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Thicker than Water 22

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#1 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 14 September 2003 - 05:30 PM

due to a ridiculously long chapter, i have again chopped sections in half. this is the first part of one of haer's cut quests; the conclusion of which will follow in the next posting. enjoy!

Tybalt stumbled to the table where the others enjoyed a light breakfast. He grumpily slumped into a seat and grabbed a bowl of food.

“Good morning!” Aerie chirped.

“Yes, a very good morning,” Ajantis agreed. The pair sat beside each other with mutual foolish grins stretching across their faces.

“What’s so good about it?” Xan mumbled. Oatmeal caked his beard but he didn’t seem to notice. Tybalt was inclined to agree with the cranky dwarf; he had slept poorly after his dream and was in no mood to face the day.

“Well, if we can find the rest of the supplies, we can perform the restoration ritual today,” Aerie pointed out. “I’ve been looking through the books we found at Mekrath’s home, and I think we have most of the components here.”

Xan appeared to cheer up slightly but he tried to hide it. “We still don’t know if it will work. I could be stuck like this forever.” He gestured at his squat body, still covered in oatmeal, and everyone stifled their laughter.

“You must keep hope,” Aerie said with a smile still on her lips. “Happiness can come from the most unexpected places.” She glanced at Ajantis as she said this.

The look did not go unnoticed by the dwarf. He scowled and left the table. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my room.”

Aerie’s face fell for a moment, but a reassuring hand squeeze from Ajantis cheered her again. “You are doing the right thing,” he told her kindly. She smiled at him.

“Aerie,” Valygar said, “where’s Jaheira? It’s not like her to be late; I would have thought she would be here before all of us.”

For Jaheira was not present, nor was Haer’Dalis. The others looked around the room in some confusion.

“I don’t know,” the elf admitted. “I thought maybe she had taken a walk, but she’s been gone for a long time. I’ll go check the room to see if she’s slipped by us.” She ran up the stairs.

“And where is our actor friend?” Yoshimo wondered casually. “Surely he would say goodbye before he leaves?”

“Actually,” Tybalt said hesitantly, “Haer’Dalis asked me if he could come with us for a time, and I agreed. He knows how to defend himself,” he quickly stated before the others could protest, “and he wanted to record our adventures. That might come in useful later.”

Yoshimo and Ajantis looked interested in the idea of their exploits being written down, but Valygar grimaced. “We don’t need the world to know of our actions,” he said firmly. “But far be it from me to deny him. I just hope Jaheira will be as lenient when she finds out.”

Aerie returned from her search just then, cutting off further discussion. “She’s not there,” the girl reported, “but I found this note on her bed. All of her things are gone.” She smiled apologetically.

Valygar took the note and scanned it quickly. He cursed and threw the paper onto the table. Tybalt retrieved it and read it out loud. “Valygar, Tybalt, everyone, I have been summoned to the Harper Hold for a chance to pay for the attack against Galvarey. Do not try to follow me; I must face my brethren alone. I would not want to endanger you for my transgressions. If the Harpers find me innocent, I will see you soon. If not, I pray you will think well of me and apologize to Imoen for not rescuing her myself. With Nature’s love and mine, J.” He dropped the note and huffed. “Well how do you like that? Runs off without any warning.”

“I’ll go after her,” Valygar said quietly.

“But she said she didn’t want to be followed,” Ajantis cautioned.

“To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

Tybalt raised his eyebrows. “I wonder if Valygar’s motivated purely by the moral element,” he mused without malice.

“T-they seem to enjoy each other,” Aerie ventured, unsure of Tybalt’s reaction. “If they find happiness in each other, who are we to stop them?”

Tybalt glanced at the girl, whose hand was in Ajantis’, and smiled faintly. “You’re right, Aerie. We can all be so lucky to find someone to share our lives with. Now, I must find Haer’Dalis. If he’s going to be coming with us, he’d better get used to rising earlier than today.”

Yoshimo fidgeted as he remained with the new couple. They ignored him, intent on staring into each other’s eyes. He stood and cleared his throat, saying unnecessarily, “I must gather my things.” He went upstairs unnoticed.

Tybalt knocked on Haer’Dalis’ door and stepped back in surprise at who answered. An Amnish soldier examined him warily, spear at his side. “What do you want, citizen? This is a crime scene, you may not enter.”

“Crime scene?” Tybalt mumbled in horror. “Where’s Haer’Dalis? Is he hurt?”

The soldier eyed him strangely. “You…know this criminal? Where were you last night after midnight?”

“Asleep. What…what does this have to do with Haer’Dalis?” Tybalt’s head swam in confusion.

“The bard known as Haer’Dalis was seen leaving Lord Acton Balthis’ manor last night, shortly after a break-in occurred at that very estate. A bust of Sune was stolen and Lord Balthis himself was killed during the robbery. Haer’Dalis is now held until his execution.”

“Execution?” Tybalt whispered, aghast. “There was already a trial?”

The soldier laughed shortly. “A key witness saw the man, the evidence is unquestionable. He will die tomorrow morning.”

Tybalt shook his head resolutely, backing away from the room. “No, this isn’t true. He must be framed. I will…I will find the truth!” He ran from the room.

“Wait! I have questions for you!” the soldier shouted, but the Bhaalspawn ignored him.

Tybalt rushed down the hall to his room to gather his belongings and rush to the jail. He bumped into Yoshimo but went on without apologizing.

“Slowly, friend,” the thief said. “Where’s the fire? I love that saying,” he chuckled.

“Haer’Dalis is accused of murder and theft!” Tybalt shouted behind his back as he stuffed everything into his pack. “I’m going to free him!”

“Hold a moment,” Yoshimo advised. “What are you planning to do?”

“I’m going to break him out,” Tybalt said, not looking up.

“Ah.” Yoshimo crossed his arms and leaned into the doorway. “May I give you some advice, Tybalt? If you manage to get past the guards stationed at the jail, how do you plan on opening the bard’s cell? And getting back out once he’s free? Do you even know if he’s innocent?”

Tybalt paused his packing but said nothing.

“You will bring every soldier in the city searching after us if you are seen breaking into the prison. And Haer’Dalis will be a wanted criminal. If you truly wanted to help your friend, try to clear his name.”

“But what if he is guilty?” Tybalt whispered in fear.

“Then you have two choices,” Yoshimo answered. “One, you can leave him to his fate.”

Tybalt shook his head. “I can’t do that.”

“Which brings me to option two,” Yoshimo said with a crafty smile. “We must prove beyond a doubt that whatever evidence the law holds is mistaken. Witnesses have been known to be wrong.” He grinned mischievously. “And I can be very convincing when I want to be.”

Tybalt stared at him for a moment, then nodded. “You’re right. Tell Aerie and Xan they’ll have to work on the ritual without me; I have to find an alibi for Haer’Dalis.”

“And miss the fun?” Yoshimo chuckled. “I will help you! We should go now, our investigations may take all day.”

They left the inn quickly, telling Aerie vague plans for the day without explaining they might have to create false evidence. “That’s all right,” she had told them. “We should be able to perform the ritual with just Ajantis and Xan.”

Their first stop was the jail. A quick bribe for the leading guard allowed them access to Haer’Dalis’ cell. The bard sat with his face in his hands, the picture of hopelessness. He didn’t even look up when the pair came in.

“I have told you my tale many times over,” the prisoner said simply. “It has not changed since your last visit.”

“Haer’Dalis!” Tybalt said quietly, “it’s me; we’ve come to free you.”

The bard looked up with an expression of wonder and joy. “My raven! I did not expect anyone to mourn for this poor bard. But you must go, now. My fate is sealed, even now they ready the gallows for the morrow. ‘Tis best if you not witness my demise. Though it be the way all life goes, I would not wish to add to your suffering with this actor’s last moments. Enjoy life until it ends for you, too, my raven.”

Yoshimo rolled his eyes and muttered something which sounded like ‘actors.’

Tybalt gripped the cell’s bars. “Spare me the monologue, Haer’Dalis. I came here to get you out of here, and I’m not leaving without you.”

Haer’Dalis smiled resignedly and somewhat sadly. “Tybalt, your concern is truly touching, but who am I to argue against entropy? What is done is done, and I will face the dawn without regret.” He looked away, then muttered to himself, “Almost no regrets.”

“How can you say that?” Tybalt fumed, not having heard this confession. “Are you saying you killed that man?”

“Of course not,” Haer’Dalis said, shocked. “I may be many things, but a murderer is not one of them.”

“Then you don’t deserve this!” Tybalt explained desperately. “Don’t lose hope! We’ll find a way out of this!”

Haer’Dalis gently placed his hand on Tybalt’s arm through the bars. “Ah, but this is not about hope, my raven. It is about the inevitable course of the planes; we must all succumb to chaos at the end and become that same nothingness we were born out of.” He saw that Tybalt didn’t understand, so he went on. “I am a Doomguard, one of the factions of Sigil. We believe in the gradual decay of the universe and everything in it. This decay is not to be feared, but embraced gladly. Chaos and Entropy rule over all, and nothing can escape their lure. They have come to claim me, so I will follow their edict and be gone as the sun’s rays color the earth tomorrow.”

Tybalt tore away from the bard and glared at him with a mixture of bewilderment and disgust. “Fine, if you want to accept this without a fight, far be it from me to stop you.” He stepped from the cell but was intercepted by Yoshimo before he could leave the prison.

“We are all under a great deal of stress right now,” the bounty hunter said calmly. “Haer’Dalis is not in his right mind at the moment. Would you really abandon him now and regret the choice later? How much of his speech was truth, and how much was bravado before a comrade. No one wishes to die, Tybalt.” He spoke with such conviction and intensity that Tybalt wondered what personal demons the thief faced, but now was not the time to think on this.

“You’re right,” he conceded slowly. “I lost my head in there. Whatever his beliefs, Haer’Dalis cannot want to die.” He reentered the cell to see the bard sitting again.

“I’m sorry,” he said in a rush. “I didn’t mean what I said, I don’t want to see you die. And no matter how much you claim to accept this, I know you feel the same. Tell me what you know of the murder and I will prove your innocence.”

Haer’Dalis approached him. “If you are so set on freeing me, my raven, then I will oblige. Mayhap Entropy has another purpose for me.” He thought for a moment, then began to recount the night before.

“You saw me go upstairs, I believe, after our conversation. But though I said I was in desperate need of rest, I admit I really wished to gather my thoughts and take a walk. So after you retired, I left the inn and wandered without a thought to my destination, when I happened to look up and see the most beautiful statue displayed in a window. I recognized it as one of your Prime goddesses, Sune, and was enthralled. I went to the door of that estate and inquired as to the bust’s crafter and whether it was for sale. I was met by the butler who told me shortly that the statue was property of a Lord Acton Balthis and that it was not for sale. I left, somewhat disheartened, and returned to the inn. When I woke, a guard held his sword at my throat and accused me of theft and murder. I had not even set eyes on Lord Balthis.”

He spread his hands in a shrug. “That is my tale of innocence. Take of it what you will, for I have nothing further to say.”

“Did you tell the guards this?” Tybalt demanded.

“Of course. They laughed and told me that the butler had indeed spoken to me, and sometime later that night I had returned and killed his lord before taking the bust and escaping. It is his word against mine, and I fear they are not inclined to believe a traveling bard from another plane.”

“Do you have any enemies who would wish to see you hang?” Tybalt wondered.

Haer’Dalis laughed. “Hundreds! But none of them happen to be in Athkatla at the moment; I make it a point to stay one step ahead of those who wish me harm.”

“Maybe Mekrath has a vengeful student or colleague,” Yoshimo suggested.

The bard shook his head. “From what I gathered before I was captured, the wizard had few enough friends and acquaintances. A symptom of living in a sewer, no doubt.”

Tybalt pondered over the story. “Did anyone see you leave the inn who could vouch for you? Any witnesses on our side?”

The bard thought on this, then reluctantly shook his head. “The inn was empty when I left for my walk and again when I returned. No one would have been awake to swear I had not again left my chamber. There was one man whom I spoke to, however, near the Balthis estate.” He paused, recalling the encounter. “He said he was an art dealer and had noticed my appreciation of the statue. He, too, seemed interested in it, but sadly told me Lord Balthis had declined any offers for its purchase. Then he bid me goodnight and disappeared.”

“What was his name?” Tybalt asked. If noting else, this man could give a time of night when he saw Haer’Dalis, which might be enough to clear him of blame.

“Names are dangerous things to let fly free without a care,” Haer’Dalis reprimanded him. “I neither asked for his nor did he release it to me.”

Tybalt frowned and looked on the verge of exploding in frustration and anger.

“We should check the scene of the crime,” Yoshimo suggested. Tybalt nodded and walked to the door.

Haer’Dalis smiled wanly and bid them farewell. “It appears, my raven, that you are always rescuing me from some fault of mine or another. One might question your tenacity, but I thank you for it.”

“I’ll see you on the other side of these bars soon enough,” the fighter promised before leaving.

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 14 September 2003 - 08:22 PM

Xan appeared to cheer up slightly but he tried to hide it. “We still don’t know if it will work. I could be stuck like this forever.” He gestured at his squat body, still covered in oatmeal, and everyone stifled their laughter.

Poor Xan... :( Everything seems to be going wrong for him.

Yoshimo and Ajantis looked interested in the idea of their exploits being written down, but Valygar grimaced. “We don’t need the world to know of our actions,” he said firmly. “But far be it from me to deny him. I just hope Jaheira will be as lenient when she finds out.”

Heh, seems that Papa Bear approves of Haer, albeit grugdingly... wonder what Mama Bear will say... :twisted:

Aerie returned from her search just then, cutting off further discussion. “She’s not there,” the girl reported, “but I found this note on her bed. All of her things are gone.” She smiled apologetically.

Valygar took the note and scanned it quickly. He cursed and threw the paper onto the table. Tybalt retrieved it and read it out loud. “Valygar, Tybalt, everyone, I have been summoned to the Harper Hold for a chance to pay for the attack against Galvarey. Do not try to follow me; I must face my brethren alone. I would not want to endanger you for my transgressions. If the Harpers find me innocent, I will see you soon. If not, I pray you will think well of me and apologize to Imoen for not rescuing her myself. With Nature’s love and mine, J.” He dropped the note and huffed. “Well how do you like that? Runs off without any warning.”

Ack, gotta admire the sacrifices she's willing to take... poor Mama Bear with her suicidal tendencies... :(

“I’ll go after her,” Valygar said quietly.

Yeah, go get your gal, Val! :twisted:

“But she said she didn’t want to be followed,” Ajantis cautioned.

Theo: Boo! BOO! Shut up, paladunce! :evil:

“To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

yeah, that's the spirit!

Tybalt raised his eyebrows. “I wonder if Valygar’s motivated purely by the moral element,” he mused without malice.

“T-they seem to enjoy each other,” Aerie ventured, unsure of Tybalt’s reaction. “If they find happiness in each other, who are we to stop them?”

Theo: Just try and you'll have to deal with me. Err. Oops, wrong continuity... :twisted:

“The bard known as Haer’Dalis was seen leaving Lord Acton Balthis’ manor last night, shortly after a break-in occurred at that very estate. A bust of Sune was stolen and Lord Balthis himself was killed during the robbery. Haer’Dalis is now held until his execution.”

Ah, yes, I remember Dave posting those cut quests. I intend to use one of them myself, but not in my current novel. Shame they were unable to add those in, but I understand they were in a terrible hurry.

“Which brings me to option two,” Yoshimo said with a crafty smile. “We must prove beyond a doubt that whatever evidence the law holds is mistaken. Witnesses have been known to be wrong.” He grinned mischievously. “And I can be very convincing when I want to be.”

LOL, yep - Yoshi is the right person to take along on this delicate task.

Haer’Dalis smiled resignedly and somewhat sadly. “Tybalt, your concern is truly touching, but who am I to argue against entropy? What is done is done, and I will face the dawn without regret.” He looked away, then muttered to himself, “Almost no regrets.”

Heh, it looks like his phylosophy doesn't supply him with all the answers...

“We are all under a great deal of stress right now,” the bounty hunter said calmly. “Haer’Dalis is not in his right mind at the moment. Would you really abandon him now and regret the choice later? How much of his speech was truth, and how much was bravado before a comrade. No one wishes to die, Tybalt.” He spoke with such conviction and intensity that Tybalt wondered what personal demons the thief faced, but now was not the time to think on this.

Heh, listen to Yoshi... he's actually in the same position as Haer is, though his cell is not a material one, rather the geas of Irenicus.

“You saw me go upstairs, I believe, after our conversation. But though I said I was in desperate need of rest, I admit I really wished to gather my thoughts and take a walk. So after you retired, I left the inn and wandered without a thought to my destination, when I happened to look up and see the most beautiful statue displayed in a window. I recognized it as one of your Prime goddesses, Sune, and was enthralled. I went to the door of that estate and inquired as to the bust’s crafter and whether it was for sale. I was met by the butler who told me shortly that the statue was property of a Lord Acton Balthis and that it was not for sale. I left, somewhat disheartened, and returned to the inn. When I woke, a guard held his sword at my throat and accused me of theft and murder. I had not even set eyes on Lord Balthis.”

Sounds fishy to me. I think Haer's not telling the whole truth... well, I know how to make guys talk. Off to the torture chamber with him! :twisted: :(

Haer’Dalis laughed. “Hundreds! But none of them happen to be in Athkatla at the moment; I make it a point to stay one step ahead of those who wish me harm.”

Oh, Haer... think of all the men whose wives you have seduced... :wink:

“We should check the scene of the crime,” Yoshimo suggested. Tybalt nodded and walked to the door.

Haer’Dalis smiled wanly and bid them farewell. “It appears, my raven, that you are always rescuing me from some fault of mine or another. One might question your tenacity, but I thank you for it.”

“I’ll see you on the other side of these bars soon enough,” the fighter promised before leaving.

It's time for Tybalt and Yoshi to become a couple of private eyes... this will be fun, the way you split the party is bound to create some interesting situations. :twisted: :wink:

#3 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 14 September 2003 - 09:15 PM

due to a ridiculously long chapter, i have again chopped sections in half. this is the first part of one of haer's cut quests; the conclusion of which will follow in the next posting. enjoy!

Know how you feel there. It always ends up longer then you expected eh?

“Good morning!” Aerie chirped.

“Yes, a very good morning,” Ajantis agreed. The pair sat beside each other with mutual foolish grins stretching across their faces.

Oh dear, it's almost a GOOD thing Jaheira isn't here or she'd start... making comments.

The look did not go unnoticed by the dwarf. He scowled and left the table. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my room.”

The sensitivity of an elf, the grumpines of a dwarf and a nice sauce of pessimism to finish it off. Wonderful, just wonderful.

Valygar took the note and scanned it quickly. He cursed and threw the paper onto the table. Tybalt retrieved it and read it out loud. “Valygar, Tybalt, everyone, I have been summoned to the Harper Hold for a chance to pay for the attack against Galvarey. Do not try to follow me; I must face my brethren alone. I would not want to endanger you for my transgressions. If the Harpers find me innocent, I will see you soon. If not, I pray you will think well of me and apologize to Imoen for not rescuing her myself. With Nature’s love and mine, J.” He dropped the note and huffed. “Well how do you like that? Runs off without any warning.”

“I’ll go after her,” Valygar said quietly.

Just wondeirng whether there's ben a small mistake. First Valygar reads the note and huffs, then he responds quietly to himself.

“To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

Tybalt raised his eyebrows. “I wonder if Valygar’s motivated purely by the moral element,” he mused without malice.

Well he seems to be over Jaheira already.

Tybalt glanced at the girl, whose hand was in Ajantis’, and smiled faintly. “You’re right, Aerie. We can all be so lucky to find someone to share our lives with. Now, I must find Haer’Dalis. If he’s going to be coming with us, he’d better get used to rising earlier than today.”

Yoshimo fidgeted as he remained with the new couple. They ignored him, intent on staring into each other’s eyes. He stood and cleared his throat, saying unnecessarily, “I must gather my things.” He went upstairs unnoticed.

Three's a crowd

The bard looked up with an expression of wonder and joy. “My raven! I did not expect anyone to mourn for this poor bard. But you must go, now. My fate is sealed, even now they ready the gallows for the morrow. ‘Tis best if you not witness my demise. Though it be the way all life goes, I would not wish to add to your suffering with this actor’s last moments. Enjoy life until it ends for you, too, my raven.”

If I didn't know better I'd say Haery has been talking to Xan.

Haer’Dalis laughed. “Hundreds! But none of them happen to be in Athkatla at the moment; I make it a point to stay one step ahead of those who wish me harm.”


Nice chapter. Tybalt is falling quickly for the tiefling but then he IS the emoional type.

#4 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 15 September 2003 - 03:31 AM

“Good morning!” Aerie chirped.

“Yes, a very good morning,” Ajantis agreed. The pair sat beside each other with mutual foolish grins stretching across their faces.

Aww, how cute. :wink:

“What’s so good about it?” Xan mumbled. Oatmeal caked his beard but he didn’t seem to notice. Tybalt was inclined to agree with the cranky dwarf; he had slept poorly after his dream and was in no mood to face the day.

Too bad Xan is right when he predicts bad things will happen to him...

Aerie’s face fell for a moment, but a reassuring hand squeeze from Ajantis cheered her again. “You are doing the right thing,” he told her kindly. She smiled at him.

Your Aerie is sweet and likable. :!:

“To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

Another romance I see...

“The bard known as Haer’Dalis was seen leaving Lord Acton Balthis’ manor last night, shortly after a break-in occurred at that very estate. A bust of Sune was stolen and Lord Balthis himself was killed during the robbery. Haer’Dalis is now held until his execution.”

Ah yes, this quest. Wish it had been included in the game.

“I’m going to break him out,” Tybalt said, not looking up.

“Ah.” Yoshimo crossed his arms and leaned into the doorway. “May I give you some advice, Tybalt? If you manage to get past the guards stationed at the jail, how do you plan on opening the bard’s cell? And getting back out once he’s free? Do you even know if he’s innocent?”

Yoshi, the voice of reason.

Their first stop was the jail. A quick bribe for the leading guard allowed them access to Haer’Dalis’ cell. The bard sat with his face in his hands, the picture of hopelessness. He didn’t even look up when the pair came in.

Wow, he really is down. Maybe he's been taking Xan lessons.

Haer’Dalis smiled resignedly and somewhat sadly. “Tybalt, your concern is truly touching, but who am I to argue against entropy? What is done is done, and I will face the dawn without regret.” He looked away, then muttered to himself, “Almost no regrets.”

Hmm, interesting.

“Of course. They laughed and told me that the butler had indeed spoken to me, and sometime later that night I had returned and killed his lord before taking the bust and escaping. It is his word against mine, and I fear they are not inclined to believe a traveling bard from another plane.”

The butler did it. :)

#5 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 15 September 2003 - 04:43 PM

“Yes, a very good morning,” Ajantis agreed. The pair sat beside each other with mutual foolish grins stretching across their faces.

I'm a morning person myself, and i know that all other people hate me during that time of day. :wink:

Xan appeared to cheer up slightly but he tried to hide it. “We still don’t know if it will work. I could be stuck like this forever.” He gestured at his squat body, still covered in oatmeal, and everyone stifled their laughter.

He could be worse off, at least his gender didn't change.

“You must keep hope,” Aerie said with a smile still on her lips. “Happiness can come from the most unexpected places.” She glanced at Ajantis as she said this.

The look did not go unnoticed by the dwarf. He scowled and left the table. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my room.”

Too sickening for him.

Aerie’s face fell for a moment, but a reassuring hand squeeze from Ajantis cheered her again. “You are doing the right thing,” he told her kindly. She smiled at him.

“Aerie,” Valygar said, “where’s Jaheira? It’s not like her to be late; I would have thought she would be here before all of us.”

That is unusual.

“To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

I like the play that is going on between these two.

“The bard known as Haer’Dalis was seen leaving Lord Acton Balthis’ manor last night, shortly after a break-in occurred at that very estate. A bust of Sune was stolen and Lord Balthis himself was killed during the robbery. Haer’Dalis is now held until his execution.”


“I’m going to break him out,” Tybalt said, not looking up.

Not a good idea.

“You will bring every soldier in the city searching after us if you are seen breaking into the prison. And Haer’Dalis will be a wanted criminal. If you truly wanted to help your friend, try to clear his name.”

“But what if he is guilty?” Tybalt whispered in fear.

Then don't save him.

Haer’Dalis smiled resignedly and somewhat sadly. “Tybalt, your concern is truly touching, but who am I to argue against entropy? What is done is done, and I will face the dawn without regret.” He looked away, then muttered to himself, “Almost no regrets.”

Is that a confession?

“You saw me go upstairs, I believe, after our conversation. But though I said I was in desperate need of rest, I admit I really wished to gather my thoughts and take a walk. So after you retired, I left the inn and wandered without a thought to my destination, when I happened to look up and see the most beautiful statue displayed in a window. I recognized it as one of your Prime goddesses, Sune, and was enthralled. I went to the door of that estate and inquired as to the bust’s crafter and whether it was for sale. I was met by the butler who told me shortly that the statue was property of a Lord Acton Balthis and that it was not for sale. I left, somewhat disheartened, and returned to the inn. When I woke, a guard held his sword at my throat and accused me of theft and murder. I had not even set eyes on Lord Balthis.”

That was about the thinnest alibi i have ever heard.

“Do you have any enemies who would wish to see you hang?” Tybalt wondered.

Haer’Dalis laughed. “Hundreds! But none of them happen to be in Athkatla at the moment; I make it a point to stay one step ahead of those who wish me harm.”

In that case he must be a fast runner.

The bard shook his head. “From what I gathered before I was captured, the wizard had few enough friends and acquaintances. A symptom of living in a sewer, no doubt.”

That sounds abosolutely logic.

But any friends of mekrath would also be going after tybalt and the others.

Tybalt frowned and looked on the verge of exploding in frustration and anger.


“We should check the scene of the crime,” Yoshimo suggested. Tybalt nodded and walked to the door.

I can see that he is an absolutely brilliant investigator to come up with such an idea. :)

Haer’Dalis smiled wanly and bid them farewell. “It appears, my raven, that you are always rescuing me from some fault of mine or another. One might question your tenacity, but I thank you for it.”

One might question his sanity.

“I’ll see you on the other side of these bars soon enough,” the fighter promised before leaving.

I'll take that as meaning that tybalt will join haer in jail soon enough :)


#6 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 16 September 2003 - 02:03 AM

Xan appeared to cheer up slightly but he tried to hide it. “We still don’t know if it will work. I could be stuck like this forever.” He gestured at his squat body, still covered in oatmeal, and everyone stifled their laughter.

Poor Xan... :) Everything seems to be going wrong for him. [/quote][/quote]

yeah, maybe he has good cause for his outlook on life. or maybe his outlook leads him to his awful situations :)

Yoshimo and Ajantis looked interested in the idea of their exploits being written down, but Valygar grimaced. “We don’t need the world to know of our actions,” he said firmly. “But far be it from me to deny him. I just hope Jaheira will be as lenient when she finds out.”

Heh, seems that Papa Bear approves of Haer, albeit grugdingly... wonder what Mama Bear will say... :) [/quote]

hehe, we'll see, but not until she gets her own problems taken care of.

Aerie returned from her search just then, cutting off further discussion. “She’s not there,” the girl reported, “but I found this note on her bed. All of her things are gone.” She smiled apologetically.

Valygar took the note and scanned it quickly. He cursed and threw the paper onto the table. Tybalt retrieved it and read it out loud. “Valygar, Tybalt, everyone, I have been summoned to the Harper Hold for a chance to pay for the attack against Galvarey. Do not try to follow me; I must face my brethren alone. I would not want to endanger you for my transgressions. If the Harpers find me innocent, I will see you soon. If not, I pray you will think well of me and apologize to Imoen for not rescuing her myself. With Nature’s love and mine, J.” He dropped the note and huffed. “Well how do you like that? Runs off without any warning.”

Ack, gotta admire the sacrifices she's willing to take... poor Mama Bear with her suicidal tendencies... :( [/quote]

seriously. i really think this is one of the points in the game where she's more selfish than she would admit. granted, she has every right to do what she does, but she should show some sense and take the entire group with her in case of attack. she trusts the corrupted Harpers too much for her own good. luckily, Papa Bear will save her :D

“I’ll go after her,” Valygar said quietly.

Yeah, go get your gal, Val! :) [/quote]

go, vally, go!

“But she said she didn’t want to be followed,” Ajantis cautioned.

Theo: Boo! BOO! Shut up, paladunce! :) [/quote]

hehe, always a man of his word, even when it deals with others. she says something, Ajantis assumes she means it, or that what she says is the best course of action. he needs Aerie's intellect to help his judgment, i think

“To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

yeah, that's the spirit! [/quote]

our silent ranger can bark when the need occurs. and unlike most, his bite is worse than his bark

Tybalt raised his eyebrows. “I wonder if Valygar’s motivated purely by the moral element,” he mused without malice.

“T-they seem to enjoy each other,” Aerie ventured, unsure of Tybalt’s reaction. “If they find happiness in each other, who are we to stop them?”

Theo: Just try and you'll have to deal with me. Err. Oops, wrong continuity... :) [/quote]

hehe, good to know Jaheira has so many defenders in the event of emergency. :D somehow i don't think tybalt would be so caring right now to save her without good motivation :)

“The bard known as Haer’Dalis was seen leaving Lord Acton Balthis’ manor last night, shortly after a break-in occurred at that very estate. A bust of Sune was stolen and Lord Balthis himself was killed during the robbery. Haer’Dalis is now held until his execution.”

Ah, yes, I remember Dave posting those cut quests. I intend to use one of them myself, but not in my current novel. Shame they were unable to add those in, but I understand they were in a terrible hurry. [/quote]

yeah, i'm trying to implement as many as possible without making the story too crowded, though some of them deal with characters not in the story, so it doesn't matter. you'll be seeing more cut material soon enough

“Which brings me to option two,” Yoshimo said with a crafty smile. “We must prove beyond a doubt that whatever evidence the law holds is mistaken. Witnesses have been known to be wrong.” He grinned mischievously. “And I can be very convincing when I want to be.”

LOL, yep - Yoshi is the right person to take along on this delicate task. [/quote]

hehe, i can see him in a film noir as the detective's cunning assistant who solves all the puzzles in the background while the pc bumbles about the scene :)

Haer’Dalis smiled resignedly and somewhat sadly. “Tybalt, your concern is truly touching, but who am I to argue against entropy? What is done is done, and I will face the dawn without regret.” He looked away, then muttered to himself, “Almost no regrets.”

Heh, it looks like his phylosophy doesn't supply him with all the answers...[/quote]

this is the first event to show him that the doomguard philosophy has its bad points, and tybalt gets his first taste of its bitter influence...

“We are all under a great deal of stress right now,” the bounty hunter said calmly. “Haer’Dalis is not in his right mind at the moment. Would you really abandon him now and regret the choice later? How much of his speech was truth, and how much was bravado before a comrade. No one wishes to die, Tybalt.” He spoke with such conviction and intensity that Tybalt wondered what personal demons the thief faced, but now was not the time to think on this.

Heh, listen to Yoshi... he's actually in the same position as Haer is, though his cell is not a material one, rather the geas of Irenicus. [/quote]

i think he's learned a lot about life since the geas, gaining wisdom and insight the hard way, through bad choices

“You saw me go upstairs, I believe, after our conversation. But though I said I was in desperate need of rest, I admit I really wished to gather my thoughts and take a walk. So after you retired, I left the inn and wandered without a thought to my destination, when I happened to look up and see the most beautiful statue displayed in a window. I recognized it as one of your Prime goddesses, Sune, and was enthralled. I went to the door of that estate and inquired as to the bust’s crafter and whether it was for sale. I was met by the butler who told me shortly that the statue was property of a Lord Acton Balthis and that it was not for sale. I left, somewhat disheartened, and returned to the inn. When I woke, a guard held his sword at my throat and accused me of theft and murder. I had not even set eyes on Lord Balthis.”

Sounds fishy to me. I think Haer's not telling the whole truth... well, I know how to make guys talk. Off to the torture chamber with him! :shock: :( [/quote]

:) good thing he's safe behind bars right now, poor guy has enough trouble with impending death without fearing torture :D

Haer’Dalis laughed. “Hundreds! But none of them happen to be in Athkatla at the moment; I make it a point to stay one step ahead of those who wish me harm.”

Oh, Haer... think of all the men whose wives you have seduced... :) [/quote]

:wink: exactly

“We should check the scene of the crime,” Yoshimo suggested. Tybalt nodded and walked to the door.

Haer’Dalis smiled wanly and bid them farewell. “It appears, my raven, that you are always rescuing me from some fault of mine or another. One might question your tenacity, but I thank you for it.”

“I’ll see you on the other side of these bars soon enough,” the fighter promised before leaving.[/quote]

It's time for Tybalt and Yoshi to become a couple of private eyes... this will be fun, the way you split the party is bound to create some interesting situations. :cry: :)[/quote][/quote]

yeah, this part was kind of fun for me, having each party member involved in a different quest; it's almost like a mini "vacation" from the main plot as they tie up loose ends. kinda bad vacation, but such is the life of adventurers.

thanks for reading. i think you'll like xan's story when we get to it :?:

#7 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 16 September 2003 - 05:26 AM

[quote][quote][quote]due to a ridiculously long chapter, i have again chopped sections in half. this is the first part of one of haer's cut quests; the conclusion of which will follow in the next posting. enjoy! [/quote]

Know how you feel there. It always ends up longer then you expected eh?[/quote][/quote]

yeah, i generally like to end my sections when a certain stage is reached, but in this case, it's not until haer is freed, which takes a while, and i thought y'all would have other things to do besides read about a tielfing bard all day :)

[quote][quote] “Good morning!” Aerie chirped.

“Yes, a very good morning,” Ajantis agreed. The pair sat beside each other with mutual foolish grins stretching across their faces. [/quote]

Oh dear, it's almost a GOOD thing Jaheira isn't here or she'd start... making comments.[/quote]

mm, especially since ajantis woke her up last night with his...ardor :wink:

[quote][quote] The look did not go unnoticed by the dwarf. He scowled and left the table. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my room.” [/quote]

The sensitivity of an elf, the grumpines of a dwarf and a nice sauce of pessimism to finish it off. Wonderful, just wonderful.[/quote]

who couldn't love that? :) he's so cute!

[quote][quote] Valygar took the note and scanned it quickly. He cursed and threw the paper onto the table. Tybalt retrieved it and read it out loud. “Valygar, Tybalt, everyone, I have been summoned to the Harper Hold for a chance to pay for the attack against Galvarey. Do not try to follow me; I must face my brethren alone. I would not want to endanger you for my transgressions. If the Harpers find me innocent, I will see you soon. If not, I pray you will think well of me and apologize to Imoen for not rescuing her myself. With Nature’s love and mine, J.” He dropped the note and huffed. “Well how do you like that? Runs off without any warning.”

“I’ll go after her,” Valygar said quietly. [/quote]

Just wondeirng whether there's ben a small mistake. First Valygar reads the note and huffs, then he responds quietly to himself.[/quote]

no, tybalt is the one who reads it out loud; valygar reads it silently and tybalt takes it to read aloud

[quote][quote] “To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

Tybalt raised his eyebrows. “I wonder if Valygar’s motivated purely by the moral element,” he mused without malice. [/quote]

Well he seems to be over Jaheira already.[/quote]

he's the type to fall in and out of love quickly, like a certain bard we know...no wonder they get along so well :cry:

[quote][quote] Tybalt glanced at the girl, whose hand was in Ajantis’, and smiled faintly. “You’re right, Aerie. We can all be so lucky to find someone to share our lives with. Now, I must find Haer’Dalis. If he’s going to be coming with us, he’d better get used to rising earlier than today.”

Yoshimo fidgeted as he remained with the new couple. They ignored him, intent on staring into each other’s eyes. He stood and cleared his throat, saying unnecessarily, “I must gather my things.” He went upstairs unnoticed. [/quote]

Three's a crowd[/quote]

I wonder whether yoshi ever had a lover who waited in vain for his return from spellhold :shock:

[quote][quote] The bard looked up with an expression of wonder and joy. “My raven! I did not expect anyone to mourn for this poor bard. But you must go, now. My fate is sealed, even now they ready the gallows for the morrow. ‘Tis best if you not witness my demise. Though it be the way all life goes, I would not wish to add to your suffering with this actor’s last moments. Enjoy life until it ends for you, too, my raven.” [/quote]

If I didn't know better I'd say Haery has been talking to Xan.[/quote]

hehe, i actually address this later on in a side comment. though they're dramatically different, those two do have certain attitudes in common

[quote][quote] Haer’Dalis laughed. “Hundreds! But none of them happen to be in Athkatla at the moment; I make it a point to stay one step ahead of those who wish me harm.” [/quote]


Nice chapter. Tybalt is falling quickly for the tiefling but then he IS the emoional type.[/quote][/quote]

thanks. yeah, tybalt's an impulsive one, which might cause some flames as he and haer come closer; two impulsives make an incineration. hopefully jaheira will be able to smother the fire before anyone gets too burned... :)

#8 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 16 September 2003 - 05:34 AM

“Good morning!” Aerie chirped.

“Yes, a very good morning,” Ajantis agreed. The pair sat beside each other with mutual foolish grins stretching across their faces.

Aww, how cute. :shock:

paladin love, what could be sweeter? :)

“What’s so good about it?” Xan mumbled. Oatmeal caked his beard but he didn’t seem to notice. Tybalt was inclined to agree with the cranky dwarf; he had slept poorly after his dream and was in no mood to face the day.

Too bad Xan is right when he predicts bad things will happen to him...

and i doubt he gets the satisfaction of being right :?:

Aerie’s face fell for a moment, but a reassuring hand squeeze from Ajantis cheered her again. “You are doing the right thing,” he told her kindly. She smiled at him.

Your Aerie is sweet and likable. :wink:

heh, i figure if she's spending any amount of time in the party, she's going to have to be more enjoyable than most of her depictions on the attic. and i really do like her, for the most part. she's not my favorite romance, but she's a sweet character who i want to see happy (hence i "introduced" her to ajantis)

“To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

Another romance I see...

yup, i've gotten some comments on it, analysing its realism. while i'm sure it's not the most convincing romance on the boards, i like to think that jaheira and valygar would stand a good chance together had circumstances been right. i just put those circumstances out there :cry:

“The bard known as Haer’Dalis was seen leaving Lord Acton Balthis’ manor last night, shortly after a break-in occurred at that very estate. A bust of Sune was stolen and Lord Balthis himself was killed during the robbery. Haer’Dalis is now held until his execution.”

Ah yes, this quest. Wish it had been included in the game.

among many others. i'm really looking forward to the unfinished business mod, where many cut quests will be reinstalled in the game, including this one :)

“I’m going to break him out,” Tybalt said, not looking up.

“Ah.” Yoshimo crossed his arms and leaned into the doorway. “May I give you some advice, Tybalt? If you manage to get past the guards stationed at the jail, how do you plan on opening the bard’s cell? And getting back out once he’s free? Do you even know if he’s innocent?”

Yoshi, the voice of reason.

he's very perceptive, having seen all the things he's seen during his shady career

Their first stop was the jail. A quick bribe for the leading guard allowed them access to Haer’Dalis’ cell. The bard sat with his face in his hands, the picture of hopelessness. He didn’t even look up when the pair came in.

Wow, he really is down. Maybe he's been taking Xan lessons.

being in jail would be depressing for anyone, i'd imagine (never been there myself) plus his doomguard ethics are kicking in. i'm sure his romance would have dealt with this issue had it made it into the game! :) oh well, maybe someone will eventually get around to making a mod for him...

Haer’Dalis smiled resignedly and somewhat sadly. “Tybalt, your concern is truly touching, but who am I to argue against entropy? What is done is done, and I will face the dawn without regret.” He looked away, then muttered to himself, “Almost no regrets.”

Hmm, interesting.

he tempts just enough to leave tybalt wanting more, the tease!

“Of course. They laughed and told me that the butler had indeed spoken to me, and sometime later that night I had returned and killed his lord before taking the bust and escaping. It is his word against mine, and I fear they are not inclined to believe a traveling bard from another plane.”

The butler did it. :)

hehe. the easy way out. you'll have to wait until next time to find out...

thanks for reading

#9 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 16 September 2003 - 05:43 AM

“Yes, a very good morning,” Ajantis agreed. The pair sat beside each other with mutual foolish grins stretching across their faces.

I'm a morning person myself, and i know that all other people hate me during that time of day. :cry:

groan. as a night owl, i sympathise with the others. mornings aren't my thing.

Xan appeared to cheer up slightly but he tried to hide it. “We still don’t know if it will work. I could be stuck like this forever.” He gestured at his squat body, still covered in oatmeal, and everyone stifled their laughter.

He could be worse off, at least his gender didn't change.

though with dwarves, you can never tell :shock:

“You must keep hope,” Aerie said with a smile still on her lips. “Happiness can come from the most unexpected places.” She glanced at Ajantis as she said this.

The look did not go unnoticed by the dwarf. He scowled and left the table. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my room.”

Too sickening for him.

for most people, i'd imagine :?:

Aerie’s face fell for a moment, but a reassuring hand squeeze from Ajantis cheered her again. “You are doing the right thing,” he told her kindly. She smiled at him.

“Aerie,” Valygar said, “where’s Jaheira? It’s not like her to be late; I would have thought she would be here before all of us.”

That is unusual.

cue the dramatic music

“To the Hells with what she wants,” the ranger growled. “She’s worried too much about her Harpers and not enough about herself. She still feels guilty over Galvarey even though she was in the right. Don’t worry, I can handle this myself, the rest of you continue with the day. I’ll be back with Jaheira soon enough.” He grimly stood and went to his room to prepare for the trip to the docks.

I like the play that is going on between these two.

vally and khalid share much of what is attractive to jaheira, i think. they're both quietly strong and wise, and kind. granted, they're markedly different, as well, but valygar's a much better suitor than, say, tybalt :)

“The bard known as Haer’Dalis was seen leaving Lord Acton Balthis’ manor last night, shortly after a break-in occurred at that very estate. A bust of Sune was stolen and Lord Balthis himself was killed during the robbery. Haer’Dalis is now held until his execution.”


you can say that again. though some people might not mind... :)

“I’m going to break him out,” Tybalt said, not looking up.

Not a good idea.

so many of his ideas aren't :wink:

“You will bring every soldier in the city searching after us if you are seen breaking into the prison. And Haer’Dalis will be a wanted criminal. If you truly wanted to help your friend, try to clear his name.”

“But what if he is guilty?” Tybalt whispered in fear.

Then don't save him.

ah, but that would make sense...since when does tybalt listen to reason?

Haer’Dalis smiled resignedly and somewhat sadly. “Tybalt, your concern is truly touching, but who am I to argue against entropy? What is done is done, and I will face the dawn without regret.” He looked away, then muttered to himself, “Almost no regrets.”

Is that a confession?

haer will never tell :)

“You saw me go upstairs, I believe, after our conversation. But though I said I was in desperate need of rest, I admit I really wished to gather my thoughts and take a walk. So after you retired, I left the inn and wandered without a thought to my destination, when I happened to look up and see the most beautiful statue displayed in a window. I recognized it as one of your Prime goddesses, Sune, and was enthralled. I went to the door of that estate and inquired as to the bust’s crafter and whether it was for sale. I was met by the butler who told me shortly that the statue was property of a Lord Acton Balthis and that it was not for sale. I left, somewhat disheartened, and returned to the inn. When I woke, a guard held his sword at my throat and accused me of theft and murder. I had not even set eyes on Lord Balthis.”

That was about the thinnest alibi i have ever heard.

it's all they'll get to work with. well, that, and tybalt's already-pathetic devotion to haer

“Do you have any enemies who would wish to see you hang?” Tybalt wondered.

Haer’Dalis laughed. “Hundreds! But none of them happen to be in Athkatla at the moment; I make it a point to stay one step ahead of those who wish me harm.”

In that case he must be a fast runner.

most definately. i can't help but think of the ladies' man at this point :)

The bard shook his head. “From what I gathered before I was captured, the wizard had few enough friends and acquaintances. A symptom of living in a sewer, no doubt.”

That sounds abosolutely logic.

But any friends of mekrath would also be going after tybalt and the others.

and an angry wizard's friends are never good news

Tybalt frowned and looked on the verge of exploding in frustration and anger.


don't make the son of the god of murder mad :)

“We should check the scene of the crime,” Yoshimo suggested. Tybalt nodded and walked to the door.

I can see that he is an absolutely brilliant investigator to come up with such an idea. :)

what can i say, when he's right, he's right :)

Haer’Dalis smiled wanly and bid them farewell. “It appears, my raven, that you are always rescuing me from some fault of mine or another. One might question your tenacity, but I thank you for it.”

One might question his sanity.

i'd be cautious of the entire group's mental capacity. and minsc isn't here anymore, either!

“I’ll see you on the other side of these bars soon enough,” the fighter promised before leaving.

I'll take that as meaning that tybalt will join haer in jail soon enough :)


thank goodness yoshi's here to keep him safe. ironic why he's watching over tybalt so carefully, though. :)

thanks for reading!

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