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Beloved Child 3

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#1 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 20 June 2006 - 12:35 AM

I will try to get some kind of regular update schedule on this soon, until then enjoy and beare with me.

Beloved Child 3

Viconias laughter was rich and clear. The Drow held one of her hands in front of her mouth, an echo of her noble upbringing.

“You told the mongrel that? She could not have been pleased.”

“That would be an understatement. They where like wild tigers when I entered.”
Yoshimo said after Groder had finished his tale.

“To be honest, this would be better with drinks.” Viconia intoned.

“It would be better with money to pay for them as well, I doubt however that the Halfling.” Groder waved his hand at the small man that stood behind the Inns bar. “would let me drink anything even if we had any.”

“Our biggest problem right now, is that we need gold and equipment. But without either one we are going to have problems getting the other.” Groder continued and slumped slightly in his seat.

The Five Flagons was a finer sort of establishment, the basement housed a playhouse and the upper floors had spacious, comfortable rooms. The inns common room was large and along the wall opposite the entrance sat the bar and behind it, racks and racks of the best alcohol that Faeurn could offer.

It was crowded, with few of the tables unoccupied. The group sat almost in a corner not far from the drapes that separated the common room from the kitchens. The table was a bit out of the way and after dodging the young Halfling waitress a few times, she stopped coming around.

Some hours later after the skies had opened and begun pouring down on Athkatla, the door to the Inn opened and a wet, miserable looking young woman entered. Her short red hair was plastered to her face. She was maybe seventeen, eighteen winters old and had a cute, perky sort of face.

She was dressed in mages robes, a bit finer cloth then usual with blue and red trimmings. Over this was a simple brown cloak. Most people in the Inn didn’t spare her a second glance but a group who looked to be of the fighting sort seemed to instantly sink deeper in their chairs and mugs.

The young woman spotted them however and made her way towards them. Groder and his companions were to far off to hear what was being said. However the blue bearded man that was that group’s leader shook his head at the young woman after she had spoken to them and her shoulders sagged.

She walked away from the group with her head hung low and came to sit at a table that just had been vacated next to Groders group. The Halfling barman’s daughter that served as a waitress came up to her.

“Are you going to order or just sit there and take up space like that lot?” The waitress jabbed a thumb at Groder, Viconia and Yoshimo. Her thumb was met by two scowls and an apologetic smile.

The young woman looked over to their table. Her eyes widened and Viconia frowned, thinking the girl had seen beneath the hood she wore. Groder was about to reach for a sword that wasn’t there. Then the redhead addressed the waitress again, with some concern playing in her features.

“Is it really good that they where allowed to bring a little girl in here?”

Almost at once Viconia and Yoshimo started to laugh loudly and Groder turned around in his seat.

“I am not a girl.” He hissed at the woman. She blushed, her cheeks turning a crimson red and she apologized.

“I’m sorry.” The woman stumbled a bit on the words, still upset from whatever rejection the bearded fighter had given her. ”It was just that from this angle, you um… looked very… pretty.” She tried.

Groder pushed a bang from his face in a show of vanity and straightened a bit in his seat.

“It seems you have managed to sooth a savage beast, young lovely.” Yoshimo said.

The girl smiled slightly and blushed again when Yoshimo addressed her. Viconia said nothing but her eyes where still laughing at the spectacle.

“Do you mind if I sit down with you?” The woman asked suddenly and something hopeful glowed in her brown eyes. “My name is Nalia De`Arnise.”

“Not at all, young lovely. Maybe you could order a round for us all as well. We have found our pockets empty this evening.” Yoshimo invited Nalia before Groder or Viconia could speak a word.

The woman nodded, she seemed happy over having whatever troubled her dispelled for a bit.
She sat down and again her eyes widened, a mixture of fear and shock was evident in them. Nalia had just gotten her first good look at Viconia. The Drow gave her a predatory smile.

“Don`t worry about her, but make a scene and then you can worry about me.”
Groder told her. Nalia nodded slightly and cast another worried glance at the dark elf.

“So, are you adventurers?”
She asked quickly and hopefully.

“Something like that.” Groder answered.

“Ehh… Aren’t you a bit young? And you are their leader? ”

“You are not that old yourself.” He muttered

“We have a mutual understanding” Viconia purred on Nalias left. “Groder is sufficiently intelligent for a surfacer.”

“Partners by chance and choice, yes.” Yoshimo said.

“Umm.. Would you be willing to help me, nobody else will… not even after all I’ve done for them.

“Done for them? Whom?” Groder inquired.

“The poor, I try to help them although auntie really doesn’t…. what’s with that look?" Nalia broke off as she saw Groder looking strangely at her.

“Nothing” Groder held up his hands. “Exactly what is your problem?”

“My home, the De`Arnise keep is under attack. I snuck out a few days ago to find help. But no one will help me.” Nalias eyes started to mist up.


“What, I don’t know why we are being attacked.” She looked bewildered

“No.” Groder said letting false patience colour his words. “Why won’t anyone help you? You are obviously not poor so there has to be a good reason.”

“I don`t…” Nalia tried to steer the conversation away. “Look, I will pay you whatever you want but we have to hurry before the keep falls. Please!”

“I am not moving from this seat until you tell me. You need us; we can always find work elsewhere.”

Nalia bit her lip and seemed lost for a while.

“Trolls.” Her voice was barely audible.

Groder started laughing and then stopped as abruptly as he had begun.


Nalias face fell. Tears began rolling down her cheeks.

“Please, I’ll pay you whatever you want. I am sure father would agree.”

Groder looked at Yoshimo and Viconia.

“Well, what do you say?”

“To be honest, young master, it would be hard, we could do it by stealth but we would still need a mage.” Yoshimo gave his opinion.

Groder pointed silently at Nalia. Yoshimo nodded in understanding.

“I won’t follow on any foolish suicide missions but it could work with a sound plan. Weaker houses have been able to overcome stronger ones through guile and deception.” Viconia used an example from he former life.

“I also assume that there will be some form of guard at the keep” She finished.

“Yes there is. Does this mean you will help me?”

“On one condition” Groder held up a finger. “You equip us and the money spent on that will not be taken from our reward.”

“What!” Nalia looked shocked. “But.. but..”

“Viconia and I lost our equipment due to a little mishap in our recent adventure.” It was a poor lie but Groder hoped that the young noble would be to keen on rescuing her home to worry about his groups general status. Nalia again shot nervous glances at Viconia and the Drow leered at the young woman in turn.

“Fine, I agree.” Nalia said as she avoided looking at the Drow. “First thing in the morning we meet at the Adventurers Mart.”

“We would like to avoid the Promenade for now.”

“Oh.. Yes I imagine it is still a mess” She asked

“If we meet here tomorrow, I shall guide us to a lucrative store.” Yoshimo said.

“There will be no meetings tomorrow, we go there together. After all, our new friend miss De`Arnise is glad to have us as her lodgers tonight.” Groder said.

“Wha…” Nalia stopped herself and sighed. Images of her father and her home flashed in her mind. She nodded at the boy`s obvious request and quietly wondered what had she gotten into.

#2 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 20 June 2006 - 06:28 PM

Viconias laughter was rich and clear. The Drow held one of her hands in front of her mouth, an echo of her noble upbringing.

“You told the mongrel that? She could not have been pleased.”

Viconia is just like a petty, spiteful little child, sometimes. :D

“It would be better with money to pay for them as well, I doubt however that the Halfling.” Groder waved his hand at the small man that stood behind the Inns bar. “would let me drink anything even if we had any.”

Oh, he might respect coin more than the law, and serve you a drink anyway.

Some hours later after the skies had opened and begun pouring down on Athkatla, the door to the Inn opened and a wet, miserable looking young woman entered. Her short red hair was plastered to her face. She was maybe seventeen, eighteen winters old and had a cute, perky sort of face.

Ah, Nalia. She seems younger than I normally see her.

The young woman spotted them however and made her way towards them. Groder and his companions were to far off to hear what was being said. However the blue bearded man that was that group’s leader shook his head at the young woman after she had spoken to them and her shoulders sagged.

She must have mentioned the trolls. Or yuan-ti. :shock:

Almost at once Viconia and Yoshimo started to laugh loudly and Groder turned around in his seat.

“I am not a girl.” He hissed at the woman. She blushed, her cheeks turning a crimson red and she apologized.

A trip to the barber shop might be in order!

“I’m sorry.” The woman stumbled a bit on the words, still upset from whatever rejection the bearded fighter had given her. ”It was just that from this angle, you um… looked very… pretty.” She tried.

Very… effeminate? :roll:

“We have a mutual understanding” Viconia purred on Nalias left. “Groder is sufficiently intelligent for a surfacer.”

There must be some reason she doesn’t treat him as inferior, indeed!

“What, I don’t know why we are being attacked.” She looked bewildered

“No.” Groder said letting false patience colour his words. “Why won’t anyone help you? You are obviously not poor so there has to be a good reason.”

Don’t mention the trolls! Gah! :lol:

“Trolls.” Her voice was barely audible.

Groder started laughing and then stopped as abruptly as he had begun.


I told you, next time say goblins!

“On one condition” Groder held up a finger. “You equip us and the money spent on that will not be taken from our reward.”

“What!” Nalia looked shocked. “But.. but..”

She isn’t really in a position to haggle.

“Oh.. Yes I imagine it is still a mess” She asked

“If we meet here tomorrow, I shall guide us to a lucrative store.” Yoshimo said.

I imagine they will work up one hell of a bill for Nalia! :)

“Wha…” Nalia stopped herself and sighed. Images of her father and her home flashed in her mind. She nodded at the boy`s obvious request and quietly wondered what had she gotten into.

A spot of bother, I would imagine!

#3 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 20 June 2006 - 06:45 PM

“Our biggest problem right now, is that we need gold and equipment. But without either one we are going to have problems getting the other.” Groder continued and slumped slightly in his seat.

Kill things and loot their stuff!

The Five Flagons was a finer sort of establishment, the basement housed a playhouse and the upper floors had spacious, comfortable rooms. The inns common room was large and along the wall opposite the entrance sat the bar and behind it, racks and racks of the best alcohol that Faeurn could offer.

At least they're not stuck in the Copper Coronet.

Some hours later after the skies had opened and begun pouring down on Athkatla, the door to the Inn opened and a wet, miserable looking young woman entered. Her short red hair was plastered to her face. She was maybe seventeen, eighteen winters old and had a cute, perky sort of face.


She was dressed in mages robes, a bit finer cloth then usual with blue and red trimmings. Over this was a simple brown cloak. Most people in the Inn didn’t spare her a second glance but a group who looked to be of the fighting sort seemed to instantly sink deeper in their chairs and mugs.

I'm guessing that mage robes would not be the height of fashion in Athkatla.

The young woman looked over to their table. Her eyes widened and Viconia frowned, thinking the girl had seen beneath the hood she wore. Groder was about to reach for a sword that wasn’t there. Then the redhead addressed the waitress again, with some concern playing in her features.

“Is it really good that they where allowed to bring a little girl in here?”


Almost at once Viconia and Yoshimo started to laugh loudly and Groder turned around in his seat.

“I am not a girl.” He hissed at the woman. She blushed, her cheeks turning a crimson red and she apologized.

Way to embarrass the kid, Nalia!

“I’m sorry.” The woman stumbled a bit on the words, still upset from whatever rejection the bearded fighter had given her. ”It was just that from this angle, you um… looked very… pretty.” She tried.

Groder pushed a bang from his face in a show of vanity and straightened a bit in his seat.

“It seems you have managed to sooth a savage beast, young lovely.” Yoshimo said.

She's got good instincts. Or maybe diplomacy is part of a noble upbringing.

The woman nodded, she seemed happy over having whatever troubled her dispelled for a bit.
She sat down and again her eyes widened, a mixture of fear and shock was evident in them. Nalia had just gotten her first good look at Viconia. The Drow gave her a predatory smile.

So very Viconia, that.

“Umm.. Would you be willing to help me, nobody else will… not even after all I’ve done for them.

“Done for them? Whom?” Groder inquired.

“The poor, I try to help them although auntie really doesn’t…. what’s with that look?" Nalia broke off as she saw Groder looking strangely at her.

The poor don't have the means to help, and the adventurers are probably tired of you complaining when not every single coin is donated to the poor.

“No.” Groder said letting false patience colour his words. “Why won’t anyone help you? You are obviously not poor so there has to be a good reason.”

She won't tell? She has a poor way with words? The possibilities are endless!

“I don`t…” Nalia tried to steer the conversation away. “Look, I will pay you whatever you want but we have to hurry before the keep falls. Please!”

“I am not moving from this seat until you tell me. You need us; we can always find work elsewhere.”

Nalia bit her lip and seemed lost for a while.

“Trolls.” Her voice was barely audible.

She really must be desperate, to reveal that!

“Please, I’ll pay you whatever you want. I am sure father would agree.”

Groder looked at Yoshimo and Viconia.

“Well, what do you say?”

“To be honest, young master, it would be hard, we could do it by stealth but we would still need a mage.” Yoshimo gave his opinion.

Groder pointed silently at Nalia. Yoshimo nodded in understanding.

And there's a nice flail and some other stuff to be had, you know.

“On one condition” Groder held up a finger. “You equip us and the money spent on that will not be taken from our reward.”

“What!” Nalia looked shocked. “But.. but..”

“Viconia and I lost our equipment due to a little mishap in our recent adventure.” It was a poor lie but Groder hoped that the young noble would be to keen on rescuing her home to worry about his groups general status. Nalia again shot nervous glances at Viconia and the Drow leered at the young woman in turn.

The boy is shrewd. No wonder they're happy to let him call the shots :roll:

“There will be no meetings tomorrow, we go there together. After all, our new friend miss De`Arnise is glad to have us as her lodgers tonight.” Groder said.


“Wha…” Nalia stopped herself and sighed. Images of her father and her home flashed in her mind. She nodded at the boy`s obvious request and quietly wondered what had she gotten into.

I'm sure he'll grow on you, Nalia.

Yep, I still like your Bhaalspawn :lol:

#4 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 21 June 2006 - 01:01 AM

Viconias laughter was rich and clear. The Drow held one of her hands in front of her mouth, an echo of her noble upbringing.

“You told the mongrel that? She could not have been pleased.”

Viconia is just like a petty, spiteful little child, sometimes. :)

Yep... better not say it to her face though.

“It would be better with money to pay for them as well, I doubt however that the Halfling.” Groder waved his hand at the small man that stood behind the Inns bar. “would let me drink anything even if we had any.”

Oh, he might respect coin more than the law, and serve you a drink anyway.

Groder: Yes... you may be right.

Some hours later after the skies had opened and begun pouring down on Athkatla, the door to the Inn opened and a wet, miserable looking young woman entered. Her short red hair was plastered to her face. She was maybe seventeen, eighteen winters old and had a cute, perky sort of face.

Ah, Nalia. She seems younger than I normally see her.

I always imagined her to be around 18.

The young woman spotted them however and made her way towards them. Groder and his companions were to far off to hear what was being said. However the blue bearded man that was that group’s leader shook his head at the young woman after she had spoken to them and her shoulders sagged.

She must have mentioned the trolls. Or yuan-ti. :lol:

Ohhh... They have heard about the noble girl and her problems. :D

Almost at once Viconia and Yoshimo started to laugh loudly and Groder turned around in his seat.

“I am not a girl.” He hissed at the woman. She blushed, her cheeks turning a crimson red and she apologized.

A trip to the barber shop might be in order!

Nah... He likes to feel pretty.

“I’m sorry.” The woman stumbled a bit on the words, still upset from whatever rejection the bearded fighter had given her. ”It was just that from this angle, you um… looked very… pretty.” She tried.

Very… effeminate? :)

He.. Yup

“We have a mutual understanding” Viconia purred on Nalias left. “Groder is sufficiently intelligent for a surfacer.”

There must be some reason she doesn’t treat him as inferior, indeed!

There is the entire life-owing thing. :)

“What, I don’t know why we are being attacked.” She looked bewildered

“No.” Groder said letting false patience colour his words. “Why won’t anyone help you? You are obviously not poor so there has to be a good reason.”

Don’t mention the trolls! Gah! :)

Muhahaha :D

“Trolls.” Her voice was barely audible.

Groder started laughing and then stopped as abruptly as he had begun.


I told you, next time say goblins!

There will be goblins well, hobgoblins actually... The Yuan-Ti never made any sense.

“On one condition” Groder held up a finger. “You equip us and the money spent on that will not be taken from our reward.”

“What!” Nalia looked shocked. “But.. but..”

She isn’t really in a position to haggle.

No, she is pretty desperate now.

“Oh.. Yes I imagine it is still a mess” She asked

“If we meet here tomorrow, I shall guide us to a lucrative store.” Yoshimo said.

I imagine they will work up one hell of a bill for Nalia! :)

Oh yeah. The De`Arnises will never have credit ever again. Lady Delcia will be very cross.

“Wha…” Nalia stopped herself and sighed. Images of her father and her home flashed in her mind. She nodded at the boy`s obvious request and quietly wondered what had she gotten into.

A spot of bother, I would imagine!

Oh yes... It will get worse before it gets better.

#5 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 21 June 2006 - 01:22 AM

“Our biggest problem right now, is that we need gold and equipment. But without either one we are going to have problems getting the other.” Groder continued and slumped slightly in his seat.

Kill things and loot their stuff!

Hard to do without weapons though. :)

The Five Flagons was a finer sort of establishment, the basement housed a playhouse and the upper floors had spacious, comfortable rooms. The inns common room was large and along the wall opposite the entrance sat the bar and behind it, racks and racks of the best alcohol that Faeurn could offer.

At least they're not stuck in the Copper Coronet.

Yep, its a cesspool of scum and villany.

She was dressed in mages robes, a bit finer cloth then usual with blue and red trimmings. Over this was a simple brown cloak. Most people in the Inn didn’t spare her a second glance but a group who looked to be of the fighting sort seemed to instantly sink deeper in their chairs and mugs.

I'm guessing that mage robes would not be the height of fashion in Athkatla.

Nope, but nobles can splurge.

The young woman looked over to their table. Her eyes widened and Viconia frowned, thinking the girl had seen beneath the hood she wore. Groder was about to reach for a sword that wasn’t there. Then the redhead addressed the waitress again, with some concern playing in her features.

“Is it really good that they where allowed to bring a little girl in here?”


:D indeed

Almost at once Viconia and Yoshimo started to laugh loudly and Groder turned around in his seat.

“I am not a girl.” He hissed at the woman. She blushed, her cheeks turning a crimson red and she apologized.

Way to embarrass the kid, Nalia!

She is starting out great.

“I’m sorry.” The woman stumbled a bit on the words, still upset from whatever rejection the bearded fighter had given her. ”It was just that from this angle, you um… looked very… pretty.” She tried.

Groder pushed a bang from his face in a show of vanity and straightened a bit in his seat.

“It seems you have managed to sooth a savage beast, young lovely.” Yoshimo said.

She's got good instincts. Or maybe diplomacy is part of a noble upbringing.

Part diplomacy, part luck. :)

The woman nodded, she seemed happy over having whatever troubled her dispelled for a bit.
She sat down and again her eyes widened, a mixture of fear and shock was evident in them. Nalia had just gotten her first good look at Viconia. The Drow gave her a predatory smile.

So very Viconia, that.

I hope so.

“Umm.. Would you be willing to help me, nobody else will… not even after all I’ve done for them.

“Done for them? Whom?” Groder inquired.

“The poor, I try to help them although auntie really doesn’t…. what’s with that look?" Nalia broke off as she saw Groder looking strangely at her.

The poor don't have the means to help, and the adventurers are probably tired of you complaining when not every single coin is donated to the poor.

Well, all adventurers ran away at the word "Troll". Seems weird when you think about it though.

“No.” Groder said letting false patience colour his words. “Why won’t anyone help you? You are obviously not poor so there has to be a good reason.”

She won't tell? She has a poor way with words? The possibilities are endless!

:) at least it isn`t something worse then trolls.

“I don`t…” Nalia tried to steer the conversation away. “Look, I will pay you whatever you want but we have to hurry before the keep falls. Please!”

“I am not moving from this seat until you tell me. You need us; we can always find work elsewhere.”

Nalia bit her lip and seemed lost for a while.

“Trolls.” Her voice was barely audible.

She really must be desperate, to reveal that!

Yeah... She has been running around the city for a few days without getting any help, so she will pretty much take what she can get. Hey, at least it`s not Korgan.

“Please, I’ll pay you whatever you want. I am sure father would agree.”

Groder looked at Yoshimo and Viconia.

“Well, what do you say?”

“To be honest, young master, it would be hard, we could do it by stealth but we would still need a mage.” Yoshimo gave his opinion.

Groder pointed silently at Nalia. Yoshimo nodded in understanding.

And there's a nice flail and some other stuff to be had, you know.

Ohh... They will leave the keep with everything they can carry. :)

“On one condition” Groder held up a finger. “You equip us and the money spent on that will not be taken from our reward.”

“What!” Nalia looked shocked. “But.. but..”

“Viconia and I lost our equipment due to a little mishap in our recent adventure.” It was a poor lie but Groder hoped that the young noble would be to keen on rescuing her home to worry about his groups general status. Nalia again shot nervous glances at Viconia and the Drow leered at the young woman in turn.

The boy is shrewd. No wonder they're happy to let him call the shots :D

Yep and its a plus that he has no concept of morals.

“There will be no meetings tomorrow, we go there together. After all, our new friend miss De`Arnise is glad to have us as her lodgers tonight.” Groder said.


It is going to be a crowded room.

“Wha…” Nalia stopped herself and sighed. Images of her father and her home flashed in her mind. She nodded at the boy`s obvious request and quietly wondered what had she gotten into.

I'm sure he'll grow on you, Nalia.

We will see, She won`t be the happiest camper though.

Yep, I still like your Bhaalspawn :P

He aims to please :)

It is fun to write characters like this sometimes.

#6 Weyoun

Posted 02 July 2006 - 10:19 PM

Viconias laughter was rich and clear. The Drow held one of her hands in front of her mouth, an echo of her noble upbringing.

Oooh, Viccy! :P

“To be honest, this would be better with drinks.” Viconia intoned.

I'm not surprised. :D

“Is it really good that they where allowed to bring a little girl in here?”

Almost at once Viconia and Yoshimo started to laugh loudly and Groder turned around in his seat.

“I am not a girl.” He hissed at the woman. She blushed, her cheeks turning a crimson red and she apologized.

Oh, faux-pas. :(

“Not at all, young lovely. Maybe you could order a round for us all as well. We have found our pockets empty this evening.” Yoshimo invited Nalia before Groder or Viconia could speak a word.

Smooth, pal.

The woman nodded, she seemed happy over having whatever troubled her dispelled for a bit.
She sat down and again her eyes widened, a mixture of fear and shock was evident in them. Nalia had just gotten her first good look at Viconia. The Drow gave her a predatory smile.

That's our wicked little Vicky... Falling in love all over again here. :D


What? Why not? Easy money.

“Fine, I agree.” Nalia said as she avoided looking at the Drow. “First thing in the morning we meet at the Adventurers Mart.”

Scared of a little Drow? :P

“Wha…” Nalia stopped herself and sighed. Images of her father and her home flashed in her mind. She nodded at the boy`s obvious request and quietly wondered what had she gotten into.

TnT Enhanced Edition: http://www.fanfictio...rds-and-Tempers

Sith Warrior - Master, I can sense your anger.

Darth Baras - A blind, comotose lobotomy-patient could sense my anger!


"The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds" - James Randi

#7 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 03 July 2006 - 08:51 PM

I suck at using the qouting fuction today. :D

Thanks for the comments. I was a bit afraid that I may have turned Viconia into a wallflower.

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