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Gotham Central VII: Motive (Part 1)

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#1 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 10 July 2005 - 04:33 AM

Notemeal - Cooks in one minute!

1. Next plot arc in the series. Oh boy!

2. Er... mild gore warning. :?

3. Mostly fact-finding and exposition type stuff... about what you'd expect.


June 24th, 6:45 P.M.
Gotham Central – Major Crimes Unit
Squad Commander’s Office

For twelve hours out of every twenty-four hour period, the “Squad Commander’s Office” belonged to Captain Maggie Sawyer. For the other twelve, it was Lieutenant Simon Probson, head of the MCU Night Shift, who sat behind that desk.

Currently, it was “The Probe” planted in that seat. “I don’t mind telling you, Kell,” he said. “If I had my way, you’d be on personal time for a few weeks… but you’ve got the Commissioner backing you on this, so you’ve got the case.”

“Good. Who am I partnering with?”

“Figured I’d have you and Anomen Delryn working together this time out; he’s had a lot of experience liaisoning with the Feds, which should come in handy. And since Crowe’s out sick, I can put Patton and Anchev together on the Firebug case.”

“Firebug? I thought that one got tossed on the back burner weeks ago. No leads…”

“It did. Then today’s paper came out…” The Lieutenant had a folded up newspaper sitting on the corner of his desk. He pushed it across to Enara.

The morning edition of the Gotham Gazette had the words “FIREBUG IS BACK” printed in big, bold letters across its front page. Along with the text of the article itself were several blurry photos taken from rooftops all across the city. The shadowy figure that was the focus of those pictures was dressed in some kind of silvery-colored costume, complete with what looked to be wings attached to his back, but that was about all one could make out from the extremely poor-quality photographs.

Enara shook her head. “It’s always something, isn’t it?”

“In this town? Better believe it.” The Probe nodded toward her hands. “Healing ok?”

“A little sore, but yeah.”

“I really do wish you’d take some time off, Detective… losing a partner, it-“

“I know… I just need to do this one case, and then I will, Lieutenant. I mean it.”


MCU Squadroom

Delryn, Patton, and Anchev were all waiting by the water cooler when Enara stepped out through the door of Probson’s office and shut it behind her. The three detectives looked up at her as she approached, not saying a word until Enara nodded at Anomen. “So, you got the word?”

“Just before you did.” He drained the paper cup he was holding, flipped it into the trash bin next to the far wall, and then reached for his suit jacket, which was draped over the back of a nearby chair. “Ready to go?”

“Think so,” she said, fishing around in her pocket for her car keys. “The Lieutenant said the Feebs are holding a copy of the file for us at the scene.”

He smirked. “Try not to actually call them that when we get there, all right?”


Interstate 95
Mile 46 Overpass

The crime scene photo of the area where the body had been found was blurry – probably a combination of bad film and bad lighting. In the center of the frame, lying on her left side, curled up into a little ball, was Bonnie Lewis. Her hands and ankles had been bound with strips of fabric ripped from the lower cuffs of her torn blue jeans. Her powder-blue T-shirt was covered in blood and grime; some of that blood had smeared across her wrists and face. More blood matted her light-blonde hair to her head.

“I should’ve come straight out here last night when they found her,” Enara said, flipping through the set of crime scene photos she held in her hands. “Damn Feds… I can’t tell jack from these pictures.”

“We can go back to Central and watch the crime scene video,” Anomen suggested.


He looked over her shoulders at the pictures the FBI agents had taken of the crime scene. The actual body had long since been taken away, and the entire area cordoned off with yellow police tape. “You and Marael were working this as a kidnapping, right?”

Enara nodded. “Yeah, word came in last Friday night. Bonnie Lewis, age fourteen, disappeared on the way home from a babysitting gig the night before. Halfway through the next day, her Dad gets faxed a ransom note… kidnappers want half a million dollars if he wants to see his daughter again…”

“What happened after that?”

“After that? Nothing.”

“What do you mean, ‘nothing?’”

Enara scratched the back of her neck. “I mean, ‘nothing.’ They never made contact again.” She knelt down in the dirt near where the girl’s corpse had been, as if looking for something the CSI unit had missed. “Who found the body?” she asked Anomen.

He flipped through the file. “Says here that she was found by two teenagers. They were apparently using the sewer system as a shortcut to the wharf.” He reached out and pointed to something on one of the photos Enara was holding. “Probably came out of that drainage pipe right there… saw the body right in front of them.” He frowned, a frown that quickly turned into an angry scowl as he turned over the possibilities in his head. “What do you think? The kidnappers kill her by accident and leave the body behind? Seems like something people willing to abduct a child would do…”

“Maybe… but even if they killed her, you’d think they’d still try and make a play for the ransom money, anyway.”

“Hmmm. I see your point. Were you and Khalid able to gather any information on the fax transmission itself?”

“No. It was sent from an online fax server. We had the Computer Lab work their mojo, but they were never able to trace it beyond the fake E-mail address used to set up the account.” She grimaced. “Gotta love the Information SuperHighway.”

“So… what now? Did you learn anything here?”

She shook her head. “Not really. I guess I just wanted to get a look at the scene… see if it meant anything. Seems like it’s just an out of the way spot, like a million others in the city…”

“So you don’t believe there’s any significance as to the area they left the body in?”

“I don’t think so. I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so.” She shook her head. “That’s speculation, though, and it’s not really helping us at the moment. Let’s go see the M.E. Get some facts…”


Kane County Morgue

“… And finally, here’s what did it… you can see it pretty clearly. Blunt force trauma to the back of the head.”

Enara tried hard not to wince as the Medical Examiner pulled back the white sheet covering Bonnie Lewis and began to relay all the information he’d managed to gather regarding her murder. Next to her, Detective Delryn’s expression had gone dour. “Any ideas what she was hit with?” he asked.

“Something metallic, hard… not sure what, but we pulled a couple of microscopic fragments out of her scalp and sent them for analysis. Whatever it was, the edge was rounded.”

Anomen stroked his lightly bearded chin – a gesture that was always associated with him thinking. “Is there any chance she fell?” he inquired. “Perhaps hit her head on an engine block or something similar?”

Bill Rourke shook his head. “No, the angle is wrong… unless she was doing a back flip at the time. This was definitely a deliberate attack. My best guess is that you’re looking for someone strong, somewhere between five and six feet tall…”

“Between five and six feet? That’s a pretty sizable chunk of Gotham’s populace, Bill. Can you narrow it down a little more?” Enara asked, trying to pry more information out of this source.

“Sorry, but that’s the best I can do because of the angle of the blow and the extensive damage to the area.”

Enara stifled a curse. The key to any investigation was information, and she had precious little of it. While she certainly would have liked more, she couldn’t blame Bill Rourke for not being able to come up with it. The man was doing his best with a difficult situation, and she couldn’t fault him for that. “Okay. You got a time of death, at least?”

He nodded and began typing on the computer keyboard in its drawer underneath his desk. “Actually, yes, that I do have. I just got the report from Entomology,” he said, bringing up the file details on his screen. “Based on the growth cycle of the fly larvae found on the body, we’re looking at somewhere between 10:00 P.M. on Thursday, and noon, last Friday, the 16th… unless the body was kept in airtight storage first, then it’s anybody’s guess.”

She looked at him, her expression registering mild to moderate confusion. “You had to use bugs to fix a time? Is… is that accurate?”

“Very,” He held up a small specimen jar full of live, wriggling insects. “These little flesh-eaters are almost as good as a time-stamp, Enara.”

The three occupants of the room sat in silence for about a minute after that. Rourke had gone back to work, looking through the microscope at a handful of slides he had stashed in a tray over on the side of his desk. Anomen was busy flipping through the printed copies of the M.E.’s findings, while Enara simply stared blankly at the opposite wall. She was the first to break the silence. “So… you, uh… talk to Jaheira today?”

“Yes. She’s taking a week off.”

“A week’s not exactly a lot of time.”

“You want to try telling her not to come back to work?”

“Heh,” she replied, though it was almost more of a declarative statement than an actual laugh. “I think I’ll pass.”

Delryn looked up from the papers clumped together in his hand. He flipped back and forth between the first five or so pages, as if cross-checking something. “Enara?”

“What is it, Anomen?”

“You said the father got the ransom note that Friday afternoon, correct?”

“Right. What about it?”

“We may have a small problem there, then…”


Squad Commander’s Office

Lieutenant Probson had spent the last five minutes reviewing the documents Kell and Delryn had laid out in front of him, and he still hadn’t caught on to what they were getting at. He frowned, raised his coffee cup to his lips, and took a long pull, all the while mentally cursing his growing caffeine dependency. “I’m not following. What does all of that mean?”

Anomen took the lead in answering. “It seems likely that she was already dead before her father received the ransom fax transmission.”

The Lieutenant took another sip. He nodded his head in understanding. “Which suggests that the fax was just a diversion… a red herring to throw us off in the wrong direction.”

“Yes, sir. Especially since they never attempted to follow up the initial fax with the details for the money transfer.”

“All right,” Probson said. “I buy that. But if we’re not dealing with a kidnapping here, what are we dealing with? A crime of passion, maybe? Something along those lines?”

Enara shrugged. “We’re still not sure, Lieutenant. Bill Rourke down at the morgue ran the autopsy… said he didn’t detect any signs of rape, thank God. Right now, it just looks like someone killed her and dumped the body. Unfortunately, that still leaves us pretty much at Square One… and without any solid leads.”

“Any chance that the father sent this ransom note himself?”

“I guess it’s possible, but my gut feeling says ‘no’… still I’m thinking we should have another meeting with Bonnie’s parents tomorrow. If this was a murder from the start, we need to look at her personal life harder.”

“All right, Detectives, keep me posted…”

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 10 July 2005 - 06:54 PM

2. Er... mild gore warning. :P

Um, more dead cops? :oops:

For twelve hours out of every twenty-four hour period, the “Squad Commander’s Office” belonged to Captain Maggie Sawyer. For the other twelve, it was Lieutenant Simon Probson, head of the MCU Night Shift, who sat behind that desk.

Does their labor union stand for such horrible working shifts? :lol: :)

“Figured I’d have you and Anomen Delryn working together this time out; he’s had a lot of experience liaisoning with the Feds, which should come in handy. And since Crowe’s out sick, I can put Patton and Anchev together on the Firebug case.”

Ah. Enara and Ano. Heh heh. Can’t escape your doom, Nar. :( ;-)

The morning edition of the Gotham Gazette had the words “FIREBUG IS BACK” printed in big, bold letters across its front page. Along with the text of the article itself were several blurry photos taken from rooftops all across the city. The shadowy figure that was the focus of those pictures was dressed in some kind of silvery-colored costume, complete with what looked to be wings attached to his back, but that was about all one could make out from the extremely poor-quality photographs.

What, prey tell, is a Firebug? Some sort of a giant fire spitting beetle or sumthin’?

The crime scene photo of the area where the body had been found was blurry – probably a combination of bad film and bad lighting. In the center of the frame, lying on her left side, curled up into a little ball, was Bonnie Lewis. Her hands and ankles had been bound with strips of fabric ripped from the lower cuffs of her torn blue jeans. Her powder-blue T-shirt was covered in blood and grime; some of that blood had smeared across her wrists and face. More blood matted her light-blonde hair to her head.

Ah, that’s what the gore warning was for. Ugh. :)

Enara nodded. “Yeah, word came in last Friday night. Bonnie Lewis, age fourteen, disappeared on the way home from a babysitting gig the night before. Halfway through the next day, her Dad gets faxed a ransom note… kidnappers want half a million dollars if he wants to see his daughter again…”

Well, her Daddy must have been pretty rich, I suppose – in which case it’s strange that she’d be working as a babysitter in the first place.

“Maybe… but even if they killed her, you’d think they’d still try and make a play for the ransom money, anyway.”

Yeah, good point. I think there’ve been quite enough examples of that in the history, too.

“… And finally, here’s what did it… you can see it pretty clearly. Blunt force trauma to the back of the head.”

Doesn’t sound much like an accident to me… which makes it all much weirder.

Bill Rourke shook his head. “No, the angle is wrong… unless she was doing a back flip at the time. This was definitely a deliberate attack. My best guess is that you’re looking for someone strong, somewhere between five and six feet tall…”

So pretty much anyone in the Gotham City, right Doc? ;)

She looked at him, her expression registering mild to moderate confusion. “You had to use bugs to fix a time? Is… is that accurate?”

It might be accurate, but it grosses me out! :P

The three occupants of the room sat in silence for about a minute after that. Rourke had gone back to work, looking through the microscope at a handful of slides he had stashed in a tray over on the side of his desk. Anomen was busy flipping through the printed copies of the M.E.’s findings, while Enara simply stared blankly at the opposite wall. She was the first to break the silence. “So… you, uh… talk to Jaheira today?”

;-) I’m not sure if I want ask, but will see more of her before the story ends?

“You want to try telling her not to come back to work?”

“Heh,” she replied, though it was almost more of a declarative statement than an actual laugh. “I think I’ll pass.”

Yeah, you just know how Jaheira will try to cope with that… she’ll just throw herself into her job with increased vigor and drive herself even harder, trying to forget… :wink:

“You said the father got the ransom note that Friday afternoon, correct?”

“Right. What about it?”

“We may have a small problem there, then…”

Hey, that beard scratching trick actually works! I need to grow a beard! :-D

Lieutenant Probson had spent the last five minutes reviewing the documents Kell and Delryn had laid out in front of him, and he still hadn’t caught on to what they were getting at. He frowned, raised his coffee cup to his lips, and took a long pull, all the while mentally cursing his growing caffeine dependency. “I’m not following. What does all of that mean?”

Grow a beard, Probson! ;)

“All right,” Probson said. “I buy that. But if we’re not dealing with a kidnapping here, what are we dealing with? A crime of passion, maybe? Something along those lines?”

Ugh, the girl was fourteen, wasn’t she… ;-)

“Any chance that the father sent this ransom note himself?”


#3 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 11 July 2005 - 12:54 AM

Um, more dead cops?

Bit worse, actually.

Does their labor union stand for such horrible working shifts?

Well, actually... yeah, probably. I mean, they probably couldn't afford to have three 8-hour shifts... that'd be a lot of personnel. Plus, it might actually hurt things since if you had three shifts instead of just two, there might be a harder time getting information to all three shifts. (Shrug)

Ah. Enara and Ano. Heh heh. Can’t escape your doom, Nar.

What can I say, she actually likes him. No accounting for taste. :P

What, prey tell, is a Firebug? Some sort of a giant fire spitting beetle or sumthin’?

In the real world? Probably. (If such things even exist. :) ) The Firebug here is just some guy who runs around in a suit setting things on fire. He's an established Batman villain... not one of the big ones, though. (Shrug)

Ah, that’s what the gore warning was for. Ugh.

Yeah, unfortunately. Poor kid. :(

Well, her Daddy must have been pretty rich, I suppose – in which case it’s strange that she’d be working as a babysitter in the first place.

Not really, kids get jobs... happens all the time... especially with parents who are trying to teach their kids some values by making them get jobs. :)

Yeah, good point. I think there’ve been quite enough examples of that in the history, too.

Right. Which is why Enara is getting suspicious at the idea that this was just a botched kidnapping/ransom attempt.

It might be accurate, but it grosses me out!

I know, right? ;)

I’m not sure if I want ask, but will see more of her before the story ends?

Wasn't planning on it, actually. Apparently, she does show up in the Issues 6-10 plot arc, and, as if she didn't have enough problems, even more bad stuff happens to her. But that's outside of -this- current plot arc, so... (Shrug)

Yeah, you just know how Jaheira will try to cope with that… she’ll just throw herself into her job with increased vigor and drive herself even harder, trying to forget…

That's basically what happens in the comic, yeah... though, thankfully, in the later issues we see Nora (Jaheira's counterpart) hanging out some with Marcus Driver (Enara's counterpart), and she seems... if not happy, at least coming to grips with it all.

Hey, that beard scratching trick actually works! I need to grow a beard!

There's a reason he's always scratching it. Those things itch. Even if I could, I wouldn't really -want- to grow facial hair. :P

And, just for fun, here's something weird I saw about beards in this book I'm reading:

"But this assumption buys into a specious subsumption. 'Nature' is a socially constructed discourse, not an objective reality [many footnotes here]. That is doubley true in the case of the 'nature' that accords full beards to the specific minority population of northern European males. Homo sapiens evolved in climatic zones where facial hair was of little practical use. The development of an offshoot of the species characterized by densely bearded males is an adaptive response to cold climates. These climates did not'naturally' invade the habitats of early humans - rather, the humans invaded geographical regions where such climates prevailed. This geographical transgression was strictly a sociocultural event and so all physical adaptations to it must be placed in the same category - in cluding the development of dense facial hair."


#4 Guest_Wyvern_*

Posted 11 July 2005 - 04:21 AM

For twelve hours out of every twenty-four hour period, the “Squad Commander’s Office” belonged to Captain Maggie Sawyer. For the other twelve, it was Lieutenant Simon Probson, head of the MCU Night Shift, who sat behind that desk.

I guess those two don't get to hide smut mags in their bottom desk drawer.

The morning edition of the Gotham Gazette had the words “FIREBUG IS BACK” printed in big, bold letters across its front page. Along with the text of the article itself were several blurry photos taken from rooftops all across the city. The shadowy figure that was the focus of those pictures was dressed in some kind of silvery-colored costume, complete with what looked to be wings attached to his back, but that was about all one could make out from the extremely poor-quality photographs.

A small-timer, wonder if he's being mentioned for a reason.

“I know… I just need to do this one case, and then I will, Lieutenant. I mean it.”

Unless another case comes along she just has to take ...

Anomen took the lead in answering. “It seems likely that she was already dead before her father received the ransom fax transmission.”

Which means the case just got a lot more complicated.

#5 Laufey

Posted 12 July 2005 - 12:29 PM

The morning edition of the Gotham Gazette had the words “FIREBUG IS BACK” printed in big, bold letters across its front page. Along with the text of the article itself were several blurry photos taken from rooftops all across the city. The shadowy figure that was the focus of those pictures was dressed in some kind of silvery-colored costume, complete with what looked to be wings attached to his back, but that was about all one could make out from the extremely poor-quality photographs.

Enara shook her head. “It’s always something, isn’t it?”

In Gotham? Of course there is. :D

The crime scene photo of the area where the body had been found was blurry – probably a combination of bad film and bad lighting. In the center of the frame, lying on her left side, curled up into a little ball, was Bonnie Lewis. Her hands and ankles had been bound with strips of fabric ripped from the lower cuffs of her torn blue jeans. Her powder-blue T-shirt was covered in blood and grime; some of that blood had smeared across her wrists and face. More blood matted her light-blonde hair to her head.


“Between five and six feet? That’s a pretty sizable chunk of Gotham’s populace, Bill. Can you narrow it down a little more?” Enara asked, trying to pry more information out of this source.

“Sorry, but that’s the best I can do because of the angle of the blow and the extensive damage to the area.”

Yeah...it would be hard to tell, I'm sure.

He nodded and began typing on the computer keyboard in its drawer underneath his desk. “Actually, yes, that I do have. I just got the report from Entomology,” he said, bringing up the file details on his screen. “Based on the growth cycle of the fly larvae found on the body, we’re looking at somewhere between 10:00 P.M. on Thursday, and noon, last Friday, the 16th… unless the body was kept in airtight storage first, then it’s anybody’s guess.”

She looked at him, her expression registering mild to moderate confusion. “You had to use bugs to fix a time? Is… is that accurate?”

I think it definitely is - while it's not something I work with myself, what I've read about it seems to indicate so.

“You want to try telling her not to come back to work?”

Er...I know *I* wouldn't!

Anomen took the lead in answering. “It seems likely that she was already dead before her father received the ransom fax transmission.”

The Lieutenant took another sip. He nodded his head in understanding. “Which suggests that the fax was just a diversion… a red herring to throw us off in the wrong direction.”

Interesting...got a bit of a mystery here.
Rogues do it from behind.

#6 Guest_VigaHrolf_*

Posted 12 July 2005 - 04:03 PM

Notemeal - Cooks in one minute!

Insta-notemeal. Yuk.

Currently, it was “The Probe” planted in that seat. “I don’t mind telling you, Kell,” he said. “If I had my way, you’d be on personal time for a few weeks… but you’ve got the Commissioner backing you on this, so you’ve got the case.”

And in a way he's got a damn good point.... She's probably a bit shook up in the here and now... But at the same time....

“Figured I’d have you and Anomen Delryn working together this time out; he’s had a lot of experience liaisoning with the Feds, which should come in handy. And since Crowe’s out sick, I can put Patton and Anchev together on the Firebug case.”

I gotta wonder where Weirzbowski is if he isn't partnered with Crowe (Name that Reference - Difficulty: Extremely Escoteric)

And Enara and Anomen! Woot!

“Firebug? I thought that one got tossed on the back burner weeks ago. No leads…”

Bad pun! :D

Enara shook her head. “It’s always something, isn’t it?”

Always. :D

“I really do wish you’d take some time off, Detective… losing a partner, it-“

“I know… I just need to do this one case, and then I will, Lieutenant. I mean it.”

Definitely.... on both aspects. The quest must be completed, but at the same time she needs to rest.

“Think so,” she said, fishing around in her pocket for her car keys. “The Lieutenant said the Feebs are holding a copy of the file for us at the scene.”

He smirked. “Try not to actually call them that when we get there, all right?”

I am an Eff Bee Eye Agent! :D

The crime scene photo of the area where the body had been found was blurry – probably a combination of bad film and bad lighting. In the center of the frame, lying on her left side, curled up into a little ball, was Bonnie Lewis. Her hands and ankles had been bound with strips of fabric ripped from the lower cuffs of her torn blue jeans. Her powder-blue T-shirt was covered in blood and grime; some of that blood had smeared across her wrists and face. More blood matted her light-blonde hair to her head.


“I should’ve come straight out here last night when they found her,” Enara said, flipping through the set of crime scene photos she held in her hands. “Damn Feds… I can’t tell jack from these pictures.”

That sucks... the forensic photographer is supposed to be better than that...

Enara nodded. “Yeah, word came in last Friday night. Bonnie Lewis, age fourteen, disappeared on the way home from a babysitting gig the night before. Halfway through the next day, her Dad gets faxed a ransom note… kidnappers want half a million dollars if he wants to see his daughter again…”

Damn... a cool half mil....

“What happened after that?”

“After that? Nothing.”

“What do you mean, ‘nothing?’”

Enara scratched the back of her neck. “I mean, ‘nothing.’ They never made contact again.” She knelt down in the dirt near where the girl’s corpse had been, as if looking for something the CSI unit had missed. “Who found the body?” she asked Anomen.

Damn... that is suspicious.... I mean, why ransom someone unless you get the money... Unless it went bad, she died and they decided to bust loose.

He flipped through the file. “Says here that she was found by two teenagers. They were apparently using the sewer system as a shortcut to the wharf.” He reached out and pointed to something on one of the photos Enara was holding. “Probably came out of that drainage pipe right there… saw the body right in front of them.” He frowned, a frown that quickly turned into an angry scowl as he turned over the possibilities in his head. “What do you think? The kidnappers kill her by accident and leave the body behind? Seems like something people willing to abduct a child would do…”

Once again... Bastards.

Aleria: "They must be brought to justice."

“Maybe… but even if they killed her, you’d think they’d still try and make a play for the ransom money, anyway.”

Unless thngs went real bad... and they just decided to run. Give them more time to escape.

“Hmmm. I see your point. Were you and Khalid able to gather any information on the fax transmission itself?”

“No. It was sent from an online fax server. We had the Computer Lab work their mojo, but they were never able to trace it beyond the fake E-mail address used to set up the account.” She grimaced. “Gotta love the Information SuperHighway.”

Ahh... anonymity. :D Sometimes it's a bitch, but I'll take it.

“So you don’t believe there’s any significance as to the area they left the body in?”

If there, then the killing would have been intentional.... ugh.

“… And finally, here’s what did it… you can see it pretty clearly. Blunt force trauma to the back of the head.”

The ol BFT

Enara tried hard not to wince as the Medical Examiner pulled back the white sheet covering Bonnie Lewis and began to relay all the information he’d managed to gather regarding her murder. Next to her, Detective Delryn’s expression had gone dour. “Any ideas what she was hit with?” he asked.

“Something metallic, hard… not sure what, but we pulled a couple of microscopic fragments out of her scalp and sent them for analysis. Whatever it was, the edge was rounded.”

A hammer? Or something similar?

Anomen stroked his lightly bearded chin – a gesture that was always associated with him thinking. “Is there any chance she fell?” he inquired. “Perhaps hit her head on an engine block or something similar?”

Heheh... as a fellow beard sporter, I will say that beard stroking is a very useful affectation and.. well.. sometimes it works. :D

Bill Rourke shook his head. “No, the angle is wrong… unless she was doing a back flip at the time. This was definitely a deliberate attack. My best guess is that you’re looking for someone strong, somewhere between five and six feet tall…”

That's about as specific as looking for a white guy in Minnesota. :)

Enara stifled a curse. The key to any investigation was information, and she had precious little of it. While she certainly would have liked more, she couldn’t blame Bill Rourke for not being able to come up with it. The man was doing his best with a difficult situation, and she couldn’t fault him for that. “Okay. You got a time of death, at least?”

Information is power... and if this is more premeditated... well... then they would know that...

He nodded and began typing on the computer keyboard in its drawer underneath his desk. “Actually, yes, that I do have. I just got the report from Entomology,” he said, bringing up the file details on his screen. “Based on the growth cycle of the fly larvae found on the body, we’re looking at somewhere between 10:00 P.M. on Thursday, and noon, last Friday, the 16th… unless the body was kept in airtight storage first, then it’s anybody’s guess.”

Ahh... the CSI influence on the world. :)

“Very,” He held up a small specimen jar full of live, wriggling insects. “These little flesh-eaters are almost as good as a time-stamp, Enara.”

Lifted right from Grissom. :D

The three occupants of the room sat in silence for about a minute after that. Rourke had gone back to work, looking through the microscope at a handful of slides he had stashed in a tray over on the side of his desk. Anomen was busy flipping through the printed copies of the M.E.’s findings, while Enara simply stared blankly at the opposite wall. She was the first to break the silence. “So… you, uh… talk to Jaheira today?”

“Yes. She’s taking a week off.”

“A week’s not exactly a lot of time.”

“You want to try telling her not to come back to work?”

“Heh,” she replied, though it was almost more of a declarative statement than an actual laugh. “I think I’ll pass.”

That's our Jaheira for ya. :D

And poor Jaheira...

Delryn looked up from the papers clumped together in his hand. He flipped back and forth between the first five or so pages, as if cross-checking something. “Enara?”

“What is it, Anomen?”

“You said the father got the ransom note that Friday afternoon, correct?”

“Right. What about it?”

“We may have a small problem there, then…”

The fax was sent after the girl was dead....

Lieutenant Probson had spent the last five minutes reviewing the documents Kell and Delryn had laid out in front of him, and he still hadn’t caught on to what they were getting at. He frowned, raised his coffee cup to his lips, and took a long pull, all the while mentally cursing his growing caffeine dependency. “I’m not following. What does all of that mean?”

Anomen took the lead in answering. “It seems likely that she was already dead before her father received the ransom fax transmission.”

Someone is a REAL bastard....

“All right,” Probson said. “I buy that. But if we’re not dealing with a kidnapping here, what are we dealing with? A crime of passion, maybe? Something along those lines?”

Ugh... not that thought I want to have...

Enara shrugged. “We’re still not sure, Lieutenant. Bill Rourke down at the morgue ran the autopsy… said he didn’t detect any signs of rape, thank God. Right now, it just looks like someone killed her and dumped the body. Unfortunately, that still leaves us pretty much at Square One… and without any solid leads.”

I guess that's a small mercy. And damn... the almost perfect crime?

“Any chance that the father sent this ransom note himself?”

“I guess it’s possible, but my gut feeling says ‘no’… still I’m thinking we should have another meeting with Bonnie’s parents tomorrow. If this was a murder from the start, we need to look at her personal life harder.”

“All right, Detectives, keep me posted…”

Deeper and deeper the rabbit hole goes....

Interesting stuff Alpha. Good atmosphere and sense with the forensic stuff too.


#7 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 12 July 2005 - 11:31 PM

I guess those two don't get to hide smut mags in their bottom desk drawer.

Well, I don't know about Probson, but Sawyer's got a girlfriend, so she kinda doesn't need to do anything of the sort. :)

A small-timer, wonder if he's being mentioned for a reason.

Keep wondering. :(

Unless another case comes along she just has to take ...

Yeah, maybe... but as it stands now, she just feels the need to take care of this one, for personal reasons, if nothing else.

Which means the case just got a lot more complicated.


#8 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 12 July 2005 - 11:34 PM

In Gotham? Of course there is.

That's pretty obvious, yeah. :)

I think it definitely is - while it's not something I work with myself, what I've read about it seems to indicate so.

Well, I know next to nothing about this stuff. I wouldn't even consider myself an amateur at it. Lots of people watch those crime shows, but I don't, so I don't even have that, as I said, "amateur experience."

I took that section pretty much straight from the comic. But, at least, -they're- accurate. :(

Interesting...got a bit of a mystery here.

Yep. Just gotta hope the gang's up to solving it.

#9 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 12 July 2005 - 11:44 PM

Insta-notemeal. Yuk.

You're telling me. I was pretty much raised on Quaker One-Minute Oatmeal.

And in a way he's got a damn good point.... She's probably a bit shook up in the here and now... But at the same time....

Oh, sure... she definitely does have her head on completely straight... and yet, she'd never really forgive herself if she wasn't the one who helped close Khalid's last case. So it's a bit of a conflict of interest, there. Guess the Commish just happens to think that, slightly crazy as she may be at the moment, she's still capable of solving that case and so that should take priority. Probson thinks different, but it's not his call.

I gotta wonder where Weirzbowski is if he isn't partnered with Crowe (Name that Reference - Difficulty: Extremely Escoteric)

I'm afraid I had absolutely no idea... until I Googled the names. Aliens reference, I guess? ;)

And Enara and Anomen! Woot!

Yeah, she likes him. Damned if I know why. :)

Bad pun!

I didn't notice that until you brought it up. ;)

I am an Eff Bee Eye Agent!

Does seem like I've been doing a fair amount of Fed-bashing of late. Funny how that works.

Damn... a cool half mil....

Rich family, yeah...

Damn... that is suspicious.... I mean, why ransom someone unless you get the money... Unless it went bad, she died and they decided to bust loose.

That's definitely one of the current theories.

A hammer? Or something similar?

Murder weapon gets revealed later... and once it does, it becomes pretty obvious who was responsible.

Heheh... as a fellow beard sporter, I will say that beard stroking is a very useful affectation and.. well.. sometimes it works.

Bah. I don't bother with such nonsense. See my reply to Theo and that little beard anecdote. ;)

That's about as specific as looking for a white guy in Minnesota.

Or trying to find someone who says "eh" a lot.

Ahh... the CSI influence on the world.

Never watch the show. I watch Law & Order. That's as close as I come to it. :D

Lifted right from Grissom.

Tell that to Ed Brubaker or Greg Rucka. They came up with it. ;)

Someone is a REAL bastard....

Oh yeah. I know who's responsible (Duh) and yeah... real bastard.

I guess that's a small mercy. And damn... the almost perfect crime?

Starting to seem that way. Hence Enara's frustrations as time goes on. She has no idea who would commit such a crime, or why, and without a motive, you really don't have much of a case for anything. :(

#10 Guest_VigaHrolf_*

Posted 13 July 2005 - 02:19 AM

I gotta wonder where Weirzbowski is if he isn't partnered with Crowe (Name that Reference - Difficulty: Extremely Escoteric)

I'm afraid I had absolutely no idea... until I Googled the names. Aliens reference, I guess? ;)

Yeah. Two of the Marines who only barely show up in the Director's Cut and only die in the original version. Back in high school this was one of our favorite movies, especially once we got the director's cut... bootleg copy my buddy finagled right out of the studio through a friend. We saw it before the theatre. :( :D ;)

The funny thing is we all picked characters to root for in the first few minutes. I took Hicks, my buddy took Crowe and another took Weirzbowski. Fourth guy took Hudson. No one wanted Apone (we knew he was meat) I lucked out.

Damn.. I must have seen that movie about 10 - 15 times. Even played the board game. ;)

Yeah.. I like Aliens. ;)

And Enara and Anomen! Woot!

Yeah, she likes him. Damned if I know why. :)

Anomen: "Superb taste."

#11 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 15 July 2005 - 10:48 PM

Back in high school this was one of our favorite movies, especially once we got the director's cut... bootleg copy my buddy finagled right out of the studio through a friend. We saw it before the theatre.

You were in high school in 1986? And here I thought you were younger. :)

I think it's a great movie, but it still scares the hell out of me sometimes... no way I woulda been old enough to watch it when it was first released. Hell, no. :evil:

The funny thing is we all picked characters to root for in the first few minutes. I took Hicks, my buddy took Crowe and another took Weirzbowski. Fourth guy took Hudson. No one wanted Apone (we knew he was meat) I lucked out.

Pffft. Yeah, until the third movie came along. That just pissed me off. That was not right. Go through all that trouble in the second movie to keep 'em alive, and in the third... whoops.

Bums. :D

Have you ever played the Aliens Versus Predator games? I tried a couple of times, but I totally wussed out. God, those things are SCARY. Then again, I still sometimes get freaked out playing X-Com. I'm a wimp, I know.

Damn.. I must have seen that movie about 10 - 15 times. Even played the board game.

There was a board game? You're... you're kidding. :shock:

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