’d been about to say as her muscles tensed and tightened, a core of needy, burning desire. When they eventually came apart she gulped in air quickly, pleased to notice the hungrily appraising look he gave her breasts. “Bath or bed?” She said. Scolding him could wait for later. Much later, if she had her way with him, and she rather thought she would.




“Both.” She nodded imperiously. “Now!”


“As my lady commands, of course.”





Someone has a bit of a kink for being ordered about...


It was quite some time later, and things had progressed in a very satisfying manner. They’d long since progressed from ‘bath’ to ‘bed’ with a few little detours in-between – her vanity table would never be quite the same again. Not having to be quick about things, not having to be constantly cautious, oh now that was a complete delight, and one she intended to take advantage of again and again. Right now they were lying in bed, catching their breaths. The sheets were a rumpled mess, but not really necessary anyway. Her skin was fairly radiating heat.  Elvira sighed softly with utter contentment, feeling her lover’s arms tighten around her. Her fingers trailed slowly across his chest, catching a strand of his hair and proceeded to idly toy with it, enjoying the silky smoothness.


“Do you…remember?” She suddenly asked. “What happened during the time of that botched spell?”


“I’m afraid so,” He said a little wryly. “I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to get Edwin and his friends to take me seriously again after all of that.”



Annnd now he's back to being clueless.


Elvira chuckled. “Edwin would jump off a cliff if you asked him to, possibly even without argument. As for his friends, you’re very good at getting people to take you seriously. But that’s not what I meant. Did Edwin fill you in fully yet, about Galen?”


He went still, and she felt his muscles tense momentarily. “Yes. A strange coincidence, is it not? After all these years, to have things change, just like that. At his whim. It almost makes me wonder if he knew all along about us.”


“I hardly think so. He wouldn’t be able to feign ignorance that well. But it doesn’t really matter now, does it?” She planted soft, teasing kisses along the side of his neck, then proceeded to light bites, not enough to draw blood, and grinned to herself when she felt him responding to what her hand was doing at the same time. “What matters is that we’re free. We have each other, openly this time. And I can’t help noticing that Edwin’s latest small mistake was a very happy one.”


“Ha, so you did notice? I was going to wait and see how long it took you.”


“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”



Hmm, is that a good thing? He could end up being patronised a lot. Of course, he's quite vain so yes, for him it's a good thing!



“Fighting monsters and chasing around the world after Bhaalspawn can be extremely invigorating. You should join me, sometime. Just the two of us.”


“That sounds disgustingly rugged. But I can think of a few other things that we could get up to. I’ve had nearly two years to make plans, after all.”



Nothing wrong with ruggedness! Being rugged is fun! IT IS!!


“Are you ever going to let go of that ‘nearly two years’ thing?”


“Probably not! At any rate, I won’t scold Edwin too much this time, clearly he was afraid to overdo things and make you decrepit, so he held back a little.”


“Mmm. Clearly. He offered to make another adjustment, but I declined.”


Elvira felt herself smiling like a cat that got into the cream. “Good. I very much approve of this. Now, there are a few more things we’ll need to discuss…but I think that’s for later, don’t you?” She twisted around, straddling him, and leant forward to nibble at his throat again. “Much, much later.”


He didn’t reply in so many words, but the way his fingers cleverly snuck around to find one of her most delightfully sensitive places was all the reply she really needed.



I'd be surprised if they don't both end up with blisters!


And now there was a faint hint of the early grey light of dawn trickling in through the bedroom windows. Elvira yawned quietly, tired but content. She hadn’t got much sleep at all this night, but oh what a night it had been. What a night, and what a reunion. I think I’ll have some trouble walking straight today. Still, what aches and pains there were she welcomed entirely as a delightful reminder of what they’d been up to. And I think I managed to leave him with a few reminders of his own. To think, I’d nearly forgotten just how flexible he can be. We mustn’t ever be apart for that long again.



Bites and bruises, no doubt! Hopefully no burn marks. Unless he likes that.


She turned her head to give her beloved a fond look. He was still fast asleep, his face unusually relaxed and peaceful. Temptation inevitably got the better of her, and so she reached out to caress his face, her fingers slowly traveling along his cheek and down the sharp lines of his jaw.


“Were you watching me sleep again?” He murmured, not opening his eyes.


“Mmhmm. But it’s not creepy if I do it. After all, you’re mine.”



Uh huh.


“Always.” He opened his eyes, those beautiful black eyes, to give her a serious look. “Elvira. I will have to…”


She silenced him with a finger across his lips. “Hush, my love. I know. The children still have unfinished business. Unfinished dangerous business. Of course you must go with them. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be you.”


He deflated slightly. “You guessed?”


“Of course. I know you, Vadrak. I could practically see the wheels turning in your head, trying to work out how to tell me. Do stop tying yourself in knots about it.”


“But what of you?”


Elvira sighed. “I will be keeping myself busy while you’re gone. Only this time, do try not to stay away for two years.”


“Only nearly two years.”



I can see them having this argument for years to come.



“Even so. I have to take out my frustrations on something, and I don’t think you’d want the mansion to be reduced to smoking rubble by the time you get back. And you will get back to me, alive and whole, or I swear to you I’ll hound you into the afterlife to personally bind your soul into my favourite necklace.”


He gave her a quick smile. “I could think of worse fates than spending time hanging about in your cleavage. But I promise to do my best to stay alive.”


“Good.” She gave him a considering look. “Now, would you look at that, it’s nearly dawn. And do you know what that means?”




Elvira felt a wide smile creep across her smile. “You’re absolutely right. It means nothing at all, not anymore. This time, you won’t have to leave me too soon. This time, we have nothing to fear, nothing to hide. I could keep you here for hours yet and nobody would interfere.”


He pulled her closer, his hand sliding up her thigh. “Then I say we should take full advantage. I’m only about a third of the way through the list of things I’d planned to do to you.”


“You made a list?”


“Of course. I wouldn’t want to miss any important details, after all. But not in writing, nothing indiscreet. Now, if I remember correctly, if I do this…”




He made a list. What a dork. I'm sure it's a far more fun list than Arya Stark's.


Elvira drew in breath sharply, quite unable to speak.


“Ah, yes, I thought so. Let’s see if I can leave you with a few happy memories, shall we?”



Of the kind that leave marks on the skin, I suspect.



She felt her legs folding around his back, pulling him closer and entrapping him. Her nails raked down his back, and he gave a small hiss, a mix of pleasure and pain. “I’ll leave a few marks as well,” She purred. “Just so you don’t forget about me, and that you’re all mine.”


“Inconceivable.” He shuddered briefly as she sucked hard at the skin at the nape of his neck. “You may just manage to succeed in mentally scarring our son, mind.”


“Ha, he’d better get used to it, now we’ve nothing to hide anymore. You don’t care either, do you?”


He shrugged, giving her a slanted smile. “Care about what?”


And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.



 Aww, both sweet and sexy at the same time! Very nicely written with such chemistry!

#13 Laufey

Posted 04 June 2017 - 02:51 PM


I’ve always considered punctuality as a virtue to aspire to. Even so, there are times when circumstances have kept me from keeping an appointment. Should this happen, I find that a sincere apology, with a personal touch, usually works.


Excerpt from ‘Interview With An Assassin’



A personal touch...yes those were very personal touches.

​And Elvira approved!

Working advanced magic while under elevated levels of mental stress was a dangerous and indeed foolhardy endeavor, one which could easily cause fatal accidents. Elvira Odesseiron had informed her son of this more than once, even if she had little actual hope that he would follow her advice rather than ignore it in the heat of the moment. After all, he takes after me in that regard. Then again, Vadrak’s influence probably doesn’t help either. He wouldn’t forget himself, but he’d just go ahead regardless because he decided it was necessary.



And that his safety wasn't important anyway.

​That too, I'm afraid. 

That thought was accompanied by a sharp pang in her heart, and a quick intake of breath. She raised her hand, aimed at the target on the far side of the room, and a blazing hot ball of fire and lightning screamed through the air, leaving flickering afterimages floating across her field of vision as it incinerated the top half of the target dummy, not just the head she’d been aiming for. Damn it. If he doesn’t get back to me soon, in one piece, and get back to normal, I’ll have to go for the walls, and then we’ll end up renovating this entire basement level. Yes, a lab with a target range was all well and good, and it kept down the turnover of furniture in the mansion to reasonable levels, but this state of affairs had lasted for entirely too long.


The wizardess sighed and stretched her arms. There was a persistent, dull ache in her right shoulder – she should probably use the left for aim for a while if Edwin intended to be much longer. Also, her black hair was tangled and sweaty, and the old robe she’d put on for her workout was torn in places and covered with dust. Wait, that’s not dust, it’s plaster. Oh for…I’ve got it in my hair as well. She craned her neck back and cursed out loud when she saw the smoking hole in the ceiling above her. She hadn’t thought her aim had been that off, even when she was in the worst of her worry-induced fit of temper, and more importantly, she’d thought the ceiling was sturdier. Well, that was a matter for tomorrow, she’d just have to put up a barrier so nobody fell through. For now, a bath.



Well..at least she's aware of her own shortcomings.

​Yes, this is her version of primal screaming therapy. 

She sighed and wandered upstairs, trying to ignore the still churning unease in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her beloved son to be able to perform the ritual properly. Edwin was a very bright boy, and had been well trained, and he certainly knew the importance of the task. Even so, she wished she could have been there. But that wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. It wasn’t just because her beloved wouldn’t know her in his transformed stage, no, even if that had helped influence her decision. Most importantly, Edwin needed to do this, to put things right. She knew he could, and she also knew he needed to do it on his own, without her supervision. My own baby. All grown up and performing arcane Netherese rituals. Where did the time go?


Elvira absently snapped her fingers, lighting her bedside candle and then the dim globe she kept for illuminating her bathroom. The servants had timed things perfectly, the bathwater was still hot, but not scalding. What scent to use? Lemon? Lilac? No, dusk lily. That will be perfect. She sprinkled the ground petals into the water, slowly inhaled the scent. Subtle, yet it insinuated itself everywhere. With a sigh of relief she shrugged the sweaty robe off and lowered herself into the wide tub, luxuriating in the deliciously hot, scented water that made all her muscles relax. For a few moments she just floated, and then she started washing her hair, carefully combing through it with her fingers to get every single speck of plaster out. She muttered a quick spell and a globule of water rose into the air, then started gradually pouring itself over her head, rinsing the lather out. The sound of rushing water was all she could hear and the water streaming down her back was all she could feel.



I love the portrayal of her bathing here, using magical assistance. She certainly lives a comfortable life!

​Thanks! Yes, this is how I envision a high magic society like Thay. 

And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”


It was to her credit that Elvira didn’t startle. Even so, she couldn’t quite suppress her gasp of surprise, somewhat choked when she lost control of her cantrip and a bucketful of water landed on her head, momentarily blinding her.



I'm surprised at the lack of fireballs. Never startle a wizardess!

​Well, it's pretty damp there, also he's good at dodging. :)

“Oh…” She sputtered once she got her breath back and was able to speak again. Her chest felt warm and light, ready to burst with joy, and before she knew it, she had grasped her beloved by the collar, pulled him closer and was covering his face with kisses, her fingers entangling themselves in his hair. “Oh, you utter bastard, are you trying to kill me?”


“I would prefer not stabbing a lady during her ablutions if I can avoid it, it seems both messy and somewhat theatrical. And I learnt long ago that you chew up fear and eat it for breakfast.” He smiled, that warm, adoring smile that was hers and hers alone and she had to muster all her self-control not to squeal like a silly little girl. “Also, you didn’t answer my question.”



Hmm, is her lack of fear part of her attraction for him? I know that his lack of fear of her is one of the things she likes about him. Does it go both ways, I wonder?

​Yes, I think it does go both ways. He enjoys people who are able to relax around him. 

“Of course I missed you, you reckless fool!” She tightened her embrace, vaguely aware that he was nearly as wet as she was by now. “You’re inexcusably late, you know. ‘Just a reconnaissance mission’, I recall you saying. ‘Something relatively simple for Edwin to satisfy his interest in fieldwork. I’ll be with him every step of the way and we’ll be home in time for Solstice celebrations.’ That’s what you said, wasn’t it?”



I think he might have underestimated things a little there...

​A tiny bit!




“Over a year ago! A year! Closer to two!  I…I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again! I ought to sear the skin off your back for making me worry so! I ought to…”



He'd escape. You know he would.

​Yes, most likely!


He simply grinned at her and his fingers cupped her chin as he gently tilted her head up for another kiss. “I missed you too, beloved. More than I have words for.” Warm, eager lips met hers and  sparkling red fireworks went off behind her closed eyelids, entirely making her forget what she’d been about to say as her muscles tensed and tightened, a core of needy, burning desire. When they eventually came apart she gulped in air quickly, pleased to notice the hungrily appraising look he gave her breasts. “Bath or bed?” She said. Scolding him could wait for later. Much later, if she had her way with him, and she rather thought she would.




“Both.” She nodded imperiously. “Now!”


“As my lady commands, of course.”





Someone has a bit of a kink for being ordered about...

​Don't expect me to reply to that, I like living. 


It was quite some time later, and things had progressed in a very satisfying manner. They’d long since progressed from ‘bath’ to ‘bed’ with a few little detours in-between – her vanity table would never be quite the same again. Not having to be quick about things, not having to be constantly cautious, oh now that was a complete delight, and one she intended to take advantage of again and again. Right now they were lying in bed, catching their breaths. The sheets were a rumpled mess, but not really necessary anyway. Her skin was fairly radiating heat.  Elvira sighed softly with utter contentment, feeling her lover’s arms tighten around her. Her fingers trailed slowly across his chest, catching a strand of his hair and proceeded to idly toy with it, enjoying the silky smoothness.


“Do you…remember?” She suddenly asked. “What happened during the time of that botched spell?”


“I’m afraid so,” He said a little wryly. “I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to get Edwin and his friends to take me seriously again after all of that.”



Annnd now he's back to being clueless.

​Afraid so. 

Elvira chuckled. “Edwin would jump off a cliff if you asked him to, possibly even without argument. As for his friends, you’re very good at getting people to take you seriously. But that’s not what I meant. Did Edwin fill you in fully yet, about Galen?”


He went still, and she felt his muscles tense momentarily. “Yes. A strange coincidence, is it not? After all these years, to have things change, just like that. At his whim. It almost makes me wonder if he knew all along about us.”


“I hardly think so. He wouldn’t be able to feign ignorance that well. But it doesn’t really matter now, does it?” She planted soft, teasing kisses along the side of his neck, then proceeded to light bites, not enough to draw blood, and grinned to herself when she felt him responding to what her hand was doing at the same time. “What matters is that we’re free. We have each other, openly this time. And I can’t help noticing that Edwin’s latest small mistake was a very happy one.”


“Ha, so you did notice? I was going to wait and see how long it took you.”


“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”



Hmm, is that a good thing? He could end up being patronised a lot. Of course, he's quite vain so yes, for him it's a good thing!

​No, he'll be fine, for once something good happened to him. 


“Fighting monsters and chasing around the world after Bhaalspawn can be extremely invigorating. You should join me, sometime. Just the two of us.”


“That sounds disgustingly rugged. But I can think of a few other things that we could get up to. I’ve had nearly two years to make plans, after all.”



Nothing wrong with ruggedness! Being rugged is fun! IT IS!!

​Yes, dear. Of course, dear. 

“Are you ever going to let go of that ‘nearly two years’ thing?”


“Probably not! At any rate, I won’t scold Edwin too much this time, clearly he was afraid to overdo things and make you decrepit, so he held back a little.”


“Mmm. Clearly. He offered to make another adjustment, but I declined.”


Elvira felt herself smiling like a cat that got into the cream. “Good. I very much approve of this. Now, there are a few more things we’ll need to discuss…but I think that’s for later, don’t you?” She twisted around, straddling him, and leant forward to nibble at his throat again. “Much, much later.”


He didn’t reply in so many words, but the way his fingers cleverly snuck around to find one of her most delightfully sensitive places was all the reply she really needed.




I'd be surprised if they don't both end up with blisters!


I think they're aiming for that!

And now there was a faint hint of the early grey light of dawn trickling in through the bedroom windows. Elvira yawned quietly, tired but content. She hadn’t got much sleep at all this night, but oh what a night it had been. What a night, and what a reunion. I think I’ll have some trouble walking straight today. Still, what aches and pains there were she welcomed entirely as a delightful reminder of what they’d been up to. And I think I managed to leave him with a few reminders of his own. To think, I’d nearly forgotten just how flexible he can be. We mustn’t ever be apart for that long again.



Bites and bruises, no doubt! Hopefully no burn marks. Unless he likes that.

​No, I think that's where he draws the line. 

She turned her head to give her beloved a fond look. He was still fast asleep, his face unusually relaxed and peaceful. Temptation inevitably got the better of her, and so she reached out to caress his face, her fingers slowly traveling along his cheek and down the sharp lines of his jaw.


“Were you watching me sleep again?” He murmured, not opening his eyes.


“Mmhmm. But it’s not creepy if I do it. After all, you’re mine.”



Uh huh.

​It all make sense. 

“Always.” He opened his eyes, those beautiful black eyes, to give her a serious look. “Elvira. I will have to…”


She silenced him with a finger across his lips. “Hush, my love. I know. The children still have unfinished business. Unfinished dangerous business. Of course you must go with them. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be you.”


He deflated slightly. “You guessed?”


“Of course. I know you, Vadrak. I could practically see the wheels turning in your head, trying to work out how to tell me. Do stop tying yourself in knots about it.”


“But what of you?”


Elvira sighed. “I will be keeping myself busy while you’re gone. Only this time, do try not to stay away for two years.”


“Only nearly two years.”



I can see them having this argument for years to come.

​Oh yes, and enjoying it too. 


“Even so. I have to take out my frustrations on something, and I don’t think you’d want the mansion to be reduced to smoking rubble by the time you get back. And you will get back to me, alive and whole, or I swear to you I’ll hound you into the afterlife to personally bind your soul into my favourite necklace.”


He gave her a quick smile. “I could think of worse fates than spending time hanging about in your cleavage. But I promise to do my best to stay alive.”


“Good.” She gave him a considering look. “Now, would you look at that, it’s nearly dawn. And do you know what that means?”




Elvira felt a wide smile creep across her smile. “You’re absolutely right. It means nothing at all, not anymore. This time, you won’t have to leave me too soon. This time, we have nothing to fear, nothing to hide. I could keep you here for hours yet and nobody would interfere.”


He pulled her closer, his hand sliding up her thigh. “Then I say we should take full advantage. I’m only about a third of the way through the list of things I’d planned to do to you.”


“You made a list?”


“Of course. I wouldn’t want to miss any important details, after all. But not in writing, nothing indiscreet. Now, if I remember correctly, if I do this…”




He made a list. What a dork. I'm sure it's a far more fun list than Arya Stark's.

​Can you blame him, he was away for nearly two years? He had plenty of time to make plans. 

Elvira drew in breath sharply, quite unable to speak.


“Ah, yes, I thought so. Let’s see if I can leave you with a few happy memories, shall we?”



Of the kind that leave marks on the skin, I suspect.



She felt her legs folding around his back, pulling him closer and entrapping him. Her nails raked down his back, and he gave a small hiss, a mix of pleasure and pain. “I’ll leave a few marks as well,” She purred. “Just so you don’t forget about me, and that you’re all mine.”


“Inconceivable.” He shuddered briefly as she sucked hard at the skin at the nape of his neck. “You may just manage to succeed in mentally scarring our son, mind.”


“Ha, he’d better get used to it, now we’ve nothing to hide anymore. You don’t care either, do you?”


He shrugged, giving her a slanted smile. “Care about what?”


And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.



 Aww, both sweet and sexy at the same time! Very nicely written with such chemistry!

Thanks, glad you liked it! :)

Rogues do it from behind.

#14 Weyoun

Posted 11 November 2018 - 07:34 PM

And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”


Hah, figures he's sneak up on her.


“Over a year ago! A year! Closer to two! I…I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again! I ought to sear the skin off your back for making me worry so! I ought to…”


Laska: *grins* Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.




“Both.” She nodded imperiously. “Now!”


“As my lady commands, of course.”


No, you don't get to watch and hold up score cards.


Laska: Dammit! Why not?!


“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”


“Fighting monsters and chasing around the world after Bhaalspawn can be extremely invigorating. You should join me, sometime. Just the two of us.”


“That sounds disgustingly rugged. But I can think of a few other things that we could get up to. I’ve had nearly two years to make plans, after all.”


Laska: Nothing gets people closer than a little monster or bandit hunting. Post-adventure sex is spectacular!


“Only nearly two years.”


Hey, if you round it down, it's only one year! :)




He shrugged, giving her a slanted smile. “Care about what?”




And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.


Very cute chapter. Laska, put those score-cards down!

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#15 Laufey

Posted 11 November 2018 - 09:04 PM


And then there was a hand on her shoulder, long fingers caressing her neck, and an achingly familiar voice whispering into her ear.


“Miss me?”


Hah, figures he's sneak up on her.

They consider it foreplay. :)



“Over a year ago! A year! Closer to two! I…I ought to chain you to my bedpost for safekeeping and never let you out of my sight again! I ought to sear the skin off your back for making me worry so! I ought to…”


Laska: *grins* Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.


I don't think he'd mind that much at this point!




“Both.” She nodded imperiously. “Now!”


“As my lady commands, of course.”

No, you don't get to watch and hold up score cards.


Laska: Dammit! Why not?!

As long as you don't show them to Dekkie. Elvira might not mind. 



“Pfft,” Elvira scoffed, tightening her grip a little. He made a quiet sound of pleasure at the back of his throat, and so she continued with what she was doing. “As if I wouldn’t. I know you very well after all, my Wolf. After the first shock, of course I noticed it. You look…not quite as young as the day we first met, but still quite a lot younger than when you and Edwin went off on your little trip. You could easily be mistaken for his brother, a few years older than him.”


“Fighting monsters and chasing around the world after Bhaalspawn can be extremely invigorating. You should join me, sometime. Just the two of us.”


“That sounds disgustingly rugged. But I can think of a few other things that we could get up to. I’ve had nearly two years to make plans, after all.”


Laska: Nothing gets people closer than a little monster or bandit hunting. Post-adventure sex is spectacular!




“Only nearly two years.”


Hey, if you round it down, it's only one year! :)

That's what Dekkie tried to tell her, but it didn't work. 





He shrugged, giving her a slanted smile. “Care about what?”




And with that, the rest of the world was happily dismissed for exactly as long as needed to work their way through the list.


Very cute chapter. Laska, put those score-cards down!


Thanks ,glad you liked it!


Rogues do it from behind.

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