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Gate/Off - 26 - Of Mice and Minsc

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#1 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 24 August 2003 - 06:39 AM

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26. Of Mice and Minsc (Hamsters and Rangers Everywhere)

The enormous bald man sat on a bench outside the lone dive of a farming hamlet.

"My witch always said that life was like a box of sweets!" he informed the smaller man sitting across the bench. "You do not know when Evil may have hidden a brussel sprout amongst them, and the Righteous Snacker must be vigilant!"

A squeak was heard from his pocket, and the other man rolled his eyes, a bit of drool escaping from the corner of his mouth, presumably with surrprise at this spectacle.

"I may not be a smart man, but I do know what justice is!"

The other man looked over, and spoke. "Hi! Nice, place, huh?"

"...and when my witch was captured, that was not justice, I would stake my very hamster upon it! So I started running. I ran out of a forest! And past a lake! And I just kept running..."

The other man continued with his line of thought. "...people throw rocks at me. Big rocks, little rocks, round rocks, square rocks, sharp rocks, gray rocks, brown rocks, black rocks, red rocks, clean rocks, sandy rocks, dirty rocks, rocky dirt..."

"Then they could use a swift kick in the morals, my friend! Evil is as evil does!"


After returning to Beregost late the previous night, retiring weary but satisfied, and collecting the generous bounty on Bassilus the next morning, the party had trekked further south, to Nashkel. The tiny farming town had barely come into sight across the fields ahead of the party when Viconia's elven vision espied a figure approaching.

"Large rivvel-jaluk," the drow hissed through clenched teeth, pulling from her belt Bassilus's enchanted hammer. "A large man with a stupid but murderous gleam in his eye."

Onyx remarked, "Sounds like my thus-far typical would-be assassins." As usual, he had his bow already in hand, and strung an arrow as Khalid and Imoen did the same. Jaheira loaded a sling and Garrick leveled his crossbow.

"Wow," Imoen gasped while staring down her arrow, "This guy really looks berserk!"

"C-careful," Khalid cautioned, "C-cloud just be happy to see us."

The man came into few. He was just as Viconia had described, a fairly largish guy with slobber all over his chin, and a fanatical look about him. He bore down on the party, raised his arms, and shouted.

"Hi, I'm Noober! Nice place, huh?"

Two longbows, two slings, a shortbow, and a crossbow immediately pointed down the tilled earth, and the six adventurers sighted. The man was obviously of limited capacity. Very limited capacity. Perhaps no capacity at all. He stared at the party members like a puppy - his slobbering tongue adding to the effect - and bounced up and down just like a child getting presents, for a child's mind he surely had.

"So, killed any monsters yet?" he asked, flinging spittle everywhere. A bit caught Viconia's cheek and she snarled ferally. Only an admonishing gaze from Onyx, a silent reminder of her conditions for remainging in protective company, prevented her from bashing opening the man's skull with her hammer and extracting whatever little brains might be within.

"Ever been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate," the man asked excitedly, tapping Onyx on his armor and giggling when it gave exactly the metallic ring one should expect.

"The proverbial village idiot," Jaheira groaned. "You know, I think I'd prefer another assassin."

"Ugh. I think I stepped in something," Noober lifted a foot of the cow-pattie he had planted a large foot in.

Viconia snarled. "Perhaps you should insert your foot into your mouth nevertheless."

"Everyone in town used to throw rocks at me and tell me I was annoying," Noober explained, moving his fists toward his own face to help his new friends grasp what he was saying, which they had no problem doing. Indeed, Viconia was one hair from doing the same.

Onyx grimaced slightly, but turning to his companions, shrugged and said, "Well, may as well get about our business..."

"What time is it?" Noober inquired.

"...of killing this dog? Gladly," Viconia smiled at the paladin, but he only chuckled back, for her habit of lacing death-threats into her speech had by now rendered itself moot in its consistency.

"I haven't had a conversation this long, well...ever!" Noober cried with glee.

"Shocking," Jaheira mumbled in perfect deadpan.

"What's that big weapon for?" Noober pointed at Viconia's warhammer.

Through gritted teeth the drow hissed, "For your misshapen skull."

"Those colors look pretty stoopid on you," Noober told the Sharran.

"Hooboy," Imoen sighed, "This guy sure did pick the wrong party member to bug."

Unfortunatley for the thief, Noober perked up and bounded over to her, babbling, "I once knew this guy named Dilby. He threw rocks at me too. Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"

"Actually," Viconia snarled out loud, "I don't throw them, Noober, but I am a crack shot with a sling."

"What about now?" the dimished capacity fellow asked, this time pestering Khalid.

Viconia looked at Onyx. "You said your Lathander believes in mercy. Does it not extend to my nerves?"

"What about now?"

Viconia continued, "Onyx, elven ears are more sensitive than those nearly-deaf rounded growths on your head. You do not understand."

"What about now?"

Onyx sighed. "Pull up your hood then, Vic." As much as I hate to say it, a good idea anyway as we go into town. Or you, my drow friend, will receive more thrown rocks than Noober. And I am loathe to find myself between you and the local citizenry, trying to keep each of you from harming the other without doing harm myself. Man, this paladin stuff ain't easy...if I ever write a storybook about it, it's not going to whitewash or simplify the knighthood-business at all...how come Robin Locksley never had to bother with this sh-....and I should have found a damsel to kiss about 10 pages ago. It's not fair.

"What about now?"

After Onyx sighed and took a few steps, the party gladly followed his lead past Noober, who unfortunately kept tagging along like a happy puppy and repeating his last question at all-too-frequent intervals.

The first building along Nashkel’s main street - only street, really - was the 'Nashkel Inn', a succint description as well as a monkier, and the party members, many of whom were weary after the long journey from Beregost, and, more importantly, hoping Noober might not follow, decided to duck inside.

“What about now?” Noober asked yet again as he slipped through just before Garrick almost managed to close the door on him. Viconia shot the bard a murderous glare for this failure, and he gulped audibly.

The inn was modesty sized, and clean and cozy. Fine with me. As long as it isn’t full of assassins, fanatic-paladins, paranoid delusionals, pickpockets, slobbering drunks - in other words, the staples of Beregost nightlife.

The young man's simple hopes were dashed when a figure who could barely be made out through her splintmail and huge, red-winged helmet to be a human woman strode up to them and began muttering something. Onyx was already reaching for his sword when he recognized the words of a distinctly offensive clerical chant, and drew out his weapon, but just before bringing it down upon the woman, she clanged her club and shield together and a magical tingle fell over him, and he inexplicably felt himself stop midswing. His brain tried to force his arm down, but it would not budge, it simply hung in midair. He couldn’t even feel the moderate strain of holding a sword aloft that he should have been able to.

With horror what must be happening dawned on him. He had seen Viconia cast this one before. 'Hold Person'. He couldn’t even move his eyes in their sockets, but out of the corners he could see Khalid and Jaheira also frozen as they held a longsword and quarterstaff aloft. He was reassured by the sounds of Viconia chanting behind him and the sight of an arrow, presumably Imoen’s, flying past his shoulder. His heart sank when the arrow harmlessly bounced off the cleric’s shield, and she cast the same spell again, immediately cutting off the sound of Viconia’s voice behind him. A magic missile flew past Onyx’s shoulder, presumably from Garrick, and slammed into the cleric precious moments after she’d completed that second spell. Because Garrick a few seconds later stopped talking, as he had a habit of doing incessantly even during battle, whether chanting a spell or not, Onyx could only assume the bard had been immobilized as well.

The big-helmeted priestess cackled triumphantly. “It may be a touch unladylike, but I’m gonna split yer throat, I am!”

Wow…delivering the theatrics after attacking. These assassins are starting to get better. Not that that says much.

Hey wait...a cleric slitting somebody’s throat? Don’t their vows preclude...

As if angry with Onyx’s skeptical thoughts and trying to bash them out of his mind, the cleric started clubbing the side of his head, and he could do absolutely nothing about it as his ears rang and his head pounded with dull pain. Being so helpless…it almost hurts my pride more than my head.

“What about now?” Noober suddenly bounced forwad, clinging to the cleric’s arm and slobbering all over it, ruining her wind-up for another clubbing of Onyx’s head.

I’m being rescued by Noober? I’d almost prefer the lesser humiliation of the quick death. Now when I go before Lathander, he'll probably fall out of His throne laughing at me.

“Aie!” she screamed and easily elbowed him aside. “No one messes with Neira, least of all a pathetic slobbering simpleton like you!”

She swatted at him with her club, but he actually was quite good at evading her blows. Judging by his comments on thrown rocks, I imagine he’s had years of experience dodging melee swipes as well.

Then Onyx could hear the inn’s front door slam open behind him, and the very floorboards of the room shook as if with giant's footsteps - the paladin was practically expecting to hear a booming 'Fe Fi Fo Fin, I Smell the Blood of a Paladin' - and then into his field of vision strode probably the largest man he had ever seen. Probably even bigger than the psycho who took father. He must have been at least seven feet tall, with an armspan to match. His outfit was a suit of rugged, beat-up splintmail overlaid with various straps and bands of weather-worn leather. Even through his multilayered adventurer’s wear it was obvious he was extremely muscular, and he had a massive two-handed sword and high-poundage composite longbow down the length of his back to attest to that as well. Stanger stil though was his head. He wore no helm, and was utterly bald, but had a large purple tattoo printed in a thick circle that ran around the right side of his head, over his temple, forehead, and even eye. His face beneath it was large-featured - a jutting jaw, thick brow ridge, and largish nose - and would have been brutish had it not been for his strangely innocent smile. It was not so unlike Noober's, really.

But by far the strangest thing of all was on his shoulder. A small brown hamster was perched there, peering down along with the man at Neira, who ceased batting at Noober and looked up at the huge man. Despite her oversized helmet, her gulp was audible.

She began a spell, but the enormous man’s large right hand shot out, clasped around and silenced her mailed throat, and lifted her several feet off the ground with a throttled ‘gack!’ on her part. Her feet kicked helplessly, and her captor’s left hand reached out to pull the hideous helmet off a witchlike woman’s face, and let it fall to the ground with an ominous clang.

“DON’T,” the man bellowed, peering into the eyes of the woman he had brought far up to eye level with himself, “Call people pathetic slobbering simpletons! People call Minsc that, and it makes Boo VERY ANGRY! And when Boo gets ANGRY, Minsc goes BERSERK!”

Minsc...Boo...? Onyx’s thoughts raced inside his frozen head. Multiple personalities? Or…no….it couldn’t be…. As if sensing the paladin’s thoughts, the furry hamster on the enormous man’s shoulder turned around to peer down at him quizzically.

Just then Noober reappeared in Onyx’s field of vision, poking him on the shoulder, and babbling, "Gee, you sure are patient…”

Of course I seem patient. When you’re held completely rigid, you most often do.

“…I've run out of things to say…"

You know, I may have just met the largest human on the planet, but somehow, what you just said surprises me more.

As if goaded into proving it, Noober zipped out of Onyx’s field of vision, and the paladin’s attention returned to the giant holding Neira nearly at the ceiling.

“...and just attacking people like this when they walk into a tavern has the Stench of Evil about it, little woman - and Boo has a veeeeery sensitive hamster nose for such things!”

“I - URP - “ Neira gasped, “Let’s - URP split the bounty. 340 each - URP…”

680 Gold? Onyx thought. Wow, if someone owned stock options for my head, they would have been seeing very handsome returns these past few days.

“What?” the large man grew quite indignant. Probably not a good think for Neira’s help. “You are a bounty hunter? Killing innocent people for money? This is very, very evil, Boo, isn’t it? Just like that Greywolf fellow who refused to help Minsc rescue his witch, because Minsc has no money! No, instead he said he was off to skewer some sculptor. Why does he not like art? Minsc loves to finger-paint! And Minsc shall bring the Boot of Justice to bear on...”

Just then, as this large fellow was ranting, and his temper seemed to be flaring up, he seemed to squeeze Neira’s neck tighter and tigher with each word, as if without meaning to, and then suddenly there was a CRACK and the cleric’s head flopped limply to one side.

“Ooops!” the man gasped and let her body fall fell like an armoed rag-doll to the floor. “Yes yes, Boo, Minsc knows he must control his temper when not in the heat of battle. But we get so very angry at eeeeeevil!”

The enormous fellow then but his hands over his face, dry-sobbing. "Ah, a hero who can not control his strength is no hero indeed, and must shed hero's tears! But wait, how can they be hero's tears unless he is a hero? Ahh, very clever Boo! With a little more control, great heroes we shall be!"

Onyx’s longsword dropped to the ground with a loud clang, his arm loosening, and then, nearly losing his balance with the sudden return of the necessity of keeping it himself, he sighed with great relief. He looked around to see his companions unfreezing one by one. Khalid also dropped his sword, Jaheira nearly so with her quarterstaff, Viconia cursed in her native tongue, Imoen yawned, and Garrick yelped with surprise.

The party members exchanged glances, their faces unhappy with the realization that their six-strong party had nearly been overcome by a single cleric. Onyx looked grave and solemn, Khalid pale and nervous, Jaheira brooding and angry, Imoen was white as a sheet, Garrick looked like he was about to faint, and Viconia’s face seethed with hurt pride, which she tried imperfectly to hide.

“Thank you, my friend,” Onyx craned his head up - something he wasn’t used to doing - to address the large purple-tattooed man who had saved them all. “We owe you great thanks. I am Onyx, these are Khalid and Jaheira, that is Viconia, Imoen, and Garrick. And you, sir?” Onyx extended his thankfully-gauntleted hand, and braced for a mighty handshake.

The hamster on the man’s shoulder squeaked a few times, and then the massive man, as if talking to it, mumbled. “I agree Boo, they look to be friendly.” He then turned toward Onyx, grinned broadly, and shook the paladin’s hand. Onyx grimaced, barely holding his own in what was more of a quick arm-wrestling match than a handsake. Thank Lathander I didn’t have Imoen shake his hand!

“Greetings, friends!” the man boomed. “We are Minsc and Boo. We have traveled far to explore this land, but now my charge Dynaheir has been taken from us.” He frowned like a child who’d lost its mother. “’Twas gnolls. Minsc hates gnolls! Once we have tracked them I will beat sense into their dog-heads until they release her. Accompany us and bards will sing the deeds of Minsc and Boo…and friends!”

"I'm impressed," sarcasm practically dripped form Viconia's tongue, "Such a small village, with two idiots."

"He said he was from out of town," Onyx winked at the drow, who rolled her eyes.

“You bet,” Garrick laughed to Minsc, “*ahem*,” Viconia and Jaheira grimaced as he seemed about to launch into song, “Oooo, and when the heroes to Nashkel came / a large man they met with hamster tame / and there to rescue fair Dynaheir / they journeyed far and fought without fear…”

"Correction," Viconia groaned, "Three."

It really is too bad the two must ornery party-members have the most sensitive hearing, Onyx thought with a glance to her and Jaheira.

Across the tavern, Garrick's song caused a man to suddenly laugh madly, and run around like a headless chicken before leaping out the window.

Jaheira and Viconia snarled with pain and glared at the bard, but Imoen slapped Garrick’s shoulder playfully. “Hey! Not bad for off the cuff, Garry!”

Trying his best to ignore Garrick and hoping his other allies wouldn’t kill the bard, Onyx asked the large man, “Excuse me, are you speaking to a rodent?”

His face betraying no hint of offense, but rather eagerness, the large man picked the hamster off his shoulder and present it to Onyx’s face, cupped gently in his massive hand. “Boo is my faithful animal companion, and more than he seems!” he declared. “And I am Minsc, ranger of Rasheman, and the stinky dogs of evil have captured my witch! Let us rescue her together!”

After catching approving gazes from all of his companions save Viconia, Onyx smiled, “It’s a deal. I could hardly refuse, especially after you have already saved our lives.”

Minsc bellowed heartily. “Take heart fellow adventurers, for you have curried the favor of Boo, the only miniature giant space hamster in the Realms! My friend and companion since my h-h-h-head wound, he will lead us to victory! Onward to the Gnoll Stronghold in the west! Tarry not! We must go soon!”

This statement was anticlimactically punctuated by a yawn from Imoen. “Woo! I’m getting’ a little sleepy!” she exclaimed.

Garrick echoed her yawn, quipping “A yawn is a silent shout.”

“Morning soon enough?" Onyx grinned sheepishly at the ranger.

"Oh yes it is! Boo needs his beauty sleep. See how silky his fur is? But yip in terror this night, gnoll-dogs, and piddle upon yourselves in fear, for in the morning Hamster Justice makes a house call! Right Boo?"

The resounding squeak was valiant indeed.

#2 Laufey

Posted 24 August 2003 - 03:30 PM

The other man looked over, and spoke. "Hi! Nice, place, huh?"

"...and when my witch was captured, that was not justice, I would stake my very hamster upon it! So I started running. I ran out of a forest! And past a lake! And I just kept running..."

The other man continued with his line of thought. "...people throw rocks at me. Big rocks, little rocks, round rocks, square rocks, sharp rocks, gray rocks, brown rocks, black rocks, red rocks, clean rocks, sandy rocks, dirty rocks, rocky dirt..."

"Then they could use a swift kick in the morals, my friend! Evil is as evil does!"

Minsc and Noober...the perfect match. :)

"Ever been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate," the man asked excitedly, tapping Onyx on his armor and giggling when it gave exactly the metallic ring one should expect.

"The proverbial village idiot," Jaheira groaned. "You know, I think I'd prefer another assassin."

LOL! Yes...at least another assassin would yield some XP.

"I haven't had a conversation this long, well...ever!" Noober cried with glee.

"Shocking," Jaheira mumbled in perfect deadpan.

:shock: This whole conversation was very funny.

"Those colors look pretty stoopid on you," Noober told the Sharran.

"Hooboy," Imoen sighed, "This guy sure did pick the wrong party member to bug."

Ha, in my party he bugged Edwin. :)

Onyx sighed. "Pull up your hood then, Vic." As much as I hate to say it, a good idea anyway as we go into town. Or you, my drow friend, will receive more thrown rocks than Noober. And I am loathe to find myself between you and the local citizenry, trying to keep each of you from harming the other without doing harm myself. Man, this paladin stuff ain't easy...if I ever write a storybook about it, it's not going to whitewash or simplify the knighthood-business at all...how come Robin Locksley never had to bother with this sh-....and I should have found a damsel to kiss about 10 pages ago. It's not fair.

Poor boy - reality is sure coming down hard on him. :) Somehow, it's never quite like the stories.

The inn was modesty sized, and clean and cozy. Fine with me. As long as it isn’t full of assassins, fanatic-paladins, paranoid delusionals, pickpockets, slobbering drunks - in other words, the staples of Beregost nightlife.

Rini: *sigh* Don't get your hopes up about finding a peaceful inn, brother.

The big-helmeted priestess cackled triumphantly. “It may be a touch unladylike, but I’m gonna split yer throat, I am!”

Wow…delivering the theatrics after attacking. These assassins are starting to get better. Not that that says much.

Vadrak Dekaras: No, that really doesn't say much. Screeching like that...very counterproductive.

Then Onyx could hear the inn’s front door slam open behind him, and the very floorboards of the room shook as if with giant's footsteps - the paladin was practically expecting to hear a booming 'Fe Fi Fo Fin, I Smell the Blood of a Paladin' - and then into his field of vision strode probably the largest man he had ever seen. Probably even bigger than the psycho who took father. He must have been at least seven feet tall, with an armspan to match. His outfit was a suit of rugged, beat-up splintmail overlaid with various straps and bands of weather-worn leather. Even through his multilayered adventurer’s wear it was obvious he was extremely muscular, and he had a massive two-handed sword and high-poundage composite longbow down the length of his back to attest to that as well. Stanger stil though was his head. He wore no helm, and was utterly bald, but had a large purple tattoo printed in a thick circle that ran around the right side of his head, over his temple, forehead, and even eye. His face beneath it was large-featured - a jutting jaw, thick brow ridge, and largish nose - and would have been brutish had it not been for his strangely innocent smile. It was not so unlike Noober's, really.

But by far the strangest thing of all was on his shoulder. A small brown hamster was perched there, peering down along with the man at Neira, who ceased batting at Noober and looked up at the huge man. Despite her oversized helmet, her gulp was audible.

Ah, it's Minsc! :)

“I - URP - “ Neira gasped, “Let’s - URP split the bounty. 340 each - URP…”

680 Gold? Onyx thought. Wow, if someone owned stock options for my head, they would have been seeing very handsome returns these past few days.

So nice to see the price on your head going up...

"Oh yes it is! Boo needs his beauty sleep. See how silky his fur is? But yip in terror this night, gnoll-dogs, and piddle upon yourselves in fear, for in the morning Hamster Justice makes a house call! Right Boo?"

The resounding squeak was valiant indeed.

Of course. ;)
Rogues do it from behind.

#3 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 24 August 2003 - 05:28 PM

"Then they could use a swift kick in the morals, my friend! Evil is as evil does!"

Minsc and Noober...the perfect match. :)

When it finally dawned on me that they were in the same town, which has a population of like 10, I couldn't help but think...

"Ever been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate," the man asked excitedly, tapping Onyx on his armor and giggling when it gave exactly the metallic ring one should expect.

"The proverbial village idiot," Jaheira groaned. "You know, I think I'd prefer another assassin."

LOL! Yes...at least another assassin would yield some XP.


"I haven't had a conversation this long, well...ever!" Noober cried with glee.

"Shocking," Jaheira mumbled in perfect deadpan.

:) This whole conversation was very funny.


"Those colors look pretty stoopid on you," Noober told the Sharran.

"Hooboy," Imoen sighed, "This guy sure did pick the wrong party member to bug."

Ha, in my party he bugged Edwin. :)

Ah, I remember.....

That's the problem with being at all a high-strung character in a BG story....you're just gonna get picked on, cuz it's more fun.....

Onyx sighed. "Pull up your hood then, Vic." As much as I hate to say it, a good idea anyway as we go into town. Or you, my drow friend, will receive more thrown rocks than Noober. And I am loathe to find myself between you and the local citizenry, trying to keep each of you from harming the other without doing harm myself. Man, this paladin stuff ain't easy...if I ever write a storybook about it, it's not going to whitewash or simplify the knighthood-business at all...how come Robin Locksley never had to bother with this sh-....and I should have found a damsel to kiss about 10 pages ago. It's not fair.

Poor boy - reality is sure coming down hard on him. :) Somehow, it's never quite like the stories.

they LIED! :)

The inn was modesty sized, and clean and cozy. Fine with me. As long as it isn’t full of assassins, fanatic-paladins, paranoid delusionals, pickpockets, slobbering drunks - in other words, the staples of Beregost nightlife.

Rini: *sigh* Don't get your hopes up about finding a peaceful inn, brother.

Onyx: They aren't dens of iniquity, just stupidity! Which is only more annoying, I think...

The big-helmeted priestess cackled triumphantly. “It may be a touch unladylike, but I’m gonna split yer throat, I am!”

Wow…delivering the theatrics after attacking. These assassins are starting to get better. Not that that says much.

Vadrak Dekaras: No, that really doesn't say much. Screeching like that...very counterproductive.

You'd think when they started learning the arts of 'nigh-invisibility', they would have realized the same ideas apply to sound, too....

But by far the strangest thing of all was on his shoulder. A small brown hamster was perched there, peering down along with the man at Neira, who ceased batting at Noober and looked up at the huge man. Despite her oversized helmet, her gulp was audible.

Ah, it's Minsc! :)

He's a happy lumberjack and he's okay!

“I - URP - “ Neira gasped, “Let’s - URP split the bounty. 340 each - URP…”

680 Gold? Onyx thought. Wow, if someone owned stock options for my head, they would have been seeing very handsome returns these past few days.

So nice to see the price on your head going up...


"Oh yes it is! Boo needs his beauty sleep. See how silky his fur is? But yip in terror this night, gnoll-dogs, and piddle upon yourselves in fear, for in the morning Hamster Justice makes a house call! Right Boo?"

The resounding squeak was valiant indeed.

Of course. :)

Boo morale failure? Never!

#4 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 24 August 2003 - 06:09 PM

26. Of Mice and Minsc (Hamsters and Rangers Everywhere)

You know, I just realized that the chapter before this was the only one that didn't have a pun for a title... unless I missed the reference.

The enormous bald man sat on a bench outside the lone dive of a farming hamlet.

This sentence is a little confusing. It sounds like 'lone dive' is a descriptor for 'farming hamlet' as opposed to a landmark therein. Perhaps something like "The enormous bald man sat on a bench outside Nashkel's lone inn, a dive by the name of (insert the inn's name here.)"

"My witch always said that life was like a box of sweets!" he informed the smaller man sitting across the bench. "You do not know when Evil may have hidden a brussel sprout amongst them, and the Righteous Snacker must be vigilant!"

Ah, Minsc and Forest Gump references, they go hand and hand like paladins and armor polish.

A squeak was heard from his pocket, and the other man rolled his eyes, a bit of drool escaping from the corner of his mouth, presumably with surrprise at this spectacle.


"...and when my witch was captured, that was not justice, I would stake my very hamster upon it! So I started running. I ran out of a forest! And past a lake! And I just kept running..."

Run Minsc, run!

The other man continued with his line of thought. "...people throw rocks at me. Big rocks, little rocks, round rocks, square rocks, sharp rocks, gray rocks, brown rocks, black rocks, red rocks, clean rocks, sandy rocks, dirty rocks, rocky dirt..."

You know, I never actually picture Noober as a real grade A
official idiot, but more like an annyoing guy who just didn't get the picture. I know plenty of people like that (one of them used to have a mad crush on me :shock: ) and they're pretty book smart, they're just social retards.

"Then they could use a swift kick in the morals, my friend! Evil is as evil does!"

Okay, that's it, you've met your quota on Forest Gump references, boyo, I'm cutting you off.

"C-careful," Khalid cautioned, "C-cloud just be happy to see us."


Two longbows, two slings, a shortbow, and a crossbow immediately pointed down the tilled earth, and the six adventurers sighted. The man was obviously of limited capacity. Very limited capacity. Perhaps no capacity at all. He stared at the party members like a puppy - his slobbering tongue adding to the effect - and bounced up and down just like a child getting presents, for a child's mind he surely had.


Unfortunatley for the thief, Noober perked up and bounded over to her, babbling, "I once knew this guy named Dilby. He threw rocks at me too. Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"

"Actually," Viconia snarled out loud, "I don't throw them, Noober, but I am a crack shot with a sling."

Maybe just "snarled" since, if she's snarling she's automatically doing it out loud.

"What about now?" the dimished capacity fellow asked, this time pestering Khalid.

Myabe, "fellow of diminished capacity"

Man, this paladin stuff ain't easy...if I ever write a storybook about it, it's not going to whitewash or simplify the knighthood-business at all...how come Robin Locksley never had to bother with this sh-....and I should have found a damsel to kiss about 10 pages ago. It's not fair.

Brynn: Yeah! Boy was *I* surprised when I found that out. Of course, I wasn't looking for a damsel to kiss or anything, but still, you get the idea.

You should probably spell out "10" (as in "ten pages.") It's cool to do numbers in reports and stuff, but in fiction they should be spelled out.

Hey wait...a cleric slitting somebody’s throat? Don’t their vows preclude...

Only in second edition, love.

As if angry with Onyx’s skeptical thoughts and trying to bash them out of his mind, the cleric started clubbing the side of his head, and he could do absolutely nothing about it as his ears rang and his head pounded with dull pain. Being so helpless…it almost hurts my pride more than my head.

Brynn: Yeah, I'm sure you'll say that when you have a monster headache tomorrow.

Then Onyx could hear the inn’s front door slam open behind him, and the very floorboards of the room shook as if with giant's footsteps - the paladin was practically expecting to hear a booming 'Fe Fi Fo Fin, I Smell the Blood of a Paladin' -

Maybe "he was etc..." since only a little later in the sentence the word "paladin" pops up again.

“DON’T,” the man bellowed, peering into the eyes of the woman he had brought far up to eye level with himself, “Call people pathetic slobbering simpletons! People call Minsc that, and it makes Boo VERY ANGRY! And when Boo gets ANGRY, Minsc goes BERSERK!”

Oh dear. Boo... angry... *runs away!* AHHHHHH!!!!

Minsc...Boo...? Onyx’s thoughts raced inside his frozen head. Multiple personalities? Or…no….it couldn’t be…. As if sensing the paladin’s thoughts, the furry hamster on the enormous man’s shoulder turned around to peer down at him quizzically.

If only it were as normal as multiple personalities.

“...and just attacking people like this when they walk into a tavern has the Stench of Evil about it, little woman - and Boo has a veeeeery sensitive hamster nose for such things!”

Yes he does.

680 Gold? Onyx thought. Wow, if someone owned stock options for my head, they would have been seeing very handsome returns these past few days.

Brynn: I remember thinking that if I could've cashed in on that I'd be *rich*.

“What?” the large man grew quite indignant. Probably not a good think for Neira’s help. “You are a bounty hunter? Killing innocent people for money? This is very, very evil, Boo, isn’t it? Just like that Greywolf fellow who refused to help Minsc rescue his witch, because Minsc has no money! No, instead he said he was off to skewer some sculptor. Why does he not like art? Minsc loves to finger-paint! And Minsc shall bring the Boot of Justice to bear on...”

Yoshimo: *whistles innocently* Not evil precisely, my large friend, but not exactly good either.

Across the tavern, Garrick's song caused a man to suddenly laugh madly, and run around like a headless chicken before leaping out the window.

Ah, the jester ability to make people confused.

Jaheira and Viconia snarled with pain and glared at the bard, but Imoen slapped Garrick’s shoulder playfully. “Hey! Not bad for off the cuff, Garry!”

They'd be such a *cute* couple.

The resounding squeak was valiant indeed.

Another excellent chapter! I look forward to more.


#5 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 25 August 2003 - 03:00 AM

26. Of Mice and Minsc (Hamsters and Rangers Everywhere)

You know, I just realized that the chapter before this was the only one that didn't have a pun for a title... unless I missed the reference.

It's true! Since it was a bundlign of little things, I just couldn't think of a good title, so it has a 'list' for a titile....

The enormous bald man sat on a bench outside the lone dive of a farming hamlet.

This sentence is a little confusing. It sounds like 'lone dive' is a descriptor for 'farming hamlet' as opposed to a landmark therein. Perhaps something like "The enormous bald man sat on a bench outside Nashkel's lone inn, a dive by the name of (insert the inn's name here.)"

oh, thanks! good point

"My witch always said that life was like a box of sweets!" he informed the smaller man sitting across the bench. "You do not know when Evil may have hidden a brussel sprout amongst them, and the Righteous Snacker must be vigilant!"

Ah, Minsc and Forest Gump references, they go hand and hand like paladins and armor polish.

LOL *groan* are you saying they're cliched, then?

A squeak was heard from his pocket, and the other man rolled his eyes, a bit of drool escaping from the corner of his mouth, presumably with surrprise at this spectacle.



"...and when my witch was captured, that was not justice, I would stake my very hamster upon it! So I started running. I ran out of a forest! And past a lake! And I just kept running..."

Run Minsc, run!

LOL...how could I have forgotten that!

The other man continued with his line of thought. "...people throw rocks at me. Big rocks, little rocks, round rocks, square rocks, sharp rocks, gray rocks, brown rocks, black rocks, red rocks, clean rocks, sandy rocks, dirty rocks, rocky dirt..."

You know, I never actually picture Noober as a real grade A
official idiot, but more like an annyoing guy who just didn't get the picture. I know plenty of people like that (one of them used to have a mad crush on me :( ) and they're pretty book smart, they're just social retards.

Thats true...and I've certainly seen that type do their lame, can't-get-the-hunt pursuing of girls (sometimes my girls :( )

"Then they could use a swift kick in the morals, my friend! Evil is as evil does!"

Okay, that's it, you've met your quota on Forest Gump references, boyo, I'm cutting you off.

I'm all done. :oops:

"C-careful," Khalid cautioned, "C-cloud just be happy to see us."



Two longbows, two slings, a shortbow, and a crossbow immediately pointed down the tilled earth, and the six adventurers sighted. The man was obviously of limited capacity. Very limited capacity. Perhaps no capacity at all. He stared at the party members like a puppy - his slobbering tongue adding to the effect - and bounced up and down just like a child getting presents, for a child's mind he surely had.


man, I need to get better at self-proofreading...I've been lazy lately

Unfortunatley for the thief, Noober perked up and bounded over to her, babbling, "I once knew this guy named Dilby. He threw rocks at me too. Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"

"Actually," Viconia snarled out loud, "I don't throw them, Noober, but I am a crack shot with a sling."

Maybe just "snarled" since, if she's snarling she's automatically doing it out loud.

ooh good point

"What about now?" the dimished capacity fellow asked, this time pestering Khalid.

Myabe, "fellow of diminished capacity"


Man, this paladin stuff ain't easy...if I ever write a storybook about it, it's not going to whitewash or simplify the knighthood-business at all...how come Robin Locksley never had to bother with this sh-....and I should have found a damsel to kiss about 10 pages ago. It's not fair.

Brynn: Yeah! Boy was *I* surprised when I found that out. Of course, I wasn't looking for a damsel to kiss or anything, but still, you get the idea.

Onyx: I was DUPED! Darn boyhood-targeting-paladin-propaganda! Er, not that I regret it, mind you, but still....it's the PRINCIPLE!

Jade: Perhaps it's because the *authors* were bards...

Onyx: Ah HA!!!!

Jade: *winks at Brynn* he's always a sucker for Blame the Bard

Haery Springer: *holds out mike to Onyx* How does that make you feel?


You should probably spell out "10" (as in "ten pages.") It's cool to do numbers in reports and stuff, but in fiction they should be spelled out.

oh yeah true

Hey wait...a cleric slitting somebody’s throat? Don’t their vows preclude...

Only in second edition, love.


As if angry with Onyx’s skeptical thoughts and trying to bash them out of his mind, the cleric started clubbing the side of his head, and he could do absolutely nothing about it as his ears rang and his head pounded with dull pain. Being so helpless…it almost hurts my pride more than my head.

Brynn: Yeah, I'm sure you'll say that when you have a monster headache tomorrow.

Onyx: What? Who am I? where am I?

Then Onyx could hear the inn’s front door slam open behind him, and the very floorboards of the room shook as if with giant's footsteps - the paladin was practically expecting to hear a booming 'Fe Fi Fo Fin, I Smell the Blood of a Paladin' -

Maybe "he was etc..." since only a little later in the sentence the word "paladin" pops up again.

ah, thanks

“DON’T,” the man bellowed, peering into the eyes of the woman he had brought far up to eye level with himself, “Call people pathetic slobbering simpletons! People call Minsc that, and it makes Boo VERY ANGRY! And when Boo gets ANGRY, Minsc goes BERSERK!”

Oh dear. Boo... angry... *runs away!* AHHHHHH!!!!

Mr. Booglesworth. *raises pinky to corner of mouth*

Minsc...Boo...? Onyx’s thoughts raced inside his frozen head. Multiple personalities? Or…no….it couldn’t be…. As if sensing the paladin’s thoughts, the furry hamster on the enormous man’s shoulder turned around to peer down at him quizzically.

If only it were as normal as multiple personalities.


“...and just attacking people like this when they walk into a tavern has the Stench of Evil about it, little woman - and Boo has a veeeeery sensitive hamster nose for such things!”

Yes he does.


680 Gold? Onyx thought. Wow, if someone owned stock options for my head, they would have been seeing very handsome returns these past few days.

Brynn: I remember thinking that if I could've cashed in on that I'd be *rich*.

Onyx: The market peaks at 10,000. But if I invested, and knew killing Sarevok would crash the market, would I get busted for insider trading?

Cmd. Scar: Don't even think about it, buddy.

Jade: Ah, but all the law-enforcement NPS are ALSO dead at the end of the game...

Duke Eltan, Cmd. Scar, Entar Silvershield, etc.: *eep*

“What?” the large man grew quite indignant. Probably not a good think for Neira’s help. “You are a bounty hunter? Killing innocent people for money? This is very, very evil, Boo, isn’t it? Just like that Greywolf fellow who refused to help Minsc rescue his witch, because Minsc has no money! No, instead he said he was off to skewer some sculptor. Why does he not like art? Minsc loves to finger-paint! And Minsc shall bring the Boot of Justice to bear on...”

Yoshimo: *whistles innocently* Not evil precisely, my large friend, but not exactly good either.

Minsc: The Stench of....Neutral?

Onyx: Hmm..how about 'vaguely less-than-pleasant whiff' of Neutral?

Minsc: The Vaugely Less-Than-Pleasant Whiff of Neutral! Oh, Minsc's Paladin Friend is Very Righteous AND Witty!

Jade: Pathetic....I'm not related...to EITHER of them...I swear...

Across the tavern, Garrick's song caused a man to suddenly laugh madly, and run around like a headless chicken before leaping out the window.

Ah, the jester ability to make people confused.

:D I HAD to give him that kit. :shock:

Jaheira and Viconia snarled with pain and glared at the bard, but Imoen slapped Garrick’s shoulder playfully. “Hey! Not bad for off the cuff, Garry!”

They'd be such a *cute* couple.

shhhh! :x

The resounding squeak was valiant indeed.

Another excellent chapter! I look forward to more.


It shan't surprise you that Red Ed is featured next....


#6 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 25 August 2003 - 04:51 AM

You know, I just realized that the chapter before this was the only one that didn't have a pun for a title... unless I missed the reference.

It's true! Since it was a bundlign of little things, I just couldn't think of a good title, so it has a 'list' for a titile....

I long ago gave up on giving my chapters witty titles on paper because, in general, my longer stories are serious, so a bad pun wouldn't do them any good. I just keep them in my head and giggle sometimes. Hehehe

Ah, Minsc and Forest Gump references, they go hand and hand like paladins and armor polish.

LOL *groan* are you saying they're cliched, then?

Well, I suppose that might be true. Minsc sort of is the Gump of the Realms, what with being sort of addle-pated, and soldier-fighter-type

"...and when my witch was captured, that was not justice, I would stake my very hamster upon it! So I started running. I ran out of a forest! And past a lake! And I just kept running..."

Run Minsc, run!

LOL...how could I have forgotten that!

You mean you didn't intend that? I'm shocked and amazed that you let such a golden opportunity to pun slip through your literary fingers.

You know, I never actually picture Noober as a real grade A
official idiot, but more like an annyoing guy who just didn't get the picture. I know plenty of people like that (one of them used to have a mad crush on me :( ) and they're pretty book smart, they're just social retards.

Thats true...and I've certainly seen that type do their lame, can't-get-the-hint pursuing of girls (sometimes my girls :( )

The young fellow I mentioned earlier followed me around and just 'happened' to take interest in things I liked. I actually did call him Neeber or Noober for a while, until he started playing BG and got the reference. Then I felt kinda bad for him and stopped. He's really a nice guy, just a total social doofus, (and, sadly for him, entirely unattractive.)

"C-careful," Khalid cautioned, "C-cloud just be happy to see us."



First time I read through that I thought, "Cloud, what's *he* doing outside of FF7, and where's he ginormous sword?"

Man, this paladin stuff ain't easy...if I ever write a storybook about it, it's not going to whitewash or simplify the knighthood-business at all...how come Robin Locksley never had to bother with this sh-....and I should have found a damsel to kiss about 10 pages ago. It's not fair.

Brynn: Yeah! Boy was *I* surprised when I found that out. Of course, I wasn't looking for a damsel to kiss or anything, but still, you get the idea.

Onyx: I was DUPED! Darn boyhood-targeting-paladin-propaganda! Er, not that I regret it, mind you, but still....it's the PRINCIPLE!

Jade: Perhaps it's because the *authors* were bards...

Onyx: Ah HA!!!!

Jade: *winks at Brynn* he's always a sucker for Blame the Bard

Haery Springer: *holds out mike to Onyx* How does that make you feel?


Brynn (shaking her head): You know, my Haer'Dalis was much better behaved than yours. I think it has something to do with me not boffing Aerie. You would probably have liked him *much* better if that little detail hadn't gotten in the way.

Being so helpless…it almost hurts my pride more than my head.

Brynn: Yeah, I'm sure you'll say that when you have a monster headache tomorrow.

Onyx: What? Who am I? where am I?

Brynn:*mischievous smile* You're a small blonde girl trapped in the body of a man. You need to go to the nearest temple of Lathander and pray to have your true form returned. Don't worry if the priest laughs at you, it doesn't mean a thing.

680 Gold? Onyx thought. Wow, if someone owned stock options for my head, they would have been seeing very handsome returns these past few days.

Brynn: I remember thinking that if I could've cashed in on that I'd be *rich*.

Onyx: The market peaks at 10,000. But if I invested, and knew killing Sarevok would crash the market, would I get busted for insider trading?

Brynn: Only if you sold and *then* went and killed Sarevok. Sadly, it's a lose-lose situation, since you'd have to die to collect and if you died, you couldn't get paid, and if you killed Sarevok first, there would be no one to pay you. Oh, you couldn't save Faerun either, but that's not as important as that 10,000 gold you *could* have earned.

“What?” the large man grew quite indignant. Probably not a good think for Neira’s help. “You are a bounty hunter? Killing innocent people for money? This is very, very evil, Boo, isn’t it? Just like that Greywolf fellow who refused to help Minsc rescue his witch, because Minsc has no money! No, instead he said he was off to skewer some sculptor. Why does he not like art? Minsc loves to finger-paint! And Minsc shall bring the Boot of Justice to bear on...”

Yoshimo: *whistles innocently* Not evil precisely, my large friend, but not exactly good either.

Minsc: The Stench of....Neutral?

Onyx: Hmm..how about 'vaguely less-than-pleasant whiff' of Neutral?

Minsc: The Vaugely Less-Than-Pleasant Whiff of Neutral! Oh, Minsc's Paladin Friend is Very Righteous AND Witty!

Jade: Pathetic....I'm not related...to EITHER of them...I swear...

Brynn: Thankfully neither am I... sort of.

Ah, the jester ability to make people confused.

:oops: I HAD to give him that kit. :D

Sadly, I've never gotten to see this particular kit in action before... It's something I'll have to look into.


They'd be such a *cute* couple.

shhhh! :shock:

Have something in your eye? :evil: :x nudge nudge

It shan't surprise you that Red Ed is featured next....

I was just thinking that if Jade picked up Edwin, and Onyx had picked up Minsc, they'd meet somewhere in the middle at Dynaheir and stuff would happen. I wonder if Xan would consider jumping ship if a more amicable party appeared, and if Viconia would do the same to be with others more likeminded? Sort of like an elf trade.

I do like the dynamic you've go going in the two parties, by the way, as well as the way they seem to parallel one another. The best example I can think of is that the two most opposite NPC's ever created, Garrick and Xan, are both sort of the outsiders in their respective groups, but despite being annoying, they're tolerated by the leader, though perhaps not the rest of the party.

#7 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 25 August 2003 - 12:51 PM

"My witch always said that life was like a box of sweets!" he informed the smaller man sitting across the bench. "You do not know when Evil may have hidden a brussel sprout amongst them, and the Righteous Snacker must be vigilant!"

I hate that movie.

Onyx remarked, "Sounds like my thus-far typical would-be assassins." As usual, he had his bow already in hand, and strung an arrow as Khalid and Imoen did the same. Jaheira loaded a sling and Garrick leveled his crossbow.

To think what would happen if he actually came across a assassin with brains for once.

"Hi, I'm Noober! Nice place, huh?"

Kill him, before it's too late.

"Ever been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate," the man asked excitedly, tapping Onyx on his armor and giggling when it gave exactly the metallic ring one should expect.

"The proverbial village idiot," Jaheira groaned. "You know, I think I'd prefer another assassin."

At least they could kill the assassin and get it over with.

"Everyone in town used to throw rocks at me and tell me I was annoying," Noober explained, moving his fists toward his own face to help his new friends grasp what he was saying, which they had no problem doing. Indeed, Viconia was one hair from doing the same.

I'm not sure i would restrict myself to rocks. :D

Through gritted teeth the drow hissed, "For your misshapen skull."

Somehow, i had guessed that one.

Unfortunatley for the thief, Noober perked up and bounded over to her, babbling, "I once knew this guy named Dilby. He threw rocks at me too. Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"

"Actually," Viconia snarled out loud, "I don't throw them, Noober, but I am a crack shot with a sling."

Just about the only weapon she is any good with. :shock:

Onyx sighed. "Pull up your hood then, Vic." As much as I hate to say it, a good idea anyway as we go into town. Or you, my drow friend, will receive more thrown rocks than Noober. And I am loathe to find myself between you and the local citizenry, trying to keep each of you from harming the other without doing harm myself. Man, this paladin stuff ain't easy...if I ever write a storybook about it, it's not going to whitewash or simplify the knighthood-business at all...how come Robin Locksley never had to bother with this sh-....and I should have found a damsel to kiss about 10 pages ago. It's not fair.

Life stinks sometimes, and yes, robin had it too easy.

The big-helmeted priestess cackled triumphantly. “It may be a touch unladylike, but I’m gonna split yer throat, I am!”

No manners.

I’m being rescued by Noober? I’d almost prefer the lesser humiliation of the quick death. Now when I go before Lathander, he'll probably fall out of His throne laughing at me.

We keep this to ourselves, no need for other to know about this. :oops:

“Greetings, friends!” the man boomed. “We are Minsc and Boo. We have traveled far to explore this land, but now my charge Dynaheir has been taken from us.” He frowned like a child who’d lost its mother. “’Twas gnolls. Minsc hates gnolls! Once we have tracked them I will beat sense into their dog-heads until they release her. Accompany us and bards will sing the deeds of Minsc and Boo…and friends!”

Garfield and friends?


#8 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 04:41 AM

Well, I suppose that might be true. Minsc sort of is the Gump of the Realms, what with being sort of addle-pated, and soldier-fighter-type

Yup. Hadn't seen a fanfic Gump reference before, but....definently seems to work.

"...and when my witch was captured, that was not justice, I would stake my very hamster upon it! So I started running. I ran out of a forest! And past a lake! And I just kept running..."

Run Minsc, run!

LOL...how could I have forgotten that!

You mean you didn't intend that? I'm shocked and amazed that you let such a golden opportunity to pun slip through your literary fingers.

Yep....I guess, though, he wasn't running during the scene....I should have had him get up at the end, and have Noober say it as he ran off....

You know, I never actually picture Noober as a real grade A
official idiot, but more like an annyoing guy who just didn't get the picture. I know plenty of people like that (one of them used to have a mad crush on me :P ) and they're pretty book smart, they're just social retards.

Thats true...and I've certainly seen that type do their lame, can't-get-the-hint pursuing of girls (sometimes my girls :P )

The young fellow I mentioned earlier followed me around and just 'happened' to take interest in things I liked. I actually did call him Neeber or Noober for a while, until he started playing BG and got the reference. Then I felt kinda bad for him and stopped. He's really a nice guy, just a total social doofus, (and, sadly for him, entirely unattractive.)

LOL. Thing is 'Noober' pretty much has the connotation of the character anyway....'twas a good name fro him...

First time I read through that I thought, "Cloud, what's *he* doing outside of FF7, and where's he ginormous sword?"



Brynn (shaking her head): You know, my Haer'Dalis was much better behaved than yours. I think it has something to do with me not boffing Aerie. You would probably have liked him *much* better if that little detail hadn't gotten in the way.

Onyx: Hopefully not *too* much better.....as he's rather androgynous...

Onyx: What? Who am I? where am I?

Brynn:*mischievous smile* You're a small blonde girl trapped in the body of a man. You need to go to the nearest temple of Lathander and pray to have your true form returned. Don't worry if the priest laughs at you, it doesn't mean a thing.

Onyx: Where's my dollie?

Aerie: Right here...

Onyx: The market peaks at 10,000. But if I invested, and knew killing Sarevok would crash the market, would I get busted for insider trading?

Brynn: Only if you sold and *then* went and killed Sarevok. Sadly, it's a lose-lose situation, since you'd have to die to collect and if you died, you couldn't get paid, and if you killed Sarevok first, there would be no one to pay you. Oh, you couldn't save Faerun either, but that's not as important as that 10,000 gold you *could* have earned.

Onyx: As a paladin, I can't offically agree :P

Garrick: We do get several times that amount in the course of BG1 anyway...


Garrick: This reminds me of boss's avatar...

Onyx: I LEIK SORDS!!!!

Brynn: Thankfully neither am I... sort of.


Ah, the jester ability to make people confused.

:lol: I HAD to give him that kit. :lol:

Sadly, I've never gotten to see this particular kit in action before... It's something I'll have to look into.

It would have rocked in BG1....enemies with crappier saving throws...confusion-rama!


They'd be such a *cute* couple.

shhhh! :lol:

Have something in your eye? :) :( nudge nudge

It shan't surprise you that Red Ed is featured next....

I was just thinking that if Jade picked up Edwin, and Onyx had picked up Minsc, they'd meet somewhere in the middle at Dynaheir and stuff would happen. I wonder if Xan would consider jumping ship if a more amicable party appeared, and if Viconia would do the same to be with others more likeminded? Sort of like an elf trade.

Oh, Blue...if I said I'm taking that idea as a complement, I think you can put together the 2 things that means. I think we need to swap PMs or IMs.

I do like the dynamic you've go going in the two parties, by the way, as well as the way they seem to parallel one another. The best example I can think of is that the two most opposite NPC's ever created, Garrick and Xan, are both sort of the outsiders in their respective groups, but despite being annoying, they're tolerated by the leader, though perhaps not the rest of the party.[/quote]

Yep, lots of it. They both killed Cyricist priests yesterday...(my dualizing of the Nashkel dream will make that more explicity)

#9 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 05:00 AM

"My witch always said that life was like a box of sweets!" he informed the smaller man sitting across the bench. "You do not know when Evil may have hidden a brussel sprout amongst them, and the Righteous Snacker must be vigilant!"

I hate that movie.

It was okay...not as amazing as it was popular though

Onyx remarked, "Sounds like my thus-far typical would-be assassins." As usual, he had his bow already in hand, and strung an arrow as Khalid and Imoen did the same. Jaheira loaded a sling and Garrick leveled his crossbow.

To think what would happen if he actually came across a assassin with brains for once.

lol...they'd all get Held

"Hi, I'm Noober! Nice place, huh?"

Kill him, before it's too late.

Adrian did....it was great

At least they could kill the assassin and get it over with.

Yep! Darn paladin and Harper codes!

"Everyone in town used to throw rocks at me and tell me I was annoying," Noober explained, moving his fists toward his own face to help his new friends grasp what he was saying, which they had no problem doing. Indeed, Viconia was one hair from doing the same.

I'm not sure i would restrict myself to rocks. :lol:


Just about the only weapon she is any good with. :lol:

lol yeah

Onyx sighed. "Pull up your hood then, Vic." As much as I hate to say it, a good idea anyway as we go into town. Or you, my drow friend, will receive more thrown rocks than Noober. And I am loathe to find myself between you and the local citizenry, trying to keep each of you from harming the other without doing harm myself. Man, this paladin stuff ain't easy...if I ever write a storybook about it, it's not going to whitewash or simplify the knighthood-business at all...how come Robin Locksley never had to bother with this sh-....and I should have found a damsel to kiss about 10 pages ago. It's not fair.

Life stinks sometimes, and yes, robin had it too easy.


The big-helmeted priestess cackled triumphantly. “It may be a touch unladylike, but I’m gonna split yer throat, I am!”

No manners.

ROFL! I should use that for a retort next time...

I’m being rescued by Noober? I’d almost prefer the lesser humiliation of the quick death. Now when I go before Lathander, he'll probably fall out of His throne laughing at me.

We keep this to ourselves, no need for other to know about this. :lol:

LOL. Lathander may not be as All-Seeing as Helm....

“Greetings, friends!” the man boomed. “We are Minsc and Boo. We have traveled far to explore this land, but now my charge Dynaheir has been taken from us.” He frowned like a child who’d lost its mother. “’Twas gnolls. Minsc hates gnolls! Once we have tracked them I will beat sense into their dog-heads until they release her. Accompany us and bards will sing the deeds of Minsc and Boo…and friends!”

Garfield and friends?



#10 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 26 August 2003 - 07:11 AM

Kill him, before it's too late.

Adrian did....it was great

In the first book? that would be a good reason to read it.

Yep! Darn paladin and Harper codes!

You can almost hear them sigh "Oh, how much easier must life not be for those who are unfettered by morale"

I'm not sure i would restrict myself to rocks. :lol:


No, a rockhammer of the model geologists use! It's not just a tool! It's a wonder that you don't need a weapons permit to buy one. :lol:

Just about the only weapon she is any good with. :lol:

lol yeah


LOL. Lathander may not be as All-Seeing as Helm....

Oryx will deny that it happened to the end of his days

#11 Weyoun

Posted 26 August 2003 - 10:54 PM

The other man continued with his line of thought. "...people throw rocks at me. Big rocks, little rocks, round rocks, square rocks, sharp rocks, gray rocks, brown rocks, black rocks, red rocks, clean rocks, sandy rocks, dirty rocks, rocky dirt..."

Rocks? We no need no stinkin' rocks! :evil:

The man came into few. He was just as Viconia had described, a fairly largish guy with slobber all over his chin, and a fanatical look about him. He bore down on the party, raised his arms, and shouted.

"Hi, I'm Noober! Nice place, huh?"

Two longbows, two slings, a shortbow, and a crossbow immediately pointed down the tilled earth, and the six adventurers sighted. The man was obviously of limited capacity. Very limited capacity. Perhaps no capacity at all. He stared at the party members like a puppy - his slobbering tongue adding to the effect - and bounced up and down just like a child getting presents, for a child's mind he surely had.

Oh, just throw him in the river already. :wink:

"...of killing this dog? Gladly," Viconia smiled at the paladin, but he only chuckled back, for her habit of lacing death-threats into her speech had by now rendered itself moot in its consistency.

That's just her way of lulling you into a false sense of security so you'll never feel her dagger coming until it's too late. ;)

"Hooboy," Imoen sighed, "This guy sure did pick the wrong party member to bug."

I'll say...

The inn was modesty sized, and clean and cozy. Fine with me. As long as it isn’t full of assassins, fanatic-paladins, paranoid delusionals, pickpockets, slobbering drunks - in other words, the staples of Beregost nightlife.

Aye, the usual nutballs. ;)

The big-helmeted priestess cackled triumphantly. “It may be a touch unladylike, but I’m gonna split yer throat, I am!”

Wow…delivering the theatrics after attacking. These assassins are starting to get better. Not that that says much.

Hey wait...a cleric slitting somebody’s throat? Don’t their vows preclude...

Don't say it, it'll ruin the dramatic effect! :)

Good eye, though.

Just then, as this large fellow was ranting, and his temper seemed to be flaring up, he seemed to squeeze Neira’s neck tighter and tigher with each word, as if without meaning to, and then suddenly there was a CRACK and the cleric’s head flopped limply to one side.


His face betraying no hint of offense, but rather eagerness, the large man picked the hamster off his shoulder and present it to Onyx’s face, cupped gently in his massive hand. “Boo is my faithful animal companion, and more than he seems!” he declared. “And I am Minsc, ranger of Rasheman, and the stinky dogs of evil have captured my witch! Let us rescue her together!”

They make a fine partnership. :D

“Morning soon enough?" Onyx grinned sheepishly at the ranger.

"Oh yes it is! Boo needs his beauty sleep. See how silky his fur is? But yip in terror this night, gnoll-dogs, and piddle upon yourselves in fear, for in the morning Hamster Justice makes a house call! Right Boo?"

The resounding squeak was valiant indeed.

Great stuff,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#12 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 29 August 2003 - 01:39 AM

Kill him, before it's too late.

Adrian did....it was great

In the first book? that would be a good reason to read it.

Oops...Arcalian's Adrian, I meant.

Yep! Darn paladin and Harper codes!

You can almost hear them sigh "Oh, how much easier must life not be for those who are unfettered by morale"

so true

I'm not sure i would restrict myself to rocks. :)


No, a rockhammer of the model geologists use! It's not just a tool! It's a wonder that you don't need a weapons permit to buy one. :P


Just about the only weapon she is any good with. :roll:

lol yeah


She could prove my point, by killing me with her hammer. And that's probably exactly what she'd do.

LOL. Lathander may not be as All-Seeing as Helm....

Oryx will deny that it happened to the end of his days


#13 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 29 August 2003 - 01:46 AM

The other man continued with his line of thought. "...people throw rocks at me. Big rocks, little rocks, round rocks, square rocks, sharp rocks, gray rocks, brown rocks, black rocks, red rocks, clean rocks, sandy rocks, dirty rocks, rocky dirt..."

Rocks? We no need no stinkin' rocks! :lol:

Or badgers!

Two longbows, two slings, a shortbow, and a crossbow immediately pointed down the tilled earth, and the six adventurers sighted. The man was obviously of limited capacity. Very limited capacity. Perhaps no capacity at all. He stared at the party members like a puppy - his slobbering tongue adding to the effect - and bounced up and down just like a child getting presents, for a child's mind he surely had.

Oh, just throw him in the river already. :wink:

I liked Adrian's way. Kill him, and let Xzar do experiments with the blood.

"...of killing this dog? Gladly," Viconia smiled at the paladin, but he only chuckled back, for her habit of lacing death-threats into her speech had by now rendered itself moot in its consistency.

That's just her way of lulling you into a false sense of security so you'll never feel her dagger coming until it's too late. :roll:

heehee. I imagine you're quite right. Reminds me, I intend to let her use daggers here (and be good at them). I've been alluding to her stealth skills too. Sort of a stalker-cleric....skary! :)

The inn was modesty sized, and clean and cozy. Fine with me. As long as it isn’t full of assassins, fanatic-paladins, paranoid delusionals, pickpockets, slobbering drunks - in other words, the staples of Beregost nightlife.

Aye, the usual nutballs. :lol:


The big-helmeted priestess cackled triumphantly. “It may be a touch unladylike, but I’m gonna split yer throat, I am!”

Wow…delivering the theatrics after attacking. These assassins are starting to get better. Not that that says much.

Hey wait...a cleric slitting somebody’s throat? Don’t their vows preclude...

Don't say it, it'll ruin the dramatic effect! :lol:

Good eye, though.

Heehee. You know you've played enough BG when..(okay, I've only done 2 runthroughs of BG1 and 1 of BG2, so not really)

Just then, as this large fellow was ranting, and his temper seemed to be flaring up, he seemed to squeeze Neira’s neck tighter and tigher with each word, as if without meaning to, and then suddenly there was a CRACK and the cleric’s head flopped limply to one side.



A cue from Mice and Men, where Lenny kills Curly's wife in the same way.

His face betraying no hint of offense, but rather eagerness, the large man picked the hamster off his shoulder and present it to Onyx’s face, cupped gently in his massive hand. “Boo is my faithful animal companion, and more than he seems!” he declared. “And I am Minsc, ranger of Rasheman, and the stinky dogs of evil have captured my witch! Let us rescue her together!”

They make a fine partnership. :lol:


“Morning soon enough?" Onyx grinned sheepishly at the ranger.

"Oh yes it is! Boo needs his beauty sleep. See how silky his fur is? But yip in terror this night, gnoll-dogs, and piddle upon yourselves in fear, for in the morning Hamster Justice makes a house call! Right Boo?"

The resounding squeak was valiant indeed.

Great stuff,

:roll: :?

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