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Tnt 111 : POC : Prisoner of Camp

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#1 Weyoun

Posted 14 July 2003 - 07:32 PM


Sorry for being quiet all day, but there was a reason. I was writing this story.

I apologize for the length of this story, and the fact that this is the story that I promised the last time. But this just had to be written. You see, the horrors of Tranquility Bay still haunt my mind regularly, and I hoped to put those thoughts in a story to deal with them. I fear for the poor children who are still in those modern day death camps. Please, check out www.isaccorp.com. They do good work.

This story will be dark and light, will contain horrors of abuse and the sweet revenge of spirits never broken by violence. Parts of this tale were very hard for me to write, others were written by me with glee. Anyway, I hope you like the story and I hope it'll make you think.

Tnt 111 : POC : Prisoner of Camp

"This looks like a fine place to rest," Viconia said. The group had been making their way through the depths of the Asylum, looking for an exit, but so far they were not having much luck. However, Viconia had discovered a room with a single entrance, where several cots were located. A good place to rest, especially since a catatonic Laska, who had to be carried by Keldorn, was slowing the party down significantly.

"Hey, Big-Ears," Imoen smiled after Keldorn put her down on one of the cots and went off to help Viconia bar the door with furniture and a broken beam, "Are you alright? Well, that's a stupid question, wasn't it?"

Laska just stared at the ceiling.

"For gods sakes, Laska," Imoen sniffed, "please come back to us... I know, let's reminisce! You know what these cots remind me of, Las?"


"I just figured you'd like this," Gorion smiled wholeheartedly as he was being skipped around by two girls happy to the point of delirium.

"We're gonna run through the woods!" Laska yelled out.

"Cook marsh mellows over a fire!" Imoen licked her lips.

"Tell ghost stories around a campfire," Laska raved.

"Look at birds and throw nuts at squirrels!" Imoen grinned.

"Now, now, girls, calm down," Gorion smiled. "The folder said that it's a fun camp for kids. Educational and soothing, yet fun. I figured you'd like to get away from the keep for two months, and it's good for you to meet kids your age to talk to instead of the monks and guards living here."

"Are you coming with us?" Imoen asked.

"Sweet of you to ask," Gorion smiled, "but I have duties here. Besides, you get to spend two months without your stuffy old dad, so I thought you'd be happy about that."

"Where are we going? When are we going?" Laska asked eagerly.

"Well," Gorion said, "it's a place at the edge of Cloakwood called Camp Peaceful. According to the brochure it has a large lake, a private forest, luxurious bunk-buildings, high-quality food and competent caretakers. I think I can entrust them with you."

"We'll be good!" Imoen smiled and hopped in glee.

"Laska, you will behave," Gorion nodded.

"Why are you picking on me, dad?!" Laska said defiantly.

"Because you blew up the barn last week," Gorion said, crossing his arms.

"I knew you'd bring that up," Laska looked at the ground. "I didn't know that keg of gunpowder was loaded!"

"No excuses, young lady," Gorion smiled. "You look after your little sister when you two are gone. This'll be the first time you'll be on your own, so you might even learn some responsibility."

"Awww, responsibility sucks!" Laska pouted.

"Nevertheless," Gorion grinned. "Go pack your things, because you'll be leaving in an hour."

The two excited girls ran up the stairs to pack their things. Quick as a flash, the girls tossed clothes and their stash of candy into their suitcases and ran down again... only to have Gorion repack their suitcases so that half of their contents weren't sticking out on the side. Imoen made special care to carefully pack her little rag doll 'Dolly', a soft knitted puppet with a white cloth for a dress and buttons for eyes. Imoen loved the doll, even though it was almost as old as she was, and couldn't sleep without it.

By the time they were done, the cart that would be taking them to the camp had arrived. Together, Gorion escorted them to the gate, were the driver was waiting for them. The driver was a burly man, who grimly took the suitcases and put them on the cart.

"I'm sure going to miss your boisterousness for the next two months," Gorion said as he hugged his children.

"Oh, don't be silly," Laska joked. "You're glad to be rid of us for the next two months so you can have some quiet."

"Hey, I'll miss you, no doubt about that," Gorion smiled as he put both girls in the cart. However, Gorion noticed something odd.

"Two swords and a set of bullwhips?" Gorion asked the driver. "Are you always this heavily armed? You are merely transporting children."

"Bandits," was all he said. "Been drivin' me crazy. Got some sticks here too to beat them with."

"Yes, well," Gorion said. "Be careful with my children, will you?"

"Sure, sure, old man," the driver snorted. "It's me living, you know?"

The cart set on the journey to the camp, and the happy and eager children waved to their father until he was a mere speck in the distance.


The trip took two hours, and the happy children partook in singing a popular kiddy song. "98 vicious orcs on the wall, 98 vicious orcs! If one of those orcs would happen to fall, 97 vicious orcs on the wall!" Laska and Imoen sang fully aloud.

The driver gritted his teeth. They'd been counting down from 500. "97 vicious orcs on the wall, 97 vicious orcs! If one of those orcs would happen to fall, 96..."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" the driver shouted. "STOP TORMENTING ME BEFORE I SELL YOU TO... Ermm, I mean", the driver caught himself, "we're there!"

Over his shoulder, the children gasped with joy. The camp was in the distance looming before them. They could see the lake and the wooden buildings. And the huge field with the picknicktables, and the playground... and the campfire pits. Laska and Imoen where quickly whispering to each other what they were going to do first.

Quickly enough the driver set them at the gate with their suitcases. The two children eagerly ran inside, certainly when they saw there were other carts with newcomers, and they wanted to claim bunks next to each other before all the good spots were taken. After looking around for a bit, and all the other new arrivals entered the compound, they suddenly heard a heavy lock closing behind them. Staring back, they found their driver staring back at them from the other side of the fence with a toothy grin. "Welcome to Hell, kids," he grinned.

Laska was the first to notice something was horribly wrong. The entire compound was surrounded by a ten-foot high fence, which completely cut off their access to the forest. Laska found this odd, since the forest-trips were the main reason this camp was supposed to be run. Also the lake was cut off by a somewhat lower fence. In fact, the only thing inside the fence was a weird cave with a playground in front... a playground with shovels and picks and a funny cart leading into the cave on tracks.

Come to think of it, the wooden buildings looked less rotten from the distance too.

Imoen gave another observation. "Hey, look at the kids," she said. "Nobody's talking to each other!" Indeed, the children, some as young as twelve, others looking seventeen, were staring blanking in front of them, not seeing their surroundings. They were all wearing the same bland grey clothes. Some were covered with soot, others were grimy. Most of them had strange welts on their arms and what was exposed of their backs. Nobody was talking to each other and they didn't look particularly well-fed.

"Hi!" Imoen called out to a girl. "Wanna be our friend?"

Saying nothing, the girl passed without giving her a glance. "Well, nuts to you!" Imoen shot back and stuck out her tongue.

A group of men wearing leather armor and looking dangerously armed approached the kids. Immediately, they started to take away the kids' suitcases.

"Imoen," Laska whispered. "Hide your Dolly under your clothes."

"But why?" Imoen asked.

"Just do it!" Laska hissed. "Or you'll never see her again."

Imoen pouted, quickly too her dolly from her suitcase and stuffed her in a small pouch tied to her belt which would be hidden under her long tunic.

Finally, the group of men were standing in front of her. The middle man was a scrawny looking weasel with a moustache and a sardonic smile who dressed like a fop. The man on the right was huge and muscular and carried a whip. The man on the left, however, was long and thin, and carried several batons on his belt. Laska noticed he was also looking at her in a rather odd way.

"Hello there, children," the man greeted with a fake smile. "I am director S'dist and this," he pointed to the man on the right, "is overseer Bonek. And this," motioned to the left man, "is overseer Rinkle. Your name and age, please."

"I... Imoen, 12," Imoen gulped.

"Laska," the elf spoke defiantly, "19."

"HAH!" Bonek said, unlocked his whip and lashed it in front of Laska's feet making Imoen yelp. "You little liar! You don't look a day over twelve. You're a scrawny little thing, aren't you? Not been finishing your plate?"

"I am 19!" Laska hissed. "It's because I'm an elf, assmunch!"

"Watch it, you little freak!" Bonek snarled and roughly picked Laska up by her wrapping both arms around her waist and hoisted her in the air. "Or I'll snap your scrawny body in two." Laska grimaced as she felt the pressure of his squeezing hands cramming against her midriff. Then, Laska was suddenly unceremoniously dropped to the ground. Immediately, Imoen was at her side, and both girls looked up at their captors.

"Resistance is hopeless," S'dist grinned like a shark. "You will work for us now. And you will work hard. When you get out of here... if you get out of here, your parents will see that you have become new persons. Obedient and submissive, like good kids should be. First of all, you'll have no need for your fancy clothes. You'll wear the same as everyone else."

"Those grey rags?" Imoen asked. "They look like they itch."

"Silence!" Bonek snarled and cracked the whip in front of Imoen's feet. Poor Imoen yelped and started to sniffle. Immediately, Laska stood between Imoen and the three tyrants.

"Well," S'dist smiled. "It is going to be quite a task to break you two... but they all break down eventually. You'll get with the program soon, and then you'll be who we'll mold you to be. Good, hard and honest workers who'll respond well to authority. Now go to the barracks and prepare for work. Here you have to earn your keep."

But in her mind, Laska was already planning escape. She had never been in a truly dangerous situation before now, and truth be told she found it a little exciting... but she worried more for Imoen.


Two days had passed and Laska wasn't any step closer to escaping. The walls were too high too climb, and the overseers had been clever enough not to put any loose crates near. Also, the buildings were too far from the fence as well, making it impossible to climb or jumped over it that way. There were no overhanging branches, no high rocks, and all the trees near the fence had been reduced to stumps long ago. Also the tower was constantly guarded by two men up in the guard-tower. Escape would be very difficult, though she hoped she might fight something at the so-called workplace she'd be going for the first time tomorrow.

But at the moment, they were having communal dinner at the shabby dinner hall. It smelled musty and all the tables wobbled. But the food was the most horrible. It was a grayish goo making sucking sounds when prodded. It tasted horribly to say the least.

"Awww," Imoen pouted. "Not more of this stuff. It tastes so yucky! I'm gonna ask for some sugar in it."

"Imoen," Laska gagged from her own dinner. "Don't..."

But Imoen was very determined when on a sugar-search and had already approached the hulking Bonek overlooking the kids while they ate in silence, holding up her bowl.

"What?!" Bonek roared. "You want SUGAR?! Our delicious gruel has everything little girls need to grew : salt, and soybeans! Lotsa soybeans. And pieces of shredded old rope for flavor!"

"But... it tastes lousy," Imoen pouted.

"Well, well, well," Bonek snarled. "It seems we have a spoilt little brat here. Oh, our divine food isn't good enough for our little princess, ey? Wadda you say," he took a baton from his belt, "we should punish this little prissy girl, no?"

In a flash, Bonek suddenly saw the little elven girl step between her and him. "Leave her alone!" Laska snarled at him. The enraged brute was only more enraged after this show of defiance and took his whip from his belt. In an effort to frighten the child away, he cracked it at her, thinking the girl would shy away or even run. But Laska did not move... not even when she felt the whip biting into her cheek. Bonek was actually taken aback by the girl's defiance. Even though droplets of blood were running from her cheek down her neck, she never took her look of hatred away from him.

"Very well," Bonek finally said and took his baton again. "You will take her punishment upon you, then." Immediately, Bonek grabbed Laska, turned her around and pressed her against the table. Laska grimaced in pain as she felt the baton slam against her back. And again. And again. And again. But Laska kept staring forward in silence... defiant silence to which Bonek to offence. "Dammit, girl! Cry out! CRY OUT!" He increased the force in his blows again and again. Laska shuddered in pain, but otherwise remained silent. Suddenly, Rinkle caught Bonek's hand.

"Stop it, fool!" Rinkle said. "She's no good to me, um, I mean US crippled! How do you expect her to work if you break her back."

"Argh!" Bonek dropped his baton. "I'll be watching you, you little freak!"


Guided by Imoen, Laska was led to the barracks. Filthy barracks made up of haphazardly placed cots, itchy and rough blankets and cockroaches running free. Immediately, Laska dropped on her belly in the cot, and, in the private company of friends, she burst out in tears. "It hurts..." she sobbed. "It hurts so much."

"I'm sorry, sis," Imoen smiled, took her Dolly from under the hiding place under her pillow and pressed it against the face of her sobbing sister.

"Don't worry," a boy whispered from another bunk. "You'll get used to it. It won't hurt this much again after a while."

"Who are you?" Imoen asked.

"Haron," the boy spoke. Imoen smiled happily, but noticed there was a numbness behind Haron's haggard eyes. "You'll have to get used to it, or they'll hurt you even more."

"But... we can write letters tomorrow," Imoen said. "We can ask our dad to get us out of here! He's a good guy!"

"That's what I thought of my parents," Haron sighed. "I ask them to get me out of here every time... but they never do. They just don't care."

"H-how long have you been here?" Imoen asked.

"Almost a year," Haron sighed, leaving Imoen cold with fear.


Gorion sat in his study, pouring over some old tomes he had been meaning to read... but he couldn't concentrate. It was simply too quiet without the children. Sighing, he sat back in his chair... he missed Laska and Imoen and they had only been away for a week. He just consoled himself with the fact that Laska and Imoen must have been having so much fun right now.


Laska plopped herself on her hard cot and let out a sigh of exhaustion. She had quickly found out that the 'playground' in front of the cave wasn't a playground, and that the 'cave' wasn't a cave, but a mine.

Most kids were instructed to report to the mine for the cutting of ore. Laska had been pushing ore-carts in and out of the mine all day. Luckily, for Imoen, she had been allowed to have her single free day a week... Although, 'Free day' actually meant cleaning duty instead of mine duty. And Bonek was always there with other overseers, ready with the whip and baton. Sadly, Laska's defiance had made her a popular target for his ridicule.

And when the day was done, the overseers did a marvelous job at getting the children to shout and curse at each other. It was easy to do, since the kids were all frustrated and tired to begin with, and it stripped away the last bit of dignity some of them had left.

"Tired?" Imoen asked from her cot.

"Our letters have been sent," Laska said. "Why didn't dad get us out of here yet?"

"Maybe they haven't arrived yet," Imoen said.

"Or maybe," a pained look crossed Laska's feature. "Do you think... dad doesn't want us anymore?"

"What? Don't say that?"

"It's true... maybe we've just been too bad and he put us here to get rid of us," Laska sniffed.

"Hey, don't say that!" Imoen snapped. "If he gets our letters, he'll come. Unless... he never got our letters," Imoen looked downtrodden.

"Maybe you're right," Laska said, still sleeping on her stomach because the welts on her back still hurt. Mercifully, Imoen had not been beaten yet, but she feared she might not prevent that much longer. "We... we have to escape ourselves."

"Sneak out?" Imoen whispered, and clutched her Dolly to her side. "I'll take Dolly with me just in case..."

"... we get lucky," Laska finished for her.

Together, both sisters crept as quietly as a mouse through the dark corridors of the barracks until they stood outside. The barracks wasn't guarded, but it was soon revealed they didn't have too : the guard-tower was manned at night. The two children quickly hid behind a couple of trash cans while the guard looked their way before returning to his rounds. Disappointed, the children were about to go back until they spotted light coming from one of the windows in the overseer building. Not being able to resist their curiosity, the sisters crept over to it, doing their best to avoid being spotted. When they finally peeked into the window, they saw director S'dist having dinner with Bonek and Rinkle.

"Chicken!" Laska licked her lips when she saw their dinner-table.

"Chocolate pudding!" Imoen sighed.

"Cooked Ham."

"Chocolate pudding!" Imoen sighed again.


"Chocolate pudding," Imoen sighed once more.

"And they let us eat gruel?" Laska snarled.

"Ssssh, let's hear what they say," Imoen said.

"Well," Bonek grinned. "We've got a good deal going on here, haven't we?"

"By the way," Rinkle smiled. "We made a fortune selling those kiddie-clothes to the boutique in Baldur's Gate."

"More money for us," S'dist grinned. "Yes, yes, those fools. They let their kids stay here for 80 gold a day. They're our slaves to do with as we please and their parents pay us for it! Pretty good deal if you ask me."

"Don't they want their kids back one day," one of the junior overseers asked.

"Oh, we have our marketing-guys at the Baldur's Gate office to make sure to dumb down the parents enough to keep those kids here for years," the director grinned. "They won't be the wiser and we'll make a bundle!"

"But is it wise to give them shovels and pickaxes and mining tools?" the overseer asked. "There are only ten of us and over a hundred of them."

"Those tiny runts?" Bonek snarled. "Those dregs don't dare to do anything against us. Not with me around."

"Those rotten poopyheads!" Imoen said.

"We can't escape..." Laska's face fell, "but there may be other ways. Maybe take out the guards?"

"But we're just kids!" Imoen said.

"Maybe, but kids can be very strong," Laska grinned. In silence, they crept back to their bunks.


Gorion had travelled to Baldur's Gate to attend the first parent-meeting. No doubt he'd find support from other parents who have been missing their children.

He entered the main hall of a building in the middle of the city, and sat down in the back row. Sadly, he had arrive a bit late so there had been no time for a meet and greet. He looked around, and saw that most of the people here ranged from rich nobles to middle class. In front of the room behind a pedestal stood a blonde woman with a half-convincing plastic smile.

"Greetings, parents," the woman bubbled. "Please to accept the letters that your children have written for you."

Happily, Gorion went to the table where the letters were kept and leafed through the enveloped until he noticed familiar handwriting. He sat down in his seat and opened the envelopes, expecting to read how much fun the kids were having. He wasn't prepared for Imoen's account, though : "Daddydaddydaddy, please let us come home, this place is dirty and the beds are hard and there is no good food and no chocolate and they beat Laska and they make us work in mines and they make us march and clean stuff and make us shout to each other. Still haven't had any marsh mellows. Please please please can I come home?


Laska's letter was shorted but no less disturbing. "It sucks!


"Ermm, excuse me, miss," Gorion stood up with letters in hand.

"Oh, a new guy, eh?" a merchant next to him smiled. "Don't worry, we all went through this."

"What do you mean?" Gorion asked.

"Excuse me, miss Runa?" the merchant smiled. "We've got another live one here!"

"Ah, sir!" miss Runa smiled her even more plasticy smile here. "Do not worry, sir. City children are often shocked to have to wing it in the woods and want to come back as quickly as possible. Do not worry, sir, these are just manipulative lies designed to play on your emotions."

"My children," Gorion glowered, "do not lie..."

"Oh, here we go," the merchant chuckled. "I'm sure. My kid's been there for almost a year and he's still lying about it being a horrible place. He's a tenacious busybody."

"Sure," another lady from the crowd of parents spoke. "They just keep trying and trying, but it won't work."

"Wait a minute," Gorion blinked. "What's going one here? Did all of you get these types of letters?"

"Of course," the lady spoke, "and they're all lies."

"But... all of you get these letters stating how horrible that place is?! And none of you thought what could be wrong in this picture?"

"Well, of course the kids are lying to us," another lady retorted, "that nice miss Runa said so!"

"Oh, I'm sure miss Runa knows all," Gorion spat.

"Now, calm down, sir," miss Runa said, her plastic smile now getting a bit worried. "There's no need to raise your voice."

"I am worried about my children!" Gorion snarled. "And I am suddenly getting the feeling that you've been pulling the wool over my eyes and that of my fellow parents here!"

"Now, now, sit down," the merchant said. "Miss Runa assured us the camp is a kid's paradise run by professionals..."


"Overseer?" the little girl Yvonne asked carefully. "Why did you throw those rusty nails there at the mine-entrance? We have to walk there and Boida already stepped in one of them twice."

"Because I didn't want to walk all the way to the trashcan!" the overseer snarled. "Now get back to work before I beat you again. Just watch where you're going, brat."


"Aren't you at the least bit concerned about the safety of your own children?" Gorion shouted out.

"Hey, sit down!"

"Yes, they like it there. Miss Runa said so!"

"Besides, I'm happy to be rid of the brat for a while."

"They like it so much, I've signed them on for another year!"


Faced with so much ignorance, Gorion finally lost his temper. "Are you blind?! Did all of you get letters about beatings and hard labor? And you don't think anything's wrong with that?!"

"It just shows how crafty they are!" the merchant snarled.

"Runa!" Gorion snarled. "I want my kids out of there this instant!"

"N-now, sir," miss Runa clearly wasn't expecting some other person than an easily manipulated fop or an overworked parent, "p-please calm down. We're really helping your kids! You won't recognize them when they get back!"

"That's what I'm afraid of!" Gorion said and stood up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get my kids back from your camp of horrors!"

"Come on," miss Runa smiled, trying to save face. "Mister Gorion, do you really want your kids to run wild across the countryside, getting into all sorts of adventurers and tattooing every inch of their skin? Our program can prevent that!"

"Lady," Gorion said. "I want my kids to be themselves! If that involves adventure and tattoos, that is their choice. But let it be their choice and theirs alone."

Before leaving the door, he turned around and looked at the flabbergasted parents one more time. "MORONS!" he shouted into the room.

The anger quickly turned into fear as Gorion made his way through the streets of Baldur's Gate. He knew his children were in danger. The warning signs were in the letters, and he didn't know how the other parents couldn't miss them. Parents were supposed to protect their children from harm, after all.

Still, he had no idea where the camp was, only that it was somewhere in the woods north-east of Beregost. Then, a casual glance at a children's boutique ended with him being pressed with both hands and cheek against the glance : in the boutique, the play tunics of both his daughters were displaying in the window.


The lady who owned the boutique was very nice, and even went as far as to give him back his children's clothes at no cost. The lady had told him she had been buying second hand clothes from two traders... One of them's description carefully matched that of miss Runa. When Gorion told her where the clothes came from, she said she would report it with the Flaming Fist and would never do business with them again.

Checking in the register of the Seven Suns Trading coster, he had found out that the camp was actually owned by a trade organization from Sembia that was relatively new to this area : the Iron Throne. From his old contacts with the Harpers, he had heard some very bad things about the Iron Throne, and he decided that, when this would be over, he would have to keep an eye on their activities.

Also, he discovered that there were a number of complaints filed at the Seven Suns for malpractice. He also noticed that many of these cases were never handled because the witnesses had all dropped the charges at one point.

Finally, he started talking to some of the people who had filed charges, and only found one mother who was willing to speak with her. Her son, previously a lively boy, had been broken down into a mental wreck who was scared of his own shadow. He had been at the camp for half a year, and it destroyed him. After filing the complaint, both mother and son had been threatened, forcing them to drop the charges. With grim determination, Gorion decided to take his evidence to the Flaming Fist. But he knew that if they wouldn't help him, he'd go in with his magic alone.


"So why don't you two girls just go with the program and submit, already," the director spoke while Imoen stood in his office. But she wasn't afraid. Laska told her not to fear these mean old men, because that was what they wanted.

"Lilly had fallen down," Imoen spoke. "And an overseer wanted to beat her. We didn't want..."

"YOU DON'T 'WANT' ANYTHING!" the director roared. "Your ill-gotten sister is being punished as we speak. Bane, almighty, I've never come across more troublesome kids than you. Well, we know how to deal with little hellions like you..."

But Imoen didn't hear his words. Instead, her attention focused on the key ring hanging from his belt. Somehow, it was alluring to her... seductive. So while the director was giving the lecture, and turn his back to her, Imoen saw her chance. Creeping every closer until she could reach it, her little hands reached out and took the key ring right from the belt. Immediately, Imoen ran for the door.

"Hey, what?!" the director shouted. "Come back here, you little brat!"

Imoen ran through the overseer building, fingering the key ring. To her delight, she found that all the keys were labeled. Grinning and with the director in hot pursuit, she came up with a plan. The little girl ran right into the storeroom and dove behind a couple of crates near the exit. Of course, the director followed and ran right into the storeroom, looking confused when he could not find the little girl.

Imoen, in the meantime, broke her cover and ran out the door, being quick to push it shut, insert the key and twisted it locked. Finally she stuck out her tongue at the door as the director started banging on it.

Now, she only had to go and find her sister.


Laska grimaced in pain as the overseer pulled her arms back and pressed his knee into her back, putting more pressure on the bruises on her back. There was pure hatred in Laska's eyes, put malice. She wanted to kill the overseers, and she would if given the chance. She just hoped Imoen wasn't in the same state. She wouldn't be able to protect her sister from this position.

"That's enough," the thin man called Rinkle sounded from behind. "You can go now. I can handle it from here.


"GO!" Rinkle snapped at the overseer. The overseer nodded, and Rinkle escorted him out. Laska got up and suddenly noticed that Rinkle had that same weird look in his eyes. She also became slightly alarmed when she heard him lock the door.

"My, my, my," Rinkle said, giving her that weird look again. "You are a pretty little girl, aren't you? Yes, a very precious little girl." Rinkle was now standing directly in front of her, towering over the small elf. "You want to keep old Rinkle happy, don't you?"

Laska blinked for a moment, not knowing what he meant. But then she noticed a dagger hanging from his belt. Laska had played with wooden swords before, and had been allowed to touch smaller weapons on numerous occasion, but still a dagger in her small hand had felt like a short sword in comparison.

Still, Laska saw her chance, especially since the man was apparently busy thinking of... something else. Puzzled, Laska wondered why the man had just asked her if he could rub her tummy. The distraction was adequate though.

With all the speed that her elven kin was blessed with, Laska tore the dagger from the sheath and slammed it down, impaling Rinkle's foot and pinning it to the floor. Rinkle screamed in pain, but was quickly silenced when Laska slammed one of the overseer's left batons into his jaw.

Her joy was short-lived, though, considering someone was jarring at the door. Quickly, Laska jerked the dagger free but stopped short to watch it from a moment. She was oddly fascinated by the bloodied dagger.

"Whoa!" Imoen yelped as she walked through the door. "Did you kill him?!"

"No," Laska said. "But maybe this dagger is enough for us to escape. Come on, let's go and close the door behind you."


"Work harder, you little freaks, damn you!" Bonek shouted as he cracked his whip at the children in the mine like the wretched sadist he was. Of all the overseers, he was the one who enjoyed his job the most.

"HEY!" Laska shouted defiantly and stared the man down from the entrance of the mine. "Yeah, you! SUCKFACE!"

"What?!" Bonek shouted. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at..."

"Hey, blow it out your ass, maniac!" Laska grinned. "Your days are numbered." The tone in Laska's voice caused all kids to stop working and look for cover.

"You little freak," Bonek snarled. "I'm gonna do what I was supposed to do the first time you defied me! No little freak gets the better of me."

But when the enraged Bonek snapped at her with his whip, Laska saw her chance. She took the dagger from her behind her back and sped forward, actually avoiding the whip and diving between Bonek's legs. Not really seeing, she slashed the dagger around wildly, hoping she'd hit something... and she did. With a twang, not one but both tendons in the back of one of his knees were sliced neatly in half. Bonek roared in pain and was felled like a tree, landing neatly on top of the track.

"You... you little freak!" Bonek yelled out. Once again, pure unadulterated rage from which Laska didn't know the source ran though her being. Laska snarled and picked up a pick-axe.

"This," she said, raising the pick-axe over her head with superhuman strength, "is for all the kids you hurt!" Then, she slammed it down. Bonek screamed as he suddenly found himself impaled through the shoulder, pinning him to the track. He moaned in pain, but could no longer put up a fight.

The on-looking kids gazed upon the spectacle of the fallen Bonek with silent fascination. The sight of the fallen brute sent a message of hope through their very beings : Their masters weren't invincible! One by one, they picked up sticks, shovels and other mining tools, and as one, they menacingly set up the remaining overseers.

"P-please don't hurt us!" one of the overseers yelled out as the trembling overseers knew it was all over.


"There it is," Gorion yelled out, getting ever more nervous as he approached the camp looming up in the distance.

"Are you sure this is it?" Scar, a young lieutenant in the Flaming Fist and leader of the small contingent of officers, spoke. "The kids look... happy."

Indeed, the children were whooping and playing... and one of them was letting up a kite. Others were sitting at the pick-nick table, scuffing down chicken, ham and chocolate pudding with great fervor.

"Well, sir," one of the soldier said, "there seem to be grown-ups tied to that totem-pole."

"Figures," Scar grinned.

"I know who's the culprit," Gorion grinned, then took off and sped down the hill... But a pair of sharp eyes spotted him first. Laska, who was standing by Imoen at the table, tugged at her sister's shirt. Imoen, her mouth covered with chocolate pudding, seemed annoyed at having her dinner disturbed, but when she stopped Gorion it was all okay.

The two girls flung themselves into Gorion's arms, letting tears of joy flowing over their cheeks.

"Sssh," Gorion smiled. "It's okay. It's okay. You're safe now."

Gorion noticed that Laska hissed in pain after he felt her back. Softly, Gorion lifted the back of Laska's shirt and grimaced when he noticed welts and bruises all over her little back.

"It doesn't hurt as much anymore," Laska said. "You get used to it."

Gorion's expression darkened. "Laska, go to the clerics of the Flaming Fist. Imoen, tell everyone who's hurt can go to the Flaming Fist cleric for help... I've got a bone to pick with the people in charge."


"Let me out of here, you brat! I swear, I'll have you beaten so badly you won't walk for a week!" shouted director S'Dist. Then, suddenly, the door opened... and S'Dist noticed he was suddenly confronted with a very angry cadre of Flaming Fist soldiers.

"Ah, ermm," S'Dist gulped. "What be the problem here, officers?"

Gorion was upon him, grabbed him by the color and pushed him back into the wall. "Pathetic piece of filth! Try to pick on someone your own size!" Again, Gorion picked the now weeping man and slammed him face-first into the wall, after which he slid down to the floor unconscious.

"In case you're wondering," Scar said as he walked up to Gorion, "we picked up miss Runa before we left. And with all these arrests, Camp Peaceful is finished."

"Good," Gorion said.

"I should tell you that," Scar said with a hushed voice, "that the man Bonek who your daughter attacked is dead. He bled to death in the mine, but if even a fraction of the stories these poor kids told are true, that's not a big loss."

"I see," Gorion nodded. "Please do me a favor and don't tell Laska. She's too young to have to deal with this."

"You have it," Scar said. "You know, before we send these kids home..."

"Back to Idiots Anonymous," Gorion spat.

"Me and my men have some leave-time accumulated," Scar said, "and with the overseers to do the work for us, we can have them tear down the fences and clean up the place so we can actually turn this place into an actual vacation-camp. Of course, we'll give the kids the overseers barracks. At least they'll have some fun out of it."

"Leave the kids to decide who wants to stay or go home," Gorion said. "I can imagine plenty of them are sick of this place."

Gorion then stared out the windows and saw Laska and Imoen throwing a frisbee around. "And give those who want to stay to have some fun the time of their lives. They've earned it."


"That was great, wasn't it?" Imoen sniffed as she sat on the cot cradling Laska's head in her lap as she ran her fingers through the elf's hair. The elf had finally fallen asleep and seemed a lot more peaceful.

"Please come back, Big-Ears," Imoen said. "I love you... We all love you..."

The pink-haired mage let her tears drop on Laska's cheek. "Here," Imoen said and took a ratty looking rag-doll from a hidden pouch in her belt, "I've kept Dolly all these years. She kept me safe... Let her watch over you tonight." That said, Imoen tucked in her sister and pressed Dolly against her cheek. Taking a last moment to kiss Laska's forehead, Imoen returned to her own cot, hoping to catch some sleep herself before they would have to move again.

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked the story.

Anyway, I'll take a break from writing for a couple of days. This was as much an emotional rollercoaster for me, which is one of the reasons. Another one is the massive heat wave hitting holland for a couple of days soon, so I'll probably be too dead by heat to write anyway.

I hope that the next part will finally be an Alone in the Dark. I've been meaning to pick up the Vierna story again to finally finished it.

Have a nice day,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#2 Guest_Rose of Jericho_*

Posted 14 July 2003 - 09:02 PM

You're going to have to excuse me from commenting. I'm going to go into the corner and have a little sob.

That was beautiful. I just wish you had the power to make what you've written here could happen in reality.

#3 Laufey

Posted 14 July 2003 - 09:25 PM

This story will be dark and light, will contain horrors of abuse and the sweet revenge of spirits never broken by violence. Parts of this tale were very hard for me to write, others were written by me with glee. Anyway, I hope you like the story and I hope it'll make you think.

The stories containing some measure of darkness are usually very good. :) Oh yes, parts of it put Dekkie in a very filthy mood...but he did seem to enjoy the ending.

"Now, now, girls, calm down," Gorion smiled. "The folder said that it's a fun camp for kids. Educational and soothing, yet fun. I figured you'd like to get away from the keep for two months, and it's good for you to meet kids your age to talk to instead of the monks and guards living here."

Oh dear...if only. :cry:

"Well," Gorion said, "it's a place at the edge of Cloakwood called Camp Peaceful. According to the brochure it has a large lake, a private forest, luxurious bunk-buildings, high-quality food and competent caretakers. I think I can entrust them with you."

Yeah, you'd think so, wouldn't you?

"Why are you picking on me, dad?!" Laska said defiantly.

"Because you blew up the barn last week," Gorion said, crossing his arms.

"I knew you'd bring that up," Laska looked at the ground. "I didn't know that keg of gunpowder was loaded!"

Rini: I bet you told him it was an accident, huh? That's what *I* always told him. He didn't believe me either...

The two excited girls ran up the stairs to pack their things. Quick as a flash, the girls tossed clothes and their stash of candy into their suitcases and ran down again... only to have Gorion repack their suitcases so that half of their contents weren't sticking out on the side. Imoen made special care to carefully pack her little rag doll 'Dolly', a soft knitted puppet with a white cloth for a dress and buttons for eyes. Imoen loved the doll, even though it was almost as old as she was, and couldn't sleep without it.


Over his shoulder, the children gasped with joy. The camp was in the distance looming before them. They could see the lake and the wooden buildings. And the huge field with the picknicktables, and the playground... and the campfire pits. Laska and Imoen where quickly whispering to each other what they were going to do first.

I have a feeling it'll look less than pleasant up close...

Laska was the first to notice something was horribly wrong. The entire compound was surrounded by a ten-foot high fence, which completely cut off their access to the forest. Laska found this odd, since the forest-trips were the main reason this camp was supposed to be run. Also the lake was cut off by a somewhat lower fence. In fact, the only thing inside the fence was a weird cave with a playground in front... a playground with shovels and picks and a funny cart leading into the cave on tracks.


Come to think of it, the wooden buildings looked less rotten from the distance too.

Imoen gave another observation. "Hey, look at the kids," she said. "Nobody's talking to each other!" Indeed, the children, some as young as twelve, others looking seventeen, were staring blanking in front of them, not seeing their surroundings. They were all wearing the same bland grey clothes. Some were covered with soot, others were grimy. Most of them had strange welts on their arms and what was exposed of their backs. Nobody was talking to each other and they didn't look particularly well-fed.

:) :) :)

"Resistance is hopeless," S'dist grinned like a shark. "You will work for us now. And you will work hard. When you get out of here... if you get out of here, your parents will see that you have become new persons. Obedient and submissive, like good kids should be. First of all, you'll have no need for your fancy clothes. You'll wear the same as everyone else."

New persons all right...broken ones.

In a flash, Bonek suddenly saw the little elven girl step between her and him. "Leave her alone!" Laska snarled at him. The enraged brute was only more enraged after this show of defiance and took his whip from his belt. In an effort to frighten the child away, he cracked it at her, thinking the girl would shy away or even run. But Laska did not move... not even when she felt the whip biting into her cheek. Bonek was actually taken aback by the girl's defiance. Even though droplets of blood were running from her cheek down her neck, she never took her look of hatred away from him.

"Very well," Bonek finally said and took his baton again. "You will take her punishment upon you, then." Immediately, Bonek grabbed Laska, turned her around and pressed her against the table. Laska grimaced in pain as she felt the baton slam against her back. And again. And again. And again. But Laska kept staring forward in silence... defiant silence to which Bonek to offence. "Dammit, girl! Cry out! CRY OUT!" He increased the force in his blows again and again. Laska shuddered in pain, but otherwise remained silent. Suddenly, Rinkle caught Bonek's hand.

Right, this guy really needs to die.

Guided by Imoen, Laska was led to the barracks. Filthy barracks made up of haphazardly placed cots, itchy and rough blankets and cockroaches running free. Immediately, Laska dropped on her belly in the cot, and, in the private company of friends, she burst out in tears. "It hurts..." she sobbed. "It hurts so much."

Awwww... :cry:

"Chocolate pudding," Imoen sighed once more.

"And they let us eat gruel?" Laska snarled.

I'm not surprised. :(

"We can't escape..." Laska's face fell, "but there may be other ways. Maybe take out the guards?"

"But we're just kids!" Imoen said.

"Maybe, but kids can be very strong," Laska grinned. In silence, they crept back to their bunks.

Vadrak Dekaras: Oh yes, you'd be amazed at what children can do given proper motivation, and something nice and sharp.

Happily, Gorion went to the table where the letters were kept and leafed through the enveloped until he noticed familiar handwriting. He sat down in his seat and opened the envelopes, expecting to read how much fun the kids were having. He wasn't prepared for Imoen's account, though : "Daddydaddydaddy, please let us come home, this place is dirty and the beds are hard and there is no good food and no chocolate and they beat Laska and they make us work in mines and they make us march and clean stuff and make us shout to each other. Still haven't had any marsh mellows. Please please please can I come home?


Aw...that is so Imoen!

Laska's letter was shorted but no less disturbing. "It sucks!


And very Laska. :(

"Wait a minute," Gorion blinked. "What's going one here? Did all of you get these types of letters?"

"Of course," the lady spoke, "and they're all lies."

"But... all of you get these letters stating how horrible that place is?! And none of you thought what could be wrong in this picture?"

Yeah...you'd think they'd wonder. :wink:

"Come on," miss Runa smiled, trying to save face. "Mister Gorion, do you really want your kids to run wild across the countryside, getting into all sorts of adventurers and tattooing every inch of their skin? Our program can prevent that!"

"Lady," Gorion said. "I want my kids to be themselves! If that involves adventure and tattoos, that is their choice. But let it be their choice and theirs alone."

*cheers Gorion*

Laska grimaced in pain as the overseer pulled her arms back and pressed his knee into her back, putting more pressure on the bruises on her back. There was pure hatred in Laska's eyes, put malice. She wanted to kill the overseers, and she would if given the chance. She just hoped Imoen wasn't in the same state. She wouldn't be able to protect her sister from this position.

"That's enough," the thin man called Rinkle sounded from behind. "You can go now. I can handle it from here.


"GO!" Rinkle snapped at the overseer. The overseer nodded, and Rinkle escorted him out. Laska got up and suddenly noticed that Rinkle had that same weird look in his eyes. She also became slightly alarmed when she heard him lock the door.

"My, my, my," Rinkle said, giving her that weird look again. "You are a pretty little girl, aren't you? Yes, a very precious little girl." Rinkle was now standing directly in front of her, towering over the small elf. "You want to keep old Rinkle happy, don't you?"

Vadrak Dekaras: Yes, all of this is disgustingly familiar. But if I know Laska, she'll seize the opportunity when she sees it.

"You little freak," Bonek snarled. "I'm gonna do what I was supposed to do the first time you defied me! No little freak gets the better of me."

But when the enraged Bonek snapped at her with his whip, Laska saw her chance. She took the dagger from her behind her back and sped forward, actually avoiding the whip and diving between Bonek's legs. Not really seeing, she slashed the dagger around wildly, hoping she'd hit something... and she did. With a twang, not one but both tendons in the back of one of his knees were sliced neatly in half. Bonek roared in pain and was felled like a tree, landing neatly on top of the track.

Vadrak Dekaras: Now that is a good move. I've used it myself on occasion. Very useful. Not to mention satisfying under the circumstances.

The on-looking kids gazed upon the spectacle of the fallen Bonek with silent fascination. The sight of the fallen brute sent a message of hope through their very beings : Their masters weren't invincible! One by one, they picked up sticks, shovels and other mining tools, and as one, they menacingly set up the remaining overseers.

"P-please don't hurt us!" one of the overseers yelled out as the trembling overseers knew it was all over.

Freedom! :cry:

Gorion was upon him, grabbed him by the color and pushed him back into the wall. "Pathetic piece of filth! Try to pick on someone your own size!" Again, Gorion picked the now weeping man and slammed him face-first into the wall, after which he slid down to the floor unconscious.

Vadrak Dekaras: Now, personally I think I would have preferred to grab him by his *colon*...but to each his own, I suppose.

"I should tell you that," Scar said with a hushed voice, "that the man Bonek who your daughter attacked is dead. He bled to death in the mine, but if even a fraction of the stories these poor kids told are true, that's not a big loss."

"I see," Gorion nodded. "Please do me a favor and don't tell Laska. She's too young to have to deal with this."

Yeah...better this way.

Gorion then stared out the windows and saw Laska and Imoen throwing a frisbee around. "And give those who want to stay to have some fun the time of their lives. They've earned it."

Awww.... :P


"Please come back, Big-Ears," Imoen said. "I love you... We all love you..."

The pink-haired mage let her tears drop on Laska's cheek. "Here," Imoen said and took a ratty looking rag-doll from a hidden pouch in her belt, "I've kept Dolly all these years. She kept me safe... Let her watch over you tonight." That said, Imoen tucked in her sister and pressed Dolly against her cheek. Taking a last moment to kiss Laska's forehead, Imoen returned to her own cot, hoping to catch some sleep herself before they would have to move again.

*sniffle* That was utterly heartbreaking. :cry: Very well written!
Rogues do it from behind.

#4 Weyoun

Posted 14 July 2003 - 10:53 PM

You're going to have to excuse me from commenting. I'm going to go into the corner and have a little sob.

I know what you. I've had all sorts of emotions going through me while writing this.

That was beautiful. I just wish you had the power to make what you've written here could happen in reality.

Thank you. I wish the kids would be able to take their own freedom in those camps... and that their parents will finally awake from their propaganda incuded stupour.

Thanks for commenting,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#5 Weyoun

Posted 14 July 2003 - 11:03 PM

The stories containing some measure of darkness are usually very good. :) Oh yes, parts of it put Dekkie in a very filthy mood...but he did seem to enjoy the ending.

I'm not surprised. :) He went through a simular expereince while young, after all. :cry:

Yeah, you'd think so, wouldn't you?

Truth be told, he should have researched a bit better. :cry:

Rini: I bet you told him it was an accident, huh? That's what *I* always told him. He didn't believe me either...

Laska : It really was an accident! I only took that lamp into the barn to read in the dark! I swear it was a book on, um, biology... Yeah, that's it, biology... :x

I have a feeling it'll look less than pleasant up close...

You be feeling right. :lol:

:( :) :)

Imagine living in such a camp. :lol:

New persons all right...broken ones.


Right, this guy really needs to die.

You said it.

I'm not surprised. :(

Stupid bastards. I bet the overseers in the real WWASP camps eat much better than the kids who pay their salary do. :lol:

Vadrak Dekaras: Oh yes, you'd be amazed at what children can do given proper motivation, and something nice and sharp.

Indeed. Kids will always surprise you.

Aw...that is so Imoen!

And very Laska. :(

LOL! Quick and to the point... Or to the point, but on a sugar-rush. :P

Yeah...you'd think they'd wonder. :wink:

I don't know what kind of morons would fall for such a ploy. But obviously htey don't know their own children. Real parents wouldn't send their kids to something like a 'behavioural modification program'.

*cheers Gorion*

YAY! :cry:

Vadrak Dekaras: Yes, all of this is disgustingly familiar. But if I know Laska, she'll seize the opportunity when she sees it.

Oh, yes. And he provided her with a dagger. :cry:

Vadrak Dekaras: Now that is a good move. I've used it myself on occasion. Very useful. Not to mention satisfying under the circumstances.

She's not an experienced fighter yet. In fact, she only got a lucky shot it, but even so she could have done a lot of damage with that dagger. :cry:

Freedom! :x

*grins evilly* Payback time! :cry:

Vadrak Dekaras: Now, personally I think I would have preferred to grab him by his *colon*...but to each his own, I suppose.

But isn't the colon inside... Oooooohhh, I see. :cry: Bit messy, though. :cry:

Yeah...better this way.


*sniffle* That was utterly heartbreaking. :x Very well written!

Thanks! It was so hard to write I'm taking a short break, though...

Thanks for commenting,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#6 Arcalian

Posted 15 July 2003 - 12:49 AM

There are no words.

*hugs Weyoun*
The road to the abyss may be paved with good intentions, but it is those with bad intentions that race down that road as fast as they can.

#7 Guest_Userunfriendly_*

Posted 15 July 2003 - 07:52 AM


"We're gonna run through the woods!" Laska yelled out.

nakkid??? :wink:

"Look at birds and throw nuts at squirrels!" Imoen grinned.

boo: squeek...eeeeeeekkkkk!!! chitter, chitter!

"Because you blew up the barn last week," Gorion said, crossing his arms.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The two excited girls ran up the stairs to pack their things. Quick as a flash, the girls tossed clothes and their stash of candy into their suitcases and ran down again... only to have Gorion repack their suitcases so that half of their contents weren't sticking out on the side. Imoen made special care to carefully pack her little rag doll 'Dolly', a soft knitted puppet with a white cloth for a dress and buttons for eyes. Imoen loved the doll, even though it was almost as old as she was, and couldn't sleep without it.

so cute!!!!!!!! :(

"Two swords and a set of bullwhips?" Gorion asked the driver. "Are you always this heavily armed? You are merely transporting children."

bullwhips!!! clue number one!

Imoen gave another observation. "Hey, look at the kids," she said. "Nobody's talking to each other!" Indeed, the children, some as young as twelve, others looking seventeen, were staring blanking in front of them, not seeing their surroundings. They were all wearing the same bland grey clothes. Some were covered with soot, others were grimy. Most of them had strange welts on their arms and what was exposed of their backs. Nobody was talking to each other and they didn't look particularly well-fed.

:) :) :(

"Imoen," Laska whispered. "Hide your Dolly under your clothes."

good instincts!!!

Finally, the group of men were standing in front of her. The middle man was a scrawny looking weasel with a moustache and a sardonic smile who dressed like a fop. The man on the right was huge and muscular and carried a whip. The man on the left, however, was long and thin, and carried several batons on his belt. Laska noticed he was also looking at her in a rather odd way.

SCUMBUCKET!!!!! DIE!! DIE!!! oh for a jar of honey and some rope and a anthill! or a vat of oil! or....you get the idea!

"HAH!" Bonek said, unlocked his whip and lashed it in front of Laska's feet making Imoen yelp. "You little liar! You don't look a day over twelve. You're a scrawny little thing, aren't you? Not been finishing your plate?"


"I am 19!" Laska hissed. "It's because I'm an elf, assmunch!"

yay! that's our lasky!

"Watch it, you little freak!" Bonek snarled and roughly picked Laska up by her wrapping both arms around her waist and hoisted her in the air. "Or I'll snap your scrawny body in two." Laska grimaced as she felt the pressure of his squeezing hands cramming against her midriff. Then, Laska was suddenly unceremoniously dropped to the ground. Immediately, Imoen was at her side, and both girls looked up at their captors.

SCUMBUCKET!!!! DIE!!!!....you know the rest!

"Resistance is hopeless," S'dist grinned like a shark. "You will work for us now. And you will work hard. When you get out of here... if you get out of here, your parents will see that you have become new persons. Obedient and submissive, like good kids should be. First of all, you'll have no need for your fancy clothes. You'll wear the same as everyone else."

say, weyoun, just how hard was it for you to NOT write "resistance is futile"??? :( :) :)

"Silence!" Bonek snarled and cracked the whip in front of Imoen's feet. Poor Imoen yelped and started to sniffle. Immediately, Laska stood between Imoen and the three tyrants.

I sure hope the fist took the opportunity to whip those SCUMSUCKERS with their own whips!!!

But at the moment, they were having communal dinner at the shabby dinner hall. It smelled musty and all the tables wobbled. But the food was the most horrible. It was a grayish goo making sucking sounds when prodded. It tasted horribly to say the least.


"What?!" Bonek roared. "You want SUGAR?! Our delicious gruel has everything little girls need to grew : salt, and soybeans! Lotsa soybeans. And pieces of shredded old rope for flavor!"

is it suppose to be tofu? actually fried tofu, with some soysauce and vineger is very good...you never had it cooked right, weyoun....

"Well, well, well," Bonek snarled. "It seems we have a spoilt little brat here. Oh, our divine food isn't good enough for our little princess, ey? Wadda you say," he took a baton from his belt, "we should punish this little prissy girl, no?"

Ooooo...I hope the fist fed him his baton...or the soymeal mush...that would be poetic justice!!!

In a flash, Bonek suddenly saw the little elven girl step between her and him. "Leave her alone!" Laska snarled at him. The enraged brute was only more enraged after this show of defiance and took his whip from his belt. In an effort to frighten the child away, he cracked it at her, thinking the girl would shy away or even run. But Laska did not move... not even when she felt the whip biting into her cheek. Bonek was actually taken aback by the girl's defiance. Even though droplets of blood were running from her cheek down her neck, she never took her look of hatred away from him.

thats our lasky!!!

"Very well," Bonek finally said and took his baton again. "You will take her punishment upon you, then." Immediately, Bonek grabbed Laska, turned her around and pressed her against the table. Laska grimaced in pain as she felt the baton slam against her back. And again. And again. And again. But Laska kept staring forward in silence... defiant silence to which Bonek to offence. "Dammit, girl! Cry out! CRY OUT!" He increased the force in his blows again and again. Laska shuddered in pain, but otherwise remained silent. Suddenly, Rinkle caught Bonek's hand.

DIE!!! DIE!!!

Guided by Imoen, Laska was led to the barracks. Filthy barracks made up of haphazardly placed cots, itchy and rough blankets and cockroaches running free. Immediately, Laska dropped on her belly in the cot, and, in the private company of friends, she burst out in tears. "It hurts..." she sobbed. "It hurts so much."

she never lets the enemy see her hurt or cry... :P :cry: :cry:

"Don't worry," a boy whispered from another bunk. "You'll get used to it. It won't hurt this much again after a while."

:cry: :cry: :cry:

"That's what I thought of my parents," Haron sighed. "I ask them to get me out of here every time... but they never do. They just don't care."

those parents should be divorced from their kids!!!!!!!!
they either don't care, or are stupid beyond comprehension...
why isn't amnesty international on this case???!!!!!

And when the day was done, the overseers did a marvelous job at getting the children to shout and curse at each other. It was easy to do, since the kids were all frustrated and tired to begin with, and it stripped away the last bit of dignity some of them had left.

I think this was the part about camp tranquilized(parents) that offended me the most...the redicule and mocking and "encouraging" the kids to turn each other in...that just about made me hurl...

"It's true... maybe we've just been too bad and he put us here to get rid of us," Laska sniffed.

my god... :cry: :cry: :cry:



"Chocolate pudding," Imoen sighed once more.

don't much care for sweets either...but the ham and chicken...

"More money for us," S'dist grinned. "Yes, yes, those fools. They let their kids stay here for 80 gold a day. They're our slaves to do with as we please and their parents pay us for it! Pretty good deal if you ask me."

idiot parents..God, I HOPE the parents are idiots, the alternative doesn't bear thinking....

"Oh, we have our marketing-guys at the Baldur's Gate office to make sure to dumb down the parents enough to keep those kids here for years," the director grinned. "They won't be the wiser and we'll make a bundle!"

runa in the story could be using charm spell...

in this world, the parents have no excuses, NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"But is it wise to give them shovels and pickaxes and mining tools?" the overseer asked. "There are only ten of us and over a hundred of them."

be afraid, be very afraid!!!!

"Maybe, but kids can be very strong," Laska grinned. In silence, they crept back to their bunks.


"Ah, sir!" miss Runa smiled her even more plasticy smile here. "Do not worry, sir. City children are often shocked to have to wing it in the woods and want to come back as quickly as possible. Do not worry, sir, these are just manipulative lies designed to play on your emotions."

so those IDIOTIC parents believe the words of a stranger over their own kids??? :x :x :x

"Oh, here we go," the merchant chuckled. "I'm sure. My kid's been there for almost a year and he's still lying about it being a horrible place. He's a tenacious busybody."

get a grip!!!! moron!!!

"Wait a minute," Gorion blinked. "What's going one here? Did all of you get these types of letters?"


"I am worried about my children!" Gorion snarled. "And I am suddenly getting the feeling that you've been pulling the wool over my eyes and that of my fellow parents here!"


"Overseer?" the little girl Yvonne asked carefully. "Why did you throw those rusty nails there at the mine-entrance? We have to walk there and Boida already stepped in one of them twice."

oh crap, she could get lockjaw...tetnas...

Faced with so much ignorance, Gorion finally lost his temper. "Are you blind?! Did all of you get letters about beatings and hard labor? And you don't think anything's wrong with that?!"

stupidity, not ignorance

"Lady," Gorion said. "I want my kids to be themselves! If that involves adventure and tattoos, that is their choice. But let it be their choice and theirs alone."


Before leaving the door, he turned around and looked at the flabbergasted parents one more time. "MORONS!" he shouted into the room.


"My, my, my," Rinkle said, giving her that weird look again. "You are a pretty little girl, aren't you? Yes, a very precious little girl." Rinkle was now standing directly in front of her, towering over the small elf. "You want to keep old Rinkle happy, don't you?"

DIE!!!! DIE!!!! DIE!!!! yay! he does die at the end!!!!

With all the speed that her elven kin was blessed with, Laska tore the dagger from the sheath and slammed it down, impaling Rinkle's foot and pinning it to the floor. Rinkle screamed in pain, but was quickly silenced when Laska slammed one of the overseer's left batons into his jaw.

WHOO HOOO!!! that's our girl!!!

"Work harder, you little freaks, damn you!" Bonek shouted as he cracked his whip at the children in the mine like the wretched sadist he was. Of all the overseers, he was the one who enjoyed his job the most.

shove that whip up his (deleted)!!!

But when the enraged Bonek snapped at her with his whip, Laska saw her chance. She took the dagger from her behind her back and sped forward, actually avoiding the whip and diving between Bonek's legs. Not really seeing, she slashed the dagger around wildly, hoping she'd hit something... and she did. With a twang, not one but both tendons in the back of one of his knees were sliced neatly in half. Bonek roared in pain and was felled like a tree, landing neatly on top of the track.

yay!!! he will NEVER walk again!!!

"This," she said, raising the pick-axe over her head with superhuman strength, "is for all the kids you hurt!" Then, she slammed it down. Bonek screamed as he suddenly found himself impaled through the shoulder, pinning him to the track. He moaned in pain, but could no longer put up a fight.


The on-looking kids gazed upon the spectacle of the fallen Bonek with silent fascination. The sight of the fallen brute sent a message of hope through their very beings : Their masters weren't invincible! One by one, they picked up sticks, shovels and other mining tools, and as one, they menacingly set up the remaining overseers.

I hope the real kids of tranquilty island understand they hold the real power, and take back their dignity...

"Well, sir," one of the soldier said, "there seem to be grown-ups tied to that totem-pole."

who's got a match????

Gorion noticed that Laska hissed in pain after he felt her back. Softly, Gorion lifted the back of Laska's shirt and grimaced when he noticed welts and bruises all over her little back.


Gorion was upon him, grabbed him by the color and pushed him back into the wall. "Pathetic piece of filth! Try to pick on someone your own size!" Again, Gorion picked the now weeping man and slammed him face-first into the wall, after which he slid down to the floor unconscious.

more please!!!

"I should tell you that," Scar said with a hushed voice, "that the man Bonek who your daughter attacked is dead. He bled to death in the mine, but if even a fraction of the stories these poor kids told are true, that's not a big loss."

none what so ever..I bet the kids remember lasky in their prayers every night!

"Me and my men have some leave-time accumulated," Scar said, "and with the overseers to do the work for us, we can have them tear down the fences and clean up the place so we can actually turn this place into an actual vacation-camp. Of course, we'll give the kids the overseers barracks. At least they'll have some fun out of it."

and make them wear the aweful convict clothes, and eat the soy gruel, and work them...and beat them with the whips!!! poetic justice!!!

The pink-haired mage let her tears drop on Laska's cheek. "Here," Imoen said and took a ratty looking rag-doll from a hidden pouch in her belt, "I've kept Dolly all these years. She kept me safe... Let her watch over you tonight." That said, Imoen tucked in her sister and pressed Dolly against her cheek. Taking a last moment to kiss Laska's forehead, Imoen returned to her own cot, hoping to catch some sleep herself before they would have to move again.

wow...what a roller coaster ride!!!

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked the story.

great episode, one of your best ones ever!!!!

Anyway, I'll take a break from writing for a couple of days. This was as much an emotional rollercoaster for me, which is one of the reasons. Another one is the massive heat wave hitting holland for a couple of days soon, so I'll probably be too dead by heat to write anyway.

massive heatwave in seattle too...its too hot...pant, pant!!!

I hope that the next part will finally be an Alone in the Dark. I've been meaning to pick up the Vierna story again to finally finished it.


Have a nice day,

#8 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 15 July 2003 - 03:06 PM

"Now, now, girls, calm down," Gorion smiled. "The folder said that it's a fun camp for kids. Educational and soothing, yet fun. I figured you'd like to get away from the keep for two months, and it's good for you to meet kids your age to talk to instead of the monks and guards living here."

Uh-Oh... don't trust the folder, Gorion...

"Well," Gorion said, "it's a place at the edge of Cloakwood called Camp Peaceful. According to the brochure it has a large lake, a private forest, luxurious bunk-buildings, high-quality food and competent caretakers. I think I can entrust them with you."

Have you checked them personally, Gorion? Argh... where's a skilled Diviner when you need one?

"No excuses, young lady," Gorion smiled. "You look after your little sister when you two are gone. This'll be the first time you'll be on your own, so you might even learn some responsibility."

"Awww, responsibility sucks!" Laska pouted.

Too bad she never ever learned it, regardless of how Gorion tried...

The two excited girls ran up the stairs to pack their things. Quick as a flash, the girls tossed clothes and their stash of candy into their suitcases and ran down again... only to have Gorion repack their suitcases so that half of their contents weren't sticking out on the side. Imoen made special care to carefully pack her little rag doll 'Dolly', a soft knitted puppet with a white cloth for a dress and buttons for eyes. Imoen loved the doll, even though it was almost as old as she was, and couldn't sleep without it.

Ah... brings back the memories of my old teddybear... gods, how I miss him... :)

"Two swords and a set of bullwhips?" Gorion asked the driver. "Are you always this heavily armed? You are merely transporting children."

Swords I understand, bullwhip I don't.

"Bandits," was all he said. "Been drivin' me crazy. Got some sticks here too to beat them with."

Hmm. A peculiar explanation.

Over his shoulder, the children gasped with joy. The camp was in the distance looming before them. They could see the lake and the wooden buildings. And the huge field with the picknicktables, and the playground... and the campfire pits. Laska and Imoen where quickly whispering to each other what they were going to do first.

Reminds me of an episode from The Simpsons where Bart and Lisa are sent to Camp Krusty...

But in her mind, Laska was already planning escape. She had never been in a truly dangerous situation before now, and truth be told she found it a little exciting... but she worried more for Imoen.

I see nothing exciting there, only very depressing in those last paragraphs... I guess Laska is just ever the optimist.

In a flash, Bonek suddenly saw the little elven girl step between her and him. "Leave her alone!" Laska snarled at him. The enraged brute was only more enraged after this show of defiance and took his whip from his belt. In an effort to frighten the child away, he cracked it at her, thinking the girl would shy away or even run. But Laska did not move... not even when she felt the whip biting into her cheek. Bonek was actually taken aback by the girl's defiance. Even though droplets of blood were running from her cheek down her neck, she never took her look of hatred away from him.

He raised a hand against a defenseless child... he must die and burn in the Abyss.

Guided by Imoen, Laska was led to the barracks. Filthy barracks made up of haphazardly placed cots, itchy and rough blankets and cockroaches running free. Immediately, Laska dropped on her belly in the cot, and, in the private company of friends, she burst out in tears. "It hurts..." she sobbed. "It hurts so much."


"Almost a year," Haron sighed, leaving Imoen cold with fear.

No wonder they have all become like... well, Xan. :)

Together, both sisters crept as quietly as a mouse through the dark corridors of the barracks until they stood outside. The barracks wasn't guarded, but it was soon revealed they didn't have too : the guard-tower was manned at night. The two children quickly hid behind a couple of trash cans while the guard looked their way before returning to his rounds. Disappointed, the children were about to go back until they spotted light coming from one of the windows in the overseer building. Not being able to resist their curiosity, the sisters crept over to it, doing their best to avoid being spotted. When they finally peeked into the window, they saw director S'dist having dinner with Bonek and Rinkle.

"Chicken!" Laska licked her lips when she saw their dinner-table.

"Chocolate pudding!" Imoen sighed.

"Cooked Ham."

"Chocolate pudding!" Imoen sighed again.


"Chocolate pudding," Imoen sighed once more.

"And they let us eat gruel?" Laska snarled.

Ah, I'm having the Simpson flashbacks again...

Happily, Gorion went to the table where the letters were kept and leafed through the enveloped until he noticed familiar handwriting. He sat down in his seat and opened the envelopes, expecting to read how much fun the kids were having. He wasn't prepared for Imoen's account, though : "Daddydaddydaddy, please let us come home, this place is dirty and the beds are hard and there is no good food and no chocolate and they beat Laska and they make us work in mines and they make us march and clean stuff and make us shout to each other. Still haven't had any marsh mellows. Please please please can I come home?


Laska's letter was shorted but no less disturbing. "It sucks!


Well, stupid Homer and Marge did not believe their children's letters...

"Ah, sir!" miss Runa smiled her even more plasticy smile here. "Do not worry, sir. City children are often shocked to have to wing it in the woods and want to come back as quickly as possible. Do not worry, sir, these are just manipulative lies designed to play on your emotions."

Hmm... speaking a manipulative lies...

"I am worried about my children!" Gorion snarled. "And I am suddenly getting the feeling that you've been pulling the wool over my eyes and that of my fellow parents here!"

Yuor fellow parents deserve a lightning bolts and fireballs in their faces... there is absolutely no excuse for such negligence.

"N-now, sir," miss Runa clearly wasn't expecting some other person than an easily manipulated fop or an overworked parent, "p-please calm down. We're really helping your kids! You won't recognize them when they get back!"

"That's what I'm afraid of!" Gorion said and stood up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get my kids back from your camp of horrors!"

Yay, and please hurry up!

"Come on," miss Runa smiled, trying to save face. "Mister Gorion, do you really want your kids to run wild across the countryside, getting into all sorts of adventurers and tattooing every inch of their skin? Our program can prevent that!"

"Lady," Gorion said. "I want my kids to be themselves! If that involves adventure and tattoos, that is their choice. But let it be their choice and theirs alone."

Theo: Well said, dad! (I wonder if he approves of me sleeping with my designed 'guardian', though?)

Still, he had no idea where the camp was, only that it was somewhere in the woods north-east of Beregost. Then, a casual glance at a children's boutique ended with him being pressed with both hands and cheek against the glance : in the boutique, the play tunics of both his daughters were displaying in the window.


Imoen, in the meantime, broke her cover and ran out the door, being quick to push it shut, insert the key and twisted it locked. Finally she stuck out her tongue at the door as the director started banging on it.

Nice going Immy!

Still, Laska saw her chance, especially since the man was apparently busy thinking of... something else. Puzzled, Laska wondered why the man had just asked her if he could rub her tummy. The distraction was adequate though.

Shit, that bastard is a sick paedophile... I gotta admire your courage in writing this, I am not sure if I would be able to do this.

But when the enraged Bonek snapped at her with his whip, Laska saw her chance. She took the dagger from her behind her back and sped forward, actually avoiding the whip and diving between Bonek's legs. Not really seeing, she slashed the dagger around wildly, hoping she'd hit something... and she did. With a twang, not one but both tendons in the back of one of his knees were sliced neatly in half. Bonek roared in pain and was felled like a tree, landing neatly on top of the track.

Ouch... and YAY!

"I know who's the culprit," Gorion grinned, then took off and sped down the hill... But a pair of sharp eyes spotted him first. Laska, who was standing by Imoen at the table, tugged at her sister's shirt. Imoen, her mouth covered with chocolate pudding, seemed annoyed at having her dinner disturbed, but when she stopped Gorion it was all okay.

Heh, and another flashback from that episode of Simpsons where Bart leads the revolt and overtakes the camp...

"I should tell you that," Scar said with a hushed voice, "that the man Bonek who your daughter attacked is dead. He bled to death in the mine, but if even a fraction of the stories these poor kids told are true, that's not a big loss."

:) I feel so much better now.

"Please come back, Big-Ears," Imoen said. "I love you... We all love you..."

The pink-haired mage let her tears drop on Laska's cheek. "Here," Imoen said and took a ratty looking rag-doll from a hidden pouch in her belt, "I've kept Dolly all these years. She kept me safe... Let her watch over you tonight." That said, Imoen tucked in her sister and pressed Dolly against her cheek. Taking a last moment to kiss Laska's forehead, Imoen returned to her own cot, hoping to catch some sleep herself before they would have to move again.

Awww... :(

Anyway, I'll take a break from writing for a couple of days. This was as much an emotional rollercoaster for me, which is one of the reasons. Another one is the massive heat wave hitting holland for a couple of days soon, so I'll probably be too dead by heat to write anyway.

Oh, the heatwave has hit us too... geez, last summer it went on for one and a half-month without a drop of rain. Sucks!

#9 Weyoun

Posted 15 July 2003 - 10:48 PM

There are no words.

You said it. These facilities need to be closed down.

*hugs Weyoun*

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#10 Weyoun

Posted 15 July 2003 - 10:48 PM

nakkid??? :)

You know her well, but she's only about 19 years old (human equivalent : 12), so she's not entered that phase yet. :)

:( :lol: :lol:

She didn't know that barrel was loaded! :D Really! :D

so cute!!!!!!!! :(

*smile* A sad contrast.

good instincts!!!

They would have taken the doll away, naturally. :)

SCUMBUCKET!!!!! DIE!! DIE!!! oh for a jar of honey and some rope and a anthill! or a vat of oil! or....you get the idea!

Cool! Can I watch?! :D


We could sell tickets! :D

yay! that's our lasky!

Yep. Laska is Laska is Laska. :)

SCUMBUCKET!!!! DIE!!!!....you know the rest!

I've got a fair idea. :)

say, weyoun, just how hard was it for you to NOT write "resistance is futile"??? :( :( :)

Not that hard, really. The Borg used to be cool, but that dumb Seven of Nine ruined them for me.

I sure hope the fist took the opportunity to whip those SCUMSUCKERS with their own whips!!!

LOL! Again, we need to sell tickets. :)


Yep, it's supposed to be low protien food to lower resistance. :(

is it suppose to be tofu? actually fried tofu, with some soysauce and vineger is very good...you never had it cooked right, weyoun....

Errggg... Forget about that fake stuff. I'm a meateater by heart and I prefer the real thing. :) Even if it's veal... Yum, yum. :)

Ooooo...I hope the fist fed him his baton...or the soymeal mush...that would be poetic justice!!!

MAybe he should have that baton shoved where the sun don't shine. :) Especially if it's the new long one with the side handle. :D

thats our lasky!!!

*grin* Go, Laska! :D

she never lets the enemy see her hurt or cry... :) :( :(

Nope. She never wants to let the enemy know how strong or weak she is if it can be avoided. A lesson she learned early.

those parents should be divorced from their kids!!!!!!!!
they either don't care, or are stupid beyond comprehension...
why isn't amnesty international on this case???!!!!!

Well, I've heard many papers did exposes and the camp survivors lawsuits against them are pouring in. Maybe the parents will wake up now.

I think this was the part about camp tranquilized(parents) that offended me the most...the redicule and mocking and "encouraging" the kids to turn each other in...that just about made me hurl...

What about the idiots who fork over 30000 bucks to have their kid forcefully abducted from their home.

my god... :( :( :(



Sounds good to me, though. :) But then again, I live at the coasttown which has one of the biggest fishing harbors of the country. :D

idiot parents..God, I HOPE the parents are idiots, the alternative doesn't bear thinking....

Someparents send their kids to TB to be 'rid of them', I'm sure that happens too. :(

runa in the story could be using charm spell...

in this world, the parents have no excuses, NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MAkes you want to knock some sense into them, doesn't it?

so those IDIOTIC parents believe the words of a stranger over their own kids??? :x :x :x

That wonders me too. I guess there really is a sucker born every minute.

get a grip!!!! moron!!!

He's dummer than a rock and twice as ugly. :)


Easily molded idiots. :(

stupidity, not ignorance

Well said.


I have some harsher swearwords in mind for them :) :) :)

DIE!!!! DIE!!!! DIE!!!! yay! he does die at the end!!!!

Does he? No, that was Bonek. Rinkle gets to spend the next 30 years in hard labor in the salt mines. :) I think death is too good for him.

WHOO HOOO!!! that's our girl!!!


shove that whip up his (deleted)!!!

Yeah! Sideways! :D

yay!!! he will NEVER walk again!!!

Nope. Unless he's Deadman Walking. :D

I hope the real kids of tranquilty island understand they hold the real power, and take back their dignity...

I'm afraid a riot like at the Porta Rican facility can't be done. There were a 25:1 kid-to-overseer ratio there, but TB sadly has a near 1:1 ratio. Let's just hope the parents will wake up in time to save what's left of their children's minds.

who's got a match????

Darn, I know there was a reason for smoking. I wish I had know that I'd be setting fire on overseers, or I might have started years ago and would have been carrying matches. :D Now it's too late. ;)


Well said.

more please!!!

*nods* He'll be digging for salt next to Rinkle. :)

none what so ever..I bet the kids remember lasky in their prayers every night!

Well said.

and make them wear the aweful convict clothes, and eat the soy gruel, and work them...and beat them with the whips!!! poetic justice!!!

LOL! That reminds me. When the Porto Rican facility was closed, the authorities seized their computers and arrested the director, putting him on charges of human rights violations, torture both mental and physical. When one of the camp survivors was asked what the most appropriate penalty would be, he said 'Well, just put him in here for a couple of years.' :)

wow...what a roller coaster ride!!!

Thanks. Writing it wasn't easy.

great episode, one of your best ones ever!!!!

That means a lot. Thank you very much.

massive heatwave in seattle too...its too hot...pant, pant!!!

It's absolutely crazy here. When you're used to 20-25 summers, 25-35 is absolute murder. :(

Thanks for commenting,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#11 Weyoun

Posted 15 July 2003 - 10:49 PM

Uh-Oh... don't trust the folder, Gorion...

Well said. :(

Have you checked them personally, Gorion? Argh... where's a skilled Diviner when you need one?

He just can't imagine anyone would hurt children in this way, like many parents can't. :(

Too bad she never ever learned it, regardless of how Gorion tried...

LOL! Responsible and LAska simply don't mix. :( And they never will, rest assured. :(

Ah... brings back the memories of my old teddybear... gods, how I miss him... :)

I kept all my stuffed animals. I still collect some I like. There's a stuffed turtle sitting on my computer right now...

Well, not right now, I have to take if off for the heatwave. :(

Swords I understand, bullwhip I don't.

It's intimidation technique. Ever seen Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?

Hmm. A peculiar explanation.

I'd say. :)

Reminds me of an episode from The Simpsons where Bart and Lisa are sent to Camp Krusty...

Actually, that was a big inspiration for this story. I had to realmsify Tranquility Bay, and the idea of a summercamp came to mind.

I see nothing exciting there, only very depressing in those last paragraphs... I guess Laska is just ever the optimist.

Laska's getting her first sense of danger. Of course, she'll be eating those words soon. :(

He raised a hand against a defenseless child... he must die and burn in the Abyss.

The Abyss is too good for him. Toss him into the pit of obvlivion.

No wonder they have all become like... well, Xan. :(

I'll say. What do they have to live for? :(

Ah, I'm having the Simpson flashbacks again...

No doubt the TB overseers eat better than the kids as well. :(

Well, stupid Homer and Marge did not believe their children's letters...

In the end, they did. And Homer again gained his weight. :)

Speaking of the Simpsons, you mentioned the later seasons went downhill? Hmm, I think it's the other way around : The simpons, imo, got really good from season 7 onward and becomes better every season. More wackyness is added every season.

I think the turning point was the episode where Homer joins the Stonecutters. One of the best episodes ever, right next to 'Maggie makes three' and 'King-size Homer'. :)

Hmm... speaking a manipulative lies...

They should put miss Runa on the block so that little kids can throw rotten eggs at her. :)

Yuor fellow parents deserve a lightning bolts and fireballs in their faces... there is absolutely no excuse for such negligence.


Yay, and please hurry up!

He's going! :)

Theo: Well said, dad! (I wonder if he approves of me sleeping with my designed 'guardian', though?)

Ermm... let's call that a grey area. :)

Still, he had no idea where the camp was, only that it was somewhere in the woods north-east of Beregost. Then, a casual glance at a children's boutique ended with him being pressed with both hands and cheek against the glance : in the boutique, the play tunics of both his daughters were displaying in the window.


It was a major clue, though.

Nice going Immy!

Imoen saves the day.

Shit, that bastard is a sick paedophile... I gotta admire your courage in writing this, I am not sure if I would be able to do this.

Actually, one of the WWASP facility director was charged with molesting a few of his students (IE Captives).

Actually, I'm not the first to touch on this subject. Laufey has done so as well, and Silrana also, a long time back, had written upon it, which was very brave of her.

Ouch... and YAY!


:) I feel so much better now.


Oh, the heatwave has hit us too... geez, last summer it went on for one and a half-month without a drop of rain. Sucks!

Tell me about it. Everything's overheating and it's too warm to go outside.

Thanks for commenting,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#12 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 16 July 2003 - 03:35 PM

Ah... brings back the memories of my old teddybear... gods, how I miss him... :roll:

I kept all my stuffed animals. I still collect some I like. There's a stuffed turtle sitting on my computer right now...

Well, not right now, I have to take if off for the heatwave. ;)

Hmm, a turtle. There's a stuffed beaver sitting on my computer... :wink:

Well, stupid Homer and Marge did not believe their children's letters...

In the end, they did. And Homer again gained his weight. :D

Oh, I thought that they found it out only when seeing on TV, the camp already overrun by the children... but I could be mistaken...

Speaking of the Simpsons, you mentioned the later seasons went downhill? Hmm, I think it's the other way around : The simpons, imo, got really good from season 7 onward and becomes better every season. More wackyness is added every season.

Ah, that seems to be my problem - it feels a bit too wacky and there are so many references that I simply don't get, because I spent my childhood 'protected' from the influence of the Western popculture. ;)

Season 11 was where I started to feel a bit dissapointed and I'm afraid that I've lost the interest in the series now.

I think the turning point was the episode where Homer joins the Stonecutters. One of the best episodes ever, right next to 'Maggie makes three' and 'King-size Homer'. :cry:

Yes, all great episodes, my favorites are the 'Springfield Files' - hey, those references I understood... and of course, '22 Short Films about Springfield'... :cry:

#13 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 17 July 2003 - 03:38 AM

Sorry for being quiet all day, but there was a reason. I was writing this story.

Never apologize for time spent writing.

I apologize for the length of this story, and the fact that this is the story that I promised the last time. But this just had to be written. You see, the horrors of Tranquility Bay still haunt my mind regularly, and I hoped to put those thoughts in a story to deal with them. I fear for the poor children who are still in those modern day death camps. Please, check out www.isaccorp.com. They do good work.

It was certainly disturbing to read about a place like that, and I'm glad it moved you to write this. It was a wonderful chapter, and placed in perfect sequence. There was a lot of gloom in it, but thank goodness the kids were okay. Let's pray the Tranquility Bay kids are freed soon as well.

#14 Guest_Dorotea_*

Posted 17 July 2003 - 03:58 PM

Sorry for being quiet all day, but there was a reason. I was writing this story.

I apologize for the length of this story, and the fact that this is the story that I promised the last time. But this just had to be written. You see, the horrors of Tranquility Bay still haunt my mind regularly, and I hoped to put those thoughts in a story to deal with them. I fear for the poor children who are still in those modern day death camps. Please, check out www.isaccorp.com. They do good work.

I can see you were very upset with this ... I did was not there when th Tranquility Bay discussion was going on but I have a fairly good idea of what this was all about.

This story will be dark and light, will contain horrors of abuse and the sweet revenge of spirits never broken by violence. Parts of this tale were very hard for me to write, others were written by me with glee. Anyway, I hope you like the story and I hope it'll make you think.

Sigh. You did. You know - I have a very extensive experience with summer camps - you may say I have spent half of my life as a kid in them. It was very common in Former SU... And the funny part - I never once had a problem with it, or have been mistreated. Looking back I rememeber how much fun it was. In fact my addiction to telling stories must have been nurtured in summer camps. Even with all the walking in pairs and wearing the uniform on parade days and special occasions Ours was blue shorts and white shirt with red 'pioneer' bandana. :lol:. Mind it - my parents were great - they visited me every Saturday bringing all sort of sweets, fruits and clean clothes. In fact that was probably why I never felt lonely ( well - maybe just a little) But the other funny part , now that I am a gown up I never send my son to any overnight camp ... Why? I realise looking back how easy it is to abuse a child there without anybody noticing. Call me paranoid. My husband says I am hurting the kid by being overprotective and not allowing him to have any adventures of his own. Now, where is the golden middle I ask?

Laska was great in dealing with the abusers, and I loved Gorion as investigator - his Harper background fits perfectly.


#15 Weyoun

Posted 17 July 2003 - 10:36 PM

I can see you were very upset with this ... I did was not there when th Tranquility Bay discussion was going on but I have a fairly good idea of what this was all about.

It's a really horrible thing to be confronted with. :lol:

Sigh. You did. You know - I have a very extensive experience with summer camps - you may say I have spent half of my life as a kid in them. It was very common in Former SU... And the funny part - I never once had a problem with it, or have been mistreated. Looking back I rememeber how much fun it was. In fact my addiction to telling stories must have been nurtured in summer camps. Even with all the walking in pairs and wearing the uniform on parade days and special occasions Ours was blue shorts and white shirt with red 'pioneer' bandana. :lol:. Mind it - my parents were great - they visited me every Saturday bringing all sort of sweets, fruits and clean clothes. In fact that was probably why I never felt lonely ( well - maybe just a little) But the other funny part , now that I am a gown up I never send my son to any overnight camp ... Why? I realise looking back how easy it is to abuse a child there without anybody noticing. Call me paranoid. My husband says I am hurting the kid by being overprotective and not allowing him to have any adventures of his own. Now, where is the golden middle I ask?

Well, my mom is pretty protective too. Overly protective some would say. But, as I learned from my own experiences, sometime in the future the protection just won't work anymore and you'll break free. I've noticed that sending kids to summercamp is a common practise in the states, and indeed most camps seem to be staffed with excellent employes, but I never got to shake the idea that is was a dumping ground for parents who wanted tim away from their kids. Experiencing nature through camps isn't really the best was to exprience nature in the first place, imo.

Laska was great in dealing with the abusers, and I loved Gorion as investigator - his Harper background fits perfectly.

*smile* Thank you. Writing this story took a lot out of me, so I'm happy you enjoyed it.

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#16 Weyoun

Posted 17 July 2003 - 10:37 PM

Never apologize for time spent writing.

Thanks. But I almost felt like I had aged a year after writing it. I was so incredibly tired.

It was certainly disturbing to read about a place like that, and I'm glad it moved you to write this. It was a wonderful chapter, and placed in perfect sequence. There was a lot of gloom in it, but thank goodness the kids were okay.

Thank you! It was going to be a standalone story at first, but I just happed to be moved to write it when there was a perfect spot to place it in the main storyline.

Let's pray the Tranquility Bay kids are freed soon as well.

I'm not normally a praying man... as in I don't do it ever. But I guess it won't hurt right now.

Thanks for commenting.
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#17 Weyoun

Posted 17 July 2003 - 10:38 PM

Hmm, a turtle. There's a stuffed beaver sitting on my computer... :lol:

I've got a stuffed moose-head on my wall. Can you beat that? :)

Oh, I thought that they found it out only when seeing on TV, the camp already overrun by the children... but I could be mistaken...

Yep, you're right. :lol:

Ah, that seems to be my problem - it feels a bit too wacky and there are so many references that I simply don't get, because I spent my childhood 'protected' from the influence of the Western popculture. :)

I like wacky, and spotting references is one of my hobbies, so I guess that's why I'm liking it more and more. ;)

Yes, all great episodes, my favorites are the 'Springfield Files' - hey, those references I understood... and of course, '22 Short Films about Springfield'... :)

Oh, that one was great. And the one where the Coyote (voiced by Johnny Cash) was Homer's spirit guide.

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#18 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 18 July 2003 - 01:27 AM


Sorry for being quiet all day, but there was a reason. I was writing this story.

I apologize for the length of this story, and the fact that this is the story that I promised the last time. But this just had to be written. You see, the horrors of Tranquility Bay still haunt my mind regularly, and I hoped to put those thoughts in a story to deal with them. I fear for the poor children who are still in those modern day death camps. Please, check out www.isaccorp.com. They do good work.

This story will be dark and light, will contain horrors of abuse and the sweet revenge of spirits never broken by violence. Parts of this tale were very hard for me to write, others were written by me with glee. Anyway, I hope you like the story and I hope it'll make you think.

It was a beautiful story, Weyoun, and truly brings to life the horrors of such places as Tranquility Bay.

"We're gonna run through the woods!" Laska yelled out.

"Cook marsh mellows over a fire!" Imoen licked her lips.

"Tell ghost stories around a campfire," Laska raved.

"Look at birds and throw nuts at squirrels!" Imoen grinned.

The Wolf: *wags her tail* I love chasing squirrels...

Gorgorath: Ghost stories...sounds fun...

Specter: *drooling* Marshmellows...

"Now, now, girls, calm down," Gorion smiled. "The folder said that it's a fun camp for kids. Educational and soothing, yet fun. I figured you'd like to get away from the keep for two months, and it's good for you to meet kids your age to talk to instead of the monks and guards living here."

*shivers* I have an idea what's coming...

"Imoen," Laska whispered. "Hide your Dolly under your clothes."

"But why?" Imoen asked.

"Just do it!" Laska hissed. "Or you'll never see her again."


"I am 19!" Laska hissed. "It's because I'm an elf, assmunch!"

Damned right! You tell him, Las...

But at the moment, they were having communal dinner at the shabby dinner hall. It smelled musty and all the tables wobbled. But the food was the most horrible. It was a grayish goo making sucking sounds when prodded. It tasted horribly to say the least.

"Awww," Imoen pouted. "Not more of this stuff. It tastes so yucky! I'm gonna ask for some sugar in it."

"Imoen," Laska gagged from her own dinner. "Don't..."

But Imoen was very determined when on a sugar-search and had already approached the hulking Bonek overlooking the kids while they ate in silence, holding up her bowl.

"What?!" Bonek roared. "You want SUGAR?! Our delicious gruel has everything little girls need to grew : salt, and soybeans! Lotsa soybeans. And pieces of shredded old rope for flavor!"

The Wolf: *sniffs at the mush* Dogs wouldn't eat this...

Gorgorath: *grimaces*

Specter: *contemplating eating dirt*

"But... it tastes lousy," Imoen pouted.

In a flash, Bonek suddenly saw the little elven girl step between her and him. "Leave her alone!" Laska snarled at him. The enraged brute was only more enraged after this show of defiance and took his whip from his belt. In an effort to frighten the child away, he cracked it at her, thinking the girl would shy away or even run. But Laska did not move... not even when she felt the whip biting into her cheek. Bonek was actually taken aback by the girl's defiance. Even though droplets of blood were running from her cheek down her neck, she never took her look of hatred away from him.

"Very well," Bonek finally said and took his baton again. "You will take her punishment upon you, then." Immediately, Bonek grabbed Laska, turned her around and pressed her against the table. Laska grimaced in pain as she felt the baton slam against her back. And again. And again. And again. But Laska kept staring forward in silence... defiant silence to which Bonek to offence. "Dammit, girl! Cry out! CRY OUT!" He increased the force in his blows again and again. Laska shuddered in pain, but otherwise remained silent. Suddenly, Rinkle caught Bonek's hand.

Vexk: *bares fangs*

Guided by Imoen, Laska was led to the barracks. Filthy barracks made up of haphazardly placed cots, itchy and rough blankets and cockroaches running free. Immediately, Laska dropped on her belly in the cot, and, in the private company of friends, she burst out in tears. "It hurts..." she sobbed. "It hurts so much."

Vexk: *growls* I'll kill him... *stalks off*

"By the way," Rinkle smiled. "We made a fortune selling those kiddie-clothes to the boutique in Baldur's Gate."

The Wolf: *shakes her head* These are the worst people...

"Come on," miss Runa smiled, trying to save face. "Mister Gorion, do you really want your kids to run wild across the countryside, getting into all sorts of adventurers and tattooing every inch of their skin? Our program can prevent that!"

"Lady," Gorion said. "I want my kids to be themselves! If that involves adventure and tattoos, that is their choice. But let it be their choice and theirs alone."

Go GORION!!! *cheers*

Vexk: *smiles* Tattooed elves...

"GO!" Rinkle snapped at the overseer. The overseer nodded, and Rinkle escorted him out. Laska got up and suddenly noticed that Rinkle had that same weird look in his eyes. She also became slightly alarmed when she heard him lock the door.

"My, my, my," Rinkle said, giving her that weird look again. "You are a pretty little girl, aren't you? Yes, a very precious little girl." Rinkle was now standing directly in front of her, towering over the small elf. "You want to keep old Rinkle happy, don't you?"

Vexk: *snarls, showing all her teeth* Touch her and I'll break you in half.


Gorgorath: *snarls* YEAH!

Specter: *looks sick* D-d-do w-we have t-t-to?

Still, Laska saw her chance, especially since the man was apparently busy thinking of... something else. Puzzled, Laska wondered why the man had just asked her if he could rub her tummy. The distraction was adequate though.

Vexk & The Wolves: *howl*

"No," Laska said. "But maybe this dagger is enough for us to escape. Come on, let's go and close the door behind you."

The Wolf: The canine clean-up crew would be happy to kill him for you...

Gorgorath: *grins*

Specter: I'll get the mop...

"HEY!" Laska shouted defiantly and stared the man down from the entrance of the mine. "Yeah, you! SUCKFACE!"

"What?!" Bonek shouted. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at..."

"Hey, blow it out your ass, maniac!" Laska grinned. "Your days are numbered." The tone in Laska's voice caused all kids to stop working and look for cover.

"You little freak," Bonek snarled. "I'm gonna do what I was supposed to do the first time you defied me! No little freak gets the better of me."

But when the enraged Bonek snapped at her with his whip, Laska saw her chance. She took the dagger from her behind her back and sped forward, actually avoiding the whip and diving between Bonek's legs. Not really seeing, she slashed the dagger around wildly, hoping she'd hit something... and she did. With a twang, not one but both tendons in the back of one of his knees were sliced neatly in half. Bonek roared in pain and was felled like a tree, landing neatly on top of the track.

"You... you little freak!" Bonek yelled out. Once again, pure unadulterated rage from which Laska didn't know the source ran though her being. Laska snarled and picked up a pick-axe.

"This," she said, raising the pick-axe over her head with superhuman strength, "is for all the kids you hurt!" Then, she slammed it down. Bonek screamed as he suddenly found himself impaled through the shoulder, pinning him to the track. He moaned in pain, but could no longer put up a fight.

GO LASKA! *more cheers*

The pink-haired mage let her tears drop on Laska's cheek. "Here," Imoen said and took a ratty looking rag-doll from a hidden pouch in her belt, "I've kept Dolly all these years. She kept me safe... Let her watch over you tonight." That said, Imoen tucked in her sister and pressed Dolly against her cheek. Taking a last moment to kiss Laska's forehead, Imoen returned to her own cot, hoping to catch some sleep herself before they would have to move again.

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked the story.

Anyway, I'll take a break from writing for a couple of days. This was as much an emotional rollercoaster for me, which is one of the reasons. Another one is the massive heat wave hitting holland for a couple of days soon, so I'll probably be too dead by heat to write anyway.

I hope that the next part will finally be an Alone in the Dark. I've been meaning to pick up the Vierna story again to finally finished it.

Have a nice day,

Awwwww... Sweet story. I loved it. It brings new light to the whole Tranquility issue.

Great story,
Loved it,
H'kira n' the Wolf

#19 Weyoun

Posted 18 July 2003 - 09:27 PM

It was a beautiful story, Weyoun, and truly brings to life the horrors of such places as Tranquility Bay.

Let's hope it gets closed down soon.

The Wolf: *wags her tail* I love chasing squirrels...

Gorgorath: Ghost stories...sounds fun...

Specter: *drooling* Marshmellows...

It's not as good as it sounds, lads. :wink:

The Wolf: *sniffs at the mush* Dogs wouldn't eat this...

Gorgorath: *grimaces*

Specter: *contemplating eating dirt*

Well said. Shaved rope has very little nutricional value. :wink:

Vexk: *bares fangs*

Time to kill.

The Wolf: *shakes her head* These are the worst people...

The lowest of the low.

Go GORION!!! *cheers*

Vexk: *smiles* Tattooed elves...

Laska : *grins*

Rose : *snarls* :wink:

Vexk: *snarls, showing all her teeth* Touch her and I'll break you in half.


Gorgorath: *snarls* YEAH!

Specter: *looks sick* D-d-do w-we have t-t-to?

Hey, face it, McDonalds would have us eating human flesh years back if it wouldn't taste lousy. ;)

The Wolf: The canine clean-up crew would be happy to kill him for you...

Gorgorath: *grins*

Specter: I'll get the mop...

You bring the teeth too. :twisted: :wink:

GO LASKA! *more cheers*

*grins evilly*

Awwwww... Sweet story. I loved it. It brings new light to the whole Tranquility issue.

I'm glad. I wanted to make people think.

Great story,
Loved it,
H'kira n' the Wolf

Thanks for commenting,

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#20 Guest_Broken Phoenix_*

Posted 19 July 2003 - 02:47 PM

"Look at birds and throw nuts at squirrels!" Imoen grinned.

*at* them? ;)

"Well," Gorion said, "it's a place at the edge of Cloakwood called Camp Peaceful.

Camp Peaceful, eh?

"Why are you picking on me, dad?!" Laska said defiantly.

"Because you blew up the barn last week," Gorion said, crossing his arms.

Whahahahaha! :?:

"I knew you'd bring that up," Laska looked at the ground.

Um, well, he does have a point there...

"Two swords and a set of bullwhips?" Gorion asked the driver. "Are you always this heavily armed? You are merely transporting children."

"Bandits," was all he said. "Been drivin' me crazy. Got some sticks here too to beat them with."

Um... yes.

The trip took two hours, and the happy children partook in singing a popular kiddy song. "98 vicious orcs on the wall, 98 vicious orcs! If one of those orcs would happen to fall, 97 vicious orcs on the wall!" Laska and Imoen sang fully aloud.

Not made it to the bottles of beer yet? *surprised*
Or hmm, maybe this comes *after* the beer :)

Imoen gave another observation. "Hey, look at the kids," she said. "Nobody's talking to each other!" Indeed, the children, some as young as twelve, others looking seventeen, were staring blanking in front of them, not seeing their surroundings. They were all wearing the same bland grey clothes. Some were covered with soot, others were grimy. Most of them had strange welts on their arms and what was exposed of their backs. Nobody was talking to each other and they didn't look particularly well-fed.

Yes. Very helpful and polite, not at all troublesome teens. Fantastic, isn't it?

"Imoen," Laska whispered. "Hide your Dolly under your clothes."

A flash of insight.

Imoen pouted, quickly too her dolly from her suitcase


"Hello there, children," the man greeted with a fake smile. "I am director S'dist and this," he pointed to the man on the right, "is overseer Bonek. And this," motioned to the left man, "is overseer Rinkle. Your name and age, please."

I would make it J. K. S'dist :)

"Well," S'dist smiled. "It is going to be quite a task to break you two... but they all break down eventually. You'll get with the program soon, and then you'll be who we'll mold you to be. Good, hard and honest workers who'll respond well to authority."

And that's what we all want. That's what makes mankind great, uh-huh. Submissive, hard workers who respond to authority.

"Awww," Imoen pouted. "Not more of this stuff. It tastes so yucky! I'm gonna ask for some sugar in it."

Oliver Twist, anyone?

"But... we can write letters tomorrow," Imoen said. "We can ask our dad to get us out of here! He's a good guy!"

"That's what I thought of my parents," Haron sighed. "I ask them to get me out of here every time... but they never do. They just don't care."

Well, Gorion has brains, in fact. That tends to help in the thinking process.

Sighing, he sat back in his chair... he missed Laska and Imoen and they had only been away for a week. He just consoled himself with the fact that Laska and Imoen must have been having so much fun right now.

And that boring old barn needs reworking :)

"Chicken!" Laska licked her lips when she saw their dinner-table.

"Chocolate pudding!" Imoen sighed.

"Cooked Ham."

"Chocolate pudding!" Imoen sighed again.


"Chocolate pudding," Imoen sighed once more.

:) oh, Imoen!

"By the way," Rinkle smiled. "We made a fortune selling those kiddie-clothes to the boutique in Baldur's Gate."

I thought they had that mine of theirs? :)

"Oh, we have our marketing-guys at the Baldur's Gate office to make sure to dumb down the parents enough to keep those kids here for years," the director grinned. "They won't be the wiser and we'll make a bundle!"

And don't forget that they sent them here for 'education...'

He entered the main hall of a building in the middle of the city, and sat down in the back row. Sadly, he had arrive a bit late so there had been no time for a meet and greet. He looked around, and saw that most of the people here ranged from rich nobles to middle class. In front of the room behind a pedestal stood a blonde woman with a half-convincing plastic smile.

They have plastic in the realms? :) :shock:

Laska's letter was shorted but no less disturbing. "It sucks!



"It just shows how crafty they are!" the merchant snarled.

Oh yes, and *anyone* know that kids who do disturbing things like having boyfriends and wear strange clothes have no heart, soul, spirit or mind to be broken.

"Come on," miss Runa smiled, trying to save face. "Mister Gorion, do you really want your kids to run wild across the countryside, getting into all sorts of adventurers and tattooing every inch of their skin? Our program can prevent that!"

*whistles* you're talking to a man who can shove a fireball somewhere where you wouldn't think it could fit...

Then, a casual glance at a children's boutique ended with him being pressed with both hands and cheek against the glance : in the boutique, the play tunics of both his daughters were displaying in the window.

Now that's a worrying sign if I ever saw one.

Creeping every closer until she could reach it, her little hands reached out and took the key ring right from the belt. Immediately, Imoen ran for the door.

"Hey, what?!" the director shouted. "Come back here, you little brat!"

"YOINK! Not yet, stupid!" :)

"Work harder, you little freaks, damn you!" Bonek shouted as he cracked his whip at the children in the mine like the wretched sadist he was. Of all the overseers, he was the one who enjoyed his job the most.

"HEY!" Laska shouted defiantly and stared the man down from the entrance of the mine. "Yeah, you! SUCKFACE!"

Now that does remind me of Indiana Jones :)

"Ah, ermm," S'Dist gulped. "What be the problem here, officers?"

Gorion was upon him, grabbed him by the color and pushed him back into the wall. "Pathetic piece of filth! Try to pick on someone your own size!" Again, Gorion picked the now weeping man and slammed him face-first into the wall, after which he slid down to the floor unconscious.

Now that's something, for a mage :)

"Me and my men have some leave-time accumulated," Scar said, "and with the overseers to do the work for us, we can have them tear down the fences and clean up the place so we can actually turn this place into an actual vacation-camp. Of course, we'll give the kids the overseers barracks. At least they'll have some fun out of it."

"Leave the kids to decide who wants to stay or go home," Gorion said. "I can imagine plenty of them are sick of this place."

Well yes. Maybe fireball it and show it as the site of a meteor crater?

"Please come back, Big-Ears," Imoen said. "I love you... We all love you..."

*hugs Imoen*

I do hope she'll be alright soon-- or at least partially right... :)

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