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Part 6

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#1 Guest_Flarn_*

Posted 19 February 2007 - 04:54 AM

They met several more times over the next few days, talking, and laughing, and exploring their newfound feelings for each other. Khalid had never spent such a relaxing or enjoyable leave, but unfortunately it was rapidly drawing to a close and he would have to resume his duties. Before Jaheira, seven days had seemed like a lifetime, now it seemed like mere moments.

Two days before he was scheduled to return to duty he was waiting for her in the garden as he usually did. He'd gotten his practicing done early, and was settled with a book of poetry underneath the lemon tree, which he fancied seemed a lot more comfortable to lean against than any of the others. He even read aloud for a little while, for the first time unashamed of his stutter, on the chance the Dryad might be listening.

Khalid was in the middle of a particularly difficult stanza when he felt Jaheira's already familiar presence suddenly beside him. He was pleased with himself that he only jumped momentarily, but her silent movements would still take some getting used to.

"Well, you certainly are embracing nature enthusiastically," she observed. "I've seen my fellow Druids do many things, but never have I seen one reading to a tree before."

"I'd r-rather embrace you enthusiastically," he countered, turning to kiss her, then yelping as something jabbed him in the side.

"Careful!" she cautioned him, pulling back so he could see what had poked him. It was the hilt of a small sword in a distinctively shaped scabbard: a scimitar. There was a bag on her belt that clicked as she moved, and he realized it held bullets for a sling.

"What's all this?" he asked. She had never come so heavily armed before.

She looked away for a moment. "On my last trip back I noticed some... rough sorts hanging about, and I thought it best if I looked a little more intimidating."

"I see," he said.

"You should get your sword as well," she told him.

"Are we going somewhere?" he asked, intrigued.

She smiled at him, showing her perfect white teeth. "Yes..." she replied slowly, "Where do you think we are going?"

It took a moment for things to sink in, and when they did his heart started pounding. "Now? Today?"

She ran a casual finger over his lips. "Unless you'd rather wait..."

"No! No, definitely not, I'll get my sword..."

"I'll meet you around the front," she told him as he hurried into the house.

He all but ran to his room and buckled on his sword belt, then impulsively snatched up the silk scarf she had given him, tucking it away for later. It had been washed now, so maybe she would want it back.

Nobody was around as he left the house. His father was probably working in his study, and his brothers could be anywhere, so he didn't bother to say goodbye. He would see them again soon enough.


Jaheira was waiting for him around the side of the house.

"So why today?" he asked as they began walking.

Jaheira shrugged. "Why not? The time seemed right. And I guess I didn't want to rush you into anything..." She gave him a sidelong look. "Are you sure?"

He nodded, trying to control the butterflies that would not restrict themselves to his stomach, but seemed to be fluttering through his entire body. "No time like the present."

It took paradoxically too little and too much time for them to reach the inn Jaheira had chosen to stay in. "The Pheasant" was not a place Khalid was familiar with, but it was a balanced choice of accommodation, he saw with some amusement, being neither too cheap, nor too opulent. When they walked into the taproom, a wide selection of clientele was seated about, enjoying various beverages and foods. Some were wealthier than others, but none looked particularly dangerous or disagreeable.

He felt a bit self-conscious as they climbed the stairs leading to the rooms, feeling a thousand eyes upon him when he knew there were probably none. It seemed to him that what they were here for was written all over his face. Fortunately they ascended quickly out of view, into a deserted hallway.

"This way." Jaheira led him down the hall to a room at the end of the building and pulled a key from her belt to open the door.

Khalid followed her inside, having barely enough time to appreciate the restrained décor when his eyes lit upon the bed. A mixture of anxiety and longing filled him, and he swallowed, feeling his mouth go dry.

With uncanny timing, Jaheira appeared at his elbow, offering him a goblet. "Water?"

"T-thank you." He drank gratefully, his eyes still locked on the bed as if it were some sort of sacrificial altar.

"Come," she said laughingly, taking his elbow and guiding him across the room to where a table and two chairs waited. Deliberately she took the seat with the view of the bed, and he took the other. "Relax," she instructed, taking a sip of her own water. "There is no need to hurry, we have as much time as we need. Are you hungry?"

He stared at her, wondering how she could even bring up food at a time like this.

"Oh Khalid," she chuckled, "the expression on your face..." Reaching across the table she took his hand. "Food is not what I hunger for either." She turned his hand over and held it in both of hers, studying his palm intently before placing a kiss on it, closing her eyes and murmuring something under her breath. Her eyes opened again, a mysterious, ancient look within their depths, just now a shade of amber, like a wolf's. Still holding his hand, she took his index finger into her mouth, grazing it with her teeth.

It was his turn to close his eyes, amazed at how such a small gesture could be so thoroughly arousing. When he opened them again she was studying him intently.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"Better," he told her, as the feelings from their time in the gardens came back to him. He was safe with her, there was nothing to fear, only more wonderful things to discover. "Much better."

"Well then..." She rose from her chair.

Hand in hand they walked toward the bed.

(Author's note: If you want to know what happened in between this and the next part, PM me with a statement confirming you are 18 years of age and it is legal for you to view adult content in your area, and that you absolve me of all accountability.)

When it was over, and they lay together in spent disarray, Khalid felt completely empty, but not in a negative way. Less than a week ago he had been alone and resigned, and now it seemed as though all his cares had vanished, leaving a dizzy, pleasurable vacancy inside of him, that Jaheira had already begun to fill with her warmth, her strength, and her passion.

Unused to this intimacy, he started to speak, then stopped as he realized that they had already spoken, a dialogue deeper than words. Sighing deeply, Jaheira snuggled closer and placed her head on his shoulder, and it wasn't long before the two succumbed to an exhausted sleep.

It was late afternoon when he finally awoke. Jaheira was still nestled against him, and he felt a surge of protectiveness. Physically he also felt somewhat, strained, now that the euphoria had worn off. Was lovemaking always like this?

He tried a tentative stretch, so as not to wake his sleeping lover, then spoiled it all with a gasp of pain as his body told him quite firmly NOT to do that again.

Beside him, the lovely Druid stirred, and his regret at waking her was tempered by the sight of her beautiful eyes regarding him warmly. "What's the matter?" she asked him.

"Nothing," he lied, then made the mistake of trying to adjust his position. "Ouch!"

"Nothing, eh?" She arched a brow.

"Well..." he hedged.

"I bedded you already," she told him, sitting up in annoyance, "and I intend to bed you again, your manliness is not in dispute, so you have nothing to prove with this idiotic display of pain tolerance. Now shut up and tell me where it hurts!" Dramatically she rolled her eyes, and then spoiled it all by bursting into laughter as her gaze met his.

After a few moments she cleared her throat and tried to sober, but couldn't seem to keep from smiling. "Fine, fine... Let us see what you have done to yourself."

Jaheira examined him carefully, watching his face for any reaction. "Ah," she murmured, "there... it's nothing, just a pulled muscle." She poked the spot an extra time, he was sure just to torture him, but the way she smiled at him conspiratorially would have made him forgive any affront. Briefly she closed her eyes, murmuring a soft prayer. A blue glow suffused her hands and she laid them over him, cool healing seeping into his body, eradicating the pain.

"Much better, thank you," he told her, sitting up.

Evidently Jaheira must have noticed something that he did not, because she recited another low prayer, and he heard the sizzling whisper of magic. "Here," she told him, "hold out your hand."

Puzzled, he complied, and she gave him a handful of berries.

"Have a snack," she instructed, a faint smile playing at her lips.

Khalid stared in amazement. The berries were blue, and warm, as if they had just been picked from a bush in the sun, and they smelled delicious. He picked one up and popped it in his mouth. They were delicious!

"How?" he asked.

"One of my spells," she answered. "The berries have healing properties."


"Be glad that you cannot see your back." Jaheira looked away, colouring in embarrassment.

"But I feel fine," he assured her, eating a few more of the berries. "These are really good, though. Do you want any?"

"No thank you," she answered with a shudder. "They tend to lose their appeal after you are forced to live on them and nothing else for a fortnight."

"A fortnight?" He winced in sympathy. "Just what were you doing?"

"Trying to stay alive, obviously," was her somewhat caustic reply.

Khalid didn't mind. After all, the most beautiful roses were not without their thorns, and he fancied they would not be as sought after if there wasn't that delightful element of risk. Jaheira's prickly disposition might have kept others at bay in the past, but now that he has seen the precious truth that lay beneath, it just became another facet of her, one that he found oddly endearing.

"Just how many adventures have you had?" he asked.

"I haven't - " she began.

"Oh c-come now," he chided gently, fondly. "You don't seem to be the type who would suffer fools gladly and yet you keep making these transparent denials, and teasing me with hints of things. You want to tell me, and I want to know. I want to know everything about you."

"Soon," she told him, "very soon. I promise." Heedless of her nakedness she got up and went to the window. "All will be made clear." She stared thoughtfully out at the city below them for a moment, then turned her back on it decisively, giving him a broad smile. "If you've finished those berries, how does real food sound?"

"Wonderful," Khalid said. She had put him off again, but he decided to let her get away with it for the time being. He could tell she really didn't want to be keeping secrets from him, but there was some sort of conflict, something that prevented her from simply telling him, but he believed her when she said he would know before long. "I'm f-famished. Don't tell me you can magically create that too?"

Jaheira pulled her leather tunic over her head and regarded him with an ironic quirk of her lips. "Your confidence in me is overwhelming, and flattering," she told him, humour in her richly accented voice, "but I am afraid that is not within my power."

"Not yet, in any case," he replied admiringly.

"Really, Khalid..." Jaheira's tone was exasperated, but she was smiling. "I do put on my trousers one leg at a time, just the same as you." Like some sort of highly exotic stork, she illustrated her point, pulling on her leggings, standing first on one leg, and then on the other.

"That may be," he replied, "but you look so much better in them."

Her face expressionless, Jaheira picked up a pillow and tossed it at him. "Must you always have the last word?" She placed her hands on her hips and regarded him.

"I don't know." Khalid stretched thoughtfully, and gave her a fairly good imitation of her own raised eyebrow. "Must you?"

"Silvanus! What have I gotten myself into?" Jaheira wondered ruefully as she headed towards the door, then stopped and grabbed her boots with an exclamation of annoyance. "Stupid boots..." she muttered. "I can't wait to be back in the groves where people have the common sense to know clothing should be optional."


"Oh Khalid, the first thing we must do is break you of these unnatural habits of yours... stay here and keep the bed warm." And with that she was gone.

Unnatural habits. Khalid chuckled to himself. Jaheira was so wonderfully uninhibited.

It wasn't long before she returned, a testimony to her efficiency.

"The food will be up shortly," she announced as she closed the door, immediately removing her boots, though sadly leaving the rest of her clothing on for the moment. "You may want to get dressed, because eating in the bed is not wise, not unless you want to see how cranky I get when I get crumbs where they don't belong."

"Oh yes, the prospect is terrifying." He smiled as he got out of bed and went to retrieve his pants from where she had flung them.

In relatively short order there was a knock on the door and Jaheira opened it. Outside were two serving maids bearing trays of food. "Just put it on the table," the Druid instructed.

The two girls did as they were bid, setting down a roast chicken, some bread, fresh fruit and a bottle of wine. It might have gone a lot quicker if they weren't sneaking glances at Khalid and giggling.

Jaheira was not impressed. "If you two are quite done?" she demanded.

"Yes ma'am," they replied, bobbing quick curtsies before leaving the room.

Grabbing a plate, Jaheira took a chicken leg and an apple, then opened the wine, pouring them each a goblet. "Sit down and eat before it gets cold."

"Yes ma'am," he teased, sketching her a little bow.

The Druid sat back and crossed her legs as Khalid joined her at the table. "Do you always enjoy playing with fire?"

Picking up his goblet, he raised it in a toast. "Only since I met you, my dear."

Jaheira sipped at her own glass, frowning.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No," she replied hastily. "No, I was just thinking... about how much I miss my home in the forest."

"It must be beautiful," Khalid said. "I'd love to see it someday."

She tore off a piece of her chicken, licking the juices from her fingers. "I would love to show you," she paused to clear her throat. "I feel sure that you are one of the few I've met who could appreciate it properly."

"High praise indeed." He grabbed an apple and bit into it, savouring the crisp flesh and the tart-sweet taste.


He finished chewing his mouthful of apple and swallowed. "Yes?"

Jaheira leaned forward on her elbows, studying him. "How do you feel about this place?"

"The city, you mean? Well, it is the only home I have ever known. I always thought perhaps I would like to see more of the world, but my father would have none of that. I was lucky he allowed me to join the guard, but even that wasn't to be on my own merits. I've proven myself since, but everyone is still pretty standoffish. They know my father makes sure I get special treatment. I tried to refuse, but my superiors are most likely getting something from my father, and they just order me to do whatever it is, whether to go home, or take leave or follow the schedule my father considers is acceptable." He took another bite of the apple and chewed mutinously as embarrassment coloured his cheeks.

"Come with me," Jaheira said.

"Mmmf?" Khalid's eyes widened in surprise, and he hurried to finish his mouthful of apple. "What?"

"Come with me," the Druid repeated. "I am leaving tomorrow and I do not want it to be alone."

"Tomorrow? But my family, the guard... I have to resign... pack..."

"Do you?" she challenged. "Or is that just what you think you're supposed to do?"

"I..." he began, but she cut him off.

"You've spent too long under your father's thumb, Khalid." Jaheira's eyes were bright with anger. "He doesn't see you for the person you are, he sees nothing but your ears. All this time you've been starving for his love while he dotes on those two idiot brothers of yours. He doesn't see it, but they don't have half the devotion to him that you do, all they're interested in is spending their inheritance, and they're doing a pretty good job..."

"Nabil's not bad..." Khalid protested. Like the Dryad, Jaheira saw too clearly. His mind was abuzz with her words, with the pain and the truth they represented.

But Jaheira was shaking her head. "I've seen them Khalid, out every night, drinking and whoring."

"You've seen them," he started, what was she doing that she would have seen his brothers in their favourite pursuits? "But - "

"Never mind that! Khalid, you are strong, intelligent, funny... and impudent as hell underneath that meek exterior you put up for them," Jaheira finished with an unexpected laugh. "Everything you are is in spite of your family! You deserve a far better place in the world than the one they've given you, and they deserve nothing from you, not even your pity... Come with me, forget tomorrow, now, this instant..." she told him, then softened, "please, and that is not a word I have said before to anybody... I want you in my life, not just for this moment, but forever..."

Khalid stared at her in astonishment. The last five days had been incredible, and he felt closer to her than any other person, and as miraculous as it was, she never gave him any reason to doubt she returned his feelings. But he hadn't allowed himself to think beyond the next day, to guess at what the future would hold for them. "You're really serious."

"Yes, of course I'm serious you impossible man!" Throwing her hands in the air Jaheira stormed from the table and stood facing him, her hands on her hips. "I hope you don't expect me to beg, because that is one thing I shall never, ever do, not if Silvanus himself were standing here!"

"No," Khalid rose as well and stepped towards her. "I don't expect you to beg, for one thing, I already knew that it would be a foolish endeavour..." He chuckled briefly, then regarded her lovingly. "I swear to you, you will n-never have to beg anything from me, Jaheira, or even ask. I'm yours."

Before he knew it she had thrown herself into his arms, kissing him passionately, tasting of wine and apples and sunshine. When the kiss ended she went to the small pack on the floor and started stuffing things into it. "Finish eating, we have a long journey ahead of us..."


"...we can purchase any supplies we need along the way..."


"...some friends will meet us, I think you and Gorion will have a great deal to talk about..."


Finally that got her attention, and she looked up from her packing looking genuinely startled for the first time since he had met her. "Yes?"

"I would really like to say goodbye to my family. I know you don't approve of them, and I can't say I blame you, but they were all I had for so long... And I guess maybe I want them to know I'm going to be happy, in spite of them." He grabbed his boots and sat on the bed to pull them on.

"But we will be leaving soon..." Jaheira sounded almost... agitated.

"Why the hurry?" He glanced around for his tunic and finally spotted it, half under the bed. "You had said you were going to leave tomorrow, why don't we just do that instead?" he said reasonably. "Why put ourselves under so much pressure? I won't be long, I'll just go back home, grab a few things from my room, say my farewells to Nabil and Achmed, listen to father rant for a few minutes and then walk out. I've always wanted to do that, and I never would have had the courage before you." Donning his tunic, he enfolded Jaheira in his arms and tried to kiss away the frown she wore, but it remained stubbornly fixed, and after a moment she broke the embrace with a sound of frustration.

Khalid picked up his sword belt and put it on. "I have to do this. I'll be back soon. P-promise."


He stopped with his hand on the door, turning back to look at her.

For a moment Jaheira sputtered impotently with what might have been rage. To Khalid it looked for all the world like she had contracted his stutter. The Druid pointed at him, jabbing the air vehemently with her fingertip as her mouth struggled to form words, or perhaps her brain to form thoughts. "If... If you walk through that door, don't you ever come back!"

"Jaheira..." He was alarmed, but for a very different reason than the one she had hoped to achieve. "What has gotten into you? I know you don't mean that... Whatever's upsetting you, you can tell me, I'm here for you."

Her anger fled abruptly as he called her bluff. "Don't go," she told him, an inscrutable look in her eyes.

"I am s-sorry, but I must. And I'm going to come back, and then we are going to talk about this."

The Druid's shoulders slumped in defeat, and that nearly made him stay when nothing else would have. But he just couldn't. She had seen a strength inside him that he didn't know he possessed, and when he reached inside himself, he touched it and discovered it was real. He needed closure, or his failure to confront his family would haunt him for the rest of his life.

"I *will* be back," he told her then left the room, closing the door behind him.

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