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Reclaiming (Maiyn) - Chapter 37

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#1 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 09 December 2006 - 05:39 PM



Coran ran down the alley, following Aerie's lead. The avariel was sure she knew where she was going, and Nalia had confirmed that the direction seemed to be right. Somewhere behind them, Valygar jogged along, his dark eyes taking in his surroundings. They spilt out from the lane into the bustle of the road. Coran desperately looked around him, cursing himself for being so unfamiliar with the city -- once upon a time, he'd only have needed to be within its walls for a few days to have learnt his way around and know where things were.

But would he really? He never had much need to actively seek out a specific house -- not beyond casing for potential properties to burgle, anyhow. The note that had been passed to him by the stable boy at the Crooked Crane was in Ajantis' flourishing handwriting and spoke of important news regarding Maiyn. There was a date attached to it, telling him that if he received the note before then, to seek the knight out at his newly acquired estate.

A rough set of directions were at the bottom, but none of the group were overly familiar with the more residential sections of the town. Aerie looked around helplessly, trying to work out where they were. Finally Valygar spoke.

"This way."

The ranger set off down the road, his eyes fixed somewhere in the distance. Coran followed him unhesitatingly and they made their way through the crowds into a small green square, dotted with trees and fairly wealthy looking homes. They were not as large or as grand as the houses in the Government District, but they appeared spacious and well tended, set slightly away from the busy thoroughfare in a corner of their own. Nalia cried out and pointed to a red-bricked building at the far end.


Coran was sprinting towards it before she even managed to finish, dashing down the path that led through the small garden and up to the ornate wooden door. He hammered against it with his fists, louder than was strictly necessary, and pulled back when it was opened. A frightened looking girl stared at him, then looked over to his companions as they rushed over to catch up with him.


"Sir Ajantis -- is he in?" Coran asked urgently.

"He is, Milord -- can I ask who calls?"

"Tell him it is Coran Sullussaer, if you please. He left me a message-"

"Oh, Milord Coran! Come in straight away," exclaimed the girl, recognition spreading across her face. She ushered the group into an airy sitting room, furnished with comfortable looking chairs and heavy oaken tables. A large harp was standing in the corner, next to a window that reached almost form the ceiling to the ground, allowing an expansive view to the square outside. "I will fetch Milord Ajantis straight away," curtsied the maid, dashing away.

Coran paced across the polished wooden floor, avoiding the exotic looking rugs that lay before the fireplace. Valygar stood by the window, his eyes fixed on the outside, while Nalia and Aerie stood together, shifting nervously. Only a few minutes passed before the door opened and Ajantis strode in, beaming to Coran.

"It is good to see you again, my friend," he said warmly, signalling for them to sit. They all did, with the exception of Valygar who politely declined, opting to remain where he was. "And, of course, it is good to see your friends also."

Nalia and Aerie smiled politely, while Coran moved impatiently. Ajantis threw him an amused look.

"Aime said you received my message -- I am glad! I have some news for you, but I do not know how useful it will be. I will, however, be quick with it, so you can make the most of it."

Coran nodded, and leaned forward as he listened.

"Recently, the cleric travelling with your former companion, Maiyn, was recalled to the Order to undergo his Test. I was only made aware of it a few hours before it happened and I intended to go there myself; hopefully to try and pass a message directly to him, or one of his companions. Unfortunately I was... otherwise preoccupied."

Valygar smirked at the window but said nothing. Nalia caught a glimpse of the ranger's expression, and bit her lip, causing Aerie to frown at them both.

"When I managed to arrive at the Headquarters, Sir Anomen had left, to continue his travels with the group. I sent a message to him, also, but he has failed to reply to it as yet. I am unsure as to their location now, for the news we have received back in the Order has been sparse; but this very morning I did hear of something interesting indeed.

"Last eve, there was a battle underneath one of the crypts in the Graveyard District. The Order knows of this because it involved a coven of vampires, of which we long suspected of infiltrating the city. Most of the undead fell, but rumours suggest that their leader fled. Maiyn was leading the assault on them."

Coran paled significantly. "Is she-"

"She is fine," assure Ajantis quickly. "They were very successful in their operation and emerged from the crypt unscathed. We believe they were working on behalf of an organisation -- an unsavoury one at that. This coven had been threatening the stability of the guild known as the Shadow Thieves here in the city, encroaching on their territory and abducting their members. The Order observed this happening, but had so far been unable to involve itself due to the mystery of where the vampires were located. Now, of course, they have been dealt with."

Coran stood. "Where are these Shadow Thieves?"

"Now, before I tell you any more," began Ajantis, also standing, "you must realise one thing. The Shadow Thieves are not a group to cross, or one to rely on for aid or information. They will not take kindly to you approaching them and they are evil and law-breaking -- untrustworthy in the extreme."

"He's right, Coran," said Nalia quietly, but the elf appeared not to hear her.

"I can deal with them," he replied curtly. "Where can I find them?"

Ajantis sighed. "They have a Guildhouse down beside the docks."

"I know of it," said Valygar quietly, turning away from the scene outside, and looking to his leader. "I will lead you there."

"We go there now," stated Coran urgently, briskly making his way to the door. He paused when he reached it, and turned to face the knight. "Thank you, Ajantis -- for everything."

Ajantis smiled. "Don't thank me until you've found her, and when you do, remember -- come and see me, both of you. It would be good to meet her properly, without her pretending to be someone else! Good luck, Coran."


Valygar weaved his way through the crowds, leading the group through the slums on the way to the docks. They were all quiet as they went; Coran's mind was racing, his adrenaline pumping as he jogged after the human. He was closer to being reunited with his companions than he'd ever been before -- Hanali, please let it happen this time.

Aerie and Nalia followed him, rushing to keep up. Their faces both wore the same hopeful, yet concerned expressions. Aerie had cautiously cast a haste spell while still in Ajantis' home, and it was allowing them to move with unnatural swiftness, causing the crowds to stare as they passed; but none of them cared. Their attention was fixed firmly on their path and destination.

Eventually Valygar turned into a tunnel that led them through to the docks. Coran heard the gulls squawking as they swooped overhead, and the scent of fish and salty air wafted in the breeze as they emerged onto a road lined with fishermen’s stalls, each of them plying their freshly caught bounty.

Valygar forced his way through the crowds until they passed the market, and the street opened up again. So intent on his progress as he was, Coran swiftly strode along, not noticing the man stepping out from one of the buildings until he'd bumped into him.

The elf stumbled slightly but didn't fall, despite the speed he was travelling at. The other man was almost not so lucky, but he managed to steady himself against the wall and frown slightly to the fighter.

"My apologies," offered Coran sincerely, only giving the swarthy man the briefest of looks. The stranger nodded, his dark eyes regarding the elf curiously.

"Think nothing of it, my friend," he said, a strange accent permeating through his voice. It seemed to be eastern, reminding Coran of the dark-skinned people he’d met on his travels from distant lands. A dazzling smile crossed the man’s lips, and he offered a slight bow as he picked up the wrapped package he'd held in his arms, wandering off with it. Coran felt himself subconsciously checking his coin pouch, the thief’s nature in him finding suspicion in every action. He was amused when a glance back at the man revealed he was doing exactly the same.

The building wasn't much further ahead. Coran marched up to the two shifty looking individuals who stood outside the door, and ignored the poisonous glare they threw at him. He offered them a humble smile, and inclined his head respectfully, while subtly showing the dagger in his belt; a quick way to imply to another thief that you were one and the same.

"I may be wrong," he began in a quiet voice, "but I believe this is the home of the Shadow Thieves of Athkatla. I... am new to town, and I do not wish to infringe upon territory that is already marked by such a powerful organisation. I thought it best if I made my presence known to your leader before he felt the need to seek me out himself."

The men looked at each other quickly, then shared a nod.

"Wait here," said one, disappearing inside, leaving Coran to stand beside his companion, trying to smile his way through the frosty glare he received in return. Nalia, Aerie and Valygar lingered a short while away, and the guard jerked his head at them.

"They your mercenaries?"

"We, ah, work together, yes," nodded Coran. "The young human girl, Nalia -- she also dabbles in the roguish trades."

"Doubly reason fer you to meet the boss then, I suppose," grunted the man. "A pretty 'un, she is."

Coran felt slightly irritated by the leering look he was giving Nalia -- his ward! Thankfully, he was rescued from his annoyance by the reappearance of the other guard, who nodded to him.

"You and yer friends can go up and see Renal. Through the door, across to the back of the hall, up the stairs. Can't miss him."

"My thanks," beamed Coran, waving the others over. The girls nervously followed him through the Guildhouse as Valygar glared around him, his hand brushing the hilt of his katana every few seconds. Coran climbed the stairs to the first floor and followed the makeshift corridor, constructed from partitions more than anything else, to give the vast space the idea of 'rooms', and found himself standing before an older man.

"Good day to you," he said pleasantly, looking over the group as he sat behind his desk. A glint of amusement was in his eyes, and a slight smile curled at his lip; but it was neither friendly nor cruel. "I would like to commend you on your decision to present yourselves to us before doing anything... rash. Such as, committing a crime in our city."

Coran nodded his greeting in return. "It is only polite we bring our presence to you," he said. "Although, it was not purely out of courtesy that we sought you out."

Renal's eyebrow rose, and he leaned forward, his elbows on the desk, fingertips pressed together. "I think you should elaborate."

"I have reason to believe you know of, or have possibly worked with, an old acquaintance of mine," said the elf confidently. "Recently, in fact. Her name is Maiyn." Coran didn't fail to notice the look of recognition cross Renal's face, and he felt some relief wash over him -- Ajantis had proven true to his word.

"Maiyn, hmm?" asked Renal, standing up from his desk, and slowly pacing around. "Yes... yes, I believe I met her. Spirited young girl; elven, like yourself. Interesting companions..."

"Do you know where she is?"

Renal chuckled slightly. "My dear boy, I had thought you were an intelligent sort, to seek me out and inform me of your profession before I learnt about it in... less desirable ways. Less desirable for you, that is. But now you're just appearing to be either naive or stupid. What makes you think you can stride in here and demand information from me?"

Coran grit his teeth. "I am not demanding," he pointed out. "I am asking. Politely, in case you hadn't noticed."

"I didn't see a 'please'," noted the Guildmaster dryly, smirking as he perched on the corner of his table. "Regardless," he said, waving his hand to stop Coran before he could reply. "I am feeling generous today, and you have caught me in a good mood. Added to that, the woman you mentioned has aided our group considerably, and we owe her some loyalty. So, before I give you any information, I must determine if you possess any threat to her."

"I travelled with her for months!" exclaimed Coran indignantly.

"Be that as it may, people have killed their companions after years of travel. I do not even know your name."

Coran quickly introduced himself, and his companions. Renal smiled broadly to Nalia.

"Ah, the Lady De Arnise... I had heard rumour of your skill with a lock, but I didn't dare to dream I would have your delightful presence in my own hall." He moved swiftly over to her, taking her hand and raising it to his lips as he bowed. The girl blushed slightly.

"And so, I now know your names, it is only fair you know mine," he continued, idly walking away from them, back towards his office. "I am Renal Bloodscalp, Guildmaster of the Shadow Thieves. You obviously have received some information regarding our business with Maiyn and her group, which puts you at a slight advantage in our conversation." He settled back into his chair and smiled. "Obviously, I cannot have that. Why is finding this girl so important to you?"

"As I said, we-"

"No, no, no." Renal shook his head sadly. "Having travelled with someone isn't a good enough answer. I know she was active in the north -- coming to Amn has been a long journey for you, so obviously your intention to find her runs deep. I need to know why, so I can evaluate if you mean her any harm -- if you do, I obviously cannot allow it."

Coran glared at him for several moments, then spoke. His voice was subdued. "Because she is... she was my partner."

Renal smirked. "Ah, you were… more than a travelling companion, then? So, why did she leave you? Have you come to hunt her for leaving you broken hearted?"

The elf sighed. "We faced a hard battle together, in the city of Baldur's Gate. I fell, and she thought I would never recover. She left the city before I could. For all I know, she still thinks I am infirm, or possibly dead."

Renal's expression softened slightly. "I am sorry to hear that," he said sincerely. "You have journeyed here to find her, and let her know you live?"


The Guildmaster nodded, and seemed to think for a few moments. "Very well. Maiyn aided us in a few tasks in exchange for us providing passage for her to go to rescue a friend of hers."

"Imoen?" asked Coran.

"That is the girl’s name, I believe," nodded Renal. "I would like nothing more than to tell you where they've gone, but even if I did; you would not be able to reach them."

Coran blinked. "Why not?"

Renal stood and walked to the window, beckoning Coran over. The elf approached and gazed out to the ship the Guildmaster was pointing at. "They are aboard that galley."

Coran watched as the vessel slowly glided away from the harbour, heading towards the distant horizon, her sails rippling gently in the wind. He watched as everything he'd worked hard to achieve moved away from him at a painstakingly slow rate, leaving him back at the beginning.

"Where is it heading?" he asked quietly.

"To Spellhold," replied Renal gently. "Before you ask, you are unlikely to find anyone willing to offer crossing -- finding that one was hard enough."

Coran sighed, and turned around. He threw himself down into a nearby seat and put his head in his hands. His companions watched him with concern.

"Come now," said Renal goodnaturedly. "There is a positive to this -- one of our own has gone to accompany her on her travels, and they are due to return to Athkatla when they are done. It shall not be long before you are reunited, and we will know the instant they arrive back, fear not."

"I... that is good," replied Coran bleakly.

"In the meantime, there is something you could do for us, to prove your honourable intentions, of course," continued the Guildmaster. "We are in need of someone to perform a few... well, tasks for us. Since you know of Maiyn, we are willing to entrust them to you, in exchange for news of her return. What say you?"

Coran didn't reply. Instead he sat, staring glumly at the floor, all energy having been sapped from his being. Renal gave him a sympathetic look.

"Well, perhaps you should return tomorrow and give me your answer then. Think on it though -- it would be wise for you to accept."


Eventually they persuaded Coran to stand up, and follow them outside. Valygar motioned for them to follow him to his home, as it was close to their location, and none of them wanted to try and manoeuvre Coran far in his current state. So they walked, slowly, back down the road they'd previously sprinted down, heading in the opposite direction. The ranger diverted off onto a smaller, windy road, and pointed to a nearby building, much to Nalia's relief. She was holding Coran's hand, desperately trying to keep him moving.

Valygar slowed down as he approached the front door of his abode, and held out his hand cautiously. "Wait," he said. "I feel something is not right."

The girls stopped where they were, at the bottom of the four steps that led up to the entrance, Coran standing glumly between them. Valygar tried the door, finding it unlocked. He pushed it open slowly.

"Hervo?" he called out, peering inside. Within seconds his face had fallen, and he rushed in. Nalia looked curiously at Aerie, and the avariel moved to follow, leaving the two thieves outside. The cleric's shriek told the young human girl that something was very wrong.

Moments later, Aerie was ushered back outside by the ranger, his face grim, and his eyes glinting darkly. "My servant lies dead in my home; and has been there for some time."

Nalia looked at him in horror. "He was... he was alive when we visited, before we left the city. I promise you, we didn't-"

"No, I know," interrupted Valygar. "There were more seeking my capture than you, and any of them could have been responsible. I will need to tend to this -- it in no state to offer you shelter, but there is an inn a short way from here. I will show you to it, and return here to sort my affairs."


Coran sat quietly in the common room of the Seas' Bounty, his eyes fixed to the drink that he hadn't touched. Valygar had departed almost immediately after showing them the entrance, promising to seek them out the next day. Nalia and Aerie sat at either side of the elf, and watched him with worry, paying little attention to the sailors and other rowdy locals around them. The girls tried desperately to make some conversation.

"It won't be long until they return," said Nalia optimistically. "You heard Renal. We just need to keep busy until then."

Aerie nodded her agreement. "P-perhaps we could go and visit Uncle Quayle at the circus," she said, brightening up a little. "It would be something t-to do."

"That's a good idea," replied Nalia encouragingly, glancing at Coran. He paid no attention to them, and they both sighed.

Suddenly he stood up. "I'm going to bed," he declared morosely, shambling off towards the stairs. Nalia threw a worried look towards him.

"I'm going to make sure he gets there all right," she stated. Aerie nodded, and watched the girl follow him upstairs. She looked around; the tavern was dim and full of raucous patrons, enjoying their ale slightly too much. The avariel felt uncomfortable with it all and made a note to finish her drink quickly, and retire to her own room as soon as she could. In the meantime, she pulled her spellbook from her bag and poured over it, concentrating on its arcane lore and submerging herself away from the activity around her.

So caught up she was, that almost an hour passed before she moved. She turned to pack her book away and stood up, glancing at the table to check she had everything. Then she noticed the parchment lying there. She looked round the inn -- no one was paying any attention to her; indeed, no one was even nearby, as they'd secured a table well away from the bar and the door. She frowned and reached out, picking up the paper and unfolding it carefully. The writing was unfamiliar, but the words on it were very clear. She read it three times, making sure she understood it fully.

Quickly, she stood up, and moved quickly to her room, dropping her pack. She briefly pondered finding Nalia, but read the note again, and decided against it.

My dearest Aerie,

I urge you to come back to the circus as soon as you can; tell not your companions of your intention, for it is business of a delicate nature, and is of the utmost urgency. I need to see you tonight, my dear.

Your loving uncle,


Resolutely, the avariel stuffed the note into her pocket, and quietly went back down to the tavern, slipping outside into the fading light. She was pretty sure she knew her way from here, and set off along the road, heading back towards the slums where she knew the roads better, and could easily find her way to the circus.


The shadows were falling across the alley as Aerie trotted down it. She was comfortable using it; she knew where it would bring her, and from there it was just a short distance to the Promenade. A chilly breeze circled her and she paused to pull her cloak tighter around her, drawing her hood up to cover her ears. It was then, that something ran into her side, knocking her down and into a dark alcove, her staff flying from her hands. Panicking, she tried to scramble to her feet, but a vicious kick to her face knocked her back down, causing her to be slightly dazed.

"No so tough without yer friends, eh?" asked a rough voice. Aerie could only murmur in reply, trying desperately to sit up. A searing pain went through her hands as the sharp blade of a weapon sliced across her fingers.

"Can't be havin' ye puttin' up a fight or wagglin‘ yer fingers. No when ye've got all them spells at yer use."

"Don't... have anything..." she whispered pleadingly. The only response she received was a heartless laugh, and her head being viciously pulled back; her hood being torn away, exposing her bare neck. She could feel her attacker's breath on her ears.

"I saw ye, lookin' at me as if I be dirt. I know wha' ye were thinkin'. You and yer self-righteous sneerin'!" Aerie struggled slightly, her daze clearing, and her senses returning; her attacker pushed something sharp against her neck, causing her to fall still.

"Ye wanted th’ spell t'only hit me. I knows ye did. Then tha' blasted ranger coulda gutted me, and saved ye havin' t'watch yer back." The blade was pressed harder against the avariel's delicate skin, and she gulped involuntarily. "Well, he's no here t'watch yer back now, is he?"

One swift movement was all it took, and Aerie fell from the hold; her injured hands shooting up to her neck, letting the blood from all her wounds mingle. A strangled cry was all she could manage, but then her voice disappeared as the slit worsened. She mustered her fading strength to look up, trying to chant the words to a prayer of healing, desperately calling out to Baervan. Her silence and panic conspired against her though, and there was no aid bestowed. She felt blood trickling from her mouth, and her hands fell limp by her side. Everything began to get dark, and she briefly wondered why this was happening.

Then her attacker stepped before her, allowing the last of the light to pick up his features. He smirked down at her, watching as she died; no sign of remorse or guilt on his expression. When he was content she'd taken her final breath, he plunged his sword deep into her chest several times, ensuring that her body would be beyond the rites of resurrection.

Then with a satisfied nod, Montaron turned, and sauntered away.

#2 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 10 December 2006 - 03:00 PM

Oh my god, you killed Aerie! :D

I feel so sorry for your Coran. Here he is, trying with all his heart to get back to her, and she keeps being one step ahead and dallying with mr. Doomed. :cry:

#3 Guest_Keldan_*

Posted 11 December 2006 - 02:17 AM

flkdgjsdfjhsigyh Aerie! :D

... um, yeah. Garsh.

#4 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 11 December 2006 - 09:42 AM

Oh my god, you killed Aerie! ;)

Montaron: *bow*

I feel so sorry for your Coran. Here he is, trying with all his heart to get back to her, and she keeps being one step ahead and dallying with mr. Doomed. :cry:

Yep -- women, eh? Oh, er, wait... Though, they will catch up with each other... eventually :D

Thanks for reading and commenting :)

#5 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 11 December 2006 - 09:42 AM

flkdgjsdfjhsigyh Aerie! ;)

... um, yeah. Garsh.

My work here is done! :D Well, Montaron's...

Thanks for reading and commenting :cry:

#6 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 11 December 2006 - 12:20 PM

Ajantis smiled. "Don't thank me until you've found her, and when you do, remember -- come and see me, both of you. It would be good to meet her properly, without her pretending to be someone else! Good luck, Coran."

Bwahaha! Run all you wish, Coran, you will not catch up… The Plot will not allow for it!

"Think nothing of it, my friend," he said, a strange accent permeating through his voice. It seemed to be eastern, reminding Coran of the dark-skinned people he’d met on his travels from distant lands. A dazzling smile crossed the man’s lips, and he offered a slight bow as he picked up the wrapped package he'd held in his arms, wandering off with it. Coran felt himself subconsciously checking his coin pouch, the thief’s nature in him finding suspicion in every action. He was amused when a glance back at the man revealed he was doing exactly the same.

Hi Yoshi! Is he picking up Jaheira’s new armor?

Coran felt slightly irritated by the leering look he was giving Nalia -- his ward! Thankfully, he was rescued from his annoyance by the reappearance of the other guard, who nodded to him.

Ward, huh? Hmmmm. ;)

"I travelled with her for months!" exclaimed Coran indignantly.

"Be that as it may, people have killed their companions after years of travel. I do not even know your name."

He has a point… someone might have gradually become insane because of their companion’s neglect of personal hygiene. :D

Coran watched as the vessel slowly glided away from the harbour, heading towards the distant horizon, her sails rippling gently in the wind. He watched as everything he'd worked hard to achieve moved away from him at a painstakingly slow rate, leaving him back at the beginning.

I can practically hear that Stabbity-Stab sound as Coran’s heart gets pierced and shatters in thousand small pieces…

Moments later, Aerie was ushered back outside by the ranger, his face grim, and his eyes glinting darkly. "My servant lies dead in my home; and has been there for some time."

Nalia looked at him in horror. "He was... he was alive when we visited, before we left the city. I promise you, we didn't-"

Think of it like Korgan’s parting gift…

Suddenly he stood up. "I'm going to bed," he declared morosely, shambling off towards the stairs. Nalia threw a worried look towards him.

"I'm going to make sure he gets there all right," she stated. Aerie nodded, and watched the girl follow him upstairs.

Poor Nalia, it must be desperately hard for her to watch him mourn for someone else.

Then her attacker stepped before her, allowing the last of the light to pick up his features. He smirked down at her, watching as she died; no sign of remorse or guilt on his expression. When he was content she'd taken her final breath, he plunged his sword deep into her chest several times, ensuring that her body would be beyond the rites of resurrection.

Then with a satisfied nod, Montaron turned, and sauntered away.


I liked Aerie’s character development in this story. :cry:

#7 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 12 December 2006 - 11:38 AM

Ajantis smiled. "Don't thank me until you've found her, and when you do, remember -- come and see me, both of you. It would be good to meet her properly, without her pretending to be someone else! Good luck, Coran."

Bwahaha! Run all you wish, Coran, you will not catch up… The Plot will not allow for it!

Teehee! If he slows down to a mindless amble, I'm sure all will go right ;)

"Think nothing of it, my friend," he said, a strange accent permeating through his voice. It seemed to be eastern, reminding Coran of the dark-skinned people he’d met on his travels from distant lands. A dazzling smile crossed the man’s lips, and he offered a slight bow as he picked up the wrapped package he'd held in his arms, wandering off with it. Coran felt himself subconsciously checking his coin pouch, the thief’s nature in him finding suspicion in every action. He was amused when a glance back at the man revealed he was doing exactly the same.

Hi Yoshi! Is he picking up Jaheira’s new armor?

He is indeed! :lol:

Coran felt slightly irritated by the leering look he was giving Nalia -- his ward! Thankfully, he was rescued from his annoyance by the reappearance of the other guard, who nodded to him.

Ward, huh? Hmmmm. :)

Coran: Why do I get the feeling you don't believe me, hmm?

"I travelled with her for months!" exclaimed Coran indignantly.

"Be that as it may, people have killed their companions after years of travel. I do not even know your name."

He has a point… someone might have gradually become insane because of their companion’s neglect of personal hygiene. :)

Yep, or one too many 'times of the month' :lol:

Coran watched as the vessel slowly glided away from the harbour, heading towards the distant horizon, her sails rippling gently in the wind. He watched as everything he'd worked hard to achieve moved away from him at a painstakingly slow rate, leaving him back at the beginning.

I can practically hear that Stabbity-Stab sound as Coran’s heart gets pierced and shatters in thousand small pieces…

:twisted: It's okay, there's plenty of glue around, in the shape of Nalia...

Moments later, Aerie was ushered back outside by the ranger, his face grim, and his eyes glinting darkly. "My servant lies dead in my home; and has been there for some time."

Nalia looked at him in horror. "He was... he was alive when we visited, before we left the city. I promise you, we didn't-"

Think of it like Korgan’s parting gift…

Good idea! I don't think Valygar would agree, though...

Suddenly he stood up. "I'm going to bed," he declared morosely, shambling off towards the stairs. Nalia threw a worried look towards him.

"I'm going to make sure he gets there all right," she stated. Aerie nodded, and watched the girl follow him upstairs.

Poor Nalia, it must be desperately hard for her to watch him mourn for someone else.

*nods* :D She's loyal to him, and she'll make sure he doesn't mope.

Then her attacker stepped before her, allowing the last of the light to pick up his features. He smirked down at her, watching as she died; no sign of remorse or guilt on his expression. When he was content she'd taken her final breath, he plunged his sword deep into her chest several times, ensuring that her body would be beyond the rites of resurrection.

Then with a satisfied nod, Montaron turned, and sauntered away.


I liked Aerie’s character development in this story. :(

:roll: I thought you might :lol: I desperately wanted to hint at it earlier, but I try not to hint at what's already been written.

Thanks for reading and commenting :o

#8 Guest_Coutelier_*

Posted 13 December 2006 - 04:05 AM

You know I might have let the last few murders slip, I may even have eventually forgiven him if he'd killed Nalia instead, but now that he's killed the most selfless and loyal of all the NPC's I'm afraid the rest of this story will be nothing but anti-climax unless Monty dies in one of the most painful ways possible :twisted:

Of course I'm a little bit biased :roll:

#9 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 13 December 2006 - 11:07 AM

You know I might have let the last few murders slip, I may even have eventually forgiven him if he'd killed Nalia instead, but now that he's killed the most selfless and loyal of all the NPC's I'm afraid the rest of this story will be nothing but anti-climax unless Monty dies in one of the most painful ways possible :twisted:

Awww :) It's no secreat I have Montaron-love, I don't think, but killing Aerie was the hardest part to write, so far, because I do actually like her! Don't worry though -- one person, at least, will slowly figure out who is likely to be responsible, and he won't exactly be overly happy by it all -- and he is due a run in with our halfling friend at some point ;)

Of course I'm a little bit biased :roll:

Awww :( It's nice to see people who don't completely hate Aerie, though. Alas, Nalia wouldn't let me kill her off, because she had Plans (which have just complicated matters further than were strictly necessary...) :D

Thanks for reading and commenting though :)

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