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Aftermath: Parts 20-24

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#1 Guest_Ophidia_*

Posted 09 December 2002 - 06:49 PM

Dialogue #20

Immediately after waking, straight after dialogue 18.

Aerie must be in party, romance active. If Aerie is not in party, this dialogue is skipped.

1. Aerie: I must talk to you, Charname. It’s important!

A. Ok, what’s the matter? => 2

B. Stop stammering and spit it out, then. => 2

C. Not now, Aerie, some other time. => 11

2. Aerie: Please answer me honestly: Did...did you spend last night with...Keldorn?

Keldorn: What?! What business of that is yours?

Aerie: Just answer my question, please!

A. Alright, yes I did. => 3

B. I did, and I don’t care who knows! => 3

C. No I didn’t. => 10

3. Aerie: Oh, how could you! And I thought you and I...that is... oh, that is just disgusting! And with a married man, too!

Keldorn: Speak not of my marriage, elf! That is over and done with, and none of your concern!

Aerie: It’s, it’s just so perverted!

A. Perverted?! How dare you! => 4

B. You think we’re some sort of deviants? => 8

C. It was an accident, I wish it had never happened. I don’t want to be more than friends with Keldorn. => 9

4. Aerie: I just believe that...that kind of thing is wrong! It’s unnatural, it’s so horrid! I...think I might leave. I don’t want to travel with...people like you!

A. No, please stay in the party, you’re very valuable here. => 5

B. Go then and good riddance, you intolerant bigot! => 6

C. Well, I won’t stop you leaving if you feel you have to. => 7

5. Aerie: Well, alright then, Charname, but...I don’t think I’ll ever think of you the same way again. (Dialogue ends, Aerie romance ends)

6. Aerie: If being against such unnaturalness makes me a bigot then I am a bigot and proud! I’ll stay here no longer! (dialogue ends, Aerie romance ends, Aerie leaves)

7. Aerie: Well, I think I had better. It’s obvious this isn’t the group I thought it was. I hope, er, that is, stay well, Charname. (dialogue ends, Aerie romance ends, Aerie leaves)

8. Aerie: Deviants? Well, yes, er, no, that is, yes...=> 4

9. Aerie: It...it was? I find that hard to believe. I wish I had never found out, I really do. I suppose we could, could turn over a new leaf and start afresh, maybe?

Keldorn: No, it cannot be! But...Aerie is right, last night should never have happened. I...hope you find happiness together, Charname. I doubt there will be such a joy for me again...

(dialogue ends, Keldorn romance ends, Aerie romance continues)

10. Aerie: You’re lying to me! I know you did! Why did you do it, Why?! => 4

11. Aerie: No, this can’t be put off, I must know: Did you spend last night with Keldorn? Please answer me honestly, I can’t bear not knowing!

A. Alright, yes I did. => 3

B. I did, and I don’t care who knows! => 3

C. No I didn’t. => 10

Dialogue #21

Soon after waking, not immediately, though.

1. Keldorn: Pssst! Charname! I must speak to you.

A. What is it? => 2

B. Did you know you fill my ear with spit when you do that? Not that I mind...=> 2

C. Not right now, I’m busy. => 10

2. Keldorn: About last night. It...it was a mistake. We should never have...have...it was wrong, don’t you see? Entirely wrong! It...was...against...everything I believe in...

A. No, I don’t. Our night together was wonderful, and I don’t want it to be a one off. => 3

B. You don’t really think that, do you? => 3

C. Phew! I’m glad you said that, you saved me the job! => 6

3. Keldorn: I...Damn it! No, I do not think that at all! I keep telling myself this is wrong, but I no longer believe it. I feel whole again, Charname, I feel human, I feel alive! Is it so wrong, to claim a little happiness for one’s self?

A. Of course not! => 4

B. Some people think so. => 7

C. Yes, but I don’t care. => 8

4. Keldorn: I agree. I find myself wondering: there is so much the Order condemns, and I always accepted it. How could I be so blind? How much misery has the Order inflicted upon countless souls with its rules and discipline?

A. I can’t give you a number, but quite a few, I guess. => 5

B. Such thoughts are dangerous, the Order does a lot of good work, you shouldn’t forget that! => 9

5. Keldorn: Yes...yes, indeed. Perhaps we cannot expect an external authority to decide right and wrong for us. Is there even such a thing as right and wrong? I doubt that, more and more...(dialogue ends)

6. Keldorn: I...see. Yes, I am glad we are both agreed. It was a mistake, a bad mistake. Perhaps we both temporarily lost our sanity. Let us speak of this no more. (dialogue ends, romance ends)

7. Keldorn: N...no. I find myself wondering: there is so much the Order condemns, and I always accepted it. How could I be so blind? How much misery has the Order inflicted upon countless souls with its rules and discipline?

A. I can’t give you a number, but quite a few, I guess. => 5

B. Such thoughts are dangerous, the Order does a lot of good work, you shouldn’t forget that! => 9

8. Keldorn: I have noticed that, in our travels. Once it was abhorrent to me, but now, I wonder if you are the wiser of the two of us. I find myself wondering: there is so much the Order condemns, and I always accepted its teachings. How could I be so blind? How much misery has the Order inflicted upon countless souls with its rules and discipline?

A. I can’t give you a number, but quite a few, I guess. => 5

B. Such thoughts are dangerous, the Order does a lot of good work, you shouldn’t forget that! => 9

9. Keldorn: They do, I suppose, though I find my faith in them is not what it once was. Maybe I can find my path again, the solid ground upon which I once stood. Great Torm, help me out of this shifting sand...(dialogue ends, romance ends)

10. Keldorn: No! I will not be silent, this is important, I will speak and you shall listen! => 2

Dialogue #22

Viconia must be in party, romance inactive or active. If she is not, this dialogue is skipped.

1. Viconia: Jaluk lueth mrann d'ssinss.

A. Drow is a really good language to swear in, isn’t it? => 2

B. Er, pardon? => 3

C. What does that mean? => 3

2. Viconia: That was no swearing, abbil. => 3

3. Viconia: It is a Drow expression. It means ‘Male and lover of males’. It is oft shortened simply to ‘jalueth’ in every day speech.

A. Well, umm...=> 4

B. Well, that is what I am, and proud of it! => 4

C. I don’t know why you mention it, I suppose you have your reasons... => 4

4. Keldorn: You have no right to sit in judgement upon us, Drow. Did I ask for your opinion?

Viconia: Did I say anything about judging you, jalueth?

Keldorn: You will not use that expression in my presence, Underdark bitch!

Viconia: You assume a negative connotation where there is none, jalueth. I was merely making conversation.

Keldorn: Call me that again and I’ll spit you on my blade where you stand!

A. That’s enough! Stop this n...=> 5

B. Keldorn, leave her alo...=> 5

C. This should be fun to watch...=>5

5. Viconia: Yes, that is your answer to all confrontations, is it not? It is a shame you have never heard of exercising restraint- Sir William would have been grateful if you had, I think.

Keldorn: ARRGGHHH!

Brief cut-scene. Keldorn and Viconia leave the party and fight. If viconia wins, she rejoins party, Viconia romance continues if active. If Keldorn wins and kills Viconia:

Keldorn: Vengence at last! I ENJOYED that! (dialogue ends, Keldorn rejoins party)

Dialogue #23

Jaheira must be in party. If she is absent, this dialogue is missed out.

1. Jaheira: Well, Charname, you are certainly full of surprises.

A. I don’t know what you mean. => 2

B. Yes, yes, I can see this coming: You’re going to tell me how my relationship with Keldorn is ‘against nature’. => 3

C. What are you talking about? => 2

2. Jaheira: So coy? Come now, you must have realised, whether you admit it or not, that I was referring to you and Keldorn. I am sure you are expecting me to embark on a tirade about what is natural, and what is not, now... => 4

3. Jaheira: So many would expect, would they not? However, a true disciple of nature such as myself knows better. => 4

4. Jaheira: Did you know that many fish change gender as they age? That ducks and geese can form long lasting partnerships with their own sex? Many monkeys and apes both love regardless of female and maleness, and dolphins frolic in the seas with those of the same sex. Only those who are ignorant and wish to support their bigotry would call it unnatural.

A. Er, oh, right... => 5

B. I didn’t know that! I guess it’s sort of comforting. => 5

C. (if PC is druid or ranger) Actually, I already knew that. I’m not totally ignorant, you know. => 5

D. Please shut up now before I die of embarrassment...=> 5

E. Ah, this is soooo embarrassing! Last night was a huge mistake, I wish it had never happened. I only want to be friends with Keldorn, nothing more. Even if it is entirely natural! => 6

5. (if Jaheira romance has ended)I thought you might wish to know my feelings on the matter. I am, after all, your guide and friend, and I hope I always shall be. My blessings upon you and Keldorn, child.

Keldorn: I, I am astonished at your reaction, Jaheira. If only those in my Order were as tolerant as you. I feel honoured to have met you, Harper.(dialogue ends)

(If Jaheira romance is active)

Jaheira: I must admit there is a part of me that feels disappointed that recent events have turned out this way, but I would like to think that I am not a petty individual. If...if Keldorn is the person for you, then...then you have my blessings, child, as does Keldorn. I hope you are happy together.

Keldorn: I, I am astonished at your reaction, Jaheira. If only those in my Order were as tolerant as you. I feel honoured to have met you, Harper. (dialogue ends, Jaheira romance ends)

6. Jaheira: It was? You surprise me, Charname. Yet, mistakes can easily be made, can they not? It is important to learn from them, but not to dwell on the past. Let us continue upon our path, then.

Keldorn: A...mistake? You surprise me too, Charname. Maybe you are right. Maybe I should, in future, keep my feelings private. Acting on one’s emotions brings nothing but grief, does it not? I need to harden my heart to survive, I see, to steal myself against what the future may throw at me. You have taught me an important lesson. (dialogue ends, Keldorn romance ends, Jaheira romance continues)

Dialogue #24

1. Keldorn: I was wondering something, Charname. Have you always preferred...the company of men?

A. I think so, yes. I’ve never really been interested in women at all. => 2

B. No, before now I’ve only been attracted to women. It’s all very baffling. => 2

C. Women are fiends who poison your life, they bring nothing but misery. => 2

2. Keldorn: It is interesting to hear your view... I have never quite figured out where I stand on the matter. I suppose I have never thought about it much. A mistake, undoubtedly. I wonder, though: have I ever, truly, had any interest in the fairer sex?

A. I can’t answer that question for you. You’ll have to decide for yourself. => 3

B. I don’t think you have. Your marriage to Maria wasn’t exactly happy. => 4

C. You don’t have to limit yourself to one or the other, you know. => 5

3. Keldorn: Yes, I shall, and I find myself drawing closer and closer to a conclusion that I once would have found unthinkable. => 6

4. Keldorn: My marriage...my marriage to Maria was a sham! An act. I was playing the part of the proper paladin. The sad thing is I never even realised- though I think Maria did. => 6

5. Keldorn: You may think that, how many would agree with you, I wonder? So many never see beyond the norm. So often, the words ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ are confused, are they not? =>6

6. Keldorn: So much has changed, I hardly know myself now. No, that is not true: I now know myself better than ever before. I remember the person I once was, and wonder: will I ever be like that again? Where has Sir Keldorn, paladin of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart, gone? And do I even care, anymore? (dialogue ends)

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