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#1 Guest_Serena_*

Posted 19 July 2006 - 02:32 AM

Translations of various Tau terms (I'll add more as I go)

P.S. Most of these are actually cannon for the universe.

Aun: Ethereal (leaders of Tau society)
Aun'el: Loosely translates as 'Prince,' or 'Lord.'
Fio:Earth Caste (researchers, engineers, builders)
Gue'la: Human
Kau'ui Cadre (military organization roughtly equivelent to one company of soldiers)
Kor'vessa: Drone (they can be kitted with various types of equipment)
Kroot: Alien Mercenaries that are integrated into the Tau Empire
Ky’hussa A type of strong liquor
La'rua: squad/team
Len'ai: Youngling
Mal'kor Vespid (a group of aliens fully integrated into the Tau empire)
Mon'tyr blooded (meaning shed first blood in battle)
Or'es'la: Orc (yes, there are orcs in this universe. Think cyberpunk orcs, and that will give you the idea)
Run'al: small outpost
Shan'al Coalition (Highest level of military organization)
Shas: Fire Caste (warriors, military)
Shas'la: lowest rank (warrior)
Shas'ui: second lowest rank (veteran)
Shas'vre: middle rank (closest english: 'hero')
Shas'el:second highest rank (noble, knight)
Shas'o: highest rank (commander)
Ta’lissera: Bonding/bond-mate (a Tau ritual among close friends, closest translations are brother/sister, marriage)
Tio've: council of war, multiple contingents/commanders
Ti'she: Tau swear word
Uash'o: Command/HQ
Y'he: Tyranid -- a race of insectlike aliens that operate on a psychically based hive mind. They ingest organic matter and incorporate the DNA into their own.

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