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Rush Of Blood To The Head, part 2.33. - Drowtalk

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#21 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 09 May 2003 - 06:17 AM

Quiz change? What is that?

It's something of a Bremuda Triangle, that. :)

Luckily now it's been cleared up though... the quiz mystery, I mean.

Feel free to comment - Vic is here and she is not being nice at all... :wink:


Not everyone is going to be happy...

“I love reading epitaphs, fool…” Viconia retorts angrily.

Here lies the spirit of Barney Blue,
To his lover was untrue,
So, she knew what to do,
Fixed herself some Barney Stew.

LOL! I'm unsure though, whether Viconia likes that sort of 'poetry'

“And you of course are very skilled at that, drow,” Jaheira adds.

Sure, why not? :)

Ah, Jaheira's just jealous... sure she's got the looks too, but she's a really bad actress... now, Vic is a different matter.

“Ah, you’re still here? Yes, I suppose you have to make some kind of derogatory remark, just to remind me of your existence… it is so easy to forget, elg’caress…” Viconia smiles as she speaks.

Go, Vic! :D


“Very well, jaluk. Tell me – how did you two ended up together again? Last I saw you, you were alone and very unconvinced…” Viconia winks at me.

Zing! Well, you know on whose side I am on. :D

Yeah, I know. But Vic is not so much after Theo, than just simply having a little revenge on them... :wink:

Watching her leave, accompanied by Viconia’s sniggering makes my blood boil in anger. I reach out over the table to grab Viconia by the hand in which she holds the glass of vine.

HEY! Leave Viconia alone! *glares*

Well, for Viconia's sake I hope she realizes that there are some matters even she better not talk about... Theo is *extremely* concerned about some matters of the past... :(

“Listen, Viconia,” I speak angrily, squeezing her hand until she winces in pain and releases the glass. It falls down and as it hits the table, drops of vine spurt all over her cloak. “I was not joking when I told you to keep away from her. If I would believe you being able of compassion, I would perhaps consider telling you the reasons for it and all those things we suffered in the recent past. But since I don’t think you would be able to understand it, I think that a straightforward threat will do more good… if you keep this up, I will do something that will make you terribly unattractive to the male population…”

*prepares to shove a pencil up Theodur's... nose if he makes a threatening move towards Viconia.* :D

Well, gotta remember that Jaheira is slightly unstable at this stage and Viconia can do a lot of harm if he doesn't put her in her place quickly. I am sure it will not come to blows... :wink:

Viconia only grins at my admission, then turns her attention to Pugney, her lips shaping the most seductive smile… “How about another bottle of vine for this lonely jalil?

Grin, nice move!

Hehe, I like Viconia's bitchiness in that it is very stylish and elegant... like her or dislike her, she is a personality...

Great stuff,

Thank you :)

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