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Blue Twins - Chapter Nine: Sword and Hammer

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#1 Guest_Dark-Mage_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 08:12 PM

Again there is proabably a great many spelling and grammer mistakes in this chapter. Hopefully Silver will return soon so that she may resume her role of my beat reader.

There is a fight in this chapter that may be confusing, if it is will you kindly let me know. All comments are welcome, I hope you enjoy.

Chapter Nine: Sword and Hammer

Leen watched the three hobgoblins closely, The largest of them, who was no doubt the leader, was holding a short sword that was obviously magical. The other two were each carrying a composite longbow and had a long sword hanging from their waists. All three of them were wearing studded leather armour.

Leen remained hidden in the nearby shadows for a few minutes more, to study the surrounding land, making sure she didn’t miss any detail. This task was made a lot easier thanks to the boots of stealth she had recently found, they had been travelling through the bandlands directly south of Beregost when they chanced up a group of hobgoblins, after they had been dispatched, Leen examined their bodies looking for treasure and had found these boots. She wasn’t sure what they were at first but thanks to Imoen’s identify spell, there powers had been revealed.

Leen shifted uncomfortably as one of the hobgoblins looked directly at her for a moment. It soon looked away allowing Leen to silently move off to rejoin her companions.


Jaheira stood at the end of their camp, looking uneasily around the hills and light forest that made up the surrounding terrain. With her new magical quarterstaff clenched tightly in her hands, she watched for any sign that indicated Leen’s return.

“Still no sign?” Jaheira heard someone ask from behind her.

She turned to see who it was and her face twisted into an expressing of frustration when she saw the speaker.

“No Viconia, there isn’t any sign yet”.

Without saying another word Viconia moved forward and stood next to Jaheira. Both women stood there in silence for a few minutes before Jaheria said. “I don’t like this, we should of never agreed to let her go.”

“She is the leader of this group so it was her decision and hers alone to make.”

“That may be so Drow, but we should of stopped her from go on her own.”

“Do you think you could of stopped her tree hugger?”

Jaheira was beginning to get angry once again, however, before she could respond to Viconia’s question, she saw movement up ahead.

She studied the figure that had just came into view and was relieved to see that it had bright blue hair and a cheeky smile on her face.

Jaheira couldn’t help but smile as she said. “Go and inform the others that Leen has returned.”

“I am not your private messenger.” Viconia spat back.

The two women glared at each other. “Are you two arguing again?” Leen asked when she had reached them.

“Never mind, that isn’t important now. We need to have a group discussion.”

“Why?” Jaheira asked.

“Why must you argue with your leaders every decision?” Viconia asked Jaheira.

“Why do you insist on irritating me so much?” She asked in return.

Leen walked by the two women, shaking her head, as they continued to argue.


As night approached, the hills south west of Beregost were plunged into an eerie orange light as day gradually gave way to night.

Leen was once again hiding in the small cluster of tress near the trio of hobgoblins, only this time she wasn’t alone. Khalid was close by, he had drunk Jaheira’s potion of invisibility and was standing a few feet away from her.

They had decided that a full on offensive would be suicide. The two hobgoblins carrying the composite long bows would easily pick them off before they even reached them.

Leen suggested that she could use her stealth to launch a surprise attack from the rear, distracting the hobgoblins long enough for the rest of the companions to reach them without exposing themselves to a full on arrow barrage.

Jaheira had disagreed with this plan, claiming it exposed Leen to too mush risk. That’s when Khalid offered to accompany her using the invisibility potion that Jaheira had in her backpack. She had reluctantly agreed to this plan, if only barely.

“It’s time.” She whispered.

She heard movement from close bye indicating that Khalid was on the move, she quickly set off after him. They had agreed that since he was the more experience fighter, he would attack the two archers giving the others a chance to reach the battle unopposed. Whilst he was doing this, Leen would go after the leader.

Leen crept slowly and silently towards the large hobgoblin, clutching her bastard sword tightly in her hand. As she was moving, her eyes fixed on her prey. She didn’t notice the small pile of wood that was lying on the ground nearby. She stood on the wood, causing a few of the pieces to snap noisily, announcing her presence to the hobgoblins.

As the trio turned to look at her, she ran forwards without thinking and took a wild swing at the leader, who effortlessly avoided her attack. As they both circled each other, weapons at the ready. She risked a sideways glance and saw Khalid appear out of thin air, the remaining two hobgoblins drew their long swords and rushed forwards to meet this new threat.

Leen didn’t have time to watch Khalid any longer, the hobgoblin launched a counter strike and it took all of her skill to defend against his blows. As she caught a rather vicious blow on her sword, she felt herself get pushed down slightly. She managed to pull herself free and retreat back a few paces.

She dived to the side as the hobgoblin charged at her, as they both stood facing each other once again, she looked over to see how the rest of her companions were fairing.

Khalid had just used his shield to bloke the blow of the hobgoblin he was fighting, he then launched an offensive of his own, lunging forward with his long sword, he found a weak spot in it’s armour which allowed his blade to cause a small wound. Jaheira was blocking the blows of the second hobgoblin with her magical quarterstaff. She would bloke one or two blows then she would lash out, striking the hobgoblin on various parts of its body. Leen saw as Imoen ran towards the hobgoblin Jaheira was fighting, moving her hands in a series of gestures, she sent a small red orb flying towards it.

Leen concentration was immediately brought back to her current predicament as the hobgoblin pressed his attack. She caught each of his blows on her own sword but she was tiring fast, each time she blocked one of it’s attacks her arms would begin to ache a bit more, she didn’t know if it’s strength was its own or if it came from it’s sword. She sidestepped as the hobgoblin charged at her once again, as it ran passed her, she swung her blade wildly at it’s back. Even though the blow had poor aim, it still struck it’s back leaving a small gash in its path. Leen ducked under another blow and raising back to her feet, she aimed her sword at its chest and lunged forwards. The hobgoblin moved just enough to avoid a fatal blow but it still suffered another minor wound, this time to it’s stomach.

Leen moved back to avoid its counter strike, she heard chanting from behind her and saw a small yellowy white orb hit the hobgoblin. It became disorientated for a moment. Taking the opportunity she attacked once more, swinging her sword in a high arch, she left a gash running down its shoulder. The hobgoblin screamed in rage and swung his sword around wildly, leaning back to avoid it, she became over balanced and fell to the ground.

As she got to her feet, she looked up and saw the hobgoblin approaching her, sword held high in the air. She saw Viconia run past her. She easily avoided the hobgoblins attack. She savagely swung her mace and struck it in the face, it fell to the ground, screaming. Without a moments thought Viconia used her mace and crushed it’s skull.

Leen got to her feet. Retrieving her sword and sliding it back into its scabbard. She looked up as Viconia walked over to her, “Are you okay?”

Leen nodded to show she was. She then watched as the Drow moved off to check if the rest of the party needed healing.


Later that night, Leen and her companions were sat around their campfire. They had just finished their evening meal and were currently having a few moments rest before they turned in for the night.

Leen stood up from where she was sat and silently she moved to the far side of the camp, her hand resting on the hilt of the short sword she had taken from the hobgoblin.

She stood in silence for a moment before she drew the magical short sword from its scabbard. She took a few swings with it and practised a few of the combat techniques she used before she slid it back into its scabbard.

“Is…something wrong?” She heard Khalid ask from behind her, his usual stutter still present.

“Not really.” She replied. “Just thinking, that’s all.”

“Thinking about what? If you should use that sword instead of your own.”

Leen shook her head. “Not if I should use it. If I have the right to use it.”

“What do you…mean.” He asked.

“In our last two fights I haven’t actually been much use have I. First I nearly got killed by a bandit’s arrow then Viconia has too finish off my opponent for me.”

Khalid put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You shouldn’t let it get to you. You aren’t very experienced at the moment and besides there is stuff you have done that is pretty impressive.”

“Is there?”

“Yes, like taking on a fully grown ogre for example. Not many adventures, that have just started out, can say they have done that.”
Leen smiled. “Imoen, told you?” she asked.

Khalid nodded. “Yes, now you should get some sleep…we have a big day a head of us tomorrow.” He smiled at her one more time before turning and heading to the tent that he shared with Jaheira.

Leen stood staring into the night a while longer, however, it wasn’t long before she too retired to her own tent.”


Leen and her companions were slowly marching towards what appeared to be a small temple that now lay in ruins. As they got closer they began to hear sounds of something moving inside it, the occasional sound of bones rattling or a low moan would echo from the ruins.

When they reached the entrance to the ruins they gasped at what they saw. Dozens of skeletons and zombies were scattered everywhere. The ruins itself was a large circular building made of a grey stone. Huge pieces of stone were missing from the ceiling and the walls allowing the sunlight to poor in. Stood in the centre of the ruins was a human male wearing chain mail armour, his purple tunic was visible through it. He was carrying a medium shield and a war hammer, the shaft of the weapon was made from what appeared to be steal that shined and gleamed in the morning light, the head of the weapon appeared to be made of gold.

The man stood unaware of their presence for a few moments. “Heh Hurh Heh! Oh brother Thurm, why not graces our ears with a ripping tale of the old days! Always a delight!” he said in a cold sinister voice.

Leen looked around, waiting for someone to reply but the only sound she heard was the low moans of a nearby zombie.

“O don't hesitate on my account! Some of the others may not have heard them.”

Only more low moans from the zombie that he was addressing were his reply.

“Hold your peace then, though I remember a time back at Zhentil Keep when you would sooner die than be quiet. You...would sooner...um... I'll wait 'til you feel like telling them yourself, I don't remember the old days so well.”
“The man is mad, he actually thinks these undead are real people” she heard Imoen whisper from behind her.

The eye’s of the man suddenly darted to where Leen and her companions were standing. “Who dares interrupt while I speak with my family. I'll have your heads if you're here to harm them!” He shouted but when his gaze fell on Leen, his tone changed. “It can't be! Is that you Mother? It cannot be otherwise, you haven't changed a bit in all these years!”

Leen stood shocked by what she had heard, this man had called her mother but before she could respond Jaheira stepped forward and shouted.

“This madness is an affront to nature, you will pay for your crimes!”

“Madness!” He screamed back. “You steel the very image of my mother and dare attack my family! You shall die for this!”

The many skeletons and zombies suddenly turned and started to move towards the group. Drawing her bastard sword, Leen ran forwards to attack one of the nearby zombies. She aimed it at its head and swung viciously, the blade flew true and severed the creature’s head from the rest of its body. Leen didn’t stop to watch it fall to the floor, twitching as its head rolled into a nearby bush. Instead she had moved to engage her next foe.

Thrusting forward with her sword, she stabbed it deeply into the chest of another zombie that also fell to the floor. As she was pulling her blade free from the corpse she saw a skeleton approaching her out of the corner of her eye. Before she could react, a red orb struck it, shattering it where it stood. She turned and saw Imoen, who waved at her.

Turning to find her next opponent, she saw Khalid and Jaheira on the far side of the ruins. Jaheira was using her quarterstaff, with lighting quick agility, to crush the skulls of any skeletons that came to close to their position. Khalid was using his long sword too slash and hack at any zombies that came to close.

Leen felt something hit her and for a moment a golden light obstructed her vision. She felt her body begin to freeze up, as her muscles tightened she released her grip on her sword, with a clatter, it fell to the ground. However, she was somehow able to fight it off. She assumed the man, who she guessed was the cleric they were hunting, had cast a spell at her. Looking around she saw the cleric named Bassilus, blocking Viconia’s mace on his shield. Using his shield he pushed Viconia black, causing her to lose her balance and lower her guard. Bassilus took this opportunity and swung his war hammer. Leen watched with horror as it struck the Drow’s shoulder, sparks of electricity sizzled through her body, causing her to scream in pain. Without thinking, Leen drew her magical short sword and dagger and ran forward.

Bassilus laughed as he saw the Drow fall to the floor, an expression of pain firmly planted on her face, he was just about to bring his weapon crashing down on top of her, ending her life, when he heard someone approaching him from behind. He turned to see a young female half elf, charging towards him, she was holding a short sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. Before he could react she was upon him, with one powerful thrust she lunged her short sword forward. It pierced his shoulder with such forced that it went all the way through, the blood-covered blade bursting through his back. He screamed in agony, the last thing he saw was the half elf lunging her dagger forward, aimed at his neck. The dagger pierced his neck, he fell to the floor with a blood-curdling scream, and then everything was silent.

Imaged of what had just happened flash through Leen’s mind, she was vaguely aware of someone putting a hand on her shoulder. She saw Jaheira bent low over Viconia, a faint blue glow surrounding her hand.

She stood silently for a few minutes until Jaheira told her it was time for them to leave, silently, she followed the rest of her party, her hands still covered in the blood of the mad cleric of Cyric.

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