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About Blood 25

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#1 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 01 November 2003 - 03:19 AM

Hmmm, these things always seem to turn out longer then I intend them to. I had planned some Talek & Zhents, but they will move to chapter 26. For now, Imoen & Harpers get one *squeak* TWO new members. I just jope I managed to pull Minsc off. Sune knows many people here write him well.

Also, for those of you who expected old Nimbul already. He's still on his way. He left Beregost around Midnight, a bit before Mulahey bit it, and now it is sundown. And even Deat Come for Thee needs a rest now and then. Coincidentally, I think Nimbul might have troubles being taken serious oin Halloween (more then usual)

Nimbul: I am Death come for thee
Bhaalspawn: Ahw... that's cute... kid is dresed up as an assassin. Here, have some candy
Nimbul: What... ah.... okay I guess.

It was still dark when the Harpers and Imoen left the mines. The few miners present seemed surprised at their safe return. With hushed voices some of the more hopeful ones walked up to them and asked what happened. When Jaheira explained in a calm voice what they had found, their faces lit up and they quickly ran back to their colleagues. By the time they reached the exit, there were a few dozen tired looking men cheering them on. Khalid looked embarrassed but happy, Imoen smiled broadly, her worries forgotten for a moment, and even Jaheira seemed to have troubles keeping her face neutral and serious as she answered questions. The few miners asking for the other three party members were answered curtly that the party had decided to split up, and Jaheira’s face discouraged further questions.

When the party reached the village the whole town seemed to have come out of bed early to greet them. For a while they received more expressions of gratitude from the townspeople. After those started to die down, most people getting to work again, a fat man walked towards them.

“Euh… good day… Mayor Ghastkill sent me and asked me to hand you the reward for clearing out the mines and his heartfelt…”

Jaheira’s eyes suddenly hardened. “With all this festivities, I would almost forget about him. Where IS Master Ghastkill?”

The fat man wiped his brow, sweating despite the coolness of the night. “Euh… he’s busy. He apologises that he can’t come, but all his time is taken up by… hey wait…”

Jaheira was stomping away. “Khalid, you take care of the gold. I will need to have some words with Master Ghastkill”

Imoen ran behind her. “Remember Khalid, leave half for Talek. He was the one that did it after all.”

When Jaheira reached the mayor’s house, she saw him nervously hoisting a trunk on a cart.

“Excuse me, master Ghastkill?” She asked.

The mayor, a well-muscled man of tall stature despite his age, turned around and jumped backwards, laughing weakly. “Oh… Y…you’ve returned. How fortunate. I… regret I couldn’t welcome you bu…”

Jaheira’s face remained calm as her fist struck the man on the jaw. The man staggered backwards against the cart, and caused the trunk to fall on the ground.

“That was for trying to avoid the consequences of your actions. Now, I am waiting for an explanation.” She folded her arms.

“Euh… well… I just… didn’t think you’d arrive at the same time as the three… euh….” He looked at her eyes, trying to figure what she already knew.

“Talek isn’t one of them!” Imoen exclaimed as she arrived.

“Oh… I assumed he was because…” The mayor began but stopped after Imoen’s eyes made clear he was only further digging his own grave.

“He was… what… exactly, Mayor Ghastkill?” Jaheira mercilessly continued.

Ghastkill focused on Jaheira’s face, apparently considering whether to tell the truth, and finally made a good decision. “…Zhentarim.” He said in a low voice. Jaheira’s eyes went from diamond to granite, and the man decided that he should grab the chance to excuse himself. “You see, the village needed help desperately, I asked the Order for help, but they didn’t have men to spare. And I had two friends, and they both said they had contacts. I just assumed you’d come sepera…”

Jaheira interrupted him, keeping her voice down as well. “You ASSUME a great deal, master Ghastkill. You ASSUME to call on both Haprers and Zhentarim. Then you ASSUME that you should not TELL us our companions are Zhentarim, and then you ASSUME you should leave when we return. Perhaps you ASSUMED we’d all be dead and you wouldn’t have any troubles? Well… ASSUME that, to my regret, the Zhentarim know everything TOO, so I’d hurry packing.”

“Yes, yes” The mayor nodded. “I know, that’s why I started packing when I heard they were alive as w…”

Jaheira immediately grabbed the man by the front of his clothes. Her eyes weren’t diamonds now, they were pure fire. Her voice was completely calm. “You… knew? You sent two Harpers… into a monster-infested mine… with two Zhentarim who KNOW they are Harpers… and you did not see fit to tell us?”

“N…. no, not at All. I… I… I assumed that…. You split up… because… you found out and…” Jaheira’s hand clenched on the man’s throat now. Imoen’s eyes grew wide.

“Wrong answer master Ghastkill. I wondered how the insane necromancer found out. Now… think carefully before you speak master Ghastkill, because my patience for your double-dealing and lying is depleted, and your life may depend on the answer.” The man in her grip was shaking now, and his skin had went even paler.

“Jaheira…” Imoen uttered.

Jaheira ignored her. “Did you, or did you not tell the Zhentarim that we were Harpers?” She released her choke hold.

The mayor started speaking as soon as he had breath. “No, no… The necromancer, he found the letter from the Harpers on the table when he was playing with the parchment. And I didn’t want a fight before the mines were cleaned so I didn’t say anything. I don’t even like the Zhentarim much. But the garrison is too small, and I couldn’t find anyone to help me and…”

Jaheira threw the man against the cart and he stopped speaking. “I advise you to forget about these possessions, and head south on the fastest horse you have this instant. The necromancer didn’t tell the halfling, and that one seemed pretty angry at you. Gold will do you no good if you are still here when he arrives. Now, good day to you master Ghastkill, and it would be advisable if you did not cross or double-cross Those Who Harp again.” With a curt nod she turned and left, with Imoen following her.

The younger girl walked beside her. “Jaheira, I don’t like what he did, but did you have to threaten him like that?”

Jaheira made a disgusted noise. “I’d have done more if he HAD betrayed us to that necromancer.”

Imoen gulped. “Jaheira… sometimes you scare me.”

Jaheira raised her eyebrows. “Child, we could have been kileld in our sleep if the necromancer had told that disgusting little halfling of our identity!”

“Not just that… the things I heard you say to Montaron. What you said to Mulahey.”

“Child, we are Harpers. Our enemies operate by force and betrayal. If we don’t act against betrayal, if we allow enemies to walk away, we will fail. It’s not like in the story books where evil is kind enough to announce it with sufficient evil laughter and stupid enough to get itself killed without asking for mercy so they can have a second chance at killing you.” Jaheira said. She didn’t sound angry, but her voice was firm.

“But if you kill, threaten and so all that stuff… where is the line between you and them?” Imoen asked.

Jaheira kept her eyes in front of her and didn’t hesitate. “I will recognise it when I see it.”

Imoen was silent for a second. “What does Khalid think of it?”

Jaheira tensed for a moment. “Khalid and I… have different ideas on some things. We’ve had… long discussions. It is not that I am ashamed of my actions, or that I intend to hide it from him. He knows my stance. But to tell him of each of my… actions would mean to needlessly hurt him. I suspect he knew what I was planning to anyway.”

“I… I see.” Imoen said. They reached Khalid, who carried a sack filled with gold.

“Ah… how did the t… talk go my dear?” He said.

“I think I have made my point.” Jaheira said curtly “Now… before we go equip ourselves, we must decide what to do now. I am in favour of going directly to this… Tranzig in Beregost and obtaining the information.”

Imoen shook her head. “I… I dunno. If I know Talek, he’ll probably go after him, first thing. And… you might want to avoid him… at least for a little while. If he gets information, he’ll leave it at the Friendly Arm for us… well, for me. Maybe later, once we’re closer, maybe you can… get his trust again, fighting against the same enemy.” She didn’t seem convinced of what she said. “So… we should.. stay away from Talek… and hope for the best… for a while. He… he’ll be fine.”

“And what should we do in the meantime?” Jaheira asked.

“I’m sure there’s people needing our help.” Khalid offered.

Jaheira seemed to consider it. “Hm… very well. You know Talek best, so we will do as you suggest, though I do not fancy going after lost jewellery again.” Khalid smiled sheepishly as Jaheira shot a glance in his direction. “Khalid and I will go buy equipment with the gold and have the rest changed into less cumbersome currency. Are you coming with us?”

“Nah, I’m gonna hang around town a bit.” Imoen answered. She made an attempt at cheerfulness, but it was clear being reminded of Talek had depressed her a bit.

“Are you sure, Imoen? There might be more assassins.” Khalid said.

“They’re after Talek aren’t they? Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I just have to walk for a while.” She turned away.

“Imoen.” Jaheira called.


“We WILL keep him safe.” Jaheira said, her face absolutely serious.

“Yeah, thanks.” Imoen said quietly, then walked on. Two pairs of worried eyes followed her.

Imoen walked the town for a while. As the sun still hadn’t risen yet, there were few people out walking the town, either going back to bed or starting the work they did early. She followed some conversations in the tavern. When she heard that the debate was whether ‘the long haired murdering demonspawn’ had killed the two other missing party members, she quickly left the room though, gritting her teeth. She walked on, finally settling at the edge of town by the river. She threw some rocks, failing to get one to skip properly. She took a piece of parchment. It showed her and Talek back to back, she with a dagger, him with a sword.

“Orc-brain… stupid, stupid orc-brain.” She gazed at the parchment in sadness, her eyes moistening again despite her efforts.

Suddenly, she heard someone behind her. She turned around quickly. A large armoured man was standing in front of her

“What is this? A little girl crying alone this early in the morning before the sun comes up? Has Evil struck while Minsc was asleep? Or are you sad because the stones won’t skip? Don’t worry, I can’t do it either, even with Boo helping me.”

Imoen was staring in mute shock. Initially she had gone pale at the imposing figure, similiar in some ways to Talek’s description of Gorion’s murderer, but as the words sank in it made place for confusion.

“Minsc… you are Minsc?”

The big man nodded. “Oh yeah… sorry. Minsc always forgets to introduce himself. I am Minsc and this is Boo.” He presented a hamster. “My companion and the world’s only Miniature Giant Space Hamster. Say hello, Boo.” The hamster squeaked.

Despite herself, Imoen smiled. “Well… hello Minsc… and Boo. What are you doing out here?”

“Well, we do not have any gold with us, so we can’t stay in the inn. And the man from the garrison asked me very friendly not to sleep in the streets of the town, so I made my tent here in the woods. Minsc likes the woods better anyway. And when Boo and I woke up early for Minsc’s morning exercise, we saw you throwing rocks and looking sad. And then I came to ask you what happened, but Minsc…” The hamster squeaked. “Oh… Boo says I talk too much.””

Imoen laughed now. “That’s all right Minsc. You startled me though. My name is Imoen”

“Hello little Imoen.” Imoen grimaced slightly at the ‘little’ but let it pass “What were you crying for? Because if Evil has been making girls cry again, Minsc will make evil cry hot evil tears, and he will not offer a handkerchief, except maybe if Evil asks really nicely and promises not to do it again.”

“No, no…”Imoen shook her head. “I’m just worried about a friend.”

“Is Evil making your friend cry?” Minsc asked.

“No… it’s… kind of complicated to understand. He… doesn’t like my friends, and I don’t like his… and we decided to split up, and see if it gets better.” Imoen said.

“Oh… that IS sad. Good people should ALL be friends, just like Minsc and Boo.”

Imoen leaned against a tree. “But his friends are NOT good people. But I want him to have friends too, because he’s not good at making friends.”

“Hmmm…. Minsc is thinking…. I know. MINSC can be his friend! Does little Imoen’s friend like swordfighting?”

Imoen smiled “Yeah he does. Heh, maybe you could be friends.” Her eyes lit up slightly. “It’s just… he gets… angry easily.”

“Oh, Minsc can get angry too. Very angry. Boo doesn’t like it.” He bowed his head as if confessing something. “But I fight very good when I’m angry.”

Imoen smiled nervously before looking at the streaming water. “I don’t… think it’s like that. People often say he is evil, and gets angry for that. And then he hurts those people and everyone that sees it thinks he is evil too.”

“Oooh… that is a BIG problem. Nobody ever called Minsc evil. Of course, I wouldn’t know why they would think that I am.” He suddenly looked down. “But Minsc can’t help. I have to find my Witch.”

“Your Witch?”

“Yeah, her name is Dynaheir and she is really smart. She is a good friend of Minsc, although she doesn’t like Boo much, but Boo doesn’t mind. She is a wizard too, from Rasheman. But we were attacked by Gnolls and they took her and knocked me unconscious. “His eyes went misty. “I had to protect her, and I can’t even find heroes to help me. And we came to this town to kick the butts of the Evil in the mines too.”

“Well, you won’t have to worry about that. The mines are safe again. That’s where me and my friends come from.” Imoen smiled at the big man., then her face brightened even more. “Hey… maybe WE can help you out. We were looking for something to do anyway!”

“You saved the mines? Minsc was talking to a Hero and he didn’t even know!” He grabbed Imoen in a bear hug. “And she is going to help Minsc save his witch as well. And then Minsc will meet little Hero Imoen’s angry friend and we will all kick Evil butts together.”

Imoen gasped for air until, after a squeak from Boo, Minsc released her. Still, Imoen’s smile was a lot more cheerful “That sounds like a good plan Minsc. Now, let’s go meet the other Heroes.”

After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 01 November 2003 - 11:33 AM

[i] Hmmm, these things always seem to turn out longer then I intend them to. I had planned some Talek & Zhents, but they will move to chapter 26. For now, Imoen & Harpers get one *squeak* TWO new members. I just jope I managed to pull Minsc off. Sune knows many people here write him well.

When the party reached the village the whole town seemed to have come out of bed early to greet them. For a while they received more expressions of gratitude from the townspeople. After those started to die down, most people getting to work again, a fat man walked towards them.

I seem to have forgotten - did Talek and Co take the other exit from the caves, or did they just get left behind. :wink:

Imoen ran behind her. “Remember Khalid, leave half for Talek. He was the one that did it after all.”

And because if you don't, he's going to be pissed off. More than he already is, anyways.

Jaheira’s face remained calm as her fist struck the man on the jaw. The man staggered backwards against the cart, and caused the trunk to fall on the ground.

Heh, he deserves that, all right.

Ghastkill focused on Jaheira’s face, apparently considering whether to tell the truth, and finally made a good decision. “…Zhentarim.” He said in a low voice. Jaheira’s eyes went from diamond to granite, and the man decided that he should grab the chance to excuse himself. “You see, the village needed help desperately, I asked the Order for help, but they didn’t have men to spare. And I had two friends, and they both said they had contacts. I just assumed you’d come sepera…”

Just a note here - Berrun Ghastkill is a FR canon character, a heroic do-gooder figure and generally a hero of Nashkel, he apparently protected the town from a huge horde of goblins, this is described in the Lands of Intrigue sourcebook. Now, I doubt that he would contact Zhents under any circumstances - he would more likely do dungeon crawling himself.

But anyways - I'm not terribly bothered by this alternative take on him, I just thought I point it out, if you didn't know it.

Jaheira immediately grabbed the man by the front of his clothes. Her eyes weren’t diamonds now, they were pure fire. Her voice was completely calm. “You… knew? You sent two Harpers… into a monster-infested mine… with two Zhentarim who KNOW they are Harpers… and you did not see fit to tell us?”

I would be quite upset too. Especially, since I got the feeling that the man was a regular contact person for harpers in that town. Technically, colaborating with the enemy could earn him a death sentence - though, I am not sure what relationship your Berrun has with the Harpers.

“Wrong answer master Ghastkill. I wondered how the insane necromancer found out. Now… think carefully before you speak master Ghastkill, because my patience for your double-dealing and lying is depleted, and your life may depend on the answer.” The man in her grip was shaking now, and his skin had went even paler.

That I think goes a bit further than I see Jaheira doing, especially with Imoen present. Not out of character for your Jaheira, I gather.

The younger girl walked beside her. “Jaheira, I don’t like what he did, but did you have to threaten him like that?”

Jaheira made a disgusted noise. “I’d have done more if he HAD betrayed us to that necromancer.”

Imoen gulped. “Jaheira… sometimes you scare me.”

Heh, she knows Talek and it is Jaheira who scares her... :wink:

“Child, we are Harpers. Our enemies operate by force and betrayal. If we don’t act against betrayal, if we allow enemies to walk away, we will fail. It’s not like in the story books where evil is kind enough to announce it with sufficient evil laughter and stupid enough to get itself killed without asking for mercy so they can have a second chance at killing you.” Jaheira said. She didn’t sound angry, but her voice was firm.

Heh, tackling evil openly and in a lawful and legitimate manner is hardly ever an option when you deal with secret organizations such as Zhentarim.

“But if you kill, threaten and so all that stuff… where is the line between you and them?” Imoen asked.

The line is in the goals of what these organizations want to achieve. I hope Jaheira does some education on that matter and makes Imoen realize why it is sometimes impossible to take the 'lawful heroic' approach.

Jaheira tensed for a moment. “Khalid and I… have different ideas on some things. We’ve had… long discussions. It is not that I am ashamed of my actions, or that I intend to hide it from him. He knows my stance. But to tell him of each of my… actions would mean to needlessly hurt him. I suspect he knew what I was planning to anyway.”

So, not everything is so smooth between those two? I certainly never thought that they would have any disagreements based on their phylosophy... and not because of Khalid's acceptance of everything Jaheira does, I certainly thought he was a dedicated Harper himself.

Imoen shook her head. “I… I dunno. If I know Talek, he’ll probably go after him, first thing. And… you might want to avoid him… at least for a little while. If he gets information, he’ll leave it at the Friendly Arm for us… well, for me. Maybe later, once we’re closer, maybe you can… get his trust again, fighting against the same enemy.” She didn’t seem convinced of what she said. “So… we should.. stay away from Talek… and hope for the best… for a while. He… he’ll be fine.”

Yeah... I wouldn't like to see Jaheira being pummeled again. :wink:

“Imoen.” Jaheira called.


“We WILL keep him safe.” Jaheira said, her face absolutely serious.

Uh... I'm more worried about the safety of her and her two companions, not about Talek.

“What is this? A little girl crying alone this early in the morning before the sun comes up? Has Evil struck while Minsc was asleep? Or are you sad because the stones won’t skip? Don’t worry, I can’t do it either, even with Boo helping me.”

Not bad. Not bad at all. I can't write Minsc at all - consequently he won't appear in 'Rush'...

The big man nodded. “Oh yeah… sorry. Minsc always forgets to introduce himself. I am Minsc and this is Boo.” He presented a hamster. “My companion and the world’s only Miniature Giant Space Hamster. Say hello, Boo.” The hamster squeaked.

Good, except for the beginning - 'Oh yeah... sorry' doesn't sound Minsc. Something akin to 'Minsc is sorry', y'know.

“Hello little Imoen.” Imoen grimaced slightly at the ‘little’ but let it pass “What were you crying for? Because if Evil has been making girls cry again, Minsc will make evil cry hot evil tears, and he will not offer a handkerchief, except maybe if Evil asks really nicely and promises not to do it again.”

This is great, again!

“Hmmm…. Minsc is thinking…. I know. MINSC can be his friend! Does little Imoen’s friend like swordfighting?”

Ooooh, dear! I better have Minsc on the side of the good-group! :wink:

“Yeah, her name is Dynaheir and she is really smart. She is a good friend of Minsc, although she doesn’t like Boo much, but Boo doesn’t mind. She is a wizard too, from Rasheman. But we were attacked by Gnolls and they took her and knocked me unconscious. “His eyes went misty. “I had to protect her, and I can’t even find heroes to help me. And we came to this town to kick the butts of the Evil in the mines too.”

Heh, I guess that means that Eddie is somewhere nearby, too? :)

After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”

Aww, I don't hold much hope for that, though. :lol:

#3 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 01 November 2003 - 12:13 PM

[quote][quote][i] Hmmm, these things always seem to turn out longer then I intend them to. I had planned some Talek & Zhents, but they will move to chapter 26. For now, Imoen & Harpers get one *squeak* TWO new members. I just jope I managed to pull Minsc off. Sune knows many people here write him well.

When the party reached the village the whole town seemed to have come out of bed early to greet them. For a while they received more expressions of gratitude from the townspeople. After those started to die down, most people getting to work again, a fat man walked towards them.

I seem to have forgotten - did Talek and Co take the other exit from the caves, or did they just get left behind. :wink: [/quote]

The other exit. The one that collapses behind you when you leave.

[quote] [quote]
Imoen ran behind her. “Remember Khalid, leave half for Talek. He was the one that did it after all.”

And because if you don't, he's going to be pissed off. More than he already is, anyways. [/quote]

Yeah, Talek doesn't care much about money, but people cheating him....

[quote] [quote]
Jaheira’s face remained calm as her fist struck the man on the jaw. The man staggered backwards against the cart, and caused the trunk to fall on the ground.

Heh, he deserves that, all right. [/quote]


[quote] [quote]
Ghastkill focused on Jaheira’s face, apparently considering whether to tell the truth, and finally made a good decision. “…Zhentarim.” He said in a low voice. Jaheira’s eyes went from diamond to granite, and the man decided that he should grab the chance to excuse himself. “You see, the village needed help desperately, I asked the Order for help, but they didn’t have men to spare. And I had two friends, and they both said they had contacts. I just assumed you’d come sepera…”

Just a note here - Berrun Ghastkill is a FR canon character, a heroic do-gooder figure and generally a hero of Nashkel, he apparently protected the town from a huge horde of goblins, this is described in the Lands of Intrigue sourcebook. Now, I doubt that he would contact Zhents under any circumstances - he would more likely do dungeon crawling himself.

But anyways - I'm not terribly bothered by this alternative take on him, I just thought I point it out, if you didn't know it. [/quote]

I didn't.... oops. Odd though, I would have sworn I had seen him greeting Montaron and Xzar as if he expected them. hmm... maybe he thought THEY were the harpers :wink:

[quote] [quote]
Jaheira immediately grabbed the man by the front of his clothes. Her eyes weren’t diamonds now, they were pure fire. Her voice was completely calm. “You… knew? You sent two Harpers… into a monster-infested mine… with two Zhentarim who KNOW they are Harpers… and you did not see fit to tell us?”

I would be quite upset too. Especially, since I got the feeling that the man was a regular contact person for harpers in that town. Technically, colaborating with the enemy could earn him a death sentence - though, I am not sure what relationship your Berrun has with the Harpers. [/quote]

I had him contact the organisations by means of 'mutual friends' Both of these friends probably didn't know Ghastkill had friends on BOTH sides. He himself isn't affiliated with either organisation.

[quote] [quote]
“Wrong answer master Ghastkill. I wondered how the insane necromancer found out. Now… think carefully before you speak master Ghastkill, because my patience for your double-dealing and lying is depleted, and your life may depend on the answer.” The man in her grip was shaking now, and his skin had went even paler.

That I think goes a bit further than I see Jaheira doing, especially with Imoen present. Not out of character for your Jaheira, I gather. [/quote]

Mope. But IF Ghastkill freely told the Zhentarim that they were Harpers, he would make a show of being in league with them. And I don't think Jaheira has any qualms of killing him then.

[quote] [quote]
The younger girl walked beside her. “Jaheira, I don’t like what he did, but did you have to threaten him like that?”

Jaheira made a disgusted noise. “I’d have done more if he HAD betrayed us to that necromancer.”

Imoen gulped. “Jaheira… sometimes you scare me.”

Heh, she knows Talek and it is Jaheira who scares her... :wink: [/quote]

Well... Talek WORRIES her.

[quote] [quote]
“Child, we are Harpers. Our enemies operate by force and betrayal. If we don’t act against betrayal, if we allow enemies to walk away, we will fail. It’s not like in the story books where evil is kind enough to announce it with sufficient evil laughter and stupid enough to get itself killed without asking for mercy so they can have a second chance at killing you.” Jaheira said. She didn’t sound angry, but her voice was firm.

Heh, tackling evil openly and in a lawful and legitimate manner is hardly ever an option when you deal with secret organizations such as Zhentarim. [/quote]

Well... it WOULD be if the organisations that MAKE the laws weren't often as almost corrupt as the Zhents themselves. On that note, I have more respect for organisations like the Order then secretive 'we know better' groups like the Harpers.... The organisations, no judgement given on individuals.

[quote] [quote]
“But if you kill, threaten and so all that stuff… where is the line between you and them?” Imoen asked.

The line is in the goals of what these organizations want to achieve. I hope Jaheira does some education on that matter and makes Imoen realize why it is sometimes impossible to take the 'lawful heroic' approach. [/quote]

Hmm... but do the goals always justify the means?

[quote] [quote]
Jaheira tensed for a moment. “Khalid and I… have different ideas on some things. We’ve had… long discussions. It is not that I am ashamed of my actions, or that I intend to hide it from him. He knows my stance. But to tell him of each of my… actions would mean to needlessly hurt him. I suspect he knew what I was planning to anyway.”

So, not everything is so smooth between those two? I certainly never thought that they would have any disagreements based on their phylosophy... and not because of Khalid's acceptance of everything Jaheira does, I certainly thought he was a dedicated Harper himself. [/quote]

He is. He truly believes in the cause, or else he would NEVER have picked up the sword. But he has an own moral code beside the Harper Code that is a lot stricter, so he is more likely then your average Harper to grant mercy, and less likely to accept things like assassination. So yes, he is a dedicated Harper, but he is a firm believer that the ends don't justify the means, and occasionally Jaheira will do things that he himself would not do.

[quote] [quote]
Imoen shook her head. “I… I dunno. If I know Talek, he’ll probably go after him, first thing. And… you might want to avoid him… at least for a little while. If he gets information, he’ll leave it at the Friendly Arm for us… well, for me. Maybe later, once we’re closer, maybe you can… get his trust again, fighting against the same enemy.” She didn’t seem convinced of what she said. “So… we should.. stay away from Talek… and hope for the best… for a while. He… he’ll be fine.”

Yeah... I wouldn't like to see Jaheira being pummeled again. :wink: [/quote]

For now, Talek is done pummeling.

[quote] [quote]
“Imoen.” Jaheira called.


“We WILL keep him safe.” Jaheira said, her face absolutely serious.

Uh... I'm more worried about the safety of her and her two companions, not about Talek. [/quote]

Heh, I thought you would.

[quote] [quote]
“What is this? A little girl crying alone this early in the morning before the sun comes up? Has Evil struck while Minsc was asleep? Or are you sad because the stones won’t skip? Don’t worry, I can’t do it either, even with Boo helping me.”

Not bad. Not bad at all. I can't write Minsc at all - consequently he won't appear in 'Rush'... [/quote]

Good decision. Writing him is harder then it looks.

[quote] [quote]
The big man nodded. “Oh yeah… sorry. Minsc always forgets to introduce himself. I am Minsc and this is Boo.” He presented a hamster. “My companion and the world’s only Miniature Giant Space Hamster. Say hello, Boo.” The hamster squeaked.

Good, except for the beginning - 'Oh yeah... sorry' doesn't sound Minsc. Something akin to 'Minsc is sorry', y'know. [/quote]


[quote] [quote]
“Hello little Imoen.” Imoen grimaced slightly at the ‘little’ but let it pass “What were you crying for? Because if Evil has been making girls cry again, Minsc will make evil cry hot evil tears, and he will not offer a handkerchief, except maybe if Evil asks really nicely and promises not to do it again.”

This is great, again! [/quote]

phew :)

[quote] [quote]
“Hmmm…. Minsc is thinking…. I know. MINSC can be his friend! Does little Imoen’s friend like swordfighting?”

Ooooh, dear! I better have Minsc on the side of the good-group! :lol: [/quote]

Yep, can't really see Minsc and Montaron becoming drinking buddies eh?

[quote] [quote]
“Yeah, her name is Dynaheir and she is really smart. She is a good friend of Minsc, although she doesn’t like Boo much, but Boo doesn’t mind. She is a wizard too, from Rasheman. But we were attacked by Gnolls and they took her and knocked me unconscious. “His eyes went misty. “I had to protect her, and I can’t even find heroes to help me. And we came to this town to kick the butts of the Evil in the mines too.”

Heh, I guess that means that Eddie is somewhere nearby, too? :) [/quote]

Yeppers, but he REALLY isn't a morning person.

[quote] [quote]
After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”[/quote]

Aww, I don't hold much hope for that, though. :)[/quote] [/quote]

Hhe, nope... in fact, keep that sunrise in mind.

#4 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 01 November 2003 - 04:19 PM

Heh, tackling evil openly and in a lawful and legitimate manner is hardly ever an option when you deal with secret organizations such as Zhentarim. [/quote]

Well... it WOULD be if the organisations that MAKE the laws weren't often as almost corrupt as the Zhents themselves. On that note, I have more respect for organisations like the Order then secretive 'we know better' groups like the Harpers.... The organisations, no judgement given on individuals.

Well, in any case - I have big doubts about any Order's ability to oppose secret organization such as Zhents. Open warfare against Armies of Evil, yes - breaking covert operations... more difficult. They just do not have the information gathering network to take preventive measures against the plans of evil dudes. They are likely to find out about it later and left dealing with consequences. It takes an organization like Harpers to face Zhentarim and Cult of the Dragon, equally secretive as their opponents. Well, that's what I believe.

The line is in the goals of what these organizations want to achieve. I hope Jaheira does some education on that matter and makes Imoen realize why it is sometimes impossible to take the 'lawful heroic' approach. [/quote]

Hmm... but do the goals always justify the means?

Never. Sadly, the Harper code seems to allow it, at least the border is quite gray and sometimes undiscernable. I doubt that all Harpers would subscribe to the 'ends justify means' phylosophy - Galvarey did, Gorion, Khalid and Jaheira - I don't see that. Because, I see the later three having much more strict personal moral code that would not allow for it.

Besides - I suppose it is possible to look at Harpers in a similar way than one would look at a paladinic order. After all the paladins receive their blessings from the gods they serve - similarly, the Harper course is blessed by the union of 11 deities (iirc), who give the most distinguished Harpers (Master Harpers) very powerful abilities - they would also lose them, acting in a similar manner that would make a paladin fall. So, it is not exactly correct to say that the Harpers are absolutely unsupervised organization. :wink:

Just don't get me wrong - I don't imply that the Harpers are perfect... uhuh, not by a longshot. :wink:

#5 Laufey

Posted 01 November 2003 - 09:56 PM

Also, for those of you who expected old Nimbul already. He's still on his way. He left Beregost around Midnight, a bit before Mulahey bit it, and now it is sundown. And even Deat Come for Thee needs a rest now and then. Coincidentally, I think Nimbul might have troubles being taken serious oin Halloween (more then usual)

Nimbul: I am Death come for thee
Bhaalspawn: Ahw... that's cute... kid is dresed up as an assassin. Here, have some candy
Nimbul: What... ah.... okay I guess. [/i]

LOL! Yes...poor little Nimbul. :twisted:

The mayor, a well-muscled man of tall stature despite his age, turned around and jumped backwards, laughing weakly. “Oh… Y…you’ve returned. How fortunate. I… regret I couldn’t welcome you bu…”

Jaheira’s face remained calm as her fist struck the man on the jaw. The man staggered backwards against the cart, and caused the trunk to fall on the ground.

I can't really blame her, considering his doubledealing ways.

Jaheira interrupted him, keeping her voice down as well. “You ASSUME a great deal, master Ghastkill. You ASSUME to call on both Haprers and Zhentarim. Then you ASSUME that you should not TELL us our companions are Zhentarim, and then you ASSUME you should leave when we return. Perhaps you ASSUMED we’d all be dead and you wouldn’t have any troubles? Well… ASSUME that, to my regret, the Zhentarim know everything TOO, so I’d hurry packing.”

Oh oh...I'd start begging right now, Mayor.

“Yes, yes” The mayor nodded. “I know, that’s why I started packing when I heard they were alive as w…”

Jaheira immediately grabbed the man by the front of his clothes. Her eyes weren’t diamonds now, they were pure fire. Her voice was completely calm. “You… knew? You sent two Harpers… into a monster-infested mine… with two Zhentarim who KNOW they are Harpers… and you did not see fit to tell us?”

Whoops! :twisted:

“Child, we are Harpers. Our enemies operate by force and betrayal. If we don’t act against betrayal, if we allow enemies to walk away, we will fail. It’s not like in the story books where evil is kind enough to announce it with sufficient evil laughter and stupid enough to get itself killed without asking for mercy so they can have a second chance at killing you.” Jaheira said. She didn’t sound angry, but her voice was firm.

“But if you kill, threaten and so all that stuff… where is the line between you and them?” Imoen asked.

Aye...that is the problem, for certain.

The big man nodded. “Oh yeah… sorry. Minsc always forgets to introduce himself. I am Minsc and this is Boo.” He presented a hamster. “My companion and the world’s only Miniature Giant Space Hamster. Say hello, Boo.” The hamster squeaked.

Despite herself, Imoen smiled. “Well… hello Minsc… and Boo. What are you doing out here?”

“Well, we do not have any gold with us, so we can’t stay in the inn. And the man from the garrison asked me very friendly not to sleep in the streets of the town, so I made my tent here in the woods. Minsc likes the woods better anyway. And when Boo and I woke up early for Minsc’s morning exercise, we saw you throwing rocks and looking sad. And then I came to ask you what happened, but Minsc…” The hamster squeaked. “Oh… Boo says I talk too much.””

AWWWW! :twisted: Your Minsc was *very* sweet, and I loved this whole conversation with Imoen.

“No, no…”Imoen shook her head. “I’m just worried about a friend.”

“Is Evil making your friend cry?” Minsc asked.

Not...exactly. And then again, sort of.

After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”

Hm...and now I wonder if perhaps Talek's group will chance to pick up a certain Red Wizard?
Rogues do it from behind.

#6 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 01 November 2003 - 10:20 PM

Also, for those of you who expected old Nimbul already. He's still on his way. He left Beregost around Midnight, a bit before Mulahey bit it, and now it is sundown. And even Deat Come for Thee needs a rest now and then. Coincidentally, I think Nimbul might have troubles being taken serious oin Halloween (more then usual)

Nimbul: I am Death come for thee
Bhaalspawn: Ahw... that's cute... kid is dresed up as an assassin. Here, have some candy
Nimbul: What... ah.... okay I guess. [/i]

LOL! Yes...poor little Nimbul. :twisted: [/quote]

Well, candy is good...

[quote] [quote]
The mayor, a well-muscled man of tall stature despite his age, turned around and jumped backwards, laughing weakly. “Oh… Y…you’ve returned. How fortunate. I… regret I couldn’t welcome you bu…”

Jaheira’s face remained calm as her fist struck the man on the jaw. The man staggered backwards against the cart, and caused the trunk to fall on the ground.

I can't really blame her, considering his doubledealing ways. [/quote]

Nope, he had that one coming.

[quote] [quote]
Jaheira interrupted him, keeping her voice down as well. “You ASSUME a great deal, master Ghastkill. You ASSUME to call on both Haprers and Zhentarim. Then you ASSUME that you should not TELL us our companions are Zhentarim, and then you ASSUME you should leave when we return. Perhaps you ASSUMED we’d all be dead and you wouldn’t have any troubles? Well… ASSUME that, to my regret, the Zhentarim know everything TOO, so I’d hurry packing.”

Oh oh...I'd start begging right now, Mayor. [/quote]

packing, running or perhaps both.... and start donating to all gods, cause you're gonna need the help.

[quote] [quote]
“Yes, yes” The mayor nodded. “I know, that’s why I started packing when I heard they were alive as w…”

Jaheira immediately grabbed the man by the front of his clothes. Her eyes weren’t diamonds now, they were pure fire. Her voice was completely calm. “You… knew? You sent two Harpers… into a monster-infested mine… with two Zhentarim who KNOW they are Harpers… and you did not see fit to tell us?”

Whoops! :twisted: [/quote]

Out of the frying pan....

[quote] [quote]
“Child, we are Harpers. Our enemies operate by force and betrayal. If we don’t act against betrayal, if we allow enemies to walk away, we will fail. It’s not like in the story books where evil is kind enough to announce it with sufficient evil laughter and stupid enough to get itself killed without asking for mercy so they can have a second chance at killing you.” Jaheira said. She didn’t sound angry, but her voice was firm.

“But if you kill, threaten and so all that stuff… where is the line between you and them?” Imoen asked.

Aye...that is the problem, for certain. [/quote]

Yep, if you're fighting the Zhentarim with their own weapons, you risk becoming like them "When fighting demons, one must be careful not to become a demon oneself"

[quote] [quote]
The big man nodded. “Oh yeah… sorry. Minsc always forgets to introduce himself. I am Minsc and this is Boo.” He presented a hamster. “My companion and the world’s only Miniature Giant Space Hamster. Say hello, Boo.” The hamster squeaked.

Despite herself, Imoen smiled. “Well… hello Minsc… and Boo. What are you doing out here?”

“Well, we do not have any gold with us, so we can’t stay in the inn. And the man from the garrison asked me very friendly not to sleep in the streets of the town, so I made my tent here in the woods. Minsc likes the woods better anyway. And when Boo and I woke up early for Minsc’s morning exercise, we saw you throwing rocks and looking sad. And then I came to ask you what happened, but Minsc…” The hamster squeaked. “Oh… Boo says I talk too much.””

AWWWW! :twisted: Your Minsc was *very* sweet, and I loved this whole conversation with Imoen. [/quote]

Glad to hear I can write a believable Minsc. I have plans for him as well, so it would be bothersome if I now noticed I couldn't write him.

[quote] [quote]
“No, no…”Imoen shook her head. “I’m just worried about a friend.”

“Is Evil making your friend cry?” Minsc asked.

Not...exactly. And then again, sort of. [/quote]

As you say.

[quote] [uote]
After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”[/quote]

Hm...and now I wonder if perhaps Talek's group will chance to pick up a certain Red Wizard?[/quote]

Odds point in favour. Heh, Talek and Imoen won't be fighting on a log though.

#7 Guest_Helseth_*

Posted 01 November 2003 - 10:56 PM

Jaheira’s eyes suddenly hardened. “With all this festivities, I would almost forget about him. Where IS Master Ghastkill?”

"What do you mean 'in Maztica'?!" :wink:

Jaheira’s face remained calm as her fist struck the man on the jaw. The man staggered backwards against the cart, and caused the trunk to fall on the ground.

:) :( Good beginning of negotiations...

“Yes, yes” The mayor nodded. “I know, that’s why I started packing when I heard they were alive as w…”

:twisted: Oops.

“Child, we are Harpers. Our enemies operate by force and betrayal. If we don’t act against betrayal, if we allow enemies to walk away, we will fail. It’s not like in the story books where evil is kind enough to announce it with sufficient evil laughter and stupid enough to get itself killed without asking for mercy so they can have a second chance at killing you.” Jaheira said. She didn’t sound angry, but her voice was firm.

:twisted: Seems like Jaheira and Monty do have something in common...

Jaheira tensed for a moment. “Khalid and I… have different ideas on some things. We’ve had… long discussions. It is not that I am ashamed of my actions, or that I intend to hide it from him. He knows my stance. But to tell him of each of my… actions would mean to needlessly hurt him. I suspect he knew what I was planning to anyway.”

Uh-oh... "Don't tell him for his own good..." The lady doesn't mess about.

Imoen shook her head. “I… I dunno. If I know Talek, he’ll probably go after him, first thing. And… you might want to avoid him… at least for a little while. If he gets information, he’ll leave it at the Friendly Arm for us… well, for me. Maybe later, once we’re closer, maybe you can… get his trust again, fighting against the same enemy.” She didn’t seem convinced of what she said. “So… we should.. stay away from Talek… and hope for the best… for a while. He… he’ll be fine.”

Good for Talek Bioware made Tranzig carry the map. Else they'd be needing Xzar's talents :twisted: :)

“Orc-brain… stupid, stupid orc-brain.” She gazed at the parchment in sadness, her eyes moistening again despite her efforts.

Aww... :D

“Hmmm…. Minsc is thinking…. I know. MINSC can be his friend! Does little Imoen’s friend like swordfighting?”

Hmm... I could easily imagine Minsc and Talek butt-kicking Evil together... But then, Minsc probably isn't terribly good at understanding, and Talek needs lots of understanding.

Imoen smiled “Yeah he does. Heh, maybe you could be friends.” Her eyes lit up slightly. “It’s just… he gets… angry easily.”

Immy, you are speaking to berserker... :(

“Yeah, her name is Dynaheir and she is really smart. She is a good friend of Minsc, although she doesn’t like Boo much, but Boo doesn’t mind. She is a wizard too, from Rasheman. But we were attacked by Gnolls and they took her and knocked me unconscious. “His eyes went misty. “I had to protect her, and I can’t even find heroes to help me. And we came to this town to kick the butts of the Evil in the mines too.”

Hmm... In-game Dynaheir, IIRC, investigated Bhaalspawn rumors... Is your D. has another mission, or is it just "shortened edition" for Minsc?

Imoen gasped for air until, after a squeak from Boo, Minsc released her. Still, Imoen’s smile was a lot more cheerful “That sounds like a good plan Minsc. Now, let’s go meet the other Heroes.”

:( Minsc's speech patterns are contagious... :(

After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”

At least Minsc and Boo cheered her up a bit :D

Nice chapter. I especially liked Immy/Jaheira moral discussion. Your Jaheira sure is a dangerous lady :D

#8 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 02 November 2003 - 12:02 AM

[quote][quote]Jaheira’s eyes suddenly hardened. “With all this festivities, I would almost forget about him. Where IS Master Ghastkill?”[/quote]

"What do you mean 'in Maztica'?!" :) [/quote]


[quote] [quote]Jaheira’s face remained calm as her fist struck the man on the jaw. The man staggered backwards against the cart, and caused the trunk to fall on the ground.[/quote]

:( :D Good beginning of negotiations... [/quote]

Jaheira, mistress of diplomacy.

[quote] "Yes, yes” The mayor nodded. “I know, that’s why I started packing when I heard they were alive as w…”[/quote]

:twisted: Oops. [/quote]

oops is right.

[quote] [quote] “Child, we are Harpers. Our enemies operate by force and betrayal. If we don’t act against betrayal, if we allow enemies to walk away, we will fail. It’s not like in the story books where evil is kind enough to announce it with sufficient evil laughter and stupid enough to get itself killed without asking for mercy so they can have a second chance at killing you.” Jaheira said. She didn’t sound angry, but her voice was firm.[/quote]

:twisted: Seems like Jaheira and Monty do have something in common...[/quote]

Don't let THEM hear you say that. Still, in Monty's case, it's cynism, in Jaheira's case, it's dedication.

[quote] [quote]Jaheira tensed for a moment. “Khalid and I… have different ideas on some things. We’ve had… long discussions. It is not that I am ashamed of my actions, or that I intend to hide it from him. He knows my stance. But to tell him of each of my… actions would mean to needlessly hurt him. I suspect he knew what I was planning to anyway.”[/quote]

Uh-oh... "Don't tell him for his own good..." The lady doesn't mess about. [/quote]

She doesn't. Khalid isn't blind though, he knows what is happening.

[quote] [quote]Imoen shook her head. “I… I dunno. If I know Talek, he’ll probably go after him, first thing. And… you might want to avoid him… at least for a little while. If he gets information, he’ll leave it at the Friendly Arm for us… well, for me. Maybe later, once we’re closer, maybe you can… get his trust again, fighting against the same enemy.” She didn’t seem convinced of what she said. “So… we should.. stay away from Talek… and hope for the best… for a while. He… he’ll be fine.”[/quote]

Good for Talek Bioware made Tranzig carry the map. Else they'd be needing Xzar's talents :twisted: :( [/quote]


[quote] [quote]“Orc-brain… stupid, stupid orc-brain.” She gazed at the parchment in sadness, her eyes moistening again despite her efforts.[/quote]

Aww... :P [/quote]

It's tough being an Imoen to a evil-leaning Bhaalspawn.

[quote][quote]“Hmmm…. Minsc is thinking…. I know. MINSC can be his friend! Does little Imoen’s friend like swordfighting?”[/quote]

Hmm... I could easily imagine Minsc and Talek butt-kicking Evil together... But then, Minsc probably isn't terribly good at understanding, and Talek needs lots of understanding. [/quote]

True, although Talek needs trust as well, and Minsc is good in that.

[quote] [quote]Imoen smiled “Yeah he does. Heh, maybe you could be friends.” Her eyes lit up slightly. “It’s just… he gets… angry easily.”[/quote]

Immy, you are speaking to berserker... :D [/quote]


[quote] [quote] “Yeah, her name is Dynaheir and she is really smart. She is a good friend of Minsc, although she doesn’t like Boo much, but Boo doesn’t mind. She is a wizard too, from Rasheman. But we were attacked by Gnolls and they took her and knocked me unconscious. “His eyes went misty. “I had to protect her, and I can’t even find heroes to help me. And we came to this town to kick the butts of the Evil in the mines too.”[/quote]

Hmm... In-game Dynaheir, IIRC, investigated Bhaalspawn rumors... Is your D. has another mission, or is it just "shortened edition" for Minsc? [/quote]

Other mission. Mostly because I forgot what it was in the game. Then again, there could be a ' long-term reason why we're here' and a 'short term goal'

[quote] [quote]Imoen gasped for air until, after a squeak from Boo, Minsc released her. Still, Imoen’s smile was a lot more cheerful “That sounds like a good plan Minsc. Now, let’s go meet the other Heroes.”[/quote]

:D Minsc's speech patterns are contagious... :( [/quote]

As his enthousiqsm.

[quote][quote]After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”[/quote]

At least Minsc and Boo cheered her up a bit :D [/quote]

And she needed that.

[quote] Nice chapter. I especially liked Immy/Jaheira moral discussion. Your Jaheira sure is a dangerous lady :D[/quote]

yep, though the innocent have nothing to fear. But when dealing with Zhentarim, she plays hard all

#9 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 02 November 2003 - 10:48 AM

Nimbul: I am Death come for thee
Bhaalspawn: Ahw... that's cute... kid is dresed up as an assassin. Here, have some candy
Nimbul: What... ah.... okay I guess. [/i]


Jaheira’s eyes suddenly hardened. “With all this festivities, I would almost forget about him. Where IS Master Ghastkill?”

Running for the hills, if he's got any sense...

Jaheira interrupted him, keeping her voice down as well. “You ASSUME a great deal, master Ghastkill. You ASSUME to call on both Haprers and Zhentarim. Then you ASSUME that you should not TELL us our companions are Zhentarim, and then you ASSUME you should leave when we return. Perhaps you ASSUMED we’d all be dead and you wouldn’t have any troubles? Well… ASSUME that, to my regret, the Zhentarim know everything TOO, so I’d hurry packing.”

“Yes, yes” The mayor nodded. “I know, that’s why I started packing when I heard they were alive as w…”

Heh, now that was the wrong thing to say.

The mayor started speaking as soon as he had breath. “No, no… The necromancer, he found the letter from the Harpers on the table when he was playing with the parchment. And I didn’t want a fight before the mines were cleaned so I didn’t say anything. I don’t even like the Zhentarim much. But the garrison is too small, and I couldn’t find anyone to help me and…”

I guess you can kind of see his point...but I doubt either Jaheira or Monty is going to be inclined to be reasonable, in the circumstances.

Jaheira tensed for a moment. “Khalid and I… have different ideas on some things. We’ve had… long discussions. It is not that I am ashamed of my actions, or that I intend to hide it from him. He knows my stance. But to tell him of each of my… actions would mean to needlessly hurt him. I suspect he knew what I was planning to anyway.”

I bet he did. And anyway, Khalid's a Harper too - and it was him who attacked Monty when he found out he was Zhentarim.

Imoen shook her head. “I… I dunno. If I know Talek, he’ll probably go after him, first thing. And… you might want to avoid him… at least for a little while. If he gets information, he’ll leave it at the Friendly Arm for us… well, for me. Maybe later, once we’re closer, maybe you can… get his trust again, fighting against the same enemy.” She didn’t seem convinced of what she said. “So… we should.. stay away from Talek… and hope for the best… for a while. He… he’ll be fine.”

:wink: I hope so.

Imoen walked the town for a while. As the sun still hadn’t risen yet, there were few people out walking the town, either going back to bed or starting the work they did early. She followed some conversations in the tavern. When she heard that the debate was whether ‘the long haired murdering demonspawn’ had killed the two other missing party members, she quickly left the room though, gritting her teeth. She walked on, finally settling at the edge of town by the river. She threw some rocks, failing to get one to skip properly. She took a piece of parchment. It showed her and Talek back to back, she with a dagger, him with a sword.

:) Aww...

“What is this? A little girl crying alone this early in the morning before the sun comes up? Has Evil struck while Minsc was asleep? Or are you sad because the stones won’t skip? Don’t worry, I can’t do it either, even with Boo helping me.”

LOL! That's Minsc alright :twisted:

Imoen was staring in mute shock. Initially she had gone pale at the imposing figure, similiar in some ways to Talek’s description of Gorion’s murderer, but as the words sank in it made place for confusion.

Yes, I don't think you'd have to spend long in Minsc's company to spot quite a few differences between him and Sarevok... :twisted:

“Yeah, her name is Dynaheir and she is really smart. She is a good friend of Minsc, although she doesn’t like Boo much, but Boo doesn’t mind. She is a wizard too, from Rasheman. But we were attacked by Gnolls and they took her and knocked me unconscious. “His eyes went misty. “I had to protect her, and I can’t even find heroes to help me. And we came to this town to kick the butts of the Evil in the mines too.”

Hmm - let me guess, Eddie will be joining Talek's party?

“You saved the mines? Minsc was talking to a Hero and he didn’t even know!” He grabbed Imoen in a bear hug. “And she is going to help Minsc save his witch as well. And then Minsc will meet little Hero Imoen’s angry friend and we will all kick Evil butts together.”

Yay! :)

After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”

Aw - I hope they do, eventually.

Nice chapter :twisted:

#10 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 02 November 2003 - 11:52 AM

Jaheira’s eyes suddenly hardened. “With all this festivities, I would almost forget about him. Where IS Master Ghastkill?”

Running for the hills, if he's got any sense...


Jaheira interrupted him, keeping her voice down as well. “You ASSUME a great deal, master Ghastkill. You ASSUME to call on both Haprers and Zhentarim. Then you ASSUME that you should not TELL us our companions are Zhentarim, and then you ASSUME you should leave when we return. Perhaps you ASSUMED we’d all be dead and you wouldn’t have any troubles? Well… ASSUME that, to my regret, the Zhentarim know everything TOO, so I’d hurry packing.”

“Yes, yes” The mayor nodded. “I know, that’s why I started packing when I heard they were alive as w…”

Heh, now that was the wrong thing to say.

...quite. :twisted:

The mayor started speaking as soon as he had breath. “No, no… The necromancer, he found the letter from the Harpers on the table when he was playing with the parchment. And I didn’t want a fight before the mines were cleaned so I didn’t say anything. I don’t even like the Zhentarim much. But the garrison is too small, and I couldn’t find anyone to help me and…”

I guess you can kind of see his point...but I doubt either Jaheira or Monty is going to be inclined to be reasonable, in the circumstances.

nope, and Jaheira still has moral hang-ups regarding killing, Monatron does not.

Jaheira tensed for a moment. “Khalid and I… have different ideas on some things. We’ve had… long discussions. It is not that I am ashamed of my actions, or that I intend to hide it from him. He knows my stance. But to tell him of each of my… actions would mean to needlessly hurt him. I suspect he knew what I was planning to anyway.”

I bet he did. And anyway, Khalid's a Harper too - and it was him who attacked Monty when he found out he was Zhentarim.

Yep; but before they knew exactly HOW evil Montaron was, he didn't think killing was justified just yet.

Imoen shook her head. “I… I dunno. If I know Talek, he’ll probably go after him, first thing. And… you might want to avoid him… at least for a little while. If he gets information, he’ll leave it at the Friendly Arm for us… well, for me. Maybe later, once we’re closer, maybe you can… get his trust again, fighting against the same enemy.” She didn’t seem convinced of what she said. “So… we should.. stay away from Talek… and hope for the best… for a while. He… he’ll be fine.”

:( I hope so.


Imoen walked the town for a while. As the sun still hadn’t risen yet, there were few people out walking the town, either going back to bed or starting the work they did early. She followed some conversations in the tavern. When she heard that the debate was whether ‘the long haired murdering demonspawn’ had killed the two other missing party members, she quickly left the room though, gritting her teeth. She walked on, finally settling at the edge of town by the river. She threw some rocks, failing to get one to skip properly. She took a piece of parchment. It showed her and Talek back to back, she with a dagger, him with a sword.

:( Aww...

She really cares a lot for Talek...

“What is this? A little girl crying alone this early in the morning before the sun comes up? Has Evil struck while Minsc was asleep? Or are you sad because the stones won’t skip? Don’t worry, I can’t do it either, even with Boo helping me.”

LOL! That's Minsc alright :)

No mistake.

Imoen was staring in mute shock. Initially she had gone pale at the imposing figure, similiar in some ways to Talek’s description of Gorion’s murderer, but as the words sank in it made place for confusion.

Yes, I don't think you'd have to spend long in Minsc's company to spot quite a few differences between him and Sarevok... :wink:

Heh, but there are SOME similarities. Big, strong, bald, facial paint and carrying big two handed swords. But Minsc has the better advisor.

“Yeah, her name is Dynaheir and she is really smart. She is a good friend of Minsc, although she doesn’t like Boo much, but Boo doesn’t mind. She is a wizard too, from Rasheman. But we were attacked by Gnolls and they took her and knocked me unconscious. “His eyes went misty. “I had to protect her, and I can’t even find heroes to help me. And we came to this town to kick the butts of the Evil in the mines too.”

Hmm - let me guess, Eddie will be joining Talek's party?


“You saved the mines? Minsc was talking to a Hero and he didn’t even know!” He grabbed Imoen in a bear hug. “And she is going to help Minsc save his witch as well. And then Minsc will meet little Hero Imoen’s angry friend and we will all kick Evil butts together.”

Yay! :D

Ninsc has that effect on people.

After Minsc broke up his camp, the girl and the ranger walked towards the village again. And on the far horizon, the sun rose, clearly visible at the unclouded horizon for the first time since Imoen had started travelling. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. “Keep yourself safe Talek. Things will work out.” She smiled and nodded. “Things will work out.”

Aw - I hope they do, eventually.

They might... but with Edwin there...

Nice chapter :)

Thanbks :D and tahnks for reading.

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