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When Wolves Cry: Beregost

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#1 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 03 July 2003 - 03:02 AM

The promised prequel, detailing Vic and Sal's horrid little adventure in Beregost. Poor Vic...


It was dusk as Salvanas Eveningfall rode through the countryside. He was elven, with short, shaggy copper hair and bright green eyes. His skin was bronzed from years spent in the hot Calimshan sun. Salvanas had been adopted as a child, brought into the family of one Kariq Sai-Alyn, a merchant-prince of Calimshan.

Kariq could have no children, no matter how many wives he took, so he began to take in children. Off the streets, from slavers, wherever he found a child that touched his heart, he took that one in. Salvanas was one of five. He was the only elf, though he had two half-elven brothers, a human sister, and a half-elven sister.

Salvanas had just returned from seeing his father. He had informed Kariq of what had gone on in the last year he had been gone, and what he planned to do. For Salvanas had sworn to the one he loved that he would go to Beregost. It was far from Calimshan, but he had a horse and the will to get there.

His horse was a dusky tan, with a black mane and tail. Beside him trotted his ‘pet’, a hyena. He had had the creature since he was little, it was a gift from his father. He had named it Haalan, and the two of them were seldom separate from that day on. Haalan was a powerful creature, dusky yellow-brown fur, smattered with black spots. His jaw was strong, more fearsome than any dogs. The hyena loped beside him through the thick woodlands, never straying far except when they stopped. Then the creature would hunt.

He was nearing his destination, that much he knew. The distant flickering bespoke of candles in windows or such. He nudged his mount into a gallop and swiftly closed the distance between the town and himself.

He rode by a little boy, who was tossing a ball to himself and catching it.

“Yer not from around here are you?” the child asked, eyes widening.

“Nah, can’t be, ears ‘r too big,” a little girl piped in, smiling widely.

Salvanas chuckled, “That’s because I am an elf, child.”

Haalan wagged his tail, coming closer to the children.

“Tell me though, could you point a poor large-eared fellow to the farm of one Viconia DeVir?” Salvanas asked.

“That’s the lady who always wears a cloak,” the boy remarked, “Never seen her face.”

“Down that way a bit,” the girl answered, pointing, “House is stone, big no-tresspassing sign, can’t miss it.”

“Thank you, hin,” the elf replied, flicking a gold piece to each child, “My advice, spend it on candy.”

Both of the children’s faces lit up, and they practically ran down the street to the store. Haalan made a noise, his strange barking laughter, before turning and loping after his master.


Salvanas knew before he knocked on the door that no one was home. He was walking back to his horse when he heard Haalan’s blood-chilling growl. The elf made his way over, to find the hyena sniffing at what was obviously a small puddle of blood.

Salvanas’ heart quickened, fear coming over him.

“Haalan,” he ordered, “Track.”

The hyena sniffed for a moment at the spot on the ground, before giving way to more chilling laughter and bounding away. The elf raced after him on foot, leaving the horse tied to a fence-post.


He found himself outside another farmhouse. He could hear the harsh laughter of the human’s inside and the things they said would be burned into his mind as long as he lived. He snuck around outside, following Haalan. A large black dog made as if to bark, but one violent glare from the hyena kept it silent.

Haalan pawed at some fresh dirt. It looked as if something had been buried not long ago. Salvanas’ keen hearing picked up the sound of something struggling to draw in breath, heard the faint scratching sounds coming from the ground. The elf paled visibly as Haalan whined softly.

“Dig,” Salvanas said. The hyena began to tear at the loose sod, and the elf got down on his hands and knees, digging as rapidly as he could. Haalan spared a quick glance at the dog, who trotted over and joined them.

After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.

“S…Salvanas?” she whispered, reaching up to touch his face with one ebon hand. He held her close as she began to cry. Quickly and quietly, he rose, carrying her away from all that hell. He walked all the way back to her home, then got both her and himself on the horse and rode back to Beregost.

He strode into the inn like a thundercloud, reserving a room with a cold, stony expression that warned most of the regulars off. He carried the dark-elf upstairs and placed her in bed, holding her as she clung to him.

“What happened, Vic?” he asked, whispering softly into one delicately pointed ear. He saw those brilliant ruby eyes burn with anger.

“I was in the fields, working on my farm,” she began quietly, “My neighbor and I had been talking, I…I thought that the rivvil could be trusted. We had been abbils for a time. I drew back my hood and revealed my true self to him. That…that bastard…he just smiled and invited me to his son’s wedding celebration. Like the *wael* I am, I agreed to come. One of his sons hit me in the back of the head with something…I woke…I woke up the first time…in their house…I…”

He smoothed her long white hair, matted and dusty as it was. He felt her shiver, held her closer. Then she began to shake with rage.

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”

The elf’s eyes blazed with hatred as he thought of the men in the house, joking, laughing. They both remained silent for quite some time.

Salvanas spoke first, “I love you, Viconia deVir. Mela en’ am coia.”

“Lu' Usstan dos,” came her reply. He gently kissed her forehead, before moving as if to get up.

“Xuat sevir uns'aa,” she whispered.

“Ilya-forya,” came his reply in quiet elven. Rather than leave, he wrapped his arms around her, and they both drifted off to sleep.


He remained with her for all of the next day. The night was a different story.

The copper-haired elf shunned his chainmail for his normal clothes, which allowed him a greater range of motion. He drew his jambiya, a type of long curved dagger with a wicked hook in the middle of it. It was sharp, he had spent a few hours honing it earlier. He slipped the weapon into his belt.

Then he turned, to look at her. Viconia slept peacefully. He reached out, brushing her long white hair out of her face. Ever so softly, Salvanas kissed her forehead, before rising and walking out the door. Haalan looked up for a moment, then settled down at the end of the bed, his dark eyes keeping careful watch over the drow elf.


The elf crouched outside the open window, listening to the farmers laugh and joke about what they had done. His teeth were bared in a silent snarl as he waited, the hooked dagger balanced in one slender hand. The jambiya, a gift from his trainer in the art of war. Cold steel, deadly sharp, slender, it could slice through flesh as easily as it could the air. He tested the edge on a finger as he waited. One of the men made a comment about the drow, and Salvanas’ green eyes narrowed. Their observations were that an animal had dug up the body and eaten it. The fools. And yet again his heart burned with fierce hatred and at the same time, love of an equal volume. He knew he would do anything for her, even this. It would not be the first time he had killed, although he was no murderer or common thug.

He loved Viconia. He knew that much, and he knew that as self-reliant and strong as she was, he needed to protect her. The noises got louder as the men came outside to look once more at the spot where the body had been disposed off. None of them saw the green eyes blazing in the shadows, none but the hound that had been there the night before.

Slowly, Salvanas rose from his place, determined to do this the right way. He would not give them a quiet death, no peaceful passage to the other side while they slept. They would know before the died, they would know who it was that sent them to their end and why.

“So you return,” Salvanas said coolly, “to see your handiwork. Pathetic.”

Neros, the eldest son of the farmer, turned to see the bronze and copper elven man leaning nonchalantly against the side of their house. The human snatched up a pitchfork as soon as he saw the wickedly curved blade in the elf’s hand.

“And what did she do to deserve it, eh?” Salvanas asked, “What right did you have?”

The farmer sneered, “Who cares, elf? No one gives a rat’s ass about a drow. And she *was* an awful lot of fun. Now who the hell are you? And what do you think you’re doing on *my* land?”

“Salvanas Eveningfall,” the elf replied, a violent glint in his eyes, “and the woman that you had your way with was my lover. You hurt her, human, shattered a part of her. And now, I’m going to repay you for your evil.”

Neros watched in horror as a dagger sprouted from his father’s neck. The young man leapt at the fey figure before him, stabbing at the elf with his pitchfork. The farm-tool was roughly yanked from his hands as Salvanas dodged and gripped it. The other human let out a gasp of disbelief as a long curved dagger separated Neros’ head and torso.

The last made as if to run, but a blade caught him between the shoulder’s, dropping him where he stood.

Salvanas piled the bodies in the hole that had been dug for Viconia and tossed several flasks of burning oil on them. Soon, there was no trace that the men had ever existed.


Quietly, Salvanas entered the room he and Viconia shared at the inn. He shrugged off his cloak and shirt, and placed his recently cleaned dagger on the small table. Then, the elf slid into bed beside Viconia.

“You smell like smoke, jaluk,” the drow muttered, although she didn’t move. He simply smiled and brushed a lock of white hair out of her face.

“So do your neighbors,” the elf replied. This comment caused ruby eyes to snap open, peering at him intensely.

“What do you mean, wael?” Viconia asked.

“They rot in the abyss, a’mael,” Salvanas answered, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. He closed his eyes and whispered, “And no one will ever hurt you again.”

Against her will, she believed him.


In the morning, they packed and left. To Athkatla, the City of Coin. Somewhere new and different, where perhaps they might lead a happier life together.


Mela en’ am coia: Love of my life
Lu' Usstan dos: And I you
Xuat sevir uns'aa: Don't leave me
Ilya-forya: Alright

Hope ya liked it,

H’kira the Wolf

#2 Arcalian

Posted 03 July 2003 - 03:23 AM

Awww. *hugs Vickie*
The road to the abyss may be paved with good intentions, but it is those with bad intentions that race down that road as fast as they can.

#3 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 03 July 2003 - 07:09 AM

Salvanas had just returned from seeing his father. He had informed Kariq of what had gone on in the last year he had been gone, and what he planned to do. For Salvanas had sworn to the one he loved that he would go to Beregost. It was far from Calimshan, but he had a horse and the will to get there.

Wonder how exactly those two met?

“Down that way a bit,” the girl answered, pointing, “House is stone, big no-tresspassing sign, can’t miss it.”

Hehe, I always found it hard to believe that Vic would wan to lead such a closed, solitary life - but apparently that's what she was doing in Beregost...

Salvanas knew before he knocked on the door that no one was home. He was walking back to his horse when he heard Haalan’s blood-chilling growl. The elf made his way over, to find the hyena sniffing at what was obviously a small puddle of blood.

Uh-oh... I hope he's got here in time to help her...

After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.

Argh, burried alive must be the worst possible way to go, I mean it is horrific - if you have read stories by Edgar Allan Poe, you'd know what I mean - I had such nightmares from those and decided that I should be cremated when I die...

He smoothed her long white hair, matted and dusty as it was. He felt her shiver, held her closer. Then she began to shake with rage.

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”

The elf’s eyes blazed with hatred as he thought of the men in the house, joking, laughing. They both remained silent for quite some time.

GRRRRR... that is one crime I would never forgive to anybody. :)

Then he turned, to look at her. Viconia slept peacefully. He reached out, brushing her long white hair out of her face. Ever so softly, Salvanas kissed her forehead, before rising and walking out the door. Haalan looked up for a moment, then settled down at the end of the bed, his dark eyes keeping careful watch over the drow elf.

Yep, kill some farmers, please!

Slowly, Salvanas rose from his place, determined to do this the right way. He would not give them a quiet death, no peaceful passage to the other side while they slept. They would know before the died, they would know who it was that sent them to their end and why.


Neros watched in horror as a dagger sprouted from his father’s neck. The young man leapt at the fey figure before him, stabbing at the elf with his pitchfork. The farm-tool was roughly yanked from his hands as Salvanas dodged and gripped it. The other human let out a gasp of disbelief as a long curved dagger separated Neros’ head and torso.

The last made as if to run, but a blade caught him between the shoulder’s, dropping him where he stood.

Salvanas piled the bodies in the hole that had been dug for Viconia and tossed several flasks of burning oil on them. Soon, there was no trace that the men had ever existed.

YAY! That was a well executed kill, no prolonged suffering of the kill... and tossing them in Viconia's designed grave was a poetic justice :twisted:

In the morning, they packed and left. To Athkatla, the City of Coin. Somewhere new and different, where perhaps they might lead a happier life together.

Hehe, perhaps... unless Viconia ends up tied to a stake, eventually... :)

Hope ya liked it,

H’kira the Wolf

I liked it... a nice Salvanas is a rare sight - in my story Vic and Jae combined to crush his testicles, heehee... ;)

#4 Laufey

Posted 03 July 2003 - 06:39 PM

Salvanas knew before he knocked on the door that no one was home. He was walking back to his horse when he heard Haalan’s blood-chilling growl. The elf made his way over, to find the hyena sniffing at what was obviously a small puddle of blood.

Oh no... :roll:

After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.

“S…Salvanas?” she whispered, reaching up to touch his face with one ebon hand. He held her close as she began to cry. Quickly and quietly, he rose, carrying her away from all that hell. He walked all the way back to her home, then got both her and himself on the horse and rode back to Beregost.

I cant even begin to imagine how horrible it must be to be buried alive like that. :)

“I was in the fields, working on my farm,” she began quietly, “My neighbor and I had been talking, I…I thought that the rivvil could be trusted. We had been abbils for a time. I drew back my hood and revealed my true self to him. That…that bastard…he just smiled and invited me to his son’s wedding celebration. Like the *wael* I am, I agreed to come. One of his sons hit me in the back of the head with something…I woke…I woke up the first time…in their house…I…”

He smoothed her long white hair, matted and dusty as it was. He felt her shiver, held her closer. Then she began to shake with rage.

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”


The copper-haired elf shunned his chainmail for his normal clothes, which allowed him a greater range of motion. He drew his jambiya, a type of long curved dagger with a wicked hook in the middle of it. It was sharp, he had spent a few hours honing it earlier. He slipped the weapon into his belt.

Good...let's kill those bastards.

Neros watched in horror as a dagger sprouted from his father’s neck. The young man leapt at the fey figure before him, stabbing at the elf with his pitchfork. The farm-tool was roughly yanked from his hands as Salvanas dodged and gripped it. The other human let out a gasp of disbelief as a long curved dagger separated Neros’ head and torso.

The last made as if to run, but a blade caught him between the shoulder’s, dropping him where he stood.

Salvanas piled the bodies in the hole that had been dug for Viconia and tossed several flasks of burning oil on them. Soon, there was no trace that the men had ever existed.

Very nice, very nice indeed. :twisted: Although I think I still prefer to see Vic get her revenge by herself, I certainly enjoyed his scene.

In the morning, they packed and left. To Athkatla, the City of Coin. Somewhere new and different, where perhaps they might lead a happier life together.

I hope so too. Very nice little vignette! :wink:
Rogues do it from behind.

#5 Weyoun

Posted 03 July 2003 - 10:40 PM

“Nah, can’t be, ears ‘r too big,” a little girl piped in, smiling widely.

Laska : HEY! No ear-jokes here...

Imoen : *snickers* Big-ears...

“Down that way a bit,” the girl answered, pointing, “House is stone, big no-tresspassing sign, can’t miss it.”

I bet it says 'Keep out, or be Torn Apart'. :twisted:

After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.


“I was in the fields, working on my farm,” she began quietly, “My neighbor and I had been talking, I…I thought that the rivvil could be trusted. We had been abbils for a time. I drew back my hood and revealed my true self to him. That…that bastard…he just smiled and invited me to his son’s wedding celebration. Like the *wael* I am, I agreed to come. One of his sons hit me in the back of the head with something…I woke…I woke up the first time…in their house…I…”

He smoothed her long white hair, matted and dusty as it was. He felt her shiver, held her closer. Then she began to shake with rage.

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”


The elf’s eyes blazed with hatred as he thought of the men in the house, joking, laughing. They both remained silent for quite some time.

Salvanas spoke first, “I love you, Viconia deVir. Mela en’ am coia.”

“Lu' Usstan dos,” came her reply. He gently kissed her forehead, before moving as if to get up.

“Xuat sevir uns'aa,” she whispered.

“Ilya-forya,” came his reply in quiet elven. Rather than leave, he wrapped his arms around her, and they both drifted off to sleep.


“Salvanas Eveningfall,” the elf replied, a violent glint in his eyes, “and the woman that you had your way with was my lover. You hurt her, human, shattered a part of her. And now, I’m going to repay you for your evil.”

Neros watched in horror as a dagger sprouted from his father’s neck. The young man leapt at the fey figure before him, stabbing at the elf with his pitchfork. The farm-tool was roughly yanked from his hands as Salvanas dodged and gripped it. The other human let out a gasp of disbelief as a long curved dagger separated Neros’ head and torso.

Woohoo! :twisted:

In the morning, they packed and left. To Athkatla, the City of Coin. Somewhere new and different, where perhaps they might lead a happier life together.


Hope ya liked it,

H’kira the Wolf

I did! Great stuff,
TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#6 Guest_Hunter_*

Posted 04 July 2003 - 06:31 AM

“Tell me though, could you point a poor large-eared fellow to the farm of one Viconia DeVir?” Salvanas asked.

from where do they know each other?

Salvanas knew before he knocked on the door that no one was home. He was walking back to his horse when he heard Haalan’s blood-chilling growl. The elf made his way over, to find the hyena sniffing at what was obviously a small puddle of blood.

On no!

He found himself outside another farmhouse. He could hear the harsh laughter of the human’s inside and the things they said would be burned into his mind as long as he lived. He snuck around outside, following Haalan. A large black dog made as if to bark, but one violent glare from the hyena kept it silent.

It knows when to keep its mouth shut

After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.


“S…Salvanas?” she whispered, reaching up to touch his face with one ebon hand. He held her close as she began to cry. Quickly and quietly, he rose, carrying her away from all that hell. He walked all the way back to her home, then got both her and himself on the horse and rode back to Beregost.

Poor, poor woman. And all that because she had the wrong skin-colour.

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”

Those bastards.

The elf’s eyes blazed with hatred as he thought of the men in the house, joking, laughing. They both remained silent for quite some time.

Salvanas spoke first, “I love you, Viconia deVir. Mela en’ am coia.”


“Lu' Usstan dos,” came her reply. He gently kissed her forehead, before moving as if to get up.

“Xuat sevir uns'aa,” she whispered.

“Ilya-forya,” came his reply in quiet elven. Rather than leave, he wrapped his arms around her, and they both drifted off to sleep.

Well, i don't undestand elven.

“So you return,” Salvanas said coolly, “to see your handiwork. Pathetic.”

Very pathetic.

Mela en’ am coia: Love of my life
Lu' Usstan dos: And I you
Xuat sevir uns'aa: Don't leave me
Ilya-forya: Alright


Hope ya liked it,

I did (don't tell my RL friends)

#7 Guest_bobby23_*

Posted 05 July 2003 - 09:22 PM

nicely writen bit of fiction here

but it was the most sickening bit i have ever read wiyth viconia in it? how salvana (or what ever his name is) and viccy ever joined up and staid is a mistory i realy don`t want to know

other then the bit of sick romanitc vluf very nice but loved to see vicco take her own back more but this will do very nice

#8 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 08:29 PM

Awww. *hugs Vickie*

:shock: She needs a hug!

H'kira the Wolf

#9 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 08:35 PM

Salvanas had just returned from seeing his father. He had informed Kariq of what had gone on in the last year he had been gone, and what he planned to do. For Salvanas had sworn to the one he loved that he would go to Beregost. It was far from Calimshan, but he had a horse and the will to get there.

Wonder how exactly those two met?

Adventuring with Vexk and Shanka :(

“Down that way a bit,” the girl answered, pointing, “House is stone, big no-tresspassing sign, can’t miss it.”

Hehe, I always found it hard to believe that Vic would wan to lead such a closed, solitary life - but apparently that's what she was doing in Beregost...

She's a drow on the EDGE!

Salvanas knew before he knocked on the door that no one was home. He was walking back to his horse when he heard Haalan’s blood-chilling growl. The elf made his way over, to find the hyena sniffing at what was obviously a small puddle of blood.

Uh-oh... I hope he's got here in time to help her...

No worries...

After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.

Argh, burried alive must be the worst possible way to go, I mean it is horrific - if you have read stories by Edgar Allan Poe, you'd know what I mean - I had such nightmares from those and decided that I should be cremated when I die...

I've never read any of those, are they really disturbing?

He smoothed her long white hair, matted and dusty as it was. He felt her shiver, held her closer. Then she began to shake with rage.

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”

The elf’s eyes blazed with hatred as he thought of the men in the house, joking, laughing. They both remained silent for quite some time.

GRRRRR... that is one crime I would never forgive to anybody. :D

*nods* It's an awful thing....

Then he turned, to look at her. Viconia slept peacefully. He reached out, brushing her long white hair out of her face. Ever so softly, Salvanas kissed her forehead, before rising and walking out the door. Haalan looked up for a moment, then settled down at the end of the bed, his dark eyes keeping careful watch over the drow elf.

Yep, kill some farmers, please!

Will do!

Slowly, Salvanas rose from his place, determined to do this the right way. He would not give them a quiet death, no peaceful passage to the other side while they slept. They would know before the died, they would know who it was that sent them to their end and why.


Seemed like the right way for him to go about it.

Neros watched in horror as a dagger sprouted from his father’s neck. The young man leapt at the fey figure before him, stabbing at the elf with his pitchfork. The farm-tool was roughly yanked from his hands as Salvanas dodged and gripped it. The other human let out a gasp of disbelief as a long curved dagger separated Neros’ head and torso.

The last made as if to run, but a blade caught him between the shoulder’s, dropping him where he stood.

Salvanas piled the bodies in the hole that had been dug for Viconia and tossed several flasks of burning oil on them. Soon, there was no trace that the men had ever existed.

YAY! That was a well executed kill, no prolonged suffering of the kill... and tossing them in Viconia's designed grave was a poetic justice :shock:

Thanks :D

In the morning, they packed and left. To Athkatla, the City of Coin. Somewhere new and different, where perhaps they might lead a happier life together.

Hehe, perhaps... unless Viconia ends up tied to a stake, eventually... :D

She does...but it gets better after that, I promise!

I liked it... a nice Salvanas is a rare sight - in my story Vic and Jae combined to crush his testicles, heehee... :)

Mwahahaha....you are *SO* evil, Theo. :x But it's fun, isn't it?

H'kira n' the Wolf

#10 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 08:39 PM

Salvanas knew before he knocked on the door that no one was home. He was walking back to his horse when he heard Haalan’s blood-chilling growl. The elf made his way over, to find the hyena sniffing at what was obviously a small puddle of blood.

Oh no... :D


After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.

“S…Salvanas?” she whispered, reaching up to touch his face with one ebon hand. He held her close as she began to cry. Quickly and quietly, he rose, carrying her away from all that hell. He walked all the way back to her home, then got both her and himself on the horse and rode back to Beregost.

I cant even begin to imagine how horrible it must be to be buried alive like that. :D

*shivers* It gives me the creeps...

“I was in the fields, working on my farm,” she began quietly, “My neighbor and I had been talking, I…I thought that the rivvil could be trusted. We had been abbils for a time. I drew back my hood and revealed my true self to him. That…that bastard…he just smiled and invited me to his son’s wedding celebration. Like the *wael* I am, I agreed to come. One of his sons hit me in the back of the head with something…I woke…I woke up the first time…in their house…I…”

He smoothed her long white hair, matted and dusty as it was. He felt her shiver, held her closer. Then she began to shake with rage.

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”



The copper-haired elf shunned his chainmail for his normal clothes, which allowed him a greater range of motion. He drew his jambiya, a type of long curved dagger with a wicked hook in the middle of it. It was sharp, he had spent a few hours honing it earlier. He slipped the weapon into his belt.

Good...let's kill those bastards.

Will do.

Neros watched in horror as a dagger sprouted from his father’s neck. The young man leapt at the fey figure before him, stabbing at the elf with his pitchfork. The farm-tool was roughly yanked from his hands as Salvanas dodged and gripped it. The other human let out a gasp of disbelief as a long curved dagger separated Neros’ head and torso.

The last made as if to run, but a blade caught him between the shoulder’s, dropping him where he stood.

Salvanas piled the bodies in the hole that had been dug for Viconia and tossed several flasks of burning oil on them. Soon, there was no trace that the men had ever existed.

Very nice, very nice indeed. :( Although I think I still prefer to see Vic get her revenge by herself, I certainly enjoyed his scene.

In retrospect, I think it would have been better to write him finding her standing there with the place in flames and a bloody weapon in her hand. It would've been more Vic.

In the morning, they packed and left. To Athkatla, the City of Coin. Somewhere new and different, where perhaps they might lead a happier life together.

I hope so too. Very nice little vignette! :)

H'kira n' the Wolf

#11 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 08:43 PM

“Nah, can’t be, ears ‘r too big,” a little girl piped in, smiling widely.

Laska : HEY! No ear-jokes here...

Imoen : *snickers* Big-ears...[/quote]


“Down that way a bit,” the girl answered, pointing, “House is stone, big no-tresspassing sign, can’t miss it.”

I bet it says 'Keep out, or be Torn Apart'. :([/quote]

That's the Vic we know and love :D

After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.



“I was in the fields, working on my farm,” she began quietly, “My neighbor and I had been talking, I…I thought that the rivvil could be trusted. We had been abbils for a time. I drew back my hood and revealed my true self to him. That…that bastard…he just smiled and invited me to his son’s wedding celebration. Like the *wael* I am, I agreed to come. One of his sons hit me in the back of the head with something…I woke…I woke up the first time…in their house…I…”

He smoothed her long white hair, matted and dusty as it was. He felt her shiver, held her closer. Then she began to shake with rage.

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”


You get the pliers and the duct-tape, I'll get the blowtorch!

The elf’s eyes blazed with hatred as he thought of the men in the house, joking, laughing. They both remained silent for quite some time.

Salvanas spoke first, “I love you, Viconia deVir. Mela en’ am coia.”

“Lu' Usstan dos,” came her reply. He gently kissed her forehead, before moving as if to get up.

“Xuat sevir uns'aa,” she whispered.

“Ilya-forya,” came his reply in quiet elven. Rather than leave, he wrapped his arms around her, and they both drifted off to sleep.



“Salvanas Eveningfall,” the elf replied, a violent glint in his eyes, “and the woman that you had your way with was my lover. You hurt her, human, shattered a part of her. And now, I’m going to repay you for your evil.”

Neros watched in horror as a dagger sprouted from his father’s neck. The young man leapt at the fey figure before him, stabbing at the elf with his pitchfork. The farm-tool was roughly yanked from his hands as Salvanas dodged and gripped it. The other human let out a gasp of disbelief as a long curved dagger separated Neros’ head and torso.

Woohoo! :)[/quote]


In the morning, they packed and left. To Athkatla, the City of Coin. Somewhere new and different, where perhaps they might lead a happier life together.



Hope ya liked it,

H’kira the Wolf[/quote]

I did! Great stuff,

H'kira n' the Wolf

#12 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 08:48 PM

“Tell me though, could you point a poor large-eared fellow to the farm of one Viconia DeVir?” Salvanas asked.

from where do they know each other?

Travellin' with Shanka and Vexk...

Salvanas knew before he knocked on the door that no one was home. He was walking back to his horse when he heard Haalan’s blood-chilling growl. The elf made his way over, to find the hyena sniffing at what was obviously a small puddle of blood.

On no!


He found himself outside another farmhouse. He could hear the harsh laughter of the human’s inside and the things they said would be burned into his mind as long as he lived. He snuck around outside, following Haalan. A large black dog made as if to bark, but one violent glare from the hyena kept it silent.

It knows when to keep its mouth shut

*nods* I'd be rather quiet if a hyena glared at me...

After a while, Salvanas grasped the hand that emerged from the earth. He pulled as Haalan and the dog continued to dig. Soon he had pulled the dirt-covered form out of the muck. He cradled the drow gently in his arms as she coughs wracked her form.



“S…Salvanas?” she whispered, reaching up to touch his face with one ebon hand. He held her close as she began to cry. Quickly and quietly, he rose, carrying her away from all that hell. He walked all the way back to her home, then got both her and himself on the horse and rode back to Beregost.

Poor, poor woman. And all that because she had the wrong skin-colour.

*nods* It's awful...

“They…they raped me, Salvanas,” came her reply, “And then they buried me alive.”

Those bastards.

They'll pay...

The elf’s eyes blazed with hatred as he thought of the men in the house, joking, laughing. They both remained silent for quite some time.

Salvanas spoke first, “I love you, Viconia deVir. Mela en’ am coia.”



“Lu' Usstan dos,” came her reply. He gently kissed her forehead, before moving as if to get up.

“Xuat sevir uns'aa,” she whispered.

“Ilya-forya,” came his reply in quiet elven. Rather than leave, he wrapped his arms around her, and they both drifted off to sleep.

Well, i don't undestand elven.

*grins* I wouldn't leave you without a translation...

“So you return,” Salvanas said coolly, “to see your handiwork. Pathetic.”

Very pathetic.


Mela en’ am coia: Love of my life
Lu' Usstan dos: And I you
Xuat sevir uns'aa: Don't leave me
Ilya-forya: Alright



Hope ya liked it,

I did (don't tell my RL friends)

hehehe...I won't, I promise. :shock:

H'kira n' the Wolf

#13 Guest_H'kira the Wolf_*

Posted 07 July 2003 - 08:52 PM

nicely writen bit of fiction here

but it was the most sickening bit i have ever read wiyth viconia in it? how salvana (or what ever his name is) and viccy ever joined up and staid is a mistory i realy don`t want to know

other then the bit of sick romanitc vluf very nice but loved to see vicco take her own back more but this will do very nice

What do you not like about Sal and Vic? If you'd tell me, it'd help me with my later work. I'm all for opinions :shock:

As for the sickness of the tale, a Wolf calls it as a Wolf sees it. It deals with disturbing facts about Vico's past life, and as such, is intentionally rather unsettling.

H'kira n' the Wolf

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