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Chapter 2

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#1 Guest_Jover_*

Posted 28 November 2002 - 08:44 PM

Chapter 2


Spending time in the Copper Cornet was not a pleasant experience. Even in the middle of the day Jover had noticed a great deal of things that were wrong about the place. Women, who by the way they were dressed could only be courtesans going upstairs with their customers. Several wealthy looking nobles going into a back room whose door had two armed guards. Equally disturbing was the owner of the place Lehtinan, who stood near the bar. Watching the people move about, as though each person were nothing more than a coin for him to spend as he pleased.

"I wish this Nalia person would show up." Jaheira said, "This place grates on my nerves."

"Mine too." Jover said, "Although you seem to have found an admirer here."

"I what? who?" she asked, looking around.

"That bartender Bernard, he asked if you wanted anything special. Smiled at you when he brought our drinks, and your's is the only clean mug I have seen in here." Jover said, slipping back into his old habit of teasing the druid.

Jaheira was about to speak when the front door of the inn opened. They both turned to see a young woman with red hair enter, accompanied by a man in plate mail armor.

"That must be Nalia, she fits Brus description." Jover said, as he stood preparing to go introduce himself.

"Yes, but what is she doing?" Jaheira asked, pointing to the door.

Nalia had taken an empty chair and was now standing on it, speaking to the crowd. "Everyone will you please listen for a moment, I need your help. You all know me and I have helped many of you. Please won't someone help me? ...anyone?"

Her appeal brought only laughter and rude comments from the patrons. Nalia stepped down from the chair, wiping angrily at the tears forming in her eyes. Her companion glared at the crowd and then motioned to Nalia that they should leave.

As she started to go Nalia heard her name being called. Turning to see who had spoken, she saw a man wearing battle marked chain mail standing by a table that was occupied by two other people. A half elven woman wearing leather armor and someone that.. appeared to be asleep. The man waved and motioned for her to come over. Nalia quickly made her way to the table, followed closely by her companion.

"You are Nalia, aren't you?" Jover asked.

"Yes, I'm Nalia De'Arnise and this is Anomen Delryn." she said, indicating her companion. "Do I know you?"

"No, but my friends and I have heard of your troubles and would like to work for you." Jover said.

"Are you mercenaries?" Nalia asked.

"Under normal circumstances no, but we need to gather a large amount of gold to rescue a friend." Jover said.

"Bah! A likely story!" Anomen said, stepping forward. "Do not trust these people Lady Nalia. We should continue your search for help elsewhere."

"Anomen please, we have already been to the Order and been turned down. I must have help now." Nalia said, before turning back towards Jover. "My family is wealthy and I will gladly pay if you can save our home."

"Fair enough, my name is Jover and these are my companions Jaheira and Minsc." Jover said nudging Minsc to wake him.

"Go For The Eyes Boo!" Minsc yelled as he woke, standing up and knocking over the chair he had been sitting in.

"Easy Minsc, there are no enemies here, only friends." Jover said, looking at the big man with concern.

"Minsc.. Minsc was fighting gnolls to save fair Dynaheir." Minsc said, looking around. "But this is not then, this is now. Ah, Minsc must have been dreaming or perhaps it was Boo. But never mind, you say we have new friends to welcome." Minsc quickly moved around the table placing his big arms gently around Nalia and Anomen shoulders in a friendly hug. "Welcome new friends Minsc and Boo are happy to meet you!"

"Unhand me!" Anomen said twisting away from Minsc and looking at the group in disgust. "Lady Nalia, you cannot hire these miscreants! This one is clearly addled and none of them look capable of even cleaning themselves, much less saving your home."

"We escaped from a dungeon less than a day ago and have had more important things to worry about than polishing our armor!" Jaheira said, as she stood glaring at Anomen. "And do not insult our friend!"

"Anomen stop it!" Nalia said, recovering from the shock of being hugged by the huge ranger. "These people are the only ones willing to help me."

"Everyone calm down and sit down." Jover said, taking back control before the situation got completely out of hand.

Minsc and Nalia sat down, followed reluctantly by Jaheira and Anomen still looking at each other with anger. Jover then sat and turned his attention back to Nalia.

"The decision is yours Nalia." he said "I assure you that we are very capable as individuals and even more so as a group. Do you want our help or not?"

"Yes." Nalia said, ignoring the dark look Anomen gave her.

"Good, now then we know that your land was invaded. But how far away is your home and what type of enemy will we be facing?" Jover asked.

"The keep is a half days ride on a fast horse, here is a map that shows it's location." she said handing Jover the map case. "I.. I didn't see any of the enemy, it was dark. I only heard the sounds of fighting as I ran to get to the stables and escape."

"How long ago did the attack begin?" Jaheira asked.

"Two days, and I'm worried about what has happened in my absence." Nalia said.

"Very well then, this is what we shall do." Jover began.

"Hold! I am a Squire of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart and a warrior priest of Helm." Anomen said, standing up again. "By what possible right do you think to lead?"

Jover sighed, 'This one is going to be trouble.' he thought. "Anomen, I am the leader here." Jover said, "If for no other reason than Jaheira and Minsc are with me and you have.. anyone?"

"Numbers do not equal experience." Anomen said, "I have been on several campaigns for the Order, how many have you seen?"

"Only one." Jover said, "It started the day I left home and hasn't stopped since. I'll tell you about it sometime, but for now either sit down and listen or leave. You are wasting time that could be better spent in planning."

"Please, I don't care who leads, lets just go." Nalia said, interrupting before Anomen could respond. "My horse is in the stables, where are yours?"

"We do not have any horses girl, all we have is what you see." Jaheira said.

"No horses.. but to walk to the keep will take days! My Father..." Nalia said, her voice trailing off.

"Your father?" Jover asked.

"My Father he... he would not leave the keep." she said, nearly in tears.

'Her father.' Jover thought, 'I can't let someone else go though that pain. I have to help her.' Jover placed his hand on Nalia's arm to comfort her. "Nalia, do you have any gold with you?" he asked.

"A little, hardly anything really." she said, "I left the keep so fast."

"Then our little bit will have to do." Jover said, pulling a coin purse from his belt and dropping it on the table. "It isn't enough to buy horses but it will pay for better weapons, so that we will be prepared when we do reach your home."

Nalia looked at Jover, surprised that he would offer his own gold to help her family. "Thank you Jover, thank you all." she said, looking at everyone. "Could I travel with you? I know some magic, and can open the odd lock or two."

"Of course you can come. All good heroes are welcome." Minsc said, "Minsc thinks you are a brave girl to fight for your home and family, and so does Boo."

Jover looked at Anomen, who was still standing looking down at the group as if it were the strangest thing he had ever seen. "What about you squire, are you with us or not?" Jover asked.

"I have pledged to help Lady Nalia if that means I must follow you, so be it." Anomen said, sounding less than pleased with the idea.

"The bartender said that there is a good weapons store in the Promenade." Jover said "Lets get moving."


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