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About Blood 39: Cliffhanger

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#1 Guest_Rand Al'Tor_*

Posted 13 September 2005 - 05:47 PM

39: Cliffhanger

A few metres below the edge of the cliff, the dark-skinned woman had managed to grab hold of a rocky outcropping. She tried to reach for another handhold, but found that she didn’t have the strength to pull herself up. The rock underneath her coloured red as the frozen wound between her breasts started to thaw and bleed. She tightened her grip desperately and looked up with eyes that showed a mix of fear and pain. Seconds passed slowly, and the blood dripped down the rock, droplets leaving the stone and plummeting to the stone dozens of metres below. Despite the woman’s desperate efforts, the muscles in her hand were weakening by the blood loss. Wincing with every word she cried out.

“Minsc, saviours… I beseech thee… If thou can hear me… I… need thy help… once again… Aid me!”

There was silence for a few seconds. Dynaheir closed her eyes and rested her head against the rock. Her eyes started to close.

“Dynaheir! You’re alive! OH, thank the gods!” The female voice came from up the cliff. “Hang on! I’m coming!”

Dynaheir forced her eyes open. “Please…. Make haste…. My strength… is leaving me…”

Imoen quickly lowered herself off the cliff. Climbing down was harder than climbing up, and in her haste she almost lost her grip a couple of times, causing pebbles to shower on the weakening Wychalarn. It was only a short distance, but every centimetre was a dilemma between Dynaheir’s rapidly fading consciousness and the loose rocks with the long drop below.

“Almost… there… just a second.” Imoen hooked her left arm around a small solid outcropping and was looking for a place to put her right feet when she looked at Dynaheir. As the girl opened her mouth again, the witch’s eyes closed, her head dropped forward and her powerless fingers lost their grip.

Not even having the time to yell Imoen lashed out downwards with her right hand. She caught the woman’s wrist. The added weight caused Imoen’s legs to lose their purchase though. With the ominous sound of rocks tumbling down, Imoen was pulled down, only her arm wrapped around the rock keeping her from falling to her death. Vainly she tried to find support for her feet, but the leather boots only scratched bald rock.

Imoen looked down where gravity was slowly drawing Dynaheir out of her grasp. With a groan, she tried to lift the woman, but even the relatively light body was too heavy for her. Her eyes darted up where she saw her other arm was also slowly being dragged down.

“JAHEIRA, KHALID, MINSC!” She called out! “I’M HERE!” Her voice was still broken with tears. There was no reply. She sobbed. “Talek… you idiot!”

The crying young woman looked down at Dynaheir. “Don’t die, please, please don’t die.” She breathed a few times to calm down and then yelled again at the top of her voice.

“HEEEEEEEEEEELP!” The plea echoed. Once again, there was silence for a few seconds.

“Imoen? Imoen, where are you?” A female voice sounded. Jaheira.

For a brief second, Imoen couldn’t speak from relief, then she answered. “HERE. DOWN THE CLIFF! WITH DYNAHEIR!”

“DYNAHEIR!” Misc yelled. His helmeted head appeared over the edge. “Say something!”

Imoen quickly answered. “She’s unconscious and hurt. I can’t get back up and my grip is slipping. Hurry!”

“Fear not Dynaheir! Minsc and Boo are coming!” The ranger moved to climb down but Jaheira stopped him.

“Don’t be a fool! Strong or not you cannot climb back up like that with an unconscious body. We need a rope, but we left it up there! Can you hold on?”

“I don’t think so.” Imoen’s voice started to rise in panic.

“J…J… Jaheira… could we d… do a ‘human rope’ perhaps?” Khalid offered.

“OF COURSE! Khalid, you’re a genius. Quickly, take off your armour.” Within seconds two scale armours were on the ground. Jaheira turned to Minsc. “Grab my feet while I grab Khalid’s. And for all of our sake, do NOT let go.”

After feverish grabbing, Khalid was lowered headfirst down the cliff, Jaheira straining under his weight and Minsc holding the two half-elves up. Khalid’s face soon passed Imoen’s. He reached down and just managed to get a hold of Imoen’s arms and helped her pull the woman up, Imoen sighing in relief when the strain on her arm lessened. With the weight removed she strengthened her hold on the rockface. With a desperate groan she kept pushing the Wychalarn up, as both Minsc and Jaheira clearly had trouble holding on. Finally Jaheira reached the edge and hauled Khalid up with help from the ranger. When Dynaheir was hauled up, Minsc started bawling when he saw her sorry state. Jaheira quickly snatched him away from his tearful embrace.

“Let go of her. I need room if I am to heal her, and I have no time to lose!” She snapped as she opened the tattered robe to investigate the wound. Blood was still pouring out and the flesh around was discoloured by the cold. “Blast it. Only one spell left. This will be difficult.”

Khalid helped the exhausted Imoen up the last centimetres. “Please Jaheira… please! I know you can do it.” Imoen’s eyes were tear-filled.

Jaheira didn’t answer placed her hands on the wound and started chanting. Minsc wringed his hands while praying to ‘Pretty Mieliki’, Imoen held the arm Khalid had helped her with tightly and just looked on in fear, Khalid nervously patted her shoulder.

Finally, Jaheira stopped chanting. The bleeding stopped, the wound healing rapidly until the bleeding stopped. The mark was still visible though. The druid rubbed her temples. “There. Her fate is in nature’s hands now.”

“What do you mean? She’s gonna make it right?” Imoen said. Her pleading looks echoed Minsc.

“She has lost a lot of blood. But if she does not die within the next moments, she will probably recover. Tomorrow I will have new spells and…”

“Dynaheir, DON’T DIE!” Minsc rushed forward but was stopped by Jaheira who glared harshly at him.

“You watch her from afar for now! I will not have her die because you opened her wound in your uncontrolled outbursts!”

“Dynaheir is Minsc’s witch! I would never hurt her! Let Minsc pass!” The man looked down angrily.

Jaheira’s anger was more than a match though. “Need I remind you that without YOUR little show up there we would have got out of there with Dynaheir and she wouldn’t have travelled alone to get cut down?”

The ranger seemed to shrink. “Minsc didn’t mean…”

Jaheira folded her arms and continued mercilessly. “‘Meaning well’ is NOT sufficient! Your behaviour almost got YOU killed, almost got US killed and might still get HER killed, so I SUGGEST you follow my advice!”

The ranger pulled back. His lips were trembling. He turned around and leaned against a rock! “… D… druid lady is right. MINSC HURT HIS WITCH!” He started crying. “ I’m no Hero! I’m not worthy of being Dynaheir’s witch! I’m not worthy of Boo!”

Khalid put his shoulder around the larger man. “D…don’t say that Minsc. Without you, we would never have found her after all. You j… just made a mistake. Right Jaheira?” Khalid gave his wife a stare that mixed pleading and reproach.

“I… may have spoken too harshly.” The druid said hesitantly. “Regardless, the proper answer to flaws is to correct them, not to let them discourage you from self-improvement. Just make sure this kind of thing is avoided in the future.” She looked down at Dynaheir. “Besides, I have the impression her breathing is becoming deeper. I suspect she may pull through. Every second she lives raises her chances.”

Minsc nodded and petted Boo, still looking rather distraught but better. Imoen looked up the path. “Hey, Jaheira. I know Dynaheir needs to rest, but don’t we need to get out of here. I mean, there could be gnolls up there.” Imoen’s voice was still thick, but she had stopped crying.

There was a painful silence. Khalid’s face suddenly had a rather haunted look and even Jaheira’s stern face became tighter.

“T…they… they won’t be… attacking… ever again.” Khalid said finally.

Jaheira shook her head. “Gnolls are not used to mercy. They assumed it was a fight to the death, and so it was. We had to kill them to the last man and woman.”

Khalid sighed. “Not to mention the children… Some of them were hardly as tall as I was, and less than three quarters of a mature gnoll. I guess… I guess it’s their way. But what is going to happen to the youngest ones? They can’t fend for themselves.”

“Starvation. Or more likely other humanoids will find them and raise them as slaves.” Jaheira said in a hollow voice.

“That’s horrible!” Imoen exclaimed.

Jaheira nodded. “But it cannot be helped. Even if we had the skills and resources, it is unlikely the gnolls would be well disposed to us after we killed their parents.” She raised her head. “Still, our course was right.”

“Of course it was! We are Heroes !” Minsc yelled. “The Evil Gnolls hurt Minsc’s witch, and now felt the Boot of Justice. They hurt Minsc’s witch and cut her while she was trying to escape and Minsc will…”

“Minsc… Tis good to see thee alive.” Came a weak voice from the ground.

“DYNAHEIR!” Minsc’s face lit up and he moved towards the witch, only to stop after a warning glare from Jaheira. The druid quickly attended to her patient. Dynaheir was weakly smiling from her position on the ground. Jaheira quickly gathered some sand to form an impromptu cushion.

“Do not attempt to move. You are still severely wounded and we do not have any spells or potions left. Do not get excited and sleep if you need to. Can you breathe normally?”

The questioning continued for a few seconds before Jaheira concluded that the Wychalarn would probably pull through.

The witch closed her eyes, clearly exhausted after her ordeal. “I owe thee all my gratitude. Especially thee girl. I seem to remember thou almost… fell thyself in thy haste to come to my aid.”

Imoen sniffed a few times, smiling through her tears. “Oh… gee… it… it’s nothing, really.”

Minsc hugged her from behind. “It’s not nothing. Little Imoen is a BIG hero and any warrior from any lodge would be proud to travel with her! Minsc will never forget this!”

“One thing however. Twas no gnoll that struck me down. A mage from Thay, a Red Wizard… and a sword for hire. I know the mage from my… passage through Thay.” She chuckled, then groaned in pain. “I almost pity his companion… Dealing with the Red Wizards is… a risky affair.”

“Hmpf… killers for hire. Anything he will get will only be his just deserts” Jaheira sniffed. Imoen winced slightly. “Have you seen them perhaps Imoen?”

There was an unnoticeably short moment of hesitation. “No… when I got here they must have already gone.” Imoen kept her eyes on Dynaheir’s wound.

“Prithee, before I rest, I would have some water if possible. The gnolls were not kind enough to quench my thirst and my throat is parched.” Dynaheir asked.

Jaheira nodded and reached for her belt, were she had a small lambskin bag with water. She moved toward Dynaheir and then hesitated.

“Come on… you do it. But be careful.” She handed the bag to Minsc.

The ranger’s face lit up and with careful concentration he gave his charge small gulps of water. Jaheira rose. “I am going to gather our gear below. Khalid, are you coming with me?”

“Of course dear.” Khalid rose and embraced her from behind.

“Khalid! It is night, and we need to get the tents as fast as possible.” Despite her protests, Jaheira didn’t attempt to escape the hug.

“I know, I know. I just f… felt like it.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “You look stunning.”

The druid’s face softened unnoticed in the dark. “It’s night, I’m tired to the bone and covered in dirt and blood, and you feel romantic?”

Khalid just grinned apologetically and followed her down the mountain.

Some distance away from the mountain another group of people stopped their return from the mountain. Talek turned around and looked at the distant fort, hardly visible in the almost moonless night.

“Hey, doesn’t sound like they’re sending anyone after us. I guess we’re safe.” Varscona sliced through the air a few times before being sheathed, its wielder looking almost disappointed. “Not THAT much of a battle was it? The first guys were fun, but after they were gone…” He shrugged. “Didn’t look like you had too much trouble either.”

Montaron, Xzar and Viconia all looked in pretty good condition. Viconia grinned. “A pathetic group that obviously ran into an opponent too fierce for them to handle. Judging by their wounds, they were wounded by someone using strongly enchanted scimitars. Many of them had injuries that look like the ones Varscona deals, which suggests an icy element to the sword.”

“Not much of a challenge then.” Talek shrugged. “Bah, I had hoped for more fun. I didn’t even get to put the final touch on the witch. Apparently it doesn’t count if she just goes splat on the rocks.” He folded his arms and gave Edwin a mildly reproachful look. “See, I COULD have finished her. Nobody followed us.”

“Unlike you, some of us have ambitions that go beyond a high body count and lack a feeling of urgency to get ourselves killed. My life is too important to risk merely for you to uselessly strike at a dying Wychalarn. She will no longer bother me, and that is sufficient.”

“So what ye’re saying is that we’ve done our part, wizard?” Montaron said. He was casually cleaning his fingernails with a short sword. He positioned himself beside the conjurer.

Viconia stood on the other side. “Indeed. I suppose it is time for all involved to get what they deserve.” She too was idly playing with her weapon.

“Oh yeah, the reward.” Talek slapped his forehead. “I always forget about the rewards. Come on! What is it? Armour? A sword? Gold to buy armour and swords?”

Edwin sniffed. “Yes well, the task was simple enough, hardly a challenge, and the reward will be in accordance with…”

“Reward beyond our imagination.” Xzar piped up in his disturbingly off-key sing-song voice.. “That’s what you said. But failing that, I’ll settle for spell components.” A mad chuckle rose in his throat. “You’ve got a VERY nice skull.” He reached out a dirt-stained hand. Edwin recoiled, bumping into Talek’s breast plate.

Talek looked down, smiling impatiently. “Come on Edwin, don’t keep us waiting.”

Edwin looked around, for a very brief second looking like a trapped animal. He quickly regained his cool though. “Very well, I see your simian minds already hunger for the next banana. But this place is not suitable for such affairs. I suggest we return to Nashkel to arrange these matters properly.”

“Ah come on. I’m curious. And it’ll hours till we get back there. Probably won’t make it tonight. Besides, boring as they are, I prefer these woods above that bloody shithole.” Talek said.

“Yeah wizard. Start rewarding already.” Montaron grinned, sadistic pleasure glittering in his eye as Edwin’s face started to show some sweat drops despite the nightly cold.

“Very well.” Edwin’s voice was calm, but he couldn’t hide the tension underneath. “I suppose some patience and respect for decorum is not something to expect in these areas. Rejoice then, monkeys, because my current lack of monetary grub forces me to throw the most precious of pearls to the swine that shall remain nameless. I do hope you realize that you are supremely fortunate, as normally one would need to slay at least three gods and erect a statue using only ones feet to attain the honour that is about to be bestowed upon our unworthy selves.”

Talek had closed his eyes and was chanting in a whisper. “Magic sword, magic sword, magic sword.”

“Without further waste of time, for your meagre services, you will receive one year of my exceptional services as a wizard.” Edwin raised his head confidently. “You may now thank the god of your choosing for your luck.”

The silence that followed was tense. Talek opened his eyes in surprise, the others grinned. Viconia was the one who spoke. “That is… disappointing, I find.”

“I can imagine a LOT better things… or more horrible things.” Xzar nodded.

Montaron made a sad face in mock disappointment. “Oh no, our trust has been violated. What do you think Talek? What should we do with him?”

Talek was frowning as he looked at Edwin’s face. The mage was now sweating profusely, now and then nervously looking at the others, but mainly looking Talek in the eye. Suddenly the swordsman started grinning.

“Heh, I get it. I know I’m kinda slow, but I see your plan now, Edwin.” He wagged his finger knowingly. Edwin paled, failing to see the confused looks from Montaron and Viconia.

“Plan? I assure you that any plot I would conceive would be beyond your…”

Talek’s arm shot out with lightning speed and grabbed Edwin in a headlock. The wizard was too shocked to even scream.

“Edwin, if you wanted to travel with us, you just had to ask.”

Once again only the sounds of the night broke the silence. This silence was more shocked than tense though. And yet again Viconia was the first to recover. “…What…?”

Talek released Edwin and rubbed his chin in a rather smug gesture. “Oh come on, you guys. You saw it didn’t you? If we just got a reward we’d go our separate way. This way Edwin can travel with us longer. It’s a neat trick but there’s no need. Together we’ll kick the crap out of anyone in the way to your destiny of rulership or whatever and my journey to nail the golden eyed slime.”

Edwin’s mouth hang open. “I… well… euh…” He recovered. “I do not know how a brainless simian as you managed to see through my plan, but I admit defeat.” He sounded like he didn’t believe what he was saying. “That was… exactly my plan.”

Montaron managed to regain his voice as well. “BOY! Reward? We killed his witch didn’t we?”

Talek made a dismissive gesture. “Eh, it was fun enough to do, and since he’s gonna travel with us, any enemy of his is one of ours anyway.” He looked at Edwin again. “Heck, did you even really WANT her dead or was it just an excuse to travel with us?” He gave the still pale and slightly shaking mage conspiratory elbows shove.

“No… she… needed to die.” He said, looking a bit dazed by the proceedings.

“But our reward? Gold? Swords? Armour? His promise?” The halfling tried.

Talek marched away a few steps. “He did fulfil his promise. We got a friend. That’s the best treasure there is.”

For the third time there was a silence. Four pairs of incredulous eyes stared at Talek’s back.

“He actually managed to say that without chuckling.” Montaron said softly.”Even the most happy-shiny paladin of goody two shoes Lathander would find that line too corny to use in public, but I just heard it here.”

“You cannot honestly believe that.” Viconia said, more shocked than mockingly.

“I do.” Talek said seriously. “I don’t know if you had a lot of friends, but back in Candlekeep, for the friends I have now, I’d have given every last gold piece I’d ever own, and promised never touch a sword again.” For a brief second he sounded downcast. Then his face brightened and he turned around. “But hey, that’s all in the past. Let’s get back to Nashkel. Maybe we can find someone else to do, or look for that captain or something. The night is still young.” He started walking away.

Edwin looked after him, rubbing his temples.

Montaron looked up at him. “You lucky son of a bitch.”

“My plan… all along.” The shaking wizard managed to say.

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