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Hunter or the Hunted: Part 2 Chapter 5

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#1 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 04 September 2003 - 05:02 AM

This chapter still irritates me, but I think it's as good as I can make it at the moment. I've got a couple awkward scenes that I just didn't know how to deal with, so I smooshed them all together in order to get them over with. It's not good writing technique, I know, but I figured it would be better to get it written and ask for your help before I got stymied. So, HELP!


Chapter 5

Awkward and uncomfortable were the only two words that could accurately describe the general emotional ambience in Elliard’s household. Whatever it was that Ivory and Fira had done to irritate the elf must have been quite drastic, because in the three days since his angry exit, he hadn’t so much as stuck his nose out of his bedroom. Yoshimo wandered past every once and while to see how things were progressing, and more often than not found Ivory outside Elliard’s door pleading with him in whatever language it was they spoke to one another. The exact words of her entreaties Yoshimo didn’t know, but he could tell by the tone of her voice and the way she was acting that she was getting rather desperate and also that she was well and truly sorry for her transgression. Apparently her pleas were falling on deaf ears though, because Elliard never responded. Twice a day he opened his door and admitted a servant with a tray of food, but other than that, he had become a complete recluse.

While Ivory tried to appease Elliard, Fira avoided everyone –that being Yoshimo, Ivory and Ebony. When Yoshimo did catch sight of her she hurried away without a word, and made herself busy taking care of things in the household. Once Yoshimo cornered her and she actually took a fine silk scarf and started to dust a statue rather than talk to him. It was all very curious.

Ebony was the only one who was behaving normally. Too calm and collected to bother getting worked up over something that wasn’t even her fault, she spent most of her time with her nose in a book or painting in her art studio. That was where Yoshimo actually ended up spending most of his time. At first Ebony was irritated with him for disturbing her private sanctum of artistry, but she forgot about him once she began to paint. It wasn’t exactly entertaining to watch her, but it was better than sitting in his room or wandering the hallways of Elliard’s mansion, where he was likely to get lost, since Elliard employed a number of techniques to get the doors to blend in with the rock into which they had been carved.

“What are you doing here?” Ebony demanded of him on the morning of the fourth
day. She was in the middle of a painting a desert landscape, with the background already blocked out in gold and brown and white, with brilliant cerulean for the sky.

Yoshimo tried to formulate a response, but his grammar was so atrocious that Ebony held up a hand in disgust and stopped him.

“Do you like art?”


“I didn’t think so.” Ebony sighed and put her paintbrush down leaving on the table beside her easel a smudge of the white she’d been using to add in thin, cottony clouds. “It’s a shame, since art can be appreciated regardless of language barriers, the same with dance.”

“No, I like art,” Yoshimo said, correcting her assumption. He could appreciate a painting for its beauty, though commenting on the deeper meaning and whatnot was never a skill he cared to cultivate. He wanted to tell her how her painting compared to the art he was used to seeing, but he didn’t know how to say it in Common. “That is very good. I like… err… the colors.”

Ebony raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?”

“Yes. It is very… alive.”

Preening a little under his awkward praise, Ebony said, “Well, I suppose, but it could be far better.” She picked up her paintbrush again and daubed on some more clouds, a pleased little smile gracing her lips, though she tried to hide it. “Fira says that I need more practice; that my figures are all out of proportion unless I’m working from a live model. So I stick to landscapes unless I have someone to sit for me.” She paused for a moment and glanced over her shoulder at Yoshimo, her face lighting up as if she’d just gotten a wonderful idea. “I should have you and Elliard sit for a portrait for me, that is if Elli ever stops sulking in his room.”

“Pardon, what?”

“I should paint pictures of you and Elliard, if he ever stops sulking,” Ebony repeated.

This seemed an excellent time to ask what was the matter with Elliard, so Yoshimo did. “What is Elliard mad?”

“You mean, ‘Why is Elliard mad?’” Ebony corrected. “He’s not mad, anymore. He’s just being an ass. Or he’s having one of his moods. Probably the latter now that I think about it.”

“Yes, but why?”

“You like asking difficult questions, don’t you? Are you worried about him?”

Yoshimo shrugged. He was curious more than anything else. He was, in a way concerned, but not so much about Elliard as his own status because of the elf’s absence. Who was he supposed to work for if Elliard wasn’t willing to come out of his bedroom or even talk through the door? He didn’t precisely mind lounging in the lap of luxury all day, but he was getting a little bored.

“Good, there’s really no reason to worry. He gets like this sometimes when someone brings up certain subjects. He’ll be back to normal in a short while if he’s true to his pattern.”

Yoshimo frowned, trying to decipher her words. “Sorry, what?”

“Don’t worry.”

Getting a little irritated that Ebony was continually evading his questions, Yoshimo said, “Yes, good, but what make Elliard mad?”

“Ivory’s singing; it was atrocious. And it’s made not make. Past tense.”

Yoshimo glared a little. “That is not an answer,” he said, taking care to pick his words correctly.

“Yes it is; it’s just not the one you wanted. You need to be more specific with your questions.”

“What did Ivory sings that make… made… Elliard mad?”

Sing, past tense again. Now, once more from the top.”

Ebony seemed to be enjoying herself far too much at his expense, so Yoshimo glared a little harder, hoping to get her to notice just how irritated he was at being forced to play her little game. “What did Ivory sing that made Elliard mad?” he said through his teeth.

Ebony smiled mischievously. “Ah, that’s the question, now isn’t it? What was it that Ivory sang that made Elliard so furious? I wonder…”

Yoshimo had had enough. He stood up and snatched the paintbrush from her hand, and then her palette. “When you tell me, you get this back.” With that he stalked off, leaving Ebony to gape her shock at his back.

It was not long after Yoshimo had retreated to his room that Ebony stormed in after him, her dark face darker still with her fury, looking like she might kill him. Yoshimo, now in his own demesne, sat confidently on the end of his bed, grinning, and twirling Ebony’s paintbrush between his fingers.

“Give that back!” she snapped, reaching out a hand to take the brush.

Yoshimo held his arm out wide, keeping it out of her reach. A gesture that clearly communicated what his words could not. Come and get it, if you can. When she tried to take him up on the offer, he stuck a leg out and tripped her, causing her smack her forehead against his knees and she went down to the carpeted floor. “Sorry,” he said.

Ebony got to her feet and pressed one hand against her forehead, rubbing the pain away. “You little bastard! I’ll run a lance right up your ass if I get half a chance!”

Yoshimo chuckled and scooted farther away from her as she tried to make another go for the brush. As she sprawled awkwardly across the foot of the bed he took the chance to paint a white splotch on her forehead. While he didn’t like to be on the receiving end of such jokes and tricks, he didn’t mind dishing them out one bit.

“Stop that, you squinty bugger!”

“What?” Yoshimo asked, grinning. He gave her continued the polka dot theme he had going on her face by adding another dot.

“Stop that!”

Another spot joined the other two, making it a trio.

Ebony finally got her legs under her and leaped on him and grabbed his hand to keep him from painting on her again. Yoshimo countered by taking the paintbrush in his other hand and using the opportunity afforded to him by her nearness to draw a spot on her cleavage. Sitting up suddenly and letting go of his hand, Ebony shouted in anger. She reached back a hand and slapped him hard across the face, but Yoshimo turned his head to lessen the blow. And then added a dot to her belly where it showed between her clothes, enjoying himself much more than he had at first imagined he would. His cheek stung where he had been struck, but other than that he was winning. What he was winning he wasn’t sure, but knowing that he was ahead was enough for him for the moment.

“Please give me my brush and palate back,” Ebony said, apparently deciding to take another path to her goal. “If my paint dries before I finish, the painting will be ruined.”

“Tell me what made Elliard mad.”

“Give me my brush first.”

Yoshimo tickled her under the chin with the brush. “No.”

Ebony grabbed for the brush again and missed when Yoshimo jerked it out of her reach. She lost her balance again and landed on him, digging one elbow into his ribs. “Give!” she demanded.

“Tell!” he replied, looking her in the eyes. She met his gaze and gave him a frustrated, angry and somewhat hurt look. He felt a flash of guilt, but it didn’t last.

“Oh all right! Have it your way then! Barbarian!” Ebony snapped. “Just give me a moment, since this is delicate business.” She managed to sit up again and angrily swiped at the paint smears on her face. “Let me see your arm,” she commanded. Yoshimo stretched out one arm, and Ebony wiped her hands off on his sleeve, leaving brilliant white streaks behind. Then, as if struck by a flash of brilliance, she smeared the rest on his face. “There!” she said, “Now we’re even!”

Yoshimo didn’t really care that they were even. Point of fact, he considered the situation to warrant some sort of retaliation, which he decided to save up for later when Ebony wasn’t expecting it. What he did care about was that he was going to get answers to his questions now and have his curiosity sated. “Good,” he said.

Ebony cracked her knuckles, waved her hands about a little bit and said something unintelligible. Yoshimo felt a strange, but familiar tingling sensation in his mind, and the next words Ebony spoke were in his own language. “Elliard said not to use spells to talk to you, but I think in this case he would want you to understand what I was saying perfectly, and not in drips and drabs.”

“You can use magic?” Yoshimo demanded, dumbfounded. “I thought…”

“You didn’t think,” Ebony cut in sharply. “That’s what’s wrong with you.”

“But you’re a…”

“If you say courtesan I’m going to slap you silly.”

Yoshimo didn’t finish his sentence, not wanting to be slapped. “You didn’t give me any reason to believe otherwise,” he accused.

“Why should I? It is obvious, isn’t it?”

“No, it isn’t.”

Ebony let out an irritated sigh. “Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re just not as smart as the rest of us? Think about it, why by the Gods, would Elliard, of all people, keep courtesans?”

Yoshimo threw his hands up in the air, frustrated by her angry, accusatory, and demeaning tone, and also by the fact that his question had yet to be answered. “Why does anyone keep courtesans? Why should Elliard be any different?” Unless of course Elliard had forgotten to mention that elves were sexless or something like that; seemingly trivial, but yet immensely important to someone who hadn’t grown up around them.

It was Ebony’s turn to be dumbfounded. “I think I might have more to explain than I originally thought, and this might very well shed new light on Elli’s vanishing act.”

“What has that got to do with anything?”

Ebony hesitated. “Well, we all thought that you and Elli were… involved.”

“’Involved?’ With what?”

She looked at him as if he was daft. “With each other.”


“I mean,” Ebony went on, looking a little nervous, “You are a bit young for him, but we just figured that, given his proclivities, you two were involved. But you’re not, are you?”

Yoshimo shook his head. “What made you think…?”

“…That you were? You two did spend four months on a ship together and, if I remember correctly from the communications he sent us, you were sleeping in his cabin, ostensibly to protect you from the crew of the Merry Wench. We read between the lines.”

“I think you misread between the lines.”

“When you came in Fira suggested the idea to him, and he blushed like a little girl. You did too, for that matter.”

“I couldn’t understand a word she said. The way she said it on the other hand, that didn’t need to be understood.”

Ebony sighed. “I should have known. She is a follower of Sharess after all. They make a habit of causing just that sort of reaction and more from people.”

Yoshimo decided not to ask which of the innumerable Faerunian deities Sharess was, and asked instead, “So what angered Elliard so much and what has that to do with your incorrect, although very amusing, misconceptions?”

“Ah yes, that.” Ebony hesitated again. “I don’t really know if I ought to tell you, since it’s not really my place… but I do want my paint brush and palate back.” She cracked her knuckles again. “It’s a very long story, and I’m far better at dancing and painting than I am at talking, so bear with me. Back when Elli was a young elf, and by that I mean fifteen years ago, since he’s still quite young by elven standards, he and another elf, he met another elf, Maeiir, and the two of them fell madly in love. The two of them romped around Faerun, generally making a nuisance of themselves for evildoers, especially followers of Shar, being Selunites and all, and in the process acquired a great deal of wealth. They then settled somewhere up near Silvery Moon and lived happily ever after until some of those Sharrans they angered earlier tracked them down. Maeiir held them off long enough for Elli to get out of there, but he died in the process. Elli was of course heartbroken, and he moved down here to help his little brother Daellin start his shipping business, and also to hire a batch of spies and investigators to track down the Sharrans who killed Maeiir. The spies had very little luck, and most of them never came back, which attests to how powerful this particular group of Sharrans is, but the last group came back with enough information for Elli to find them, and he’s been preparing to blow them into tiny pieces ever since. He only captained the Merry Wench as a favor to Daellin, who has helped him out a great deal in recent years, and he was planning on chasing them down as soon as he got back.”

Yoshimo nodded. “Yes, that’s fascinating, but what has that got to do with Elliard’s locking himself up in his room and sulking for the past four days?”

“I’m getting to that!” Ebony snapped. “He’s not really sulking, anyway.”

“You said that he was.”

“I was being facetious, you ass. He’s really quite upset. Fira and Ivory have been secretly working on a ballad about Elliard and Maeiir’s tragic romance, because they think it’s very dramatic and all that, and they finished it while he was away. They were hoping to present it to him when he got back, thinking that since it’s been over a decade since Maeiir died, Elliard would be over it enough to hear the tale in verse, or something stupid like that. That’s what got Elli so angry. He greatly dislikes being reminded of what he’s lost, which I told Fira and Ivory several time, except of course they didn’t listen to me.” She paused and looked at him. “You’re taking all this really well, for a man.”

“What does that mean?”

“Most men get… unsettled… when they learn that the person they’ve been living with for the past four months might like to have them through the backdoor.”

Yoshimo raised an eyebrow at her colorful language. “Sex is sex,” he said. “That’s how it’s thought of in Wa, at least. It’s not something that makes polite dinner conversation, but it’s not unusual either. I’m not interested in, but then again, it’s not me that’s doing it, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Well that’s surprisingly open-minded, particularly from a culture that, if I remember correctly, burns Chaunteans and won’t let foreigners out of special port cities.”

“You’re surprisingly smart for an obnoxious, unwashed, uncultured, barbarian woman.”

Ebony’s jaw dropped. “Obnoxious… unwashed… uncultured… barbarian?”

“That is what I said, though I didn’t think you needed to repeat it in that tone.” Yoshimo grinned at her reaction. “You would think that with a ready supply of water and such a wealthy patron you would bathe more and have better manners and be more feminine.”

More feminine?”

“Yes, you’re very mannish, despite your physical appeal.”

‘“Mannish? I’m mannish?”

“Very,” Yoshimo confirmed, his grin growing almost out of control as he watched her work into a frothing fury. “In fact, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were a man.”

“You insufferable bastard! I can’t believe I was actually getting to find you inoffensive! I was going to accept you for Elli’s sake, but now think I’m going to kill you.”

“Death threats are very mannish.”

Ebony let out an inarticulate growl of rage.

“So is growling like an animal. No wonder Elliard prefers men if you’re an example of Faerun’s women.”

Ebony stood up and stormed out, slamming the door behind her as she left. It would have been a very dramatic exit had she not returned a moment later and said sheepishly, “I forgot my paintbrush and palette.”

Yoshimo handed them to her one at a time. He caught her hand as she turned to go. “Mannish or not,” he said, “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He smiled crookedly, and let her go, and she left again, this time forgetting to shut the door all together.

#2 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 04 September 2003 - 06:05 AM

This chapter still irritates me, but I think it's as good as I can make it at the moment. I've got a couple awkward scenes that I just didn't know how to deal with, so I smooshed them all together in order to get them over with. It's not good writing technique, I know, but I figured it would be better to get it written and ask for your help before I got stymied. So, HELP!

Will do what I can...


Chapter 5

Awkward and uncomfortable were the only two words that could accurately describe the general emotional ambience in Elliard’s household. Whatever it was that Ivory and Fira had done to irritate the elf must have been quite drastic, because in the three days since his angry exit, he hadn’t so much as stuck his nose out of his bedroom. Yoshimo wandered past every once and while to see how things were progressing, and more often than not found Ivory outside Elliard’s door pleading with him in whatever language it was they spoke to one another. The exact words of her entreaties Yoshimo didn’t know, but he could tell by the tone of her voice and the way she was acting that she was getting rather desperate and also that she was well and truly sorry for her transgression. Apparently her pleas were falling on deaf ears though, because Elliard never responded. Twice a day he opened his door and admitted a servant with a tray of food, but other than that, he had become a complete recluse.


While Ivory tried to appease Elliard, Fira avoided everyone –that being Yoshimo, Ivory and Ebony. When Yoshimo did catch sight of her she hurried away without a word, and made herself busy taking care of things in the household. Once Yoshimo cornered her and she actually took a fine silk scarf and started to dust a statue rather than talk to him. It was all very curious.

poor Yoshi

Ebony was the only one who was behaving normally. Too calm and collected to bother getting worked up over something that wasn’t even her fault, she spent most of her time with her nose in a book or painting in her art studio. That was where Yoshimo actually ended up spending most of his time. At first Ebony was irritated with him for disturbing her private sanctum of artistry, but she forgot about him once she began to paint. It wasn’t exactly entertaining to watch her, but it was better than sitting in his room or wandering the hallways of Elliard’s mansion, where he was likely to get lost, since Elliard employed a number of techniques to get the doors to blend in with the rock into which they had been carved.


“I didn’t think so.” Ebony sighed and put her paintbrush down leaving on the table beside her easel a smudge of the white she’d been using to add in thin, cottony clouds. “It’s a shame, since art can be appreciated regardless of language barriers, the same with dance.”

Ask her to dance!

Preening a little under his awkward praise, Ebony said, “Well, I suppose, but it could be far better.” She picked up her paintbrush again and daubed on some more clouds, a pleased little smile gracing her lips, though she tried to hide it. “Fira says that I need more practice; that my figures are all out of proportion unless I’m working from a live model. So I stick to landscapes unless I have someone to sit for me.” She paused for a moment and glanced over her shoulder at Yoshimo, her face lighting up as if she’d just gotten a wonderful idea. “I should have you and Elliard sit for a portrait for me, that is if Elli ever stops sulking in his room.”

yeah! you could paint Yoshi's half now

Yoshimo glared a little. “That is not an answer,” he said, taking care to pick his words correctly.

heh heh

Yoshimo had had enough. He stood up and snatched the paintbrush from her hand, and then her palate. “When you tell me, you get this back.” With that he stalked off, leaving Ebony to gape her shock at his back.


Yoshimo held his arm out wide, keeping it out of her reach. A gesture that clearly communicated what his words could not. Come and get it, if you can. When she tried to take him up on the offer, he stuck a leg out and tripped her, causing her smack her forehead against his knees and she went down to the carpeted floor. “Sorry,” he said.


Ebony got to her feet and pressed one hand against her forehead, rubbing the pain away. “You little bastard! I’ll run a lance right up your ass if I get half a chance!”

Yoshimo chuckled and scooted farther away from her as she tried to make another go for the brush. As she sprawled awkwardly across the foot of the bed he took the chance to paint a white splotch on her forehead. While he didn’t like to be on the receiving end of such jokes and tricks, he didn’t mind dishing them out one bit.


“Stop that, you squinty bugger!”


“What?” Yoshimo asked, grinning. He gave her continued the polka dot theme he had going on her face by adding another dot.


“You can use magic?” Yoshimo demanded, dumbfounded. “I thought…”

“You didn’t think,” Ebony cut in sharply. “That’s what’s wrong with you.”

“But you’re a…”

“If you say courtesan I’m going to slap you silly.”


Yoshimo didn’t finish his sentence, not wanting to be slapped. “You didn’t give me any reason to believe otherwise,” he accused.

“Why should I? It is obvious, isn’t it?”

“No, it isn’t.”

Ebony let out an irritated sigh. “Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re just not as smart as the rest of us? Think about it, why by the Gods, would Elliard, of all people, keep courtesans?”

um...isn't the answer obvious?

Yoshimo threw his hands up in the air, frustrated by her angry, accusatory, and demeaning tone, and also by the fact that his question had yet to be answered. “Why does anyone keep courtesans? Why should Elliard be any different?” Unless of course Elliard had forgotten to mention that elves were sexless or something like that; seemingly trivial, but yet immensely important to someone who hadn’t grown up around them.


Ebony hesitated. “Well, we all thought that you and Elli were… involved.”


So THAT'S why he wouldn't keep courtesnas...I get it now!! heehee! nicely said

“…That you were? You two did spend four months on a ship together and, if I remember correctly from the communications he sent us, you were sleeping in his cabin, ostensibly to protect you from the crew of the Merry Wench. We read between the lines.”


“I think you misread between the lines.”

ROFLMAO!!! Good line! I'll have to use that (in RL, I mean) sometime!

Ebony sighed. “I should have known. She is a follower of Sharess after all. They make a habit of causing just that sort of reaction and more from people.”


Yoshimo decided not to ask which of the innumerable Faerunian deities Sharess was, and asked instead, “So what angered Elliard so much and what has that to do with your incorrect, although very amusing, misconceptions?”

“Ah yes, that.” Ebony hesitated again. “I don’t really know if I ought to tell you, since it’s not really my place… but I do want my paint brush and palate back.” She cracked her knuckles again. “It’s a very long story, and I’m far better at dancing and painting than I am at talking, so bear with me. Back when Elli was a young elf, and by that I mean fifteen years ago, since he’s still quite young by elven standards, he and another elf, he met another elf, Maeiir, and the two of them fell madly in love. The two of them romped around Faerun, generally making a nuisance of themselves for evildoers, especially followers of Shar, being Selunites and all, and in the process acquired a great deal of wealth. They then settled somewhere up near Silvery Moon and lived happily ever after until some of those Sharrans they angered earlier tracked them down. Maeiir held them off long enough for Elli to get out of there, but he died in the process. Elli was of course heartbroken, and he moved down here to help his little brother Daellin start his shipping business, and also to hire a batch of spies and investigators to track down the Sharrans who killed Maeiir. The spies had very little luck, and most of them never came back, which attests to how powerful this particular group of Sharrans is, but the last group came back with enough information for Elli to find them, and he’s been preparing to blow them into tiny pieces ever since. He only captained the Merry Wench as a favor to Daellin, who has helped him out a great deal in recent years, and he was planning on chasing them down as soon as he got back.”

wow!! cool story!!! would make a greast novel all in itself

Yoshimo nodded. “Yes, that’s fascinating, but what has that got to do with Elliard’s locking himself up in his room and sulking for the past four days?”

Onyx: Because, at the risk of being politically incorrect, Elli's *type* are more likely to get huffy and make a big deal out of tiffs.....

“I was being facetious, you ass. He’s really quite upset. Fira and Ivory have been secretly working on a ballad about Elliard and Maeiir’s tragic romance, because they think it’s very dramatic and all that, and they finished it while he was away. They were hoping to present it to him when he got back, thinking that since it’s been over a decade since Maeiir died, Elliard would be over it enough to hear the tale in verse, or something stupid like that. That’s what got Elli so angry. He greatly dislikes being reminded of what he’s lost, which I told Fira and Ivory several time, except of course they didn’t listen to me.” She paused and looked at him. “You’re taking all this really well, for a man.”


“What does that mean?”

“Most men get… unsettled… when they learn that the person they’ve been living with for the past four months might like to have them through the backdoor.”

heehee....I guess Kara-Tur (or Yoshi at least) is less homophobic

Yoshimo raised an eyebrow at her colorful language. “Sex is sex,” he said. “That’s how it’s thought of in Wa, at least. It’s not something that makes polite dinner conversation, but it’s not unusual either. I’m not interested in, but then again, it’s not me that’s doing it, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Well that’s surprisingly open-minded, particularly from a culture that, if I remember correctly, burns Chaunteans and won’t let foreigners out of special port cities.”


Well, most cultures are 'open-minded' about some things and not others. Don't get me started about mine.....

“You’re surprisingly smart for an obnoxious, unwashed, uncultured, barbarian woman.”

ROFL!!! NIce

Ebony’s jaw dropped. “Obnoxious… unwashed… uncultured… barbarian?”

“That is what I said, though I didn’t think you needed to repeat it in that tone.” Yoshimo grinned at her reaction. “You would think that with a ready supply of water and such a wealthy patron you would bathe more and have better manners and be more feminine.”


More feminine?”

“Yes, you’re very mannish, despite your physical appeal.”


‘“Mannish? I’m mannish?”

“Very,” Yoshimo confirmed, his grin growing almost out of control as he watched her work into a frothing fury. “In fact, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were a man.”

HAHAHA!!! Oh, Yoshi scores again!

“You insufferable bastard! I can’t believe I was actually getting to find you inoffensive! I was going to accept you for Elli’s sake, but now think I’m going to kill you.”

“Death threats are very mannish.”


Ebony let out an inarticulate growl of rage.

“So is growling like an animal. No wonder Elliard prefers men if you’re an example of Faerun’s women.”

ROFLROFLROFLROFL!!!!!!!!!! Oh, god, this is a SCREAM! Holy crap!

Ebony stood up and stormed out, slamming the door behind her as she left. It would have been a very dramatic exit had she not returned a moment later and said sheepishly, “I forgot my paintbrush and palate.”

Yoshimo handed them to her one at a time. He caught her hand as she turned to go. “Mannish or not,” he said, “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He smiled crookedly, and let her go, and she left again, this time forgetting to shut the door all together.

ha! nice way to soften it at the end

#3 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 04 September 2003 - 06:08 AM

P.S. I honestly don't see why you weren't happy with this chapter. I thought it was quite entertaining, revealing (about Eli's backstory), and it seemed coherent (I wouldn't have known it was several chapters together).

#4 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 04 September 2003 - 06:53 PM

Apparently her pleas were falling on deaf ears though, because Elliard never responded. Twice a day he opened his door and admitted a servant with a tray of food, but other than that, he had become a complete recluse.


Yup, Elli is one *gruuumpy* elf.

While Ivory tried to appease Elliard, Fira avoided everyone –that being Yoshimo, Ivory and Ebony. When Yoshimo did catch sight of her she hurried away without a word, and made herself busy taking care of things in the household. Once Yoshimo cornered her and she actually took a fine silk scarf and started to dust a statue rather than talk to him. It was all very curious.

poor Yoshi

He's so incredibly confused it's cute.

It wasn’t exactly entertaining to watch her, but it was better than sitting in his room or wandering the hallways of Elliard’s mansion, where he was likely to get lost, since Elliard employed a number of techniques to get the doors to blend in with the rock into which they had been carved.


The elven habit of making doors and such blend into their surroundings is why they notice secret doors better than humans and the like. I thought I pop in a little bit of that Elf-lore. On the good side it gives Yoshimo a chance to practice his searching skills.

“I didn’t think so.” Ebony sighed and put her paintbrush down leaving on the table beside her easel a smudge of the white she’d been using to add in thin, cottony clouds. “It’s a shame, since art can be appreciated regardless of language barriers, the same with dance.”

Ask her to dance!

She'd probably end up stepping on his toes. She specializes in performance dancing, like ballet, but without the tights, tutus, and uncomfortable shoes.

“I should have you and Elliard sit for a portrait for me, that is if Elli ever stops sulking in his room.”

yeah! you could paint Yoshi's half now

She's still under the impression that they're "together" so she wants to get a painting of the "happy couple." ^^

Yoshimo had had enough. He stood up and snatched the paintbrush from her hand, and then her palate. “When you tell me, you get this back.” With that he stalked off, leaving Ebony to gape her shock at his back.


Yeah, that's about what she would look like.

Yoshimo held his arm out wide, keeping it out of her reach. A gesture that clearly communicated what his words could not. Come and get it, if you can. When she tried to take him up on the offer, he stuck a leg out and tripped her, causing her smack her forehead against his knees and she went down to the carpeted floor. “Sorry,” he said.


Yup, he's not playing nice.

“Stop that, you squinty bugger!”


She's pulling out all the stops in her insults.

“What?” Yoshimo asked, grinning. He gave her continued the polka dot theme he had going on her face by adding another dot.


The angrier she gets, the more fun it is for him to continue to irritate her.

“If you say courtesan I’m going to slap you silly.”


She'd do it too! Ebony has hands of steel and a mind to use them to chastise impolite men.

Ebony let out an irritated sigh. “Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re just not as smart as the rest of us? Think about it, why by the Gods, would Elliard, of all people, keep courtesans?”

um...isn't the answer obvious?

Yoshimo: In hindsight, that should have tipped me off. Then again, how was I supposed to know that they were just pretty window dressing?

Ebony hesitated. “Well, we all thought that you and Elli were… involved.”


So THAT'S why he wouldn't keep courtesnas...I get it now!! heehee! nicely said

I've been sitting on *that* egg since I introduced Elliard, now that it's finally been laid I feel much better.

“…That you were? You two did spend four months on a ship together and, if I remember correctly from the communications he sent us, you were sleeping in his cabin, ostensibly to protect you from the crew of the Merry Wench. We read between the lines.”


They had all this evidence stacked in their favor, but alas, they were mistaken.

“I think you misread between the lines.”

ROFLMAO!!! Good line! I'll have to use that (in RL, I mean) sometime!

Since they can talk freely I'm also free to write Yoshimo with the sort of witty, slightly sarcastic, funny dialogue that he's so good at. It's really hard writing when you can't let characters use the retorts you know they would because one, they don't know they need to retort, and two, they don't know the right words.

He only captained the Merry Wench as a favor to Daellin, who has helped him out a great deal in recent years, and he was planning on chasing them down as soon as he got back.”

wow!! cool story!!! would make a greast novel all in itself

Thanks ^^ I really like Elliard, he's such a nice guy, and he's so tragically cute that I just want to snuggle him. Plus he's my nod to the classic, angsty homosexual bishounen of the anime favorites of teenage girls.

Yoshimo nodded. “Yes, that’s fascinating, but what has that got to do with Elliard’s locking himself up in his room and sulking for the past four days?”

Onyx: Because, at the risk of being politically incorrect, Elli's *type* are more likely to get huffy and make a big deal out of tiffs.....

Yoshimo: Actually, Elliard is usually amazingly laid back about arguments. Not one to get into cat fights at all.

“Most men get… unsettled… when they learn that the person they’ve been living with for the past four months might like to have them through the backdoor.”

heehee....I guess Kara-Tur (or Yoshi at least) is less homophobic

I may be wrong, since I'm not an expert, but from everything that I've read about Japan, sex wasn't something that was brought up in polite conversation, but it was considered natural to desire whatever gave one pleasure, especially if you were a man, and though it was not exactly something one bragged about, homosexuality wasn't a crime against god like it was in Europe and the rest of the West.

“Well that’s surprisingly open-minded, particularly from a culture that, if I remember correctly, burns Chaunteans and won’t let foreigners out of special port cities.”


Well, most cultures are 'open-minded' about some things and not others. Don't get me started about mine.....

Heh, true, true.

“You’re surprisingly smart for an obnoxious, unwashed, uncultured, barbarian woman.”

ROFL!!! NIce


Ebony’s jaw dropped. “Obnoxious… unwashed… uncultured… barbarian?”

“That is what I said, though I didn’t think you needed to repeat it in that tone.” Yoshimo grinned at her reaction. “You would think that with a ready supply of water and such a wealthy patron you would bathe more and have better manners and be more feminine.”


...and riposte

“Very,” Yoshimo confirmed, his grin growing almost out of control as he watched her work into a frothing fury. “In fact, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were a man.”

HAHAHA!!! Oh, Yoshi scores again!

He's on something of a roll, ne?

“So is growling like an animal. No wonder Elliard prefers men if you’re an example of Faerun’s women.”

ROFLROFLROFLROFL!!!!!!!!!! Oh, god, this is a SCREAM! Holy crap!

Wow, I'm glad you like it some much.

Yoshimo handed them to her one at a time. He caught her hand as she turned to go. “Mannish or not,” he said, “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He smiled crookedly, and let her go, and she left again, this time forgetting to shut the door all together.[/quote]

ha! nice way to soften it at the end[/quote]

Thanks ^^ Like most teenage boys, young Yoshimo has found that the best way to express interest in a girl is to tease her unmercifully, and then flirt like there's no tomorrow. It gets them all turned around and confused. Plus he's having fun provoking her.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

#5 Weyoun

Posted 04 September 2003 - 11:08 PM

“Do you like art?”


Well, that answers THAT question, ey? B)

Ebony raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?”

“Yes. It is very… alive.”

Nice safe. :lol:

Ebony seemed to be enjoying herself far too much at his expense, so Yoshimo glared a little harder, hoping to get her to notice just how irritated he was at being forced to play her little game. “What did Ivory sing that made Elliard mad?” he said through his teeth.

Ebony smiled mischievously. “Ah, that’s the question, now isn’t it? What was it that Ivory sang that made Elliard so furious? I wonder…”

Blue, this is evil to keep this thing hidden from both Yoshimo and us readers this way, you know?:?:

Ebony got to her feet and pressed one hand against her forehead, rubbing the pain away. “You little bastard! I’ll run a lance right up your ass if I get half a chance!”

LOL! That'd be something to see. :!:

Ebony let out an irritated sigh. “Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re just not as smart as the rest of us? Think about it, why by the Gods, would Elliard, of all people, keep courtesans?”


She looked at him as if he was daft. “With each other.”


“I mean,” Ebony went on, looking a little nervous, “You are a bit young for him, but we just figured that, given his proclivities, you two were involved. But you’re not, are you?”

Yoshimo shook his head. “What made you think…?”

“…That you were? You two did spend four months on a ship together and, if I remember correctly from the communications he sent us, you were sleeping in his cabin, ostensibly to protect you from the crew of the Merry Wench. We read between the lines.”

Plus, elves have very free sexual morals, that would help too. :)

“Ah yes, that.” Ebony hesitated again. “I don’t really know if I ought to tell you, since it’s not really my place… but I do want my paint brush and palate back.” She cracked her knuckles again. “It’s a very long story, and I’m far better at dancing and painting than I am at talking, so bear with me. Back when Elli was a young elf, and by that I mean fifteen years ago, since he’s still quite young by elven standards, he and another elf, he met another elf, Maeiir, and the two of them fell madly in love. The two of them romped around Faerun, generally making a nuisance of themselves for evildoers, especially followers of Shar, being Selunites and all, and in the process acquired a great deal of wealth. They then settled somewhere up near Silvery Moon and lived happily ever after until some of those Sharrans they angered earlier tracked them down. Maeiir held them off long enough for Elli to get out of there, but he died in the process. Elli was of course heartbroken, and he moved down here to help his little brother Daellin start his shipping business, and also to hire a batch of spies and investigators to track down the Sharrans who killed Maeiir. The spies had very little luck, and most of them never came back, which attests to how powerful this particular group of Sharrans is, but the last group came back with enough information for Elli to find them, and he’s been preparing to blow them into tiny pieces ever since. He only captained the Merry Wench as a favor to Daellin, who has helped him out a great deal in recent years, and he was planning on chasing them down as soon as he got back.”

Very sad. :)

“Well that’s surprisingly open-minded, particularly from a culture that, if I remember correctly, burns Chaunteans and won’t let foreigners out of special port cities.”

Paralleled out of the real world, I'd say. :)

More feminine?”

“Yes, you’re very mannish, despite your physical appeal.”

‘“Mannish? I’m mannish?”

She says that like it's a bad thing.

Ebony stood up and stormed out, slamming the door behind her as she left. It would have been a very dramatic exit had she not returned a moment later and said sheepishly, “I forgot my paintbrush and palate.”

Yoshimo handed them to her one at a time. He caught her hand as she turned to go. “Mannish or not,” he said, “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He smiled crookedly, and let her go, and she left again, this time forgetting to shut the door all together.

Great stuff,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#6 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 05 September 2003 - 12:01 AM

“Do you like art?”


Well, that answers THAT question, ey? B)

That or he doesn't quite know how to reply, take your pick.

Ebony smiled mischievously. “Ah, that’s the question, now isn’t it? What was it that Ivory sang that made Elliard so furious? I wonder…”

Blue, this is evil to keep this thing hidden from both Yoshimo and us readers this way, you know?:lol:

Cruel, I know, but I wasn't quite sure yet how I was going to handle all of this stuff, so I was dawddling a bit.

Ebony got to her feet and pressed one hand against her forehead, rubbing the pain away. “You little bastard! I’ll run a lance right up your ass if I get half a chance!”

LOL! That'd be something to see. :?:

She'd try it too! Never underestimate an irritated scholar and artist whose tools have been absconded with.

Ebony let out an irritated sigh. “Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re just not as smart as the rest of us? Think about it, why by the Gods, would Elliard, of all people, keep courtesans?”


Ebony has something of a sharp tongue, and she uses it with great accuity.

“…That you were? You two did spend four months on a ship together and, if I remember correctly from the communications he sent us, you were sleeping in his cabin, ostensibly to protect you from the crew of the Merry Wench. We read between the lines.”

Plus, elves have very free sexual morals, that would help too. :!:

According to elf-lore it's perfectly acceptable for them to sleep with anyone and everyone in their age-group during puberty. Mostly though it was just wishful thinking on the girls' part.

The spies had very little luck, and most of them never came back, which attests to how powerful this particular group of Sharrans is, but the last group came back with enough information for Elli to find them, and he’s been preparing to blow them into tiny pieces ever since. He only captained the Merry Wench as a favor to Daellin, who has helped him out a great deal in recent years, and he was planning on chasing them down as soon as he got back.”

Very sad. :)

Yeah, poor Elli. His lingering melancholy over Maeiir's death is part of the reason why the girls want to see him find someone new and be happy again.

“Well that’s surprisingly open-minded, particularly from a culture that, if I remember correctly, burns Chaunteans and won’t let foreigners out of special port cities.”

Paralleled out of the real world, I'd say. :)

Yup. I pulled half of this stuff out of the campaign setting for Kara-Tur, and half out of my knowledge of Japanese history (which is admittedly flawed, a fact that I'm trying to correct with history classes at college.)

‘“Mannish? I’m mannish?”

She says that like it's a bad thing.

Well, it is if you're a woman who has been trained to be feminine since childhood. Actually though, it's more just the fact that she's shocked to hear him call her that, since she always thought she was the epitome of girlish charm (hah!)

Great stuff,

Thanks for reading and commenting,

#7 Guest_Chantrys_*

Posted 05 September 2003 - 12:40 AM

Awkward and uncomfortable were the only two words that could accurately describe the general emotional ambience in Elliard’s household. Whatever it was that Ivory and Fira had done to irritate the elf must have been quite drastic, because in the three days since his angry exit, he hadn’t so much as stuck his nose out of his bedroom. Yoshimo wandered past every once and while to see how things were progressing, and more often than not found Ivory outside Elliard’s door pleading with him in whatever language it was they spoke to one another.

Awwww...poor Ivory. I bet she never would have sung...whatever she sang...if she'd known it would provoke this reaction.

“What are you doing here?” Ebony demanded of him on the morning of the fourth day. She was in the middle of a painting a desert landscape, with the background already blocked out in gold and brown and white, with brilliant cerulean for the sky.

Yoshimo tried to formulate a response, but his grammar was so atrocious that Ebony held up a hand in disgust and stopped him.

:) I really like her.

Getting a little irritated that Ebony was continually evading his questions, Yoshimo said, “Yes, good, but what make Elliard mad?”

“Ivory’s singing; it was atrocious. And it’s made not make. Past tense.”

Yoshimo glared a little. “That is not an answer,” he said, taking care to pick his words correctly.

“Yes it is; it’s just not the one you wanted. You need to be more specific with your questions.”

LOL! Boy, she's tough.

Ebony smiled mischievously. “Ah, that’s the question, now isn’t it? What was it that Ivory sang that made Elliard so furious? I wonder…”

Yoshimo had had enough. He stood up and snatched the paintbrush from her hand, and then her palate. “When you tell me, you get this back.” With that he stalked off, leaving Ebony to gape her shock at his back.

Yay Yoshi!!!

Oh, and one little thing. I hope you meant palette and not palate, cause Yoshi would have to be an EXTREMELY gifted thief to take away Ebony's sense of taste. :!:

“What?” Yoshimo asked, grinning. He gave her continued the polka dot theme he had going on her face by adding another dot.

“Stop that!”

Another spot joined the other two, making it a trio.


“Please give me my brush and palate back,” Ebony said, apparently deciding to take another path to her goal. “If my paint dries before I finish, the painting will be ruined.”

“Tell me what made Elliard mad.”

“Give me my brush first.”

Yoshimo tickled her under the chin with the brush. “No.”

:lol: This reminds me of young boys teasing the girl they like.

“You can use magic?” Yoshimo demanded, dumbfounded. “I thought…”

“You didn’t think,” Ebony cut in sharply. “That’s what’s wrong with you.”

“But you’re a…”

“If you say courtesan I’m going to slap you silly.”

Yoshimo didn’t finish his sentence, not wanting to be slapped. “You didn’t give me any reason to believe otherwise,” he accused.

“Why should I? It is obvious, isn’t it?”

“No, it isn’t.”

Ebony let out an irritated sigh. “Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re just not as smart as the rest of us?


Ebony hesitated. “Well, we all thought that you and Elli were… involved.”

“’Involved?’ With what?”

She looked at him as if he was daft. “With each other.”


:) Poor surprised Yoshi.

“I was being facetious, you ass. He’s really quite upset. Fira and Ivory have been secretly working on a ballad about Elliard and Maeiir’s tragic romance, because they think it’s very dramatic and all that, and they finished it while he was away. They were hoping to present it to him when he got back, thinking that since it’s been over a decade since Maeiir died, Elliard would be over it enough to hear the tale in verse, or something stupid like that. That’s what got Elli so angry. He greatly dislikes being reminded of what he’s lost, which I told Fira and Ivory several time, except of course they didn’t listen to me.”


“Well that’s surprisingly open-minded, particularly from a culture that, if I remember correctly, burns Chaunteans and won’t let foreigners out of special port cities.”

“You’re surprisingly smart for an obnoxious, unwashed, uncultured, barbarian woman.”


“Yes, you’re very mannish, despite your physical appeal.”

‘“Mannish? I’m mannish?”

“Very,” Yoshimo confirmed, his grin growing almost out of control as he watched her work into a frothing fury. “In fact, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were a man.”

“You insufferable bastard! I can’t believe I was actually getting to find you inoffensive! I was going to accept you for Elli’s sake, but now think I’m going to kill you.”

“Death threats are very mannish.”

Ebony let out an inarticulate growl of rage.

“So is growling like an animal. No wonder Elliard prefers men if you’re an example of Faerun’s women.”

(*falls over laughing*)

Yoshimo handed them to her one at a time. He caught her hand as she turned to go. “Mannish or not,” he said, “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He smiled crookedly, and let her go, and she left again, this time forgetting to shut the door all together.

Awwwwww. I like their verbal fencing. It's a pleasure to read. :)

#8 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 05 September 2003 - 05:49 AM

[quote][quote]Yoshimo wandered past every once and while to see how things were progressing, and more often than not found Ivory outside Elliard’s door pleading with him in whatever language it was they spoke to one another. [/quote]

Awwww...poor Ivory. I bet she never would have sung...whatever she sang...if she'd known it would provoke this reaction.

Yeah, she means well, but she's young yet, so sometimes she misjudges.

Yoshimo tried to formulate a response, but his grammar was so atrocious that Ebony held up a hand in disgust and stopped him.

B) I really like her.

Ebony is very feisty and she's smart, a lethal combination.

“Yes it is; it’s just not the one you wanted. You need to be more specific with your questions.”

LOL! Boy, she's tough.

She also hates stupidity and ignorance, although she finds the latter more distasteful than the former.

Yoshimo had had enough. He stood up and snatched the paintbrush from her hand, and then her palate. “When you tell me, you get this back.” With that he stalked off, leaving Ebony to gape her shock at his back.

Yay Yoshi!!!

Oh, and one little thing. I hope you meant palette and not palate, cause Yoshi would have to be an EXTREMELY gifted thief to take away Ebony's sense of taste. :)

d'oh... thanks! He can dance on the head of a pin, but you're right, of course, he's not *that* good.

[quote name="The Blue Sorceress"]
“Please give me my brush and palate back,” Ebony said, apparently deciding to take another path to her goal. “If my paint dries before I finish, the painting will be ruined.”

Yoshimo tickled her under the chin with the brush. “No.”

:lol: This reminds me of young boys teasing the girl they like.

Excellent, I evoked the proper sense of juvenile interest then. :) I think Yoshimo's bit off more than he can chew though.

Ebony let out an irritated sigh. “Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re just not as smart as the rest of us? [/quote]


Ebony also likes to point out the intellectual faults of others and wave her own superior intelligence around in their faces. Kinda like a little kid going "I'm smarter than you are nyah nyah nyah nyah nyaaah nyah."


:D Poor surprised Yoshi.

He's like :?: :!: :)

That’s what got Elli so angry. He greatly dislikes being reminded of what he’s lost, which I told Fira and Ivory several time, except of course they didn’t listen to me.”[/quote]


Yeah, they shouldn't have pushed that button. Poor Elliard is currently reevaluating his life, that is when he's not sobbing into his pillow.

[quote]Yoshimo handed them to her one at a time. He caught her hand as she turned to go. “Mannish or not,” he said, “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He smiled crookedly, and let her go, and she left again, this time forgetting to shut the door all together.[/quote]

Awwwwww. I like their verbal fencing. It's a pleasure to read. :)[/quote][quote]

Thank you. I sort of wanted him to unbalance her and make her lose her usual superior demeanor and then be like "Fooled you!"

Thank you again for reading and commenting,

#9 Guest_Withiel_*

Posted 16 September 2003 - 08:06 PM

This is very sensitive stuff, and is dealt with in an appropriate way that seems v. natural. The playful dialogue is excellent, and I'm impressed at the reevaluation of Yoshimo - the originality is rather refreshing.
Awaiting the next part in anticipation. :)

#10 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 16 September 2003 - 09:21 PM

This is very sensitive stuff, and is dealt with in an appropriate way that seems v. natural. The playful dialogue is excellent, and I'm impressed at the reevaluation of Yoshimo - the originality is rather refreshing.
Awaiting the next part in anticipation. :)

I'm glad you think things came out well. I was worries it would come out forced and I dunno, off somehow.

As for your anticipation, scroll up yon list and you shall find two more chapters awaiting thee.

Thanks for reading,

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