Adrian: Baldur's Gate

Chapter 12.

Adrian looked up at the fortress the Gnolls had commandeered. It hadn't exactly been a fun journey over--the bear, particularly, had scarred him badly. Montaron had nearly been knocked off the bridge into the river where they had fought it. Kagain's wounds had closed, but the rest of them had needed healing. Viconia had chanted and chanted, and eventually they were up and running again.

The sun was setting on the second day since leaving Nashkel. Edwin was no longer so open with his sneering superiority. He had seen what they were capable of in combat, and also that the opposition was tougher than they had thought. And they hadn't even reached the Fortress proper yet.

"A straight assault, then?" Viconia asked.

"Nay," Adrian said. "Even foolish monsters like Gnolls can defend a well fortified place. We'll search the caves below first, try to find our way up from within."

"Your tactical skills are impressive," said Edwin.

"You have no idea," Adrian responded. "Every warlord, general, and tactical genius whose lore was recorded, I studied in Candlekeep. The history of war was always fascinating to me."

"Book learnin ain't real world experience," said Montaron.

"No," Adrian agreed. "But I'm a quick learner. Let's move."

* * *

Jaheira and Khalid had fared little better. Imoen was very distraught, and understandably so. Minsc was still in a coma. In the carnival east of town, they had found a petrified woman. When freed, she revealed herself to be Branwen, a priest of Tempus. She was willing, nay eager, to help, but petrification had left her weak. Worse, even, than Khalid had been at Friendly Arm. She had the sinking feeling that Adrian would be back from whatever mission that damned Thayvian had talked him into, and go down into the mines before them.

They would have to trust...a....

She broke off the thought, and looked at Imoen. Was she one too? Gorion had never told them. She'd have to ask the Harpers. But before that, they had to get out of this mess.

"Are you all r-right, lover?" Khalid asked her.

"I don't know," she whispered.

Their room in the Nashkel inn seemed to small, and too cold. They reached out and grasped each other's hands, and tried to comfort one another, as Imoen held back more tears.

* * *

The caves had produced no secret passages, but had produced a mysterious tome. Adrian had packed it away; he would make use of it later.

They were packed into the cave; Kagain and Viconia were reasonably comfortable, Montaron somewhat less so. The two wizards felt as much as Adrian did about it; tolerable, but not pleasant.

The little blue creatures, the Xvarts, had been no challenge, but he had let his battle-fury show for Edwin's benefit. There had been more than acknowledgement in the Thayvian's eyes. There had been some sort of surprise....recognition?

"We move at dawn," he said, quietly. Everybody nodded.

He rolled over and went to sleep almost instantly.

When he was sure it was safe, Edwin sidled over to Montaron and Xzar. He sensed Viconia's eyes on him, but paid no notice.

"You two." he snapped, albeit in a low voice. Xzar raised an eyebrow, Montaron frowned.

"I believe I know who you work for...and you know whom I serve."

"Obviously," said Montaron.

"I believe Adrian is a--"

"Do not say it," Xzar hissed.

"You know what I mean."

"Aye," Montaron grunted. "Your point?"

"Let's talk about it...."

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Last modified on January 30, 2002
Copyright © 2002-2005 by Jay McIntyre. All rights reserved.