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All That Glitters...50

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#1 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 28 October 2003 - 10:34 PM

Fifty down, lots more to go...

Combat, again, but I swear this is the last combat for the next, oh, ten chapters or so. Promise.


Chapter Fifty

They knew where the umber hulks were before they even came near the door. They were halfway through the rather disturbing room filled with implements of torture and century-old bloodstains when they heard the scratches. The umber hulks's long, thick claws dragged on the stones of the floor as they moved about, making loud grating and scratching noises, easily audible from some distance away.

"All right," Cel said. "Now what?"

"If Daleson's count was correct, and all of his have been right so far," Nalia said, "there will be ten of them in there. I've never seen an umber hulk before...how hard are they to defeat in combat?"

"Four of them were more than a handful for six of us the last time we met them," Kal said. "Ten, I think, would be a little too much."

"Have you an idea to deal with this?" Viconia asked.

"Not a clue," Kal said. "It really depends on how many of them are in that room up ahead."

Keldorn nodded. "Aye. And we have little ability to scout the room without opening the door."

All eyes turned to Nalia.

"What?" A pause. "No, I don't know how to do that."

"Okay. We're going to have to wing this one," Kal said. "Whatever we do, we need to make sure we throw silence spells on the doors. We have to make sure that whatever we find in there can't get help. Next, umber hulks happen to have a confusing-"

The door at the other end of the room banged open, and the last of the snake creatures emerged, headed for the stairs. Then it stopped, eyes widening. "Intruders!" it hissed, and drew a wand from a crude harness strapped around its midsection. It pointed it at the party, shouting "Attack!", and the umber hulks came thundering out of the darkened room behind him.

Cel's shield flashed as she deflected the gaze from the incoming creature, but more were behind it, and not all of them looked at Kal. Yoshimo ducked under an old, rusty rack, and Viconia was inside Cel's protective radius, but none of the others were as lucky. Spinning images and wild noises filled Keldorn, Anomen and Nalia's minds.

Viconia quickly stepped forward, hands moving, and threw a silence spell through the open door and into the far room. But the movement had brought her out of the defensive circle, and she fell victim to the umber hulks' confusion.

Owing to the room's size, all ten of the umber hulks couldn't fit into the room at the same time, and that was what saved the party from immediate death. Only six of them crowded their way through the door. Two targeted Kal and his glowing weapons. The rest followed their instincts and began to pick on confused targets. Keldorn was slammed into the wall, Anomen was thrown to the floor, and a single swing of a heavy claw tossed Nalia across the room.

Kal dove forward, slashing at the nearest umber hulk. Black exoskeleton cracked and buckled as he pounded it mercilessly, Cel unleashing lightning bolt after lightning bolt. Daystar smashed aside the other hulk's attempts to hit him, chipping away at the plates over its arms.

Yoshimo emerged from under the rack, katana drawn, and brought it down in a two-handed cut that sliced through the plates on the back of an umber hulk. As the creature stumbled into a turn, Yoshimo ducked and rolled under the rack, confusing the umber hulk, who slammed a claw into the rack anyway. He came up on the other side, slashing at an umber hulk and distracting it only seconds before it was about to strike the unconscious Nalia again. As that one turned around Yoshimo rolled under the rack again.

Cel's flaming blade slammed into an umber hulk again, cutting a plate in half. Twisting his wrist, Kal dug her point under the plate and pried half of it off. He struck another incoming claw from the second umber hulk with Daystar, then drove the gleaming golden blade into the exposed flesh of the umber hulk before him. A claw hit him in the back, denting his armour, but he regained his footing, and Cel traced an arc of blue fire in the air as she lashed back to ward off the incoming third hulk.

The serpent-mage had managed to push into the room, free of the area of Viconia's silence spell. Almost immediately it cast a spell, sending three reddish bolts of light towards Kal. Two winked out and died as they touched the edges of Cel's magic shield, but the last gave Kal an unpleasant jolt in the shoulder.

On the other side of the room, Anomen shook himself clear of the confusion. He had been hit several times, and his armour was in poor shape, but the hulk that had been attacking him had gone off towards Kal. Looking in that direction, Anomen saw that Kal was surrounded by three hulks, with a fourth closing in, and with a snake-creature casting spells at him. Getting to his feet and raising his shield, he charged directly towards one of the hulks near Kal, slamming into it and knocking it aside. Keeping it in contact with his shield, he pushed it into the wall and began striking it with his flail. He caught sight of one of its beady eyes and he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, but he shook it off, closed his eyes, and continued pounding on the creature blindly.

Yoshimo rolled out from under the rack, his blade slicing through the hulk he had struck the first time. He turned to go back under the rack, but he noticed the forearm of an umber hulk before he ducked. Realizing that his second target had tried to follow him under the rack, Yoshimo went over it instead, snatching a rusty handcuff attached to a still functional chain with his left hand. The first umber hulk, now with a visible target, lurched around the rack in pursuit. Dropping down on the other side, Yoshimo found himself next to the backside of the umber hulk that had tried to go under the rack. He snapped the handcuff closed on a narrow section of its leg, stood, and dashed around the rack to avoid the incoming umber hulk.

Kal pried another plate off the weakened umber hulk before him, this time thrusting Cel deeply into the gap. Using Daystar and Cel as handles, he lifted the hulk and used it to deflect the next incoming attack. Then he kicked it off his blades, knocking it on to another hulk, and brought his blades down on yet a third.

Anomen had kept his eyes closed throughout his attacks, but finally the hulk on the other side of his shield twitched and toppled over, its head a smashed pulp. Anomen felt the dying spasm through the shield and opened his eyes, confirming that the hulk was dead. He turned to see Viconia take a claw in the midsection and buckle over, and he ran quickly to put himself between her and the hulk.

The hulk under the rack had finally gotten to its feet, and advanced together with the other hulk that had been chasing Yoshimo. He let them get close, then yanked on the rack handle. The handcuff around the hulk's leg suddenly jerked up and dumped it on its back, allowing Yoshimo to leap over it, turn and slash it, and then dodge the hulk that still stood. The one on the floor tried to get up again, but a quick tug on the rack handle sent it right back to the floor.

More hulks were pouring into the room as others died, and Kal was unable to get free. Despite killing one and having Anomen remove and kill another, four more were still headed towards Kal, and he gave ground to get some space. The umber hulks' toughness was proving a challenge - they didn't incapacitate or die easily. Kal couldn't keep fighting conventionally - he'd lose. He'd have to improvise, and he backed up even more quickly as he saw something that could help him.

The world stopped shifting around Keldorn, and he blinked quickly. He knew an umber hulk had been attacking him, and finally he saw the incoming attack and sidestepped it. He drew his sword and began to drive the hulk back.

Yoshimo ducked underneath the rack and clipped the other handcuff on to the other hulk's leg, then hit the handle again, this time tripping up both of them. He slashed at the nearest hulk, then pulled the handle again as they started to get to their feet. The second hulk had already realized what was happening - as Kal had noticed long ago, they weren't stupid, just clumsy - and tried to pry the handcuff off its leg. Fortunately for Yoshimo, the umber hulk's thick claws had nowhere near the degree of precision needed to remove the cuff, and the hulk changed plans and started bashing on the chain. Unfortunately for the hulk, it was a very well constructed chain. The hulk kept trying to break it as Yoshimo kept slashing, bits of black plate flying into the air with every swing.

Kal, having lured the hulks into a headlong charge, backed up more, then stepped aside at the last minute. The clumsy hulk, unable to stop in time, blundered into an opened iron maiden, impaling itself on the spikes. Kal swung the door closed, putting his shoulder against it. An umber hulk was much larger than the iron maiden's intended occupant, and so Kal couldn't close it completely, but the popping noises of spikes being driven through chitin indicated that he didn't need to.

Anomen dropped to his knees as he received a particularly heavy strike on his shield. Keldorn fought towards him, but he was quickly flanked and took several hits in quick succession. Kal flung himself into the centre of the room, hoping to draw the hulks away from Keldorn and Anomen, but he was also hit several times and his charge ground to a halt. Keldorn and Kal retreated towards Anomen, all three of them ending up in a corner of the room. The hulks crowded in around them.

Then an angry hiss filled the air as Yoshimo's katana cut cleanly across the serpent-mage's spine. He snatched up the wand and pointed it at the empty door. "Attack!" he ordered, and every living hulk obediently headed off into the darkness, two of them dragging the rack behind them. Yoshimo slammed the door closed and barred it.

For a few minutes there was no sound but that of heavy breathing. Then Kal spoke. "Let's find out how many intact healing potions we have. Anomen, can you check on Nalia?"

As it turned out, neither Nalia nor Viconia were seriously injured. A few cracked bones had been suffered in the battle, and no one's armour was in particularly decent condition, but what was left of Anomen's magic and the party's scarce healing potions sufficed to return everyone to reasonable health. Yoshimo handed over the wand to Nalia.

"It's a specialized device," she said, "but very effective. That snake couldn't have made it. But I don't know anyone with the kind of power that could make this, that wants this land so badly."

"However we got it," Kal said, "it may turn out to be useful."

"Indeed," Viconia agreed. "We have but one healing potion remaining and I doubt it will suffice for a battle with TorGal."

"Daleson did say that TorGal was an unusually large troll," Keldorn said.

"Possibly magically enhanced," Nalia said. "From what I've read, there aren't a lot of bribes that sway trolls, and a permanent enchantment for size and strength seems like the kind of thing that would appeal to them. Not that it would be easy to do, but easy is a relative term and whoever made this," she said, holding up the wand, "would find a lot of things easy."

"In any case, I believe we must use it," Anomen said. "I do not...I do not believe that we can finish this alone, as we are now."

"I think I agree," Kal said, noticing that Anomen really could discard his arrogance when he really needed to. That augured well. "We don't have much of a choice."

Yoshimo spoke up. "I have no particular compassion for umber hulks," he said, "but they are intelligent creatures and their will is clearly not their own. I am not...comfortable with seizing their minds in this way."

"I can't say I like it, Yoshimo," Kal said. "I just think we have to."

Yoshimo nodded, slowly. "Yes. We all...do what we must."

Kal kicked open the door, and what was truly an enormous troll whirled about in response. Viconia's silencing spell had worked, and TorGal was clearly surprised. Two other large trolls were at his side, and Lord Arnise lay on the floor before them, clearly having been beaten severely.

TorGal's surprise did not last long. The troll grinned an ugly grin as Kal, Keldorn, and Anomen entered the room. "You stupid to come here! TorGal kill you all, make you food for Rocksmash pack!"

"We've come to get you out of my home, monster!" Nalia shouted from the back of the group. "You will leave this place or die here!"

TorGal's eyes widened. "Girl is here! No need stupid Lord any more!" And with that declaration, he kicked Lord Arnise's prone form across the room.

"Daddy!" Nalia screamed.

TorGal smiled evilly at the sound of her shriek. "Rocksmash keep deal for stronger! Get the girl!" The three trolls charged.

"Fall back!" Kal ordered immediately. Everyone was back and through the door in a matter of seconds, moving aside for the umber hulks behind them.

Nalia pointed the wand and ordered, "Attack!" And they did.

TorGal's surprise at having his own umber hulks turned against him lasted a great deal longer. Without acid or fire, the umber hulks couldn't kill them, but they could do a fairly impressive job of breaking bones, ripping enormous wounds, and taking them to the brink of death. The party entered the room, well-armed with torches and the remaining bottles of acid, making sure to keep the hulks between them and the trolls.

The battle wasn't short, but it was savage. Of course, it was more savage for some than others, and the party essentially came out of it without a scratch. Every single umber hulk ended up dead, and TorGal's two bodyguards ended up as piles of ash on the floor.

TorGal was bleeding, green ichor dripping out of wounds that simply did not seal themselves up quickly enough. One arm dangled uselessly broken at his side, and he limped as he walked. His confidence, however, had not been broken. "TorGal kill you all! TorGal eat you all!"

"No," Nalia said. "You're not going to do that. You're not killing anyone. Ever. Again."

She began to chant, extending her arms, palms outward, thumbs pointing down, linking her fingers. Then - slowly - she began to pull her fingers apart.

TorGal shrieked.

No one knew what the spell was doing, only that TorGal was screaming, and had snapped rigidly upright, immobile. Then the first gush of green blood came out of his throat, and his scream turned into an agonized gurgle.

They heard the ripping noises first. A few seconds later, however, TorGal's skin split, and with a grotesque, liquid tearing sound and the popping of snapped bone, TorGal came apart into two halves, which each flopped on the floor. Nalia spun about, and snapped one last word, making a slashing gesture through the air, and the halves burst into flame, charring down to nothing more than cinders.

There was silence for a few moments. Then a wheezing cough broke it, and Nalia ran to her father. "Oh, Daddy!"

Lord Arnise was in critical condition. He had been badly beaten before they had arrived, and the final kick had opened an enormous, deep gash in his torso. He was bleeding freely, and his left arm looked twisted and broken. Through all of it, however, he was able to open his eyes and speak, though it was very faint. "Nalia...dear Nalia...."

"Shhh. Don't talk, Daddy. Drink this," she said, raising the party's last healing potion to his lips. She tried to pour some into his mouth, but the sparkling liquid turned a dirty brown as soon as it touched him.

"Spell...wizard," Lord Arnise gasped. "Stops...healing. Can't use...healing."

Nalia rose and pushed her robe's sleeves back. "I can get rid of it." She chanted and made a series of intricate gestures in the air, but when it ended and she pointed, nothing happened. She tried again and again, but it was clear to everyone that there was nothing left. Keldorn tried, but his ability failed as well.

Lord Arnise shook his head again. "Too...powerful." He coughed blood again, then raised his head to look directly at Kal. "Don't...don't let them get her!" he gasped, the rattle of death beginning to show in his voice. "Keep her...safe!"

"Who's ‘them'?" Kal asked, quietly but urgently.

"Don't know...names. Can't...say."

"I'll keep her safe, Lord Arnise. I swear it," Kal said. And maybe, this time, I can do it...unlike what I couldn't do for Imoen.

The dying Lord smiled. "Thank...you."

Nalia was sobbing. "Daddy...Daddy...," was all she could say.

"Nalia...love you. Always..." Lord Arnise said, voice fading to silence. He gasped one last time, and then fell motionless. Nalia threw herself over her dead father's body, ignoring the blood, and started crying.

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 29 October 2003 - 10:59 AM

They knew where the umber hulks were before they even came near the door. They were halfway through the rather disturbing room filled with implements of torture and century-old bloodstains when they heard the scratches. The umber hulks's long, thick claws dragged on the stones of the floor as they moved about, making loud grating and scratching noises, easily audible from some distance away.

They sound hungry. The question is, what to snack upon - the party or the dog-stew.

"If Daleson's count was correct, and all of his have been right so far," Nalia said, "there will be ten of them in there. I've never seen an umber hulk before...how hard are they to defeat in combat?"

Unless you have a mage capable to cast level6 spells... they are unpleasant.

All eyes turned to Nalia.

"What?" A pause. "No, I don't know how to do that."

Gee, that would be too good, right?

The door at the other end of the room banged open, and the last of the snake creatures emerged, headed for the stairs. Then it stopped, eyes widening. "Intruders!" it hissed, and drew a wand from a crude harness strapped around its midsection. It pointed it at the party, shouting "Attack!", and the umber hulks came thundering out of the darkened room behind him.

Oh, crap. (My most meaningful comment so far.)

Owing to the room's size, all ten of the umber hulks couldn't fit into the room at the same time, and that was what saved the party from immediate death. Only six of them crowded their way through the door. Two targeted Kal and his glowing weapons. The rest followed their instincts and began to pick on confused targets. Keldorn was slammed into the wall, Anomen was thrown to the floor, and a single swing of a heavy claw tossed Nalia across the room.

Oh well. This looks like the kind of battles from which some of our valiant heroes will not emerge alive.

On the other side of the room, Anomen shook himself clear of the confusion. He had been hit several times, and his armour was in poor shape, but the hulk that had been attacking him had gone off towards Kal. Looking in that direction, Anomen saw that Kal was surrounded by three hulks, with a fourth closing in, and with a snake-creature casting spells at him. Getting to his feet and raising his shield, he charged directly towards one of the hulks near Kal, slamming into it and knocking it aside. Keeping it in contact with his shield, he pushed it into the wall and began striking it with his flail. He caught sight of one of its beady eyes and he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, but he shook it off, closed his eyes, and continued pounding on the creature blindly.

Whee, Ano got lucky on that roll! Sucky saves make for an interesting game. ;)

Anomen had kept his eyes closed throughout his attacks, but finally the hulk on the other side of his shield twitched and toppled over, its head a smashed pulp. Anomen felt the dying spasm through the shield and opened his eyes, confirming that the hulk was dead. He turned to see Viconia take a claw in the midsection and buckle over, and he ran quickly to put himself between her and the hulk.

Hmm, things are going pretty well so far, despite them being so badly ambushed.

Kal, having lured the hulks into a headlong charge, backed up more, then stepped aside at the last minute. The clumsy hulk, unable to stop in time, blundered into an opened iron maiden, impaling itself on the spikes. Kal swung the door closed, putting his shoulder against it. An umber hulk was much larger than the iron maiden's intended occupant, and so Kal couldn't close it completely, but the popping noises of spikes being driven through chitin indicated that he didn't need to.

Sweet!! This kind of inventiveness I approve of! :lol:

Then an angry hiss filled the air as Yoshimo's katana cut cleanly across the serpent-mage's spine. He snatched up the wand and pointed it at the empty door. "Attack!" he ordered, and every living hulk obediently headed off into the darkness, two of them dragging the rack behind them. Yoshimo slammed the door closed and barred it.

Hmm, what sort of wand was that, may I inquire?

As it turned out, neither Nalia nor Viconia were seriously injured. A few cracked bones had been suffered in the battle, and no one's armour was in particularly decent condition, but what was left of Anomen's magic and the party's scarce healing potions sufficed to return everyone to reasonable health. Yoshimo handed over the wand to Nalia.

That was a lucky break with the wand - otherwise, the outcome of that battle might have proven different.

"Possibly magically enhanced," Nalia said. "From what I've read, there aren't a lot of bribes that sway trolls, and a permanent enchantment for size and strength seems like the kind of thing that would appeal to them. Not that it would be easy to do, but easy is a relative term and whoever made this," she said, holding up the wand, "would find a lot of things easy."

Interesting. Really interesting.

"I can't say I like it, Yoshimo," Kal said. "I just think we have to."

Yoshimo nodded, slowly. "Yes. We all...do what we must."

Oh. He better be careful, this change of mood and attitude... someone might get suspicious.

TorGal's eyes widened. "Girl is here! No need stupid Lord any more!" And with that declaration, he kicked Lord Arnise's prone form across the room.

"Daddy!" Nalia screamed.

Ouch!!! Looks like Lord Arnise won't be saved in this story, either.

The battle wasn't short, but it was savage. Of course, it was more savage for some than others, and the party essentially came out of it without a scratch. Every single umber hulk ended up dead, and TorGal's two bodyguards ended up as piles of ash on the floor.

A bit anti-climatic, but what the heck. The fight with the umber hulks was pretty severe already.

They heard the ripping noises first. A few seconds later, however, TorGal's skin split, and with a grotesque, liquid tearing sound and the popping of snapped bone, TorGal came apart into two halves, which each flopped on the floor. Nalia spun about, and snapped one last word, making a slashing gesture through the air, and the halves burst into flame, charring down to nothing more than cinders.

Hmm. Can't decide if I like this more or the iron maiden trick. But it was a very creative spell from Nalia. Wonder how such a sweet, naive girl could think of such lovely violent and gory way to kill someone.

"Shhh. Don't talk, Daddy. Drink this," she said, raising the party's last healing potion to his lips. She tried to pour some into his mouth, but the sparkling liquid turned a dirty brown as soon as it touched him.

"Spell...wizard," Lord Arnise gasped. "Stops...healing. Can't use...healing."

Now that is what I call cruel.

"I'll keep her safe, Lord Arnise. I swear it," Kal said. And maybe, this time, I can do it...unlike what I couldn't do for Imoen.

Aww. Don't worry, you'll keep Nalia safe and get back Imoen, too.

Nalia was sobbing. "Daddy...Daddy...," was all she could say.

"Nalia...love you. Always..." Lord Arnise said, voice fading to silence. He gasped one last time, and then fell motionless. Nalia threw herself over her dead father's body, ignoring the blood, and started crying.

Touching. You know, Imoen does have a lot in common with Nalia... both have lost her parents too. Imoen won't cry for her dead daddy, though.

#3 Guest_argan_*

Posted 29 October 2003 - 11:51 AM

Great chapter :lol:

#4 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 29 October 2003 - 06:22 PM

Gee, that would be too good, right?

Well, it's in keeping with the "not a lamp of wishes" idea. Nalia can do many things. She can't do all things.

Hmm, what sort of wand was that, may I inquire?

A custom wand of umber hulk domination, of course.

That was a lucky break with the wand - otherwise, the outcome of that battle might have proven different.

Yep. The party's come close to losing a number of times, this just the closest brush yet.

Oh. He better be careful, this change of mood and attitude... someone might get suspicious.


A bit anti-climatic, but what the heck. The fight with the umber hulks was pretty severe already.

Anti-climactic. Anti-climatic is like...against the weather. And yes, I could have drawn this out, but it would be a little too much combat to swallow all at once.

Hmm. Can't decide if I like this more or the iron maiden trick. But it was a very creative spell from Nalia. Wonder how such a sweet, naive girl could think of such lovely violent and gory way to kill someone.

Naive is hardly the word I'd use for Nalia. She isn't Aerie.

Now that is what I call cruel.

And what others call eliminating all witnesses, guaranteed.

Touching. You know, Imoen does have a lot in common with Nalia... both have lost her parents too. Imoen won't cry for her dead daddy, though.

Mmm. Yes, she does. Similar personalities, even, as you'll find. But Imoen's hardly got a monopoly on losing a father she cared about.

#5 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 29 October 2003 - 06:23 PM

Great chapter :twisted:


#6 Laufey

Posted 29 October 2003 - 07:14 PM

"If Daleson's count was correct, and all of his have been right so far," Nalia said, "there will be ten of them in there. I've never seen an umber hulk before...how hard are they to defeat in combat?"

At this level, quite tough.

Yoshimo ducked underneath the rack and clipped the other handcuff on to the other hulk's leg, then hit the handle again, this time tripping up both of them. He slashed at the nearest hulk, then pulled the handle again as they started to get to their feet. The second hulk had already realized what was happening - as Kal had noticed long ago, they weren't stupid, just clumsy - and tried to pry the handcuff off its leg. Fortunately for Yoshimo, the umber hulk's thick claws had nowhere near the degree of precision needed to remove the cuff, and the hulk changed plans and started bashing on the chain. Unfortunately for the hulk, it was a very well constructed chain. The hulk kept trying to break it as Yoshimo kept slashing, bits of black plate flying into the air with every swing.

Kal, having lured the hulks into a headlong charge, backed up more, then stepped aside at the last minute. The clumsy hulk, unable to stop in time, blundered into an opened iron maiden, impaling itself on the spikes. Kal swung the door closed, putting his shoulder against it. An umber hulk was much larger than the iron maiden's intended occupant, and so Kal couldn't close it completely, but the popping noises of spikes being driven through chitin indicated that he didn't need to.

Very nice battle scene, and I certainly enjoyed the way you incorportated the torture equipment.

"Possibly magically enhanced," Nalia said. "From what I've read, there aren't a lot of bribes that sway trolls, and a permanent enchantment for size and strength seems like the kind of thing that would appeal to them. Not that it would be easy to do, but easy is a relative term and whoever made this," she said, holding up the wand, "would find a lot of things easy."

I would think so - and I wonder if you have the same theory of 'Stronger' that I do.

Yoshimo spoke up. "I have no particular compassion for umber hulks," he said, "but they are intelligent creatures and their will is clearly not their own. I am not...comfortable with seizing their minds in this way."

"I can't say I like it, Yoshimo," Kal said. "I just think we have to."

Yoshimo nodded, slowly. "Yes. We all...do what we must."

Oh, really liked this exchange! I didn't know myself that umber hulks were intelligent, interesting fact there.

TorGal shrieked.

No one knew what the spell was doing, only that TorGal was screaming, and had snapped rigidly upright, immobile. Then the first gush of green blood came out of his throat, and his scream turned into an agonized gurgle.

They heard the ripping noises first. A few seconds later, however, TorGal's skin split, and with a grotesque, liquid tearing sound and the popping of snapped bone, TorGal came apart into two halves, which each flopped on the floor. Nalia spun about, and snapped one last word, making a slashing gesture through the air, and the halves burst into flame, charring down to nothing more than cinders.

Oooooh, *nice*! :roll:

"I'll keep her safe, Lord Arnise. I swear it," Kal said. And maybe, this time, I can do it...unlike what I couldn't do for Imoen.

The dying Lord smiled. "Thank...you."

Nalia was sobbing. "Daddy...Daddy...," was all she could say.

"Nalia...love you. Always..." Lord Arnise said, voice fading to silence. He gasped one last time, and then fell motionless. Nalia threw herself over her dead father's body, ignoring the blood, and started crying.

And this was of course tremendously sad. :twisted: Made even more effective by the way you had the party find Lord De'Arnise still alive, I honestly thought he was going to live so the shock value was increased.
Rogues do it from behind.

#7 Guest_Dark-Mage_*

Posted 30 October 2003 - 04:23 PM

Good chapter. The fight scenes were well done:)

#8 Guest_Dark-Mage_*

Posted 30 October 2003 - 04:24 PM

Good chapter. The fight scenes were well done:)

#9 Guest_Dark-Mage_*

Posted 30 October 2003 - 04:25 PM

Good chapter. The fight scenes were well done:)

#10 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 30 October 2003 - 05:27 PM

Very nice battle scene, and I certainly enjoyed the way you incorportated the torture equipment.

Well, I always try to make fighting interesting.

I would think so - and I wonder if you have the same theory of 'Stronger' that I do.

Maybe. We'll just have to see, though I suspect that at the rate you write, we'll find out about your theory before mine.

Oh, really liked this exchange! I didn't know myself that umber hulks were intelligent, interesting fact there.

Umber hulks are no more and no less stupid than the average human. They're just clumsy.

Oooooh, *nice*! :D

I had a feeling you might see it this way :wink:

And this was of course tremendously sad. :wink: Made even more effective by the way you had the party find Lord De'Arnise still alive, I honestly thought he was going to live so the shock value was increased.

Not a lot of people survive things that I write. Unfortunate, but I don't sugarcoat stuff.

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