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Beloved Child 40

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#1 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 18 April 2007 - 11:05 PM

It also seemed I lied a bit. There will be even more action coming up in a chapter or two. I hope you do not mind.

Entry to and the layout of the vampire lair may not correspond to the game. Please enjoy.

Beloved Child 40

Groder awoke to Hiranmayi gently shaking him. The boy stretched and slowly got up. Around the small room the thieves had given them, the rest of the party did the same. Yoshimo was helping Nalia up and the redheaded mage gave a little yawn. Viconia and Jaheira were already on their feet and was talking about spells with Haer`Dalis. Frost’s massive bulk appeared in the doorway.

“We are leaving.” The big man said.

They gathered in the main foyer where the party had first entered the previous day. Frost was busy slinging large bags over his shoulders. One of them was clinking with unmistakeable sound of glass hitting glass. Renal was talking to Rose and Sime.

“What is it in those bags?” Jaheira asked.

“Stakes and lamp oil.” Renal answered and then reached into one of his many pockets. The thief pulled out a tinderbox and threw it to the druid. “Here, you should take one as well.”

Jaheira caught the item and Nalia broke into the conversation.

“I am a mage; I could set fire to the oil without one.” She said.

“Not if you are dead, little girl.” The scarred woman, Rose said and toyed with the tinderbox she held.

“We will be striving to avoid that.” Yoshimo said and patted Nalia on the shoulder.

“Well then children.” Renal said. “If we are finished associating I would like to spell out our plan for this fine midday jaunt.” He looked around and apparently felt that everyone was listening. “We will go in two groups to the graveyard, after all nothing attracts attention like a large group of suspicious looking people. In the western portion of the district there is a tomb shaped like a triangle, that is our meeting and entry point.”

Renal went on explaining the plan and the general layout of the catacombs the vampires inhabited.

“After we have cleared the first floor, we descend to the second floor in which Bodhi holds her court and we assume have her coffin.” He finished.

“We are all dead…” Rose grumbled.


The tomb they gathered in was one erected by some long dead noble and grave robbers had already done their grisly duty a long time ago. Parts of the tombs floor had been removed and led into the sprawling catacombs that lay below the graveyard district. The tunnels where wide and illuminated with torches that showed that there were more activity down there then one would have guessed. Sime and Rose took the lead together with Renal, the thieves moved softly and their alertness saved them all from several nasty traps.

They passed by halls with family names and halls that bore no description. Just before a cross-section where the tunnels widened even more, Renal stopped them. Ahead of them was a hall whose walls where lined with statues and at its end stood a pair of sturdy looking stone doors. Shapes moved in the gloom before the entryway. The thieves readied their small crossbows and the rest of the group ducked, as to become smaller. Two men emerged from the gloom, one wearing dark mages robes, the other in light leather and wielding a sword. Behind them four skeletons ambled out, their eyesockets ablaze with an eerie yellow light. Two silent twangs later and the two men fell down dead; the skeletons dumbly watched them fall and kept their silent vigil. Viconia snuck forward to Renal.

“There are only four skeletons up there, I will handle them.” The Drow cleric whispered.

“What are you planning?” The thief asked.

“Getting us reinforcements.” Viconia grinned.

The Drow got up and began walking towards the skeletons, chanting all the while. When the four dead ones caught sight of her they hissed and began advancing. Halfway to the cleric, they stopped, jerked and then bowed to her. Viconia turned back to the group and motion them forward.

“Good job Viconia.” Groder said when he came up to one of the skeletons. Hiranmayi bared her teeth and hissed at one of the skeletons that got to close to her. It stared at the girl with its unknowing yellow fires.

“So, how do we open this?” Rose said and smacked her fist at the double stone doors.

Renal nodded to Frost and the large man dropped the bags he was carrying. Frost stepped up to the doors and took one of the round irons handles in his big hands. The man began pulling and it strained him visibly. The muscles on his arms bulged and sweat ran down his face. The door moved little by little until the crack was large enough for a human to slip through.

Sime went through, followed by Rose, Haer`Dalis and Hiranmayi. Yoshimo and Groder squeezed through next and then Nalia, Jaheira and Viconia whom was followed by her skeletal retinue. Frost and Renal came last.

The chamber they all entered had been converted from its original use of holding the sarcophaguses of the dead to a brightly lit dining hall. A table dominated the room and passageways went to the left and right. In the back the floor descended to become stairs and the top of another doorway rose beyond it.

Sime, Rose and Hiranmayi moved quickly over dead guards towards live ones that were still in shock while Haer`Dalis was finishing another off. Renal clipped one of the humans that tried to make it down the leftmost corridor with a crossbow bolt. They fanned out into the room and when they were satisfied that all the human sentries where dead, Renal motioned for Sime and Rose. Sime and Rose took a few vials of lamp oil from the bag Frost carried, the big man stood near the stairs descending to Bodhi`s court. The two women went down the right corridor.

The crash of vials breaking against the stone floor and almost after it the sounds of flames came from the corridor that Sime and Rose had gone into. The two women came running back down the corridor followed by their shadows made large by the fire they had started.

“One of the bastards was up!” Rose shouted.

Four vampires came running after them all flames and screams. Viconia`s skeletons felled one of them but they where trampled by the other three. Two of them did not get far however and were cut down by Jaheira and Viconia. At the same time a piece of the wall behind Frost slid aside and three vampires dove out of a darkened passageway and toppled the large man. Frost`s throat was slit before he hit the ground. Haer`Dalis and Groder sliced into the vampires. Renal ran down the length of the table and had drawn forth a short hooked sword. Groder had managed to hack off the head of one vampire and it turned to dust. Quick slices from Renal took care of a second vampire. Haer`Dalis spun into a fury of blades and skewered the third vampire. He lopped its head of when it fell bleeding to he ground.

The fourth of the burning vampires had begun attacking and pressed back Viconia and Jaheira both. Nalia and Yoshimo managed to come up behind it and a few quick slices later, it too turned to dust.

A fifth vampire came running down the corridor where Sime and Rose had set the blaze. It was on fire as well. The thing did not scream however and took a running jump over the heads of the party and well over the table that dominated the room.

“That’s Lassal!” Groder shouted.

The bald master vampire ran down the darkened passage that the vampires that felled Frost came from. The party and the remaining thieves ran after the master vampire. The room, they came into was as brightly lit as the previous. In its middle sat a large sarcophagus that had been filled with blood. All around the room piles of large round pillows were scattered. It seemed to be some kind of improvised bath. Lassal rose from the sarcophagus, blood ran down his naked body, he held a wicked looking bladed mace in his hand. The vampire stepped out of the bath.

“I cannot kill the bhaal spawn but I will drain the rest of you dry.” The vampire hissed.

“Tch… Come and try it.” Hiranmayi taunted.

Lassal charged, swinging the mace. Hiranmayi dodged and punched but her blow was deflected by the mace. Groder came after her swinging at Lassal`s abdomen. The vampire battered the boy’s axe away as well. It continued like this with each thief and party member until they surrounded the vampire. Nalia had flung a few red orbs at the vampire but it had done little to him. Lassal stood absolutely still, surrounded by the party. Then he jumped backwards out of the circle. Yoshimo swung his blade and managed to sever the vampires left leg juts above the knee. Lassal jumped on his remaining leg, his body naked and burnt down another corridor then the one they come from. The party and the thieves followed down the narrow path. The master vampire disappeared into a room that was pitch black. Halting Groder managed to stop the people behind him. Nalia bumped into his back and Renal stopped short of the young mage.

“Wait…” Renal hissed.

Pairs of red dots began appearing in the dark. A few at first, slowly appearing to float in the air. Then more, then many, far too many. The vampires hissed in unison.

“Get back.” Groder ground out. “Get back!”

Renal tossed the bag he had taken from where Frost had fallen towards the sea of glowing eyes. There was a clattering of broken glass and the party retreated back towards the room with the bath. The mass of vampires followed slowly, confident in their imminent victory. Nalia turned in the doorway and after speaking a few syllables, shot a jet of flame from the palms of her hands down the corridor. The lamp oil ignited and sent a fireball hurling in both directions. One arm of the flame went into the darkened room which held the vampires and the other shot towards the room the party and the thieves were occupying. Yoshimo threw himself at Nalia and pushed her away. The rest of them threw themselves aside as the blast rushed into the room.

After the blast came another sound. Loud screaming as burning vampires burst from the corridor. The vampires ignored the living and ran en masse from the bath room, howling with pain. The party was quick on its feet again and stormed after the vampires. They watched the living dead run through the open door that led to the lair and disappear into the catacombs, leaving behind only the stench of burning flesh.

“Damn!” Renal swore as they watched the vampires disappear. “It will be hard to find them later but at least they will be weakened.”

“Good thinking on your feet there, girl.” Rose told Nalia who smiled at the praise.

Jaheira looked around and stated.

“I think we struck a decisive blow to them but where has Bodhi been during all this commotion?” The druid looked a bit worried.

“Perhaps she is not here.” Yoshimo suggested.

“My mistress waits for you below…” A familiar voice hissed. Lassal was slowly dragging himself along the corridor wall, hand gripping the wicked mace tight.

“Ah, but come on!” Groder yelled. “How can you not be dead?”

Lassal proved no threat in the end, as hurt and drained as he was. The vampire quickly fell before the party’s number. Yoshimo passed the mace the vampire had held to Nalia. After complaining that it was heavy she reported that it was enchanted.

“This is a pretty good weapon used against undead so I wonder what it did here.” She mused.

“Because having weapons that hurt you away from your enemies are a good idea.” Viconia said and put the mace on the large table. “We will take it with us when we return. None of us have our packs with us.”


Bodhi`s court lay at the end of short corridor. An octagonal room that held a pool of blood in its centre was filled with piles of soft pillows and low tables. Naked dead men and women of various races lay among the pillows, ecstasy and fear frozen on their faces. Just behind the pool of blood sat a sofa that was a mass of exquisitely wood carved leaves and plush blue cushions. Beyond the sofa lay the portal to another room, steeped in darkness. As they party and the thieves began fanning out in the room, Bodhi sashayed from the darkness.

The vampire queen looked pretty much the same from the last time Groder had seen her. The same revealing outfit, the same teasing smile on her lips. She sniffed the air.

“Oh…” She purred. “How clever of you to burn my brood but let us talk a bit before we fight shall we?” The vampire looked the assembled mortals over. “And you have some little thieves with you as well. Now I wonder, don’t you think they too share my interest in your heritage?”

“I am quite convinced that the entire continent knows.” He nodded at Hiranmayi. “They even know on other continents.” As Groder kept talking his companions began fanning themselves out and moved slowly in on Bodhi. “What I want to know is what your connection to Irenicus is and I will get it even if I have to drag it out of you fang by fang.”

“Aw…” Bodhi pouted. “You want knowledge but my mind contains more then yours could digest. You even miss the obvious things beneath your nose.” The vampire giggled. “Like Imoen for instance.”

“I don`t know what you are talking about and I don’t care. You will spill your guts quite literally soon enough.” Groder grinned at the vampire queen.

“I have told you enough, almost more then I as the good sister should have.” She smiled and made come hither motions. “Now, let’s have that little fight you’ve been clamouring for.”

Bodhi was surrounded almost immediately by the party. The vampire queen danced around their blows and delivered her own, humiliatingly weak but still powerful enough to knock any of them of their feet. It was more of a farce then a battle and it only became serious when Viconia managed to land a powerful blow with the flail of ages on the vampires left arm. Bodhi hissed and retaliated, flinging the Drow into the plush sofa that fell over from the impact. Then Bodhi dove forward and grabbed up Groder. She headed down the corridor that led from her court. The boy began suffering from vertigo due to the speed and angle at which he was held. His face grated against the vampire queen’s leather garb. He flailed with the hand that was not holding Azure Edge and he came into contact with cool, clammy skin.

“Aww… If you wanted to touch you could have asked.” Bodhi purred.

The pair emerged into the dining hall and there she dropped Groder.

“Let us see how you fare without you friends.” She said and purred. “I have a good mind to give you a spanking before I leave.”

“You are really trite you know that don’t you?” Groder gripped his axe tighter. “I am not the one running back to my master like an obedient dog.” He taunted.

“Ah, but my dear brother is no master of mine.” Bodhi answered and struck a pose.

He raised an eyebrow.

“Your brother? So you really are his sister? I guess the reason you are so pissy then is because he won’t let you kiss him good night or share the bed anymore. Was it before or after the other woman he had clones of?”

Bodhi moved fast and Groder felt her hand hit his chest, smashing through the chain mail, digging through the cloth and flesh beneath and felt her nails grate on bone. He coughed once and then sank to his knees. Bodhi stood wide eyed and stared at the blood dripping of her hand.

“No…” She breathed and caught Groder before he sank to the floor.

#2 Guest_Jidor_*

Posted 19 April 2007 - 08:21 AM

Now what's wrong with a bit of action now and then... Hmm...

I do like your graveyard and the swarming vampires...
The original game dungeons are always such an room-by-room progressing breach against reason; no one is ever attracted to inspect the sounds of combat unless the game specifically wants to deliver an ambush fight.

Now what will come of good ol' Groddy I wonder?
Probably not plant-food... You did say there will be more chapters coming... Uhhuhh?

Yours truly is waiting for more stuff to read with interest.

#3 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 19 April 2007 - 09:22 PM

“Stakes and lamp oil.” Renal answered and then reached into one of his many pockets. The thief pulled out a tinderbox and threw it to the druid. “Here, you should take one as well.”

I like the lamp oil and tinderbox details.

The Drow got up and began walking towards the skeletons, chanting all the while. When the four dead ones caught sight of her they hissed and began advancing. Halfway to the cleric, they stopped, jerked and then bowed to her. Viconia turned back to the group and motion them forward.

“Good job Viconia.” Groder said when he came up to one of the skeletons. Hiranmayi bared her teeth and hissed at one of the skeletons that got to close to her. It stared at the girl with its unknowing yellow fires.

Nice description of her variant of turn undead ;) And I like the skeletal stare.

The crash of vials breaking against the stone floor and almost after it the sounds of flames came from the corridor that Sime and Rose had gone into. The two women came running back down the corridor followed by their shadows made large by the fire they had started.

Edwin: So inefficient. (A single fireball spell would suffice.)

That is a great way to handle that place, though :)

Pairs of red dots began appearing in the dark. A few at first, slowly appearing to float in the air. Then more, then many, far too many. The vampires hissed in unison.


Jaheira looked around and stated.

That sentence is a bit odd, especially as a lone paragraph.

Bodhi`s court lay at the end of short corridor. An octagonal room that held a pool of blood in its centre was filled with piles of soft pillows and low tables. Naked dead men and women of various races lay among the pillows, ecstasy and fear frozen on their faces. Just behind the pool of blood sat a sofa that was a mass of exquisitely wood carved leaves and plush blue cushions. Beyond the sofa lay the portal to another room, steeped in darkness. As they party and the thieves began fanning out in the room, Bodhi sashayed from the darkness.

Great description!

“Aww… If you wanted to touch you could have asked.” Bodhi purred.


“Your brother? So you really are his sister? I guess the reason you are so pissy then is because he won’t let you kiss him good night or share the bed anymore. Was it before or after the other woman he had clones of?”

Bodhi moved fast and Groder felt her hand hit his chest, smashing through the chain mail, digging through the cloth and flesh beneath and felt her nails grate on bone. He coughed once and then sank to his knees. Bodhi stood wide eyed and stared at the blood dripping of her hand.

“No…” She breathed and caught Groder before he sank to the floor.


Bad Bodhi!

And... amazing cliffhanger!

#4 Guest_Ananke_*

Posted 19 April 2007 - 09:33 PM

It also seemed I lied a bit. There will be even more action coming up in a chapter or two. I hope you do not mind.

Oh, dear... More action, you say?

How to say this... It's a bit hard for me to comment on this chapter, because I'm more impressed than critical right now. :shock: It's just the generic sort of "cool idea", "cool use of NPC's ability", "cool idea again","cool use of equipment", "Ooh! Loot!" feeling (comments as applicable).

That said, the best priceless moments are, I think, the skeletons bowing to Viconia, Sime's and Rose's overlarge shadows, the vampires' eyes lighting up in the darkness, Groder's “How can you not be dead?” to Lassal, Lassal not doing absolutely nothing (insert a 180, or possibly a 360-degree camera move from behind the party members' backs), and the sweat on Frost's face as he pushes that door.

(Yes, I'm such a sucker for the effect. Now, I only want Dalis' description of that fight. In iambic pentameter, preferably. ;))

Oh, and the dirty part of mind just loved Groder being so vulgar towards Bodhi that, from her reaction, I can only think that he was right.

So. Cool. :)

#5 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 20 April 2007 - 04:27 AM

Now what's wrong with a bit of action now and then... Hmm...

I do like your graveyard and the swarming vampires...
The original game dungeons are always such an room-by-room progressing breach against reason; no one is ever attracted to inspect the sounds of combat unless the game specifically wants to deliver an ambush fight.

Thank you. I kind of want to try and make sense although it may not always work.

Now what will come of good ol' Groddy I wonder?
Probably not plant-food... You did say there will be more chapters coming... Uhhuhh?

Yours truly is waiting for more stuff to read with interest.

Nope, he will live. He just seems to be taking beatings on a somewhat regular basis. Glad you ejoyed it.

#6 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 20 April 2007 - 04:43 AM

“Stakes and lamp oil.” Renal answered and then reached into one of his many pockets. The thief pulled out a tinderbox and threw it to the druid. “Here, you should take one as well.”

I like the lamp oil and tinderbox details.

Thank you. Sometimes I do remember the small things. :)

The Drow got up and began walking towards the skeletons, chanting all the while. When the four dead ones caught sight of her they hissed and began advancing. Halfway to the cleric, they stopped, jerked and then bowed to her. Viconia turned back to the group and motion them forward.

“Good job Viconia.” Groder said when he came up to one of the skeletons. Hiranmayi bared her teeth and hissed at one of the skeletons that got to close to her. It stared at the girl with its unknowing yellow fires.

Nice description of her variant of turn undead :D And I like the skeletal stare.

Good thing I remembered thjat evil clerics don`t rebuke the undead. ;)

Skeletons always win staring contests!

The crash of vials breaking against the stone floor and almost after it the sounds of flames came from the corridor that Sime and Rose had gone into. The two women came running back down the corridor followed by their shadows made large by the fire they had started.

Edwin: So inefficient. (A single fireball spell would suffice.)

That is a great way to handle that place, though :P

Fire is high on the vampire`s "bad" list. Killing hordes of undead during daytime didn`t really make sense.

Pairs of red dots began appearing in the dark. A few at first, slowly appearing to float in the air. Then more, then many, far too many. The vampires hissed in unison.


Whoops, indeed. Lassal kept cool enough (He he... I am funny) to head into the main resting place.

Jaheira looked around and stated.

That sentence is a bit odd, especially as a lone paragraph.

It does look odd. I`ll see about marrying it to the actual sentance.

Bodhi`s court lay at the end of short corridor. An octagonal room that held a pool of blood in its centre was filled with piles of soft pillows and low tables. Naked dead men and women of various races lay among the pillows, ecstasy and fear frozen on their faces. Just behind the pool of blood sat a sofa that was a mass of exquisitely wood carved leaves and plush blue cushions. Beyond the sofa lay the portal to another room, steeped in darkness. As they party and the thieves began fanning out in the room, Bodhi sashayed from the darkness.

Great description!

Thank you. :P

“Aww… If you wanted to touch you could have asked.” Bodhi purred.


Ah yes, she really is prizeless. :D

“Your brother? So you really are his sister? I guess the reason you are so pissy then is because he won’t let you kiss him good night or share the bed anymore. Was it before or after the other woman he had clones of?”

Bodhi moved fast and Groder felt her hand hit his chest, smashing through the chain mail, digging through the cloth and flesh beneath and felt her nails grate on bone. He coughed once and then sank to his knees. Bodhi stood wide eyed and stared at the blood dripping of her hand.

“No…” She breathed and caught Groder before he sank to the floor.


Bad Bodhi!

And... amazing cliffhanger!

Groder really managed to tick her off.

Thank you for the comments and originally I had intented to end it with Bodhi about to bite him.

#7 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 20 April 2007 - 04:48 AM

It also seemed I lied a bit. There will be even more action coming up in a chapter or two. I hope you do not mind.

Oh, dear... More action, you say?

It may be descriptions of general fighting instead of detailed ones. I looked at it and realized that there may be more talking then fighting.

How to say this... It's a bit hard for me to comment on this chapter, because I'm more impressed than critical right now. :) It's just the generic sort of "cool idea", "cool use of NPC's ability", "cool idea again","cool use of equipment", "Ooh! Loot!" feeling (comments as applicable).

Ok. :shock:

That said, the best priceless moments are, I think, the skeletons bowing to Viconia, Sime's and Rose's overlarge shadows, the vampires' eyes lighting up in the darkness, Groder's “How can you not be dead?” to Lassal, Lassal not doing absolutely nothing (insert a 180, or possibly a 360-degree camera move from behind the party members' backs), and the sweat on Frost's face as he pushes that door.

(Yes, I'm such a sucker for the effect. Now, I only want Dalis' description of that fight. In iambic pentameter, preferably. :D)

Thank you, I was kind of worried about this chapter actually.

Oh, and the dirty part of mind just loved Groder being so vulgar towards Bodhi that, from her reaction, I can only think that he was right.

So. Cool. ;)

Yeah, he hit a nerve alright. I intend to do some more sibling backstory once the party hit Brynnlaw.

Gald you enjoyed it and thank you

#8 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 20 April 2007 - 05:49 AM

“After we have cleared the first floor, we descend to the second floor in which Bodhi holds her court and we assume have her coffin.” He finished.

“We are all dead…” Rose grumbled.

Probably just some of you, the least important ones. :shock:

The Drow got up and began walking towards the skeletons, chanting all the while. When the four dead ones caught sight of her they hissed and began advancing. Halfway to the cleric, they stopped, jerked and then bowed to her. Viconia turned back to the group and motion them forward.

I still prefer to blow them up instead of controlling them.

Renal nodded to Frost and the large man dropped the bags he was carrying. Frost stepped up to the doors and took one of the round irons handles in his big hands. The man began pulling and it strained him visibly. The muscles on his arms bulged and sweat ran down his face. The door moved little by little until the crack was large enough for a human to slip through.

He’s the golem from the game, I think. :)

The crash of vials breaking against the stone floor and almost after it the sounds of flames came from the corridor that Sime and Rose had gone into. The two women came running back down the corridor followed by their shadows made large by the fire they had started.

“One of the bastards was up!” Rose shouted.

Well, with all your shouting, now you probably have the whole den awake. :P

The bald master vampire ran down the darkened passage that the vampires that felled Frost came from. The party and the remaining thieves ran after the master vampire. The room, they came into was as brightly lit as the previous. In its middle sat a large sarcophagus that had been filled with blood. All around the room piles of large round pillows were scattered. It seemed to be some kind of improvised bath. Lassal rose from the sarcophagus, blood ran down his naked body, he held a wicked looking bladed mace in his hand. The vampire stepped out of the bath.

Heh, did he pick up the mace of destruction? Cheater!

“I cannot kill the bhaal spawn but I will drain the rest of you dry.” The vampire hissed.

“Tch… Come and try it.” Hiranmayi taunted.

I think he was about to do that without you invitation.

Pairs of red dots began appearing in the dark. A few at first, slowly appearing to float in the air. Then more, then many, far too many. The vampires hissed in unison.

Love that image. :D

“My mistress waits for you below…” A familiar voice hissed. Lassal was slowly dragging himself along the corridor wall, hand gripping the wicked mace tight.

“Ah, but come on!” Groder yelled. “How can you not be dead?”

He’s a recurring villain… look, he’s a named character!

Lassal proved no threat in the end, as hurt and drained as he was. The vampire quickly fell before the party’s number. Yoshimo passed the mace the vampire had held to Nalia. After complaining that it was heavy she reported that it was enchanted.

Ok, so he’s dead now. Oh well.

“Because having weapons that hurt you away from your enemies are a good idea.” Viconia said and put the mace on the large table. “We will take it with us when we return. None of us have our packs with us.”

I don’t suppose using it against Bodhi was an option? ;)

“I am quite convinced that the entire continent knows.” He nodded at Hiranmayi. “They even know on other continents.” As Groder kept talking his companions began fanning themselves out and moved slowly in on Bodhi. “What I want to know is what your connection to Irenicus is and I will get it even if I have to drag it out of you fang by fang.”

I sort of expect Bodhi to reply “No, fangs,” here. :P

Bodhi moved fast and Groder felt her hand hit his chest, smashing through the chain mail, digging through the cloth and flesh beneath and felt her nails grate on bone. He coughed once and then sank to his knees. Bodhi stood wide eyed and stared at the blood dripping of her hand.

“No…” She breathed and caught Groder before he sank to the floor.

Ooops! Bad Bodhi! No soul for you!

#9 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 20 April 2007 - 12:31 PM

[quote][quote]“After we have cleared the first floor, we descend to the second floor in which Bodhi holds her court and we assume have her coffin.” He finished.

“We are all dead…” Rose grumbled.

Probably just some of you, the least important ones. :P

Heh... Well, they got of rather easy...

[quote]The Drow got up and began walking towards the skeletons, chanting all the while. When the four dead ones caught sight of her they hissed and began advancing. Halfway to the cleric, they stopped, jerked and then bowed to her. Viconia turned back to the group and motion them forward.

I still prefer to blow them up instead of controlling them.

But they are good meat shields... or bone shields. :D

[quote]Renal nodded to Frost and the large man dropped the bags he was carrying. Frost stepped up to the doors and took one of the round irons handles in his big hands. The man began pulling and it strained him visibly. The muscles on his arms bulged and sweat ran down his face. The door moved little by little until the crack was large enough for a human to slip through.

He’s the golem from the game, I think. :D

He got to take that role yes. Poor Frost... at least his namesake and inspiration lives on to smack people around.

[quote]The crash of vials breaking against the stone floor and almost after it the sounds of flames came from the corridor that Sime and Rose had gone into. The two women came running back down the corridor followed by their shadows made large by the fire they had started. [/quote]

“One of the bastards was up!” Rose shouted.

Well, with all your shouting, now you probably have the whole den awake. :P

Vampires are heavy sleepers... :D

[quote]The bald master vampire ran down the darkened passage that the vampires that felled Frost came from. The party and the remaining thieves ran after the master vampire. The room, they came into was as brightly lit as the previous. In its middle sat a large sarcophagus that had been filled with blood. All around the room piles of large round pillows were scattered. It seemed to be some kind of improvised bath. Lassal rose from the sarcophagus, blood ran down his naked body, he held a wicked looking bladed mace in his hand. The vampire stepped out of the bath. [/quote]

Heh, did he pick up the mace of destruction? Cheater!

Yep, won`t do him much good in the end though.

[quote]“I cannot kill the bhaal spawn but I will drain the rest of you dry.” The vampire hissed.

“Tch… Come and try it.” Hiranmayi taunted. [/quote]

I think he was about to do that without you invitation.

Yep, she just felt the need to taunt.

[quote]Pairs of red dots began appearing in the dark. A few at first, slowly appearing to float in the air. Then more, then many, far too many. The vampires hissed in unison.[/quote]

Love that image. :D

Thank you. I figured the vamps had to hang out somewhere.

[quote]“My mistress waits for you below…” A familiar voice hissed. Lassal was slowly dragging himself along the corridor wall, hand gripping the wicked mace tight.

“Ah, but come on!” Groder yelled. “How can you not be dead?”

He’s a recurring villain… look, he’s a named character!

But lot`s of named characters die!

[quote]Lassal proved no threat in the end, as hurt and drained as he was. The vampire quickly fell before the party’s number. Yoshimo passed the mace the vampire had held to Nalia. After complaining that it was heavy she reported that it was enchanted. [/quote]

Ok, so he’s dead now. Oh well.

Like Lassal! :P

[quote]“Because having weapons that hurt you away from your enemies are a good idea.” Viconia said and put the mace on the large table. “We will take it with us when we return. None of us have our packs with us.”

I don’t suppose using it against Bodhi was an option? :P

No... :cry:

[quote]“I am quite convinced that the entire continent knows.” He nodded at Hiranmayi. “They even know on other continents.” As Groder kept talking his companions began fanning themselves out and moved slowly in on Bodhi. “What I want to know is what your connection to Irenicus is and I will get it even if I have to drag it out of you fang by fang.”[/quote]

I sort of expect Bodhi to reply “No, fangs,” here. :P


She has some self-respect. ;)

[quote]Bodhi moved fast and Groder felt her hand hit his chest, smashing through the chain mail, digging through the cloth and flesh beneath and felt her nails grate on bone. He coughed once and then sank to his knees. Bodhi stood wide eyed and stared at the blood dripping of her hand.

“No…” She breathed and caught Groder before he sank to the floor.[/quote]

Ooops! Bad Bodhi! No soul for you![/quote]

She won`t be telling Irenicus about this, that is for sure. She will stumble into more problems as well. :shock:

#10 Weyoun

Posted 21 April 2007 - 10:56 PM

“After we have cleared the first floor, we descend to the second floor in which Bodhi holds her court and we assume have her coffin.” He finished.

“We are all dead…” Rose grumbled.

Vampires wouldn't be all that difficult if they wouldn't have that annoying level-drain effect.

The Drow got up and began walking towards the skeletons, chanting all the while. When the four dead ones caught sight of her they hissed and began advancing. Halfway to the cleric, they stopped, jerked and then bowed to her. Viconia turned back to the group and motion them forward.

Viconia's knucklebone army. :P

The bald master vampire ran down the darkened passage that the vampires that felled Frost came from. The party and the remaining thieves ran after the master vampire. The room, they came into was as brightly lit as the previous. In its middle sat a large sarcophagus that had been filled with blood. All around the room piles of large round pillows were scattered. It seemed to be some kind of improvised bath. Lassal rose from the sarcophagus, blood ran down his naked body, he held a wicked looking bladed mace in his hand. The vampire stepped out of the bath.

Nice move there...

“Perhaps she is not here.” Yoshimo suggested.

“My mistress waits for you below…” A familiar voice hissed. Lassal was slowly dragging himself along the corridor wall, hand gripping the wicked mace tight.

“Ah, but come on!” Groder yelled. “How can you not be dead?”

Because he already is? :D

“Let us see how you fare without you friends.” She said and purred. “I have a good mind to give you a spanking before I leave.”

“You are really trite you know that don’t you?” Groder gripped his axe tighter. “I am not the one running back to my master like an obedient dog.” He taunted.

“Ah, but my dear brother is no master of mine.” Bodhi answered and struck a pose.

Hit a nerve there. :D

Bodhi moved fast and Groder felt her hand hit his chest, smashing through the chain mail, digging through the cloth and flesh beneath and felt her nails grate on bone. He coughed once and then sank to his knees. Bodhi stood wide eyed and stared at the blood dripping of her hand.

“No…” She breathed and caught Groder before he sank to the floor.

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#11 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 22 April 2007 - 08:13 AM

“After we have cleared the first floor, we descend to the second floor in which Bodhi holds her court and we assume have her coffin.” He finished.

“We are all dead…” Rose grumbled.

Vampires wouldn't be all that difficult if they wouldn't have that annoying level-drain effect.

Oh yeah, I go crazy everytime they hit a cleric or mage.

The Drow got up and began walking towards the skeletons, chanting all the while. When the four dead ones caught sight of her they hissed and began advancing. Halfway to the cleric, they stopped, jerked and then bowed to her. Viconia turned back to the group and motion them forward.

Viconia's knucklebone army. :D[/quote]

Kind of. :P

The bald master vampire ran down the darkened passage that the vampires that felled Frost came from. The party and the remaining thieves ran after the master vampire. The room, they came into was as brightly lit as the previous. In its middle sat a large sarcophagus that had been filled with blood. All around the room piles of large round pillows were scattered. It seemed to be some kind of improvised bath. Lassal rose from the sarcophagus, blood ran down his naked body, he held a wicked looking bladed mace in his hand. The vampire stepped out of the bath.

Nice move there...

He went for the nearest thing that could exstinguish the fire. Luckily it had a mace in it.

“Perhaps she is not here.” Yoshimo suggested.

“My mistress waits for you below…” A familiar voice hissed. Lassal was slowly dragging himself along the corridor wall, hand gripping the wicked mace tight.

“Ah, but come on!” Groder yelled. “How can you not be dead?”

Because he already is? :D

Groder: I mean permanently!

“Let us see how you fare without you friends.” She said and purred. “I have a good mind to give you a spanking before I leave.”

“You are really trite you know that don’t you?” Groder gripped his axe tighter. “I am not the one running back to my master like an obedient dog.” He taunted.

“Ah, but my dear brother is no master of mine.” Bodhi answered and struck a pose.

Hit a nerve there. :D

Yeah, and he did even mean to.

Bodhi moved fast and Groder felt her hand hit his chest, smashing through the chain mail, digging through the cloth and flesh beneath and felt her nails grate on bone. He coughed once and then sank to his knees. Bodhi stood wide eyed and stared at the blood dripping of her hand.

“No…” She breathed and caught Groder before he sank to the floor.[/quote]


Bodhi is in trouble now... and all I can think off is the Genesis song Invisible Touch.

"She reaches in and takes a hold of your heart."

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