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The Nether Scroll Disaster: Part 21

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#1 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 02 November 2003 - 09:01 PM

The Nether Scroll Disaster: Part 21

Back at the tavern, Edwina retired to her room, leaving the others downstairs. She needed to be by herself for a while and there was something she had to do. She had a sudden longing to write to her teacher, to tell him how confused she was about everything. But when she sat down to write, she couldn’t seem to find the words. After the third attempt, she gave up and threw the quill down, cursing in Thayvian. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” she called.

“It’s Benny,” came the reply. “Can I talk to you for a moment, Edwina? I’m worried about you.”

Edwina paused briefly, considering. If she couldn’t speak to her teacher, then Benny was the next best thing. “Yes,” she said finally. “You can come in.”

“Thank you,” the shapeshifter stepped inside and shut the door quietly behind him. “How are you holding up?”


“Really?” Benny raised an eyebrow and sat down opposite Edwina. “Because you don’t seem like it, you know. You seem distant and not very happy.”

“All right,” Edwina admitted. “I suppose I’m not fine really. It’s…it’s Kane.”

“What about Kane?”

“What happened with him and Crystal,” the wizard glanced down at the table. “Perhaps it’s stupid, but I can’t deal with it.”

“You can’t…” the shapeshifter hesitated briefly. “You can’t be too quick to judge, Edwina. What happened back then, it wasn’t as black and white as it necessarily seems. Things were very…complicated.”

“But Crystal said…and Kane…”

“You have to remember that Crystal hates Kane for killing her lover,” Benny said patiently. “She’s had a hard life and I suppose she should be pitied really, but she’d accuse Kane of anything if she thought it might cause trouble for him, make him angry and upset. Sometimes I think she brings a lot of her troubles on herself, that girl. And as for Kane…he’s not been himself for a few days now and I wouldn’t take anything he says too seriously. This whole thing has hit him harder than he wants to admit, I think.”

“I…I see.”

“It wasn’t easy for him back then,” Benny continued. “He was still grieving for his sister and was angry at the way he had been treated by his family. He grew up very differently to you, Edwina. Until I came along, Lucie was the only one who cared about him and he was forced to look after them both. At six years old, he was already stealing, being beaten, watching his father hit his mother. And even when I came along…I probably wasn’t the best role model for someone like him.”

“He loves you though,” Edwina said quietly. “Anyone can see that.”

“I don’t doubt it. I love him too and I’d kill anyone who tried to hurt him. He’s caused me my fair share of trouble, but he’s like a son to me. Perhaps that’s why I can accept what he has done more easily than most people. It takes a lot to shock me now.”

“Do you think…?” the wizard hesitated. “Do you think that I was wrong to be so shocked when I heard?”

“I think it’s understandable, especially given that your upbringing was so different to ours. One thing that I can swear to you though, Edwina, is that Kane never hurt Crystal. He always had a soft spot for her and he never intended to do her any physical harm.”

“But if he didn’t hurt her, then it couldn’t have been rape,” Edwina pointed out. “Could it? And how do you know all this, Benny? Were you…were you there?”

“Yes,” Benny admitted openly. “Yes, I was. I was hardly going to let Kane face Carlo alone, was I? I loved him too much to let him come to any more harm. And I would have done anything for him.”

“Then can’t you tell me what happened?” Edwina pleaded. “There’s bits I don’t understand and bits I can hardly believe and…I just don’t know what to think any more.”

“I’m not going to tell you,” the assassin shook his head. “Partly because I don’t feel that it is my place to do so and partly because I’m not sure that it’ll do any good. If you really feel that you have to know, then get Kane when he’s in a reasonable mood, when you’re both calm and ask him to tell you the truth about what happened, from the very beginning. But my advice would be to leave it alone, to put it out of your mind and forget about it. It happened such a long time ago, don’t let it destroy your relationship now.”

“I want to forgive him,” Edwina admitted. “I want to put it behind me, but it isn’t easy. When I think of how he is with me, I can’t…can’t even imagine him doing something so terrible. It’s another side to him, one I really don’t like.”

“I can understand what you’re saying, I really can. But you have to remember that was Kane at his very worst. He was so heavily under Bhaal’s influence back then that I don’t think he was completely sane. You would have needed to see him as he was to really understand, but the Kane you fell in love with is not the man who did those things. He’s changed a lot since I saw him last, he’s struck a good balance between being good and evil, he’s learnt to care for other people apart from me, he is a good and fair leader. And he might be struggling with Bhaal at the moment, but he still has the upper hand.”

“I believe you,” the wizard said quietly. “I suppose it makes sense, him being under Bhaal’s influence. I don’t think my Kane is capable of hurting anyone like that, or at least I don’t like to think so.” She paused as something suddenly occurred to her. “Benny? Do you think Bhaal will ever manage to do that again? Influence Kane like that, I mean.”

“I don’t know,” the assassin admitted. “I hope not, he was little more than a boy back then, he had no idea of how strongly Bhaal would effect him or how to fight it and so it was easy for his father to manipulate him. It’s different now though, he knows what his father is like and he fights to keep control, even though it’s often hard for him. But we don’t know…all we can do is offer him our support and try to help him through the difficult times. And pray to every god there is that he manages to keep Bhaal at bay.”

“Is it really that bad?”

“No,” Benny said softly, not quite meeting her eyes. “It’s much, much worse.”

Deciding that they wouldn’t deliver the gem to Haer’Dalis until after they had found the Red Wizard, Kane insisted that they continued their search as soon as Edwina and Benny had rejoined them. Having absolutely no other leads, they decided to go to the area by the city gates, where the lich had been. As it turned out, it was the right choice.

“Look,” Korgan hissed, as they made their way towards the stables. “Will that be the wizard we’re after?”

They looked where he was pointing and saw a male wizard in red robes approaching them.

“Degardan,” Edwina whispered.

“Looks like we’ve found him,” Kane agreed. “On your guard, all of you.”

“Greetings, friends of Edwin. I believe I have already had the pleasure of meeting one or two of you. You’ve sent me on a merry chase, Edwin, but I have found you at last. Your time here is done.

“Greetings to you also, Degardan,” Edwina stayed where she was, between Benny and Cory, watching the wizard suspiciously. “I wish I can say that it is good to see you again, but that would be a lie.”

“Now there’s a surprise,” Degardan chuckled. “Lying must be the thing you are best at. You are certainly better at making up stories than you are at magic.”

“He’s a good wizard!” Cory said at once, before anyone could stop him. The wizard smirked cruelly.

“Then how did he manage to turn himself into a woman?” he asked, shaking his head. “Rather pathetic really. I suppose I had better reveal your true form. Hold still just one moment.”

He waved his hands, muttering under his breath and a thick mist surrounded Edwina. When it lifted, her companions saw that Edwina had vanished and Edwin once again stood in her place, his hair was a little untidy and his robes loose fitting in places, but he was definitely Edwin again.

“Now that your foolish spell has been reversed,” Degardan sounded pleased with himself. “It is time for you to come with me. Your superiors are not happy with you, Edwin.”

“Why?” Edwin asked. “I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong. I…”

“You’ve been keeping bad company, Edwin. Assassins, drow, a dangerous Bhaal child…”

“You shut your mouth!” Benny said sharply. “Else I will take great pleasure in removing your tongue for you!”

“And the Red Wizards feel that you have forgotten exactly where your loyalties lie,” Degardan continued, almost as though Benny had not spoken. “Your poor mother is quite heartbroken, you know. Now enough talking. You will return to Thay with me to face your punishment.”

“I don’t think so, Degardan,” Edwin shook his head. “I think I’d prefer to stay right here.”

“Don’t make me use force, Edwin,” the wizard warned. “It’ll only make things much worse for you in the end.”

“Are you deaf or just stupid?” Kane growled, drawing his swords. The others followed his lead. “You are not taking him anywhere! I won’t let you!”

“How barbaric!” Degardan smirked. “Still, I suppose you cannot be blamed. It is in your nature to be violent after all.”

“Funny words coming from a Red Wizard,” Kane hit back. “Most of you are supposed to be completely crazy!”

“Not as crazy as Bhaalspawn…” the wizard broke off as he felt a cold metal blade pressing against his neck. Quickly he began chanting a spell, but he was no match for Benny’s speed and the dagger slit his throat before he could finish.

“No one insults Kane in my presence and lives,” Benny released Degardan and the wizard slumped to the floor. “I would have thought that such a great wizard would at least remember to protect himself before approaching heavily armed adventurers. Especially a group that contained assassins.”

“He didn’t appear to be much of a wizard really,” Kagain chuckled. “Still, he changed our wizard back so that’s something.”

“I’m cured!” Edwin looked down at his hands, then touched his face and smiled. “Cured of my wretched condition!”

“It’s good to have you back, Edwin!” Cory patted him on the shoulder. “I was beginning to miss you.”

“At least we don’t have to waste our time trying to find a cure now,” Viconia smirked. “Let’s just hope that he’s learnt his lesson.”

“I knew that there’d be a way to get you back,” Benny smiled at him briefly, then looked down at Degardan. “It just goes to show that you should never give up hope. This is good news, isn’t it, Kane?”

“I suppose,” the warrior shrugged. “Mind you, I don’t care whether he’s male or female just so long as he can cast spells and follow orders.”

“Kane…” Edwin started weakly. “You know what you said to Degardan…”

“I was hardly going to let him take you, was I?” Kane muttered, turning away. “You’re the only wizard we have after all.”

“Of course.” All the happiness Edwin felt at being back in his normal body drained away at Kane’s words. It appeared that Kane was still angry with him and he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do to change things…

Next Part: Viconia and Benny’s relationship deepens after he comes to her defence against a group of frantics and Kane is forced to deal with his demons when a face from the past begs for his help.

#2 Laufey

Posted 03 November 2003 - 05:13 AM

The Nether Scroll Disaster: Part 21

Back at the tavern, Edwina retired to her room, leaving the others downstairs. She needed to be by herself for a while and there was something she had to do. She had a sudden longing to write to her teacher, to tell him how confused she was about everything. But when she sat down to write, she couldn’t seem to find the words. After the third attempt, she gave up and threw the quill down, cursing in Thayvian. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Poor Edwina...it isn't exactly something that's easy to explain.

“Thank you,” the shapeshifter stepped inside and shut the door quietly behind him. “How are you holding up?”


Right. :)

“I think it’s understandable, especially given that your upbringing was so different to ours. One thing that I can swear to you though, Edwina, is that Kane never hurt Crystal. He always had a soft spot for her and he never intended to do her any physical harm.”

Physical hurt isn't the only, or necessarily the worst kind though. :D

“I can understand what you’re saying, I really can. But you have to remember that was Kane at his very worst. He was so heavily under Bhaal’s influence back then that I don’t think he was completely sane. You would have needed to see him as he was to really understand, but the Kane you fell in love with is not the man who did those things. He’s changed a lot since I saw him last, he’s struck a good balance between being good and evil, he’s learnt to care for other people apart from me, he is a good and fair leader. And he might be struggling with Bhaal at the moment, but he still has the upper hand.”

Now this makes sense, I think. Kane really has changed since then, so it should be possible for Edwina to love him even if she doesn't approve of his past actions. 'Love the sinner, not the sin' kind of thing.

“I don’t know,” the assassin admitted. “I hope not, he was little more than a boy back then, he had no idea of how strongly Bhaal would effect him or how to fight it and so it was easy for his father to manipulate him. It’s different now though, he knows what his father is like and he fights to keep control, even though it’s often hard for him. But we don’t know…all we can do is offer him our support and try to help him through the difficult times. And pray to every god there is that he manages to keep Bhaal at bay.”

“Is it really that bad?”

“No,” Benny said softly, not quite meeting her eyes. “It’s much, much worse.”

Uh Oh...

“And the Red Wizards feel that you have forgotten exactly where your loyalties lie,” Degardan continued, almost as though Benny had not spoken. “Your poor mother is quite heartbroken, you know. Now enough talking. You will return to Thay with me to face your punishment.”

His mother is more likely to be blowing things up. Inlcuding anybody trying to hurt her 'baby'.

“I’m cured!” Edwin looked down at his hands, then touched his face and smiled. “Cured of my wretched condition!”

Awwww... :)

“I knew that there’d be a way to get you back,” Benny smiled at him briefly, then looked down at Degardan. “It just goes to show that you should never give up hope. This is good news, isn’t it, Kane?”

“I suppose,” the warrior shrugged. “Mind you, I don’t care whether he’s male or female just so long as he can cast spells and follow orders.”

*groan* Oh Kane...can I give him a good shake, Silver? Please?
Rogues do it from behind.

#3 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 03 November 2003 - 05:13 PM

Back at the tavern, Edwina retired to her room, leaving the others downstairs. She needed to be by herself for a while and there was something she had to do. She had a sudden longing to write to her teacher, to tell him how confused she was about everything. But when she sat down to write, she couldn’t seem to find the words. After the third attempt, she gave up and threw the quill down, cursing in Thayvian. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Poor Edwina...it isn't exactly something that's easy to explain.

No, it certainly isn't.

“I think it’s understandable, especially given that your upbringing was so different to ours. One thing that I can swear to you though, Edwina, is that Kane never hurt Crystal. He always had a soft spot for her and he never intended to do her any physical harm.”

Physical hurt isn't the only, or necessarily the worst kind though. :P

That's true, I know that from my own experiences.

“I can understand what you’re saying, I really can. But you have to remember that was Kane at his very worst. He was so heavily under Bhaal’s influence back then that I don’t think he was completely sane. You would have needed to see him as he was to really understand, but the Kane you fell in love with is not the man who did those things. He’s changed a lot since I saw him last, he’s struck a good balance between being good and evil, he’s learnt to care for other people apart from me, he is a good and fair leader. And he might be struggling with Bhaal at the moment, but he still has the upper hand.”

Now this makes sense, I think. Kane really has changed since then, so it should be possible for Edwina to love him even if she doesn't approve of his past actions. 'Love the sinner, not the sin' kind of thing.

That's it exactly. And if my own family is anything to go by, practically anything can be forgiven if the person responsible is actually sorry.

“No,” Benny said softly, not quite meeting her eyes. “It’s much, much worse.”

Uh Oh...

Benny: Oh yes. Kane under Bhaal's influence is not good...as Edwin will learn soon enough.

“And the Red Wizards feel that you have forgotten exactly where your loyalties lie,” Degardan continued, almost as though Benny had not spoken. “Your poor mother is quite heartbroken, you know. Now enough talking. You will return to Thay with me to face your punishment.”

His mother is more likely to be blowing things up. Inlcuding anybody trying to hurt her 'baby'.

Of course. :mrgreen: If she and Kane were ever to meet face to face, it'd be a very interesting meeting. :P

“I’m cured!” Edwin looked down at his hands, then touched his face and smiled. “Cured of my wretched condition!”

Awwww... :shock:

*grins* He's happy again.

“I suppose,” the warrior shrugged. “Mind you, I don’t care whether he’s male or female just so long as he can cast spells and follow orders.”

*groan* Oh Kane...can I give him a good shake, Silver? Please?

Be my guest. :mrgreen: I think he needs it.

#4 Guest_Dark-Mage_*

Posted 03 November 2003 - 10:12 PM

Good chapter Silver :mrgreen:

#5 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 05 November 2003 - 12:30 AM

Edwina paused briefly, considering. If she couldn’t speak to her teacher, then Benny was the next best thing. “Yes,” she said finally. “You can come in.”

Yep, Benny's doing a good job of looking after Edwina. ;)

“Thank you,” the shapeshifter stepped inside and shut the door quietly behind him. “How are you holding up?”


:wink: C'mon Edwina, you just said you needed to talk to someone...

“Then can’t you tell me what happened?” Edwina pleaded. “There’s bits I don’t understand and bits I can hardly believe and…I just don’t know what to think any more.”

:D I can understand her wanting to know, but this is really something she should be asking Kane about, not Benny.

“I’m not going to tell you,” the assassin shook his head. “Partly because I don’t feel that it is my place to do so and partly because I’m not sure that it’ll do any good. If you really feel that you have to know, then get Kane when he’s in a reasonable mood, when you’re both calm and ask him to tell you the truth about what happened, from the very beginning. But my advice would be to leave it alone, to put it out of your mind and forget about it. It happened such a long time ago, don’t let it destroy your relationship now.”

That's good advice. :)

“I want to forgive him,” Edwina admitted. “I want to put it behind me, but it isn’t easy. When I think of how he is with me, I can’t…can’t even imagine him doing something so terrible. It’s another side to him, one I really don’t like.”

He has changed since the stuff with Crystal happened, though.

“I believe you,” the wizard said quietly. “I suppose it makes sense, him being under Bhaal’s influence. I don’t think my Kane is capable of hurting anyone like that, or at least I don’t like to think so.” She paused as something suddenly occurred to her. “Benny? Do you think Bhaal will ever manage to do that again? Influence Kane like that, I mean.”

:D Who knows. But arguing with him and doubting him is not going to help him any.

He waved his hands, muttering under his breath and a thick mist surrounded Edwina. When it lifted, her companions saw that Edwina had vanished and Edwin once again stood in her place, his hair was a little untidy and his robes loose fitting in places, but he was definitely Edwin again.

Yay! :D

“Funny words coming from a Red Wizard,” Kane hit back. “Most of you are supposed to be completely crazy!”

Well, Degardan's about to start a fight with a group of very powerful people - wouldn't say he was exactly being sensible :oops:

“I suppose,” the warrior shrugged. “Mind you, I don’t care whether he’s male or female just so long as he can cast spells and follow orders.”

:D At least let Edwin enjoy this moment, Kane, even if you're not ready to make up just yet.

“Of course.” All the happiness Edwin felt at being back in his normal body drained away at Kane’s words. It appeared that Kane was still angry with him and he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do to change things…

:( It's going to need both of them to make an effort, if this is going to be sorted out.

Nice chapter :D

#6 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 22 November 2003 - 09:11 PM

Edwina paused briefly, considering. If she couldn’t speak to her teacher, then Benny was the next best thing. “Yes,” she said finally. “You can come in.”

Yep, Benny's doing a good job of looking after Edwina. :oops:

Benny: Well someone has to.


:shock: C'mon Edwina, you just said you needed to talk to someone...

She doesn't really want to admit it.

“Then can’t you tell me what happened?” Edwina pleaded. “There’s bits I don’t understand and bits I can hardly believe and…I just don’t know what to think any more.”

:x I can understand her wanting to know, but this is really something she should be asking Kane about, not Benny.

Indeed. But it's very frustrating for her because Kane won't talk about it.

“I’m not going to tell you,” the assassin shook his head. “Partly because I don’t feel that it is my place to do so and partly because I’m not sure that it’ll do any good. If you really feel that you have to know, then get Kane when he’s in a reasonable mood, when you’re both calm and ask him to tell you the truth about what happened, from the very beginning. But my advice would be to leave it alone, to put it out of your mind and forget about it. It happened such a long time ago, don’t let it destroy your relationship now.”

That's good advice. :wink:

Benny: Thank you.

“I want to forgive him,” Edwina admitted. “I want to put it behind me, but it isn’t easy. When I think of how he is with me, I can’t…can’t even imagine him doing something so terrible. It’s another side to him, one I really don’t like.”

He has changed since the stuff with Crystal happened, though.

Oh yes, he has certainly come a long way.

“I believe you,” the wizard said quietly. “I suppose it makes sense, him being under Bhaal’s influence. I don’t think my Kane is capable of hurting anyone like that, or at least I don’t like to think so.” She paused as something suddenly occurred to her. “Benny? Do you think Bhaal will ever manage to do that again? Influence Kane like that, I mean.”

:P Who knows. But arguing with him and doubting him is not going to help him any.

That's true. He really needs support just now.

He waved his hands, muttering under his breath and a thick mist surrounded Edwina. When it lifted, her companions saw that Edwina had vanished and Edwin once again stood in her place, his hair was a little untidy and his robes loose fitting in places, but he was definitely Edwin again.

Yay! :D


“Funny words coming from a Red Wizard,” Kane hit back. “Most of you are supposed to be completely crazy!”

Well, Degardan's about to start a fight with a group of very powerful people - wouldn't say he was exactly being sensible :twisted:

*laughs* Nope...absolutely not.

“Of course.” All the happiness Edwin felt at being back in his normal body drained away at Kane’s words. It appeared that Kane was still angry with him and he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do to change things…

:( It's going to need both of them to make an effort, if this is going to be sorted out.

That's true. And whether they'll manage it remains to be seen.

Nice chapter 8)[/quote]

Thank you. :x

#7 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 22 November 2003 - 09:12 PM

Good chapter Silver :twisted:

Thank you! :shock:

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