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Beloved Child 25

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#1 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 03 January 2007 - 11:10 PM

Well, here is the first Beloved Child for 2007. In a short recap Groder and Haer`Dalis have gone to Isaea Roenall`s mansion after the noble kidnapped Nalia. They are in disguise and Groder to his great displeasure is disguised as a girl.

Please enjoy!

Beloved Child 25

Groder had not expected them to be mobbed but a fair number of men and women closed in on them shortly after the butler’s announcement. Apparently the nobles were quite bored with each other and hungered for news or anything from someone not of Athkatla. The boy quickly feigned shyness and deftly covered his lower face with a fan and let Haer`Dalis weave the web of lies.

Nobles were spread out throughout the well lit room, some gathered in crowds by the canapé tables and other lounged in plush sofas deep in various discussions. As Groder and Haer`Dalis moved through the room a number of the younger men and boys stared more or less openly. A gaggle of girls Groder`s own age sent him dark looks. The boy and the actor attempted to spy some other entrance to the second floor or possibly a way to create a diversion. Soon gentle music began flooding the room as musicians started up another piece. A few couples drifted onto the dance floor and began swirling about.

The pair floated around the room, making a little conversation here and there, trying to seem ordinary while searching for someway to get to the second floor. Haer`Dalis stepped out onto the terrace briefly and then came back to Groder.

“Get one of the boy’s to dance with you, the redhead that has been staring at you since we entered for instance. Then get him out on the terrace. I will follow and play the stern keeper.” Haer`Dalis whispered to Groder.

Groder looked around and finally spotted a boy of his own age. He had a fair face and neat red hair. The redhead blushed visibly when he noticed that Groder was looking at him.

“Why the terrace?” Groder asked.

“We may be able to climb to the second floor from there.” The bard responded.

“Fine…” The boy grumbled. He began smiling at the redheaded boy that seemed to take that as an encouragement and walked over to them. The redhead bowed before Groder who curtsied in turn.

“I am Randall Dewolf, pleased to make your acquaintance miss Empaticha.”

“Likewise mister Dewolf.” Groder answered and smiled again but groaned inwardly. Again Randall blushed.

“W… would you like to dance?” He asked Groder.

“I would be delighted too.” Groder replied.

Randall took Groder by the hand and led the masquerading boy onto the dance floor. For once he was glad at having been forced to dance at the party in the ducal palace after Sarevoks defeat. Randall tried making small talk while they were dancing and Groder skilfully deflected it. After a few dances the music eventually died down and they bowed and curtsied once more.

“All this dancing made me quite warm.” Groder said and fluttered his eyes at the Randall. “I would like to see the terrace.”

If it was possible Randall managed to blush even more and mumbled something that was an agreement. Randall took Groder by the hand again and they walked out of the ballroom. The terrace was slightly raised and fenced in. It overlooked some shrubbery and sat opposite another manor. Above the terrace was a balcony.

“That is the Delryn Manor over there.” Randall said and pointed. “They used to be respected but…” He rambled on and Groder shut him out, hoping that Haer`Dalis would come.

“What are you doing alone with the lady?” An icy voice said from behind them.

Groder spun and clasped his hands to his mouth in feigned shock.

“Oh, Dalis… please don’t hurt him. He hasn’t done anything.” He said with a shivering voice.

Randall went pale and coughed something about his mother calling when Haer`Dalis began advancing menacingly. The redheaded boy slipped past Haer`Dalis back into the light of the ballroom. The bard laughed softly after the boy had disappeared. He walked up to Groder and gently stroked the boy’s cheek.

“You make a very convincing young lady, my Raven.”

Groder lightly swatted the actors hand away and looked up at the tall man.

“We are never doing anything like this again. I have just spent the better part of an hour flirting with that boy.”
He hissed.

“We all suffer for the art.” Haer`Dalis shrugged and then looked around. A wood construct rose next to the terrace, flat against the wall. Roses climbed along its spaces. The bard looked over the railing on the terrace and when he was satisfied no one was looking he hoisted himself onto it and began climbing up. Groder followed and found that it was hard to climb in the dress. Haer`Dalis hoisted the boy over the balcony’s stone railing. They were met by a locked door and through the lone window next to it, they could see a study.

The bard procured a lock pick from a pocket and smiled.

“I was a knight of the post in my childhood, my Raven.” The actor aid when he saw Groders questioning gaze.

He began jimmying the lock and soon he opened the door. They entered the dark room, the only light spilled from under the other entrance to it. Haer`Dalis began a quiet chant.

“Hey!” Groder hissed. “We can’t use magic.”

“I have a license, my Raven” The bard responded. “There, now I can see perfectly. I will search this room for anything suspicious. Check if the corridor is clear.”

“I can’t see anything.” The boy whispered. “Wait… how will they not notice that we are gone? I should have thought of that earlier.” There was a low smacking sound as the boy hit his own forehead.

Haer`Dalis grabbed his shoulders and turned him towards something.

“Walk forward with your hands out. It is the door.” He whispered. “I left a little something from Sigil down there. It will project very realistic illusions.”

Groder did as he was told and when he reached the door, he pressed his ear against it. The boy held it there for a while before deciding that it was safe to open the door. The corridor was clad in the same blue paint that covered the interior of the manor. He stepped silently out into the torch lit hall. Groder crept down the corridor going away from the stairs. He stopped by the first door when voice floated through it.

“Just eat… stupid girl…” A gruff voice said. “And don’t make me gag you again.”

“Go… go sit on a pike!” A female voice sounded back.

Groder raised an eyebrow. It seemed like Isaea kept Nalia in his manor unless he was in the habit of kidnapping young women.

“Sorry Nalia…” He whispered and grinned.

He kept on going to the next door. That room proved to be a bedroom and had the torches lit. The floor of the room was draped in thick rug and an extravagant queen size bed dominated the space. Wardrobes and bookshelves lined one of the walls. Groder quickly went to work, checking behind the books and opening the wardrobes. He shoved clothes aside and knocked gently on the wardrobe’s bases. On the third he was rewarded with a hollow sound and after some manipulation he managed to lift up the wooden board. A single package bearing what must have been Isaeas official seal lay in the concealed space. Groder picked it up and shook it when nothing happened he sniffed it. He vaguely recognized the smell. The boy put everything back in order and left the room.

Making his way down the corridor he once more stopped outside the room that presumably held Nalia. There was only silence now. Groder went back to the study and closed the door behind him.

“Haer`Dalis?” He whispered.

“Here, my Raven.” The actor responded and took Groders hand. He led the boy out onto the balcony. Groder showed Haer`Dalis the package.

“Good, smells like black louts. I found a few letters of correspondence with some group known as The Night Masks. Also a ledger that doesn’t look quite right, I am no accountant but I think Isaea has been skimming of the top and actually kept records of smuggling.” The bard smiled. “The best part is all of it carries his seal and name.”

“So he is a really incompetent criminal?” Groder asked and laughed softly. “He has Nalia here too.”

“No, but he thinks himself impervious.” The actor responded. “I think we shall dissuade him of that notion.”

“How are we going to get these out of here?” Groder asked. “We can’t just stroll out with it.”

“Your garters, my Raven.” Haer`Dalis motioned towards Groder`s legs.

“What?” The boy looked confused.

“Strap the papers to your garters.” Haer`Dalis said. “You do look cute with your face twisted up like that.”

Groder sat down on the balcony railing and rolled the skirt up. Haer`Dalis whistled. He held out a hand and Haer`Dalis gave him the rolled up papers. Groder quickly secured the rolled up papers to his inner thigh with the small garments.

“Damn, this is going to itch. “ The boy said. “What are going to do with the ledger and the package?”

“Let me worry about that.” The bard responded and dropped the items down the side of the balcony. They made no sound when they hit the lawn below. Haer`Dalis began climbing down the wood construct holding the roses. Groder followed him, the decent was not easier then the ascent in the dress. He looked down and found Haer`Dalis looking up, smirking.

“Would you stop that?” Groder hissed and the actor smiled and winked. .

Haer`Dalis dropped to the side of the terrace when he had climbed down. Groder managed to make it onto the terrace itself.

“I will sneak around to our carriage and deposit the larger items in it.”

The actor picked up the ledger and package. Before Groder could stop him, he had already disappeared into the dark.

“You could have taken the papers as well.” The boy whined to the darkness and tried to tug at the dress. He looked around the small terrace. It seemed the plan had worked but he wondered about the device that Haer`Dalis had mentioned. When he noticed that the terrace was devoid of any devices of any kind he swore silently at the bars recklessness.

In almost no time at all Haer`Dalis returned with a grin on his face. He hoisted himself onto the terrace.

“Shall we return to the party then, my lady?” He asked.

“Let us just get this over with.” Groder responded. “We are going to have a talk a about your damned recklessness as well… device from Sigil my ass…”

“…is very cute.” The bard immediately responded.

“You are being far too amused by this.” Groder mumbled, heat rising in his face once again.

As they returned to the ballroom they almost walked into Isaea Roenall and his mother whom were having a conversation by a large potted plant. Both the Roenall`s turned when Groder and Haer`Dalis approached.

“Miss Empaticha was it?” Lady Roenall asked. She had the same bored look she had worn at funeral of Nalia`s father. “Your steward put the fright into the young Dewolfe I understand.”

“My parents are very strict Lady….” Groder trailed off, curtsied and smiled sweetly.

“Eda Roenall. This is my son Isaea.” The woman motioned towards her son.

The blond man bowed and then looked thoughtfully at Groder.

“Haven’t I seen you somewhere before, Miss Empaticha?” He asked.

“Oh no, I just recently arrived. My father does business with yours but abhors parties. Both my parents do and usually send me and my retainer Dalis in their stead.”

“I see.” Isaea replied. “I am not up to date on my father’s dealings these days; I have a full time with my own.”

Lady Roenall shrugged as if indicating that she didn`t care then she nudged Isaea. A brief flash of annoyance flashed in the man`s face. Then he bowed to Groder.

“May I have this dance? As long as your servant does not try to murder me.”

Groder sighed inwardly.

“Of course.” He extended his hand and Isaea took it.

Groder was pulled into the dance, Isaea was decidedly larger and stronger then the boy named Dewolf and the masqueraded boy was mostly led around the room by Isaea. From the corner of his eye Groder spotted Haer`Dalis dancing with Eda Roenall. The boy laughed inwardly, the bard hadn’t manage to escape.

Both Groder and Haer`Dalis managed to escape from their respective Roenalls after the dance and Groder announced that he was tired and would like to return home. They left quickly after that but Randall Dewolfe managed to press a flower into Groders hand as they exited.

When they had gotten into the carriage, Groder removed the papers from the garters and then threw one of the garments at Haer`Dalis when he noticed the bards smiling face.

“I shall savour it.” The bard promised.

Groder grunted and then threw the flower Dewolf had given him out the window. He reflected over how damned insufferable the bard had been the entire evening and hoped that the actor would stop now that everything was over with. The rest of the ride back to the Five Flagons was spent in silence. Once there they paid the coachman and retrieved all they had taken from Isaeas manor. The pair quickly made their way to the party’s suite with a slight detour to Samuel on the part of Haer`Dalis and was soon welcomed by a room empty of people.

“Seems like they haven’t returned yet.” Haer`Dalis said when they entered the room. “I think we deserve a reward for our fine work, my Raven.” He continued and held up a wine bottle and two goblets.

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 04 January 2007 - 08:56 AM

Well, here is the first Beloved Child for 2007. In a short recap Groder and Haer`Dalis have gone to Isaea Roenall`s mansion after the noble kidnapped Nalia. They are in disguise and Groder to his great displeasure is disguised as a girl.

Hmm, he didn’t sound to me all that –very- displeased, actually. :)

Groder had not expected them to be mobbed but a fair number of men and women closed in on them shortly after the butler’s announcement. Apparently the nobles were quite bored with each other and hungered for news or anything from someone not of Athkatla. The boy quickly feigned shyness and deftly covered his lower face with a fan and let Haer`Dalis weave the web of lies.

And if Groder makes some silly mistake, you can always cover it by saying that she’s a barbarian woman from up north, they don’t really know a thing about manners anyway.

“Get one of the boy’s to dance with you, the redhead that has been staring at you since we entered for instance. Then get him out on the terrace. I will follow and play the stern keeper.” Haer`Dalis whispered to Groder.

Bwahahah! Did he learn the role of stern keeper by observing Jaheira?

“All this dancing made me quite warm.” Groder said and fluttered his eyes at the Randall. “I would like to see the terrace.”

Wow, she’s a real seductress!

He began jimmying the lock and soon he opened the door. They entered the dark room, the only light spilled from under the other entrance to it. Haer`Dalis began a quiet chant.

“Hey!” Groder hissed. “We can’t use magic.”

They can’t detect it indoors anyway, for some reason. ;)

“Just eat… stupid girl…” A gruff voice said. “And don’t make me gag you again.”

“Go… go sit on a pike!” A female voice sounded back.

Hi Nalia! ;)

Groder raised an eyebrow. It seemed like Isaea kept Nalia in his manor unless he was in the habit of kidnapping young women.

“Sorry Nalia…” He whispered and grinned.

Uh… bye, Nalia?

“Good, smells like black louts. I found a few letters of correspondence with some group known as The Night Masks. Also a ledger that doesn’t look quite right, I am no accountant but I think Isaea has been skimming of the top and actually kept records of smuggling.” The bard smiled. “The best part is all of it carries his seal and name.”

That sounds pretty condemning to me – the others shouldn’t have even bothered going to the docks, really.

Groder sat down on the balcony railing and rolled the skirt up. Haer`Dalis whistled. He held out a hand and Haer`Dalis gave him the rolled up papers. Groder quickly secured the rolled up papers to his inner thigh with the small garments.

:lol: No comment. *amused snort*

“Let us just get this over with.” Groder responded. “We are going to have a talk a about your damned recklessness as well… device from Sigil my ass…”

“…is very cute.” The bard immediately responded.

Oh would you lay off, you child molester! ;)

The blond man bowed and then looked thoughtfully at Groder.

“Haven’t I seen you somewhere before, Miss Empaticha?” He asked.

Yeah, but I was wearing armor and leggings at the time. And I was a man, too.

Groder was pulled into the dance, Isaea was decidedly larger and stronger then the boy named Dewolf and the masqueraded boy was mostly led around the room by Isaea. From the corner of his eye Groder spotted Haer`Dalis dancing with Eda Roenall. The boy laughed inwardly, the bard hadn’t manage to escape.

Yes, yes, enjoy the Roenall charm. ;)

Both Groder and Haer`Dalis managed to escape from their respective Roenalls after the dance and Groder announced that he was tired and would like to return home. They left quickly after that but Randall Dewolfe managed to press a flower into Groders hand as they exited.

How delightfully cute! Aww…

“Seems like they haven’t returned yet.” Haer`Dalis said when they entered the room. “I think we deserve a reward for our fine work, my Raven.” He continued and held up a wine bottle and two goblets.

Think the Raven might first want to go for a change of clothes, no? ;)

#3 Guest_Ananke_*

Posted 04 January 2007 - 11:47 AM

Please enjoy!

I sure did! ;) A very, very funny chapter. I love Haer'Dalis' completely unsubtle passes at Groder... Considering that his target is not the most subtle person himself, it fits somehow. Somehow.

And I loved the Nalia cameo, too. In fact, my only complaint is about the terrible cliffhanger:

“Seems like they haven’t returned yet.” Haer`Dalis said when they entered the room. “I think we deserve a reward for our fine work, my Raven.” He continued and held up a wine bottle and two goblets.

I mean, given the mood of the chapter, I can just about imagine the next line being, "And let's get you out of these uncomfortable clothes." :lol:

Thank you very much for brightening a very grey and unpleasant day! :)

#4 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 04 January 2007 - 11:24 PM

That's some nice sleuthing!

Poor, poor Randall :lol:

#5 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 05 January 2007 - 06:14 PM

[quote][quote]Well, here is the first Beloved Child for 2007. In a short recap Groder and Haer`Dalis have gone to Isaea Roenall`s mansion after the noble kidnapped Nalia. They are in disguise and Groder to his great displeasure is disguised as a girl.[/quote]

Hmm, he didn’t sound to me all that –very- displeased, actually. ;)

Groder: *mutters something unintelligible*


[quote]Groder had not expected them to be mobbed but a fair number of men and women closed in on them shortly after the butler’s announcement. Apparently the nobles were quite bored with each other and hungered for news or anything from someone not of Athkatla. The boy quickly feigned shyness and deftly covered his lower face with a fan and let Haer`Dalis weave the web of lies.

And if Groder makes some silly mistake, you can always cover it by saying that she’s a barbarian woman from up north, they don’t really know a thing about manners anyway.

And most likely it would have worked too. Good thing they think civilization ends at the border eh?

[quote]“Get one of the boy’s to dance with you, the redhead that has been staring at you since we entered for instance. Then get him out on the terrace. I will follow and play the stern keeper.” Haer`Dalis whispered to Groder.

Bwahahah! Did he learn the role of stern keeper by observing Jaheira?

Hehe... Well, he is an actor.

[quote]“All this dancing made me quite warm.” Groder said and fluttered his eyes at the Randall. “I would like to see the terrace.” [/quote]

Wow, she’s a real seductress!

Just don`t spread the word around. ;)

This is going to be one of those episodes of his life that he will conveniently not remember.

[quote]He began jimmying the lock and soon he opened the door. They entered the dark room, the only light spilled from under the other entrance to it. Haer`Dalis began a quiet chant.

“Hey!” Groder hissed. “We can’t use magic.”

They can’t detect it indoors anyway, for some reason. ;)

For the sake of logic let`s assume they can eh? ;)

[quote]“Just eat… stupid girl…” A gruff voice said. “And don’t make me gag you again.”

“Go… go sit on a pike!” A female voice sounded back.

Hi Nalia! :D

Indeed it is her!

[quote]Groder raised an eyebrow. It seemed like Isaea kept Nalia in his manor unless he was in the habit of kidnapping young women.

“Sorry Nalia…” He whispered and grinned.[/quote]

Uh… bye, Nalia?

Yep, she has to get out via ehh.. semi-legal means you know. ;)

[quote]“Good, smells like black louts. I found a few letters of correspondence with some group known as The Night Masks. Also a ledger that doesn’t look quite right, I am no accountant but I think Isaea has been skimming of the top and actually kept records of smuggling.” The bard smiled. “The best part is all of it carries his seal and name.” [/quote]

That sounds pretty condemning to me – the others shouldn’t have even bothered going to the docks, really.

Heh, nope.... Viconia will be ever so pleased.

[quote]Groder sat down on the balcony railing and rolled the skirt up. Haer`Dalis whistled. He held out a hand and Haer`Dalis gave him the rolled up papers. Groder quickly secured the rolled up papers to his inner thigh with the small garments. [/quote]

:lol: No comment. *amused snort*


[quote]“Let us just get this over with.” Groder responded. “We are going to have a talk a about your damned recklessness as well… device from Sigil my ass…”

“…is very cute.” The bard immediately responded.

Oh would you lay off, you child molester! :P

But he is on such a roll! He has been acting like a huge pervert in this chapter though...

[quote]The blond man bowed and then looked thoughtfully at Groder.

“Haven’t I seen you somewhere before, Miss Empaticha?” He asked.

Yeah, but I was wearing armor and leggings at the time. And I was a man, too.


[quote]Groder was pulled into the dance, Isaea was decidedly larger and stronger then the boy named Dewolf and the masqueraded boy was mostly led around the room by Isaea. From the corner of his eye Groder spotted Haer`Dalis dancing with Eda Roenall. The boy laughed inwardly, the bard hadn’t manage to escape.

Yes, yes, enjoy the Roenall charm. ;)

Neither of them does... believe me.

[quote]Both Groder and Haer`Dalis managed to escape from their respective Roenalls after the dance and Groder announced that he was tired and would like to return home. They left quickly after that but Randall Dewolfe managed to press a flower into Groders hand as they exited. [/quote]

How delightfully cute! Aww…

Poor Randall... his hopes and flower is squashed as we will never see him again.

[quote]“Seems like they haven’t returned yet.” Haer`Dalis said when they entered the room. “I think we deserve a reward for our fine work, my Raven.” He continued and held up a wine bottle and two goblets.[/quote]

Think the Raven might first want to go for a change of clothes, no? :P[/quote]

The removal of clothes may be dangerous in this situation. ;)

#6 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 05 January 2007 - 06:16 PM

Please enjoy!

I sure did! ;) A very, very funny chapter. I love Haer'Dalis' completely unsubtle passes at Groder... Considering that his target is not the most subtle person himself, it fits somehow. Somehow.

Glad you enjoyed it.

And I loved the Nalia cameo, too. In fact, my only complaint is about the terrible cliffhanger:

“Seems like they haven’t returned yet.” Haer`Dalis said when they entered the room. “I think we deserve a reward for our fine work, my Raven.” He continued and held up a wine bottle and two goblets.

I mean, given the mood of the chapter, I can just about imagine the next line being, "And let's get you out of these uncomfortable clothes." :lol:

Oh, that comes later... The next chapter will not be so funny though.

Thank you very much for brightening a very grey and unpleasant day! :)


#7 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 05 January 2007 - 06:17 PM

That's some nice sleuthing!

They could open a detective agency! ;)

Poor, poor Randall :lol:

Ah yes... all his hopes are dashed against Groder and his cruel reality.

#8 Guest_sparrow_*

Posted 07 January 2007 - 10:03 PM

Entertaining as usual, great acting from Groder and Randall is adorable. :( :D

#9 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 08 January 2007 - 09:05 AM

Entertaining as usual, great acting from Groder and Randall is adorable. :( :D

Thank you, thank you. The next ones will not be as funny but hopefully entertaining.

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