Adrian: Baldur's Gate

Chapter 30.

The next morning they entered Gullykin. It wasn't far up a rather steep hill from where Molkar had ambushed them.

"Was Montaron from here?" Adrian asked Xzar.

"No, but he spent some time here...on business."

"What sort of business?"

"Our sort."

Adrian stared hard Xzar. "And what sort is that?"

"We have...patrons who are displeased by the Iron Crisis."

"I will expect a full disclosure from you on that point eventually," said Adrian.

"The time will come when you shall know all," Xzar promised.

Behind Adrian's back, Edwin shot him a shocked glance. Xzar gave an unpleasant grin; he seemed to be recovering himself.

Safana watched the two of them smugly, her own plans forming, while Viconia watched her, and waited.

* * *

Gullykin wasn't much, small houses and a temple. That was, those Halflings that were well enough off to afford houses; some lived in holes dug directly into the ground. Not like Dwarven caves, appointed with every luxury, Kagain was quick to point out.

Adrian shrugged. He cared not how someone lived, so long as they could pay him.

And indeed, the mayor, Gandolar Luckyfoot, had a mission for them; to find the source of the Kobolds infiltrating their village, and destroy it. The mayor suggested they head to the Firewine Ruins, a known Kobold enclave, but Adrian thought it more likely there was....inside help.

He conferred with Xzar on what he knew of Montaron's activities the last time they'd been there, and with Safana, who was just devious enough for his purposes, for about five minutes.

* * *

"What are you doing in my house?!? Get out!" the little Halfling shouted.

"My, how rude for a Halfling," Adrian remarked.

"Even more so than Montaron was," Xzar agreed.

The Halfling paled. "Montaron? I don't see him...."

"No, but you do recognize me, don't you?" said Xzar, shoving his tattooed face down towards the little one, his eyes bulging outwards.

"I....." The Halfling turned even paler, and swallowed.

"When we didn't come back right away, and none of came, you decided to freelance, didn't you? Make a little money, keep the Kobolds off your back."

"This hole does stink of Kobold," Viconia said in mock-thoughtfulness.

"Okay, you got me," snarled the shortling, "But I'm not going down without a fi--"

It was at that point that Safana slipped out of the shadows and buried her sword in the Halfling's back.

* * *

Safana had snuck in first, of course, and it had taken little effort for her to find the secret doorway in the basement.

"Now, we've no way of knowing what's behind here," Adrian warned the others. "Be ready."

They nodded. Adrian cocked his crossbow, Safana readied her sling, Viconia began casting some preparatory spell.

They charged through....and faced an Ogre Magi.

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Last modified on March 6, 2002
Copyright © 2002-2005 by Jay McIntyre. All rights reserved.