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Gate/Off - 29 - Art Terminates Life

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#1 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 17 September 2003 - 12:44 AM

29. Art Terminates Life

Minsc laughed jovially. “Boo says you are all most welcome friends in butt-kicking this day and with paladins and clerics and fighters and druids and thieves and bards kicking the same evil backsides the Minsc does, evil will be very sore indeed! Evil will have large red welts over its bottom, and evil will apply creams to its tender, bruised nethers, only to find the forces of righteousness have replaced its cream with more boots! And then evil’s bum will really hurt and...”

The other members were all looking dumbfounded at Minsc as he strung the uncharacteristically long and complicated but yet somehow very characteristic quote together. They had decided on a southerly course to reach the gnoll stronghold, and were wandering through wooded glasslands which were starting to give way to more parched, arid areas. As they came around the side of a rock outcropping, their concentration shifted to a figure on the path in front of them. He was dressed in gaudy, pompous clothing that screamed ‘artist’ and indeed seemed to be nearing completion of an admittedly well-crafted statue of an exceedingly beautiful elven woman. The subject, however, was not present, much to Garrick's voiced dismay.

“Ahh, beauteous creature!” the lovestruck young sculptor sighed as he worked upon the statue’s face and stared into it. “Never should I have stolen these emeralds, but there was nothing else that would capture the majesty of thing eyes! I did what must be done, for I have left my shop, forgotten all my commission, and spent all that I had. I must complete thee!”

“This must be that Prism character we heard about in town,” Jaheira whispered to Onyx and Khalid, who nodded. “The one who stole the two emeralds.”

“Wait, there is someone here!” Prism cried when he noticed them. “Who are you! ‘Twas that relentless Greywolf who sent you, wasn’t it?”

"Ooh, Boo," Minsc muttered under his breath, "Remember that mean Greywolf man? It's good we found this man first, Greywolf had the Stench of Evil about him!"

Onyx listened to Minsc and nodded. “Actually,” he spoke to Prism, “He did not, but we...have similar goals, I imagine. I firstly congratulate you on this exceedingly beautiful sculpture here...” Prism beamed and gazed upon his statue again.

“Bah!” Viconia scowled crossly while he admired the statue, folding her hands over the chest armored in the ankheg mail, “She’s to...delicate! Surely such a pixie is not to the tastes of such a strong warrior! Perhaps I misjudged you, jaluk.” Jaheira smirked and nodded along, then angrily whapped Khalid on the shoulder when she caught him looking slackjawed at the statue. Khalid blushed deeply and pretended to admire his own boots. Garrick simply kept staring slackjawed.

"Don't drool, Garry!" Imoen giggled, and the bard blushed and closed his mouth.

Onyx gritted his teeth with a degree of chagrin, and conitnued. "Good sir Prism, I’m afraid that stealing emeralds simply won't do. As dear as you hold you art so I do my own creed, and must return them to their rightful owner, and I’m afraid you are wanted…back in town. Please come with me, good artist, and I’ll see you come to no harm.”

“You’ll not take me yet, I beseech thee!” Prism cried and clutched the statue as if it might come to life and protect him. “I admit I stole the gems, but better they are the eyes of a work o’ love than a fat woman’s tawdry trinket. I will give you all else that is mine, if you would but forget my crime.”

“It IS quite a marvelous work!” Garrick piped up unhelpfully, causing everyone to sigh. “Why, the curve of the lips, the shoulders, and especially the...”

“Prism, regardles of whether I agree with you, aesthetically,” Onyx nodded as he interrupted Garrick, “That does not give you the right to..."

“Oh please!” Prism cried, “I am but a few minutes from completion, and I cannot run from this place until my task is done. I have been using potions of speed to aid my work, and have not slept for days. She is beautiful, is she not? ‘Tis a monument to my foolishness. I saw her but once, on the outskirts of Evereska, and said nothing. I let thee pass from mine eyes, and mine heart hath cursed me for it!”

Garrick was listening to the story intently, seemingly enrapt and wanting to memorize the tale for his own later retelling, but the others were looking a bit bored. They snapped to attention, however, when a large, armored figure strode up from the opposite direction they’d come. “It is the mean man Greywolf!” Minsc cried.

“I have come for you, Prism!” Greywolf bellowed. His face was stern and old and scarred, his hair metallic grey. He looked to have seen - and won- many, many battles, and held an obviously enchanted, jewel-pommeled sword that had probably been in his hand for many of them.

“No! Not yet!” Prism cried helplessly. “My work is nearly done! Please, I implore you!"

“Your sentiment is wasted on me, fool!” the man scoffed. “You are but gold in my purse. Do you make your situation worse by hiring help to protect you? Who are you fools?”

“We,” Onyx scowled at Greywolf, “Are in charge of this situation now. We found Prism first and mean to see him to the authorities. Peacefully.”

“See HIM to the authorities,” Greyworlf snickered, “Ah, forgetful little tin-can-man, the bounty was not for him, but the emeralds. What happens to him is…at the finder’s discretion.”

Greywolf rested his hand on his sword. Then, as he looked over Onyx disdainfully, suddenly his eyes bugged out. “Wait!” he shouted and pointed at Imoen. “I recognize you! It was you that stole a bounty rightfully mine! Prism will live a moment longer while I kill the lot of you!”

“What are you talking about!?” Onyx cried, truly mystified, for it was of course Jade's physical description that Greywof was putting to Imoen. But this misled bounty hunter with his magical sword was charging the paladin nonetheless, meaning to decapitate first and ask questions later, or more likely not at all.

Onyx brought his shield up to bock the blow, but went stumbling back from Greywolf’s sheer might. Khalid began to draw his sword but Greyworld swung at him, hitting him hard across the side of the helmet and sending him to the ground. Imoen drew her short bow but couldn’t get a shot in around Onyx, and Jaheira and Viconia began casting. Minsc roared and charged Greywolf with his two-handed sword held high, but the fierce bountyhunter used his shield to block the downward swing as it came, seeming unfazed by the enormous strength behind Minsc’s blow, and then skewered the ranger through the chest with his shimmering sword, then kicked him off the blade and to the ground.

Imoen and Garrick sent an arrow and a bolt flying at the bounty hunter, who all but failed to notice each as they lodged in his leathered chest, even as they drew blood. Onyx made another swing but Greywolf expertly parried it and made a stab of his own. Onyx barely managed to bring his shield in the way, but Greywolf quickly swung again low; hitting the inside of his knee with his sword and then sweeping his other foot with his boot. The sword didn’t pierce his armor leggings, but his was tripped and went clanging to the ground. As another of Imoen’s arrows glanced off his helmet, Greywolf turned to face Jaheira and Viconia as their spells completed, sending a yellow haze over and calling small vines up around his feet, neither of which seemed to faze him as he charged. He swung down at Jaheira, who tried to block with her quarterstaff, only to have it knocked from her hands, and his sword sliced into her armor and left a deep gash between her breasts. He kicked her in the stomach and sent her falling while Viconia swung Bassilus's hammer at him. He feigned aside, chuckling, and then stabbed low on her right side before she could get her shield over. The ankheg plate kept her from being impaled, but his sword came up half-circle whizzing around her armor, and opened her throat. His boot knocked out her leg and sent her to all fours.

An arrow sank into his stomach, and grimacing, he looked up to face Imoen and Garrick, his face snarling with rage. Garrick's knees knocked, and instead of loading a bolt, firing a spell, or drawing a sword, he spun on one heel and dashed off, singing, "Brave, brave sir Garrick, sir Garrick led the way! Brave brave, Sir Garrick, sir Garrick ran away!"

"Uh..oh" Imoen gasped. She barely had taken to drop her bow and draw the hobgoblin Zordal's magical shortsword, which whistled musically as she swung it up to parry Greyworlf's sword. She cried as he easily knocked it out of her hand, probably breaking her small wrist, and she dodged his next swipe, but then he caught her in the jaw with a swing of his shield, and she went sprawling to the ground.

Behind him, Onyx rose, wincing, his knee screaming with pain and his leg twisted at an unnatural angle. He reached down, touching it, feeling it heal, and rising again, and felt a moment of calm though the battle was not over. He saw Greyworlf bringing his sword down upon a sprawled Imoen, surely to chop her in half right through her narrow waist, and everything went red. The next thing he knew he had his feet off the ground, and bare hands around Greywolf, throttling and tackling him and sending them both flying over Imoen and sprawling to the ground.

Greywolf's sword went clattering across the stones as he fell under Onyx's weight, but he reached behind his head to wring the paladin around the neck, and the two rolled over and over each other. Greywolf snarled and cursed, blue veins showing on his head, and Onyx had lost himself in a mindless fury, grappling and choking the other one and lusting for bloodshed. The image of Imoen nearly cut in half playing over and over in his mind as he grappled the man around the neck. Greywolf was choking him back, and they growled and held not like men, but like beasts. Onyx felt his breath giving out and his larynx collapsing under the pressure of the man's fists, and his vision went completely red. He trembled, feeling death was near, embracing him like a lost father.


Onyx grasped the other man's neck and screamed. Greywolf's eyes bulged wide with either asyphxiation or terror, and his own breath escaped in a soprano wail. The older man's grip slackened, his hands pressed off the paladin's splintmailed chest in an effort to push himself away. His feet kicked frantically, trying to scamper across the soil and out of the paladin's grip. He broke it with a quick jerk, fell backwards, and crabwalked away as fast as possible. "Leave us!!" he shrieked, and got to his feet to turn and run.

Abruplty he came to face a healed Jaheira, at the moment she swung her quarterstaff from one end, batting his face. The bounty hunter's face crunched in with the sound of a dozens of bones and teeth shattering, and then an able, healed Viconia was on her feet behind the bounty hunter, planting a dagger in the nape of his neck and licking her lips as she twisted. The great man fell, limp.

"Your face..." she looked up at him worriedly, for it was bruised and bloodied with a number of Greywolf's punches.

Onyx looked down at Imoen's limp wrist. "It's broken..." his mouth twitched, "That...bastard!" He looked Imoen in the eyes, his compassion turning to anger. "How dare he...."

Imoen gasped in fright as his eyes flashed yellow, and his hands clasped gently over Imoen's wrist. Jaheira was kneeling by then, at her glowing touch the girl's wounds vanished. "Thank you," she sobbed. “That was so close." She wrapped arms around her guardian and her friend and they got to their feet.

“I know,” Onyx whispered. It was the first time he’d ever seen Imoen scared like this, and that alone was frightening. He too was nearly in shock. One man...nearly took out seven of us. His estimation of the dangerous nature of the world went up many notches.

Viconia had now healed Minsc, and turned to Onyx with a conspiratorial grin. "Faer, sargtlin? I am impressed."

The paladin frowned. "What?" Nearby, Jaheira had tended to Khalid, but remained kneeled over him gingerly without lifting her eyes to her charge and the drow.

Viconia's thin white eyebrows creased. "You enchanted him with cowardice. I could sense the tingle," she licked her lips, "It always liked that one."

Onyx was no less confused. "No, I wouldn't know how. I just...I don't know, he freaked out. And thank Lathander."

Viconia smiled evilly. "I suspect your gratitude lies elsehwere."

The paladin turned away, irritated for his confusion, and mad at her for it. "I don't know what in the hells you're talking about, crazy witch."

The drow went livid, fuming. It briefly occured to her he hadn't dared to insult her before, which made her all the angier now. " Jaed wael! Ignorant fool! I spit upon you!"

“Alas, my work is complete!” Prism cried and distracted everyone, apparently having resumed his feverish work upon the statue as soon as the fight had ended. He stepped aside from the now-finished statue, and the males in the party caught themselves looking slackjawed at it, earning a few glares from the females. “Take what you will from my possessions,” Prism declared as he tried to run away, but collapsed to the ground and began breathing heavily, “But leave the sparkle in her eyes. O sweet creature. My effigy to thee is done. Perhaps our paths shall cross in distant Realms, and I shall find the courage to call thy name. Ellesime!”

With that, Prism choked up a wad of phlegm and blood, fell down on the ground, and lay still.

“Too many speed p-potions and no rest…he literally worked himself to death!” Khalid muttered in surprise and kicked one of the many empty potion bottles around the statue’s feet.

“Ellesime?” Viconia glared at the elven statue and seemed to ignore Prism’s body.

Jaheira snorted while looking down at the body, "If you ask me, it's a waste to lose your life sculpting someone, especially her."

Onyx looked down at Prism with pity, and up at the statue. A man so consumed by his masterpiece that he would die for it? It seems ridiculous, and yet...I have said that I would die for my ideals.

Viconia was appraising him as he appriased the elf woman's statue. He's not looking at it like a lollygagging man enthralled by some siren, but as if he ponders something else, she thought, but snarled, "Close your drooling jaw, pig, you know nothing of beauty. Let us move on."

Minsc peered down at Greywolf's body and declared, "The brave friends of Minsc have defeated the mean mercenary of…meanness! Hamsters and rangers everywhere shall sing of this for generations to come! Well, perhaps not, as it all a day’s work of such brave hero companions of Minsc and Boo!”

“Oh yes!” declared Garrick as he conveniently reappeared, “They shall sing! I’ll be sure of it! Why, this will make such an epic…”

“You…COWARD!” Onyx, still fuming from Viconia, roared in Garrick’s face, causing the bard the flinch spastically, “You ran off! You just tucked tail and ran when the rest of the party needed you most! You left Imoen's side! She could have been killed! She almost was killed!”

Jaheira scowled at him as she got up, “You have shown yourself a buffoon over and over, and now we see you are a coward too! If you want to be an adventurer, start acting like one!” Beside her, Khalid nodded silently.

"Pathetic," Viconia simply drawled.

Garrick looked at his feet as they entire party glared at him, obviously wishing he could disappear. Again. “Sorry,” Onyx sighed, “I…didn’t mean to scream at you. But I did mean what I said. He was just one man, and he nearly took up all down. It’s...scary.” He glanced over to Greywolf's body and sword. "I don't suppose you could make yourself useful. This sword of Greywolf’s. Obviously magical...."

Viconia grinned. "Yes, you've spent hours upon the road making my ears bleed with weaponslore, now put it to use."

Garrick eagerly hunched over Greyworlf, happy to have a chance to be useful. He studied the blade for a moment, mumbling, reciting lyrics that described this weapon in accurate if flowery language. His face lit up. “Why yes!” he gasped with delight. “It…’tis a legendary blade!” he looked up at the paladin. “A truly legendary blade!”

“More specifically...” Jaheira sighed.

Varscona!” Garrick exclaimed. “Tis mightily enchanted, and bites with winter’s chill!"

"I've heard of it too," Viconia smiled, "Used by a priestess of my goddess for the sacrificial rites of Feast of the Moon ceremonies. When she passed on, it was buried within her chest. She was to be exhumed in a season, reborn in a few form, but cult wars killed those who should have. It is said she did reawaken, entrapped and enraged, her tomb now a prison, and when this blade finally was exhumed after hundreds of years, she was no more. Perhaps one with the blade."

"Interesting," Onyx held it aloft, and it glinted in the sun. He could feel the cold radiating from the blade. "Khalid. You should wield it. You're a more experienced swordsman than I."

"Oh, I c-c-c-ouldn't," he stared nervously, almost superstitiously, at the sword. "It's yours, Onyx."

"That's right! And Minsc prefers two-handed swords anway! Isn't that right, Boo?"

"Very well," Onyx put his old sword in his pack, and sheathed Varscona at his hip. Now it shall channel my rage, and bury itself again in the chest of the man with the glowing eyes.

#2 Guest_Withiel_*

Posted 17 September 2003 - 07:30 PM

Firstly, nice title-definitely caught the interest, and was fulfilled neatly by this clever, self-contained part. Also, your characterisation of Minsc is excellent, and that quote at the beginning is a) spot-on, and b)hilarious. The inter-party tension is well-done too, but the battle scene seems a little "and then this happened, so X did Y, and then this other thing happened" as in the description seems a little flat here, unlike the rest of the extract. Damn good work though, keep it up!


#3 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 17 September 2003 - 10:08 PM

Firstly, nice title-definitely caught the interest, and was fulfilled neatly by this clever, self-contained part. Also, your characterisation of Minsc is excellent, and that quote at the beginning is a) spot-on, and b)hilarious. The inter-party tension is well-done too, but the battle scene seems a little "and then this happened, so X did Y, and then this other thing happened" as in the description seems a little flat here, unlike the rest of the extract. Damn good work though, keep it up!

Ah, thanks for the detailed critique. Hmm, you're right, this battle is a bit mundane. Thanks.


#4 Guest_Helseth_*

Posted 17 September 2003 - 10:50 PM

Minsc laughed jovially. “Boo says you are all most welcome friends in butt-kicking this day and with paladins and clerics and fighters and druids and thiefves and bards kicking the same evil backsides the Minsc does, evil will be very sore indeed! Evil will have large red welts over its bottom, and evil will apply creams to its tender, bruised nethers, only to find the forces of righteousness have replaced its cream with more boots! And then evil’s bum will really hurt and...”

Wow, Minsc is quite eloquent! :shock:

“Bah!” Viconia scowled crossly while he admired the statue, folding her hands over the chest armored in the ankheg mail, “She’s to...delicate! Surely such a pixie is not to the tastes of such a strong warrior! Perhaps I misjudged you, jaluk.” Jaheira smirked and nodded along, then angrily whapped Khalid on the shoulder when she caught him looking slackjawed at the statue. Khalid blushed deeply and pretended to admire his own boots. Garrick simply kept staring slackjawed.

I wonder what comment Shar-Teel would made? :twisted:

And Viccy is a bit on the frail side herself... :wink:

“It IS quite a marvelous work!” Garrick piped up unhelpfully, causing everyone to sigh. “Why, the curve of the lips, the shoulders, and especially the...”

:roll: ...eyes?

Onyx brought his shield up to bock the blow, but went stumbling back from Greywolf’s sheer might. Khalid began to draw his sword but Greyworld swung at him, hitting him hard across the side of the helmet and sending him to the ground. Imoen had drawn her short bow but couldn’t get a shot in around Onyx, and Jaheira and Viconia began casting. Minsc roared and charged Greywolf with his two-handed sword held high, but the fierce bountyhunter used his shield to block the downward swing as it came, seeming unfazed by the enormous strength behind Minsc’s blow, and then skewered the ranger through the chest with his shimmering sword, then kicked him off the blade and to the ground.

Imoen and Garrick sent an arrow and a bolt flying at the bounty hunter, who all but failed to notice each as they lodged in his leathered chest, even as they drew blood. Onyx made another swing but Greywolf expertly parried it and made a stab of his own. Onyx barely managed to bring his shield in the way, but Greywolf quickly swung again low; hitting the inside of his knee with his sword and then sweeping his other foot with his boot. The sword didn’t pierce his armor leggings, but his was tripped and went clanging to the ground. As another of Imoen’s arrows glanced off his helmet, Greywolf turned to face Jaheira and Viconia as their spells completed, sending a yellow haze over and calling small vines up around his feet, neither of which seemed to faze him as he charged. He swung down at Jaheira, who tried to block with her quarterstaff, only to have it knocked from her hands, and his sword sliced into her armor and left a deep gash between her breasts. He kicked her in the stomach and sent her falling while Viconia swung Bassilus's hammer at him. He feigned aside, chuckling, and then stabbed low on her right side before she could get her shield over. The ankheg plate kept her from being impaled, but his sword came up half-circle whizzing around her armor, and opened her throat. His boot knocked out her leg and sent her to all fours.

:) That's one tough bounty hunter...


:) Daddy to the rescue!

Onyx grasped the other man's neck and screamed. Greywolf's eyes bulged wide with either asyphxiation or terror, and his own breath escaped in a soprano wail. The older man's grip slackened, his hands pressed off the paladin's splintmailed chest in an effort to push himself away. His feet kicked frantically, trying to scamper across the soil and out of the paladin's grip. He broke it with a quick jerk, fell backwards, and crabwalked away as fast as possible. "Leave us!!" he shrieked, and got to his feet to turn and run.

Nassty paladinses, they hurtss uss! :wink:

Abruplty he came to face a healed Jaheira, at the moment she swung her quarterstaff from one end, batting his face. The bounty hunter's face crunched in with the sound of a dozens of bones and teeth shattering, and then an able, healed Viconia was on her feet behind the bounty hunter, planting a dagger in the nape of his neck and licking her lips as she twisted. The great man fell, limp.

:) Dagger? A cleric?!

"Your face..." she looked up at him worriedly, for it was bruised and bloodied with a number of Greywolf's punches.

Maybe it would be better to specify whom she means? Else it looks like Viconia pities Greywolf :)

Imoen gasped in fright as his eyes flashed yellow, and his hands clasped gently over Imoen's wrist. Jaheira was kneeling by then, at her glowing touch the girl's wounds vanished. "Thank you," she sobbed. “That was so close." She wrapped arms around her guardian and her friend and they got to their feet.

:twisted: Yellow? He's not healing her?

Viconia had now healed Minsc, and turned to Onyx with a conspiratorial grin. "Faer, sargtlin? I am impressed."

8) "Faer" is "magic", but what is "sargtlin"? "Warrior"?

Viconia's thin white eyebrows creased. "You enchanted him with cowardice. I could sense the tingle," she licked her lips, "It always liked that one."

Oh, that is his new ability.

Onyx was no less confused. "No, I wouldn't know how. I just...I don't know, he freaked out. And thank Lathander."

Viconia smiled evilly. "I suspect your gratitude lies elsehwere."


“Ellesime?” Viconia glared at the elven statue and seemed to ignore Prism’s body.

Jaheira snorted while looking down at the body, "If you ask me, it's a waste to lose your life sculpting someone, especially her."

:) Even Jaheira doesn't like Ellesime...

“You…COWARD!” Onyx, still fuming from Viconia, roared in Garrick’s face, causing the bard the flinch spastically, “You ran off! You just tucked tail and ran when the rest of the party needed you most! You left Imoen's side! She could have been killed! She almost was killed!”

:shock: Onyx still has a thing about cowardness...

Good chapter. I especially liked the battle description. One on seven (with a bit of luck against spells :) ) still is quite gripping and is a very near thing.

#5 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 17 September 2003 - 11:56 PM

[quote][quote]Minsc laughed jovially. “Boo says you are all most welcome friends in butt-kicking this day and with paladins and clerics and fighters and druids and thiefves and bards kicking the same evil backsides the Minsc does, evil will be very sore indeed! Evil will have large red welts over its bottom, and evil will apply creams to its tender, bruised nethers, only to find the forces of righteousness have replaced its cream with more boots! And then evil’s bum will really hurt and...”[/quote]

Wow, Minsc is quite eloquent! :wink:

Yup! :P

[quote]“Bah!” Viconia scowled crossly while he admired the statue, folding her hands over the chest armored in the ankheg mail, “She’s to...delicate! Surely such a pixie is not to the tastes of such a strong warrior! Perhaps I misjudged you, jaluk.” Jaheira smirked and nodded along, then angrily whapped Khalid on the shoulder when she caught him looking slackjawed at the statue. Khalid blushed deeply and pretended to admire his own boots. Garrick simply kept staring slackjawed.[/quote]

I wonder what comment Shar-Teel would made? :twisted:

Oh lord, I don't want to know! She prolly woulda killed Prism right htere.

And Viccy is a bit on the frail side herself... :)

True true...it's more of an attitude thing...

[quote] “It IS quite a marvelous work!” Garrick piped up unhelpfully, causing everyone to sigh. “Why, the curve of the lips, the shoulders, and especially the...”[/quote]

:) ...eyes?

erm, yes. eyes.
8) That's one tough bounty hunter...

Yeah, he massacred my low-level party the first time...until I Entangled him and used missiles


:) Daddy to the rescue!


[quote]Onyx grasped the other man's neck and screamed. Greywolf's eyes bulged wide with either asyphxiation or terror, and his own breath escaped in a soprano wail. The older man's grip slackened, his hands pressed off the paladin's splintmailed chest in an effort to push himself away. His feet kicked frantically, trying to scamper across the soil and out of the paladin's grip. He broke it with a quick jerk, fell backwards, and crabwalked away as fast as possible. "Leave us!!" he shrieked, and got to his feet to turn and run.[/quote]

Nassty paladinses, they hurtss uss! :wink:


[quote]Abruplty he came to face a healed Jaheira, at the moment she swung her quarterstaff from one end, batting his face. The bounty hunter's face crunched in with the sound of a dozens of bones and teeth shattering, and then an able, healed Viconia was on her feet behind the bounty hunter, planting a dagger in the nape of his neck and licking her lips as she twisted. The great man fell, limp.[/quote]

:? Dagger? A cleric?!

Yes. A Sharran.

[quote]"Your face..." she looked up at him worriedly, for it was bruised and bloodied with a number of Greywolf's punches.[/quote]

Maybe it would be better to specify whom she means? Else it looks like Viconia pities Greywolf :)

[quote]Imoen gasped in fright as his eyes flashed yellow, and his hands clasped gently over Imoen's wrist. Jaheira was kneeling by then, at her glowing touch the girl's wounds vanished. "Thank you," she sobbed. “That was so close." She wrapped arms around her guardian and her friend and they got to their feet. [/quote]

:shock: Yellow? He's not healing her?

He already used his Lay on Hands, and he got Spook as his first Bspawn ability.

[quote]Viconia had now healed Minsc, and turned to Onyx with a conspiratorial grin. "Faer, sargtlin? I am impressed."[/quote]

:? "Faer" is "magic", but what is "sargtlin"? "Warrior"?


[quote]Viconia's thin white eyebrows creased. "You enchanted him with cowardice. I could sense the tingle," she licked her lips, "It always liked that one."[/quote]

Oh, that is his new ability.


[quote]Onyx was no less confused. "No, I wouldn't know how. I just...I don't know, he freaked out. And thank Lathander."

Viconia smiled evilly. "I suspect your gratitude lies elsehwere." [/quote]


[quote] “Ellesime?” Viconia glared at the elven statue and seemed to ignore Prism’s body.

Jaheira snorted while looking down at the body, "If you ask me, it's a waste to lose your life sculpting someone, especially her."[/quote]

:) Even Jaheira doesn't like Ellesime...


[quote]“You…COWARD!” Onyx, still fuming from Viconia, roared in Garrick’s face, causing the bard the flinch spastically, “You ran off! You just tucked tail and ran when the rest of the party needed you most! You left Imoen's side! She could have been killed! She almost was killed!”[/quote]

:shock: Onyx still has a thing about cowardness...


easy to take that stance, when he's now immune to it :roll:

Good chapter. I especially liked the battle description. One on seven (with a bit of luck against spells :) ) still is quite gripping and is a very near thing.[/quote]

Thanks! One annoying them in the games, is 1-on-6 battles. Hard to write them believably.

#6 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 18 September 2003 - 12:16 AM

Minsc laughed jovially. “Boo says you are all most welcome friends in butt-kicking this day and with paladins and clerics and fighters and druids and thiefves and bards kicking the same evil backsides the Minsc does, evil will be very sore indeed! Evil will have large red welts over its bottom, and evil will apply creams to its tender, bruised nethers, only to find the forces of righteousness have replaced its cream with more boots! And then evil’s bum will really hurt and...”

Perhaps instead of "evil's bum" have Minsc say "the buttocks of evil." It sounds more like something someone who is not intimately familiar with a language's idiom's might say.

“This must be that Prism character we heard about in town,” Jaheira whispered to Onyx and Khalid, who nodded. “The one who stole the two emeralds.”

Congratulations, Jaheira, Queen of the Obvious.

"Ooh, Boo," Minsc muttered under his breath, "Remember that mean Greywolf man? It's good we found this man first, Greywolf had the Stench of Evil about him!"

Unbeknownst to most, Minsc's nose was actually a powerful and sensitive evil-detection tool.

"Don't drool, Garry!" Imoen giggled, and the bard blushed and closed his mouth.

Awww.... Garrick-chan is so cute. *snuggles*

“Prism, regardles of whether I agree with you, aesthetically,” Onyx nodded as he thankfully interrupted Garrick, “That does not give you the right to..."

Maybe cut out thankfully here. I know subtlety isn't your art, but since we *know* what Garrick was going to say, we know that the rest of the group is thankful that Onyx interrupted, and so the added adverb is unnecessary

“What are you talking about!?” Onyx cried, truly mystified, for it was of course Jade's physical description that Greywof was putting to Imoen. But this misled bounty hunter with his magical sword was charging the paladin nonetheless, meaning to decapitate first and ask questions later, or more likely not at all.

See what happens when you do bad stuff, other people get into trouble. Bad Jade. No cookie for you.

Imoen had drawn her short bow but couldn’t get a shot in around Onyx, and Jaheira and Viconia began casting.

Try using "drew her short bow" as opposed to the passive, "had drawn" it's more exciting, which works better for an action scene.



Onyx looked down at Imoen's limp wrist. "It's broken..." his mouth twitched, "That...bastard!" He looked Imoen in the eyes, his compassion turning to anger. "How dare he...."

Anger is of the dark side, O-chan.

Jaheira snorted while looking down at the body, "If you ask me, it's a waste to lose your life sculpting someone, especially her."

Aww... I *like* Ellesime.

“You…COWARD!” Onyx, still fuming from Viconia, roared in Garrick’s face, causing the bard the flinch spastically, “You ran off! You just tucked tail and ran when the rest of the party needed you most! You left Imoen's side! She could have been killed! She almost was killed!”

Dammit Onyx, he's an artist, not a fighter! :lol:

Jaheira scowled at him as she got up, “You have shown yourself a buffoon over and over, and now we see you are a coward too! If you want to be an adventurer, start acting like one!” Beside her, Khalid nodded silently.

Now, as much as I adore Khalid, he shouldn't be nodding unless he wants to get called a hypocrite.

"Oh, I c-c-c-ouldn't," he stared nervously, almost superstitiously, at the sword. "It's yours, Onyx."

Good choice, especially since it sounds evil from Viconia's description.

"Very well," Onyx put his old sword in his pack, and sheathed Varscona at his hip. Now it shall channel my rage, and bury itself again in the chest of the man with the glowing eyes.

Ut-oh... beware the dark side, Onyx...

Excellent chapter,

#7 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 18 September 2003 - 12:47 AM

Minsc laughed jovially. “Boo says you are all most welcome friends in butt-kicking this day and with paladins and clerics and fighters and druids and thiefves and bards kicking the same evil backsides the Minsc does, evil will be very sore indeed! Evil will have large red welts over its bottom, and evil will apply creams to its tender, bruised nethers, only to find the forces of righteousness have replaced its cream with more boots! And then evil’s bum will really hurt and...”

Perhaps instead of "evil's bum" have Minsc say "the buttocks of evil." It sounds more like something someone who is not intimately familiar with a language's idiom's might say.

Good point....

“This must be that Prism character we heard about in town,” Jaheira whispered to Onyx and Khalid, who nodded. “The one who stole the two emeralds.”

Congratulations, Jaheira, Queen of the Obvious.

lol :P

"Ooh, Boo," Minsc muttered under his breath, "Remember that mean Greywolf man? It's good we found this man first, Greywolf had the Stench of Evil about him!"

Unbeknownst to most, Minsc's nose was actually a powerful and sensitive evil-detection tool.

I've wondered about that...Boo too....I really think Boo should have Detect Evil (and maybe Smite Evil, implemented as Bite Evil)

"Don't drool, Garry!" Imoen giggled, and the bard blushed and closed his mouth.

Awww.... Garrick-chan is so cute. *snuggles*


“Prism, regardles of whether I agree with you, aesthetically,” Onyx nodded as he thankfully interrupted Garrick, “That does not give you the right to..."

Maybe cut out thankfully here. I know subtlety isn't your art, but since we *know* what Garrick was going to say, we know that the rest of the group is thankful that Onyx interrupted, and so the added adverb is unnecessary

I agree. Changed. Also, generally I don't like the narration to 'take sides', which that adverb blatantly does.

“What are you talking about!?” Onyx cried, truly mystified, for it was of course Jade's physical description that Greywof was putting to Imoen. But this misled bounty hunter with his magical sword was charging the paladin nonetheless, meaning to decapitate first and ask questions later, or more likely not at all.

See what happens when you do bad stuff, other people get into trouble. Bad Jade. No cookie for you.


Imoen had drawn her short bow but couldn’t get a shot in around Onyx, and Jaheira and Viconia began casting.

Try using "drew her short bow" as opposed to the passive, "had drawn" it's more exciting, which works better for an action scene.

Yes, absolutely right. (use active tense...I knew that...esp. in battle scenes). That's something I need to work on more, and similar streamlines like elminating empty phrase. Like don't say "Began to fire," just say "fire". When I lost rereaed Tolkein I was inspired b/c the language is very short and concise. Almost all simple, active present tense. (A line I still remember and love from the Kazad-Dum battel "Aragorn and Boromir slew many." What a great line!!! Such a summary!)




Onyx looked down at Imoen's limp wrist. "It's broken..." his mouth twitched, "That...bastard!" He looked Imoen in the eyes, his compassion turning to anger. "How dare he...."

Anger is of the dark side, O-chan.

*Darth Vader breathing* Give in....

Jaheira snorted while looking down at the body, "If you ask me, it's a waste to lose your life sculpting someone, especially her."

Aww... I *like* Ellesime.

Me too actually. She won't be bash-portrayed by me, but I got a vibe J and V wouldn't like her, if for no other reason than anger-masking-envy of the supposedly Hottest Chick in the Realms.

“You…COWARD!” Onyx, still fuming from Viconia, roared in Garrick’s face, causing the bard the flinch spastically, “You ran off! You just tucked tail and ran when the rest of the party needed you most! You left Imoen's side! She could have been killed! She almost was killed!”

Dammit Onyx, he's an artist, not a fighter! B)


Jaheira scowled at him as she got up, “You have shown yourself a buffoon over and over, and now we see you are a coward too! If you want to be an adventurer, start acting like one!” Beside her, Khalid nodded silently.

Now, as much as I adore Khalid, he shouldn't be nodding unless he wants to get called a hypocrite.

ROFL!!! OOh, good point, I shoulda had Vic make that jab

"Oh, I c-c-c-ouldn't," he stared nervously, almost superstitiously, at the sword. "It's yours, Onyx."

Good choice, especially since it sounds evil from Viconia's description.

true :lol:

"Very well," Onyx put his old sword in his pack, and sheathed Varscona at his hip. Now it shall channel my rage, and bury itself again in the chest of the man with the glowing eyes.

Ut-oh... beware the dark side, Onyx...

Hmmm...you've given me an idea...maybe Varscona should be quasi-sentient or influential or something

Excellent chapter,

#8 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 18 September 2003 - 01:13 AM

"Ooh, Boo," Minsc muttered under his breath, "Remember that mean Greywolf man? It's good we found this man first, Greywolf had the Stench of Evil about him!"

Unbeknownst to most, Minsc's nose was actually a powerful and sensitive evil-detection tool.

I've wondered about that...Boo too....I really think Boo should have Detect Evil (and maybe Smite Evil, implemented as Bite Evil)

I've always secretly thought of Boo not as actually intelligent, but that his intelligence is actually a figment of Minsc's imagination. In reality, what Boo is "saying" is stuff that a fragmented part of Minsc's mind is thinking, but since he's got a mixed up noggin, he's saying it through Boo.

Brynn: Sort of how Blue is using my mouth to say this for her, but it's really her that's thinking it. *pause* Hey! Let my mouth alone, you!


However, it's more likely in "reality" that Boo is actually a seperate intelligent being all on his own, and Minsc somehow understands him. What with Faerun being a fantasy world and all, things like that can happen.

Imoen had drawn her short bow but couldn’t get a shot in around Onyx, and Jaheira and Viconia began casting.

Try using "drew her short bow" as opposed to the passive, "had drawn" it's more exciting, which works better for an action scene.

Yes, absolutely right. (use active tense...I knew that...esp. in battle scenes). That's something I need to work on more, and similar streamlines like elminating empty phrase. Like don't say "Began to fire," just say "fire". When I lost rereaed Tolkein I was inspired b/c the language is very short and concise. Almost all simple, active present tense. (A line I still remember and love from the Kazad-Dum battel "Aragorn and Boromir slew many." What a great line!!! Such a summary!)

I love that line too. It's very concise and moves things right along nicely. Of course, it's very hard to write in all sentences like that, since it tends to start sounding childish after a while, but a fine mix of shot sentences like that with longer, more complicated ones is one element of great prose, I think.





Onyx looked down at Imoen's limp wrist. "It's broken..." his mouth twitched, "That...bastard!" He looked Imoen in the eyes, his compassion turning to anger. "How dare he...."

Anger is of the dark side, O-chan.

*Darth Vader breathing* Give in....

As a side note, one of my friends and I had a wonderful idea about having great works of literature read on the radio by muppets characters (can you imagine The Aeneid read by Kermit the Frog?) and eventually that conversation digressed into the wanting to hear "Green Eggs and Ham" being read by Darth Vader. I'm tempted to kidnap James Earl Jones and having him do just that for my own personal amusement.

Aww... I *like* Ellesime.

Me too actually. She won't be bash-portrayed by me, but I got a vibe J and V wouldn't like her, if for no other reason than anger-masking-envy of the supposedly Hottest Chick in the Realms.

Not that they'd ever *admit* such a thing :lol:

Now, as much as I adore Khalid, he shouldn't be nodding unless he wants to get called a hypocrite.

ROFL!!! OOh, good point, I shoulda had Vic make that jab

Give the man a bow and put him at the back of the party and he does fine, give the man a sword and make him melee and *poof* he's on the other side of the screen hiding behind a tree or something

"Very well," Onyx put his old sword in his pack, and sheathed Varscona at his hip. Now it shall channel my rage, and bury itself again in the chest of the man with the glowing eyes.

Ut-oh... beware the dark side, Onyx...

Hmmm...you've given me an idea...maybe Varscona should be quasi-sentient or influential or something

Oh crap... I've given you an idea.

#9 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 18 September 2003 - 01:26 AM

I've always secretly thought of Boo not as actually intelligent, but that his intelligence is actually a figment of Minsc's imagination. In reality, what Boo is "saying" is stuff that a fragmented part of Minsc's mind is thinking, but since he's got a mixed up noggin, he's saying it through Boo.

Actually, that idea has a certain appeal, because it's (a) the simpler explanation (B) it's virtually ubiquitously assumed that he is intelligent. (One of those, it becomes more common because it seems stranger things).

Brynn: Sort of how Blue is using my mouth to say this for her, but it's really her that's thinking it. *pause* Hey! Let my mouth alone, you!

Onyx: I hate it when they do that. Oh, and I love dressing up like a chicken and flapping my wings. Or dancing in a ballerina dress. *twists mouth* AAHHH! STOP IT!


However, it's more likely in "reality" that Boo is actually a seperate intelligent being all on his own, and Minsc somehow understands him. What with Faerun being a fantasy world and all, things like that can happen.

Yeah. But sometimes, viz-a-viz (sp?) your above, even with magic around using a 'natural' explanation when available, can be nice.

Yes, absolutely right. (use active tense...I knew that...esp. in battle scenes). That's something I need to work on more, and similar streamlines like elminating empty phrase. Like don't say "Began to fire," just say "fire". When I lost rereaed Tolkein I was inspired b/c the language is very short and concise. Almost all simple, active present tense. (A line I still remember and love from the Kazad-Dum battel "Aragorn and Boromir slew many." What a great line!!! Such a summary!)

I love that line too. It's very concise and moves things right along nicely. Of course, it's very hard to write in all sentences like that, since it tends to start sounding childish after a while, but a fine mix of shot sentences like that with longer, more complicated ones is one element of great prose, I think.

It's true. I was amazed when I reread LotR - I'd forgotten how 'accessible' it was. Easy enough for someone in elementary school.

As a side note, one of my friends and I had a wonderful idea about having great works of literature read on the radio by muppets characters (can you imagine The Aeneid read by Kermit the Frog?) and eventually that conversation digressed into the wanting to hear "Green Eggs and Ham" being read by Darth Vader. I'm tempted to kidnap James Earl Jones and having him do just that for my own personal amusement.

rofl....oh, *that* would be too much fun. I'd love to have him doing my answering machine too, or something.

Aww... I *like* Ellesime.

Me too actually. She won't be bash-portrayed by me, but I got a vibe J and V wouldn't like her, if for no other reason than anger-masking-envy of the supposedly Hottest Chick in the Realms.

Not that they'd ever *admit* such a thing :wink:

exactly...Viconia will have something less-than-flattering to say about a dryad in the next her-party chapter :P

Give the man a bow and put him at the back of the party and he does fine, give the man a sword and make him melee and *poof* he's on the other side of the screen hiding behind a tree or something

better part of valor! better part of valor!

Oh crap... I've given you an idea.


#10 Weyoun

Posted 18 September 2003 - 11:51 PM

Minsc laughed jovially. “Boo says you are all most welcome friends in butt-kicking this day and with paladins and clerics and fighters and druids and thiefves and bards kicking the same evil backsides the Minsc does, evil will be very sore indeed! Evil will have large red welts over its bottom, and evil will apply creams to its tender, bruised nethers, only to find the forces of righteousness have replaced its cream with more boots! And then evil’s bum will really hurt and...”


“Bah!” Viconia scowled crossly while he admired the statue, folding her hands over the chest armored in the ankheg mail, “She’s to...delicate! Surely such a pixie is not to the tastes of such a strong warrior! Perhaps I misjudged you, jaluk.” Jaheira smirked and nodded along, then angrily whapped Khalid on the shoulder when she caught him looking slackjawed at the statue. Khalid blushed deeply and pretended to admire his own boots. Garrick simply kept staring slackjawed.

Bunch of slackjawed yokels. :D They could give Cletus a run for his money. :(

“Prism, regardles of whether I agree with you, aesthetically,” Onyx nodded as he interrupted Garrick, “That does not give you the right to..."

“Oh please!” Prism cried, “I am but a few minutes from completion, and I cannot run from this place until my task is done. I have been using potions of speed to aid my work, and have not slept for days. She is beautiful, is she not? ‘Tis a monument to my foolishness. I saw her but once, on the outskirts of Evereska, and said nothing. I let thee pass from mine eyes, and mine heart hath cursed me for it!”

What was Ellesime doing in Evereska? Stealing the hotel's towels perhaps? :D

“What are you talking about!?” Onyx cried, truly mystified, for it was of course Jade's physical description that Greywof was putting to Imoen. But this misled bounty hunter with his magical sword was charging the paladin nonetheless, meaning to decapitate first and ask questions later, or more likely not at all.

Questioning a cut off head is rarely productive. :D

Imoen and Garrick sent an arrow and a bolt flying at the bounty hunter, who all but failed to notice each as they lodged in his leathered chest, even as they drew blood. Onyx made another swing but Greywolf expertly parried it and made a stab of his own. Onyx barely managed to bring his shield in the way, but Greywolf quickly swung again low; hitting the inside of his knee with his sword and then sweeping his other foot with his boot. The sword didn’t pierce his armor leggings, but his was tripped and went clanging to the ground. As another of Imoen’s arrows glanced off his helmet, Greywolf turned to face Jaheira and Viconia as their spells completed, sending a yellow haze over and calling small vines up around his feet, neither of which seemed to faze him as he charged. He swung down at Jaheira, who tried to block with her quarterstaff, only to have it knocked from her hands, and his sword sliced into her armor and left a deep gash between her breasts. He kicked her in the stomach and sent her falling while Viconia swung Bassilus's hammer at him. He feigned aside, chuckling, and then stabbed low on her right side before she could get her shield over. The ankheg plate kept her from being impaled, but his sword came up half-circle whizzing around her armor, and opened her throat. His boot knocked out her leg and sent her to all fours.

Good on Vic! I alwasy gave her the Ankeg plate too. :D

Abruplty he came to face a healed Jaheira, at the moment she swung her quarterstaff from one end, batting his face. The bounty hunter's face crunched in with the sound of a dozens of bones and teeth shattering, and then an able, healed Viconia was on her feet behind the bounty hunter, planting a dagger in the nape of his neck and licking her lips as she twisted. The great man fell, limp.

That Drow has done that before, I think. :)

"Your face..." she looked up at him worriedly, for it was bruised and bloodied with a number of Greywolf's punches.

Onyx looked down at Imoen's limp wrist. "It's broken..." his mouth twitched, "That...bastard!" He looked Imoen in the eyes, his compassion turning to anger. "How dare he...."


The paladin turned away, irritated for his confusion, and mad at her for it. "I don't know what in the hells you're talking about, crazy witch."

Oh, yes you do! *coughs*Gollem... Gollem*coughs* :P

The drow went livid, fuming. It briefly occured to her he hadn't dared to insult her before, which made her all the angier now. " Jaed wael! Ignorant fool! I spit upon you!"

“Alas, my work is complete!” Prism cried and distracted everyone, apparently having resumed his feverish work upon the statue as soon as the fight had ended. He stepped aside from the now-finished statue, and the males in the party caught themselves looking slackjawed at it, earning a few glares from the females. “Take what you will from my possessions,” Prism declared as he tried to run away, but collapsed to the ground and began breathing heavily, “But leave the sparkle in her eyes. O sweet creature. My effigy to thee is done. Perhaps our paths shall cross in distant Realms, and I shall find the courage to call thy name. Ellesime!”

With that, Prism choked up a wad of phlegm and blood, fell down on the ground, and lay still.

I wonder what the hell happened to him?

“Too many speed p-potions and no rest…he literally worked himself to death!” Khalid muttered in surprise and kicked one of the many empty potion bottles around the statue’s feet.

Oh, that answered my question. :)

“Ellesime?” Viconia glared at the elven statue and seemed to ignore Prism’s body.

Jaheira snorted while looking down at the body, "If you ask me, it's a waste to lose your life sculpting someone, especially her."

Here, here. :?

"Very well," Onyx put his old sword in his pack, and sheathed Varscona at his hip. Now it shall channel my rage, and bury itself again in the chest of the man with the glowing eyes.


TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#11 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 19 September 2003 - 04:50 AM

“Bah!” Viconia scowled crossly while he admired the statue, folding her hands over the chest armored in the ankheg mail, “She’s to...delicate! Surely such a pixie is not to the tastes of such a strong warrior! Perhaps I misjudged you, jaluk.” Jaheira smirked and nodded along, then angrily whapped Khalid on the shoulder when she caught him looking slackjawed at the statue. Khalid blushed deeply and pretended to admire his own boots. Garrick simply kept staring slackjawed.

Bunch of slackjawed yokels. :D They could give Cletus a run for his money. :P

"Lookie here, Khalid! That thar gal is nekkid!"


“Oh please!” Prism cried, “I am but a few minutes from completion, and I cannot run from this place until my task is done. I have been using potions of speed to aid my work, and have not slept for days. She is beautiful, is she not? ‘Tis a monument to my foolishness. I saw her but once, on the outskirts of Evereska, and said nothing. I let thee pass from mine eyes, and mine heart hath cursed me for it!”

What was Ellesime doing in Evereska? Stealing the hotel's towels perhaps? :)

Yup, after running up the hotel phone bill caling daddy to beg for a new chariot.

“What are you talking about!?” Onyx cried, truly mystified, for it was of course Jade's physical description that Greywof was putting to Imoen. But this misled bounty hunter with his magical sword was charging the paladin nonetheless, meaning to decapitate first and ask questions later, or more likely not at all.

Questioning a cut off head is rarely productive. :)

Unless you're Xzar :D

Good on Vic! I alwasy gave her the Ankeg plate too. :?

Amen! Light'n'stylish for her.

Abruplty he came to face a healed Jaheira, at the moment she swung her quarterstaff from one end, batting his face. The bounty hunter's face crunched in with the sound of a dozens of bones and teeth shattering, and then an able, healed Viconia was on her feet behind the bounty hunter, planting a dagger in the nape of his neck and licking her lips as she twisted. The great man fell, limp.

That Drow has done that before, I think. :(

:D oh yes. had another chapter more or less using the stealth skill. I peg her for a cleric with an assassin's touch

The paladin turned away, irritated for his confusion, and mad at her for it. "I don't know what in the hells you're talking about, crazy witch."

Oh, yes you do! *coughs*Gollem... Gollem*coughs* :D

Onyx: The esssssence, we wantssss it....

With that, Prism choked up a wad of phlegm and blood, fell down on the ground, and lay still.

I wonder what the hell happened to him?

Yeah, I always thought it was odd how he kicks it then and there....

“Too many speed p-potions and no rest…he literally worked himself to death!” Khalid muttered in surprise and kicked one of the many empty potion bottles around the statue’s feet.

Oh, that answered my question. :P

Best explanation I could think of :P

"Very well," Onyx put his old sword in his pack, and sheathed Varscona at his hip. Now it shall channel my rage, and bury itself again in the chest of the man with the glowing eyes.




#12 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 19 September 2003 - 10:15 AM

“Bah!” Viconia scowled crossly while he admired the statue, folding her hands over the chest armored in the ankheg mail, “She’s to...delicate! Surely such a pixie is not to the tastes of such a strong warrior! Perhaps I misjudged you, jaluk.” Jaheira smirked and nodded along, then angrily whapped Khalid on the shoulder when she caught him looking slackjawed at the statue. Khalid blushed deeply and pretended to admire his own boots. Garrick simply kept staring slackjawed.

Typical jaheira.

Imoen and Garrick sent an arrow and a bolt flying at the bounty hunter, who all but failed to notice each as they lodged in his leathered chest, even as they drew blood. Onyx made another swing but Greywolf expertly parried it and made a stab of his own. Onyx barely managed to bring his shield in the way, but Greywolf quickly swung again low; hitting the inside of his knee with his sword and then sweeping his other foot with his boot. The sword didn’t pierce his armor leggings, but his was tripped and went clanging to the ground. As another of Imoen’s arrows glanced off his helmet, Greywolf turned to face Jaheira and Viconia as their spells completed, sending a yellow haze over and calling small vines up around his feet, neither of which seemed to faze him as he charged. He swung down at Jaheira, who tried to block with her quarterstaff, only to have it knocked from her hands, and his sword sliced into her armor and left a deep gash between her breasts. He kicked her in the stomach and sent her falling while Viconia swung Bassilus's hammer at him. He feigned aside, chuckling, and then stabbed low on her right side before she could get her shield over. The ankheg plate kept her from being impaled, but his sword came up half-circle whizzing around her armor, and opened her throat. His boot knocked out her leg and sent her to all fours.

Though opponent.

Viconia had now healed Minsc, and turned to Onyx with a conspiratorial grin. "Faer, sargtlin? I am impressed."

How can viconia be alive?

“Too many speed p-potions and no rest…he literally worked himself to death!” Khalid muttered in surprise and kicked one of the many empty potion bottles around the statue’s feet.

Artists. :D

“Ellesime?” Viconia glared at the elven statue and seemed to ignore Prism’s body.

Jaheira snorted while looking down at the body, "If you ask me, it's a waste to lose your life sculpting someone, especially her."

A bit jealous, jaheira? :lol:

Onyx looked down at Prism with pity, and up at the statue. A man so consumed by his masterpiece that he would die for it? It seems ridiculous, and yet...I have said that I would die for my ideals.

That's a dangerous thing to say.

“You…COWARD!” Onyx, still fuming from Viconia, roared in Garrick’s face, causing the bard the flinch spastically, “You ran off! You just tucked tail and ran when the rest of the party needed you most! You left Imoen's side! She could have been killed! She almost was killed!”

He did the same himself once, perhaps that's what he remembers.

Varscona!” Garrick exclaimed. “Tis mightily enchanted, and bites with winter’s chill!"

"I've heard of it too," Viconia smiled, "Used by a priestess of my goddess for the sacrificial rites of Feast of the Moon ceremonies. When she passed on, it was buried within her chest. She was to be exhumed in a season, reborn in a few form, but cult wars killed those who should have. It is said she did reawaken, entrapped and enraged, her tomb now a prison, and when this blade finally was exhumed after hundreds of years, she was no more. Perhaps one with the blade."

Just a simple +2 blade, nothing worth getting all excited over.


#13 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 19 September 2003 - 10:59 PM

How can viconia be alive?

She healed herself 'off-screen'.

“Ellesime?” Viconia glared at the elven statue and seemed to ignore Prism’s body.

Jaheira snorted while looking down at the body, "If you ask me, it's a waste to lose your life sculpting someone, especially her."

A bit jealous, jaheira? :wink:


Onyx looked down at Prism with pity, and up at the statue. A man so consumed by his masterpiece that he would die for it? It seems ridiculous, and yet...I have said that I would die for my ideals.

That's a dangerous thing to say.


“You…COWARD!” Onyx, still fuming from Viconia, roared in Garrick’s face, causing the bard the flinch spastically, “You ran off! You just tucked tail and ran when the rest of the party needed you most! You left Imoen's side! She could have been killed! She almost was killed!”

He did the same himself once, perhaps that's what he remembers.

maye...though that was a Horror spell

Just a simple +2 blade, nothing worth getting all excited over.

It's very good by BG1 standards, esp. early BG1


#14 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 20 September 2003 - 05:35 AM

How can viconia be alive?

She healed herself 'off-screen'.

But you wrote that she had her throat cut!!!!!! I guess that you meant that she wasn't fatally injured, but from the text it appeared that she had her throat slashed by a sword! And you can't speak with such an injury, and therefore not heal yourself, she should be quite dead. Or did i misunderstand something?

Just a simple +2 blade, nothing worth getting all excited over.

It's very good by BG1 standards, esp. early BG1


#15 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 23 September 2003 - 09:02 AM

How can viconia be alive?

She healed herself 'off-screen'.

But you wrote that she had her throat cut!!!!!! I guess that you meant that she wasn't fatally injured, but from the text it appeared that she had her throat slashed by a sword! And you can't speak with such an injury, and therefore not heal yourself, she should be quite dead. Or did i misunderstand something?

I never said how deep. Her vocal and breathing apparatus may have been intact. (Though many would still be goners from the shock, I'm sure). But thanks for alerting me to this.

Just a simple +2 blade, nothing worth getting all excited over.

It's very good by BG1 standards, esp. early BG1


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