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Ember's Tale 39: Arrival in Baldur's Gate

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#1 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 11 September 2006 - 07:57 PM

Chapter 39: Arrival in Baldur's Gate

If things had gone as planned, Ember and her companions would have reached Baldur's Gate in the afternoon, but a fair part of the day had been spent dealing with a quarrel between some fishermen and a young priestess of Umberlee. The fishermen had told them the priestess was souring the weather against them, and had begged their assistance. The priestess, who turned out to be little more than a child, had told them that the fishermen had killed her mother and stolen her mother's summoning bowl. When confronted, the fishermen made excuses and offered a slightly greater payment for their help.

Ember had stayed in the background and let Kivan and Imoen do most of the talking, but at that point, she lost her patience and stepped forward. "The child has said that you killed her mother and have been taking far too much from the seas. I don't like being used, Sonner. It makes me... angry," she'd growled.

All three fishermen stepped backwards. "Well that's it then! The jig's up isn't it?" one of them cried.

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

This guy should hear the voice in my dreams. Her hand was itching for her sword. "Give me the bowl, Sonner," she said in a low voice. "I'll not ask so nicely a second time!"

Sonner turned pale and hurriedly pulled a rather flat bronze bowl from his pack. "I've kept it with me; we felt it was safest that way. Take it, but know that the Storm Lord knows who it is that opposes him!"

"Oh, I doubt he ever liked me in the first place," Ember said, snatching the bowl from Sonner's hand. The fishermen scurried away.

When they returned to the child priestess, they were greeted with near indifference. "You return. I trust you bear good news?" she asked, standing with arms crossed in the doorway of her small hut.

"Here is the bowl that was taken from your mother," Kivan said, handing her the item. "Perhaps now she will rest."

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

"Perhaps you should have let me hand her the bowl," Coran said, stifling a laugh.

"We prefer to live," Edwin said.


It was early evening when they finally reached Baldur's Gate. Lanterns were being lit on the Gate bridge, but there was still enough light in the sky to be able to see the full scale of the city walls. Imoen gasped with surprise as the city came into sight.

"I've never seen anything like it," Ember said.

"It is even more impressive on the inside," Coran said.

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

They paid a small fee to cross the bridge and were allowed entrance into the city. The path led through a giant stone gate with heavy wooden doors; beyond the gate, they found themselves amidst a clutter of houses and businesses. Even at this hour, the streets were swarming with people.

"Now what?" Imoen asked.

"We should find an inn," Kivan said, "but we should also seek out the Flaming Fist headquarters."

"I know where to find both," Coran said.

"Then take us to the Fist first," Ember said. "The sooner they know, the sooner..." Her eye caught an old man in voluminous red robes and a pointy hat, moving through the crowd towards them. "Brace yourself, Edwin. He's back," she muttered.

"Who?" Edwin asked, looking around. He saw Elminster approaching, and groaned.

"Good day to thee, young one," Elminster said as he halted in front of Ember. "What a marvelous happenstance that we should again cross paths, especially in such a grand city as this."

Ember glared at the old wizard.

"Ahh, I see by thine eyes that thou've no time for my wry banter. 'Tis true, our meeting was no accident, though I do honestly take pleasure in seeing thee again," Elminster said.

"A pleasure I do not share. Why won't you leave me be?" she asked.

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said. "If I am to be accused of anything, perhaps it is that I have been a touch too mothering."


"I think this can be excused, however, when compared to the zeal with which thy true parentage pursues thee," he continued. "I trust thou dost suspect that thou art not 'normal.'"

A chill ran down Ember's spine; one of her worst fears had just been confirmed. "What do you know of this? Why have you come here?" she demanded.

"Oh, all citizens of the Sword Coast eventually pass through Baldur's Gate, and I knew thou wouldst as well," Elminster replied. "Forgive my continued meddling but I believe it is warranted, especially considering the pressures thou art no doubt confronting. My pestering of thee certainly pales in comparison to the influence thou've felt from others, including thine own self. Gorion raised thee as best he could, but 'tis hard indeed to overcome what is bred in the bone. Much more so in this case, I would imagine."

"So what is it you wish of me?" Ember asked through gritted teeth. It was too much to hope that he'd actually explain, wasn't it?

"I was about to ask this same question of thee. Thou've come quite far, and though my answers are often less than obvious, I do hope they help a little. Gorion often chided me for my obliqueness, though he was fond of a little verbal hide and seek as well."

"A little?" Ember laughed harshly. "I'm tired of these games. If you will do nothing for me, leave me to my own means!"

"Thou art determined to be confrontational, aren't thee?"

"I think very few would blame me."

"So be it," the wizard said with a small sigh. "I will leave thee to whatever fate that thou dost carve for thyself. I will extend the courtesy of a warning though; thy manner may come natural to thee, but obeying thine impulses is not always the best course. Being true to thyself is only wise if that is truly the self thou dost wish to become."

Elminster tipped his hat at Ember, then walked away. Colour slowly returned to Ember's face as she watched him leave.

"Em! Are you all right?" Imoen asked, clutching Ember's arm.

"I'm fine. Really," Ember said. "Don't worry."

"Ember, we can go directly to an inn if you wish," Kivan said.

"No. Let's go to the Fist and get that over and done with."

"What just happened here?" Coran asked.

"That," Edwin said, his face a blend of curiosity and concern, "is none of your business. Take us to the Fist headquarters, now."

The elf complied without further questions, and led them down many streets under the darkening sky; they arrived at the gate of the Flaming Fist headquarters as the first stars were appearing. After explaining their errand once at the gate and twice within, they were brought before the Fist's second in command, a large, strong-looking man who introduced himself as Commander Scar.

"Though it is not necessary for you to reveal your names, please answer me this: are you the group that was involved in the events at the Nashkel mines?" he asked.

"Yes, that was us," Kivan replied.

Scar smiled. "Well I'll have to say, you've made quite the commotion up here in Baldur's Gate," he said.

"You probably don't know half of it," Imoen said, pulling a large stack of letters out of her pack. The following hour was spent telling Scar about events in the mines and the bandit camp, all backed up with the letters they had found.

"Well, that sheds new light on things," Scar said when they were finished. "Unfortunately, while these letters are deeply incriminating, they are not sufficient proof to start a case; not against an organization as powerful as the Throne. I will expand my investigations, of course, and you may be able to assist me with that."

"How?" Ember asked.

"I can't really put my finger on a single source," Scar said, "but there have been many strange happenings going on within the city. It's been getting harder and harder for me to put trust in someone. I need outsiders to do some investigations, people with no connections to anyone within the city; would you be interested in working for me in such a capacity?"

The group exchanged glances. "We are," Kivan said.

"All right then; what I'm about to tell you must be held in the strictest confidence, do you understand? The Seven Suns leadership has been acting strangely of late, selling off valuable assets and neglecting many of their more profitable trading ventures. Considering the importance that the trading coster holds over the economy of the city, the Grand Dukes are noticeably upset," Scar said. "I tried to talk to the coster's head, Jhasso, but he rudely rebuffed me, telling me to mind my own business. I've known Jhasso for many years, and this isn't his usual behavior. I can't start up an official investigation, as there is no real reason for doing so. That's why I need you."

"The infiltrators may be behind the changes," Ember said. "What do you need us to do?"

"I want you to go to the Seven Suns compound, on the south-west side of town, and find out what's wrong. Use stealth in your investigations; I don't want this operation to cause too much fuss. Once you've found out as much as possible, report back to me. I'll pay you 2000 gold for this favor."

"We will go there tomorrow," Kivan said.

"Excellent!" Scar said. "I wish all of you the best of luck."


"I hope the phantom voice comes back. I'd like to hear it," Imoen said. She and Eddie had holed themselves up in a corner of the Elfsong tavern and were poring over their collection of scrolls and magical items. The landlady had told them about the strange singing that the tavern was named after; for some reason, it had not been heard for a tenday. The landlady was worried it was a bad omen.

"We'll no doubt get more done without it interrupting us," Eddie said, but she distinctly heard him mutter under his breath, "(Not that I would mind hearing it.)"

She smiled at him; to an extent, they shared an obsession with magical things, and she really enjoyed these intense study sessions with him. "So, do you think I am ready to try to scribe Fireball yet?" she asked.

Eddie raised his head from the parchments and was about to answer her, but paused and frowned as if someone'd stuffed a lemon in his mouth. "Not tonight. We are about to experience a disturbance," he said.

A hand rested on Imoen's shoulder; she turned and found herself staring at Coran's broadly grinning face. Rats.

"Well hello there!" Coran said. "Where's Ember?"

"She has a headache and went to bed early," Imoen told him. And that's all he needs to know.

"What a pity," Coran said. "The city has much to offer that can only be experienced at night."

"Such as what?" Eddie asked sourly. "Rats, drunks, dark streets? (Smarmy elves ogling women they have no right to as much as look at?)"

"You never know, and that's the charm of it!"

"Yes. You never know when a gnome is going to tiptoe towards you behind your back," Eddie said.

"A what?" Coran asked.

"HELLO!" a shrill voice said behind him, visibly startling the elf. Imoen hid a giggle with her hand.

"SHHH! Shh... ah... um... I mean... hello," the voice said. Coran turned around, moving enough for Imoen to see a gnome standing behind him, holding a feathered cap in his hand and squeezing it nervously. "Might I have but a moment of your... ah... time? Ooh, this IS exciting isn't it? Oh, wait...you wouldn't think so. You're probably used to it."

"Of course you can," Imoen said with a smile.

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Coran's grin returned, as broad as ever. "Didn't I tell you? You never know," he said to Eddie and Imoen before focusing his attention on the gnome.

#2 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 11 September 2006 - 09:33 PM

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

Yay, lets orphan a little girl because the price is to high!

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

I`m thinking that Umberlee is not the best mom one can have. I do kind of like the little girl though.

It was early evening when they finally reached Baldur's Gate. Lanterns were being lit on the Gate bridge, but there was still enough light in the sky to be able to see the full scale of the city walls. Imoen gasped with surprise as the city came into sight.

Well, it is their first real city.

"Then take us to the Fist first," Ember said. "The sooner they know, the sooner..." Her eye caught an old man in voluminous red robes and a pointy hat, moving through the crowd towards them. "Brace yourself, Edwin. He's back," she muttered.

Blergh.... Elminster...

"So be it," the wizard said with a small sigh. "I will leave thee to whatever fate that thou dost carve for thyself. I will extend the courtesy of a warning though; thy manner may come natural to thee, but obeying thine impulses is not always the best course. Being true to thyself is only wise if that is truly the self thou dost wish to become."

Elminster tipped his hat at Ember, then walked away. Colour slowly returned to Ember's face as she watched him leave.

Bah.... Gandalf the Grey is ten times the wizard.

"All right then; what I'm about to tell you must be held in the strictest confidence, do you understand? The Seven Suns leadership has been acting strangely of late, selling off valuable assets and neglecting many of their more profitable trading ventures. Considering the importance that the trading coster holds over the economy of the city, the Grand Dukes are noticeably upset," Scar said. "I tried to talk to the coster's head, Jhasso, but he rudely rebuffed me, telling me to mind my own business. I've known Jhasso for many years, and this isn't his usual behavior. I can't start up an official investigation, as there is no real reason for doing so. That's why I need you."

All those wonderful doppelgangers....

Eddie raised his head from the parchments and was about to answer her, but paused and frowned as if someone'd stuffed a lemon in his mouth. "Not tonight. We are about to experience a disturbance," he said.

A hand rested on Imoen's shoulder; she turned and found herself staring at Coran's broadly grinning face. Rats.

Actually that is "rat". :)

"Yes. You never know when a gnome is going to tiptoe towards you behind your back," Eddie said.

Ohh... Those gnomes...

"HELLO!" a shrill voice said behind him, visibly startling the elf. Imoen hid a giggle with her hand.


"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Is it Qualye? I may have spelt that wrong mind you.

Coran's grin returned, as broad as ever. "Didn't I tell you? You never know," he said to Eddie and Imoen before focusing his attention on the gnome.

It is the road the gnome related adventure.

#3 Guest_Keldan_*

Posted 11 September 2006 - 11:58 PM

If things had gone as planned, Ember and her companions would have reached Baldur's Gate in the afternoon,

Things never go as planned for adventurers. It's like Murphy's Law, but fine-tuned towards them.

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

And you'd best shut up before you get a face full of fist! Or worse.

"Perhaps you should have let me hand her the bowl," Coran said, stifling a laugh.

"We prefer to live," Edwin said.

Really. Besides, she's too young to appreciate your... "unique" personality, Coran. :)

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

I'm sure it would, Eddie. :twisted:

"Then take us to the Fist first," Ember said. "The sooner they know, the sooner..." Her eye caught an old man in voluminous red robes and a pointy hat, moving through the crowd towards them. "Brace yourself, Edwin. He's back," she muttered.

Man the torpedoes! Thar be a blowhard afoot!

And I don't mean a whale, either.

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said. "If I am to be accused of anything, perhaps it is that I have been a touch too mothering."

Whoa, whoa. That was a mental image I did not need, Elminster.

"Thou art determined to be confrontational, aren't thee?"

Pretty much, yeah.

"I think very few would blame me."

I don't! :lol:

"That," Edwin said, his face a blend of curiosity and concern, "is none of your business. Take us to the Fist headquarters, now."

Concern for who, though? ;) Himself, or... *gasp* someone else? :)

Yeah, I'm just obsessed with Edwin. Ignore me.

"I can't really put my finger on a single source," Scar said, "but there have been many strange happenings going on within the city. It's been getting harder and harder for me to put trust in someone. I need outsiders to do some investigations, people with no connections to anyone within the city; would you be interested in working for me in such a capacity?"

Of course! Can't really go anywhere with the plot, otherwise. Well, in the game, anyway.

She smiled at him; to an extent, they shared an obsession with magical things, and she really enjoyed these intense study sessions with him. "So, do you think I am ready to try to scribe Fireball yet?" she asked.

Here's the requisite "awwww." ;)

"Such as what?" Eddie asked sourly. "Rats, drunks, dark streets? (Smarmy elves ogling women they have no right to as much as look at?)"

... ;) :D :D

"HELLO!" a shrill voice said behind him, visibly startling the elf. Imoen hid a giggle with her hand.

I loved this little guy. He was pretty adorable. :roll:

Coran's grin returned, as broad as ever. "Didn't I tell you? You never know," he said to Eddie and Imoen before focusing his attention on the gnome.

Ooh, thievery coming up? :D

#4 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 12 September 2006 - 06:24 AM

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

Yay, lets orphan a little girl because the price is to high!

But Talos is Chaotic Evil and that's the kind of stuff that is Chaotic Evil, so that makes it a good thing to do for Talos! But Talos doesn't want you to do good things, so ...*kills woman just to stop the argument*

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

I`m thinking that Umberlee is not the best mom one can have. I do kind of like the little girl though.

I like her too, in a 'man are you creepy' way.

It was early evening when they finally reached Baldur's Gate. Lanterns were being lit on the Gate bridge, but there was still enough light in the sky to be able to see the full scale of the city walls. Imoen gasped with surprise as the city came into sight.

Well, it is their first real city.

Oh yes. They hadn't even been as far as Beregost before they left Candlekeep.

"Then take us to the Fist first," Ember said. "The sooner they know, the sooner..." Her eye caught an old man in voluminous red robes and a pointy hat, moving through the crowd towards them. "Brace yourself, Edwin. He's back," she muttered.

Blergh.... Elminster...

Yep. Sorry. :)

Elminster tipped his hat at Ember, then walked away. Colour slowly returned to Ember's face as she watched him leave.

Bah.... Gandalf the Grey is ten times the wizard.

Can't beat the original!

"I tried to talk to the coster's head, Jhasso, but he rudely rebuffed me, telling me to mind my own business. I've known Jhasso for many years, and this isn't his usual behavior. I can't start up an official investigation, as there is no real reason for doing so. That's why I need you."

All those wonderful doppelgangers....

Yep. I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to best write about killing them. Yay.

A hand rested on Imoen's shoulder; she turned and found herself staring at Coran's broadly grinning face. Rats.

Actually that is "rat". :twisted:


"Yes. You never know when a gnome is going to tiptoe towards you behind your back," Eddie said.

Ohh... Those gnomes...

As long as they're not talking, they're okay. The problem is, they're never not talking.

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Is it Qualye? I may have spelt that wrong mind you.

No, it's not Quayle :roll: It's Brevlik, who sits around in the Elfsong tavern and begs people to steal a telescope for him.

#5 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 12 September 2006 - 06:32 AM

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

And you'd best shut up before you get a face full of fist! Or worse.

They're lucky Ember didn't kill them :twisted:

"Perhaps you should have let me hand her the bowl," Coran said, stifling a laugh.

"We prefer to live," Edwin said.

Really. Besides, she's too young to appreciate your... "unique" personality, Coran. :roll:

Edwin: I would have liked to see him try. (From a safe distance.)

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

I'm sure it would, Eddie. :lol:

Edwin: These barbarians have no proper standards to measure their cities by, after all.

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said. "If I am to be accused of anything, perhaps it is that I have been a touch too mothering."

Whoa, whoa. That was a mental image I did not need, Elminster.

No kidding. I couldn't have come up with a sentence like that even if I'd wanted to! (Yep, it's fresh from the game dialogue.)

"I think very few would blame me."

I don't! :D

I don't think I've ever read a story where Elminster has been treated with respect, or where he's deserved any. (Crap, I just remembered I kind of wrote one in a quiz once. Oh well, what can you do?)

"That," Edwin said, his face a blend of curiosity and concern, "is none of your business. Take us to the Fist headquarters, now."

Concern for who, though? :D Himself, or... *gasp* someone else? :)

Yeah, I'm just obsessed with Edwin. Ignore me.

:D Much curiosity about this parentage thing, and a touch of concern for the girls.

She smiled at him; to an extent, they shared an obsession with magical things, and she really enjoyed these intense study sessions with him. "So, do you think I am ready to try to scribe Fireball yet?" she asked.

Here's the requisite "awwww." :D

I thought you'd like that ;)

"Such as what?" Eddie asked sourly. "Rats, drunks, dark streets? (Smarmy elves ogling women they have no right to as much as look at?)"

... :D :D :D


"HELLO!" a shrill voice said behind him, visibly startling the elf. Imoen hid a giggle with her hand.

I loved this little guy. He was pretty adorable. ;)

Yeah, he was ;) (Too bad I'm going to... well, you'll see :D )

Coran's grin returned, as broad as ever. "Didn't I tell you? You never know," he said to Eddie and Imoen before focusing his attention on the gnome.

Ooh, thievery coming up? :D

Edwin: *sigh* It's all that elf's fault.

#6 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 12 September 2006 - 08:51 AM

If things had gone as planned


And I’m not going to say anything else about it. Just -> :)

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

Yeah, Talos and Umberlee, a bit strange to have them be the ones to quarrel… I think in the 3rd edition they changed Talos to be like the big bad boss of the evil nature deities, and Umberlee is sort of being his Bitch. :roll:

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

Charming kid, isn’t she? ;)

"Perhaps you should have let me hand her the bowl," Coran said, stifling a laugh.

"We prefer to live," Edwin said.

That’s true… and going after children now, Coran? That’s just… ewwww.

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

Well… no. :lol: But it’s true that most of the Thayan cities would be larger, aye.

They paid a small fee to cross the bridge and were allowed entrance into the city. The path led through a giant stone gate with heavy wooden doors; beyond the gate, they found themselves amidst a clutter of houses and businesses. Even at this hour, the streets were swarming with people.

Hey, where’s Scar?

"Then take us to the Fist first," Ember said. "The sooner they know, the sooner..." Her eye caught an old man in voluminous red robes and a pointy hat, moving through the crowd towards them. "Brace yourself, Edwin. He's back," she muttered.

Like a bad plague!

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said. "If I am to be accused of anything, perhaps it is that I have been a touch too mothering."

Errr… ewwww! And yes, you are an old letch.

"I think this can be excused, however, when compared to the zeal with which thy true parentage pursues thee," he continued. "I trust thou dost suspect that thou art not 'normal.'"

And they say Jaheira can be blunt to the point of insulting. :twisted:

"I was about to ask this same question of thee. Thou've come quite far, and though my answers are often less than obvious, I do hope they help a little. Gorion often chided me for my obliqueness, though he was fond of a little verbal hide and seek as well."

Well… yeah, Gorion did play the hide and seek game with the PC for so many years. I guess some might hold it against him, too.

"No. Let's go to the Fist and get that over and done with."

"What just happened here?" Coran asked.

Nothing you need to know about. ;)

"Though it is not necessary for you to reveal your names, please answer me this: are you the group that was involved in the events at the Nashkel mines?" he asked.

Guess it makes more sense to meet him here rather than have him wait from the group, stuck on the bridge endlessly.

"Well, that sheds new light on things," Scar said when they were finished. "Unfortunately, while these letters are deeply incriminating, they are not sufficient proof to start a case; not against an organization as powerful as the Throne. I will expand my investigations, of course, and you may be able to assist me with that."

I really wondered why they would not consider these letters good enough, it seemed like pretty condemning evidence to me.

"I hope the phantom voice comes back. I'd like to hear it," Imoen said. She and Eddie had holed themselves up in a corner of the Elfsong tavern and were poring over their collection of scrolls and magical items. The landlady had told them about the strange singing that the tavern was named after; for some reason, it had not been heard for a tenday. The landlady was worried it was a bad omen.

According to the lorebook (yep, the Elfsong ghost is canon!), the song is supposed to remind you of your most depressing, saddest memory and reduce you to a pile of emotional, gibbering wreck. ;)

A hand rested on Imoen's shoulder; she turned and found herself staring at Coran's broadly grinning face. Rats.

I am sort of impressed how Coran can brush off and ignore the cold shoulder he’s getting from them all. I guess he’s deluded himself so far that he is actually convinced that everyone finds him plain irresistible.

"Such as what?" Eddie asked sourly. "Rats, drunks, dark streets? (Smarmy elves ogling women they have no right to as much as look at?)"

"You never know, and that's the charm of it!"

Umm, no. I’m not in the least interested in anything like that.

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Coran's grin returned, as broad as ever. "Didn't I tell you? You never know," he said to Eddie and Imoen before focusing his attention on the gnome.

Yeah, but the task doesn’t involve any wenches to seduce, so no doubt Coran would easily get bored.

#7 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 12 September 2006 - 11:59 AM

If things had gone as planned


And I’m not going to say anything else about it. Just -> :twisted:

She hasn't traveled quite enough to learn that plans never go according to plan :D

Yeah, Talos and Umberlee, a bit strange to have them be the ones to quarrel… I think in the 3rd edition they changed Talos to be like the big bad boss of the evil nature deities, and Umberlee is sort of being his Bitch. ;)

It's like choosing between drowning and burning, picking a side with those two (or drowning and being struck by lighting?). At least the fishermen make it easier by being the murdering jerks rather than the extorting jerks :roll:

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

Charming kid, isn’t she? :D

I imagine her as a fifteen year old in an icy bitch queen phase :D

"Perhaps you should have let me hand her the bowl," Coran said, stifling a laugh.

"We prefer to live," Edwin said.

That’s true… and going after children now, Coran? That’s just… ewwww.

His charm transcends age boundaries :lol:

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

Well… no. :D But it’s true that most of the Thayan cities would be larger, aye.

Edwin: Quiet, simian.

They paid a small fee to cross the bridge and were allowed entrance into the city. The path led through a giant stone gate with heavy wooden doors; beyond the gate, they found themselves amidst a clutter of houses and businesses. Even at this hour, the streets were swarming with people.

Hey, where’s Scar?

Where he should be :D

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said. "If I am to be accused of anything, perhaps it is that I have been a touch too mothering."

Errr… ewwww! And yes, you are an old letch.

Yes. Yes, he is.

"I think this can be excused, however, when compared to the zeal with which thy true parentage pursues thee," he continued. "I trust thou dost suspect that thou art not 'normal.'"

And they say Jaheira can be blunt to the point of insulting. ;)

I suspect the Harpers have training courses ;)

I also suspect that if Ember hadn't been having Those Dreams, she would have interpreted Elminster's words as a warning that her parents were the ones who had placed the bounty on her.

Hm *scribbles that observation down for potential future usage*

"I was about to ask this same question of thee. Thou've come quite far, and though my answers are often less than obvious, I do hope they help a little. Gorion often chided me for my obliqueness, though he was fond of a little verbal hide and seek as well."

Well… yeah, Gorion did play the hide and seek game with the PC for so many years. I guess some might hold it against him, too.

"Ben, why didn't you tell me?"

I wonder if Gorion would have made excuses about points of view.

"No. Let's go to the Fist and get that over and done with."

"What just happened here?" Coran asked.

Nothing you need to know about. :D

He doesn't even know there's a bounty on Ember :D

"Though it is not necessary for you to reveal your names, please answer me this: are you the group that was involved in the events at the Nashkel mines?" he asked.

Guess it makes more sense to meet him here rather than have him wait from the group, stuck on the bridge endlessly.

Yep. He should be at work, not cavorting around on the bridge :D

"Well, that sheds new light on things," Scar said when they were finished. "Unfortunately, while these letters are deeply incriminating, they are not sufficient proof to start a case; not against an organization as powerful as the Throne. I will expand my investigations, of course, and you may be able to assist me with that."

I really wondered why they would not consider these letters good enough, it seemed like pretty condemning evidence to me.

Scar: Letters can be forged. If we can back them with tangible proof, it is another matter entirely. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking with it.

"I hope the phantom voice comes back. I'd like to hear it," Imoen said. She and Eddie had holed themselves up in a corner of the Elfsong tavern and were poring over their collection of scrolls and magical items. The landlady had told them about the strange singing that the tavern was named after; for some reason, it had not been heard for a tenday. The landlady was worried it was a bad omen.

According to the lorebook (yep, the Elfsong ghost is canon!), the song is supposed to remind you of your most depressing, saddest memory and reduce you to a pile of emotional, gibbering wreck. :D

Imoen: :)

A hand rested on Imoen's shoulder; she turned and found herself staring at Coran's broadly grinning face. Rats.

I am sort of impressed how Coran can brush off and ignore the cold shoulder he’s getting from them all. I guess he’s deluded himself so far that he is actually convinced that everyone finds him plain irresistible.

Coran: sooner or later, they'll melt. *flashes grin*

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Coran's grin returned, as broad as ever. "Didn't I tell you? You never know," he said to Eddie and Imoen before focusing his attention on the gnome.

Yeah, but the task doesn’t involve any wenches to seduce, so no doubt Coran would easily get bored.

Hey, he went wyvern hunting... or does that imply something about his taste in women? :D

#8 Laufey

Posted 12 September 2006 - 12:19 PM

Sonner turned pale and hurriedly pulled a rather flat bronze bowl from his pack. "I've kept it with me; we felt it was safest that way. Take it, but know that the Storm Lord knows who it is that opposes him!"

At this point in the game, I expected some followup to come later, perhaps being attacked by Talosians.

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

She's rather chilling, isn't she? Fanatics are scary people.

"I've never seen anything like it," Ember said.

"It is even more impressive on the inside," Coran said.

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

And the thing is, he's actually right about that and not just boasting.

"Who?" Edwin asked, looking around. He saw Elminster approaching, and groaned.

Oh *no*! :)

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said. "If I am to be accused of anything, perhaps it is that I have been a touch too mothering."


Rini: Some mother...

"Thou art determined to be confrontational, aren't thee?"

Well *duh!*

"So be it," the wizard said with a small sigh. "I will leave thee to whatever fate that thou dost carve for thyself. I will extend the courtesy of a warning though; thy manner may come natural to thee, but obeying thine impulses is not always the best course. Being true to thyself is only wise if that is truly the self thou dost wish to become."

Rini: Yeah? I bet fawning all over you would be more to your liking, wouldn't it?

"I hope the phantom voice comes back. I'd like to hear it," Imoen said. She and Eddie had holed themselves up in a corner of the Elfsong tavern and were poring over their collection of scrolls and magical items. The landlady had told them about the strange singing that the tavern was named after; for some reason, it had not been heard for a tenday. The landlady was worried it was a bad omen.

Oh yes, first time I played the game I kept expecting to encounter the ghost!

"SHHH! Shh... ah... um... I mean... hello," the voice said. Coran turned around, moving enough for Imoen to see a gnome standing behind him, holding a feathered cap in his hand and squeezing it nervously. "Might I have but a moment of your... ah... time? Ooh, this IS exciting isn't it? Oh, wait...you wouldn't think so. You're probably used to it."

Aw, he's rather cute. :) I like this quest too.
Rogues do it from behind.

#9 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 12 September 2006 - 07:06 PM

Sonner turned pale and hurriedly pulled a rather flat bronze bowl from his pack. "I've kept it with me; we felt it was safest that way. Take it, but know that the Storm Lord knows who it is that opposes him!"

At this point in the game, I expected some followup to come later, perhaps being attacked by Talosians.

I Have Plans (I think) :)

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

She's rather chilling, isn't she? Fanatics are scary people.

Ember: She's no Faldorn, but yes.

"I've never seen anything like it," Ember said.

"It is even more impressive on the inside," Coran said.

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

And the thing is, he's actually right about that and not just boasting.

Edwin: Of course I am right!

(Hopefully I'll manage to avoid unwittingly putting lies in his mouth :( )

"Who?" Edwin asked, looking around. He saw Elminster approaching, and groaned.

Oh *no*! :(

Oh yes :P

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said. "If I am to be accused of anything, perhaps it is that I have been a touch too mothering."


Rini: Some mother...

Well, if you put Elminster, Bhaal, and a Girdle of Gender in a room...

No. Think happy thoughts. Little bluebirds and daisies. La la la.

"So be it," the wizard said with a small sigh. "I will leave thee to whatever fate that thou dost carve for thyself. I will extend the courtesy of a warning though; thy manner may come natural to thee, but obeying thine impulses is not always the best course. Being true to thyself is only wise if that is truly the self thou dost wish to become."

Rini: Yeah? I bet fawning all over you would be more to your liking, wouldn't it?

Ember: One would think he'd appreciate the change.

"SHHH! Shh... ah... um... I mean... hello," the voice said. Coran turned around, moving enough for Imoen to see a gnome standing behind him, holding a feathered cap in his hand and squeezing it nervously. "Might I have but a moment of your... ah... time? Ooh, this IS exciting isn't it? Oh, wait...you wouldn't think so. You're probably used to it."

Aw, he's rather cute. :D I like this quest too.

Yeah :D (And when I play, I do let him have his telescope :D )

#10 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 12 September 2006 - 08:08 PM

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

This is why I sometimes hate Forgotten Realms religion. :)

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

Nice kid.

Oh, wait. No, she's not.

"Good day to thee, young one," Elminster said as he halted in front of Ember. "What a marvelous happenstance that we should again cross paths, especially in such a grand city as this."

Ember glared at the old wizard.

I still don't understand the Elminster hate that pervades this place. I doubt I ever will. :(

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said.

Even though -everyone- (at least in these parts) seems to write him as one. I guess I just don't see it. But then, I'm one of those weird people that, say, likes Aerie. :(

"So what is it you wish of me?" Ember asked through gritted teeth. It was too much to hope that he'd actually explain, wasn't it?

I know it's frustrating, but my Charnames were a lot more forgiving, I guess. I mean, it's not something that can be handled indelicately. You really do need the kid gloves for this one. And it seems all the various Charnames get honked off and start whining 'Quit messing with my life, blah blah blah...'

And I actually get a bit irked by that. It's like... I know you're a petulant teenager at this point, but surprise surprise, the whole world don't revolve around you, even if you -are- the prophesied one... so stop complaining just because people won't let you just walk out there and cock up the whole world because you don't know what you're doing.


Sorry about the rant.

"I think very few would blame me."

I do. Look, I like Ember. I really do. But she's acting like a spoiled child. Does she have a right to be frustrated? Certainly. But realize that the man knows more than you do, and stop acting like a brat about it. So he's being vague. He has to be. He can't just come out and tell you what the hell is going on... but what he -can- do is give you some hints, even if they're cryptic and you have to puzzle them out.

It's not as much help as you would like, sure, but now is not the time to be acting all ungrateful. At least that's how I look at it...

"I hope the phantom voice comes back. I'd like to hear it," Imoen said. She and Eddie had holed themselves up in a corner of the Elfsong tavern and were poring over their collection of scrolls and magical items. The landlady had told them about the strange singing that the tavern was named after; for some reason, it had not been heard for a tenday. The landlady was worried it was a bad omen.

I was there in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance... it was a pretty haunting melody.

She smiled at him; to an extent, they shared an obsession with magical things, and she really enjoyed these intense study sessions with him.

I just hope they don't end up together. I've seen that happen once already, and... I... wasn't the hugest fan. :P

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."



#11 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 13 September 2006 - 06:13 AM

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

This is why I sometimes hate Forgotten Realms religion. :)

Sometimes, it reminds me slightly of Discworld religion :(

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

Nice kid.

Oh, wait. No, she's not.

She's a little bitch queen in training, after all.

The wizard frowned. "I am not some old letch that follows thee around for the good of mine eyes, upstart," he said.

Even though -everyone- (at least in these parts) seems to write him as one. I guess I just don't see it. But then, I'm one of those weird people that, say, likes Aerie. :D

Mine isn't a letch, or a party animal. He just does not know the right way to be subtle around people who aren't familiar with his methods; with the result that Ember gets very easily mad at him.

"So what is it you wish of me?" Ember asked through gritted teeth. It was too much to hope that he'd actually explain, wasn't it?

I know it's frustrating, but my Charnames were a lot more forgiving, I guess. I mean, it's not something that can be handled indelicately. You really do need the kid gloves for this one. And it seems all the various Charnames get honked off and start whining 'Quit messing with my life, blah blah blah...'

Sometimes when I play, I use the kinder responses. They didn't fit Ember's current personality.

And I actually get a bit irked by that. It's like... I know you're a petulant teenager at this point, but surprise surprise, the whole world don't revolve around you, even if you -are- the prophesied one... so stop complaining just because people won't let you just walk out there and cock up the whole world because you don't know what you're doing.

Her problem with Elminster is that she doesn't know that that's what he's saying.

Sorry about the rant.

There, there, s'okay :(

"I think very few would blame me."

I do. Look, I like Ember. I really do. But she's acting like a spoiled child. Does she have a right to be frustrated? Certainly. But realize that the man knows more than you do, and stop acting like a brat about it. So he's being vague. He has to be. He can't just come out and tell you what the hell is going on... but what he -can- do is give you some hints, even if they're cryptic and you have to puzzle them out.

It's not as much help as you would like, sure, but now is not the time to be acting all ungrateful. At least that's how I look at it...

She'll understand. Eventually.

I don't think there's any hope for change in Edwin in this matter, though :D

"I hope the phantom voice comes back. I'd like to hear it," Imoen said. She and Eddie had holed themselves up in a corner of the Elfsong tavern and were poring over their collection of scrolls and magical items. The landlady had told them about the strange singing that the tavern was named after; for some reason, it had not been heard for a tenday. The landlady was worried it was a bad omen.

I was there in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance... it was a pretty haunting melody.

The first game or the second game?

She smiled at him; to an extent, they shared an obsession with magical things, and she really enjoyed these intense study sessions with him.

I just hope they don't end up together. I've seen that happen once already, and... I... wasn't the hugest fan. :D

Where'd you see that, if I may ask?

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."



#12 Guest_Coutelier_*

Posted 13 September 2006 - 07:56 PM

Chapter 39: Arrival in Baldur's Gate

So soon... and I've just not had time to comment on every chapter. But they've all been very good so far.

"That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years!" the one named Sonner said. "The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said... Suffice to say, we made other arrangements for our safe passage at sea. Part of that deal was a little pay-back as well. So you see, we are all pawns within the 'friendly' rivalries of the gods. You had best tread carefully, lest you step on some pretty powerful toes."

Tarant: I'm convinced there are no actual gods, just very powerful... what do they call them..? Alien beings, who want to enslave us all by pretending what they do with advanced technology is magic.

Imoen: You can't seriously think that... it would make a great play though.

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

Tarant: She sure takes her time though... almost every ship I've ever been on has sunk and stranded me on a werewolf island or with a bunch of sharkmen.

"I've never seen anything like it," Ember said.

"It is even more impressive on the inside," Coran said.

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

Edwin: Absolutely. Of course, the odd one, or two, million slaves may have been worked to death in their construction but if they were alive now they would see their labours were well worth it. Not that a slave would be allowed to own a home in Thay of course... but they could stand and gasp. But not too loudly... gods help them if they gasp too loudly!

"Who?" Edwin asked, looking around. He saw Elminster approaching, and groaned.

"Good day to thee, young one," Elminster said as he halted in front of Ember. "What a marvelous happenstance that we should again cross paths, especially in such a grand city as this."

Ember glared at the old wizard.

Gandalf knockoff... who in turn was a Merlin knockoff. So, he's a ripoff of a ripoff. He's twice ripped. Yeah.

"I think this can be excused, however, when compared to the zeal with which thy true parentage pursues thee," he continued. "I trust thou dost suspect that thou art not 'normal.'"

Edwin: Bah. Everyone suspects that about themselves. It's called paranoia.

"So be it," the wizard said with a small sigh. "I will leave thee to whatever fate that thou dost carve for thyself. I will extend the courtesy of a warning though; thy manner may come natural to thee, but obeying thine impulses is not always the best course. Being true to thyself is only wise if that is truly the self thou dost wish to become."

Tarant: That's deep. Too deep for me. I wanna go and hit something.

"I can't really put my finger on a single source," Scar said, "but there have been many strange happenings going on within the city. It's been getting harder and harder for me to put trust in someone. I need outsiders to do some investigations, people with no connections to anyone within the city; would you be interested in working for me in such a capacity?"

The group exchanged glances. "We are," Kivan said.

Tarant: You should ask what the hours are like first. What benefits do you get, like health cover... most importantly, how much does he pay.

"I want you to go to the Seven Suns compound, on the south-west side of town, and find out what's wrong. Use stealth in your investigations; I don't want this operation to cause too much fuss. Once you've found out as much as possible, report back to me. I'll pay you 2000 gold for this favor."

"We will go there tomorrow," Kivan said.

"Excellent!" Scar said. "I wish all of you the best of luck."

Tarant: You should have haggled.

Eddie raised his head from the parchments and was about to answer her, but paused and frowned as if someone'd stuffed a lemon in his mouth. "Not tonight. We are about to experience a disturbance," he said.

A hand rested on Imoen's shoulder; she turned and found herself staring at Coran's broadly grinning face. Rats.

Jaheira: Where?

Tarant: What's wrong with you?

Jaheira: Nothing... I... I just, do not like rats.

Imoen: Heehee... Jaheira's scared of rats...

Aerie: Really?

Jaheira: I never said I was scared. I just do not like them.

Tarant: It's okay. Lots of people have phobias. Of course, most aren't as pathetic as yours...

Jaheira: :)

"SHHH! Shh... ah... um... I mean... hello," the voice said. Coran turned around, moving enough for Imoen to see a gnome standing behind him, holding a feathered cap in his hand and squeezing it nervously. "Might I have but a moment of your... ah... time? Ooh, this IS exciting isn't it? Oh, wait...you wouldn't think so. You're probably used to it."

Tarant: Somebody please shove that cap down his throat...

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Coran's grin returned, as broad as ever. "Didn't I tell you? You never know," he said to Eddie and Imoen before focusing his attention on the gnome.

Tarant: I hate gnomes. Why can't they just talk like normal people?

Good chapter!

#13 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 13 September 2006 - 09:12 PM

Chapter 39: Arrival in Baldur's Gate

So soon... and I've just not had time to comment on every chapter. But they've all been very good so far.

And there'll be another either tomorrow or friday :( (I'm having a heavy writing phase at the moment; I'm even trying to get a buffer for the first time since chapter five!)

Tarant: I'm convinced there are no actual gods, just very powerful... what do they call them..? Alien beings, who want to enslave us all by pretending what they do with advanced technology is magic.

Imoen: You can't seriously think that... it would make a great play though.

I'm sure Raelis Shai and company would be only too happy to perform it.

"Umberlee is mother now, and she is well pleased," the girl said. "She will deal with Sonner's group in time, and Talos will no doubt abandon them for their failure. If they are wise they will never set sail again, for the sea will take their worthless lives." The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

Tarant: She sure takes her time though... almost every ship I've ever been on has sunk and stranded me on a werewolf island or with a bunch of sharkmen.

Ember: And how many times have you ticked off Talos?

"I've never seen anything like it," Ember said.

"It is even more impressive on the inside," Coran said.

"Impressive? In Thay, this would be a mere village," Edwin said huffily.

Edwin: Absolutely. Of course, the odd one, or two, million slaves may have been worked to death in their construction but if they were alive now they would see their labours were well worth it. Not that a slave would be allowed to own a home in Thay of course... but they could stand and gasp. But not too loudly... gods help them if they gasp too loudly!

Edwin: Exactly!

"Who?" Edwin asked, looking around. He saw Elminster approaching, and groaned.

"Good day to thee, young one," Elminster said as he halted in front of Ember. "What a marvelous happenstance that we should again cross paths, especially in such a grand city as this."

Ember glared at the old wizard.

Gandalf knockoff... who in turn was a Merlin knockoff. So, he's a ripoff of a ripoff. He's twice ripped. Yeah.

He's a notch up from the one in the Shanarra stories, at least.

"I think this can be excused, however, when compared to the zeal with which thy true parentage pursues thee," he continued. "I trust thou dost suspect that thou art not 'normal.'"

Edwin: Bah. Everyone suspects that about themselves. It's called paranoia.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you!

"So be it," the wizard said with a small sigh. "I will leave thee to whatever fate that thou dost carve for thyself. I will extend the courtesy of a warning though; thy manner may come natural to thee, but obeying thine impulses is not always the best course. Being true to thyself is only wise if that is truly the self thou dost wish to become."

Tarant: That's deep. Too deep for me. I wanna go and hit something.

Ember: Shh, I'm thinking.

"I can't really put my finger on a single source," Scar said, "but there have been many strange happenings going on within the city. It's been getting harder and harder for me to put trust in someone. I need outsiders to do some investigations, people with no connections to anyone within the city; would you be interested in working for me in such a capacity?"

The group exchanged glances. "We are," Kivan said.

Tarant: You should ask what the hours are like first. What benefits do you get, like health cover... most importantly, how much does he pay.

Kivan: We are interested. We are not hired yet.

"I want you to go to the Seven Suns compound, on the south-west side of town, and find out what's wrong. Use stealth in your investigations; I don't want this operation to cause too much fuss. Once you've found out as much as possible, report back to me. I'll pay you 2000 gold for this favor."

"We will go there tomorrow," Kivan said.

"Excellent!" Scar said. "I wish all of you the best of luck."

Tarant: You should have haggled.

Imoen: Have you seen the size of the purse I'm already carrying?

A hand rested on Imoen's shoulder; she turned and found herself staring at Coran's broadly grinning face. Rats.

Jaheira: Where?

Tarant: What's wrong with you?

Jaheira: Nothing... I... I just, do not like rats.

Imoen: Heehee... Jaheira's scared of rats...

Aerie: Really?

Jaheira: I never said I was scared. I just do not like them.

Tarant: It's okay. Lots of people have phobias. Of course, most aren't as pathetic as yours...

Jaheira: :)


"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Coran's grin returned, as broad as ever. "Didn't I tell you? You never know," he said to Eddie and Imoen before focusing his attention on the gnome.

Tarant: I hate gnomes. Why can't they just talk like normal people?

Because then they'd just be short people?

Good chapter!

Thanks :(

#14 Guest_Radish_*

Posted 14 September 2006 - 12:08 AM

The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

"Perhaps you should have let me hand her the bowl," Coran said, stifling a laugh.

I figured Coran had a thing for little girls.

...Creepy, evil little girls.

"I think this can be excused, however, when compared to the zeal with which thy true parentage pursues thee," he continued. "I trust thou dost suspect that thou art not 'normal.'"

This was the only Elminster talk that particularly irritated me. He's pretty much says, "I know who your parents are, but I'm not telling," and by that point in the game I can't think of a good reason why he shouldn't. More irritating, though, IIRC, is that you don't get any dialog options demanding "Tell me who my parents are, you wrinkly old nutbag!" as you properly should after all his hinting.

Though I'd like to join in Elminster's defense by saying he's perfectly likeable in everything I've seen him in except Baldur's Gate. He's not supposed to be such a doofus, Bioware just made him that way for some reason.

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Ah, charming fellow. The theft was a bit easy, though, after all the fuss he made. "A famous monument to Gond displaying several priceless artifacts having traps, alarms, or even the basic common sense to lock its doors at night? Why, that would be silly!" But fleshing out such things is what fanfiction is for, hey wot?

#15 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 14 September 2006 - 05:41 AM

Sometimes, it reminds me slightly of Discworld religion

Only read one book. I'm getting there.

Mine isn't a letch, or a party animal. He just does not know the right way to be subtle around people who aren't familiar with his methods; with the result that Ember gets very easily mad at him.

Well, granted, he's OLD. They're YOUNG. Old people and young people just don't get along. Problem is, he understands that. Bratty kids don't. :P

The first game or the second game?

The first, I think. I think that one actually starts you out inside the Elfsong Tavern. But I'm not entirely sure. Been a while since I played either.

Where'd you see that, if I may ask?




But seriously, he paired them up. Temporarily, but he did... it... (Shivers) Just... no... I'm sorry, but no.

#16 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 14 September 2006 - 06:41 AM

The girl smiled briefly. "I have no reward for you, but the Sea Queen remembers those that serve her well. You will be paid... in time." With that said, she closed her door in Kivan's face.

"Perhaps you should have let me hand her the bowl," Coran said, stifling a laugh.

I figured Coran had a thing for little girls.

...Creepy, evil little girls.

Nah. He just has a thing for big girls. This does not, however, stop him from believing that girls in all shapes and sizes find him irresistible.

"I think this can be excused, however, when compared to the zeal with which thy true parentage pursues thee," he continued. "I trust thou dost suspect that thou art not 'normal.'"

This was the only Elminster talk that particularly irritated me. He's pretty much says, "I know who your parents are, but I'm not telling," and by that point in the game I can't think of a good reason why he shouldn't. More irritating, though, IIRC, is that you don't get any dialog options demanding "Tell me who my parents are, you wrinkly old nutbag!" as you properly should after all his hinting.

Yeah, I think this is where my Elminster disdain really kicked in. "You're evil bred in the bone, so let's talk about how I knew Gorion!"
Took a few plays of the game to do that, too.

Though I'd like to join in Elminster's defense by saying he's perfectly likeable in everything I've seen him in except Baldur's Gate. He's not supposed to be such a doofus, Bioware just made him that way for some reason.

I haven't seen him in anything else - but he did amuse me in the game manual :lol:

"Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say."

Ah, charming fellow. The theft was a bit easy, though, after all the fuss he made. "A famous monument to Gond displaying several priceless artifacts having traps, alarms, or even the basic common sense to lock its doors at night? Why, that would be silly!" But fleshing out such things is what fanfiction is for, hey wot?

There is one trapped chest that'll alert the guards, and when I dismiss Alora, she has a disturbing tendency to stand around and watch and then tell the guards what I'm doing :lol:
I've also had one case of the museum manager walking in on me after I'd stolen the items. Even though he saw nothing, he summoned guards (probably just because I was there)

#17 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 14 September 2006 - 06:43 AM

Mine isn't a letch, or a party animal. He just does not know the right way to be subtle around people who aren't familiar with his methods; with the result that Ember gets very easily mad at him.

Well, granted, he's OLD. They're YOUNG. Old people and young people just don't get along. Problem is, he understands that. Bratty kids don't. ;)

Especially not if the bratty kid is one who gets easily mad, period :lol:

The first game or the second game?

The first, I think. I think that one actually starts you out inside the Elfsong Tavern. But I'm not entirely sure. Been a while since I played either.

We currently only have the second game.

Where'd you see that, if I may ask?




But seriously, he paired them up. Temporarily, but he did... it... (Shivers) Just... no... I'm sorry, but no.

Hehe. In his long story or in something else? I'd like to see how it was done ;)

#18 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 14 September 2006 - 07:32 AM

But seriously, he paired them up. Temporarily, but he did... it... (Shivers) Just... no... I'm sorry, but no.

Hehe. In his long story or in something else? I'd like to see how it was done :lol:

It was just a simple one night (okay, two night) stand way back in Rush. Nothing serious, much to Alpha's disappointment, I'm sure! :lol:

#19 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 14 September 2006 - 08:44 AM

It was just a simple one night (okay, two night) stand way back in Rush. Nothing serious, much to Alpha's disappointment, I'm sure! :lol:

I'll have to see if I can find that :lol: (I've started reading Rush when it's quiet at work, but I've only gotten to 2.16 or so)

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