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Songs Left Unsung Part 5

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#1 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 25 August 2003 - 11:01 PM

Well, here's hoping this will post, although given how slow the site has been today and how much my computer seems to hate me at the moment I have very little faith that it will...

Songs Left Unsung Part 5: Friend Or Foe?

Adventuring would be so much more fun if all questing was done during the daylight hours. And it should be about riding in, confronting the bad guy and leaving victorious, not about lurking around in unpleasant places trying not to attract any unwanted attention whilst your friend takes an eternity to scout out the area.

Thus muses Garrick, as he stands behind a tomb in the graveyard district of Athkatla, waiting with the rest of the party for Yoshimo to return. It is a cloudy, moonless night, and he can barely make out the outlines of his friends standing around him - the graveyard is poorly lit, and they have not brought a torch for fear that the light might attract more than just moths.

He shivers, and is uncertain whether it is because of the cold or because of the chill that runs down his spine at the thought of what might be out there. Most parts of the city never truly sleep - the streets at night are populated by thieves and others with dealings of a less than legitimate nature, as well as the odd drunkard and people who simply have nowhere else to go. But here in the graveyard they have seen not a soul since they arrived, and it is so quiet, so still, that Garrick would be willing to bet that he and the others are the only living creatures nearby.

The only living creatures. He has heard rumours, has overheard people in taverns talking in hushed tones about what their friend or their friend's friend swears he saw in the graveyard yesterday. Of dead men rising from their graves and turning on their mourning families. Of the ghosts of murdered children that haunt these paths, awaiting their chance for revenge. And of worse things, things out of horror stories that no one dares to put a name to for fear that doing so will make them real, will turn the rumours into harsh undeniable truths.

He has fought undead before; rumours and horror stories are not enough to scare him unduly. But it is the feeling of being hunted that he hates, the feeling of vulnerability that leaves him expecting an attack at any moment. He keeps imagining that he sees decaying faces peering round the gravestones or hears bones rattling nearby. And all the while there is the underlying worry that whoever it is they have come to meet must have a reason for wanting to meet here. The waiting is bad enough, but Garrick is dreading its ending.

He wishes Yavana had not agreed to come here - he can understand her reluctance to work with the Shadow Thieves on Imoen's rescue, and this is the only possible alternative that has suggested itself so far, but he doubts that whoever they are about to meet will prove any better an ally. Also whilst the idea of accepting aid from the Shadow Thieves worries him, the idea of rejecting their aid worries him even more. He doubts that they will just step away and forget all their interest in Yavana if she chooses to go elsewhere for help.

She has made it very clear that she is not going to change her mind about this meeting no matter how often he asks her to, though. And he doesn't want to press the issue - she has been much friendlier towards him of late, ever since he saved her life in the planar prison, and he doesn't want that to change.

He sighs. He thought all he wanted was for her to give him another chance, to accept him as a friend again. But now that that has happened things haven't been going the way he thought they would. He wanted her to talk to him, to open up to him, and she has done...or at least she has tried to. But he has been finding it unexpectedly difficult to talk to her.

He just doesn't know what to say when she confides her worries to him. When she talks of her concerns about the future, about Alaundo's prophecy that the Children of Bhaal will bring chaos to the land, he doesn't know what she wants to hear. He has tried to reassure her that for him at least her heritage doesn't matter, that he knows there is much more to her than the essence of a dead god, but this didn't seem to satisfy her. He feels frustrated, helpless - this is likely the last chance she will ever give him and he is blowing it. But he just doesn't know the answers to her questions - he is no Haer'Dalis, to spout philosophy on demand.

Garrick doesn't agree with or even understand half of the tiefling's Doomguard beliefs, and it infuriates him beyond measure when he sees Haer and Yavana discussing them. It is obvious to him that Haer is only interested in Yavana because of what she is, that he doesn't care what happens to her in the end so long as he gets to travel with her and watch it happen, and he can't understand why Yavana doesn't see that.

He feels that there is still a distance between Yavana and himself, that despite her renewed show of friendship towards him they are not truly close to one another. He knows that in part this is likely due to the half truths he has told her, to the things he holding back from her...but he dares not tell her everything yet, for fear that it will only create a bigger gulf between them and lose him her friendship for ever.

So many things to worry about, no easy solutions to any of them. And here in the dark, silent graveyard it is very easy to drop into a melancholic mood. Fortunately for Garrick, the return of Yoshimo from scouting out the area quickly recalls his thoughts to more urgent problems. Meeting a potentially dangerous stranger in a graveyard filled with undead creatures might not exactly be Garrick's idea of a good time, but right now it is a welcome distraction from some his darker thoughts.

"She waits for us but a short distance over that way," Yoshimo whispers. "And she is alone. It would be most impolite of us to keep her waiting."

He turns to lead them in the direction he has indicated, but before he can go Jaheira catches his arm.

"Wait, thief. We must be cautious in this place. Were you able to get a close look at this woman without being seen?"

Yoshimo rolls his eyes. "All the world is blind to my passing when I wish it, m'lady. I saw all there was to see - outwardly at least, she appears human. And there is little else to be learned by spying on her - we should go now, before she loses patience with our tardiness."

And with that he slips off again into the night, forcing the others to hurry to keep him in sight.

As he said, it is but a short distance, but Garrick's nervousness increases with every step. He can't shake the feeling that they are being watched, and walking at the back of the party it is all that he can do to walk without spinning round every five seconds to check that there is nothing behind him. It does nothing to ease his peace of mind that he has just remembered his shirt is marked with bloodstains from a previous adventure - he suspects that this is not a good place to be smelling of blood.

He tries to copy Yoshimo's relaxed attitude and draw confidence from his friend's obvious lack of concern, but when the others stop walking at Yoshimo's signal he still has to wipe sweat from his forehead, although it is not a warm night. Straining his eyes he thinks he can make out a figure ahead...Yavana is already heading boldly forward, and reluctantly Garrick follows, lagging behind as much as he dares.

"Ah, you have arrived. You may be concerned about why we must meet here. There are a number of reasons, only a few of which you need worry about. First, I shall introduce myself. I am Bodhi, and I greet you warmly."

The woman's voice is low and seductive, but Garrick senses a hint of menace in it despite the apparent friendliness. He grasps his sword hilt tightly, ready to draw the weapon at the first sign of any trouble.

"There is something most unnatural about her," he hears Jaheira mutter. "Whatever she may seem, she is not human. Be on your guard."

He studies the woman closely, but it is too dark to be able to make out many of her features. She is wrapped in a long black cloak, and he can't tell whether or not she is carrying a weapon. Her face is pale and she appears thin and fragile, but there is something about her that makes his skin creep. He finds himself very much hoping that Yavana ends this meeting as quickly as possible.

He has the feeling that this Bodhi knows exactly how uncomfortable she is making them all, and is enjoying knowing it. Of all the group, only Yoshimo seems unworried by her presence - even Haer'Dalis looks a little wary, and Garrick notices that the tiefling has positioned himself so that Minsc is between him and Bodhi.

"This is the entrance to the hold I offer you access to," continues Bodhi, gesturing at a nearby tomb. "But I have moved ahead of myself. I should outline what I intend."

Yavana nods. "I am listening." Garrick is impressed by how calm she sounds - he can see her fingers twitching slightly, which he knows to be a sure sign that she is nervous, but she is doing a good job of not conveying that in her voice.

"You are...employed of course, and do errands occasionally. No doubt you have questioned the intent of your employer on occasion? If you haven't, then you should."

Garrick scowls. Of course they have questioned their employer's intent, they are not foolish enough to blindly trust the Shadow Thieves. But he is inclined to trust even the Shadow Thieves more than he trusts this woman - at least with the thieves they know whom they are dealing with.

"I would offer an alternative." Her voice is smooth and persuasive, and despite his doubts Garrick feels compelled to listen. "I would help you find your Imoen for only...fifteen thousand gold? It is a sizable amount less than the Shadow Thieves have offered."

There is a pause as they all digest her words. Garrick can see Jaheira shaking her head, and decides that he fervently agrees with her. He opens his mouth to say as much, but Yoshimo gets in first.

"Perhaps...perhaps this is not a bad idea. We would save much coin, and achieve the same goal, it seems. Although...it would be certain to make enemies of the Shadow Thieves."

Garrick blinks, rather taken aback by this. He would have expected the Kozakuran to favour an alliance with the Shadow Thieves, out of professional loyalty if nothing else. And it is not like Yoshimo to express his opinion so strongly - normally he seems content to go along with whatever decision Yavana makes.

"This is foolishness, child," Jaheira disagrees. Well, there is certainly nothing unusual about Jaheira making her thoughts known, and for once Garrick is completely on her side. "Best that we leave now before we become involved in something that we want no part in."

"I agree with Jaheira," Garrick says firmly. "We know too little about this woman."

Bodhi chuckles, a sound that sends shivers down Garrick's spine. "You should be careful, Garrick. Dig too deep, and you might find out more than you want to know. But if you must appease your curiosity, ask your questions and you shall have some answers."

He is taken aback by her use of his name, and she laughs again. "Yes, young bard, I already know a great deal about you. I know some very...interesting...things about you." She sweeps the whole party with her gaze. "About all of you. Let me assure you, you do not want me as your enemy."

"Enough," Yavana interrupts. "I want to know what's in this for you, apart from getting your hands on our gold."

"I will have your aid against the Shadow Thieves," Bodhi points out. "I will win this guild war with or without your help, but your assistance will save my people much trouble. And let us just say that I have my own interests in finding Irenicus. Do not concern yourselves with the details, you must bear this as an additional condition of our alliance. I offer much, and expect much in return. Imoen and Irenicus will be your joint goal in time."

Garrick is suddenly very glad of the darkness, for it allows him to conceal from his companions the fear that shows on his face and in his body language when Bodhi speaks Irenicus's name. Unlike most of the others he has never met Irenicus, but he knows with all his heart that he never wants to. Yavana's brief description of what happened in the wizard's dungeon was enough to make Garrick feel sick to the soul. He has dreams from time to time, dreams when he sees her suffering and is helpless to do anything about it, helpless to do anything but watch and hate himself for what he did, for letting her go through this alone...

If Bodhi has anything to do with Irenicus, if she is somehow in league with him, then Garrick wants nothing whatsoever to do with her. And if Yavana chooses her over the Shadow Thieves, he doesn't know what he's going to do.

"Now is the time for deciding." Bodhi purrs. "I cannot wait too long and I tire of talking. Choose your allegiance. The masters you serve or the Mistress that will let you destroy them."

Yavana looks at each of her friends in turn as she considers her decision. Jaheira and Garrick shake their heads, Yoshimo nods thoughtfully.

"This is your decision, my raven. This sparrow will follow where you lead, be it to the very depths of the Abyss." Haer'Dalis speaks as seriously as Garrick has ever known him to do, but Garrick doesn't really care much what the tiefling thinks.

"Minsc agrees! Yavana is very wise, wiser even than Boo sometimes, and Minsc will let her decide for him. Minsc does not like the Evil Dark Lady much, but Minsc did not like the Evil Cooing Man either. Boo says..."

"Uh...why don't you tell us what Boo said later, Minsc," Yavana breaks in hastily, noticing the impatient expression on Bodhi's face. "I think we must decline your offer, Bodhi. I do not trust the Shadow Thieves, but better the devil we know than the devil we don't. If this means we must be enemies, then so be it."

Garrick breathes a great sigh of relief and scowls defiantly in Bodhi's direction, but she is already leaving and disappears into the night without seeing his glare.

"Right," Yavana says decisively. "We can talk about this later. Right now let's get the hell out of this place.


A couple of hours later, sitting in a warm inn with hot food inside them and having got through three bottles of wine between them, morale has risen considerably. Garrick has managed to forget just how much Bodhi scared him, and instead is regaling Yoshimo for the second time with the story of his swordfight with a member of the gang of thugs who had unwisely attempted to rob them as they were on their way back to the inn.

"...And then he charged me, but I dodged and tripped him up and then when he was on the ground I hit him over the head with my sword hilt and knocked him out. And then Minsc went and tossed him into that gutter with the other one who survived. It was great, he looked really scared of me when we were fighting, you know."

"I do know." Yoshimo says patiently. "I was there. I saw him."

"It is no wonder he was scared, bard," Jaheira cuts in. "Anyone seeing that beard at close quarters has good reason to be."

There is a general laugh at this, but Garrick is used to their teasing by now and takes it in good humour. It is only Haer'Dalis' mockery that he really dislikes, and the tiefling has been surprisingly quiet since they returned from the graveyard. Garrick is more than happy with this state of affairs, although he wishes that Yavana would desist from giving Haer worried looks every five minutes.

Yoshimo reaches for the wine bottle, and tops up Haer'Dalis' barely touched glass. "Come, friend! Your frowning face does not do justice to our good company! If you must be sorrowful, then drown your sorrows in drink and at least the rest of us can find some entertainment from your drunken capers."

"Ah, my parrot, I was but musing on tonight's encounter. 'Twas interesting, to say the least, would you not agree?"

Yoshimo shrugs. "Myself I prefer to dwell on the pleasanter moments of my existence. Let us eat, drink and be merry, and forget about Bodhi."

"That was not your counsel at the time, thief."

Garrick shifts uneasily in his chair - he isn't sure quite what Haer'Dalis is getting at, but there is an edge to the tiefling's voice that he doesn't like, and he wishes he would drop the subject. He himself is more than happy to follow Yoshimo's advice and forget about Bodhi, and he would prefer the others to do the same.

Yoshimo seems unperturbed however, smiling as he replies to the tiefling's barb. "Ah, Haer'Dalis, Haer'Dalis. If Yavana always followed my counsel, then you would still be languishing in the depths of that planar prison, and I would be sitting here enjoying my drink in peace. But I will hold no grudges if you will not."

Haer'Dalis makes no answer and the conversation moves on to other things, but Garrick notices that the tiefling is still looking at Yoshimo with a contemplative expression on his face. He can't work out what Haer is about, and feels briefly annoyed at his strange attitude, but at least it means that the tiefling is not mocking him or giving him funny looks, and so he says nothing. So far as he is concerned, Haer'Dalis can think whatever he wants to, so long as he doesn't expect Garrick to agree with any of his opinions. Yoshimo is Garrick's friend, his ally against Haer'Dalis, and nothing the tiefling can say is going to change that.

He experiences another moment of irritation as he sees Yavana move round the table to talk to Haer'Dalis, but he can think of no way to distract her without being extremely discourteous, so he just ignores them and turns back to talk to Yoshimo. If Haer'Dalis isn't going to drink, then Garrick intends to make sure that the tiefling's share of the wine does not go to waste. Determined to enjoy the rest of the night, he drains his glass and reaches for a refill.


Well, that's it for this week. Next chapter Garrick gets to meet Firkraag :lol: .

#2 Guest_IronDragon_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 01:02 AM

Well, here's hoping this will post, although given how slow the site has been today and how much my computer seems to hate me at the moment I have very little faith that it will...

See what a little faith can do.

Adventuring would be so much more fun if all questing was done during the daylight hours. And it should be about riding in, confronting the bad guy and leaving victorious, not about lurking around in unpleasant places trying not to attract any unwanted attention whilst your friend takes an eternity to scout out the area.

I agree. A 9-t0-5 sort of position with benefits.

He shivers, and is uncertain whether it is because of the cold or because of the chill that runs down his spine at the thought of what might be out there. Most parts of the city never truly sleep - the streets at night are populated by thieves and others with dealings of a less than legitimate nature, as well as the odd drunkard and people who simply have nowhere else to go. But here in the graveyard they have seen not a soul since they arrived, and it is so quiet, so still, that Garrick would be willing to bet that he and the others are the only living creatures nearby.

Nice and eerie.

He wishes Yavana had not agreed to come here - he can understand her reluctance to work with the Shadow Thieves on Imoen's rescue, and this is the only possible alternative that has suggested itself so far, but he doubts that whoever they are about to meet will prove any better an ally. Also whilst the idea of accepting aid from the Shadow Thieves worries him, the idea of rejecting their aid worries him even more. He doubts that they will just step away and forget all their interest in Yavana if she chooses to go elsewhere for help.

A very good point.

He sighs. He thought all he wanted was for her to give him another chance, to accept him as a friend again. But now that that has happened things haven't been going the way he thought they would. He wanted her to talk to him, to open up to him, and she has done...or at least she has tried to. But he has been finding it unexpectedly difficult to talk to her.

Once infatuation fades sometimes people realize that they have nothing in common with the people they thought they loved.

Garrick doesn't agree with or even understand half of the tiefling's Doomguard beliefs, and it infuriates him beyond measure when he sees Haer and Yavana discussing them. It is obvious to him that Haer is only interested in Yavana because of what she is, that he doesn't care what happens to her in the end so long as he gets to travel with her and watch it happen, and he can't understand why Yavana doesn't see that.

an interesting motivation.

Meeting a potentially dangerous stranger in a graveyard filled with undead creatures might not exactly be Garrick's idea of a good time, but right now it is a welcome distraction from some his darker thoughts.

Where is his sense of adventure?

He tries to copy Yoshimo's relaxed attitude and draw confidence from his friend's obvious lack of concern, but when the others stop walking at Yoshimo's signal he still has to wipe sweat from his forehead, although it is not a warm night. Straining his eyes he thinks he can make out a figure ahead...Yavana is already heading boldly forward, and reluctantly Garrick follows, lagging behind as much as he dares.

relaxed attitude …but all for show.

He studies the woman closely, but it is too dark to be able to make out many of her features. She is wrapped in a long black cloak, and he can't tell whether or not she is carrying a weapon. Her face is pale and she appears thin and fragile, but there is something about her that makes his skin creep. He finds himself very much hoping that Yavana ends this meeting as quickly as possible.

pleasantly creepy description

He has the feeling that this Bodhi knows exactly how uncomfortable she is making them all, and is enjoying knowing it. Of all the group, only Yoshimo seems unworried by her presence - even Haer'Dalis looks a little wary, and Garrick notices that the tiefling has positioned himself so that Minsc is between him and Bodhi.

Well he isn’t stupid after all.

There is a pause as they all digest her words. Garrick can see Jaheira shaking her head, and decides that he fervently agrees with her. He opens his mouth to say as much, but Yoshimo gets in first.

"Perhaps...perhaps this is not a bad idea. We would save much coin, and achieve the same goal, it seems. Although...it would be certain to make enemies of the Shadow Thieves."

Garrick blinks, rather taken aback by this. He would have expected the Kozakuran to favour an alliance with the Shadow Thieves, out of professional loyalty if nothing else. And it is not like Yoshimo to express his opinion so strongly - normally he seems content to go along with whatever decision Yavana makes.

I have often wondered if supporting such an alliance was strongly suggested t Yoshimo, and did he suffer for having failed to point the party in that direction.

Bodhi chuckles, a sound that sends shivers down Garrick's spine. "You should be careful, Garrick. Dig too deep, and you might find out more than you want to know. But if you must appease your curiosity, ask your questions and you shall have some answers."

He is taken aback by her use of his name, and she laughs again. "Yes, young bard, I already know a great deal about you. I know some very...interesting...things about you." She sweeps the whole party with her gaze. "About all of you. Let me assure you, you do not want me as your enemy."

but would they want her as a friend?

A couple of hours later, sitting in a warm inn with hot food inside them and having got through three bottles of wine between them, morale has risen considerably. Garrick has managed to forget just how much Bodhi scared him, and instead is regaling Yoshimo for the second time with the story of his swordfight with a member of the gang of thugs who had unwisely attempted to rob them as they were on their way back to the inn.

I have never understood the bandits in Amn, why would you pass by all those unarmed commoners and nobles to take on a heavily armed party of adventurers?

"It is no wonder he was scared, bard," Jaheira cuts in. "Anyone seeing that beard at close quarters has good reason to be."

I still think it would be a rather nice beard.

Garrick shifts uneasily in his chair - he isn't sure quite what Haer'Dalis is getting at, but there is an edge to the tiefling's voice that he doesn't like, and he wishes he would drop the subject. He himself is more than happy to follow Yoshimo's advice and forget about Bodhi, and he would prefer the others to do the same.

Yoshimo seems unperturbed however, smiling as he replies to the tiefling's barb. "Ah, Haer'Dalis, Haer'Dalis. If Yavana always followed my counsel, then you would still be languishing in the depths of that planar prison, and I would be sitting here enjoying my drink in peace. But I will hold no grudges if you will not."

Nice deflection by Yoshimo. And a nice nab back at Haer.

I really enjoy this story line. I love seeing a throw away NPC like Garrik bring given his 15 minutes of fame.

#3 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 06:26 AM

Thus muses Garrick, as he stands behind a tomb in the graveyard district of Athkatla, waiting with the rest of the party for Yoshimo to return. It is a cloudy, moonless night, and he can barely make out the outlines of his friends standing around him - the graveyard is poorly lit, and they have not brought a torch for fear that the light might attract more than just moths.

Given Yoshimo's allegiances, he might be doing something entirely other than scouting.

The only living creatures. He has heard rumours, has overheard people in taverns talking in hushed tones about what their friend or their friend's friend swears he saw in the graveyard yesterday. Of dead men rising from their graves and turning on their mourning families. Of the ghosts of murdered children that haunt these paths, awaiting their chance for revenge. And of worse things, things out of horror stories that no one dares to put a name to for fear that doing so will make them real, will turn the rumours into harsh undeniable truths.

Yes, things... happen in that Graveyard... :lol:

He just doesn't know what to say when she confides her worries to him. When she talks of her concerns about the future, about Alaundo's prophecy that the Children of Bhaal will bring chaos to the land, he doesn't know what she wants to hear. He has tried to reassure her that for him at least her heritage doesn't matter, that he knows there is much more to her than the essence of a dead god, but this didn't seem to satisfy her. He feels frustrated, helpless - this is likely the last chance she will ever give him and he is blowing it. But he just doesn't know the answers to her questions - he is no Haer'Dalis, to spout philosophy on demand.

I can't think that Haer's doomguard babble could be what Yavana really wants or needs to hear, either. :lol:

He turns to lead them in the direction he has indicated, but before he can go Jaheira catches his arm.

"Wait, thief. We must be cautious in this place. Were you able to get a close look at this woman without being seen?"

He knows her, Jaheira.

Yoshimo rolls his eyes. "All the world is blind to my passing when I wish it, m'lady. I saw all there was to see - outwardly at least, she appears human. And there is little else to be learned by spying on her - we should go now, before she loses patience with our tardiness."

Nice insertion of the game line... :P

"Ah, you have arrived. You may be concerned about why we must meet here. There are a number of reasons, only a few of which you need worry about. First, I shall introduce myself. I am Bodhi, and I greet you warmly."

Warmly, heh. That line cracked me up - there's nothing worse than a vampire with a bad sense of humor.

"There is something most unnatural about her," he hears Jaheira mutter. "Whatever she may seem, she is not human. Be on your guard."

Pale skin and fangs also could add to the clues, but I suppose in the dark you can't notice that.

"Perhaps...perhaps this is not a bad idea. We would save much coin, and achieve the same goal, it seems. Although...it would be certain to make enemies of the Shadow Thieves."

Garrick blinks, rather taken aback by this. He would have expected the Kozakuran to favour an alliance with the Shadow Thieves, out of professional loyalty if nothing else. And it is not like Yoshimo to express his opinion so strongly - normally he seems content to go along with whatever decision Yavana makes.

Yes, that was probably the first clue to those gamers that didn't read the Yoshi-Spellhold spoiler. :(

"This is foolishness, child," Jaheira disagrees. Well, there is certainly nothing unusual about Jaheira making her thoughts known, and for once Garrick is completely on her side. "Best that we leave now before we become involved in something that we want no part in."

I think that in the game Jaheira did not object too much about working with Bodhi - contrary to what I would expect, a druid and undead - they don't really mix very well, do they?

He is taken aback by her use of his name, and she laughs again. "Yes, young bard, I already know a great deal about you. I know some very...interesting...things about you." She sweeps the whole party with her gaze. "About all of you. Let me assure you, you do not want me as your enemy."

Hmmm. Now that is interesting indeed. I suppose we should just 'wait and see'.

"I will have your aid against the Shadow Thieves," Bodhi points out. "I will win this guild war with or without your help, but your assistance will save my people much trouble. And let us just say that I have my own interests in finding Irenicus. Do not concern yourselves with the details, you must bear this as an additional condition of our alliance. I offer much, and expect much in return. Imoen and Irenicus will be your joint goal in time."

I think Bodhi makes a really dumb mistake by mentioning her interest in Irenicus - that could/should make most of the Bhaalspawn very suspicious indeed, maybe except for a evil half-orc barbarians.

"Minsc agrees! Yavana is very wise, wiser even than Boo sometimes, and Minsc will let her decide for him. Minsc does not like the Evil Dark Lady much, but Minsc did not like the Evil Cooing Man either. Boo says..."

'Evil Cooing Man'? I've never thought of Bayle as evil... he seems to be to funny and ridiculous to be considered evil... :P

"...And then he charged me, but I dodged and tripped him up and then when he was on the ground I hit him over the head with my sword hilt and knocked him out. And then Minsc went and tossed him into that gutter with the other one who survived. It was great, he looked really scared of me when we were fighting, you know."

Yep, they should be scared. Garrick has probably gained a few levels since joining Yavana's group... err... what I meant to say - his growth in this story is natural and believable.. :lol:

"It is no wonder he was scared, bard," Jaheira cuts in. "Anyone seeing that beard at close quarters has good reason to be."

LOL! Jokes like these, make this woman so loveable... :P

Yoshimo seems unperturbed however, smiling as he replies to the tiefling's barb. "Ah, Haer'Dalis, Haer'Dalis. If Yavana always followed my counsel, then you would still be languishing in the depths of that planar prison, and I would be sitting here enjoying my drink in peace. But I will hold no grudges if you will not."

LOL, good one, Yoshi. I bet he's starting to feel that Haer perhaps should be removed from the equation, though.

Well, that's it for this week. Next chapter Garrick gets to meet Firkraag :) .

Heh, if Bodhi scared the poor boy, I wonder what his reaction to Firkraag will be. :lol:

#4 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 03:47 PM

[quote][quote] Well, here's hoping this will post, although given how slow the site has been today and how much my computer seems to hate me at the moment I have very little faith that it will... [/quote] See what a little faith can do.

Indeed - after a weekend of my computer refusing to do what it was told and my monitor cutting out on me at random intervals, everything seems to be working fine now :wink:.

[quote] He shivers, and is uncertain whether it is because of the cold or because of the chill that runs down his spine at the thought of what might be out there. Most parts of the city never truly sleep - the streets at night are populated by thieves and others with dealings of a less than legitimate nature, as well as the odd drunkard and people who simply have nowhere else to go. But here in the graveyard they have seen not a soul since they arrived, and it is so quiet, so still, that Garrick would be willing to bet that he and the others are the only living creatures nearby. [/quote] Nice and eerie.

I get scared very easily by horror movies - I know just how Garrick feels.

[quote] He wishes Yavana had not agreed to come here - he can understand her reluctance to work with the Shadow Thieves on Imoen's rescue, and this is the only possible alternative that has suggested itself so far, but he doubts that whoever they are about to meet will prove any better an ally. Also whilst the idea of accepting aid from the Shadow Thieves worries him, the idea of rejecting their aid worries him even more. He doubts that they will just step away and forget all their interest in Yavana if she chooses to go elsewhere for help. [/quote] A very good point.

Although rejecting Bodhi's aid will turn out to be just as dangerous.

[quote] He sighs. He thought all he wanted was for her to give him another chance, to accept him as a friend again. But now that that has happened things haven't been going the way he thought they would. He wanted her to talk to him, to open up to him, and she has done...or at least she has tried to. But he has been finding it unexpectedly difficult to talk to her. [/quote] Once infatuation fades sometimes people realize that they have nothing in common with the people they thought they loved.

Very true.

[quote] Garrick doesn't agree with or even understand half of the tiefling's Doomguard beliefs, and it infuriates him beyond measure when he sees Haer and Yavana discussing them. It is obvious to him that Haer is only interested in Yavana because of what she is, that he doesn't care what happens to her in the end so long as he gets to travel with her and watch it happen, and he can't understand why Yavana doesn't see that. [/quote] an interesting motivation.

Well, Garrick's pov is obviously biased against Haer, but Haer does say a few times in the game that the reason he's coming along is that he wants to see what happens.

[quote] Meeting a potentially dangerous stranger in a graveyard filled with undead creatures might not exactly be Garrick's idea of a good time, but right now it is a welcome distraction from some his darker thoughts. [/quote] Where is his sense of adventure?

Being sat on by his sense of self preservation :oops:

[quote] He tries to copy Yoshimo's relaxed attitude and draw confidence from his friend's obvious lack of concern, but when the others stop walking at Yoshimo's signal he still has to wipe sweat from his forehead, although it is not a warm night. Straining his eyes he thinks he can make out a figure ahead...Yavana is already heading boldly forward, and reluctantly Garrick follows, lagging behind as much as he dares. [/quote] relaxed attitude …but all for show.


[quote] He studies the woman closely, but it is too dark to be able to make out many of her features. She is wrapped in a long black cloak, and he can't tell whether or not she is carrying a weapon. Her face is pale and she appears thin and fragile, but there is something about her that makes his skin creep. He finds himself very much hoping that Yavana ends this meeting as quickly as possible. [/quote] pleasantly creepy description

thanks :wink:

Garrick blinks, rather taken aback by this. He would have expected the Kozakuran to favour an alliance with the Shadow Thieves, out of professional loyalty if nothing else. And it is not like Yoshimo to express his opinion so strongly - normally he seems content to go along with whatever decision Yavana makes. [/quote] I have often wondered if supporting such an alliance was strongly suggested t Yoshimo, and did he suffer for having failed to point the party in that direction.

I think getting the party to side with Bodhi would be one of his main instructions - otherwise it puts Bodhi in the awkward position of fighting the Shadow Thieves whilst actually needing them to win so that they can send the PC off to Spellhold.

He is taken aback by her use of his name, and she laughs again. "Yes, young bard, I already know a great deal about you. I know some very...interesting...things about you." She sweeps the whole party with her gaze. "About all of you. Let me assure you, you do not want me as your enemy." [/quote] but would they want her as a friend?

Nope. I almost always take the Shadow thief route through chapter 3.

[quote] A couple of hours later, sitting in a warm inn with hot food inside them and having got through three bottles of wine between them, morale has risen considerably. Garrick has managed to forget just how much Bodhi scared him, and instead is regaling Yoshimo for the second time with the story of his swordfight with a member of the gang of thugs who had unwisely attempted to rob them as they were on their way back to the inn. [/quote] I have never understood the bandits in Amn, why would you pass by all those unarmed commoners and nobles to take on a heavily armed party of adventurers?

I guess the adventurers have a lot more stuff worth stealing than the commoners. If the thugs had actually succeeded, they'd probably have been set up for life with all the loot they'd have got.

[quote] "It is no wonder he was scared, bard," Jaheira cuts in. "Anyone seeing that beard at close quarters has good reason to be." [/quote] I still think it would be a rather nice beard.

Garrick: Thank you, kind sir, for your support. Now if you could just convince Jaheira for me...

Yoshimo seems unperturbed however, smiling as he replies to the tiefling's barb. "Ah, Haer'Dalis, Haer'Dalis. If Yavana always followed my counsel, then you would still be languishing in the depths of that planar prison, and I would be sitting here enjoying my drink in peace. But I will hold no grudges if you will not." [/quote] Nice deflection by Yoshimo. And a nice nab back at Haer.

They're both pretty good at arguing.

I really enjoy this story line. I love seeing a throw away NPC like Garrik bring given his 15 minutes of fame.[/quote]

Thanks :wink: .

#5 Guest_Dorotea_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 04:37 PM

Well, here's hoping this will post, although given how slow the site has been today and how much my computer seems to hate me at the moment I have very little faith that it will...

Nuh - it is the Attic behaving weird. I have problems posting from the office via firewall and from home too.

Songs Left Unsung Part 5: Friend Or Foe?

Good! I love this story.

The only living creatures. He has heard rumours, has overheard people in taverns talking in hushed tones about what their friend or their friend's friend swears he saw in the graveyard yesterday. Of dead men rising from their graves and turning on their mourning families. Of the ghosts of murdered children that haunt these paths, awaiting their chance for revenge. And of worse things, things out of horror stories that no one dares to put a name to for fear that doing so will make them real, will turn the rumours into harsh undeniable truths.

Yep - Athkatla's graveyard is a 'special' place even in daytime. Shrug. I guess only Viconia can lodge there without any reservations. :wink:

She has made it very clear that she is not going to change her mind about this meeting no matter how often he asks her to, though. And he doesn't want to press the issue - she has been much friendlier towards him of late, ever since he saved her life in the planar prison, and he doesn't want that to change.

Ah - this actually maybe his mistake. I have a strange feeling the girl appreciates a bit of a 'character' in her potential love interests.

He sighs. He thought all he wanted was for her to give him another chance, to accept him as a friend again. But now that that has happened things haven't been going the way he thought they would. He wanted her to talk to him, to open up to him, and she has done...or at least she has tried to. But he has been finding it unexpectedly difficult to talk to her.

This is very true - until he comes clear he has no chances with her, IMHO

He just doesn't know what to say when she confides her worries to him. When she talks of her concerns about the future, about Alaundo's prophecy that the Children of Bhaal will bring chaos to the land, he doesn't know what she wants to hear. He has tried to reassure her that for him at least her heritage doesn't matter, that he knows there is much more to her than the essence of a dead god, but this didn't seem to satisfy her. He feels frustrated, helpless - this is likely the last chance she will ever give him and he is blowing it. But he just doesn't know the answers to her questions - he is no Haer'Dalis, to spout philosophy on demand.

Heh. Very Haer indeed. I still love the raskal though, but then I always did.

Garrick doesn't agree with or even understand half of the tiefling's Doomguard beliefs, and it infuriates him beyond measure when he sees Haer and Yavana discussing them. It is obvious to him that Haer is only interested in Yavana because of what she is, that he doesn't care what happens to her in the end so long as he gets to travel with her and watch it happen, and he can't understand why Yavana doesn't see that.

Ah well, maybe she likes a challenge?

He feels that there is still a distance between Yavana and himself, that despite her renewed show of friendship towards him they are not truly close to one another. He knows that in part this is likely due to the half truths he has told her, to the things he holding back from her...but he dares not tell her everything yet, for fear that it will only create a bigger gulf between them and lose him her friendship for ever.

Poor baby! I wonder was it only cowardice or something more? Hmmm

"She waits for us but a short distance over that way," Yoshimo whispers. "And she is alone. It would be most impolite of us to keep her waiting."

He turns to lead them in the direction he has indicated, but before he can go Jaheira catches his arm.

"Wait, thief. We must be cautious in this place. Were you able to get a close look at this woman without being seen?"

Yoshimo rolls his eyes. "All the world is blind to my passing when I wish it, m'lady. I saw all there was to see - outwardly at least, she appears human. And there is little else to be learned by spying on her - we should go now, before she loses patience with our tardiness."

Ah. I actually like your Yoshimo. It takes a nerve to get accustomed to Bodhi and to bluff his companions so well ... poor bugger.

As he said, it is but a short distance, but Garrick's nervousness increases with every step. He can't shake the feeling that they are being watched, and walking at the back of the party it is all that he can do to walk without spinning round every five seconds to check that there is nothing behind him. It does nothing to ease his peace of mind that he has just remembered his shirt is marked with bloodstains from a previous adventure - he suspects that this is not a good place to be smelling of blood.

An excellent touch!

He studies the woman closely, but it is too dark to be able to make out many of her features. She is wrapped in a long black cloak, and he can't tell whether or not she is carrying a weapon. Her face is pale and she appears thin and fragile, but there is something about her that makes his skin creep. He finds himself very much hoping that Yavana ends this meeting as quickly as possible.

I also like your Bodhi - she appears elven and fragile as she should when she is concealing her true nature. I always thought this would be the way for her to behave ( difficult though it is for her)

Yavana nods. "I am listening." Garrick is impressed by how calm she sounds - he can see her fingers twitching slightly, which he knows to be a sure sign that she is nervous, but she is doing a good job of not conveying that in her voice.

Oh - Yavana is an enigma too. :oops:

Garrick blinks, rather taken aback by this. He would have expected the Kozakuran to favour an alliance with the Shadow Thieves, out of professional loyalty if nothing else. And it is not like Yoshimo to express his opinion so strongly - normally he seems content to go along with whatever decision Yavana makes.

Ah, and Garrick noticed, despite being blinded by his friendship.

Bodhi chuckles, a sound that sends shivers down Garrick's spine. "You should be careful, Garrick. Dig too deep, and you might find out more than you want to know. But if you must appease your curiosity, ask your questions and you shall have some answers."

He is taken aback by her use of his name, and she laughs again. "Yes, young bard, I already know a great deal about you. I know some very...interesting...things about you." She sweeps the whole party with her gaze. "About all of you. Let me assure you, you do not want me as your enemy."

So, is she going to blackmail him then? Very Bodhi-like.

Garrick is suddenly very glad of the darkness, for it allows him to conceal from his companions the fear that shows on his face and in his body language when Bodhi speaks Irenicus's name. Unlike most of the others he has never met Irenicus, but he knows with all his heart that he never wants to. Yavana's brief description of what happened in the wizard's dungeon was enough to make Garrick feel sick to the soul. He has dreams from time to time, dreams when he sees her suffering and is helpless to do anything about it, helpless to do anything but watch and hate himself for what he did, for letting her go through this alone...

He did not? Hmm. Never mind - one theory goes down the drain. :wink:

If Bodhi has anything to do with Irenicus, if she is somehow in league with him, then Garrick wants nothing whatsoever to do with her. And if Yavana chooses her over the Shadow Thieves, he doesn't know what he's going to do.

Smart boy!

"...And then he charged me, but I dodged and tripped him up and then when he was on the ground I hit him over the head with my sword hilt and knocked him out. And then Minsc went and tossed him into that gutter with the other one who survived. It was great, he looked really scared of me when we were fighting, you know."

although he likes to boast.

"I do know." Yoshimo says patiently. "I was there. I saw him."

"It is no wonder he was scared, bard," Jaheira cuts in. "Anyone seeing that beard at close quarters has good reason to be."

Heh. So he is still wearing it? Rather Anomenish of him. :wink:

There is a general laugh at this, but Garrick is used to their teasing by now and takes it in good humour. It is only Haer'Dalis' mockery that he really dislikes, and the tiefling has been surprisingly quiet since they returned from the graveyard. Garrick is more than happy with this state of affairs, although he wishes that Yavana would desist from giving Haer worried looks every five minutes.

ANd I am glad Yavana dropped the idea to work for Bodhi, although it might have been fun.

Yoshimo seems unperturbed however, smiling as he replies to the tiefling's barb. "Ah, Haer'Dalis, Haer'Dalis. If Yavana always followed my counsel, then you would still be languishing in the depths of that planar prison, and I would be sitting here enjoying my drink in peace. But I will hold no grudges if you will not."

Ah - smart answer on his part.

Haer'Dalis makes no answer and the conversation moves on to other things, but Garrick notices that the tiefling is still looking at Yoshimo with a contemplative expression on his face. He can't work out what Haer is about, and feels briefly annoyed at his strange attitude, but at least it means that the tiefling is not mocking him or giving him funny looks, and so he says nothing. So far as he is concerned, Haer'Dalis can think whatever he wants to, so long as he doesn't expect Garrick to agree with any of his opinions. Yoshimo is Garrick's friend, his ally against Haer'Dalis, and nothing the tiefling can say is going to change that.

Oh dear ... I know it is irrational but I hope Yoshi spares Garrick's feelings.

He experiences another moment of irritation as he sees Yavana move round the table to talk to Haer'Dalis, but he can think of no way to distract her without being extremely discourteous, so he just ignores them and turns back to talk to Yoshimo. If Haer'Dalis isn't going to drink, then Garrick intends to make sure that the tiefling's share of the wine does not go to waste. Determined to enjoy the rest of the night, he drains his glass and reaches for a refill.

Weak will I gather...

I enjoyed this part.


#6 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 07:01 PM

Thus muses Garrick, as he stands behind a tomb in the graveyard district of Athkatla, waiting with the rest of the party for Yoshimo to return. It is a cloudy, moonless night, and he can barely make out the outlines of his friends standing around him - the graveyard is poorly lit, and they have not brought a torch for fear that the light might attract more than just moths.

Given Yoshimo's allegiances, he might be doing something entirely other than scouting.

He's probably getting some last minute instructions from Bodhi.

The only living creatures. He has heard rumours, has overheard people in taverns talking in hushed tones about what their friend or their friend's friend swears he saw in the graveyard yesterday. Of dead men rising from their graves and turning on their mourning families. Of the ghosts of murdered children that haunt these paths, awaiting their chance for revenge. And of worse things, things out of horror stories that no one dares to put a name to for fear that doing so will make them real, will turn the rumours into harsh undeniable truths.

Yes, things... happen in that Graveyard... :roll:

Yep - pretty much every tomb is haunted by something, it seems.

He just doesn't know what to say when she confides her worries to him. When she talks of her concerns about the future, about Alaundo's prophecy that the Children of Bhaal will bring chaos to the land, he doesn't know what she wants to hear. He has tried to reassure her that for him at least her heritage doesn't matter, that he knows there is much more to her than the essence of a dead god, but this didn't seem to satisfy her. He feels frustrated, helpless - this is likely the last chance she will ever give him and he is blowing it. But he just doesn't know the answers to her questions - he is no Haer'Dalis, to spout philosophy on demand.

I can't think that Haer's doomguard babble could be what Yavana really wants or needs to hear, either. :wink:

Well, it certainly wouldn't do anything for me were I in her situation, but Haer's got a lot of fans out there so I guess some people must like it :wink:

He turns to lead them in the direction he has indicated, but before he can go Jaheira catches his arm.

"Wait, thief. We must be cautious in this place. Were you able to get a close look at this woman without being seen?"

He knows her, Jaheira.

I'm sure he got a close look, but I doubt he bothered too much about the not being seen part.

Yoshimo rolls his eyes. "All the world is blind to my passing when I wish it, m'lady. I saw all there was to see - outwardly at least, she appears human. And there is little else to be learned by spying on her - we should go now, before she loses patience with our tardiness."

Nice insertion of the game line... :P

I love Yoshi's game lines :)

"There is something most unnatural about her," he hears Jaheira mutter. "Whatever she may seem, she is not human. Be on your guard."

Pale skin and fangs also could add to the clues, but I suppose in the dark you can't notice that.

Bodhi's probably making an effort not to give away the whole vampire thing :wink: .

Garrick blinks, rather taken aback by this. He would have expected the Kozakuran to favour an alliance with the Shadow Thieves, out of professional loyalty if nothing else. And it is not like Yoshimo to express his opinion so strongly - normally he seems content to go along with whatever decision Yavana makes.

Yes, that was probably the first clue to those gamers that didn't read the Yoshi-Spellhold spoiler. :(

When I played for the first time, I knew that Yoshi died in spellhold but not how or why. And I missed this clue completely - I wasn't at all suspicious of him until the party actually reached Brynnlaw and everyone there seemed to have heard of him. Guess I'm just too trusting sometimes :oops: .

"This is foolishness, child," Jaheira disagrees. Well, there is certainly nothing unusual about Jaheira making her thoughts known, and for once Garrick is completely on her side. "Best that we leave now before we become involved in something that we want no part in."

I think that in the game Jaheira did not object too much about working with Bodhi - contrary to what I would expect, a druid and undead - they don't really mix very well, do they?

I suppose they felt that since she is neutral aligned they couldn't have her kick up too much of a fuss or it would annoy people who had purposely chosen a non-good party so that they could do the Bodhi route without NPCs whinging. I think she does say something about getting a sense that something about Bodhi is 'unnatural', though.

He is taken aback by her use of his name, and she laughs again. "Yes, young bard, I already know a great deal about you. I know some very...interesting...things about you." She sweeps the whole party with her gaze. "About all of you. Let me assure you, you do not want me as your enemy."

Hmmm. Now that is interesting indeed. I suppose we should just 'wait and see'.


"I will have your aid against the Shadow Thieves," Bodhi points out. "I will win this guild war with or without your help, but your assistance will save my people much trouble. And let us just say that I have my own interests in finding Irenicus. Do not concern yourselves with the details, you must bear this as an additional condition of our alliance. I offer much, and expect much in return. Imoen and Irenicus will be your joint goal in time."

I think Bodhi makes a really dumb mistake by mentioning her interest in Irenicus - that could/should make most of the Bhaalspawn very suspicious indeed, maybe except for a evil half-orc barbarians.

I suppose she wants to reassure the player that she can eventually lead them to irenicus? But it's probably more a case of it being necessary for the game plot that the player should suspect a link between Bodhi and Irenicus.

"Minsc agrees! Yavana is very wise, wiser even than Boo sometimes, and Minsc will let her decide for him. Minsc does not like the Evil Dark Lady much, but Minsc did not like the Evil Cooing Man either. Boo says..."

'Evil Cooing Man'? I've never thought of Bayle as evil... he seems to be to funny and ridiculous to be considered evil... :P

Well, he'sa Shadow thief so I figure Minsc probably counts him as Evil.

"...And then he charged me, but I dodged and tripped him up and then when he was on the ground I hit him over the head with my sword hilt and knocked him out. And then Minsc went and tossed him into that gutter with the other one who survived. It was great, he looked really scared of me when we were fighting, you know."

Yep, they should be scared. Garrick has probably gained a few levels since joining Yavana's group... err... what I meant to say - his growth in this story is natural and believable.. :wink:

Yep :wink: .Plus the thugs aren't exactly much of a challenge, anyway.

"It is no wonder he was scared, bard," Jaheira cuts in. "Anyone seeing that beard at close quarters has good reason to be."

LOL! Jokes like these, make this woman so loveable... :P

Is there anything about her you don't find lovable? :P

Yoshimo seems unperturbed however, smiling as he replies to the tiefling's barb. "Ah, Haer'Dalis, Haer'Dalis. If Yavana always followed my counsel, then you would still be languishing in the depths of that planar prison, and I would be sitting here enjoying my drink in peace. But I will hold no grudges if you will not."

LOL, good one, Yoshi. I bet he's starting to feel that Haer perhaps should be removed from the equation, though.

But if he starts obviously acting against Haer then it will only make Haer more suspicious, so he needs to be careful.

Thanks for commenting :)

#7 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 07:06 PM

Thus muses Garrick, as he stands behind a tomb in the graveyard district of Athkatla, waiting with the rest of the party for Yoshimo to return. It is a cloudy, moonless night, and he can barely make out the outlines of his friends standing around him - the graveyard is poorly lit, and they have not brought a torch for fear that the light might attract more than just moths.

Given Yoshimo's allegiances, he might be doing something entirely other than scouting.

He's probably getting some last minute instructions from Bodhi.

The only living creatures. He has heard rumours, has overheard people in taverns talking in hushed tones about what their friend or their friend's friend swears he saw in the graveyard yesterday. Of dead men rising from their graves and turning on their mourning families. Of the ghosts of murdered children that haunt these paths, awaiting their chance for revenge. And of worse things, things out of horror stories that no one dares to put a name to for fear that doing so will make them real, will turn the rumours into harsh undeniable truths.

Yes, things... happen in that Graveyard... :cry:

Yep - pretty much every tomb is haunted by something, it seems.

He just doesn't know what to say when she confides her worries to him. When she talks of her concerns about the future, about Alaundo's prophecy that the Children of Bhaal will bring chaos to the land, he doesn't know what she wants to hear. He has tried to reassure her that for him at least her heritage doesn't matter, that he knows there is much more to her than the essence of a dead god, but this didn't seem to satisfy her. He feels frustrated, helpless - this is likely the last chance she will ever give him and he is blowing it. But he just doesn't know the answers to her questions - he is no Haer'Dalis, to spout philosophy on demand.

I can't think that Haer's doomguard babble could be what Yavana really wants or needs to hear, either. ;)

Well, it certainly wouldn't do anything for me were I in her situation, but Haer's got a lot of fans out there so I guess some people must like it ;)

He turns to lead them in the direction he has indicated, but before he can go Jaheira catches his arm.

"Wait, thief. We must be cautious in this place. Were you able to get a close look at this woman without being seen?"

He knows her, Jaheira.

I'm sure he got a close look, but I doubt he bothered too much about the not being seen part.

Yoshimo rolls his eyes. "All the world is blind to my passing when I wish it, m'lady. I saw all there was to see - outwardly at least, she appears human. And there is little else to be learned by spying on her - we should go now, before she loses patience with our tardiness."

Nice insertion of the game line... :P

I love Yoshi's game lines :(

"There is something most unnatural about her," he hears Jaheira mutter. "Whatever she may seem, she is not human. Be on your guard."

Pale skin and fangs also could add to the clues, but I suppose in the dark you can't notice that.

Bodhi's probably making an effort not to give away the whole vampire thing :) .

Garrick blinks, rather taken aback by this. He would have expected the Kozakuran to favour an alliance with the Shadow Thieves, out of professional loyalty if nothing else. And it is not like Yoshimo to express his opinion so strongly - normally he seems content to go along with whatever decision Yavana makes.

Yes, that was probably the first clue to those gamers that didn't read the Yoshi-Spellhold spoiler. :P

When I played for the first time, I knew that Yoshi died in spellhold but not how or why. And I missed this clue completely - I wasn't at all suspicious of him until the party actually reached Brynnlaw and everyone there seemed to have heard of him. Guess I'm just too trusting sometimes :wink: .

"This is foolishness, child," Jaheira disagrees. Well, there is certainly nothing unusual about Jaheira making her thoughts known, and for once Garrick is completely on her side. "Best that we leave now before we become involved in something that we want no part in."

I think that in the game Jaheira did not object too much about working with Bodhi - contrary to what I would expect, a druid and undead - they don't really mix very well, do they?

I suppose they felt that since she is neutral aligned they couldn't have her kick up too much of a fuss or it would annoy people who had purposely chosen a non-good party so that they could do the Bodhi route without NPCs whinging. I think she does say something about getting a sense that something about Bodhi is 'unnatural', though.

He is taken aback by her use of his name, and she laughs again. "Yes, young bard, I already know a great deal about you. I know some very...interesting...things about you." She sweeps the whole party with her gaze. "About all of you. Let me assure you, you do not want me as your enemy."

Hmmm. Now that is interesting indeed. I suppose we should just 'wait and see'.


"I will have your aid against the Shadow Thieves," Bodhi points out. "I will win this guild war with or without your help, but your assistance will save my people much trouble. And let us just say that I have my own interests in finding Irenicus. Do not concern yourselves with the details, you must bear this as an additional condition of our alliance. I offer much, and expect much in return. Imoen and Irenicus will be your joint goal in time."

I think Bodhi makes a really dumb mistake by mentioning her interest in Irenicus - that could/should make most of the Bhaalspawn very suspicious indeed, maybe except for a evil half-orc barbarians.

I suppose she wants to reassure the player that she can eventually lead them to irenicus? But it's probably more a case of it being necessary for the game plot that the player should suspect a link between Bodhi and Irenicus.

"Minsc agrees! Yavana is very wise, wiser even than Boo sometimes, and Minsc will let her decide for him. Minsc does not like the Evil Dark Lady much, but Minsc did not like the Evil Cooing Man either. Boo says..."

'Evil Cooing Man'? I've never thought of Bayle as evil... he seems to be to funny and ridiculous to be considered evil... :D

Well, he'sa Shadow thief so I figure Minsc probably counts him as Evil.

"...And then he charged me, but I dodged and tripped him up and then when he was on the ground I hit him over the head with my sword hilt and knocked him out. And then Minsc went and tossed him into that gutter with the other one who survived. It was great, he looked really scared of me when we were fighting, you know."

Yep, they should be scared. Garrick has probably gained a few levels since joining Yavana's group... err... what I meant to say - his growth in this story is natural and believable.. :evil:

Yep :evil: .Plus the thugs aren't exactly much of a challenge, anyway.

"It is no wonder he was scared, bard," Jaheira cuts in. "Anyone seeing that beard at close quarters has good reason to be."

LOL! Jokes like these, make this woman so loveable... :)

Is there anything about her you don't find lovable? :P

Yoshimo seems unperturbed however, smiling as he replies to the tiefling's barb. "Ah, Haer'Dalis, Haer'Dalis. If Yavana always followed my counsel, then you would still be languishing in the depths of that planar prison, and I would be sitting here enjoying my drink in peace. But I will hold no grudges if you will not."

LOL, good one, Yoshi. I bet he's starting to feel that Haer perhaps should be removed from the equation, though.

But if he starts obviously acting against Haer then it will only make Haer more suspicious, so he needs to be careful.

Thanks for commenting :D

#8 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 07:33 PM

Well, here's hoping this will post, although given how slow the site has been today and how much my computer seems to hate me at the moment I have very little faith that it will...

Nuh - it is the Attic behaving weird. I have problems posting from the office via firewall and from home too.

And now it seems to have started double posting my comments - hopefully this one will only appear once...

Songs Left Unsung Part 5: Friend Or Foe?

Good! I love this story.

:) Glad you're enjoying it.

The only living creatures. He has heard rumours, has overheard people in taverns talking in hushed tones about what their friend or their friend's friend swears he saw in the graveyard yesterday. Of dead men rising from their graves and turning on their mourning families. Of the ghosts of murdered children that haunt these paths, awaiting their chance for revenge. And of worse things, things out of horror stories that no one dares to put a name to for fear that doing so will make them real, will turn the rumours into harsh undeniable truths.

Yep - Athkatla's graveyard is a 'special' place even in daytime. Shrug. I guess only Viconia can lodge there without any reservations. :D

Turn undead is probably a very necessary ability if you're going to live there.

She has made it very clear that she is not going to change her mind about this meeting no matter how often he asks her to, though. And he doesn't want to press the issue - she has been much friendlier towards him of late, ever since he saved her life in the planar prison, and he doesn't want that to change.

Ah - this actually maybe his mistake. I have a strange feeling the girl appreciates a bit of a 'character' in her potential love interests.

He's a little unexperienced in the ways of courtship, really - he doesn't really know what he should be doing.

He sighs. He thought all he wanted was for her to give him another chance, to accept him as a friend again. But now that that has happened things haven't been going the way he thought they would. He wanted her to talk to him, to open up to him, and she has done...or at least she has tried to. But he has been finding it unexpectedly difficult to talk to her.

This is very true - until he comes clear he has no chances with her, IMHO

Yep - for one thing she suspects he's not told her the whole truth, and also he's probably subconsciously holding back because he feels guilty about lying to her.

He just doesn't know what to say when she confides her worries to him. When she talks of her concerns about the future, about Alaundo's prophecy that the Children of Bhaal will bring chaos to the land, he doesn't know what she wants to hear. He has tried to reassure her that for him at least her heritage doesn't matter, that he knows there is much more to her than the essence of a dead god, but this didn't seem to satisfy her. He feels frustrated, helpless - this is likely the last chance she will ever give him and he is blowing it. But he just doesn't know the answers to her questions - he is no Haer'Dalis, to spout philosophy on demand.

Heh. Very Haer indeed. I still love the raskal though, but then I always did.

I can see how people could like him, but personally I just find him annoying :wink:

Garrick doesn't agree with or even understand half of the tiefling's Doomguard beliefs, and it infuriates him beyond measure when he sees Haer and Yavana discussing them. It is obvious to him that Haer is only interested in Yavana because of what she is, that he doesn't care what happens to her in the end so long as he gets to travel with her and watch it happen, and he can't understand why Yavana doesn't see that.

Ah well, maybe she likes a challenge?

Maybe indeed.

He feels that there is still a distance between Yavana and himself, that despite her renewed show of friendship towards him they are not truly close to one another. He knows that in part this is likely due to the half truths he has told her, to the things he holding back from her...but he dares not tell her everything yet, for fear that it will only create a bigger gulf between them and lose him her friendship for ever.

Poor baby! I wonder was it only cowardice or something more? Hmmm

A few more chapters to come before the truth will be revealed :evil: .

Yoshimo rolls his eyes. "All the world is blind to my passing when I wish it, m'lady. I saw all there was to see - outwardly at least, she appears human. And there is little else to be learned by spying on her - we should go now, before she loses patience with our tardiness."

Ah. I actually like your Yoshimo. It takes a nerve to get accustomed to Bodhi and to bluff his companions so well ... poor bugger.

Yep, I feel sorry for him too - he doesn't like what he's doing, but he doesn't have much choice.

As he said, it is but a short distance, but Garrick's nervousness increases with every step. He can't shake the feeling that they are being watched, and walking at the back of the party it is all that he can do to walk without spinning round every five seconds to check that there is nothing behind him. It does nothing to ease his peace of mind that he has just remembered his shirt is marked with bloodstains from a previous adventure - he suspects that this is not a good place to be smelling of blood.

An excellent touch!

Thanks :evil:

He studies the woman closely, but it is too dark to be able to make out many of her features. She is wrapped in a long black cloak, and he can't tell whether or not she is carrying a weapon. Her face is pale and she appears thin and fragile, but there is something about her that makes his skin creep. He finds himself very much hoping that Yavana ends this meeting as quickly as possible.

I also like your Bodhi - she appears elven and fragile as she should when she is concealing her true nature. I always thought this would be the way for her to behave ( difficult though it is for her)

Yep, it isn't exactly in her nature to appear fragile.

Garrick blinks, rather taken aback by this. He would have expected the Kozakuran to favour an alliance with the Shadow Thieves, out of professional loyalty if nothing else. And it is not like Yoshimo to express his opinion so strongly - normally he seems content to go along with whatever decision Yavana makes.

Ah, and Garrick noticed, despite being blinded by his friendship.

He notices it's unusual, but his friendship with Yoshi makes it less likely that he'll be particularly suspicious as to the reasons for Yoshi's behaviour.

He is taken aback by her use of his name, and she laughs again. "Yes, young bard, I already know a great deal about you. I know some very...interesting...things about you." She sweeps the whole party with her gaze. "About all of you. Let me assure you, you do not want me as your enemy."

So, is she going to blackmail him then? Very Bodhi-like.

or she could just be bluffing...

Garrick is suddenly very glad of the darkness, for it allows him to conceal from his companions the fear that shows on his face and in his body language when Bodhi speaks Irenicus's name. Unlike most of the others he has never met Irenicus, but he knows with all his heart that he never wants to. Yavana's brief description of what happened in the wizard's dungeon was enough to make Garrick feel sick to the soul. He has dreams from time to time, dreams when he sees her suffering and is helpless to do anything about it, helpless to do anything but watch and hate himself for what he did, for letting her go through this alone...

He did not? Hmm. Never mind - one theory goes down the drain. ;)

Well, Irenicus probably has plenty of people to do his dirty work for him...

"...And then he charged me, but I dodged and tripped him up and then when he was on the ground I hit him over the head with my sword hilt and knocked him out. And then Minsc went and tossed him into that gutter with the other one who survived. It was great, he looked really scared of me when we were fighting, you know."

although he likes to boast.

Alcohol tends to loosen the tongue :cry:

"I do know." Yoshimo says patiently. "I was there. I saw him."

"It is no wonder he was scared, bard," Jaheira cuts in. "Anyone seeing that beard at close quarters has good reason to be."

Heh. So he is still wearing it? Rather Anomenish of him. :(

Probably he'd get teased worse if he shaved now, because that would mean admitting he looked silly.

There is a general laugh at this, but Garrick is used to their teasing by now and takes it in good humour. It is only Haer'Dalis' mockery that he really dislikes, and the tiefling has been surprisingly quiet since they returned from the graveyard. Garrick is more than happy with this state of affairs, although he wishes that Yavana would desist from giving Haer worried looks every five minutes.

ANd I am glad Yavana dropped the idea to work for Bodhi, although it might have been fun.

We'll see Bodhi again in a few chapters time, though.

Yoshimo seems unperturbed however, smiling as he replies to the tiefling's barb. "Ah, Haer'Dalis, Haer'Dalis. If Yavana always followed my counsel, then you would still be languishing in the depths of that planar prison, and I would be sitting here enjoying my drink in peace. But I will hold no grudges if you will not."

Ah - smart answer on his part.

He's put to much effort into infiltrating the party to let Haer expose him this easily.

Haer'Dalis makes no answer and the conversation moves on to other things, but Garrick notices that the tiefling is still looking at Yoshimo with a contemplative expression on his face. He can't work out what Haer is about, and feels briefly annoyed at his strange attitude, but at least it means that the tiefling is not mocking him or giving him funny looks, and so he says nothing. So far as he is concerned, Haer'Dalis can think whatever he wants to, so long as he doesn't expect Garrick to agree with any of his opinions. Yoshimo is Garrick's friend, his ally against Haer'Dalis, and nothing the tiefling can say is going to change that.

Oh dear ... I know it is irrational but I hope Yoshi spares Garrick's feelings.

Well, I think Yoshi does like Garrick as a friend as well as just finding him useful. So he won't want to hurt him more than he has to.

He experiences another moment of irritation as he sees Yavana move round the table to talk to Haer'Dalis, but he can think of no way to distract her without being extremely discourteous, so he just ignores them and turns back to talk to Yoshimo. If Haer'Dalis isn't going to drink, then Garrick intends to make sure that the tiefling's share of the wine does not go to waste. Determined to enjoy the rest of the night, he drains his glass and reaches for a refill.

Weak will I gather...

It's been a tough night - he needs some rest and relaxation ;)

I enjoyed this part.

Glad to hear it :D . Thanks for commenting.

#9 Weyoun

Posted 26 August 2003 - 11:28 PM

Well, here's hoping this will post, although given how slow the site has been today and how much my computer seems to hate me at the moment I have very little faith that it will...

Oh, I know that feeling. I've tried to post Tnt 115 six times yesterday, but no dice. Luckily, it seems to be a bit better now.

The only living creatures. He has heard rumours, has overheard people in taverns talking in hushed tones about what their friend or their friend's friend swears he saw in the graveyard yesterday. Of dead men rising from their graves and turning on their mourning families. Of the ghosts of murdered children that haunt these paths, awaiting their chance for revenge. And of worse things, things out of horror stories that no one dares to put a name to for fear that doing so will make them real, will turn the rumours into harsh undeniable truths.

Such it the way of rumors, I suppose.

He just doesn't know what to say when she confides her worries to him. When she talks of her concerns about the future, about Alaundo's prophecy that the Children of Bhaal will bring chaos to the land, he doesn't know what she wants to hear. He has tried to reassure her that for him at least her heritage doesn't matter, that he knows there is much more to her than the essence of a dead god, but this didn't seem to satisfy her. He feels frustrated, helpless - this is likely the last chance she will ever give him and he is blowing it. But he just doesn't know the answers to her questions - he is no Haer'Dalis, to spout philosophy on demand.

Of that, Haerry seems to have an endless supply. Either that or he just talks bollocks and is very good at hiding it. ;)

The woman's voice is low and seductive, but Garrick senses a hint of menace in it despite the apparent friendliness. He grasps his sword hilt tightly, ready to draw the weapon at the first sign of any trouble.

"There is something most unnatural about her," he hears Jaheira mutter. "Whatever she may seem, she is not human. Be on your guard."

It's handly to have a druid with you in this case. ;)

"I agree with Jaheira," Garrick says firmly. "We know too little about this woman."

Bodhi chuckles, a sound that sends shivers down Garrick's spine. "You should be careful, Garrick. Dig too deep, and you might find out more than you want to know. But if you must appease your curiosity, ask your questions and you shall have some answers."

Oh, dear. It seems Bodhi has been looking in on the party. :)

"Minsc agrees! Yavana is very wise, wiser even than Boo sometimes, and Minsc will let her decide for him. Minsc does not like the Evil Dark Lady much, but Minsc did not like the Evil Cooing Man either. Boo says..."

Anybody who does bad pigeon impressions like that, can't be one of the good guys, no. :D

"Ah, my parrot, I was but musing on tonight's encounter. 'Twas interesting, to say the least, would you not agree?"

LOL! Parrot? :wink:

Haer'Dalis makes no answer and the conversation moves on to other things, but Garrick notices that the tiefling is still looking at Yoshimo with a contemplative expression on his face. He can't work out what Haer is about, and feels briefly annoyed at his strange attitude, but at least it means that the tiefling is not mocking him or giving him funny looks, and so he says nothing. So far as he is concerned, Haer'Dalis can think whatever he wants to, so long as he doesn't expect Garrick to agree with any of his opinions. Yoshimo is Garrick's friend, his ally against Haer'Dalis, and nothing the tiefling can say is going to change that.

He experiences another moment of irritation as he sees Yavana move round the table to talk to Haer'Dalis, but he can think of no way to distract her without being extremely discourteous, so he just ignores them and turns back to talk to Yoshimo. If Haer'Dalis isn't going to drink, then Garrick intends to make sure that the tiefling's share of the wine does not go to waste. Determined to enjoy the rest of the night, he drains his glass and reaches for a refill.

Great stuff,
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"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#10 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 27 August 2003 - 01:49 PM

Well, here's hoping this will post, although given how slow the site has been today and how much my computer seems to hate me at the moment I have very little faith that it will...

Oh, I know that feeling. I've tried to post Tnt 115 six times yesterday, but no dice. Luckily, it seems to be a bit better now.

It was a combination of the site being slow and my PC refusing to connect to the internet at faster than 16000 bps and my monitor constantly cutting out because it has a loose connection - sometimes I really hate technology.

The only living creatures. He has heard rumours, has overheard people in taverns talking in hushed tones about what their friend or their friend's friend swears he saw in the graveyard yesterday. Of dead men rising from their graves and turning on their mourning families. Of the ghosts of murdered children that haunt these paths, awaiting their chance for revenge. And of worse things, things out of horror stories that no one dares to put a name to for fear that doing so will make them real, will turn the rumours into harsh undeniable truths.

Such it the way of rumors, I suppose.


He just doesn't know what to say when she confides her worries to him. When she talks of her concerns about the future, about Alaundo's prophecy that the Children of Bhaal will bring chaos to the land, he doesn't know what she wants to hear. He has tried to reassure her that for him at least her heritage doesn't matter, that he knows there is much more to her than the essence of a dead god, but this didn't seem to satisfy her. He feels frustrated, helpless - this is likely the last chance she will ever give him and he is blowing it. But he just doesn't know the answers to her questions - he is no Haer'Dalis, to spout philosophy on demand.

Of that, Haerry seems to have an endless supply. Either that or he just talks bollocks and is very good at hiding it. ;)

LOL! I guess what one person thinks is bollocks, another will think is extremely deep and meaningful - just a matter of perspective.

Bodhi chuckles, a sound that sends shivers down Garrick's spine. "You should be careful, Garrick. Dig too deep, and you might find out more than you want to know. But if you must appease your curiosity, ask your questions and you shall have some answers."

Oh, dear. It seems Bodhi has been looking in on the party. ;)

She's probably got Yoshi giving her regular reports on them.

"Ah, my parrot, I was but musing on tonight's encounter. 'Twas interesting, to say the least, would you not agree?"

LOL! Parrot? :wink:

Not my idea, it's what Haer calls Yoshi in their game dialogues :) .

Great stuff,

Thanks for commenting :D

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