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Lead, Follow, or Stay Out of the Way

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#1 Guest_Anonymous_*

Posted 23 October 2002 - 04:41 AM

Lead, Follow, or Stay Out of the Way
by Ryan Brady

It had been quite some time since Imoen left the group to scout out the corridor ahead, and Jaycen was starting to get a little worried. They had fought more than their fair share of beholders in the Underdark, and Imoen had taken out quite a few herself with some clever spell casting. But this one was different. The Unseeing Eye had supposedly found some way to gain all sorts of arcane powers. He might be able to see through her invisibility spell, and her own spells might be useless against him. Only the Rift Device was guaranteed to have any effect on the creature, but Imoen didn't want to take it with her, fearing that the beast might be able to sense it.

Just when he was about to go off looking for her, Jaycen felt something soft press up against his ear. He turned around to see Imoen rematerializing from her Invisibility spell and giving him a little kiss. "Did ya miss me?" she smiled.

"I was starting to get worried about you, kiddo," he chuckled with relief.

Minsc, Jaheira, Mazzy, and Anomen all made their way over as Imoen delivered her report. "I found the beholder, and he's a real ugly lookin' putz. We just need to go straight down this corridor for about a hundred yards or so then make a right. Looks like he's meditating or sleeping or something."

Jaycen nodded approvingly. "Great. Then we should be able to sneak right up on him."

"Well, it's not gonna be that easy," Imoen replied. "There's a group of priests between us and him. I've only got one Invisibility spell left, so there's no way we could all sneak by them. And if we attack the priests he'll be able to hear us coming."

"We'll have to launch two attacks, then," said Jaycen. "Cast your last Invisibility spell on me. I'll take on the priests myself. The Cloak of Reflections should protect me from most of their spells. When I attack the priests I'll try to draw them down another corridor. As soon as I do that I want the rest of you to make a run for the beholder and take him out before he has a chance to react. Got it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement with their leader's plan.

"Alright, then. Immy, cast Invisibility on me and I'll move into position and wait for the rest of you. Whistle once when you're ready and I'll start my attack. Good luck, guys." He gave everyone a quick thumbs-up and faded away as Imoen completed her incantation. The five watched a set of footprints appear in the soft dirt and work their way down the corridor.

When the sound of Jaycen's footsteps faded, Jaheira turned around and glanced over the group. "Very well. I want all of you to stay close and follow my lead."

"You?" Anomen snorted. "Just what makes you think that YOU'RE going to be assuming the mantle of leadership on this mission?"

"I agree!" shouted Minsc. "Jaycen is our leader, not you!"

"Jaycen is not here," Jaheira sighed, "and someone has to lead us on this mission."

"Then it is to be Boo who leads us in Jaycen's absence," the ranger retorted. "Jaycen said so himself!"

Mazzy shook her head with confusion and disbelief. "What?! When did he say that?"

"Well, he may not have said it directly," said Minsc, "but it is implied. After all, who better to lead us than a hyper-intelligent, miniature giant space hamster?"

"That is absolutely ludicrous!" Mazzy replied. "How can a hamster lead us? Even if we assume that your rodent is intelligent, it can't even speak!"

"Well, Minsc shall lead by proxy. Boo shall speak to Minsc and Minsc shall speak to you. It is how it has always been." He gave a slightly defeated sigh. "Alas, I am destined to the life of a middle-man, but it is still a good life nonetheless."

Imoen poked her head up from behind Anomen and waved her hands a little. "Um, guys..."

"I can't believe I have let this nonsense go on as long as it has," Mazzy huffed. "Being a paladin myself, Jaycen would obviously want me to take the lead. Now then, I want all of you to..."

"Paladin?!" barked Anomen. "You are no more a paladin than I!"

"I am more of a paladin than you could ever hope to be, squire-boy. I was championing the cause of Arvoreen when you were but a mewling little baby, whining, drooling, burping, and messing in your diapers."

"Amazing how so little has changed in all this time," Jaheira snickered.

Anomen spun around to shoot a harsh glare between the truesword and the druid. "I will not be mocked by a pint-sized paladin wanna-be and a tree-hugging hippie!"

Raising her club and swinging it menacingly before her, Jaheira retorted with, "I'll give you something to hug, you arrogant piece of..."

Imoen ran around to the other side of the group and began waving her hands more furiously. "Guys, I think Jaycen's waiting for us..."

"Now listen," said Jaheira as she regained her composure. "I have been with this group longer than anyone else, save for Imoen. And considering that she is certainly not qualified to lead a battle party I am the next logical choice."

Imoen threw her hands on her hips and wrinkled her nose in annoyance. "Hey! What da'ya mean I'm not qualified to...!"

"Hush, child. Minsc and I will take the lead while Imoen and Mazzy provide ranged support."

Imoen walked up beside Jaheira and pointed to the Rift Device she was clutching in her hand. "Can I see that for a second?"

Handing the Rift Device over to Imoen, Jaheira continued. "Anomen, you shall provide spell support if need be..."

The warrior priest raised an eyebrow. "M'lady, I am quite capable of providing more than mere spell support. Three summers ago I lead an entire battalion of the Order's finest warriors in a charge against the goblin hordes of Icewind Dale..."

"Yes, and your mother must be very proud of you. Now, as I was saying..."

"AHEM! As *I* was saying... I have far more experience in battle than you and I also have better equipment. I have the Flail of Ages!"

Minsc shook his head in disgust. "Bah! There's nothing impressive about your flail. It can't even talk!"

A muffled voice echoed inside the sheath strapped to Minsc's back. "You know it chief! Let's go kick some beholder ass! I really don't know if beholders have asses, but I wanna be the first to find out! And even if he doesn't, he'll have a few new holes when I'm done with him! Ha-ha! Let's go! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"By the gods!" groaned Mazzy. "Talking swords, talking hamsters. I'm afraid to ask what else of yours is capable of speech."

"I know of a few things around here that I wish weren't capable of speech," Anomen quipped.

With a harsh glare, Mazzy replied, "At least when I speak it is for some other purpose than to pump up my already over-inflated ego."

"I agree!" Minsc shouted. "Boo does not like your manner little knight-boy! See the way he glares at you. Let me tell you, there's nothing worse than getting the evil eye from a miniature giant space hamster!"

"You're just jealous because I am a member of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart," Anomen replied as he puffed out his chest with pride.

"You're going to be a member of the Order of the Most Swollen Ass if you don't shut the hell up!" yelled Jaheira.

Imoen poked her head between Anomen and Minsc and waved again to get the group's attention. "Hey, guys..."

"And you're just jealous because my sword is bigger then yours," Minsc grinned.

"What are you talking about?" Anomen replied. "I don't have a sword!"

Mazzy and Jaheira both snickered.

"Guys...!" Imoen was now bouncing up and down and flailing her arms around wildly.

"Enough of this!" Minsc shouted and he thrust his finger into the air. "Boo is getting antsy! And you don't know spooky until you've seen an antsy hamster!"

Imoen ran into the middle of the group and yelled out at the top of her lungs. "Hey!" Finally catching everyone's attention, she tossed the smoldering remains of the Rift Device back to Jaheira. "The beholder's dead."

Everyone just stared back and forth between the Rift Device and Imoen until Jaycen came running up the corridor.

"That was great work, Imoen!" he panted as he gave her a pat on the back. "Using Minor Spell Turning to reflect his paralysis gaze-attack back at him, then finishing him off with the Rift Device and a few Magic Missiles for good measure. I couldn't have done it better myself!"

Imoen just smiled brightly and took Jaycen's arm as the two walked off down the passage back to the cult compound.

"You know, you and I really make a great team," Jaycen smiled.

"I just know my place," Imoen shrugged. "Some people need to be leaders and some people need to be followers." She glanced back down the corridor at their four companions, who were once again arguing with each other. "And some people just need to stay the hell out of the way."

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