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Ember's Tale 43: Namara

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#1 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 10:10 AM

Chapter 43: Namara

"We must talk," Kivan told Coran. It was lunchtime, and they had all seated themselves in the Elfsong's main hall. Serving girls were bringing out baked apples and slabs of roast pork.

"I am sure it can wait till after we eat," Coran said, eyeing the food as well as the girls.

"No, it can't," Ember said.

"It can wait until you've spoken with me," a voice said behind Ember. She turned and looked into the angry face of a golden-haired woman. She was uncommonly beautiful, and the colours of her mage robes could be called nothing but cheerful, but there were deep shadows under her red-rimmed eyes.

"Brielbara!" Coran exclaimed.

"I heard you'd come back to the city, coward, but I didn't really believe it," the woman said. "What brought you back? Are you looking for another girl to seduce with your deceitful promises? Perhaps you'd care to know that you have a daughter."

"A daughter?" Coran stammered. "That's... that's, uh... wonderful."

"Surprised that your fling had its consequences?" Brielbara all but shouted. "My husband was none too pleased when my daughter turned out to be a half elf! Yago went into a fury; he nearly killed me, in fact. Do you remember how powerful he is? He has cursed our child to an early death. Little Namara won't live to see her first birthday. He's gloated that he possesses the cure, but of course he'd never let me have it. Since you're her father, Coran, you're going to find Yago and YOU ARE going to get the reverse of the spell from him!"

"Her name's Namara..? ...Curse, what curse? Slow down and let me..." Coran said, looking very bewildered.

"Namara doesn't have time to slow down," Brielbara said. "Yago has been staying at the Low Lantern since he left me. It's just another despicable whorehouse, disguised as something classier, and he's rented a room somewhere on the ship. Just find his spell book and bring it to me. I should be able to reverse the curse if I have the formula."

"All right, I'll do this for my... ummmm... daughter," Coran said. He turned to the others. "So friends, are you with me or not?"

"We will help you," Kivan grumbled, looking about as happy with Coran as Ember was.

"When you're done, come meet me at my home," Brielbara told Coran. "Hopefully, you haven't forgotten where that is."

"(I would not put it past him,)" Edwin muttered.


The Low Lantern was an old, decrepit ship, permanently moored at the docks and turned into what was best described as an inn of ill repute. The innkeeper had been reluctant to assist them, and had threatened to turn them off the boat for bringing Alora, who was easily mistaken for a child, with them. His demeanour changed completely as soon as they gave him a handful of gold; he welcomed Alora to his establishment, and was more than willing to direct them towards Yago's quarters on the bottom deck.

To get to Yago's quarters, they had to traverse three decks of gambling tables, dancing girls, drug dealers and who knew what else; many leers and scowls greeted them as they passed by the inn's usual clientele. On the third deck, which smelled rather strongly of herbs, two girls approached them. One wore an intricate outfit of grey leather that revealed an almost indecent amount of skin, and the other was dressed in equally revealing olive green robes. Both had a glazed look in their eyes.

"You come in here for some purpose, no?" the leather clad girl asked in a lazy tone. "I'll tell you the secret. There is no purpose, only entropy. Wondrous, sensous entropy. My soul sister and I know entropy better than most, perhaps we teach you some of its pleasures, no?" she purred.

"Entropic pleasure, you say? I'd like to know more. What's your name?" Coran asked, flashing the girls his broadest grin. Ember stared at him in disbelief.

"I am Desreta. She is Vay-ya," the girl said. "We are one with void. We know life has no meaning. Let us show you entropic pleasure... It will delight you with its icy touch."

"Not many agree to go to great void," Vay-ya said with a cold smile. "They afraid. But what there be to be afraid of? Life is hollow. Better to end it soon, than endure its pain."

Coran had involuntarily taken a step backwards at the girls' words. This saved his life; moments later, Desreta brought a sword down on the spot where he'd been standing. Minsc shoved people out of the way and wrenched Desreta's sword out of her hand. Kivan followed behind the giant and restrained Vay'ya, who was attempting to cast a spell.

"Let me guess; you do not know the word 'entropy'?" Edwin asked Coran sarcastically.

"There will be no entropic pleasures this day," Kivan growled in Vay-ya's ear. "Do you understand?" The girl struggled for a few moments longer, but seemed to realize that there was no way out, and nodded miserably.

We should kill them, Ember thought. She could just draw her sword and cut them down, so easily. Her hand reached for her sword.

"Naughty little girls should not try to lure foolish elves," Minsc admonished Desreta before releasing her, "or Minsc will have to teach them better manners with the flat of his sword!"

With a puzzled frown, Ember forced her hand to relax and let go of the sword hilt.

"Let's move on," Imoen said. "Let's get what we came for and leave." She was holding hands with Alora, and both looked very uncomfortable.

"Only one more deck," Coran said, visibly composing himself.

The bottommost deck held a well-stocked bar and a handful of bedrooms. Grunts and groans could be heard through the closed door of the closest of these.

"I hope that's not his room," Imoen said with disgust.

"Nay. Yago's is at the far end," Kivan said, leading the group onwards. The door to the farthest room was slightly ajar, and they could hear someone muttering inside. Ember slowly opened the door. A greyhaired man in a rumpled purple robe sat on the single bunk, staring blindly at a pile of tomes and scrolls. There was an empty wine bottle on the floor beside him, and the man himself was clearly drunk. The stench in the room was unbelievable.

"Life has been pretty lousy lately; how about you friend?" the drunken mage asked as he saw his visitors. "Let me tell you what happened to me! My bitch of a wife slept with some elvish mongrel, and even had his child. By the Nine Hells, does she ever have gall! Anyway, she's not laughing anymore; I cursed the child of that unholy union, so that it would die an early death. I hope the little brat drowns in its own vomit!" He reached for a corked wine bottle and struggled to open it.

"That's not nice at all!" Alora said loudly.

Yago turned to look at the halfling. His face erupted in anger. "How dare you bring a half elf child to mock me!" he shouted, reaching for a dagger. "What in the Nine Hells are the lot of you doing in my room?"

Ember drew her sword. "We're here for the cure to the curse you've placed on Brielbara's daughter," she said.

"And I'm not a child!" Alora added.

Yago laughed. "So the bitch hired some adventurers to get a cure for her precious daughter. She should have sent someone who was up to the task, instead of you rabble!"

Ember didn't wait for the mage to make a move. She sprang at him and pinned him to the bunk, her hand at his throat and the tip of her sword at his chest. Small ice crystals formed where it touched his tunic. "Where is the cure?" she snarled.

"T-there! It's there!" Yago shrieked, pointing at a large, dog eared tome. "I give up. I'll give you anything you want, just don't kill me!"

Imoen snatched up the tome, along with most of the loose spellscrolls, and showed it to Edwin. "He spoke the truth," Edwin said. "The makings of a powerful wilting curse are written here."

"Please, let me live," the mage whimpered.

Ember did not move. A quick push, and her blade would skewer this pathetic drunkard. It'd be so easy, and nobody would miss him. She could vividly imagine her sword cutting through him, blood freezing as it spurted forth. She felt her sword clamor for the kill, like a faint echo of the howling in her blood. Her entire body trembled with anticipation. Kill, something chanted inside her, over and over.


With an effort, she wrenched her sword away from Yago's chest, and threw it towards a corner. It landed with a dull clank. "Leave town, Yago," she said as she loosened her grip on his throat. "Today."

"Yes! I'll leave! Anything for you! Thank you thank you thank you..." The mage curled up in a ball on his bed, crying his eyes out.

Ember stared at her beautiful sword, abandoned in the corner. For the first time, she saw Varscona for what it really was; a tool of vengeance, forever screaming for blood. How long had she heard its whispers without noticing? It was not alone, though. Not in me. It wasn't even the loudest whisper. Bile rose in her throat as revulsion filled her.

"Let us leave," Kivan said to Ember, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Ember nodded weakly. "Coran, take us to Brielbara's home," she said.


Brielbara's home was on the opposite end of town, and by the time they'd walked there, Ember had relaxed enough that she couldn't feel her heart thump wildly in her chest anymore. The mage greeted them in the doorway; ragged coughs and baby cries could be heard from within.

"Did you get it?" she asked nervously. "Do you have his spellbook?"

"Yes! We have it right her," Imoen said, displaying the tome.

Brielbara seized it eagerly and leafed through the worn pages. "Yes! This is it!" she cried, and ran into the house. From the doorway, Ember and her companions could hear mumbling over the baby's cries, followed by a flash of brilliant light from inside. The cries ceased, and a few minutes later, Brielbara returned, holding a swaddled baby in her arms. The child looked thinner than it should, and there were dark circles under its eyes, but it had a healthy colour and was sleeping peacefully. The tips of the baby's ears were slightly pointed, like delicate leaves.

"Thank you, thank you so very much," Brielbara said, her eyes shining with tears. "I owe you everything. If there is anything I can do for you, just name it."

"We were glad to help," Imoen said with a smile.

The mage's face hardened again as she turned towards Coran. "What about you, Coran?" she asked. "Are you planning on leaving again? Not even trying to be a father..."

Coran flushed red. "I'm sorry Briel, but I just don't have the time or inclination to care for your... I mean our child."

Brielbara scowled. "I expected as much. Or as little, I should say," she said.

"You don't have the time or inclination, but you do have the money," Ember said to Coran. "I suggest you lighten your purse for your daughter."

"Aye," Kivan said. "That would be wise of you."

Coran looked at all his companions in turn. With a sigh, he unhooked his coin purse from his belt and emptied most of it into a handkerchief, which he tied up and handed to the still scowling Brielbara.

"Maybe one day you'll grow a spine, elf!" Brielbara said, and shut the door.

Coran wiped his brow and exhaled deeply. "I'm glad that's over with," he said.

Ember exchanged a pointed glance with Kivan. The ranger nodded. "Our ways must also part," Kivan said.

"What are you talking about?" Coran asked.

"(Too stupid to understand,)" Edwin muttered.

"Leave," Ember said. "Go to your friends at the thieves' guild, or maybe Gorpel Hind will take you in."

"I see," Coran said slowly. He seemed to mull things over, then flashed them a grin again. "Ah well, even the best things pass away. Your company was enjoyable while it lasted. Perhaps we shall meet again," he said, and sauntered away, whistling.

"And good riddance to you," Edwin said with a satisfied smile.

"I trust that nobody disagrees?" Kivan asked, and was met with a chorus of no's.

"Little Ember? You dropped your sword," Minsc said. "Boo told me it was yours, so Minsc took care of it!" The large ranger proudly displayed the Sharran sword.

The thought of using the sword again was unbearable. "I don't want it back, Minsc," Ember said quietly.

"Why not?" Minsc asked. "How will you fight for justice without a sword?"

Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

"Evil?!" Minsc cried, horrified. "Minsc will beat the evil out of it, although Boo tells me a blacksmith must help!"

"Em, are you all right?" Imoen asked worriedly.

"Not really," Ember said. "I've been thinking... Do you remember what Elminster said when we last met?"

Imoen frowned. "He could have meant that your parents placed the bounty on you, you know! It doesn't have to be worse than that!"

"Maybe I could have thought so, if not for the dreams," Ember said, "but we both know better. Besides, that's not what I've been thinking about. It's what he said as he left." She drew a deep breath. "He said I should only be true to myself if I was sure it was the self I wanted to be; that I shouldn't necessarily obey my nature if it's not what I really want. Immy, do you think he could be right?"

Imoen squeezed Ember's arm. "Maybe," she said.

Ember sighed. "Let's go to the inn. I feel weary."


Ember excused herself from dinner, claiming a headache, and went to her and Imoen's room. Instead of laying down, she wrote a brief note for Imoen. She hoped her friend wouldn't be too worried, but she knew Imoen would never let her do this alone. And she had to be alone, for as long as it'd take.

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

#2 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 10:55 AM

"It can wait until you've spoken with me," a voice said behind Ember. She turned and looked into the angry face of a golden-haired woman. She was uncommonly beautiful, and the colours of her mage robes could be called nothing but cheerful, but there were deep shadows under her red-rimmed eyes.

"Brielbara!" Coran exclaimed.

Oh, Corans sins come to haunt him.

"Surprised that your fling had its consequences?" Brielbara all but shouted. "My husband was none too pleased when my daughter turned out to be a half elf! Yago went into a fury; he nearly killed me, in fact. Do you remember how powerful he is? He has cursed our child to an early death. Little Namara won't live to see her first birthday. He's gloated that he possesses the cure, but of course he'd never let me have it. Since you're her father, Coran, you're going to find Yago and YOU ARE going to get the reverse of the spell from him!"

Eragh.... I fell for her but maybe cheating on your powerful mage husband is not the shiniest of ideas?

The Low Lantern was an old, decrepit ship, permanently moored at the docks and turned into what was best described as an inn of ill repute. The innkeeper had been reluctant to assist them, and had threatened to turn them off the boat for bringing Alora, who was easily mistaken for a child, with them. His demeanour changed completely as soon as they gave him a handful of gold; he welcomed Alora to his establishment, and was more than willing to direct them towards Yago's quarters on the bottom deck.

It is tough for Halflings :shock:

"Entropic pleasure, you say? I'd like to know more. What's your name?" Coran asked, flashing the girls his broadest grin. Ember stared at him in disbelief. His child is dying, and even now he is flirting! Judging by the looks on the others' faces, they were just as appalled.

"I am Desreta. She is Vay-ya," the girl said. "We are one with void. We know life has no meaning. Let us show you entropic pleasure... It will delight you with its icy touch."

I bet he is confusing entropic with erotic.

"Naughty little girls should not try to lure foolish elves," Minsc admonished Desreta before releasing her, "or Minsc will have to teach them better manners with the flat of his sword!"

Watch it Minsc, they may like it.

Yago laughed. "So the bitch hired some adventurers to get a cure for her precious daughter. She should have sent someone who was up to the task, instead of you rabble!"

Ehh.... You are drunk you know.

"T-there! It's there!" Yago shrieked, pointing at a large, dog eared tome. "I give up. I'll give you anything you want, just don't kill me!"

So how is that bravado working out for you? Okay? Yeah... I see it is going ok.

Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

"Evil?!" Minsc cried, horrified. "Minsc will beat the evil out of it, although Boo tells me a blacksmith must help!"

Oh, don`t worry Varscona, Shar still loves you.

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

Oh ho! That can`t be good.

#3 Guest_arabellaesque_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 02:51 PM

Bye Coran!

And uh-oh... off on her ownsome? That's an ominous sign...

#4 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 03:11 PM

Serving girls were bringing out baked apples and slabs of roast pork.


"Namara doesn't have time to slow down," Brielbara said. "Yago has been staying at the Low Lantern since he left me. It's just another despicable whorehouse, disguised as something classier, and he's rented a room somewhere on the ship. Just find his spell book and bring it to me. I should be able to reverse the curse if I have the formula."

"All right, I'll do this for my... ummmm... daughter," Coran said. He turned to the others. "So friends, are you with me or not?"

"We will help you," Kivan grumbled, looking about as happy with Coran as Ember was.

"When you're done, come meet me at my home," Brielbara told Coran. "Hopefully, you haven't forgotten where that is."

Colleen: "No, seriously. Can we kick his ass? I wanna kick his ass. Let's kick his ass."

The Low Lantern was an old, decrepit ship, permanently moored at the docks and turned into what was best described as an inn of ill repute.

There's a place like this in the latest Elder Scrolls game, Oblivion. Funny thing is, if you go to sleep there, when you wake up, you're at sea. :shock:

who was easily mistaken for a child

And not just because of her height, either...

Though, you'd wonder why they didn't mistake Immy for a kid, either. She hardly acts like a grown-up. :shock:

"You come in here for some purpose, no?" the leather clad girl asked in a lazy tone. "I'll tell you the secret. There is no purpose, only entropy. Wondrous, sensous entropy. My soul sister and I know entropy better than most, perhaps we teach you some of its pleasures, no?" she purred.

Clearly, Nexus War has taken over my life. I think "entropy," I think the motto of Oblivion Squadron, one of the major factions in that game:

"We are Oblivion Squadron. You cannot combat entropy." :cry:

Ember stared at him in disbelief. His child is dying, and even now he is flirting!

Colleen: "All right... I know I've got a reputation for being kinda irresponsible and whatever, but this guy is just a moron. Someone seriously needs to cut this guy's balls off so he can't contaminate the rest of the world."

Jefferson: "Now, now... there's no need for that..."

Colleen: "Jeff, he's a bastard!"

Jefferson: "Didn't let me finish, Colleen. There's no need to cut anything off... when we have guns."

Colleen: "Ohhhhh... good point."

"(Too stupid to understand,)" Edwin muttered.

Colleen: "I agree with the pompous blowhard with the crappy goatee."

Jefferson: "Just had to get that last dig in, didn't you?"

Colleen: "Well... yeah..."

"Evil?!" Minsc cried, horrified. "Minsc will beat the evil out of it, although Boo tells me a blacksmith must help!"

Oh, Minsc. You gotta love Minsc. :roll:

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

Raven: (Smacks Ember in the back of the head) "Sure, sure... go out, all by your lonesome, without a weapon, when people are trying to kill you..."

Harlequin: "Give her a break... she's just a kid. You did some stupid things when you were her age. You -still- do stupid things."

Raven: "I'm aware. But that's why I'm trying to warn her off, y'see? I have personal experience with this crap."

Harlequin: "Smacking her in the back of the head isn't really much of a warning. It's more... a smack on the head."

Raven: "If I say 'Immy! Shut up!' and smack you on the head, would you shut up?"

Harlequin: "Maybe."

Raven: "See? Warning."

#5 Guest_Keldan_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 04:41 PM

"I am sure it can wait till after we eat," Coran said, eyeing the food as well as the girls.

Careful, Coran, you'll go cross-eyed.

Then again, go ahead.

"A daughter?" Coran stammered. "That's... that's, uh... wonderful."

Better put "get acting lessons" on your to-do list, Coran. Right under "Ember." :roll:

"Her name's Namara..? ...Curse, what curse? Slow down and let me..." Coran said, looking very bewildered.

And add "purchase brain" under that, while you're at it.

The Low Lantern was an old, decrepit ship, permanently moored at the docks and turned into what was best described as an inn of ill repute. The innkeeper had been reluctant to assist them, and had threatened to turn them off the boat for bringing Alora, who was easily mistaken for a child, with them. His demeanour changed completely as soon as they gave him a handful of gold; he welcomed Alora to his establishment, and was more than willing to direct them towards Yago's quarters on the bottom deck.

I always thought the Low Lantern was a cool concept for an inn... you know, besides the prostitutes and all that.

"I'm sure this pleasure could be quite interesting, especially if you show it to me in the privacy of your bedroom," Coran said.

Coran is one dirty bastard.

"Let me guess; you do not know the word 'entropy'?" Edwin asked Coran sarcastically.

He was probably thinking "erotic onslaught" instead of "entropic onslaught."

"Let's move on," Imoen said. "Let's get what we came for and leave." She was holding hands with Alora, and both looked very uncomfortable.

The collective cuteness.... it burns! It freezes! *dies of adorableness*

"I hope that's not his room," Imoen said with disgust.

Really. The sight would likely blind them all if they had to barge in on that.

Yago laughed. "So the bitch hired some adventurers to get a cure for her precious daughter. She should have sent someone who was up to the task, instead of you rabble!"

Um, six or seven adventurers show up at your door and you think they're the ones that aren't up to the task? Oi. :shock:

Coran flushed red. "I'm sorry Briel, but I just don't have the time or inclination to care for your... I mean our child."

*drops a piano on Coran*

"Maybe one day you'll grow a spine, elf!" Brielbara said, and shut the door.

You tell 'im, Marl! I mean, Brielbara.

"Leave," Ember said. "Go to your friends at the thieves' guild, or maybe Gorpel Hind will take you in."

And then abandon him by the wayside when they realize he's a moron.

"And good riddance to you," Edwin said with a satisfied smile.

I concur, Eddie!

"Evil?!" Minsc cried, horrified. "Minsc will beat the evil out of it, although Boo tells me a blacksmith must help!"


She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

;) (I would say :shock:, but, well... :))

#6 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 10:16 PM

"Brielbara!" Coran exclaimed.

Oh, Corans sins come to haunt him.

As they should.

"Surprised that your fling had its consequences?" Brielbara all but shouted. "My husband was none too pleased when my daughter turned out to be a half elf! Yago went into a fury; he nearly killed me, in fact. Do you remember how powerful he is? He has cursed our child to an early death. Little Namara won't live to see her first birthday. He's gloated that he possesses the cure, but of course he'd never let me have it. Since you're her father, Coran, you're going to find Yago and YOU ARE going to get the reverse of the spell from him!"

Eragh.... I fell for her but maybe cheating on your powerful mage husband is not the shiniest of ideas?

Yeah. There's probably a very good reason why he's a better mage than she is :roll:

"Entropic pleasure, you say? I'd like to know more. What's your name?" Coran asked, flashing the girls his broadest grin. Ember stared at him in disbelief. His child is dying, and even now he is flirting! Judging by the looks on the others' faces, they were just as appalled.

I bet he is confusing entropic with erotic.

Or something like that :shock:

"Naughty little girls should not try to lure foolish elves," Minsc admonished Desreta before releasing her, "or Minsc will have to teach them better manners with the flat of his sword!"

Watch it Minsc, they may like it.

Minsc: *looks confused*

Yago laughed. "So the bitch hired some adventurers to get a cure for her precious daughter. She should have sent someone who was up to the task, instead of you rabble!"

Ehh.... You are drunk you know.

He's clearly in the invincible phase of inebriation.

"T-there! It's there!" Yago shrieked, pointing at a large, dog eared tome. "I give up. I'll give you anything you want, just don't kill me!"

So how is that bravado working out for you? Okay? Yeah... I see it is going ok.


Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

"Evil?!" Minsc cried, horrified. "Minsc will beat the evil out of it, although Boo tells me a blacksmith must help!"

Oh, don`t worry Varscona, Shar still loves you.

Not when Minsc and the blacksmith are done with it, she won't.

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

Oh ho! That can`t be good.

*whistles innocently, twiddles thumbs*

#7 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 10:17 PM

Bye Coran!

Imoen: Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!

And uh-oh... off on her ownsome? That's an ominous sign...


#8 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 10:22 PM

Serving girls were bringing out baked apples and slabs of roast pork.


Indeed it is :D

"When you're done, come meet me at my home," Brielbara told Coran. "Hopefully, you haven't forgotten where that is."

Colleen: "No, seriously. Can we kick his ass? I wanna kick his ass. Let's kick his ass."

Ember: Be my guest.

The Low Lantern was an old, decrepit ship, permanently moored at the docks and turned into what was best described as an inn of ill repute.

There's a place like this in the latest Elder Scrolls game, Oblivion. Funny thing is, if you go to sleep there, when you wake up, you're at sea. :roll:

Really? That's awesome :D

Though, you'd wonder why they didn't mistake Immy for a kid, either. She hardly acts like a grown-up. :shock:

Well, if you put her next to Alora...

Ember stared at him in disbelief. His child is dying, and even now he is flirting!

Colleen: "All right... I know I've got a reputation for being kinda irresponsible and whatever, but this guy is just a moron. Someone seriously needs to cut this guy's balls off so he can't contaminate the rest of the world."

Jefferson: "Now, now... there's no need for that..."

Colleen: "Jeff, he's a bastard!"

Jefferson: "Didn't let me finish, Colleen. There's no need to cut anything off... when we have guns."

Colleen: "Ohhhhh... good point."

:cry: ;)

When I was starting to plan this story, I took one look at this particular bit of dialogue and decided I HAD to have Coran in my party for a while, if only so he could participate in this :shock:

"Evil?!" Minsc cried, horrified. "Minsc will beat the evil out of it, although Boo tells me a blacksmith must help!"

Oh, Minsc. You gotta love Minsc. :D

I do :)

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

Raven: (Smacks Ember in the back of the head) "Sure, sure... go out, all by your lonesome, without a weapon, when people are trying to kill you..."

Ember: *rubs back of head* I know! I know! Imoen and Kivan'd let me hear it if they could! (Which is why I didn't tell them)

#9 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 23 September 2006 - 10:27 PM

"I am sure it can wait till after we eat," Coran said, eyeing the food as well as the girls.

Careful, Coran, you'll go cross-eyed.

Then again, go ahead.

You know, the town I live in is full of cross-eyed people. It's almost scary.

"A daughter?" Coran stammered. "That's... that's, uh... wonderful."

Better put "get acting lessons" on your to-do list, Coran. Right under "Ember." :cry:

Ember: *glare* Let me see that list!

"Her name's Namara..? ...Curse, what curse? Slow down and let me..." Coran said, looking very bewildered.

And add "purchase brain" under that, while you're at it.

Ember: *rips list to shreds* A little late for that, I think.

I always thought the Low Lantern was a cool concept for an inn... you know, besides the prostitutes and all that.

It's still a cool concept :roll:

"Let me guess; you do not know the word 'entropy'?" Edwin asked Coran sarcastically.

He was probably thinking "erotic onslaught" instead of "entropic onslaught."

Edwin: What makes you think this caricature of a male knows the meaning of 'erotic'?

"Let's move on," Imoen said. "Let's get what we came for and leave." She was holding hands with Alora, and both looked very uncomfortable.

The collective cuteness.... it burns! It freezes! *dies of adorableness*


"Maybe one day you'll grow a spine, elf!" Brielbara said, and shut the door.

You tell 'im, Marl! I mean, Brielbara.


"Leave," Ember said. "Go to your friends at the thieves' guild, or maybe Gorpel Hind will take you in."

And then abandon him by the wayside when they realize he's a moron.

Where he can be abducted by pirates and eaten by werewolves.

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

:) (I would say :shock:, but, well... :D)

What, no afkjhadgjkhag this time? :D

#10 Guest_Radish_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 01:28 AM

Are you looking for another girl to seduce with your deceitful promises?

Coran: "Well, Ember has resisted the desire to kill me, so far. It's only a matter of time until she loves me!"

One wore an intricate outfit of grey leather that revealed an almost indecent amount of skin, and the other was dressed in equally revealing olive green robes.

Perhaps if Alora dressed something like this she wouldn't have people confusing her with a child so much :shock:

Ember stared at her beautiful sword, abandoned in the corner. For the first time, she saw Varscona for what it really was; a tool of vengeance, forever screaming for blood. How long had she heard its whispers without noticing? It was not alone, though. Not in me. It wasn't even the loudest whisper. Bile rose in her throat as revulsion filled her.

This is neat. Varscona's evil, however faint, and Bhaal's taint made good friends, I'm sure. On the other side of things, I wonder what a sword like Daystar would do for Ember?

#11 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 06:48 AM

"It can wait until you've spoken with me," a voice said behind Ember. She turned and looked into the angry face of a golden-haired woman. She was uncommonly beautiful, and the colours of her mage robes could be called nothing but cheerful, but there were deep shadows under her red-rimmed eyes.

"Brielbara!" Coran exclaimed.

Ah, finally! I was starting to wonder when she’s going to show up. :shock:

"I heard you'd come back to the city, coward, but I didn't really believe it," the woman said. "What brought you back? Are you looking for another girl to seduce with your deceitful promises? Perhaps you'd care to know that you have a daughter."

"A daughter?" Coran stammered. "That's... that's, uh... wonderful."

Yes, can’t you just feel he’s so overjoyed?

"Namara doesn't have time to slow down," Brielbara said. "Yago has been staying at the Low Lantern since he left me. It's just another despicable whorehouse, disguised as something classier, and he's rented a room somewhere on the ship. Just find his spell book and bring it to me. I should be able to reverse the curse if I have the formula."

Cursing a child like that, can’t really imagine anything more despicable. Sure I can understand that he was angry, but that’s no excuse.

To get to Yago's quarters, they had to traverse three decks of gambling tables, dancing girls, drug dealers and who knew what else; many leers and scowls greeted them as they passed by the inn's usual clientele. On the third deck, which smelled rather strongly of herbs, two girls approached them. One wore an intricate outfit of grey leather that revealed an almost indecent amount of skin, and the other was dressed in equally revealing olive green robes. Both had a glazed look in their eyes.

Too much Black Lotus, I can see that.

"I am Desreta. She is Vay-ya," the girl said. "We are one with void. We know life has no meaning. Let us show you entropic pleasure... It will delight you with its icy touch."

They sound like sisters of Haer’Dalis… so let’s kill them!

"I'm sure this pleasure could be quite interesting, especially if you show it to me in the privacy of your bedroom," Coran said.

Hmm, actually, it would not be a bad idea to leave him with these raving maniacs. :shock:

We should kill them, Ember thought. She could just draw her sword and cut them down, so easily. Her hand reached for her sword.

Yes, go for it, they have the gauntlets of strength! :cry:

"Life has been pretty lousy lately; how about you friend?" the drunken mage asked as he saw his visitors. "Let me tell you what happened to me! My bitch of a wife slept with some elvish mongrel, and even had his child. By the Nine Hells, does she ever have gall! Anyway, she's not laughing anymore; I cursed the child of that unholy union, so that it would die an early death. I hope the little brat drowns in its own vomit!" He reached for a corked wine bottle and struggled to open it.

How about we make you drown in the pool of your own blood and disembowelled guts? :D

Ember did not move. A quick push, and her blade would skewer this pathetic drunkard. It'd be so easy, and nobody would miss him. She could vividly imagine her sword cutting through him, blood freezing as it spurted forth. She felt her sword clamor for the kill, like a faint echo of the howling in her blood. Her entire body trembled with anticipation. Kill, something chanted inside her, over and over.

Well, this fellow surely deserves it… though it’s better that she doesn’t give in to these instincts.

Ember stared at her beautiful sword, abandoned in the corner. For the first time, she saw Varscona for what it really was; a tool of vengeance, forever screaming for blood. How long had she heard its whispers without noticing? It was not alone, though. Not in me. It wasn't even the loudest whisper. Bile rose in her throat as revulsion filled her.

Well, if it urges you to do the same as the Bhaal taint does, then it’s probably a good idea to get rid of that sword.

The mage's face hardened again as she turned towards Coran. "What about you, Coran?" she asked. "Are you planning on leaving again? Not even trying to be a father..."

Coran flushed red. "I'm sorry Briel, but I just don't have the time or inclination to care for your... I mean our child."

Brielbara scowled. "I expected as much. Or as little, I should say," she said.

Would she even take him back after all of this? If yes, then she’s pretty stupid herself. Heck, she probably is for getting involved with him in the first place.

Coran looked at all his companions in turn. With a sigh, he unhooked his coin purse from his belt and emptied most of it into a handkerchief, which he tied up and handed to the still scowling Brielbara.

Of course it would not occur to do something as that without the encouragement from the others.

"I see," Coran said slowly. He seemed to mull things over, then flashed them a grin again. "Ah well, even the best things pass away. Your company was enjoyable while it lasted. Perhaps we shall meet again," he said, and sauntered away, whistling.

He’s not too upset, because he started to figure out that this party didn’t have any girls he could possibly hope to score with. :roll:

Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

Using it is sort of fitting, though, as the BG1 and BG2 plots are in part PC’s-vengeance driven as well. ;)

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

Hopefully she’s not making some stupid mistake. :)

#12 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 10:53 AM

Are you looking for another girl to seduce with your deceitful promises?

Coran: "Well, Ember has resisted the desire to kill me, so far. It's only a matter of time until she loves me!"


One wore an intricate outfit of grey leather that revealed an almost indecent amount of skin, and the other was dressed in equally revealing olive green robes.

Perhaps if Alora dressed something like this she wouldn't have people confusing her with a child so much :wink:

Actually, I don't think such an outfit would help one bit in the Low Lantern! :wink:

Ember stared at her beautiful sword, abandoned in the corner. For the first time, she saw Varscona for what it really was; a tool of vengeance, forever screaming for blood. How long had she heard its whispers without noticing? It was not alone, though. Not in me. It wasn't even the loudest whisper. Bile rose in her throat as revulsion filled her.

This is neat. Varscona's evil, however faint, and Bhaal's taint made good friends, I'm sure. On the other side of things, I wonder what a sword like Daystar would do for Ember?

Well, I haven't decided what she'll be using in BGII yet, but I'm sure Daystar would be much better for her than Varscona :wink:

#13 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 11:05 AM

"It can wait until you've spoken with me," a voice said behind Ember. She turned and looked into the angry face of a golden-haired woman. She was uncommonly beautiful, and the colours of her mage robes could be called nothing but cheerful, but there were deep shadows under her red-rimmed eyes.

"Brielbara!" Coran exclaimed.

Ah, finally! I was starting to wonder when she’s going to show up. :wink:

Poor gal was just waiting for the other things I wanted Coran around for to be done :wink:

"I heard you'd come back to the city, coward, but I didn't really believe it," the woman said. "What brought you back? Are you looking for another girl to seduce with your deceitful promises? Perhaps you'd care to know that you have a daughter."

"A daughter?" Coran stammered. "That's... that's, uh... wonderful."

Yes, can’t you just feel he’s so overjoyed?

Yes, the existence of a woman he cannot possibly put the moves on, isn't it wonderful?

"Namara doesn't have time to slow down," Brielbara said. "Yago has been staying at the Low Lantern since he left me. It's just another despicable whorehouse, disguised as something classier, and he's rented a room somewhere on the ship. Just find his spell book and bring it to me. I should be able to reverse the curse if I have the formula."

Cursing a child like that, can’t really imagine anything more despicable. Sure I can understand that he was angry, but that’s no excuse.

He is absolutely one of the worst people in the game and I normally kill him without a second thought.

"I am Desreta. She is Vay-ya," the girl said. "We are one with void. We know life has no meaning. Let us show you entropic pleasure... It will delight you with its icy touch."

They sound like sisters of Haer’Dalis… so let’s kill them!


"I'm sure this pleasure could be quite interesting, especially if you show it to me in the privacy of your bedroom," Coran said.

Hmm, actually, it would not be a bad idea to leave him with these raving maniacs. :wink:

Yes, it could be quite ...pleasurable, couldn't it? :wink:

We should kill them, Ember thought. She could just draw her sword and cut them down, so easily. Her hand reached for her sword.

Yes, go for it, they have the gauntlets of strength! :)

It was very satisfying to see how Desreta clobbered Coran when I played.

Ember did not move. A quick push, and her blade would skewer this pathetic drunkard. It'd be so easy, and nobody would miss him. She could vividly imagine her sword cutting through him, blood freezing as it spurted forth. She felt her sword clamor for the kill, like a faint echo of the howling in her blood. Her entire body trembled with anticipation. Kill, something chanted inside her, over and over.

Well, this fellow surely deserves it… though it’s better that she doesn’t give in to these instincts.

Yeah, she's just noticing that it's not her will that's driving her.

Ember stared at her beautiful sword, abandoned in the corner. For the first time, she saw Varscona for what it really was; a tool of vengeance, forever screaming for blood. How long had she heard its whispers without noticing? It was not alone, though. Not in me. It wasn't even the loudest whisper. Bile rose in her throat as revulsion filled her.

Well, if it urges you to do the same as the Bhaal taint does, then it’s probably a good idea to get rid of that sword.


The mage's face hardened again as she turned towards Coran. "What about you, Coran?" she asked. "Are you planning on leaving again? Not even trying to be a father..."

Coran flushed red. "I'm sorry Briel, but I just don't have the time or inclination to care for your... I mean our child."

Brielbara scowled. "I expected as much. Or as little, I should say," she said.

Would she even take him back after all of this? If yes, then she’s pretty stupid herself. Heck, she probably is for getting involved with him in the first place.

True, that :D But I don't think she wants him as a lover; she wants her child to have a father. Even if the father is the scumbag of Faerun.

Coran looked at all his companions in turn. With a sigh, he unhooked his coin purse from his belt and emptied most of it into a handkerchief, which he tied up and handed to the still scowling Brielbara.

Of course it would not occur to do something as that without the encouragement from the others.

No, it'sonly when he can gain money that he shows initiative :evil:

"I see," Coran said slowly. He seemed to mull things over, then flashed them a grin again. "Ah well, even the best things pass away. Your company was enjoyable while it lasted. Perhaps we shall meet again," he said, and sauntered away, whistling.

He’s not too upset, because he started to figure out that this party didn’t have any girls he could possibly hope to score with. :lol:

Pretty much, yeah :lol:

Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

Using it is sort of fitting, though, as the BG1 and BG2 plots are in part PC’s-vengeance driven as well. :D

Hence why Ember's been using it this far :D

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

Hopefully she’s not making some stupid mistake. :D

Wait and see. *twiddles thumbs, whistles innocently*

#14 Guest_Clight_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 05:35 PM

So far along already... Damn, you're just going to do it, aren't you? You'll just keep on writing chapter at a time (and quite well if I may add), just like that, until the story is finished. How I envy you. I never managed to do that, and I can't do very much about it now that I'm busy studying. :wink:

#15 Guest_sparrow_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 08:40 PM

"Brielbara!" Coran exclaimed.

Ah excellent, getting what he deserves...and a good exit point! :evil:

"Entropic pleasure, you say? I'd like to know more. What's your name?" Coran asked, flashing the girls his broadest grin. Ember stared at him in disbelief. His child is dying, and even now he is flirting! Judging by the looks on the others' faces, they were just as appalled.

*smacks Coran* :wink: Makes you question his CG-ness.

"Naughty little girls should not try to lure foolish elves," Minsc admonished Desreta before releasing her, "or Minsc will have to teach them better manners with the flat of his sword!"


Yago laughed. "So the bitch hired some adventurers to get a cure for her precious daughter. She should have sent someone who was up to the task, instead of you rabble!"

:wink: Yet another silly person who underestimates and doesn't understand how outnumbered he is.

"And good riddance to you," Edwin said with a satisfied smile.

"I trust that nobody disagrees?" Kivan asked, and was met with a chorus of no's.

I don't! :lol:

Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

"Evil?!" Minsc cried, horrified. "Minsc will beat the evil out of it, although Boo tells me a blacksmith must help!"

Aww. :lol: Nice touch with the sword, makes sense.

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

:wink: But yay for twists - especially looking forward to the next chapter. :lol:

#16 Weyoun

Posted 24 September 2006 - 09:06 PM

"I am sure it can wait till after we eat," Coran said, eyeing the food as well as the girls.

No surprise there. :evil:

"A daughter?" Coran stammered. "That's... that's, uh... wonderful."

Yeah, I bet you think so. :wink:

"When you're done, come meet me at my home," Brielbara told Coran. "Hopefully, you haven't forgotten where that is."

"(I would not put it past him,)" Edwin muttered.

Good point.

"You come in here for some purpose, no?" the leather clad girl asked in a lazy tone. "I'll tell you the secret. There is no purpose, only entropy. Wondrous, sensous entropy. My soul sister and I know entropy better than most, perhaps we teach you some of its pleasures, no?" she purred.

I often wonder what those two idiots were doing at that inn.

"I'm sure this pleasure could be quite interesting, especially if you show it to me in the privacy of your bedroom," Coran said.

Nice to know he has his priorities straight.

"Let me guess; you do not know the word 'entropy'?" Edwin asked Coran sarcastically.

He doesn't know the word 'discretion' either. :lol:

"Please, let me live," the mage whimpered.

Ember did not move. A quick push, and her blade would skewer this pathetic drunkard. It'd be so easy, and nobody would miss him. She could vividly imagine her sword cutting through him, blood freezing as it spurted forth. She felt her sword clamor for the kill, like a faint echo of the howling in her blood. Her entire body trembled with anticipation. Kill, something chanted inside her, over and over.

pwned! :lol:

Ember stared at her beautiful sword, abandoned in the corner. For the first time, she saw Varscona for what it really was; a tool of vengeance, forever screaming for blood. How long had she heard its whispers without noticing? It was not alone, though. Not in me. It wasn't even the loudest whisper. Bile rose in her throat as revulsion filled her.

But... it's a +2 sword with 1d6 cold damage! Don't just throw it away! :wink:

"What are you talking about?" Coran asked.

"(Too stupid to understand,)" Edwin muttered.


"Little Ember? You dropped your sword," Minsc said. "Boo told me it was yours, so Minsc took care of it!" The large ranger proudly displayed the Sharran sword.

The thought of using the sword again was unbearable. "I don't want it back, Minsc," Ember said quietly.

"Why not?" Minsc asked. "How will you fight for justice without a sword?"

Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

Sell it to a BlackGuard! :lol:

Ember excused herself from dinner, claiming a headache, and went to her and Imoen's room. Instead of laying down, she wrote a brief note for Imoen. She hoped her friend wouldn't be too worried, but she knew Imoen would never let her do this alone. And she had to be alone, for as long as it'd take.

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#17 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 09:12 PM

So far along already... Damn, you're just going to do it, aren't you? You'll just keep on writing chapter at a time (and quite well if I may add), just like that, until the story is finished. How I envy you. I never managed to do that, and I can't do very much about it now that I'm busy studying. :wink:

Heh. You know, it's very encouraging of you to say that, especially now that I've been fighting chapter 45 for over a week, but I must say I owe it to being somewhat obsessive compulsive about my hobbies :wink:

#18 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 09:16 PM

"Brielbara!" Coran exclaimed.

Ah excellent, getting what he deserves...and a good exit point! :evil:

All the other little nuisances he's caused in the Gate have just been adding straws to the camel's back. This... is where you add the felled tree :)

"Entropic pleasure, you say? I'd like to know more. What's your name?" Coran asked, flashing the girls his broadest grin. Ember stared at him in disbelief. His child is dying, and even now he is flirting! Judging by the looks on the others' faces, they were just as appalled.

*smacks Coran* :wink: Makes you question his CG-ness.

Well, he'd never do anything bad... but he can't resist the ladies, even when he doesn't know what they're saying :wink:

Yago laughed. "So the bitch hired some adventurers to get a cure for her precious daughter. She should have sent someone who was up to the task, instead of you rabble!"

:wink: Yet another silly person who underestimates and doesn't understand how outnumbered he is.

Well, he is dead drunk.

Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

"Evil?!" Minsc cried, horrified. "Minsc will beat the evil out of it, although Boo tells me a blacksmith must help!"

Aww. :lol: Nice touch with the sword, makes sense.

When I read its story the first time I identified it, I thought it was sad. Later, I realized it was pretty damn creepy!

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.

:wink: But yay for twists - especially looking forward to the next chapter. :lol:


Next chapter is ready to go, but I'm not posting it till I have a decent grip on the story after it (which has refused to be written for about a week) :lol:

#19 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 24 September 2006 - 09:23 PM

"I am sure it can wait till after we eat," Coran said, eyeing the food as well as the girls.

No surprise there. :wink:

I didn't think there would be :evil:

"When you're done, come meet me at my home," Brielbara told Coran. "Hopefully, you haven't forgotten where that is."

"(I would not put it past him,)" Edwin muttered.

Good point.

Aw come on, do you really expect him to tell one house from another when he's been in most of them?

"You come in here for some purpose, no?" the leather clad girl asked in a lazy tone. "I'll tell you the secret. There is no purpose, only entropy. Wondrous, sensous entropy. My soul sister and I know entropy better than most, perhaps we teach you some of its pleasures, no?" she purred.

I often wonder what those two idiots were doing at that inn.

Getting quite stoned, I believe.

"I'm sure this pleasure could be quite interesting, especially if you show it to me in the privacy of your bedroom," Coran said.

Nice to know he has his priorities straight.

Drunkards are forever, but how often do two girls offer to show you a form of pleasure you haven't heard of before?

"Let me guess; you do not know the word 'entropy'?" Edwin asked Coran sarcastically.

He doesn't know the word 'discretion' either. :lol:

I blame it on the game writers. They're the one who made it so you have to say that in order to get the gauntlets of ogre power (and who better to say those things than Coran?) :wink:

Ember stared at her beautiful sword, abandoned in the corner. For the first time, she saw Varscona for what it really was; a tool of vengeance, forever screaming for blood. How long had she heard its whispers without noticing? It was not alone, though. Not in me. It wasn't even the loudest whisper. Bile rose in her throat as revulsion filled her.

But... it's a +2 sword with 1d6 cold damage! Don't just throw it away! :wink:

Ember: I don't care, I'm not touching it again.

Ember paused, considering how to explain the sword's true nature to Minsc. "The sword is evil, Minsc," she said. "I can feel it scream for vengeance. Nobody should use it."

Sell it to a BlackGuard! :lol:

Despite having 3 thieves in the party (for the time being), she's really not the type of person who'd do that :lol:

She finished the note and placed it on Imoen's pillow. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and walked quietly down the stairs, out the front door of the Elfsong, and towards the town gate at Wyrm's Crossing.


There, there.

#20 Guest_Keldan_*

Posted 25 September 2006 - 01:27 AM

Better put "get acting lessons" on your to-do list, Coran. Right under "Ember." ;)

Ember: *glare* Let me see that list!


He was probably thinking "erotic onslaught" instead of "entropic onslaught."

Edwin: What makes you think this caricature of a male knows the meaning of 'erotic'?

True, Eddie, very true. Only you could fully comprehend the meaning of the word "erotic," after all.

;) (I would say :shock:, but, well... ;))

What, no afkjhadgjkhag this time? :D

Well, there's that, too. Just... mostly the smug grin. ;)

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