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The Nether Scroll Disaster: Part 7

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#1 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 12 July 2003 - 03:35 PM

Sorry for anyone who has been waiting for this…my computer decided to crash on me two days ago, taking all of my recent documents with it. I do make regular back-ups, but I lost everything that I was working on at the time and had to start from the beginning again. So I apologize if this isn’t up to my normal standards, it was rather tiring having to write it all again when I’d almost completed it once!

The Nether Scroll Disaster: Part 7

After spending a while exploring the area, which mainly consisted of rocks, trees and a shallow river, not to mention several packs of goblins, the adventurers finally came across the ruins in the east. A band of orcs were guarding it, but they were easily dispatched.

“This place has an air of evil about it,” Yoshimo said finally. “I think something evil lurks here.”

“I have a feeling that this could be where that bastard is hiding out,” Kane agreed. “You’re right with about the air of evil, but we’re going in anyway. If there’s even a chance that he’s in there, we’re going in after him.”

Just inside the entrance were several hobgoblins and a large orog who appeared to be the leader.

“You early!” it grunted. “Troops need kick in arse to get ready! Firkraag be warned, though I think he not care!”

“So Firkraag is here!” Benny drew his sword as the hobgoblins attacked. “You tell him that we’ll be coming for him!”

The orog merely grunted again and disappeared down the corridor, leaving the party to fight the monsters. When they tried to follow it, they came across yet more hobgoblins and some kobolds that burst into flame when they were hit. At the side of the room was a large hole, a hole that seemed to go on and on, fading into blackness. It looked as though some large creature dug and burnt its way down many years before. The faint stench of carrion drifted up from somewhere below.

“It looks like that hole we saw at the temple in the Umar Hills,” Cory broke the silence that hung over the cavern. “The one that the dragon made.”

Kagain nodded silently and, edging forward, he kicked at a pebble lying next to the hole. It dropped over the edge and fell; a moment later the party clearly heard a loud and indignant snort.

“There be something down there,” he said, taking care to keep his voice low for a change. “Firkraag got ‘imself a guardian no doubt.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me if he had a whole damn orc army down there,” Kane shrugged and moved away from the pit. “That’s not going to stop me going after him, but we should take care. We don’t want to end up hurt before we can reach him.”

They made their way further into the ruins, fighting more orcs, the occasional troll and even a couple of dusty stone golems that seemed to have been there for years. But they were all experienced enough at fighting that these things gave them little trouble. They passed through an area that looked as though it had been a prison and another that had once been a kitchen. The whole place was cold and damp and the smell of rotting wood and flesh was heavy in the area. Bones, wood and pieces of stone, both large and small, littered the floor and it was a constant effort for some of them to avoid stumbling, especially in the near darkness of the ruins. Nevertheless they persisted, determined to reach Firkraag.

Vampires were the most difficult thing the party encountered, mostly because of their ability to drain strength. Edwina and Viconia summoned monsters forth and sent them forward to hold the vampires back, then the wizard hit them hard with magic missiles and the others attacked from a distance with arrows and bullets. Two of them managed to get past the summoned monsters, draining Kane and Cory of a little of their strength, but luckily they were already too weakened to do much damage and Viconia had the correct healing spells to restore the damage done.

Just a little further onwards, much to their surprise, Kane and his companions were approached by a middle-aged woman dressed in the clothes of a fighter.

“Hold!” she said at once. “I warn you, I have killed many of your kind to get here and I…” she suddenly seemed to notice that the party weren’t monsters. “Oh, forgive my manner. I feared you were another group of orcs come to harass me.”

“Perhaps you should fear me more than any orc.” Kane raised an eyebrow, a brief smirk flickering across his pale lips. “You do not know me.”

“That is true,” the woman agreed. “But I would sooner trust the words of a human over those of an orc. I am Samia and I am on an expedition here.”

“What could you possibly be seeking in this place?” Benny asked. “This place has been ruined for years…I wouldn’t have thought that there’d be anything of interest left.”

“I and my group seek the tomb of King Strohm the third of Tethyr who lost his life to treachery.” Samia began. Korgan’s eyes lit up at the mention of the word tomb.

“Is there being treasure in this tomb?” he inquired. Samia hesitated and then nodded.

“It seems likely,” she agreed. “But I care nothing for the treasure, I hope to find texts in his tomb that detail his life. But my party and I cannot pass through the area, there seems to be some invisible guardian that we cannot defeat. You and your party look to be more capable warriors than my group, perhaps you could…”

“You want us to go and put ourselves in danger while you stay back here!” Viconia cut her off. “Perhaps you should do your own dirty work!”

“Don’t you go bein’ hasty, drow,” Kagain warned. “If there be treasure involved, it might be worth our time.”

“I will pay you well if you can bring the texts to me,” Samia said immediately, addressing Kane and paying little attention to his companions. “And of course you are welcome to whatever treasure lies within. I want only the texts.”

“We could take a look, I suppose,” Kane glanced over at his teacher. “What do you think, Benny?”

“Why not?” the shapeshifter shrugged, not really taking much interest in the conversation. “If you want to.”

“Very well then,” the warrior agreed, giving Samia a brief smile, which didn’t go unnoticed by Edwina. “We’ll enter the tomb and retrieve what we can.”

“This is the key you need to enter,” the woman took out a key from her pocket. “The main door is here,” she gestured to the door on her left. “Take care and thank you. Your help is…much appreciated.”

“It’s no problem,” Kane told her. “Anything to help a…beautiful woman like yourself.”

Edwina winced at his words and Benny narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that Kane was only doing it to upset the wizard. Many of the others looked surprised and Viconia was smirking. Samia smiled but said nothing.

They unlocked the main door and went through a maze of tunnels, stopping occasionally to fight the guardians that kept popping up. But although Edwina did her best to help them out, she paid little attention to where they were going or what they were doing. Although she knew it was stupid, she was upset about what Kane had said to the woman.

He might not love me any more and I wouldn’t blame him for wanting someone else, but does he have to say things like that right in front of me? He was doing it on purpose; I know he was. Why does he have to make this harder for me than it already is?

There were seven guardians in total and they were indeed a struggle to defeat as they kept turning themselves invisible. Each one dropped a piece of a mask, something that had been mentioned in a book they had found at the tomb entrance. When the last guardian had been defeated and the final piece obtained, the pieces did indeed form a mask when fitted together. At the insistence of the others, Kane pulled it on, although rather reluctantly. Everything was tainted with odd colours and he was certain that it would allow him to see something that hadn’t been there before. Like the fire guardian that was coming at him. Luckily he had his swords ready and he hit out at it, the heavily enchanted blades cutting through the flames and wounding the monster. As it came at his again, he ducked out of the way, though the monster came close enough so that he could feel the heat of it on the side of his face. He struck out again and again, moving backwards each time, just out of the guardian’s reach. Although he had become used to having a group to back him up, it felt good to fight alone again. More of a challenge…and he had always liked a challenge.

Behind he guardian was a door, a sealed door with no lock to pick. But that didn’t bother the warrior; he just kicked at it as hard as he could. It only took two kicks to get it open. Then he called his companions to him and they stepped into the tomb…

“That be one ‘ell of a good battle!” Korgan grunted, as the group made their way back the way they had just come. Cory had a new sword and Viconia a new shield, both of which they had found within the tomb. And they had also discovered that Samia had betrayed them. She and her group had planned all along to kill them and take the treasure. However, they had soon learnt the hard way that double-crossing a Bhaalspawn and his group wasn’t a good idea. “An’ the tomb be ‘aving some new bodies to hide now.”

“That’s a good point,” Kane agreed. “They got what they deserved. I should have noticed that something was wrong.”

“It was a strange offer,” Cory said absently, examining his new red sword. “But it doesn’t matter. We got some new equipment out of it, didn’t we?”

“I suppose,” his leader nodded. “And they got what they deserved in the end. I just wonder how she managed to trick me like that. I must be losing my touch.”

“Ain’t your fault, lad,” Kagain patted him on the arm. “Korgan an me, we both be wanting to go too, you weren’t to know that the bitch would turn against us. None of us realised. No ‘arm done though, aye?”

“If you hadn’t been so taken with that woman,” Edwina said bitterly, “you might have guessed that there was something strange about her offer. Admit it! You were trying to impress her, weren’t you?”

“No!” the warrior said sharply. “I wasn’t trying to impress her. It was Korgan and Kagain who wanted to help her, not me. And I only agreed because I knew there would be treasure in it for us.”

“Poor little Edwina is jealous,” Viconia laughed nastily. “Kane might not have noticed anything, wizard, but neither did you. So don’t start blaming…”

“No one is to blame!” Benny interrupted. “We should have noticed that something was wrong, but we were so annoyed by what Firkraag did, that we weren’t thinking straight. Even the best adventurers make mistakes and there’s no harm done, so stop arguing about it!”

Surprisingly, Viconia did as she was told and said no more. Edwina said nothing either, just focused her eyes on the dirty floor and scowled.

None of them care about me, about how I’m feeling. Even Kane…I know that he was trying to impress that woman, no matter what he says! And I thought that things couldn’t get any worse. I knew I shouldn’t have come here…

They backtracked to the entrance of the tomb, where they had met Samia, and went through the opposite door, which led to another long and dark corridor. Three werewolves guarded this one; dangerous creatures that were not only strong and very agile but could also regenerate if they weren’t killed quickly. Once again, Edwina’s magic missiles came in useful as the fighters went at the monsters with full force. They ended up with a few scratches, but only Korgan was badly injured, when one of the werewolves swung at him and knocked off his helmet, scratching the side of his face and neck badly.

At the end of the corridor was a small room with a well that looked as though it had dried up long ago and a wooden bridge. Across the bridge were two more dusty and old stone golems. Behind them was a room with a very small table, four chairs and three orogs. Behind them was a locked door and a stairway leading down and round slightly.

The stairs led down to another large room with a table and cupboards at the sides, obviously another living space for Firkraag and his monsters, judging by the fact that there were bones scattered about the floor and scraps of meat on the table. At the opposite end of the room were some cells. Waiting for the adventurers were two orc archers, the orog who had warned them away at the entrance and a large half-ogre. It was him who spoke and Kane could have sworn that he had seen him somewhere before, but he couldn’t think where…

“Ahh, so the adventurers come!” he bellowed. “He said you would, but I thought you too much of a coward!”

“No one calls me a coward and…” Kane suddenly broke off as he recognised the speaker. It had been a long time since he had fought his brother below Baldur’s Gate, but he still remembered that battle well enough. “Tazok, is that you? I thought I killed you months ago, you slippery bastard!”

“You!” Tazok narrowed his eyes as he recognised the warrior in return. “You Sarevok’s brother, I remember you. You try to kill Tazok, but I not die then. I find new master…master much smarter than Sarevok…”

“Well I’ll make sure that you die this time!” the warrior cut the half-ogre off in mid-sentence. “And then we’ll destroy your master too! Let’s battle!”

“Very well,” the half-ogre agreed. “Me stronger now and you will go no further!”

The two orcs grunted and raised their bows, but they fell as an arrow pierced them both in the throat before they even had a chance to fire. Tazok and the orog chieftain moved forward, their swords ready, to be met by Kane, Yoshimo and the two dwarves, while the assassins shot them with arrows from a distance. Yoshimo engaged the orog in combat and Korgan cut at its legs and stomach while it was distracted. Blood poured over his head and shoulders, turning his helmet bright red, but the dwarf didn’t care. Kane was battling Tazok, swiftly dodging the half-ogre’s rough and heavy swings, using one of his swords to block when necessary and the other to jab. It wasn’t long before the two monsters fell; the orog almost in pieces, and the adventurers took a moment to get their breath back.

“Well if that is the best he can throw at us,” Yoshimo muttered. “I doubt that Firkraag himself will create many problems.”

“Excuse me!” a female voice came from the direction of the two cells. “You aren’t with Firkraag, are you? Then please help me out of here!”

“Who are you?” Kane crossed over to the cells, noticing for the first time that they had an occupant. A young, female, human girl, and a rather pretty one at that, although she had recently been crying. “What are you doing in there?”

“Firkraag…” the girl began sobbing again. “He has a long-running feud with my father and he got his orcs to kidnap me and now he says that he’s going to kill me.”

“That doesn’t surprise me one bit,” Benny scowled. “Not after the way he tricked us like he did.”

“We’ll get you out of here,” Kane promised her. “And I’ll personally make sure that you get back to your father in one piece. But first we need to find Firkraag. I have a score to settle with him.”

“I’ve seen Firkraag,” the girl said through her tears. “He’s down below, with the mage who put me in here. You’ll have to…to get the key to my cell from him somehow; it’s a magical lock. But don’t…don’t take unnecessary risks.”

“Take unnecessary risks?” Kane repeated. “What do you mean?” The girl just shook her head and wiped at her eyes.

“Don’t ye worry, fearless leader!” Korgan told him. “Firkraag will be no match for us!”

Next Part: The party prepares to take on Firkraag…but they have no way of knowing that not all of them will leave his lair alive.

#2 Laufey

Posted 12 July 2003 - 04:38 PM

“This place has an air of evil about it,” Yoshimo said finally. “I think something evil lurks here.”

Come on Yoshi, you're sounding like Ajantis. :wink:

Kagain nodded silently and, edging forward, he kicked at a pebble lying next to the hole. It dropped over the edge and fell; a moment later the party clearly heard a loud and indignant snort.

“There be something down there,” he said, taking care to keep his voice low for a change. “Firkraag got ‘imself a guardian no doubt.”

Well...sort of. :roll:

“It’s no problem,” Kane told her. “Anything to help a…beautiful woman like yourself.”

Edwina winced at his words and Benny narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that Kane was only doing it to upset the wizard. Many of the others looked surprised and Viconia was smirking. Samia smiled but said nothing.

They unlocked the main door and went through a maze of tunnels, stopping occasionally to fight the guardians that kept popping up. But although Edwina did her best to help them out, she paid little attention to where they were going or what they were doing. Although she knew it was stupid, she was upset about what Kane had said to the woman.

He might not love me any more and I wouldn’t blame him for wanting someone else, but does he have to say things like that right in front of me? He was doing it on purpose; I know he was. Why does he have to make this harder for me than it already is?

Aww...poor Edwina. :roll: I wonder why Kane did say that? He must have known how she'd react.

Surprisingly, Viconia did as she was told and said no more. Edwina said nothing either, just focused her eyes on the dirty floor and scowled.

None of them care about me, about how I’m feeling. Even Kane…I know that he was trying to impress that woman, no matter what he says! And I thought that things couldn’t get any worse. I knew I shouldn’t have come here…

*sniff* Poor Edwina indeed. :( *Hugs for the wizard* She's so lonely, and she badly needs somebody to talk to.

Next Part: The party prepares to take on Firkraag…but they have no way of knowing that not all of them will leave his lair alive.

Oh dear...that sounds ominous! :wink:
Rogues do it from behind.

#3 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 12 July 2003 - 04:38 PM

Sorry for anyone who has been waiting for this…my computer decided to crash on me two days ago, taking all of my recent documents with it. I do make regular back-ups, but I lost everything that I was working on at the time and had to start from the beginning again. So I apologize if this isn’t up to my normal standards, it was rather tiring having to write it all again when I’d almost completed it once!

Computers always seem to manage to crash at the most inconvenient times possible, don't they :wink:.

“Perhaps you should fear me more than any orc.” Kane raised an eyebrow, a brief smirk flickering across his pale lips. “You do not know me.”

That's the way, kane. Don't let her fool you.

“Don’t you go bein’ hasty, drow,” Kagain warned. “If there be treasure involved, it might be worth our time.”

The treasure's not really worth the time and effort it takes to find it, though. Although I still always do this bit for the expereience.

“It’s no problem,” Kane told her. “Anything to help a…beautiful woman like yourself.”

:roll: He's still mad at edwina then, is he?

He might not love me any more and I wouldn’t blame him for wanting someone else, but does he have to say things like that right in front of me? He was doing it on purpose; I know he was. Why does he have to make this harder for me than it already is?

Maybe because you're making things pretty hard for him at the moment, too?

There were seven guardians in total and they were indeed a struggle to defeat as they kept turning themselves invisible. Each one dropped a piece of a mask, something that had been mentioned in a book they had found at the tomb entrance. When the last guardian had been defeated and the final piece obtained, the pieces did indeed form a mask when fitted together. At the insistence of the others, Kane pulled it on, although rather reluctantly. Everything was tainted with odd colours and he was certain that it would allow him to see something that hadn’t been there before. Like the fire guardian that was coming at him. Luckily he had his swords ready and he hit out at it, the heavily enchanted blades cutting through the flames and wounding the monster. As it came at his again, he ducked out of the way, though the monster came close enough so that he could feel the heat of it on the side of his face. He struck out again and again, moving backwards each time, just out of the guardian’s reach. Although he had become used to having a group to back him up, it felt good to fight alone again. More of a challenge…and he had always liked a challenge.

And fighting might help take his mind off his other problems.

“That be one ‘ell of a good battle!” Korgan grunted, as the group made their way back the way they had just come. Cory had a new sword and Viconia a new shield, both of which they had found within the tomb. And they had also discovered that Samia had betrayed them. She and her group had planned all along to kill them and take the treasure. However, they had soon learnt the hard way that double-crossing a Bhaalspawn and his group wasn’t a good idea. “An’ the tomb be ‘aving some new bodies to hide now.”


“I suppose,” his leader nodded. “And they got what they deserved in the end. I just wonder how she managed to trick me like that. I must be losing my touch.”

Guess he had his mind on other things :wink: .

“No!” the warrior said sharply. “I wasn’t trying to impress her. It was Korgan and Kagain who wanted to help her, not me. And I only agreed because I knew there would be treasure in it for us.”

Don't think there's much point in trying to convince edwina of that while she's in this mood, though. She's just looking for reasons to be angry.

“No one is to blame!” Benny interrupted. “We should have noticed that something was wrong, but we were so annoyed by what Firkraag did, that we weren’t thinking straight. Even the best adventurers make mistakes and there’s no harm done, so stop arguing about it!”

Well said. They need to concentrate if they're going to take on Firkraag on live.

None of them care about me, about how I’m feeling. Even Kane…I know that he was trying to impress that woman, no matter what he says! And I thought that things couldn’t get any worse. I knew I shouldn’t have come here…

Oh, snap out of it edwina. Staying behind and sulking around in the keep wouldn't have made things any better.

“Well if that is the best he can throw at us,” Yoshimo muttered. “I doubt that Firkraag himself will create many problems.”

:roll: Famous last words...

“Don’t ye worry, fearless leader!” Korgan told him. “Firkraag will be no match for us!”


Next Part: The party prepares to take on Firkraag…but they have no way of knowing that not all of them will leave his lair alive.


#4 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 12 July 2003 - 07:24 PM

Sorry for anyone who has been waiting for this…my computer decided to crash on me two days ago, taking all of my recent documents with it. I do make regular back-ups, but I lost everything that I was working on at the time and had to start from the beginning again. So I apologize if this isn’t up to my normal standards, it was rather tiring having to write it all again when I’d almost completed it once!

Ah, my condolences :) Hearing about something like this usually urges me to backup my own stuff.

The orog merely grunted again and disappeared down the corridor, leaving the party to fight the monsters. When they tried to follow it, they came across yet more hobgoblins and some kobolds that burst into flame when they were hit. At the side of the room was a large hole, a hole that seemed to go on and on, fading into blackness. It looked as though some large creature dug and burnt its way down many years before. The faint stench of carrion drifted up from somewhere below.

Maybe Firky relieved himself just as they were looking downwards... ;)

“It looks like that hole we saw at the temple in the Umar Hills,” Cory broke the silence that hung over the cavern. “The one that the dragon made.”

Kagain nodded silently and, edging forward, he kicked at a pebble lying next to the hole. It dropped over the edge and fell; a moment later the party clearly heard a loud and indignant snort.

“There be something down there,” he said, taking care to keep his voice low for a change. “Firkraag got ‘imself a guardian no doubt.”

Nice bit of logic. Even if they can guess that there's a dragow down there, they sure would not suspect that Firkraag *is* the dragon...

Vampires were the most difficult thing the party encountered, mostly because of their ability to drain strength. Edwina and Viconia summoned monsters forth and sent them forward to hold the vampires back, then the wizard hit them hard with magic missiles and the others attacked from a distance with arrows and bullets. Two of them managed to get past the summoned monsters, draining Kane and Cory of a little of their strength, but luckily they were already too weakened to do much damage and Viconia had the correct healing spells to restore the damage done.

Vic's pretty fatigued now, though... don't you just love vampires? :lol:

“It’s no problem,” Kane told her. “Anything to help a…beautiful woman like yourself.”

Hit him with a fireball, Edwina...

Edwina winced at his words and Benny narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that Kane was only doing it to upset the wizard. Many of the others looked surprised and Viconia was smirking. Samia smiled but said nothing.

If she was a bit smarter, she would not be playing games with Kane's group - I mean its obvious that they are more powerful than her mercenaries...

He might not love me any more and I wouldn’t blame him for wanting someone else, but does he have to say things like that right in front of me? He was doing it on purpose; I know he was. Why does he have to make this harder for me than it already is?

Well, he *is* Kane, after all...

“That be one ‘ell of a good battle!” Korgan grunted, as the group made their way back the way they had just come. Cory had a new sword and Viconia a new shield, both of which they had found within the tomb. And they had also discovered that Samia had betrayed them. She and her group had planned all along to kill them and take the treasure. However, they had soon learnt the hard way that double-crossing a Bhaalspawn and his group wasn’t a good idea. “An’ the tomb be ‘aving some new bodies to hide now.”

As I said, Samia's plan was definitely going to fail this time.

“No one is to blame!” Benny interrupted. “We should have noticed that something was wrong, but we were so annoyed by what Firkraag did, that we weren’t thinking straight. Even the best adventurers make mistakes and there’s no harm done, so stop arguing about it!”

Well, at least someone in this group is thinking straight... poor Benny, hope he stays sane through this...

“Well I’ll make sure that you die this time!” the warrior cut the half-ogre off in mid-sentence. “And then we’ll destroy your master too! Let’s battle!”

“Very well,” the half-ogre agreed. “Me stronger now and you will go no further!”

Hey, I think Tazok would have made a fine addition to Kane's party :P

“Well if that is the best he can throw at us,” Yoshimo muttered. “I doubt that Firkraag himself will create many problems.”


“Don’t ye worry, fearless leader!” Korgan told him. “Firkraag will be no match for us!”

Next Part: The party prepares to take on Firkraag…but they have no way of knowing that not all of them will leave his lair alive.

Yikes! But Dragonslaying is not fun... :)

#5 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 13 July 2003 - 12:48 AM

Sorry for anyone who has been waiting for this…my computer decided to crash on me two days ago, taking all of my recent documents with it. I do make regular back-ups, but I lost everything that I was working on at the time and had to start from the beginning again. So I apologize if this isn’t up to my normal standards, it was rather tiring having to write it all again when I’d almost completed it once!

Computers are pure evil ;) and that's why they crash. :)

“This place has an air of evil about it,” Yoshimo said finally. “I think something evil lurks here.”

Well, didn't think Santa was down there. :lol:

The orog merely grunted again and disappeared down the corridor, leaving the party to fight the monsters. When they tried to follow it, they came across yet more hobgoblins and some kobolds that burst into flame when they were hit. At the side of the room was a large hole, a hole that seemed to go on and on, fading into blackness. It looked as though some large creature dug and burnt its way down many years before. The faint stench of carrion drifted up from somewhere below.

“It looks like that hole we saw at the temple in the Umar Hills,” Cory broke the silence that hung over the cavern. “The one that the dragon made.”

Clue alert! Pay attention Kane. :)

“Perhaps you should fear me more than any orc.” Kane raised an eyebrow, a brief smirk flickering across his pale lips. “You do not know me.”

Actually, he's right.

“I will pay you well if you can bring the texts to me,” Samia said immediately, addressing Kane and paying little attention to his companions. “And of course you are welcome to whatever treasure lies within. I want only the texts.”

Suure you don't want any treasure...

“This is the key you need to enter,” the woman took out a key from her pocket. “The main door is here,” she gestured to the door on her left. “Take care and thank you. Your help is…much appreciated.”

“It’s no problem,” Kane told her. “Anything to help a…beautiful woman like yourself.”

Edwina winced at his words and Benny narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that Kane was only doing it to upset the wizard. Many of the others looked surprised and Viconia was smirking. Samia smiled but said nothing.

Ooh, now Kane is being a royal jerk. That was comletely uncalled for.

Behind he guardian was a door, a sealed door with no lock to pick. But that didn’t bother the warrior; he just kicked at it as hard as he could. It only took two kicks to get it open. Then he called his companions to him and they stepped into the tomb…

Yep, a foot makes the best key. :)

“No one is to blame!” Benny interrupted. “We should have noticed that something was wrong, but we were so annoyed by what Firkraag did, that we weren’t thinking straight. Even the best adventurers make mistakes and there’s no harm done, so stop arguing about it!”

Smartest one of the lot.

None of them care about me, about how I’m feeling. Even Kane…I know that he was trying to impress that woman, no matter what he says! And I thought that things couldn’t get any worse. I knew I shouldn’t have come here…

*sniff* Poor Edwina. :P I've been in that position myself and believe me, it's not fun at all.

“Well if that is the best he can throw at us,” Yoshimo muttered. “I doubt that Firkraag himself will create many problems.”

Wanna bet?

#6 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 13 July 2003 - 08:01 PM

“This place has an air of evil about it,” Yoshimo said finally. “I think something evil lurks here.”

Come on Yoshi, you're sounding like Ajantis. :)

*smirks* Just a little.

“There be something down there,” he said, taking care to keep his voice low for a change. “Firkraag got ‘imself a guardian no doubt.”

Well...sort of. :P

Yeah. :P

He might not love me any more and I wouldn’t blame him for wanting someone else, but does he have to say things like that right in front of me? He was doing it on purpose; I know he was. Why does he have to make this harder for me than it already is?

Aww...poor Edwina. :( I wonder why Kane did say that? He must have known how she'd react.

That's why he said it, to get a reaction from her. It's not a nice way to behave...but then he is pretty frustrated with her right now.

None of them care about me, about how I’m feeling. Even Kane…I know that he was trying to impress that woman, no matter what he says! And I thought that things couldn’t get any worse. I knew I shouldn’t have come here…

*sniff* Poor Edwina indeed. :( *Hugs for the wizard* She's so lonely, and she badly needs somebody to talk to.

Yes, she does. Unfortunately she isn't likely to get the support she needs right now. Both Kane and Benny are annoyed with her and Cory is too wrapped up in Nalia to realise just how upset she is.

Next Part: The party prepares to take on Firkraag…but they have no way of knowing that not all of them will leave his lair alive.

Oh dear...that sounds ominous! ;)

*nods* I know. Thanks for commenting. :)


#7 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 13 July 2003 - 08:34 PM

Sorry for anyone who has been waiting for this…my computer decided to crash on me two days ago, taking all of my recent documents with it. I do make regular back-ups, but I lost everything that I was working on at the time and had to start from the beginning again. So I apologize if this isn’t up to my normal standards, it was rather tiring having to write it all again when I’d almost completed it once!

Computers always seem to manage to crash at the most inconvenient times possible, don't they ;).

*nods* You could say that. I lost five chapters of various stories, two of which were nearly finished. It was certainly inconvenient.

“Perhaps you should fear me more than any orc.” Kane raised an eyebrow, a brief smirk flickering across his pale lips. “You do not know me.”

That's the way, kane. Don't let her fool you.

Kane: It's a bit late to say that now.

“Don’t you go bein’ hasty, drow,” Kagain warned. “If there be treasure involved, it might be worth our time.”

The treasure's not really worth the time and effort it takes to find it, though. Although I still always do this bit for the expereience.

Yeah, me too.

“It’s no problem,” Kane told her. “Anything to help a…beautiful woman like yourself.”

:P He's still mad at edwina then, is he?

Just a bit.

He might not love me any more and I wouldn’t blame him for wanting someone else, but does he have to say things like that right in front of me? He was doing it on purpose; I know he was. Why does he have to make this harder for me than it already is?

Maybe because you're making things pretty hard for him at the moment, too?

That's more or less it. Only Edwina doesn't quite see things that way.

There were seven guardians in total and they were indeed a struggle to defeat as they kept turning themselves invisible. Each one dropped a piece of a mask, something that had been mentioned in a book they had found at the tomb entrance. When the last guardian had been defeated and the final piece obtained, the pieces did indeed form a mask when fitted together. At the insistence of the others, Kane pulled it on, although rather reluctantly. Everything was tainted with odd colours and he was certain that it would allow him to see something that hadn’t been there before. Like the fire guardian that was coming at him. Luckily he had his swords ready and he hit out at it, the heavily enchanted blades cutting through the flames and wounding the monster. As it came at his again, he ducked out of the way, though the monster came close enough so that he could feel the heat of it on the side of his face. He struck out again and again, moving backwards each time, just out of the guardian’s reach. Although he had become used to having a group to back him up, it felt good to fight alone again. More of a challenge…and he had always liked a challenge.

And fighting might help take his mind off his other problems.

Kane: Fighting is good for that.

“I suppose,” his leader nodded. “And they got what they deserved in the end. I just wonder how she managed to trick me like that. I must be losing my touch.”

Guess he had his mind on other things :) .

Yeah, he does.

“No!” the warrior said sharply. “I wasn’t trying to impress her. It was Korgan and Kagain who wanted to help her, not me. And I only agreed because I knew there would be treasure in it for us.”

Don't think there's much point in trying to convince edwina of that while she's in this mood, though. She's just looking for reasons to be angry.

That's true. Nothing he says will make any difference right now.

“No one is to blame!” Benny interrupted. “We should have noticed that something was wrong, but we were so annoyed by what Firkraag did, that we weren’t thinking straight. Even the best adventurers make mistakes and there’s no harm done, so stop arguing about it!”

Well said. They need to concentrate if they're going to take on Firkraag on live.

That's for sure.

None of them care about me, about how I’m feeling. Even Kane…I know that he was trying to impress that woman, no matter what he says! And I thought that things couldn’t get any worse. I knew I shouldn’t have come here…

Oh, snap out of it edwina. Staying behind and sulking around in the keep wouldn't have made things any better.

That's why Kane made her come in the first place. While she's in the mood, nothing is going to make her feel any better.

“Well if that is the best he can throw at us,” Yoshimo muttered. “I doubt that Firkraag himself will create many problems.”

:P Famous last words...

Oh yes.

Next Part: The party prepares to take on Firkraag…but they have no way of knowing that not all of them will leave his lair alive.


Yeah...it's not goign to be good. Thanks for commenting. :)


#8 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 28 July 2003 - 09:07 PM

Sorry for anyone who has been waiting for this…my computer decided to crash on me two days ago, taking all of my recent documents with it. I do make regular back-ups, but I lost everything that I was working on at the time and had to start from the beginning again. So I apologize if this isn’t up to my normal standards, it was rather tiring having to write it all again when I’d almost completed it once!

Ah, my condolences :) Hearing about something like this usually urges me to backup my own stuff.

I'd definitely do it if I were you. You never know when your computer might decide to wipe all your documents for you. :P

“There be something down there,” he said, taking care to keep his voice low for a change. “Firkraag got ‘imself a guardian no doubt.”

Nice bit of logic. Even if they can guess that there's a dragow down there, they sure would not suspect that Firkraag *is* the dragon...

No. Benny suspects that Firkraag is more than he seems, but even he can't know exactly what their enemy is.

Vampires were the most difficult thing the party encountered, mostly because of their ability to drain strength. Edwina and Viconia summoned monsters forth and sent them forward to hold the vampires back, then the wizard hit them hard with magic missiles and the others attacked from a distance with arrows and bullets. Two of them managed to get past the summoned monsters, draining Kane and Cory of a little of their strength, but luckily they were already too weakened to do much damage and Viconia had the correct healing spells to restore the damage done.

Vic's pretty fatigued now, though... don't you just love vampires? :P

Oh yes, absolutely wonderful monsters. Well maybe not...but at least they are a challenge.

“It’s no problem,” Kane told her. “Anything to help a…beautiful woman like yourself.”

Hit him with a fireball, Edwina...

Benny: Don't do that, Edwina. Otherwise I'd have to kill you and it could all get evry messy...

Edwina winced at his words and Benny narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that Kane was only doing it to upset the wizard. Many of the others looked surprised and Viconia was smirking. Samia smiled but said nothing.

If she was a bit smarter, she would not be playing games with Kane's group - I mean its obvious that they are more powerful than her mercenaries...

Yeah...she's just like all those stupid bandits that keep appearing. :)

He might not love me any more and I wouldn’t blame him for wanting someone else, but does he have to say things like that right in front of me? He was doing it on purpose; I know he was. Why does he have to make this harder for me than it already is?

Well, he *is* Kane, after all...

*grins* Exactly!

“That be one ‘ell of a good battle!” Korgan grunted, as the group made their way back the way they had just come. Cory had a new sword and Viconia a new shield, both of which they had found within the tomb. And they had also discovered that Samia had betrayed them. She and her group had planned all along to kill them and take the treasure. However, they had soon learnt the hard way that double-crossing a Bhaalspawn and his group wasn’t a good idea. “An’ the tomb be ‘aving some new bodies to hide now.”

As I said, Samia's plan was definitely going to fail this time.

It was doomed from the start.

“No one is to blame!” Benny interrupted. “We should have noticed that something was wrong, but we were so annoyed by what Firkraag did, that we weren’t thinking straight. Even the best adventurers make mistakes and there’s no harm done, so stop arguing about it!”

Well, at least someone in this group is thinking straight... poor Benny, hope he stays sane through this...

Benny: Don't worry, I've dealt with far worse than this group.

“Very well,” the half-ogre agreed. “Me stronger now and you will go no further!”

Hey, I think Tazok would have made a fine addition to Kane's party :P

He'd certainly fit right in. :P

Next Part: The party prepares to take on Firkraag…but they have no way of knowing that not all of them will leave his lair alive.

Yikes! But Dragonslaying is not fun... :)

No, it certainly isn't...Thanks for commenting. :)


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