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About Blood 41: Meeting Dynaheir

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#1 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 13 September 2005 - 05:54 PM

41: Meeting Dynaheir

Imoen had her second night of nightmares in a row. There was no fixed story, but a jumbled mix of images. Seeing Talek strike down over and over again. Dreaming of waking up to find out Dynaheir had died. Seeing herself rush forward and intercepting the bow, hearing Talek scream as his blade struck. Seeing herself killing the Red Wizard with Talek weeping beside her begging her to spare the mage and Abduh insulting her. Images of Talek practicing swordfighting in Candlekeep, but on her companions’ bodies instead of dummies, and when he turned to greet her with a broad and open smile his face and chest were covered in blood.

Seeing Dynaheir killing the Red Wizard and Talek. Seeing Minsc killing Talek because Talek saw he was with her and didn’t resist. Seeing Talek killing Minsc for the same reason. Seeing herself firing an arrow at a blood covered and armoured Talek, only to see him change in the ten year old boy she used to know as the arrow fled and the pain and sadness in his eyes as the projectile hit him. Dynaheir and Minsc killing her for protecting Talek. Talek brotherly hugging her on top of a huge pile of corpses. Jaheira and Khalid dead and laughing. Montaron and Xzar laughing and dead.

“Imoen… wake up Imoen…” sounded a stern but not unfriendly voice.

The girl softly opened her eyes and yawned… “…hmm… few more seconds… stone ground... slept badly…”

Jaheira raised her eyebrows. “You are the one who didn’t have watch the last two nights and you presume to oversleep? Perhaps I should fetch some water to encourage you?” Her voice softened. “Beside, there is someone who wants to speak to you. My spells have been restored.”

There was a moment as Imoen’s tired mind processed the information, then she jumped upright. “DYNAHEIR! Is she all right?”

Jaheira smiled. “The wound will leave a scar, but she is as healthy as one might hope for. As we speak she seems to be trying to beat Minsc in an eating contest.” She chuckled. “She is winning too, mostly because Minsc spends more time celebrating her rescue than eating.”

As she had been speaking Imoen had hastily started to don her clothes. The druid, still with a contented smile on her face made way for the excited girl to meet the breakfast table.

Khalid and Minsc were both sitting cross-legged next to the witch. She looked decidedly better than the day before. The bruises were gone, and while the washing had clearly been done hastily and with a minimum of water, most of the dirt had been washed off her, revealing the dark-brown skin. The only elements that lessened the proud woman’s countenance were that she had a lambskin drinking bag in one hand, a piece of bread in the other and her mouth quite full. As she saw Imoen leave the tent she hastily swallowed the food and raised to her feet.

“Ah, I see I can finally properly greet my saviour. Minsc hath told me…”

She didn’t finish that sentence as Imoen rushed the wychlaran and hugged her around the shoulder.

“You’re alive! You’re really alive! Oh, yes, oh yes, oh yes!”

Dynaheir awkwardly answered the enthusiastic hug before she managed to pry herself out. “I had heard of thine ardour for my rescue, but tis a surprise to be confronted with it oneself.” She smiled, then took on a serious expression. “But without jest, your druid companion has described the situation to me. Thou hath risked thy life for mine whilst barely knowing me. I owe thee much for thy kindness.”

Imoen averted her eyes. “Ah… really… no need for that…”

“But there is need for that. Be assured that Minsc nor I shall feel ourselves unpleasantly bound by duty or debt. It would have been wise to travel together even without boons of life between us, for our goals are one and the same, as Minsc already told thee.”

Imoen paled. “Travelling together?”

Dynaheir raised her eyebrows. “The druid told me that thou seeketh to resolve the iron crisis that plagues these lands, and hath already made progress towards that goal, and Minsc added that thou hath a friend that might benefit from… new companions.”

“I… euh…” Imoen looked miserable. “Well… you see… my friend… he…”

“Thou needeth not worry. From what Minc told me, and thy companions were willing to tell, I already concluded that he might be of less moral fiber. I am no Tyrran that would seek to punish where could be redeemed.”

Imoen didn’t seem much cheered up. Khalid gave her a worried glance. “Is there a problem, Imoen?”

Imoen shook her head and smiled. “No… no, I’m fine… just… I just think we should go see Talek then.” She turned to Dynaheir. “But you shouldn’t go to him before I spoke to him. He euh… can be… you know… unpredictable.”

“Prudent advice,” Dynaheir nodded. “But to use a classic phrase. ‘Where are my manners? I have not introduced myself.’” She brought her hand to her heart and inclined her head. “My name is Dynaheir of Rasheman. An aspiring Wychlaran. I chose to prove my virtue and skill outside of the icy lands of Rasheman, before returning there to protect them.”

Jaheira started breaking down the tents. “The Wychlaran. They are not very well know in general, but I have heard things about them.”

“Good things I hope.” Dynaheir remarked.

Jaheira froze in mid-movement and caught the woman’s gaze. “Among others.”

There were a few moments as the druid’s hazel eyes and Dynaheir’s dark-brown ones held each other, both of them measuring each other and promising the other they’d be ready to discuss the issue further at a suitable time.

Jaheira broke the exchange and started packing again. “I know Thay and Rasheman are sworn enemies, but is there any reason why the Red Wizards are hunting you all the way to the Sword Coast?”

Dynaheir chuckled. “Not all of them. Tis this particular wizard, Edwin Odesseiron, that seeks my demise. Suffice to say he and I met while I travelled through Thay.”

“Y… you travelled through T…Thay? T… t… that’s madness!” Khalid exclaimed.

“Heroes do not step aside for Evil, even the Evil Red Wizards. And Minsc was there to protect his witch all the way through Evil Thayland.” Minsc said.

Dynaheir made a calming gesture. “Twas indeed a foolhardy thing to do, and I do intend to return over the safety of the seas, but I had personal reasons. Besides, a glorious affair it was not. We travelled among the filth covered ways the Wizadrs are loath to search for people such as us, and often survived more through the mercy of disgruntled subjects than our own talents, more the inspiration for a jester’s song than a skald. Still, I do not regret my actions. Twas a kick against Thay’s shin rather than spitting it its face, but if I weakened their power even just a bit by slipping through, it shall have been worth it.”

There were a few minutes of silence as the luggage was packed. It was decided that Dynaheir would sleep with Minsc and only Imoen would sleep alone. The witch was given a dagger of Khalid in case of emergencies, and provided with new, pragmatical, brown clothing that Jaheira had bought before leaving. Dynaheir sadly looked at the dagger.

“I fear I shall be more bother than help to you for some time more. My spell book was lost in my capture. Without it, I am next to helpless.” She bit her lip. “It pains me greatly to ask for thy charity once more, thou who hath done so much, but if I am to practice my craft, I shall have need of a tome to craft my spells. Rest assured that I intend to reimburse every…”

“Absolutely not.” Jaheira said. “Your spell book is an investment of the group and for the group and will be paid by the funds of the group as a whole without any worries about financial debts unpaid. Gold is merely a tool for our goals.” She frowned. “I just hope our funds will be sufficient for that spellbook.”

Imoen suddenly slapped her forehead. “Wait a minute! Lemme get something.” She rummaged in her newly filled backpack and took out something. It was a shockingly pink tome, rather thick with high quality parchment pages that looked rather new. A few loose scrolls filled with arcane symbols were written on the loose scrolls. She offered the book to Dynaheir. “Here, take mine.”

Dynaheir withdrew her hand as if burned. “I thank thee, but I can simply NOT take this. To accept thine offer to share thy spell book would be an abuse of thy kindness.” She gave Imoen a wondering stare. “I had no idea thou wereth an adept in the arcane arts.”

Imoen made a dismissive gesture and kept offering the book. “Used to study it for a while, but I quit doing it when I was sixteen. Just kept the book because I was sentimental. Studied those scrolls with Gorion.” For a moment Imoen looked wistfully at the book. “But really, it’s a bit of a shame they’re not being used. You take them.” She grinned and half forced the tome in Dynaheir’s hands. “What? You don’t like it cause it’s pink? It’d suit you, you know? When we get back we’ll have to buy you some new clothes. Jaheira got you the most boring clothes of the whole shop I think. Brown. Boooring.”

“I… I… I’m fond of green.” Khalid offered.

“Minsc likes blue. Boo prefers yellow, but Minsc thinks that yellow wouldn’t suit our witch.” Minsc said.

“You’re all buffle-headed.” Imoen said. “Dynaheir would look so much better in pink. Green, yellow and blue would look like…”

“We are adventuring, not attending a noble’s ball.” Jaheira interrupted. “I bought the clothes that would best withstand the stress of travelling. And I think ONE pastel coloured travel companion is enough.”

Dynaheir had been looking over the first pages of the book and ignoring the discussion of her clothes. “These attempts thou madeth all those years ago are promising Imoen. The mistakes thou hath made suggest that thou understand the machinations, and only lacked practice before thou would cast thy first spells.”

Imoen shrugged. “I could cast a couple of cantrips. Sometimes. I just decided I wanted to do something else. Something more exciting.”

Dynaheir’s eyes grew wider. “And what, may I ask, was this vocation that made thee swear off magic so close to the start of thy life as a mage?”

“Oh, I met this guy that was pretty good in sneaking and… you know… occasionally nabbing a noble’s purse. And he showed me all the stuff he could do and he told me a lot of stories. He taught me some stuff too. Said I had a steady hand and I was good at sneaking.” She grinned and blushed. “We had a LOT of fun learning stuff. So I wondered whether I would prefer to spend my days going through boring spell books for a couple of spells every day or become a dashing rogue able to get anywhere at anytime. And suddenly I felt like I didn’t want to touch a spell book again in my whole life.”

Dynaheir was quiet. “Thou… forewent magic to become a thief?” She clasped her hand in front of her mouth. “Forgive me. That was improper. Tis not for me to judge thy choices in life, and we are not in Rasheman. Thieves are… less appreciated there.”

“What? How come?” Imoen said.

“When one lives in lands where everything is scarce, the taking of goods of a person by another is a direct threat to that person’s survival. Many Rasheman rangers have some skills in setting traps, and thou hath witnessed Minsc’s unexpected skills in stealth I believe. But stealing…” She shook her head. “As I said, this place is different, and so are the mores. But let me ask thee.” She leafed through the book. “Art thou not curious to what these empty pages might have contained?”

Imoen shrugged. “Hey, I’m curious about a lot of stuff. But ya gotta pick one. That’s why I think I should give you the book.”

Dynaheir smiled and put the book away. “I shall… keep it safe. But if thou art not offended I shall use but a few pages, and look for another book for myself. One never knows what the future might hold.” She turned to Jaheira. “Speaking of which, wither doth our path lead us? While we are far from Athkatla and the Cowled Wizards, I would prefer to travel north.”

Jaheira frowned. “I presume now would be a good time to follow the trail before it gets too cold. If that Tranzig hears no news from Mulahey or his assassins, he might disappear.”

“T… there is a mage called Thalantyr in Beregost.” Khalid offered. “He w... will probably sell spell components and other magical gear for Dynaheir.”

Imoen nodded. “Yeah… and then we should go to the Friendly Arm Inn.” She bit her lips. “I hope Talek will be there. I have to talk to him. I… I have to.”

Khalid once again looked worried at Imoen, but before he could ask anything she took he backpack on her shoulder again and started descending the mountain.

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