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About Blood 12

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#1 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 12 August 2003 - 01:48 PM

The three adventurers went down to the common room of the inn. Although it was already past midnight there were still people downstairs. Many of them were rather drunk. Just as they went to open the door it flew open, and a man dripping wet and dressed in simple clothing unsteadily walked in. He was clearly not at his first bar of the evening. He and Montaron bumped hard into each other.

“Ouch… watch where ye’re going ye cross eyed fool.”

Despite the difference in heights it was Montaron who seemed the least likely to fall down. The man wobbled and held the doorframe, looked at the halfling in confusion before breaking into a smile.

“I’m… dead…dreadfully sorry my good hlaf…hafli…flah… sir.” He chuckled. “But I think I’ve had a liiiiiittle too much too drink….”

Montaron glared at Talek. “That’s why I never get drunk in public.” He turned to the door again “Well keep yer eyes in front of ye next time.” He pushed past the man.

“Really sorry… hey…” the man’s face lit up. “I should keep my eyes…” he hesitated “down if I wanna see you don’t I?”

Montaron ignored him as he and the two youths from Candlekeep went outside, huddling for defence against the rain in their cloaks. Montaron grumbled.

“If I’d have a copper for every time I heard that joke...” Suddenly he grinned “But I guess this is even better then a copper.” He suddenly took a pouch from the inside of his cloak and tossed it up. “Good start of the night I’d say.”

Imoen frowned. Talek looked at the small bag of money and at the closed door behind them. “Hey… that money… did you get that from him…?”

Montaron seemed to consider making a sarcastic remark but settled for an exasperated “Yes, and for Mask’s sake don’t run around yelling stuff like that.”

“Wow, you’re almost as good as Imoen I’d guess.” He flashed a grin at Imoen and looked puzzled when he didn’t see her giving a cheerful smile back as usual.


Talek promptly concentrated on Montaron again “Oh yeah, in Candlekeep she’d nick all kind of stuff. Once she managed to sneak into the barracks and sneak out with the Gatewarden’s sword. And when just before she left she managed to take a whole jar of Tethoril’s expensive cookies while he slept and…”

“Talek, there’s really no need…” Imoen began, fighting down a proud look on her face even as she looked at the halfling’s measuring gaze.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing that. Gotta admit. Ye look like ye could pull a decent burglary without much problems.”

“Look Montaron,” Imoen sounded serious “What you do is up to you I guess, but I’m not gonna steal from some poor sod who could need that money.”

Montaron shrugged. “Suit yourself. But the money I get is for my personal use. Tell me if ye want some pointers.”

Talek scratched the back of his head. “I thought you always wanted to be a thief, Imoen. I mean, all the books you read are about thieves.”

“Yeah, but they’re nothing like this. I mean, there’s a difference…” Talek was looking at her with a still-confused expression.

“Ah gods, don’t tell me ye’re talking about books like ‘Kiss in the Shadow.’ I’d hoped only fool noble girls would read that.”

“You’ve READ ‘Kiss in the Shadow?’” Imoen sounded surprised.

“Yeah, the first twenty pages after which I stopped laughing and started gettin’ irritated. What was that guy, a thief or a bloody paladin?” He spat.

“Well I liked it.” Imoen sounded a bit annoyed and sniffed. “I just hope that I’ll be able to do stuff like that once. And don’t tell me it’s all hogwash. Gorion told us stories about thieves that can do amazing things.”

“Yeah well sure they can. When they’re experienced. And how do ye think a thief gets experience, unless he’s from a rich family that can hire some retired thief or you can get someone with more experience show ye the ropes for free.. Stealing from nobles like in the books? Nobles are rich, they’ve got plenty of guards and the ear of the Fists. Ye go around stealing only from the nobles, ye’ll end up with a rope around yer neck. Stick to basics I say. And maybe ye’ll live to be a ‘hero.’ If that’s what ye want.” He sneered.

“So stealing from poor people that could starve won’t cause a fuss, and stealing a few golds from some rich noble butthead who can miss it will?” Imoen didn’t seem surprises, but slightly miffed.

“That’s the way things are. And I can’t blame them. If I knew of a noble that would shrug off losing some money, ye bet I’d pay him a visit. I prefer to steal from nobles too. Silver’s nice, gold’s better. Wouldn’t stay rich for long.”

“Can’t you be a bit nicer now and then, Montaron?”

“Why in the nine hells would I want to be nice?”

Imoen gave a cheerful smile. “Because nice things happen to nice people.”

Montaron made a disgusted sound in his throat. “That’s what you’ve heard? From what I’ve seen the rule seems to be ‘nice people die alone, cold and hungry.”

“That’s NOT true.” Imoen declared vehemently.

“It’s not? Then tell me girl? Who ever got a nice and good life by being ‘nice.’ Someone you’ve met, and not just some story book hero.”

“Gorion.” It was Talek who answered. Imoen smiled at him.

“Gorion? Your dad?”

“Yes. He told us stories. About how he helped people. Defeated monsters, found criminals and saved a lot of lives. There’s a lot of places where they celebrated him. Gorion was a hero.” Talek ended with a proud voice.

Montaron gave a dark grin. “Exactly my point. Where is Gorion now?”

There was a brief second for Talek to understand what Montaron meant. Then his hands swiped down and grabbed the halfling by the collar, dragging him up so they were face to face.

“What did you say about my father?” His voice had gone lower now.

“Talek, calm down. Let him down, Talek” Imoen grabbed his shoulder, but Talek didn’t react. Lightning flashed.

Montaron stared back angrily at the furious face. “I didn’t say he was a bad person. And I’m sure that he loved you. All I’m saying is that his years of being a ‘nice guy’ didn’t help one bit in the end.” His voice lowered as the thunder roared. “Where were all those people he saved? Where are they now? If your dad had looked after himself instead of helping strangers, he might have been powerful enough to kill that armoured guy” He fell silent for a second. “People remember people that owe THEM something, not the other way around. Ye can save hundreds of people, but when ye’re in trouble yerself, chances are ye’re on yer own.”

Talek’s rage had slipped from his face. He avoided Montaron’s eyes and stared at the puddles on the ground.

“Hey, if ye’re gonna start thinking about that, put me down first, my neck begins to hurt!”

“Oh... yeah, sorry...” Talek gently lowered the halfling.

“Hey Montaron, you forgot Khalid and Jaheira.” Imoen had been relieved that the situation had been defused, but now paid attention to what the halfling had said.

“Those two? Hm... I know yer father liked them, but I’d keep an eye on them. Especially the druid.”

“Montaron...” Talek started.

“I know ye trust her, boy. But she’s a priest. Hard enough getting through life without a knife in yer back when ye’re just dealin’ with mortals. Least we need is gettin’ gods involved. Or the mystical tree fairies of the druids. Ye never know what their blasted faith will tell them to do next.” He spat on the ground, adding to the torrent of raindrops. “For a lifetime of being ‘nice’ they’re a pretty small reward. I’d take the money if ye know what I mean.”

“Gorion didn’t do what he did just to have friends.” Imoen spoke, keeping her eyes on Talek. “He loved people. That’s why he saved them. Heck, most of the people he saved were unable to help themselves, let alone him.”

“Yeah well, ye can love the world, doesn’t mean it’ll love ye ba...” Montaron’s eyes, that continually scanned the streets suddenly focused, just as the skies lit up with a lightning bolt.. When Imoen and Talek followed his gaze they just saw an alley.

“Follow me, and keep yer weapons where they are for now.” He ran into the alley, followed by the two others. In the darkness of the stormy night with a curtain of rain they could see only silhouettes. But they heard the voice.

“Sorry babe, no gold, just my two swords.” Some drunken laughter. “Now, which one d’ya want me to stab ya with eh?” A whimper of fear. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Ya love it ya filthy whore.”

Montaron took his small crossbow and drew back the string, keeping a bolt in place as he kept it behind his back. “Just stay behind me and wait for it.” He advanced towards the silhouettes. “Hey, sir, what are ye doing?” His voice suddenly sounded much more meek then usual. He wore a plastic grin on his face.

Lightning illuminated the scene for a moment. An unshaven man in his late twenties was pushing a young woman against the wall. He had a short sword pressed against her chest, intent on slicing open the fabric of her dress.

“None of your bloody business! Piss off.” He slurred slightly, indicating he was drunk.

Montaron stepped closer, followed by Imoen and Talek. They could now see the man; although it was too dark to see his face.

“Really sir, I think ye should let her go.” Montaron’s voice was disturbingly sweet right now.

The rapist looked at him. “Mind your own affairs, half-pint.” He saw Imoen and Talek behind him. “Oh look, ye brought your parents little one? Why don’t you go off and play house somewhere else huh?” There was a soft sound as Talek wanted to move forward, with Imoen holding him back.

“We don’t want any trouble, so just let the girl go.” Montaron’s grin grew wider.

“Look, shorty, if you’re not gone in three second, you’re gonna regret it.” He took the sword away from the chest of the girl and pointed it at Montaron.


“I’m sure there’s no need to get violent.”


“If we could just talk about it.”


Another flash of lightning.

“You’ve asked for it. Wait a minute honey, I’ll be right with you.” With those words the man backhanded the woman across her face, causing her to land heavily in a rain puddle. He turned towards Montaron and started walking.

Montaron’s fake grin was replaced with a wicked sneer.

“They always fall for a scared halfling.”

There was the ‘twang’ of a crossbow string, drowned out by the rumbling of the thunder. With a strangled sound the man folded up. His hands clutched at the crossbow bolt that protruded from his groin.

“Nice shot.” Talek commented. His sword had left the sheath the moment Montaron had fired his crossbow.

Montaron ignored him and headed for the girl, who was lying in the puddle, holding her knees in a protective gesture. Despite his short stature he knelt near her.

“Hey, girl. Listen to me. Ye’re safe. What’s yer name?”

There was no answer but some sobs.

“Yer name girl. Tell me yer name.”


“Right, did you get hurt? Did he cut you?”

“N...no, I don’t think so, just my dress.”

“Think ye can stand up?”

“I’ll try...” On shaky legs the prostitute got up to her feet. Her dress fell open a bit, causing Talek too look away. His eye fell on the rapist, who was trying to crawl away.

“Don’t think so.” With two steps Talek planted his foot on the man’s back, getting a scream in response as the bolt was pressed in the wound.

Montaron ignored it. “Doesn’t look like ye’ve been hurt. Ye’re lucky.” His voice turned harsher. “Don’t ye have a wit in yer head? Going alone in an alley at this time of night during a storm?”

“Ina said... Ina said there wouldn’t be any customers. But I thought...” She stifled a sob.

Montaron’s voice softened. “She’s right. Nobody goes out in this weather just for getting his jollies. Unless they’re out for ‘freebies’.” He scowled at the moaning figure under Talek’s boot. “Anyway, ye got someplace to go to?”

The girl nodded.

“Think ye can make it there by yerself?”

She nodded again. Then she looked at her assailant.

“Don’t worry about him, just get yerself somewhere dry.”

The girl nodded once more and disappeared behind a curtain of rain. Imoen smiled.

“That was really nice of you, Montaron.”

“Stop dreaming girl. I have my reasons. I’ve seen worse stuff and kept on walking.” He turned towards Talek who still had the man pinned down. The puddles near the wounded groin were soiled with blood. The halfling spoke in a sour tone. “What are ye waiting for? Finish him off before someone comes along.”

“You mean, kill him?” Talek asked in a surprised tone of voice.

“No, I want ye to invite him to the Grand Dukes’ ball! Of course I want ye to kill him. Before winter comes again if ye catch my drift.”

Talek brought his sword near the neck of the man. “Okay, I guess.” There was a muffled sob coming from the man, in too much pain and fear to do anything else.

Imoen, who had been stunned by the sudden turn in the conversation, now protested. “Hey, wait a minute. Shouldn’t we hand him over to the Flaming Fist? We can’t just kill him right?”

“Hand him to the Flaming Fist?” Montaron said deadpan. “Guess yer books didn’t teach ye that either. If ye’re passing through a village, unless ye’re an armour-polish sniffer, people are gonna trust locals above some people they don’t know. Especially in small villages like these. Local Flaming Fists probably grew up with him. May not like him, but they’d take his word above ours. After all...” He gave a mockery of a smile. “A village pulls together in times of trouble.”

There was a short silence. Imoen saw Talek’s eyes on her. He seemed to wait for her to say something. For a brief moment Imoen stuttered incoherently, then she recovered. “The girl, Mina. She lives here. She could get him jailed.” Imoen smiled hopefully. Talek’s head swivelled to Montaron.

The halfling rolled his eyes. “Could be, depends on how popular our buddy here is. But she won’t tell the Fist unless she’s a fool. We don’t need to stay in the village, but she does, and if this guy has any friends...” He shrugged “A streetwalker vanishes, nobody notices.”

Talek looked at Imoen again. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Her teeth sunk in her lip.

Montaron’s voice sounded again. “It’s just a bloody rapist, girl. We’ve wasted too much time on him already.” He motioned to Talek. The young man took Imoen’s silence as compliance and raised his sword. Under his boot the man whimpered. Imoen’s head turned from the man’s face to the halfling’s, then she looked at the street where the young prostitute had vanished into before fixing on Talek’s face as he prepared the killing blow.

A small smile was growing on his mouth She thought she could see his eyes twinkle in anticipation.

The sword came down.

“Talek, STOP!”

As she yelled Talek’s left hand shot out and grabbed his right wrist. The blade stopped centimeters from the man’s neck. The man didn’t make a sound anymore. It seemed he had fainted.

“What now?” Montaron sounded irritated.

“Talek, we can’t kill him. He’s defenceless. Even if he’s a rapist. killing him like his would be murder.” She swallowed and forced a smile.. “And even if we can’t hand him to the Flaming Fist, after Montaron’s bolt, I don’t think he’ll ever do something like that again even if he would want to.”

“Have ye gone daft girl?” Imoen didn’t answer. “Talek, kill the sod for Mask’s sake!”

Talek sheathed his sword. “You heard her, Montaron.”

“Fine, I’ll do the deed myself then” He drew his short sword and moved forward. Talek’s foot finally left the man’s body and he positioned himself between Montaron and his target.

Montaron stared angrily at the man in front of him. Talek’s sword was still in it’s sheath, but Tale didn’t seem the least bit worried and met Montaron’s glare with a relaxed smirk. Imoen suddenly looked worries.

“Come on, Montaron. It ain’t that important is it?” He smiled.

Montaron seemed to consider it for a moment and looked at the figure on the ground before putting his weapon away, turning around and throwin his hands in the air. “Useless to try to keep ye from killing yerselves it seems. As long as ye don’t get me killed with ye. Bah, I need a drink.” He walked off. “With a bit of luck the bastard might bleed to death.” He murmured.

Talek and Imoen followed. Imoen smiled and gave alek a friendly hug around the shoulders.

“Hey, Talek. That was really nice what you did there. You see, even if you like killing, you can still choose what you would do.”

“Heh, yeah, I guess.”

“If Gorion was here, I’m sure he would be proud. Maybe it wasn’t you who saved a damsel in distress,” she winced in disgust at the memory of the rapist “but you were pretty brave, facing Montaron unarmed like that.”

“What? It’s not like he’s attack me just for not letting him kill that guy.” They followed Montaron walking towards another inn.

“I dunno. Anyway, this was our first heroic act.” Imoen’s cheerfulness returned, defeating both bad weather and the tension. “Our first step on the way to become great legends. Imoen the super-sneaky thief-genius that everybody loves and the brave knight Talek, defender of the innocent.” They entered the inn. “And people will recognise us and say...”

“Hey get out, I don’t like yer kind inhere.”

#2 Guest_argan_*

Posted 12 August 2003 - 02:12 PM

Good to see you are continuing the story

Good chapter 8)

#3 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 12 August 2003 - 04:26 PM

“I’m… dead…dreadfully sorry my good hlaf…hafli…flah… sir.” He chuckled. “But I think I’ve had a liiiiiittle too much too drink….”

Oh, dear... I'd expected even thieves to have some sort of codex of honor, but really! Stealing from a fop like this - pah, even I could probably pickpocket him. Monty has no taste at all. :twisted:

“So stealing from poor people that could starve won’t cause a fuss, and stealing a few golds from some rich noble butthead who can miss it will?” Imoen didn’t seem surprises, but slightly miffed.


And don't loose your ideals about being a noble rogue, Immy. I made you into a single-classed thief with the old BG1 pic in my current game, I'll make you a noble swashie in my next game... :twisted:

Imoen gave a cheerful smile. “Because nice things happen to nice people.”

Montaron made a disgusted sound in his throat. “That’s what you’ve heard? From what I’ve seen the rule seems to be ‘nice people die alone, cold and hungry.”

Uh... that's actually pretty insightful, coming from Monty. Well, maybe nice people get a better afterlife, I suppose. :twisted:

“Yes. He told us stories. About how he helped people. Defeated monsters, found criminals and saved a lot of lives. There’s a lot of places where they celebrated him. Gorion was a hero.” Talek ended with a proud voice.

Montaron gave a dark grin. “Exactly my point. Where is Gorion now?”

Er, yes... but maybe he's in the realm of some good and benevolent deity and is living it up in his cheerful afterlife! :twisted:

“I know ye trust her, boy. But she’s a priest. Hard enough getting through life without a knife in yer back when ye’re just dealin’ with mortals. Least we need is gettin’ gods involved. Or the mystical tree fairies of the druids. Ye never know what their blasted faith will tell them to do next.” He spat on the ground, adding to the torrent of raindrops. “For a lifetime of being ‘nice’ they’re a pretty small reward. I’d take the money if ye know what I mean.”

Heh, I can't really imagine why would being a druid make Jaheira unreliable, dangerous or whatever... especially if you consider what kind of deity Silvanus is.

“You’ve asked for it. Wait a minute honey, I’ll be right with you.” With those words the man backhanded the woman across her face, causing her to land heavily in a rain puddle. He turned towards Montaron and started walking.

Heh, I guess Monty simply wants to shag that babe himself, that scoundrel.

The girl nodded once more and disappeared behind a curtain of rain. Imoen smiled.

“That was really nice of you, Montaron.”

8) A Zhent with morals??? What has this world become to?

Imoen, who had been stunned by the sudden turn in the conversation, now protested. “Hey, wait a minute. Shouldn’t we hand him over to the Flaming Fist? We can’t just kill him right?”

Well, at least don't kill him when he is lying defenseless. Pick him up, hand him a sword and kill him in a fair fight.

“Talek, we can’t kill him. He’s defenceless. Even if he’s a rapist. killing him like his would be murder.” She swallowed and forced a smile.. “And even if we can’t hand him to the Flaming Fist, after Montaron’s bolt, I don’t think he’ll ever do something like that again even if he would want to.”

“Have ye gone daft girl?” Imoen didn’t answer. “Talek, kill the sod for Mask’s sake!”

I have another solution. Kill Montaron.

Talek and Imoen followed. Imoen smiled and gave alek a friendly hug around the shoulders.

A 'T' missing in Talek's name. Or perhaps you meant to say smart-alek? :shock:

“I dunno. Anyway, this was our first heroic act.” Imoen’s cheerfulness returned, defeating both bad weather and the tension. “Our first step on the way to become great legends. Imoen the super-sneaky thief-genius that everybody loves and the brave knight Talek, defender of the innocent.” They entered the inn. “And people will recognise us and say...”

“Hey get out, I don’t like yer kind inhere.”

For some reason I think that Talek will gut Marl. So much for Immy's plans to be a recognized hero. :shock:

#4 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 12 August 2003 - 04:37 PM

Good to see you are continuing the story

Good chapter 8)

Yeah, I've been... irregular lately, I know. Have a lot less self-discipline then most writers here it seems, but I've never written a story this far and then given up on it.

#5 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 12 August 2003 - 04:49 PM

“I’m… dead…dreadfully sorry my good hlaf…hafli…flah… sir.” He chuckled. “But I think I’ve had a liiiiiittle too much too drink….”

Oh, dear... I'd expected even thieves to have some sort of codex of honor, but really! Stealing from a fop like this - pah, even I could probably pickpocket him. Monty has no taste at all. :twisted:

Heh, a silver is a silver, and a fool and his money are soon parted. And Montaron could probably be thrown out of a thievesguild for being 'too much of a scumbag' Heck, Stealing coppers from beggars wouldn't eb too low for him.

“So stealing from poor people that could starve won’t cause a fuss, and stealing a few golds from some rich noble butthead who can miss it will?” Imoen didn’t seem surprises, but slightly miffed.


And don't loose your ideals about being a noble rogue, Immy. I made you into a single-classed thief with the old BG1 pic in my current game, I'll make you a noble swashie in my next game... :twisted:

In between Montaron and the Baldur's Gate thieves guild; she's gonna have a hard time.

Imoen gave a cheerful smile. “Because nice things happen to nice people.”

Montaron made a disgusted sound in his throat. “That’s what you’ve heard? From what I’ve seen the rule seems to be ‘nice people die alone, cold and hungry.”

Uh... that's actually pretty insightful, coming from Monty. Well, maybe nice people get a better afterlife, I suppose. :twisted:

I don't think Montaron is stupid. just really cynical.

“Yes. He told us stories. About how he helped people. Defeated monsters, found criminals and saved a lot of lives. There’s a lot of places where they celebrated him. Gorion was a hero.” Talek ended with a proud voice.

Montaron gave a dark grin. “Exactly my point. Where is Gorion now?”

Er, yes... but maybe he's in the realm of some good and benevolent deity and is living it up in his cheerful afterlife! :twisted:

Yeah well, considering Talek's attitude to authority that may not encourage him THAT much.

“I know ye trust her, boy. But she’s a priest. Hard enough getting through life without a knife in yer back when ye’re just dealin’ with mortals. Least we need is gettin’ gods involved. Or the mystical tree fairies of the druids. Ye never know what their blasted faith will tell them to do next.” He spat on the ground, adding to the torrent of raindrops. “For a lifetime of being ‘nice’ they’re a pretty small reward. I’d take the money if ye know what I mean.”

Heh, I can't really imagine why would being a druid make Jaheira unreliable, dangerous or whatever... especially if you consider what kind of deity Silvanus is.

Montaron's just cynical and distrustful over people with ideals OTHER then wealth and power even more then people like him. Besides, its not like HE can trust Jaheira not to take action against him or Xzar.

“You’ve asked for it. Wait a minute honey, I’ll be right with you.” With those words the man backhanded the woman across her face, causing her to land heavily in a rain puddle. He turned towards Montaron and started walking.

Heh, I guess Monty simply wants to shag that babe himself, that scoundrel.

Nah, why would Montaron want a human?

The girl nodded once more and disappeared behind a curtain of rain. Imoen smiled.

“That was really nice of you, Montaron.”

8) A Zhent with morals??? What has this world become to?

As he said, he's got his reasons. And with 'seen worse things' he might actually also mean 'done worse things.'

Imoen, who had been stunned by the sudden turn in the conversation, now protested. “Hey, wait a minute. Shouldn’t we hand him over to the Flaming Fist? We can’t just kill him right?”

Well, at least don't kill him when he is lying defenseless. Pick him up, hand him a sword and kill him in a fair fight.

Well, considering ehs got a crossbow bolt in his groin, the fight might be a tad unfair.

“Talek, we can’t kill him. He’s defenceless. Even if he’s a rapist. killing him like his would be murder.” She swallowed and forced a smile.. “And even if we can’t hand him to the Flaming Fist, after Montaron’s bolt, I don’t think he’ll ever do something like that again even if he would want to.”

“Have ye gone daft girl?” Imoen didn’t answer. “Talek, kill the sod for Mask’s sake!”

I have another solution. Kill Montaron.

Ahw... how can you NOT love him? He's a halfling, he's cu... *feels crossbow pushed against his back*

never mind.

Talek and Imoen followed. Imoen smiled and gave alek a friendly hug around the shoulders.

A 'T' missing in Talek's name. Or perhaps you meant to say smart-alek? :shock:

There's a 'smart' inthere so we're not talking about Talek then.

“I dunno. Anyway, this was our first heroic act.” Imoen’s cheerfulness returned, defeating both bad weather and the tension. “Our first step on the way to become great legends. Imoen the super-sneaky thief-genius that everybody loves and the brave knight Talek, defender of the innocent.” They entered the inn. “And people will recognise us and say...”

“Hey get out, I don’t like yer kind inhere.”

For some reason I think that Talek will gut Marl. So much for Immy's plans to be a recognized hero. :shock:

Yep, though she does it more to encourage Talek to 'be nice' then anything else. But the world just isn't cooperating with her.

thanks for reviewing.

#6 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 12 August 2003 - 06:28 PM

Montaron shrugged. “Suit yourself. But the money I get is for my personal use. Tell me if ye want some pointers.”

Talek scratched the back of his head. “I thought you always wanted to be a thief, Imoen. I mean, all the books you read are about thieves.”

“Yeah, but they’re nothing like this. I mean, there’s a difference…” Talek was looking at her with a still-confused expression.

She does not intend to go around and plunder random people.

“That’s the way things are. And I can’t blame them. If I knew of a noble that would shrug off losing some money, ye bet I’d pay him a visit. I prefer to steal from nobles too. Silver’s nice, gold’s better. Wouldn’t stay rich for long.”

“Can’t you be a bit nicer now and then, Montaron?”

He dosn't know the meaning of the word.

“I know ye trust her, boy. But she’s a priest. Hard enough getting through life without a knife in yer back when ye’re just dealin’ with mortals. Least we need is gettin’ gods involved. Or the mystical tree fairies of the druids. Ye never know what their blasted faith will tell them to do next.” He spat on the ground, adding to the torrent of raindrops. “For a lifetime of being ‘nice’ they’re a pretty small reward. I’d take the money if ye know what I mean.”

And they're harpers as well.

There was the ‘twang’ of a crossbow string, drowned out by the rumbling of the thunder. With a strangled sound the man folded up. His hands clutched at the crossbow bolt that protruded from his groin.


Talek and Imoen followed. Imoen smiled and gave alek a friendly hug around the shoulders.

“Hey, Talek. That was really nice what you did there. You see, even if you like killing, you can still choose what you would do.”

But it was close.

“I dunno. Anyway, this was our first heroic act.” Imoen’s cheerfulness returned, defeating both bad weather and the tension. “Our first step on the way to become great legends. Imoen the super-sneaky thief-genius that everybody loves and the brave knight Talek, defender of the innocent.” They entered the inn. “And people will recognise us and say...”

I can't really see talek in that role.

“Hey get out, I don’t like yer kind inhere.”



#7 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 12 August 2003 - 10:37 PM

“I dunno. Anyway, this was our first heroic act.” Imoen’s cheerfulness returned, defeating both bad weather and the tension. “Our first step on the way to become great legends. Imoen the super-sneaky thief-genius that everybody loves and the brave knight Talek, defender of the innocent.” They entered the inn. “And people will recognise us and say...”

“Hey get out, I don’t like yer kind inhere.”

Heh, great ending.

Nice chapter - poor Talek, with Jaheira and Monty both trying to 'educate' him. Guess if he wants to keep them both around he'll have to try to steer some sort of a middle ground - lucky he has Imoen around to help him, I think.

#8 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 13 August 2003 - 08:55 AM

Montaron shrugged. “Suit yourself. But the money I get is for my personal use. Tell me if ye want some pointers.”

Talek scratched the back of his head. “I thought you always wanted to be a thief, Imoen. I mean, all the books you read are about thieves.”

“Yeah, but they’re nothing like this. I mean, there’s a difference…” Talek was looking at her with a still-confused expression.

She does not intend to go around and plunder random people.

Yeah, but Talek isn't very good at subtleties like that.

“That’s the way things are. And I can’t blame them. If I knew of a noble that would shrug off losing some money, ye bet I’d pay him a visit. I prefer to steal from nobles too. Silver’s nice, gold’s better. Wouldn’t stay rich for long.”

“Can’t you be a bit nicer now and then, Montaron?”

He dosn't know the meaning of the word.

Well, to him 'nice' means 'sucker'

“I know ye trust her, boy. But she’s a priest. Hard enough getting through life without a knife in yer back when ye’re just dealin’ with mortals. Least we need is gettin’ gods involved. Or the mystical tree fairies of the druids. Ye never know what their blasted faith will tell them to do next.” He spat on the ground, adding to the torrent of raindrops. “For a lifetime of being ‘nice’ they’re a pretty small reward. I’d take the money if ye know what I mean.”

And they're harpers as well.

Yep, once that gets in the open...

There was the ‘twang’ of a crossbow string, drowned out by the rumbling of the thunder. With a strangled sound the man folded up. His hands clutched at the crossbow bolt that protruded from his groin.


They do it in that movie. I've never seen it so...

Talek and Imoen followed. Imoen smiled and gave alek a friendly hug around the shoulders.

“Hey, Talek. That was really nice what you did there. You see, even if you like killing, you can still choose what you would do.”

But it was close.

Yeah well, Talek needs some encouragement between idiotic Flaming Fists and judgemental paladins.

“I dunno. Anyway, this was our first heroic act.” Imoen’s cheerfulness returned, defeating both bad weather and the tension. “Our first step on the way to become great legends. Imoen the super-sneaky thief-genius that everybody loves and the brave knight Talek, defender of the innocent.” They entered the inn. “And people will recognise us and say...”

I can't really see talek in that role.

Yeah well, Immy can try can't she? :)

“Hey get out, I don’t like yer kind inhere.”



Imoen probably wants to use some of those words she picked up from Montaron right now. Thanks for reviewing.

#9 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 13 August 2003 - 08:59 AM

“I dunno. Anyway, this was our first heroic act.” Imoen’s cheerfulness returned, defeating both bad weather and the tension. “Our first step on the way to become great legends. Imoen the super-sneaky thief-genius that everybody loves and the brave knight Talek, defender of the innocent.” They entered the inn. “And people will recognise us and say...”

“Hey get out, I don’t like yer kind inhere.”

Heh, great ending


Nice chapter - poor Talek, with Jaheira and Monty both trying to 'educate' him. Guess if he wants to keep them both around he'll have to try to steer some sort of a middle ground - lucky he has Imoen around to help him, I think.

Yep, but the Taint, people's general reactions to him and his short fuse aren't gonna help. Imoen, Jaheira and Khalid have their work cut out for them.

And poor Talek indeed. He's gonna get a lot more confusion before this is done.

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