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Reclaiming (Maiyn) - Chapter 40

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#1 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 23 December 2006 - 08:05 AM



It seemed to take forever for the ship to dock, and the party eagerly spent the time getting their belongings together and assembling on deck. Sailors dashed around them, seeing to their duties as they glided into the harbour of what looked like a small, quaint town. Maiyn could see the whitewashed houses nestled into the hillside and received a slight nudge from Sime.

"It is not as pleasant here as it would first appear," she warned.

Maiyn nodded; she was getting used to things being different to how they looked. It seemed to be one of the major guidelines of being an adventurer -- take nothing at face value. Because the town appeared to be quiet and peaceful, she just knew there would be a seedy underside to it, or some other form of criminal element. There just had to be.

She sighed inwardly at her own growing cynicism of life and glanced over to Xan. It is all his fault, she told herself. You're spending too much time listening to his constant gloom. At that point he threw her a quizzical look, and she merely responded with a mischievous grin that left him looking quite baffled.

Eventually they anchored, and gangplanks were put in place to provide a way off the ship. The party hung back, allowing the sailors to disembark first, boisterous as they were. Saemon approached them, a fabulous smile adorning his face.

"We have arrived!" he exclaimed, stating the obvious. "And in good time, I might add -- I thought we would be lucky to reach here by this eve, but it's not even in the prime of the afternoon and it is time for us to say farewell."

"Thank you for your aid," replied Maiyn, eager to get back to firm land underfoot. She wasn't averse to sailing, but she missed being on land. "And our thanks to you and your crew for such a smooth and peaceful trip."

"And thank you to you, for your delightful company," he remarked, taking Maiyn's hand, and gently raising it to his lips, where he offered a charming kiss. She smiled politely in return, but withdrew her hand when it was freed from his grasp.

"May I offer my own congratulations to you, Captain," interrupted Sime quietly, slinking forward to stand beside Saemon. He instantly carried an air of concern; upon discovering one of Aran's own thieves would be sailing with them, he had paled significantly and insisted there was no need. It was only when Sime explained her intention to aid Maiyn with her task that he had appeared appeased.

"And why is that, my dear?" he asked, trying to give an air of calmness.

"I noticed the ships in the distance last night," she said casually. "Your signals to them -- were they some type of warning?"

"Ah, well, I thought they might be pirates," replied the captain slowly. "I merely displayed a series of lights to them that mirrored their own. I wished to appear as one of them, you see."

"My compliments," murmured the shadow thief, her eyes narrow as she thought. "It really did seem as if they believed your signal meant there would be trouble if they attacked."

"It only proves how short of wit they can be," he replied hastily. "One must always be ahead of his adversaries, after all. Regardless -- we have arrived, and I leave you to your mission. Whatever it may be, of course. It has been a pleasure sailing in your company, but for now, I must take my leave."

He turned and left the ship, striding quickly and purposefully to the docks where he paused at a call of his name. Within moments he was in deep discussion with some sailors the group didn't recognise.

"I do not trust that man," muttered Sime. "His manner is that of a fool, but his behaviour during the voyage betrays a cunning mind beneath."

"I am surprised you had any time to observe his actions during our journey," remarked Jaheira dryly, making her way to the gangway. Sime flushed in her wake, and Maiyn grinned.

"Come, you will feel better once off this ship," said the ranger. The thief nodded, and followed the druid's path, and the group made their way onto the docks.

Sailors bustled around them, but most of them dispersed before long, all heading up towards the town. Maiyn could see several other ships at dock -- most had a single black flag flying high from their mast; Saemon's ship was one of only three that didn't have such a motif.

"We should head to the tavern," said Sime, stretching her arms as the sun shone down on them. "I think the contact I seek will be there at this time of the day, and if not, we will likely require spending the evening in the town before we can make our way... elsewhere."

Maiyn nodded her approval, willing to follow the rogue's lead. Sime had been nothing but seemingly honest to them and the ranger was willing to place her trust in the young human girl. She was also the only person who had any sort of experience on the island, and so her advice was important.

"This place is dangerous enough," continued the thief. "So be prepared. Even without my suspicions of Saemon, there is risk here."

"Ah, my friends!" came the Captain's voice, causing Sime to groan. He rushed over to them, an apologetic smile on his face. "I fear I cannot allow you to leave my presence just yet. While I admit to a certain fondness for you all, I have little choice in what I must do."

"I don't like the tone of your voice," replied Anomen suspiciously. "What do you mean?"

"My apologies, as I said..." He paused hesitantly. "This was not my intention at all, but one must do what good business dictates. You will recognise those that you face now -- I do hope that they make short work of this encounter. I have no stomach for violence, really."

Maiyn was suddenly aware that that the quay was devoid of sailors and only three figures stood behind Saemon. She slowly diverted her gaze to them, recognising the central one as Bodhi's messenger -- the woman who had initially approached them with her mistress' offer.

"All good peoples hang their heads in shame!" roared Minsc. "We are betrayed! This sailor man brings the vampires back amongst us... there shall be a mighty reckoning for this!"

A flash signalled Saemon's disappearance, and the vampires attacked. The bright conditions of the day combined with Minsc's berserked attack meant that the battle was not overly long and no one suffered any injury from it. Maiyn was not happy, however.

"Didn't we stake them?" she snapped, glaring accusingly at Minsc. The berserker was too busy looking for more foes behind a stack of crates to pay any attention to her though.

"We do not know where all of them went to recover," pointed out Jaheira.

"I knew he would prove treacherous," spat Sime. "Our threats were sufficient to keep us safe while afloat, but there must be someone here he fears even more."

"I can only think of one person who dare put the pirate up to this," noted Anomen darkly. "The vampire -- Bodhi. Obviously she seeks some form of revenge against us."

"Certainly, this was her doing," replied the thief dryly. "These creatures would not have followed him of their own will. His weakness would disgust them."

"Well, he has fled," sighed Maiyn with a shrug. "And we know not where Bodhi is, even if she is on this island. We can repay their actions in kind if we come across them again, but for now we have a task to perform."

The thief nodded, and trotted off towards the dusty path that wound its way between the docks and the ground level buildings. Maiyn followed her, still glaring at her surroundings, as she heard the knight and the elven ranger wrestling with Minsc in the background as they tried to coax him into following the others. Their happy arrival at Brynnlaw hadn't taken long to be besmirched, and it was with great effort that the elf silenced the increasing annoyance that was attempting to grow inside her. Just as Minsc calmed down enough to walk along normally without any gentle encouragement, Maiyn felt herself return to a semblance of inner peace, and she noticed Xan by her side.

She offered him an encouraging smile, but he merely gave her a dour look and a sigh. She rolled her eyes, and continued on her way, looking around at her surroundings as they went. A few locals could be seen going about their business, but not as many as she'd have expected. One fisherman was loudly bemoaning the loss of his boat, accusing the pirates of being behind it all. A man was trying to quieten him before he could be overheard, his hushed words urgent and serious.

Another voice drifted into her hearing; a young girl's voice, full of sorrow and pleading. Maiyn paused in her stride to listen more, trying to locate where it was coming from.

"... so please, Ason, stay here, and stay quiet until I return. I will try to get enough, I promise."

The ranger wandered over to a crumbling wall, and peered over the top. Crouched down behind it was a girl with a tear-stained face, kneeling before a much younger boy who looked terrified and unhappy. The female started when she realised she was being watched, and stood up suddenly.

"Oh, please ma'am, do you have a coin to spare?" she asked. "I can't go back to the Guildhall until I have something."

Maiyn instinctively pulled out a handful of coins, and offered them to the grateful girl. "What is it you fear by returning?" she asked curiously.

The girl regarded her fearfully, as if weighing her up as a potential threat. Eventually she seemed to dismiss the notion, and began to speak. "It's Chremy! He owns us and he gets so angry if I return empty handed!"

"Wait, wait," soothed Maiyn. "Slow down. What is your name? Who is Chremy?"

The girl wiped her nose on her sleeve. "My name's Ginia, ma'am, and this is my brother, Ason. We belong to Chremy, the Pirate Lord's second in command; you must be new here if you don't know his name."

"I've only just arrived recently," admitted Maiyn, offering a friendly smile to the little boy. He stared back at her.

"We've lived here all our lives," continued Ginia. "Our father was a tailor until he was killed, and our mother died a long time ago. It wasn't always as it is now, you know. This used to be a peaceful place, until the Desharik arrived." She let out an involuntary sob, and Maiyn rummaged in her pockets, eventually finding a tissue, which she offered. "Thank you ma'am."

"Who is Desharik?" asked the elf, her eyebrow raised.

Ginia nodded as she blew her nose. "He's the Pirate Lord. He brought all the pirates here when he lost some war with another Lord. This was the only place he was able to retreat to, so he took it as his own. Killed the mayor, they did, dumped his body at sea, then made us homeless. We were forced out onto the street!"

"That's terrible," said Maiyn sympathetically.

"My father died trying to get back into our home," sobbed Ginia. "He was executed for breaking a pirate law -- once they've stolen something, the owner has no claim on it, so he was sentenced to death. Desharik gave me and Ason to Chremy, saying we'd have to pay for my father's mistake, and so now I have to work as... as a... a courtesan." She burst into proper tears at this point.

"Can you not refuse?" Maiyn asked gently.

"He says he'll kill me if she doesn't do what she's told," said Ason suddenly. His small voice was serious, and Maiyn's heart wrenched to see his large eyes looking pleadingly to her.

"Then, leave this island?"

Ginia laughed mirthlessly between her tears. "There is no way off the island for Ason and me. The only ship that is not run by Desharik that would allow us on board is commanded by a smuggler who charges a price far too high for us to be able to afford."

Maiyn nodded grimly. "Then I need some things from you." The two siblings looked at her cautiously as she continued. "I need the name of this smuggler, and his location. And I need you to tell me where Chremy is. Finally, I want you to promise me you'll stay here until I come back."


"I'm not sure we have time for this," muttered Sime as Maiyn strode along one of the upper levels of the town. The ranger ignored her. "There are a lot of people here who experience misfortune," persisted the thief. "We cannot possibly hope to help them all and reach Imoen."

Maiyn spun around to face her, eyes glinting dangerously. "If you object to this, there are other courses of action for you to follow. I am not forcing you to come with me." Without another word, she turned back to her course, determinedly heading for the burly man standing outside the tavern, conversing merrily with some tattooed men.

Sime sighed, and offered Yoshimo a small smile as he patted her shoulder. Silently, she fell back into formation, her hand by her sword as she prepared for the inevitable hostility.

Maiyn walked right up to her target, and stood before him, a glare imprinted on her face. The other men slunk away quietly, detecting the enmity emanating from the stranger, and seemingly unwilling to take any part in what was to happen.

"I'm a busy man, friend," said the man, looking her up and down with a frown. "Why don't you go and bother someone else?"

"No need for that," replied Maiyn brightly, flashing a cold smile. "I've found who I was looking for. Chremy isn't it?"

Chremy scowled at the mention of his name. "Do I even know you?" he asked dubiously. "Why would you be looking for me?"

"You know Ginia and Ason, do you not?"

"What is the meaning of this?" he snapped impatiently. "Those leeches are my property -- you'll stay away from them."

"I'm afraid I won't," replied the elf casually, her hand lingering above her sword's hilt. "You see, I object to what you're doing to them, and I cannot rightfully stand aside and allow it to continue."

"You're messing with the wrong man, fool!" Chremy yelled, his face red with anger.

"I am?" Maiyn waved her hand at her companions, who had gathered behind her. "You are going to argue with me and my friends? That would not be intelligent."

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into," he hissed. "You can't tell me what to do with my property!"

"People are not property!" declared Minsc suddenly. "Boo can see the evilness in your eyes, and he condemns your despicable actions! Though 'despicable' was his word. Boo shall have your eyes! Raargh!" With amazing ease for such a large man in full plate armour, Minsc dashed forward, and swung Lilarcor viciously at the pirate, neatly beheading him.

"Ooooh, we've got a gusher!" exclaimed Larry, who had brightened up since Minsc had removed him from his pack.

Maiyn stared at Minsc for a second, then bent down to the corpse. She pulled a chain free from his neck, and regarded it for a few minutes, before holding it out to Sime.

"Does this mean anything?" she asked.

"It means you are employed by Madame Galvena," replied the thief quietly.

"Madame Galvena?"

"The owner of the Courtesan's Guild."


"You must be Calahan," remarked Maiyn as she quietly moved to the side of the sailor. He jumped slightly in surprise, but then smiled warmly to her when he realised she was no pirate.

"'Allo there! What can I be doin' fer ye?"

Maiyn pointed quietly over to the side, where Ginia and Ason were standing, trembling slightly. Beside them were the rest of Maiyn's group, watching the smuggler expectantly.

"Chremy is no longer a threat to them," continued Maiyn quietly, her eyes roving across the docks as she spoke. "Ginia has said that you could offer her passage from this island."

"Aye, that I can -- for a price mind," he replied, just as quietly. "I can get them to Ulgoth's Beard -- Therella there, she'd look after them well, and they'd have a good life."

"Then I wish to make sure they get there. What is your price?"

"Well, it be 100 gold pieces a head-"

"Agreed." Maiyn opened her pouch, and quickly counted out the appropriate coin, then added a little more to the tally. "This is to ensure you leave as soon as you can. Their safety may be compromised if they have to wait."

"We can be ready to go in the hour," he murmured. "It was... pleasant to be doin' business with ye. Good day."

Maiyn just nodded to him, and he went over to share the news with his new passengers. Their faces lit up with joy, and he quickly ushered them to follow him, striding off down towards his ship. Ginia quickly ran over to Maiyn, and gave her a quick hug. The ranger returned it awkwardly, but couldn't help smiling.

"Thank you!" exclaimed the girl. "You've saved us in every sense of the word! Farewell!"

The ranger watched as they followed the smuggler onto his vessel, and it suddenly burst into activity as sailors began to bustle around, ensuring they were ready to go to sea. He looked up and offered a wave to the group before disappearing below deck.

Maiyn sighed slightly, and turned to the others. "Now we can find the inn."


The Vulgar Monkey was not the sort of name that inspired confidence in Maiyn when she was looking forward to a warm bed in a quiet tavern, to rest and prepare for the mission ahead. When she got inside, she realised how accurate her concerns were, as she ducked to narrowly avoid a dagger that had been launched from somewhere at the other end of the room, and was apparently aimed at a pirate standing some four feet to her right.

A few minutes later, the innkeeper had thrown out the brawlers, and things were back to what appeared to be normal. 'Normal' seemed to consist of a lot of noise, a lot of singing and a lot of spilt ale. Xan picked up the hem of his robes disdainfully as he picked his way over the stained floor, trying to avoid the larger puddles. The group could only hope that they, too, were merely spilt drinks.

"This way," said Sime," heading towards the far end of the common room, where a solitary man was sitting at one of the few unbroken tables. She didn't even look twice at her surroundings, and seemed to be unaware of the disgust shining through from her companions -- Maiyn wondered how many worse establishments she'd seen back in Athkatla.

"Ah, Sime!" greeted the man as he noticed her approach. "It has been far too long!"

"It has indeed, my friend," she smiled, sitting down at his side, and allowing him to take her hand affectionately. Maiyn was almost certain she could see a glimmer of jealousy in Yoshimo's eyes.

"What brings you here?" Sanik continued, nodding amiably to the others.

"We seek a way into the asylum," replied the thief in hushed tones. Sanik nodded -- there was no surprise or shock on his face, just a thoughtful frown.

"I may be able to help you," he said at length. "I supply them with their basic needs, as you know -- food, spell components, that sort of thing. I will be leaving shortly, however, so any assistance I can offer you will have to be brief."

"Leaving?" asked the thief with surprise. "But why?"

Sanik smiled wryly. "I have had a disagreement with the local Guildmistress," he noted. "My new wife and I shall be taking an extended trip, until things settle back down."

"New wife?" asked Sime incredulously. "Why... congratulations!"

The man beamed happily. "Thank you, my dear. But... let me see how I can help-"

"Greetings, Sanik," came a voice. The group turned to see a small hooded man had approached the table without their notice. "The Lady Galvena sends her regards. She dislikes being crossed."

Sanik leapt to his feet. "The girl is free! You have no claim over her! Leave us be!"

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft." He raised a crossbow to Sanik, and the merchant closed his eyes, preparing for the shot that never came. When he next looked, the man lay dead at Maiyn's feet -- two wounds marked his body; one in his neck and one in his torso. Both the elf's blade and that of the large human beside her were covered with fresh blood.

"It is not safe for you to stay here, it would seem," remarked the elf quietly.

"They have Claire!" exclaimed Sanik. "I must go-"

"No." Maiyn's voice was firm. "We will get the girl for you, and you will leave this island immediately. You have your own ship, I assume?" He nodded dumbly to her, his eyes still fixed to the prone body. "Then go to it -- we will take her there, and you will tell us what you can to aid our task before you leave. Go!"

He turned and fled from the inn, as Maiyn casually wiped her sword clean. "Well, we have Chremy's necklace. Let's see if we can get this girl, and obtain the information we need."


Somehow the man standing guard at the guildhouse allowed them to enter when he saw the pendant they'd taken from Chremy's body. He also seemed to believe their tale of being new recruits from Athkatla, and distractedly waved them to a long dark corridor. The guards at the end seemed less inclined to believe their tale.

"You don't look like guards," said one of them.

"And some of you certainly don't look like new workers," replied the other, staring at Xan. The enchanter looked slightly miffed.

"The Lady Galvena doesn't need to tell worthless oafs like you who she does or doesn't hire," snapped Maiyn, taking a gamble. The guards withdrew slightly, and nodded their agreement. "So let us past."

"Ah, we can't do that," said one of them, hesitantly. "She's in there with the girl, Claire, and... well, she doesn't want to be disturbed."

"Ah, thank you," replied Maiyn, smiling.

"For what?" asked the puzzled guard.

"For telling us where we need to go," said the elf, drawing her sword.

The guards were quickly overwhelmed, and the group moved on into what seemed to be a dungeon. They paused before a heavy door that lay slightly ajar, hearing voices at the other side. Maiyn crept closer to it, and eavesdropped.

"... and as such, a sentence of death has been imposed on you, Claire," came a haughty woman's voice.

"Please!" A much younger voice, sounding like a scared girl, coming between sobs. "I have served you for years! Why can't you just let me go?"

"Silence!" snapped the original voice. "The punishment is severe and immediate -- an example will be made of you, as was made of your 'husband', Sanik. I should think that-"

"Galvena!" A man's voice interrupted. "We have company."

The door was pushed open, and Maiyn jumped back out of the way just in time. A tall woman appeared, with a robed man behind her. Both regarded the group curiously.

"Hmm," said Galvena thoughtfully. She was an aging woman, her grey hair in a tight bun on the back of her head, and her dress clinging to her slim body and covering her completely, from her chin, all the way to her feet. Her face was cold and impassive. "Who are you, woman?" she asked, looking directly to Maiyn. "Where are my useless guards?"

"They are... indisposed," replied the ranger. "I have come for the girl."

"You have come for the girl? How bold! Vadek, what do you make of this?"

The man behind her sneered. "Arrogance is a common trait amongst the dregs of adventuring," he said slyly.

"Well put!" said Galvena approvingly. "I say a lesson in humility is in order. Vadek -- begin!"

"With pleasure!" exclaimed the mage, instantly bringing up several spell protections around himself, while the woman grabbed a whip from a nearby table and advanced with it, lashing it expertly at the group. It nicked Maiyn as it swirled past, drawing blood from her previously unscarred cheek. If she hadn't been so busy dodging the lashes, she would have sighed.

Xan had immediately begun to pepper the opposing mage with breaching spells, allowing Anomen to club him into unconsciousness with his mace before he could do significant damage. A searing pain washed over Maiyn, the first sign that the whip contained poison, and she slumped to the ground weakly, murmuring for a prayer of purification while Minsc advanced upon the woman.

Her whip caught the berserker, but did nothing more than antagonise him enough to expertly disarm her. Without her weapon, she looked vulnerable, and Minsc hesitated slightly, pausing in his advance as he debated on the merits of striking down an unarmed, older woman.
In the blink of an eye, Galvena produced a throwing dagger from somewhere on her person, and launched it through the air, striking Kivan solidly in the arm. Seconds later she lay dead, the arrows from Sime and Yoshimo sticking out from her prone body, as Jaheira tended to the ranger's wound.

Maiyn shakily got to her feet after clearing her system, and shuffled through to see the mage. Anomen was still standing guard over him, and he looked at her with a quizzical expression. She nodded, and the knight swiftly crushed the life from the man before he could regain consciousness. A whimper from an adjoining cell caught the elf's attention.

"Claire?" she asked, looking at the quivering girl.


"Come quickly -- Sanik is waiting for you."

"Sanik?" Her face became hopeful. "But Galvena... she spoke… she spoke as though..."

"An attempt was made on his life," replied Maiyn urgently. "That is why we must go now, and quickly. Come -- we will get you to his ship safely."


Claire flew into Sanik's arms when they arrived, and he quickly pushed her aboard. He turned to the group and thanked them repeatedly for their efforts, then dispensed what advice he could regarding entry to Spellhold.

"There is a Cowled Wizard on the island,” he said quickly. "He goes by the name of Perth the Adept -- he is my contact to deliver supplies, and he accompanies me into the building using the wardstone he possesses. You could find it in his house, perhaps -- it is the large one, up there." He pointed up to the highest part of the town, to a fairly large looking house that sat on the crest of the cliff. "He is... strange, so I would urge you to be cautious in your dealings with him. Other than this, I can offer no help I am afraid."

"That is more than enough already," replied Sime sincerely. "Good journey to you -- look after yourself, and your bride. And go quickly, before news spreads of what has happened."

He nodded, and bid them farewell before scurrying onto the boat. Before long it was sailing from the harbour, as Maiyn argued with the Shadow Thief.

"We can't just leave it like that," insisted the elf, referring to the Courtesan's Guild.

"We have to," insisted Sime. "We cannot rescue them, and if they want their freedom, they can take it now Galvena has gone, before a replacement is found. We've done all we can, Maiyn. You have to let it go and focus on Imoen."

"We could-"

"No." Jaheira's voice interrupted, signalling the end of the argument. "Sime is right -- even if we managed to rid the isle of everything that corrupted it, it would just open up room for a replacement. If the people truly want to be free from the taint that they find living with them, they can use the dent we have made, and work with that to reclaim their land. If we had more time, perhaps we could help -- but we do not."

Maiyn sighed, but relented. "Fine. Then tonight Yoshimo and I will go to this mage's house, and try to find the wardstone we need."

Some of the others frowned. "Why not Yoshimo and Sime?" asked Kivan.

"I want to go," replied Maiyn with a shrug. "And as few people as possible should be involved to draw as little attention as we can."

"This is a potentially dangerous mage," remarked Anomen. "I would be happier knowing we were at least nearby."

"I agree," noted Jaheira. "Very well -- you two shall go in, while Sime scouts around the house. The rest of us will wait a safe distance away, but I do not trust this place enough to allow you both to go out alone. Do you agree with this?"

Maiyn nodded, slightly relieved. Knowing there would be backup nearby made it a less daunting thought, but the excitement she felt welling up at being reunited with Imoen soon was growing and growing within her. "We go to the inn until nightfall, and move when it gets dark. Then we can move straight to the asylum at first light."


Getting into Perth the Adept's home was a simple matter. The door wasn't even locked, let alone trapped, and Yoshimo stealthily lead the way, beginning to rummage quietly through some drawers as soon as they gained entry. Maiyn lingered behind him, her heart beating quickly in her chest. She wasn't used to housebreaking, and her first thought had been to remind herself of Coran and his tales. She'd forced the memory from of him for her mind, trying to concentrate on the task at hand, only to discover that she had no idea how to go about it. Perhaps she should have let Sime go in with the Kara-tuan after all.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Is it time for more experiments, master?" The voice came from nowhere, and both of the intruders jumped. A man glided out from one of the other rooms, looking at them with glazed eyes as he absent-mindedly lit a lantern. The light showed his green robes and pale countenance; Maiyn threw Yoshimo a worried look, but the thief was staring back at the mage intently.

"I await your instruction, warden," murmured Perth distractedly, seeming to pay little attention to them. Then suddenly, his head jerked, and snapped round to look at Maiyn. You are... you... Maiyn. You are Maiyn. The likeness of whom is given to me... in my head. Maiyn... Maiyn."

"And Yoshimo," said the thief suddenly. The elf looked over to him curiously.

"Maiyn..." continued the mage, seemingly oblivious to all else. "Yoshimo... unimportant. Companions of Maiyn... irrelevant. If Maiyn is encountered, do not hesitate to test her limits. Yes! Test her limits!"

A noise outside signalled the arrival of the others -- Sime had noticed the light going on in the house and had alerted them to the change of plan. They burst in as Perth continued his murmuring.

"Test of limits! Yes! Test of limits!" With that, he pointed at Maiyn, and a flash of light engulfed her. She turned and ran, overcome by blind panic.


It wasn't much later that Anomen found her outside, having curled up beside a wall, trying to hide. His remove fear prayer brought her back from the terror she was battling, and the party reconvened in the mage's house, where Sime had discovered the wardstone on his body. Jaheira immediately ordered them to return to the inn, where they had secured rooms for the evening, and they obediently followed the druid as she led the way. Maiyn caught Yoshimo's sleeve as he passed.

"Why did you tell the mage your name?" she asked, looking at him. He seemed to squirm under her gaze.

"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

"I see," she said quietly. "Well, thank you."

He smiled charmingly at her, and continued on his way. She watched as he strode on; she didn't believe his reasons at all, but couldn't place why. He'd never given her any reason to doubt his loyalty, but he'd seemed uneasy on the island, and she couldn't help but feel he wasn't quite being himself.

She sighed -- she was tired and beginning to suspect her own friends of foul play. They had the wardstone, and in a few hours they'd be with Imoen. The thought cheered her up slightly, and they arrived at the inn, wishing each other a good night as they retired to their own rooms.

Maiyn tried not to notice as Sime quietly slinked into Yoshimo's room, unnoticed by anyone else. The ranger had secured a room for herself, away from Jaheira, but was now loathe to spend the time on her own. Her eyes sought out Xan, noting his own attention was focussed on her. Quietly she beckoned him over, then pushed him through the doorway into her room before he could object.

She closed and latched the door after them, then turned to him with a mischievous grin. "Are you feeling better, now we are back on land?" she asked innocently.

"I am," he said, somewhat suspiciously. "Did you require... my company?"

She smiled, making her way over to him, and sharing an embrace that lasted for several minutes. He made no effort to move away, and it was the ranger who pulled apart first, staring up into his dark eyes. His hand stroked the wound she’d collected from Galvena’s whip.

“You are marked on both sides,” he said sorrowfully.

She placed her hand over his, and held it against her cheek, rubbing it gently. "Stay the night with me," she whispered. His eyes widened.



His face softened, and his hand moved gently from her hold to brush the hair away from her face, then worked its way down to loosen the straps on her armour. She reached back up with her face, and kissed him insistently, gently pulling at his robe to free him from its restrictions.

Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.


Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

#2 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 23 December 2006 - 11:23 AM

Oh man! Poor, poor Coran :D

And Brynnlaw is as charming as ever.

#3 Guest_CrazeeFfan_*

Posted 23 December 2006 - 12:44 PM

She sighed inwardly at her own growing cynicism of life and glanced over to Xan. It is all his fault, she told herself. You're spending too much time listening to his constant gloom. At that point he threw her a quizzical look, and she merely responded with a mischievous grin that left him looking quite baffled.


"I am surprised you had any time to observe his actions during our journey," remarked Jaheira dryly, making her way to the gangway. Sime flushed in her wake, and Maiyn grinned.

You've made Sime really likable.

"All good peoples hang their heads in shame!" roared Minsc. "We are betrayed! This sailor man brings the vampires back amongst us... there shall be a mighty reckoning for this!"

Go get 'em Minsc! :D

"I can only think of one person who dare put the pirate up to this," noted Anomen darkly. "The vampire -- Bodhi. Obviously she seeks some form of revenge against us."

When he said this in game, it always made me laugh. It really shows off his high wisdom score!

Maiyn nodded grimly. "Then I need some things from you." The two siblings looked at her cautiously as she continued. "I need the name of this smuggler, and his location. And I need you to tell me where Chremy is. Finally, I want you to promise me you'll stay here until I come back."

It's hero time!

"People are not property!" declared Minsc suddenly. "Boo can see the evilness in your eyes, and he condemns your despicable actions! Though 'despicable' was his word. Boo shall have your eyes! Raargh!" With amazing ease for such a large man in full plate armour, Minsc dashed forward, and swung Lilarcor viciously at the pirate, neatly beheading him

Minsc - 2 Pirates - 0

"Ooooh, we've got a gusher!" exclaimed Larry, who had brightened up since Minsc had removed him from his pack.

Tee hee!

A few minutes later, the innkeeper had thrown out the brawlers, and things were back to what appeared to be normal. 'Normal' seemed to consist of a lot of noise, a lot of singing and a lot of spilt ale. Xan picked up the hem of his robes disdainfully as he picked his way over the stained floor, trying to avoid the larger puddles. The group could only hope that they, too, were merely spilt drinks.

:) Ewww

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft." He raised a crossbow to Sanik, and the merchant closed his eyes, preparing for the shot that never came. When he next looked, the man lay dead at Maiyn's feet -- two wounds marked his body; one in his neck and one in his torso. Both the elf's blade and that of the large human beside her were covered with fresh blood.

If only this was an option on the game...

"There is a Cowled Wizard on the island,” he said quickly. "He goes by the name of Perth the Adept -- he is my contact to deliver supplies, and he accompanies me into the building using the wardstone he possesses. You could find it in his house, perhaps -- it is the large one, up there." He pointed up to the highest part of the town, to a fairly large looking house that sat on the crest of the cliff. "He is... strange, so I would urge you to be cautious in your dealings with him. Other than this, I can offer no help I am afraid."

"Strange"? That's an understatement!

"We can't just leave it like that," insisted the elf, referring to the Courtesan's Guild.

"We have to," insisted Sime. "We cannot rescue them, and if they want their freedom, they can take it now Galvena has gone, before a replacement is found. We've done all we can, Maiyn. You have to let it go and focus on Imoen."

"We could-"

She's got a hero's heart :roll:

"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

That's some darn quick thinking! When he first says this in Irenicus' Dungeon, I always picked the option - "THE Yoshimo!?" - It's exactly what I'd say if I met him in real life.

Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.

I much prefer Coran to Xan. :roll:

Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

Even though I've read it before so I knew it was going to happen, it doesn't make it any less sad. :D

#4 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 23 December 2006 - 01:39 PM

Oh man! Poor, poor Coran :D

Yep! :roll:

And Brynnlaw is as charming as ever.

Isn't it? :) I especially enjoyed describing the inn... :D Though my original draft got a bit carried away and I had to prune quite extensively :roll:

Thanks for reading and commenting :cry:

#5 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 23 December 2006 - 01:47 PM

She sighed inwardly at her own growing cynicism of life and glanced over to Xan. It is all his fault, she told herself. You're spending too much time listening to his constant gloom. At that point he threw her a quizzical look, and she merely responded with a mischievous grin that left him looking quite baffled.


Teehee! :(

"I am surprised you had any time to observe his actions during our journey," remarked Jaheira dryly, making her way to the gangway. Sime flushed in her wake, and Maiyn grinned.

You've made Sime really likable.

Thanks! :roll: the great thing about including non-joinable NPCs is that they're more a blank canvas to paint a personality on, which means it's really hard to make them into something that people can't believe is accurate :( But I've grown quite fond of Sime now, myself :(

"All good peoples hang their heads in shame!" roared Minsc. "We are betrayed! This sailor man brings the vampires back amongst us... there shall be a mighty reckoning for this!"

Go get 'em Minsc! :D

Minsc: Raaargh!
Larry: Swing harder! Swing harder!
Boo: *squeak*

"I can only think of one person who dare put the pirate up to this," noted Anomen darkly. "The vampire -- Bodhi. Obviously she seeks some form of revenge against us."

When he said this in game, it always made me laugh. It really shows off his high wisdom score!

*chortles* Yeah -- way to go Ano-baby! Point out the obvious for us :D

Maiyn nodded grimly. "Then I need some things from you." The two siblings looked at her cautiously as she continued. "I need the name of this smuggler, and his location. And I need you to tell me where Chremy is. Finally, I want you to promise me you'll stay here until I come back."

It's hero time!

Minsc: You called for heroes? Minsc and Boo and Larry stand ready!

"People are not property!" declared Minsc suddenly. "Boo can see the evilness in your eyes, and he condemns your despicable actions! Though 'despicable' was his word. Boo shall have your eyes! Raargh!" With amazing ease for such a large man in full plate armour, Minsc dashed forward, and swung Lilarcor viciously at the pirate, neatly beheading him

Minsc - 2 Pirates - 0

Maiyn: Kinda efficient, isn't he?

"Ooooh, we've got a gusher!" exclaimed Larry, who had brightened up since Minsc had removed him from his pack.

Tee hee!


A few minutes later, the innkeeper had thrown out the brawlers, and things were back to what appeared to be normal. 'Normal' seemed to consist of a lot of noise, a lot of singing and a lot of spilt ale. Xan picked up the hem of his robes disdainfully as he picked his way over the stained floor, trying to avoid the larger puddles. The group could only hope that they, too, were merely spilt drinks.

:) Ewww

Xan: I feel sick.
Maiyn: At least we're off the boat though.
Xan: I'd almost rather be back on it.
Maiyn: Hey, remember Baldur's Gate? There was this inn that was actually IN a boat...
Xan: *goes green*

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft." He raised a crossbow to Sanik, and the merchant closed his eyes, preparing for the shot that never came. When he next looked, the man lay dead at Maiyn's feet -- two wounds marked his body; one in his neck and one in his torso. Both the elf's blade and that of the large human beside her were covered with fresh blood.

If only this was an option on the game...

I know :lol: I really hate cutscenes that force you into things like that -- Sanik and Mook were both ones I really wanted to save, darnit!

"There is a Cowled Wizard on the island,” he said quickly. "He goes by the name of Perth the Adept -- he is my contact to deliver supplies, and he accompanies me into the building using the wardstone he possesses. You could find it in his house, perhaps -- it is the large one, up there." He pointed up to the highest part of the town, to a fairly large looking house that sat on the crest of the cliff. "He is... strange, so I would urge you to be cautious in your dealings with him. Other than this, I can offer no help I am afraid."

"Strange"? That's an understatement!

Jaheira: Quite.
Maiyn: Maybe he didn't want to worry us.
Jaheira: Well, it didn't work.

"We can't just leave it like that," insisted the elf, referring to the Courtesan's Guild.

"We have to," insisted Sime. "We cannot rescue them, and if they want their freedom, they can take it now Galvena has gone, before a replacement is found. We've done all we can, Maiyn. You have to let it go and focus on Imoen."

"We could-"

She's got a hero's heart :roll:

She tries, bless her -- though the others have a point, and she has more important things to do. Though later on, they'll probably be wishing her more generous side would return...

"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

That's some darn quick thinking! When he first says this in Irenicus' Dungeon, I always picked the option - "THE Yoshimo!?" - It's exactly what I'd say if I met him in real life.

Hee! Yeah -- since I missed the opportunity to have this in my own one, I thought I'd shove it in here because... well, I love the line! It just makes his personality for me :D

Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.

I much prefer Coran to Xan. :cry:

Awww... I think both have their strengths and weaknesses :D Thoguh really, I'm not sure which is better for Maiyn.

Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

Even though I've read it before so I knew it was going to happen, it doesn't make it any less sad. :D

*nods* :lol:

Thanks for reading and commenting! :D

#6 Guest_Coutelier_*

Posted 23 December 2006 - 06:14 PM

She sighed inwardly at her own growing cynicism of life and glanced over to Xan. It is all his fault, she told herself. You're spending too much time listening to his constant gloom. At that point he threw her a quizzical look, and she merely responded with a mischievous grin that left him looking quite baffled.

Imoen: Well everyone is a little paranoid sometimes.

Tarant: Healthy in my opinion.

Imoen: Sometimes it is... I don't see how it's healthy to be paranoid all the time. Sometimes you need to trust and have a little faith in people.

"Thank you for your aid," replied Maiyn, eager to get back to firm land underfoot. She wasn't averse to sailing, but she missed being on land. "And our thanks to you and your crew for such a smooth and peaceful trip."

Tarant: What does that bard say? Parting is such sweet sorrow.

"It only proves how short of wit they can be," he replied hastily. "One must always be ahead of his adversaries, after all. Regardless -- we have arrived, and I leave you to your mission. Whatever it may be, of course. It has been a pleasure sailing in your company, but for now, I must take my leave."

Tarant: Of course he wouldn't have a clue about any of that :)

"I am surprised you had any time to observe his actions during our journey," remarked Jaheira dryly, making her way to the gangway. Sime flushed in her wake, and Maiyn grinned.

Imoen: Well ain't she the observant type too.

"This place is dangerous enough," continued the thief. "So be prepared. Even without my suspicions of Saemon, there is risk here."

Imoen: But I thought pirates are all lovable rogues like Jack Sparrow :roll:

Tarant: They're thieves and murderers.

Imoen: Well... so are we, kind of...

Tarant: Those are the good ones though.

"My apologies, as I said..." He paused hesitantly. "This was not my intention at all, but one must do what good business dictates. You will recognise those that you face now -- I do hope that they make short work of this encounter. I have no stomach for violence, really."

Tarant: And next time you meet you may find yourself with no stomach at all :D

A flash signalled Saemon's disappearance, and the vampires attacked. The bright conditions of the day combined with Minsc's berserked attack meant that the battle was not overly long and no one suffered any injury from it. Maiyn was not happy, however.

Imoen: Not very bright vampires... I wonder why they didn't just follow them and wait until it was dark?

"Didn't we stake them?" she snapped, glaring accusingly at Minsc. The berserker was too busy looking for more foes behind a stack of crates to pay any attention to her though.

Come out Romans! Wait, this is Minsc and Boo... I'm thinking of Obelix and Dogmatix.

The girl regarded her fearfully, as if weighing her up as a potential threat. Eventually she seemed to dismiss the notion, and began to speak. "It's Chremy! He owns us and he gets so angry if I return empty handed!"

Aerie: Owns them? T-they're slaves? I-I... I won't stand for this!

"My father died trying to get back into our home," sobbed Ginia. "He was executed for breaking a pirate law -- once they've stolen something, the owner has no claim on it, so he was sentenced to death. Desharik gave me and Ason to Chremy, saying we'd have to pay for my father's mistake, and so now I have to work as... as a... a courtesan." She burst into proper tears at this point.

"Can you not refuse?" Maiyn asked gently.

"He says he'll kill me if she doesn't do what she's told," said Ason suddenly. His small voice was serious, and Maiyn's heart wrenched to see his large eyes looking pleadingly to her.

Aerie: I wouldn't rest until all the slaves were freed. People need to be able to control their own life. I-it's not right for anyone to live like this :roll:

"I'm not sure we have time for this," muttered Sime as Maiyn strode along one of the upper levels of the town. The ranger ignored her. "There are a lot of people here who experience misfortune," persisted the thief. "We cannot possibly hope to help them all and reach Imoen."

Aerie: There must be others who think this slavery is wrong... b-but maybe they don't think they can do anything to help. But maybe helping these two will inspire them to help the others, yes?

"What is the meaning of this?" he snapped impatiently. "Those leeches are my property -- you'll stay away from them."

Aerie: He's disgusting... y-you can't own people!

Imoen: Settle down kid.

Aerie: I-I'm sorry... it's just... a little personal is all.

"People are not property!" declared Minsc suddenly. "Boo can see the evilness in your eyes, and he condemns your despicable actions! Though 'despicable' was his word. Boo shall have your eyes! Raargh!" With amazing ease for such a large man in full plate armour, Minsc dashed forward, and swung Lilarcor viciously at the pirate, neatly beheading him.

"Ooooh, we've got a gusher!" exclaimed Larry, who had brightened up since Minsc had removed him from his pack.

Aerie: Well... a l-little bloody for my tastes, but I still agree with the sentiment.

Maiyn just nodded to him, and he went over to share the news with his new passengers. Their faces lit up with joy, and he quickly ushered them to follow him, striding off down towards his ship. Ginia quickly ran over to Maiyn, and gave her a quick hug. The ranger returned it awkwardly, but couldn't help smiling.

"Thank you!" exclaimed the girl. "You've saved us in every sense of the word! Farewell!"

The ranger watched as they followed the smuggler onto his vessel, and it suddenly burst into activity as sailors began to bustle around, ensuring they were ready to go to sea. He looked up and offered a wave to the group before disappearing below deck.

Maiyn sighed slightly, and turned to the others. "Now we can find the inn."

Aerie: I-I'm sorry... I know it means you've to wait a little longer to find Imoen, but I-I'm glad you helped those people.

A few minutes later, the innkeeper had thrown out the brawlers, and things were back to what appeared to be normal. 'Normal' seemed to consist of a lot of noise, a lot of singing and a lot of spilt ale. Xan picked up the hem of his robes disdainfully as he picked his way over the stained floor, trying to avoid the larger puddles. The group could only hope that they, too, were merely spilt drinks.

Tarant: I don't think bringing Xan to the tavern was a good idea anyway. Someone like him will probably stand out a little in this place.

Sanik smiled wryly. "I have had a disagreement with the local Guildmistress," he noted. "My new wife and I shall be taking an extended trip, until things settle back down."

"New wife?" asked Sime incredulously. "Why... congratulations!"

Tarant: I guess Yoshi can relax... if only a little.

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft."

Aerie: :D There's just no end to it, is there?

Somehow the man standing guard at the guildhouse allowed them to enter when he saw the pendant they'd taken from Chremy's body. He also seemed to believe their tale of being new recruits from Athkatla, and distractedly waved them to a long dark corridor. The guards at the end seemed less inclined to believe their tale.

"You don't look like guards," said one of them.

"And some of you certainly don't look like new workers," replied the other, staring at Xan. The enchanter looked slightly miffed.

Imoen: Yeah... look at his lily white hands.

"Please!" A much younger voice, sounding like a scared girl, coming between sobs. "I have served you for years! Why can't you just let me go?"

Aerie: They like to feel powerful, I guess. They're pitiful really.

"You have come for the girl? How bold! Vadek, what do you make of this?"

The man behind her sneered. "Arrogance is a common trait amongst the dregs of adventuring," he said slyly.

Imoen: Oh, but never amongst you villains.

"With pleasure!" exclaimed the mage, instantly bringing up several spell protections around himself, while the woman grabbed a whip from a nearby table and advanced with it, lashing it expertly at the group. It nicked Maiyn as it swirled past, drawing blood from her previously unscarred cheek. If she hadn't been so busy dodging the lashes, she would have sighed.

Aerie: Whips can be very nasty...

Edwin: But did you know they're the first man made device ever to break the sound barrier. That's what the sound of a whips cracking is... quite interesting, I thought.

Maiyn shakily got to her feet after clearing her system, and shuffled through to see the mage. Anomen was still standing guard over him, and he looked at her with a quizzical expression. She nodded, and the knight swiftly crushed the life from the man before he could regain consciousness. A whimper from an adjoining cell caught the elf's attention.

Aerie: I'm glad Claire is safe, b-but... was that necessary?

Tarant: Well, they can't put him in jail and the last thing any adventurer wants is enemies appearing at their backs they could have taken care of earlier.

"We can't just leave it like that," insisted the elf, referring to the Courtesan's Guild.

"We have to," insisted Sime. "We cannot rescue them, and if they want their freedom, they can take it now Galvena has gone, before a replacement is found. We've done all we can, Maiyn. You have to let it go and focus on Imoen."

Aerie: I'd have to agree... y-you've done more than enough for one day.

Imoen: Yeah... I was afraid people were all forgetting about the cute little red head.

"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

Tarant: Could have been your mistake... They only people we know who have actually heard of him don't seem to like him very much.

Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.

Imoen: Does he still think he's doomed?

Tarant: Now more than ever I expect.

Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

Poor Coran. I'd feel sorry for him... had he done a better job of keeping his companions alive of course.

Good chapter!

#7 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 24 December 2006 - 11:23 AM

She sighed inwardly at her own growing cynicism of life and glanced over to Xan. It is all his fault, she told herself. You're spending too much time listening to his constant gloom. At that point he threw her a quizzical look, and she merely responded with a mischievous grin that left him looking quite baffled.

Imoen: Well everyone is a little paranoid sometimes.

Tarant: Healthy in my opinion.

Imoen: Sometimes it is... I don't see how it's healthy to be paranoid all the time. Sometimes you need to trust and have a little faith in people.

Maiyn: She's right!
Imoen: Duh, of course I am! I'm always right!

"Thank you for your aid," replied Maiyn, eager to get back to firm land underfoot. She wasn't averse to sailing, but she missed being on land. "And our thanks to you and your crew for such a smooth and peaceful trip."

Tarant: What does that bard say? Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Maiyn: Take out the 'sorrow' and you'd be a touch more accurate.

"It only proves how short of wit they can be," he replied hastily. "One must always be ahead of his adversaries, after all. Regardless -- we have arrived, and I leave you to your mission. Whatever it may be, of course. It has been a pleasure sailing in your company, but for now, I must take my leave."

Tarant: Of course he wouldn't have a clue about any of that :D

Saemon: Not a jot. Know nothing, I do. Well, except about sailing, because there's none quite like me!
Maiyn: :roll: Quite.

"I am surprised you had any time to observe his actions during our journey," remarked Jaheira dryly, making her way to the gangway. Sime flushed in her wake, and Maiyn grinned.

Imoen: Well ain't she the observant type too.

Jaheira: It was rather hard not to notice.
Maiyn: Rather hard, eh? How close were you looking?
Jaheira: *glare*

"This place is dangerous enough," continued the thief. "So be prepared. Even without my suspicions of Saemon, there is risk here."

Imoen: But I thought pirates are all lovable rogues like Jack Sparrow :?

Tarant: They're thieves and murderers.

Imoen: Well... so are we, kind of...

Tarant: Those are the good ones though.

Maiyn: :)

"My apologies, as I said..." He paused hesitantly. "This was not my intention at all, but one must do what good business dictates. You will recognise those that you face now -- I do hope that they make short work of this encounter. I have no stomach for violence, really."

Tarant: And next time you meet you may find yourself with no stomach at all :D

Xzar: Ooooooh! How delightfully sinister and threatening!

A flash signalled Saemon's disappearance, and the vampires attacked. The bright conditions of the day combined with Minsc's berserked attack meant that the battle was not overly long and no one suffered any injury from it. Maiyn was not happy, however.

Imoen: Not very bright vampires... I wonder why they didn't just follow them and wait until it was dark?

Jaheira: They probably expected us to be fatigued from our journey and caught unaware. Little did they know that only Xan felt like that...

"Didn't we stake them?" she snapped, glaring accusingly at Minsc. The berserker was too busy looking for more foes behind a stack of crates to pay any attention to her though.

Come out Romans! Wait, this is Minsc and Boo... I'm thinking of Obelix and Dogmatix.

:lol: :lol:

The girl regarded her fearfully, as if weighing her up as a potential threat. Eventually she seemed to dismiss the notion, and began to speak. "It's Chremy! He owns us and he gets so angry if I return empty handed!"

Aerie: Owns them? T-they're slaves? I-I... I won't stand for this!

Whooooooo, calm down!

"My father died trying to get back into our home," sobbed Ginia. "He was executed for breaking a pirate law -- once they've stolen something, the owner has no claim on it, so he was sentenced to death. Desharik gave me and Ason to Chremy, saying we'd have to pay for my father's mistake, and so now I have to work as... as a... a courtesan." She burst into proper tears at this point.

"Can you not refuse?" Maiyn asked gently.

"He says he'll kill me if she doesn't do what she's told," said Ason suddenly. His small voice was serious, and Maiyn's heart wrenched to see his large eyes looking pleadingly to her.

Aerie: I wouldn't rest until all the slaves were freed. People need to be able to control their own life. I-it's not right for anyone to live like this :(

Maiyn: I have to agree!
Sime: *sigh*

"I'm not sure we have time for this," muttered Sime as Maiyn strode along one of the upper levels of the town. The ranger ignored her. "There are a lot of people here who experience misfortune," persisted the thief. "We cannot possibly hope to help them all and reach Imoen."

Aerie: There must be others who think this slavery is wrong... b-but maybe they don't think they can do anything to help. But maybe helping these two will inspire them to help the others, yes?

Maiyn: From my own experience, people are too lazy to act unless you do it all for them. I mean, just look at the 'quests' we've done.

"What is the meaning of this?" he snapped impatiently. "Those leeches are my property -- you'll stay away from them."

Aerie: He's disgusting... y-you can't own people!

Imoen: Settle down kid.

Aerie: I-I'm sorry... it's just... a little personal is all.

Awww :(

"People are not property!" declared Minsc suddenly. "Boo can see the evilness in your eyes, and he condemns your despicable actions! Though 'despicable' was his word. Boo shall have your eyes! Raargh!" With amazing ease for such a large man in full plate armour, Minsc dashed forward, and swung Lilarcor viciously at the pirate, neatly beheading him.

"Ooooh, we've got a gusher!" exclaimed Larry, who had brightened up since Minsc had removed him from his pack.

Aerie: Well... a l-little bloody for my tastes, but I still agree with the sentiment.

Minsc: Minsc and Boo and Larry are glad to oblige!

Maiyn just nodded to him, and he went over to share the news with his new passengers. Their faces lit up with joy, and he quickly ushered them to follow him, striding off down towards his ship. Ginia quickly ran over to Maiyn, and gave her a quick hug. The ranger returned it awkwardly, but couldn't help smiling.

"Thank you!" exclaimed the girl. "You've saved us in every sense of the word! Farewell!"

The ranger watched as they followed the smuggler onto his vessel, and it suddenly burst into activity as sailors began to bustle around, ensuring they were ready to go to sea. He looked up and offered a wave to the group before disappearing below deck.

Maiyn sighed slightly, and turned to the others. "Now we can find the inn."

Aerie: I-I'm sorry... I know it means you've to wait a little longer to find Imoen, but I-I'm glad you helped those people.

Maiyn: So'm I.

A few minutes later, the innkeeper had thrown out the brawlers, and things were back to what appeared to be normal. 'Normal' seemed to consist of a lot of noise, a lot of singing and a lot of spilt ale. Xan picked up the hem of his robes disdainfully as he picked his way over the stained floor, trying to avoid the larger puddles. The group could only hope that they, too, were merely spilt drinks.

Tarant: I don't think bringing Xan to the tavern was a good idea anyway. Someone like him will probably stand out a little in this place.

Xan: You mean, I prefer to be clean, and I notice the absolute filth in this hideous hellhole? Absolutely.
Maiyn: Shhh. Just pretend it's an everyday sight.
Xan: :roll:

Sanik smiled wryly. "I have had a disagreement with the local Guildmistress," he noted. "My new wife and I shall be taking an extended trip, until things settle back down."

"New wife?" asked Sime incredulously. "Why... congratulations!"

Tarant: I guess Yoshi can relax... if only a little.

Yoshimo: Er, yes. I can. Yes. Everything is... great, my friend. Yes.

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft."

Aerie: :cry: There's just no end to it, is there?

Maiyn: Oh, there will be if I get my way...
Jaheira: *sigh*

Somehow the man standing guard at the guildhouse allowed them to enter when he saw the pendant they'd taken from Chremy's body. He also seemed to believe their tale of being new recruits from Athkatla, and distractedly waved them to a long dark corridor. The guards at the end seemed less inclined to believe their tale.

"You don't look like guards," said one of them.

"And some of you certainly don't look like new workers," replied the other, staring at Xan. The enchanter looked slightly miffed.

Imoen: Yeah... look at his lily white hands.

Maiyn: *stare* Yep, I'm looking.
Xan: Ahem.

"Please!" A much younger voice, sounding like a scared girl, coming between sobs. "I have served you for years! Why can't you just let me go?"

Aerie: They like to feel powerful, I guess. They're pitiful really.

They are :(

"You have come for the girl? How bold! Vadek, what do you make of this?"

The man behind her sneered. "Arrogance is a common trait amongst the dregs of adventuring," he said slyly.

Imoen: Oh, but never amongst you villains.

Irenicus: No, never. Why do you choose to point this out?

"With pleasure!" exclaimed the mage, instantly bringing up several spell protections around himself, while the woman grabbed a whip from a nearby table and advanced with it, lashing it expertly at the group. It nicked Maiyn as it swirled past, drawing blood from her previously unscarred cheek. If she hadn't been so busy dodging the lashes, she would have sighed.

Aerie: Whips can be very nasty...

Edwin: But did you know they're the first man made device ever to break the sound barrier. That's what the sound of a whips cracking is... quite interesting, I thought.

Maiyn: *steps back a little* Fascinating...

Maiyn shakily got to her feet after clearing her system, and shuffled through to see the mage. Anomen was still standing guard over him, and he looked at her with a quizzical expression. She nodded, and the knight swiftly crushed the life from the man before he could regain consciousness. A whimper from an adjoining cell caught the elf's attention.

Aerie: I'm glad Claire is safe, b-but... was that necessary?

Tarant: Well, they can't put him in jail and the last thing any adventurer wants is enemies appearing at their backs they could have taken care of earlier.

Maiyn: What he said. Plus, he was cruel -- he deserved to die.
Jaheira & Kivan: *worried looks*

"We can't just leave it like that," insisted the elf, referring to the Courtesan's Guild.

"We have to," insisted Sime. "We cannot rescue them, and if they want their freedom, they can take it now Galvena has gone, before a replacement is found. We've done all we can, Maiyn. You have to let it go and focus on Imoen."

Aerie: I'd have to agree... y-you've done more than enough for one day.

Imoen: Yeah... I was afraid people were all forgetting about the cute little red head.

Maiyn: Not much chance of that!
Imoen: *phew*

"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

Tarant: Could have been your mistake... They only people we know who have actually heard of him don't seem to like him very much.

Maiyn: Hmm, how true. Renal wasn't exactly overly fond of you, was he?
Yoshimo: Well... hmm.

Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.

Imoen: Does he still think he's doomed?

Tarant: Now more than ever I expect.

Xan: It's hopeless.

Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

Poor Coran. I'd feel sorry for him... had he done a better job of keeping his companions alive of course.


Good chapter!

Thanks! And thanks for reading and commenting! :D

#8 Guest_Keldan_*

Posted 26 December 2006 - 01:15 AM

Maiyn nodded; she was getting used to things being different to how they looked. It seemed to be one of the major guidelines of being an adventurer -- take nothing at face value. Because the town appeared to be quiet and peaceful, she just knew there would be a seedy underside to it, or some other form of criminal element. There just had to be.

Edwin: They would do well to turn the entire place into a ruin. And then rebuild it and turn it into a tourist trap.
Willow: How about we live and let live?
Edwin: Pfeh.

Eventually they anchored, and gangplanks were put in place to provide a way off the ship. The party hung back, allowing the sailors to disembark first, boisterous as they were. Saemon approached them, a fabulous smile adorning his face.


"And thank you to you, for your delightful company," he remarked, taking Maiyn's hand, and gently raising it to his lips, where he offered a charming kiss. She smiled politely in return, but withdrew her hand when it was freed from his grasp.

Willow: His lips are softer than they look, aren't they, though?
Edwin: :lol:

He turned and left the ship, striding quickly and purposefully to the docks where he paused at a call of his name. Within moments he was in deep discussion with some sailors the group didn't recognise.

Does he sway like Jack Sparrow? :?

"I do not trust that man," muttered Sime. "His manner is that of a fool, but his behaviour during the voyage betrays a cunning mind beneath."

Willow: *sniggers*
Saemon: It's cunning enough.
Edwin: That reminds me... *whacks Saemon*

"My apologies, as I said..." He paused hesitantly. "This was not my intention at all, but one must do what good business dictates. You will recognise those that you face now -- I do hope that they make short work of this encounter. I have no stomach for violence, really."

Edwin: My jaw would beg to disagree.
Saemon: A one-time occurence, let me assure you. I'm sure my handsome counterpart there is as much a pacifist as I.

"Certainly, this was her doing," replied the thief dryly. "These creatures would not have followed him of their own will. His weakness would disgust them."

Saemon: I beg your pardon? Business, my friend, business. As an Amnian, you of all people should understand that.
Willow: Some of us prefer honesty to business.
Saemon: Yes, well...

Ginia laughed mirthlessly between her tears. "There is no way off the island for Ason and me. The only ship that is not run by Desharik that would allow us on board is commanded by a smuggler who charges a price far too high for us to be able to afford."

Willow: Sounds like they've got their work cut out for them.
Edwin: What happened to "Live and let live," might I ask?
Willow: Now it's live and let die.

The Vulgar Monkey was not the sort of name that inspired confidence in Maiyn when she was looking forward to a warm bed in a quiet tavern, to rest and prepare for the mission ahead. When she got inside, she realised how accurate her concerns were, as she ducked to narrowly avoid a dagger that had been launched from somewhere at the other end of the room, and was apparently aimed at a pirate standing some four feet to her right.

It's the Mended Drum! :)

"This way," said Sime," heading towards the far end of the common room, where a solitary man was sitting at one of the few unbroken tables. She didn't even look twice at her surroundings, and seemed to be unaware of the disgust shining through from her companions -- Maiyn wondered how many worse establishments she'd seen back in Athkatla.

Well, she's a thief, so... a lot?

"It has indeed, my friend," she smiled, sitting down at his side, and allowing him to take her hand affectionately. Maiyn was almost certain she could see a glimmer of jealousy in Yoshimo's eyes.

Poor jealous Yoshi. :D

"Greetings, Sanik," came a voice. The group turned to see a small hooded man had approached the table without their notice. "The Lady Galvena sends her regards. She dislikes being crossed."

How'd you like to be crossed a few times around a pole?

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft." He raised a crossbow to Sanik, and the merchant closed his eyes, preparing for the shot that never came. When he next looked, the man lay dead at Maiyn's feet -- two wounds marked his body; one in his neck and one in his torso. Both the elf's blade and that of the large human beside her were covered with fresh blood.

Or that could work, too.

"And some of you certainly don't look like new workers," replied the other, staring at Xan. The enchanter looked slightly miffed.

Depends on the kind of work you mean... :D

"For telling us where we need to go," said the elf, drawing her sword.

Willow: Nice. If unnecessary.

"I await your instruction, warden," murmured Perth distractedly, seeming to pay little attention to them. Then suddenly, his head jerked, and snapped round to look at Maiyn. You are... you... Maiyn. You are Maiyn. The likeness of whom is given to me... in my head. Maiyn... Maiyn."

"And Yoshimo," said the thief suddenly. The elf looked over to him curiously.

Aha! An "aha!" moment. :)

"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

Riiiiight. A likely story.

Maiyn tried not to notice as Sime quietly slinked into Yoshimo's room, unnoticed by anyone else. The ranger had secured a room for herself, away from Jaheira, but was now loathe to spend the time on her own. Her eyes sought out Xan, noting his own attention was focussed on her. Quietly she beckoned him over, then pushed him through the doorway into her room before he could object.

Willow: *takes notes*

Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.


I mean, uh... no, that's what I mean. :)

Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

Wow, I almost feel sorry for him. No, wait... I do feel sorry for him! :oops:


#9 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 26 December 2006 - 12:37 PM

Maiyn nodded; she was getting used to things being different to how they looked. It seemed to be one of the major guidelines of being an adventurer -- take nothing at face value. Because the town appeared to be quiet and peaceful, she just knew there would be a seedy underside to it, or some other form of criminal element. There just had to be.

Edwin: They would do well to turn the entire place into a ruin. And then rebuild it and turn it into a tourist trap.
Willow: How about we live and let live?
Edwin: Pfeh.

Saemon: Aye... I could become a business partner, dealing with the transport to and from the resort.
Maiyn: I'd rather eat my own arm.

Eventually they anchored, and gangplanks were put in place to provide a way off the ship. The party hung back, allowing the sailors to disembark first, boisterous as they were. Saemon approached them, a fabulous smile adorning his face.



"And thank you to you, for your delightful company," he remarked, taking Maiyn's hand, and gently raising it to his lips, where he offered a charming kiss. She smiled politely in return, but withdrew her hand when it was freed from his grasp.

Willow: His lips are softer than they look, aren't they, though?
Edwin: :)

Maiyn: I... can't say I noticed...
Coran: *phew*

He turned and left the ship, striding quickly and purposefully to the docks where he paused at a call of his name. Within moments he was in deep discussion with some sailors the group didn't recognise.

Does he sway like Jack Sparrow? :D

Maiyn: Hmm. Now you come to mention it, he did sway a bit...
Jaheira: I thought that was just the movements of the ship under his feet causing it.
Kivan: Or too much rum...

"I do not trust that man," muttered Sime. "His manner is that of a fool, but his behaviour during the voyage betrays a cunning mind beneath."

Willow: *sniggers*
Saemon: It's cunning enough.
Edwin: That reminds me... *whacks Saemon*

Maiyn: Oi -- this is my Saemon to smack!

"My apologies, as I said..." He paused hesitantly. "This was not my intention at all, but one must do what good business dictates. You will recognise those that you face now -- I do hope that they make short work of this encounter. I have no stomach for violence, really."

Edwin: My jaw would beg to disagree.
Saemon: A one-time occurence, let me assure you. I'm sure my handsome counterpart there is as much a pacifist as I.

Saemon: Oh, of course. A life of violence just isn't the way for me, so I suggest you don't fight back too much -- make it relatively quick!
Maiyn: How helpful. :)

"Certainly, this was her doing," replied the thief dryly. "These creatures would not have followed him of their own will. His weakness would disgust them."

Saemon: I beg your pardon? Business, my friend, business. As an Amnian, you of all people should understand that.
Willow: Some of us prefer honesty to business.
Saemon: Yes, well...

Sime: I understand business -- shall I introduce you to my specific brand of business, one I affectionately call 'assassination'? :D

Ginia laughed mirthlessly between her tears. "There is no way off the island for Ason and me. The only ship that is not run by Desharik that would allow us on board is commanded by a smuggler who charges a price far too high for us to be able to afford."

Willow: Sounds like they've got their work cut out for them.
Edwin: What happened to "Live and let live," might I ask?
Willow: Now it's live and let die.


The Vulgar Monkey was not the sort of name that inspired confidence in Maiyn when she was looking forward to a warm bed in a quiet tavern, to rest and prepare for the mission ahead. When she got inside, she realised how accurate her concerns were, as she ducked to narrowly avoid a dagger that had been launched from somewhere at the other end of the room, and was apparently aimed at a pirate standing some four feet to her right.

It's the Mended Drum! :?

Hahahaha! :D

"This way," said Sime," heading towards the far end of the common room, where a solitary man was sitting at one of the few unbroken tables. She didn't even look twice at her surroundings, and seemed to be unaware of the disgust shining through from her companions -- Maiyn wondered how many worse establishments she'd seen back in Athkatla.

Well, she's a thief, so... a lot?

Sime: You'd never believe me, even if I told you an exact figure.

"It has indeed, my friend," she smiled, sitting down at his side, and allowing him to take her hand affectionately. Maiyn was almost certain she could see a glimmer of jealousy in Yoshimo's eyes.

Poor jealous Yoshi. :D

Yoshimo: Yoshimo is not jealous! Yoshimo is... wary about strangers, that is all.

"Greetings, Sanik," came a voice. The group turned to see a small hooded man had approached the table without their notice. "The Lady Galvena sends her regards. She dislikes being crossed."

How'd you like to be crossed a few times around a pole?

Maiyn: Suddenly I have images of men and women ducking around each other as they hold onto oversize pieces of ribbon and dance around a pole.
Imoen: ...is that some sorta elven thing?
Maiyn: I dunno. We might have to ask Xan.

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft." He raised a crossbow to Sanik, and the merchant closed his eyes, preparing for the shot that never came. When he next looked, the man lay dead at Maiyn's feet -- two wounds marked his body; one in his neck and one in his torso. Both the elf's blade and that of the large human beside her were covered with fresh blood.

Or that could work, too.

Minsc: Minsc finds most bunions of evil only understand the language of the sharp, pointy sword!

"And some of you certainly don't look like new workers," replied the other, staring at Xan. The enchanter looked slightly miffed.

Depends on the kind of work you mean... :D

Xan: :oops:

"For telling us where we need to go," said the elf, drawing her sword.

Willow: Nice. If unnecessary.

Maiyn: I can remember a few times when I've made the same comment in return, and you're not as plot advanced as me...
Jaheira: I sympathise with my couterpart, then.

"I await your instruction, warden," murmured Perth distractedly, seeming to pay little attention to them. Then suddenly, his head jerked, and snapped round to look at Maiyn. You are... you... Maiyn. You are Maiyn. The likeness of whom is given to me... in my head. Maiyn... Maiyn."

"And Yoshimo," said the thief suddenly. The elf looked over to him curiously.

Aha! An "aha!" moment. :D


"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

Riiiiight. A likely story.

Maiyn: Well... that's what I thought, but what need would he have to lie to me? We're all friends here.
Yoshimo: Er... yes.

Maiyn tried not to notice as Sime quietly slinked into Yoshimo's room, unnoticed by anyone else. The ranger had secured a room for herself, away from Jaheira, but was now loathe to spend the time on her own. Her eyes sought out Xan, noting his own attention was focussed on her. Quietly she beckoned him over, then pushed him through the doorway into her room before he could object.

Willow: *takes notes*


Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.


Oh oh oh, like YOU of all people can talk!!!!! :lol:

I mean, uh... no, that's what I mean. :lol:


Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

Wow, I almost feel sorry for him. No, wait... I do feel sorry for him! :lol:


Quite :D And it can only get worse in my little world... :D

Thanks for reading and commenting! :D

#10 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 27 December 2006 - 07:21 AM

She sighed inwardly at her own growing cynicism of life and glanced over to Xan. It is all his fault, she told herself. You're spending too much time listening to his constant gloom. At that point he threw her a quizzical look, and she merely responded with a mischievous grin that left him looking quite baffled.

Nothing wrong with developing a more realistic outlook on things… though Xan of course takes his gloom to other side of the extreme.

"I noticed the ships in the distance last night," she said casually. "Your signals to them -- were they some type of warning?"

Yeah… though I am surprised that Sime noticed anything else besides Yoshimo.

"I do not trust that man," muttered Sime. "His manner is that of a fool, but his behaviour during the voyage betrays a cunning mind beneath."

I always thought he was just exceptionally lucky. ;)

"Ah, my friends!" came the Captain's voice, causing Sime to groan. He rushed over to them, an apologetic smile on his face. "I fear I cannot allow you to leave my presence just yet. While I admit to a certain fondness for you all, I have little choice in what I must do."

Ahem, right. I really, really like you, which I am sure will make you feel so much better while I stab you in the back. :)

A flash signalled Saemon's disappearance, and the vampires attacked. The bright conditions of the day combined with Minsc's berserked attack meant that the battle was not overly long and no one suffered any injury from it. Maiyn was not happy, however.

I still wonder why Saemon should have revealed himself as a traitor when there was so little chance of the vamps actually defeating Maiyn’s group.

The girl regarded her fearfully, as if weighing her up as a potential threat. Eventually she seemed to dismiss the notion, and began to speak. "It's Chremy! He owns us and he gets so angry if I return empty handed!"

Ah, good old Chremy. Always loved to chunk that creep to small pieces. ;)

"He says he'll kill me if she doesn't do what she's told," said Ason suddenly. His small voice was serious, and Maiyn's heart wrenched to see his large eyes looking pleadingly to her.

And I am certain it’s not an empty threat.

Maiyn walked right up to her target, and stood before him, a glare imprinted on her face. The other men slunk away quietly, detecting the enmity emanating from the stranger, and seemingly unwilling to take any part in what was to happen.

Seems like nobody really likes him and would not object to him getting offed. :(

"People are not property!" declared Minsc suddenly. "Boo can see the evilness in your eyes, and he condemns your despicable actions! Though 'despicable' was his word. Boo shall have your eyes! Raargh!" With amazing ease for such a large man in full plate armour, Minsc dashed forward, and swung Lilarcor viciously at the pirate, neatly beheading him.

So much for Chremy reconsidering his Evil ways. Oh well. ;)

"It means you are employed by Madame Galvena," replied the thief quietly.

"Madame Galvena?"

"The owner of the Courtesan's Guild."

Maiyn! We had no idea! :D

A few minutes later, the innkeeper had thrown out the brawlers, and things were back to what appeared to be normal. 'Normal' seemed to consist of a lot of noise, a lot of singing and a lot of spilt ale. Xan picked up the hem of his robes disdainfully as he picked his way over the stained floor, trying to avoid the larger puddles. The group could only hope that they, too, were merely spilt drinks.

Err… I would not count on it… unfortunately. ;)

"It has indeed, my friend," she smiled, sitting down at his side, and allowing him to take her hand affectionately. Maiyn was almost certain she could see a glimmer of jealousy in Yoshimo's eyes.

Heh, he even has time for romance and jealousy right before betraying them? Right… :)

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft." He raised a crossbow to Sanik, and the merchant closed his eyes, preparing for the shot that never came. When he next looked, the man lay dead at Maiyn's feet -- two wounds marked his body; one in his neck and one in his torso. Both the elf's blade and that of the large human beside her were covered with fresh blood.

Guess what, this group is immune vs. cutscenes. :)

"Hmm," said Galvena thoughtfully. She was an aging woman, her grey hair in a tight bun on the back of her head, and her dress clinging to her slim body and covering her completely, from her chin, all the way to her feet. Her face was cold and impassive. "Who are you, woman?" she asked, looking directly to Maiyn. "Where are my useless guards?"

I think you just answered your own question there. They proved to be useless. :D

In the blink of an eye, Galvena produced a throwing dagger from somewhere on her person, and launched it through the air, striking Kivan solidly in the arm. Seconds later she lay dead, the arrows from Sime and Yoshimo sticking out from her prone body, as Jaheira tended to the ranger's wound.

Nice when they solve your moral dilemmas by letting you kill them in self-defence!

"No." Jaheira's voice interrupted, signalling the end of the argument. "Sime is right -- even if we managed to rid the isle of everything that corrupted it, it would just open up room for a replacement. If the people truly want to be free from the taint that they find living with them, they can use the dent we have made, and work with that to reclaim their land. If we had more time, perhaps we could help -- but we do not."

Spoken like a True Neutral, but being a CN myself I do agree. ;)

Maiyn sighed, but relented. "Fine. Then tonight Yoshimo and I will go to this mage's house, and try to find the wardstone we need."

Some of the others frowned. "Why not Yoshimo and Sime?" asked Kivan.

Because they could decide to make out on the carpet in Perth’s living room and get discovered, that’s why.

"I await your instruction, warden," murmured Perth distractedly, seeming to pay little attention to them. Then suddenly, his head jerked, and snapped round to look at Maiyn. You are... you... Maiyn. You are Maiyn. The likeness of whom is given to me... in my head. Maiyn... Maiyn."

"And Yoshimo," said the thief suddenly. The elf looked over to him curiously.

Oh don’t mind that Maiyn, he’s just trying to tell you that he’s an ally of Irenicus… nothing to worry about…

"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

Right… very convincing. ;)

Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.

Well, it was about bloody time. ;)

Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

Summon Nalia! ;)

#11 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 27 December 2006 - 10:25 AM

She sighed inwardly at her own growing cynicism of life and glanced over to Xan. It is all his fault, she told herself. You're spending too much time listening to his constant gloom. At that point he threw her a quizzical look, and she merely responded with a mischievous grin that left him looking quite baffled.

Nothing wrong with developing a more realistic outlook on things… though Xan of course takes his gloom to other side of the extreme.

Xan: It's not my fault if realism really is so depressing.
Maiyn: *weeps*

"I noticed the ships in the distance last night," she said casually. "Your signals to them -- were they some type of warning?"

Yeah… though I am surprised that Sime noticed anything else besides Yoshimo.

Maiyn: When she started talking about flashing, I got quite nervous -- then she told me she meant lights.

"I do not trust that man," muttered Sime. "His manner is that of a fool, but his behaviour during the voyage betrays a cunning mind beneath."

I always thought he was just exceptionally lucky. :D

Saemon: Nay, my friend -- to survive as long as I have, you need the intelligence of a thousand men!
Maiyn: I think I agree with Theo...

"Ah, my friends!" came the Captain's voice, causing Sime to groan. He rushed over to them, an apologetic smile on his face. "I fear I cannot allow you to leave my presence just yet. While I admit to a certain fondness for you all, I have little choice in what I must do."

Ahem, right. I really, really like you, which I am sure will make you feel so much better while I stab you in the back. :)

Saemon: Well, at least they'll know I cared!

A flash signalled Saemon's disappearance, and the vampires attacked. The bright conditions of the day combined with Minsc's berserked attack meant that the battle was not overly long and no one suffered any injury from it. Maiyn was not happy, however.

I still wonder why Saemon should have revealed himself as a traitor when there was so little chance of the vamps actually defeating Maiyn’s group.

Because, I think, he assumes that they could easily tear him apart, therefore, they must be uber-powerful and the horrible little adventurers he's had to put up with, will be mincemeat by the end :D

And the very first time I was playing the game... he was right! :D

The girl regarded her fearfully, as if weighing her up as a potential threat. Eventually she seemed to dismiss the notion, and began to speak. "It's Chremy! He owns us and he gets so angry if I return empty handed!"

Ah, good old Chremy. Always loved to chunk that creep to small pieces. :D


"He says he'll kill me if she doesn't do what she's told," said Ason suddenly. His small voice was serious, and Maiyn's heart wrenched to see his large eyes looking pleadingly to her.

And I am certain it’s not an empty threat.

Maiyn: That's what worries me.

Maiyn walked right up to her target, and stood before him, a glare imprinted on her face. The other men slunk away quietly, detecting the enmity emanating from the stranger, and seemingly unwilling to take any part in what was to happen.

Seems like nobody really likes him and would not object to him getting offed. ;)

Jaheira: I am not sure that this is reason enough to do it. We should try and talk to him first, to establish both sides of the situation.

"People are not property!" declared Minsc suddenly. "Boo can see the evilness in your eyes, and he condemns your despicable actions! Though 'despicable' was his word. Boo shall have your eyes! Raargh!" With amazing ease for such a large man in full plate armour, Minsc dashed forward, and swung Lilarcor viciously at the pirate, neatly beheading him.

So much for Chremy reconsidering his Evil ways. Oh well. :P

Jaheira: :)

"It means you are employed by Madame Galvena," replied the thief quietly.

"Madame Galvena?"

"The owner of the Courtesan's Guild."

Maiyn! We had no idea! ;)

Maiyn: *glare*

A few minutes later, the innkeeper had thrown out the brawlers, and things were back to what appeared to be normal. 'Normal' seemed to consist of a lot of noise, a lot of singing and a lot of spilt ale. Xan picked up the hem of his robes disdainfully as he picked his way over the stained floor, trying to avoid the larger puddles. The group could only hope that they, too, were merely spilt drinks.

Err… I would not count on it… unfortunately. :(

Sime: Shhh! Don't tell them -- they're quite naive about this sort of thing. If they knew what it really was, they'd-
Xan: *thunk*
Sime: *sigh* Faint.

"It has indeed, my friend," she smiled, sitting down at his side, and allowing him to take her hand affectionately. Maiyn was almost certain she could see a glimmer of jealousy in Yoshimo's eyes.

Heh, he even has time for romance and jealousy right before betraying them? Right… ;)

Yoshimo: Yoshimo has to fill in his spare time somehow, and the voyage offered plenty of opportunity for it!

"Free?" asked the stranger. "Hardly! She is with my mistress now, explaining her unfortunate actions. The Lady will not brook her property being stolen, and you shall pay for your theft." He raised a crossbow to Sanik, and the merchant closed his eyes, preparing for the shot that never came. When he next looked, the man lay dead at Maiyn's feet -- two wounds marked his body; one in his neck and one in his torso. Both the elf's blade and that of the large human beside her were covered with fresh blood.

Guess what, this group is immune vs. cutscenes. :D

:( Not all of them, alas :D Just have a good saving throw ;)

"Hmm," said Galvena thoughtfully. She was an aging woman, her grey hair in a tight bun on the back of her head, and her dress clinging to her slim body and covering her completely, from her chin, all the way to her feet. Her face was cold and impassive. "Who are you, woman?" she asked, looking directly to Maiyn. "Where are my useless guards?"

I think you just answered your own question there. They proved to be useless. ;)

Galvena: Hmm. You have a point.

In the blink of an eye, Galvena produced a throwing dagger from somewhere on her person, and launched it through the air, striking Kivan solidly in the arm. Seconds later she lay dead, the arrows from Sime and Yoshimo sticking out from her prone body, as Jaheira tended to the ranger's wound.

Nice when they solve your moral dilemmas by letting you kill them in self-defence!

Minsc: Boo says you speak wise words! Now he will explain what the more complicated words you used mean.

"No." Jaheira's voice interrupted, signalling the end of the argument. "Sime is right -- even if we managed to rid the isle of everything that corrupted it, it would just open up room for a replacement. If the people truly want to be free from the taint that they find living with them, they can use the dent we have made, and work with that to reclaim their land. If we had more time, perhaps we could help -- but we do not."

Spoken like a True Neutral, but being a CN myself I do agree. ;)

Hehehehe -- my other half accuses me of having CN tendancies whenever I start to ramble about something, and go through several subjects as I remind myself other things, then end up finishing on something else, completely random. (I hasten to add that they're all important things, though!)

Maiyn sighed, but relented. "Fine. Then tonight Yoshimo and I will go to this mage's house, and try to find the wardstone we need."

Some of the others frowned. "Why not Yoshimo and Sime?" asked Kivan.

Because they could decide to make out on the carpet in Perth’s living room and get discovered, that’s why.

Kivan: ;) Ah, yes. That certainly would not be... good.

"I await your instruction, warden," murmured Perth distractedly, seeming to pay little attention to them. Then suddenly, his head jerked, and snapped round to look at Maiyn. You are... you... Maiyn. You are Maiyn. The likeness of whom is given to me... in my head. Maiyn... Maiyn."

"And Yoshimo," said the thief suddenly. The elf looked over to him curiously.

Oh don’t mind that Maiyn, he’s just trying to tell you that he’s an ally of Irenicus… nothing to worry about…

Maiyn: Ah, good-oh. Onwards!

"I am Yoshimo!" he exclaimed after a second. "You know, the Yoshimo! I was hoping he'd have heard of me, or at least prove distraction enough from you for the others to arrive."

Right… very convincing. ;)

Yoshimo: Do you think it worked?

Before long, they found the bed together; caught in the night they shared, as Maiyn's exhilaration at the success of her mission spilled over into her longing. Eventually they fell asleep, entwined in each others arms, gentle smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to creep across the land, when they would move towards their destination, and free their lost companion.

Well, it was about bloody time. :)

Coran: *grumble*

Coran shifted in his reverie, and suddenly broke from it with a strange feeling coursing though his body. The sensation was faint but familiar, but he immediately cried out in denial, trying to fight the sense as it washed over him in waves. It was unmistakable; a mixture of pleasure and release, of intimacy and lust. Despite it being vague, he knew what it meant, and he curled up on his bed, allowing tears to freely run down his cheeks.

Summon Nalia! :?

Nalia: You called? :D

Thanks for reading and commenting :D

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