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All That Glitters...44

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#1 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 10 September 2003 - 05:50 PM

I'm sure some of you will recognize the dialogue, but that's the last bit I borrow from Bio. After all, I have such plans, and they won't be spoiled by Bio's not going far enough. Yeah, I'm moving fast, but that's just because there's so much more I want to show you.


Chapter Forty-Four

"So...how's everyone this morning?" Kal asked. The early morning haze had not yet completely evaporated, dispersing the rising sun's rays into a pale bluish glow. Clouds were still heavy in the air, but the characteristic smell of imminent rain was gone.

As for the party, Anomen was a little bleary-eyed, but Keldorn and Nalia were alert. Yoshimo had the early-morning watch and had already been awake for two hours.

"I slept well," Viconia said. "Did everyone else?"

"I...am just...ergh...fine," Anomen said when he saw everyone staring at him. "We can..." he grimaced as pain shot through his back, "...go on." He had taken his armour off to polish it in the morning, as any good servant of Helm would, but the fact that he'd spent the night in it caused quite a bit of discomfort - especially now that he had to put it back on.

"You are certain that you are in good condition?" Yoshimo asked with a not-quite vicious grin.

"Yes!" Anomen snapped. "Do not fix me with that taunting gaze, scoundrel!" Anomen walked briskly over to Kal, pointedly away from Yoshimo.

"As you wish," Yoshimo said to Anomen's back, grinning.

"Impertinent scoundrel," Anomen muttered to Kal. "When I become a knight, I won't have to associate with lowly folk like...him."

"Lowly folk, hm?" Kal said in a completely bland tone, helping the others break camp. "So who would you associate with?"

"The righteous, of course. The Order."

"And how will you know the concerns of the common people if you don't associate with them?" Kal asked, kicking dirt over the firepit.

Anomen sniffed. "I will be above common concerns. I shall only deal with knightly concerns."

"...which are?" Kal prompted, folding his tent.

"Fighting great evils. Glorious battle against the minions of chaos." Anomen grimaced again. "Though, perhaps, not in the middle of the night."

Kal smiled. "Probably not. Will you be all right?"

"I am fine!"

Kal just nodded. Sure you are. Let's see how you'll be in an hour or two.

The terrain grew rougher as they moved off the main trails. De'Arnise Hold was almost directly east of Athkatla, notably, off the main trade trail to Esmeltaran. The trails they travelled became narrower, and more crooked, moving over hills and inclines instead of cutting through valleys. Whereas they had seen a few other travellers on the way out of Athkatla, there was no one on these isolated paths. On occasion, there were steep climbs and equally steep descents over slippery grass, difficult enough, but far more so in armour. The grass concealed other difficulties, as well.

Almost predictably, it was Anomen who first encountered one of the hidden hazards of overland travelling. While descending a slope, his foot slipped forward into a hole - left by a rabbit, or badger, or other burrowing animal - and he pitched forward, landing with a loud clatter of metal and sliding the rest of the way down the hill. The party scrambled after him, careful to avoid the hole now obvious by the grass pressed into it.

Kal bent over him. "Anomen? Are you all right?"

"Yes!" Anomen said, but every time he made a move to get up, he drew in his breath and his shoulders tightened in obvious pain. Kal leaned over to help, but Anomen waved him off...painfully.

They waited ten minutes while Anomen struggled to raise himself, rebuffing all attempts at help. Finally, he slumped against the ground, exhausted. "Gods...I don't think I can get up...the pain..."

Kal held out a hand to help again, and this time Anomen did not push it away. Keldorn and Kal got him back on his feet, though his dignity was still sprawled in the dirt.

"It's a lesson everyone learns at least once," Kal said. "Sooner or later. I'm sure everyone's had the same experience."

"Something...other squires were not too eager to share," Anomen said, frowning.

"Would you?" Kal asked. "Often, it's a lesson learned best the hard way."

Anomen nodded. "I...see your point."

"One...does not get the chance to learn such lessons on the Order's campaigns," Anomen said as the group continued on its way. Kal recognized what he was trying to twist the conversation around to, but decided that it was probably a useful step on the way to getting Anomen to open up.

"Really?" Kal asked, making an effort to sound interested.

"Indeed. When the Order goes on campaign, its field camps are large...spectacular. The soldiers are housed in large pavilion tents...much like a barracks. The sight of the pennons and the flags flying over the entire camp is marvellous! Patrols are set around the entire camp, and field fortifications are erected. No creature of darkness would dare attack!"

"I can imagine," Kal said expressionlessly.

"I remember my campaign against the orcs in the Ommlur Hills...," Anomen said.

"Yes, you've mentioned it."

"That was a glorious campaign. Have you fought many orcs here in Amn?"

"Not a one yet, to tell the truth."

"Well, I would imagine that Amnish orcs are not too different from others: individually, rather weak and poor opponents, but fearsome in numbers. But during the campaign I fought through the orcs to take the head of one of their foul chieftains. I accomplished as much as any knight did that day!"

"Really. It sounds like an onerous campaign...but why were you there?"

Anomen blinked. "Pardon?"

"A simple question, Anomen. Why were you - by this I mean the Order - there?"

"Why, to kill orcs and gain glory, of course," he responded with a somewhat puzzled expression.

"Somehow...I doubt that. Here's a more specific question - why were you killing the orcs?"

"Why...because they were evil, I suppose."

"That's a good enough reason for you?" Kal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is a good enough reason for anyone!" Anomen said in a challenging tone.

"Really? Well...consider the term evil. Define it for me, then."

"Evil is...evil is...." Anomen fell silent while his mind wrestled with the problem of finding a definition for ‘evil'. "Evil is...it is foulness, it is vileness, base villainy!"

"You haven't said anything yet that doesn't translate to ‘evil is evil', Anomen. You might want to be more clear about that."

They continued on in silence for a while as Anomen worked at the problem. Finally, he burst out, "There is no clear definition! But why is that important?"

"Because you just claimed that someone being evil is enough reason to kill them. Yet you can't clearly define what evil is. I don't think it's a good thing for future knights to go about killing people when they can't clearly define why it is that they're killing them."

"Knights know!" Anomen protested.

"Then if you're going to become a knight - shouldn't you?" Kal asked. "Don't expect any help from Helm. Tyr grants me the power to detect evil intent, but it's remarkably inaccurate - anyone, no matter how good they may be, can have evil intentions from time to time. It's certainly not a guide to killing. Let's try a different direction. Do you think the people of the Ommlur Hills might know? Why you were killing the orcs, I mean?"

"Well, yes, perhaps the orcs were killing some villagers or stealing. It is not my place to know - what is happening to the people is not a knightly concern."

"I see," Kal murmured. Quite the contrary, he wanted to say, it is the only knightly concern. But he knew that saying that wouldn't help.

Anomen hung around for a few more minutes, but when Kal failed to act even the slightest bit impressed, he drifted to the back of the group. Almost immediately, Keldorn moved up to take his place. "Has there been any progress?" he asked tensely.

Kal gave Keldorn a slightly irritated glance. "I'm not a miracle worker, Keldorn. This is too soon to be asking."

Keldorn managed to look a little ashamed. "True...true. I am simply...anxious. Especially after that young fool's decision to sleep in his armour."

"These things take time. Be patient," Kal said. Keldorn nodded, still a little nervously, and slowed his stride.

The ground grew steeper and rockier as they drew closer to the Cloud Peaks. Grass gave way to dense scrub. Their map showed that the path turned south back into greener lands before they reached the hold, but before that, there were a few long climbs up dusty hills to deal with.

After one particularly difficult climb, Nalia asked for and Kal agreed on a rest under a stand of trees on the downward slope of the hill they had just climbed. Despite the hardships of the road, the party was in generally good spirits, except for Anomen. The moment the party sat down to rest, Anomen found himself a tree to lean against and ease the burden on his aching muscles.

Viconia settled down beside Kal as the other party members found spots in the shade. "You seem to be holding up well," Kal observed.

"Better than some," she allowed, with a sideways glance at Anomen.

"So what's on your mind?"

"Is that not a somewhat presumptuous question?"

"Not really," Kal said with a smile. "You get this look in your eyes when you want to ask me something, you know? I mean, not that you don't ask me often, but I can tell the difference."

"Hm, perhaps you would like to divine the question, now?" she teased.

Kal pressed his fingers to his temples, mimicking carnival "fortune tellers" who often had no actual magic talent. "You...you regret your months of violence towards innocent metal pots, and you want me to teach you how to cook without mass destruction?"

Viconia stifled a giggle. "Stop that."

Kal sighed. "It seems my powers of perception have failed me."

"As they usually do."
Kal placed both hands over his heart. "Ouch," he said. "So, really, what did you want to ask?"

"I was thinking about our earlier conversation, on the nature of love," she said.

"All right," Kal said cautiously.

He wasn't exactly sure where this was going, though he had a pretty good idea. He was unsure about a lot of things regarding this relationship, however.

It was about as far from a conventional romantic relationship as possible. Kal himself couldn't really trace exactly how they'd gotten to where they were, only that somehow, they'd grown much closer than he'd ever believed possible. And it wasn't just trying to "save" her, either; not that he needed to "save" her, anyway. As he had already said, she could do a fine job of finding the light herself, and it would be unbearably patronizing to think that he was her only salvation.

He did love her. He knew that much. Underneath the prickly defensiveness, the instinctive urge to push others away, he'd found an exceptional mind and a soul that had touched his, almost without his realizing it. That, however, wasn't the hard question - after all, knowing his own feelings was easy, even though for some it could be difficult. No, the hard question was yet to come.

"It still...confuses me," Viconia said, rather nervously.

And that isn't something you see every day, Kal thought.

"You asked me to think about Valas, and...I have. I think, perhaps, that he loved me... He saved my life, sacrificed himself to help me escape. I never allowed myself to think of him when I fled. I simply saw his sacrifice as beneficial for myself. But I... I miss him, Kal. I miss his jests and his pranks. I miss the moments we would steal, exchanging stories. I wish he had lived...and, if you are right, I believe that I loved him." She was silent for a few seconds. "I have asked myself often in recent days...do I love you?" Kal drew his breath in sharply, but said nothing.

"With you...it is different," she said, and Kal's heart began to sink. "You have made me question so much that I have known...and I am far better, because of it. There is no doubt in my mind that you, too, care for me. As for my part, I have been wondering if there has been anyone but you that I have ever cared for more than myself in my life. I ache when you are endangered. I long to be with you, and it maddens me when you are not by my side. Is...would that be...?"

Her voice trailed off, but her question was clear. Overcome by the incredible emotional whiplash of first hearing a seeming "no" and then realizing it was a "yes", Kal could only nod his head mutely.

"And do you..."

"I love you too, Viconia," Kal replied quickly. You didn't even need to ask, he almost added, but he remembered something Imoen had told him long ago. You know, Kal, you really need to talk less. It isn't that you talk too much, but there are other ways of saying things, y'know? Use them sometimes. So perhaps, she had to ask. So what?

Kal put an arm around her and drew her close. Keldorn was staring, though he had the presence of mind to look elsewhere once he noticed that Kal was watching. Kal shrugged it off. To the Hells with what Keldorn thinks.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone except Anomen agreed that they'd rested long enough, and Kal helped drag the protesting Anomen to his feet. His whining might have bothered Kal at any other time, but he didn't particularly care. The party took to the road again. The day, Kal thought, suddenly seemed a lot sunnier.

#2 Guest_argan_*

Posted 10 September 2003 - 07:03 PM

mushy-mush :)

Good chapter ;)

#3 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 10 September 2003 - 07:53 PM

mushy-mush :P

What, are you three years old? ;)

Good chapter :)


#4 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 10 September 2003 - 10:31 PM

"I...am just...ergh...fine," Anomen said when he saw everyone staring at him. "We can..." he grimaced as pain shot through his back, "...go on." He had taken his armour off to polish it in the morning, as any good servant of Helm would, but the fact that he'd spent the night in it caused quite a bit of discomfort - especially now that he had to put it back on.

Guess it's understandable that he's a bit intimidated by Keldorn and Kal's presence and doesn't want to admit he was wrong - but I hope at least he's sensible enough not to try sleeping in his armour again, and doesn;t feel he has to keep on doing it for the sake of his pride.

"You are certain that you are in good condition?" Yoshimo asked with a not-quite vicious grin.

C'mon Yoshi, that's not helping any. Although it is fun. :wink:

"Impertinent scoundrel," Anomen muttered to Kal. "When I become a knight, I won't have to associate with lowly folk like...him."

:wink: Boy, he's got a lot to learn. I don't envy Kal the task of educating him.

"Evil is...evil is...." Anomen fell silent while his mind wrestled with the problem of finding a definition for ‘evil'. "Evil is...it is foulness, it is vileness, base villainy!"

:P I would mock him, but the challenge is gone...

Keldorn managed to look a little ashamed. "True...true. I am simply...anxious. Especially after that young fool's decision to sleep in his armour."

Sometimes learning from experience is the best way.

After one particularly difficult climb, Nalia asked for and Kal agreed on a rest under a stand of trees on the downward slope of the hill they had just climbed. Despite the hardships of the road, the party was in generally good spirits, except for Anomen. The moment the party sat down to rest, Anomen found himself a tree to lean against and ease the burden on his aching muscles.

Heh, poor Ano. Guess I do feel a bit sympathetic for him, but he is making a complete fool of himself at the moment.

Kal pressed his fingers to his temples, mimicking carnival "fortune tellers" who often had no actual magic talent. "You...you regret your months of violence towards innocent metal pots, and you want me to teach you how to cook without mass destruction?"


"With you...it is different," she said, and Kal's heart began to sink. "You have made me question so much that I have known...and I am far better, because of it. There is no doubt in my mind that you, too, care for me. As for my part, I have been wondering if there has been anyone but you that I have ever cared for more than myself in my life. I ache when you are endangered. I long to be with you, and it maddens me when you are not by my side. Is...would that be...?"


Kal put an arm around her and drew her close. Keldorn was staring, though he had the presence of mind to look elsewhere once he noticed that Kal was watching. Kal shrugged it off. To the Hells with what Keldorn thinks.

Indeed - it's none of his business.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone except Anomen agreed that they'd rested long enough, and Kal helped drag the protesting Anomen to his feet. His whining might have bothered Kal at any other time, but he didn't particularly care. The party took to the road again. The day, Kal thought, suddenly seemed a lot sunnier.

Great chapter :)

#5 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 11 September 2003 - 01:18 AM

Guess it's understandable that he's a bit intimidated by Keldorn and Kal's presence and doesn't want to admit he was wrong - but I hope at least he's sensible enough not to try sleeping in his armour again, and doesn;t feel he has to keep on doing it for the sake of his pride.

Anomen's pride only goes so far. Severe and excruciating pain helps :wink: Sleeping in armour is much like bedding down on a field of uneven rocks; the padding inside is meant to cushion the wearer as he walks or stands, not as he lies down.

:wink: I would mock him, but the challenge is gone...

So true. Kal's not even making snide comments about him any more, it's just too easy.

Heh, poor Ano. Guess I do feel a bit sympathetic for him, but he is making a complete fool of himself at the moment.

That's all part of the plan. Kal's just waiting for Anomen to talk himself into a corner.

Great chapter :P

Thank you!

#6 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 11 September 2003 - 08:41 AM

The ground grew steeper and rockier as they drew closer to the Cloud Peaks. Grass gave way to dense scrub. Their map showed that the path turned south back into greener lands before they reached the hold, but before that, there were a few long climbs up dusty hills to deal with.

Hmm, the troubles of dealing with that idiotic in-game map. I see that you've placed de'Arnise castle near the Cloud Peaks... makes sense, iirc sometimes I saw snow in the castle area. I wonder if that had to do with your reasoning too...

Anomen hung around for a few more minutes, but when Kal failed to act even the slightest bit impressed, he drifted to the back of the group. Almost immediately, Keldorn moved up to take his place. "Has there been any progress?" he asked tensely.

Kal gave Keldorn a slightly irritated glance. "I'm not a miracle worker, Keldorn. This is too soon to be asking."

Keldorn managed to look a little ashamed. "True...true. I am simply...anxious. Especially after that young fool's decision to sleep in his armour."

"These things take time. Be patient," Kal said. Keldorn nodded, still a little nervously, and slowed his stride.

Egh. I really do hope that your Ano develops similarly to Laufey's. Because right now, I'd love to hit him with something heavy or drop an anvil on his head. I'm not sure if I have ever read more awful and insufferable Anomen than this one.

Kal pressed his fingers to his temples, mimicking carnival "fortune tellers" who often had no actual magic talent. "You...you regret your months of violence towards innocent metal pots, and you want me to teach you how to cook without mass destruction?"

Viconia stifled a giggle. "Stop that."

That is Viconia, yes? I must constantly remind myself, that Kal has likely done the bulk of the work to reform her in their travels through the Sword Coast. She's so... tamed... :P

"With you...it is different," she said, and Kal's heart began to sink. "You have made me question so much that I have known...and I am far better, because of it. There is no doubt in my mind that you, too, care for me. As for my part, I have been wondering if there has been anyone but you that I have ever cared for more than myself in my life. I ache when you are endangered. I long to be with you, and it maddens me when you are not by my side. Is...would that be...?"

Awww. Well, that should take his mind off Jaheira and the Harper problems. :wink:

"I love you too, Viconia," Kal replied quickly. You didn't even need to ask, he almost added, but he remembered something Imoen had told him long ago. You know, Kal, you really need to talk less. It isn't that you talk too much, but there are other ways of saying things, y'know? Use them sometimes. So perhaps, she had to ask. So what?

That was really sweet. Well... perhaps not passionate enough for my tastes, especially when I think that one of those involved is Viconia... but this is really a matter of personal tastes. :wink:

#7 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 11 September 2003 - 09:08 AM

Kal pressed his fingers to his temples, mimicking carnival "fortune tellers" who often had no actual magic talent. "You...you regret your months of violence towards innocent metal pots, and you want me to teach you how to cook without mass destruction?"


It was about as far from a conventional romantic relationship as possible. Kal himself couldn't really trace exactly how they'd gotten to where they were, only that somehow, they'd grown much closer than he'd ever believed possible. And it wasn't just trying to "save" her, either; not that he needed to "save" her, anyway. As he had already said, she could do a fine job of finding the light herself, and it would be unbearably patronizing to think that he was her only salvation.

In short, don't go around with the intent to "redeem" people, they can only do it themselves, and only if they wan't to.

"It still...confuses me," Viconia said, rather nervously.

Not surprisingly. She might understand it from an intellectual point of wiew, but the emotional...probably not yet.



#8 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 11 September 2003 - 03:44 PM

Hmm, the troubles of dealing with that idiotic in-game map. I see that you've placed de'Arnise castle near the Cloud Peaks... makes sense, iirc sometimes I saw snow in the castle area. I wonder if that had to do with your reasoning too...

Not really. I put it closer to the Cloud Peaks, but I mentioned that the path turns south again afterwards, because De'Arnise Hold is obviously in a greener area.

Egh. I really do hope that your Ano develops similarly to Laufey's. Because right now, I'd love to hit him with something heavy or drop an anvil on his head. I'm not sure if I have ever read more awful and insufferable Anomen than this one.

He just needs to understand that he doesn't need to do things to impress people. That, and to understand that the things that might impress him only make him look stupid to anyone else.

That is Viconia, yes? I must constantly remind myself, that Kal has likely done the bulk of the work to reform her in their travels through the Sword Coast. She's so... tamed... ;)

He didn't do that much work - the first time, she was only with the party for a month or two before she ran away. I've written her as different from the beginning, if only to explain how these changes can occur in such a short period of time. The way I figure it, she had to be different from the start or she never would have done the things that got her removed from Menzoberranzan. Besides, she did her fair share of sniping at Jaheira and Aerie and even Minsc in the beginning.

Just as a note, I've written her as different from just about every other Viconia ever written on this site in one other specific aspect. No one's commented on it, but I wonder if you've noticed it?

Awww. Well, that should take his mind off Jaheira and the Harper problems. :cry:

For a while.

That was really sweet. Well... perhaps not passionate enough for my tastes, especially when I think that one of those involved is Viconia... but this is really a matter of personal tastes. :cry:

Well, they can't really rip each other's clothes off in front of the party, you know? Anyway, it sort of fits with the way I've written the relationship, more as a meeting of minds. Though it isn't going to stay that way :cry:

#9 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 11 September 2003 - 03:47 PM

In short, don't go around with the intent to "redeem" people, they can only do it themselves, and only if they wan't to.

Not quite. You can help, but it's the worst form of hubris to say that "I am someone else's path to salvation," as that implies all sorts of things regarding one's own perfection and the corresponding lack thereof in the rest of the world. Just what kind of arrogance propels that kind of comment, I don't quite know.

Not surprisingly. She might understand it from an intellectual point of wiew, but the emotional...probably not yet.

Emotionally, she understands it fairly well, but it's difficult to express and render into thought. The language of emotion isn't familiar to her.

#10 Laufey

Posted 12 September 2003 - 11:11 AM

I'm sure some of you will recognize the dialogue, but that's the last bit I borrow from Bio. After all, I have such plans, and they won't be spoiled by Bio's not going far enough. Yeah, I'm moving fast, but that's just because there's so much more I want to show you.

I know the feeling. :roll:

"I slept well," Viconia said. "Did everyone else?"

"I...am just...ergh...fine," Anomen said when he saw everyone staring at him. "We can..." he grimaced as pain shot through his back, "...go on." He had taken his armour off to polish it in the morning, as any good servant of Helm would, but the fact that he'd spent the night in it caused quite a bit of discomfort - especially now that he had to put it back on.

Right, Ano. :)

"And how will you know the concerns of the common people if you don't associate with them?" Kal asked, kicking dirt over the firepit.

Anomen sniffed. "I will be above common concerns. I shall only deal with knightly concerns."

This boy has a *lot* to learn. I hope Kal can help out.

"Indeed. When the Order goes on campaign, its field camps are large...spectacular. The soldiers are housed in large pavilion tents...much like a barracks. The sight of the pennons and the flags flying over the entire camp is marvellous! Patrols are set around the entire camp, and field fortifications are erected. No creature of darkness would dare attack!"

"I can imagine," Kal said expressionlessly.

"I remember my campaign against the orcs in the Ommlur Hills...," Anomen said.

*groan* Here we go again...

"Somehow...I doubt that. Here's a more specific question - why were you killing the orcs?"

"Why...because they were evil, I suppose."

Like duh. :)

"That's a good enough reason for you?" Kal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is a good enough reason for anyone!" Anomen said in a challenging tone.

"Really? Well...consider the term evil. Define it for me, then."

"Evil is...evil is...." Anomen fell silent while his mind wrestled with the problem of finding a definition for ‘evil'. "Evil is...it is foulness, it is vileness, base villainy!"

"You haven't said anything yet that doesn't translate to ‘evil is evil', Anomen. You might want to be more clear about that."

They continued on in silence for a while as Anomen worked at the problem. Finally, he burst out, "There is no clear definition! But why is that important?"

"Because you just claimed that someone being evil is enough reason to kill them. Yet you can't clearly define what evil is. I don't think it's a good thing for future knights to go about killing people when they can't clearly define why it is that they're killing them."

*applause* I *really* loved this passage. This is exactly how I think a paladin should reason.

"Knights know!" Anomen protested.

"Then if you're going to become a knight - shouldn't you?" Kal asked. "Don't expect any help from Helm. Tyr grants me the power to detect evil intent, but it's remarkably inaccurate - anyone, no matter how good they may be, can have evil intentions from time to time. It's certainly not a guide to killing. Let's try a different direction. Do you think the people of the Ommlur Hills might know? Why you were killing the orcs, I mean?"

"Well, yes, perhaps the orcs were killing some villagers or stealing. It is not my place to know - what is happening to the people is not a knightly concern."

"I see," Kal murmured. Quite the contrary, he wanted to say, it is the only knightly concern. But he knew that saying that wouldn't help.

I really hope Kal can do something to make Anomen realize how silly he's being...I do like the Helmite, foolish as he can be.

"With you...it is different," she said, and Kal's heart began to sink. "You have made me question so much that I have known...and I am far better, because of it. There is no doubt in my mind that you, too, care for me. As for my part, I have been wondering if there has been anyone but you that I have ever cared for more than myself in my life. I ache when you are endangered. I long to be with you, and it maddens me when you are not by my side. Is...would that be...?"

Her voice trailed off, but her question was clear. Overcome by the incredible emotional whiplash of first hearing a seeming "no" and then realizing it was a "yes", Kal could only nod his head mutely.

"And do you..."

"I love you too, Viconia," Kal replied quickly. You didn't even need to ask, he almost added, but he remembered something Imoen had told him long ago. You know, Kal, you really need to talk less. It isn't that you talk too much, but there are other ways of saying things, y'know? Use them sometimes. So perhaps, she had to ask. So what?

Kal put an arm around her and drew her close. Keldorn was staring, though he had the presence of mind to look elsewhere once he noticed that Kal was watching. Kal shrugged it off. To the Hells with what Keldorn thinks.

Awwwww! Very sweet. :lol:
Rogues do it from behind.

#11 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 12 September 2003 - 04:57 PM

That is Viconia, yes? I must constantly remind myself, that Kal has likely done the bulk of the work to reform her in their travels through the Sword Coast. She's so... tamed... :roll:

He didn't do that much work - the first time, she was only with the party for a month or two before she ran away. I've written her as different from the beginning, if only to explain how these changes can occur in such a short period of time. The way I figure it, she had to be different from the start or she never would have done the things that got her removed from Menzoberranzan. Besides, she did her fair share of sniping at Jaheira and Aerie and even Minsc in the beginning.

Heh, that's a very good reasoning for Viconia's background and you have certainly held on to your interpretation of her character very consistently. But really... her sniping to the others can't really be compared to all those (nice - :)) things she promises to do with Aerie and her comments about Khalid to Jaheira we see in the game. Though, I think if you had gone for a very nasty Vic, I would find hard to imagine her and Kal ending up in a romance. Heh, I definitely prefer your version over the game's Vicky, make no mistake about it.

Just as a note, I've written her as different from just about every other Viconia ever written on this site in one other specific aspect. No one's commented on it, but I wonder if you've noticed it?

Hmm, I'm probably very far off from what you meant, but... Vic doesn't seem to be the usual sexually irresistable, seducing temptress (with sex-appeal of a size of Edwin's ego) that all men drool about... certainly, Ano didn't appear to be smitten with her from the first moment... :) Curiously, I haven't really noticed her treating males as 'inferior', too... not much, anyways.

#12 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 12 September 2003 - 07:29 PM

This boy has a *lot* to learn. I hope Kal can help out.

Maybe he can. Maybe he can't.

*applause* I *really* loved this passage. This is exactly how I think a paladin should reason.

It's how anyone should reason, but paladins and knights more than most. Of course, Anomen's not looking that way right now, since to him, who and what he kills doesn't matter so much as how much glory it brings him.

Awwwww! Very sweet. :cry:

Why, thank you :)

#13 Guest_Tenebrous_*

Posted 12 September 2003 - 07:34 PM

Heh, that's a very good reasoning for Viconia's background and you have certainly held on to your interpretation of her character very consistently. But really... her sniping to the others can't really be compared to all those (nice - :)) things she promises to do with Aerie and her comments about Khalid to Jaheira we see in the game. Though, I think if you had gone for a very nasty Vic, I would find hard to imagine her and Kal ending up in a romance. Heh, I definitely prefer your version over the game's Vicky, make no mistake about it.

Yeah, well, her romance is actually inconsistent with her banter, so I picked one and made the rest of her character fit.

Hmm, I'm probably very far off from what you meant, but... Vic doesn't seem to be the usual sexually irresistable, seducing temptress (with sex-appeal of a size of Edwin's ego) that all men drool about... certainly, Ano didn't appear to be smitten with her from the first moment... :cry: Curiously, I haven't really noticed her treating males as 'inferior', too... not much, anyways.

Nah, that's not it. And Anomen's not smitten simply because he was in the business of impressing Keldorn with how outraged he was about having a drow around. Anyway, I knew it'd be hard to spot. Here's one more hint. It has to do with her speaking patterns.

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