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Ember's Tale 15: The Gnoll Fortress

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#1 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 07 May 2006 - 12:38 PM

Chapter 15: The Gnoll Fortress

The weathered sandstone cliffs ended abruptly. A deep river had slowly worn a gash in the landscape, and water rushed past at a breakneck pace below the narrow path they'd followed for the past hour. A single rickety bridge spanned the river, and the path continued onwards on the other side through a similar rocky landscape.

"So, who wants to cross first?" Ember asked.

"I'll go," Imoen said. She stepped daintily out on the bridge. Ignoring the rope rails, she stretched out her arms and walked with exaggerated, delicate steps in a straight line, as if she were a tight rope artist at a fair. She had crossed half the bridge in this manner when two large, ugly heads, covered with shaggy dark hair, appeared behind a rock outcropping at the far end. Imoen immediately dropped her arms to her sides and halted.

"Half-ogres," Kivan muttered. "We should avoid fighting if we can; it is not safe here."

"Stop!" one of the half-ogres called out to Imoen. "You go nowhere! This our bridge, you pay to walk it!"

"Yeah, you pay!" the second half-ogre added. "Two hundred for all heads, or lose heads!"

Imoen turned and looked questioningly at the others. Kivan nodded. Imoen shrugged and turned back to the half ogres.

"Fine, we'll pay!" she called out to them.

"Okay! You pass, right?" the second half-ogre replied.

"No!" the first half-ogre exclaimed. "They pay 200 gold pretty quick! Maybe got more gold! Maybe rich!"

"Yeah, you smart! We take heads anyway, and get lots gold!"

"Great," Imoen mumbled. She turned and started to run back to her friends before the half-ogres even set foot on the bridge, the planks creaking in protest beneath her with every step. The bridge swayed threateningly with the heavy tread of the half-ogres as they stomped on to it, and Imoen almost lost her balance in her last few steps on the bridge. As soon as she reached solid rock, she dodged sideways; Kivan and Minsc had readied their bows and began shooting arrows at the attackers as soon as Imoen was out of the line of fire. One of the two was felled rapidly, but the other dodged most of the arrows with a surprising ease and made it all the way across the bridge before being cut down by Ember and Ajantis.

"At least we know the bridge can handle us, now," Imoen said.

Kivan quietly bent over the closest of the dead half-ogres and examined the body. The half-ogre had somehow obtained a pair of magical bracers, but had little else of note; Kivan removed the bracers and put them in his pack. "We must have these identified later. I suspect they will be of use," he said.

"There does not appear to be any more of them," Ajantis announced.

"Let them come!" Minsc cried. "Minsc and Boo will take care of anyone who blocks their path to Dynaheir, with sword and teeth!"


The path was labyrinthine. It twisted and turned between rocky outcroppings and along narrow ledges, split, rejoined itself, and led them astray. They made several wrong turns down paths that appeared to lead directly to the fortress but instead only brought them to caves full of xvarts. The diminiutive blue creatures would invariably charge them with shrill cries as they brandished short swords; some of the xvarts would even be waving spell scrolls around, seemingly trying to activate the magic by shaking the parchment. The outcome of these encounters was always the same; the xvarts would attack and be cut down till only a few were left, whereupon the last ones would lose their nerve and run away. The xvarts were not able to significantly injure them, but the skirmishes were time-consuming and wore down everyone's patience, Minsc's in particular.

"We take too long!" Minsc said as he cut down half a dozen xvarts at once. "My charge is in desperate peril!" Another wave of the creatures rushed towards him, only to be struck by another slash of his large sword. "Feel the wrath of Minsc and Boo, evil blue men!" he shouted.

It came as a relief to everyone when they finally arrived at the base of the fortress. The foundation and lower levels were severely weatherbeaten, but also appeared to be built with more forethought than the upper levels, which they had seen from afar the previous evening. The structure appeared to be the ruin of an older fortress which the gnolls had rebuilt after their own design.

"I have heard of such things happening," Ajantis said, "but not with a building of this size."

"We should move with caution," Kivan said. "There may be hundreds of gnolls within."

Imoen nodded. "We'll sneak in, find Dynaheir, take her and sneak out."

"And try not to alert every gnoll that might be there in the process," Ember said.

"Minsc wants to kick every gnoll out of the fortress and into the river, but Dynaheir must be safe first."

"There will be patrols. We must deal with them swiftly and completely. None must escape to warn the others," Ajantis said.

They paused at the base of the fortress for a while, sharing a brief meal of bread, dried meat and water. The wind was picking up and whispered around them as they ate.

"There's something unnatural about this place," Imoen murmured to Ember as she chewed the last of her dried meat.

"I agree. I'll be glad to leave," Ember replied. The wind was humming mournfully as it caressed the sandstone cliffs and pillars, picking up wisps of dust here and there that drifted away like smoke. It was a bright, sunny day, but the light felt harsh and cold, and Ember searched in vain for a spot of green to rest her eyes upon. "It feels dead here," she said.

They moved slowly up the winding steps that led into the fortress, and before long they ran into the first group of gnolls, guarding a ramshackle gate made by lashing together logs. Some thin branches were still sticking out of the logs, and had been used to display the skins of dead animals and the skulls of dead people. The gnolls - almost a dozen of them - were lazing about behind the gate, but sprang to attention when the party approached. Kivan, Minsc and Imoen quietly drew their bows and showered the gnolls in arrows, while Ember and Ajantis charged the ones who tried to either get closer to the party or run away from the gate. They acted in silence; no battle cries passed their lips, no cheers for particularly good hits, and only muffled groans when they themselves were injured. The only sounds were those of metal on metal and the yapping snarls of the gnolls, and those were soon silenced. The victors sipped healing potions and waited, listening attentively for reinforcements.

"They must not have noticed yet," Kivan murmured after a couple minutes. "Let us continue."

The steps turned abruptly to the left and contiued up in a straight line, with a wall to the right and a sheer drop to the left. Gusts of wind rushed around them, channeled by the shapes of the walls, and all but blocked the distant murmur of doglike yaps and whines. The straight steps offered less cover than the winding steps had, and the party was spotted before they got within shooting distance of the log gate at the top of the steps. Three gnolls charged towards them, and by the time those three were dispatched, another score of them were gathered at the gate, snarling and hissing at the invaders. Minsc barreled his way into the throng, knocking gnolls out of his path with his bow, and shot down two gnolls that were running towards a narrow staircase to their right. The rest of the gnolls were fully focused on their attackers, something which turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the gnolls blocked each other from using their halberds efficiently. Everyone but Imoen engaged in mêlée combat; she shot down any gnolls that tried to escape the throng as Kivan used his hammer and the other three used their swords.

The gnolls were eventually all cut down, and Minsc led them to the large open space beyond the gate. To their left was a low wall and then a dizzying drop to the sandstone labyrinths, and to their right was the bulk of the fortress. It appeared to be built more recently and in a much more haphazard manner than the level they had already passed, and the single narrow staircase appeared to be the only access point. The open space in front of them held three large, circular pits of different sizes.

"This is the front courtyard, if I am not mistaken," Ajantis said quietly. "Their main force is more than likely up there."

"I agree," Kivan said. "This wind is fortunate indeed; it carries our sounds away from the fortress. There would surely have been reinforcements by now if it were otherwise, as I do not think these were the only gnolls here."

"What are those large holes?" Imoen asked, wandering towards one of the circular pits and looking down. She promptly retched and backed away from it.

Ember glanced quickly into the pit and turned away in disgust. A dead human man lay at the bottom of the pit, shackled to the floor and surrounded by the knuckles of previous captives. The body had been there long enough to no longer smell, and the flesh seemed desiccated. What did they do, leave him here to starve to death?

Mercifully, the other pits were empty aside from a bone or two. There was no trace of a female captive, nor of one having been in them recently. "They must be holding my Dynaheir up there," Minsc said, pointing towards the flight of steps that led to the upper level. "We must find her, quick!"

"We must not be overrun," Kivan said. "I will go first; follow when I beckon."

The elf moved quietly up the narrow steps, staying as close to the wall as possible. Once he got to the top, he crouched behind a low wall, glanced around it, then beckoned to the rest to follow. He held one finger over his lips as he beckoned; silence was crucial. The others moved as carefully up the stairs as they could and crouched behind the wall along with Kivan. Whem Ember leaned forward and glanced around the wall, she saw several more pits like the ones on the lower level. Behind the pits were several shoddily constructed huts and tents, set up around a large central campfire. A myriad of gnolls were there. Some were eating, others were working with weapons, but most of them appeared to be resting. All told there were probably a hundred of the creatures in a very small space; if Dynaheir was being held in one of these pits, it would be very difficult to get her out.

From the look of it, they were not far from the gnolls' midden; bones were strewn everywhere, and flies were buzzing energetically around a pile of matter that Ember did not care to try to identify. There were more skulls on display here, mounted on the top of poles in a manner that seemed to imply they had a decorative purpose. Most of the heads were merely white bone, but some of them still had varying amounts of flesh and hair on them.

Minsc screamed in anguish.

His friends turned to find him staring blindly at one of the displayed heads. It was the head of a dark skinned woman with a tangled mat of red and brown locks on top of it.

"Dynaheir!" Minsc shouted. "No!" He stood up from the cover of the wall and drew his sword. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and fire blazed in his eyes.

"You will be avenged!!"

Minsc screamed at the top of his lungs as he charged the gnoll encampment.

#2 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 07 May 2006 - 05:29 PM

"I'll go," Imoen said. She stepped daintily out on the bridge. Ignoring the rope rails, she stretched out her arms and walked with exaggerated, delicate steps in a straight line, as if she were a tight rope artist at a fair. She had crossed half the bridge in this manner when two large, ugly heads, covered with shaggy dark hair, appeared behind a rock outcropping at the far end. Imoen immediately dropped her arms to her sides and halted.

Is the bridge really that rickety? The Gnolls would be wise to look after it since its practically the only way to their home.

"Stop!" one of the half-ogres called out to Imoen. "You go nowhere! This our bridge, you pay to walk it!"

They should have brought goats. Nothing is better to defeat monsters at bridges with.

"Let them come!" Minsc cried. "Minsc and Boo will take care of anyone who blocks their path to Dynaheir, with sword and teeth!"

He he..

"We take too long!" Minsc said as he cut down half a dozen xvarts at once. "My charge is in desperate peril!" Another wave of the creatures rushed towards him, only to be struck by another slash of his large sword. "Feel the wrath of Minsc and Boo, evil blue men!" he shouted.

Some drug must have been in circulation when "Xvarts" where invented.

"Minsc wants to kick every gnoll out of the fortress and into the river, but Dynaheir must be safe first."

That would clog the river.

His friends turned to find him staring blindly at one of the displayed heads. It was the head of a dark skinned woman with a tangled mat of red and brown locks on top of it.

A plot twist? Interesting.

"Dynaheir!" Minsc shouted. "No!" He stood up from the cover of the wall and drew his sword. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and fire blazed in his eyes.

"You will be avenged!!"

Minsc screamed at the top of his lungs as he charged the gnoll encampment.

And all hell broke lose.

#3 Guest_Jean_*

Posted 07 May 2006 - 05:51 PM

The path was labyrinthine. It twisted and turned between rocky outcroppings and along narrow ledges, split, rejoined itself, and led them astray.

*sighs* I remember that path very well. I think my party spent more time walking up and down it than they did in Baldur's Gate. Nice description.

some of the xvarts would even be waving spell scrolls around, seemingly trying to activate the magic by shaking the parchment.

Pft. Not so bright the little xvarties. :P

"I agree. I'll be glad to leave," Ember replied. The wind was humming mournfully as it caressed the sandstone cliffs and pillars, picking up wisps of dust here and there that drifted away like smoke. It was a bright, sunny day, but the light felt harsh and cold, and Ember searched in vain for a spot of green to rest her eyes upon. "It feels dead here," she said.

Ooh, eerie. You've conjure up the a powerful atmosphere very well here; I think you've got a knack for it.

Ember glanced quickly into the pit and turned away in disgust. A dead human man lay at the bottom of the pit, shackled to the floor and surrounded by the knuckles of previous captives. The body had been there long enough to no longer smell, and the flesh seemed desiccated. What did they do, leave him here to starve to death?

Ack. Just...ack.

His friends turned to find him staring blindly at one of the displayed heads. It was the head of a dark skinned woman with a tangled mat of red and brown locks on top of it.

Oh, no. Horrible. Mind you, I did always think it a little odd that Dynaheir should be the only live captive in the gnoll camp. Was that ever explained?

A myriad of gnolls were there. Some were eating, others were working with weapons, but most of them appeared to be resting. All told there were probably a hundred of the creatures in a very small space

Minsc screamed at the top of his lungs as he charged the gnoll encampment.

....erm...oh dear?

Thanks for the exciting chapter, Cel. 8)

#4 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 07 May 2006 - 08:12 PM

"I'll go," Imoen said. She stepped daintily out on the bridge. Ignoring the rope rails, she stretched out her arms and walked with exaggerated, delicate steps in a straight line, as if she were a tight rope artist at a fair. She had crossed half the bridge in this manner when two large, ugly heads, covered with shaggy dark hair, appeared behind a rock outcropping at the far end. Imoen immediately dropped her arms to her sides and halted.

Is the bridge really that rickety? The Gnolls would be wise to look after it since its practically the only way to their home.

They couldn't know how rickety it was till it was tested, you know. And as it turned out, it could hold two stampeding half-ogres just fine :P

Imoen was just being a goofball, walking like that.

"Stop!" one of the half-ogres called out to Imoen. "You go nowhere! This our bridge, you pay to walk it!"

They should have brought goats. Nothing is better to defeat monsters at bridges with.

That's for monsters under bridges, not crossing them.

"Let them come!" Minsc cried. "Minsc and Boo will take care of anyone who blocks their path to Dynaheir, with sword and teeth!"

He he..

Well, do you doubt him? 8)

"We take too long!" Minsc said as he cut down half a dozen xvarts at once. "My charge is in desperate peril!" Another wave of the creatures rushed towards him, only to be struck by another slash of his large sword. "Feel the wrath of Minsc and Boo, evil blue men!" he shouted.

Some drug must have been in circulation when "Xvarts" where invented.

Definitely. I read something yesterday that they were supposed to resemble svartalfar from old mythology. And yes, it took that article to make me see that xvart is pretty similar to svart :wink:

"Minsc wants to kick every gnoll out of the fortress and into the river, but Dynaheir must be safe first."

That would clog the river.

That would save them the trouble of walking back to the bridge.

His friends turned to find him staring blindly at one of the displayed heads. It was the head of a dark skinned woman with a tangled mat of red and brown locks on top of it.

A plot twist? Interesting.

Dynaheir's been eaten and all you can say is interesting? Sheesh, I clearly didn't manage to get the horror factor in there :D

"Dynaheir!" Minsc shouted. "No!" He stood up from the cover of the wall and drew his sword. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and fire blazed in his eyes.

"You will be avenged!!"

Minsc screamed at the top of his lungs as he charged the gnoll encampment.

And all hell broke lose.

That it did :)

#5 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 07 May 2006 - 08:22 PM

The path was labyrinthine. It twisted and turned between rocky outcroppings and along narrow ledges, split, rejoined itself, and led them astray.

*sighs* I remember that path very well. I think my party spent more time walking up and down it than they did in Baldur's Gate. Nice description.

I especially remember them taking wrong turns when I wanted them to walk from the caves to the fortress steps :P

some of the xvarts would even be waving spell scrolls around, seemingly trying to activate the magic by shaking the parchment.

Pft. Not so bright the little xvarties. :)

Nope :D

"I agree. I'll be glad to leave," Ember replied. The wind was humming mournfully as it caressed the sandstone cliffs and pillars, picking up wisps of dust here and there that drifted away like smoke. It was a bright, sunny day, but the light felt harsh and cold, and Ember searched in vain for a spot of green to rest her eyes upon. "It feels dead here," she said.

Ooh, eerie. You've conjure up the a powerful atmosphere very well here; I think you've got a knack for it.

Thank you :D That paragraph was actually one of the last ones I wrote, precisely because I felt there needed to be a bit more mood.

This is how that map always feels when I play. Dead and dry as a bone.

Ember glanced quickly into the pit and turned away in disgust. A dead human man lay at the bottom of the pit, shackled to the floor and surrounded by the knuckles of previous captives. The body had been there long enough to no longer smell, and the flesh seemed desiccated. What did they do, leave him here to starve to death?

Ack. Just...ack.

I considered putting a warning for icky corpses up top, but decided the chapter title should be sufficient warning in itself :D

His friends turned to find him staring blindly at one of the displayed heads. It was the head of a dark skinned woman with a tangled mat of red and brown locks on top of it.

Oh, no. Horrible. Mind you, I did always think it a little odd that Dynaheir should be the only live captive in the gnoll camp. Was that ever explained?

No. The gnoll they can meet beforehand just says the others wanted her to live in the basement rather than eat her, and kicked him out for wanting to eat her 8) All I can think of is her magical abilities.

A myriad of gnolls were there. Some were eating, others were working with weapons, but most of them appeared to be resting. All told there were probably a hundred of the creatures in a very small space

Minsc screamed at the top of his lungs as he charged the gnoll encampment.

....erm...oh dear?

Or something like that. Don't worry, he'll live. After all, he is Minsc!

Thanks for the exciting chapter, Cel. :D

Glad you liked it :D Writing the end of it was quite unpleasant; even though I've never cared overly much for Dynaheir, I just felt awful for my poor Minsc :wink:

#6 Sumpton

Posted 07 May 2006 - 08:55 PM

Darn halfies... Smart enough to figure that there was more gold to be had, to dumb to let it come to them! 8)

This is a smart group, taking things slowly so that their enconters are managable. Until the very end and an enraged Minsc!

Very enjoyable! :P


#7 Guest_Futurist_*

Posted 07 May 2006 - 09:02 PM

@ Cel:

No no.. The horror factor is there. I just couldn`t think of anything to write. It was a suprise.

So Xvarts are based on the Svartalf? He.. That means they are dark elves since that was what the svartalfer where in nordic mythology IIRC. Lets hope nobody tells the Drow. :P

#8 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 08 May 2006 - 08:48 PM

This is a smart group, taking things slowly so that their enconters are managable. Until the very end and an enraged Minsc!

Well, he had a good reason, didn't he?

Very enjoyable! :P

Glad you liked it 8)

#9 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 08 May 2006 - 08:51 PM

So Xvarts are based on the Svartalf? He.. That means they are dark elves since that was what the svartalfer where in nordic mythology IIRC. Lets hope nobody tells the Drow. :P

Maybe the xvarts are what happen to drow after one too many inhaled helium balloons?

#10 Guest_Finduilas_*

Posted 09 May 2006 - 01:32 AM

"I'll go," Imoen said. She stepped daintily out on the bridge. Ignoring the rope rails, she stretched out her arms and walked with exaggerated, delicate steps in a straight line, as if she were a tight rope artist at a fair. She had crossed half the bridge in this manner when two large, ugly heads, covered with shaggy dark hair, appeared behind a rock outcropping at the far end. Imoen immediately dropped her arms to her sides and halted.

Oh, man, I learned to hate those half-ogres and the whole lousy bunch of gnollls. And I didn't realize at first that if you reload, the map spawns higher numbers of gnolls. It was *ugly* the first time through.

"Stop!" one of the half-ogres called out to Imoen. "You go nowhere! This our bridge, you pay to walk it!"

"Yeah, you pay!" the second half-ogre added. "Two hundred for all heads, or lose heads!"

Imoen turned and looked questioningly at the others. Kivan nodded. Imoen shrugged and turned back to the half ogres.

"Fine, we'll pay!" she called out to them.

'course, I never offered to pay...the gauntlets of dex were dead useful for Minsc.

"Okay! You pass, right?" the second half-ogre replied.

"No!" the first half-ogre exclaimed. "They pay 200 gold pretty quick! Maybe got more gold! Maybe rich!"

"Yeah, you smart! We take heads anyway, and get lots gold!"


"Great," Imoen mumbled. She turned and started to run back to her friends before the half-ogres even set foot on the bridge, the planks creaking in protest beneath her with every step. The bridge swayed threateningly with the heavy tread of the half-ogres as they stomped on to it, and Imoen almost lost her balance in her last few steps on the bridge. As soon as she reached solid rock, she dodged sideways; Kivan and Minsc had readied their bows and began shooting arrows at the attackers as soon as Imoen was out of the line of fire. One of the two was felled rapidly, but the other dodged most of the arrows with a surprising ease and made it all the way across the bridge before being cut down by Ember and Ajantis.

Ya team!

"We take too long!" Minsc said as he cut down half a dozen xvarts at once. "My charge is in desperate peril!" Another wave of the creatures rushed towards him, only to be struck by another slash of his large sword. "Feel the wrath of Minsc and Boo, evil blue men!" he shouted.

Hee, hee. Those evil blue men are soooo annoying! Go get 'em Minsc!

The steps turned abruptly to the left and contiued up in a straight line, with a wall to the right and a sheer drop to the left. Gusts of wind rushed around them, channeled by the shapes of the walls, and all but blocked the distant murmur of doglike yaps and whines. The straight steps offered less cover than the winding steps had, and the party was spotted before they got within shooting distance of the log gate at the top of the steps. Three gnolls charged towards them, and by the time those three were dispatched, another score of them were gathered at the gate, snarling and hissing at the invaders. Minsc barreled his way into the throng, knocking gnolls out of his path with his bow, and shot down two gnolls that were running towards a narrow staircase to their right. The rest of the gnolls were fully focused on their attackers, something which turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the gnolls blocked each other from using their halberds efficiently. Everyone but Imoen engaged in mêlée combat; she shot down any gnolls that tried to escape the throng as Kivan used his hammer and the other three used their swords.

Yeah, one thing this battle teaches you: gnolls <> rocket scientists.

"What are those large holes?" Imoen asked, wandering towards one of the circular pits and looking down. She promptly retched and backed away from it.

Ember glanced quickly into the pit and turned away in disgust. A dead human man lay at the bottom of the pit, shackled to the floor and surrounded by the knuckles of previous captives. The body had been there long enough to no longer smell, and the flesh seemed desiccated. What did they do, leave him here to starve to death?


Mercifully, the other pits were empty aside from a bone or two. There was no trace of a female captive, nor of one having been in them recently. "They must be holding my Dynaheir up there," Minsc said, pointing towards the flight of steps that led to the upper level. "We must find her, quick!"

Whoa, this is different!

Minsc screamed in anguish.

His friends turned to find him staring blindly at one of the displayed heads. It was the head of a dark skinned woman with a tangled mat of red and brown locks on top of it.

"Dynaheir!" Minsc shouted. "No!" He stood up from the cover of the wall and drew his sword. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and fire blazed in his eyes.

"You will be avenged!!"

:lol: This is *really* different! I've never been a huge Dynaheir fan, but I've got to say that I did NOT expect you to bump her off.

Minsc screamed at the top of his lungs as he charged the gnoll encampment.

I've got a bad feeling about this...

(Crosses fingers that Minsc doesn't get bumped off too. Auugh! Boo would be an orphan!)

Hmmph. If you're going to write stuff like this, you'd better have that next chapter ready to go! :)

Good job. I am anxiously awaiting the next chapter...

#11 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 09 May 2006 - 06:23 AM

"I'll go," Imoen said. She stepped daintily out on the bridge. Ignoring the rope rails, she stretched out her arms and walked with exaggerated, delicate steps in a straight line, as if she were a tight rope artist at a fair. She had crossed half the bridge in this manner when two large, ugly heads, covered with shaggy dark hair, appeared behind a rock outcropping at the far end. Imoen immediately dropped her arms to her sides and halted.

Oh, man, I learned to hate those half-ogres and the whole lousy bunch of gnollls. And I didn't realize at first that if you reload, the map spawns higher numbers of gnolls. It was *ugly* the first time through.

The last scene of the chapter is inspired by some of those reloads from the first times I played. Kill some gnolls, save, have to reload, whoops.

"Fine, we'll pay!" she called out to them.

'course, I never offered to pay...the gauntlets of dex were dead useful for Minsc.

Or Ajantis, or Edwin, or any number of low dex types :lol: Anyway, I had the option of killing them to not let them alert the gnolls, or to pay to avoid a fight on a bridge if they could. This option felt more right.

As soon as she reached solid rock, she dodged sideways; Kivan and Minsc had readied their bows and began shooting arrows at the attackers as soon as Imoen was out of the line of fire. One of the two was felled rapidly, but the other dodged most of the arrows with a surprising ease and made it all the way across the bridge before being cut down by Ember and Ajantis.

Ya team!

They work pretty well together, don't they :) (Of course, in game Ember and Ajantis both have bows and don't whine about using them)

"We take too long!" Minsc said as he cut down half a dozen xvarts at once. "My charge is in desperate peril!" Another wave of the creatures rushed towards him, only to be struck by another slash of his large sword. "Feel the wrath of Minsc and Boo, evil blue men!" he shouted.

Hee, hee. Those evil blue men are soooo annoying! Go get 'em Minsc!

We won't be going to the Xvart village, though. Too much of a nuisance.

The rest of the gnolls were fully focused on their attackers, something which turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the gnolls blocked each other from using their halberds efficiently. Everyone but Imoen engaged in mêlée combat; she shot down any gnolls that tried to escape the throng as Kivan used his hammer and the other three used their swords.

Yeah, one thing this battle teaches you: gnolls <> rocket scientists.

Absolutely. Unless you reload and they overwhelm you with numbers.

Mercifully, the other pits were empty aside from a bone or two. There was no trace of a female captive, nor of one having been in them recently. "They must be holding my Dynaheir up there," Minsc said, pointing towards the flight of steps that led to the upper level. "We must find her, quick!"

Whoa, this is different!

Not really. This is the first level with pits. Dynaheir is on the second level. I remember playing the first time, not finding her in the first pits, and wondering if I had screwed up somehow.

"You will be avenged!!"

:lol: This is *really* different! I've never been a huge Dynaheir fan, but I've got to say that I did NOT expect you to bump her off.

She's been dead since before I started writing :P I originally was going to keep her, but when I thought of writing her, it felt like it'd be very dull (I've never cared about her either). This gives me more leeway.

She's been dead for a week, by the way; killed the day she was taken there. Minsc never had a chance to save her.

Minsc screamed at the top of his lungs as he charged the gnoll encampment.

I've got a bad feeling about this...

(Crosses fingers that Minsc doesn't get bumped off too. Auugh! Boo would be an orphan!)

Spoiler: Don't worry :D

Hmmph. If you're going to write stuff like this, you'd better have that next chapter ready to go! :)

Nope. The next chapter has its own problems :P But I am working on it.

Good job. I am anxiously awaiting the next chapter...

Glad you liked it, even with the evil twist at the end B) I'll post next chapter as soon as I get it to talk with me about what we want to say.

#12 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 09 May 2006 - 05:16 PM

"So, who wants to cross first?" Ember asked.

"I'll go," Imoen said.

Ladies first, isn’t that right, you brave men?

"Half-ogres," Kivan muttered. "We should avoid fighting if we can; it is not safe here."

No, you’re probably safe way over there on the other side – I’d be more worried for Imoen right about now. :lol:

"Great," Imoen mumbled. She turned and started to run back to her friends before the half-ogres even set foot on the bridge, the planks creaking in protest beneath her with every step. The bridge swayed threateningly with the heavy tread of the half-ogres as they stomped on to it, and Imoen almost lost her balance in her last few steps on the bridge. As soon as she reached solid rock, she dodged sideways; Kivan and Minsc had readied their bows and began shooting arrows at the attackers as soon as Imoen was out of the line of fire. One of the two was felled rapidly, but the other dodged most of the arrows with a surprising ease and made it all the way across the bridge before being cut down by Ember and Ajantis.

Stupid half-ogres. They should have let Imoen cross and then take her as a hostage, as simple as that.

Kivan quietly bent over the closest of the dead half-ogres and examined the body. The half-ogre had somehow obtained a pair of magical bracers, but had little else of note; Kivan removed the bracers and put them in his pack. "We must have these identified later. I suspect they will be of use," he said.

Always raced to get them for Jaheira, myself – she made good use of them before her miraculous dexterity improvement of BG2. :lol:

"We take too long!" Minsc said as he cut down half a dozen xvarts at once. "My charge is in desperate peril!" Another wave of the creatures rushed towards him, only to be struck by another slash of his large sword. "Feel the wrath of Minsc and Boo, evil blue men!" he shouted.

That’s genocide, you know. I mean, you walk right into their caves, what are they supposed to do, lay out the WELCOME mat? :)

It came as a relief to everyone when they finally arrived at the base of the fortress. The foundation and lower levels were severely weatherbeaten, but also appeared to be built with more forethought than the upper levels, which they had seen from afar the previous evening. The structure appeared to be the ruin of an older fortress which the gnolls had rebuilt after their own design.

I thought so as well.

"There will be patrols. We must deal with them swiftly and completely. None must escape to warn the others," Ajantis said.

They might still be smart enough to make some noise to alert the others (as they die in horrible and violent death). Like, you know, bark. :)

"There's something unnatural about this place," Imoen murmured to Ember as she chewed the last of her dried meat.

Quit hogging Jaheira’s lines, Immy. B)

Ember glanced quickly into the pit and turned away in disgust. A dead human man lay at the bottom of the pit, shackled to the floor and surrounded by the knuckles of previous captives. The body had been there long enough to no longer smell, and the flesh seemed desiccated. What did they do, leave him here to starve to death?

The eating habits of the gnolls leave much to be desired. :D

The elf moved quietly up the narrow steps, staying as close to the wall as possible. Once he got to the top, he crouched behind a low wall, glanced around it, then beckoned to the rest to follow. He held one finger over his lips as he beckoned; silence was crucial. The others moved as carefully up the stairs as they could and crouched behind the wall along with Kivan. Whem Ember leaned forward and glanced around the wall, she saw several more pits like the ones on the lower level. Behind the pits were several shoddily constructed huts and tents, set up around a large central campfire. A myriad of gnolls were there. Some were eating, others were working with weapons, but most of them appeared to be resting. All told there were probably a hundred of the creatures in a very small space; if Dynaheir was being held in one of these pits, it would be very difficult to get her out.

The game naturally avoids this, but I always reckoned that if it was a real gnoll encampment, then there would be quite a lot of gnoll females and children present as well. Of course, they did not want the PC and the party to slaughter children.

From the look of it, they were not far from the gnolls' midden; bones were strewn everywhere, and flies were buzzing energetically around a pile of matter that Ember did not care to try to identify. There were more skulls on display here, mounted on the top of poles in a manner that seemed to imply they had a decorative purpose. Most of the heads were merely white bone, but some of them still had varying amounts of flesh and hair on them.

Minsc screamed in anguish.

Whoops. Berserking time?

His friends turned to find him staring blindly at one of the displayed heads. It was the head of a dark skinned woman with a tangled mat of red and brown locks on top of it.

"Dynaheir!" Minsc shouted. "No!" He stood up from the cover of the wall and drew his sword. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and fire blazed in his eyes.

I feel bad for Minsc. I will not miss Dynaheir one bit, but I feel horrible for the big lug. :P

#13 Guest_Cel_*

Posted 09 May 2006 - 05:47 PM

"So, who wants to cross first?" Ember asked.

"I'll go," Imoen said.

Ladies first, isn’t that right, you brave men?

Girls (in this case Imoen) just wanna have fun :P

"Half-ogres," Kivan muttered. "We should avoid fighting if we can; it is not safe here."

No, you’re probably safe way over there on the other side – I’d be more worried for Imoen right about now. :)

He is; she's the one at risk of being tossed into the river right now.

Stupid half-ogres. They should have let Imoen cross and then take her as a hostage, as simple as that.

Seeing as they were too stupid to take the money they asked for? I was tempted to let Imoen talk them into accepting less, but then I wouldn't really have an excuse to kill them.

"We take too long!" Minsc said as he cut down half a dozen xvarts at once. "My charge is in desperate peril!" Another wave of the creatures rushed towards him, only to be struck by another slash of his large sword. "Feel the wrath of Minsc and Boo, evil blue men!" he shouted.

That’s genocide, you know. I mean, you walk right into their caves, what are they supposed to do, lay out the WELCOME mat? :)

At least it's not an entire village! :lol:

It came as a relief to everyone when they finally arrived at the base of the fortress. The foundation and lower levels were severely weatherbeaten, but also appeared to be built with more forethought than the upper levels, which they had seen from afar the previous evening. The structure appeared to be the ruin of an older fortress which the gnolls had rebuilt after their own design.

I thought so as well.

See? I knew what I was doing (or thought about it between writing 14 and 15, anyway :wink: )

"There will be patrols. We must deal with them swiftly and completely. None must escape to warn the others," Ajantis said.

They might still be smart enough to make some noise to alert the others (as they die in horrible and violent death). Like, you know, bark. :D

Yes. That is why it is good that it is a windy day, and other excuses.

"There's something unnatural about this place," Imoen murmured to Ember as she chewed the last of her dried meat.

Quit hogging Jaheira’s lines, Immy. :lol:

That's actually her own, although it's usually "'Tis something most unnatural here and I want no part of it."

Ember glanced quickly into the pit and turned away in disgust. A dead human man lay at the bottom of the pit, shackled to the floor and surrounded by the knuckles of previous captives. The body had been there long enough to no longer smell, and the flesh seemed desiccated. What did they do, leave him here to starve to death?

The eating habits of the gnolls leave much to be desired. B)

As does their prisoner treatment.

All told there were probably a hundred of the creatures in a very small space; if Dynaheir was being held in one of these pits, it would be very difficult to get her out.

The game naturally avoids this, but I always reckoned that if it was a real gnoll encampment, then there would be quite a lot of gnoll females and children present as well. Of course, they did not want the PC and the party to slaughter children.

They're probably in the sections you can't reach.

Minsc screamed in anguish.

Whoops. Berserking time?

Berserking time :P

His friends turned to find him staring blindly at one of the displayed heads. It was the head of a dark skinned woman with a tangled mat of red and brown locks on top of it.

"Dynaheir!" Minsc shouted. "No!" He stood up from the cover of the wall and drew his sword. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and fire blazed in his eyes.

I feel bad for Minsc. I will not miss Dynaheir one bit, but I feel horrible for the big lug. :wink:

I had a huge lump in my throat as I wrote this, but it was for Minsc's sake. My concerns for Dynaheir were whether or not I could get away with showing her head on a stick without a violence warning at the top of the post...

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