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Thicker than Water 14

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#1 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 08:23 PM

okay, here's what i'm sure you've all been waiting for: the group finally gets back together! yay, whee! wasn't that exciting! now you can all go home. :P it's kind of long but worth it, i think, to see them all working together again. enjoy!

“There was nothing you could do to stop him?” Sir Ryan asked.

“No.” Tybalt’s voice was a whisper among the immense hallways inside the Order.

The paladin scrutinized him for a good while before sighing and throwing up his hands. “I confess, squire Anomen was not my ideal choice for knighthood, but he was a good man. I would have thought him more reasonable than this. But facts are facts.” They had been through this countless times; Tybalt had been questioned by what seemed like every member of the Order when Ajantis had escorted him back. The circumstances regarding Anomen’s rampage and death were dubious, which did little to gain Tybalt any respect or trust among the Order’s knights and paladins.

But at least they had no concrete evidence against him. Ajantis had also been witness to most of Tybalt’s actions and could not find any wrongdoing. It was Anomen’s suicide which worried the Order the most. Tybalt had been alone with the corpse and while they knew that the squire had indeed killed himself, there was little evidence of Tybalt’s efforts to stop the man.

He had been detained inside the impressive complex for several days, answering questions when asked and submitting himself to inspection to various heads of the Order. He did this all without complaint; he feared the reaction if he resisted, and he was friendless amongst these warriors. Ajantis would not defend him against his own Order, nor did the paladin trust him much. Whenever Tybalt saw the paladin, the other man looked away and quickened his pace. The Bhaalspawn knew that Ajantis was also undergoing a rigorous investigation but couldn’t manage to pity him. The paladin had known Anomen better than he and should have anticipated such an outburst of rage and violence. Tybalt couldn’t be blamed for that.

Or at least that’s what he told himself. He dreamed of Anomen’s blood-soaked armor and the dead man’s face. But what truly scared him was that he enjoyed the grisly scenes that flashed before his eyes. Yet even with repeating nightmares of Anomen’s death, he couldn’t manage to feel any guilt for his part in the matter. He watched dispassionately over and over as the tortured squire plunged the dagger into his chest, watched the lifeblood flow across the floor as the man breathed his last, and was filled with nothing more than a distant curiosity.

Why did Anomen follow his advice? What was so terrible about life that he sought to end it prematurely? From what Tybalt could tell, life was too precious to cut short.

His reveries were halted when Sir Ryan Trawl sighed resolutely. “Very well, Tybalt. The Order has deliberated on what to do with you; I said before that we would help you find your friends, and that is true. However, we must ask one last task of you before we give you our help. Sir Ajantis will accompany you as before. Consider this a…test of your loyalties and skill.” The paladin regarded him grimly, measuring him up.

Tybalt felt a sense of dread rise up without reason and he stared at Sir Ryan, but the paladin refused to match his gaze. There was something left unsaid here, but he had no idea what.

Ajantis was ushered into the room, now, and Ryan filled them in on the details for their final mission for the Order. “There is a vile sect of slavers in the city,” Ryan declared. “For too long they have escaped our justice. Recently, several of their key holding cells were destroyed by a group whom we believe to be Harpers. Unfortunately, the leaders of this slave ring are still at large. We want you to finish the work started by there unknowns and defeat the remaining slavers in Athkatla. Then, you are to report here where we will let you know where your friends are.”

Tybalt groaned inwardly. Another blackmailing to ensure his obedience. And by the order of paladins, no less. The hypocrisy galled him, but he wisely kept quiet. Nothing could be gained from his protest. He was under enough suspicion as it was.

Ajantis evidently had the same thoughts, for he, too, remained silent. With no argument, Sir Ryan Trawl smiled slightly and nodded. “Good, you can be off immediately.” He handed Ajantis a small gem and explained its use in accessing one of the leaders’ headquarters.

Tybalt and Ajantis were soon back on the streets, headed for the bridge district. The paladin led Tybalt to a shady building in the shadows of a larger edifice. To his surprise, the door was open, an open invitation to enter the maw of darkness beyond. Ajantis drew his sword and looked at Tybalt expectantly. Tybalt reluctantly nodded and drew his own weapon. As they entered the gem Ryan Trawl had given them flared for a second before disappearing.

Tybalt examined his new location, not entirely surprised to find that this room was much larger than the decrepit building he had just entered. The door had vanished, leaving them no route of escape. Eerie purple lights dimly lit the round chamber, revealing strange depictions of monstrous creatures overseeing tortured slaves.

More relevant, however, was the battle being waged at the far end of the room. The Bhaalspawn gasped as he saw his companions fighting for their lives: Minsc, Jaheira, and the bounty hunter from the dungeon fought alongside a dwarf, a tall dark man and a young elven girl. They were hopelessly outmatched, despite their increase in number, as a beholder, a vampire, and two spell casters raged at them. They would soon be overwhelmed.

Ajantis shouted a war cry for the Order and charged into the fray, hacking at the beholder with all his might.

Tybalt held back, however, as he knew that simple melee would not overcome these foes. Jaheira and the others were not well enough equipped to deal with this powerful of a threat. He wondered for a moment how they had come here and why, but pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind as he focused on the present danger.

A shape caught his eye and he turned to see a corpse on the floor behind him. He stepped closer to examine it, more out of cold interest than concern. The body was a human male dressed like a master of combat, swords still clutched in a death grip. His life had obviously been cut short—literally—by several blows to the head and chest. No doubt this unfortunate was the first victim to the group’s attack.

He knelt by the dead man and touched the growing pool of blood beneath him. It was dark and warm, and he slowly brought his covered fingers to his lips. He tasted the death, savored it. His eyes closed involuntarily at the guilty pleasure. In the darkness of his mind he saw a flickering light; he opened his eyes but the light remained, hovering over the dead man’s body. A whisper came from it, a lifetime of memories and experiences trapped in a tiny wavering light.

Tybalt grabbed for the illumination over the corpse in vain; his hands passed through it like water. In frustration, he growled and tried again. Something about the light was infinitely desirable: he realized he was looking at the dead man’s soul and increased his efforts. He could have much use for another soul, even if it didn’t possess his own soul’s special abilities.

A darkness deep inside him shifted, filling him with the knowledge of how to control the soul. He stretched out his hand, beckoning, until the flame danced away from its body and into his open palm. He carefully gripped the flame without quenching it, unsure of what to do next. Right now he had no time to test the soul’s properties or uses to him; if he and the others didn’t leave this place he would visit his father’s realm sooner than he wished.

Instead of this horrible alternative, Tybalt thrust the soul back into the body, reconnecting its lines of communication with the flesh. For a moment, nothing happened as the flame diffused into the heavier, more cumbersome body. Then, the dead man spasmed and thrashed about the floor, his remaining blood squirting from his various wounds. A dull scream echoed in Tybalt’s head as the man met his gaze. “Why am I among the living?” the man mentally demanded.

Tybalt forced his own gaze upon the living dead man, bending it to his will. “I brought you back to help me,” he commanded. “I am in danger; defend me!” He pointed at the battle going on around them; by now, Yoshimo and the dwarf had fallen, along with the beholder. Minsc, Ajantis, Jaheira, and the dark man circled the elf girl as she cast spell after spell against the two spellcasters and the vampire. But the warriors could not hold out much longer; even fresh into the fight, Ajantis wearied and looked ready to drop.

“You must defeat my enemies before I release you,” Tybalt ordered. “You will not rest until I am safe.”

The dead man glared at him, wishing nothing more than to tear the Bhaalspawn’s throat out and eat it, but could do nothing against his divine will. “I- I will do as you command,” it growled. The corpse stood up shakily, readied its swords, and addressed its former comrades. “In the name of death and whatever fate awaits me there, I send you ahead to greet the Lord of the Dead!” He charged into the fray.

His attack took the others by surprise; his swords thrust into the first wizard, a lich, who was focused on the battle in front of him, not behind. Before the lich could raise more defenses against this new assailant, it had fallen to the corpse’s might. The vampire directed its wrath at the dead man while the last mage cast several protection spells, but the vampire’s deathly claws had no effect on the already dead man. This lapse in direct assault gave Jaheira and the others a chance to regroup and take on the remaining two enemies. Aerie and Jaheira used their remaining spells against the vampire while Minsc, Ajantis, and the other man hacked away at the mage.

No matter how many spells were cast upon the corpse or how many blows the vampire dealt him, he refused to go down. His link to Tybalt was stronger than the weakening links inside his own flesh and blood. He couldn’t die again until Tybalt released him.

The opponents went down quickly with this new ally. Everyone took a moment to rest and recover their breath before realizing what had happened. Jaheira spoke first.

“Tybalt, I am glad to see you again. By Silvanus I am glad to see you again.” Though her words were plain, the pleasure shone through in her thickened voice. She slowly limped to his side and hugged him fiercely, ignoring the blood and gore covering both of them. “I thought…I thought I would never see you again. I thank the balance I was wrong.” She collapsed into his chest, a mixture of exhaustion and overwhelming joy overcoming her usual stoic nature.

The others stood silently as the couple embraced, tears freely streaming down Tybalt’s face. “J-Jaheira,” he mumbled into her hair, clutching her as if he would loose her if he let go.

Ajantis coughed politely and the pair suddenly realized where they were. “Tybalt, I assume these are your companions? At least they, too, have been fighting the forces of evil.” He eyed the party warily, unsure of what type of people would travel with a crazed son of Murder. He was met with similar judging glares, especially from Jaheira, until his gaze came across the young elf girl. Despite her injuries and the carnage around her, she managed to maintain composure and gave him a hesitant smile. He found himself smiling back before returning his face to its righteous appraisal. The elf seemed harmless enough, though many such temptresses had corrupted knights holier than himself.

Jaheira let Tybalt go and made introductions, identifying the elf as Aerie, the dark man as Valygar Corthala, and the elf as a transformed Xan. Tybalt held back a nervous giggle at the elf’s predicament, but sobered up upon hearing of Edwin’s attack against them. “Just what we need, more enemies,” he grumbled.

“This is Sir Ajantis Ilvastarr of Waterdeep, though he’s now in Athkatla to baby-sit me,” Tybalt whined.

“I believe we met on the way to Baldur’s Gate,” Jaheira recalled.

Ajantis inclined his head. “Your memory serves you well, Lady Jaheira. I also remember the ranger, Minsc, though your other companions are more recent…?” He glanced at Aerie quickly before abashedly returning to the druid’s gaze.

“We’ll fill you in later,” she promised. “And your other new friend?” she asked dryly, indicating the corpse who still stood over his former comrades.

Tybalt had forgotten about the dead man and found to his astonishment that it still lived, as much as it could. “I-I release you,” he told it, withdrawing his power from its soul and body.

The abomination groveled gratefully as he did so, then straightened. “Did you not hear me? I release you!” Tybalt shouted, anxiety lacing his voice.

The dead man smiled eerily. “And so you have. Now I’m no longer under your control.” It lashed out at Valygar, spinning its blades before the ranger could react. He fell, and it was only Minsc’s quick action which saved his life. The giant lopped off the corpse’s head before it could finish Valygar off, causing the body to slump to the ground and lay still again.

“Valygar!” Jaheira cried, rushing to his side. “He-he lives, though barely,” she said after a quick examination. “We must get him to a healer’s soon, though.” She gave Tybalt an accusatory glare but focused her attention on the fallen ranger.

Tybalt stared at the twice-dead man in shock. He apparently didn’t hold as much control over the dead as he thought he had. He would have to be more careful in the future. Further experiments might also teach him mastery…

He felt the stares of everyone on him and the dead man but ignored them. Best they get used to it now. He could smell their fear and unease, but as long as they were willing to remain silent, he wouldn’t have a problem with them.

Aerie had examined Yoshimo and Xan and declared them alive but weak. They and Valygar would need to visit a healer soon or the group might shrink quickly. “Where is the exit?” Jaheira demanded, still hovering over Valygar.

“I don’t know,” Tybalt shot back crossly. A twinge of jealousy shot through him as he saw the concern on her face for the ranger. He sulked in his spot while Ajantis and Minsc searched for a way out.

“Boo says to drop nasty beholder’s eye in pot!” Minsc declared proudly. “Then we can all go home and have a nice siesta. Oh, good word, Boo.” He chopped an eye from the monster and placed it in a steaming cauldron on the far side of the room. Immediately, a shimmering portal opened in another corner. The group grabbed everything the slavers had dropped and without examining their loot, hopped through the portal before it closed, carrying their wounded with them.

They emerged back into the bridge district, but where the shady building had been before nothing remained save a heap of rubble. They didn’t give it a second glance as they hurried away.

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 01 August 2003 - 09:01 AM

But at least they had no concrete evidence against him. Ajantis had also been witness to most of Tybalt’s actions and could not find any wrongdoing. It was Anomen’s suicide which worried the Order the most. Tybalt had been alone with the corpse and while they knew that the squire had indeed killed himself, there was little evidence of Tybalt’s efforts to stop the man.

Ack! Ano was a nutter - plain and simple! :P

Or at least that’s what he told himself. He dreamed of Anomen’s blood-soaked armor and the dead man’s face. But what truly scared him was that he enjoyed the grisly scenes that flashed before his eyes. Yet even with repeating nightmares of Anomen’s death, he couldn’t manage to feel any guilt for his part in the matter. He watched dispassionately over and over as the tortured squire plunged the dagger into his chest, watched the lifeblood flow across the floor as the man breathed his last, and was filled with nothing more than a distant curiosity.

Why did Anomen follow his advice? What was so terrible about life that he sought to end it prematurely? From what Tybalt could tell, life was too precious to cut short.

I bet Ano didn't feel so at that point - I know that suicide is never an answer, but he did kill innocents and lost his whole family... so I'm not sure if I would try and talk him out of it... :(

Ajantis was ushered into the room, now, and Ryan filled them in on the details for their final mission for the Order. “There is a vile sect of slavers in the city,” Ryan declared. “For too long they have escaped our justice. Recently, several of their key holding cells were destroyed by a group whom we believe to be Harpers. Unfortunately, the leaders of this slave ring are still at large. We want you to finish the work started by there unknowns and defeat the remaining slavers in Athkatla. Then, you are to report here where we will let you know where your friends are.”

Ah, he will be sacrificed to Rune as well... one minor nibble is that the Twisted Rune is such a secretive organisation, that it is unlikely that anyone in Athkatla would know of its existance. I have to check it, but I think it is only about 20 of their most important members that know the existance of their organization - the less important agents have no clue whom they are working for, many believe Zhentarim... but this is just a minor point :P

Tybalt groaned inwardly. Another blackmailing to ensure his obedience. And by the order of paladins, no less. The hypocrisy galled him, but he wisely kept quiet. Nothing could be gained from his protest. He was under enough suspicion as it was.

Ajantis evidently had the same thoughts, for he, too, remained silent. With no argument, Sir Ryan Trawl smiled slightly and nodded. “Good, you can be off immediately.” He handed Ajantis a small gem and explained its use in accessing one of the leaders’ headquarters.

That's pretty bastardish from a 'paladin'...

More relevant, however, was the battle being waged at the far end of the room. The Bhaalspawn gasped as he saw his companions fighting for their lives: Minsc, Jaheira, and the bounty hunter from the dungeon fought alongside a dwarf, a tall dark man and a young elven girl. They were hopelessly outmatched, despite their increase in number, as a beholder, a vampire, and two spell casters raged at them. They would soon be overwhelmed.

Now get your butt over there and help them!

He knelt by the dead man and touched the growing pool of blood beneath him. It was dark and warm, and he slowly brought his covered fingers to his lips. He tasted the death, savored it. His eyes closed involuntarily at the guilty pleasure. In the darkness of his mind he saw a flickering light; he opened his eyes but the light remained, hovering over the dead man’s body. A whisper came from it, a lifetime of memories and experiences trapped in a tiny wavering light.

Oh, this really isn't the best time to act like a freak, Tybalt!

Instead of this horrible alternative, Tybalt thrust the soul back into the body, reconnecting its lines of communication with the flesh. For a moment, nothing happened as the flame diffused into the heavier, more cumbersome body. Then, the dead man spasmed and thrashed about the floor, his remaining blood squirting from his various wounds. A dull scream echoed in Tybalt’s head as the man met his gaze. “Why am I among the living?” the man mentally demanded.

well, that is freaky... some unknown Tybalt's Bhaalspawn powers?

No matter how many spells were cast upon the corpse or how many blows the vampire dealt him, he refused to go down. His link to Tybalt was stronger than the weakening links inside his own flesh and blood. He couldn’t die again until Tybalt released him.

The opponents went down quickly with this new ally. Everyone took a moment to rest and recover their breath before realizing what had happened. Jaheira spoke first.

Well, for once Tybalt's werid powers came in handy :(

“Tybalt, I am glad to see you again. By Silvanus I am glad to see you again.” Though her words were plain, the pleasure shone through in her thickened voice. She slowly limped to his side and hugged him fiercely, ignoring the blood and gore covering both of them. “I thought…I thought I would never see you again. I thank the balance I was wrong.” She collapsed into his chest, a mixture of exhaustion and overwhelming joy overcoming her usual stoic nature.

Awww... a moment to savour, I am sure :P

The others stood silently as the couple embraced, tears freely streaming down Tybalt’s face. “J-Jaheira,” he mumbled into her hair, clutching her as if he would loose her if he let go.

And another awww...

Ajantis inclined his head. “Your memory serves you well, Lady Jaheira. I also remember the ranger, Minsc, though your other companions are more recent…?” He glanced at Aerie quickly before abashedly returning to the druid’s gaze.

Heh. :(

“Valygar!” Jaheira cried, rushing to his side. “He-he lives, though barely,” she said after a quick examination. “We must get him to a healer’s soon, though.” She gave Tybalt an accusatory glare but focused her attention on the fallen ranger.

Whoops! Hehe... now, will Jaheira be courted by two men? That should prove very interesting, if that is the case... :wink:

“I don’t know,” Tybalt shot back crossly. A twinge of jealousy shot through him as he saw the concern on her face for the ranger. He sulked in his spot while Ajantis and Minsc searched for a way out.

Hehe... I guess the time of being seperated from her has made it clearer just what he feels for her...

They emerged back into the bridge district, but where the shady building had been before nothing remained save a heap of rubble. They didn’t give it a second glance as they hurried away.

Good riddance, Twisted Freaks! :)

#3 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 01 August 2003 - 10:36 AM

More relevant, however, was the battle being waged at the far end of the room. The Bhaalspawn gasped as he saw his companions fighting for their lives: Minsc, Jaheira, and the bounty hunter from the dungeon fought alongside a dwarf, a tall dark man and a young elven girl. They were hopelessly outmatched, despite their increase in number, as a beholder, a vampire, and two spell casters raged at them. They would soon be overwhelmed.

And here comes the cavalry.

Tybalt grabbed for the illumination over the corpse in vain; his hands passed through it like water. In frustration, he growled and tried again. Something about the light was infinitely desirable: he realized he was looking at the dead man’s soul and increased his efforts. He could have much use for another soul, even if it didn’t possess his own soul’s special abilities.

Stealing another mans souls is not a nice thing to do. And how about concentrating on the battle, tybalt!

“You must defeat my enemies before I release you,” Tybalt ordered. “You will not rest until I am safe.”

Rather self interested.

The others stood silently as the couple embraced, tears freely streaming down Tybalt’s face. “J-Jaheira,” he mumbled into her hair, clutching her as if he would loose her if he let go.

I think nthat it's ggod for him that they met again, otherwise there's no telling what he might have done.

The dead man smiled eerily. “And so you have. Now I’m no longer under your control.”

Don't mess with powers you don't understand tybalt.

“Boo says to drop nasty beholder’s eye in pot!” Minsc declared proudly. “Then we can all go home and have a nice siesta. Oh, good word, Boo.” He chopped an eye from the monster and placed it in a steaming cauldron on the far side of the room. Immediately, a shimmering portal opened in another corner. The group grabbed everything the slavers had dropped and without examining their loot, hopped through the portal before it closed, carrying their wounded with them.

There is something about that hamster...

Scary story


#4 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 01 August 2003 - 09:14 PM


But at least they had no concrete evidence against him. Ajantis had also been witness to most of Tybalt’s actions and could not find any wrongdoing. It was Anomen’s suicide which worried the Order the most. Tybalt had been alone with the corpse and while they knew that the squire had indeed killed himself, there was little evidence of Tybalt’s efforts to stop the man.

Ack! Ano was a nutter - plain and simple!

true, but tyb's presence wasn't helpful to the conflicted man :D


Why did Anomen follow his advice? What was so terrible about life that he sought to end it prematurely? From what Tybalt could tell, life was too precious to cut short.

I bet Ano didn't feel so at that point - I know that suicide is never an answer, but he did kill innocents and lost his whole family... so I'm not sure if I would try and talk him out of it...

and for a bhaalspawn, there's no better alternative than to end that bloodshed with even more blood


Ajantis was ushered into the room, now, and Ryan filled them in on the details for their final mission for the Order. “There is a vile sect of slavers in the city,” Ryan declared. “For too long they have escaped our justice. Recently, several of their key holding cells were destroyed by a group whom we believe to be Harpers. Unfortunately, the leaders of this slave ring are still at large. We want you to finish the work started by there unknowns and defeat the remaining slavers in Athkatla. Then, you are to report here where we will let you know where your friends are.”

Ah, he will be sacrificed to Rune as well... one minor nibble is that the Twisted Rune is such a secretive organisation, that it is unlikely that anyone in Athkatla would know of its existance. I have to check it, but I think it is only about 20 of their most important members that know the existance of their organization - the less important agents have no clue whom they are working for, many believe Zhentarim... but this is just a minor point

ah, well, that can be twisted just a bit for story purposes. maybe they're not the rune here but just a powerful slaving ring... :D


Tybalt groaned inwardly. Another blackmailing to ensure his obedience. And by the order of paladins, no less. The hypocrisy galled him, but he wisely kept quiet. Nothing could be gained from his protest. He was under enough suspicion as it was.


Ajantis evidently had the same thoughts, for he, too, remained silent. With no argument, Sir Ryan Trawl smiled slightly and nodded. “Good, you can be off immediately.” He handed Ajantis a small gem and explained its use in accessing one of the leaders’ headquarters.

That's pretty bastardish from a 'paladin'...

they can't be perfect all the time, plus a bhaalspawn is worth being extra careful with, especially with the suspicious circumstances around this one


More relevant, however, was the battle being waged at the far end of the room. The Bhaalspawn gasped as he saw his companions fighting for their lives: Minsc, Jaheira, and the bounty hunter from the dungeon fought alongside a dwarf, a tall dark man and a young elven girl. They were hopelessly outmatched, despite their increase in number, as a beholder, a vampire, and two spell casters raged at them. They would soon be overwhelmed.

Now get your butt over there and help them!

hehe, run tybo, run! :P


He knelt by the dead man and touched the growing pool of blood beneath him. It was dark and warm, and he slowly brought his covered fingers to his lips. He tasted the death, savored it. His eyes closed involuntarily at the guilty pleasure. In the darkness of his mind he saw a flickering light; he opened his eyes but the light remained, hovering over the dead man’s body. A whisper came from it, a lifetime of memories and experiences trapped in a tiny wavering light.

Oh, this really isn't the best time to act like a freak, Tybalt!

bhaal don't care about timing! :( :cry:


Instead of this horrible alternative, Tybalt thrust the soul back into the body, reconnecting its lines of communication with the flesh. For a moment, nothing happened as the flame diffused into the heavier, more cumbersome body. Then, the dead man spasmed and thrashed about the floor, his remaining blood squirting from his various wounds. A dull scream echoed in Tybalt’s head as the man met his gaze. “Why am I among the living?” the man mentally demanded.

well, that is freaky... some unknown Tybalt's Bhaalspawn powers?

yeah, he's getting some control over the recently murdered. i'm placing these powers in place of the standard ones will minor drain and holy power.


No matter how many spells were cast upon the corpse or how many blows the vampire dealt him, he refused to go down. His link to Tybalt was stronger than the weakening links inside his own flesh and blood. He couldn’t die again until Tybalt released him.


The opponents went down quickly with this new ally. Everyone took a moment to rest and recover their breath before realizing what had happened. Jaheira spoke first.

Well, for once Tybalt's werid powers came in handy

despite the cost of his sanity... we'll see how much the others appreciate this later on


“Tybalt, I am glad to see you again. By Silvanus I am glad to see you again.” Though her words were plain, the pleasure shone through in her thickened voice. She slowly limped to his side and hugged him fiercely, ignoring the blood and gore covering both of them. “I thought…I thought I would never see you again. I thank the balance I was wrong.” She collapsed into his chest, a mixture of exhaustion and overwhelming joy overcoming her usual stoic nature.

Awww... a moment to savour, I am sure

not that she'll let him focus on it for long. pretty soon, she's not going to trust him enough to confide in him closely. but for now, let them be happy


The others stood silently as the couple embraced, tears freely streaming down Tybalt’s face. “J-Jaheira,” he mumbled into her hair, clutching her as if he would loose her if he let go.

And another awww...



Ajantis inclined his head. “Your memory serves you well, Lady Jaheira. I also remember the ranger, Minsc, though your other companions are more recent…?” He glanced at Aerie quickly before abashedly returning to the druid’s gaze.


aw, goody-goody attracts goody-goody


“Valygar!” Jaheira cried, rushing to his side. “He-he lives, though barely,” she said after a quick examination. “We must get him to a healer’s soon, though.” She gave Tybalt an accusatory glare but focused her attention on the fallen ranger.

Whoops! Hehe... now, will Jaheira be courted by two men? That should prove very interesting, if that is the case...

time will tell... :)


“I don’t know,” Tybalt shot back crossly. A twinge of jealousy shot through him as he saw the concern on her face for the ranger. He sulked in his spot while Ajantis and Minsc searched for a way out.

Hehe... I guess the time of being seperated from her has made it clearer just what he feels for her...

absence makes the heart grow fonder


They emerged back into the bridge district, but where the shady building had been before nothing remained save a heap of rubble. They didn’t give it a second glance as they hurried away.

Good riddance, Twisted Freaks!

lol. and only one more slaver compound to attack. they got off easier than i ever do in the game, especially when they're relatively inexperienced. granted, i haven't made a flow chart to determine what levels each character is at and when they can successfully defeat a certain challenge, but the twisted rune is going to be a tough customer no matter what level the party is

thanks for reading! :D

#5 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 01 August 2003 - 09:28 PM


More relevant, however, was the battle being waged at the far end of the room. The Bhaalspawn gasped as he saw his companions fighting for their lives: Minsc, Jaheira, and the bounty hunter from the dungeon fought alongside a dwarf, a tall dark man and a young elven girl. They were hopelessly outmatched, despite their increase in number, as a beholder, a vampire, and two spell casters raged at them. They would soon be overwhelmed.

And here comes the cavalry. [/quote]

just in time, though i'm not sure how appreciated it will be. sometimes death is better than the darkness which follows a child of murder


Tybalt grabbed for the illumination over the corpse in vain; his hands passed through it like water. In frustration, he growled and tried again. Something about the light was infinitely desirable: he realized he was looking at the dead man’s soul and increased his efforts. He could have much use for another soul, even if it didn’t possess his own soul’s special abilities.

Stealing another mans souls is not a nice thing to do. And how about concentrating on the battle, tybalt! [/quote]

aw, he's like a junior irenicus. daddy will be so proud! :cry:


“You must defeat my enemies before I release you,” Tybalt ordered. “You will not rest until I am safe.”

Rather self interested. [/quote]

takes after father, i'd think. and somewhere deep inside, i'm sure tybalt is thinking of the others as well as himself. it just gets lost in the translation :)


The others stood silently as the couple embraced, tears freely streaming down Tybalt’s face. “J-Jaheira,” he mumbled into her hair, clutching her as if he would loose her if he let go.

I think nthat it's ggod for him that they met again, otherwise there's no telling what he might have done. [/quote]

yeah, jaheira will be the stabilizing force in his chaotic life. though there's still plenty of room for additional chaos to influence him. let's hope our druid can handle him

The dead man smiled eerily. “And so you have. Now I’m no longer under your control.”

Don't mess with powers you don't understand tybalt. [/quote]

seems like that's all he does, anymore


“Boo says to drop nasty beholder’s eye in pot!” Minsc declared proudly. “Then we can all go home and have a nice siesta. Oh, good word, Boo.” He chopped an eye from the monster and placed it in a steaming cauldron on the far side of the room. Immediately, a shimmering portal opened in another corner. The group grabbed everything the slavers had dropped and without examining their loot, hopped through the portal before it closed, carrying their wounded with them.

There is something about that hamster... [/quote]

apparently miniature giant space hamsters know about these things. comes with the job. i wonder how our heroes in the game figured that out without Boo's help. maybe since they found a detachable eye on the beholder they logically assumed it went into the only interactive device in the room...:D

[quote]Scary story

Hunter [/quote]

hehe, i try. thanks for reading! :roll:

#6 Guest_argan_*

Posted 04 August 2003 - 11:17 AM

Whopee! great chapter :)

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