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The Fallen 1:24 Reunion

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#1 Guest_IronDragon_*

Posted 29 August 2007 - 01:16 PM

The Fallen, the Dark and the Blessed

Chapter 1: part 24. Reunion

“Nuttier than my wife’s best fruitcake.”
-Julius Schwartz

“Oh look Monty! It’s those delightful lost children.”

“The thieving bastards you mean.”

What ever Hadrian expected to find in these caves it was not the insane mage Xzar and his taciturn halfling companion Montaron. Still, despite all odds, there was Xzar standing not three yards away, wearing the same sickly green robes, with the same gaunt and heavily tattooed face grinning maniacally at him. Montaron looked no different either, sneering and sulking in the shadows behind his necromancer friend.

“Considering your mother’s occupation Monty I don’t think you should be calling anyone else such things. And look,” Xzar said pointing and then clapping his hands. “They brought along our Harper friend. Perhaps we will be treated to a jaunty little tune.”

Hadrian and Imoen looked at each other in surprise before turning to Khalid and Jaheira. “You know them?” They asked in unison.

Jaheira looked more confused than surprised. “You have met these two…individuals?” she asked.

“We met - briefly. They claimed they were on the way to investigate the mines but they were traveling on the Lions Way towards Candlekeep. We separated as soon as we reached the Trade Way.”

“Yes our parting was such sweet sorrow. We have missed you so, and my how tall you have grown, just like a weed.” Xzar was smiling one of his more disturbing smiles.

“Wait? Harpers?” Dynaheir asked obviously confused by the turn of events.

Minsc seemed oblivious to the two strangers, he was stroking his hamster and whispering to the animal. For his part, Garrick was trying, and failing, to disappear into the shadows.

Imoen stood her ground and asked, “What are you two doing here. No good I assume.”

Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”

Something about that struck Hadrian as wrong, but he could not quite places his finger on it. He had to agree with the strange logic Xzar had put out, evil really did not lurk dark places no matter what the stories might suggest. However, his instincts told him that these two intended no good. “You didn’t answer the question, what are you doing here?”

“Big one has some brains to go along with all that brawn,” Montaron scowled.

“You are absolutely correct Monty, always so observant.” Xzar looked down at Montaron nodding his head sagely before turning his attention back to the party. “Dear friends, we are just like you, explorers in this great chthonic play ground. This place positively reeks of adventure and good clean family fun…or is that the bat guano? I can never tell them apart.”

Jaheira stepped forward and planted her quarterstaff on the ground between herself and the strange pair. “How did you arrive here? You obviously did not come through the mine. You could not have faced the kobolds or the traps.”

“I be resenting what ye be saying about me skills,” Montaron sneered

Xzar stroked the halfling’s head as if he were claming an angry dog. “It is true, we did enter by alternative means, but then coming in through the front door is so pedestrian. And when we arrived we really did have every intention of investigating this mine and the iron shortage. But then we met lord and regent of this charming underground kingdom and he offered us both jobs. Can you imagine?” Xzar waved his hands excitedly. “With full medical, including coverage for dental and vision.” Xzar began to pace in a wide circle. “I was so excited about the whole thing I had to dash off a letter to papa and tell him about my gainful employment. Papa always swore that a paying job was something that would never happen to me.” Xzar’s expression suddenly changed to one of dour sadness. “Oh dear, I just remembered, I killed papa on my birthday last. … Oh well.”

“And what exactly are you being paid to do?” Hadrian asked.

Xzar looked at Hadrian as if he had never seen him before. His expression remained confused for a few moments then his eyes narrowed and his mouth curled into a sneer. “Why kill adventurers just like yourself. Pesky and rude, poking your noses into dark and disused dungeons where they don’t belong.”

“Minsc thinks you and the funny little man have bitten off more than you can chew. For facing you today are seven brave warriors and Minsc, who should count for at least two more.”

Xzar giggled, it was perhaps the most disturbing thing he could do at that moment. “Well if you are counting sides…then you should meet the last party of adventures that came tromping down into the mine.” Everyone tensed and stood stock still for a moment, but nothing happened. Xzar turned to the shadows behind him and put his hands on his hips. “Oh come now…this is no time to be shy.” Slowly, from the gloom four figures shuffled into view, one dragging what was left of the right side of her body their skin was gray and mottled, their eyes milk white. All of them were wearing the remnants of armor and carrying rusted, dented swords. Xzar clapped his hands and began jumping up and down in excitement. “And we even have a couple of the miners who insisted on joining us. Do come out and play boys!” He shouted at the shadows behind him. Three more shuffling figures emerged from the darkness, they wore rags and carried pickaxes and looked even worse than the first zombies. The undead creatures stopped by Xzar and stood swaying from side to side as if moved by an unseen wind.

Xzar turned to inspect his zombie servants. “Smiles everyone! Smiles! It’s time to meet our new friends. But first…” Xzar giggled again as an orb of flame appeared in his hand. He promptly turned and tossed it at the party but his throw went high and wild. A moment later, a fireball exploded behind the party. The heat and concussion ruffled cloaks but did no damage.

At Xzar’s command the seven zombies lunged forward and a series of arrows flew at them, most of the arrows struck their marks but the zombies ignored them and kept moving forward groaning as they came.

Imoen dodged to the left behind Jaheira and the charging Minsc. She circled around, grabbed Garrick, and shoved one of the glow lights into his hand. She pushed his hand high into the air and said, “ Keep it up there for me.” Imoen turned and with one hand made a ‘V’ with her first two fingers and the set that atop her other fist, she raised her hands into the light casting the shape of a rather distorted rabbit onto the far cave wall. “Look Xzar,” she shouted, “a bunny!”

Xzar turned to gaze upon the giant shadow rabbit. He stuffed a fist in his mouth and screamed in terror.

“Forget the zombies, hit Xzar, he’s the dangerous one,” Imoen shouted. Jaheira and Minsc were both to busy parrying the slow faltering attacks of the zombies to comply, but the rest seemed to understand her. Khalid and Hadrian sent arrows sailing towards the trembling necromancer, both stabbed into his back near the spine and from behind them Dynaheir sent a trio of tiny red spheres slammed into him. Xzar crumpled, lifeless, to the cave floor.

Imoen grinned and took up her bow, she took aim at where Montaron had originally stood, but he was no longer there. “Where is the halfling?” She called out but the rest of her party was now concentrating on the zombies. Imoen fired off an arrow at one of the zombie miners edging towards Minsc.

As she notched another arrow into her bowstring, a small form slammed into her midsection knocking her down. She and Montaron hit the cave floor together, he landing on top of her, knocking the wind out of her.

Montaron reared back his face contorted in rage. He pulled a dagger from his belt and raised it high. “No one steels from me and lives,” He growled as he rammed the knife down hard.

Imoen gasped as the dagger penetrated her leather armor vest plunging into her midsection. With her left hand, she managed to get a handful of the halfling’s hair and when Montaron yanked the dagger out of her, she was able to grasp his wrist with her right hand. He was strong and driven by rage but she had good enough hold to divert a second stab so that it merely scraped along her armor rather than penetrate it. She yelled for help

Montaron began punching her face with his free hand. “Ye won’t make a very pretty corpse when I’m done with you.”

From nowhere Hadrian appeared. He slammed his body into Montaron grabbing hold of him, yanking him off Imoen, and knocking his dagger away. The impact propelled him some distance across the floor. They rolled once and Hadrian found himself atop the halfling with his left hand holding Montaron’s throat in a death grip. Montaron snarled and beat his fists against Hadrian’s arm. Hadrian punched Montaron in the face, three of the halfling’s teeth were dislodged by the blow. “Don’t!” Hadrian shouted and struck Montaron again “Touch!” Again, he slammed his fist into Montaron’s face “My!” and again he struck, bones splintered with a wet crunch. “Sister!” The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow.

Hadrian released the limp form of Montaron and scurried back to Imoen. He produced a cloth and pressed it firmly into her side where the dagger had penetrated. She drew a ragged breath at the pressure. Hadrian looked around almost in a panic. There were now only two zombies left standing. “Jaheira!” he yelled. “Imoen is hurt.”

Imoen took hold of Hadrian’s arm. “I’ll survive.” She called out even as Jaheira made her way towards them. She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”

#2 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 29 August 2007 - 03:21 PM

What ever Hadrian expected to find in these caves it was not the insane mage Xzar and his taciturn halfling companion Montaron. Still, despite all odds, there was Xzar standing not three yards away, wearing the same sickly green robes, with the same gaunt and heavily tattooed face grinning maniacally at him. Montaron looked no different either, sneering and sulking in the shadows behind his necromancer friend.

Of all the mines in all the world...

Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”

Well... yes, you would?

Something about that struck Hadrian as wrong, but he could not quite places his finger on it. He had to agree with the strange logic Xzar had put out, evil really did not lurk dark places no matter what the stories might suggest. However, his instincts told him that these two intended no good. “You didn’t answer the question, what are you doing here?”

And besides, just because it doesn't always lurk there, that doesn't mean that it never lurks there :D

“You are absolutely correct Monty, always so observant.” Xzar looked down at Montaron nodding his head sagely before turning his attention back to the party. “Dear friends, we are just like you, explorers in this great chthonic play ground. This place positively reeks of adventure and good clean family fun…or is that the bat guano? I can never tell them apart.”


Xzar turned to gaze upon the giant shadow rabbit. He stuffed a fist in his mouth and screamed in terror.

Excellent tactic!

“Forget the zombies, hit Xzar, he’s the dangerous one,” Imoen shouted. Jaheira and Minsc were both to busy parrying the slow faltering attacks of the zombies to comply, but the rest seemed to understand her. Khalid and Hadrian sent arrows sailing towards the trembling necromancer, both stabbed into his back near the spine and from behind them Dynaheir sent a trio of tiny red spheres slammed into him. Xzar crumpled, lifeless, to the cave floor.

Even better tactic!

Montaron reared back his face contorted in rage. He pulled a dagger from his belt and raised it high. “No one steels from me and lives,” He growled as he rammed the knife down hard.

:) :P

Imoen gasped as the dagger penetrated her leather armor vest plunging into her midsection. With her left hand, she managed to get a handful of the halfling’s hair and when Montaron yanked the dagger out of her, she was able to grasp his wrist with her right hand. He was strong and driven by rage but she had good enough hold to divert a second stab so that it merely scraped along her armor rather than penetrate it. She yelled for help

Um, she is injured here, isn't she? I mean, she seems a bit too focused for someone who was just stabbed in the gut...

From nowhere Hadrian appeared. He slammed his body into Montaron grabbing hold of him, yanking him off Imoen, and knocking his dagger away. The impact propelled him some distance across the floor. They rolled once and Hadrian found himself atop the halfling with his left hand holding Montaron’s throat in a death grip. Montaron snarled and beat his fists against Hadrian’s arm. Hadrian punched Montaron in the face, three of the halfling’s teeth were dislodged by the blow. “Don’t!” Hadrian shouted and struck Montaron again “Touch!” Again, he slammed his fist into Montaron’s face “My!” and again he struck, bones splintered with a wet crunch. “Sister!” The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow.


Imoen took hold of Hadrian’s arm. “I’ll survive.” She called out even as Jaheira made her way towards them. She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”

Awww :P

Other than Imoen's apparent imperviousness to pain, I loved the chapter :D

#3 Guest_IronDragon_*

Posted 29 August 2007 - 11:38 PM

What ever Hadrian expected to find in these caves it was not the insane mage Xzar and his taciturn halfling companion Montaron. Still, despite all odds, there was Xzar standing not three yards away, wearing the same sickly green robes, with the same gaunt and heavily tattooed face grinning maniacally at him. Montaron looked no different either, sneering and sulking in the shadows behind his necromancer friend.

Of all the mines in all the world...

I can hear you doing an impression of Bogart here

Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”

Well... yes, you would?

I personally beleive that evil is always well lit

Something about that struck Hadrian as wrong, but he could not quite places his finger on it. He had to agree with the strange logic Xzar had put out, evil really did not lurk dark places no matter what the stories might suggest. However, his instincts told him that these two intended no good. “You didn’t answer the question, what are you doing here?”

And besides, just because it doesn't always lurk there, that doesn't mean that it never lurks there ;)

maybe just a little lurking

 “You are absolutely correct Monty, always so observant.”  Xzar looked down at Montaron nodding his head sagely before turning his attention back to the party.  “Dear friends, we are just like you, explorers in this great chthonic play ground.  This place positively reeks of adventure and good clean family fun…or is that the bat guano?  I can never tell them apart.”


Xzar turned to gaze upon the giant shadow rabbit.  He stuffed a fist in his mouth and screamed in terror.

Excellent tactic!

“Forget the zombies, hit Xzar, he’s the dangerous one,”  Imoen shouted.  Jaheira and Minsc were both to busy parrying the slow faltering attacks of the zombies to comply, but the rest seemed to understand her.  Khalid and Hadrian sent arrows sailing towards the trembling necromancer, both stabbed into his back near the spine and from behind them Dynaheir sent a trio of tiny red spheres slammed into him.  Xzar crumpled, lifeless, to the cave floor.    

Even better tactic!
you do what works

and basic game tactic number 16...always kill the wizard first

Montaron reared back his face contorted in rage. He pulled a dagger from his belt and raised it high. “No one steels from me and lives,” He growled as he rammed the knife down hard.

:) :P

just casue he's a halfling doesn't mean he has to be cute and adorable

Imoen gasped as the dagger penetrated her leather armor vest plunging into her midsection. With her left hand, she managed to get a handful of the halfling’s hair and when Montaron yanked the dagger out of her, she was able to grasp his wrist with her right hand. He was strong and driven by rage but she had good enough hold to divert a second stab so that it merely scraped along her armor rather than penetrate it. She yelled for help

Um, she is injured here, isn't she? I mean, she seems a bit too focused for someone who was just stabbed in the gut...

Imoen: i ain't the bufflehead of this party

From nowhere Hadrian appeared. He slammed his body into Montaron grabbing hold of him, yanking him off Imoen, and knocking his dagger away. The impact propelled him some distance across the floor. They rolled once and Hadrian found himself atop the halfling with his left hand holding Montaron’s throat in a death grip. Montaron snarled and beat his fists against Hadrian’s arm. Hadrian punched Montaron in the face, three of the halfling’s teeth were dislodged by the blow. “Don’t!” Hadrian shouted and struck Montaron again “Touch!” Again, he slammed his fist into Montaron’s face “My!” and again he struck, bones splintered with a wet crunch. “Sister!” The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow.


i wasn't going for amusing here...but i take the compliments i can get

Imoen took hold of Hadrian’s arm. “I’ll survive.” She called out even as Jaheira made her way towards them. She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”

Awww :D

kind of a Mansen family moment here

Other than Imoen's apparent imperviousness to pain, I loved the chapter :P

Imoen: impervious? that hurt like hell!

#4 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 30 August 2007 - 08:50 AM

“Oh look Monty! It’s those delightful lost children.”

Awww, there’s Xzar and Monty! We missed them so much… right?

“Considering your mother’s occupation Monty I don’t think you should be calling anyone else such things. And look,” Xzar said pointing and then clapping his hands. “They brought along our Harper friend. Perhaps we will be treated to a jaunty little tune.”

Alas, no such luck. These are not the Harpers you’re looking for when you want a jaunty little tune. :D

Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”

…yeah, actually it’s quite possible that you would…

Something about that struck Hadrian as wrong, but he could not quite places his finger on it. He had to agree with the strange logic Xzar had put out, evil really did not lurk dark places no matter what the stories might suggest.

There’s a grain of truth behind every story. Well… perhaps not if told by a Jansen.

Xzar stroked the halfling’s head as if he were claming an angry dog. “It is true, we did enter by alternative means, but then coming in through the front door is so pedestrian. And when we arrived we really did have every intention of investigating this mine and the iron shortage. But then we met lord and regent of this charming underground kingdom and he offered us both jobs. Can you imagine?” Xzar waved his hands excitedly. “With full medical, including coverage for dental and vision.” Xzar began to pace in a wide circle. “I was so excited about the whole thing I had to dash off a letter to papa and tell him about my gainful employment. Papa always swore that a paying job was something that would never happen to me.” Xzar’s expression suddenly changed to one of dour sadness. “Oh dear, I just remembered, I killed papa on my birthday last. … Oh well.”

Awwww! :P Hmm, aren’t they both employed by the Zhentarim, though… they wouldn’t look down kindly to their agents working for Mulahey.

Xzar looked at Hadrian as if he had never seen him before. His expression remained confused for a few moments then his eyes narrowed and his mouth curled into a sneer. “Why kill adventurers just like yourself. Pesky and rude, poking your noses into dark and disused dungeons where they don’t belong.”

He’s got a point… I really hate trespassers, and adventures are the worst kind of those…

Imoen dodged to the left behind Jaheira and the charging Minsc. She circled around, grabbed Garrick, and shoved one of the glow lights into his hand. She pushed his hand high into the air and said, “ Keep it up there for me.” Imoen turned and with one hand made a ‘V’ with her first two fingers and the set that atop her other fist, she raised her hands into the light casting the shape of a rather distorted rabbit onto the far cave wall. “Look Xzar,” she shouted, “a bunny!”

Xzar turned to gaze upon the giant shadow rabbit. He stuffed a fist in his mouth and screamed in terror.

Aww, that’s so naughty! I loved the idea! ;)

“Forget the zombies, hit Xzar, he’s the dangerous one,” Imoen shouted. Jaheira and Minsc were both to busy parrying the slow faltering attacks of the zombies to comply, but the rest seemed to understand her. Khalid and Hadrian sent arrows sailing towards the trembling necromancer, both stabbed into his back near the spine and from behind them Dynaheir sent a trio of tiny red spheres slammed into him. Xzar crumpled, lifeless, to the cave floor.

Poor Xzar. Will he make a cameo in the sequel? It seems unlikely at the moment. :)

From nowhere Hadrian appeared. He slammed his body into Montaron grabbing hold of him, yanking him off Imoen, and knocking his dagger away. The impact propelled him some distance across the floor. They rolled once and Hadrian found himself atop the halfling with his left hand holding Montaron’s throat in a death grip. Montaron snarled and beat his fists against Hadrian’s arm. Hadrian punched Montaron in the face, three of the halfling’s teeth were dislodged by the blow. “Don’t!” Hadrian shouted and struck Montaron again “Touch!” Again, he slammed his fist into Montaron’s face “My!” and again he struck, bones splintered with a wet crunch. “Sister!” The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow.

Aww. Well, I can’t say I ever cared much for these two misfits, so… bye Xzar and Monty, rest well!

Imoen took hold of Hadrian’s arm. “I’ll survive.” She called out even as Jaheira made her way towards them. She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”

Meh, you know it would get really annoying in time.

#5 Guest_IronDragon_*

Posted 30 August 2007 - 09:59 PM

“Oh look Monty! It’s those delightful lost children.”

Awww, there’s Xzar and Monty! We missed them so much… right?

The thing is I discovered I really like writing for them…a lot. Maybe casue Xzar and I basically have the same personality.

and i feel really bad about killing them off.
Really bad….

How bad you ask?

*laughs maniacally* :)

ahem….well lets just say I don’t feel good about it

“Considering your mother’s occupation Monty I don’t think you should be calling anyone else such things. And look,” Xzar said pointing and then clapping his hands. “They brought along our Harper friend. Perhaps we will be treated to a jaunty little tune.”

Alas, no such luck. These are not the Harpers you’re looking for when you want a jaunty little tune. :P


move along folks, nothing to see here

Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”

…yeah, actually it’s quite possible that you would…

quite possible actually

Something about that struck Hadrian as wrong, but he could not quite places his finger on it. He had to agree with the strange logic Xzar had put out, evil really did not lurk dark places no matter what the stories might suggest.

There’s a grain of truth behind every story. Well… perhaps not if told by a Jansen.

Xzar and Jan together…now there is an evil thought

Xzar stroked the halfling’s head as if he were claming an angry dog. “It is true, we did enter by alternative means, but then coming in through the front door is so pedestrian. And when we arrived we really did have every intention of investigating this mine and the iron shortage. But then we met lord and regent of this charming underground kingdom and he offered us both jobs. Can you imagine?” Xzar waved his hands excitedly. “With full medical, including coverage for dental and vision.” Xzar began to pace in a wide circle. “I was so excited about the whole thing I had to dash off a letter to papa and tell him about my gainful employment. Papa always swore that a paying job was something that would never happen to me.” Xzar’s expression suddenly changed to one of dour sadness. “Oh dear, I just remembered, I killed papa on my birthday last. … Oh well.”

Awwww! ;) Hmm, aren’t they both employed by the Zhentarim, though… they wouldn’t look down kindly to their agents working for Mulahey.

I know they claimed that in the gaem...but remember Xzar also claimes: "I know dragons with feet like rabbits, tis true I swear!"

and lets face it...do we really think the Zhentarim are THAT desperate?

Xzar looked at Hadrian as if he had never seen him before. His expression remained confused for a few moments then his eyes narrowed and his mouth curled into a sneer. “Why kill adventurers just like yourself. Pesky and rude, poking your noses into dark and disused dungeons where they don’t belong.”

He’s got a point… I really hate trespassers, and adventures are the worst kind of those…

they do tend to arrive right in the middle of world destroying experiments....just like British spys.

Imoen dodged to the left behind Jaheira and the charging Minsc. She circled around, grabbed Garrick, and shoved one of the glow lights into his hand. She pushed his hand high into the air and said, “ Keep it up there for me.” Imoen turned and with one hand made a ‘V’ with her first two fingers and the set that atop her other fist, she raised her hands into the light casting the shape of a rather distorted rabbit onto the far cave wall. “Look Xzar,” she shouted, “a bunny!”

Xzar turned to gaze upon the giant shadow rabbit. He stuffed a fist in his mouth and screamed in terror.

Aww, that’s so naughty! I loved the idea! :D

thank you

“Forget the zombies, hit Xzar, he’s the dangerous one,” Imoen shouted. Jaheira and Minsc were both to busy parrying the slow faltering attacks of the zombies to comply, but the rest seemed to understand her. Khalid and Hadrian sent arrows sailing towards the trembling necromancer, both stabbed into his back near the spine and from behind them Dynaheir sent a trio of tiny red spheres slammed into him. Xzar crumpled, lifeless, to the cave floor.

Poor Xzar. Will he make a cameo in the sequel? It seems unlikely at the moment. :P

in the SoA portion of SoA? unlikely.

but funny you should mention sequils

*laughs maniacally*

From nowhere Hadrian appeared. He slammed his body into Montaron grabbing hold of him, yanking him off Imoen, and knocking his dagger away. The impact propelled him some distance across the floor. They rolled once and Hadrian found himself atop the halfling with his left hand holding Montaron’s throat in a death grip. Montaron snarled and beat his fists against Hadrian’s arm. Hadrian punched Montaron in the face, three of the halfling’s teeth were dislodged by the blow. “Don’t!” Hadrian shouted and struck Montaron again “Touch!” Again, he slammed his fist into Montaron’s face “My!” and again he struck, bones splintered with a wet crunch. “Sister!” The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow.

Aww. Well, I can’t say I ever cared much for these two misfits, so… bye Xzar and Monty, rest well!

Um…yeah…sure …bye

Imoen took hold of Hadrian’s arm. “I’ll survive.” She called out even as Jaheira made her way towards them. She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”

Meh, you know it would get really annoying in time.

oh admit it Theo...youd like it

#6 Guest_Ananke_*

Posted 31 August 2007 - 10:48 AM

“Oh look Monty! It’s those delightful lost children.”

“The thieving bastards you mean.”

Oh. It's these two.

Minsc seemed oblivious to the two strangers, he was stroking his hamster and whispering to the animal. For his part, Garrick was trying, and failing, to disappear into the shadows.

Weell. He's a bard, not a thief, after all!

Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”

He's so pathetic, I won't even deign him with a response. :)

Something about that struck Hadrian as wrong, but he could not quite places his finger on it.

:P What's his INT score? I took him for a smart boy, before!

He had to agree with the strange logic Xzar had put out, evil really did not lurk dark places no matter what the stories might suggest.

;) At least he's not the 'I see evil everywhere!' paladin type.

Xzar’s expression suddenly changed to one of dour sadness. “Oh dear, I just remembered, I killed papa on my birthday last. … Oh well.”

I think you had a lot of fun writing him.

Xzar turned to gaze upon the giant shadow rabbit. He stuffed a fist in his mouth and screamed in terror.

:D Yes, you had!

The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow.

Sigh. And so, those two are dead. Good!

Imoen took hold of Hadrian’s arm. “I’ll survive.” She called out even as Jaheira made her way towards them. She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”

Apart from that I agree with Cel: there's no way Imoen should be half as level and not yelling in pain after a gut wound - I rather enjoyed the fight. :P

#7 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 31 August 2007 - 06:41 PM

“Yes our parting was such sweet sorrow. We have missed you so, and my how tall you have grown, just like a weed.” Xzar was smiling one of his more disturbing smiles.

Charming fellow. Let's set him on fire. :)

For his part, Garrick was trying, and failing, to disappear into the shadows.

Garrick: (Knocks a torch out of a wall sconce) "Ooops." (Trips over one of the steel rails used for the mine carts) "Er... darn it!"

(Like that? :P )

Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”

Raven: (Blinks)

Harlequin: (Blinks)

Raven/Harlequin: (In unison) "Er. Yes!"

“Minsc thinks you and the funny little man have bitten off more than you can chew. For facing you today are seven brave warriors and Minsc, who should count for at least two more.”

Minsc is certainly big enough, yeah. :P

“Look Xzar,” she shouted, “a bunny!”

Oh. Dear. Lord. :P

She's always been my favorite character. This is why. :D

(Hugs her)


Imoen gasped as the dagger penetrated her leather armor vest plunging into her midsection.

Ow. Ow. OW. ;)

“Don’t!” Hadrian shouted and struck Montaron again “Touch!” Again, he slammed his fist into Montaron’s face “My!” and again he struck, bones splintered with a wet crunch. “Sister!” The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow.

Well, you little runt. You asked for it. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same.

She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”

Raven: :D "I... I need a hug."

Harlequin: "Awwww." (Hugs her) "Better?"

Raven: "Yes, thanks."

Harlequin: :P

#8 Guest_IronDragon_*

Posted 31 August 2007 - 11:23 PM

[quote][quote]“Oh look Monty! It’s those delightful lost children.”

“The thieving bastards you mean.”[/quote]
Oh. It's these two. [/quote] Well they had to go somewhere…

[quote][quote]Minsc seemed oblivious to the two strangers, he was stroking his hamster and whispering to the animal. For his part, Garrick was trying, and failing, to disappear into the shadows.[/quote]
Weell. He's a bard, not a thief, after all![/quote] And maybe just a little to eager to go hiding

[quote][quote]Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”[/quote]
He's so pathetic, I won't even deign him with a response. :) [/quote]I don’t think he’s pathetic at all

[quote][quote]Something about that struck Hadrian as wrong, but he could not quite places his finger on it. [/quote]
:P What's his INT score? I took him for a smart boy, before![/quote]Well he ain’t stupid…he isn’t as smart as Imoen (how many are?) but remember he spent the last twenty years living in a library being taught by some of the world’s smartest people. So at the very least, critical thinking is a given.

[quote][quote]He had to agree with the strange logic Xzar had put out, evil really did not lurk dark places no matter what the stories might suggest.[/quote]
;) At least he's not the 'I see evil everywhere!' paladin type.[/quote]This thread has a sense of…evil about it

[quote][quote]Xzar’s expression suddenly changed to one of dour sadness. “Oh dear, I just remembered, I killed papa on my birthday last. … Oh well.”[/quote]
I think you had a lot of fun writing him.[/quote]

[quote]Xzar turned to gaze upon the giant shadow rabbit. He stuffed a fist in his mouth and screamed in terror.[/quote]
:D Yes, you had! [/quote] guilty as charged

[quote][quote]The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow. [/quote]
Sigh. And so, those two are dead. Good![/quote] oh they minght be resurected somewhere sometime

[quote]Imoen took hold of Hadrian’s arm. “I’ll survive.” She called out even as Jaheira made her way towards them. She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”[/quote]
Apart from that I agree with Cel: there's no way Imoen should be half as level and not yelling in pain after a gut wound - I rather enjoyed the fight. :P[/quote]Actually it is reality based
I am always amazed at how calm people are when they have a truly life threatening injury. I have seen people with gunshot wounds calmly reporting what their last meal was and providing telephone numbers for relatives. At the same time I have seen people with a broken arm carrying on like it is the end of the world.

#9 Guest_IronDragon_*

Posted 31 August 2007 - 11:30 PM

“Yes our parting was such sweet sorrow. We have missed you so, and my how tall you have grown, just like a weed.” Xzar was smiling one of his more disturbing smiles.

Charming fellow. Let's set him on fire. :)

For his part, Garrick was trying, and failing, to disappear into the shadows.

Garrick: (Knocks a torch out of a wall sconce) "Ooops." (Trips over one of the steel rails used for the mine carts) "Er... darn it!"

(Like that? :P )

Not exactly…but sure

Xzar theatrically put his hand to his chest. “Why you wound me child. Now truly, if we meant to cause you ill, would we be standing here, all alone, by the side of the path, in the very darkest part of the caverns?”

Raven: (Blinks)

Harlequin: (Blinks)

Raven/Harlequin: (In unison) "Er. Yes!"


“Minsc thinks you and the funny little man have bitten off more than you can chew. For facing you today are seven brave warriors and Minsc, who should count for at least two more.”

Minsc is certainly big enough, yeah. :D

its one of my favorite minscisms

“Look Xzar,” she shouted, “a bunny!”

Oh. Dear. Lord. :P

She's always been my favorite character. This is why. :P

(Hugs her)


That particular scene just appeared in my mind when I found I had written in to many zombies to be reasonably handled and I needed a quick way to even out the score.

“Don’t!” Hadrian shouted and struck Montaron again “Touch!” Again, he slammed his fist into Montaron’s face “My!” and again he struck, bones splintered with a wet crunch. “Sister!” The last thing Montaron saw before passing from the world was Hadrian’s faces twisted by anger and his eyes glowing yellow.

Well, you little runt. You asked for it. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same.

it was quite satisfying

She patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “I changed my mind,” She said softly. “You can hover over me as much you want.”

Raven: ;) "I... I need a hug."

Harlequin: "Awwww." (Hugs her) "Better?"

Raven: "Yes, thanks."

Harlequin: :D

AWWW..a kodak moment

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