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Reclaiming (Maiyn) - Chapter 41

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#1 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 28 December 2006 - 10:19 AM



Maiyn awoke early the following morning. She opened her eyes groggily and sat up, disturbing Xan in the process. She smiled down at him, partly with fondness, but partly with dismay. Only now that the act had been committed did she wonder at what she'd done, and realise her ghosts weren't put to rest.

For Coran played on her mind, as hopeless as the longing was. Xan, though she liked him, was no replacement for the man who'd played such a large role in her life, and she had been hasty and impetuous to have given herself so freely to another. Especially when she couldn't really say for sure if she felt strong enough to continue the path she'd taken.

She stretched slightly and noted that the sun was beginning to creep across the rooftops across the town. She stifled a yawn and lazily slipped from the bed, then was startled by a loud knocking at the door. She grabbed a robe to put on quickly before she answered, ignoring Xan's murmured groans of protest at being awoken. As she reached the door, she paused -- and her brain caught up with her actions; if it was one of her companions, she didn't want them seeing the enchanter in her bed. The knocking became more insistent.

"Maiyn! Answer your door -- it is very important!"

She groaned. It was Jaheira's voice.

"I'm just... er, coming."

"Answer the door immediately!" A man's voice; one that she was unfamiliar with. She frowned, and strode over to the door, opening it just a crack.

"What's wro-" she began, before being pushed back by a pirate as he firmly opened the door further and looked inside.

"The other two are in here," he called out to someone else behind him. Then, curtly, he turned back to Maiyn. "Get your belongings. You and your companions are under arrest by the Pirate Lord."

Maiyn stared at him dumbly as he strode off to stand beside the rest of her group, who were slowly spilling from their rooms with their packs looking dishevelled and worried. The ranger glanced to Jaheira for answers, but the druid was staring intently into her room; and more directly, at her bed.

Maiyn closed her eyes and sighed, then shut the door without another word. When things went wrong, they really did go wrong.


With no further explanations, the party were marched along the chilly path to the home of the Pirate Lord, carefully guarded by several of his men. Maiyn could only be thankful that they'd been allowed to gather their possessions, though no doubt that was to make it easier for him to steal whatever he fancied, without having to go to the effort of locating the stuff for himself.

They were herded into a fairly grand house and told to converge beside the pool that sat in the middle of the reception room. There, Maiyn stared sheepishly at her feet, avoiding Jaheira's accusing stare. During the walk, the druid had held a hushed conversation with Kivan, causing him to regard both Maiyn and Xan in a curious manner. She was now also busily avoiding his questioning look.

The enchanter looked even more depressed than normal. His gaze was fixed to the floor and he let out an almighty sigh which caused the others to look at him in mild surprise. Maiyn suddenly decided that the opinions of the others were less important than her feelings for him, and she moved to his side quietly, gently taking his hand and giving it a slight squeeze. He smiled to her gratefully and together they ignored the druid's raised eyebrow, waiting in silence until Desharik decided to grace them with his presence.

He was a tall man, by normal standards, but was still smaller than Minsc. He glanced at them with a look of barely contained contempt, then allowed a cruel smile to curl his lips.

"So," he said at last. "Perhaps you would like to explain to me why you killed my second in command, Chremy, and the Lady Galvena."

No one replied. Maiyn and Xan's gazes were back at their respective feet. Minsc seemed to be studying a painting on the wall next to him, unaware of the seriousness of their situation. Yoshimo and Sime where subtly taking in their surroundings, looking for any weakness to exploit, while Kivan and Jaheira stared at each other pointedly. Anomen's eyes were closed, in a silent prayer to Helm.

"I see. No one wishes to speak. Well, perhaps your cooperation can be... encouraged." Swiftly, Desharik reached out and grabbed Sime by the wrist. The party all cried out in protest, causing his smile to broaden. He let go of her instantly, watching as she shied away behind Yoshimo's protective stance and tapped his foot. "Speak. Now."

"Why do you assume we did these murders?” asked Maiyn, glaring at him.

"You are new in town," he shrugged. "And, well. We have witnesses to Chremy's death."

"He deserved to die," growled Anomen darkly. "What he was doing was-"

"Was with his own property," interrupted the Pirate Lord strongly. "Really, you cannot expect to swan into my town and blatantly rebel against my ways." He paused as one of his men ran up to him, whispering something into his ear. He sighed at the news and waved the man away before he spoke again.

"And so the tally becomes three," he continued. "You think you are far enough from Athkatla to be out with the notice of the Cowled Wizards? You are foolish, indeed, to strike one down on the doorstop of their very own prison."

"Look, we don't intend to be here long," protested Maiyn, "so let us go and we can be out of your hair before you know it."

"Let you go?" he asked incredulously. "Oh, my dear girl. I don't think I can do that -- you see a death requires a death as punishment here, unless of course there were other factors to take into consideration.”

"What other factors?" asked Kivan.

"Well, an absence of mind, that sort of thing. We occasionally have people who suffer from... well, issues, I guess you could say. We have a special procedure for them; an agreement with the asylum, as we affectionately call it."

"You can send people to Spellhold?" Maiyn could barely contain the excitement in her voice.

"If I need to, yes," he replied hesitantly.

"I think you should send us there," she pushed, ignoring his bewildered look. "We need to be committed -- we're a danger."

"Just because you have murderous intentions, does not mean you've addled in the mind," he snorted. "And I warn you -- thinking you can avoid execution by being sent there is probably a bad idea. Our way will at least be... swifter." He laughed.

"But... see who I travel with," proclaimed Maiyn, moving over to Minsc, and pulling at the berserker's arm. "Minsc, this is the Pirate Lord. Say hello."

Minsc smiled happily at Desharik, but then frowned in confusion. "Pirate Lord?" he asked. "Such a name does not conjure images of righteous behaviour. Stand still a moment, and let Boo have a look at you." The berserker then produced Boo from one of his many pouches, and held the rodent out to see the Lord better.

"Er," began Desharik worriedly. "Why is your friend pointing a hamster at me?"

"It's no ordinary hamster," replied Maiyn knowingly. "It's a Miniature Giant Space Hamster."

"Boo will soon have you figured out," continued Minsc merrily. "You certainly seem friendlier than I would think a Pirate Lord would be. And where is your peg?"

Kivan snorted somewhere behind Maiyn and she fought to suppress a grin.

"My... peg?" asked the puzzled pirate.

"Your peg," affirmed Minsc confidently. "A proper pirate has a peg, whether a leg, or an arm, or.... eh... some other expendable extremity. And a parrot."

"A... parrot?" Desharik had begun inching his way backwards, away from the party.

"Certainly!" announced Minsc. "As I have my Boo, so too must you have your parrot! Boo likes parrots -- they could wrestle."

"I... see." The Pirate Lord stopped retreating when he'd decided he was far enough away, and waved to some of the guards at the side of the room. "Enough -- he goes to Spellhold."

"We're doomed," intoned Xan glumly. "He's going to make us walk the plank from his ship, where we'll be mauled by underfed sharks that have been specially bred to develop a taste for elven enchanter."

"They all go," signalled Desharik as he shot a concerned glance at the mage. "They may all have caught his disease of the mind. I feel stupider having talked to them. Stupider? More stupid?" He sighed. "Get them out of my sight!"


The group were marched along the path that wound its way through the mountains, and up to the castle-like building that was apparently Spellhold. Even from the outside it looked a gloomy and desolate place, and the party were subdued as they studied it while they walked.

When they got inside, they had their armour and weapons removed, heralding a chorus of protests that were ignored. Guards escorted them through a large hallway, through several locked and warded doors, and then left them alone in a corridor with a man referred to only as Lonk the Sane. Wordlessly, he herded them into cells, and locked the door behind them.

Maiyn sighed and looked around. She found herself beside Jaheira and Sime, both of whom were looking equally glum. "Well," she said. "This was not exactly what we planned."

Sime nodded her silent agreement, and began examining the door, more through hope than expectancy. While she was busying herself, Jaheira spoke quietly to Maiyn.

"Is that really what you wanted?" the druid asked quietly.

"Well, we got here-" began the ranger, confused.

Jaheira shook her head. "This morning. I saw... I saw him in your room. When we travelled before, a year or more ago now -- you had a chance with the enchanter, but you declined it. But now, you fall into... you have changed your mind?"

The elf swallowed hard. "I..." she whispered, before faltering. Her expression was miserable enough for Jaheira to hear the unspoken words.

"You can't replace someone with another like that," the druid said gently. "You can fill what you are missing with someone different, or-"

"Or I can spend the rest of my days alone, knowing that I will never see the one I want again," finished Maiyn for her with a sigh.

"You don't know that," replied Jaheira more firmly. "You have no way of knowing if he has recovered in our absence, or not."

Maiyn opened her mouth to argue and the half-elf prepared for it. Instead, however, the ranger paused, and looked thoughtful. A brief flash of hope crossed her face.

"Do you think he... he might have?"

"It is possible," shrugged the druid. "We can find out when we return to land, if you wish."

"I... I don't know," admitted Maiyn, looking helplessly at Jaheira.

"Well, either way -- you must decide what it is you want from the mage. It is not fair on him, or Coran, for you to leave your feelings so undecided."

Maiyn merely nodded as Sime returned to them, shaking her head.

"There's no way to open the door from in here," she affirmed, saying what they had all suspected. "We'll just have to wait."


Kivan sat down beside Xan in the corner of the cell as Anomen paced around, muttering to himself. Yoshimo was staring at the lock intently, trying to ignore Minsc as the berserker conversed with Boo, hoping to garner some wisdom from his pet rodent on their current predicament.

"Jaheira tells me that you spent the evening with Maiyn," began the ranger softly in their native tongue.

Xan winced visibly, and replied in the same language. "You are very.... close to the druid," he observed dryly. "Are we to exchange secrets?"

Kivan chuckled slightly. "We have an understanding," he admitted, "but we are no more than friends who share the same pain. This cannot be said of you and our leader, can it?"

The enchanter sighed, but remained silent. Anomen's muttering had ceased, and he had settled down at the far end of the cell, glaring at the thief and the berserker as if everything was their fault.

"Mellonamin," continued the ranger, "I know how you feel for her. But she is hurting inside, and you risk exposing yourself to a share of that sorrow. She has chapters behind her that are unfinished, but she seeks no closing of them. She thinks she can run into the future before she can walk from the present -- if what you seek with her is truly to be, there is time; and time is what it will take."

Xan stood abruptly. "I thank you for your counsel," he said stiffly. "Your words make sense, but are nothing I haven't told myself for weeks now. How I choose to act on this, however, is my own business, and though I appreciate your concern, it is not something I wish to share. Excuse me."

With that, he stalked away, lingering beside the Kara-tuan and the Rashemeni as they discussed the likelihood of their door being opened any time soon. Kivan watched him for several long minutes, noting that the mage was lost in thought; he didn't appear as a man who had received all he desired.

At length, the ranger sighed and stood, just as a soft clunking noise was heard. Their door swung open and Lonk the Sane popped his head in.

"Recreation time," he said cheerfully. "I'll be keeping my eye on you though!"


Maiyn darted out of the room the second it was open, only half hearing what the warden was saying. Sime and Jaheira were close behind her, their eyes taking in the corridor their cell led to.

"Should we find the others?" asked the thief nervously.

Maiyn shook her head. "They can look after themselves, and we'll more than likely stumble across them anyway -- it doesn't look like it's very big here. Our priority right now, though, is Imoen."

Jaheira agreed with this, and the women set off along the corridor, peering into the open rooms as they went. They held a variety of inmates, most of them having a cell to themselves, and seemingly unwilling to come out, even when access was provided.

Maiyn was so busy checking in every room that she bumped into a small girl in the middle of the corridor. The ranger opened her mouth to apologise, but stopped when she caught a glimpse of the victim of her distraction. She was only a child, but her eyes glowed with a silver light as she looked up to the ranger. She smiled widely.

"Hello! I'm Dili, and you are new. Are those your faces?"

Maiyn nodded down to her.

"Ha," she giggled. "They're funny. Maybe.... You should change them?"

The elf looked puzzled. "What do you mean, 'change them'?" she asked with a frown. "What's wrong with my face?"

"Nothing," replied Dili. "You have marks though -- you could change your face to someone without scars. It's okay -- I can take your face and change it for you."

"I'm not sure I want to give you my face," replied the ranger hesitantly.

"You can keep it too," Dili assured her. "I might be you tomorrow. But I need to be someone else today. I could be like you!" She pointed to Jaheira, who looked less than happy at the prospect.

“I-” began the half-elf.

"I like taking puppy's face, but it scares him," continued Dili as she stared dreamily into the distance, seeming to concentrate on something very hard. "But this face is boring! Now I'm..." A swirl enveloped the girl, and she suddenly grew rapidly, becoming the exact image of the druid. "Now I'm you! See!" she squealed delightedly, beaming at the half-elf. Jaheira merely looked horrified as her double wandered back into her cell.

Maiyn shrugged helplessly, and moved on, tactfully avoiding the other prisoners as well as she could. It wasn't long, however, before they discovered their companions at a junction, and the two groups smiled with relief to each other.

"You haven't seen Imoen?" Maiyn asked them anxiously.

"No," replied Kivan calmly. "We have checked the cells we passed so far, but none seem to hold her."

Maiyn nodded, her face creased with worry. She glanced around, wondering which way to go next, and whether the group should split up, or not. Before she could decide on anything, she was disrupted by a tall, graceful woman.

"I see you! I see you all!" The woman's gaze drifted behind the ranger, and seemed unfocussed and dazed.

"Er, what do you see?" asked Maiyn, staring at her. She appeared to be young, but her eyes carried the look of one who was hunted.

"Everything..." the woman whispered. "Everyone... across the planes! All the time! My eyes do not close when closed, and they are next to you, and me, and everyone -- always! More and more creatures, from everywhere and everywhen! Never alone, even when alone... you just cannot see..."

The elf tried to shift past her, an uncomfortable expression on her face; but the woman grabbed her arm and turned to face her companions. "Do you wish to see? I can show you, for a moment!" She released her grip on the ranger. "Touch nothing! Make not a sound! See what lies between! See the ones closest to you who are not here!"

Before any could object, the air seemed to swirl around them, and they were caught in a pocket that existed out with time. The walls of the prison seemed to fade into a ghostly shape, and several figures took shape a distance from them, but close enough to be recognised. Maiyn felt her heart skipping as she began to recognise them.

First she saw Khalid -- the half-elf was staring adoringly at Jaheira, a small smile on his face. Beside him was Dynaheir, looking as proud and confident as she had in life. Her eyes were fixed to Minsc, and she nodded approvingly to him, a silent commendation of his actions since her death.

Slightly to the side was an elven woman -- Kivan's attention was wholly consumed by her, and she waved her hands slightly before reaching out towards him, and smiling softly. The young human girl standing next to her was unmistakably Moira -- Anomen's murdered sister. The likeness between them was uncanny, and she wore an expression of pride as she fondly gazed upon her brother.

Another figure -- one who looked so much like Xan also formed. His father, she suspected; a stern looking man, who stood tall and majestic -- but his eyes were soft and full of love as he regarded his son. Another man stood by his side, slightly swarthy in appearance, and of human heritage. Sime's father? He winked at the Shadow Thief, and smiled charmingly to her as she gaped back at him, her expression a mixture of wonder and joy.

Then she saw another -- Gorion! The elderly sage caught Maiyn's eye at last, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. She wanted to speak, tried to call out his name, but nothing came. He nodded slightly to her, then allowed his face to erupt into a large smile, filled to the brim with pride and adoration. She felt tears prickling her eyes, and she longed to run to him, to have her father's arms around her. But then the spell began to fade, and she could feel herself being dragged back to the prison. It was all beginning to fade when Maiyn noticed the final woman -- her face was sad, and her eyes pleading as she looked over to Yoshimo. Maiyn gasped as her identity became clear, and when the spell ended and they were back in their own time, she turned to the Kara-tuan with wide eyes and a confused expression.

"You knew Tamoko?"

The rogue said nothing -- instead his returned gaze was cold and unfriendly, almost venomous; he turned and stalked away down another passage as the ranger cried out his name in his wake. The others watched him go with confusion; their senses still reeling from the visions they'd received, their surprise at Maiyn's question forcing them back into the present time as their emotions ran high.

"Leave him," said Jaheira, placing a hand on the ranger's arm. "We can figure this out later -- we need to find Imoen while we have the chance."

Maiyn nodded, but let her gaze linger on the departing thief -- Sime hesitated, then darted off after him while the others followed the elf as she went on, checking the cells as she passed. They were approaching the last one when the ranger's heavy heart had given up hope of discovering the location of her missing sister. With a sigh, she peered in, and felt a wash of relief flood over her.

"Imoen!" she exclaimed.


"What happened there? Who is Tamoko?" Sime stood back warily from the young man who had become her most attentive friend in recent times. She knew more about Yoshimo than he could possibly imagine; as high ranking as she was in her guild, the details of those who had crossed her companions were fed to her often and it was her job to remember things.

So she knew all about his solo operations, his background, and his recent life in general. She knew where he came from, how he'd pledged himself to the thieves guild in Baldur's Gate for a short time, and their outrage when he decided to leave them and strike out on his own. She knew how good he was with a bow, how he could hold his own with his family katana. She knew how many people he'd killed in Amn, how long he'd been in Athkatla -- but there were some things that weren't so clear to her.

He was still meant to be operating alone, but something made her doubt this. She had been too busy with her own guild matters to look too deep into his business, as long as it didn't directly affect the Shadow Thieves, but now she was wishing she'd found the time. His name had popped up long before Maiyn had appeared, offering her help against the undead scourge, but she couldn't work out in what capacity. She'd been all too happy to assume that he'd merely been a companion of Maiyn's for some time.

But this recent exchange made that assumption appear to be wrong. The look that was exchanged made her uncomfortable -- the ranger's look of bewilderment and confusion -- and his returned look... a look that was full of hatred. There was something very wrong.

She waited quietly as he stood with his back to her. He didn't turn around before he spoke, so she couldn't see his expression, but his voice was cold and unwelcoming.

"Tamoko was my sister. Maiyn killed her a year ago in Baldur's Gate, in cold blood. Go back to them -- you will need their company if you wish to escape here."

"But Yoshi, I-"

He turned, silencing her with a dismissive wave of his hand. "You think you meant anything to me, except another way to preserve my cover until we reached here? I thought the Shadow Thieves were more intelligent than that." His sneer was cruel, and she backed away slowly as she watched him settle down into one of the chairs of the recreation room, seemingly at home with his surroundings. He showed no intention of returning to the group, and the thief turned and ran, seeking them out.

She had to tell Maiyn what he'd said, and hope it made more sense to the ranger than it did to her.


"Keep back, I say! Keep back!"

Maiyn tried to wrestle from Minsc's arms as the berserker held her firmly, preventing her from pursuing Imoen further. The young human was already backed into a corner, her eyes flashing wildly with fear at the strangers who had encroached into her space.

"Imoen," pleaded the ranger, "It's me... it's your sister, Maiyn!"

"Who is Imoen?" shrieked the girl almost hysterically. "I... I don't know that name! I..." Her voice softened as she suddenly changed in her composure, calming down slightly as her eyes fell to the floor. "I don't know that name. She's not here." Her gaze lifted up to the group, and her hysteria returned. "Get away from me! I'll kill you! I'll... I'll rip your eyes form your filthy faces! Do not tempt my wrath! Do not! I am... She's not here!"

"Imoen!" shouted Maiyn, lunging forward, and breaking free from Minsc's grip. She rushed to her sister's side as the mage slumped down into a crouched position, rocking herself gently. The ranger reached out, touching her softly on the arm.

"Get away from me!" snarled Imoen, lashing out with her fist, and catching the elf firmly on the side of the head. Minsc swiftly moved in and picked her up, taking her from the cell at Jaheira's command. The druid closed the door when they had all exited, and checked Maiyn's face for injury as the ranger stared helplessly towards her sister's prison.

"We will see to Imoen later," Jaheira reassured her. "For now, we need to work out how we are to escape. We know where she is, and we know she is physically well. The emotional stress she is under should lift when we get out of here."

"We can tend to her as we return to Athkatla," agreed Anomen, his face frowned with worry. "I agree with Jaheira, for now -- we must find our equipment, and make haste to break loose from this madhouse."

Maiyn nodded weakly, pulling away from the druid's insistent prodding of her face. She raised her hand to her forehead, trying to clear her mind from all the emotions and swirling thoughts, when she heard footsteps running towards them.

Sime appeared from around the corner, and wasted no time in recounting the words Yoshimo had said to her. Maiyn staggered slightly at the news, then groaned loudly.

"He looked familiar," she whispered. "He was there... before we went to the Undercity. He was in the guild of thieves before we went down the stairs."

"We passed through there so briefly," said Jaheira in disbelief. "Are you absolutely sure?" Maiyn nodded.

"You cannot be held accountable for his grievances with you," said Kivan calmly. "We know what happened, and we know you did all you could to save Tamoko."

"Why is he with us?" asked the elf hopelessly. "He has never mentioned any of this..."

"He said he needed to maintain his cover until he got you here," interrupted Sime quietly. The group stared at her.

"Then he is-" began Jaheira.

"He was working for Irenicus," stated Maiyn.

"Irenicus accepted his capture much sooner than we would have expected him to," agreed Kivan. "He planned to be taken here, perhaps, when he realised the breach to his own lair?"

"But why?" Maiyn was confused. "The Cowled Wizards won't let him have freedom here -- we have not seen him in the corridors, have we? He must be locked up alone, as he should be."

"The lack of contact that Aran spoke of." Anomen spoke suddenly and sinisterly. "If he has overthrown the wizards, there would be no contact with Athkatla."

"No," said Maiyn, shaking her head. "That's impossible. He can't have..."

"It would explain Imoen's condition," Xan said simply. "If he walks here freely, he has had the time to continue what he started on her."

"The evil wizard cannot be doing so!" declared Minsc with a frown, finally catching up with the conversation. "Minsc and Boo shall extract an even larger righteous justice from him if he has hurt the apprentice of glorious Dynaheir any further!"

Maiyn leant back against the wall, her heart beating heavily in her chest. Suddenly everything looked bleak, and it was becoming more and more apparent that they'd walked fully into a trap that had been set with the expectation that they'd be unable to stay away. Imoen had served as the bait to entice them, but the purpose of their presence was still unknown.

They were in great danger.

"We need to act quickly," hissed Maiyn suddenly, snapping herself form her melancholy. "Jaheira -- take Sime and Anomen and head back past our cell -- see if there's any way out down there, search for any way to get to our equipment. Xan, Kivan, Minsc -- come with me -- we'll go down the other way we passed."

"Yoshimo went down there," said Sime quietly as the ranger moved to leave. "There is a common room with a door leading from it. I know not where it goes."

Maiyn set her jaw determinedly. "Then we'll have to find out," she said calmly. "Quickly -- time is of the essence."

"It is indeed, Child of Bhaal," came the low tones that were so familiar to Irenicus' previous captives. The man stepped casually around the corridor to face the group, his mask covering his face as usual. "I didn't think you would feel out of place here."

"You," whispered Maiyn, drawing back slightly. Another figure appeared behind the mage -- Yoshimo, smirking at the group with an expression of extreme distaste and loathing.

"Don't look so surprised," continued Irenicus, ignoring their stares at the Kara-tuan. "You must have expected to find me near Imoen -- and your observations are very astute. It was highly co-operative of you to follow me here, especially when you allowed my young servant to travel with you. I am sure his news will be... interesting."

"You can't do this!" exclaimed Jaheira.

"I can and will," he replied dismissively. "You are completely at my mercy now, but I will do no more to you than I did to your friend."

"No! Minsc and Boo will end this now!"

Irenicus merely laughed. "There will be no battle, no heroics. Only sleep."

Maiyn fell to the side as he began speaking the words of a cantrip; she saw her companions doing likewise around her as her eyes closed. It can't end like this, she thought helplessly, trying to battle the overwhelming power of the sudden fatigue. It can't end like this.

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 28 December 2006 - 12:32 PM

For Coran played on her mind, as hopeless as the longing was. Xan, though she liked him, was no replacement for the man who'd played such a large role in her life, and she had been hasty and impetuous to have given herself so freely to another. Especially when she couldn't really say for sure if she felt strong enough to continue the path she'd taken.

Ah, Xan probably just wasn’t terribly good in bed then… must be that egotistic streak of his. ;)

"Maiyn! Answer your door -- it is very important!"

She groaned. It was Jaheira's voice.

Probably the person you’d want to see the least right now… :)

Maiyn stared at him dumbly as he strode off to stand beside the rest of her group, who were slowly spilling from their rooms with their packs looking dishevelled and worried. The ranger glanced to Jaheira for answers, but the druid was staring intently into her room; and more directly, at her bed.

And not just because she likes the view of semi-naked Xan. :(

They were herded into a fairly grand house and told to converge beside the pool that sat in the middle of the reception room. There, Maiyn stared sheepishly at her feet, avoiding Jaheira's accusing stare. During the walk, the druid had held a hushed conversation with Kivan, causing him to regard both Maiyn and Xan in a curious manner. She was now also busily avoiding his questioning look.

Never thought I’d see Jaheira as such a gossip-monger!

"So," he said at last. "Perhaps you would like to explain to me why you killed my second in command, Chremy, and the Lady Galvena."

Because we didn’t like them. Muahaha! :D

"But... see who I travel with," proclaimed Maiyn, moving over to Minsc, and pulling at the berserker's arm. "Minsc, this is the Pirate Lord. Say hello."

Good idea, Maiyn. :D

"Certainly!" announced Minsc. "As I have my Boo, so too must you have your parrot! Boo likes parrots -- they could wrestle."

I want to see Boo wrestling a parrot! ;)

"They all go," signalled Desharik as he shot a concerned glance at the mage. "They may all have caught his disease of the mind. I feel stupider having talked to them. Stupider? More stupid?" He sighed. "Get them out of my sight!"

As I said to Laufey (commenting on this very part of the plot in her story just a couple of hours ago :D), I absolutely loved this part in the game. :D

Sime nodded her silent agreement, and began examining the door, more through hope than expectancy. While she was busying herself, Jaheira spoke quietly to Maiyn.

"Is that really what you wanted?" the druid asked quietly.

Sure, why not, and you should get some too! ;)

"You can't replace someone with another like that," the druid said gently. "You can fill what you are missing with someone different, or-"

Yeah, exactly, maybe it’s not all just about replacing Coran.

"Well, either way -- you must decide what it is you want from the mage. It is not fair on him, or Coran, for you to leave your feelings so undecided."

They are elves, I’m pretty certain they would be absolutely okay with sharing. ;)

Kivan chuckled slightly. "We have an understanding," he admitted, "but we are no more than friends who share the same pain. This cannot be said of you and our leader, can it?"

Lot of things can grow from friendship, too. ;)

With that, he stalked away, lingering beside the Kara-tuan and the Rashemeni as they discussed the likelihood of their door being opened any time soon. Kivan watched him for several long minutes, noting that the mage was lost in thought; he didn't appear as a man who had received all he desired.

Oh gosh, was the sex really that bad???


"I like taking puppy's face, but it scares him," continued Dili as she stared dreamily into the distance, seeming to concentrate on something very hard. "But this face is boring! Now I'm..." A swirl enveloped the girl, and she suddenly grew rapidly, becoming the exact image of the druid. "Now I'm you! See!" she squealed delightedly, beaming at the half-elf. Jaheira merely looked horrified as her double wandered back into her cell.

That would be a little bit disturbing, aye…

"Everything..." the woman whispered. "Everyone... across the planes! All the time! My eyes do not close when closed, and they are next to you, and me, and everyone -- always! More and more creatures, from everywhere and everywhen! Never alone, even when alone... you just cannot see..."

Her condition was clearly the most unpleasant of them all.

First she saw Khalid -- the half-elf was staring adoringly at Jaheira, a small smile on his face. Beside him was Dynaheir, looking as proud and confident as she had in life. Her eyes were fixed to Minsc, and she nodded approvingly to him, a silent commendation of his actions since her death.

Bawl, that’s cruel on them… :(

Then she saw another -- Gorion! The elderly sage caught Maiyn's eye at last, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. She wanted to speak, tried to call out his name, but nothing came. He nodded slightly to her, then allowed his face to erupt into a large smile, filled to the brim with pride and adoration. She felt tears prickling her eyes, and she longed to run to him, to have her father's arms around her. But then the spell began to fade, and she could feel herself being dragged back to the prison. It was all beginning to fade when Maiyn noticed the final woman -- her face was sad, and her eyes pleading as she looked over to Yoshimo. Maiyn gasped as her identity became clear, and when the spell ended and they were back in their own time, she turned to the Kara-tuan with wide eyes and a confused expression.

"You knew Tamoko?"

Bit of an whoops moment for Yoshi… but they are already where Irenicus wants them, so revealing him as a traitor now means nothing.

"Tamoko was my sister. Maiyn killed her a year ago in Baldur's Gate, in cold blood. Go back to them -- you will need their company if you wish to escape here."

I don’t remember your take on the BG1 events… but I’m quite sure that Irenicus probably twisted the tale of Tamoko’s death quite a bit, to make sure that Yoshi’s hatred for Maiyn is sufficient.

"Who is Imoen?" shrieked the girl almost hysterically. "I... I don't know that name! I..." Her voice softened as she suddenly changed in her composure, calming down slightly as her eyes fell to the floor. "I don't know that name. She's not here." Her gaze lifted up to the group, and her hysteria returned. "Get away from me! I'll kill you! I'll... I'll rip your eyes form your filthy faces! Do not tempt my wrath! Do not! I am... She's not here!"

Poor Immy… :)

"Then he is-" began Jaheira.

"He was working for Irenicus," stated Maiyn.

Meh, why do you get helpful visions to reveal a betrayer only when it’s already too late?

"You," whispered Maiyn, drawing back slightly. Another figure appeared behind the mage -- Yoshimo, smirking at the group with an expression of extreme distaste and loathing.

Well, Yoshi sure makes it easier to kill him later. ;)

"Don't look so surprised," continued Irenicus, ignoring their stares at the Kara-tuan. "You must have expected to find me near Imoen -- and your observations are very astute. It was highly co-operative of you to follow me here, especially when you allowed my young servant to travel with you. I am sure his news will be... interesting."

"You can't do this!" exclaimed Jaheira.

Seems a bit of a too naïve statement from her… of course he can. ;)

Irenicus merely laughed. "There will be no battle, no heroics. Only sleep."

Hmm, thank you, I was actually feeling like having a little nap. :)

Maiyn fell to the side as he began speaking the words of a cantrip; she saw her companions doing likewise around her as her eyes closed. It can't end like this, she thought helplessly, trying to battle the overwhelming power of the sudden fatigue. It can't end like this.

Oh no, I’m afraid he’s not nearly done with you yet! :?

#3 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 28 December 2006 - 01:18 PM

Heh, two Desharik vs. Boo in one day? :) I really like how you had them arrested and made them plead insanity as a spur of the moment thing.

Those visions were creepy as hell and I hope Maiyn noticed that it was not Coran she saw. And Yoshimo blowing his cover was awesome!

I'm glad you made Maiyn have second thoughts about what she just did.

#4 Guest_Keldan_*

Posted 28 December 2006 - 11:36 PM

[quote name="arabellaesque"][quote]Maiyn awoke early the following morning. She opened her eyes groggily and sat up, disturbing Xan in the process. She smiled down at him, partly with fondness, but partly with dismay. Only now that the act had been committed did she wonder at what she'd done, and realise her ghosts weren't put to rest.[/quote]

Well, hindsight is 20/20. :D

[quote]For Coran played on her mind, as hopeless as the longing was. Xan, though she liked him, was no replacement for the man who'd played such a large role in her life, and she had been hasty and impetuous to have given herself so freely to another. Especially when she couldn't really say for sure if she felt strong enough to continue the path she'd taken.[/quote]

Guess it wasn't that good, then... :)

[quote]She groaned. It was Jaheira's voice.[/quote]

Ooh, ouch.

Willow: I really, really hope it isn't Jaheira that wakes me up after I finally get Eddie to stay with me for more than five minutes. Really. Really really.
Jaheira: *makes Evil plans*

[quote]"I'm just... er, coming."[/quote]


Imoen: I thought that happened last night?
Willow: Wow, Xan must be really talented... he doesn't even have to touch you!
Jaheira: ;)

[quote]Maiyn stared at him dumbly as he strode off to stand beside the rest of her group, who were slowly spilling from their rooms with their packs looking dishevelled and worried. The ranger glanced to Jaheira for answers, but the druid was staring intently into her room; and more directly, at her bed.[/quote]

Hm... half-naked Xan? Yeah, I'd say that's pretty stare-worthy. In more ways than one. :D

[quote]"But... see who I travel with," proclaimed Maiyn, moving over to Minsc, and pulling at the berserker's arm. "Minsc, this is the Pirate Lord. Say hello."[/quote]


[quote]"They all go," signalled Desharik as he shot a concerned glance at the mage. "They may all have caught his disease of the mind. I feel stupider having talked to them. Stupider? More stupid?" He sighed. "Get them out of my sight!"[/quote]

Teeheehee! Go Minsc!

[quote]Jaheira shook her head. "This morning. I saw... I saw him in your room. When we travelled before, a year or more ago now -- you had a chance with the enchanter, but you declined it. But now, you fall into... you have changed your mind?"[/quote]

Not really, but she really needed to get laid, apparently.

Sorry, Maiyn. :(

[quote]"Do you think he... he might have?"[/quote]

Oh, he's recovered, all right. For better or for worse remains to be seen, though.

[quote]"Jaheira tells me that you spent the evening with Maiyn," began the ranger softly in their native tongue.[/quote]

That's one way to put it. :D

[quote]Kivan chuckled slightly. "We have an understanding," he admitted, "but we are no more than friends who share the same pain. This cannot be said of you and our leader, can it?"[/quote]

Unrequited love and too-requited love are very different things, admittedly.

[quote]With that, he stalked away, lingering beside the Kara-tuan and the Rashemeni as they discussed the likelihood of their door being opened any time soon. Kivan watched him for several long minutes, noting that the mage was lost in thought; he didn't appear as a man who had received all he desired.[/quote]

Willow: Guess it really wasn't all that good... :D
Imoen: Or it was too good. :D
Edwin: Or we could simply stop discussing it altogether. (Sounds like a plan to me...)

[quote]Maiyn was so busy checking in every room that she bumped into a small girl in the middle of the corridor. The ranger opened her mouth to apologise, but stopped when she caught a glimpse of the victim of her distraction. She was only a child, but her eyes glowed with a silver light as she looked up to the ranger. She smiled widely.[/quote]

Hi, Dili! :D

I loved the people here. So delightfully creepy.

[quote]Maiyn nodded, her face creased with worry. She glanced around, wondering which way to go next, and whether the group should split up, or not. Before she could decide on anything, she was disrupted by a tall, graceful woman.[/quote]

Hi, Aphril! :D

I was especially intrigued by her...

[quote]First she saw Khalid -- the half-elf was staring adoringly at Jaheira, a small smile on his face. Beside him was Dynaheir, looking as proud and confident as she had in life. Her eyes were fixed to Minsc, and she nodded approvingly to him, a silent commendation of his actions since her death.[/quote]


[quote]Slightly to the side was an elven woman -- Kivan's attention was wholly consumed by her, and she waved her hands slightly before reaching out towards him, and smiling softly. The young human girl standing next to her was unmistakably Moira -- Anomen's murdered sister. The likeness between them was uncanny, and she wore an expression of pride as she fondly gazed upon her brother.[/quote]

:lol: ;)

[quote]Another figure -- one who looked so much like Xan also formed. His father, she suspected; a stern looking man, who stood tall and majestic -- but his eyes were soft and full of love as he regarded his son. Another man stood by his side, slightly swarthy in appearance, and of human heritage. Sime's father? He winked at the Shadow Thief, and smiled charmingly to her as she gaped back at him, her expression a mixture of wonder and joy.[/quote]

Sime's papa sounds nice. :D

[quote]Then she saw another -- Gorion! The elderly sage caught Maiyn's eye at last, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. She wanted to speak, tried to call out his name, but nothing came. He nodded slightly to her, then allowed his face to erupt into a large smile, filled to the brim with pride and adoration. She felt tears prickling her eyes, and she longed to run to him, to have her father's arms around her. But then the spell began to fade, and she could feel herself being dragged back to the prison. It was all beginning to fade when Maiyn noticed the final woman -- her face was sad, and her eyes pleading as she looked over to Yoshimo. Maiyn gasped as her identity became clear, and when the spell ended and they were back in their own time, she turned to the Kara-tuan with wide eyes and a confused expression.[/quote]

Yay, Gorion! :D

Ouch, Tamoko... :D

[quote]The rogue said nothing -- instead his returned gaze was cold and unfriendly, almost venomous; he turned and stalked away down another passage as the ranger cried out his name in his wake. The others watched him go with confusion; their senses still reeling from the visions they'd received, their surprise at Maiyn's question forcing them back into the present time as their emotions ran high.[/quote]

Yoshi's clearly not happy.

[quote]He turned, silencing her with a dismissive wave of his hand. "You think you meant anything to me, except another way to preserve my cover until we reached here? I thought the Shadow Thieves were more intelligent than that." His sneer was cruel, and she backed away slowly as she watched him settle down into one of the chairs of the recreation room, seemingly at home with his surroundings. He showed no intention of returning to the group, and the thief turned and ran, seeking them out. [/quote]

D'aww... poor Sime. :P

Darn, I was hoping your Yoshimo would turn out to still be an okay guy, too...

[quote]"Who is Imoen?" shrieked the girl almost hysterically. "I... I don't know that name! I..." Her voice softened as she suddenly changed in her composure, calming down slightly as her eyes fell to the floor. "I don't know that name. She's not here." Her gaze lifted up to the group, and her hysteria returned. "Get away from me! I'll kill you! I'll... I'll rip your eyes form your filthy faces! Do not tempt my wrath! Do not! I am... She's not here!"[/quote]

:lol: ;)

Imoen: I'm... not looking forward to this.
Willow: ... me either.

[quote]"Why is he with us?" asked the elf hopelessly. "He has never mentioned any of this..."[/quote]

Yeah, well, that's the general idea.

[quote]"But why?" Maiyn was confused. "The Cowled Wizards won't let him have freedom here -- we have not seen him in the corridors, have we? He must be locked up alone, as he should be."[/quote]


[quote]"You," whispered Maiyn, drawing back slightly. Another figure appeared behind the mage -- Yoshimo, smirking at the group with an expression of extreme distaste and loathing.[/quote]


Still, I'll bet Yoshi looks prety hot standing in the shadows like a big bad villain. :D

... ehe.

[quote]Maiyn fell to the side as he began speaking the words of a cantrip; she saw her companions doing likewise around her as her eyes closed. It can't end like this, she thought helplessly, trying to battle the overwhelming power of the sudden fatigue. It can't end like this.[/quote]


Gaaaah, more! :D

#5 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 30 December 2006 - 07:19 PM

For Coran played on her mind, as hopeless as the longing was. Xan, though she liked him, was no replacement for the man who'd played such a large role in her life, and she had been hasty and impetuous to have given herself so freely to another. Especially when she couldn't really say for sure if she felt strong enough to continue the path she'd taken.

Ah, Xan probably just wasn’t terribly good in bed then… must be that egotistic streak of his. :lol:

Teehee! I hadn't even considered the, uh, satisfaction of the evenings events, until all these comments came in :lol:

"Maiyn! Answer your door -- it is very important!"

She groaned. It was Jaheira's voice.

Probably the person you’d want to see the least right now… :wink:

Maiyn: That's one way of putting it...

Maiyn stared at him dumbly as he strode off to stand beside the rest of her group, who were slowly spilling from their rooms with their packs looking dishevelled and worried. The ranger glanced to Jaheira for answers, but the druid was staring intently into her room; and more directly, at her bed.

And not just because she likes the view of semi-naked Xan. :lol:

Jaheira: *snort* Certainly not.

They were herded into a fairly grand house and told to converge beside the pool that sat in the middle of the reception room. There, Maiyn stared sheepishly at her feet, avoiding Jaheira's accusing stare. During the walk, the druid had held a hushed conversation with Kivan, causing him to regard both Maiyn and Xan in a curious manner. She was now also busily avoiding his questioning look.

Never thought I’d see Jaheira as such a gossip-monger!

:D More concerned discussion than gossip mongering, though at this point, there's only a fine line between them :D

"So," he said at last. "Perhaps you would like to explain to me why you killed my second in command, Chremy, and the Lady Galvena."

Because we didn’t like them. Muahaha! :lol:

Maiyn: ...what he said.

"But... see who I travel with," proclaimed Maiyn, moving over to Minsc, and pulling at the berserker's arm. "Minsc, this is the Pirate Lord. Say hello."

Good idea, Maiyn. :D

Maiyn: :D

"Certainly!" announced Minsc. "As I have my Boo, so too must you have your parrot! Boo likes parrots -- they could wrestle."

I want to see Boo wrestling a parrot! :D

So do I :D

"They all go," signalled Desharik as he shot a concerned glance at the mage. "They may all have caught his disease of the mind. I feel stupider having talked to them. Stupider? More stupid?" He sighed. "Get them out of my sight!"

As I said to Laufey (commenting on this very part of the plot in her story just a couple of hours ago ;)), I absolutely loved this part in the game. :D

It's one of my favourite parts, admittedly -- it really makes Minsc shine ;)

Sime nodded her silent agreement, and began examining the door, more through hope than expectancy. While she was busying herself, Jaheira spoke quietly to Maiyn.

"Is that really what you wanted?" the druid asked quietly.

Sure, why not, and you should get some too! ;)

Maiyn: Yeah -- Kivan's over there...
Jaheira: *glare*

"You can't replace someone with another like that," the druid said gently. "You can fill what you are missing with someone different, or-"

Yeah, exactly, maybe it’s not all just about replacing Coran.

*nods* Jaheira's concern is, mainly I think, that she's not thinking everything through properly and knowing what it is she wants before she acts. I don't think any of them would care, really, if she was just moving onto someone else.

"Well, either way -- you must decide what it is you want from the mage. It is not fair on him, or Coran, for you to leave your feelings so undecided."

They are elves, I’m pretty certain they would be absolutely okay with sharing. ;)

Xan: Er... no.
Coran: Oh, I don't know...
Maiyn: Ahem.
Coran: I mean, of course not.

Kivan chuckled slightly. "We have an understanding," he admitted, "but we are no more than friends who share the same pain. This cannot be said of you and our leader, can it?"

Lot of things can grow from friendship, too. :)

Quite :D

With that, he stalked away, lingering beside the Kara-tuan and the Rashemeni as they discussed the likelihood of their door being opened any time soon. Kivan watched him for several long minutes, noting that the mage was lost in thought; he didn't appear as a man who had received all he desired.

Oh gosh, was the sex really that bad???


:P Xan's deep, man :D It's not all about the sex! :D

"I like taking puppy's face, but it scares him," continued Dili as she stared dreamily into the distance, seeming to concentrate on something very hard. "But this face is boring! Now I'm..." A swirl enveloped the girl, and she suddenly grew rapidly, becoming the exact image of the druid. "Now I'm you! See!" she squealed delightedly, beaming at the half-elf. Jaheira merely looked horrified as her double wandered back into her cell.

That would be a little bit disturbing, aye…

Just a bit -- and rather strange for the others to encounter ;)

"Everything..." the woman whispered. "Everyone... across the planes! All the time! My eyes do not close when closed, and they are next to you, and me, and everyone -- always! More and more creatures, from everywhere and everywhen! Never alone, even when alone... you just cannot see..."

Her condition was clearly the most unpleasant of them all.

*nods* :(

First she saw Khalid -- the half-elf was staring adoringly at Jaheira, a small smile on his face. Beside him was Dynaheir, looking as proud and confident as she had in life. Her eyes were fixed to Minsc, and she nodded approvingly to him, a silent commendation of his actions since her death.

Bawl, that’s cruel on them… :(


Then she saw another -- Gorion! The elderly sage caught Maiyn's eye at last, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. She wanted to speak, tried to call out his name, but nothing came. He nodded slightly to her, then allowed his face to erupt into a large smile, filled to the brim with pride and adoration. She felt tears prickling her eyes, and she longed to run to him, to have her father's arms around her. But then the spell began to fade, and she could feel herself being dragged back to the prison. It was all beginning to fade when Maiyn noticed the final woman -- her face was sad, and her eyes pleading as she looked over to Yoshimo. Maiyn gasped as her identity became clear, and when the spell ended and they were back in their own time, she turned to the Kara-tuan with wide eyes and a confused expression.

"You knew Tamoko?"

Bit of an whoops moment for Yoshi… but they are already where Irenicus wants them, so revealing him as a traitor now means nothing.

Exactly -- he doesn't really care much, now. He's done what he wanted to do. (I'm afraid I don't really have a regretful Yoshimo)

"Tamoko was my sister. Maiyn killed her a year ago in Baldur's Gate, in cold blood. Go back to them -- you will need their company if you wish to escape here."

I don’t remember your take on the BG1 events… but I’m quite sure that Irenicus probably twisted the tale of Tamoko’s death quite a bit, to make sure that Yoshi’s hatred for Maiyn is sufficient.

*nods* Yoshimo would have had no idea, at all, on how she died, or what happened in reality -- the only witnesses were Maiyn and her group, and Monty and Xzar, but Irenicus would have said the right things to get this Yoshimo on side, and regardless of his apparent genial side with them, all along, all he wanted was to avenge her in whatever way he could.

"Who is Imoen?" shrieked the girl almost hysterically. "I... I don't know that name! I..." Her voice softened as she suddenly changed in her composure, calming down slightly as her eyes fell to the floor. "I don't know that name. She's not here." Her gaze lifted up to the group, and her hysteria returned. "Get away from me! I'll kill you! I'll... I'll rip your eyes form your filthy faces! Do not tempt my wrath! Do not! I am... She's not here!"

Poor Immy… :?

*nods* :(

"Then he is-" began Jaheira.

"He was working for Irenicus," stated Maiyn.

Meh, why do you get helpful visions to reveal a betrayer only when it’s already too late?

Because it's fun! :D

"You," whispered Maiyn, drawing back slightly. Another figure appeared behind the mage -- Yoshimo, smirking at the group with an expression of extreme distaste and loathing.

Well, Yoshi sure makes it easier to kill him later. :D


"Don't look so surprised," continued Irenicus, ignoring their stares at the Kara-tuan. "You must have expected to find me near Imoen -- and your observations are very astute. It was highly co-operative of you to follow me here, especially when you allowed my young servant to travel with you. I am sure his news will be... interesting."

"You can't do this!" exclaimed Jaheira.

Seems a bit of a too naïve statement from her… of course he can. :D

He can, and she knows it -- but sometimes, in certain situations, you speak more from emotion than intelligence ;) And seeing the man who likely murdered her husband standing there, smugly, is likely to have ruffled a bit of her emotion :)

Irenicus merely laughed. "There will be no battle, no heroics. Only sleep."

Hmm, thank you, I was actually feeling like having a little nap. :(

*hands you a pillow*

Maiyn fell to the side as he began speaking the words of a cantrip; she saw her companions doing likewise around her as her eyes closed. It can't end like this, she thought helplessly, trying to battle the overwhelming power of the sudden fatigue. It can't end like this.

Oh no, I’m afraid he’s not nearly done with you yet! :(

Not at all :(

Thanks for reading and commenting! :D

#6 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 30 December 2006 - 07:21 PM

Heh, two Desharik vs. Boo in one day? :D I really like how you had them arrested and made them plead insanity as a spur of the moment thing.

Thanks :D I couldn't leave out Minsc's moment of glory :wink:

Those visions were creepy as hell and I hope Maiyn noticed that it was not Coran she saw. And Yoshimo blowing his cover was awesome!

Thanks again! :P

I'm glad you made Maiyn have second thoughts about what she just did.

Well, it makes sense for her to, really, since she's really not at all over what she had, and not even close to accepting that she has to deal with her past before she moves on, in any regard :?

And thanks for reading and commenting! :lol:

#7 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 30 December 2006 - 07:30 PM

[quote name="Keldan"][quote][quote]Maiyn awoke early the following morning. She opened her eyes groggily and sat up, disturbing Xan in the process. She smiled down at him, partly with fondness, but partly with dismay. Only now that the act had been committed did she wonder at what she'd done, and realise her ghosts weren't put to rest.[/quote]

Well, hindsight is 20/20. :D

Maiyn: How very helpful!
Imoen: Kinda like me, huh?
Maiyn: Yes...

[quote]For Coran played on her mind, as hopeless as the longing was. Xan, though she liked him, was no replacement for the man who'd played such a large role in her life, and she had been hasty and impetuous to have given herself so freely to another. Especially when she couldn't really say for sure if she felt strong enough to continue the path she'd taken.[/quote]

Guess it wasn't that good, then... ;)

;) I see how everyone's mind is attuned to the more carnal desires!

[quote]She groaned. It was Jaheira's voice.[/quote]

Ooh, ouch.

Maiyn: *weeps*

Willow: I really, really hope it isn't Jaheira that wakes me up after I finally get Eddie to stay with me for more than five minutes. Really. Really really.
Jaheira: *makes Evil plans*

*snorts with laughter*

[quote]"I'm just... er, coming."[/quote]


Imoen: I thought that happened last night?
Willow: Wow, Xan must be really talented... he doesn't even have to touch you!
Jaheira: :D

;) :) :D :D

Xan: Oh. How very mature you all are.
Coran: I thought it was funny!

[quote]Maiyn stared at him dumbly as he strode off to stand beside the rest of her group, who were slowly spilling from their rooms with their packs looking dishevelled and worried. The ranger glanced to Jaheira for answers, but the druid was staring intently into her room; and more directly, at her bed.[/quote]

Hm... half-naked Xan? Yeah, I'd say that's pretty stare-worthy. In more ways than one. :D

*grins* I think Jaheira only has one reason on her mind though ;)

[quote]"But... see who I travel with," proclaimed Maiyn, moving over to Minsc, and pulling at the berserker's arm. "Minsc, this is the Pirate Lord. Say hello."[/quote]



[quote]"They all go," signalled Desharik as he shot a concerned glance at the mage. "They may all have caught his disease of the mind. I feel stupider having talked to them. Stupider? More stupid?" He sighed. "Get them out of my sight!"[/quote]

Teeheehee! Go Minsc!

Minsc: Eh, Minsc and Boo were trying to be friendly! That is all!

[quote]Jaheira shook her head. "This morning. I saw... I saw him in your room. When we travelled before, a year or more ago now -- you had a chance with the enchanter, but you declined it. But now, you fall into... you have changed your mind?"[/quote]

Not really, but she really needed to get laid, apparently.

Sorry, Maiyn. :D

Maiyn: Weeps more*

[quote]"Do you think he... he might have?"[/quote]

Oh, he's recovered, all right. For better or for worse remains to be seen, though.


[quote]"Jaheira tells me that you spent the evening with Maiyn," began the ranger softly in their native tongue.[/quote]

That's one way to put it. :D

Imoen: How come all the oldies are gossiping about what you did or didn't do?
Maiyn: Dunno.
Coran: Perhaps they're looking for hints.
Jaheira: Or perhaps not.

[quote]Kivan chuckled slightly. "We have an understanding," he admitted, "but we are no more than friends who share the same pain. This cannot be said of you and our leader, can it?"[/quote]

Unrequited love and too-requited love are very different things, admittedly.

Indeed :)

[quote]With that, he stalked away, lingering beside the Kara-tuan and the Rashemeni as they discussed the likelihood of their door being opened any time soon. Kivan watched him for several long minutes, noting that the mage was lost in thought; he didn't appear as a man who had received all he desired.[/quote]

Willow: Guess it really wasn't all that good... :D
Imoen: Or it was too good. :D
Edwin: Or we could simply stop discussing it altogether. (Sounds like a plan to me...)

Xan: Much though it pains me, I must agree with the Thayvian.

[quote]Maiyn was so busy checking in every room that she bumped into a small girl in the middle of the corridor. The ranger opened her mouth to apologise, but stopped when she caught a glimpse of the victim of her distraction. She was only a child, but her eyes glowed with a silver light as she looked up to the ranger. She smiled widely.[/quote]

Hi, Dili! :D

Dili: Ooh... can I have your face today?

I loved the people here. So delightfully creepy.


[quote]Maiyn nodded, her face creased with worry. She glanced around, wondering which way to go next, and whether the group should split up, or not. Before she could decide on anything, she was disrupted by a tall, graceful woman.[/quote]

Hi, Aphril! :D

Aphril: I can see you!

I was especially intrigued by her...

Yeah -- though in a way, she spooked me out *most*.

[quote]First she saw Khalid -- the half-elf was staring adoringly at Jaheira, a small smile on his face. Beside him was Dynaheir, looking as proud and confident as she had in life. Her eyes were fixed to Minsc, and she nodded approvingly to him, a silent commendation of his actions since her death.[/quote]


*nods* :(

[quote]Slightly to the side was an elven woman -- Kivan's attention was wholly consumed by her, and she waved her hands slightly before reaching out towards him, and smiling softly. The young human girl standing next to her was unmistakably Moira -- Anomen's murdered sister. The likeness between them was uncanny, and she wore an expression of pride as she fondly gazed upon her brother.[/quote]

:lol: :lol:

*nodsnods* :(

[quote]Another figure -- one who looked so much like Xan also formed. His father, she suspected; a stern looking man, who stood tall and majestic -- but his eyes were soft and full of love as he regarded his son. Another man stood by his side, slightly swarthy in appearance, and of human heritage. Sime's father? He winked at the Shadow Thief, and smiled charmingly to her as she gaped back at him, her expression a mixture of wonder and joy.[/quote]

Sime's papa sounds nice. :D

Doesn't he? :D

[quote]Then she saw another -- Gorion! The elderly sage caught Maiyn's eye at last, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. She wanted to speak, tried to call out his name, but nothing came. He nodded slightly to her, then allowed his face to erupt into a large smile, filled to the brim with pride and adoration. She felt tears prickling her eyes, and she longed to run to him, to have her father's arms around her. But then the spell began to fade, and she could feel herself being dragged back to the prison. It was all beginning to fade when Maiyn noticed the final woman -- her face was sad, and her eyes pleading as she looked over to Yoshimo. Maiyn gasped as her identity became clear, and when the spell ended and they were back in their own time, she turned to the Kara-tuan with wide eyes and a confused expression.[/quote]

Yay, Gorion! :D

Ouch, Tamoko... :(


[quote]The rogue said nothing -- instead his returned gaze was cold and unfriendly, almost venomous; he turned and stalked away down another passage as the ranger cried out his name in his wake. The others watched him go with confusion; their senses still reeling from the visions they'd received, their surprise at Maiyn's question forcing them back into the present time as their emotions ran high.[/quote]

Yoshi's clearly not happy.

Noooooo. He's grit his teeth and played a 'nice guy' for as long as was needed, but now he doesn't need to pretend any more.

[quote]He turned, silencing her with a dismissive wave of his hand. "You think you meant anything to me, except another way to preserve my cover until we reached here? I thought the Shadow Thieves were more intelligent than that." His sneer was cruel, and she backed away slowly as she watched him settle down into one of the chairs of the recreation room, seemingly at home with his surroundings. He showed no intention of returning to the group, and the thief turned and ran, seeking them out. [/quote]

D'aww... poor Sime. :(

Darn, I was hoping your Yoshimo would turn out to still be an okay guy, too...

'Fraid not :( A lot of people make him into a really apologetic, regretting guy -- which is awesome, because I quite like thinking about his character that way. But it just wouldn't work in this one, no matter what I tried. He was determined.

[quote]"Who is Imoen?" shrieked the girl almost hysterically. "I... I don't know that name! I..." Her voice softened as she suddenly changed in her composure, calming down slightly as her eyes fell to the floor. "I don't know that name. She's not here." Her gaze lifted up to the group, and her hysteria returned. "Get away from me! I'll kill you! I'll... I'll rip your eyes form your filthy faces! Do not tempt my wrath! Do not! I am... She's not here!"[/quote]

:D :lol:

Imoen: I'm... not looking forward to this.
Willow: ... me either.

Maiyn: Don't worry -- it passes, and soon enough she's back to her old annoying self.
Imoen: Yea- Annoying?!

[quote]"Why is he with us?" asked the elf hopelessly. "He has never mentioned any of this..."[/quote]

Yeah, well, that's the general idea.

Fear her low intelligence score! ;)

[quote]"But why?" Maiyn was confused. "The Cowled Wizards won't let him have freedom here -- we have not seen him in the corridors, have we? He must be locked up alone, as he should be."[/quote]


Irenicus: Quite.

[quote]"You," whispered Maiyn, drawing back slightly. Another figure appeared behind the mage -- Yoshimo, smirking at the group with an expression of extreme distaste and loathing.[/quote]


Still, I'll bet Yoshi looks prety hot standing in the shadows like a big bad villain. :D

... ehe.


Oh, he probably does... :? *ahem*

[quote]Maiyn fell to the side as he began speaking the words of a cantrip; she saw her companions doing likewise around her as her eyes closed. It can't end like this, she thought helplessly, trying to battle the overwhelming power of the sudden fatigue. It can't end like this.[/quote]


Gaaaah, more! :lol:[/quote]

Ah, we go back to Coran next :D Just to be annoying ;)

Thanks for reading and commenting! :D

#8 Guest_Coutelier_*

Posted 02 January 2007 - 03:47 PM

She stretched slightly and noted that the sun was beginning to creep across the rooftops across the town. She stifled a yawn and lazily slipped from the bed, then was startled by a loud knocking at the door. She grabbed a robe to put on quickly before she answered, ignoring Xan's murmured groans of protest at being awoken. As she reached the door, she paused -- and her brain caught up with her actions; if it was one of her companions, she didn't want them seeing the enchanter in her bed. The knocking became more insistent.

Imoen: And if it's not a companion?

Tarant: Then she doesn't want them to see the enchanter in her bed.

"The other two are in here," he called out to someone else behind him. Then, curtly, he turned back to Maiyn. "Get your belongings. You and your companions are under arrest by the Pirate Lord."

Imoen: Can a pirate lord really arrest anybody? What laws can he have that he hasn't broken himself?

They were herded into a fairly grand house and told to converge beside the pool that sat in the middle of the reception room. There, Maiyn stared sheepishly at her feet, avoiding Jaheira's accusing stare. During the walk, the druid had held a hushed conversation with Kivan, causing him to regard both Maiyn and Xan in a curious manner. She was now also busily avoiding his questioning look.

Jaheira starting all the gossip. Who'd have thought it.

"So," he said at last. "Perhaps you would like to explain to me why you killed my second in command, Chremy, and the Lady Galvena."

Aerie: B-because they were slave dealing scum!

Imoen: Aerie!

Aerie: Well... i-it's true isn't it?

"Was with his own property," interrupted the Pirate Lord strongly. "Really, you cannot expect to swan into my town and blatantly rebel against my ways."

Tarant: What, like a band of pirates?

"Well, an absence of mind, that sort of thing. We occasionally have people who suffer from... well, issues, I guess you could say. We have a special procedure for them; an agreement with the asylum, as we affectionately call it."

"You can send people to Spellhold?" Maiyn could barely contain the excitement in her voice.

"If I need to, yes," he replied hesitantly.

"I think you should send us there," she pushed, ignoring his bewildered look. "We need to be committed -- we're a danger."

"Just because you have murderous intentions, does not mean you've addled in the mind," he snorted. "And I warn you -- thinking you can avoid execution by being sent there is probably a bad idea. Our way will at least be... swifter." He laughed.

It's a classic catch 22 situation. The only way to escape death is by being declared insane... but if you ask to be declared insane then obviously you're trying to escape death so must be sane.

"Your peg," affirmed Minsc confidently. "A proper pirate has a peg, whether a leg, or an arm, or.... eh... some other expendable extremity. And a parrot."

Imoen: Well I think anyone claiming to be a pirate without those things must be a little loopy themselves.

"We're doomed," intoned Xan glumly. "He's going to make us walk the plank from his ship, where we'll be mauled by underfed sharks that have been specially bred to develop a taste for elven enchanter."

Tarant: What an optimist. You're going to be made to troll through yet another dungeon solving annoying riddles to open doors.

Jaheira shook her head. "This morning. I saw... I saw him in your room. When we travelled before, a year or more ago now -- you had a chance with the enchanter, but you declined it. But now, you fall into... you have changed your mind?"

Tarant: What's it got to do with you?

"I like taking puppy's face, but it scares him," continued Dili as she stared dreamily into the distance, seeming to concentrate on something very hard. "But this face is boring! Now I'm..." A swirl enveloped the girl, and she suddenly grew rapidly, becoming the exact image of the druid. "Now I'm you! See!" she squealed delightedly, beaming at the half-elf. Jaheira merely looked horrified as her double wandered back into her cell.

Edwin: Hmph... the last thing this world needs is two of her.

Then she saw another -- Gorion! The elderly sage caught Maiyn's eye at last, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. She wanted to speak, tried to call out his name, but nothing came. He nodded slightly to her, then allowed his face to erupt into a large smile, filled to the brim with pride and adoration. She felt tears prickling her eyes, and she longed to run to him, to have her father's arms around her. But then the spell began to fade, and she could feel herself being dragged back to the prison. It was all beginning to fade when Maiyn noticed the final woman -- her face was sad, and her eyes pleading as she looked over to Yoshimo. Maiyn gasped as her identity became clear, and when the spell ended and they were back in their own time, she turned to the Kara-tuan with wide eyes and a confused expression.

Tarant: No Coran in the land of the dead I see. Pity that.

"You knew Tamoko?"

The rogue said nothing -- instead his returned gaze was cold and unfriendly, almost venomous; he turned and stalked away down another passage as the ranger cried out his name in his wake. The others watched him go with confusion; their senses still reeling from the visions they'd received, their surprise at Maiyn's question forcing them back into the present time as their emotions ran high.

Now that Cats out of the bag.

Imoen: Where?

Maiyn nodded, but let her gaze linger on the departing thief -- Sime hesitated, then darted off after him while the others followed the elf as she went on, checking the cells as she passed. They were approaching the last one when the ranger's heavy heart had given up hope of discovering the location of her missing sister. With a sigh, she peered in, and felt a wash of relief flood over her.

"Imoen!" she exclaimed.

Imoen: Yay!

"Tamoko was my sister. Maiyn killed her a year ago in Baldur's Gate, in cold blood. Go back to them -- you will need their company if you wish to escape here."

Yeah... I generally let her go though. It's not like I need any of her stuff, since I come for the final battle fully prepared anyway. But I guess in the game we're supposed to assume that even if she lived Irenicus killed her anyway and blamed you.

"We will see to Imoen later," Jaheira reassured her. "For now, we need to work out how we are to escape. We know where she is, and we know she is physically well. The emotional stress she is under should lift when we get out of here."

Poor Immy... even if it weren't for Irenicus and his experiments, being alone that long would be hard for her to bear, especially since she's not as introverted as say Aerie is.

"He looked familiar," she whispered. "He was there... before we went to the Undercity. He was in the guild of thieves before we went down the stairs."

"We passed through there so briefly," said Jaheira in disbelief. "Are you absolutely sure?" Maiyn nodded.

I imagine mages only hire out their services to the very rich, so long distance travel probably isn't that commonplace. So there can't be that many kara turans in Baldur's Gate.

"Don't look so surprised," continued Irenicus, ignoring their stares at the Kara-tuan. "You must have expected to find me near Imoen -- and your observations are very astute. It was highly co-operative of you to follow me here, especially when you allowed my young servant to travel with you. I am sure his news will be... interesting."

"You can't do this!" exclaimed Jaheira.

Tarant: I think he can... 'You won't get away with this' would have been a better thing to shout. Of course if it was me I'd have held a finger up and told him to spin on it.

Irenicus merely laughed. "There will be no battle, no heroics. Only sleep."

Maiyn fell to the side as he began speaking the words of a cantrip; she saw her companions doing likewise around her as her eyes closed. It can't end like this, she thought helplessly, trying to battle the overwhelming power of the sudden fatigue. It can't end like this.

Ahhh... classic Doctor Who ending.

#9 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 03 January 2007 - 09:45 PM

She stretched slightly and noted that the sun was beginning to creep across the rooftops across the town. She stifled a yawn and lazily slipped from the bed, then was startled by a loud knocking at the door. She grabbed a robe to put on quickly before she answered, ignoring Xan's murmured groans of protest at being awoken. As she reached the door, she paused -- and her brain caught up with her actions; if it was one of her companions, she didn't want them seeing the enchanter in her bed. The knocking became more insistent.

Imoen: And if it's not a companion?

Tarant: Then she doesn't want them to see the enchanter in her bed.

Maiyn: I'd rather not have ANYONE see him in my bed, really.

"The other two are in here," he called out to someone else behind him. Then, curtly, he turned back to Maiyn. "Get your belongings. You and your companions are under arrest by the Pirate Lord."

Imoen: Can a pirate lord really arrest anybody? What laws can he have that he hasn't broken himself?

Pirate Lord: Never heard of 'Do as I say, not as I do'? :D

They were herded into a fairly grand house and told to converge beside the pool that sat in the middle of the reception room. There, Maiyn stared sheepishly at her feet, avoiding Jaheira's accusing stare. During the walk, the druid had held a hushed conversation with Kivan, causing him to regard both Maiyn and Xan in a curious manner. She was now also busily avoiding his questioning look.

Jaheira starting all the gossip. Who'd have thought it.

Jaheira: I'm not gossiping! I'm... concerned!

"So," he said at last. "Perhaps you would like to explain to me why you killed my second in command, Chremy, and the Lady Galvena."

Aerie: B-because they were slave dealing scum!

Imoen: Aerie!

Aerie: Well... i-it's true isn't it?

Maiyn: She's right, you know.

"Was with his own property," interrupted the Pirate Lord strongly. "Really, you cannot expect to swan into my town and blatantly rebel against my ways."

Tarant: What, like a band of pirates?

Desharik: Exactly -- let's just say, I'm getting rid of what could end up being potential competition.

"Well, an absence of mind, that sort of thing. We occasionally have people who suffer from... well, issues, I guess you could say. We have a special procedure for them; an agreement with the asylum, as we affectionately call it."

"You can send people to Spellhold?" Maiyn could barely contain the excitement in her voice.

"If I need to, yes," he replied hesitantly.

"I think you should send us there," she pushed, ignoring his bewildered look. "We need to be committed -- we're a danger."

"Just because you have murderous intentions, does not mean you've addled in the mind," he snorted. "And I warn you -- thinking you can avoid execution by being sent there is probably a bad idea. Our way will at least be... swifter." He laughed.

It's a classic catch 22 situation. The only way to escape death is by being declared insane... but if you ask to be declared insane then obviously you're trying to escape death so must be sane.

Hee -- yeah :wink:

"Your peg," affirmed Minsc confidently. "A proper pirate has a peg, whether a leg, or an arm, or.... eh... some other expendable extremity. And a parrot."

Imoen: Well I think anyone claiming to be a pirate without those things must be a little loopy themselves.

Minsc: Little Imoen is bright. Bo thinks so too.

"We're doomed," intoned Xan glumly. "He's going to make us walk the plank from his ship, where we'll be mauled by underfed sharks that have been specially bred to develop a taste for elven enchanter."

Tarant: What an optimist. You're going to be made to troll through yet another dungeon solving annoying riddles to open doors.


Jaheira shook her head. "This morning. I saw... I saw him in your room. When we travelled before, a year or more ago now -- you had a chance with the enchanter, but you declined it. But now, you fall into... you have changed your mind?"

Tarant: What's it got to do with you?

Jaheira: I'm showing concern!

"I like taking puppy's face, but it scares him," continued Dili as she stared dreamily into the distance, seeming to concentrate on something very hard. "But this face is boring! Now I'm..." A swirl enveloped the girl, and she suddenly grew rapidly, becoming the exact image of the druid. "Now I'm you! See!" she squealed delightedly, beaming at the half-elf. Jaheira merely looked horrified as her double wandered back into her cell.

Edwin: Hmph... the last thing this world needs is two of her.

Jaheira: *glare*
Maiyn: Hehehehe...ahem.

Then she saw another -- Gorion! The elderly sage caught Maiyn's eye at last, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. She wanted to speak, tried to call out his name, but nothing came. He nodded slightly to her, then allowed his face to erupt into a large smile, filled to the brim with pride and adoration. She felt tears prickling her eyes, and she longed to run to him, to have her father's arms around her. But then the spell began to fade, and she could feel herself being dragged back to the prison. It was all beginning to fade when Maiyn noticed the final woman -- her face was sad, and her eyes pleading as she looked over to Yoshimo. Maiyn gasped as her identity became clear, and when the spell ended and they were back in their own time, she turned to the Kara-tuan with wide eyes and a confused expression.

Tarant: No Coran in the land of the dead I see. Pity that.

Coran: I heard that.

"You knew Tamoko?"

The rogue said nothing -- instead his returned gaze was cold and unfriendly, almost venomous; he turned and stalked away down another passage as the ranger cried out his name in his wake. The others watched him go with confusion; their senses still reeling from the visions they'd received, their surprise at Maiyn's question forcing them back into the present time as their emotions ran high.

Now that Cats out of the bag.

Imoen: Where?

:wink: !!

Maiyn nodded, but let her gaze linger on the departing thief -- Sime hesitated, then darted off after him while the others followed the elf as she went on, checking the cells as she passed. They were approaching the last one when the ranger's heavy heart had given up hope of discovering the location of her missing sister. With a sigh, she peered in, and felt a wash of relief flood over her.

"Imoen!" she exclaimed.

Imoen: Yay!

Imoen: Yeah! Yay!

"Tamoko was my sister. Maiyn killed her a year ago in Baldur's Gate, in cold blood. Go back to them -- you will need their company if you wish to escape here."

Yeah... I generally let her go though. It's not like I need any of her stuff, since I come for the final battle fully prepared anyway. But I guess in the game we're supposed to assume that even if she lived Irenicus killed her anyway and blamed you.

Ah, Maiyn killed her. Just. But she asked for it, really, and it wasn't as bad as Yoshimo *thinks* it was.

"We will see to Imoen later," Jaheira reassured her. "For now, we need to work out how we are to escape. We know where she is, and we know she is physically well. The emotional stress she is under should lift when we get out of here."

Poor Immy... even if it weren't for Irenicus and his experiments, being alone that long would be hard for her to bear, especially since she's not as introverted as say Aerie is.

*nods* :lol:

"He looked familiar," she whispered. "He was there... before we went to the Undercity. He was in the guild of thieves before we went down the stairs."

"We passed through there so briefly," said Jaheira in disbelief. "Are you absolutely sure?" Maiyn nodded.

I imagine mages only hire out their services to the very rich, so long distance travel probably isn't that commonplace. So there can't be that many kara turans in Baldur's Gate.

Maiyn: See! Someone believes me!

"Don't look so surprised," continued Irenicus, ignoring their stares at the Kara-tuan. "You must have expected to find me near Imoen -- and your observations are very astute. It was highly co-operative of you to follow me here, especially when you allowed my young servant to travel with you. I am sure his news will be... interesting."

"You can't do this!" exclaimed Jaheira.

Tarant: I think he can... 'You won't get away with this' would have been a better thing to shout. Of course if it was me I'd have held a finger up and told him to spin on it.

Maiyn: *takes notes for later*

Irenicus merely laughed. "There will be no battle, no heroics. Only sleep."

Maiyn fell to the side as he began speaking the words of a cantrip; she saw her companions doing likewise around her as her eyes closed. It can't end like this, she thought helplessly, trying to battle the overwhelming power of the sudden fatigue. It can't end like this.

Ahhh... classic Doctor Who ending.

Gah -- I must be subconsciously letting it affect me, since I never really ever watch it, but the other half does :wink:

Thanks for reading and commenting! :)

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