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A Cappella Part 73 - The Hidden

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#1 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 08:53 PM

Jarran flexed his arms and legs to work out the stiffness. The idea of curling up in gnome-sized beds had not been appealing, so they had slept in their bedrolls on the floor. Mazzy could have slept in one of the beds, but she had refused out of a sense of camaraderie.

Jarran slipped into Jan's room to check on his companion. Jan was just climbing out of his own bedroll, and he placed his finger to his lips. He pointed to the cot set up next to the bed that held Lissa's sleeping form. He crept to the door and whispered, “If you don't mind, Jarran, I'd like to stay here with Lissa and Jaella. I… want to be here for her.”

“I understand, my friend. We'll be back soon.”

Jarran nearly swore when a voice spoke from behind him. “Let us in, Jarran. We would like to examine Jaella again.”

He stepped out of the doorway to let Jaheira and Anomen pass. Jarran shook his head. He must still be half asleep if he had failed to hear the armor-clad knight coming up behind him. He watched the two healers have a whispered conversation over the child. Anomen's face was set in a grim expression, and Jaheira was obviously trying to look unconcerned but not succeeding. Jan was trying to sneak close enough to hear their words, but they were speaking too quietly.

The druid and the priest stood. Anomen said in a low voice, “Rest assured we will do all that is possible, Jan.”

Jarran joined them as they left the room, and the three companions left Jan to his solitary vigil. They departed as soon as Valygar and Mazzy were ready, deftly avoiding a breakfast of mashed turnips. As he had the day before, Valygar kept his hood pulled up to conceal his identity. It was well known that the Cowled Wizards had many spies, and ever since reaching the city he had taken care not to advertise the fact that he had returned.

As they walked through the streets, Jarran's curiosity got the better of him. “The two of you looked awfully serious back there. Is the poor little thing that badly off?”

Anomen and Jaheira gave each other a sad look. Jaheira said slowly, “If we cannot help Jaella… I fear she does not have long.”

“Aye,” Anomen said glumly. “The lass has no more than a tenday at best. She is fading quickly.”

Jarran swore. The dire pronouncement hastened their steps, and before long they were at the Jysstev estate. Jarran used his most charming manner to wheedle their way in. Luckily the butler remembered him from his previous visit to see Sir Sarles.

They were taken to a luxurious parlor where the lady of the house sat reading. After introductions were made, Jarran went directly to the point. “I apologize for intruding on you, Lady Jysstev, but I need to locate someone who goes by the name the Hidden.”

Her jaw fell open, and her eyes widened in horror. “The Hidden? How do you know of him? Only the Enlightened Ones are permitted to speak of him.”

“Please, my lady, we are not concerned with your secrets. There is a young girl who is very ill and we have been told that this person can help her.”

“It is forbidden to speak of him, but… a young girl is ill?”

“She is dying, Lady Jysstev. She is a small innocent child who has done nothing to deserve her suffering. We only want to help her.”

Lady Jysstev sighed. “I am placing myself in danger, but I see your need. Listen, then. Below the cursed hole of avarice called the Copper Coronet, there lies a maze of sewer shafts. Find the place if you can. The entrance lies within the tavern somewhere. I shall ask the Hidden to meet you there but I do not know where he will be or if he will show up at all. He has many enemies in this city. This is all that I can do. Go now before you are seen here!”

“You have our thanks, my lady, for your help.”

As they walked, Jarran said to Anomen, “You lived at the Copper Coronet for a while, do you know anything about a sewer entrance?”

“I am afraid not. I kept to either my own chamber or the common room. I knew that such base activities as prostitution and gambling took place in the back rooms, so I avoided them.”

“Well, we'll just have to do some poking around.”

At the inn, they surreptitiously examined all the walls in the common area and checked the sleeping chambers. Since their search was unsuccessful, Jarran managed to persuade Lehtinan to allow them access to the guarded rooms by implying that he had a great deal of gold to spend. They quietly continued their examination.

Valygar pointed to a section of the wall. “There are two secret doors here.” He was about to continue when they heard a wailing noise coming from further down the hallway.

Jarran looked worried. “That sounded human. Valygar, would you slip down there and see what is going on?”

The ranger simply nodded and silently vanished down the dimly lit hall. After a few minutes he was back, his face grim. “There are people down there in cells. And I found a fighting ring with seats for spectators… and the remains of corpses.”

Jarran heard himself growl. “They're using slaves for entertainment? Someone is going to pay dearly for this.”

Anomen said, “Truly this warrants our attention, my friend, but let us do what we can for Jaella first. Then we will return and cleanse this vile den of vermin.”

Valygar slowly nodded, and added, “But we should come back quickly. There are children in the cells, so more than one child's life is at stake.”

Mazzy gasped. “Surely they would not… no, there is nothing beneath a slaver. This must not be allowed to continue.”

Jarran pointed at the doors. “Then let's get going.”

One door revealed that chains were not the only manner in which people could be enslaved. Drug-addled men and women sprawled on cushions, their hold on reality tenuous at best. Behind the second door were stairs leading down.

They descended into the sewers. They saw many odd things, but passed them by in their haste to find the Hidden. Finally they spotted a solitary figure lurking in the shadows. Jarran carefully approached the man. He found the man's appearance disturbing. The Hidden stared at them with flat, emotionless eyes that reminded the bard of a lizard or snake. There was something unsubstantial about his face, and suddenly Jarran realized that it must be a magical illusion. That was to be expected from someone who went by the name the Hidden.

The stranger said flatly, “You are here to ask me to heal the girl Jaella's mind. I will do this… for a price.”

“And what is your price?”

“I am being pursued by two creatures of evil intent. Kill them and the child will be cured. Fail, and she will die. It is that simple.”

“Why are these creatures after you?”

“I don't recall answers being part of the agreement. If you wish me to help you, then you must help me. Well?”

“All right, I agree.”

“The proprietor of a dingy flop-house in the Docks District called the Sea's Bounty knows where they can be found. Tell him that you are a seeker and he will tell you what he knows.”

“How do I know you will keep your side of the bargain and heal the girl once I am done?”

“You don't. But I am the only hope the child has, so you had better perform your task quickly.”

Not entirely happy, but left with no choice, the party made its way to the Sea's Bounty and obtained the information. They were surprised to find that the two creatures they sought were staying at the Five Flagons.

Jarran smiled at Mazzy and Valygar. “Well, you will get to see what passes for home for us. I own the playhouse beneath the inn, and we maintain our quarters there.”

Valygar gave a wry smile. “I hope it more comfortable than the floor of the Jansen home. A pity the Cowled Ones are still pursuing me, otherwise I would invite you to stay at my home.”

When they reached the inn, they discovered two githyanki in the room they had been directed to. The fight was more difficult than they expected, because the monsters summoned a magical sword that could not be harmed with weapons. Jarran managed to destroy it with magic missiles while the others fought the githyanki.

Jarran and his comrades hurried back to the sewers to tell the Hidden of their success. The stranger was waiting for them, and once more spoke before they had a chance to say anything. “The girl is healed. Now go, your usefulness is at an end.”

Jarran frowned. “How do we know that you have done what you say? And why do you have githyanki on your trail?”

The Hidden hissed, “Inquisitive fool! Can you not see the obvious?” The man's face melted away, and Jarran's eyes widened in horror as he saw a mind flayer standing in front of him. After a brief moment, the human face returned. “There is your answer. Puzzle through it at your leisure. You have served me, and I have served you in return, so at this point we have no quarrel with each other. But if you tell others of what you know of me, I will kill you. Do not doubt this.” The Hidden strode away into the shadows of the sewer.

The group stood silently for a few moments, stunned by what they had seen. Jaheira finally said, “So, the illithid and the githyanki have brought their feud to Athkatla. I wonder how Jan's uncle knew?”

Jarran sighed, “At this point I really don't care. As long as it kept its word and used its mental powers to heal Jaella, then they can fight each other until the end of time. Let's go back to Jan's home.”

They returned to find the residents of the Jansen house celebrating. Jarran and his friends went up to Jan's room, and found him beaming with happiness as he played with Jaella. “Jarran, just the person I wanted to thank! I don't know what you did, but Jaella is as fresh and pretty as a newly picked turnip.” Jarran had to chuckle at his enthusiasm, and the small girl smiled shyly at them.

Jarran looked around. “Where is Lissa?”

“Ma said there was someone here to see her. She'll be back soon.”

A few minutes later the gnome woman returned, looking nervous. “Jaella, get your things. It is time for us to go.”

Jan's face fell. “Go? What do you mean, Lis?”

“Vaelag's here. He…he wants us home.” She took the girl's hand and they left.

Jan was stunned. “No, she can't… not after all she told me.” He dashed out the door after her, and the rest of the group followed.

They found Lissa and Jaella standing with an expensively dressed gnome with two guards standing behind him. When he saw Jan and the others, he sneered. “So, here are the mighty adventurers who were supposed to save my daughter. A lot of good you did, she recovered on her own.”

“Please, Vaelag, they were only trying to help.”

“Quiet, Lissa. Don't you see that this whole business was just Jan trying to impress you? He's been trying to steal you from me ever since we first met.”

Jan said through clenched teeth, “I think we could have an interesting discussion about who stole Lissa from who. But I have one thing to say that even you will find easy to understand. Get out of this house now and I won't gut you like the pig that you are. Was that clear enough?”

“You've been traveling too much, boy. You don't know who you're talking to. Guards! Give him a lesson in manners.”

The two guards started forward, then stopped. They found themselves facing a wall of angry adventurers as Jan's five companions stepped between them and the gnome. All activity in the home ceased as the Jansen clan watched the confrontation. Jarran had his axe in his hands and gave the guards a wicked grin. “Try it. Please.”

Lissa bounded forward before things could turn violent. “Both of you stop it! You're frightening the children. Vaelag, please wait outside. I'll thank these people for showing me hospitality while you were busy.”

Vaelag scowled, but nodded. “Just be quick about it. I can't stand the stench of these slums for much longer.” With a glare, he and his guards left.

Jan went to Lissa. “Why, Lissa? How could you return to a cruel man like that? He is a beast! He is a criminal and a murderer! Why can't you see that?”

“Stop it, Jan. He has apologized and promised that he won't be cruel to us any longer.”

“And you actually believed him?” the gnome said scornfully.

“Jan! I am grateful for what you have done but you must not overstep your bounds. He is my husband and I love him.”

“What if he hurts Jaella again?”

“He won't, Jan! He's different now. You're not being fair to him.”

“Not being fair? You tell me what a monster he is and now you're shocked I believed you?”

“He promised to change. I… I have to go.”

“Goodbye, Lis. Remember, I'm still here if you need help.”

“Thank you, but I'm sure everything will be fine now.”

After Lissa and Jaella left, the companions were silent. The furtive glances they exchanged betrayed the dissatisfaction that all of them felt.

Anomen looked especially unhappy. “For years I admired my mother's patience and endurance for remaining with my father. Now I see… she was simply too weak to leave.”

Jan stirred, and looked indignant. “Lissa isn't weak! She's just… in love.” He turned to Jarran. “Now that you've met Vaelag you know what a violent bastard he is. I have contacts in the city and if I find out that he's hurt her again, I'll hurt him. If it comes to that, will you help me?”

“Of course I will, Jan. Anyone who would harm a child deserves whatever they get.”

Mazzy said sternly, “I do not wish ill upon Jaella or her mother, but the sooner we have an excuse to remove them from that fiend's clutches the better.”

Jarran gave him a grim smile. “And speaking of clutches, we have slaves to free. Let's go.”

#2 Guest_Aoewyn_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 09:40 PM

> Jarran flexed his arms and legs to work out the stiffness. The idea of

> curling up in gnome-sized beds had not been appealing, so they had slept

> in their bedrolls on the floor.

A number of years ago I was playing this all night gaming session with some of my buds. Shelf space was limited and none of us had the common sense to bring sleeping bags. I ended up spending the night on a gnome-sized couch. My back was regretting it the next day. Should have just slept on the floor.

> “Aye,” Anomen said glumly. “The lass has no more than a tenday at best.

> She is fading quickly.”

How long did that quest take you? Certainly didn't need the full amount of time.

> They were taken to a luxurious parlor where the lady of the house sat

> reading. After introductions were made, Jarran went directly to the point.

> “I apologize for intruding on you, Lady Jysstev, but I need to locate

> someone who goes by the name the Hidden.”

I think this was the first time I had found a mind flayer in BG2. The first time around I did most of the non-Underdark quests first. Kinda freaky ending up getting flashed by a tentacle monster.

> One door revealed that chains were not the only manner in which people

> could be enslaved. Drug-addled men and women sprawled on cushions, their

> hold on reality tenuous at best. Behind the second door were stairs

> leading down.

I thought the druggies were funny. I'm surprised H'D didn't want to join 'em.

> The Hidden hissed, “Inquisitive fool! Can you not see the obvious?” The

> man's face melted away, and Jarran's eyes widened in horror as he saw a

> mind flayer standing in front of him. After a brief moment, the human face

> returned.

If I could do that then I'd sure make up one killer Halloween costume.

> “Now that you've met Vaelag you know what a

> violent bastard he is.

I always killed Vaelag before he could get out the door.

> “Of course I will, Jan. Anyone who would harm a child deserves whatever

> they get.”

Damn straight.

Heh, this mind flayer episode was pretty cool. You got Lords of Darkness? It's most descriptive about their diet and reproduction.

Do'Quak Update: No, I still haven't figured out what happened to him. Perhaps Cyric really did do something to him. Maybe I should send somebody to investigate.


#3 Laufey

Posted 02 February 2002 - 10:11 PM


> Jarran heard himself growl. “They're using slaves for entertainment?

> Someone is going to pay dearly for this.”

Couldn't agree more...

> They descended into the sewers. They saw many odd things, but passed them

> by in their haste to find the Hidden. Finally they spotted a solitary

> figure lurking in the shadows. Jarran carefully approached the man. He

> found the man's appearance disturbing. The Hidden stared at them with

> flat, emotionless eyes that reminded the bard of a lizard or snake. There

> was something unsubstantial about his face, and suddenly Jarran realized

> that it must be a magical illusion. That was to be expected from someone

> who went by the name the Hidden.

Nice description here. I've always wished that the Hidden quest had been fleshed out a little more, providing some opportunity to get involved with the githyanki/illithid feud.

> Jarran and his comrades hurried back to the sewers to tell the Hidden of

> their success. The stranger was waiting for them, and once more spoke

> before they had a chance to say anything. “The girl is healed. Now go,

> your usefulness is at an end.”

Annoying fellow. ;)

> Jan's face fell. “Go? What do you mean, Lis?”

> “Vaelag's here. He…he wants us home.” She took the girl's hand and they

> left.

And here's another quest I wish had ended differently. I sure wish it was possible to help Jan get together with Lissa... *hint hint* ;)


> Jan went to Lissa. “Why, Lissa? How could you return to a cruel man like

> that? He is a beast! He is a criminal and a murderer! Why can't you see

> that?”

> “Stop it, Jan. He has apologized and promised that he won't be cruel to us

> any longer.”

Yeah, *right* !


> Mazzy said sternly, “I do not wish ill upon Jaella or her mother, but the

> sooner we have an excuse to remove them from that fiend's clutches the

> better.”

Hope it's soon!

Rogues do it from behind.

#4 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 10:19 PM

> A number of years ago I was playing this all night gaming session with

> some of my buds. Shelf space was limited and none of us had the common

> sense to bring sleeping bags. I ended up spending the night on a

> gnome-sized couch. My back was regretting it the next day. Should have

> just slept on the floor.

*grin* The only benefit to being 5'2" is that sometimes I'm the only one that gets someplace comfortable to sleep.

> How long did that quest take you? Certainly didn't need the full amount of

> time.

Not long. It's one of those fedex quests that don't take much time.

> I think this was the first time I had found a mind flayer in BG2. The

> first time around I did most of the non-Underdark quests first. Kinda

> freaky ending up getting flashed by a tentacle monster.

It was definitely a 'jumper' moment. I wasn't expecting it, since I had skipped over that part of the walkthrough I have.

> I thought the druggies were funny. I'm surprised H'D didn't want to join

> 'em.

*snort* That would be right up his alley.

> If I could do that then I'd sure make up one killer Halloween costume.

Whoa! That would be a freaky sight for sure.

> I always killed Vaelag before he could get out the door.

Ah, but Jarran's a reasonably peaceful sort. And in realistic terms, Lissa might not appreciate it if Jan's friends whacked her 'wonderful' husband.

> Damn straight.

Too true.

> Heh, this mind flayer episode was pretty cool. You got Lords of Darkness

> ? It's most descriptive about their diet and reproduction.

I just bought it with some Christmas present money, and I haven't had a chance to read through it yet.

> Do'Quak Update: No, I still haven't figured out what happened to him.

> Perhaps Cyric really did do something to him. Maybe I should send somebody

> to investigate.

> Daed

*grrr* Nothing bad had better have happened to my favorite little kobold! I'll send all my PCs after Cyric if I have to. The only thing I'd lack for a whole party is a cleric, so Sil could drag Ano along. *snarls some more*

#5 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 10:25 PM

> Couldn't agree more...

And soon, too.

> Nice description here. I've always wished that the Hidden quest had been

> fleshed out a little more, providing some opportunity to get involved with

> the githyanki/illithid feud.

I think the only other time they used the feud was in Watcher's Keep. There were lots of things in the game that could have been expanded.

> Annoying fellow. ;)

And icky.

> And here's another quest I wish had ended differently. I sure wish it was

> possible to help Jan get together with Lissa... *hint hint* ;)

*evil grin* Of course in the game Vaelag gets his in the epilogues. I have plans for him, but they don't involve monkies...

> Yeah, *right* !

That was my feeling, too.

> Hope it's soon!

All in good time....

#6 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 10:29 PM

> A number of years ago I was playing this all night gaming session with

> some of my buds. Shelf space was limited and none of us had the common

> sense to bring sleeping bags. I ended up spending the night on a

> gnome-sized couch. My back was regretting it the next day. Should have

> just slept on the floor.

We always made a communal pile on the floor like Vikings.

> I thought the druggies were funny. I'm surprised H'D didn't want to join 'em.

I liked Yoshimo's reaction to them.

> Do'Quak Update: No, I still haven't figured out what happened to him.

> Perhaps Cyric really did do something to him. Maybe I should send somebody

> to investigate.

I have this bounty hunter taking up space in my guest room....

City of Sorrows

#7 Guest_Aoewyn_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 10:36 PM

> *grin* The only benefit to being 5'2" is that sometimes I'm the only

> one that gets someplace comfortable to sleep.

Wow, short.

> Ah, but Jarran's a reasonably peaceful sort. And in realistic terms, Lissa

> might not appreciate it if Jan's friends whacked her 'wonderful' husband.

I just call it cowboy justice. She'd be better off in the long run without him and the sooner the better.

> I just bought it with some Christmas present money, and I haven't had a

> chance to read through it yet.

Read the section on the 'new-and-improved' Zhentarim. They're wicked. The Church of Cyric is a good read too. (Don't let him know I said that.) I wasn't too impressed with the Shades.

> *grrr* Nothing bad had better have happened to my favorite little kobold!

> I'll send all my PCs after Cyric if I have to. The only thing I'd lack for

> a whole party is a cleric, so Sil could drag Ano along. *snarls some more*

I'd volunteer my priest for ya but I doubt your characters would like him much. I'm thinking I might need some outside talent to find out what happened to Do'Quak. My life is getting boring without the little guy.


#8 Guest_Aoewyn_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 10:42 PM

> I liked Yoshimo's reaction to them.

Yoshimo seems to always have the right reaction. Makes him suspect.

> I have this bounty hunter taking up space in my guest room....

Is he good with forensic science? Ballistics? Can he handle a gun with accuracy? How much experience does he have in law enforcement and criminal justice?


#9 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 10:55 PM

> Yoshimo seems to always have the right reaction. Makes him suspect.

"Right" reaction? I don't know that I'd go that far. It just...seemed to fit.

> Is he good with forensic science?

Now, now. We can't afford that kind of equipment. But we know this priest, currently residing in Boston, who might be willing to provide a divination or two.

> Ballistics?

*raises eyebrows* Now why would you need a ballistics expert? Nobody said nuthin' about any shots being fired.

> Can he handle a gun with accuracy?

He's taken a shine to my shotgun. Don't know about handguns.

"Guns are noisy, messy things. Stealth and a knife are a much more elegant way of handling things. A blowgun, if I must."

> How much experience does he have in law enforcement and criminal justice?

Which world? He's been rather lazy since his arrival.

At least he doesn't make the kind of mess Cyric did.

City of Sorrows

#10 Guest_Lord E_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 11:21 PM


I hate the end of this quest!

I always want to shake and slap Lissa because she is so clueless...

#11 Guest_Aoewyn_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 11:27 PM

> "Right" reaction? I don't know that I'd go that far. It

> just...seemed to fit.

The one that's going to put the PC at ease.

> Now, now. We can't afford that kind of equipment. But we know this priest,

> currently residing in Boston, who might be willing to provide a divination

> or two.

Not looking for magic.

> *raises eyebrows* Now why would you need a ballistics expert? Nobody said

> nuthin' about any shots being fired.

Just wise to be prepared.

> "Guns are noisy, messy things. Stealth and a knife are a much more

> elegant way of handling things. A blowgun, if I must."

Never mind.

> At least he doesn't make the kind of mess Cyric did.

...and a missing kobold.


#12 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 11:32 PM

> The one that's going to put the PC at ease.

Not usually. I write him as smoother than he is in the game; there are some points where he seems to be a bundle of nerves.

> Never mind.

Looking for something more along the lines of James Bond?

> ...and a missing kobold.

Believe me, I've not forgotten our missing furball.

City of Sorrows

#13 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 11:38 PM

> Aaaagh!

> I hate the end of this quest!

> I always want to shake and slap Lissa because she is so clueless...

But unfortunately so realistic. It seems that you never see an instance of an abuser killing someone where they don't already have a track record. There is always a history of calls to the police, unexplained bruises, family telling them to leave, etc. The mind has a huge capacity to rationalize things away.

I can give you an instance in my own neighborhood. The woman next door is a nurse, and seems intelligent, but she has a boyfriend that she has had to call the police over. She even had a restraining order taken out, but a few weeks later she had dropped the charges and he had moved back in. I'm just waiting for the day the hearse pulls up.

#14 Guest_Aoewyn_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 11:52 PM

> Not usually. I write him as smoother than he is in the game; there are

> some points where he seems to be a bundle of nerves.

Until Spellhold he always seems very collected, but that's a matter of perception. I left his hide in Athkatla in all the games after the betrayal, so I haven't spent as much time having him in the party as other people have. Instead I just create my own thieves so I don't have to deal with the party disruption.

> Looking for something more along the lines of James Bond?

007 needs a 00-reality check. No, don't want Bond. Probably would make matters worse.


#15 Guest_Oyster Girl_*

Posted 02 February 2002 - 11:55 PM

> But unfortunately so realistic. It seems that you never see an instance of

> an abuser killing someone where they don't already have a track record.

> There is always a history of calls to the police, unexplained bruises,

> family telling them to leave, etc. The mind has a huge capacity to

> rationalize things away.

And religion often plays a large part in that. Some Christian sects really emphasize the wife's subordinate position. Abused women who fall in with such sects convince themselves (and/or are told) that if they were better Christians, their husbands wouldn't beat them.

I've wondered how much Moirala's faith had to do with her staying in that house. Did she become one of Helm's faithful because she felt she and her children needed protection? Did she stay because of an exaggerted sense of duty, a need to avoid being forsworn?

City of Sorrows

#16 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 03 February 2002 - 12:13 AM

> And religion often plays a large part in that. Some Christian sects really

> emphasize the wife's subordinate position. Abused women who fall in with

> such sects convince themselves (and/or are told) that if they were better

> Christians, their husbands wouldn't beat them.

Hmmm, coming from an LE standpoint I wouldn't say 'often'. Most of the crime reports I see don't seem to come from any particular type of religious group. In fact, religious beliefs don't seem to enter into it much. Religion can be one more tool that the abuser uses, but they have a pretty big range of options as it is. I agree that there are sects/cults that encourage the sort of behavior you are talking about, but societally abuse goes across too broad a spectrum to narrow down to that one influence.

> I've wondered how much Moirala's faith had to do with her staying in that

> house. Did she become one of Helm's faithful because she felt she and her

> children needed protection? Did she stay because of an exaggerted sense of

> duty, a need to avoid being forsworn?

An interesting question that isn't really addressed in the game. All we really know about Moirala is that she was a worshipper of Helm, was married to a bastard, and did what she could to help Anomen get into the Order. Everything else is up for speculation. But that's where the fun of fanfic comes in. ;)

#17 Guest_Lord E_*

Posted 03 February 2002 - 12:15 AM

> But unfortunately so realistic. It seems that you never see an instance of

> an abuser killing someone where they don't already have a track record.

> There is always a history of calls to the police, unexplained bruises,

> family telling them to leave, etc. The mind has a huge capacity to

> rationalize things away.

Same in Finland, unfortunately. I KNOW it is partly because of our infertility problem, but it just infuriates me that people have children, or pets, and abuse and torture them. It is just evil.

When I was very young, my boyfriend and I were friends to a couple where the man was an abuser. The woman always told me how the beating was a sign how he cared (because he was jealous of her), how that she had no pride and took all the beating was a mark of how she loved him so much. And I was so young that I just nodded and said nothing.

> I can give you an instance in my own neighborhood. The woman next door is

> a nurse, and seems intelligent, but she has a boyfriend that she has had

> to call the police over. She even had a restraining order taken out, but a

> few weeks later she had dropped the charges and he had moved back in. I'm

> just waiting for the day the hearse pulls up.

The perception of abused people is totally twisted. They may be intelligent and empathic, but that doesn't save them for being the ultimate victims. We are so used to what we live every day.

#18 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 03 February 2002 - 12:16 AM

> As they walked through the streets, Jarran's curiosity got the better of

> him. “The two of you looked awfully serious back there. Is the poor little

> thing that badly off?”

> Anomen and Jaheira gave each other a sad look. Jaheira said slowly, “If we

> cannot help Jaella… I fear she does not have long.”

> “Aye,” Anomen said glumly. “The lass has no more than a tenday at best.

> She is fading quickly.”

I always wondered what happened to the kid in the first place.

> Jan went to Lissa. “Why, Lissa? How could you return to a cruel man like

> that? He is a beast! He is a criminal and a murderer! Why can't you see

> that?”

> “Stop it, Jan. He has apologized and promised that he won't be cruel to us

> any longer.”

> “And you actually believed him?” the gnome said scornfully.

> “Jan! I am grateful for what you have done but you must not overstep your

> bounds. He is my husband and I love him.”

> “What if he hurts Jaella again?”

> “He won't, Jan! He's different now. You're not being fair to him.”

> “Not being fair? You tell me what a monster he is and now you're shocked I

> believed you?”

> “He promised to change. I… I have to go.”

Poor Jan, having to see all of this happening and not being able to do anything about it.

> Anomen looked especially unhappy. “For years I admired my mother's

> patience and endurance for remaining with my father. Now I see… she was

> simply too weak to leave.”

It's never easy to face an ugly truth.

I really hope Vaelag gets his just desserts.

#19 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 03 February 2002 - 12:27 AM

> When I was very young, my boyfriend and I were friends to a couple where

> the man was an abuser. The woman always told me how the beating was a sign

> how he cared (because he was jealous of her), how that she had no pride

> and took all the beating was a mark of how she loved him so much. And I

> was so young that I just nodded and said nothing.

I remember when I was young my mother told me a wonderful story. She once knew a very loving, happy couple, and she was very startled when the wife told her that back when they had first been married her husband had been abusive. Finally one day she decided that she wasn't going to take it any more, even if he killed her.

He smacked her around one day, and when he was done, she said, "That's one I owe you". Nothing happened until several days later when he was reading the newspaper. She walked in and with no warning started hitting him with a broom. That of course made him angry, and he beat her again, and again she said, "That's one I owe you". Every time he beat her, she would retaliate with no warning, and getting worse and more unexpected each time. At one point she even nearly knocked him unconscious with an iron skillet.

Now understand, she knew that she was playing a dangerous game that could leave her dead, and I wouldn't recommend this as a standard anti-abuse technique. But eventually he became so terrified of what she would do to him next that he didn't dare beat her. Back then there really wasn't much in the way of counselling available, and nobody talked about spouse abuse, so this was her own way of dealing with it, and luckily it worked.

#20 Guest_Silrana_*

Posted 03 February 2002 - 12:31 AM

> I always wondered what happened to the kid in the first place.

They never made it clear what the mental trauma was, but I can think of lots of nasty options.

> Poor Jan, having to see all of this happening and not being able to do

> anything about it.

I know, I felt so sorry for him.

> It's never easy to face an ugly truth.

Or at least an ugly possibility. Anomen loved his mother very much, and it would be hard for him to admit that she could have been wrong.

> I really hope Vaelag gets his just desserts.


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