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Baldur's Gate/Off - 21 - Half-Baked Half-Orc

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#1 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 30 July 2003 - 08:26 AM

21. Half-Baked Half-Orc

The party trudged forward through the cave with respective preferred ranged weapons ready. Kagain estimated they were on the fourth floor of the mines, and judging from the bone-piercing cold and nauseating dampness, no one disbelieved him. The tunnel turned at one point, and the yipping of kobolds echoed around the bend. Jade stepped forward and peered around a corner. The cave opened up into a huge chamber, and there was in fact an underground river running past. A natural bridge spanned it, and on the other side were indeed kobolds.

"Kobold Kommandos!" Xzar squeaked. "Kanine Kolonels, if you will!"

Jade nodded her head three times to tally up the number of kobolds to her partners. Then, without warning, she popped out from behind the wall and fired. At that signal, the other four popped from around the side of the wall just as the arrow skewered the first kobold. Montaron managed to hit a second in the knee with a bolt, but a throwing axe soon followed and cleaved its head in two. Branwen's sling bullet pinged off the third's skull, merely dazing it, and Xzar's throwing daggers weren't even close. Jade already had her second arrow loosed, but as it flew through the air, the third kobold sent a flaming arrow back the other way, and as the little monster was skewered by Jade's arrow, Kagain found a burst of flame erupt on his chest where the kobold's arrow planted.

He grunted angrily, but when Branwen again knelt to offer healing, the dwarf chuckled and waved her aside with one hand while pulling out the arrow with another. "Now ye'll get to see some real dwarven stamina," he smiled, "Even this'll close up in an hour or two."

"Flames cauterize, no? Even if a little troll-dwarf you may be?" Xzar made weird twiddling motions with his fingers.

"Right you are, necromancer,' the dwarf nodded while taking out a dagger, "I scrape away the cauterized flesh, and then it'll grow back good as new! Foul trolls're too dumb to do the same; and it's a good thing." While the rest of the party, especially Xzar, watched with morbid interest, Kagain pulled his splint mail away from the wound and began to scrape the charred flesh with a small dagger, not even flinching. The wound then began to bleed, but Kagain only had to press his hand upon it for a few seconds to arrest that. He stuck a cloth bandage over the wound for good measure, then casually fastened his dwarven splintmail back over it.

"Well, what're you waiting for, young'uns? This bounty won't be around forever!" he called as he traipsed across the bridge, and the others followed.

After crossing the bridge over the underground river, Jade looted the bodies and added more flame arrows to her quiver. Her first magical arrows, she realized with a touch of pride. And she had fought for them.

They found a doorway descending to the supposed fifth level of the mines. Now they crept forward more carefully than ever, and soon came to the archway to a side room which had been laden with chests, blankets, and houkas. It looked like some Calimshani nobleman's chambers and thoroughly out of place in the dank mines.

A half-orc with dark hair, warty skin, and a lazy eye came running up the them from a bed at the back of the chamber, looking as crazy as he appeared strong. He held a flail and shield and wore splint mail emblazoned with the Dark Sun, and the same unholy symbol was clasped to his belt. Neither that nor his living quarters are good signs regarding his sanity, Jade thought.

"Tazok must have dispatched you, and my traitorous kobolds let them pass, didn't they?" the half-orc grunted in fright as he appraised the heavily armed party, his wide teeth chattering nervously. "I knew I could not trust them!" the lazy-eyed Cyricist continued. "Armed as such as you are, you were obviously sent to kill me! By Cyric, not a measure of ore leaves these mines unspoiled and still I am to be executed?! I'll not lose my head over this!"

"Ah...yes," Jade improvised, "Tazok is most displeased with you, yes! Reveal yourself and your treachery and perhaps we will spare you!" She growled authoritatively.

"Tazok is unfair!" the cleric babbled. "I am Mulahey, but I have no desire to cheat him, or thee! My letters will show, they are there, in that chest. Take them, take them to Tazok and he will see!"

Mulahey appeared to calm down a touch, but before Jade had even taken a full step forward, the man's face lit up, twitched several times, and took on a completely different expression, as if some new soul or personality had suddenly possessed the body. He began ranting again, very angrily, "Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!"

"Talk about a split personality," Jade chuckled and readied her golden-hilted bastard sword in a two-handed grip. "I think I'll partition his body as well."

"Our battle be split as well!" Montaron cried as pattering noises began echoing in the hallway they'd come down. "I sees kobolds and skeletons outflanking us." He fired his crossbow down the hallway once, causing a koboldish squeak of pain to echo back a second later.

Mulahey commenced a clerical chant but Xzar's speedy ramblings and wild gestures sent a magical missile from his fingertips at the half-orc, bursting on him and devolving his incantations into a grunt of pain. Kagain stepped astride Jade to two-on-one the half-orc cleric while Branwen moved back, chanting to Tempus and raising high her own holy symbol, Tempus's Shield, as the clattering sounds of skeletons grew closer. Montaron fired off another bolt as a half-dozen kobolds and as many skeletons poured down the hallway they'd just come from.

As the monsters drew nearer, the halfling hooked his crossbow to his belt and drew from it his shortsword and buckler, and Xzar clasped both hands into the air above himself and uttered arcane words. A flash of light rippled from the necromancer's fingers, forming a rainbow wedge of clashing colors that flooded over Montaron's head, arcing through the darkness. The clashing light danced in the eyes of the kobolds, four of which twitched and dropped, in catatonic seizures. Montaron engaged the fifth in a shortsword duel, and Branwen summoned an etheral hammer and brought it down upon the triangular head of the sixth. The skeletons stepped over the comatose kobolds, their bony fingers reaching and grasping, but Branwen shouted mightily at them, and the flaming sword on Tempus's Shield seemed to truly glow with flame. The undead shrieked, half of them about-facing and skittering back down the tunnel. Montaron whacked out the knee-joints of another, sending it crashing to the ground, and Branwen dodged the fifth's clawed swipes while crushing its skull to shards with her spiritual hammer.

"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist. After he had finished decimating the body, Xzar threw the chattering skull against the floor and it fragmented. The trio then hastily bashed and hacked at the comatose kobolds before they might awaken.

Jade's sword and Kagain's axe crashed against Mulahey's flail and shield, and the half-orc's grunts again turned to a chant. Jade swiped at his head, but the edge of her blade ricocheted off his helmet. Kagain began a swing that surely wound have severed his leg at the knee, but the half-orc's spell punctuated with a loud and evil grunt, and the dwarf froze in place, glowing a faint yellow. Behind him, Montaron froze, and Branwen stopped as still as the statue she had been at this hour the day before. Jade's next swing glanced off Mulahey's armor, and he swung his large flail around, bashing Jade in the helmet and sending her to her knees, almost stunned, her bastard sword clattering to the ground. Inside her helmet, she could feel blood trickling down through her hair and over her cheek from where Mulahey had brained her, and she saw stars in her vision.

"Dieee," Mulahey bellowed and raised his flail high to bash her to a pulp. The blood trickled down her cheek and she licked the warm irony liquid from the corner of her mouth. Her rattled mind swam with images awash in blood and carnage and death.


Jade snarled as the flail closed in, rueing her recent dismissal of a shield, determined not to die. Instinctively, she flung her hand up, and a faint shimmer danced in a plane between her hand and the crashing flail, which ricocheted off the air, illuminating an ethereal disc. The half-orc balked in surprise, but Jade was as shocked, and Mulahey seemed to recover the initiatve for a second swing. This was was interrupted as a beam of blue 'flame' flashed over Jade's head, striking Mulahey in the face and coating it in frost, his hairy warts shattering, his thick face-skin cracking, his eyes lost under frost.

"Orcs on ice!" echoed the gleefull laughter of Xzar, and Jade tilted her head back to see the jet of ice enamating from the necromancer's wand as it sailed into Mulahey. The necromancer babbled on in an arcane tongue, lifted his other hand, and opened his palm to gift another magic missile to the half-orc, exploding his frozen face inside his helm. The faceless half-orc abruptly fell over with a sickening crash.

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that. You didn't tell Xzar you knew magic! How wonderful! Now the chocolate-nymphs will dance and sing and shower us with honeymelon and raspberry-mist!"

"I...don't," Jade coughed, getting to her feet, pulling off her helm and rubbing her hand over her blood-sticky scarlet hair, pressing her head-wound. "I thought about studying magic, X, but I never did, even after you left."

It wasn't clear whether the necromancer understood the childhood reference, but he danced attentatively to her side, inspecting the wound carefully and grinning. "Perhaps mommy is a sorceress? Oh joy! That would be so much fun!"

Jade's heart hurt, both from the braining and the new mystery. "I was wishing for a shield, and...BAM! I got one."

"A magiphysical manifestation of will," Xzar grinned toothily, "A rush of emotion and instinct calling on innate power! How very fascinating, my sword-sorceress."

Jade sighed, and smiled at the excited necromancer in spite of herself. "I can't object to a mysterious power that just saved my life, but I'd rather I understood it."

Branwen sputtered angrily as she unfroze, surveyed the won battle, and healed Jade while Xzar skipped across the garishly furnished room, to a large brown-and-gold treasure chest.

"Wait, ye crazy fool!" Montaron's voice hissed, and Jade spun around to see the halfling growling while Kagain too came to life, blinking. "Could be trapped!"

Montaron scampered over to Xzar, peered at chest for a moment with his black eyes, then carefully flicked it open with the tip of his shortsword. "Magical scrolls!" Xzar gasped like it was birthday. "And...unmagical scrolls!"

"Those be called 'letters', wizard," Montaron snapped, and pulled two furled vellum scrolls from the compartment. Montaron unfurled and held them up for his taller companions to read.

My servant Mulahey,

I have sent you the kobolds and mineral poison that you require. Your task is to poison any iron ore that leaves this mine. Don't reveal your presence to the miners or you will find yourself swaped by soldiers from the local Amnish garrison. My superiors have recetnly hired on the services of the Black Talon mercenaries and the Chill. With these soldiers at my disposal, I should be able to destroy any iron caravans entering the region from the south and east. I don't want to deal with iron coming from the Nashekl mines so don't fail in your duty.


My servant Mulahey,

Your progress in disruption the flow of iron ore does not go as well as it should. How stupid can you be to allow your kobolds to murder the miners?! With your presence revealed you should be wary of enemies sent to stop your operation. Your task is a very simple one; if you continue to show that you can't do the job, you will be replaced. I will not send the kobolds you have requested as I need all the troops I possess to stop the flow of iron into this region. With this message I have sent more of the mineral poison that you require. If you have any problems then send a message to my new contact in Beregost. His name is Tranzig, and he'll be staying at Feldepost's Inn.


Save for Xzar's gleefull ramblings as he pulled scrolls and gold and an azure elvish sword out of the chest, the party stood stone silent as they pored over the letters.

"Tranzig...." Branwen grated her teeth, and her sneer practically reached her left eye.

Jade looked at her friend solemnly. "I think we'll lodge at Feldepost's very soon."

"I know the Talon 'n' the Chill," Kagain spoke up, "Chill's hobgoblins. Talon's humans, but not much more civilized. Give mercenaries a bad name," he spat. "I suppose it's them we've been dealing with up and down the highways. I have ta wonder who'd be wanting 'em to poison and disrupt the iron trade, and why? Sure it's weakening the Gate for war against Amn, but it's why Amn is ruffled in the first place! Rival iron supplier? Someone hoping to weaken us all? Zhentarim?"

Xzar's head spun from his scrolls toward the dwarf, and he twitched, but said nothing. Kagain noticed.

Jade smiled at the dwarf, and at Brawnen. "Hopefully this Tranzig will know more."

The party sprang apart like interrupted adulterous lovers as a ghostly, disembodied moan echoed through the cavern.

"We're dooooooomed......"

#2 Guest_Broken Phoenix_*

Posted 30 July 2003 - 03:06 PM

"Kobold Kommandos!" Xzar squeaked. "Kanine Kolonels, if you will!"

LOL! :x

"Flames cauterize, no? Even if a little troll-dwarf you may be?" Xzar made weird twiddling motions with his fingers.

"Right you are, necromancer,' the dwarf nodded while taking out a dagger, "I scrape away the cauterized flesh, and then it'll grow back good as new! Foul trolls're too dumb to do the same; and it's a good thing." While the rest of the party, especially Xzar, watched with morbid interest, Kagain pulled his splint mail away from the wound and began to scrape the charred flesh with a small dagger, not even flinching.

Ummm... ouch? Well implemented, though ;)

Her first magical arrows, she realized with a touch of pride. And she had fought for them.

That's something to be proud of alright... but I thought she was a kensai? Do they use ranged weapons? :D Oh, what the hell, who cares. I'm not sure, but at least I've never been much for class restrictions anyway, one of the main flaws of 2nd ed.

Neither that nor his living quarters are good signs regarding his sanity, Jade thought.

Hm, no. She has a point there.

Mulahey appeared to calm down a touch, but before Jade had even taken a full step forward, the man's face lit up, twitched several times, and took on a completely different expression, as if some new soul or personality had suddenly possessed the body. He began ranting again, very angrily, "Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!"

Cyricists are not known for their mental stability, I'm afraid. I've never understood the thing with the book anyhow :D

"Talk about a split personality," Jade chuckled and readied her golden-hilted bastard sword in a two-handed grip. "I think I'll partition his body as well."


He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull,

Oh, Xzar :)

"Orcs on ice!" echoed the gleefull laughter of Xzar

Come and see! :D

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that.

*grin* oh dear, she's a sorcerer too?

"Magical scrolls!" Xzar gasped like it was birthday. "And...unmagical scrolls!"

"Those be called 'letters', wizard," Montaron snapped


The party sprang apart like interrupted adulterous lovers as a ghostly, disembodied moan echoed through the cavern.

"We're dooooooomed......"

It's Xan! B) I love Xan!

LOL, well this was entertaining again... I in fact like Jade more than Onyx.

#3 Guest_Chantrys_*

Posted 30 July 2003 - 03:07 PM

[quote name="Oryx"]21. Half-Baked Half-Orc

Yay! Another chapter!

"Right you are, necromancer,' the dwarf nodded while taking out a dagger, "I scrape away the cauterized flesh, and then it'll grow back good as new! Foul trolls're too dumb to do the same; and it's a good thing." While the rest of the party, especially Xzar, watched with morbid interest, Kagain pulled his splint mail away from the wound and began to scrape the charred flesh with a small dagger, not even flinching. The wound then began to bleed, but Kagain only had to press his hand upon it for a few seconds to arrest that. He stuck a cloth bandage over the wound for good measure, then casually fastened his dwarven splintmail back over it.

Ick. He's one tough bastard.

"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist. After he had finished decimating the body, Xzar threw the chattering skull against the floor and it fragmented. The trio then hastily bashed and hacked at the comatose kobolds before they might awaken.

I really enjoy the way you write combat scenes, Oryx. Everything is so vivid. And Xzar's...melee technique is so...unique. Just like him. :P

Jade snarled as the flail closed in, rueing her recent dismissal of a shield, determined not to die. Instinctively, she flung her hand up, and a faint shimmer danced in a plane between her hand and the crashing flail, which ricocheted off the air, illuminating an ethereal disc.


*blinks* Whoa! Where'd that come from?

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that. You didn't tell Xzar you knew magic! How wonderful! Now the chocolate-nymphs will dance and sing and shower us with honeymelon and raspberry-mist!"


Montaron scampered over to Xzar, peered at chest for a moment with his black eyes, then carefully flicked it open with the tip of his shortsword. "Magical scrolls!" Xzar gasped like it was birthday. "And...unmagical scrolls!"

"Those be called 'letters', wizard," Montaron snapped, and pulled two furled vellum scrolls from the compartment. Montaron unfurled and held them up for his taller companions to read.

:x You know, the very first time I played BG1 and I found a letter on someone, I thought, "Wooo! A scroll! It must be magic!" And then I was so disappointed.

The party sprang apart like interrupted adulterous lovers as a ghostly, disembodied moan echoed through the cavern.

"We're dooooooomed......"[/quote]

Can't wait to see what you'll do with Xan. Xan and Xzar in a party...interesting times ahead, I can tell.

Great chapter, as always.

#4 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 30 July 2003 - 05:22 PM

At that signal, the other four popped from around the side of the wall just as the arrow skewered the first kobold. ...... and as the little monster was skewered by Jade's arrow, Kagain found a burst of flame erupt on his chest where the kobold's arrow planted.

Two skewereds in one paragraph isn't quite right. Perhaps the second kobold was pierced or impaled. And maybe 'was planted' would be better for the very end of it.

A half-orc with dark hair, warty skin, and a lazy eye came running up the them from a bed at the back of the chamber, looking as crazy as he appeared strong. He held a flail and shield and wore splint mail emblazoned with the Dark Sun, and the same unholy symbol was clasped to his belt. Neither that nor his living quarters are good signs regarding his sanity, Jade thought.

Bloody crazy Cyricists. They're all mad as march hares.

I would suggest making Jade's thought it's own seperate parahraph, since thinking is like speaking only without the noise... wait that sounds funny. Never mind... I think I left my brain in my other pants today.

Mulahey appeared to calm down a touch, but before Jade had even taken a full step forward, the man's face lit up, twitched several times, and took on a completely different expression, as if some new soul or personality had suddenly possessed the body. He began ranting again, very angrily, "Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!"

I like how you made Tazok's sudden change of mind a result of insanity, as opposed to him trying to be sneaky and the party falling for it. (Is there such thing as a sneaky half-orc?)

"Talk about a split personality," Jade chuckled and readied her golden-hilted bastard sword in a two-handed grip. "I think I'll partition his body as well."

Perhaps, "I think I'll partition his body to match," since the very next
sentence also ends in "as well."

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that. You didn't tell Xzar you knew magic! How wonderful! Now the chocolate-nymphs will dance and sing and shower us with honeymelon and raspberry-mist!"

Brynn (In her very best intimidating, older, uneducated fighter voice): Oh you'd best not be dual-classing, young'un! I'se hafta smite you good then.

"Tranzig...." Branwen grated her teeth, and her sneer practically reached her left eye.

That's one heck of a sneer. Just think if her face got *stuck* that way.

Jade looked at her friend solemnly. "I think we'll lodge at Feldepost's very soon."

"We're dooooooomed......"

Yay! It's my Xannykins! This party could use an elf!

Brynn: Although knowing Kagain and Monty they'd just as soon kill him and let Xzar use him for parts as travel with him. Maybe he really *is* doomed this time.

Bad Brynn! Don't give Oryx ideas!

Brynn: Oh, I dunno, might be sort of funny to see his predictions come true, for once.

Excellent chapter,

#5 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 30 July 2003 - 05:42 PM

After crossing the bridge over the underground river, Jade looted the bodies and added more flame arrows to her quiver. Her first magical arrows, she realized with a touch of pride. And she had fought for them.

A shame to fire them really.

"Talk about a split personality," Jade chuckled and readied her golden-hilted bastard sword in a two-handed grip. "I think I'll partition his body as well."

"Our battle be split as well!" Montaron cried as pattering noises began echoing in the hallway they'd come down.

Well, good to know they keep a sense of humour in all the happenings.

Montaron fired off another bolt as a half-dozen kobolds and as many skeletons poured down the hallway they'd just come from.

Always wonder where those bastards come from.

"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist. After he had finished decimating the body, Xzar threw the chattering skull against the floor and it fragmented. The trio then hastily bashed and hacked at the comatose kobolds before they might awaken.

niiiice scene.

"Orcs on ice!" echoed the gleefull laughter of Xzar, and Jade tilted her head back to see the jet of ice enamating from the necromancer's wand as it sailed into Mulahey. The necromancer babbled on in an arcane tongue, lifted his other hand, and opened his palm to gift another magic missile to the half-orc, exploding his frozen face inside his helm. The faceless half-orc abruptly fell over with a sickening crash.

Hmm, reminds me of Terminator 2. Better keep an eye on the corpse.

It wasn't clear whether the necromancer understood the childhood reference, but he danced attentatively to her side, inspecting the wound carefully and grinning. "Perhaps mommy is a sorceress? Oh joy! That would be so much fun!"

yes... fun... that's the word... Not for the people on the receiving side though.

Montaron scampered over to Xzar, peered at chest for a moment with his black eyes, then carefully flicked it open with the tip of his shortsword. "Magical scrolls!" Xzar gasped like it was birthday. "And...unmagical scrolls!"

:twisted: I LOVE your Xzar.

"We're dooooooomed......"

YAY! Xan. Prozac time! What is it with mages. Xzar is nuts, Edwin megalomaniac, Xan depresed, Jan is Jansen, Aerie is codependant, Quayle is delusional and so is Tiax (and he's nuts and megalomaniac) and I won't even BEGIN about Irenicus. The only people that are close to normal are Dynaheir and Imoen. I'm starting to think those Cowled Wizards may be onto something. :twisted:

#6 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 02:12 AM

"Right you are, necromancer,' the dwarf nodded while taking out a dagger, "I scrape away the cauterized flesh, and then it'll grow back good as new! Foul trolls're too dumb to do the same; and it's a good thing." While the rest of the party, especially Xzar, watched with morbid interest, Kagain pulled his splint mail away from the wound and began to scrape the charred flesh with a small dagger, not even flinching. [/quote]
Ummm... ouch? Well implemented, though :)

Yes, ouch.

[quote]Her first magical arrows, she realized with a touch of pride. And she had fought for them. [/quote]
That's something to be proud of alright... but I thought she was a kensai? Do they use ranged weapons? :P Oh, what the hell, who cares. I'm not sure, but at least I've never been much for class restrictions anyway, one of the main flaws of 2nd ed.

She's kensaifying. She starts BG1 as a fighter, and gradually becomes a kensai. So far, she's given up shields, and gained Kai Shot.

[quote]Mulahey appeared to calm down a touch, but before Jade had even taken a full step forward, the man's face lit up, twitched several times, and took on a completely different expression, as if some new soul or personality had suddenly possessed the body. He began ranting again, very angrily, "Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!" [/quote]
Cyricists are not known for their mental stability, I'm afraid. I've never understood the thing with the book anyhow :D

Cyrinishad. Anyone who reads it becomes a fanatical Cyricist.

[quote]"Talk about a split personality," Jade chuckled and readied her golden-hilted bastard sword in a two-handed grip. "I think I'll partition his body as well." [/quote]

ooh! :D

[quote]Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that. [/quote]
*grin* oh dear, she's a sorcerer too?

No, this is just her first Bhaalspawn Ability.

"We're dooooooomed......" [/quote]
It's Xan! :P I love Xan!

LOL, well this was entertaining again... I in fact like Jade more than Onyx.[/quote]


#7 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 02:14 AM

[quote name="Chantrys"][quote]21. Half-Baked Half-Orc

Yay! Another chapter!


"Right you are, necromancer,' the dwarf nodded while taking out a dagger, "I scrape away the cauterized flesh, and then it'll grow back good as new! Foul trolls're too dumb to do the same; and it's a good thing." While the rest of the party, especially Xzar, watched with morbid interest, Kagain pulled his splint mail away from the wound and began to scrape the charred flesh with a small dagger, not even flinching. The wound then began to bleed, but Kagain only had to press his hand upon it for a few seconds to arrest that. He stuck a cloth bandage over the wound for good measure, then casually fastened his dwarven splintmail back over it.

Ick. He's one tough bastard.


"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist. After he had finished decimating the body, Xzar threw the chattering skull against the floor and it fragmented. The trio then hastily bashed and hacked at the comatose kobolds before they might awaken.

I really enjoy the way you write combat scenes, Oryx. Everything is so vivid. And Xzar's...melee technique is so...unique. Just like him. :D

Thanks! Battles are my fav...

Jade snarled as the flail closed in, rueing her recent dismissal of a shield, determined not to die. Instinctively, she flung her hand up, and a faint shimmer danced in a plane between her hand and the crashing flail, which ricocheted off the air, illuminating an ethereal disc.


*blinks* Whoa! Where'd that come from?

Shield is her first Bhaalspawn ability, instead of Cure Light Wounds on Larloch's Minor Drain.

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that. You didn't tell Xzar you knew magic! How wonderful! Now the chocolate-nymphs will dance and sing and shower us with honeymelon and raspberry-mist!"


Montaron scampered over to Xzar, peered at chest for a moment with his black eyes, then carefully flicked it open with the tip of his shortsword. "Magical scrolls!" Xzar gasped like it was birthday. "And...unmagical scrolls!"

"Those be called 'letters', wizard," Montaron snapped, and pulled two furled vellum scrolls from the compartment. Montaron unfurled and held them up for his taller companions to read.

:P You know, the very first time I played BG1 and I found a letter on someone, I thought, "Wooo! A scroll! It must be magic!" And then I was so disappointed.

yeah, me too!

"What? It's just a PLOT DEVICE? Booooo!"

The party sprang apart like interrupted adulterous lovers as a ghostly, disembodied moan echoed through the cavern.

"We're dooooooomed......"[/quote]

Can't wait to see what you'll do with Xan. Xan and Xzar in a party...interesting times ahead, I can tell.

heehe...I think so

Great chapter, as always.[/quote]

#8 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 02:20 AM

At that signal, the other four popped from around the side of the wall just as the arrow skewered the first kobold. ...... and as the little monster was skewered by Jade's arrow, Kagain found a burst of flame erupt on his chest where the kobold's arrow planted.

Two skewereds in one paragraph isn't quite right. Perhaps the second kobold was pierced or impaled. And maybe 'was planted' would be better for the very end of it.

Oh, thanks!

A half-orc with dark hair, warty skin, and a lazy eye came running up the them from a bed at the back of the chamber, looking as crazy as he appeared strong. He held a flail and shield and wore splint mail emblazoned with the Dark Sun, and the same unholy symbol was clasped to his belt. Neither that nor his living quarters are good signs regarding his sanity, Jade thought.

Bloody crazy Cyricists. They're all mad as march hares.

:P :D :P cuckoo, cucko....

I would suggest making Jade's thought it's own seperate parahraph, since thinking is like speaking only without the noise... wait that sounds funny. Never mind... I think I left my brain in my other pants today.

Actually that's another very good point. I should treat thought-italics exactly like ""s.

Mulahey appeared to calm down a touch, but before Jade had even taken a full step forward, the man's face lit up, twitched several times, and took on a completely different expression, as if some new soul or personality had suddenly possessed the body. He began ranting again, very angrily, "Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!"

I like how you made Tazok's sudden change of mind a result of insanity, as opposed to him trying to be sneaky and the party falling for it. (Is there such thing as a sneaky half-orc?)

Ah yes....I always thought it was really weird. Then, if the battle takes long enough, he begs for mercy, and if you grant it, he turns around and repeats the same "Fools, you'll...." line and attacks again. What a wacko...

Sneaky half-orc..hmm...

Half-Orc: *tiptoetiptoe* *CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH*....ME SNEAKY!!!

Party: We didn't hear or see nuthin', no sir....

"Talk about a split personality," Jade chuckled and readied her golden-hilted bastard sword in a two-handed grip. "I think I'll partition his body as well."

Perhaps, "I think I'll partition his body to match," since the very next
sentence also ends in "as well."

Thank you. I noticed I also have the odd habit of beginning spoken lines with "Well,...."

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that. You didn't tell Xzar you knew magic! How wonderful! Now the chocolate-nymphs will dance and sing and shower us with honeymelon and raspberry-mist!"

Brynn (In her very best intimidating, older, uneducated fighter voice): Oh you'd best not be dual-classing, young'un! I'se hafta smite you good then.

Jade: It's just my frikkin' Bhaalspawn Ability! Shield instead of Cure Light Wounds or Larloch's Minor Drain.

"Tranzig...." Branwen grated her teeth, and her sneer practically reached her left eye.

That's one heck of a sneer. Just think if her face got *stuck* that way.


Jade looked at her friend solemnly. "I think we'll lodge at Feldepost's very soon."

"We're dooooooomed......"

Yay! It's my Xannykins! This party could use an elf!


Brynn: Although knowing Kagain and Monty they'd just as soon kill him and let Xzar use him for parts as travel with him. Maybe he really *is* doomed this time.

Wow. That's almost a good summary of the next chapter.

Bad Brynn! Don't give Oryx ideas!

:wink: Don't worry....too late....'bad minds think alike' anyway

Brynn: Oh, I dunno, might be sort of funny to see his predictions come true, for once.


Excellent chapter,


#9 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 02:23 AM

After crossing the bridge over the underground river, Jade looted the bodies and added more flame arrows to her quiver. Her first magical arrows, she realized with a touch of pride. And she had fought for them.

A shame to fire them really.

Maybe she'll keep one for sentimental value.

"Talk about a split personality," Jade chuckled and readied her golden-hilted bastard sword in a two-handed grip. "I think I'll partition his body as well."

"Our battle be split as well!" Montaron cried as pattering noises began echoing in the hallway they'd come down.

Well, good to know they keep a sense of humour in all the happenings.


Montaron fired off another bolt as a half-dozen kobolds and as many skeletons poured down the hallway they'd just come from.

Always wonder where those bastards come from.

I know! I HATE insta-spawns. IWD2 does it alot....

"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist. After he had finished decimating the body, Xzar threw the chattering skull against the floor and it fragmented. The trio then hastily bashed and hacked at the comatose kobolds before they might awaken.

niiiice scene.


"Orcs on ice!" echoed the gleefull laughter of Xzar, and Jade tilted her head back to see the jet of ice enamating from the necromancer's wand as it sailed into Mulahey. The necromancer babbled on in an arcane tongue, lifted his other hand, and opened his palm to gift another magic missile to the half-orc, exploding his frozen face inside his helm. The faceless half-orc abruptly fell over with a sickening crash.

Hmm, reminds me of Terminator 2. Better keep an eye on the corpse.

haha! yeah, it is like that

It wasn't clear whether the necromancer understood the childhood reference, but he danced attentatively to her side, inspecting the wound carefully and grinning. "Perhaps mommy is a sorceress? Oh joy! That would be so much fun!"

yes... fun... that's the word... Not for the people on the receiving side though.

LOL. Xzar's notion of 'fun' is frequently very not-fun for the other party concerned.

Montaron scampered over to Xzar, peered at chest for a moment with his black eyes, then carefully flicked it open with the tip of his shortsword. "Magical scrolls!" Xzar gasped like it was birthday. "And...unmagical scrolls!"

:P I LOVE your Xzar.

:wink: :) :P

"We're dooooooomed......"

YAY! Xan. Prozac time! What is it with mages. Xzar is nuts, Edwin megalomaniac, Xan depresed, Jan is Jansen, Aerie is codependant, Quayle is delusional and so is Tiax (and he's nuts and megalomaniac) and I won't even BEGIN about Irenicus. The only people that are close to normal are Dynaheir and Imoen. I'm starting to think those Cowled Wizards may be onto something. :D

mmmm....that's a very good point...

#10 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 02:54 AM

Two skewereds in one paragraph isn't quite right. Perhaps the second kobold was pierced or impaled. And maybe 'was planted' would be better for the very end of it.

Oh, thanks!

Yeah, well, as much as I tend to get into drawn out discussions of things ranging from skull chalices to the definition of the word 'cooked,' I figure I ought to throw in some valid critiquing now and again. ^^

Bloody crazy Cyricists. They're all mad as march hares.

:P :D :P cuckoo, cucko....

I also like the addition of the lazy eye. It gave me a great picture of this guy in my head that the little guy on my computer screen couldn't quite manage to do.

Sneaky half-orc..hmm...

Well, a Half-Orc could *theoretically* have the exact same dex as a human counter-part... just they're so bloody big that I'd have to imagine that any and all half-orc rogues are more thug like than sneak-thief like.

Perhaps, "I think I'll partition his body to match," since the very next
sentence also ends in "as well."

Thank you. I noticed I also have the odd habit of beginning spoken lines with "Well,...."

I tend to start my RL sentences with well a lot too, but since that's not good writing I try to be variable.

Brynn (In her very best intimidating, older, uneducated fighter voice): Oh you'd best not be dual-classing, young'un! I'se hafta smite you good then.

Jade: It's just my frikkin' Bhaalspawn Ability! Shield instead of Cure Light Wounds or Larloch's Minor Drain.

Brynn (satisfied): Oh, good then. *A sort of dissapointed look crossing over her face* All I got was crummy Cure Light Wounds and Draw Upon Holy Might.

O'course, DUHM combined with Kai Shot created a mess'o havoc, especially at higher levels. And at lower levels Brynn was doing nearly as much of the healing in the party as Jaheira... and with a shorter casting time too.

Brynn: Although knowing Kagain and Monty they'd just as soon kill him and let Xzar use him for parts as travel with him. Maybe he really *is* doomed this time.

Wow. That's almost a good summary of the next chapter.

Oh great, I'm reading minds again. Quick, hold out your hand and I'll read your palm before it goes away.

:wink: Don't worry....too late....'bad minds think alike' anyway

:) Alas, poor Xannykins, I knew you well.

Brynn (passing handkerchief): There, there, he's going to a better place. And let's face facts, he's got to be pretty happy there, because really, his expectations can only be exceeded.

#11 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 05:10 AM

Two skewereds in one paragraph isn't quite right. Perhaps the second kobold was pierced or impaled. And maybe 'was planted' would be better for the very end of it.

Oh, thanks!

Yeah, well, as much as I tend to get into drawn out discussions of things ranging from skull chalices to the definition of the word 'cooked,' I figure I ought to throw in some valid critiquing now and again. ^^

LOL! I really appreciate them, as I'm terrible at self-proofreading, even though I consider myself to have a great reading/writing level and all. My mind just reads what it knows 'should' be there. Most are like that to some degree.

Bloody crazy Cyricists. They're all mad as march hares.

:P :D :P cuckoo, cucko....

I also like the addition of the lazy eye. It gave me a great picture of this guy in my head that the little guy on my computer screen couldn't quite manage to do.


Sneaky half-orc..hmm...

Well, a Half-Orc could *theoretically* have the exact same dex as a human counter-part... just they're so bloody big that I'd have to imagine that any and all half-orc rogues are more thug like than sneak-thief like.

Onyx: Er, that's me...agile, but too big to sneak (heavy armor aside).....but I've no excuse: Minsc can do it!

Perhaps, "I think I'll partition his body to match," since the very next
sentence also ends in "as well."

Thank you. I noticed I also have the odd habit of beginning spoken lines with "Well,...."

I tend to start my RL sentences with well a lot too, but since that's not good writing I try to be variable.

it's an 'empty word' in a sense.

Brynn (In her very best intimidating, older, uneducated fighter voice): Oh you'd best not be dual-classing, young'un! I'se hafta smite you good then.

Jade: It's just my frikkin' Bhaalspawn Ability! Shield instead of Cure Light Wounds or Larloch's Minor Drain.

Brynn (satisfied): Oh, good then. *A sort of dissapointed look crossing over her face* All I got was crummy Cure Light Wounds and Draw Upon Holy Might.

Onyx: Hey! Holy Might rocks, esp for a warrior!

O'course, DUHM combined with Kai Shot created a mess'o havoc, especially at higher levels. And at lower levels Brynn was doing nearly as much of the healing in the party as Jaheira... and with a shorter casting time too.

LOL the acrnoym. Yeah, Lay on Hands' short casting time is nice too.

Brynn: Although knowing Kagain and Monty they'd just as soon kill him and let Xzar use him for parts as travel with him. Maybe he really *is* doomed this time.

Wow. That's almost a good summary of the next chapter.

Oh great, I'm reading minds again. Quick, hold out your hand and I'll read your palm before it goes away.

*extends palm*

And none of that 'your lifelife terminates quickly' stuff...

:wink: Don't worry....too late....'bad minds think alike' anyway

:) Alas, poor Xannykins, I knew you well.

Brynn (passing handkerchief): There, there, he's going to a better place. And let's face facts, he's got to be pretty happy there, because really, his expectations can only be exceeded.

Aww...now now, I never said they'd kill him. Just.....taunt him.

*slaps self* Bah, rescind your charms, witch! I've been tricked into giving away too much already!

Onyx: *ahem* Boss, remember what sis does to 'witch-hunters'. I doubt she's much different...

#12 Laufey

Posted 31 July 2003 - 06:40 AM

"Right you are, necromancer,' the dwarf nodded while taking out a dagger, "I scrape away the cauterized flesh, and then it'll grow back good as new! Foul trolls're too dumb to do the same; and it's a good thing." While the rest of the party, especially Xzar, watched with morbid interest, Kagain pulled his splint mail away from the wound and began to scrape the charred flesh with a small dagger, not even flinching. The wound then began to bleed, but Kagain only had to press his hand upon it for a few seconds to arrest that. He stuck a cloth bandage over the wound for good measure, then casually fastened his dwarven splintmail back over it.

I liked how you detailed Kagain's regeneration at work, it feels very realistic.

"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist. After he had finished decimating the body, Xzar threw the chattering skull against the floor and it fragmented. The trio then hastily bashed and hacked at the comatose kobolds before they might awaken.

Niiiice! :D


Jade snarled as the flail closed in, rueing her recent dismissal of a shield, determined not to die. Instinctively, she flung her hand up, and a faint shimmer danced in a plane between her hand and the crashing flail, which ricocheted off the air, illuminating an ethereal disc. The half-orc balked in surprise, but Jade was as shocked, and Mulahey seemed to recover the initiatve for a second swing. This was was interrupted as a beam of blue 'flame' flashed over Jade's head, striking Mulahey in the face and coating it in frost, his hairy warts shattering, his thick face-skin cracking, his eyes lost under frost.

Wow! A customized Bhaal power, I presume?

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that. You didn't tell Xzar you knew magic! How wonderful! Now the chocolate-nymphs will dance and sing and shower us with honeymelon and raspberry-mist!"


LOL! Xzar certainly adds humor to the story.

The party sprang apart like interrupted adulterous lovers as a ghostly, disembodied moan echoed through the cavern.

"We're dooooooomed......"

Oh dear...something tells me Xan won't fit too well into this party. :shock:
Rogues do it from behind.

#13 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 04:04 PM

LOL! I really appreciate them, as I'm terrible at self-proofreading, even though I consider myself to have a great reading/writing level and all. My mind just reads what it knows 'should' be there. Most are like that to some degree.

I kinda tend to do that too, unless I'm being *really* careful.

Onyx: Er, that's me...agile, but too big to sneak (heavy armor aside).....but I've no excuse: Minsc can do it!

Errrr... huh. Well, I'm stumped. The idea of Minsc being sneaky is one that still puzzles me.

Brynn (satisfied): Oh, good then. *A sort of dissapointed look crossing over her face* All I got was crummy Cure Light Wounds and Draw Upon Holy Might.

Onyx: Hey! Holy Might rocks, esp for a warrior!

Brynn: I know, but your scribe is more creative than mine, Jade got to have unique abilities, which makes me sa~d. :lol:

Not creative enough, hmm? We'll just have to *see* about that!

LOL the acrnoym. Yeah, Lay on Hands' short casting time is nice too.

It's great for if you're in the middle of battle, also handy if you're tired of listening to a three-part chorus as your healers cast their various spells

Wow. That's almost a good summary of the next chapter.

Oh great, I'm reading minds again. Quick, hold out your hand and I'll read your palm before it goes away.

*extends palm*

And none of that 'your lifelife terminates quickly' stuff...

Hmmm... I see... I see... my computer screen. Damn. This doesn't work so well if I can't actually get a look at your hand.

:P Alas, poor Xannykins, I knew you well.

Brynn (passing handkerchief): There, there, he's going to a better place. And let's face facts, he's got to be pretty happy there, because really, his expectations can only be exceeded.

Aww...now now, I never said they'd kill him. Just.....taunt him.

*slaps self* Bah, rescind your charms, witch! I've been tricked into giving away too much already!

Onyx: *ahem* Boss, remember what sis does to 'witch-hunters'. I doubt she's much different...

*with puppy eyes* But I'm not a witch...

Brynn: Don't worry about your scribe, Onyx, I don't tend to kill unless I have to. Now, I might send Imoen, Jan and Haer'Dalis to pants him, but I can guarantee that unless he dies from shame, he'll be all right.

#14 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 05:20 PM

"Right you are, necromancer,' the dwarf nodded while taking out a dagger, "I scrape away the cauterized flesh, and then it'll grow back good as new! Foul trolls're too dumb to do the same; and it's a good thing." While the rest of the party, especially Xzar, watched with morbid interest, Kagain pulled his splint mail away from the wound and began to scrape the charred flesh with a small dagger, not even flinching. The wound then began to bleed, but Kagain only had to press his hand upon it for a few seconds to arrest that. He stuck a cloth bandage over the wound for good measure, then casually fastened his dwarven splintmail back over it.

I liked how you detailed Kagain's regeneration at work, it feels very realistic.

Thanks! Good thing fire doesn't stop it in the game...heh heh...

"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist. After he had finished decimating the body, Xzar threw the chattering skull against the floor and it fragmented. The trio then hastily bashed and hacked at the comatose kobolds before they might awaken.

Niiiice! :)

:P Battles are still my fav. Especially with skulls that refuse to (re-)die.


Jade snarled as the flail closed in, rueing her recent dismissal of a shield, determined not to die. Instinctively, she flung her hand up, and a faint shimmer danced in a plane between her hand and the crashing flail, which ricocheted off the air, illuminating an ethereal disc. The half-orc balked in surprise, but Jade was as shocked, and Mulahey seemed to recover the initiatve for a second swing. This was was interrupted as a beam of blue 'flame' flashed over Jade's head, striking Mulahey in the face and coating it in frost, his hairy warts shattering, his thick face-skin cracking, his eyes lost under frost.

Wow! A customized Bhaal power, I presume?


Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements. Then he grinned down at Jade. "Are you okay, mommy? Very smart, casting Shield like that. You didn't tell Xzar you knew magic! How wonderful! Now the chocolate-nymphs will dance and sing and shower us with honeymelon and raspberry-mist!"


LOL! Xzar certainly adds humor to the story.

:lol: 'Tis true!

The party sprang apart like interrupted adulterous lovers as a ghostly, disembodied moan echoed through the cavern.

"We're dooooooomed......"

Oh dear...something tells me Xan won't fit too well into this party. :P

Perceptive; he'll have a bit of a rough time ;)

#15 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 05:28 PM

LOL! I really appreciate them, as I'm terrible at self-proofreading, even though I consider myself to have a great reading/writing level and all. My mind just reads what it knows 'should' be there. Most are like that to some degree.

I kinda tend to do that too, unless I'm being *really* careful.

I have to read the sentenecs in reverse order, speakin them aloud, stuff like that....

Onyx: Er, that's me...agile, but too big to sneak (heavy armor aside).....but I've no excuse: Minsc can do it!

Errrr... huh. Well, I'm stumped. The idea of Minsc being sneaky is one that still puzzles me.

Heeehee yeah. He really should have his own ranger kit or something. He's like a barbarian-paladin-ranger.

Brynn (satisfied): Oh, good then. *A sort of dissapointed look crossing over her face* All I got was crummy Cure Light Wounds and Draw Upon Holy Might.

Onyx: Hey! Holy Might rocks, esp for a warrior!

Brynn: I know, but your scribe is more creative than mine, Jade got to have unique abilities, which makes me sa~d. :lol:

awwww. DUHM is great, CLW is useful (if not particularly fun), Slow Poison is....kinda useful. I guess.

Not creative enough, hmm? We'll just have to *see* about that!

Ho ho!

Onyx: How about fleshing out (har) some of her other socially embarrassing incide-

Jade: *smack*

LOL the acrnoym. Yeah, Lay on Hands' short casting time is nice too.

It's great for if you're in the middle of battle, also handy if you're tired of listening to a three-part chorus as your healers cast their various spells

ROFL!! Oh, yeah, so annoying. If you're not in combat, they should have an 'auto-heal' button that automatically spends all the healing spells (or as many as necessary), in some reasonable manner. I think the Gold Box games had something like this, a 'heal' button on one of the menus.

Wow. That's almost a good summary of the next chapter.

Oh great, I'm reading minds again. Quick, hold out your hand and I'll read your palm before it goes away.

*extends palm*

And none of that 'your lifelife terminates quickly' stuff...

Hmmm... I see... I see... my computer screen. Damn. This doesn't work so well if I can't actually get a look at your hand.

hmmm. I need to jam my hand into a scanner.

Jade: Hand? Press your -


:P Alas, poor Xannykins, I knew you well.

Brynn (passing handkerchief): There, there, he's going to a better place. And let's face facts, he's got to be pretty happy there, because really, his expectations can only be exceeded.

Aww...now now, I never said they'd kill him. Just.....taunt him.

*slaps self* Bah, rescind your charms, witch! I've been tricked into giving away too much already!

Onyx: *ahem* Boss, remember what sis does to 'witch-hunters'. I doubt she's much different...

*with puppy eyes* But I'm not a witch...

good witch?

Onyx: See! The puppy eyes! I told you see was a -

Aerie: *puppy eyes*

Onyx: (dreamily, drooling) Yeessss?

Brynn: Don't worry about your scribe, Onyx, I don't tend to kill unless I have to. Now, I might send Imoen, Jan and Haer'Dalis to pants him, but I can guarantee that unless he dies from shame, he'll be all right.

Onyx: Ha! Sweet revenge for all the torment!

Oh hush, and get back to Bassilus-hunting.

#16 Guest_The Blue Sorceress_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 07:09 PM

I kinda tend to do that too, unless I'm being *really* careful.

I have to read the sentenecs in reverse order, speakin them aloud, stuff like that....

I find that printing shorter stories out and taking a red marker to them helps a lot too. Something about reading things on a computer screen makes it harder to spot little errors.

Errrr... huh. Well, I'm stumped. The idea of Minsc being sneaky is one that still puzzles me.

Heeehee yeah. He really should have his own ranger kit or something. He's like a barbarian-paladin-ranger.

Something like the Minsc Prestige Class. It would include stuff like: A first level Minsc (Min) gains an animal companion if they did not already have one. This animal companion must be drawn from the following list of creatures: miniature giant space hamster, ice weasel or snowy owl. A Minsc may cast spells as a ranger of his character level, even if his wisdom score does not meet that necessary to cast spells.

Onyx: Hey! Holy Might rocks, esp for a warrior!

Brynn: I know, but your scribe is more creative than mine, Jade got to have unique abilities, which makes me sa~d. :P

awwww. DUHM is great, CLW is useful (if not particularly fun), Slow Poison is....kinda useful. I guess.

Brynn: Yeah, it actually sort of came in handy when we ran into that ousted drow priestess in the catacombs and had to kill her and all those spiders'n'stuff. Poor Haer'Dalis kept getting poisoned and was running out of antidotes, so I fixed him up and told him to go wait where he wasn't going to get bitten.

Not creative enough, hmm? We'll just have to *see* about that!

Ho ho!

Onyx: How about fleshing out (har) some of her other socially embarrassing incide-

Jade: *smack*

Brynn: Thank you Jade

Thank *you* Onyx, you've given me a brilliant idea. Hey Brynn, remember that time you were down in Jan's lab and he spilled that hair-removal formula all over you?

It's great for if you're in the middle of battle, also handy if you're tired of listening to a three-part chorus as your healers cast their various spells

ROFL!! Oh, yeah, so annoying. If you're not in combat, they should have an 'auto-heal' button that automatically spends all the healing spells (or as many as necessary), in some reasonable manner. I think the Gold Box games had something like this, a 'heal' button on one of the menus.

I wish I had that. I'm just glad that in SoA you automatically cast your healing spells before you rest. It was a real pain to have to cast them all by hand.

Hmmm... I see... I see... my computer screen. Damn. This doesn't work so well if I can't actually get a look at your hand.

hmmm. I need to jam my hand into a scanner.

Jade: Hand? Press your -


Sorry, I can't read ass-cracks and tell the future. All though it would be a good excuse to get random guys to drop their pants for me... Oh Haer'Dalis~! Do you want your fortune told? ^.^

Brynn: Bad! Very bad!

*slaps self* Bah, rescind your charms, witch! I've been tricked into giving away too much already!

Onyx: *ahem* Boss, remember what sis does to 'witch-hunters'. I doubt she's much different...

*with puppy eyes* But I'm not a witch...

good witch?

No, I'm definitely a sorceress, not a witch. There's an actually custom class called 'witch' in the 3e DMG, it's pretty cool. The spell list is really the only different thing, cutting out the spells that don't fit the witch archetype and adding some from the cleric and druid lists.

I'm more of a fireball in the face sort of person, and failing that I'll stick you with a rapier. On guard!

Onyx: See! The puppy eyes! I told you see was a -

Someone sic him.

Aerie: *puppy eyes*

Onyx: (dreamily, drooling) Yeessss?

Ha! Take that!

Brynn: Don't worry about your scribe, Onyx, I don't tend to kill unless I have to. Now, I might send Imoen, Jan and Haer'Dalis to pants him, but I can guarantee that unless he dies from shame, he'll be all right.

Onyx: Ha! Sweet revenge for all the torment!

Brynn: Torment? Does your scribe strip you too?

#17 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 31 July 2003 - 10:44 PM

I kinda tend to do that too, unless I'm being *really* careful.

I have to read the sentenecs in reverse order, speakin them aloud, stuff like that....

I find that printing shorter stories out and taking a red marker to them helps a lot too. Something about reading things on a computer screen makes it harder to spot little errors.

Mmm yes. I do that for skoolwurk.

Errrr... huh. Well, I'm stumped. The idea of Minsc being sneaky is one that still puzzles me.

Heeehee yeah. He really should have his own ranger kit or something. He's like a barbarian-paladin-ranger.

Something like the Minsc Prestige Class. It would include stuff like: A first level Minsc (Min) gains an animal companion if they did not already have one. This animal companion must be drawn from the following list of creatures: miniature giant space hamster, ice weasel or snowy owl. A Minsc may cast spells as a ranger of his character level, even if his wisdom score does not meet that necessary to cast spells.

LOL! Very nice. And gets ++ in two-handed instead of two-weapon, methinks.

Onyx: Hey! Holy Might rocks, esp for a warrior!

Brynn: I know, but your scribe is more creative than mine, Jade got to have unique abilities, which makes me sa~d. :)

awwww. DUHM is great, CLW is useful (if not particularly fun), Slow Poison is....kinda useful. I guess.

Brynn: Yeah, it actually sort of came in handy when we ran into that ousted drow priestess in the catacombs and had to kill her and all those spiders'n'stuff. Poor Haer'Dalis kept getting poisoned and was running out of antidotes, so I fixed him up and told him to go wait where he wasn't going to get bitten.

LOL! The boy doesn't have the greatest death saves....his whirly-attacks are cool, but by and large he seems more of an archer-mage.

Not creative enough, hmm? We'll just have to *see* about that!

Ho ho!

Onyx: How about fleshing out (har) some of her other socially embarrassing incide-

Jade: *smack*

Brynn: Thank you Jade

Thank *you* Onyx, you've given me a brilliant idea. Hey Brynn, remember that time you were down in Jan's lab and he spilled that hair-removal formula all over you?


Onyx: *grins*

I wish I had that. I'm just glad that in SoA you automatically cast your healing spells before you rest. It was a real pain to have to cast them all by hand.

Ah yes. Now if only ya didn't actually have to rest to do that...

Sorry, I can't read ass-cracks and tell the future. All though it would be a good excuse to get random guys to drop their pants for me... Oh Haer'Dalis~! Do you want your fortune told? ^.^

Oh, the wiles...

Brynn: Bad! Very bad!

*slaps self* Bah, rescind your charms, witch! I've been tricked into giving away too much already!

Onyx: *ahem* Boss, remember what sis does to 'witch-hunters'. I doubt she's much different...

*with puppy eyes* But I'm not a witch...

good witch?

No, I'm definitely a sorceress, not a witch. There's an actually custom class called 'witch' in the 3e DMG, it's pretty cool. The spell list is really the only different thing, cutting out the spells that don't fit the witch archetype and adding some from the cleric and druid lists.

Ah yes. Sorceress. I knew that.

I'm more of a fireball in the face sort of person, and failing that I'll stick you with a rapier. On guard!

*parry-riposte* I can definently respect that.

Onyx: See! The puppy eyes! I told you see was a -

Someone sic him.

Aerie: *puppy eyes*

Onyx: (dreamily, drooling) Yeessss?

Ha! Take that!

Aerie: My pleasure. *grins wickedly*

Brynn: Don't worry about your scribe, Onyx, I don't tend to kill unless I have to. Now, I might send Imoen, Jan and Haer'Dalis to pants him, but I can guarantee that unless he dies from shame, he'll be all right.

Onyx: Ha! Sweet revenge for all the torment!

Brynn: Torment? Does your scribe strip you too?

Onyx: This one time I was taken down to my mini-breeches, just minding my own business for my morning shave...

Yeah, and then a nubile blonde priestess emerges from the water, nude. Really tormenting, yeah. Cry me a river.

Onyx: But you weren't really joking when you said her thread last week gave you an idea for Haery Springer's Naked Knights on Parade.

Ahhh yes. Thanks for reminding me! *cracks knuckles*

Onyx: Me and my big mouth....

Jade: Amen to that!

Onyx: Shaddap.

#18 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 01 August 2003 - 08:39 AM

[quote]21. Half-Baked Half-Orc

A favorite dish. :wink: Best served hot.

The party trudged forward through the cave with respective preferred ranged weapons ready. Kagain estimated they were on the fourth floor of the mines, and judging from the bone-piercing cold and nauseating dampness, no one disbelieved him.

Ahhh, that's how a good mine should be.

The tunnel turned at one point, and the yipping of kobolds echoed around the bend. Jade stepped forward and peered around a corner. The cave opened up into a huge chamber, and there was in fact an underground river running past. A natural bridge spanned it, and on the other side were indeed kobolds.

Probably a very cold river.

"Kobold Kommandos!" Xzar squeaked. "Kanine Kolonels, if you will!"

Lambs to the slaughter.

Jade nodded her head three times to tally up the number of kobolds to her partners. Then, without warning, she popped out from behind the wall and fired. At that signal, the other four popped from around the side of the wall just as the arrow skewered the first kobold. Montaron managed to hit a second in the knee with a bolt, but a throwing axe soon followed and cleaved its head in two. Branwen's sling bullet pinged off the third's skull, merely dazing it, and Xzar's throwing daggers weren't even close. Jade already had her second arrow loosed, but as it flew through the air, the third kobold sent a flaming arrow back the other way, and as the little monster was skewered by Jade's arrow, Kagain found a burst of flame erupt on his chest where the kobold's arrow planted.

They have no fireball prepared?

Mulahey appeared to calm down a touch, but before Jade had even taken a full step forward, the man's face lit up, twitched several times, and took on a completely different expression, as if some new soul or personality had suddenly possessed the body. He began ranting again, very angrily, "Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!"

Watch out, he will use a fireball!

As the monsters drew nearer, the halfling hooked his crossbow to his belt and drew from it his shortsword and buckler, and Xzar clasped both hands into the air above himself and uttered arcane words. A flash of light rippled from the necromancer's fingers, forming a rainbow wedge of clashing colors that flooded over Montaron's head, arcing through the darkness. The clashing light danced in the eyes of the kobolds, four of which twitched and dropped, in catatonic seizures. Montaron engaged the fifth in a shortsword duel, and Branwen summoned an etheral hammer and brought it down upon the triangular head of the sixth. The skeletons stepped over the comatose kobolds, their bony fingers reaching and grasping, but Branwen shouted mightily at them, and the flaming sword on Tempus's Shield seemed to truly glow with flame. The undead shrieked, half of them about-facing and skittering back down the tunnel. Montaron whacked out the knee-joints of another, sending it crashing to the ground, and Branwen dodged the fifth's clawed swipes while crushing its skull to shards with her spiritual hammer.


"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist.

:) Like something from "the mummy"

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements.

Lucky luke.

I have sent you the kobolds and mineral poison that you require. Your task is to poison any iron ore that leaves this mine.

I wonder how mineral pouison works

Don't reveal your presence to the miners or you will find yourself swaped by soldiers from the local Amnish garrison.


Good story


#19 Guest_Oryx_*

Posted 01 August 2003 - 09:42 AM

[quote][quote]21. Half-Baked Half-Orc

A favorite dish. :wink: Best served hot.


The party trudged forward through the cave with respective preferred ranged weapons ready. Kagain estimated they were on the fourth floor of the mines, and judging from the bone-piercing cold and nauseating dampness, no one disbelieved him.

Ahhh, that's how a good mine should be.


The tunnel turned at one point, and the yipping of kobolds echoed around the bend. Jade stepped forward and peered around a corner. The cave opened up into a huge chamber, and there was in fact an underground river running past. A natural bridge spanned it, and on the other side were indeed kobolds.

Probably a very cold river.

mmhmm. You're the geologist, but I bet undergrounds usually are.

"Kobold Kommandos!" Xzar squeaked. "Kanine Kolonels, if you will!"

Lambs to the slaughter.

yup. Actually, Komandos are annoying....their fire arrows hit often and hard.

Jade nodded her head three times to tally up the number of kobolds to her partners. Then, without warning, she popped out from behind the wall and fired. At that signal, the other four popped from around the side of the wall just as the arrow skewered the first kobold. Montaron managed to hit a second in the knee with a bolt, but a throwing axe soon followed and cleaved its head in two. Branwen's sling bullet pinged off the third's skull, merely dazing it, and Xzar's throwing daggers weren't even close. Jade already had her second arrow loosed, but as it flew through the air, the third kobold sent a flaming arrow back the other way, and as the little monster was skewered by Jade's arrow, Kagain found a burst of flame erupt on his chest where the kobold's arrow planted.

They have no fireball prepared?

Nah, no one's even close to L5. X is 2.

Mulahey appeared to calm down a touch, but before Jade had even taken a full step forward, the man's face lit up, twitched several times, and took on a completely different expression, as if some new soul or personality had suddenly possessed the body. He began ranting again, very angrily, "Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!"

Watch out, he will use a fireball!

'fraid not

As the monsters drew nearer, the halfling hooked his crossbow to his belt and drew from it his shortsword and buckler, and Xzar clasped both hands into the air above himself and uttered arcane words. A flash of light rippled from the necromancer's fingers, forming a rainbow wedge of clashing colors that flooded over Montaron's head, arcing through the darkness. The clashing light danced in the eyes of the kobolds, four of which twitched and dropped, in catatonic seizures. Montaron engaged the fifth in a shortsword duel, and Branwen summoned an etheral hammer and brought it down upon the triangular head of the sixth. The skeletons stepped over the comatose kobolds, their bony fingers reaching and grasping, but Branwen shouted mightily at them, and the flaming sword on Tempus's Shield seemed to truly glow with flame. The undead shrieked, half of them about-facing and skittering back down the tunnel. Montaron whacked out the knee-joints of another, sending it crashing to the ground, and Branwen dodged the fifth's clawed swipes while crushing its skull to shards with her spiritual hammer.


LOL yeah!

"Stop touching me!!!" Xzar shrieked as the sixth skeleton swiped across his robe, tearing it with bony finger-joints and drawing blood. The necromancer slashed his dagger through the neck of its spine with one hand, and grasped the top of the skull. He severed it from the body, and proceeded to bash the ribcage to splinters with its own skull, which remained animated, and attempted to bite the wizard's wrist.

:) Like something from "the mummy"

LOLOL!! That's true....

Xzar blew his breath over each hand theatrically, as if cooling off smoking implements.

Lucky luke.

Or John Wayne.

I have sent you the kobolds and mineral poison that you require. Your task is to poison any iron ore that leaves this mine.

I wonder how mineral pouison works

*shrug* probably BS....corroding metal would require an acid, yes?

Don't reveal your presence to the miners or you will find yourself swaped by soldiers from the local Amnish garrison.


*shrug* Overrun.

Good story



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