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About Blood 15

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#1 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 31 August 2003 - 04:09 PM

Just to make sure everyone is warned. Talek uses a four letter word referring to breasts that starts with a T in a curse. Probably not THAT shocking, but better safe then sorry.

The storm had ceased, but the rain kept drizzling down as the party made it’s way out of Beregrost. Imoen and Montaron had the caps over their cloaks pulled tightly over their heads, and even Talek had hidden his usually uncovered hair beneath the cloth, after a lot of persuasion by Jaheira and Montaron, who seemed pretty irritated at agreeing with each other. Talek had mumbled something about not hiding himself, but still seemed exhausted after his eruption earlier. Avoiding the main streets, the group managed to leave Beregrost without drawing attention to themselves.

As they started to follow the path that led into the hills south of the town Talek lowered the cowl and turned back and looked at the peaceful looking town.

“Out of Candlekeep for 4 days and already they’ve sent their Fist after me.” Imoen stopped as well and stood beside him. The voice lacked the anger he usually showed when speaking like that. He still sounded tired, mixed with a hint of despair. “You know Immy, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.”

Imoen grabbed Talek’s arm, feeling the metal of the dead Flaming Fist’s armour under her hand. “Don’t stay stuff like that, Talek.” Her own voice sounded tired as well. “Look, we made some mistakes and did some... wrong things. We’ll find a way to make up for it. When we solve this iron crisis I’m sure they’ll listen to our explanation.”

Talek managed a thin smile before stifling a yawn. He looked ready to fall asleep on his legs even as they turned to follow the others.

“Didn’t get much sleep these last nights didya?”

“Not really.” He yawned again. “Could do with a nap right now. Montaron seems all right though.”

Imoen nodded and sighed. She lowered her voice. “About Montaron, Talek. I...really don’t like him. First I thought he was a bit like the thieves from the books. You know, unfriendly, pretending not to care, but with a heart of gold. And the way he saved that girl, Ina, I though that it was like that. But he’s... I don’t know everything about him, but I really don’t like what he does. I don’t trust them Talek, they frighten me. And the way the necromancer is looking at you...” She shivered.

Talek scratched his head in confusion. “Huh? They never did anything to harm us, did they? And Montaron saved my life tonight.”

“I know, I know. It’s not like I think he’ll cut our throats while we sleep. But... for example. Montaron knew those thieves Silke wanted us to kill weren’t enchanters. And he didn’t tell us.”

“He did?” Talek’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll talk to him about that. I don’t like those kind of games.” With a grim expression on his face Talek quickened his pace towards Montaron, who was busy staring holes into Jaheira’s back.

“Hey, Montaron.”

“What?” Montaron answered noncommittally.

“I gotta talk to you, you got a moment?”

Montaron gave another stare at Jaheira’s back, then nodded. He fell back slightly, out of the half-elves earshot.

“What’s yer problem then? If it’s about their idea, I advise ye to tell them to take a long walk of a short pier.” the halfling gruffly said.

“Not that.” Talek answered. “Montaron, did you know those three guys with the gems weren’t enchanters?”

There was a short pause. “And what if I did?”

“I asked you first Montaron. Don’t jerk my chain. Just tell me.” Some anger seemed to be rising despite the exhaustion.

Montaron hesitated, then shrugged. “Yeah, so I did.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Because I wanted the 300 gold and because I figured the girl needed to learn how things work.”

Talek sighed. “Look Montaron, I trust you. You saved my life with that dwarven bastard out there, but next time, tell us stuff like that. I’ve got a hard enough time figuring out what’s going on without people trying to keep stuff from me, and Imoen doesn’t like it either. No bloody mind games please, I suck at those. Nobody got hurt...” he hesitated. “Well, Imoen and I didn’t get hurt, so it’s not that big a deal. But I don’t like to have to wonder all the time whether or not you’re telling me everything. So next time, just play it straight will ya?”

“Fine, fine.” Montaron muttered. “Speaking of playing it straight, I’d be more careful about turning yer back on the druid when ye’re having a talk with her chew-toy.”

“Oh, not this again.” Talek groaned.

“Yeah well groan if ye want. But while ye were cutting of his breath, the druid was pretty close to using that staff of her.”

Talek suddenly stopped, got on one knee so he was level with Montaron and grabbed the halfling by the shoulder.

“Look Montaron. I’m pretty new to the world outside of Candlekeep, I haven’t got many friends out here, and it seems that could last some time. I trust you and Xzar. I trust Khalid and Jaheira. You don’t like each other, okay. But don’t try to turn me against my other friends, or I will get, really, REALLY pissed.” His left hand on Montaron’s shoulder squeezed, and the halfling grimaced slightly.

“Okay, okay... if ye’re gonna be like that about it, suit yourself. Just thought I’d share it in the happy spirit of mutual openness.” He ended with a sarcastic sneer.

“It’s important Montaron. I’ve got that armoured bastard to track down, monsters in the mines, assassins in every bloody hamlet, not to mention other people going after me. I can deal with that, but I don’t want to check my back every five seconds. And I won’t.” He looked at Khalid and Jaheira. “Hey, they’ve stopped.”

The discussion seemed complete and the rest of the group joined with the two half elves. They motioned them to keep down and be quiet.

“A hobgoblin ahead. Looks like he’s patrolling.” Khalid whispered.

“Where, I don’t see anyone.” Talek said, with his hand on his sword. The tiredness seemed forgotten for a moment, though Talek’s eyes still didn’t open completely.

“They’re half-elves. They’ve got infravision, doofus.” Imoen whispered playfully.

“I’ve always wanted infravision like the elves. But there’s more then.... ouch, Monty, you hurt me.”

“Be quiet fool, if he hears us, we’ll get the whole group after our hides.” He undid his crossbow. “Guess we get to show of our archery skills.”

Jaheira nodded as she took her sling from her belt and Imoen prepared her bow. They sneaked closer to the guard, their sounds hidden by the noise of the falling rain, until Montaron and Imoen could see his outline clearly. Montaron steadied his arm and Imoen tensed the string.

“On my mark,” Jaheira whispered as she let her sling swing around “Three, two, one.”

The three projectiles flew almost simultaneously. The hobgoblin jerked and fell down without a sound. Talek and Khalid rushed forward as silently as their armour permitted, followed by the others.

Khalid spoke with a quiet, sympathetic voice. “Arrow through his throat. He died quickly. Good shot, Imoen.” Imoen nodded. Neither of them looked particularly happy.

Montaron was investigating the corpse. “Pouch full of rings. They’re bandits. Big surprise.” He took a gold ring and gave it an appreciative look. “Don’t hear any sound. The others are probably still sleeping.”

Jaheira tapped her quarterstaff in her hand. “Then it is time to make the world a better place.” Even whispering, she managed to sound firm.

Imoen shuddered slightly, and Khalid spoke. “There’s probably not too many of them, and they’ll be surprised. I don’t think you have to go if you d...don’t want to, Imoen.”

Imoen shook her head. “Thanks, Khalid. But if I’m going to be a real adventurer, I’ll... have to learn to cope with it. I can’t just close my eyes and pretend it doesn’t happen.” She drew her short sword. “If it has to be done, I might as well be doing it myself, right?” She attempted a smile, but it came out weak.

Jaheira raised her eyebrows in surprise. “You show more sense of responsibility then your behaviour suggests, child. The brave action is not always the honourable one.”

“Thanks, I guess.” Imoen grimaced. “Now let’s get this over with.”

“Right.” Talek has his bastard sword leaning on his shoulder as he often did. “Let’s finish them, and then maybe get some sleep. Don’t exactly feel like walking for too much longer.”

Khalid grabbed Talek’s shoulder. “Perhaps you shouldn’t join us Talek. Considering your... p...problem. There may be other guards. You w...walk around the camp and look for them.”

Talek shrugged. “No problem. But it’s not like those hobgoblins do anything for me.” With those words he took off.

“Can I come, can I come?... puhleaaase... pretty please, pretty please with sugar on the top AND some gravedirt.” Xzar piped up, holding his small dagger in one hand and a small bag in the other.

“Just make sure ye don’t wake them before their time wizard. Even ye should be able to finish off a sleeping hobgoblin.” Montaron scowled.

The five quickly rushed towards the campfire. About a dozen hobgoblins were sound asleep, divided three tents, the well-built campfire keeping the cold of the night at distance. Imoen went straight for the nearest hobgoblin. She looked at her side as she slowly crouched near him. Montaron’s sword was already bloody and Jaheira was raising her staff. She turned back to her target and raised her sword for a stab through the heart when she heard a sickening crunch. The hobgoblin’s eyes opened and focused on Imoen.

For a second the two just stared at each other frozen in terror. Then the hobgoblin screamed in alarm and leapt up at Imoen’s throat. Imoen stabbed and felt it dig in the hobgoblin’s belly. The assault wasn’t stopped however and Imoen fell on her back, the hobgoblin on top of her squeezing her throat as Imoen twisted the sword desperately. She opened her mouth to scream for help, but the strangled cry was drowned in the sound of the waking and dying hobgoblins. Then she heard a strangely echoing voice and suddenly saw Xzar’s grinning, tattooed face appear next to the hobgoblin. He brought his hand, that had a strange green glow around it near the hobgoblin’s face and spoke in a soft voice.

“The bunnies are calling for you.”

With those words he gently, almost tenderly, put his hand on the hobgoblin’s face. The humanoids eyes widened, and his fingers stiffened before losing their strength and the bulk of the corpse fell heavily on the girl. Blood and bile were leaking from his mouth. As Imoen breathed deeply the last sounds of battle died with the last hobgobli.

“Imoen. Where is Imoen?” Jaheira demanded.

Imoen opened her mouth but found herself unable to speak. She tried to push off the corpse, but it was too heavy. Xzar spoke excitedly. “She’s here, here she is. I found her. Do I get a prize?”

“Imoen!” Khalid sounded concerned. A second later the weight was removed from her chest. “Imoen, are you wounded? Do you need healing?”

Imoen shook her head and quickly got to her feet, ran to a nearby tree and emptied her stomach.

“I’m fine...” she spoke when it seemed her stomach had settled. “I was just... overwhelmed a bit. Sorry for the scream.”

“You did as well as could be expected. You should not judge yourself TOO harshly.” Jaheira commented.

“... righto... oh Xzar. Thanks for the help.” Imoen’s face was getting some colour again.

Xzar giggled. “Aw shucks, it was nothing. What’s a little necromancy among friends?” Jaheira ignored the remark.

“Hey guys, I’m back. You were right Khalid. There WAS another guard, but I... Tymora’s tits! What the hell happened to you Imoen? You hurt?”

“I’m all right, Talek. Don’t worry. The blood...” Imoen swallowed and her face became a bit pale again “...isn’t mine.”

Talek sighed in relief and looked around. “Well, they sure made a nice camping spot. Not what I’d expect hobgoblins to have.”

Jaheira looked around. “Hobgoblins are militaristic. They have a lot of experience in setting up camps, though they aren’t always hygienic. Still, they even have a supply of dry firewood and food. Not what I’d expect from a simple raiding party.”

“That’s because they ain’t just another raiding party.” Montaron said. “Look here.” Khalid, Jaheira and Imoen gathered around and looked at what Montaron pointed at. There was a small tattoo on the hobgoblin’s chest.

“These are part of ‘The Chill.’ mercenaries. The Chill doesn’t do random banditry. Someone’s paying them to do it.”

“Hey guys, I think I found their loot.” Talek commented from a bit farther away. Near him was a pile covered with cloth against the rain. As the others got closer he ripped it open with his sword and revealed...

“...iron? What the....? Iron? What kind of bandits are this?” Talek was dumbfounded.

“The kind that plagues the Sword Coast for some time now.” Jaheira said thoughtfully. “At least we have a name now. The Chill.”

“The Chill doesn’t plan stuff like that on it’s own. Someone’s pulling their strings, and I bet those strings connect in some way to whatever is screwing up the mines down south.” Montaron added.

“Huh? Why?” Talek said.

Montaron and Jaheira sighed in exasperation. Imoen patiently explained. “If the mines in Nashkel are producing bad iron, and all bandits are after iron, that all causes iron shortage. And it’d be a really big coincidence if two groups would decide to mess with the iron trade at exactly the same time.”

“So if the bandits are connected to the iron shortage, and the iron shortage is linked to the mines of Nashkel...”

Imoen nodded. “Then the bandits are connected to Gorion’s murderer.”

“Then let’s go kill the bandits!” Talek exclaimed.

“First things first Talek.” Jaheira calmed him down. “First we must investigate the mines. ‘killing the bandits’ is rather vague. For all we know the true mastermind isn’t with the bandits, but in the mines, or somewhere else entirely. This could go all the way to Amn... if the rumours are right.” Her voice suggested she though they weren’t. “Or worse. I have heard that some thieves that were interrogated confessed to working for the Zhentarim. Those testimonies aren’t conclusive of course but...”

“Speculating ain’t gonna help them die, druid.” Montaron scowled. “Could be anyone. The Drow, the Shadow Thieves, the Red Wizards, the Harpers.”

Jaheira tensed slightly. “None of those groups has a reputation of co-operation with hobgoblins.”

Montaron shrugged. “Things change. Heck, for all I know The Order of the Most Radiant Heart decided to try something different. Eyes open and mouth closed I say.”

“If you don’t mind I’d prefer closing them for a while.” Talek yawned. “And since we’ve got a nicely set up camp here...”

Jaheira yawned as well. “Some rest may be in order, yes.” She looked around. “After we remove the bodies.”

Some time later the corpses and the worst of the blood and garbage was removed, everyone went to bed, except Khalid, who had first guard. Montaron had given him a glare and casually mentioned that he slept with his sword near him and very lightly and had ignored Khalid’s stuttering indignant protests. Talek had fallen asleep shortly after shedding his armour. Imoen, who had agreed to take second guard, after Xzar had offered but found nobody but Talek comfortable with the idea, laid herself down next to him. Except Talek, nobody caught sleep easily, with the way the hobgoblins had died fresh in their mind.

The night passed quietly, with Khalid now and then nervously rubbing his neck. To his delight the rain stopped soon and after only a few hours the sun started to rise. As he was staring at it smiling he suddenly felt two hands grab his shoulder. He gave a high yelp and grabbed the hands by the wrist.

“Heya, it’s me, Imoen.”

“I...I...Imoen.” Khalid calmed down a bit. “Y...y...you s...startled me half to d...d...death.”

Imoen sat next to him with a mischievous grin. “You were so busy staring at the sunrise I just couldn’t resist.”

Khalid smiled. “I s...suppose I did deserve that. Good thing the wife didn’t see that.” He smiled and looked lovingly at Jaheira’s sleeping form.

“Heh, go get some sleep then. From what I’ve seen last night, you weren’t exactly getting a lot of rest back in town.” She gave him a teasing wink as Khalid’s face tried to become as red as his hair.

“Sleep. After you scared me like that? N...not likely.”

“Suits me fine. Then I’ve got someone to talk to. Talek’s the one who’s used to guard duty.”

Khalid relaxed. “So how do you and Talek became friends? The way you two talk I’d swear you’re brother and sister.”

“Oh, that’s a long story.”

Khalid smiled. “I like long stories.”

Imoen grinned. “Well, I was about six and Talek was about five. We’re not really sure because we don’t know our actual birthdays. We were both adopted. Talek by Gorion and me by Puffg... Winthrop, the innkeeper. One of the acolytes of Oghma was teaching us. Talek was never really someone who liked studying so he’d often be busy with other stuff. But one day she gave us some spoiled parchments and paint and told us to make a picture of anything we wanted, and she’d hang it up in the temple. Talek liked that. He’s still really good at drawing. But... the acolyte didn’t like what he drew.”


Imoen didn’t answer but walked to her backpack and grabbed something. It was an old piece of parchment in bad shape. The paint had come off in some places but the picture was still recognisable. It was a rather well done, five year olds rendition of a battle field. There had been used a lot of red paint for the many corpses. Perhaps the most disturbing thing was the smiles on the people standing.

“Oh my goodness. I can see why that wouldn’t... please the teacher.”

Imoen nodded. “Yeah, she didn’t hang the picture in the temple. The other kids... well... you know how five year olds are. So while we were hanging the pictures I saw him standing there alone with tears in his eyes trying not to cry. I still don’t know why, but I didn’t feel scared at all. So I walked up to him and asked if I could see his picture. He was pretty distrustful at first, but he really wanted to show the picture. I told him that I really liked the tree” she pointed at a tree “and asked why the people died. He said he didn’t know, he had just painted what he wanted. Then I showed him my picture, and he told me it was, what was it? ‘the bestest knight he had ever seen’” She laughed. “Of course, I had WANTED to draw a fairy, but I never told him that.”

“And that’s how you became friends?”

“Yeah, Puffguts, I mean Winthrop tried to stop me for a while, but I guess that just encouraged me.” She smiled, but it faded. “Of course, that’s when... he and Talek started disliking each other. Winthrop was the first time Talek actually drew a... real person in his pictures.”

“Another bloody picture?”

Imoen nodded. “I asked Talek why he never drew anything like rainbows or something like that. You know, people don’t make a fuss about pictures of rainbows. But Talek said he drew what he wanted. After a while the only people he made pictures for was Gorion, me, and sometimes Tethoril. And for himself of course. The only things without blood he painted were portraits. Most of them are still in my old room in Candlekeep. Guess it must look a bit weird. All those bloody scenes in a room full of pink clothing and books about... you know... romantic stuff.

Khalid was serious now. “I know this may be personal but... has Gorion ever considered seeing a cleric? Surley he noticed something was strange.”

“Gorion... didn’t like it. He encouraged Talek to draw other things, but he always accepted the pictures Talek made for him. The leader of the church of Oghma never asked. For some reason he always shunned Talek. Him and Ulraunt. Sometimes it was almost like they were scared of him, even when he was a little boy. A priest of Lathander once visited and asked Gorion, but Gorion sent him away. He said that the gods wouldn’t help Talek with his problem, mortals had to.” She sighed. “but I guess that didn’t go to well. You probably know as much, but Talek was pretty unhappy at Candlekeep. Was kind of a vicious circle. The more people were distrustful of Talek, the angrier he became. Not just his pictures. He was pretty violent too. And the more violent he became, the more people avoided him. In the end, well, Talek spend most of the time he wasn’t with me or Gorion alone.”

Khalid nodded. “Didn’t people treat you bad for it?”

Imoen shrugged, she seemed to become sad as she told the tale.“Ah, that wasn’t so bad. they often me why I was hanging out with ‘the creepy guy’, and there was the usual ‘Imoen and Talek sitting in a tree’ but as long as I didn’t try to bring him with me, they didn’t mind. And since Talek didn’t want to come with me to them even if I asked that never happened. And even the few people that didn’t like me rarely tried anything. Talek was pretty strong even while he was young, and well... most children were scared of him. He always fought until he couldn’t move or someone restrained him. They said that he’d.... kill someone...one day.” Imoen’s voice broke at the end of the sentence.

Khalid patted her on he back. “Don’t worry Imoen. Things will be all right. With friends like you, Talek will be all right.”

Imoen shook her head. “I’m not that good a friend Khalid. You don’t know everything.”

Khalid sounded worried “You want to tell me about it?”

Imoen shook her head.

“Well, me and Jaheira are always here if you want to talk Imoen.” Khalid gout up to his feet. “I should get some rest.”

“Thanks Khalid.” Impulsively Imoen got up too and hugged the half elf. Khalid answered the hug awkwardly through his armour and gave Imoen another smile before retreating to the tent he and Jaheira shared. Imoen stared at his retreating form for a while, listening at the sound of armour being removed. Suddenly she blushed and kept her eyes on the fire. It took a long while before the blush vanished.[/i]

#2 Guest_argan_*

Posted 31 August 2003 - 04:22 PM

Wow, what a long one! Excellent chapter!

#3 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 31 August 2003 - 07:11 PM

Just to make sure everyone is warned. Talek uses a four letter word referring to breasts that starts with a T in a curse. Probably not THAT shocking, but better safe then sorry.

Hmm, I must confess, now I am rather curious about which word that would be... me and my miniscule English vocabulary.

“Didn’t get much sleep these last nights didya?”

“Not really.” He yawned again. “Could do with a nap right now. Montaron seems all right though.”

I hope that Talek takes a night off when in Nashkel...

Imoen nodded and sighed. She lowered her voice. “About Montaron, Talek. I...really don’t like him. First I thought he was a bit like the thieves from the books. You know, unfriendly, pretending not to care, but with a heart of gold. And the way he saved that girl, Ina, I though that it was like that. But he’s... I don’t know everything about him, but I really don’t like what he does. I don’t trust them Talek, they frighten me. And the way the necromancer is looking at you...” She shivered.

Good that Immy is a smart and observant girl... hope that Talek will listen at least to her.

Talek sighed. “Look Montaron, I trust you. You saved my life with that dwarven bastard out there, but next time, tell us stuff like that. I’ve got a hard enough time figuring out what’s going on without people trying to keep stuff from me, and Imoen doesn’t like it either. No bloody mind games please, I suck at those. Nobody got hurt...” he hesitated. “Well, Imoen and I didn’t get hurt, so it’s not that big a deal. But I don’t like to have to wonder all the time whether or not you’re telling me everything. So next time, just play it straight will ya?”

Yes, please be nice Montaron... ;)

“Look Montaron. I’m pretty new to the world outside of Candlekeep, I haven’t got many friends out here, and it seems that could last some time. I trust you and Xzar. I trust Khalid and Jaheira. You don’t like each other, okay. But don’t try to turn me against my other friends, or I will get, really, REALLY pissed.” His left hand on Montaron’s shoulder squeezed, and the halfling grimaced slightly.

I don't think that telling them to like each other will help much.

“I’ve always wanted infravision like the elves. But there’s more then.... ouch, Monty, you hurt me.”

Again, here if we don't know that this is Xzar's line from game, we can only guess who was speaking...

Imoen shook her head. “Thanks, Khalid. But if I’m going to be a real adventurer, I’ll... have to learn to cope with it. I can’t just close my eyes and pretend it doesn’t happen.” She drew her short sword. “If it has to be done, I might as well be doing it myself, right?” She attempted a smile, but it came out weak.

Jaheira raised her eyebrows in surprise. “You show more sense of responsibility then your behaviour suggests, child. The brave action is not always the honourable one.”

Heh, actually dreading what you have to do and still doing actually takes a lot of bravery. Khalid also dreads the battle, yet he still fights - I think Jaheira would know that and therefore would understand and sympathize with Imoen.

“Can I come, can I come?... puhleaaase... pretty please, pretty please with sugar on the top AND some gravedirt.” Xzar piped up, holding his small dagger in one hand and a small bag in the other.

Xzar wants to do some melee fighting with his 4HP? Go right ahead, psycho...

The five quickly rushed towards the campfire. About a dozen hobgoblins were sound asleep, divided three tents, the well-built campfire keeping the cold of the night at distance. Imoen went straight for the nearest hobgoblin. She looked at her side as she slowly crouched near him. Montaron’s sword was already bloody and Jaheira was raising her staff. She turned back to her target and raised her sword for a stab through the heart when she heard a sickening crunch. The hobgoblin’s eyes opened and focused on Imoen.

Hmm... seeing sleeping critters being pasted is not a pretty sight, even if they are just hobgoblins...

With those words he gently, almost tenderly, put his hand on the hobgoblin’s face. The humanoids eyes widened, and his fingers stiffened before losing their strength and the bulk of the corpse fell heavily on the girl. Blood and bile were leaking from his mouth. As Imoen breathed deeply the last sounds of battle died with the last hobgobli.

Eeep... that's not going to make her enjoy the battle more...

Xzar giggled. “Aw shucks, it was nothing. What’s a little necromancy among friends?” Jaheira ignored the remark.


“Hey guys, I’m back. You were right Khalid. There WAS another guard, but I... Tymora’s tits! What the hell happened to you Imoen? You hurt?”

Ah, I learned a new word, yippee!

“The kind that plagues the Sword Coast for some time now.” Jaheira said thoughtfully. “At least we have a name now. The Chill.”

And you have some weapons that DON'T break... grrr.

“So if the bandits are connected to the iron shortage, and the iron shortage is linked to the mines of Nashkel...”

Imoen nodded. “Then the bandits are connected to Gorion’s murderer.”

:) :wink: Isn't that a bit far-fetched assumption?

“Speculating ain’t gonna help them die, druid.” Montaron scowled. “Could be anyone. The Drow, the Shadow Thieves, the Red Wizards, the Harpers.”

Somehow, 'The Harpers' do look very much out of place in that list...

Imoen sat next to him with a mischievous grin. “You were so busy staring at the sunrise I just couldn’t resist.”

Khalid smiled. “I s...suppose I did deserve that. Good thing the wife didn’t see that.” He smiled and looked lovingly at Jaheira’s sleeping form.

Awww... :wink:

“Heh, go get some sleep then. From what I’ve seen last night, you weren’t exactly getting a lot of rest back in town.” She gave him a teasing wink as Khalid’s face tried to become as red as his hair.

Yeah, Immy did a very bad, bad thing back there in Beregost.

Imoen didn’t answer but walked to her backpack and grabbed something. It was an old piece of parchment in bad shape. The paint had come off in some places but the picture was still recognisable. It was a rather well done, five year olds rendition of a battle field. There had been used a lot of red paint for the many corpses. Perhaps the most disturbing thing was the smiles on the people standing.

:lol: I suppose it could have been expected... hmm, wonder will Talek discuss his attempts at creating art with Prism when they meet him...

Imoen nodded. “I asked Talek why he never drew anything like rainbows or something like that. You know, people don’t make a fuss about pictures of rainbows. But Talek said he drew what he wanted. After a while the only people he made pictures for was Gorion, me, and sometimes Tethoril. And for himself of course. The only things without blood he painted were portraits. Most of them are still in my old room in Candlekeep. Guess it must look a bit weird. All those bloody scenes in a room full of pink clothing and books about... you know... romantic stuff.

Khalid was serious now. “I know this may be personal but... has Gorion ever considered seeing a cleric? Surley he noticed something was strange.”

Uhuh... so your Khalid and Jaheira don't know that Talek is a Bhaalspawn? To me it does make a *lot* of sense.

Imoen shrugged, she seemed to become sad as she told the tale.“Ah, that wasn’t so bad. they often me why I was hanging out with ‘the creepy guy’, and there was the usual ‘Imoen and Talek sitting in a tree’ but as long as I didn’t try to bring him with me, they didn’t mind. And since Talek didn’t want to come with me to them even if I asked that never happened. And even the few people that didn’t like me rarely tried anything. Talek was pretty strong even while he was young, and well... most children were scared of him. He always fought until he couldn’t move or someone restrained him. They said that he’d.... kill someone...one day.” Imoen’s voice broke at the end of the sentence.

Khalid patted her on he back. “Don’t worry Imoen. Things will be all right. With friends like you, Talek will be all right.”

Err... Khalid, I advise you to grab your wife and run away as quick as possible... that kid is trouble. :shock:

“Thanks Khalid.” Impulsively Imoen got up too and hugged the half elf. Khalid answered the hug awkwardly through his armour and gave Imoen another smile before retreating to the tent he and Jaheira shared. Imoen stared at his retreating form for a while, listening at the sound of armour being removed. Suddenly she blushed and kept her eyes on the fire. It took a long while before the blush vanished.[/i]

Oh? My Imoen was sweet on Khalid too... though it was just a harmless crush. Still... it is not an advisable choice, I think Khalid is too infatuated with Jaheira... hope Im isn't in for a lot of heartache. :wink:

#4 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 31 August 2003 - 07:32 PM

Wow, what a long one! Excellent chapter!

Thanks. Originally, I had planned to have the chapter stretch all the way to Nashkel, but with all the talk I ended it here. Afraid despite my attempts at shorter chapter I tend to end up with this length. Ah well.

#5 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 31 August 2003 - 07:51 PM

Just to make sure everyone is warned. Talek uses a four letter word referring to breasts that starts with a T in a curse. Probably not THAT shocking, but better safe then sorry.

Hmm, I must confess, now I am rather curious about which word that would be... me and my miniscule English vocabulary.


“Didn’t get much sleep these last nights didya?”

“Not really.” He yawned again. “Could do with a nap right now. Montaron seems all right though.”

I hope that Talek takes a night off when in Nashkel...

Even before that.

Imoen nodded and sighed. She lowered her voice. “About Montaron, Talek. I...really don’t like him. First I thought he was a bit like the thieves from the books. You know, unfriendly, pretending not to care, but with a heart of gold. And the way he saved that girl, Ina, I though that it was like that. But he’s... I don’t know everything about him, but I really don’t like what he does. I don’t trust them Talek, they frighten me. And the way the necromancer is looking at you...” She shivered.

Good that Immy is a smart and observant girl... hope that Talek will listen at least to her.

Of course. He'll always listen to Imoen, but he won't always do what she says.

Talek sighed. “Look Montaron, I trust you. You saved my life with that dwarven bastard out there, but next time, tell us stuff like that. I’ve got a hard enough time figuring out what’s going on without people trying to keep stuff from me, and Imoen doesn’t like it either. No bloody mind games please, I suck at those. Nobody got hurt...” he hesitated. “Well, Imoen and I didn’t get hurt, so it’s not that big a deal. But I don’t like to have to wonder all the time whether or not you’re telling me everything. So next time, just play it straight will ya?”

Yes, please be nice Montaron... :)

Hey, when it's the borderline psycho asking... Besides, he isn't asking Montaron to be nice, he's asking him not to hide stuf from him and Imoen.

“Look Montaron. I’m pretty new to the world outside of Candlekeep, I haven’t got many friends out here, and it seems that could last some time. I trust you and Xzar. I trust Khalid and Jaheira. You don’t like each other, okay. But don’t try to turn me against my other friends, or I will get, really, REALLY pissed.” His left hand on Montaron’s shoulder squeezed, and the halfling grimaced slightly.

I don't think that telling them to like each other will help much.

Even Talek has caught as much. But he won't stand or his friends trying to turn him against each other.

“I’ve always wanted infravision like the elves. But there’s more then.... ouch, Monty, you hurt me.”

Again, here if we don't know that this is Xzar's line from game, we can only guess who was speaking...

Right you are. *sigh* note to self: check who's speaking, note to self 2: ACTUALLY CHECK your notes to self!

Imoen shook her head. “Thanks, Khalid. But if I’m going to be a real adventurer, I’ll... have to learn to cope with it. I can’t just close my eyes and pretend it doesn’t happen.” She drew her short sword. “If it has to be done, I might as well be doing it myself, right?” She attempted a smile, but it came out weak.

Jaheira raised her eyebrows in surprise. “You show more sense of responsibility then your behaviour suggests, child. The brave action is not always the honourable one.”

Heh, actually dreading what you have to do and still doing actually takes a lot of bravery. Khalid also dreads the battle, yet he still fights - I think Jaheira would know that and therefore would understand and sympathize with Imoen.

True, though Jaheira can have a... unique approach to sympathizing.

“Can I come, can I come?... puhleaaase... pretty please, pretty please with sugar on the top AND some gravedirt.” Xzar piped up, holding his small dagger in one hand and a small bag in the other.

Xzar wants to do some melee fighting with his 4HP? Go right ahead, psycho...

Ah, the joys of having him chase squirels yelling "I have become death, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!"

The five quickly rushed towards the campfire. About a dozen hobgoblins were sound asleep, divided three tents, the well-built campfire keeping the cold of the night at distance. Imoen went straight for the nearest hobgoblin. She looked at her side as she slowly crouched near him. Montaron’s sword was already bloody and Jaheira was raising her staff. She turned back to her target and raised her sword for a stab through the heart when she heard a sickening crunch. The hobgoblin’s eyes opened and focused on Imoen.

Hmm... seeing sleeping critters being pasted is not a pretty sight, even if they are just hobgoblins...

Yep, too close to human beings or comort.

With those words he gently, almost tenderly, put his hand on the hobgoblin’s face. The humanoids eyes widened, and his fingers stiffened before losing their strength and the bulk of the corpse fell heavily on the girl. Blood and bile were leaking from his mouth. As Imoen breathed deeply the last sounds of battle died with the last hobgobli.

Eeep... that's not going to make her enjoy the battle more...

She wasn't exactly planning to 'enjoy it' I think.

Xzar giggled. “Aw shucks, it was nothing. What’s a little necromancy among friends?” Jaheira ignored the remark.


That loveable necromancer. :wink:

“Hey guys, I’m back. You were right Khalid. There WAS another guard, but I... Tymora’s tits! What the hell happened to you Imoen? You hurt?”

Ah, I learned a new word, yippee!

Great, I'm spreading English dirty words.

“The kind that plagues the Sword Coast for some time now.” Jaheira said thoughtfully. “At least we have a name now. The Chill.”

And you have some weapons that DON'T break... grrr.

Hey, they said it was iron, not weapons.

“So if the bandits are connected to the iron shortage, and the iron shortage is linked to the mines of Nashkel...”

Imoen nodded. “Then the bandits are connected to Gorion’s murderer.”

:shock: :lol: Isn't that a bit far-fetched assumption?

Well, Gorions letter DID say there was a link between the people after him and the mines. It sounded like a reasonable assumption. But hey, it's Imoen I guess.

“Speculating ain’t gonna help them die, druid.” Montaron scowled. “Could be anyone. The Drow, the Shadow Thieves, the Red Wizards, the Harpers.”

Somehow, 'The Harpers' do look very much out of place in that list...

Not to a cynical sourpuss as Montaron they don't. They're all groups that use underhanded tactics to further their goals.

Imoen sat next to him with a mischievous grin. “You were so busy staring at the sunrise I just couldn’t resist.”

Khalid smiled. “I s...suppose I did deserve that. Good thing the wife didn’t see that.” He smiled and looked lovingly at Jaheira’s sleeping form.

Awww... :wink:

After all the angst, tension and gore we can have some Warm and Fuzzy Feeling.

“Heh, go get some sleep then. From what I’ve seen last night, you weren’t exactly getting a lot of rest back in town.” She gave him a teasing wink as Khalid’s face tried to become as red as his hair.

Yeah, Immy did a very bad, bad thing back there in Beregost.

Yep, if the situation had been less then a matter of life and death, Jaheira would NOT have been pleased.

Imoen didn’t answer but walked to her backpack and grabbed something. It was an old piece of parchment in bad shape. The paint had come off in some places but the picture was still recognisable. It was a rather well done, five year olds rendition of a battle field. There had been used a lot of red paint for the many corpses. Perhaps the most disturbing thing was the smiles on the people standing.

;) I suppose it could have been expected... hmm, wonder will Talek discuss his attempts at creating art with Prism when they meet him...

Heh, he can have a chat with Viconia and Rose of Tankards and Tempers. Though I doubt he'd be able to follow.

Imoen nodded. “I asked Talek why he never drew anything like rainbows or something like that. You know, people don’t make a fuss about pictures of rainbows. But Talek said he drew what he wanted. After a while the only people he made pictures for was Gorion, me, and sometimes Tethoril. And for himself of course. The only things without blood he painted were portraits. Most of them are still in my old room in Candlekeep. Guess it must look a bit weird. All those bloody scenes in a room full of pink clothing and books about... you know... romantic stuff.

Khalid was serious now. “I know this may be personal but... has Gorion ever considered seeing a cleric? Surley he noticed something was strange.”

Uhuh... so your Khalid and Jaheira don't know that Talek is a Bhaalspawn? To me it does make a *lot* of sense.

Hey, this is the realms. There's a zillion ways someone's mind can be twisted rom a young age even WITHOUT cursed blood.

Imoen shrugged, she seemed to become sad as she told the tale.“Ah, that wasn’t so bad. they often me why I was hanging out with ‘the creepy guy’, and there was the usual ‘Imoen and Talek sitting in a tree’ but as long as I didn’t try to bring him with me, they didn’t mind. And since Talek didn’t want to come with me to them even if I asked that never happened. And even the few people that didn’t like me rarely tried anything. Talek was pretty strong even while he was young, and well... most children were scared of him. He always fought until he couldn’t move or someone restrained him. They said that he’d.... kill someone...one day.” Imoen’s voice broke at the end of the sentence.

Khalid patted her on he back. “Don’t worry Imoen. Things will be all right. With friends like you, Talek will be all right.”

Err... Khalid, I advise you to grab your wife and run away as quick as possible... that kid is trouble. :wink:

Yeah, YOU try convincing Jaheira to give up on something she set her mind to.

“Thanks Khalid.” Impulsively Imoen got up too and hugged the half elf. Khalid answered the hug awkwardly through his armour and gave Imoen another smile before retreating to the tent he and Jaheira shared. Imoen stared at his retreating form for a while, listening at the sound of armour being removed. Suddenly she blushed and kept her eyes on the fire. It took a long while before the blush vanished.[/i]

Oh? My Imoen was sweet on Khalid too... though it was just a harmless crush. Still... it is not an advisable choice, I think Khalid is too infatuated with Jaheira... hope Im isn't in for a lot of heartache. :wink:

Hm, actually, I decided on having her crush on Khalid pretty much on impulse. I really don't know how ar I'm gonna take it.

Thanks or the review and the corrections.

#6 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 31 August 2003 - 07:56 PM

“Out of Candlekeep for 4 days and already they’ve sent their Fist after me.” Imoen stopped as well and stood beside him. The voice lacked the anger he usually showed when speaking like that. He still sounded tired, mixed with a hint of despair. “You know Immy, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.”

:lol: Can't really blame people for judging him badly after what's happened that night, though. Running away and leaving 11 dead people behind you isn't exactly a good indicator of innocence, and since most everyone involved is dead there'll be no one to explain the circumstances of the killings and justify Talek's behaviour.

Imoen grabbed Talek’s arm, feeling the metal of the dead Flaming Fist’s armour under her hand. “Don’t stay stuff like that, Talek.” Her own voice sounded tired as well. “Look, we made some mistakes and did some... wrong things. We’ll find a way to make up for it. When we solve this iron crisis I’m sure they’ll listen to our explanation.”

:wink: Maybe. But i think if I were them I'd stay away from Beregost for a while.

Talek scratched his head in confusion. “Huh? They never did anything to harm us, did they? And Montaron saved my life tonight.”

True, but he was also the one who persuaded you to go out in the first place - without him Talek wouldn't have got into any trouble.

“He did?” Talek’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll talk to him about that. I don’t like those kind of games.” With a grim expression on his face Talek quickened his pace towards Montaron, who was busy staring holes into Jaheira’s back.

;) Unfortunately for talek, lots of people out there play those sort of games. And unless Talek gets better at spotting them, he's not going to have an easy time of it.

“Yeah well groan if ye want. But while ye were cutting of his breath, the druid was pretty close to using that staff of her.”

Can't really blame her given the way he was threatening Khalid.

“Hey guys, I think I found their loot.” Talek commented from a bit farther away. Near him was a pile covered with cloth against the rain. As the others got closer he ripped it open with his sword and revealed...

“...iron? What the....? Iron? What kind of bandits are this?” Talek was dumbfounded.

iron crisis, Talek, remember? Iron's probably pretty valuable right now, if it's the kind that doesn't break.

Imoen nodded. “Then the bandits are connected to Gorion’s murderer.”

“Then let’s go kill the bandits!” Talek exclaimed.

Not quite that simple, Talek.

Montaron shrugged. “Things change. Heck, for all I know The Order of the Most Radiant Heart decided to try something different. Eyes open and mouth closed I say.”


The night passed quietly, with Khalid now and then nervously rubbing his neck. To his delight the rain stopped soon and after only a few hours the sun started to rise. As he was staring at it smiling he suddenly felt two hands grab his shoulder. He gave a high yelp and grabbed the hands by the wrist.

looks like he wasn't doing a very good job of keeping the guard, then...

Imoen sat next to him with a mischievous grin. “You were so busy staring at the sunrise I just couldn’t resist.”

Khalid smiled. “I s...suppose I did deserve that. Good thing the wife didn’t see that.” He smiled and looked lovingly at Jaheira’s sleeping form.

He'd never be allowed to forget it...

Minor nitpick: at the end of the chapter you mention she's in a tent, so Khalid wouldn't actually be able to look at her sleeping form :wink:

Imoen nodded. “Yeah, she didn’t hang the picture in the temple. The other kids... well... you know how five year olds are. So while we were hanging the pictures I saw him standing there alone with tears in his eyes trying not to cry. I still don’t know why, but I didn’t feel scared at all. So I walked up to him and asked if I could see his picture. He was pretty distrustful at first, but he really wanted to show the picture. I told him that I really liked the tree” she pointed at a tree “and asked why the people died. He said he didn’t know, he had just painted what he wanted. Then I showed him my picture, and he told me it was, what was it? ‘the bestest knight he had ever seen’” She laughed. “Of course, I had WANTED to draw a fairy, but I never told him that.”


“Yeah, Puffguts, I mean Winthrop tried to stop me for a while, but I guess that just encouraged me.” She smiled, but it faded. “Of course, that’s when... he and Talek started disliking each other. Winthrop was the first time Talek actually drew a... real person in his pictures.”

:) I guess better Talek draws pictures of people dying than actually goes out and kills them, though. Maybe he should try drawing more, and it might be a good way to let out his anger without hurting anyone.

Khalid patted her on he back. “Don’t worry Imoen. Things will be all right. With friends like you, Talek will be all right.”

Imoen shook her head. “I’m not that good a friend Khalid. You don’t know everything.”

But whatever she's done, she's the best friend Talek has. And he really needs her right now.

Nice chapter :wink:

#7 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 31 August 2003 - 08:24 PM

“Out of Candlekeep for 4 days and already they’ve sent their Fist after me.” Imoen stopped as well and stood beside him. The voice lacked the anger he usually showed when speaking like that. He still sounded tired, mixed with a hint of despair. “You know Immy, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.”

;) Can't really blame people for judging him badly after what's happened that night, though. Running away and leaving 11 dead people behind you isn't exactly a good indicator of innocence, and since most everyone involved is dead there'll be no one to explain the circumstances of the killings and justify Talek's behaviour.

Yep, but Talek kind of expects people to act hostile to him, and he's not really good in 'seeing things rom the other one's perspective'

Imoen grabbed Talek’s arm, feeling the metal of the dead Flaming Fist’s armour under her hand. “Don’t stay stuff like that, Talek.” Her own voice sounded tired as well. “Look, we made some mistakes and did some... wrong things. We’ll find a way to make up for it. When we solve this iron crisis I’m sure they’ll listen to our explanation.”

:lol: Maybe. But i think if I were them I'd stay away from Beregost for a while.

Yeah, letting stuff cool down a little while.

Talek scratched his head in confusion. “Huh? They never did anything to harm us, did they? And Montaron saved my life tonight.”

True, but he was also the one who persuaded you to go out in the first place - without him Talek wouldn't have got into any trouble.

Talek usually doesn't make such long term relations.

“He did?” Talek’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll talk to him about that. I don’t like those kind of games.” With a grim expression on his face Talek quickened his pace towards Montaron, who was busy staring holes into Jaheira’s back.

:) Unfortunately for talek, lots of people out there play those sort of games. And unless Talek gets better at spotting them, he's not going to have an easy time of it.

That's why he places so much importance on trust. HE can't play those games, so he needs other people to play them for him. Of course, against THEIR better judgement he may do the STUPID thing ANYWAY.

“Yeah well groan if ye want. But while ye were cutting of his breath, the druid was pretty close to using that staff of her.”

Can't really blame her given the way he was threatening Khalid.

True, but as I said, trust is important to Talek. Giving and receiving. If he knows Jaheira thinks he'd just murder Khalid, he'd be hurt, just as much as if he would be if Imoen would be scared of him. People have been scared of him or a long time.

“Hey guys, I think I found their loot.” Talek commented from a bit farther away. Near him was a pile covered with cloth against the rain. As the others got closer he ripped it open with his sword and revealed...

“...iron? What the....? Iron? What kind of bandits are this?” Talek was dumbfounded.

iron crisis, Talek, remember? Iron's probably pretty valuable right now, if it's the kind that doesn't break.

Yep, but Talek is rather... slow about things that don't involve swo.... wait a minute... euh.... you know what I mean.

Imoen nodded. “Then the bandits are connected to Gorion’s murderer.”

“Then let’s go kill the bandits!” Talek exclaimed.

Not quite that simple, Talek.

Talek: *groan* Why do people insist on making everything so bloody complicated?

Montaron shrugged. “Things change. Heck, for all I know The Order of the Most Radiant Heart decided to try something different. Eyes open and mouth closed I say.”


Sarevok was FRAMED, KELDORN was the man in the spikey armour.

The night passed quietly, with Khalid now and then nervously rubbing his neck. To his delight the rain stopped soon and after only a few hours the sun started to rise. As he was staring at it smiling he suddenly felt two hands grab his shoulder. He gave a high yelp and grabbed the hands by the wrist.

looks like he wasn't doing a very good job of keeping the guard, then...

Nope. But it was a pretty sunrise.

Imoen sat next to him with a mischievous grin. “You were so busy staring at the sunrise I just couldn’t resist.”

Khalid smiled. “I s...suppose I did deserve that. Good thing the wife didn’t see that.” He smiled and looked lovingly at Jaheira’s sleeping form.

He'd never be allowed to forget it...

Minor nitpick: at the end of the chapter you mention she's in a tent, so Khalid wouldn't actually be able to look at her sleeping form :wink:

Whoopsee... Khalid's loss I guess.

Imoen nodded. “Yeah, she didn’t hang the picture in the temple. The other kids... well... you know how five year olds are. So while we were hanging the pictures I saw him standing there alone with tears in his eyes trying not to cry. I still don’t know why, but I didn’t feel scared at all. So I walked up to him and asked if I could see his picture. He was pretty distrustful at first, but he really wanted to show the picture. I told him that I really liked the tree” she pointed at a tree “and asked why the people died. He said he didn’t know, he had just painted what he wanted. Then I showed him my picture, and he told me it was, what was it? ‘the bestest knight he had ever seen’” She laughed. “Of course, I had WANTED to draw a fairy, but I never told him that.”


I think you can call that 'pulling an Edwin'

“Yeah, Puffguts, I mean Winthrop tried to stop me for a while, but I guess that just encouraged me.” She smiled, but it faded. “Of course, that’s when... he and Talek started disliking each other. Winthrop was the first time Talek actually drew a... real person in his pictures.”

:shock: I guess better Talek draws pictures of people dying than actually goes out and kills them, though. Maybe he should try drawing more, and it might be a good way to let out his anger without hurting anyone.

True, except the way he looks at them makes them act in a way that makes Talek want to kill them even more.

Khalid patted her on he back. “Don’t worry Imoen. Things will be all right. With friends like you, Talek will be all right.”

Imoen shook her head. “I’m not that good a friend Khalid. You don’t know everything.”

But whatever she's done, she's the best friend Talek has. And he really needs her right now.

He does. And he is fully aware of it.

Nice chapter :wink:

Thanks. :wink:

#8 Laufey

Posted 01 September 2003 - 11:52 AM

Imoen nodded and sighed. She lowered her voice. “About Montaron, Talek. I...really don’t like him. First I thought he was a bit like the thieves from the books. You know, unfriendly, pretending not to care, but with a heart of gold. And the way he saved that girl, Ina, I though that it was like that. But he’s... I don’t know everything about him, but I really don’t like what he does. I don’t trust them Talek, they frighten me. And the way the necromancer is looking at you...” She shivered.

Talek scratched his head in confusion. “Huh? They never did anything to harm us, did they? And Montaron saved my life tonight.”

“I know, I know. It’s not like I think he’ll cut our throats while we sleep. But... for example. Montaron knew those thieves Silke wanted us to kill weren’t enchanters. And he didn’t tell us.”

Imoen is observant, far more so than Talek. Good thing he has her.

Talek sighed. “Look Montaron, I trust you. You saved my life with that dwarven bastard out there, but next time, tell us stuff like that. I’ve got a hard enough time figuring out what’s going on without people trying to keep stuff from me, and Imoen doesn’t like it either. No bloody mind games please, I suck at those. Nobody got hurt...” he hesitated. “Well, Imoen and I didn’t get hurt, so it’s not that big a deal. But I don’t like to have to wonder all the time whether or not you’re telling me everything. So next time, just play it straight will ya?”

Good for him. :)

Khalid spoke with a quiet, sympathetic voice. “Arrow through his throat. He died quickly. Good shot, Imoen.” Imoen nodded. Neither of them looked particularly happy.

No, neither Imoen or Khalid would be.

Imoen shuddered slightly, and Khalid spoke. “There’s probably not too many of them, and they’ll be surprised. I don’t think you have to go if you d...don’t want to, Imoen.”

Imoen shook her head. “Thanks, Khalid. But if I’m going to be a real adventurer, I’ll... have to learn to cope with it. I can’t just close my eyes and pretend it doesn’t happen.” She drew her short sword. “If it has to be done, I might as well be doing it myself, right?” She attempted a smile, but it came out weak.

Aww...that was sweet. And Khalid's protective attitude towards Imoen is very 'him' I think.

“Can I come, can I come?... puhleaaase... pretty please, pretty please with sugar on the top AND some gravedirt.” Xzar piped up, holding his small dagger in one hand and a small bag in the other.

LOL! Great Xzar line! :(

For a second the two just stared at each other frozen in terror. Then the hobgoblin screamed in alarm and leapt up at Imoen’s throat. Imoen stabbed and felt it dig in the hobgoblin’s belly. The assault wasn’t stopped however and Imoen fell on her back, the hobgoblin on top of her squeezing her throat as Imoen twisted the sword desperately. She opened her mouth to scream for help, but the strangled cry was drowned in the sound of the waking and dying hobgoblins. Then she heard a strangely echoing voice and suddenly saw Xzar’s grinning, tattooed face appear next to the hobgoblin. He brought his hand, that had a strange green glow around it near the hobgoblin’s face and spoke in a soft voice.

“The bunnies are calling for you.”

With those words he gently, almost tenderly, put his hand on the hobgoblin’s face. The humanoids eyes widened, and his fingers stiffened before losing their strength and the bulk of the corpse fell heavily on the girl. Blood and bile were leaking from his mouth. As Imoen breathed deeply the last sounds of battle died with the last hobgobli.

Brrrrr! I think this was probably my favorite part of the chapter. Very chilling.

Imoen grinned. “Well, I was about six and Talek was about five. We’re not really sure because we don’t know our actual birthdays. We were both adopted. Talek by Gorion and me by Puffg... Winthrop, the innkeeper. One of the acolytes of Oghma was teaching us. Talek was never really someone who liked studying so he’d often be busy with other stuff. But one day she gave us some spoiled parchments and paint and told us to make a picture of anything we wanted, and she’d hang it up in the temple. Talek liked that. He’s still really good at drawing. But... the acolyte didn’t like what he drew.”


Imoen didn’t answer but walked to her backpack and grabbed something. It was an old piece of parchment in bad shape. The paint had come off in some places but the picture was still recognisable. It was a rather well done, five year olds rendition of a battle field. There had been used a lot of red paint for the many corpses. Perhaps the most disturbing thing was the smiles on the people standing.

“Oh my goodness. I can see why that wouldn’t... please the teacher.”

Imoen nodded. “Yeah, she didn’t hang the picture in the temple. The other kids... well... you know how five year olds are. So while we were hanging the pictures I saw him standing there alone with tears in his eyes trying not to cry. I still don’t know why, but I didn’t feel scared at all. So I walked up to him and asked if I could see his picture. He was pretty distrustful at first, but he really wanted to show the picture. I told him that I really liked the tree” she pointed at a tree “and asked why the people died. He said he didn’t know, he had just painted what he wanted. Then I showed him my picture, and he told me it was, what was it? ‘the bestest knight he had ever seen’” She laughed. “Of course, I had WANTED to draw a fairy, but I never told him that.”

Awwwww...poor Talek. :) This was really very touching. (And you don't have to be a Bhaalspawn to draw things like that. I drew some pretty creepy things myself, now and then.)

“Gorion... didn’t like it. He encouraged Talek to draw other things, but he always accepted the pictures Talek made for him. The leader of the church of Oghma never asked. For some reason he always shunned Talek. Him and Ulraunt. Sometimes it was almost like they were scared of him, even when he was a little boy. A priest of Lathander once visited and asked Gorion, but Gorion sent him away. He said that the gods wouldn’t help Talek with his problem, mortals had to.” She sighed. “but I guess that didn’t go to well. You probably know as much, but Talek was pretty unhappy at Candlekeep. Was kind of a vicious circle. The more people were distrustful of Talek, the angrier he became. Not just his pictures. He was pretty violent too. And the more violent he became, the more people avoided him. In the end, well, Talek spend most of the time he wasn’t with me or Gorion alone.”

Yes, that's often how it goes. :(

“Well, me and Jaheira are always here if you want to talk Imoen.” Khalid gout up to his feet. “I should get some rest.”

“Thanks Khalid.” Impulsively Imoen got up too and hugged the half elf. Khalid answered the hug awkwardly through his armour and gave Imoen another smile before retreating to the tent he and Jaheira shared. Imoen stared at his retreating form for a while, listening at the sound of armour being removed. Suddenly she blushed and kept her eyes on the fire. It took a long while before the blush vanished.[/i]

Hmmm...is Immy having a little crush on Khalid, perhaps? ;)
Rogues do it from behind.

#9 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 01 September 2003 - 03:53 PM

Imoen nodded and sighed. She lowered her voice. “About Montaron, Talek. I...really don’t like him. First I thought he was a bit like the thieves from the books. You know, unfriendly, pretending not to care, but with a heart of gold. And the way he saved that girl, Ina, I though that it was like that. But he’s... I don’t know everything about him, but I really don’t like what he does. I don’t trust them Talek, they frighten me. And the way the necromancer is looking at you...” She shivered.

Talek scratched his head in confusion. “Huh? They never did anything to harm us, did they? And Montaron saved my life tonight.”

“I know, I know. It’s not like I think he’ll cut our throats while we sleep. But... for example. Montaron knew those thieves Silke wanted us to kill weren’t enchanters. And he didn’t tell us.”

Imoen is observant, far more so than Talek. Good thing he has her.

Yep, he'd be cold already if it wasn't for her.

Talek sighed. “Look Montaron, I trust you. You saved my life with that dwarven bastard out there, but next time, tell us stuff like that. I’ve got a hard enough time figuring out what’s going on without people trying to keep stuff from me, and Imoen doesn’t like it either. No bloody mind games please, I suck at those. Nobody got hurt...” he hesitated. “Well, Imoen and I didn’t get hurt, so it’s not that big a deal. But I don’t like to have to wonder all the time whether or not you’re telling me everything. So next time, just play it straight will ya?”

Good for him. :)

Heh, there's a certain Red Wizard who'll have to be a tad careful around Talek.

Khalid spoke with a quiet, sympathetic voice. “Arrow through his throat. He died quickly. Good shot, Imoen.” Imoen nodded. Neither of them looked particularly happy.

No, neither Imoen or Khalid would be.

Yep, though Imoen sounds pretty okay with killing in the game, she doesn't strike me as the type of girl who feels at home on small battlefields.

Imoen shuddered slightly, and Khalid spoke. “There’s probably not too many of them, and they’ll be surprised. I don’t think you have to go if you d...don’t want to, Imoen.”

Imoen shook her head. “Thanks, Khalid. But if I’m going to be a real adventurer, I’ll... have to learn to cope with it. I can’t just close my eyes and pretend it doesn’t happen.” She drew her short sword. “If it has to be done, I might as well be doing it myself, right?” She attempted a smile, but it came out weak.

Aww...that was sweet. And Khalid's protective attitude towards Imoen is very 'him' I think.

Yeah, he really kind of complements Jaheira that way.

“Can I come, can I come?... puhleaaase... pretty please, pretty please with sugar on the top AND some gravedirt.” Xzar piped up, holding his small dagger in one hand and a small bag in the other.

LOL! Great Xzar line! :(

He's like a hyper Imoen, only psychopathic and with necromancy.... and less cute.

For a second the two just stared at each other frozen in terror. Then the hobgoblin screamed in alarm and leapt up at Imoen’s throat. Imoen stabbed and felt it dig in the hobgoblin’s belly. The assault wasn’t stopped however and Imoen fell on her back, the hobgoblin on top of her squeezing her throat as Imoen twisted the sword desperately. She opened her mouth to scream for help, but the strangled cry was drowned in the sound of the waking and dying hobgoblins. Then she heard a strangely echoing voice and suddenly saw Xzar’s grinning, tattooed face appear next to the hobgoblin. He brought his hand, that had a strange green glow around it near the hobgoblin’s face and spoke in a soft voice.

“The bunnies are calling for you.”

With those words he gently, almost tenderly, put his hand on the hobgoblin’s face. The humanoids eyes widened, and his fingers stiffened before losing their strength and the bulk of the corpse fell heavily on the girl. Blood and bile were leaking from his mouth. As Imoen breathed deeply the last sounds of battle died with the last hobgobli.

Brrrrr! I think this was probably my favorite part of the chapter. Very chilling.

:D Yay! Thanks, that was the feeling I was going for.

Imoen grinned. “Well, I was about six and Talek was about five. We’re not really sure because we don’t know our actual birthdays. We were both adopted. Talek by Gorion and me by Puffg... Winthrop, the innkeeper. One of the acolytes of Oghma was teaching us. Talek was never really someone who liked studying so he’d often be busy with other stuff. But one day she gave us some spoiled parchments and paint and told us to make a picture of anything we wanted, and she’d hang it up in the temple. Talek liked that. He’s still really good at drawing. But... the acolyte didn’t like what he drew.”


Imoen didn’t answer but walked to her backpack and grabbed something. It was an old piece of parchment in bad shape. The paint had come off in some places but the picture was still recognisable. It was a rather well done, five year olds rendition of a battle field. There had been used a lot of red paint for the many corpses. Perhaps the most disturbing thing was the smiles on the people standing.

“Oh my goodness. I can see why that wouldn’t... please the teacher.”

Imoen nodded. “Yeah, she didn’t hang the picture in the temple. The other kids... well... you know how five year olds are. So while we were hanging the pictures I saw him standing there alone with tears in his eyes trying not to cry. I still don’t know why, but I didn’t feel scared at all. So I walked up to him and asked if I could see his picture. He was pretty distrustful at first, but he really wanted to show the picture. I told him that I really liked the tree” she pointed at a tree “and asked why the people died. He said he didn’t know, he had just painted what he wanted. Then I showed him my picture, and he told me it was, what was it? ‘the bestest knight he had ever seen’” She laughed. “Of course, I had WANTED to draw a fairy, but I never told him that.”

Awwwww...poor Talek. :) This was really very touching. (And you don't have to be a Bhaalspawn to draw things like that. I drew some pretty creepy things myself, now and then.)

True, but Talek drew almost nothing EXCEPT the things like that.

“Gorion... didn’t like it. He encouraged Talek to draw other things, but he always accepted the pictures Talek made for him. The leader of the church of Oghma never asked. For some reason he always shunned Talek. Him and Ulraunt. Sometimes it was almost like they were scared of him, even when he was a little boy. A priest of Lathander once visited and asked Gorion, but Gorion sent him away. He said that the gods wouldn’t help Talek with his problem, mortals had to.” She sighed. “but I guess that didn’t go to well. You probably know as much, but Talek was pretty unhappy at Candlekeep. Was kind of a vicious circle. The more people were distrustful of Talek, the angrier he became. Not just his pictures. He was pretty violent too. And the more violent he became, the more people avoided him. In the end, well, Talek spend most of the time he wasn’t with me or Gorion alone.”

Yes, that's often how it goes. :(

Yeah, if not for Imoen it's likely that Talek would have started putting the pictures into practice a lot earlier. And the Sarevok wouldn't even be needed anymore.

“Well, me and Jaheira are always here if you want to talk Imoen.” Khalid gout up to his feet. “I should get some rest.”

“Thanks Khalid.” Impulsively Imoen got up too and hugged the half elf. Khalid answered the hug awkwardly through his armour and gave Imoen another smile before retreating to the tent he and Jaheira shared. Imoen stared at his retreating form for a while, listening at the sound of armour being removed. Suddenly she blushed and kept her eyes on the fire. It took a long while before the blush vanished.[/i]

Hmmm...is Immy having a little crush on Khalid, perhaps? ;)

Just a teensy weensy tiny complete infatuation. I guess Imoen must hate some of us scribes for always having her love life be problematic, even more then the Main Bhaalspawnn him/herself.

#10 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 02 September 2003 - 02:39 PM

“Out of Candlekeep for 4 days and already they’ve sent their Fist after me.” Imoen stopped as well and stood beside him. The voice lacked the anger he usually showed when speaking like that. He still sounded tired, mixed with a hint of despair. “You know Immy, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.”

It is his own fault.

Imoen nodded and sighed. She lowered her voice. “About Montaron, Talek. I...really don’t like him. First I thought he was a bit like the thieves from the books. You know, unfriendly, pretending not to care, but with a heart of gold. And the way he saved that girl, Ina, I though that it was like that. But he’s... I don’t know everything about him, but I really don’t like what he does. I don’t trust them Talek, they frighten me. And the way the necromancer is looking at you...” She shivered.

I would say that montaron is a very gruesome man, and completely uncaring. It was him who was the real murderer.

“On my mark,” Jaheira whispered as she let her sling swing around “Three, two, one.”

The three projectiles flew almost simultaneously. The hobgoblin jerked and fell down without a sound. Talek and Khalid rushed forward as silently as their armour permitted, followed by the others.

Why do they attack it?

Imoen nodded. “I asked Talek why he never drew anything like rainbows or something like that. You know, people don’t make a fuss about pictures of rainbows. But Talek said he drew what he wanted. After a while the only people he made pictures for was Gorion, me, and sometimes Tethoril. And for himself of course. The only things without blood he painted were portraits. Most of them are still in my old room in Candlekeep. Guess it must look a bit weird. All those bloody scenes in a room full of pink clothing and books about... you know... romantic stuff.

Khalid was serious now. “I know this may be personal but... has Gorion ever considered seeing a cleric? Surley he noticed something was strange.”

That talek is slightly retarded, i've noticed.

Good story


#11 Guest_Helseth_*

Posted 02 September 2003 - 08:33 PM

Talek sighed. “Look Montaron, I trust you. You saved my life with that dwarven bastard out there, but next time, tell us stuff like that. I’ve got a hard enough time figuring out what’s going on without people trying to keep stuff from me, and Imoen doesn’t like it either. No bloody mind games please, I suck at those. Nobody got hurt...” he hesitated. “Well, Imoen and I didn’t get hurt, so it’s not that big a deal. But I don’t like to have to wonder all the time whether or not you’re telling me everything. So next time, just play it straight will ya?”

:twisted: That's talking to Monty, a paragon of square dealing...

“Yeah well groan if ye want. But while ye were cutting of his breath, the druid was pretty close to using that staff of her.”

"Cutting off"?

“I’ve always wanted infravision like the elves. But there’s more then.... ouch, Monty, you hurt me.”

LOL! Probably Monty heard that line already as he shut him up just in time:)

“Be quiet fool, if he hears us, we’ll get the whole group after our hides.” He undid his crossbow. “Guess we get to show of our archery skills.”

Maybe that's "to show off"?

Xzar giggled. “Aw shucks, it was nothing. What’s a little necromancy among friends?” Jaheira ignored the remark.


Imoen grinned. “Well, I was about six and Talek was about five. We’re not really sure because we don’t know our actual birthdays. We were both adopted. Talek by Gorion and me by Puffg... Winthrop, the innkeeper. One of the acolytes of Oghma was teaching us. Talek was never really someone who liked studying so he’d often be busy with other stuff. But one day she gave us some spoiled parchments and paint and told us to make a picture of anything we wanted, and she’d hang it up in the temple. Talek liked that. He’s still really good at drawing. But... the acolyte didn’t like what he drew.”

That is new side of Talek -- that's he is good at drawing. It would be interesting to see more of it. Is he going to visit some museums any time soon? :twisted:

By the way, speaking about art appreciation, have you read Pratchett's "The Truth"? There's certain Mr Tulip there, a man with quite a short temper and a keen interest in art and violence. Looks like he and Talek have something in common :)

Imoen nodded. “I asked Talek why he never drew anything like rainbows or something like that. You know, people don’t make a fuss about pictures of rainbows. But Talek said he drew what he wanted. After a while the only people he made pictures for was Gorion, me, and sometimes Tethoril. And for himself of course. The only things without blood he painted were portraits. Most of them are still in my old room in Candlekeep. Guess it must look a bit weird. All those bloody scenes in a room full of pink clothing and books about... you know... romantic stuff.

:P And maybe some portraits of famous swashbucklers in her room, too?

Khalid was serious now. “I know this may be personal but... has Gorion ever considered seeing a cleric? Surley he noticed something was strange.”

“Gorion... didn’t like it. He encouraged Talek to draw other things, but he always accepted the pictures Talek made for him. The leader of the church of Oghma never asked. For some reason he always shunned Talek. Him and Ulraunt. Sometimes it was almost like they were scared of him, even when he was a little boy. A priest of Lathander once visited and asked Gorion, but Gorion sent him away. He said that the gods wouldn’t help Talek with his problem, mortals had to.” She sighed. “but I guess that didn’t go to well. You probably know as much, but Talek was pretty unhappy at Candlekeep. Was kind of a vicious circle. The more people were distrustful of Talek, the angrier he became. Not just his pictures. He was pretty violent too. And the more violent he became, the more people avoided him. In the end, well, Talek spend most of the time he wasn’t with me or Gorion alone.”

Actually, I think Gorion did his job *very* well. Although Talek enjoys killing and has quite a short fuse, he seems to have rather strict code of honour. Up to now, he never killed out of combat, never even considered it. He even spared that rapist guy (well... the first time).

Good chapter... I especially liked the battle (massacre?) description and Khalid/Imoen talk. Is it just me, or is Immy developing a little crush?

#12 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 04 September 2003 - 08:32 AM

“Out of Candlekeep for 4 days and already they’ve sent their Fist after me.” Imoen stopped as well and stood beside him. The voice lacked the anger he usually showed when speaking like that. He still sounded tired, mixed with a hint of despair. “You know Immy, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.”

It is his own fault.

Yep, though I guess a more charismatic adventurer might have been able to talk his way out of it.

Imoen nodded and sighed. She lowered her voice. “About Montaron, Talek. I...really don’t like him. First I thought he was a bit like the thieves from the books. You know, unfriendly, pretending not to care, but with a heart of gold. And the way he saved that girl, Ina, I though that it was like that. But he’s... I don’t know everything about him, but I really don’t like what he does. I don’t trust them Talek, they frighten me. And the way the necromancer is looking at you...” She shivered.

I would say that montaron is a very gruesome man, and completely uncaring. It was him who was the real murderer.

Yes. Yes he is. Don't think he has any illsuions of that himself.

“On my mark,” Jaheira whispered as she let her sling swing around “Three, two, one.”

The three projectiles flew almost simultaneously. The hobgoblin jerked and fell down without a sound. Talek and Khalid rushed forward as silently as their armour permitted, followed by the others.

Why do they attack it?

Well it was patrolling near the road. If they tried to walk by it, they'd risk a hobgoblin attack in the rear.

Imoen nodded. “I asked Talek why he never drew anything like rainbows or something like that. You know, people don’t make a fuss about pictures of rainbows. But Talek said he drew what he wanted. After a while the only people he made pictures for was Gorion, me, and sometimes Tethoril. And for himself of course. The only things without blood he painted were portraits. Most of them are still in my old room in Candlekeep. Guess it must look a bit weird. All those bloody scenes in a room full of pink clothing and books about... you know... romantic stuff.

Khalid was serious now. “I know this may be personal but... has Gorion ever considered seeing a cleric? Surley he noticed something was strange.”

That talek is slightly retarded, i've noticed.

Good story


Heh, thanks. And yep, Talek's intelectual capacities aren't really up there with many of the other Bhaalspawn.

#13 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 04 September 2003 - 08:42 AM

Talek sighed. “Look Montaron, I trust you. You saved my life with that dwarven bastard out there, but next time, tell us stuff like that. I’ve got a hard enough time figuring out what’s going on without people trying to keep stuff from me, and Imoen doesn’t like it either. No bloody mind games please, I suck at those. Nobody got hurt...” he hesitated. “Well, Imoen and I didn’t get hurt, so it’s not that big a deal. But I don’t like to have to wonder all the time whether or not you’re telling me everything. So next time, just play it straight will ya?”

B) That's talking to Monty, a paragon of square dealing...

Yep, but also a survivor. So when a short-fused, violent guy like Talek asks you not to play tricks on him, you either don't, or you make sure he doesn't find out.

“Yeah well groan if ye want. But while ye were cutting of his breath, the druid was pretty close to using that staff of her.”

"Cutting off"?

“Be quiet fool, if he hears us, we’ll get the whole group after our hides.” He undid his crossbow. “Guess we get to show of our archery skills.”

Maybe that's "to show off"?

Same mistake... twice in one chapter... Gah.... I shall now commit ritual slapping myself to restore my honour.

“I’ve always wanted infravision like the elves. But there’s more then.... ouch, Monty, you hurt me.”

LOL! Probably Monty heard that line already as he shut him up just in time:)

Yep. Talek will probably discard it as 'one of those jokes I don't get' but Montaron doesn't want too much problems.

Xzar giggled. “Aw shucks, it was nothing. What’s a little necromancy among friends?” Jaheira ignored the remark.


Hey, making Xzar funny is fun.

Imoen grinned. “Well, I was about six and Talek was about five. We’re not really sure because we don’t know our actual birthdays. We were both adopted. Talek by Gorion and me by Puffg... Winthrop, the innkeeper. One of the acolytes of Oghma was teaching us. Talek was never really someone who liked studying so he’d often be busy with other stuff. But one day she gave us some spoiled parchments and paint and told us to make a picture of anything we wanted, and she’d hang it up in the temple. Talek liked that. He’s still really good at drawing. But... the acolyte didn’t like what he drew.”

That is new side of Talek -- that's he is good at drawing. It would be interesting to see more of it. Is he going to visit some museums any time soon? :lol:

Museums? no. Unless there's lots of bloody scenes, he'sd probably get bored quickly. But things will be done with his drawing talent.

By the way, speaking about art appreciation, have you read Pratchett's "The Truth"? There's certain Mr Tulip there, a man with quite a short temper and a keen interest in art and violence. Looks like he and Talek have something in common :?:

That's one Pratchett I haven't read. I'll look out for it. Thing is, now that I've started writing Talek, I see characters doing stuff on TV and such of which I think "Hey, that's something Talek would do/say."

Imoen nodded. “I asked Talek why he never drew anything like rainbows or something like that. You know, people don’t make a fuss about pictures of rainbows. But Talek said he drew what he wanted. After a while the only people he made pictures for was Gorion, me, and sometimes Tethoril. And for himself of course. The only things without blood he painted were portraits. Most of them are still in my old room in Candlekeep. Guess it must look a bit weird. All those bloody scenes in a room full of pink clothing and books about... you know... romantic stuff.

:) And maybe some portraits of famous swashbucklers in her room, too?

Swashbucklers, paladins, rogues, if they ever starred in a book with 'roses' 'passion' or 'temptation' in the tirle, she probably has pictures of them.

Khalid was serious now. “I know this may be personal but... has Gorion ever considered seeing a cleric? Surley he noticed something was strange.”

“Gorion... didn’t like it. He encouraged Talek to draw other things, but he always accepted the pictures Talek made for him. The leader of the church of Oghma never asked. For some reason he always shunned Talek. Him and Ulraunt. Sometimes it was almost like they were scared of him, even when he was a little boy. A priest of Lathander once visited and asked Gorion, but Gorion sent him away. He said that the gods wouldn’t help Talek with his problem, mortals had to.” She sighed. “but I guess that didn’t go to well. You probably know as much, but Talek was pretty unhappy at Candlekeep. Was kind of a vicious circle. The more people were distrustful of Talek, the angrier he became. Not just his pictures. He was pretty violent too. And the more violent he became, the more people avoided him. In the end, well, Talek spend most of the time he wasn’t with me or Gorion alone.”

Actually, I think Gorion did his job *very* well. Although Talek enjoys killing and has quite a short fuse, he seems to have rather strict code of honour. Up to now, he never killed out of combat, never even considered it. He even spared that rapist guy (well... the first time).

That sparing was actually mainly at Imoen's request. Had it been just him and Montaron he'd have finished him off. And one of the rapist's friends was disarmed when he killed him. Not to mention the mage in the Friendly Arm Inn was pleading for his life when Talek stabbed him a dozen times.

Good chapter... I especially liked the battle (massacre?) description and Khalid/Imoen talk. Is it just me, or is Immy developing a little crush?

Heh, thanks. And no, it's not just youi. though I have no idea how far her crush will go.

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