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The Nether Scroll Disaster: Part 6

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#1 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 10:31 AM

The Nether Scroll Disaster: Part 6

Kane was so busy worrying about Edwina, trying to think of a way to get through to her without upsetting her further, that sleep evaded him for a long while that night. And when his eyes did finally close, he slept uneasily, his dreams once again haunted by Irenicus. Benny, Dekaras, Edwin, Cory…even Imoen, they were all there. Then he had found himself changing and he had hurled himself at them, cutting them down with ease, while Irenicus watched and laughed as their blood covered him.

That was when he finally awoke and he immediately raised his hands to check that no blood on them. Seeing that there was not made him feel a little better, but he still could not shake away the feeling of unease that the dream had brought him. He had not only killed the people he cared for, but he had enjoyed doing it.

Are these dreams trying to tell me something? Is something trying to tell me that I’m a danger to the people I love and those that they care for?

The warrior rolled over and closed his eyes again, but he couldn’t sleep. He wasn’t used to sleeping alone and it felt strange not having Edwin there with him. He needed someone to talk to just then and, for a moment, he couldn’t help feeling angry with his lover.

I told him not to cast that stupid Nether Scroll. Things were just fine between us, but then he just had to go and spoil it, didn’t he? If he had just listened to me in the first place, everything would be all right now.

But the anger faded as quickly as it had come. Edwin hadn’t wanted all this to happen either and Kane knew that it wasn’t really his fault, it was just one of those things. It had happened and now they just had to deal with it the best they could.

Maybe I should go and find someone else to share my bed for a night or so. There would be no reason why Edwin should ever find out…and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

Kane knew that it wouldn’t be that difficult to find a girl to sleep with him, he’d never been short of lovers in the past and he had recently noticed that one of Nalia’s maids couldn’t seem to take her eyes off him. He doubted that it would take much persuading to get her to share his bed, but he quickly dismissed the idea. He knew that he couldn’t do that to Edwin and besides, he really didn’t want anyone else. He just wanted his lover back. No, if it was comfort he wanted, sleeping with another woman wasn’t the answer. But he knew what was…

Despite being tired, Benny was still sleeping lightly enough so that the quiet knock at the door had him sitting up, suddenly alert. He couldn’t think who would want to see him at this time of night; he had already told Viconia that he was going to sleep alone that night, as he really needed to catch up on his sleep. He only hoped that nothing bad had happened.

“Who is it?” he asked. “You can come in, the door’s not locked.”

It’s me,” Kane’s voice drifted through the door, right before it opened. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry.”

“Forget it,” Benny told him, quickly scanning his student’s face to see if there was anything wrong and noticing with some relief that Kane didn’t look particularly worried or upset, at least no more than usual. “What’s the matter? Has something happened? Is Edwina…?”

“She’s fine,” Kane interrupted. “At least she is as far as I know. I…I had another dream, Benny, and I really…” He hesitated for a minute before he continued, “really didn’t want to be alone. I dreamt that I killed everyone, Benny. Irenicus told me to kill them and I did. I changed into the Slayer and I ripped them all to pieces.”


“You, Cory, Imoen,” Kane started and though he kept his voice steady, Benny could see that he was upset. “Edwin’s teacher and then…Edwin himself. And while I killed them, Irenicus was laughing and saying that I couldn’t fight the darkness inside me forever. I know that it was only a dream, but I can’t sleep alone tonight, I just can’t.”

“Well considering that we are both going to need sleep for tomorrow, I suppose you’d better get in with me then.” Benny shifted over to the edge of the bed to make room for Kane. “Although lock the door first, will you? I don’t think that anyone will be walking in on us, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“Aye,” Kane did as he was told and slid the bolt across the door, before getting into bed beside his teacher. “Doesn’t matter that it’s completely innocent, if Edwina found out about this, she’d only go getting herself even more upset. And if Viconia found out…”

“She’d probably ask if she could join us next time,” Benny smirked slightly before his expression once again turned serious. “And she’d probably take great delight in teasing Edwina about it and making out that it was more than it was.”

“Probably,” Kane agreed. “That’s what she’s like. And she’ll say anything to hurt Edwina, regardless of whether or not it is true.”

“It’s because she’s insecure,” the assassin told him. “And jealousy comes into it too, she can’t see why you can love Edwin but you couldn’t love her. She came to me this afternoon, you know, and asked me if I thought that she was a cold-hearted, drow bitch.”

“And what did you say?”

“Basically I said that she did act rather cold at times, but that I understood that it was because she was afraid of getting hurt and that she’d feel better if she could bring herself to trust people just a little. She seemed willing to listen, even when I told her that fighting with Edwina wasn’t going to make her feel any better.”

“Well let’s just hope that she listens to you,” Kane sunk back against the pillows and closed his eyes. “Because as much as I care for her, she is really trying my patience right now. Edwina is in a bad enough state as it is without her making it worse.”

“She is taking this hard, isn’t she?” Benny agreed. “Mind you, I think that I’d feel bad too if I were in that position.”

“I think anyone would,” the warrior muttered, not opening his eyes. “Hopefully one of the priests in Athkatla can change her back…otherwise I’m not sure what to try next. But we’ll deal with that after we’ve tackled Firkraag’s monster problem tomorrow.”

“Will you be able to sleep now?” his teacher asked. “Because we’re going to need it for tomorrow if we really are going to be monster hunting.”

“I think so,” Kane said after a moment. “Just having someone with me makes it easier…” he broke off and laughed humourlessly. “So much for being an evil and powerful Bhaalspawn warrior. I’ve fought dragons, beholders, demons from other planes and yet a mere nightmare scares me. The other Shadow Thieves would laugh if they could see me now.”

“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself,” Benny said gently. “Nightmares can be frightening things, especially when we do things in them that we hope we would never do when we’re awake. And even the strongest and most powerful of us are troubled by them at some time or other. I have them occasionally and Randal used to suffer from them frequently when he was younger, although he would have died rather than admit it to anyone. I only knew because he used to scream in my ear fairly regularly. We all have things that we’re afraid of and there’s no shame in admitting that you feel scared at times. It certainly doesn’t mean that you aren’t strong or powerful. Now try not to dwell on it and go back to sleep.”

“Thank you, Benny,” his student whispered, before finally allowing sleep to overtake him. Benny lay awake for a few moments, watching him sleep.

Children…they cause us so much trouble, put us through so much pain and worry and yet what would we do without them? I’ll be by Kane’s side until the the time comes for him to ascend, ready to raise my blade against anyone who dares to try and harm him. And when I come face to face with Irenicus, he will find out what real pain is for everything he has done to the one I call my son…

When the party gathered together the following morning, preparing to leave and journey to the Windspear Hills, none of them really expected Edwina to join them and so it was quite a shock when she did. She hadn’t wanted to, she still felt too humiliated over her new shape to want to show it to the outside world but she had spent hours thinking about it after Kane had left her the night before and quickly come to the conclusion that although she really didn’t want to go with them, she had no choice. Without her magic to aid them, Kane could get killed and she didn’t want that. She did love him after all, even if she wasn’t sure how he felt about her, and she knew that she’d never forgive herself if anything happened to him because she hadn’t been there. She would do it for him.

Korgan sniggered when she entered the room and Viconia glared at her, but the rest of them, Kagain included, were pleasant to her and made no comment on her figure.

“It’s good that you decided to come,” Benny told her. “I don’t know what we would have done without an experienced wizard with us.”

“Aye,” Kagain agreed. “We not be carin’ what ye look like so long as ye can still cast ye spells.”

“I’m glad that you are coming,” Kane said, keeping his voice low so that only those near to him could hear. “I hoped that you would.”

Edwina said nothing, unsure of how to feel about these comments, particularly Kane’s. She was relieved when the warrior decided that it was time to leave, Nalia and Cory’s goodbye scene took the focus away from her for a brief time. Although she knew that it was stupid, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that the rest of the group were watching her and laughing behind her back. Part of her wanted to run away and hide, but she kept telling herself that she was doing it for Kane.

They travelled for several hours, meeting and easily disposing of two groups of bandits along the way, before the Windspear Hills drew closer. When they stopped for a brief rest, Kane suggested that they should scout out the area ahead and see if there were any sign of the monsters they were supposed to be killing.

“I’ll go,” Benny volunteered. “There aren’t enough shadows at this time in the day for a thief to hide successfully, but I can use my wolf form. It won’t look suspicious in the wild.”

Kane agreed and the shapeshifter quickly transformed and bounded off across the field. When he was just out of sight of the others, behind a large rock, he smelt humans and, after switching back to human form lest they decided that he was dangerous and attacked him, he used the rock as cover and looked around it, taking care not to be seen. There was a large group of monsters there, ogres and wyverns. But Benny knew that he had smelt humans. Suddenly, something occurred to him and he slipped easily back into wolf form and looked back around the rock. Where the monsters had been were now knights. An illusion spells strong enough to trick even the sharpest human eye, but not the senses of a wolf.

When he got back to the others and informed them, some of them found it fairly hard to believe. Not that he blamed them, he found it hard to believe himself.

“If there be an illusion spell,” Korgan demanded. “How come you were able to be seeing past it then?”

“When I shapeshift, I can see things that normal eyes cannot see,” the assassin said casually. “It takes an incredibly powerful illusion spell to trick the keen eyes of a wolf or cat…or their sense of smell for that matter. And I don’t think there is any spell in the realms that can stop a skilled assassin knowing when something isn’t quite right. Believe it or not, I don’t care, but I know what I saw.”

“I believe you,” Kane said at once, having witnessed first hand the skill that animals had at seeing through illusions. “It’s not that unbelievable after all, there are stranger things in the realms than a few knights put under a spell to make them seem like monsters to many eyes. Firkraag obviously didn’t realise that we had a shapeshifter in our party.”

“So the knights have been put under a spell to make them look like monsters?” Cory repeated, looking from Benny to Kane and then back again. “Why?”

“That bloody Firkraag!” Kagain growled. “This be all ‘is doing, I bet ye.”

“I don’t doubt it!” Kane shrugged. “But I can’t see why either, it doesn’t make any sense.”

“The most logical reason would be to try and damage your reputation,” Benny pointed out. “Problem is, Kane has already got a bad reputation anyway and both the Order and the Cowled Wizards hate him for his actions. Something that Firkraag must have surely known.”

“Maybe he’s a sensible male,” Viconia threw out, only half-heartedly. “And doesn’t like knights.”

“Could ‘ave just been askin’ us to kill ‘em,” Korgan grunted. “Would ‘ave been more than happy to.”

“But he’s a noble and a fairly well known one at that,” Yoshimo pointed out. “I don’t see that he would have anything personal against the Order.”

“He might be trying to lead Kane into a trap,” Cory suggested. “We should be careful.”

“Cory’s right,” Benny agreed, glancing round quickly to ensure that no one was listening nearby. “We know that Firkraag is trying to trick us, but we have no idea of his true motive and so we have to proceed carefully. However, I am in favour of going after him since I have a few words I’d like to say when we do meet him again. I don’t like being tricked or taken for a fool.”

“I think we should go on too,” Edwina spoke at last. “I would be very interested in discovering what Firkraag thinks he’s playing at. I also strongly dislike being manipulated.”

“I’ll be planting my bloody axe in ‘is bleedin’ skull!” Korgan roared. “We’ll be showin’ ‘im what happens when ‘e messes with dwarves. Right Kagain?”

“Aye,” the second dwarf agreed. “That bloody noble won’t be gettin’ away with this!”

“I too would be curious to know why Firkraag has taken such an interest in Kane,” Yoshimo told them and Cory nodded his agreement. “But do you think that we will be able to avoid the mon…I mean knights.”

“Who said anything about avoiding them?” Kane glanced round at his companions, a cruel smirk on his lips. “If you ask me, the less knights that are running around, the better.”

Korgan, Kagain and Viconia laughed at his words, Benny smirked faintly and even Edwina managed a small smile, the first since she had changed. Yoshimo looked shocked, but said nothing, while Cory looked at his leader and nodded once, although his face remained emotionless.

“So everyone agrees then?” The Bhaalspawn asked. “We just go in and hit them with everything we’ve got. Benny, show us where they are.”

The monsters, five ogres and two wyverns, were just a short distance away from where the group had been talking. And although Kane trusted Benny, if the assassin said that they were knights then they were, there was absolutely no way that he could tell that they weren’t monsters. They looked like monsters, they sounded like monsters…the spell that had been put on them was obviously a strong one.

As soon as the two groups came face to face, one of the ogres started to say something about killing them, but broke off with a roar as Cory’s dagger plunged into its back. With that, all the monsters came at them with full force and the battle began.

Kane, Korgan, Kagain, Yoshimo and Cory each took on an ogre, leaving Benny to fight the two wyverns and Edwina to cast offensive magic to aid anyone who needed it. Viconia cast insect swarm to irritate the monsters and stop them casting healing spells and then stayed back to cast protection and healing spells on anyone who required them. It wasn’t a difficult battle and it was over fairly quickly.

It came as no surprise that when the monsters had fallen; human bodies lay where they had been cut down. But none of the party showed or felt any remorse as they stepped over the dead men and looked around them silently, wondering where to start looking for the noble who had crossed them.

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Kane slid his swords back into their scabbards and scowled. “Let’s search this area top to bottom until we find out where that bastard is hiding. And when we do, I’ll show him exactly what happens to people who cross Kane Theaza and his companions!”

Next Part: Time for the adventurers to tackle the ruins…and Edwina gets even more depressed.

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 12:10 PM

That was when he finally awoke and he immediately raised his hands to check that no blood on them. Seeing that there was not made him feel a little better, but he still could not shake away the feeling of unease that the dream had brought him. He had not only killed the people he cared for, but he had enjoyed doing it.

Hopefully that dream will never materialize...

Are these dreams trying to tell me something? Is something trying to tell me that I’m a danger to the people I love and those that they care for?

Theo: I'm afraid that's how it will be, Kane. Sometimes I think that our loved ones suffer much more than us, during this whole thing.

Maybe I should go and find someone else to share my bed for a night or so. There would be no reason why Edwin should ever find out…and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

Shame on you, Kane! How long has it been, a day or two? Sheesh, men! :wink:

“Aye,” Kane did as he was told and slid the bolt across the door, before getting into bed beside his teacher. “Doesn’t matter that it’s completely innocent, if Edwina found out about this, she’d only go getting herself even more upset. And if Viconia found out…”

Why would the others care so much? Does someone know that these two have a past? I mean - it is not terribly odd for two friends to share a room without someone else suspecting that there could be more...

“It’s because she’s insecure,” the assassin told him. “And jealousy comes into it too, she can’t see why you can love Edwin but you couldn’t love her. She came to me this afternoon, you know, and asked me if I thought that she was a cold-hearted, drow bitch.”

Hmm. If she's not, then she hides it very well... :)

Children…they cause us so much trouble, put us through so much pain and worry and yet what would we do without them? I’ll be by Kane’s side until the the time comes for him to ascend, ready to raise my blade against anyone who dares to try and harm him. And when I come face to face with Irenicus, he will find out what real pain is for everything he has done to the one I call my son…

Awww. You take good care of him, Benny! :wink:

Korgan sniggered when she entered the room and Viconia glared at her, but the rest of them, Kagain included, were pleasant to her and made no comment on her figure.

Theo: Not even a compliment? I hear women like to hear those... :D

Edwina said nothing, unsure of how to feel about these comments, particularly Kane’s. She was relieved when the warrior decided that it was time to leave, Nalia and Cory’s goodbye scene took the focus away from her for a brief time. Although she knew that it was stupid, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that the rest of the group were watching her and laughing behind her back. Part of her wanted to run away and hide, but she kept telling herself that she was doing it for Kane.

Ah, I think Edwina is getting a bit paranoidal, but understandably so...

Kane agreed and the shapeshifter quickly transformed and bounded off across the field. When he was just out of sight of the others, behind a large rock, he smelt humans and, after switching back to human form lest they decided that he was dangerous and attacked him, he used the rock as cover and looked around it, taking care not to be seen. There was a large group of monsters there, ogres and wyverns. But Benny knew that he had smelt humans. Suddenly, something occurred to him and he slipped easily back into wolf form and looked back around the rock. Where the monsters had been were now knights. An illusion spells strong enough to trick even the sharpest human eye, but not the senses of a wolf.

Heh, nifty. I guess that means that Ajantis lives to fight another day...

“When I shapeshift, I can see things that normal eyes cannot see,” the assassin said casually. “It takes an incredibly powerful illusion spell to trick the keen eyes of a wolf or cat…or their sense of smell for that matter. And I don’t think there is any spell in the realms that can stop a skilled assassin knowing when something isn’t quite right. Believe it or not, I don’t care, but I know what I saw.”

Wonder if druidic shapeshifting would be the same...

“I believe you,” Kane said at once, having witnessed first hand the skill that animals had at seeing through illusions. “It’s not that unbelievable after all, there are stranger things in the realms than a few knights put under a spell to make them seem like monsters to many eyes. Firkraag obviously didn’t realise that we had a shapeshifter in our party.”

Heh, though it's not like he has many reason to suspect that it is Firkraag's doing. Wild guess, I presume...

“The most logical reason would be to try and damage your reputation,” Benny pointed out. “Problem is, Kane has already got a bad reputation anyway and both the Order and the Cowled Wizards hate him for his actions. Something that Firkraag must have surely known.”

LOL! That's of course, true! :wink:

“Who said anything about avoiding them?” Kane glanced round at his companions, a cruel smirk on his lips. “If you ask me, the less knights that are running around, the better.”

Well, I was wrong. Ajantis will not live to fight another day. I fail to feel sorry for him. Oh well.

Kane, Korgan, Kagain, Yoshimo and Cory each took on an ogre, leaving Benny to fight the two wyverns and Edwina to cast offensive magic to aid anyone who needed it. Viconia cast insect swarm to irritate the monsters and stop them casting healing spells and then stayed back to cast protection and healing spells on anyone who required them. It wasn’t a difficult battle and it was over fairly quickly.

*Psst!* Vic can't cast insect swarm... it's druid-only! :)

It came as no surprise that when the monsters had fallen; human bodies lay where they had been cut down. But none of the party showed or felt any remorse as they stepped over the dead men and looked around them silently, wondering where to start looking for the noble who had crossed them.

Garren Windspear better not show up or he'll be gutted too...

#3 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 01:06 PM

That was when he finally awoke and he immediately raised his hands to check that no blood on them. Seeing that there was not made him feel a little better, but he still could not shake away the feeling of unease that the dream had brought him. He had not only killed the people he cared for, but he had enjoyed doing it.

That would be really freaky, actually. Enjoying a dream, and then waking up and realising that it had actually been a nightmare.

I told him not to cast that stupid Nether Scroll. Things were just fine between us, but then he just had to go and spoil it, didn’t he? If he had just listened to me in the first place, everything would be all right now.

Understandable that he feels shaken up after the dream, but thinking like this won't help.

Maybe I should go and find someone else to share my bed for a night or so. There would be no reason why Edwin should ever find out…and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

shouldn't it be 'Edwina'?

And I really hope that Kane doesn't betray Edwina like this.

“Well considering that we are both going to need sleep for tomorrow, I suppose you’d better get in with me then.” Benny shifted over to the edge of the bed to make room for Kane. “Although lock the door first, will you? I don’t think that anyone will be walking in on us, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Yep, imagine what would happen if viconia walked in on them...

“It’s because she’s insecure,” the assassin told him. “And jealousy comes into it too, she can’t see why you can love Edwin but you couldn’t love her. She came to me this afternoon, you know, and asked me if I thought that she was a cold-hearted, drow bitch.”

:) Poor Vic. Although to be fair, the way she's been treating edwina lately there is cause for that insult.

“She is taking this hard, isn’t she?” Benny agreed. “Mind you, I think that I’d feel bad too if I were in that position.”

Edwin's natural arrogance makes it worse for him than it would be for some people, though.

“Who said anything about avoiding them?” Kane glanced round at his companions, a cruel smirk on his lips. “If you ask me, the less knights that are running around, the better.”

LOL! Actually I guess that's the practical approach - the knights will attack them on site because of Firkraag's spell, and leaving enemies behind you is never wise. Plus avoiding the knights would warn firkraag they were aware of his trap.

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Kane slid his swords back into their scabbards and scowled. “Let’s search this area top to bottom until we find out where that bastard is hiding. And when we do, I’ll show him exactly what happens to people who cross Kane Theaza and his companions!”

Sounds like he's glad to have an enemy he can actually get to grips with.

Nice chapter :)

#4 Laufey

Posted 07 July 2003 - 01:23 PM

[quote]The Nether Scroll Disaster: Part 6

Kane was so busy worrying about Edwina, trying to think of a way to get through to her without upsetting her further, that sleep evaded him for a long while that night. And when his eyes did finally close, he slept uneasily, his dreams once again haunted by Irenicus. Benny, Dekaras, Edwin, Cory…even Imoen, they were all there. Then he had found himself changing and he had hurled himself at them, cutting them down with ease, while Irenicus watched and laughed as their blood covered him.

That was when he finally awoke and he immediately raised his hands to check that no blood on them. Seeing that there was not made him feel a little better, but he still could not shake away the feeling of unease that the dream had brought him. He had not only killed the people he cared for, but he had enjoyed doing it.

Ooooh boy...nasty dream to be certain!

Rini: I know how it is, bro. Bad dreams are pretty standard for us spawn...

Are these dreams trying to tell me something? Is something trying to tell me that I’m a danger to the people I love and those that they care for?

Well, yes. But it's not as if it's your fault.

Maybe I should go and find someone else to share my bed for a night or so. There would be no reason why Edwin should ever find out…and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

Shame on you, Kane! You know how hurt he'd be when he found out, and he would find out.

Kane knew that it wouldn’t be that difficult to find a girl to sleep with him, he’d never been short of lovers in the past and he had recently noticed that one of Nalia’s maids couldn’t seem to take her eyes off him. He doubted that it would take much persuading to get her to share his bed, but he quickly dismissed the idea. He knew that he couldn’t do that to Edwin and besides, he really didn’t want anyone else. He just wanted his lover back. No, if it was comfort he wanted, sleeping with another woman wasn’t the answer. But he knew what was…

Much better. :)

“You, Cory, Imoen,” Kane started and though he kept his voice steady, Benny could see that he was upset. “Edwin’s teacher and then…Edwin himself. And while I killed them, Irenicus was laughing and saying that I couldn’t fight the darkness inside me forever. I know that it was only a dream, but I can’t sleep alone tonight, I just can’t.”

Awww... :wink:

“Aye,” Kane did as he was told and slid the bolt across the door, before getting into bed beside his teacher. “Doesn’t matter that it’s completely innocent, if Edwina found out about this, she’d only go getting herself even more upset. And if Viconia found out…”

“She’d probably ask if she could join us next time,” Benny smirked slightly before his expression once again turned serious. “And she’d probably take great delight in teasing Edwina about it and making out that it was more than it was.”

She probably would. :D

“Basically I said that she did act rather cold at times, but that I understood that it was because she was afraid of getting hurt and that she’d feel better if she could bring herself to trust people just a little. She seemed willing to listen, even when I told her that fighting with Edwina wasn’t going to make her feel any better.”

“Well let’s just hope that she listens to you,” Kane sunk back against the pillows and closed his eyes. “Because as much as I care for her, she is really trying my patience right now. Edwina is in a bad enough state as it is without her making it worse.”

Quite true. And if she's pushed too hard, things could get *really* bad. My Edwina has just about reached the breaking point now.

“I think so,” Kane said after a moment. “Just having someone with me makes it easier…” he broke off and laughed humourlessly. “So much for being an evil and powerful Bhaalspawn warrior. I’ve fought dragons, beholders, demons from other planes and yet a mere nightmare scares me. The other Shadow Thieves would laugh if they could see me now.”

Vadrak Dekaras: Powerful has nothing to do with it. I have regular nightmares myself - some of us have more reason than others for that.

Children…they cause us so much trouble, put us through so much pain and worry and yet what would we do without them? I’ll be by Kane’s side until the the time comes for him to ascend, ready to raise my blade against anyone who dares to try and harm him. And when I come face to face with Irenicus, he will find out what real pain is for everything he has done to the one I call my son…

Vadrak Dekaras: And that is entirely as it should be.

Edwina said nothing, unsure of how to feel about these comments, particularly Kane’s. She was relieved when the warrior decided that it was time to leave, Nalia and Cory’s goodbye scene took the focus away from her for a brief time. Although she knew that it was stupid, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that the rest of the group were watching her and laughing behind her back. Part of her wanted to run away and hide, but she kept telling herself that she was doing it for Kane.

Vadrak Dekaras: *sigh* It won't be easy for her, but it's better that she has something to occupy herself with than that she sit still brooding. I know that from my own experience.

“Who said anything about avoiding them?” Kane glanced round at his companions, a cruel smirk on his lips. “If you ask me, the less knights that are running around, the better.”

LOL! I should have guessed. :)

Kane, Korgan, Kagain, Yoshimo and Cory each took on an ogre, leaving Benny to fight the two wyverns and Edwina to cast offensive magic to aid anyone who needed it. Viconia cast insect swarm to irritate the monsters and stop them casting healing spells and then stayed back to cast protection and healing spells on anyone who required them. It wasn’t a difficult battle and it was over fairly quickly.

Nitpick: Vic can't cast insect swarm, only druids can do that.

It came as no surprise that when the monsters had fallen; human bodies lay where they had been cut down. But none of the party showed or felt any remorse as they stepped over the dead men and looked around them silently, wondering where to start looking for the noble who had crossed them.

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Kane slid his swords back into their scabbards and scowled. “Let’s search this area top to bottom until we find out where that bastard is hiding. And when we do, I’ll show him exactly what happens to people who cross Kane Theaza and his companions!”

And good for him! :wink:
Rogues do it from behind.

#5 Weyoun

Posted 08 July 2003 - 11:27 PM

Are these dreams trying to tell me something? Is something trying to tell me that I’m a danger to the people I love and those that they care for?

Well, as a Bhaalspawn, that's more or less a given, sadly.

“She’s fine,” Kane interrupted. “At least she is as far as I know. I…I had another dream, Benny, and I really…” He hesitated for a minute before he continued, “really didn’t want to be alone. I dreamt that I killed everyone, Benny. Irenicus told me to kill them and I did. I changed into the Slayer and I ripped them all to pieces.”

Cute... Well, not really.

“It’s because she’s insecure,” the assassin told him. “And jealousy comes into it too, she can’t see why you can love Edwin but you couldn’t love her. She came to me this afternoon, you know, and asked me if I thought that she was a cold-hearted, drow bitch.”

“And what did you say?”

“Basically I said that she did act rather cold at times, but that I understood that it was because she was afraid of getting hurt and that she’d feel better if she could bring herself to trust people just a little. She seemed willing to listen, even when I told her that fighting with Edwina wasn’t going to make her feel any better.”


“If there be an illusion spell,” Korgan demanded. “How come you were able to be seeing past it then?”

“When I shapeshift, I can see things that normal eyes cannot see,” the assassin said casually. “It takes an incredibly powerful illusion spell to trick the keen eyes of a wolf or cat…or their sense of smell for that matter. And I don’t think there is any spell in the realms that can stop a skilled assassin knowing when something isn’t quite right. Believe it or not, I don’t care, but I know what I saw.”

Good point. If illusion only affects sight, what about the other senses? :)

“I’ll be planting my bloody axe in ‘is bleedin’ skull!” Korgan roared. “We’ll be showin’ ‘im what happens when ‘e messes with dwarves. Right Kagain?”

“Aye,” the second dwarf agreed. “That bloody noble won’t be gettin’ away with this!”

LOL! Dwarves on the warpath. I love it.

It came as no surprise that when the monsters had fallen; human bodies lay where they had been cut down. But none of the party showed or felt any remorse as they stepped over the dead men and looked around them silently, wondering where to start looking for the noble who had crossed them.

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Kane slid his swords back into their scabbards and scowled. “Let’s search this area top to bottom until we find out where that bastard is hiding. And when we do, I’ll show him exactly what happens to people who cross Kane Theaza and his companions!”

Great stuff,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#6 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 09 July 2003 - 10:35 AM

That was when he finally awoke and he immediately raised his hands to check that no blood on them. Seeing that there was not made him feel a little better, but he still could not shake away the feeling of unease that the dream had brought him. He had not only killed the people he cared for, but he had enjoyed doing it.

Hopefully that dream will never materialize...

So do I...but we'll see.

Are these dreams trying to tell me something? Is something trying to tell me that I’m a danger to the people I love and those that they care for?

Theo: I'm afraid that's how it will be, Kane. Sometimes I think that our loved ones suffer much more than us, during this whole thing.

Kane: *nods and sighs* I think you're right...but I wanted to protect Edwin from all of that.

Maybe I should go and find someone else to share my bed for a night or so. There would be no reason why Edwin should ever find out…and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.[/quote]

Shame on you, Kane! How long has it been, a day or two? Sheesh, men! :)

Kane: I don't want sex, I just want some company!

“Aye,” Kane did as he was told and slid the bolt across the door, before getting into bed beside his teacher. “Doesn’t matter that it’s completely innocent, if Edwina found out about this, she’d only go getting herself even more upset. And if Viconia found out…”

Why would the others care so much? Does someone know that these two have a past? I mean - it is not terribly odd for two friends to share a room without someone else suspecting that there could be more...

Viconia knows that they were lovers once because Benny told her back in the Umar Hills. And in the state she's in right now, Edwina would naturally jump to the wrong conclusion, especially if it was Viconia who told her.

Children…they cause us so much trouble, put us through so much pain and worry and yet what would we do without them? I’ll be by Kane’s side until the the time comes for him to ascend, ready to raise my blade against anyone who dares to try and harm him. And when I come face to face with Irenicus, he will find out what real pain is for everything he has done to the one I call my son… [/quote]

Awww. You take good care of him, Benny! :D

Benny: Don't worry, I will.

Korgan sniggered when she entered the room and Viconia glared at her, but the rest of them, Kagain included, were pleasant to her and made no comment on her figure.

Theo: Not even a compliment? I hear women like to hear those... :)

Any compliment that those lot give is almost certainly going to come out wrong.

Edwina said nothing, unsure of how to feel about these comments, particularly Kane’s. She was relieved when the warrior decided that it was time to leave, Nalia and Cory’s goodbye scene took the focus away from her for a brief time. Although she knew that it was stupid, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that the rest of the group were watching her and laughing behind her back. Part of her wanted to run away and hide, but she kept telling herself that she was doing it for Kane.

Ah, I think Edwina is getting a bit paranoidal, but understandably so...

Yes...I think anyone in her position would feel the same.

Kane agreed and the shapeshifter quickly transformed and bounded off across the field. When he was just out of sight of the others, behind a large rock, he smelt humans and, after switching back to human form lest they decided that he was dangerous and attacked him, he used the rock as cover and looked around it, taking care not to be seen. There was a large group of monsters there, ogres and wyverns. But Benny knew that he had smelt humans. Suddenly, something occurred to him and he slipped easily back into wolf form and looked back around the rock. Where the monsters had been were now knights. An illusion spells strong enough to trick even the sharpest human eye, but not the senses of a wolf.

Heh, nifty. I guess that means that Ajantis lives to fight another day...


“When I shapeshift, I can see things that normal eyes cannot see,” the assassin said casually. “It takes an incredibly powerful illusion spell to trick the keen eyes of a wolf or cat…or their sense of smell for that matter. And I don’t think there is any spell in the realms that can stop a skilled assassin knowing when something isn’t quite right. Believe it or not, I don’t care, but I know what I saw.”

Wonder if druidic shapeshifting would be the same...

*shrugs* I couldn't say. Benny's shapeshifting ability is supposed to be different from that of a druid though because he can only do it because of his demon blood.

“I believe you,” Kane said at once, having witnessed first hand the skill that animals had at seeing through illusions. “It’s not that unbelievable after all, there are stranger things in the realms than a few knights put under a spell to make them seem like monsters to many eyes. Firkraag obviously didn’t realise that we had a shapeshifter in our party.”

Heh, though it's not like he has many reason to suspect that it is Firkraag's doing. Wild guess, I presume...

Kane: Well it does make sense since he was the one who sent us all the way out there in the first place.

“The most logical reason would be to try and damage your reputation,” Benny pointed out. “Problem is, Kane has already got a bad reputation anyway and both the Order and the Cowled Wizards hate him for his actions. Something that Firkraag must have surely known.”

LOL! That's of course, true! :P

Kane: *smirks evilly* Of course.

“Who said anything about avoiding them?” Kane glanced round at his companions, a cruel smirk on his lips. “If you ask me, the less knights that are running around, the better.”

Well, I was wrong. Ajantis will not live to fight another day. I fail to feel sorry for him. Oh well.

*laughs* My thoughts exactly.

Kane, Korgan, Kagain, Yoshimo and Cory each took on an ogre, leaving Benny to fight the two wyverns and Edwina to cast offensive magic to aid anyone who needed it. Viconia cast insect swarm to irritate the monsters and stop them casting healing spells and then stayed back to cast protection and healing spells on anyone who required them. It wasn’t a difficult battle and it was over fairly quickly.

*Psst!* Vic can't cast insect swarm... it's druid-only! :)

I know, it was deliberate. But thanks for pointing it out anyway. :D

It came as no surprise that when the monsters had fallen; human bodies lay where they had been cut down. But none of the party showed or felt any remorse as they stepped over the dead men and looked around them silently, wondering where to start looking for the noble who had crossed them.

Garren Windspear better not show up or he'll be gutted too...[/quote]

He most probably would, yes. Thanks for commening. :lol:


#7 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 09 July 2003 - 10:42 AM

Are these dreams trying to tell me something? Is something trying to tell me that I’m a danger to the people I love and those that they care for?

Well, as a Bhaalspawn, that's more or less a given, sadly.

Unfortunately it is. As Kane and the others will discover later on.

“Basically I said that she did act rather cold at times, but that I understood that it was because she was afraid of getting hurt and that she’d feel better if she could bring herself to trust people just a little. She seemed willing to listen, even when I told her that fighting with Edwina wasn’t going to make her feel any better.”


Viconia has got someone who tries to understand her at least.

“When I shapeshift, I can see things that normal eyes cannot see,” the assassin said casually. “It takes an incredibly powerful illusion spell to trick the keen eyes of a wolf or cat…or their sense of smell for that matter. And I don’t think there is any spell in the realms that can stop a skilled assassin knowing when something isn’t quite right. Believe it or not, I don’t care, but I know what I saw.”

Good point. If illusion only affects sight, what about the other senses? :)

That's what I figured. And some animals do have sharper senses than humans.

“I’ll be planting my bloody axe in ‘is bleedin’ skull!” Korgan roared. “We’ll be showin’ ‘im what happens when ‘e messes with dwarves. Right Kagain?”

“Aye,” the second dwarf agreed. “That bloody noble won’t be gettin’ away with this!”

LOL! Dwarves on the warpath. I love it.

Same here. :)

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Kane slid his swords back into their scabbards and scowled. “Let’s search this area top to bottom until we find out where that bastard is hiding. And when we do, I’ll show him exactly what happens to people who cross Kane Theaza and his companions!”

Great stuff,

Thanks! And thanks for commenting. :)


#8 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 10 July 2003 - 04:39 PM

That was when he finally awoke and he immediately raised his hands to check that no blood on them. Seeing that there was not made him feel a little better, but he still could not shake away the feeling of unease that the dream had brought him. He had not only killed the people he cared for, but he had enjoyed doing it.

Ooooh boy...nasty dream to be certain!

Kane: You could say that again.

Rini: I know how it is, bro. Bad dreams are pretty standard for us spawn...

Kane: *nods* I know, sis. I just wish they weren't so...nasty.

Are these dreams trying to tell me something? Is something trying to tell me that I’m a danger to the people I love and those that they care for?

Well, yes. But it's not as if it's your fault.

It's not always easy to believe that though...

Maybe I should go and find someone else to share my bed for a night or so. There would be no reason why Edwin should ever find out…and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

Shame on you, Kane! You know how hurt he'd be when he found out, and he would find out.

Kane: I know, that's why I'd never actually do it. It was just a...moment of weakness.

Kane knew that it wouldn’t be that difficult to find a girl to sleep with him, he’d never been short of lovers in the past and he had recently noticed that one of Nalia’s maids couldn’t seem to take her eyes off him. He doubted that it would take much persuading to get her to share his bed, but he quickly dismissed the idea. He knew that he couldn’t do that to Edwin and besides, he really didn’t want anyone else. He just wanted his lover back. No, if it was comfort he wanted, sleeping with another woman wasn’t the answer. But he knew what was…

Much better. :wink:

Kane: Like I said, just a moment of weakness.

“She’d probably ask if she could join us next time,” Benny smirked slightly before his expression once again turned serious. “And she’d probably take great delight in teasing Edwina about it and making out that it was more than it was.”

She probably would. :roll:

It is rather likely.

“Well let’s just hope that she listens to you,” Kane sunk back against the pillows and closed his eyes. “Because as much as I care for her, she is really trying my patience right now. Edwina is in a bad enough state as it is without her making it worse.”

Quite true. And if she's pushed too hard, things could get *really* bad. My Edwina has just about reached the breaking point now.

And mine is going to get there soon if Kane doesn't do something quickly.

“I think so,” Kane said after a moment. “Just having someone with me makes it easier…” he broke off and laughed humourlessly. “So much for being an evil and powerful Bhaalspawn warrior. I’ve fought dragons, beholders, demons from other planes and yet a mere nightmare scares me. The other Shadow Thieves would laugh if they could see me now.”

Vadrak Dekaras: Powerful has nothing to do with it. I have regular nightmares myself - some of us have more reason than others for that.

Benny: *nods* I am occassionally tormented by them myself...and I certainly don't consider myself weak because they frighten me at times.

Children…they cause us so much trouble, put us through so much pain and worry and yet what would we do without them? I’ll be by Kane’s side until the the time comes for him to ascend, ready to raise my blade against anyone who dares to try and harm him. And when I come face to face with Irenicus, he will find out what real pain is for everything he has done to the one I call my son…

Vadrak Dekaras: And that is entirely as it should be.

Benny: Without a doubt.

Edwina said nothing, unsure of how to feel about these comments, particularly Kane’s. She was relieved when the warrior decided that it was time to leave, Nalia and Cory’s goodbye scene took the focus away from her for a brief time. Although she knew that it was stupid, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that the rest of the group were watching her and laughing behind her back. Part of her wanted to run away and hide, but she kept telling herself that she was doing it for Kane.

Vadrak Dekaras: *sigh* It won't be easy for her, but it's better that she has something to occupy herself with than that she sit still brooding. I know that from my own experience.

Oh yes, sitting around feeling sorry for herself will only make her feel worse...

“Who said anything about avoiding them?” Kane glanced round at his companions, a cruel smirk on his lips. “If you ask me, the less knights that are running around, the better.”

LOL! I should have guessed. :P

Well he was hardly going to let them go wandering on their way. :lol:

Kane, Korgan, Kagain, Yoshimo and Cory each took on an ogre, leaving Benny to fight the two wyverns and Edwina to cast offensive magic to aid anyone who needed it. Viconia cast insect swarm to irritate the monsters and stop them casting healing spells and then stayed back to cast protection and healing spells on anyone who required them. It wasn’t a difficult battle and it was over fairly quickly.

Nitpick: Vic can't cast insect swarm, only druids can do that.

I know, it was deliberate. But thanks for pointing it out anyway. :lol:

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Kane slid his swords back into their scabbards and scowled. “Let’s search this area top to bottom until we find out where that bastard is hiding. And when we do, I’ll show him exactly what happens to people who cross Kane Theaza and his companions!”

And good for him! :D[/quote]

He really needs to work off some agression right now. Thanks for commenting. :lol:


#9 Guest_Silver_*

Posted 10 July 2003 - 08:32 PM

That was when he finally awoke and he immediately raised his hands to check that no blood on them. Seeing that there was not made him feel a little better, but he still could not shake away the feeling of unease that the dream had brought him. He had not only killed the people he cared for, but he had enjoyed doing it.

That would be really freaky, actually. Enjoying a dream, and then waking up and realising that it had actually been a nightmare.

*nods* Never done that myself, but I don't doubt that it would be scary.

I told him not to cast that stupid Nether Scroll. Things were just fine between us, but then he just had to go and spoil it, didn’t he? If he had just listened to me in the first place, everything would be all right now.

Understandable that he feels shaken up after the dream, but thinking like this won't help.

No, it won't.

Maybe I should go and find someone else to share my bed for a night or so. There would be no reason why Edwin should ever find out…and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

shouldn't it be 'Edwina'?

No...he still tends to think of Edwin as a male.

And I really hope that Kane doesn't betray Edwina like this.

Of course he won't. It was just a moment of weakness.

“Well considering that we are both going to need sleep for tomorrow, I suppose you’d better get in with me then.” Benny shifted over to the edge of the bed to make room for Kane. “Although lock the door first, will you? I don’t think that anyone will be walking in on us, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Yep, imagine what would happen if viconia walked in on them...

It wouldn't be good, that's for sure.

“It’s because she’s insecure,” the assassin told him. “And jealousy comes into it too, she can’t see why you can love Edwin but you couldn’t love her. She came to me this afternoon, you know, and asked me if I thought that she was a cold-hearted, drow bitch.”

:? Poor Vic. Although to be fair, the way she's been treating edwina lately there is cause for that insult.

Yes, she has been pretty nasty to poor Edwina recently.

“She is taking this hard, isn’t she?” Benny agreed. “Mind you, I think that I’d feel bad too if I were in that position.”

Edwin's natural arrogance makes it worse for him than it would be for some people, though.

That's true.

“Who said anything about avoiding them?” Kane glanced round at his companions, a cruel smirk on his lips. “If you ask me, the less knights that are running around, the better.”

LOL! Actually I guess that's the practical approach - the knights will attack them on site because of Firkraag's spell, and leaving enemies behind you is never wise. Plus avoiding the knights would warn firkraag they were aware of his trap.

Kane: Of course. You have to take these things into consideration.

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Kane slid his swords back into their scabbards and scowled. “Let’s search this area top to bottom until we find out where that bastard is hiding. And when we do, I’ll show him exactly what happens to people who cross Kane Theaza and his companions!”

Sounds like he's glad to have an enemy he can actually get to grips with.

Kane: That's one way of putting it, yes.

Nice chapter :)[/quote]

Thanks! And thank you for commenting. :(


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